Misaimed Magic

by Winter Quill

First published

When Mr. and Mrs. Cake are fighting, Cadence feels it's her duty to do something to help them out. To bad Shining Armor got in the way...

Of the many issues that comes with having twin babies in the house, the biggest is the lack of time to be intimate with each other. It's been grating on both Carrot and Cup Cake, leaving them getting testy with each other over the smallest of things. Being professionals, they are able to run the shop when angry at each other, with almost no pony noticing.

No pony but Princess Cadence, who happens to be in town to visit Twilight. If there is anypony who can help a feuding couple it's her. A little bit of magic, and the two ponies would be all over each other like newlyweds. She hadn't expecting Shining Armor to get in the way, being hit with the part of the spell aimed for Cup Cake and leaving the two stallions suddenly crazy for each other.

Contains: M/M, Magical Compulsion, Oral and Anal Sex, Infidelity

And a Misplaced Husband

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Friendship is Magic: Misaimed Magic
By Winter Quill

Carrot Cake wasn’t sure what had started the argument that morning. One of them had something to the other and soon they were nearly yelling at each other as they made the morning breads. They had only kept their voices in check to keep from waking the twins; before the crack of dawn was no time for them to be out of bed.

He was glad to finally retreat from the kitchen so he could open the shop, leaving Cup Cake behind to ice the pastries. It would have been easier if Pinkie Pie was around, she always knew how to calm them both down, but she was off on a Friendship Mission, leaving the shop short staffed. A fact that did nothing to improve either of their moods.

With practiced ease, he kept a smile on his face as he worked through the morning rush, not letting his anger show. As he rung up ponies, his wife brought out fresh pastries, keeping the display racks well stocked. He doubted anypony noticed that they didn’t say a word to each other in the process.

Unfortunately, being short staffed meant that they didn’t have quite as much stock as they normally would. By the time the morning rush was nearly over there were only a few dozen pastries left. It also meant that he was forced to turn away the mail mare due to a lack of muffins. She was always so happy and bubby that he hated to disappoint her, but it was just turning out to be that sort of day.

As the mare was leaving, Cup Cake came out of the back, a tray of cinnamon rolls resting on her withers. She deftly slid an empty tray out from the display case and replaced it with the fresh one, all without giving him more than a glance and a snort before she turned around and headed back into the kitchen.

He couldn’t help but watch her as she stalked away, her thick flanks shaking with each step she took. She didn’t mean to be such a frustrating tease; it was just that every single curve of her body was perfectly shaped to turn him on. Sadly, running the shop and taking care of the twins gave them very little time to spend alone with each other, most of which was spent too tired to have sex. It didn’t help that the thin walls allowed them to hear Pinkie Pie every time she brought over a new creature for one of her Private Pinkie Parties. It led to a number of nights where he had to rely on his hoofs instead of his wife.

It wouldn’t last forever, sooner or later the twins would be old enough to help around the shop, and there was that mare Big Macintosh had started dating. It was possible she and Pinkie might be willing to take over the store for a week or two so he and Cup Cake could take some time for themselves. It was a long shot, but right now that seemed to be all that he had.

The bell over the door jingled. With a sigh, Carrot put on a smile and turned to face the new customer, letting out a squeak of surprise when he saw a familiar pink princess walking up to the counter. “Princess Cadence,” he said, his voice rising half an octave. It took him a moment to realize that her husband had followed her into the shop.

“Mr. Cake, it’s good to see you this morning,” the princess said with a warm smile, leaning down to look intently at the half empty display cases.

Carrot nodded, not sure what else to say. It wasn’t like the royal couple were strangers in Ponyville. They visited Twilight Sparkle every few months. Cadence liked to stop by the shop to get something small for herself every trip, though Shining Armor never got anything, no matter how much he eyed the cupcakes.

His wife popped out of the kitchen, a wide grin on her face. “Hello Princess, it’s so good to see you again. I hadn’t realized you were in town today,” she said, walking up to the counter. “What can I get for you this morning?”

“Well… I’m really in the mood for lots and lots of frosting. Do you have any of those special eclairs?” She replied, licking her lips then glancing up at the chubby mare.

Cup Cake shook her head. “Sorry dearie, I don’t think we have anything like that today. Pinkie Pie is off on a mission, and she’s the one who makes those.”

He was about to suggest something else the princess might have liked, when his wife turned back towards the kitchen. “But I’m sure I can find something for you,” she said, as she pushed open the swinging door.

Cadence’s ears perked up as her eyes quickly flicked between Mr. Cake and the door his wife had just left through. A ghost of a smile started to pull at the corner of her lips as she took a measured step back from the counter.

Taking the opening, Shining Armor moved forward to take a closer look at the goods in the display case, once again just window shopping at the cupcakes inside. Carrot Cake just watched him, wishing that the stallion would finally just buy something for once. He was probably too much of a muscle head to know when to treat himself.

A moment later the door the kitchen was pushed open as Cup Cake stepped out, a plate with a heavily frosted Danish resting on top of her head. Carrot glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, at the same moment Shining Armor’s head shot up, a look of embarrassment on his face.

Then suddenly the world exploded with soft blue light. It washed out Carrot Cake’s vision and made his head start to spin. He stumbled back a few steps until his rump hit the back wall, his hat sliding off his head to land on the floor next to him.

He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hoof, trying to bring the shop back into focus as the blue light faded away, leaving everything slightly tinged with the color. “What…” he said, as the world finally returned to him. Princess Cadence had taken a number of steps back, a look of horror on her face, ears pressed low into her mane with one hoof covering her muzzle. Shining Armor was sitting on the floor in front of the counter, rubbing the side of his head, his ears hanging limply against his mane and a slight blue glow lighting up his eyes.

Carrot Cake found himself staring at the well-built stallion, unable to take his eyes off of him. After what seemed like forever Shining Armor looked at him, their eyes meeting with a jolt. For the second time in as many moments his world exploded, but this time from the inside out. He could feel it rushing through his chest, filling every part of his body and almost lifting him off of his hooves. He had no words for what he was feeling, just that it was stronger than anything he could remember experiencing before.

He couldn’t look away from Shining Armor, taking in every inch of the stallion’s well-toned body. He looked so strong and powerful, his firm muscles moving under his bright white pelt. He was just the right sort of muscular, sculpted without looking like a bodybuilder. He was, hooves down, the most amazing stallion that Carrot had ever seen. For lack of a better term, he was perfect.

Without even thinking about it, he leapt over the counter, landing right in front of the prince consort. The other stallion had a goofy grin on his face and was pawing his hoof at the floor. A blush was starting to wash over his cheeks, giving them a rosy glow.

Shining started to say something, but Carrot didn’t let him. He just leaned in and pressed their lips together, kissing him firmly. It was enough to make the handsome stallion melt, leaning into the kiss as he lifted one leg up to drape it over the baker’s neck, pulling them closer together. The kiss quickly became deeper, their tongues started to get involved, teasing and playing with each other while dance between their muzzles.

On some level, Carrot Cake knew what they were doing was wrong, that he shouldn’t be making out with a stallion in front of his wife and the princess. Yet the rest of him simply didn’t care, instead it was screaming about just how right is felt. That this was the least he could do for the most attractive stallion in Equestria. The stallion that he loved with all of his heart and soul, with every fiber of his being. Except… he didn’t, he loved his wife, he had loved her for so many years and in so many different ways, his love for her growing with each passing day. They might have argued now and then, just like every couple but that didn’t make him love her any less.

Yet, in that moment, he loved Shining Armor more.

He didn’t even like stallions! The thought had never once crossed his mind before that moment, yet the love burning inside of him turned that idea into ash. It didn’t matter if they were both guys, it didn’t matter if they were both married, or that they he had no interest in other men. This was the stallion that he loved, and that transcended everything else.

After twenty years of marriage, Carrot Cake couldn’t even image himself having sex with anyone one other than his lovely chubby Cup Cake… but now his couldn’t picture himself with anypony else but the stallion he had wrapped in his forelegs.

The two loves fought in his mind, struggling for his attention, but it was a one-sided battle. Wherever this sudden love for the stallion had come from, it was overwhelming the love for his wife.

Carrot pressed himself even closer to Shining Armor, allowing his weight to rest against the well-built pony, still sharing the passionate kiss. He just couldn’t help himself, not with this amazing stallion so close to him.

Shining Armor was just as eager, sloppily kissing the baker even as his magic teased over the yellow fur of his flanks. He was slowly rising up into his hind legs, forcing Carrot Cake to do the same until they were standing belly to belly. The prince was trying to say something, but it was lost in the sound of their passion.

The love he felt for Shining Armor continued to grow with each passing moment, and why wouldn’t it? They were both married after all. The fact that it was to other ponies didn’t bother him in the least. It was something that could be fixed with a quick visit to Mayor Mare. Not that he wanted to get a divorce, he loved his wife, heart and soul. It just wasn’t enough.

Behind them, he could hear their wives trying to say something, but he ignored them.

Finally, Shining Armor broke the kiss, his blue eyes still glowing softly. “We should take this someplace a bit more private.”

It was only then that he remembered that they were standing in the middle of the bakery. As much as he wanted to take him right then and there, this wasn’t the place for it. “My room is just upstairs,” he offered.

The prince consort nodded and closed his eyes, his head tilting up slightly as his horn starting to shine. The glow quickly expanded, encasing both of them in the pink magic and making Carrot’s fur stand on end. There was a flash, and for a moment the world seemed to fall away as everything shifted elseways for a few grains before snapping back into existence as they dropped a few inches down onto his bed.

Carrot Cake shook his head as he got his bearings, he had never been teleported before, and it left him feeling a bit queasy. As the world came back into focus, his eyes locked onto the picture of his wife he kept on his bedside table. She was smiling that coy smile of hers that melted his heart every time he saw. He flipped it face down on the table, this wasn’t the time to be thinking about her.

Shining Armor pressed up against him, strong legs wrapping around Carrot’s barrel and pulling him down to the bed. Grabbing him tightly, the prince flipped them both, so that the big steed was the one pinned to the bed under the smaller stallion. Licking his lips, Shining pressed their bellies together, allowing their sheaths to grind against each other. It felt amazing.

“I’ve never been with a stallion before,” Carrot Cake admitted in a near whisper.

“It’s okay, I can show you what to do,” Shining Armor replied, then lifting his head up to kiss the baker for a few moments. His large hooves were stroking his sides, using just the lightest of touches to tease over his pelt.

All the attention was causing his dick to spill out of his sheath, creeping along the curve of his belly to meet his lover head on.

That made Shining pause, breaking the kiss and leaning back to look at Carrot’s shaft. “Oh, you have a nice dick,” he said, running his magic along the dark orange rod. “You’re almost a match for me in length too,” he added with a smile.

Carrot couldn’t help but blush at the complement, lowering his down to look between their bellies. Shining’s own shaft was jutting out from his crotch, and was a dark pink in color with splotches of blue near the base. It looked strange seeing his shaft so close to another, but it was the good sort of strange. “Yours isn’t that bad either,” he admitted, though he lacked the experience to compare against.

“Would you like to get a closer look?”

He nodded.

Shining Armor motioned for Carrot to lay down, which he did. As soon as he was free the prince quickly shuffled around on the bed until they were crotch to nose with each other. Carrot had never seen another stallion’s cock before, other than in porn, and he had never dared dream he could get so close to one as magnificent as Shining's. He took a few moments just to savor the moment, glad that his first time was with someone he loved.

Being so close, he could see that the shaft wasn’t a solid pink, but was all different shades, some nearly as light as his pelt. There were small dapples of blue all along the length of it, including one right at the top of the rounded head. His balls looked huge, like a pair of rolls wrapped in cheesecloth that hung low between Shining’s legs.

Leaning forward, he took in a deep breath of the stallion’s musk. It was warm, filling his muzzle with an earthy scent that sent a shiver up his spine and cause his tail to flick upwards. He wasn’t sure where to start, so decided to try something that Cup Cake liked to do to him. Reaching out, he cupped the balls in the frog of his hoof, rolling them gently for a moment before giving them a soft kiss.

Shining Armor let out a moan, his own tail flicking quickly across his flank. “That’s a very nice start,” he said, his own hooves starting to stroke along the length of Carrot’s shaft, his magic teasing over it as well, the touch more akin to a feather then a hoof.

Turning his attention back to the prince’s cock, Carrot leaned in to give it a lick, but paused with his lips almost touching it. He looked again at the shaft in front of him as some little part of his mind tried to tell him that this was wrong. A little part of him that wanted him to stop, to go back to his wife and away from this stallion. He knew better than to listen to it though, putting it out of his mind as he turned his attention back to the matter at hoof.

He pressed his lips against the root of the cock and started to lick up the length of it. It didn’t taste like he had expected, there was a layer of sweat over it, giving it a tinge of saltiness that added to the meaty flavor of the shaft itself. It reminded him of some bacon he had tried as a colt, but only as a dare. Back then it had made him ill, now it made his own shaft twitch in excitement.

The baker licked his way along the length of the shaft, allowing his tongue to trace over the medial ring on the way to the head. Precum was already starting to bubble from the tip, rolling down the head to drip on the bed. Carrot leaned in, licking up the pre, finding it to be fairly bland, but still nice in his mouth.

“You’re a natural, hon,” Shining Armor said before leaning in to swirl his tongue over the head of Carrot’s shaft before he wrapped his lips around it and pressed it into his muzzle.

Carrot let out a moan as he felt his lover start to suck on him. Cup Cake had always enjoyed giving him a blowjob, but this felt different. It was an unfamiliar mouth and lips, teasing his shaft in unfamiliar ways. He took a moment to enjoy just how good it felt before he returned the favor. Opening his muzzle wide, he slid the head of the cock into it, lapping it gently with his tongue while trying not to scrape his teeth against the skin.

He took his time, getting a feel for the shaft, slowly exploring the head with his tongue, teasing around the gland before trying to get more into his mouth. It easily slipped in deeper; the baker’s long muzzle almost made for the task. The medial ring was just behind his lips when he felt the cock head pressing against the back of his throat, making him gag slightly.

Pulling back, he started to tease his tongue along the underside while starting to bob his head. It was a strange feeling, something he had never done before, and he wasn’t sure how well he was doing, but he was enjoying the experience! He had no idea why he had never thought about being with a stallion before, but that was going to change.

At the same time, Shining’s oral skills were on full display. He was easily sucking down the full length of Carrot’s cock into his muzzle, deepthroating the whole length with ease. His tongue and lips were constantly teasing and moving against the shaft. At the same time, he was using his magic to tease the orange balls, rubbing them in time with his sucking.

It was, hooves down, the second-best blowjob Carrot had ever gotten.

Taking a cue from the bigger steed, Carrot Cake reached out with his hoof, allowing them to rub gently over the heavy balls in front of him. He kept his touch light, no more force then he would use to brush a pie. It must have been the right choice as it brought a muffled moan from Shining Armor.

After a few more moments, Shining slowly pulled away from his shaft, allowing it to pop out of his muzzle. The made Carrot stop as well, slowly pulling the cock free of his mouth. He glanced back at the steed, only to see him smirking back. “You have a fantastic ass,” he said, reaching out to rub it with one large hoof.

“Thank you,” the baker replied, a blush hot on his muzzle.

“I would love to mount it,” Shining added a moment later, followed by a wink.

It was almost enough to make him melt, “You can take me however you want,” he said, smiling up at the royal stallion. His heart was racing at the thought, he had never been mounted before, it was something that had never once crossed his mind, but he would do anything for his stallion, even that.

“Do you have any lube?” he asked, lifting his head up to scan around the room.

“No, but I’m sure Pinkie Pie would have some in her room. I’ll go get it,” Carrot replied, starting to move towards the edge of the bed. A moment later the bedroom door opened enough to allow a bottle to fly through it, landing right in the center of the bed. Through the partially open door he could spot two sets of eyes intently watching everything they were doing.

Shining picked up the bottle in his magic, gently working the cork free with a pop. “This will do just fine,” he said with a smirk.

“Good,” Carrot replied, glancing back at the door. The opening had shrunk, but there was still enough of a crack that their audience could see everything. With a soft chuckle, he turned to look at his lover. “I think our wives are watching.”

That made the prince laugh. “She does that a lot. Why don’t you move so your plot is at the edge of the bed, that will make it more comfortable for you.” It also would give the mares the best possible view of their rutting.

He moved around on the bed, allowing his hind legs to slip off and his hooves to rest on the floor while his upper body rested on the sheets.

Shining Armor slipped off the bed, the bottle of lube still held in his magic as he walked around behind Carrot. Lowering his head down, he sniffed at the other stallion’s ass, gently nuzzling his dock and blowing air through the dark orange tail hair.

Carrot’s tail flagged high in response as he let out a soft whinny of excitement.

“Somepony is ready,” Shining teased, running his nose along the short cut tail before stepping back.

The baker felt a hoof slipping between his legs, gently pushing them further apart. A moment after that something cool and stick pressed up against his hole, making him jump slightly. It a strange feeling, one being accompanied by the tingle of magic. It gently pushed at his hole, teasing a little of the lube inside while slowly spreading him open. It quite possible was the strangest thing he had ever felt.

After a few moments the magic pulled away, though the soft sound of the lube pushing around continued for a few more moments before the bottle was dropped on the bed. Two hooves dropped down, one at each side of his flank, taking a moment to rub his cutie mark.

He turned his head, seeing Shining Armor looming over him, his cock jutting out proudly from his crotch and shining with the lube.

“Are you ready?” the big stallion asked.

Carrot hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking back to the cracked door. The fact that they were being watched made it seem that much dirtier to him, but the good sort of dirty. He loved Cup Cake to bits, and if she enjoyed watching him being plowed by the stallion of his dreams, so much the better. “Fuck me, Shining Armor… please.”

The prince smiled, he leaned down and nipped gently at the baker’s ear. “With pleasure,” he said. His body weight shifted over Carrot, causing the flagged tail to brush over the fur of Shining’s belly.

A moment later, the head of the stallion’s thick shaft pressed up against Carrot’s hole. It felt massive to him, bigger than he had imagined it would be. For a moment he wasn’t sure if this was the best idea, but he bit that thought back. He wanted this, and not just because his lover did.

Slowly, Shining pressed forward, the head of his cock pressing into the well lubed ass, starting to push him open.

It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t like anything Carrot had ever felt before. His hole gave some resistance, but slowly spread open, until suddenly he felt the head of Shining’s cock slip inside. It brought a surprised gasp from Carrot, his forehooves pressing down against the bed.

Shining Armor paused there for a few moments, just holding himself in place. “Let me know when you’re ready for me to go deeper,” he whispered into the baker’s ear.

Carrot nodded, closing his eyes and letting out a long breath. It felt nice, different but nice. As the surprise of being penetrated wore off, he found the feeling was actually enjoyable. “Okay,” he said after a few more seconds.

The prince gently nipped his ear again before pressing forward, his length sliding easily into the eager ass. He took his time, allowing Carrot to savor every inch of it as it sank into him. Every small movement seemed to be exaggerated like this, the small twitches of the cock rolling up through his body and making him whimper softly. His own shaft, pinned between his belly and the bed, was still just as hard, leaking a steady stream of precum.

Carrot felt the cock bottom out inside of him just as the medial ring pressed against his ass. It felt weird, pressing up against his insides. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, and when matched with the feeling of Shining’s cock inside of him, it became amazing.

One again the prince consort paused, allowing the baker to get used to the penetration. “How does that feel?” he asked.

“Amazing,” Carrot Cake replied. If he had known how good this had felt he would have suggested trying it with Cup Cake ages ago.

The big steed chuckled over him, nipping his ear again. “Then you’re going to love this,” he said, then rocked his hips, most of his length pulling out of Carrot’s ass only to be plunged back in a moment later. That was quickly followed by more thrusting as Shining started to fuck him, each powerful stroke rocking the smaller stallion against the bed.

“Oh, Celestia,” he moaned pressing his face down into the bedding. It was truly a wonderful feeling, one that seemed to grow with each thrust. It burnt deep inside of him, radiating down to his own shaft, making it twitch in excitement. Without any prompting, he started to rock back against the thrusting.

“You like that?”

All Carrot could do was whimper into the bedding, his ears twitching in time with the rutting.

Shining Armor just laughed, and started to pick up speed. Thrusting harder with each stroke, his hooves pressing against Carrot’s shoulders. At the same time his horn ignited, the feeling of magic enveloping Carrot’s cock. It had the tingle of magic, but was also tight and warm, conforming to the shape of his shaft. It was nearly perfect, only his wife’s pussy was better.

He started to hump against the magic, letting out a whimper each time the prince thrust into his ass. Carrot decided that he must have been in heaven, as nothing else could feel that good. Yet it seemed that as their speed of the fucking increased, so did the pleasure. Like the thrusting shaft was wired directly into his own cock.

Biting at the bedding, the baker tried to keep up with Shining Armor so the big steed’s thrusts would force him even deeper into the magical pussy. His whole body felt like it was flooding with lust, washing up from his ass to crash over his head with each powerful thrust.

Then, without warning, it overflowed, and he felt his whole-body tense as his orgasm thundered through his body. Letting out a whinny, he slammed his own cock forward, his balls churning hard as he started to blast cum into the magic. It overwhelmed the spell and sprayed against his belly and all the sheets.

Shining took his cue and started to fuck him like a machine, pounding against Carrot’s clenching ass with hard strokes, letting out soft whickers with each thrust. The force of it was causing the bed to creak and scrap on the floor, sliding slightly each time he sank into Carrot.

Finally, just as Carrot Cake’s climax was abating, Shining cried out, the head of his cock flaring deep inside the baker’s ass as he started to cum. The hot seed rushed into Carrot, flooding deep inside of him and filling him like he had never felt before. It filled him like a donut, making him feel like his belly was bloating. It wasn’t a bad feeling, and one he was already hoping to feel again soon. It kept going on for what seemed like forever, the big cock twitching as he sent shot after shot deep inside of him.

Carrot collapsed onto the bed, his ears ring and his head spinning as he felt the last throb of his lover’s orgasm. He felt stretched and bloated, yet at the same time more content then he had in a long while. “Thank you,” he gasped out as his head started to clear.

“You’re very welcome,” Shining Armor replied, his weight resting on Carrot’s back, pushing him down against the bed. They laid together, enjoying the feeling of each other and basking in the warm afterglow.

Slowly the ringing in Carrot’s ears faded away, and his head truly cleared. As the bluish tinge at the edge of his vision started to fade, so did he, and soon both stallions feel into a comforting slumber.

* * *

“I’m so sorry,” Princess Cadence said, pressing her hooves together as a dark red blush covered her face, burning bright against her pink fur. “You two seemed like you were in such a bad mood with each other, and I just wanted to help. I never expected Shining would get in the way of the spell.”

Carrot and Cup Cake sat at the table in the now closed bakery. Shining Armor was seated a few feet away, right next to his wife. Both stallions were still damp from having taken showers, and Carrot’s head was still a bit fuzzy, though Shining seemed to be fully recovered.

“I understand that it was an accident, dearie,” his wife said, gently patting his foreleg with her hoof. “I just wished you had asked first.”

Cadence gave a sheepish smile. “I didn’t think you would agree if I told you, most feuding couples don’t.”

“You still need to ask first,” Shining said in an ‘I told you so’ tone of voice.

The princess sighed and shook her head. “Even so, I can’t tell you just how sorry I am. I didn’t mean to make you have sex with my husband.”

The married bakers shared a look with each other. They had talked a little bit about what had happened while he was cleaning up. There was going to be a lot more to talk about that evening, but she didn’t blame him for what had happened. In fact, both she and Cadence had quite enjoyed the show from the hallway, leaving their own mess that needed to be cleaned.

“It wasn’t bad,” he finally admitted. “I’m not sure I would ever want to do that with a stallion again, but if I ever had the chance with my wife,” he said, giving her a wink.

Cup Cake blushed a bit, covering her muzzle with a hoof and giggling. “You had good intentions,” she said, returning her focus to the princess. “And I think we both needed the relief, so I’m not really mad at you.”

“We’ll still make it up to you,” Shining said. “Next time we have a banquet, we will be placing a large order from you.”

The two bakers let out a soft gasp of surprise. An order for the royal family would be a coup, even if the amount of work would be insane. “Thank you,” Carrot said.

Cadence nodded and slipped out of her chair. “We should be going—” she started to say.

“Oh no,” Cup Cake said, cutting the princess off. “You’re not going anywhere. You two are going to be foal sitting the twins so my husband can show me just how much he loves my body,” she declared, then wrapping a foreleg around Carrot’s barrel, pulling him against her side.

Carrot just gave his wife a smile, as the two of them started towards the stairs. He doubted either of them were going to be leaving the bedroom until nightfall, or even longer if he had his way.

Princess Cadence just watched them go, a smile slowly growing over her face. “Told you it would work,” she teased.

“You did no such thing,” Shining replied, giving her a gentle shove. “Let’s go do the foal sitting, and then we can talk about it over ice-cream,” he said, then kissed her firmly for a few moments. They were going to have their own words about working on her aim, but for now they had a job to do.


This story was written and copyright 2019 by Theo Winters writing as Winter Quill, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author. Violators will not be given anything for dessert.