> Graduation Day > by Jest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Contest Begins! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daybreaker sat tall and proud upon her throne, her mane and tail crackling behind her as she stared down at the unicorn who stood tall before her. “So, the day has finally come.” She stated evenly. “It has.” Replied the young Twilight Sparkle, the young mare of only eighteen looking up at her teacher intensely. “So you think you can best me then hmm?” Daybreaker asked with a slight smirk. Twilight made sure to keep her expression calm and neutral. “You have taught me much, your majesty and I feel as though there is but one area I may best you.” Daybreaker chuckled. “You have become quite the eloquent speaker over the years, my student.” “That skill, as most others, is all thanks to your tutelage.” Twilight replied with a slight bow. “Are you going to spitshine my hooves while your down there kissing my ass?” Daybreaker remarked, barely holding back a chuckle. Twilight snorted. “And steal the job of your many attendants? I don't think so.” Daybreaker chuckled, silently glad that she had dismissed everyone save for the unicorn who she was busy conversing with. “If nothing else you have learned how to be respectful while not being a brown noser.” Twilight smirked. “Well I wouldn't want to take Sir BlueBlood’s job either. Though I suppose someone has to clean the royal posterior.” The alicorn grinned from ear to ear. “Well put, my student. Now then, how do you intend to earn your graduation? Perhaps a duel much like Point Defence attempted, or maybe you think yourself my intelectual better and will demand a test of knowledge like Dusty Tomes.” Twilight shook her head. “You have thousands of years of experience in combat, and an unparalleled knowledge of all there is to know.” Daybreaker raised an eyebrow. “Then perhaps you will attempt to best me at something simpler like a simple riddle game, or maybe a round of chess.” Again, Twilight shook her head. “Your love of riddles is well known, and even if I spent the rest of my natural life I would not be better than you at either riddles or chess.” The alicorn frowned. “Then what do you hope to best me at? Don't tell me your going to pull a Sunset Shimmer and just try to claim you deserve victory without even trying.” Twilight grinned and looked up at the alicorn. “No I have something entirely different planned.” “Then you had best get to the point, lest my patience run out.” Daybreaker warned. “I challenge you to a fuck off.” Twilight declared with a grin. A single solitary eyebrow rose slowly on the alicorn’s face. “Pardon?” “You heard me. I challenge you to a fuck off.” Twilight declared with a smirk, the mare giving her hips a little wiggle. “That is, unless you don't think you can handle such a young mare like me.” “I…” Daybreaker caught herself mid word, a grin slowly spreading across her face. “I accept. What are your terms?” “Simple. The pony who orgasms the most, loses.” Twilight explained. “And I assume you have a spell that would keep count?” Daybreaker asked. “I do.” Declared Twilight who lit her horn, and quickly cast the spell in question. Upon completion, a large zero hung over both Daybreaker’s and Twilight’s heads. Glancing up at her own number the alicorn noted that it vaguely resembled one of those newfangled digital clocks she had seen on occasion. Lighting her horn, the alicorn briefly inspected the spellwork her student had used, testing it to find if it had any loopholes or hidden clauses. Finding none, she eyed the unicorn in a new, and more inquisitive light, inspecting the mare’s body and expression. She was slightly pudgy, the unicorn having spent many days studying without getting much in the way of exercise, but she wasn't fat by any stretch of the imagination. She had managed to do plenty of cardio which had toned what needed to be toned, and added a hidden layer of muscle to the young pony’s body. She also had long, shapely legs, a rack that would make most mares jealous, and carried herself with a level of confidence that Daybreaker found incredibly arousing. She was the perfect mate, and if her continued confident look was any indication, she was quite serious about this particular challenge. “I’m sure your aware that I am no normal mare.” Daybreaker warned. Twilight nodded. “I know about your other ‘equipment’ so to speak.” “Then you know what I enjoy then, don't you?” Daybreaker continued. Again, Twilight nodded. “I do indeed, and am more than prepared to take everything you got.” “Turn around, face down, ass up.” Daybreaker commanded, the alicorn lurching off her throne and striding towards the unicorn, her personal invisibility field dissipating. Twilight licked her lips, and gave only a single glance at the alicorn’s massive throbbing erection before doing as she was told. “Yes Sensei, or should I call you mistress?” Teased the mare as she got into position and raised her tail. The flaming alicorn chuckled. “Contrary to popular belief I care very little for titles, and honorifics. For now you are merely my student, and I am your queen.” The stomp of hooves next to Twilight’s head told her the other mare was in position, a fact made even more obvious by the heat now buffeting her body. She was ready for that however, the pony having gradually taken hotter and hotter showers and generally trained herself for this moment. Even the enormous head of her queen’s cock could not scare the unicorn, even though it was easily three times the thickness of an average male. The only thing that really made Twilight a little nervous was the two and a half feet of dick behind said head, but the weight of her arousal outweighed any trepidation the pony felt. The alicorn shifted her body this way and that, as if unused to dealing with such a small partner, the size difference being enough that it took a bit to get used to. Not like Twilight was short mind you, as the unicorn was taller than average, she simply couldn't hold a candle to the great alicorn who towered over most ponies. As soon as Daybreaker seemed to find a comfortable spot to place her hooves against the warm stone floor, she smiled and leaned down. “Are you sure you want this, my student? It's not too late to pull out now, because I guarantee, I will not.” Daybreaker warned. Twilight scoffed. “If you think I’m scared of bearing your foals you are sorely mistaken. I intend on winning this, my queen, and nothing will hold me back from completing my goal.” Daybreaker raised her head and grinned a ferocious, fang filled smile. “So be it then.” She declared as she thrust forward. Twilight had also practiced enough to not be totally surprised by the feeling of having her marehood spread wide, though the alicorn’s cock pushed said training to its limits. She did grunt in exertion, her hooves sliding forward until they hit the back of Daybreaker’s, stopping her in her tracks. The young pony didn't have time to really adjust herself accordingly though, as the alicorn thrust forward with such force that Twilight’s back legs lifted right off the ground. Inch after inch of thick alicorn cock was shoved inside the mare, stretching her so wide that a bulge was clearly visible through her skin. Twilight Sparkle refused to appear weak though, and she schooled her expression, and stifled her moan of pleasure. She was not about to let the alicorn think she was unprepared after all, and she pressed her back hooves against the ground once more, putting them back on an even footing. Daybreaker’s grin grew ever larger as she felt herself slide into her new mate, the sheer size of her cock stretching the young pony in ways the alicorn had assumed were completely new to the pony. Yet she didn't cry out, didn't resist, and never uttered a word, her confidence continuing to stay strong even as Daybreaker pushed forward. The immortal alicorn knew that said confidence was going to change soon though, as only a select few had ever manage to take her all without being turned into a quivering mess. And that was something the queen of Equestria was eager to see for herself. Shoving forward again and again, Daybreaker pushed two whole feet of alicorn dick into her partner in a matter of moments. Yet Twilight remained tight, yet not incredibly so, the pony enjoying herself without letting her mask fall, and reveal the eager slut beneath. She was good, Daybreaker would give her that, but a few others had gotten this far as well, only to fail shortly after this point. “I must commend your training. Truly you are more ready for this then I gave you credit.” Daybreaker declared. Twilight grunted as she rocked back and forth, using this moment of stillness to take the initiative. “You taught me to be ready for anything, and so I am.” “Such confidence.” Daybreaker declared with a sneer. “We will see if that is simple arrogance soon enough.” Throwing her hips forward once more, Daybreaker shoved even more of her cock into the mare before being stopped by her massive medial ring. The large bulge was usually the straw that broke the camel’s back when it came to Daybreaker’s attempted partners as it was simply too big for them. A sentiment that seemed true for Twilight as well, the pony’s hole being simply too small to take it, or at least that's what it seemed like at first. “That is disappointing.” Daybreaker remarked with an exaggerated sigh. “But it seems as though I can't fit.” Twilight snorted and reasserted the grip she held on the floor. “You underestimate me, my queen.” Before Daybreaker could reprimand the young mare for her tone, Twilight threw herself backwards, her marehood pressing firmly against the alicorn’s medial ring. For a moment, nothing happened, and Daybreaker assumed she had overestimated herself, only for the pony to slip back. The medial ring, and the rest of Daybreaker’s bitch breaking cock now inside the barely legal pony, her belly bulging obscenely as her body barely contained all two and a half feet of dick. Even that didn't seem to be enough to break Twilight’s iron mask though, and she let out only the smallest of moans before rocking herself back and forth. Daybreaker herself was shocked for all of a second before a massive grin split her face. Truly this pony was something unique and held a hidden spark that the alicorn had not seen in generations. Willful, powerful, driven, and utterly calculating, Daybreaker found herself considering the possibility of taking a consort for the first time in nine centuries. Those thoughts could wait though, for now she would revel in the pleasure of flesh and allow herself to be taken by it. This was a monumental occasion after all, but there was one final hurdle to clear, one that she wondered if even Twilight could surpass. The dominant mare slowly bucked her hips in short, jerky motions, the two ponies quickly finding a good equilibrium between thrust and counterthrust. Speed slowly built, both mares becoming intimately familiar with one another, and growing faster at a surprisingly rapid pace. In what felt like no time at all, the two ponies were rutting another at a breakneck pace, the audible slap of their bodies meeting filling the quiet, nearly empty room. Neither said a word, with Daybreaker too caught up in her own thoughts to really bother while Twilight was simply too focused to do so. After all Twilight may have had several hundred hours spent bouncing on fake dicks, but nothing could compare to Daybreaker’s real thing. The organ which had broken dozens of would be suitors over the centuries was something that had captured the young mare’s mind since she was young and she was determined to enjoy it. Even the history of Celestia’s lovers had been studied intensely, with Twilight able to discover that the last known pony who had managed to take her all was a male who had trained for years in order to do so. Following in his example, Twilight had trained her holes long, and hard, even going so far as to create hard magic constructs that were nearly identical to the real thing. They too couldn't compare though, as the alicorn’s cock was so thick, long, and hot that it felt like it violated her very thoughts. Twilight struggled to focus, and found it difficult to think, the mind bending pleasure of the massive erection robbing her of her very mental faculties. Twilight was nothing if not willful though, and she grit her teeth, ignoring the disturbingly pleasurable sensation of Daybreaker’s medial ring popping in and out of her hole. That pleasure would fade though, and Twilight forced her body to relax even as the tip of her partner’s cock bumped against the very entrance of her womb. The pony knew her anatomy very well, and she ensured her body was shifted slightly so that way that particular experience was not a painful one. Indeed it was far from being such, the immense stretching combining perfectly with the heat, and feeling of completeness that came with being violated by the other mare’s massive cock. Pushing that from her mind, Twilight grunted with every thrust, the mare making sure to match her teacher’s intensity perfectly, ensuring she was not found wanting. Impressed with her student’s rapid recovery, and adaptation, Daybreaker allowed herself to push things a little further, and go a little faster. Even as the smack of flesh on flesh became constant, the much younger pony still kept pace without giving any sign that she was struggling. Grinning from ear to ear, Daybreaker decided not to push it any further, after all there was a final wall of resistance left. Still, it wasn't like Daybreaker was just going to let her student get the first point though, so she shifted her weight, adjusted her hooves, and leaned down. Biting down on the smaller pony’s neck, Daybreaker rutted the other mare hard and fast, her balls slapping audibly against Twilight’s tits with each thrust. Unable to really move or do much of anything, Twilight allowed herself to be used, the pony doing her best to hold off her orgasm even as it grew closer. Between the raw physical pleasure and the sensation of being utterly dominated, Twilight was awash in a sea of ecstasy. She knew her teacher had yet to orgasm herself, but the unicorn was quickly beginning to realize that her resistance was futile. Still, she wasn't about to give up completely, and she stifled her moans, and held on as long as possible. Until finally she could resist no more, and as she felt the alicorn’s fangs scrape along her neck, Twilight came. Biting her lip hard, Twilight kept her moan from becoming too loud, even while a small ding could be heard, the zero above her head turning into a one. Daybreaker meanwhile was holding back a snicker, her tactic working as planned and now she was ready for the next test. One that would see just how prepared the young unicorn was, and if she could truly take everything the alicorn could give. Releasing the pony’s neck from her jaws, Daybreaker reared back and pounded the pony’s hole with every ounce of strength she had. While this was happening she was making sure to hold the unicorn in place with her magic, ensuring she didn't slide away. The convulsing mare quickly stopped twitching though it was obvious she was only just barely holding onto what modicum of decorum she had left. That wouldn't last long, Daybreaker knew. With her own orgasm building inside of her, the alicorn decided that the time had finally arrived. She would see if her student was truly ready, even though a small part of her wanted to get a better lead first. She had time, and enough patience to get that lead back though, for now her curiosity had gotten the better of her. Throwing back her head, and arching her back, Daybreaker let out a long, low moan of pleasure. Her cock twitching inside Twilight’s stretched hole, the indent it made on her stomach moving slightly. Daybreaker’s heavy, nearly watermelon sized testicles sloshed, seed churning audibly inside the huge orbs. While this was happening, Twilight was hoping against hope that her training, and body alteration would prove sufficient, as she didn't feel like popping like an overfilled water balloon. The first spurt of seed all but exploded into her body, the tip of Daybreaker’s head pressed so firmly against Twilight’s womb that her cum had nowhere else to go but inside. The ensuing blast of white hot baby batter made the barely legal pony’s spine tingle and a throaty moan to slip past her lips. A second, third and fourth spurt quickly followed the first, the rest of which blended together, with Twilight only able to judge how many there had been by how big her stomach had grown. In moments the indent Daybreaker’s cock made in Twilight’s stomach was gone, the sheer amount of cum being poured inside of the young mare rapidly filling our her form. A minute later and still it was coming, making Twilight worry that it was simply never going to end, even as her belly grew to the point that she looked pregnant with triplets and ready to pop. Then it suddenly began to slow, rapidly tapering off and leaving Twilight relieved, her magic already working to reduce the size of her stomach. Looking up, Twilight could catch the barest glimpse of a smile on her teacher’s face before it was replaced by a smirk. “You have done well so far, my student.” She commended. Twilight beamed under the praise. “I’m not done yet, your majesty. I said I could take all you got, and I meant it.” Daybreaker raised an eyebrow. “You may have managed to take one of my loads, but even you cannot handle more than that.” Twilight shook her head, and grabbed one of Daybreaker’s forelegs. “Here, I’ll show you.” Confused, the alicorn allowed her hoof to be guided to Twilight’s cum filled belly. “Its… shrinking.” Muttered Daybreaker, who could feel her lover’s stomach grow smaller with each passing second. Twilight nodded. “I altered my body to absorb seman and turn it into useful nutrients. In theory I could survive off nothing but your seed, if neccessary.” Daybreaker’s cock twitched, alerting Twilight to the fact that her mentor enjoyed that thought as much as she did. “Oh really? Well then, that sounds like a testable hypothesis if ever I’ve heard one.” Twilight smirked. “So are we going for round two? Because I have some tricks left to show you.” “Well I do have to get back to court.” Daybreaker muttered noncommitly, the alicorn considering dropping the whole charade of court and spending the day rutting her student without end. “That's fine. I don't mind continuing my challenge in front of the public.” Twilight remarked, noting that her lover’s cock twitched madly at the suggestion. “Well then.” Daybreaker began, a smile slowly crossing her face. “How could I say no to such a wonderful suggestion?” “I thought you would say that.” Twilight remarked with a smile. “Feel free to carry me over to the throne, unless you want to pull out.” Daybreaker considered it for all of a second before grabbing Twilight, and teleporting them back to her golden throne. “There is no way I’m pulling out of you until I’ve won.” She declared. “Good, because I’m not letting you go until I’ve beaten you.” Twilight proclaimed. Daybreaker grinned. “So be it.” “Are you sure you don't want to give up?” Daybreaker asked, the alicorn looking down at the pony who was cuddled tight against her barrel, a blanket covering her up to her chin. Twilight shook her head. “Your only one ahead of me. I will not give up even if I’m exhausted.” The alicorn glanced up at their numbers, noting that she was at twenty while her student was at twenty one. The day had been long, and though they had gotten some looks from the nobles, and court workers, Daybreaker’s authority was absolute and no one dared to say anything about it. It had also made the day’s event much more palatable in Daybreaker’s opinion, and the relief she felt was immense. The alicorn shrugged, and lit her horn. “Fine, but if we are going to sleep together then I am going to make sure you don't go anywhere.” Before Twilight could ask what Daybreaker had in mind, she felt a spell settle over her body securing them together. “That is acceptable, we can pick this back up in the morning.” Twilight remarked. Daybreaker raised an eyebrow. “It occurs to me that I never asked if there was a time limit on this little challenge of yours.” Twilight shook her head and nestled herself tight against her lover’s barrel. “Why, are you giving up already?” Daybreaker blinked and thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “Never.” The unicorn sighed, and closed her eyes. “Then you don't have to worry about it.” Daybreaker lit her horn, flicked off the lights, and rested her head against her pillow. “In that case, I wish you a goodnight. My little cocksleeve.” Twilight looked into the mirror as she brushed her teeth, while Daybreaker did the same just above her. Both magically inclined ponies using a simple spell to hold their brush while they continued to fuck. Twilight had taken the lead as Daybreaker was slow to wake up, the young pony pushing her hips back against her elder’s. A single load already rested inside of her womb, the young mare appearing very pregnant even though she had just started the day several minutes ago. The numbers above their head revealed that the gap had closed overnight, with both sitting at twenty three orgasms each. The long night had definitely done a number on Twilight, but the unicorn had memorized enough special spells to ensure she didn't end up loosening up too much. Though she feared that no other lover would ever bring her the type of pleasure Daybreaker did, Twilight wasn't too worried about that particular fact. After all, who would want anyone else when she had already perfectly molded herself to fit her queen’s perfect cock? With a smirk on her face, Twilight went a little faster, bouncing hard even while she continued to brush her teeth. Daybreaker hardly uttered a sound, the pony seemingly only half aware of what was going on. Both unicorn and alicorn alike finished at about the same time, the pair spitting into the sink just as their numbers grew one larger. Twilight grinned. This was going to be a good day. Twilight smiled as she slowly rode the alicorn who lay on the bed beneath her, a wide, genuine smile visible across her face. “So you did enjoy yourself.” Twilight remarked with a smirk. Daybreaker shrugged. “What's not to enjoy about a sexy mare riding my dick?” Twilight grinned. “Absolutely nothing. Though I’m surprised I’ve pulled so far ahead.” The alicorn glanced up above Twilight’s head where the numbers one six five floated. “No matter. I am only three behind you, and unless your giving up, I have time to catch up.” Daybreaker declared. Twilight shook her head and sighed, the mare rubbing her slowly shrinking belly, until finally the litres of alicorn seed was gone and she could lay her head against her lover’s chest. “You know I’m pregnant, right?” Daybreaker stiffened for half a second. “I knew that was a possibility, yes.” “Well I scanned myself this morning while you were still asleep and well…” Twilight hesitated, her hoof trailing across Daybreaker’s chest. “Lets just say I’m very pregnant.” “What exactly do you mean by very pregnant?” Daybreaker questioned, the alicorn gently grabbing her lover’s chin and forcing their eyes to meet. “Triplets, at least.” Twilight replied softly, only to grin when she felt her lover twitch inside of her. “At least someone is thrilled by the news.” Daybreaker cursed her treacherous body. “I admit it's been many, many centuries since I have had a foal.” “So does that mean your giving up then?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. Daybreaker snorted. “Far from it. That just means I am going to have to train that other hole of yours.” Twilight licked her lips. “Oh good, because when I said I was ready for anything, I meant it.” “I expected nothing less from you, my student.” “Is that okay?” Daybreaker asked as she thrusted into Twilight’s ass, the mare’s flaming mane and tail having died to barely more than a flickering set of embers. “I’m not going too fast am I?” Twilight’s eye twitched, the heavily pregnant mare crouching stock still beneath her mate whose cock was buried in her ass. The young mare’s belly was massive, her three foals having grown to the point that they were nearly ready to enter the world. Despite just how pregnant she was, Twilight had managed to keep her figure slim, and svette, save for her belly, and her now gigantic breasts. The alicorn’s thrusts were short, gentle, and hardly did a thing for the unicorn who had spent the last nine months getting fucked by the formerly ruthless pony. A pony who had apparently disappeared overnight and been replaced by a total pansy who couldn't even bring herself to bottom out in Twilight’s ass anymore. Which was incredibly annoying, as Twilight was becoming late for her daily milking and her great watermelon sized teets were getting heavy and tight. Even her three foals were seemingly starting to grow annoyed with their ‘father’s’ slow pace as they shifted around inside the mare’s massively distended belly. With an irritated growl, Twilight reached up and grabbed her lover by the neck, their gaze meeting in the mirror which had been permanently affixed at the forefront of their bed. “I am fine. The doctor said so and that was before I reinforced my womb with an extra layer of magic.” Twilight declared. “Yes well…” Daybreaker muttered weakly. “I know your worried about our foals but I swear on the very stars if you don't start fucking me right now I am going to drag us into the bathroom and drink a galon of draino.” Twilight declared. Daybreaker knew her words were empty as Twilight would never harm herself, or their foals, but the vulgarity of the threat was enough to break the alicorn out of her worrying. “R-right.” She stuttered before standing tall once more. “Sorry Twilight, I don't know what came over me.” “Your a sucker for our kids, I get it.” Twilight remarked in a slightly calmer tone. “I love that about you, but I also love it when you fuck my slutty asshole and rut me like the whore I am.” Daybreaker cleared her throat. “Then prepare yourself my pet. For I will give you exactly what you desire.” The barely legal unicorn had only the span of a heartbeat to consider her lover’s words before Daybreaker slammed into her, medial ring and all. “Fuck the hell yes.” Twilight muttered, the mare all but melting into the pile of pillows she had stacked around herself. Daybreaker grunted as she pulled out, only to slam right back inside, the mare catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she railed her lover’s ass. In that moment she realized that a lot had changed in the last few months, as for one they had altered the counting spell so it was only visible to them, and only when they focused on it. Without taking any attention away from her partner, Daybreaker lit her horn for a moment, allowing the numbers to fade into existence. She was at orgasm number five thousand five hundred and forty four, while her lover had gained a twenty point lead to her, sitting at five thousand five hundred and twenty four. Not like Daybreaker really cared about that type of thing anymore, after all, they had gained larger leads on each other before, yet always seemed to catch back up in time. Besides that, she was eager to add one more to that total, and really fill her lover with a thick load of piping hot alicorn seed. Grunting a little louder, Daybreaker continued to rut her mate, the alicorn’s knees pressing firmly against the bed. The position was slightly awkward, but Daybreaker wasn't going to complain, as it enabled her pregnant mate to be comfortable. Plus it felt kind of hot to cover the smaller pony completely while she fucked her asshole with ruthless abandon. “I’m close.” Twilight whispered, the mare biting her lip and restraining the urge to moan aloud. Daybreaker’s nostrils flared, and the pony found herself temporarily conflicted by an odd thought. On the one hoof, it was a good chance to start closing the gap and with her lover so near an orgasm, something that wouldn't be difficult. On the other hoof though, Twilight really enjoyed having her guts stuffed with alicorn spunk, and she always came super hard when Daybreaker did that. With a shrug, Daybreaker threw herself into the act, pounding her pregnant lover’s fat ass as hard as she could. The thump of her testicles slapping against Twilight’s tits was lost amidst the frantic moans and whines coming from Twilight’s lips. With their room filled with the pleasant sounds of Twilight’s lust, Daybreaker couldn't help but smile, her own orgasm not far away. Months spent fucking near constantly meant that the smallest twitch, was enough to tell the alicorn exactly what she needed to know and after a particularly potent shudder ran down Twilight’s spine Daybeaker knew it was time. With one final grunt of exertion, she bottomed out as deep as she could into her lover’s backside, stuffing all two and a half feet of alicorn dick inside of her tight hole. A second later, just as Twilight’s orgasm was about to arrive, Daybreaker’s did, causing the young pony to writhe with increased pleasure. “By the sun, that feels good.” Twilight muttered, the mare’s legs quacking as her pussy spasmed and she came hard. Daybreaker let out a moan of her own, the alicorn relaxing slightly, and wrapping her body tightly around her lover’s. As their orgasms slowly played out, the pair exchanged a brief, yet tender kiss, the unicorn having just enough reach for their lips to meet. Back and forth they kissed, Daybreaker’s hooves caressing the taut flesh of Twilight’s stomach as they did so. Only when their pleasure finally faded and they could both think clearly once more did they break the kiss, though their gaze lingered on one another. “So, does this mean I win?” Twilight asked. “Why? Do you not think I could catch up? Or that I wouldn't hesitate to fuck another litter of foals into you?” Daybreaker replied with a grin. Twilight shook her head. “Oh I know just how much you love my pregnant belly and giant milky tits and I fully expect to bear dozens upon dozens of your children.” “Stars above thats hot.” Daybreaker muttered. Twilight grinned. “So the game continues then?” Daybreaker grinned right back, the alicorn planting a small kiss on her lover’s forehead. “The game continues.”