> Frostpony > by Filthy-Casual > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In the beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember clearly when it started. It was a sunny day. Ponies walked about their day doing their respective tasks, oblivious to the deteriorating health of their solar princess, Celestia. She had shown signs of sickness a month ago. At first it was just a few sneezes here and there but slowly other symptoms crawled into the scene, headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of focus, cases of sporadic coughing fits which later got worse as it turned into coughing up blood and finally small episodes of fainting. The doctors could not identify what was wrong yet they did everything they could to solve the problem but no matter how hard they tried it was ineffective; I tried everything. The situation got to a point where Celestia was no longer able to raise the sun and I had to take on the responsibility. On that sunny day I entered into my sister’s chambers and there she was sitting on her bed under the covers staring into empty space. I pulled a chair to her side and once I sat down, I put my hand on top of her leg and gently shook her. "Dear sister, it’s me, Luna." No response, not even a small reaction "Celestia, please, it’s been two days since you’ve spoken to me." Yet again no response, she simply continued staring at nothing. I laid my head on top of the bed and after a few hours I felt a hand pet my head. Looking up I see Celestia look down at me with a sad expression. "I have grave news Luna" My mind raced as to what it could be wandering even into the grimmest of scenarios. Looking up I began to express my worry "W-what is it dearest sister?" Celestia looks again towards empty space before speaking "I’m dying." I panicked but tried to keep calm, thinking it was another one of Celestias pranks "Surely you jest sister and if you are, I must inform you it is of poor taste." Celestia sighed "I’m afraid it is no joke." I felt a void suddenly appear within me a feeling I could only describe as if my stomach was being pulled downward. "How are you sure?" "My connection to the sun is fading. I can feel it now." Celestia turns her head to my direction "I probably won’t make it through the day." It was only noon! I stood up from my chair "No, there must be a way to stop this! I will gather our docto-" my sister grabs a hold of my hand before I could leave the room. "Please Luna, in these last hours I would like to spend them with my sister." I looked at her with tears slowly creeping towards my eyes "No sis, please allow me to help you. I'll make the doctors make haste and help you with-" "No. I must explain why this is happening before I... depart." I tried to say otherwise but was stopped again "The sun itself is dying." I froze like a statue. The ramifications of such an event quickly coming to mind. I finally took my seat besides my sister "The sun is dying? How is that even possible?" "It has been here long before there was even an Equestria, long before you or I were born into this world." She shrugs "It’s simply...*sigh* dying of old age." My tears were starting to trickle down. I simply couldn’t believe it, she was announcing the end of Equestria, no, the world. I could tell that my dearest sister was also slowly starting to lose her calmness trying to hold back her own tears, "I want to spend my last afternoon with you Luna. Please don’t leave my side." "I wouldn’t dare." I got on the bed and sat beside her. Using my magic, I teleported a large book to my lap. "Luna how did you know?" I chuckled a bit "I’ve seen you do this before." I opened the book to reveal a worn-down bunny plushie which had various patches sewn to it. It occupied the hidden compartment within the book. Giving my sister her plushie she latches on to it. "I still remember mother doing this sort of thing with you and me" I let Celestia lay her head on my shoulder "Whenever we had a bad day, she would give you this exact same plushie and sing a lullaby" "I remember." She grabs one of my hands "I’m sorry I banished you lulu" "It’s in the past, besides, this makes it about 20 times you’ve asked for forgiveness?" "26 to be precise" She says smiling "I think that’s about enough." "You missed so many events" "It doesn’t matter." "So many handsome stallions" "Sister!" I noticed her chuckling softly With a smile she speaks "I’m sorry I’m just trying to lighten the mood a bit" I sigh "Even in your last moments you try to keep a positive attitude." "I can’t help it. The thought of leaving everything, my little ponies, Equestria, you...It scares me." A thought crosses my mind "Would you like to hear me sing?" "Just like mom?" "Why not?" I spent the next few hours singing, humming just as mother did long ago and conversing about days long gone. We were enraptured by our memories, and shared some of our innermost secrets. Smiles, giggles, and embarrassing moments were shared albeit the few coughing fits that reminded them both what was to come. The day however, was slowly coming to a close and with each precious ray of sunlight being snuffed out by the night reminded me of a clock ticking away ever so closer towards midnight. We stayed in our original spots, biding our time, simply basking in our presence. Celestia broke the silence "Lulu?" "Yes, dear sister." "Could you take me to the balcony please? I’ve always enjoyed your night sky." I tried hard to hold back my tears but failed. I felt my breathing pitch faster as I tried to stifle my sobs. "I-I’ll make the best night sky just for you Celly" Celestia smiles "It’s been so long since you called me that." "I should have addressed you in that manner since the beginning." I carefully helped Celly out of her bed, helping her take slow steps towards the balcony. I deliberately tried to take the smallest steps possible in a fruitless effort to keep her by my side for the longest time possible. Opening the door towards the balcony was done slowly but once they were opened, I saw the sun in position over the horizon ready to be lowered. I helped her take position in the center of the balcony all while trying to hold back my whimpers. "Please Luna, help me lower the sun one last time." I positioned myself behind her but I could see she was shedding her own tears also as I helped her raise her hand towards the sun. "Goodbye old friend" she whispers. Closing her eyes, her horn lights up and she starts to lower her hand and with it came down the sun. The last of the sun’s rays sinking under the horizon in a blueish-pink hue. Thump Thump I could hear her heart still beating, the steady rhythm helping me concentrate, as I tried to raise the moon and as I did so I lit up the sky with millions of stars, noticeable falling stars tearing across the sky, visible galaxies and a larger moon (ocean currents be damned). Thump...Thump "Please take care of my little ponies Lulu" I could hear her heart rhythm decrease slowly. I was starting to shake as it was becoming harder to maintain composure for my sister. "I will" Thump.....Thump I could feel her head look towards the sky. "It’s so beautiful Luna, thank you." I felt her tears pelt against my arm. Not being to hold it in much longer I had to tell her how much she meant to me. "Thank you. Thank you for being my sister!" I bellowed out. Thump............Thump Her hair lost its ethereal form and slowly the colors began to disappear replaced with her original pink color. She let out her final breath and fell limp on my shoulder. I fell to my knees and, carefully, cradled her now lifeless body, holding her close as I let out my sobs and tears. A sharp cold feeling shot through my spine as my thoughts flooded with Celestia and the moments we shared. I nuzzled her as I kissed her forehead "Please don’t leave me!" I was inconsolable, distraught with grief and fear. I tried to scream in pain but no sound came out, instead, nothing but silence and tears. "NOOOoooo" > Contingecy Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week had passed since my sister’s funeral. The castle felt empty, without her going through the halls attending day court and inspecting the royal guard. I had to take charge of day court as well as night court taking only a few hours of sleep. Is this really what she had to go through while I was banished on the moon? The thought only made my guilt grow more. Every time I passed by her room; I could see the fire crackling warmly from within the fireplace. The staff had started a small tradition which was to ignite a fire within the fireplace every day in honor of Celestia. It was nice to know my sister meant so much to them, that they would continue to do this every day without fail warmed my heart. To see that my sister had such a huge impact on her subject’s lives brought upon me a sense of pressure to be able to meet up to those standards and... well...It hasn't been easy. Sometimes, my mind would play tricks on me and I could see her sitting on her desk chair, sipping tea and going through the latest reports only to disappear after noticing my presence and smiling at me. Without her here, life lost its meaning, making me feel as I felt during my time in the moon. I felt alone. It didn't help that everypony thought I had killed her. Many ponies claimed I must have poisoned my sister in a senseless effort to obtain control over Equestria or that Nightmare Moon had made a secret return. But they couldn’t be farther from the truth. I loved my sister. I had just reunited with her only to lose her in such a short amount of time, it was unfair. What she said during that faithful night still haunted me. The sun was dying which meant that the temperatures would surely drop and that would cause the end of life as we know it. Even I could feel now the sun dimming as well. Every time I would lower the sun, I could feel its power fade, slowly slipping away like holding water. There was only one solution to this problem and that was to await the arrival of a new alicorn who could link her very life to the sun just like my dear sister Celestia did shortly after receiving her cutie mark. But there was a catch: An alicorn with the ability to do so takes decades even generations to appear. The solution is so straightforward and simple yet the path to achieve it will be long and arduous. I sent letters to princess Twilight Sparkle and Cadence so we could discuss the foreboding warning Celestia had left behind. I didn't have to wait long for their answers. Twilight, as usual, answered within the hour and cadence sent in her answer shortly after. That was about an hour ago and right now I am currently awaiting the arrival of the princesses outside the castle gates. Twilight was first to arrive clearly shaken and nervous. Beside her was her loyal servant Spike who was having difficulties to keep up with her. It was amusing and heartwarming to see. "Princess Luna" Twilight bowed and the small drake did the same. "There is no need for formalities Twilight" I said. "I- yes, ok." her demeanor deflated for a moment. I cup her face with my hands "Twilight, I know its hard to be back here and not see our beloved sister. I thank you for coming here in such a quick manner." "Y-your welcome Prin- uh, Luna." she says with a hint of sorrow. Shortly after Cadance arrives with Flurry heart beside her. "I’m so sorry for arriving late auntie." Says Cadance carrying Flurry heart in a magical aura. "Tis fine dear niece." I try to assure her. "Please, follow me. There is much to be discussed" I said as I lead them into the throne room. I tell the guards to wait outside before closing the doors. "Auntie, what is this about Celestia leaving behind a warning?" Cadance breaks the silence. I take a deep breath "Before passing away Celestia warned me that the sun was dimming" Their faces turn to shock, even the young drake could not believe what he had heard. "But how?" asked Twilight in panic. "When my sister ascended into an alicorn she accepted to link her life with the sun granting her unparalleled power. But there was a drawback, if either one of them died the other would lie dormant." I explained. Twilight, being the smart pony she is, quickly pieces together the information "So since Celestia passed away the sun is lying dormant?" I nod "You’re close Sparkle. The sun is in the process of going dormant and we must prepare." Silence, for a few seconds there is nothing but silence. Even the young filly Flurry Heart looked at us with silent curiosity. Spike was still at a loss for words. Twilight speaks up, her eyes like pinpricks "B-but that's impossible! Can’t you or any one of us link our life to the sun?" I shake my head "I’m afraid not. A pony must ascend with the affinity to link their life to the sun and to find such a pony could take decades and we don’t even have a year." Once again, silence, but this time Twilight was noticeably trying to come up with a solution in her mind. "How did you two do it Auntie? Survive the windigos and the winter?" asked Cadance. I looked at her with a solemn look as I remembered back to those days. It was horrible. Nopony wanted to work together to survive the winter and just did the best they could while ignoring the suffering of everyone else as they froze in place. I still remembering going through hunger with my sister and hiding away from the cold in an abandoned earth pony house. Times are different now. Thanks to the hard work of my dear sister, ponies no longer hate each other or discriminate one another. I have full confidence that we will be able to survive the terrible winter ahead of us but as to how we will do that is yet to be seen. "It was terrible Cadance but we managed to survive thanks to the kindness of a few ponies and by working together" I said. I use my magic and bring forth a scroll with Celestias’ cutie mark in the wax seal. Twilight looks at the scroll in curiosity "What is that?" I took a deep breath "This is a contingency plan my sister created some time ago in case she was to ever leave this plane of existence. In it, are her instructions as to how to survive the future events that await us." Twilight looks taken back "She had plans for this situation?" I nod "Yes Twilight, I also have my own contingency plans in case something was to happen to me or the moon." Cadance looks up from flurry heart who was in Cadances’ arms and looks at me with determination shining in her eyes "Please auntie, tell us what she wrote, tell us what she planned and we'll get it done." I know I have lied to them. I said the sun was dimming, not dying. When my sister and I ascended, we did it just in time to save everypony from a freezing death. But the last thing we need now is panic. I would much rather tell them a white lie and let them hang on to hope than to give them the soul crushing truth. I smile warmly at her and look back at the scroll "Were going to need to build a city, a large city"