> The Conversion Bureau: What would really happen if it was canon Equestria > by Brimstonne > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The one and only > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A low rumble was heard across Earth, scientists were going crazy over it, a planet wide earthquake. The it stopped, and a large landmass in the pacific was detected, a voice rang inside every human's head, and she appeared on every screen. " I am Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria, the landmass in the pacific is my country, Equestria. Now before you start to outrage, I am here to save you, a barrier is forming, to seal both of our universes, the problem is, that you humans cannot tolerate Magic, if you do asorb magic, you will die...... * Cue public outrage and tollestia* do not fret, we have found a soloution, we have devised a potion that will make you immune to Magic, and a potion to, turn you into a pony, if you are crippled or terminally ill, as it will cure those. We will be opening a series of Bureau's in your countries, to hand out the potion." With that last word, she dissapeared, and for several days, there was mass confusion,and even some riots. However the World Gov had eliminated, and struck a treaty with Celestia. Within a few weeks, the bureaus were open, and were being overflowed, most would take the magic immunity potion, and those who were crippled, or terminally ill, would take the ponification serum. No one was forced to be ponified, no Equestrian, in their right mind who do such a horrid thing. It would go against the very elements of Harmony themselves. There was a small group called the Human Liberation Front, although, they were a very small minority, and regarded as criminals, as most people were happy with the ponies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Within 7 months, the barrier was at China, America, Mexico, Russia, and South America, Japan had already been covered over by the barrier, but the majority of the people had been immuned or ponified. In all these countries, people who weren't immuned or Ponfied rushed to the bureau's to take the immune potion, or ponification serum. Very few refused the chance to live, but their choices were respected, and not either one of the potion's was forced on those who didnt want to take them. Within a year and 7 months, Europe, and a large portion of Africa were left untouched by the barrier, much the same as all other countries, they were well prepared, and those who hadn't taken either of the potions, took one of them. ------------------------------------------------------ Within two years, both universes, both populace's, were happy. Both lived together in harmony and peace, HUmans were allowed to keep their former countries. Political issues had been solved, trade routes had been opened with Equestria. However, some ponies became corrupted by Dicord's influence, and saw Humanity was not worthy to be living with Equestria. They called themselves the Ponification For Earth's rebirth. Their leader was Shiny Gemstone, a raving lunatic against humanity, she could only see the bad in Humanity, and none of the good. The groups 700 members were cut down at San Francisco, by both Royal Guard, and Human police. They were jailed, some for life, some were locked in a asylum, and for the leader, Shiny Gemstone, was imprisoned in stone, for her mind was beyond repair. For all of those forcefully ponified, Celestia herself apologized, and transformed them back into their human forms. All was peaceful. --------------------------------------------- > Epilouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia trotted along the Canterlot Gardens, breathing in the fresh air, and watching animals go about their daily business. It had been a stressful day at the Embassy, sitting down for 13 hours really made one yearn for movement. Along her trot, she came across a peculiar statute, a man, somewhere in his 40's, a expensive suit covered him, and a stogie was still in his mouth. It was Daniel Breen, head of the HLF. She sighed, and shook her head, remembering that day. The smell of fire and brimstone wafted through the streets of London, and far out into the country side. The pony district was ablaze, not just by fire, but also, a large HLF squad, consisting of a 40 man squad, with 1 minigun truck. Ponies flooded the streets, and were mowed down by either Flamethrower, or automatic guns. Those who stayed inside, suffered the death of cremation. Pony district police tried to intervene, but we're quickly mowed down with minigun fire. They moved twords the Bureau, with one thing in mind, to kill, and kill they did. Explosives sailed through the air, flames screamed out, lighting everything aflame, that dared to grace it's touch. Gunfire tore through the walls, sending plaster exploding everywhere, bullets tore through bodies, leaving them mangled, a daycare door was kicked open. Then flooded to the brim with omnivorous flames, their consuming arms reaching out to the foals, stealing their flesh, and leaving nothing but brittle carbon. It was a massacre, and those who caused it, we're swiftly shot down when they exited the bureau. Except for Daniel Breen, he was kept alive for his own special punishment. Celestia shuddered and continued, unfortunately coming across the statue of Shny Gemstone, her form encased in stone, her eyes glazed in a xenophobic glare. Once again, bad memories invaded Celestia's mind. Converting humans, converted humans, and failed converts lay scattered along the streets. It didn't matter to Shining Gemstone, she wanted these pitiful primates, these poor excuses of life. Gone from existance, they were far too warlike to be allowed to let live. Their males were violent, just like every other male animal, that is a poor excuse for a sentient being. Her pontificating paintball gun fired out pellets, staining more humans in serum, transforming them, some dying she they hit the street, as their ribcage or skull had begun to melt, and was broken by falling on the sidewalk. She didn't care, a human was better dead anyway, it would mean less ponies clogging up Equestria. Then the S.W.A.T arrived, the ponification guns were worthless against the combat armor, and could do nothing but surrender. Celestia decided she had enough for today, and teleported back to her room, to take a long sleep. ( If you haven't noticed, this is a parody. Also, if I unknowingly offended you, please call 1-800-SRSLY. Or leave me a PM.)