> Go Far > by DivineRoyalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Go Far > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my faithful student, My how the years have gone by! It seemed like only yesterday you took your first steps! I do not write this letter to reminisce, however. Instead, I bring to you a message that I think you need to hear now. You have done well. From the days when you first learned to speak unto the days we see before us now, you have come far. You have done great things, learned so much, and helped so many people. Before you try to correct me, allow me a few more words. My little human, you are worth so much more than you make yourself out to be. You are worthy of love, of affection, of happiness, and of a good life. I have seen your past. I have gazed upon the pain, the suffering, the wrongdoings, and the trespassess you have committed against others and that others have committed against you. I have seen all these things, and yet… I still love you. I still hold you to be special, talented, capable, and good. You are more special than you will ever know. You are more cherished than you could ever grasp. You are capable of more than you can imagine, and you have the ability to make this world a better place. You have it within you the talent, the skill, and the resolve to change the world in which we live. You might tell yourself that you are incapable of such a massive action. You might say, “But Princess… I am only one person!” But oh, my little human, do not you know that one person makes all the difference? By a singular act of kindness to another, you have the ability to change their life. By the act of talking to that person who does not appear to have friends of their own, by cheering on the person who you know has not much confidence, by being there for that friend who has just gone through a tough experience… you change the worlds of all of those individuals. Your words have the power to change lives. Your heart has the ability to love those who have not known it. Your hands have the ability to create things for others to enjoy. Do not be discouraged. In the days where you face those demons that would seek to undermine you, that would seek to tell you that you are worth less than the dirt you walk upon, that would be determined to see you fall, know that you are more. You are more than the sum of your past mistakes. You are more than the darkest times you have known. You are more than the words others use to harm you, and you are more than the words you use to harm yourself. You are here for a reason, my little human. You have a purpose, and you are special. You are valued and held in high regard. You are loved… so very much… and so very dearly. Do not be afraid that you will fail. There will be those who reject you. There will be those who hurt you. There will be those who take the gifts you give and toss them aside. These things will happen, but they should not be viewed as the end result. Failure is a final result only if you allow it to be; otherwise, it is a stepping stone on the path to victory. Your story will be one of victory. You will triumph over the thoughts that attempt to strike you down. You will see the forces of depression destroyed, the armies of anxiety vanquished! You will stand tall and mighty, gazing upon the horizons of your future as the sun rises over it. The darkness will perish, the shadows will flee, and the light will shine forth in your life! It will reach every crevice, every crack, every corner and every crag. It will illuminate the truth about you that has been invisible for so long, and that is that you--yes, you!--are not worthless. That you are not unloved. That you are not talentless, that you are not without ability. That you are amazing, wonderful, special, and a treasure! It is  hard to see through the dark haze of self-depreciation--believe me, I know. But that haze will dissipate. Just as you will help others, others will help you. You will meet people who are wonderful in their own ways, and they will lend you a helping hand to lift you out of the abyss. Hold your head high, my little human. Know that your past does not have to define you, and that your future is bright. But also, do not forget about the now. Do not forget to enjoy life as it comes, and do not forget to… how does the saying go... “Stop and smell the roses?” Know that you do not have to take the quickest route to get somewhere, and that sometimes taking the scenic road can lead to experiences you will treasure for the rest of your life. Do not forget to learn from your mistakes, either. They do not have to simply stand only as testaments to the fact that you are imperfect--they can be lessons in and of themselves! I may have taught you the best way I knew how, but, my faithful student--life is the best teacher! Neither the good nor the bad should be disregarded, but they should be learned from and applied to future trials. Before I close this letter, I want to say one last thing: I may not be real in a physical sense, but, my little human, that does not mean I am not real in the eye of your mind. There, I am right beside you, and I will remain there for as long as you will have me. So go, my little human. Go and change the world! Go and change lives with your work, your kindness, and your words! Go and be the change you want to see! Go and accomplish much, for I know that you can! Go far, my faithful student. Go far. Love, Princess Celestia