> Happy Bright Chaos > by Char_Char > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Busiest of Days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only a few weeks into his job at the Cloudsdale Mental Hospital, the young griffequus carefully went through his paperwork.  In a small room, he sat alone, shuffling through papers and letters as he organized them appropriately. The stack of papers was manageable at this point, but had he left it like this it would have gotten exponentially worse.  Most of them were case files, but a few were needed confidential patient information for the doctors down the hall. The room itself was a quiet, plain white room with a light fixture that hung from the center ceiling.  All the papers laid in stacks on a large, wooden desk with baskets and cabinet drawers just behind the pegasus.  With a focused look on his face, the pegasus sifted through each paper. His arms were gloved in a pair of dark blue rubbery material. A small name tag hung around his neck that read “Existential Panache - Assistant”. Just as he finished putting a bunch of relevant papers into a satchel at his side, a pony pushed through the dark wooden door.  The pony, a normal pegasus in cladestent green and blue colors, brought a bunch of files to the back drawers. The pegasus paid no mind to Panache. One flap of his wings let the yellow pegasus leap out of the room in a hurry, and down the well lit, clean hallways of marble and stone.  Pegasus ponies of various colors went up and down the halls passed him as he made his way to the office just at the end. The sound of chatter and clopping of hooves was indecipherable in the sounds of moaning and groaning from the patients that lay in wait.  While the hospital does help ponies with mental health issues, the hospital’s full name is “Cloudy Charnel’s Hospital for the Mentally Ill and Emergency Services” but due to the name being too macabre for most ponies to say out loud, as well as its’ length, everypony calls it “Cloudsdale Mental Hospital”.  Despite the dark nature of its true name, the hospital has a very low death rate. Panache pressed his gloved arm over the handle of the door, and opened it.  Pulling it out of the way, he entered, and walked over to the doctor’s secretary.  A pony with a pair of orange rimmed glasses that were shaped like watermelons, as well as a mane put up in a bun with an equally orange coat, happily took the files and paperwork with her hooves. “Is that everything?  I’m not sure if I got it all.”  The yellow pegasus pat the back of his head.  With an unsure smile, he spoke up, “I can go back and double check, just to be sure!” “No, sweetie.  You’re fine.” Her slight country-like drawl leaked out, “I got everythang I need, thank ya kindly.  Uh, I just need you to check on Nurse Promare. I think she needed help in room 201.” He flinched, “O-Oh yeah?  I’ll be right over there, then.  No problem.” “Thanks, Existy.”  The mare smiled happily, and went back to whatever it was she was doing. Exist turned around and took a stroll out of the room.  His wings furled to his sides, he stayed out of everypony’s way.  After letting out a huff of air, he made his way down the long hallway once more. Something was on his mind.  Thoughts of what the Nurse was working on and what kind of uncomfortable comments they might make.  His thoughts wandered further into memories of them having to do ridiculous things to patients to satiate the nurse.  A cloud swirled around his emotions as his face turned toward the door labeled 201. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Before him was the nurse clad in a cap and scrubs.  Promare seemed to be an ivy blue mare with white, and teal striped mane and tail.  Her cutie mark was simply a epidermic needle. Of course, like the rest of the ponies in the hospital, she was a pegasus.  Turning around to see Exist enter through the door, she flinched with a slight twitch in her eye. “Change your gloves, please!  The patient is irritated right now.”  She said, going back to a taupe and blue pony writhing around on the bed.  The pony she was working with had been strapped down. He did as he was told, rolling his eyes.  Taking off the rubber gloves, and placing them in a trash can nearby, his darker colored arms were revealed.  Cat paws were at each end, and quickly they put on new rubber gloves. “I hate those restraints…”  He muttered, thinking back to the ghastly faces patients made,  “So unnecessary.” “What was that?”  The mare said, expertly pulling medicine into a sterile needle.  “...Anyway, I need you to hold his head still for me. Quickly!” He nodded warily, getting over to the pony’s turning head.  It seemed the pony wasn’t able to say anything intelligible as they seemed to growl as Exist got closer.  Taking in a sharp breath, Exist quickly put his hands around the pony’s head and held it the best that he could.  Despite the estranged pegasus’ thrashing, Exist was able to keep still. Promare carefully approached the patient with needle in hooves.  Despite being hooves, she was able to hold the delicate object with a gentle finesse.  Slowly, she pressed the needle into the pony’s neck and injected the fluid inside. After a few moments, the pony seemed to calm down.  It closed their eyes and seemed to fall asleep. Nurse Promare went to her notes, and began to write something down. “Uhh, do you need help with anything else?”  Exist said, putting his paws back on the clean floor. The nurse just put the needle into a safety bag.  The metal glistened in the plastic container as she placed it into disposal.  Without another word, she motioned for the griffequus to get closer. She quickly turned around her notes, and put them into Exist’s snout.  Taking the notes with a slight twinge in his eyes, she said, “Look this over, and get some water for him.  I’ll be back in about ten minutes.” With that, the Nurse left the room and let the pegasus to his own devices.  Exist, now holding the important notes in his paw, began to look them over. His green eyes peered through each set of information but only absorbing the important bits and ignoring the frivolous or overly detailed explanations. He closed his eyes and exhaled heavily.  Eyebrows furrowed against a vein in his forehead as he thought about all of the other things he’ll have to do today. … Later in the day, Exist found himself helping out one of the psychiatrists with their patients.  Now in a quiet room tucked away in the other side of the hospital, Exist took a seat next to a calm stallion.  In front of them, laying on a comfortable couch of sorts, was another stallion lost in thought. The room they were in was well lit.  Windows brought in plenty of light from behind and to the side of the chairs they sat in while behind the patient’s couch was a pair of bookcases.  The door to the room sat at one end, while at the other end was the psychiatrist’s desk and chair. Beneath them was a dark blue carpeting of sorts. Around the psychiatrist’s neck was a familiar name card that read “Mindful Meaning - Psychiatric Help I”.  Mind seemed to be wearing some sort of white collared shirt, with paired suit and tie. It wasn’t particularly fancy, but more of a formality in this pony’s case.  His coat was a greyish-silver color, with his mane and tail being white. No longer wearing rubber gloves, Exist had been taking notes for the psychiatrist as they asked the patient questions.  Mindful spoke up, “How do you feel about the medication you have been taking?” “You ask me this every week.  Nothing has changed!” The patient spoke up irritably as they scratched at their face a bit.  “I still feel the spiders under my skin.” “Can you describe to me this feeling as it is now?”  He spoke up. The pony lowered their eyes as they thought for a moment.  The words slowly came out, “There’s like… little eggs of spiders being hatched.  They’re crawling around and laying eggs, so that more and more walk around and annoy me all day.” “...Okay.”  The psychiatrist thought to themselves for a moment, “Do the spiders hurt?” “No… just annoying little bites and pricks.”  The pony rubbed their arms. “I understand.”  The psychiatrist turned to Exist, “Write this down.  We’re going to up the dosage, and send a slip to Cloudless Summer.” The pegasus psychiatrist then pulled out some of his notes, and began to jot things down.  Meanwhile, the yellow pegasus looked over his notes and occasionally looked over at the patient.  His eyes questioning the safety and well meaning of the pony’s sanity as he saw a few interesting aspects of their psychological profile. “We’re almost finished here.  I just have one more question for you.”  The psychiatrist put down their notes and turned towards the patient, “Is there anything you want to talk about, or tell us?” “Well, I-”  The pony looked over at Exist, stopping mid-sentence, and eyed him with a sudden fear in his eyes, “He has spider hands!!” Exist blinked for a moment, but didn’t speak up.  The psychiatrist spoke in his stead, “I assure you, he’s just fine.  ...Uh, Assistant, could you leave us be for now? Thank you for your help.” As the patient started to whimper and scratch himself more vigorously, Exist slowly got up from his seat.  His wings carefully whisked him through the door and he was out of sight. Out into the hallway, he stifled a feeling of guilt as thoughts of his shift being nearly over filled his mind.  Thoughts of his home and what he’d eat for dinner came to him. The cozy warmth of his living room and his many blankets calmed him down.  Finally, thoughts of his boyfriend visiting gave him all the energy he needed to finish out the day. … Now late in the day, Exist’s final duties were performing any menial tasks left.  A range of paperwork to leftover cleanup of patient rooms. His paws would always curl up in apprehension if he had to clean up a room as he knew that it was always something too disgusting or just annoying to clean up that was left.  He knew that these pegasi meant well but sometimes they were just a little too absent minded when it came to the worker food chain. The sounds of closing doors and soft goodbyes could be heard as Exist went down to his last duty.  Lucky for him, it was only to change the coffee filter in the break room. Nothing too big. Once he was finished with that, he could leave.  Quickly, he opened the door to the breakroom to be met with the stingy smell of coffee and donuts. Ignoring the ponies taking their empty bags out of the fridge in the back, he went straight to work on the coffee machine.  His paws unfurling the hook on the side of the hoof-pumped machine, he took a look inside - taking a step on top of a nearby step stool.  Of course, it was gunked up with old coffee grinds and dirty water. It reminded him of pulped nuts smashed into a watery paste. One of the ponies trotted up next to Exist as he was working on the machine, and spoke up, “How are you doin’, Existen….Exist?” The yellow griffequus flinched.  He slowly turned to meet the pony from his height, “Oh, hi!  Umm…” “Highlander.”  The stallion replied with a smile.  This pegasus sported a royal purple colored coat with a dark-grey mane and tail.  His cutie mark seemed to be a swirl with a wing striking through. “Sorry!  I’m terrible with names.”  Exist tried to smile back, but found it hard as the time of day weighed down on him.  “What’s up?” “Just wanted to chat.  ...Today was just really busy.  I can’t believe how many ponies came in this week.” The pony dramatically leaned against the table that the machine had been sitting on.  “It’s nice to have a nice chat after a long day, yeah?” Exist’s eyes looked off at the machine and back at the pegasus with apprehension, “Y-Yeah.”  He clenched his teeth. “Heh, yeah…  Well, lemmie tell you, there was this patient I had to deal with.  Hoo boy, he was a nut. Couldn’t sit still, had to get another nurse in to keep him from trying to break his food tray…”  The pegasus went on as Exist went back to cleaning up the coffee machine, “...but then I got everything together and everypony is where they need to be.  Uh, what about you?” “Huh?  Oh, I had a few odd things done.  Job things… haha.” A few parts clanked as Exist put the machine slowly back into place, “Today was exhausting though, definitely agree.  ...I’m just really tired right now.” “Me too me too.  Uh…” The pony shuffled a little bit, “Would you be up to out to dinner somewhere?” Without missing a beat, Exist replied, “Not today, but I suppose I’d like to.  I’d just have to ask my coltfriend first.” Weakly, he smiled as he closed the machine. The pony pulled back a bit in shock, “I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to intrude! I just don’t have a lot going on, and I wanted to hang out with somepony, y’know?” “It’s fine.”  Exist stepped down from the stool, “Well, I’m kinda busy this week doing errands for my new home.  ...Hm. I’m not sure when would be best. Maybe you could ask me at the weekend?” The pegasus nodded as a visible flush went to his face, “Well, uh, I’ll talk to you later, then.” Before Exist could reply, the purple pony quickly went out of the door.  Exist’s paws pushed the stool to the side and sighed heavily. He shook his head, a regretful wave rushing through his mind.  In the air hung the sound of clamor as ponies continued to clean up, but in the yellow pony’s mind was the growing sound of spiraling thoughts. … His paws pressed the front door of his house open with a huff.  There were bags under his eyes as Exist sauntered over to his newly bought couch.  The late afternoon light burned through his windows as he pushed his face into a pink, fluffy pillow.  Sounds of the summer sun setting had danced over the pony’s back. Thoughts swirled through Exist’s mind.  His legs and paws ached as he pressed into the cushions. The day was long and arduous for the pony.  Why did they have him do so much this time? It was unusual for him to be around so many different sections in such short periods of time.  Another grumble went into the pillow. The sound of a knock at the door made the pony flinch.  Lifting his head, he yelled out, “It’s open! Come in!” He heard the door open before a familiar smell swept into the room.  The smell of fresh mail and cologne filled the air. Exist’s nose happily accepted the smells as he turned around:  it was Care Package, of course! “You’re here!”  Exist said, making room on his couch.  His back arched a bit as he pushed himself up onto the arm rest.  “I’m glad you could make it this time.” “Heya, heh.  I just got caught up in some special deliveries.”  Care Package’s yellow coat glistened in the sun as he took a seat on the couch.  “I’m off duty now, and they CAN’T get me until tomorrow!” “That’s great, babe.”  Exist smiled softly, resting his eyes.  “Nopony is out to get you now.” The red-maned pony chuckled, tossing his hat and satchel to the side.  Now only in a blue uniform, he pulled himself over Exist and cuddled close.  “I get to be with my cute giggle colt.” Exist smiled with an anxious huff.  Their warm bodies pressed close to each other under the glistening sunlight.  Their bodies rose and fell with each breath as they took the time to wuzzle against each other.  Bodies flipped and turned on the comfortable couch as they got more comfortable. Care Package gave the yellow pony a little nibble on the neck when they turned to face each other.  Straddling over atop Exist, he made sure the pony knew how much he liked him in this moment. Blushing faces pressed close to each other as they continued to cuddle. “You always smell so good.”  A yellow nose pressed into the mail-stallion’s bare chest.  Care Package had opened most of his uniform up for easier access.  “Do you do that on purpose?” His stallion head lay on Exist’s fluffy yellow mane when he answered, “I just like it.  Makes me feel better about myself.” “Awww.”  Exist pulled him in tightly. “E-Exist!  You’re… crushing me…!”  The stallion uttered fidgeting under the squeeze. “Sorry sorry!”  He softened his grip, looking dreamily up at Care.  “I don’t see you that much, is all.” Care Package rubbed a hoof on the side of Exist’s head and lightly shushed him, “I’m here now, heh.” A relieving sigh escaped from Exist as he arched his back a bit against the couch, “Mmm.” Their lips touched under the sunlight.  The lights in their eyes sparkled in glistening, tangible crystals as they pressed forward into each other.  They let themselves divulge in their desire for one another with hooves and paws running wild around their bodies. Between huffs and shortness of breath, the mail-stallion spoke up, and rhetorically asked, “Baby, I’ve been missin’ you.” “We’re just hard working ponies.”  Exist chuckled, snuggling his muzzle into his coltfriend’s neck. Care Package shivered with delight as he felt something cooking down below make itself known.  “Mmmhmmm. And you know us hard working ponies need a break every now and then.” “I agree.” The afternoon went on through this rare event.  Together they shared in each other’s bodies like they were molded in love.  Sounds of their laughter, and mutterings were encapsulated within the warm, cloudy home.  On and on it went, the sun lowering until it was replaced by the beautiful moon. > Chapter 2: Apples Spelled with a K > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Days turned into weeks as Exist’s escapades with his lover grew fewer and fewer.  Signs of their love receding as they could hardly get much conversation in after their work.  Still, they continued to smile whenever they saw each other. However, like the leaves turning to autumnal yellows and reds, it was fated not to last. Upcoming days were filled with more work as a new assignment was given to the yellow griffequus:  Zephyr Breeze. This was the fifth time the yellow pony had been placed in a singular assignment by himself.  His confidence was relatively high but his spirits were low. He had vague memories of this pony causing trouble while in school.  Always so lazy, so inconsiderate of others. Exist’s memories came in sharply as his eyes fell upon the teal-ish pony for the first time in a while. A specific memory came to mind as he watched the pony feign illness.  It was of a project assigned to him in school - more of a collage - that forced Exist and Zephyr to work together.  Ironically, this project was supposed to be mainly Zephyr’s work as he was in a younger year from Exist and Zephyr’s sister, but somehow the yellow pony ended up doing most if not all of the work. Due to the way the teachers handled this assignment, if either pony failed then both of them failed. There was no way he was going to let that happen.  Unfortunately, memories of school he had suppressed began to claw their way back up upon realizing these facts. Needless to say, Exist wasn’t happy when the aquamarine pony chimed in upon seeing him, “It’s Existypaws!  I haven’t seen you in ages!” Stifling every fiber in his body, Exist let out a huff before replying, “My name is Nurse Panache, and I’ll be your main point of contact while you stay here at the hospital.” Zephyr watched as Exist pulled out a convenient clipboard from the back of his bed, “My bad, Mr. Nurse.  Apples.” Exist cocked an eyebrow at Zephyr’s strange mannerisms and looked at the list of tests that had already been done.  The tests proved that Zephyr was relatively healthy, despite a slight protein deficiency, and that the best diagnosis was some kind of apple-induced psychosis.  The doctor who signed this prognosis stated: “The patient appears to be unable to stop themselves from saying the word apple, or any variation of it. They claim to have too many dreams about apples, and literally cannot eat anything else or they will expel.  Further analysis is required.” “You’re - in some kind of apple-induced psychosis.”  He said flatly and placed the clipboard on a nearby counter; pulling out a seat. “A-Appleyes I am!  It’s app-solutely horrible.  I eat, sleep and dream of apples, and it just won’t stop.  Gosh, I wonder when it’ll stop.” Zephyr leaned back in the bed and wrapped hooves over his face.  “Urrrghhh.” Looking away for only a short moment, Exist’s eyes closed.  He let out a long sigh as his mind screamed in agony. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he composed himself and slowly turned back, “I understand.  ...Has your sister come to see you yet?” “Appleno, I haven’t heard anything from her.”  The aquamarine pony ruffled his hair, “I know she knows though.  I can feel it, in my mind. We’re connected like that, applepaws!” A slight scrunch filled Exist’s face for only a moment before he said, “I think I’ll go and see if---” Before anypony could say anything else, there was a knock at the door.  Immediately, it opened and a purple mare strolled in with a piece of mail.  “Mail for Zephyr Breeze and Existen… Panache.” “Oh!  That’s me!”  Zephyr waved to the mare, not moving from his spot. The mare smiled and placed the letters on the counter, and spoke while giving a short salute “Alright then, I’ll be seein’ ya!” With that, the pony was gone.  Naturally, Exist pulled out his own letter and opened it with a retractable claw.  The sound of paper ripping was followed by a shuffle of paper upon opening the letter: “Hey Exist, it’s Care Package.  I got your letter about you being free soon, so I wanted to get some coffee with you at Brie Cafe.  Come around the usual meetup time, Friday. Thanks.” “Uh, hello?”  Zephyr broke through Exist’s quiet reading.  “You gonna give me my letter, applepaws?” He huffed and said, “Please call me Nurse Panache…”  and walked the unopened letter over to Zephyr. The letter was placed right on the bed, but Zephyr still didn’t budge.  “Apple you gonna open it for me?” The yellow pony tried really hard to keep his face from going a murderous red as he ripped open the envelope with a decisively swift strike of his claw.  In one fell swoop, the naked letter was placed on Zephyr’s body and the envelope was disposed of. Finally, the lazy pegasus took the letter himself and began to read it, “.......”  Suspiciously, Zephyr looked up from the letter and then back down at it before trying to read it out loud, “Uhh…  apples apples apple apples appley apple apples…. Nope, can’t read it. Could you read it for me, applepa-- I mean, Nurse Applepaws.” With a trembling paw, Nurse Applepaws took the letter and read it aloud, “Dear my sweet brother,  I hope you are doing ok at the hospital. I should have time to visit tomorrow after my morning tea party, so please look forward to that afternoon.  Um, please stay safe. I hope you get better soon. Yours truly, Fluttershy.” “That’s great!  See? I told you she was gonna visit me soon!”  He put his hooves behind his head and leaned back into the bed with closed eyes.  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to try and sleep. I’ve had a long day, after all.” “...Fine.  But I should let you know, you’re scheduled to see Doctor Nanny Panny later, so please be awake by then so that I don’t have to wake you up.”  Exist turned, gripping his own letter with a steel clutch. There wasn’t much of a response from the pegasus.  The only thing he seemed to do was wave for Exist to leave.  Naturally, the yellow pony was already out the front door of the dorm.  Immediately, upon closing the door, Exist let out an aggravated groan. Hot air escaped his mouth from the fiery, simmering summer within his body. This was the state of affairs that the yellow pony had succumb to.  As the hours ticked by in the day, he wondered how long this would go on for.  Thoughts of liabilities and loopholes arose from the depths of his subconsciousness as he continued his work.  Seeds of doubt in his mind began to spread as he wondered what these ponies were thinking to have such an obvious liar about.  That initial simmering now bubbling hot air from his mouth as stress built up. By the day’s end, Exist had become a spent husk. … The next day went about as well as the previous.  It was more of a hazy nightmare than one he would immediately awaken from.  He was aware of his stress and unwillingness to do what he was asked but there wasn’t much he could change.  A puppet should have strings, not direct itself into its master’s will. Following his morning routine, Exist made sure things were ready when a doctor or some other employee needed his patient.  In his mind, the patient was more of a nuisance - a trial of endurance. Exist clenched his teeth as he pulled himself out of the doctor’s office.  His ‘patient’ still inside, he was told to leave for privacy just for the moment.  In an effort to avoid any more interactions with the patient, Exist took it upon himself to wait near the patient’s room.  Maybe the time it takes for Zephyr to walk over to the dorm will be enough for some satisfying quiet. He took a rest on a nearby set of seats.  Sighing, he brushed his face with his paws as an aggravated growl released from his throat.  He muttered, “What a pain in the ass…” “Excuse me…”  A soft, mare’s voice cut through Exist’s aggravation. He looked up, and immediately recognized the yellow body and pink maned pony, “Fluttershy?” “...?  Um, I’m looking for my brother, Zephyr Breeze.”  The yellow pegasus mare spoke softly under the clamor of medical staff moving about. “His room is to the right of me, but he’s in with the doctor right now.”  Exist huffed, shaking his head. “I’ve only had to deal with him for almost two days now, and…  ergh.” The mare chuckled, taking a seat next to Exist, “I understand completely.  He can be a bit of a handful, but I know he’s just going through a lot of things.  I’m sure he’ll come around!” “That’s just it…  I…” Exist hesitated, looking around, “I shouldn’t be saying this, but - it’s painfully obvious to me that he’s just faking this illness of his.  It’s just, it reminds me of that project I had do to with him in school and I don’t wanna go through that again.” “O-oh I know he’s faking it.”  The mare smiled, looking down sheepishly. “And I just can’t keep-- wait what.”  Exist made a double take. “Th-Then you can get rid of him, right?” She closed her eyes, but didn’t respond.  There was a mulling going on within her mind, from what Exist could see.  However, before he could press her further, somepony approached from across the hallway. His voice split through the silence between the two, and said, “Fluttershy, dear, I got you some snacks!  Would you believe these ponies actually make these mashed potato cups?  Hah.” Fluttershy chuckled softly as she turned to meet her tall friend.  Exist’s eyes peered over at her plus one but quickly widened with wonder.  His face scrunched in shock but then softened as he continued to look at the strange creature in front of him: it was Discord! “Who is this… pony you’re speaking with?  Is he our guide today?” Discord eyed Exist for only a moment before obnoxiously plopping his body on the rest of the empty seats, and leaning against Fluttershy. “W-Well, no, I-”  Exist could hardly get any words out. “No matter, we’re just here for your brother, is that right?”  Lazily, he looked up at the ceiling with rolling eyes. The tiles his eyes made contact with began to bend and swell.  His paw finger twirled in the air as he spoke in a dismissive tone, “Teach him a lesson and all that.” “Discord, please remember that we’re only doing this to help him learn that all these ponies work really hard, and faking illness only burdens them further.  Isn’t that right, erm, Panache?” Fluttershy fidgeted with her cup of mashed potatoes. “I don’t-” “But Fluttershy, wouldn’t it be more fun to drive him nuts until he actually needs to be here?  Then he’d be out of everypony’s hair!”  Discord’s hands pat at Fluttershy’s shoulders. She raised an eyebrow and gave him a deadpan look, “Discord.  That’s the exact opposite thing we’re trying to do…” “I-...Right, you’re right.”  Discord shrugged as he went back to play with his cup of potatoes. The yellow stallion blinked, looking between the both of them and asked, “I have… several questions.  Mainly about what Discord is doing here--  But, I’ll just limit them to this: What is your plan for Zephyr?” “I’m GLAD you asked, little hospital worker!”  Discord swirled around Fluttershy and pressed his snout against Exist’s, staring into his eyes, “I’m going to discreetly drive him nutso, making him eat, sleep and breath apples, and fill his mind with nothing but apples until he admits he was faking it!” As Discord pulled back, there was a noticeable blush on the yellow stallion’s face as he tried to speak up, “T-That’s a-an interesting plan.  Uh, hopefully it works?” “I know it’ll work.  It’s ME we’re talking about.  I’m always right~”  A toothy grin shined on Discord’s face.  “Except-when-I’m-wrong.” “And I’ll be right here to make sure Discord doesn’t do anything rash.”  Fluttershy’s warm smile beamed through Exist’s ebbing despair. Flustered, Exist closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat.  All he could say was, “He should be back in a few minutes, so just sit tight.” There was a flutter of butterflies within Exist’s tummy as he kept from looking directly at Discord.  Something about the draconequus made him feel weird, but in all the right ways. Perhaps it was just an air of confidence about him?  -Or perhaps the smile he has? Regardless, Exist tried to keep his mind occupied with his duties. … In a matter of minutes, Zephyr Breeze sauntered over to Exist and Fluttershy.  Discord, now hiding wherever he may hide, took the initiative and waiting inside Zephyr’s room.  With a quick hello and a few exchanges of conversation about what the doctors said to him, Zephyr made his way into the room. Exist saw nothing out of the ordinary at first.  Zephyr stayed his usual, lazy self, even as Fluttershy talked to him about how his day was going and the kinds of treatments he’ll need to get better.  While he wasn’t much to explain anything, there was an air of knowing about him as he leaned back into his bed. He flinched has his head hit the pillow as his eyes darted open.  He turned around and inspected the pillow with a manic degree before he said, “What the?  Why did they fill these pillows with…” A few feathers fell out of the sides after the pillow had been handled in such a way.  He shrieked and pulled back, “A-Apples?!” Exist slowly looked at Fluttershy who looked back at him with a somewhat equally concerned expression.  Their eyes meeting for only a moment before darting back to Zephyr who had begun to breathe heavily and brushing invisible apples off his body. “W-Where are these coming from!?  Did you ponies do something to my mashed potatoes?!”  The aquamarine pony yelled, pointing at Exist. “No, I…?  Here, listen.”  Exist approached the pony calmly and placed a paw on the pony’s shoulder, “You just need to take a few deep breaths and lean back into the bed.  There’s nothing here but your normal bed…” Just touching the pony made Zephyr’s chest slow down.  His paws carefully guided Zephyr into his pillow like he would any other patient.  Whenever he would do something like this, ponies that were having an episode usually calm down by the time he’s spoken with them for a bit.  Sure, they may still be experiencing things they shouldn’t but at least there’s a calm pony there to ‘guide’ them through it. That’s how Exist sees it anyway. “Alright alright… okay…”  Zephyr said to himself as he closed his eyes once more. Fluttershy placed a hoof on her brother’s shoulder and calmly spoke, “You’re in good…  paws, hehe, so I know you’ll get better soon.”  She winked at Exist. “Thank you, Fluttershy, I don’t know what I’d-”  Zephyr opened his eyes only a smidge to look at his dear sister.  However, the mere sight of her shot them wide open, “Holy Celestia, what happened to your face?!  ...W-What?! A-AAHH!” “Huh?”  The yellow mare pulled back a bit, confused.  “What about my face?” “I-It was… you’re a talking apple!  W-What’s going on?!” Zephyr yelled out again, but as he did, he seemed to calm down.  His eyes scanned the room, presumably seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “This is. NOT.  What I signed up for.” “B-But you did.  You came here yourself, saying you were seeing apples everywhere!”  Exist calmly explained. There was a twinge of disrespect in his voice, “Unless you’re saying that things got worse since being here…” The yellow griffequus walked over to the back end of the bed and pulled out the clipboard.  He began to write notes down, and look over any recent results found. Of course, nothing of note before this point was found, however he was sure to denote all of the changes that had occurred just now.  His feather quill quickly enumerated everything going on, lightly brushing under his chin with a fluffy swipe. In came a few doctors after Exist called them over.  In pairs, they asked questions, made notes of his progression into apple-induced madness, and scrutinized every detail.  This was a rare form of the illness after all! Zephyr’s apparent hallucinations came in waves and left in a similar fashion.  Exist denoted every change that occurred, although only the notable progression was captured.  Zephyr’s sister, now leaving for the day, let everypony know that she’ll visit in a few days if he doesn’t get released before then. An air of mystery surrounded her voice as she left the dorm though, “Mom and Dad are having a bake sale later this week, just so you know.”  She smiled as she left. “B-But I like their leftover crumble pie…!”  Zephyr whined as the door closed. “I’m sorry Zephyr, but I cannot let you leave this hospital when you’re in this condition.”  Exist held back the need to express his schadenfreude. “Why not?!  Appl-’m perfectly FINE!”  The pony huffed, pulling back into the bed. Exist shook his head, “Well, according to everything the doctors inspected, it seems you’re under an increasingly worsening, apple-induced psychosis.  They even have tangible evidence in your blood samples!” “Wh-what, how, I-”  Zephyr’s voice cracked as he tried to object, “T-that’s impossible!” “What are you talking about?”  The yellow pony looked back with a knowing side glance. Zephyr, unwilling to open his eyes, tried to tread carefully, “I-I wasn’t serious!  I just wanted to stay here for free!” “... is that so?”  Exist said, walking back to the end of the bed.  Normally, he would never say something like this but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to really stick it to his patient, “Lying about an illness or mental disorder can get you fined thousands of bits…  However, your blood tests say otherwise. This is tangible evidence of your illness, you know. Even if I wanted you gone at this point, I can’t prove that you’re well.  So… sit back. Relax. I’ll take care of you the best I can.” The afflicted pony gulped as he lay back in his bed.  He opened his mouth to say something, but all that he could say was, “Apples.”  He cut himself off, confused and beguiled, and he tried to speak again, “A-Apples apples!?” “Hm…”  Questions ran through Exist’s mind on how much Discord had affected the deserving pony, but all feelings were quickly dashed as the pony suddenly fell asleep.  “Oh.” Exist blinked for a moment as the sound of his sleeping filled the room.  It was a calming sensation that filled the griffequus as he sighed in relief.  A bit of a load off his shoulders, it was, not having to deal with Zephyr much today.  He could only hope the night shift could deal with any midnight terrors. However, before Exist’s paws could even touch the door, a flash of light barred his exit.  Now, in front of him, was the draconequus once more. Standing tall and proud in his mismatched noodle-like form, he grinned at the yellow pony. “Well now, how was that?  I’d say it was pretty effective.”  Discord stroked his beard as he leaned against the door.  “No need to thank me, it was Fluttershy’s idea.” “I doubt that, but- t-thank you anyway.”  Exist averted his eyes in a huff, as strange feelings bubbled within him.  “You… put him to sleep?” “Yes, he should be asleep for at least 8 hours.  ...Maybe.” He snickered, pushing the door open. The hospital wasn’t on the other side, though, but all that Exist could make out was a swirl of purple and blue colors in the entrance way.  “Anyway, I’ll be back tomorrow… if he doesn’t wise up. Huahahaha!” The draconequus slipped into the doorway, and closed the door behind him.  In an attempt to reality check, Exist quickly opened the door and looked out the other side.  Revealing that the door was back to normal, he followed through and left the dorm. Thoughts began to swirl even more, now that he was alone again.  Care Package’s letter came to mind, while Zephyr’s problem and his weird feelings all stewed within his stomach.  Was he hungry? Maybe. > Chapter 3: Cold Case > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day came and went like a swift dream.  Exist saw to it that his normal duties were finished on time before seeing his patient.  Paperwork, doctor’s assistance, etc… Short odd jobs done around the facility were finished before he had time to think. Dealing with Zephyr was a stark contrast to the previous days he had dealing with the lazy pony.  He had a hard time going anywhere and refused to open his eyes unless forced. He went on and on about his dreams, and about how everything felt moist and apple-like.  Zephyr described it as though the world around him was literally made out of the white, moist inside of an apple; even down to the sound he made when walking down the hallways.  Not to mention his fits of being unable to speak properly, and only saying the word apple. Exist couldn’t help but feel a bit of remorse for the pony, but not enough to truly feel forgiveness in any capacity. The end of the week arrived: Friday.  After spending another full day with Zephyr and his illness, Exist wanted this all to end.  Zephyr had suffered enough, and it was high time that this charade ended - even though it was somewhat amusing.  Now having the time to think about Zephyr’s predicament, the yellow pony began to worry about the permanent effects of this affliction. Entering the room, Exist found Zephyr Breeze curled up on his bed like usual.  Despite this, however, Zephyr seemed to be shaking a bit. Nervously, the pony didn’t dare look at Exist or anything in particular, for he knew it would be a sight that would burn into his mind. “N-Nurse…”  Zephyr managed to utter, “...Am I going to be this way f-f-forapple?” Exist unfurled his change of sheets and carefully placed them at his bedside, “Well…  I personally don’t think so. I’m expecting a full recovery really soon.” “I- hope so.”  Zephyr winced, getting out of the way of the apple skins that were being pressed into his bed of plush apple flesh.  “...I swear, I didn’t come here with this mental thing. I-I’m sorry! Oh dear Celestia, I’m sorry for thinking I could get away with all that…  I didn’t expect this to happen to me!” “I know, I know.”  Calmly, Exist pat Zephyr’s back with a genuine care in his voice, “I forgive you.” While there was no way to tell whether this confession came from a place of manic desperation or genuine regret, Exist was willing to take what he could get.  Still, there wasn’t a way he could stop the hallucinations himself. Right on cue, there was a knock at the door.  In a swift few motions and movement throughout the room, Exist opened the door and let in Fluttershy.  The mare rushed to Zephyr’s side and tried her best to comfort her brother. A soft hoof slowly ran up and down her brother's backside. “Oh, I hope you’ll be alright, Zephyr!”  Fluttershy said, “You've suffered too much…” With that, a flash of light revealed a metal cooking pan just above Zephyr’s head.  It quickly fell down onto his skull, and made a comedic clang noise with his noggin. The pan disappeared into a puff of smoke as it finished its action.  Instantly, the pony was knocked out as both witnesses gasped at the sudden slapstick. “D-Discord?!  You didn’t have to HURT him!”  Fluttershy yelped as the draconequus slid out from under the covers.  “Oh no oh no, I hope he’s alright…” Discord made a raspberry with his mouth as he scoffed, “Pfffbt, that shouldn't have hurt him.  I just got rid of his problem.  ...I believe a thank you is in order, actually.” “....”  Fluttershy looked up at the draconequus with a scrunched look to her face before lamenting with a sigh, “Well, I’m sure he’ll just think it was all a bad dream.” “Erm, on that note, he’s not going to have lasting damages, is he?”  Exist looked over his notes. “Absolutely not.  Ooother than an irrational fear of apples for a few years, he’ll be just fine.”  He looked down at Fluttershy, who had given him another one of her ‘looks’, “I-I promise!  I swear!” “Alright.  I’ll let the doctors know he’s cured and we’ll process his information - and you can get him out of here.  Is that alright with you, Fluttershy?” Exist said, filling out a few forms on the counter next to him. Fluttershy nodded, sitting next to her brother’s resting body.  Her eyes laid on him with a look of relief but slight contempt hazed her pupils; knowing how much trouble he had been causing lately.  She closed her eyes and shook her head with a short huff. There was a lot of work to be done, regardless of this whole debacle. “I will take my leave then, my lady.”  Feigning a dapper look, Discord bowed before Fluttershy before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Moments passed as Exist filled out his paperwork.  However, a few signatures were needed, “Could you sign these really quick?” “O-Oh yes.”  She smiled, trotting right over. Her hoof took the quill as she began to sign her name.  In the meantime, a question was at the tip of Exist’s tongue, “So, uh…  Wasn’t Discord supposed to be a statue? I thought, er, he was just a concept… a myth?” Her smile didn’t fade, “Yes, he was a statue!  Princess Celestia and Princess Luna trapped him in stone a really long time ago after he took over Equestria.  Erm, he broke out a few months ago, actually. Do you remember when the clouds were all cotton candy?” Exist patted a paw against his chin in thought before suddenly remembering the fun, sticky clouds that tasted like chocolate which surrounded his home for a few hours, “Yes!  Although, I didn’t have work that day, so I just spent it eating the yummy cotton candy chocolate. Haha.” “Huh?”  Fluttershy was bewildered by the positive memory he had endowed -and the fact that he had a tangible memory of the day to begin with- she couldn’t help but ask,  “You didn’t… get affected by anything? Your personality was fine?” Exist pursed his lips for a moment, looking back into his memory, “Hmm… Nope.  Other than the clouds being made of cotton candy, and raining upwards at random times with chocolate, I was pretty ok.  ...Oh! You know, there was this big rip in the sky that revealed a colorful, swirling vortex. It kinda reminded me of those old movies where the bad guy tries to brainwash an entire city with giant screens, but…  eh. Didn’t work, I guess!” Fluttershy shrugged and said, “Well, okay.  If you had fun, I guess that’s a good thing that came out of his ...incident.  ...Anyway! Um, he’s not evil anymore, and he is trying really hard to be a good person, so…” He glanced to the side and smiled sheepishly, hiding his blush, “He’s fine.  I l-liked him.” There was an audible sigh of relief as the mare put the quill down, “I’m glad.  Sometimes he’s such a hoof-full.” The only thing the griffequus could do was nod as he took the paperwork with him.  Saying he’ll be right back, he brought the papers with him in a hurry. Signs of a growing infatuation were imminent as he giddily flew down the hallways. This giddiness only lasted a few instances before the realization of his unfaithful thoughts provoked a feeling of dread in him.  Knowing the current date, he found it hard to reconcile his untrustworthy feelings. He felt there was something wrong, and he needed to talk to coltfriend as soon as possible. .... All of the clocks in town struck on Exist’s usual meetup time.  The Brie Cafe quickly came into view as Exist rounded the corner, and his lover was in sight once more.  The red maned mail-stallion made a small smile as Exist approached. He seemed to be wearing a light-grey hoodie today instead of his usual mail-stallion attire. A tired, wary smile pulled Exist close into a short hug just parallel to the front of the cafe. The stallion led Exist inside, and within a few short conversations and hellos they were properly seated.  A window overlooked the curvy, cloudy downtown of Cloudsdale proper. Celestia’s golden sun began to set as the cool, autumnal day was almost over. Care Package, now sitting with a cup of coffee in front of him, spoke up, “How did work go?  You mentioned that you had an assigned patient?” “Well, there’s lots of things I still need to tell you but…  yeah, that’s the most recent thing going on. Erm, it was Zephyr Breeze.  He was a huge handful to deal with.” Exist fidgeted with his cup of hot chocolate, thinking about Zephyr’s guests.  “L-Luckily, he’s going home with his sister. So I’m grateful for that.” “Heh,  that’s good.”  He took a sip but paused, “Wait a minute, that Zephyr Breeze?  The super lazy pony who lives with his parents?” “Yes!  Him! Ergh.”  Exist shook his head, “If it wasn’t for Fluttershy and her friend, I don’t know what kind of state I’d be in right now.” He circled his drink with his hoof, looking into the dark coffee abyss as he said, “At least you’re in good spirits…” “...Are you ok?”  The griffequus tried to place a paw on Care’s hoof but it retracted before they could touch, “Your letter made me think you wanted to talk to me about something.  Usually, you write something like ‘I can’t wait to see you’-” “I think we both know what’s going on.”  Care Package looked away from Exist, and outside the window, “This is… what, 2 months now since we’d last seen each other?” Exist looked down, huffing out air, “...I know.  I’ve been thinking about it too.” “I don’t want to lock you down anymore, Panache.  Well… that’s not quite right.” The pegasus sighed, “There’s a lot of ponies at work that have been talking with me a lot.  I want to… do stuff with them, but I feel like I’d be hurting your feelings.” “No no, it’s okay.”  Exist couldn’t smile, “I know what that’s like.  I’ve been… having thoughts like that too.” “So you agree then?  We should… move on?” The mail stallion nearly crushed his coffee cup. There wasn’t much need for words.  Exist nodded with a lump in his throat.  He had known this would happen eventually, but it just wasn’t something he wanted to instigate.  No matter what happened, he knew he would feel upset, but it wasn’t fair of him to just leave things the way they are. He didn't hate the mail-stallion, no, it was just that things would be different now. “Alright then.”  Care Package nodded, taking another sip of his coffee.  “But, we can stay friends, right?” “Oh yes, absolutely.”  A bit of relief flushed through Exist’s body, “You can come over whenever you want, and all that.  We could even go out for coffee like this every so often!” Care Package nodded with a tightening in his throat catching his tongue.  It had been a long time since they’d seen each other.  There was an unfamiliar feeling about them, and to be honest, the only thing he could really think about was the sexual escapades they would fly through in the past.  Details about who Exist was, were muddled in the mail-stallion's physical desires, and realizing that illuminated the way into the future. The sun set further into the horizon.  Minutes turned to hours as their meeting ended in the time between.  All that was left to hang onto was a gifted polaroid photo. Exist, now heading home with a heavier heart, felt the world changing around him.  A wash of bliss and agony was paved in the sky he flew, while the sounds of the past haunted his hall of memories. He clutched the polaroid photo in his paw as he opened his front door.  As always, his home was a toasty but empty place that always greeted him everyday with open arms.  His wings pulled him from the ground and up to the locked safe in the recess of his house. Opening it, a large book of photos laid in wait.  Naturally having an empty slot he put the polaroid in. Not before giving the photo a light kiss, though. > Chapter 4: First Date? - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was a sunny day on the outskirts of the quiet little town of Ponyville. The sun pierced through the beautiful blue sky and let waves of golden light hit a grassy field. As the wind fled through the tall grass, it brushed passed an anxious yellow pegasus that trot his way down the dirt path. Quiet mutters could be heard from the pony as his eyes fixated on a small, soft cottage nestled next to a creek. The quaint sounds of water grew louder as the pony’s strange front paws made pitter-patter against the dirt, and brought him closer to his destination. His face was a half smile, half scared look that seemed to fade into the slight shade under his yellow mane. The sun seemed to glow in beams off of his yellow-white coat. Finally, after moments of consideration and a few nervous flaps of his wings, he knocked on the wooden front door. Moments ticked by as he waited impatiently for an answer. He hoped and prayed that his mind's simulation of how things would go were what should happen. However, in passing seconds, the door slowly opened to a faintly familiar face. A humble yellow pony, with a pink mane and sparkling summer blue eyes, answered the door. “H-hello?” She stared at the stallion for just a moment before a distant memory shot back to her. “Oh! You’re Existential Panache, right? Hehe, I almost didn’t recognize you. I’m sorry.” With a nervous smile, he nodded, “Hey, Fluttershy. U-Uh, is Discord in today?” “Oh no. He doesn’t usually visit today, but I’ll be sure to let him know you stopped by.” She smiled warmly. “That’s… unfortunate.” He looked at the ground, defeated. His eyes cast a gloomy silhouette in their reflection. Fluttershy’s ears perked up a bit as she saw the stallion this way. “Um… Do you want to come in?” Her demeanor changed as she opened the door a bit wider. He blinked before nodding and accepting the friendly gesture. She returned with her warm smile. There was an air of unease about him, but his anxiety had subsided for now. His face had flushed off its half-tones and became calmer as he was greeted by a light, airy smell inside the home. Looking around inside, the stallion’s emerald eyes peered over the various animal paraphernalia. Hanging from the ceiling, he could see some chimes and bird perches. As he followed Fluttershy, he was sure to keep from stepping on any small animals that may have lived in her home. She led him to a boothed table that sat snugly against a few open windows. A tea set sat on the open table. The set itself had a white and blue quaint design that depicted animals in different poses all the way around the kettle, while the cups themselves had a gold inlay rim. The set looked to be very well made, and it was clear that the mare kept them quite tidy. Fluttershy smiled as she beckoned the stallion to sit across from her. Passing conversation lasted a few minutes as they spoke about minor things. Their work, their lives thus far, and their hobbies. A bit of time had passed since they have seen each other at the hospital, and things had progressed a bit in their lives. Exist slowly became more and more relaxed as his anxieties were put to rest. Discord was not here, so there was nothing to rile him up now. The light of the room, and the smell of the fresh tea made him realize how silly he looked to the other pony. “It’s been a while since I saw your brother.” Exist smiled, taking one of the empty teacups with a paw, and pouring himself a drink. “I still think about how terrible his acting was.” He chuckled. Fluttershy just sighed quietly and glanced out the window, “I know… And, I care about him a lot, but - it's just sometimes - enough is enough.” She took a sip of the dark, lukewarm drink as she reminisced. The stallion nodded with a more relaxed smile. His eyes peered out the window which had a wide view of the fields that cascaded against Fluttershy’s humble home. He watched as the trees just off to the right danced and moved in the breeze. Every so often he would see a bird or another animal scurry by. “I hope me stopping in so randomly wasn’t rude.” Exist regaled in his newly poured cup of tea. “... I had heard that Discord hangs out around here a lot, and I wanted… to talk to him.” He trailed off as he attempted to speak his mind. “I-if… you don’t mind me asking-” The quiet pegasus spoke up, “What did you want to talk to him a-about? I swear, he’s turned over a new leaf, if this is about any of his pranks.” The young stallion couldn’t help but snort to himself as he stifled a laugh. A paw clenched into a fist as he brought it away from his face, “No, no. I… I wanted… mmm. You can keep a secret, right?” “Of course. I’m a certified secret keeper, even Pinkie Pie said so.” She flinched as she finished speaking, her eyes agape, “B-b-but that’s a secret! So don’t tell anypony…” Quickly, her hoof was brought to her mouth. “I understand.” Exist’s eyes peered around quickly, looking for any souls that might hear what he had to say. Fortunately, there were none, “Well… I wanted to get to know him better. I-I think I want to ask him out on a date.” Fluttershy’s eyes stayed wide as she began to blush. Small pink flecks grew on her face as she pressed both cheeks with her hooves. She looked happy but also excited. Her ears perked all the way up, ready to listen. “Oh that’s… That’s so wonderful. I’m sure he’d be happy to hear that!” She leaned in closely, “B-but um… Well, we’re, um, in a relationship right now, but ...” Time stopped as her words broke into the void that occupied the space that Exist’s heart used to inhabit. Now marked with piercing darkness, her words echoed up through his chest, and welled in a painful lump in the stallion’s throat. His body flinched and shivered a bit as the realization flooded his mind - the water seeping out in the form of tears. “W-what?” He could barely utter, “No I…” Before Fluttershy could even continue what she was saying, Exist exited his seat with a thump. His face had fallen low as he made a dash for the door. As wings flapped upon reaching the outside in only a few trots, he could barely hear Fluttershy say something under his muffled whimpers. Reaching the sky, his body zoomed through the sky towards his place of comfort. His paws and hooves grazed a few loose clouds as he could only see loose blobs of light and color through the tears in his eyes. Swirling and twisting emotions wretched at his heart as he clenched his chest in physical pain. He bit his teeth together hard as cheeks and eyes clenched shut. There was a time when he’d felt this way before. A long time ago, but the memory had all but faded - the feelings remained. Dredged up emotions could never fully be extinguished through time alone, even if the memories had been whisked away by that same flow. Like the sun flowing in and out of the sky, these feelings continue to burn even should the moon’s remembrance of the sun’s rays at night would remain. Still, as sad as he was in this moment, the comfort of home was only a drop of fresh water in the world’s oceans. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the shaded peace and quiet. Retiring for the day, he made his way up the wooden stairs in his clouded home. He left behind the couch and various homely decor alone, finding his plush, velvety blankets the only place he should be. … The next morning came and went as the poor griffequus stayed asleep in his bed. Unwilling to let go of his soft covers, he laid there motionless for hours into the morning. The sun began to pierce his clouded glass skylight, making his eyelids slowly lift. Light from the sky revealed the rest of his room to him with everything where it should be. His clothes were tucked away into a small drawer set against the back wall, while a large closet lay just to the right of his bed. On his nightstand sat a group of pictures of different ponies. Each one near and dear to his heart in some way, he couldn’t help but look at the picture of Fluttershy and her brother standing at the front gates of Cloudsdale Mental Hospital. His thoughts turned over though, as he remembered the person who took the photo. A frown appeared on his face as he sighed, pressing his paws into his forehead. The quiet moment had ceased, however, as a familiar ring reverberated throughout his home. It was his doorbell, of course, prompting him to make his way through the home. Begrudgingly, he trot his way down the stairs and into his furnished den. As his paws pressed against the wooden front door, he was greeted to a familiar face: Fluttershy. “Oh.” Exist flinched as his eyes laid on her figure. “...Sorry I left so suddenly yesterday.” A look of concern had befallen her expression as she looked him over, “I-I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Um, how are you feeling…?” One of Exist’s eyebrows creased a bit before answering, “Not great. It feels like my heart is a big black hole. But…” He sighed, shaking his head. “I know better than to get mad at you. Or him. ...It’s not either of your fault that I’m upset. You just - told me the truth.” The door opened a bit wider as he pulled himself out of the way, “Would you like to come inside?” Fluttershy nodded as she replied, “I, yes. I-I’m really sorry that I upset you. I mean it, truly.” As the stallion closed the door, he swallowed a bit of spit. With a soft lump in his throat, he led Fluttershy over to his small kitchen that nestled in a corner of his contemporary cloud-based home. Light refracted off of the clouds and windows that his home had been built with creating a heavenly glow in the midday sunlight. “Did you want something to eat? I think I still have some snacks left…” Exist said, trying to push his feelings away from the past. His paw slowly opened one of the cupboards to reveal some long-lived goodies. “No, no thank you. I had plenty to eat already.” Fluttershy took a seat at one of the short wooden chairs that surrounded a short stone table. The table had blue markings all over it that seemed to shine and sparkle in the sunlight. Her eyes darted to the blue speckles in the stone as she looked closer. “...Oh my, is this lapis lazuli?” Exist paused as he had a bag of banana bread chips in his paws and looked over to his table. “I… think so. I’m not sure. I ended up buying it at a Stop n’ Swap Shop down in Trottington. I think my previous table broke or something. It’s nice, isn’t it?” “Oh yes, it is…” She smiled warmly, looking up at Exist. “I only really know about that because Rarity loves these kinds of gems.” “I was about to say,” The stallion took his seat, placing his unkempt yellow tail against the glossy marble floor. “You’re more of an animal lover, right? Yeah…” She nodded, “Animals are what I know best. Taking care of them, making sure they stay out of trouble, finding the right home for them. It’s… Oh, I’m sorry, I’m talking too much.” “No, no, you’re fine.” Exist tried to smile, but took a bite of his snack. Fluttershy seemed to think for a moment, putting a hoof to her chin before finally speaking up again, “I, um, wanted to know more about you, actually. You helped my brother after all, even after all he put you through, and… well, we were friends in school, right?” "I suppose so." The stallion rubbed his paw on the back of his head, “Erm, I don’t remember much from school, other than being made fun of for having these paws. Mm… Maybe it was because I looked like a cat? Hmm… I dunno. Maybe it was because I only like stallions, too... Fillies are mean.” Exist’s elbows pressed against the glossy table as he leaned on his cat like front paws. “I’ve felt that way before. They’ve made fun of me for being too scared to...do much. But I just know that they’re better ponies now, and I have to move on. Um, right?” She looked at the stallion with determined eyes. “R-right.” He concurred and pressed his head down a bit with a huff. “There’s no point in staying upset over something that’s happened a long time ago.” The mare agreed as she began to chat about her experiences in school with the stallion. Their conversation bled into other things as though they were weaving fabric into a beautiful piece of clothing. Before long, they had begun to take a look around Exist’s home. Having moved to the living room, Exist talked about the main reason why he wanted this house in particular. He noted the way this room was setup let him have a lot of space to fly around, or walk around if he had non-pegasus friends visit. He liked having the space open up to a balcony on the second floor, which led to his bedroom. It kind of reminded him of a tower, even though the home was very contemporary for the standards he had come to know for Southern Cloudsdale. “What’s this small closet for?” Fluttershy asked, pressing a hoof against a small door stuck up against the wall just above his couch. “I keep old photos in there and other important stuff. That part of the wall is actually made of rock, and so is the door. If my house caught fire, I wouldn’t have to worry about losing that stuff.” Exist floated up to the door with ease. His wings kept balance as he carefully opened the door and removed a book full of photographs. Inside the chamber, there was other files and personal information kept neatly in the back. Slowly he descended next to Fluttershy, who had taken the liberty of making herself comfortable on the plush couch. She rubbed her hoof against the fabric and smiled, “I love this couch. It’s so nice!” Exist just huffed happily, and brought the pictures over next to him. “Yeah, I like lots of soft stuff. I know that’s a bit stereotypical of somepony like me, but I just can’t help it.” He opened the book. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Your business is yours and yours alo--” She cut herself off with a gasp as she looked at the first few pictures that had filled the book. “Is that...?! You have pictures of… Wait, those are the animals that live in the Royal Garden up in Canterlot! But… they’re babies here…!” The glow and sparkle in her eyes intrigued Exist as he explained, “Well, I had this picture for as long as I can remember. I have a bunch of pictures from Canterlot, actually.” As he spoke, he flipped through a few pictures. Some of the gardens, the hedge-maze, the castle itself, and even some statues showed up. “I don’t remember where I got these. All I remember is that when I was very little, I kept them in a little shoebox in my room. I remember my mom giving me this book, too.” His somber smile was not unnoticed by the yellow pegasus. He flipped through more of the pictures, but stopped as he got to a picture of a large statue. He sighed, swallowing some spit again, “Hmm…” He flipped passed the picture of the large stone statue as Fluttershy silently eyed the griffequus worriedly. Strangely, past that page, was a bunch of missing pictures. “Wha…? Oh, I must’ve taken some of these out when I came home yesterday.” Fluttershy didn’t need to ask what the pictures were of. It was clear what they were, to her, and prying into that bit of detail would have been too much to handle. She just shifted her body a bit as her face got a better view of the glossy photos that laid neatly in the book, keeping her face as respectfully out of his view as she could to give him enough space. Exist stopped at a particular photo of himself. It seemed to be of him standing in some kind of office, but most of the details are indecipherable. “I think I took this picture on my first day of work? Ah, I’m not sure. I look cute though, heh...” “You look great, Exist...er Panache? E-Existential Panache is such a long name, sorry.” She apologized for the tenth time. Panache shook his head, “You can call me Exist or Panache, either is fine to me.” More pages flipped before Exist stopped again. “Hmm… Oh, I think this photo is of my ex-boyfriend. Care Package?” The picture revealed to be a rather sultry photo of a young pegasus stallion with a yellow coat and a red mane. Off to the side of the pegasus seemed to be a mail-stallion’s outfit. The striking blue and black rimmed hat and matching saddle really stuck out compared to everything else in the photo. Care Package himself seemed to look at the camera with a loving look, and lazily leaning on one hoof while lounging on what seems to be a red velvet fainting couch. “I’ve met this pony before! He delivers some of Rainbow Dash and my mail from Cloudsdale Central. I’ve heard he gets around, and is quite a heart---” She cut herself off as Exist just stared at her. “U-Um, did I say something wrong?” “No, you just seemed to know this pony a bit more than I figured you would have.” He shrugged. “It’s fine. Regardless, me and him are still friends, despite breaking up. Just too busy with his job, I'm too busy with mine, not enough time for us.” “Aww… No… I’m so sorry, that must have been awful.” Fluttershy looked down. She seemed to take on Exist’s sadness. “No need to be sad, I haven’t thought about him in a while.” He tried to smile, but felt he couldn’t. “That doesn’t mean I still wasn’t heart broken and… sad.” His paw clenched the book a bit tighter. Without warning, Fluttershy lept at Exist with a light embrace. Her frail body got close to the stallion’s in a warm hug. “It’s going to be okay…” She hugged tighter. Exist reciprocated albeit apprehensively. “Uh, okay…?” His mouth scrunched up as she seemed to be fiddling with something behind his back. “Wh-what are you doing?” Right after his questioning of her doings, she let go of Exist. A small smile was on her face as she pulled up an array of photos. The griffequus flinched in shock, eyes widening as he saw what the photos were of: Discord. One photo was a shot of the statue that he inhabited, while the rest of the photos seemed to be of the draconequus from afar. Another photo was of Discord hanging out with Fluttershy out in the grassy fields while a second one was of him hiding behind somepony about to pull a prank. To top it all off, the photos were being held by a cat like hand. “I… What!?” The book of photos fell to the floor with a muffled sound, bouncing only once. Blood started to rush to his cheeks. “...Discord?” > Chapter 5: First Date? - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy’s face was indescribable as she began to laugh strangely. Never in his life would he have ever heard her laugh like this. It was then that he saw it, before his eyes, Fluttershy’s head ripping like paper. As though a filly were playing with crafts, her body dissipated into ripped pieces of paper that seemed to dissolve into bubbles which then subsequently floated up into the open air of the room. The photos she was holding fell to the ground. She completely disappeared. In that moment, Exist had completely frozen and waited for whatever needed to happen - happen. Slowly, a low, strange laughter began to fill the room as the photos seemed to shake and rumble. Exist’s eyes darted down at the photos, mouth agape, and saw that with every photo that Discord inhabited, he seemed to be moving. The photo’s scenes were now alive, or at least Discord was, laughing, giggling and staring at Exist. The stallion felt cold and unable to move. Outside Exist’s view, the bubbles slowly fell behind the griffequus. Their luminous colors refracted the sunlight that shone through the windows throughout the room. Slowly and softly they fell just behind the stallions head before finally popping. The pop was loud but seemed to explode into confetti. Exist flinched as it exploded, still frozen in confusion. The confetti converged into Discord, inexplicably. As he formed, his laughter quieted to a soft chuckle just behind the stallion as he said, “If I knew you liked me so much, I would have visited sooner! It’s so nice to meet one of my biggest fans.” His breath brushed passed Exist’s hot, steaming face. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna make you feel nice and… silly.” Large hands immediately grabbed at Exist’s body making him jolt. The jolt transformed into a girlish yell, which only amused Discord further. The stallion couldn’t move as his body was played with and turned around to face his confusion head on. “You’re so cute, I might need an insulin shot.” He said as another version of him poofed into existence. The other version wore what looked to be doctors clothing, complete with a stethoscope around his neck. “I’m sorry, but your insurance doesn’t cover the cost.” Discord just shrugged then turned to face his biggest fan, “What sorts of other secrets have you been hiding? Those photos look pretty suspicious to me… If I had to think of a reason, you’re obsessed with me.” He poked a finger on the griffequus’ nose. “That’s so cute. You want to worship the very ground I walk on…” Exist couldn’t respond. His mind had gone completely blank ever since the pictures started laughing at him. His heart was beating very fast, and he had noticeably become more and more dizzy the longer he stared at his crush. Discord snapped his fingers, and a few more copies of himself filled the room. One copy wore a stereotypical executioner’s mask. Another, black rimmed glasses and a business suit that reminded Exist of a therapist. The last one, a french maid’s outfit. “Perhaps we should ask him how he feels. Poking at his brain might make it easier to get closer, relationship wise…” The therapist said tapping a newly formed clipboard with a pen. “No! We need to punish him! He’s been a very sinful stallion.” The executioner pulled out an endless supply of rope from his back. “What about ze house? Vhy not clean it up a bit, no?” The maid said, pulling out a small pink duster and brushing the air. The doctor pushed the other Discords away, “We must be careful! He could faint at any moment from excitement… aaannnd there he goes.” The doctor hovered over the fainted stallion, who had a silly smile on his face, and placed the stethoscope on his lightly fluffed chest. “He’s gone, Jim…” … The sounds of relaxed breathing and the occasional clack of porcelain against a stone table was all that could be heard in the warm home. Light from the midday sun had slowly changed into a auburn yellow and red coloration. The windows let in the light, and kept the house quite bright despite the small amounts of alternative light sources in the rooms. In the center of the room was a large, plush, velvety bed of sorts. Fuzzy, furry blankets had been piled comfortably beneath Exist’s head and body. Despite the whole ensemble being held in place (bobbing and floating ever so slightly) in the air, as well as being upside-down, the properties of the bed seemed to make it so that everything was pulled downward with a relativistic gravitational pull. Sitting on the couch “above” the bed was a lounging Fluttershy and a cup of tea. She seemed to be reading some kind of sewing magazine, and saw it fit to get comfortable on Exist’s couch. Her back rest against the arm cushions as she waited on the griffequus to awaken. Regardless, Exist continued to be asleep. His eyes stayed closed, even after everything had been moved around in his home. The draconequus’ eyes flickered in the light as he passed effortlessly onto the velvety bedding. His body slithered up next to the sleeping sweety pie, propped up his head with one arm, and smiled with a sultry grin. With his free hand, he began to slowly pet his “fan’s” soft tummy. Immediately, there was a loud audible purr coming from the stallion, as he slowly awoke. “Mmmn.” His eyes slowly opened to peer at Discord’s. “Ah! Discord! W-what’s going on?” Discord ignored his confusion and just continued to pet him softly, “I’m making you feel nice, can’t you see?” Quickly, he gave Exist a peck on the cheek with his large, goat-like muzzle. Immediately, the griffequus’ face grew a familiar reddish coloration, “B-but I-” He looked up, which was down in this case, to see Fluttershy look up and smile at him warmly. “A-Aren’t you two together? This seems kinda inappropriate…” Discord paused for a moment, thinking before responding, “Well, yes we are but- Fluttershy?” He looked up, but in doing so his eyes fell out of their sockets and into Fluttershy’s lap - looking up at her with questioning pupils. “Yes?” She looked up and then back down at the pair of eyeballs, unsure of which to look at. “You didn’t tell my biggest, littlest fan about our relationship properly!” Detaching the arm he had been using to pet the griffequus, he floated the rest of his body gently down next to Fluttershy with a knowing, coy smirk. Quickly, he picked up his eyeballs and popped them back into his head. His detached cat like arm continued to stroke and pet at Exist, much to his confused delight. Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin, and then spoke, “I thought I said it aloud, but… um, I guess he didn’t hear me. I-I’m sorry. Let me explain.” She cleared her throat before bringing herself into the air with her wings. Flying closely to her lover she started to explain, “While me and Discord do love and care about each other very much, we have decided it’s best to meet other ponies so we don’t lock ourselves away to just each other - um - that’s how he puts it.” Discord squeezed Fluttershy close to his side as he looked up at the griffequus. “We’re in an ‘Open Relationship’, Existykins. As long as we talk to each other and communicate, we’ll be just fine.” The draconequus’ free hand gave Fluttershy’s pink mane a light pet. “Mmhmm! As long as we---” Fluttershy flinched as a memory smacked her in the face, “O-Oh! I almost forgot! Rarity and I were going to help Twilight with her- Oooh, I’m gonna be late!” “Here, Fluttershy.” Gently, he let her go and bent over. Lightly he tapped her face with a kiss, and she was gone. “Have fun, hunny bunny.” As she disappeared, the draconequus slowly turned to greet his special friend. His smile never faded as his free hand brought some fingers together into a snap. In an instant, a pair of tea cups full of the hot stuff appeared and floated around the wuzzled stallion. They turned and orientated themselves for perfect drinking without spilling, despite rotating a full 180 degrees. “So, you can have as many special friends as you want, then?” Exist reluctantly took the dainty looking teacup and began to sip the drink. The cat hand moved up from his belly and began to rub his ears slowly. Exist grew goosebumps as he felt the paw’s squishy pads rub against the tips. “H-How special would I b-” Discord slithered up next to his new coltfriend, letting the cup sip slowly into his mouth, “You’re the first coltfriend I’ve ever had, heh heh, and-” He gave the blushing young pegasus a deep kiss on the cheek, letting his beardy lightly tickle the griffequus’ neck, “-if you stick around, I’ll make sure you’ll be as important to me as Fluttershy is.” As he spoke, he pulled out a pink and black hat that had a matching feather coming out the back. Briefly he put it on before tossing it away, the hat disappearing in a puff of smoke. Exist closed his eyes. He knew what Discord really meant saying that, and swallowed the small lump in his throat. “B-b-but will you actually love me? I just wanted to ask you out. Y-you’re so amazing I- just took a long time.” He paused, looking up at his lover with needy eyes, “Can you say it?” Discord blinked albeit stunned. He could feel the radiating devotion within Exist’s heart beaming out and poisoning him with every word. His thoughts circled around the need for insulin. “You are JUST so unbelievably adorable! I can’t stand it!” In one swift motion, he snaked his whole body around the griffequus - his arm reattaching itself. He brought him in close and nearly smothered him in all the love he could give, “I love you I love you I love you I love you” Discord said the phrase over and over ad nauseum. The tone in his voice changing randomly. Exist couldn’t help but laugh. Finally bringing his paws around the draconequus’ neck, he pulled himself into a deep embrace. His laughter competed with Discord’s repetitive words. Discord continued to say the magic phrase, however, seemingly without needing to breathe. The words just continued to spill out like a broken dam. “Hahaha! Okay okay, you can stop now!” Exist said with a huge grin on his face. He looked up to face his lover head on. Discord released him slightly, pushing him gently on his back, and began to wriggle his fingers into the griffequus’ lower tummy. “I love you - tickle tickle - I love you - coochie coo - I love you” He refused to stop. Tickling and teasing him now, his fingers slowly worked up the now laughing and squeaking young griffequus. Happily, he shook his head “no” rhythmically as he brought himself closer and closer to his lover’s face following the wriggling hands. “Aaannnd… I love you, I love you, I love you…” His lips touched the helpless stallion. “Let’s see, how many was that? 45? I know I’ve told Fluttershy that at least 500 times.” He kissed Exist again. “No no, I think I need to say it more now. It’s only fair. That way, it will be undeniable that ‘I love you’ (46) as much as I do, her.” As quickly as the number 46 came up, the number itself came into existence as a pair of floating lights of sorts. A small ringing noise went through the air as the number appeared. Exist slowly calmed down, still giggling, “Y-you don’t have to say it that much. Hehe, I understand.” He brought himself close to the draconequus, and pressed his lips gently against his other. “Thaaat simply will not do!” Having been initiated upon, Discord’s face grew a bit red. “I’ll not be the one to let somepony I care about feel like they aren’t loved enough. Besides, saying ‘I love you’-” He pointed to the number as it flashed. It changed to 47 with a familiar ring. “Isn’t the only way I’m going to show you my love, Existential Panache-!” He gasped, “Panache! Panache… I understand now.” “What? What do you understand, Discord?” The griffequus said smiling. “You told me you love soft things, but I didn’t realize fully why you kept such silly objects like feather dusters, and other questionable items upstairs.” Discord put a finger to his chin, “Yes, I may have been a bit of a nosey draconequus, but you have to understand I was quite intrigued by what you told me… Now I understand you better, I believe.” Discord snapped his fingers again causing something to change. “Hehehe, you’ve made a wonderful choice picking me.” All around the bed, all Exist could see were absurdly large, and fluffy feathers growing out of the edges of the bed. Making an arc, the feathers seemed more concentrated at the corners as an array of colorful tendrils splayed over the two lovers. Despite the feather’s thickness, sunlight easily made its way through to light up the enclosed bed space. “Does this satiate your pteronophilia?” Discord asked as he gently placed himself and Exist on the bed, close to one another. They both lay in the ultra soft blankets and looked up at the tantalizing fluff that swayed in a light breeze. “Perhaps you’re a knismophile? No no… both!” He chuckled as he raised a hand to the air. With one motion of that hand, beckoning at the space in front of him, a feather bent down to greet Exist. The mystified look in his eyes was more than enough to excite the draconequus even further. Without a second thought, Discord grabbed at the fluffy thing and pulled it closer to Exist. The feather was now more of a ridiculous looking pen in his hand. Chuckling, his eyelids lowered onto the needy body now beneath him. The “pen” in his hand now a tool to tease the griffequus with. Exist was eating up all this attention, “I love you.” It was all he could say. Discord brought the feather down and began to stroke the griffequus’ belly slowly and gently. Chuckling as he did this, he didn’t ever lose that charismatic grin on his face, “I love you, too.” Another familiar ring had aired; the number had became 48. “Let me hear that giggle of yours.” The feather was unbelievably tickly having been placed upon the griffequus’ stomach. Slowly, the bristles swished and brushed lightly against the body. Its wiggling, furry tentacles suspiciously spread out and flayed a bit each pass it took at his aching body. Naturally, Exist began to let loose his bubbles of laughter. He fought back the urge to grab at the feather to make it stop, “Nohoho! That tickles! Hahaha!” Squeaking and squealing was all that was left to do, and he did it exceptionally well. “I love you,” 49. “But, something tells me that you like being tickled. I can’t help but get this nagging feeling that this is exciting you beyond your wildest imagination. That’s okay.” Discord brought his mouth close to Exist’s ear, and whispered into it, still tickling, “I’m gonna take you even further beyond.” ... Discord started out slow. He took his time stroking the fiery feather against the griffequus and making sure to squeeze out every giggle he possibly could. He cooed and teased his lover all over with his voice; playfully making fun of his excitement. Before a third feather could come into the mix, Discord made note of the pole that had arisen a few moments after the first feather had appeared. Loosely his lips told Exist that he loved him over and over as he tickled the stallion. “Tell me if it’s too much. I don’t want to break my cute, giggle-boy.” His voice rumbled in the stallion’s ears. In a swift motion, he let go of the feathers in his hands. They flung back into the dome of ticklish sea. Chuckling to himself, he brought his hands, as well as his head, to Exist’s hardened member that had been standing at attention. The stiff soldier was happily awaiting its leader for quite some time now. Occasionally it wiggled and bounced as the griffequus flinched and bucked. “And what do we have here? A loyal soldier it seems. How interesting.” He brought his paw, and began to rub the length with squishy pads. Snickering now, he slowly circled the top of it with a finger. “How does this feel, hmm?” Exist had his head slowly leaned back into the fluffy blankets just below him. His mouth agape, all he could do was breathe and quietly moan. Still, he mustered a bit of his strength to reach down and touch his lover’s paw, letting it ride his length. The sound of his own purring was more than enough to entice his draconequus lover to go further - to clasp the length fully. “Ah!” Exist shivered as something felt a bit off. It felt good, but he wasn’t sure what was going on. Discord just snickered, “I just can’t help myself. I just HAVE to keep your soldier for myself. He’s quite sexy.” Peering over, Exist could feel an unfamiliar draft on his lower body. As his eyes laid upon his naughty bits, he noticed they were in Discord’s hand. He watched as the draconequus twirled them around as though they were a dildo. The back of the dildo was obscured by a strange purple-white swirl of colors. The same colors were faintly seen where his bits had originated from. Wide eyed, Exist spoke up, “H-How did you… I- Um! My soldier!” “Shhh. Don’t ask questions~!” His voice had become sing-song like. “What’s the fun in making sense? Just enjoy the ride.” Before Exist had the chance to properly respond, he watched as Discord brought his member to his long mouth. Something changed again. The stallion couldn’t put his paw on it, but there was more to his naughty bits being detached than was being let on. Slowly, he pulled himself up and tried to walk closer to Discord. However, the moment that thick, strong soldier decided to delve deep into the chaotic cave of madness, Exist felt an overwhelming sensation. All around his cock was this soft, fluttering feeling that stroked and explored every inch of it. He buckled and gasped as the feeling was far too much to let him have even a hair’s breadth of energy. “What are you doing to my soldiAAHH!” His words turned into a squeak like yell as Discord slowly, methodically pulled the member out of his mouth. “Why, I’m having him explore this new cave. You want to know what it’s called?” Joyfully he smiled as a few feathers from the dome snaked their way over to Exist. “I call it… the Funny Cave.” “D-Discord I’m-GONNA HOLYCELESTIAAAAAAHHH!!” Exist screamed as he witnessed his buddy sliding down the aptly named feathered cave. His length was fluffed and teased to an infinite degree. He began to pant and twitch, falling to the floor, as he was subdued. All he could feel was his length gushing and hardening as he finished inside the heavenly fluff. In and out it went, still, making sure every inch was touched by a fluffy assailant. Satisfied, Discord slowly and agonizingly pulled the member out of his mouth. His lips smacked a bit as he tasted the gooey flavor before saying, “Hm. That was more… apple-ly than I thought it would be. Are you related to the apple family by any chance?” There was no way he could respond. All Exist could do was lay on the soft bed panting and twitching in a blissful afterglow. “Ah well, doesn’t matter to me. Hehe, but I think I need to tell you something first.” He bent down, and placed Exist’s happy member back where it was supposed to be. With both of his hands free, he clasped them around the tingly pony and slowly lifted him off the bed. Tenderly, he coddled him closely before giving him a kiss on the lips. Their eyes met and they began to stare into each other. However, the tender moment turned to an array of color as the draconequus’ eyes changed from their red and yellow, to a repeating undulation of purple, green and orange. A voice so soothing to Exist’s ears, he couldn’t help but let it seep into his skin, spoke to him, “I want you to remember this moment forever. Whenever you think of me, that overwhelming sensation you felt just now will wrap you up and cover you from head to hoof.” Reflected in Exist’s eyes was the same undulation of color, but for some reason he continued to smile. Slowly, he brought a paw to Discord’s snout and pressed it gently while saying, “Boop!” Discord just blinked. His eyes turning back to normal he gave the pony a curious look, “You… Heh. You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” “You forgot to say ‘I love you’.” The yellow pony grinned. Immediately, the draconequus laughed. Placing a free hand on his face as he did so, he stopped just as quickly as he started and went back to staring. He walked his fingers up Exist’s chest and stopped when a finger poked his nose, “Of course, of course… I. Love. You.” 50. A triumphant ding rang through the air as the floating number turned to fifty. Upon doing so, a small series of fireworks expulsated from its white center in a congratulatory manner. Discord could only grin as he let the arcs of feathers grab Exist’s extremities. They held onto him tight enough that he couldn’t move, but not so tight that it was uncomfortable or harmful. Slowly, some of the feathers crept up and around his body and began to lightly tickle him in all directions. Eating up the return of the yellow pony’s squeaking and squealing, Discord grinned wider than before. With a low, sultry voice, he spoke to the pony as his body danced around everything, and floated through the air, “We’re only at fifty! How lovely~. And we still have a ton of time together for today. That means… I’ve got some toys I can finally use.” A low snickering and chuckling competed with giggling and laughter as both of the new lovers played together. The day was sure to be full of more smiles and happiness... > Chapter 6: Chain of Events > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning’s sun filled in through the windows of the home.  Sunlight shone through the glass and lightly brushed against the yellow pony’s face.  It couldn’t be any other way! His snout shuffled a bit as his body began to stir. A soft sound of ponies pushing clouds went by as Exist slowly got out of bed. With a yawn, he went off to do his morning routine: shower, brush his teeth, tidy his bedroom, and get breakfast.  Despite the monotony of it, it was an easy way for him to feel more awake in the morning. His eyes laid on the calendar that sat quietly on his stone counter - it read that it was Friday, and a note in huge red letters was exemplified with a huge circle.  The note said: “Ask out Discord”. The pony cocked an eyebrow before remembering how much of a mess he was the last two days.  He completely disregarded the calendar, his memory recalled, along with everything else after his little depressive episode.  While he was, it was an open relationship that was later explained to him.  Exist rolled his eyes at the error he made, and ripped that page with the next one.  It was Sunday today, after all! Exist began to blush, remembering everything that happened yesterday.  He was told that he was loved, so many times by Discord! More than fifty…  The thought made him swoon. Exist started pulling his paws together and pressing them against his chest.  His smile beamed brighter than the sun as he fell into his happy memories like a bed of red velvet. His thoughts swirled and squeezed his heart as Exist ate breakfast. Smiling and blushing, he ate happily in his kitchen.  Still alone though, in his home, he felt that longing again he had been harboring.  It was only a month since he and Care Package broke up, but that feeling of sadness withered away and had been replaced by loneliness.  Loneliness turned to cold, and yet he kept dreaming. Now that Discord returned his feelings, perhaps he could rid himself of that cold.  Of course, it’s something that would’ve gone away on its own, but the feeling still stung. Time heals wounds like that, he's learned. Though, there was something he wanted to do: He wanted to see Discord again. Leaving his house, Exist locked the front door and put his keys away.  The sound of the fresh, fluffy air around him whistled passed his ears as he took to the skies.  His wings soared and flapped as he quickly brought himself over to a familiar field. With how close Ponyville and Cloudsdale were, he had no trouble flying himself to Fluttershy’s cottage.  The grassy fields in front of her home were what he saw first just passed the sprawling Everfree Forest. He smiled happily as the sun beamed on his back.  Just like any other day, the sun was always a welcome source of warmth. Quietly, his paws and hooves touched the path just in front of her home and his wings furled closed.  With a spring in his step, he easily brought himself up to the mare’s homely front door and gave it a good knock. A humble yellow pony, with a pink mane and sparkling summer blue eyes, answered the door.  “H-hello?”  She stared at the stallion for just a moment before a distant memory shot back to her.  “Oh! You’re Existe..nt Panache, right? Hehe, I almost didn’t recognize you. I’m sorry.” Exist blinked, feeling a sense of deja vu awash over his body as he questioned her, “Wait, what do you mean you don’t recognize me?  You were… just at my house yesterday.” She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment as a hoof went to her chin.  A few thoughts went by in her mind before she answered, “Mmm… I’m sorry, I don’t remember going to your home.  Yesterday, all I did was help the ducks nest their eggs at the local pond.” Her smile was innocent as Exist shook his head in disbelief, “I-wait.  So, was I just dreaming? Erm… Hold on.” He put a paw to his temple as he tried to contemplate his sanity, “No, no, yesterday you and Discord came to my house after I tried to ask Discord out.” “You want to go out with Discord?”  She beamed a smile, her eyes sparkling in the sun, “That’s wonderful!  Um, but you should know that-” “You’re in an open relationship, right?”  Exist finished her sentence. “Y-Yes.  Erm, yes…  You said it better than I would’ve.”  Fluttershy shuffled a hoof into the ground with a sheepish blush, “H-How did you know?” “B-Because you and him told me!”  Exist’s eyes widened, unable to comprehend what was going on.  “W-Where is he anyway? Surely, he’d remember.” “Oh, well, hmm…  ...Don’t you want to come in first?  U-u-um, if you want.” She pulled back, letting the door open wider for Exist. Exist sighed, thoughts attempted to reconcile his feelings, as he followed her inside, “Was I just dreaming…?  H-He said he loved me…” “I’m sure he did.”  She tried to cheer him up, “I think he’s just pulling a little prank is all, heehee.  ...Erm, but he’s not here today. He usually comes in for tea on Tuesdays. Erm, today is Friday, I think.  I’m sorry.” Exist closed his eyes as he sat at a familiar table.  Everything was familiar, but not in the usual sense. He felt like he had done this before, like he was a ghost flying through memories of the past.  Except, these memories were real and he could change anything he wanted.  He sighed again. “Is there a way I can find him?”  Exist said, slumping his muzzle into his paws. “Hmmm…”  Fluttershy’s eyes looked up into her thoughts as she poured Exist a teacup of hot leafy liquid.  “Well, I know that he usually comes around if I’m in trouble. Heehee, you wouldn’t think it but he’s actually a huge softy.  ...Um but I’m not sure if I can get him.” “Wait a minute.”  Exist looked up at Fluttershy with a glint in his eyes, “If today is Friday, and tomorrow is Saturday…  How did you get him to come to my house?” “Huh?”  Fluttershy took a sip of her tea after giving it a light blow of air. “W-Well, if I remember correctly, today I ran out of your home feeling really sad because I didn’t hear the part about you and him being open, and then I went home and...er, was sad.”  He blushed, knowing how desperate he was, “Then, the next day he showed up at my house without you. W-Well, I mean, he was you.  I think he was trying to understand me better and used your image to approach me with my guard down.” “Hm.  That does sound like something he would do.  I have to agree.” She chuckled, “But… I’m not sure what I would do to be honest.  Maybe he just knew?” Exist cocked an eyebrow, “Huh?” “Well, he’s… weird.  Haha, I know that sounds mean, but it’s not!  It’s just how he is, and that’s fine.” Fluttershy giggled, “He is the Lord of Chaos, right?  So maybe… he already knew, after you left?” “I...um...er…  that doesn’t make any sense.”  His face scrunched up, confused. Fluttershy giggled, “What fun is there in making sense?” Exist put a paw to his chin, “I suppose there isn’t any.  Well, more like there’s fun if you look for it, but naturally things that make sense aren’t inherently fun--” The yellow mare rolled her eyes and cut off the griffequus, “Come on, surely you would have a more interesting answer than that.” “W-What do you mean?”  Exist furrowed his brows, worriedly, “I thought that-” Before Exist could finish his sentence, a powerful sensation filled about the room.  Everything around him began to smear and unfocus as his body seemed to float on top of everything.  Colors and shades fizzled away as Exist was plunged into darkness for a few moments. However, almost as quickly as the darkness shaded his view, a familiar light was brought into his eyes.  Painted color was brought back into his life and his body was put into place in front of Fluttershy’s house. The familiar cottage front door stood in front of him once more as he could barely make any moves.  Fear and confusion filled his mind as he tried to understand what was going on. Fortunately, there wasn’t much time to get a headache as the door opened to reveal Fluttershy once more. “H-hello?”  She stared at the stallion for just a moment before a distant memory shot back to her.  “Oh! You’re Existential Panache, right? Hehe, I almost didn’t recognize you. I’m sorry.” “I...What…”  Exist looked around, “What’s going on?  How did I get here?” She blinked with a genuinely curious look, “Huh?  What do you mean?” “You...we… I…”  Exist pulled back, shaking his head.  “...Is Discord here?” “Hmm…  nope. He’s not here today.  He usually comes in on Tuesdays for tea.”  She smiled, “Why? Did he pull a prank on you?” “I…  I’m not sure.”  Exist sat against the ground and held his head with a paw, “I just… wanted to ask him out.” “Oh really?  That’s wonderful!”  Her eyes lit up just as they did before, “I’m sure he’d be happy to hear that!” “A-Are you positive?  I don’t know if I’ll ever get to talk to him face to face at this point.”  He looked down with a huff, completely bewildered. “Maybe you just have to say the right thing.”  Fluttershy smiled and pet her hoof against Exist’s mane. “What makes you say that…?”  He didn’t dare look up at Fluttershy. “Just a feeling.”  Fluttershy chuckled. However, as she finished her chuckle, a similar power filled the area around Exist again.  Smearing colors swept him off the ground as he was put back into place once more. Colors and smears undulated back into place, and he was put at the front of the home once more. Somewhat aggravated, he knocked on the door with a bit more vitriol.  Quickly, the doors swung open and revealed somepony on the other side.  As Exist’s eyes trailed over the body, they couldn’t help but look up at the tall figure that answered the door. “Hello there, handsome.  What can I help you with?”  Discord smiled as he floated off the ground and leaned his head down to Exist’s height. Exist’s cheeks puffed up as his face blushed red, “What’s going on!?  Why is everything all weird, and-and the day keeps resetting and--” Discord stopped his complaints with a kiss.  Swiftly and decisively their lips pressed together as his hands grabbed around the pony’s body; lifting him off the ground. Their lips parted as Exist shook his head, “You remember…?!” “Hahaha, of course I do!”  He smiled in that mischievous way.  “But, you need to say the magic phrase!  I couldn’t have made it any more obvious.” “Uh…”  A blush filled his face as he searched for an answer.  “I-I I...love you?” A little blush quickly passed over the draconequus’ face as he lightly fell back.  He feigned embarrassment as he chuckled and whined, “You mean it, truly? You love me?” “Well, of course I do.”  His legs splayed around the draconequus’s neck as he was now laying on top.  “Why would you think anything else?” “Oh well, you know how ponies are.”  Discord snapped his fingers which caused the sun and moon in the sky to cycle around.  “They have one night of fun, and then want nothing to do with you afterwards. Honestly, it’s quite insulting.  They could’ve had the decency to tell it to my face!” The sun slowly went back into place; Exist presumed the days were being put back where they should be.  The sun flickered between night and day. The moon showing for only short moments before settling beneath the horizon.  Long shadows turned back to late morning sunlit shades as Exist was pulled inside Fluttershy’s home. Discord smiled while he pulled out some magazines and teacups from thin air. “I thought I was your first?”  The yellow stallion said, carefully hopping onto the ground.  “Other than Fluttershy, of course.” “You’re my first stallion, Existypie.”  Discord said, sipping the porcelain teacup…?  The teacup disappeared, leaving the tea to float in place with tea bag sitting in the cylindrical tea.  “I’ve played with plenty of mares, but they do that thing where they pretend they don’t know you and just stop talking to you altogether.” “So they just ghosted you.”  Exist explained, “They left without telling you anything, you can’t find them anywhere, and even if you did - they pretend to not know you.” “That’s it!  Yes, precisely!”  A lion’s paw booped Exist’s nose, “I suppose you know a thing or two about that, then?  Hehehe.” Exist cutely scrunched his snout as he took one of the floating cups of tea, “Y-you could say that.  Haha… ha.” “What’s that face mean?”  Lightly, a mismatched paw teased under the yellow pony’s head with a light scratch, just as he swallowed, and turned him carefully towards Discord’s face, “If there is something wrong, I’d like you to tell me about it.  That’s what Fluttershy likes to do-” The front door gently opened as a familiar yellow mare came in with a bucket clutched by her teeth.  The sound of scurrying animals pitter-pattered through the home. Next to her, a small white bunny followed nearby.  Immediately, the bunny quickly hopped over to the couch just parallel to the left wall, and took a seat. Not before sticking its tongue at the coltfriends though. “Oh!”  Fluttershy gently placed the bucket down and made a tired huff before saying, “Hello everypony!  Um… is it just me, or did the sky flicker on and off just now?” “I didn’t see anything.”  Discord smiled, worming his way through the air to greet the yellow mare.  “Did you see anything, Existy?” “U-uh…  Nope.” Sheepishly, he smiled and took another sip of tea.  “This is great tea by the way, really...tasty!” An eyebrow raised at the both of them as Fluttershy trotted over to the floating gaggle of tea cups before giving her famously warm smile, “Well, anyway, it’s nice to see you again.” “And it’s nice to see you too.”  Discord had been following his marefriend around the house.  His body length extended in order to keep up while keeping his tail and lower body around the same spot near Exist.  Discord’s eyes wandered around the house, noting the different animals that scurried out to get their lunch. “Honestly, though, do you have to see your animals every single day?  It just seems so boring and unnecessary.” Exist carefully trotted over to the white bunny, while the two were having a little discussion, that sat impatiently on the couch.  Curiously, the yellow stallion couldn’t help but look him over and reach out to pet the bunnies’ little soft head. However, as his paw got close, the bunny just turned away childishly, and crossed his arms. “Aww, cute lil’ guy.”  Exist chuckled, getting the attention of the other two parties. “I was getting our animal friends some lunch so--  Oh, right! Angel’s lunch.” The shy mare quickly went over to the kitchen and began to put something together.  “Sorry Angel, it’ll be right out!” “Angel?”  Exist rhetorically asked while cocking an eyebrow at the white bunny. “Nastly little thing, that one.”  Discord said, popping his head from underneath his coltfriend.  Defiantly, the draconequus lightly flicked at the bunny’s ears and continued, “He doesn’t know how good he has it here.” Angel angrily stuck his tongue out at the both of them while placing a paw on his arm near his shoulder.  Decisively, the bunny’s other arm went up into the sky causing Exist to flinch. “Hey!  That’s rude!”  Exist objected, pursing his lips. Calling from the kitchen, Fluttershy chimed in with her soft voice, “Play nice, Angel!  It’s almost ready.” “Yes, Angel, play nice.  You wouldn’t want to upset anypony, lest you go hungry today.”  Discord teased as his body slid from under Exist and pulled up to meet the spoiled bunny rabbit. The bunny seemed to shake its fist angrily at the draconequus, and made quiet squeaks in protest at Discord’s teasing.  An amused huff escaped Exist’s nostrils as he gave the riled up bunny a smile. Taking his tea cup and putting it back into the floating space around the home, Exist chuckled and trotted over to the floating kettle, “Maybe you shouldn’t tease him too much.  He might blow a fuse. Haha.” “A fuse you say?  Now that would be interesting.”  The draconequus’ body quickly slunk back into its normal size with a faint accordion-like accompaniment.  He sighed, “But, I’m going to respect Fluttershy’s wishes, and leave the poor bunny alone.” Now with a renewed cup of tea, Exist took another sip before adding, “Hehe.  So, uh, do you usually hang out here?” “Where else would I ‘hang out’.”  Discord quoted with his fingers. He took one of the extra tea cups and held it upside-down.  The tea did not disturb, and he was free to speak as he drank the china, “To answer your question, I propose another question: Where else would I hang out?” “Haha.  I guess nowhere else, if you don’t have anypony else to hang out with.”  Exist chuckled. “To be honest, I don’t go to many places, willingly.” “That’s such a shame.  The world is such a vast and wonderful place to explore!  …” Discord put his hand out whimsically for just a moment before rolling his eyes and pulling it back, “...is what I would say, if I were a huge sap.  You’re really not missing much. Just lots of… trees, and… monsters…” His gestures were a bit exaggerated as the tea sloshed around in the cup, falling upwards as it fell out. Exist flinched, “Monsters?  Oh boy…” “Are you scared of monsters, little pony?”  Discord’s eyes lit up. “Mmm, not so much scared as I am apprehensive.”  The yellow stallion stuck his tongue out at the draconequus, “It’s natural for me to be fearful for my life but--” “What are you scared of then?”  Discord rested his paws beneath his snout as a free hand stroked his chin.  He looked rather intrigued with the pony’s unknown weaknesses. “Spiders? Sharks?  Needles?” As he listed them, his fingers temporarily transformed into each fear. “What, you don’t already know everything about me?”  Exist cocked an eyebrow. “Pff, what’s that mean?  I’m not omnipresent, Exist.”  A normalized hand stroked Exist’s mane, making him purr as Discord continued, “Sure I can snoop around really well, but I don’t know everything.  Where’s the fun in that?  ...So tell me your secret fears, little pony.” “Hm.  Well, if you wanna know…”  Exist coyly put a paw to his chin and said, “Hmm.  I guess I could tell you, if you do me a liiiittle favor.” Discord scoffed, “You want to make a deal with moi?  Please.”  He crossed his arms and looked away.  However, after a few moments of inner deliberation, he relented, “Fine!  Fine. What are your… demands?” “Hah.  I just want you to take me out on a date.  That’s all. Maybe around Ponyville. I haven’t been there in a while.”  Exist smiled as he looked up at the draconequus. “I’m sure you could handle that.” “Hrm.  How dull.  I was hoping you would demand something a bit more exciting.”  Discord pursed his lips, patting Exist’s head. “I suppose I could take you on a normal date.” “A normal date?!”  Fluttershy squeaked as she quickly brought over Angel’s lunch to the impatient bunny.  “That sounds soooo cute!” “Yeah, I guess.”  Discord crossed his arms, trying to hide a little blush. “You said… that you loved me.  So, isn’t this something that lovers do?”  Exist stuck out his tongue playfully. Discord’s eyes widened for a quick second, “Well, yes, I suppose so.  I, I mean, don’t ponies usually say that when they get naughty with each other?” “Mmhmm!”  Exist hopped up into the air, letting his tea cup float alone, and had his wings push him into a warm embrace with the draconequus, “If we’re together, it’ll be fun, I think.” “Ack.  My heart!”  Discord tried to pull back as his chest began to glow pink for only a moment, “You’re too adorable!  This is simply too much to handle.” He feigned fainting. There was a soft chuckle from the yellow mare, “Discord…  At least give it a try. Hehe, there’s plenty to do, I think.” “Hrm.”  Discord pulled himself back up from his fake emotion and looked down at the embracing yellow stallion.  He relented, “I suppose I’ll give it a shot.” “Yay!”  Exist hugged tighter making Fluttershy smile warmly. The draconequus’ body slithered around Exist’s body, and coiled until the yellow pony couldn’t go anywhere.  Lifting one finger and pressing it into the pony’s nose in a cute manner, Discord smirked and said, “But first you have to hold up your end of the deal~” Exist’s paws clasped around his lover’s muzzle and pulled in for a kiss before answering, “I’m afraaaid… of being alone.”  He smiled. As the pegasus spoke, a second pair of arms and hands had been writing down notes just behind the draconequus’ head.  Smiling devilishly, Discord stared into Exist and said, “Duly noted. I’ll make sure you’re never alone, then.  Heh heh heh.” Exist giggled softly with a small blush appearing on his face.  His body softly fell to the wooden floor as the snake-like draconoquus vessel relented from its grasp.  With a smile, he pressed his paws and hooves against the ground and stood up - staring back at Discord the entire time. “See you later, Fluttershy.”  The draconequus chuckled upon snapping his fingers. A familiar sound pulsed through the air the moment Discord’s fingers snapped.  A bright light encapsulated both coltfriends and made them disappear. Fluttershy’s mouth was open to say something but quickly shut as they left. She sighed, her eyes laid on her pet bunny as it continued to eat.  Smiling warmly, she shook her head and went back to the kitchen to pre-emptively make lunch for herself and a 2nd helping for Angel. > Chapter 7: Is This What You Call A Date?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being brought to another place in the blink of an eye illicit confusion and a mystified expression to Exist’s face.  The sights and sounds of Fluttershy’s collage flashed white, and were immediately replaced with the smell of the outdoors and the loose scent of dying leaves mixed with baked goods.  Right behind the smells was the sight of Ponyville itself. A humble town, from Exist's perspective, that sported many ponies living in old cottages. The aesthetic of the town reminded him of old story books from when he were younger, but somehow it didn't distract from the charm and appreciation he had for it. The buildings were mostly stone and wood covered with hay roofs while the roads were dirt and cobble. Standing on top of firmly pat dirt, signs of the humble livings of Ponyville’s citizens revealed to Exist in an array of shades and colors.  The ponies trotting about their day, not noticing the sudden appearance of Discord and himself for now. It was a wonder, really, how they were able to keep this town from seceding to the whims of everyday weather. ...Then they noticed.  One by one, their heads turned after hearing the flashing noise pulse through the air.  Eyes shimmered in the cool air as they watched the draconequus stretch and yawn; floating near Exist as they began to make their way through town.  As ponies noticed it was the draconequus himself, they flinched and made sure to move out of the way. Looks of worry were drawn to the sight of the unruly lord of chaos. “So, what sorts of places are your favorite around here?”  Exist asked, ignoring the apprehension in the air. Discord rolled his eyes as he looked away from the parting crowd, and down at the cute pony nearby, “There’s nothing particular here that interests me.  However, I happen to indulge in a lot of… Tea and Cake related stores.” He side eyed for a moment before finishing his thought, “...Fortunately, I have many ins on free sweets and imported tea.” “I see I see.”  Exist giggled, walking a bit more in front, “I guess you don’t like going places without Fluttershy.” He narrowed his eyes and replied, “What makes you say that?  I go to plenty of places! Why, there’s places that even a pony like you wouldn’t even begin to comprehend-” “Then, can you recommend me a restaurant, Discord?”  Exist stuck his tongue out playfully. Discord pressed a paw against his chest and confidently spoke, “Well of course I ca--” A loud, mare-ish gasp cut through the air.  Both Discord and Exist stopped short as their eyes shot to the front of them.  Carefully, their eyes laid upon a familiar pony in pink. Her eyes seemed to glisten in the sunlight as she stared at the both of them in wonder. A wide smile crept on her face as she happily gasped, “Discord!!  You made a new friend?!” “Oh good, hello there Pinkie Pie.  Yes… I’ve made a new friend.” Discord smiled sheepishly, wishing that any other pony had noticed them.  “This is Existykins.” “You can just call me Exist.”  He laughed, unsure of what to think of the excited mare.  “And we’re on a date, actually, so-” “So if you don’t mind, we’ll just be-”  Discord started to sweep Exist and himself away from the mare, “going now--” The mare didn’t miss a beat and immediately turned tail to keep up with them. Her smile was somewhat contagious as she trot happily beside them, “You’re coltfriends?  That’s so...AMAZING! How long have you two been together?” “This is our first date, actually.”  Exist nervously answered, feeling unease between the both himself and Discord.  “So, if you don’t min--” “Wait.  If it’s your first date… then you gotta do something special!  ...Oh! I know what to do.”  She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Exist who happily took it in a paw.  After putting the card away, she gleefully spoke up, “What you need is some sweets! You should come down to Sugar Cube Corner later! Heehee!” With that, the mare zipped out of view; much to the relief of both coltfriends.  There was a loud sigh between the both of them. However, it was so loud, they both looked at each other as it occurred.  Eyebrows furrowed as they analyzed each other’s reaction to the pony just now. “Why are you sighing?”  Discord asked, putting his hands on his hips and leaning down. “I could ask you the same thing…”  Exist pursed his lips for a second before continuing down the road, “I was just hoping she wasn’t about to make more of a spectacle outta me, or anything.” “Hahahaha.  I’m just glad she didn’t burst out into song or something.”  Discord chuckled, mimicking a stage performance with his arms, “For you see, my dear Existy, our love is private and I will not let any unsavory musical numbers ruin our moods.”  He said, with many eyes still staring at both of them. However, this didn’t go unnoticed as he pulled out a megaphone from behind himself and spoke into it, “Everypony! Stop looking at us!  We’re on our first date! For you see, I looove him,” Discord’s free hand pointed to the flustered pony, “-and we’re trying to have a good time.  Your staring is RUINING mine and Existykins’ mood, so knock it off!” As Discord’s words echoed through the town, Exist’s face grew an unyielding blush that turned beat red as he noticed more ponies looking in their general direction. Some smiled, confused, while others cowered in fear.  He clenched his teeth and covered his face as he wished they were somewhere else. “S-Stop!  You’re embarrassing me!”  Exist whined from below. “What’s that, dear?  You’re embarrassed? Well, of course you are…”  He raised the megaphone again, “Everypony is STILL STARING---” With a frustrated yell, Exist’s legs pushed off the ground as he looked up at the device Discord was using.  His paws raised up as his body took to the air, and in one quick motion his body replaced the space the megaphone took and now sat in Discord’s open paw.  The device flew out of Discord’s grasp and into the griffequus’ paws. Quickly he flipped it around, and spoke into it, “Shush!” “W-Wha-”  Discord pulled back a bit, surprised at the nerve Exist had. Exist pushed himself into a kiss and planted his lips against Discord’s.  Despite the surprise Discord had on his eyes, the motion was reciprocated as he held Exist in his hands.  The warmth of his hands calmed the griffequus while the feeling of his body made Discord experience a different kind of heat than what he was used too.  It was like Exist was a raging bonfire compared to Fluttershy’s homely fireplace. The swirling flames pushed them together and fueled each other’s hearts. The megaphone fell to the ground, and exploded into particles of sparkles and glitter.  The many colors shimmered in the sunlight as the town’s ponies continued about their day, slowly dispersing from their gawking.  None really knew what to make of the couple as their faces were confused; unwilling to put the effort to reach out and understand. Exist was released from the kiss as they smiled at each other.  He was the first to speak, “You’re gonna have to try harder than that to get rid of me.” “You don’t miss anything, do you?”  Discord snickered, staring straight through the pony.  “Although, are you challenging me?” “No, silly.”  Exist said, “...But, don’t you believe me when I say I love you?” “What makes you say that?”  Their eyes met as a knowing look between the two of them told the draconequus all he needed to know.  He sighed, “...No, not yet.” Discord huffed as he snapped his fingers - making them teleport out of the middle of town. Suddenly, they were on a cloud just above the edge of Ponyville. Carefully, he placed Exist onto the exceptionally fluffy white puff.  “I still have a few things I want to understand, is all it is. I love you, and I can say that because you show a great interest in me as who I am -- (I absolutely love that you would basically worship the ground I walk on by the way, but don’t ask how I know that) -- but...erm,... errrghhh...” “Well, what’s stopping you from believing me?”  Exist asked as Discord slumped his body against the cloud, and draped his arms over the side. “Do you really have to make me come out and say it?”  The draconequus groaned, putting a hand over his eyes.  “I’m not good with this… touchy feely stuff.” Exist giggled, plopping himself next to the big lug, “I beg to differ.” “I meant with relationships and-and that lovey dovey stuff.”  He twirled a hand as little hearts appeared and disappeared into the air.  “Like, dates and knowing how to address your lover’s...erm, issues and…  communicating your own issues.” “Hmm.”  Exist rolled over and papped his paw against the draconequus cheek.  “I thought you were doing alright. You’re being yourself, and that’s all I could really ask for.” “Then why…”  Discord’s voice muttered to a quiet null of sound. “Why do I love you?”  Exist pressed a paw against his chin as he slid himself underneath the draconequus head.  He pawed at the white tuft of beard as he said, “Well, it’s not really a complicated thing.  I find you attractive, but I also like you.  Maybe I don’t know everything I should about you, but what I’ve come to know about you thus far has been mostly positive.  I tend to over analyze things sometimes, but… well, y-you know, that tends to happen when you work at a mental hospital and have to know how to deal with many situations.” “You did come back…”  A paw reached over and pet the pony’s soft mane.  “Nopony ever comes back after a night of fun.” “Why wouldn’t I have---”  A sudden realization flooded over Exist as his memories of his past encounters polled his mind, “Oh.  Oh my Celestia, I think I understand now.” “What?  What did you figure out?”  A slight panic overcame the big noodle-like draconequus as he cradled the griffequus in his hands just over the edge of the cloud. “Weeeelll…”  Exist’s eyes coyly looked up and around his lover’s mug.  “After a bit of thinking, I thiiink- You don’t believe you are capable of being loved, so by default you don’t believe anypony actually loves you.” Complete disbelief flushed over Discord’s face.  A dumbfounded look of surprise was plastered on his face.  However, the plastic slowly melted into a calm confusion before resting at a knowing coy smile.  All in the span of a few seconds, Discord passed every stage of denial before leaning in close to his coltfriend. "D-Did I say something wro---!!" He opened his hands slowly, forcing Exist to grab at his thumbs with frantic paws.  Wide eyes and an open mouth followed the draconequus’ head as he squeaked, “W-Wait, Discord, I’m gonna fall!” “Thank you for reminding me.”  A strange dotted line slowly filled the outer edge of Exist’s wings, from his perspective anyway, and made them disappear - as if they were never there.  “Now, this is MUCH more fun.” “W-What?!”  Exist struggled to hold onto the hooked fingers.  He pleaded, “G-Gimmie my wings back! Please! I don’t wanna faaall...” “Whine all you want, you’re only making this… more fun.”  His grin widened. The moment he finished his sentence, a pair of arms instantly extended out from the cloud and reached for the helpless cat-pony.  Their fingers looked like white feathers in the air as they wriggled and teased as they made their way for the pony’s soft sides. On impact, Exist immediately burst into laughter as the cloudy hands spidered and spindled their way around his body.  They were like the clouds he was used too, but somehow were a more focused, unbearably soft version at each finger. It reminded him of the feeling of soft feathers against his body, but slightly different and more baked in. Discord snickered as the pony could barely hang on.  After a few moments, he gave the pony a brief reprieve as he leaned in close, “I want to play a little game, what do you say?” “F-Fine.  Urgh, hehehe.”  The cat-pony’s face had become a beet-red blush. “Oh how lovely.  One of my favorite little pony-wonines gets to play one of my games.  Ok.” A third arm and hand appeared from beneath Discord and stroked his beard, “Here’s the rules:  I’m going to tell you some things about me, and you’re going to guess if I’m lying or not. You know what will happen if you get it wrong.” Exist whined and nodded, unable to really refuse given the circumstances.  He closed his eyes and bit his lip, unsure if he were feeling pleasure or fear in this moment.  His mind was cluttered with fuzzy feelings and thoughts of doubt in his decisions, but was immediately interrupted by the draconequus’ soothingly unsettling voice. “I’ll start with an easy one, my dear pony.  ...I’ve been alive for thousands of years as the ruling Lord of Chaos before being turned to stone for another arduous thousand.”  Discord smiled, peering into the pony’s closed eyes. “T-True.  It’s true.”  Exist huffed. Quickly, a kiss was planted on the pony’s cheek before the draconequus continued, “Correct.  Alright then… My humble abode is neither in Equestria or outside Equestria, it’s in the recesses of the between - or more specifically - L-2-M-A-R dash Q, apostrophe.” “True?”  Exist opened one eye and peered up, only to see Discord’s face lower and contort into a dark and sinister grin. “Wrong!  While my home is in L-2-M-A-R dash Q, apostrophe, and you’re free to visit anytime, and in the recesses of the interdimensional rift, it most definitely is outside Equestria.  I thought you would have picked up on that, Existykins.”  He snickered as he wiggled his arms a bit causing Exist to falter and grab on tighter.  The clouded, white-feathery hands reached out again and started to work on Exist’s body, “The noises you make are so adorable, by the way. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of them.” “Aahh!  Stahahap!  I-I’m gonna faahahahall!”  The cat-pony groaned and moaned in vain as his grip grew weaker and weaker. After a few moments of torment, the hands relented but hovered around Exist’s body continuing to wriggle their fingers hungrily.  Discord kept his plastered grin on his face and looked down over his lover’s body, “Oh, right, I forgot you enjoy this kind of thing.  My mistake~. Well, anyway, next prompt!” The draconequus’ arms stayed in place as his body detached from them at the shoulder.  Playful chains lazily wrapped over his free arms, tightening against the cloud, as the now arm-less Discord floated around the helpless pony.  As though he had arms within his body in wait, a new pair of arms pushed out from the holes that were left. He snickered as he peered down at his own hand, which held a snapping position, and said, “Fluttershy is my best friend, and marefriend, but she loves animals more than me.” “That’s not… a-about you!”  Exist struggled to hold on. “And… that’s not - a true or false statement.  She can’t love animals the same way as she loves y-y-you--Oh gosh! Ok. I’m ok.” Exist’s response made the draconequus let out air as he relented the prompt.  It seemed he would have to do a little more to catch the pony off guard, despite it being infeasible to have all the correct answers.  However, there was no way the pony could have prepared for what the draconequus had in store next. Discord looked up from beneath Exist’s hanging body and could only chuckle as he flicked a few of his fingers at the pony’s loose hind hooves.  Wheels were turning in his mind as the pony squeaked and kicked a bit trying to keep his grip. However, just as Discord pulled away his hands, he returned with something else: a puffy, greyish feather duster. “Don’t faaall~”  Discord teased as he brushed the duster at Exist’s hooves.  As he spoke, he teased at the pony with every syllable, “Now let’s see here…  I wonder if you could guess - Am I, myself, ticklish?” “G-Guhuhuh.  I-I don’t know!”  Exist’s face couldn’t be any redder at this point.  His lower extremities swayed a bit, now stiffening and pointing towards the soft, puffy cloud he wished he could rest on. Discord swirled around the pony’s body while dusting along the way before stopping the feathered brush just under the pony’s chin.  He slowly brushed it as he spoke, “Just guess! The worse thing that could happen is you’ll fall.  Hehehe.  Or be tormented forever by all of this feathery panache. ...And I'm not sorry for the punny wunny honey bunny.” “N-nyeheheh!”  It was impossible to keep a straight face, stuck between a giggle and a fearful smile.  He made his guess, “Y-You’re ticklish! Y-Yes!” Discord chuckled with a deeper voice, and brought the duster down lower.  It started just at the base of Exist’s lower private area and slowly swiped back and forward.  They caressed against the sensitive flesh like they were searching for something. Quickly, a familiar pole poked out from Exist's lower body. Without even a moment’s hesitation, the draconequus brought the bundle of feathers to the underside of the shaft and carefully began to stroke them in a rythmic fashion. “Aaah!  S-Stop! Mmmnnn…”  The pony’s eyes crossed as he bit his lip.  His legs couldn’t hide the raging member that was now being dusted. Discord snickered, “You’re an incredibly dusty pony, little Existy, so it would be a disservice to us both if I stopped now.  Besides, do you want it to stop?” “Mmmg!  I-I...ooh...I don’t want to f-f-fall.”  The more his body swung around, the harder it was to ignore the insatiably tickly feeling of the feathers. He took the feather duster away, making Exist whine sharply, and said, “That’s not what I asked.  Do you want me to tickle you with these feathers?” “Y-Yes!  J-just not like thiiis!”  Exist’s face scrunched as he felt an unyielding need for the feather duster to touch his most private areas. “Oh so you want me to tickle you elsewhere.  I see I see.” Discord brought the duster to the pony’s armpits.  “I suppose your armpits could use a little dusting, although that pole of yours looks quite needy.” “N-Nohohoho!  Not there!” Exist begged, “G-Go bahahack!” Discord snickered, “I thought you were a smart pony - figuring me out so easily - so, wouldn’t you tell me more…  specifically where this duster should go, hmm?” The feathers caressed under the pony’s chin and around his neck teasingly.  Exist could hardly keep still as he answered, “J-Just - t-tickle me down there!  A-Ahahah-! All over m-my naughty bits!” “How lewd!”  He feigned a prudish attitude, “I find this QUITE inappropriate for somepony like me.”  He paused for a moment, relishing in the torment Exist was being put through.  He brought back a devilish smile from the depths of hell and said, “I suppose I have to do what I must.” With that said, Discord conjured up a second feather duster from thin air.  Slowly, the dusters began to twirl and sway towards the pony’s ‘naughty bits’.  The feathers caused a rush of emotions the moment they touched the shaft. They drilled into the nerves and forced out quite loud moaning from the yellow stallion.  Swishing their soft tendrils all around the sensitive skin, Exist felt himself quickly get close to the promised land as he giggled any thoughts of holding onto the hands away. Just before Exist could fall though, Discord placed a free hand beneath Exist’s chin which subsequently floated his body in place.  The dusters seemed to magically be controlled now as Discord focused his eyes into the yellow pony’s, and began to make them swirl with color. A coy look grew on his face as he said, “I’m going to try this again. I hope you don't mind -  ...Whenever you think of me, I want you to remember this moment. How you’re feeling, the feathers, everything.  I want you to give into your obsessions, and do whatever you can to satiate them.” While Exist’s eyes did reflect the undulating, hypnotic colors Discord had been projecting, he puckered his lips and pushed his head in for a kiss.  “I-I l-l-love you-- Ahn!” A spray of white love escaped Exist’s erupting volcano down below. The colors ceased as the draconequus could only smile, “Urgh, you’re a tough one…  I was so close this time.” He returned the kiss. The colors faded from Exist’s eyes as he dreamily continued to stare at Discord, “Huh?  What do you mean--” Discord’s finger pulled back, and in doing so released Exist from being held up.  The pony fell through the air like a rock, shrieking all the way down. His mouth agape with noise, his body fell from where the cloud used to be and toward the ground.  Eyes closed, he couldn’t believe Discord was actually letting him fall. He tried to scream but his yells were met without reply. > Chapter 8: Wouldn't It Be Funny If...? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just as suddenly as he fell, though, his body was caught by something soft and cushy.  No longer feeling the fluttering feeling within his tummy, he slowly opened his eyes. The sight of a pasture was what he could see.  However, there was something wrong with it - it was all blue and feathery!  How could this be? Immediately he put a paw down on the ground to feel the soft textures between his beans. An array of bubbly laughter was easily stifled as he pulled back his paw.  However, something caught his attention. Well, it was more he felt something different.  His body seemed larger somehow.  Longer? He looked down. Beneath him he had lengthened his body.  He was now more reminiscent of the draconequus he had been fawning over these past few days.  The thought of wondering where that draconequus had gone to was instantly snuffed out like a candle’s light.  Where he was now didn’t matter. Now, it’s time to spread his ticklish wings out and fly. The world needed to be happy. To laugh and to smile was what he wrought and everypony should experience it! His body, longer than normal, seemed to be his regular coloration but mixed with the deeper yellows that his paws usually donned.  His tail, now a long and velvety in texture, swished in the air with a huge array of feathers at the end. Following up his tail, his body seemed to be the normal pony fluffy texture but his wings had become more than three times as large.  They flared out and flapped a bit as they effortlessly brought him off the ground. There seemed to be a pink, feathered cape hanging out the back of his neck while a crown sat upon his head.  Taking the crown in his paw, he examined it - noting the feathered adornments to it as well as the gold and pink panache at the top.  For some reason, he smiled. A faint memory pulled into his mind like a murky reflection in a lake, and reminded him of the huge feather duster he needs to have.  He snapped his fingers, grinning wildly now, and procuring the item he so desired.  However, it wasn’t just any feather duster. It was extremely large, the feathers billowing over and puffing about.  It was larger than his torso, and large enough to encase an entire pony if he so desired. The thought of somepony squirming and laughing in his feathery grasp made him laugh out loud. Aimlessly he flew through the air as his noodle-like body effortlessly slid through over and around the changing winds of Equestria.  No questions came to his mind as he searched for his first target. There wasn’t any need to think about anything else. Nothing else but the need to tickle and be tickled.  That’ll make everypony happy! It’ll make himself happy. Everypony will love him for it, since they’ll be laughing and giggling for the rest of their lives. Tickled. Forever. Passing over and around trees made of decadent green feathers and peacock eyes shimmering off the branches of bushes, he laughed.  Purposefully letting the ticklish world around him tease him was what drove him further. It was only a few minutes before he found his first victim: A pony named Soarin.  This pony was a light blue pegasus with a wonderfully soft dark blue mane and tail.  A member of the Wonderbolts, Exist couldn’t help but chuckle as he grabbed the meaty little hooves. “N-N-No!  He found me!  Heelp! I-I-I’m not ticklish, I swear!  Nooo!” The pony squirmed in his grasp. Exist snickered as his crazily mismatched eyes peered down at the adorable stallion, “No?  You mean, yes.  Since you’re sooo upset, let me turn that frown upside down!” Immediately he pinned the pony down with a sudden growth of feathery, fluffy plant-like tentacles that grew out of the red velvety ground.  With a sneer, he brought around his feather duster and began to dust the pony into oblivion. The reaction was immediate.  The pony was thrown into a fit of giggles and laughter as his body convulsed against the soft ground.  There was nowhere to go, and the only thing he could do was laugh his adorable head off. His cheeks were pulled taut as the swipe of each feather forced out a new piece of laughter. Exist leaned next to the pony and looked down at the smiling face.  He laughed along with the pony as he let the duster brush against his own body every so often - swapping places with his feathered tail to fill the void.  The tickling feeling was like candy. It filled him with the need for more and more… “STOOP!  STAHAHAP!”  Soarin yelled in vain. The yellow draconequus revealed his toothy grin and flipped himself over.  He draped all of the feathers over the pony’s body, and slowly brushed back and forward.  Leaving enough room for the pony to look up at him floating just over his face, Exist said, “I’ll leave you alone if you tell me where your friends are, Soar-Soar.” “Aarrrghhh!!  It tickles it tickles!!”  Soarin writhed and groaned in ticklish agony as his face grew a deep red.  “T-tTth-- -they’re over near where Ponyville used to be. T-There’s a h-h-hahaha hut!  A blue hut!!” “Good boy~”  Exist quickly gave the pony a smooch on the cheek as he pulled his glorious feathers away from the pony’s body - much to Soarin’s relief.  “Okay. A promise is a promise. I’ll leave you alone now~” With feather duster in hand, Exist took to the sky to look for his next victims.  Although, just behind him, an array of magical energy started to emanate from the soft ground around the blue pegasus.  Feathers and tentacles started to crawl their way out from the velvet dirt, and slither their way to the squirming pony.  With a yell, the pony was attacked and brought back into the land of infinite smiles. … A delirious smile had befallen Exist’s face.  His eyes scanned left and right, pointing his duster every which way like a scepter.  Thoughts tumbled and exploded throughout his mind as he kept searching for the blue hut.  Most of the words that plagued his mind were about how he would tickle his next victim, and how good he’d make them feel.  They needed to know how much he loved tickling, and how much he liked being tickled as well. They’ll love it! He wasn’t crazy!  Most certainly not.  He knew what he was doing!  This was his life all along - a long lived life of tickling the ever-loving snot out of each and every pony in Equestria.  There was nothing else in this world that would make him any happier… At least, that’s what he believed. However, a shot of fuzzy, amazing feelings surged through his body as he spotted a strange, more out of place than usual, looking blue hut of some kind.  He began to giggle and laugh with glee, and squeezed his giant feather duster to his chest in an affectionate way. A moment of excitement overtook him. Just on the edge of the now overrun Ponyville, it sat there unassumingly.  The blue hut. Like a cave full of wonderful new experiences… Well, experiences full of ticklish pleasure that is! The draconequus snapped his fingers and teleported to the front of the hut. An array of feathers encapsulated him as he disappeared and re-appeared.  The array of feathers came and went like a million leaves in the wind, but were quite tickly, of course. He couldn’t help but giggle as he appeared in front of the anomaly in the chaotic field of velvety blue. Inside the hut, it seemed small.  Mostly consisting of stiff, woven feathers of sorts that perched the velvet ground up to make a sort of cover.  Beneath the “top-soil” was what seemed to be an endless array of thick fluff - as though ripping up the ground simply pulled apart a velcro-like affect. Suddenly, there was a noticeable sound of a stallion’s yell.  It was a guttural yell that strained against the pony’s throat as the stallion quickly exited the hut in a rush.  The stallion, running full speed at the draconequus, seemed to be a larger guard’s pony. Perhaps, even the captain?  Exist quickly floated out of the way with ease as the pony slid to a stop. His white coat and dark blue striped mane were a near perfect contrast to Exist’s color scheme.  The yellow draconequus smiled as he introduced himself, “Hello there, my adorable stallion! Whatcha runnin’ at me for?” “You’ve ruined Equestria!  Everything is… awful!” The stallion growled. “Awfully cozy and tickly, you mean!  Hahahaha!” Exist chuckled, raising the ground around the pony with one hand.  “Your pegasus friend ratted you out, handsome.” All the pony could do was glare as he had been trapped by walls of tickly fur.  There was a painful, almost manic look in his eyes as he looked at the draconequus.  Something about the pony seemed off, like he was upset about something.  How could that be? Everything is perfect! Exist’s body floated just over the center of the cylindrical trap he had made, and raised the feather duster in his paws.  It began to glow, causing the feathers to become larger and larger! Before long, the hefty duster was almost too heavy to lift with just manual labor.  Luckily, a little magic goes a long way with these kinds of problems. “W-What are you doing!?”  The white unicorn yelled as the feather duster eclipsed the top of the trap. “Oh, I’m just…  cleaning out all of those negative emotions in my little... tickle trap!”  With a snap, the feather duster pumped down into the trap, and began to twirl around.  Exist began to maniacally laugh which echoed far and wide for everypony to hear. “MUAHAHAHA!!  TICKLE TICKLE FOREVER!!! HUAHAHAHA!” “Aaaaaaahhh!”  The stallion screamed again, this time revealing fear in his voice. A glowing, pink aura guided the handle of the feather duster down the hole like it were a plunger.  The feathers completely encapsulated and filled the space, and began to swirl and twirl on their own.  Suspiciously honing in on the white guard’s pony, they began to attack with a deadly, venomous touch. Instantaneously, the pony’s body screamed in agony as the soft tentacles brushed and swiped over the pony.  Almost as if they were trying to reap out his laughter like a farmer during harvest season, the feathers tickled in an infinitesimal abyss of softness.  His legs twitched and knelt down as he became weak from laughter. A roaring sound escaped the hole as the pony laughed harder and harder. It was like a tumbling, twirling tentacle monster - this feather duster - that tickled the poor stallion. “STOP STOP MAKE IT STOP!”  The pony’s voice was clearly heard through the cackling laughter. Without disturbing his victim inside, Exist had the walls lift up to reveal the giggling pony within.  A light pink sheen replaced the walls as Exist approached the feathery mess with insane delight. His cheeks started to hurt from smiling so much. Like revealing a lost puppy beneath a pile of blankets, the stallion was uncovered by Exist as the duster slowly lifted straight upwards. Its feathers swayed a bit in the invisible wind.  However, some of the glorious, soft tentacles stayed behind and continued to attack the pony relentlessly as the draconequus got closer. The sounds of his hoofsteps were completely muffled beneath the weight of laughter that cascaded from the pony’s mouth. “Ooooh hoohohoo~  You’re so adorable being tickled like that!  Gosh.” Exist’s body snaked next to the helpless pony. He rested a hand under his chin as he looked the pony over.  With the flick of his hand, he made the pony’s legs pull out with a pinkish aura - now restrained in place so they couldn't pull away.  Then, his fingers played with the pony’s soft armpits, “What’s your naaame, pony-pony boy!” “HAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!  I’m n-nNAHAHAOT telling YOUU anything!”  Tears began to swell in his eyes as the pony’s voice cracked under the pressure. Some of Exist’s gums started to show in his toothy grin as he slithered around the pony.  He brought his brushy tail to the pony’s belly as the feather duster’s loose plumes returned to their owner looming overhead.  Slowly his tail brushed up and down the restrained body. A knowing glint in Exist's piercing green eyes sparked as the pony trembled under the tickle attack. The white pony gasped as his eyes dilated - it was much worse somehow.  “STOOOOOOP!! STOP STOP STOP AWWWHAHAHAHAHA! HHHHAHAHHA!!” “Stop?  Awww… That’s so funny!  You said you’re not gonna tell me anything.  Silly billy!” Exist’s tail began to swipe faster.  “So, I’m not gonna stop!” The pony’s face grew a lovely shade of red, “OK OK OK!!  I-I’M AHAHAHA SHINING ARMOR!” “There we go, that wasn’t so bad.”  Exist relented, “...Hmm… Shining Armor?  I think I’ve met you before... Aren’t you supposed to be with your wife?” All Shining Armor could do was groan and whimper.  There was distress written all over his face, but it wasn’t clear where this was coming from.  “You… made her and the other princesses disappear!” “I did?”  Exist tapped his chin, “I don’t remember doing something like that--” It was then he stopped.  He heard something. A voice?  A sound? It kept coming back over and over; making him stop in his tracks.  Everything stopped, actually. It was surreal, this feeling. Slowly, he realized what it was - his voice echoing back to him. The sound of his own voice echoed throughout the immediate area.  Folding over and falling down, the sound reverberated back as though he were speaking into an empty tomb.  The sound of his voice, even his breathing, disintegrated the color around him like an acid rain attacking the very light spectrum itself. “Huh?  What?” His voice clamored against the darkness encroaching around him. Before he could even move another inch, the darkness consumed him.  He was gone. Everything was gone. Just a pitch black abyss had replaced everything that was once there. His eyes closed shut. … It started with a feeling.  A lone hand slowly brushed over Exist’s body.  He felt each finger caress against his flesh as it happened over and over again in a slow, repeated motion.  His senses slowly came back to him in waves. Next was his sense of smell - the outside.  Smells of grass and autumnal winds filled his nose.  It was as if he could smell the very blades of grass that were just below him.  Leaves and nature flowed through the air as his mind processed every second in a mire of hazy muck that were his thoughts. Lastly, the rest of his body came to its senses.  With a jolt, Exist’s eyes opened to reveal the world as it was before he left it.  His eyes lit up in the open sunlight like sparkling jewels. A slight wetness made them glisten a bit as he focused on the first thing he could see - a large, open meadow. A hand had been brushing his body, something he had been feeling the whole time he has been waking up.  Upon feeling it rest on his soft mane, he tried to look at who was doing it. His head tilted back a bit,  and immediately gazed upon the draconequus he had been infatuated with. Discord, noticing his awakening partner, smiled at him with a lazy look in his eyes and cooed, “Wakey wakey, little Existy.  Heheheh.” “...?”  Exist’s mouth opened but nothing intelligible came out.  His throat creaked like rusty gears moving after years of rest. “Hahaha.  You know, you’re still so cute, even when we…”  The draconequus leaned in and whispered, “...make love together.” Exist’s sense of taste heightened as he had a lingering fruity flavor in his mouth.  It was like candy - fruity menthols of some kind - was eaten in the past few hours. Thoughts buzzed through his mind over what Discord truly meant. “Although, I think I might have pushed you a little too hard.”  Discord gave him a light smooch. As his lips touched Exist’s cheek, images slashed through his mind like white lightning.  He flinched, as memories of himself begging and pleading for more plagued his mind. A tight, full feeling was what starkly contrasted the cooing voice Discord had used while they were intimately locked. This was all in memory, now tormenting Exist’s mind and body with its after effects.  The pony began to twitch and shake in a shocked paralysis. It was as though all of the previous feelings and sensations hit him at once.  Pleasure, fullness, tickling, feathers, laughter, voices - madness. “We… we were…  were…” Exist’s eyes shook a bit as he felt the pit of his stomach suck in tightly.  “I...I was…. Where was I…” “Shh sh sh sh shh, it’ll be okay little Existypie.”  A hand pressed against Exist’s muzzle, “I know I’m just so  amazing. You’re just unable to process how much lovin’ I gave you.  However, we have things to do, don’t we?  We have a restaurant to see!” Discord lifted up the shaking, pleasured pony with his hands and pulled him into a deep embrace. The hug was cut short as the draconequus snapped his fingers - bringing the both of them elsewhere. A maniacal laughter was what was left behind as they disappeared in a flash of light. > Chapter 9: Let's Order Something! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My favorite restaurant was somewhere I had always gone with Fluttershy.  It was a small place, really nothing special, but I liked it because she liked it.  That’s all that really mattered, though. It made her happy, so I was happy too. However, would Exist like it? I smiled at him as I always had.  I watched his little paws press into the dirt, albeit shakily, as he followed next to me.  Like he was leashed to me, the touch of my hand against his mane kept him close by. For some reason, I was excited.  Well, excited and nervous more like it. Er, was it nervousness? Hmm… The place was not far away now.  As we got closer, I could see there was plenty of room for us.  “Perfect!”  I thought to myself,  “We’ll have the place basically to ourselves!” Colors of ponies and buildings passed us by as we approached the restaurant.  The place, sitting on a small cozy corner within the nooks and crannies of Ponyville, was rather spacious despite its looks on the outside.  Why they decided to buy up an entire building and not even have ceiling seating is beyond me. Despite my wondrous yet devilishly infinite wisdom of the world, there’s some things that I just may never know - and I’m fine with that, so long as it doesn’t get in my way of having fun. “Here we are, little Existypie!  My favorite restaurant!” I chuckled as I picked him up by his armpits, squeezing my fingers into his addictively squishy body.  “I hope you’re prepared for an unforgettable luncheon! ...Or is this dinner? …Linner? Ah, it doesn’t matter.” The little stallion was shaking a bit in my hands.  He was so excited! I couldn’t help but squeeze him close to me as we floated effortlessly into the wonderful establishment.  The smells of cooked food were completely lost on me, but I’m sure that he loves it.  It was never really anything I had an interest in, at any point, to eat anything in particular.  Always just chocolate milk and cotton candy. Oh so fun and pretty were the colors they made in the clouds - but no more!  Let’s have something different for a change. Lightly placing down my little cutiepie, I impatiently tapped on the front podium, “Excuse me, we need a table for two - and I don’t want anything but the best, got it?” The doting mare, completely oblivious to my greatness, just said, “Oh sure!  Lemmie get’cha a seat by the window, if ya want!” How could they not know I was coming?  I practically advertised our date! “That would be…  fine, I suppose.”  The window seat?  Certainly not the worst, but she could do better.  I know where the good seats really are, but hey, it’s not that big of a deal.  My lips pursed as she escorted us over to the quaint boothed seats that were perched just next to a rather glossy window. Menus were placed in front of us as she nodded and sauntered off to help whomever else.  Of course, there was nothing really for me to eat - I didn’t need to eat! Or did I? ...Maybe today I will eat something.  Oh well. I perused the menu, as I should be. My eyes drifted off to my lover who shakily put a paw to the menu, his eyes twitching and shaking from sheer bliss and excitement.  “I see you’re just eager to get something to eat, honey! Well then, pick whatever you want. I’ll put it on my tab.” I winked. Exist didn’t say anything.  More like, he murmured something from his adorable muzzle.  What a happy boy he was. I’m so glad I was able to make him this excited that he’s at a loss for words!  Gosh, what a perfect day. “What are you going to get?”  I smiled, chuckling a bit. “They’ve got plenty to choose from~!” “... . …. ….”  Exist seemed to mutter something.  For some reason, he didn’t even look at me. “Hmm?  Is everything alright?”  I reached over to the menu that was hiding his face from me.  “Whatcha hidin’ from? It’s just me!” The menu peaked down to reveal the yellow muzzle to me, and I was astonished to see how his face looked.  His eyes looked forward, almost robotically, and he was shivering a bit. His mouth reminded me of a whining foal, as it was stuck in a slight frown and quivering. I reached over further and pressed my hand through his mane like I always had, but he didn’t seem to budge.  He stopped shivering when I touched him, but his eyes didn’t light up like they had previously. I wanted to say something but the words just wouldn’t come out.  What had happened? I know I may have gone a bit overboard when I was, erm, giving him some love, but this is far from what I intended. “Exist!  What’s wrong?  Speak to me!” I frantically shook his face to try to jossel him loose of his stupor. His mouth opened, “I…  I’m not a monster… am I?” “Huh?”  I blinked.  “What are you talking about?” There was something familiar in the way he said it, that got my old mind buzzing.  Something long ago I had buried. He softly spoke again, “I just wanted to be happy, b- but everypony- else was unhappy.  All the princesses were gone, b-because of me.” He looked like he was about to cry. After putting a paw to my face as I was forced into this dilemma, I looked around for anything that might pull him out.  Why was he acting this way? Did I do something so irreversibly bad that his mind is just gone? No, no. My tricks don’t work on him.  He’s weird like that, but then, what is going on? As I tried to think of a solution, the waitress arrived back at our table and happily asked, “What may I get y’all today?” “Oh, some of that mushroom stew and -”  I squinted at my menu, “D-Pop? Yes… that drink.” “Alrighty.  And what may I get Fluttershy--”  She paused, noticing her error, “Er, your friend here?” “H-h-h-he’ll get something spicy.  The spiciest food you have! With water!”  I blurted out without thinking. “Is the Super Spicy Supremo Slamma Jamma Thank-You Mamma Sandwich-Sandwich, okay?” “Yes!  Just hurry.”  I threatened her with my angry eyes. It wasn’t very effective. “No worries.  It’ll be out in a jiffy.”  The pink and purple waitress scurried off with the order. I sighed a bit, glad that this may shock my little pony but I still was left to wait for the possible solution to my problem.  Spiraling emotions I have no business trying to verbalize began to surface as a strange déjà vu began to choke me. There was a moment I could have ran away, snapped my fingers and attempted to fix everything, or let it all burn down in front of me, but no.  I waited. No, wait!  Ah. What am I doing?  I must be an idiot! There was an obvious solution I had overlooked entirely.  The very thing that he liked the most, other than moi, was something I always used to tease him with.  Yes… that thing. Knowing what to do, I slithered my tail from beneath the table and pressed the tufted end against the unaware cutiepie.  Snapping my fingers, I let my magic do its work. Instantaneously, the tuft turned into a ruffle of white feathers that quickly crept up the pony’s legs and began to brush slowly. I didn’t have to do much, only lean against the table and smile as I do was all that was needed.  Slowly, he noticed the enticing present I had given him, and he seemed to calm down. He placed his paws cutely on the tuft of feathers I could see from my angle, and squeezed it close.  My eyebrows furrowed as I saw him start to frown, and a welling emotion filled his eyes. The emotion continued, I could see, to develop into a downtrodden sadness I had never seen from him.  It was interesting, despite the situation, seeing him look this way. His eyes reminded me of leaky fish bowls.  He was like a little foal, clutching my tail close to his body like his mother had been taken from him. “E-Exist…  Do you like… my tail?”  I tried to ask. He nodded, but wept a bit, unable to speak it seemed. If there was anything I didn’t understand, it was this feeling at this exact moment.  I think I wanted to touch him. I didn’t understand why. There was something about him that seemed so soft and nice, but at the same time so sad and lonely.  This wasn’t...anything I’ve ever done before, so really I’m not in my league here when it comes to consoling somepony. I slowly reached over, and let my hand rest on his cheek.  I really didn’t know what I was doing; my arm was working on its own at this point.  My eyes followed my paw as it pressed against the stallion’s cheek, and glided slowly down until it rested beneath his chin. He looked up at me with adorable tears welling up.  His eyes reminded me of how wet the grass gets around Fluttershy’s home when I visit in the morning.  Her grass being that way told me things are where they should be. While I’m not too happy about things being…  in place, I know that she’d be happy that way.  That’s what his eyes remind me of - that happy feeling.  At least, they would make me feel that way if he wasn’t crying!  Why was he crying? I didn’t do anything wrong, I don’t think. “Why are you crying?”  I asked, swiping away a loose tear. “I don’t know.  I- I just, um… I don’t know.”  His face told me a different story.  That, and anypony lying to me is like pink paint on concrete.  “W-Was that all real? What you… showed me.” I blinked, “I didn’t-  show you anything. We just--” “Alrighty.  I got your orders here.”  The waitress came back with a tray of our orders.  “We got the Super Spicy Supremo Slamma Jamma Thank-You Mamma Sandwich-Sandwich with a water on the side -  Aaaand, the mushroom stew with the drink. Can I get y’anything else?” “Oh, no.  That’s all.”  I paused before realizing I forgot to say something, “...Thank you.”  I grumbled. “It’s my pleasure.  Have a nice meal!” She left quite quickly. I had pulled back and looked at the meals we were given.  They were… up to somepony’s standards, but certainly not my own.  I would change things up but right now there are more pressing matters.  Namely, my little colt is upset over some phantom visions. “Eat up, Existy!”  I smiled, taking one of the mushrooms to the guild of my magic.  I let one mushroom after the other start dancing as they hopped out of the plate, and formed a line around my plate. He eyed his plate, not attempting to eat anything just yet.  I watched has his paws slowly reached up over the table and shakily grabbed at the admittedly stocky sandwich.  There were a few ideas that ran through my head about what could happen with that sandwich, but perhaps it’s time I lay those ideas down - for now anyway. The sandwich had a healthy bite taken out of it by his adorable chompers.  With only a few moments to spare, his face immediately flared up with a redness that reminded me of a certain apple variety I’m sure one of Fluttershy’s little friends would know.  I smiled, as he quickly dropped the sandwich and grabbed for the glass of water and began to chug it like his head were about to expunge a factory’s worth of steam. There was a reprieve as I watched the water do its magic.  His face returned to its normal color as he seemed to be sweating a bit from the pepperine-infused sandwich.  Chuckling, I popped a few of the dancing mushrooms into my mouth. “Ughh…”  I heard him groan from beneath his paws.  “.....What was that…?” Ah, okay.  So he was just in a bit of emotional duress.  “Oh, you know, just something super spicy to jump-start your body.  Heh heh.” He didn’t say anything more.  His eyes remained pressed shut against the clutch of his paws as he continued to reel back.  Quickly, my hand reached over again and pat him on the head. Flinching, he apprehensively accepted the head-pat and slowly looked up to greet me. “What happened?”  The recovering pony asked. “Huh?”  I popped another earthy piece of fungi into my mouth.  “Nothing, why?” “...”  He let out a breath of hot air as he looked down at his sandwich.  “Did you really have to order me this super spicy sandwich?” A toothy smile accompanied my returning feelings of comfort, “I thought you liked spicy stuff!” “I don’t remember saying anything about that.”  He scrunched his snout in protest before quickly releasing, “But, yeah, I do like spicy stuff sometimes.” This is how the rest of our day went.  Just a quiet back and forth. But… You don’t wanna know about that from me, right?  I mean, I could have just made this all up!  Wouldn’t that be interesting? Well, regardless of if you believe me or not, this is the story I had to tell, and I’m done telling it.  For now. Before I go, let me sing you a song! The last time I wore a striped sweater, Was in the depths of my despair. Falling, falling, falling I found what I needed, In the dark he came. Over and Over. The last time I wore a striped sweater, Is the last time I’ll ever feel loved. Cuz, well, that’s just how it is. Kinda makes you think, huh? Loving, losing, lamenting, and loving again. Everlasting emotion was all I had left. Let me leave now, Leaving your favorite piece of mind, I’ll find out how To start it again. Goodbye!