The Mane-iac and the Monster

by Shakyboi

First published

The Mane-iac finds herself in the crosshairs of a skunk pony. What happens next?

WARNING! This story contains skunk-like content such as skunk musk and farting. Please, if you do not like this type of content, then turn away. This is my first big story. Be gentle in the comments.

After being defeated by the Power Ponies, The Mane-iac begins her new plan of creating a shampoo that will cause the manes of ponies to dull out and become heavy. She ends up following a stallion that has a large bag of coins on his back. She quickly dispatches him and takes the coins. Little did she know that was a tithe for a monster. That monster wants revenge and she is going to take it!

This is a commission for a friend on DA.

Chapter 1

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Late in the night in the City of Maretropolis, the evil villain Mane-iac was plotting the destruction of her mortal enemies: The Power Ponies. She stood looking over a vat of her latest shampoo mixture. It was one that was sure to help her crush her foes into Tartarus. She cackled in laughter as she watched the boiling liquid.

“This is it~!” She cooed as she moved around the catwalks to the other side of the large container. “I have perfected my mane serum to make my hair unstoppable~!” All four of her hooves clacked against the metal flooring under her. Strands of her mane flowed this way and that way. “After my defeat, I will show them who is truly the ruler of Maretropolis~!” The Mane-iac slowly started to descend the ladder down to the ground level.

A few hench-ponies were working to make sure the plant was safe and running smoothly. As the Mane-iac came down to the end of the ladder, she was stopped by the head henchpony.

“Mistress, we have picked the best serum to help you. We have rebuilt the weapon and are looking into finding the Electro-Orb. We will have everything we need to take out the master plan.” The stallion reported, standing at respectful attention. He handed her the rest of the report.

“Hmm…” The Mane-iac looked over the report. She chuckled confidently as everything was looking positively perfect. “Nothing will stop us now. This new plan will go without a hitch!” She said cockily. “Tomorrow, we shall begin the final work. Everyone will have long, tendril-like hair, and nothing will stop me~!” She let out a wild cackle that her hench-ponies joined in. She turned to leave. “Make sure this place is secure when I leave here. If anyone gets in without permission, then I will shave your manes~.”

“Y-Yes mistress! W-We will have this place locked down!” The head henchpony nodded, not wanting to get on her wrong side as he went to check all of the security footage.

As the Mane-iac was on her way home, she was keeping an eye out for anypony that looked vulnerable. There was a young stallion on his way home that was walking a bit slow. He had a rather large sack with him that seemed to hold many bits. The Mane-iac chortled to herself as she followed at a distance. “Guess we have an easy target tonight~” She slowly began to close the gap between them, until she noticed that this stallion was acting somewhat off. She rose a brow as he began to look around himself in a panic. She backed off at that but listened in the meantime.

“Oh, Celestia, above…” He was breathing rapidly and looked like he was on the verge of cardiac arrest. “I can’t believe I agreed to this stupid deal, b-but if I didn’t th-then I-I’d…” He shuddered rather violently as he returned to walking.

The Mane-iac cocked a brow as she started to slow to a near standstill as her thoughts began to talk to her. “Maybe he has an unsettled debt? Who could he owe?” She started to ponder the question in her mind. “I am the only villain in Maretropolis; who else could possibly strike such fear into the heart of a stallion…?” She began to close the gap much faster, her hair unraveling itself, ready to strike. When she was about ten paces away, the crazy-haired villainess pounced onto a screaming stallion. “You there! You have a lot to explain for me after wandering into my territory and acting all suspicio-” She stopped what she was saying when she realized that what this stallion had in his bag was indeed bits. Thousands of bits now lay there on the ground as she stood over the now cowering equine. She stood there, looking at the coins on the ground for a few moments before she reached his terrified gaze with a scowl of her own. “Start talking…”

The stallion shuddered with fear as he stared into her light green eyes. “I-I am m-making a d-delivery to th-the one that th-they call the M-Monster…” He sniveled as he explained. “Th-This section of the c-city is being demanded by her to pay a tithe…” He gulped, trying to reason with himself that this villainess wasn’t as scary as this so-called “Monster.”

The Mane-iac cackled at the misery of the poor fool. “You think I am going to believe what you have to say~! This city is mine, and I will take the money for my own~!” She got nose to nose with him. “Are we clear…?” She switched her tone to a more intimidating one.

The stallion’s eyes widened, and he pressed his front hooves together in a praying motion. “Pl-Please m-miss Mane-iac! I-I can’t go to the Monster’s hideout empty hooved! It’d be a death sentence! She has an unbreakable spell that has no cure! It is vile an-” He was cut off by a hoof being thrust to his lips.

“Can it, pipsqueak, I have heard enough!” She reared back, cocking the foreleg up before suddenly slamming it down onto the head of the poor sod. He went limp under her as he was knocked out cold. The Mane-iac rolled him over as her tendril mane started to collect the coins. “Guess you should have believed in fairy tales~ WAHAHA~!” She cackled out as her fur raised the loose bits and the sack containing the rest. She turned and left him lying there as his eye started to blacken.

A few hours later, the stallion slowly started to come to. “Ugh… What happened…?” He rubbed the side of his face that was now terribly bruised. “Oh, no…” He got up, looking around. “No…!” He sat there, looking at the ground. “I am so screwed… I-I can’t go to the Monster! Th-That is suicide if I don’t have any money!” He started to panic. As things began to settle and reality began to sink in, he began to sob as he got up. “I-I have no choice…” He gulped. “I have to go…” He started walking the path towards the hideout.

As he walked, the sky began to darken, and soon lightning started to flash through the clouds. The rain started to fall, and the stallion could only sigh dejectedly. “Guess this signals my doom…” He lamented to himself as he reached a dark alleyway that led to a very dark set of stairs. The equine started to descend them cautiously as it was nearly pitch black by this point, and when he reached the bottom of the stairs, he had to go down a long path before coming to a locked gate. He reached for a necklace that went around his neck that held a big iron key that was held loosely via the string that formed the chain. He inserted the key and unlocked the door before going into the dark depths of this underground cell.

It didn’t take long before he came to a dimly lit area with a dark hallway on the other side. The hall was pitch dark, so one couldn’t see into it. He started towards the center of the room when he was stopped by the sound of heavy hoofsteps. A dark shadow began to move through the inky darkness. A mare of titanic proportions stuck her head out of the darkness and into the light. Her mane was long and black on the top side, with the underside having white colorations. A long, pointed horn protruded off the center of her head, and her purple eyes glared daggers at the stallion. “You have a lot of nerve coming here empty-handed…” Her dark, gravelly voice rang through the chamber. “You are usually better than that, Coral Springs…”

The stallion flinched hard, dropping to his front knees. “I-I am sorry miss Monster! I was almost here when I was attacked by the Mane-iac!”

The cold air suddenly became frigid as the ire of the Monster was drawn. “You were what!?” She growled darkly. She moved into the lighted area more as her tail came into view of the light. It was a huge, bushy tail that had the parallel stripes that continued from her back and into a sizeable skull-like pattern. The tail was angrily starting to twitch and flick both left and right.

Coral gasped as he suddenly scooted back. This was the first time he had seen the titanic mare in all her glory. “Y-You are…?” He choked on his words as his eyes were locked upon the enormous plume that followed the pony.

“A skunk mare~?” Her ire seemed to fade away to a more evil tone. “That I am~. I hope you know what that means~.” She taunted as she smirked darkly at the stallion that was now backed against a wall. Her evil smirk changed back to something that was mixed between confusion and anger. “So the Mane-iac is treading upon my turf…” The skunk-like pony growled as she began to pace. “Those Power Ponies were really useless if she is back.” Her tail unfurled into a straight flag.

Coral Springs covered his face and brought his front end down. “Pl-Please don’t hurt me!” He pleaded as he tried to keep himself shielded from any wrath that she may have at the ready for him. “I couldn’t help it! She just attacked me from behind!” He began to whine, now on the verge of tears as he cowered before her.

The titan stopped with her back turned to him, looking at him with her head turned ninety degrees to the right. A pair of light purple eyes stared at him with dark intentions. Her face still had an angry look in them. “So, she attacks from behind like a coward? Humph! I will get to her in due time…” Her angry face turned into a look of pure evil. “Until then, Coral, you will get a punishment~.”

The stallion sat up, backing up against the wall behind him. “W-Wait, please don’t do this! I-I have a family to go home to!!” He pleaded. “Please don’t kill me!” He sat on his hind legs in a praying fashion. “I don’t wanna die!”

The large mare cackled evilly. “Oh, when I am done with you tonight, you are going to wish you were dead~!” Her tail curved over her body, and she spread her back legs.

“Wait…? What are yo-” He watched the motions that she made, and then he realized what she meant earlier. Skunk mare. Skunk. “Wait! Please don’t do that! Please!” He watched in horror as he watched his doom fly at him.

A shotgun blast of two amber-green streams was fired out from the backside of the skunk-like mare. Time seemed to slow down as they hit the stallion with a wet, “plap!” sound. The aim that this mare was amazing. She hit him directly on the nose, and the streams merged into one blast that ran up the bridge of the nose and around the eyes.

Coral didn’t even have time to process what happened. There was a terrible burning sensation that accompanied the first hit of the musk. The pain alone caused him to suddenly gasp out in utter agony. That, in itself, was a horrid blunder. When he sucked in the air, the next thing to hit him was the utterly vile and gut-wrenching stink. It felt like a fully loaded semi had caught him at sixty miles an hour. The scent of skunk was there in the musk; however, that was only the undertone that it had. The bulk of the stink was purely evil and could not be described. The stench sent a burning fire through his body and caused his lungs to spasm horribly. This caused him to wheeze into an utterly terrible coughing fit.

The power of the polluted air forced his stomach to start convulsing. He began to fight a losing battle to not lose his dinner on the spot. He fell back on his haunches as his front hooves latched onto his nose as he desperately tried and failed to keep the terrible stink out of his airways. His upper digestive tract was doing cartwheels in his abdomen as the sheer power of this titanic mare’s musk was too much to bear. His face was now a dark greenish color, and there were visible stink winds that rose off of him.

The large mare cackled evilly as she turned to view her handiwork. Her dark smirk returned. “Breathe in the foul stench~. You will soon learn to love it and be under my spell~! Breathe it in~! BREATHE IT IN~!” Her final command was sent with high authority.

Coral was soon feeling the effects of the spell she had talked about. He slowly started to succumb to the stink as his eyes went wide. He began to stare blankly into the distance as her magic took ahold of him. The discoloration of his fur started to sink in, and the stink winds set about to move in a possessing motion into his nose. He finally stopped reacting as the stink had evaporated as it went into his body. His sclera now had a light pink hue to them.

“What is your command, my mistress…?” He asked in a droning tone as he was now under the effects of her spell.

The titanic mare chuckled darkly, moving closer to his muzzle, craning her head to stoop down beside his. “I think we need to pay a visit to your assailant and have her learn the true meaning of pain; Don’t you think~?” Her horn lit up, and he was struck by dark magic. “I think you will like my help in dealing with her~!” The next cackle that was let loose from her mouth was one that echoed up into the night.

The next evening, the Mane-iac was heading towards her factory. Her prance started to slow to a crawl as something just felt off. Her tendril-like mane started to unwrap itself as she came to the entrance to the factory. She gasped as she ran inside of it. There were no guards and the grounds were empty. Her heart started to race as she looked around the outer area of the factory. “Damn it! Where are you all!?” The mare was in a state of panic as she bolted inside the large building. Her eyes went wide at the sight that was laid out in front of the mare.

Her hench ponies had been corralled into a large cage that was suspended over the vat of bubbling serum that they had finished prepping the day before. “Mistress wait!” A henchpony called out to her.

The Mane-iac froze in her tracks at that. “What is the meaning of this!?” She thundered as she stomped a forehoof into the ground. “You insolent foals are going to pay for this! Do you think this is some kind of joke!?”

The head henchpony waved a hoof at her, trying to diffuse the situation. “M-Mistress! We were all blindsided and couldn’t defend ourselves! We were locked up before we could even think! A shadow was all we saw!”

“You really think I am going to believe that!?” She barked back. “I ought to have yo-”

Before she could finish, a door opened up behind her. Coral Springs stood there with a blank stare on his face. “My master wants to see you, Mane-iac…” He said in a droning voice. It seemed like he was being supported by dark magic.

“Th-That is the pony Stone Talon saw!” The head henchpony called. “He is the one that defeated us!”

The Mane-iac scoffed. “I defeated this fool last night! You think I am scared of him!?” Her tendril-like mane shot out at the stallion. When it got three feet away, a dark magic shot out of his horn and struck the tendrils. This caused the Mane-iac to yelp in pain in response to the feeling of the dark magic. She shuddered, letting her mane retract and it wrapping itself up behind her head. A concerned expression came across her face as she stared at this stallion.

“My master would like to see you, Mane-iac…” He said in a more urgent tone that sounded rather authoritative. His blank stare never left his face and his eyes were as wide as dinner plates as he looked at the maniac.

The Mane-iac stared at the stallion for about thirty seconds. She huffed and looked off to the side like a child who got in trouble and couldn’t look her parents in the face. “Alright, fine…” She growled. “But when I defeat her, then your flank is mine!”

The stallion did not flinch. He turned around and started to walk out the door. “Follow me…” He instructed, leading her out the door.

The Mane-iac started to follow him obediently. She was more curious about who his master was. Her anger was burning a bit inside of her, wanting to beat the snot out of the one who wronged her. She was, however, worried about getting backlash for that action. His magic seemed to be unlike anything that the evil mare had ever seen before. That was when she noticed that he was not a unicorn. “Impossible!” Her thoughts rang out. “Th-This has to be a fever dream…” Her tendril-like hair started to move spastically due to how her nerves were feeling.

They walked from the shampoo factory until they reached the alley with the large entrance to the underground level. Maretropolis had a subway system elsewhere in the system, but The Mane-iac knew that this was not for a trainway. Her heart jumped a bit as she was getting anxious. This entire situation seemed very surreal. She shook her head and steeled her nerves and her main calmed down. They soon reached the large iron gate that Coral had opened the night before.

Coral took the key off the ring and slowly opened the large gate. It creaked the entire time that it was being opened. The creaking noise did nothing to help the nerves of The Mane-iac. Something told her that she had royally messed up in attacking this stallion. When the gate was opened enough for her to go through, the stallion didn’t follow her.

“You must face my master alone.” He informed her bluntly. “I will wait here until you are finished dealing with her.” His thousand-yard stare still hadn’t left his face.

“Insolent colt! I demand you accompany me to meet your master! I have No way to navigate these dark tunnels!” The Mane-iac roared at him as she tried to get a reaction like the night before.

The Mane-iac’s anger did nothing to even phase him. His face did suddenly warp and twist itself into a hellacious looking smirk. “I suggest you better get used to the darkness~!” He cooed. “The Lucid Dream has ahold of me and if you aren’t careful, then she will get ahold of you two~!”

The villainess jumped, backing into the gated area. The blood in her veins had run cold and her tendril-like mane stood on end almost cartoonishly. Mane-iac audibly gulped as she stared at the now distorted-faced stallion. “Wh-What the buck are you!?” She exclaimed as her eyes scanned Coral.

Coral slammed the gate shut, locking it the moment she passed the threshold. “I am but a mere pony like you~.” Coral’s voice became rather distorted and, nearly demonic sounding. “We are a pawn in the game that we don’t know we are playing in~!” With the last statement, the stallion turned and left the Mane-iac there at the locked gate.

The large mare stood there in stunned silence at that. “What is the meaning of all of this…?” The voice in her head rang out as she turned to the dark hallway. “Just keep walking forward then? Not like I can go anywhere else…” She started forward.

After what seemed like an eternity, The Mane-iac saw a dim light. Her natural instincts told her to run towards it so she could be free of the inky darkness that surrounded her. However, something in her gut told her to keep moving slow. Something deep inside of her was making the large mare uneasy and was telling her to flee for her life. With the only way out of this area sealed off, for the time being, Mane-iac continued forward until she got to a large, open room. For being deep underground, this structure was quite large yet rather intimidating. Mane-iac stopped in the center of the room.

When the mare made it through the entrance, the path was suddenly closed off. The loud slam that was made caused the Mane-iac to yelp in fear. Her heart was racing now. This had bad news written all over it and she was trapped in the large dome. There was only one way forward and something inside her told her to not go down that way. A few minutes later, her instincts paid off as there was the sound of very heavy hoofsteps coming from the hallway.

The dark veil that closed off the hall was pierced by a long unicorn horn and then a snout with a dark purple hue came next. Soon the head of a mare came through and then came the front half. The titanic mare stopped in her tracks, smirking at the Mane-iac evilly. “You have come to my lair, into my home and this will be your last time with a working nose~!” The Celestia sized mare chuckled darkly. “You have no chance of escaping my wrath!” Her smirk suddenly changed into a menacing scowl.

Mane-iac flinched at this display and her blood went ice-cold. Her mind was unable to process what the monster before her had just exclaimed. She clenched her teeth, baring her fangs at the larger mare before her. “I am Maretropolis’s villain here and I will be shown respect!” Mane-iac roared. Her tendril-like mane unraveled itself and lashed out at the other mare.

The larger mare’s smirk returned, and she didn’t even flinch at the incoming attack. Her horn lit up and the tendrils froze in place with a telekinetic force freezing them into place. “You are one of the dumbest mares that I have ever had the pleasure of destroying~.” The large mare stepped forward and revealed her gigantic tail with the parallel white stripes and the skull pattern on the tail. “You see this tail~?” She taunted as she turned it slightly, aiming the skull at the face of Mane-iac. “This signals your sentence for the crime of stealing from me~!”

Something in the mind of Mane-iac clicked. This “Monster” was something from the tribal legends that have been passed down for centuries to the present day. They told of hybrid ponies that were the fusion of skunk and pony. They had devastating powers and the “curse” that they left with ponies that felt their wrath could last from months to years or even worse, be a permanent marking. Mane-iac was now locked into the clutches of this skunk pony’s magic and with her being trapped, she knew that this nightmare had only just begun. “Wh-What do you want with me…?” She asked weakly, staring at the large mare.

The titan of a mare before her smirked darker and there was a very evil glint in her eyes. Her horn shot a bolt of magic into the Mane-iac. The magic was a paralysis spell and when it hit, Mane-iac was completely frozen in place. “I think you need to stop talking right now~ I am a skunk mare and THE strongest one ever~!” She said cockily. “My name is actually Michelle Darkmane, but for the night you will call me your mistress~!” Michelle rounded the other mare, now standing almost flank to flank with Mane-iac. “Now my pet~” She cooed almost seductively. “Where are you going to be nailed first~?” She asked, looking over her shoulder back at Mane-iac.

A very tough choice had to be made at this time by Mane-iac. She was about to get the curse of the skunk mare forced upon her and she couldn’t do a thing about it. She gulped as her eyes moved back to try to see Michelle. “I-I don’t want that area t-to be hit…” She did her best to not panic. “I-I want to have fun eventually…” She admitted sheepishly as she shut her eyes.

There were a few moments of silence as the tendril-like maned mare stood with bated breath. The feeling of being paralyzed made her feel like she was floating on air. This started to feel more and more like a terrible nightmare. Mane-iac was just praying to the sisters in hopes she would wake up from this accursed dream. A sudden sound of shifting rock snapped her eyes awake and her vision restored itself somewhat to a truly horrific sight. She was staring at Michelle’s backside with all her nethers displayed before her. The Mane-iac yelped a bit at the sight as she struggled against the paralysis. This amount of fear that she was facing was not helping her in the slightest. She was shuddering internally as the prison she was in had essentially locked her body into place. She could only stare with her wide eyes at the sight that stood before her.

Michelle erupted into a cackle that shook her poor toy to the core. “Oh, now the high and mighty have been reduced to a miserable heap of fear~!” She taunted evilly as she flicked her mane to the other side of her head. She turned her face about to show off her wicked smirk. “What happened to all the will to face me like a stallion~? The wind has definitely been knocked out of your sails now then, huh~?” Michelle was looking into the eyes of Mane-iac. “Guess your face and mane get the first shot~!”

“F-First shot!?” Mane-iac yelped. “H-How much are you going to torture me!?” She was now in a state of full-blown panic as she tugged at the paralysis. “Please just let me go!” Mane-iac pleaded with the monster that is known as Michelle knowing that she had no chance of escaping her fate.

“You will suffer now~!” Michelle spread her legs more and her tail raised to its apex. The fur unfurled and stood on end as something moved in her tailpipe. Two cherry red bulbs slowly slid out of the sphincter. They were quite large as the bulbs were easily visible even though Michelle was a bit away from the Mane-iac. There was a sudden shotgun blast of two streams that hit the Mane-iac square in the eyes. The blast squirted an amber brownish fluid onto the Mane-iac’s muzzle and whatever strands of her mane happened to be blocking the shot of Michelle’s musk.

Mane-iac didn’t have time to shut her eyes when the streams of musk smacked into her face. The shot was a direct hit and the next thing she could know is pain and hellfire. It burned worse than the electrical shock that gave the Mane-iac her powers in the first place. She screamed out at the pain and when she gasped for air, that is when the smell hit her nose.

The scent that smashed the Mane-iac’s olfactory senses, the smaller mare gave a huge retch that gave away to a massive coughing fit. There was absolutely no way to describe what had just entered her brain, but the only thing that registered was something that was beyond pure evil. It brought the Mane-iac to her knees as she struggled to breathe any fresh air that she could find. The feeling of the musk seeping into her fur made it seem like it was attaching itself to her soul. Without the terrible smell, she felt weight down by the sheer amount that landed on her face. Her eyes were streaming tears by this point. The area around her eyes had become severely matted from both her musk and her tears.

The magic that had surrounded her was released and the Mane-iac fell to the ground. Her tendril-like hair giving up any life that they had as they fell to the ground with a sickening smack sound. Any excess musk on her mane and tail started to pool under them, but soon absorbed into the ground. The Mane-iac lied there in a reeking heap. She was dry heaving her guts up and between that, her lung burned as they did their best to get the acrid stench out of them. Her olfactory senses had thankfully begun to shut off from this living hell. She started to relax some. Then she felt something else his here as a wet feeling shot up her side.

Michelle had fired a second shot of musk that seemed to be much larger than her first shot. Her bulbs started to lose volume but to the Mane-iac’s horror, they began to balloon again, ready to unleash liquid hellfire upon the once purple furred mare. The Mane-iac’s face had become a sickly green color and her eyes were bloodshot. This second volley of skunk musk did nothing to help her current condition as it seemed to just reactivate everything. She began to retch and cough on the terrible scent. If she had eaten anything tonight, then it most definitely would have come back up. She closed her eyes as she rolled to her back, holding her front hooves to her nose, doing anything to keep the foul stench from siphoning the life from her body.

“How does it feel to be reduced from the top of the food chain to now lower than a bug~?” Michelle taunted cruelly as she circled the downed Mane-iac. Her smirk was growing darker and darker by the second as she seemed quite pleased with what she has done to her little toy. “Sadly, your night of terror will not end now~!” She laughed evilly. “I have more than musk up my leg and I think this kiss I have for you has a special request from its owner~!” She moved to where she was standing with her rear above the Mane-iac’s face. She started to lower her posterior down.

The Mane-iac opened her eyes just in time to see the plump and toned plot come down. She moved her front hooves to stop the lowering rear. She was too weak to push back against the large plot. The Mane-iac could do nothing but helplessly let the skunk mare’s backside come down onto her face. Out of sheer irony, the scent of the ass that resided on her face was miles better than the musky air that had surrounded her a few seconds ago. It was actually very pleasant and that made the Mane-iac tense harder. This meant that the kiss she was about to get was another full-blown facial from the spout that was the musk sacs that were now hidden behind Michelle’s asshole.

Michelle took her sweet time to prolong the inevitable. She writhed her hips down onto Mane-iac’s face. Michelle didn’t seem to mind the sting of the musk that she felt on her exposed nether regions. She made sure that her tailpipe was pushed flush against the nose of her pet’s tortured nose. The large plume of her tail began to rise again as the fur on the appendage started to blossom out and becoming a very brush of hairs that were a dark purple and titanium white. It had easily doubled in size and the intimidation factor that did not help the Mane-iac calm down. She was so focused on the tail that the feeling of movement on her nose caused her to cry out in fear. The next thing she knew, there was a rush of hot gas that flew up her nose.

Michelle had let a very vile and loud fart rip from the lowest innards. The smell, not to mention the heat, sent a new type of fire flying up her nose. The pain that came with this one was a burn, but instead of the feeling of a white-hot fire of her musk but, it was a dull burning pain. This did not mean that the feeling was less painful than the burning that went up her nostrils prior. On the contrary, it was just as bad as her musk. This stench did have a describable smell. It reeked of eggs and some type of meat that she had eaten earlier. The Mane-iac cried out at this, wheezing even harder on the foul air that resonated out of the anus of the skunk mare that was sitting on her face.

Michelle started to wave a forehoof in front of her face. “Oh, my goodness~! You reek~!” She taunted evilly as she shifted her hips from side to side to humiliate the Mane-iac even further. “Guess I shouldn’t have eaten at that fancy restaurant~” She groaned as her gut made a very loud noise. She started to lean forward some more.

As tears were still flowing from her eyes, the Mane-iac again cried out as she felt the muscles that were around her muzzle start to shift and push out. The pink star that was probably velcroed to her nose began to push out and this time is was a large stream of gas. It sounded like a large tractor-trailer letting out the air brakes out. The long release lasted about ten seconds and with each passing second, the Mane-iac was weakening more and more. She was almost out when this fart was done as she lay there weakly, groaning under the titanic mare that was on her face.

Michelle let out a very relieved moan. Something she had eaten was definitely messing with her stomach. She could have just let it out wherever she wanted but there was something so filling about her releasing all the pent-up gas on someone who doesn't like it. “Awe~ What is the matter sweetie~?” She chuckled darkly. “Has the mean old skunk mare finally taken the top dog out~?” She cackled at the end as her gut roared now. Michelle looked at her belly. As bloated as her gut sounded, she did not seem to have any swelling of her intestines. “You have been strong until now~ I think it is time I left a permanent mark on you~!”

The Mane-iac had a very good idea of what that meant. Her eyes went wide as dinner plates and her gut suddenly lodged itself in her throat. She made pleading and protesting sounds as she tried to gain the attention of her captor above her. The Mane-iac was actually crying at this point, not due to the terrible stench that permeated her form, but she was crying out of fear and desperation.

Michelle finally looked back at the downed mare before her. Her evil and almost maniacal smirk told the Mane-iac under her she was not getting out of this fiasco smelling like anything other than Michelle’s ass. “Suffer~!” She exclaimed cruelly as she leaned forward some more. Michelle’s gut gave the signal that the weapons were ready and with a small push of her bowel muscles, that was it.

A force unlike any gale that the Mane-iac felt before came belching out of the anus of the mare sitting on her face and right up into her nose. The pressure in her head grew to a nearly unbearable level of pressure as the fetid air swamped her sinuses and she had the worst migraine at the given time. She howled in pain as the powerful blast didn’t seem to want to end. It kept getting worse and worse as time progresses and the stench once again grew to a point where the Mane-iac could no longer register the abhorrent and rather violent scent.
Michelle cooed from her reeking throne. She raised her hoof up and began to fan her nose in a taunting manner. “Phew~!” She jerked her head back after taking a loud whiff of the air. “I think you are going to smell like my ass forever~.” She laughed after that, craning her neck around to look her toy in the eyes. “Do you get what I have done here~? I have made you my property~ Everyone will know you are mine and I can fetch you whenever I need to relieve my guts of the gas and musk that I build up~” She cackled again at that. As her cackle died away to a small purr, she pushed down against the face of the tortured mare under her. “Now pass out~ I cannot wait for the show to begin after this~”
The Mane-iac started to squirm under the weight of the titanic mare above her. Her face burned hotter than it ever had before. Truth be told, Michelle was an extremely attractive mare and the position that the once-proud villain found herself in made that feeling go up. This attraction, however, was dampened severely by this power that the skunk mare had. This stink that permeated her form and at this point, possibly her soul, was other-worldly. The stink alone could probably suffocate her; however, the added weight was expediting her descent into unconsciousness. Within a few more moments, the Mane-iac went limp. She was out cold under her stinky tormentor.

When she felt her prisoner go limp, Michelle began to carefully rub her backside against the muzzle of the Mane-iac. She was adding insult to injury with this move. As she rubbed her natural musk into the snout of the Mane-iac, Michelle slowly got up. The skunk mare eventually stopped her actions, moving forward and away from the downed villainess. She looked over her shoulder to get a view of her handiwork. She stood there proudly as her smirk darkened more and more with each passing second. “Sweet dreams, bitch~” She cackled as she entered the darkness from whence, she came, leaving the other mare to her stinky fate.

The Mane-iac eventually woke a few days later. She slowly sat up, before what happened dawned on her. She clamped her forehooves to her snout with celerity. She hadn’t registered any scent until now and slowly removed her hooves from her nose. On first sniff of the air, the Mane-iac reeled and immediately put her hooves to her nose again, pinching it shut. The scent that she had sniffed up caused her to retch loudly. She held her gut as being unconscious for three days meant that she hadn’t had any food at that time. Her gut burned and she wheezed horribly as she coughed on the dreadful stench. She shook her head as she fought her body desperately to shut off the reaction. For the time being, olfactory fatigue would not be her saving grace.

Once she got her body under control, she gave a dejected sigh. The Mane-iac took the moment to look around. Thankfully, she woke up near her shampoo factory. After a few moments to register what had happened and where she now stood in the grand scheme of things, the Mane-iac started for the doors.

She stopped just shy of the doorway. She tried to use her tendril-like mane to open the door. To her horror, they dangled around her head and neck. The tendril effect that they had, for the time being, was quelled. She was now defenseless and was completely vulnerable. She started to plead to the sky. She wanted this all to end. The pain, humiliation, and smell of her being made her sicker than she already was. She managed to pull herself together before using a hoof to enter the building.

Thankfully, there was no one on the inside of the building. She sighed to herself. “Thank goodness the ponies that worked for me are gone for the time being...” She groaned as she made her way to the showers in the facility. She prayed to herself that this would help her feel better. At least it would dampen the effects of the stink around her, right…?

The shower turned on with a loud, “Pssht!” The Mane-iac stood outside of the hot water and grimaced at her state. She shuddered as her form started to buckle from the intense stink. The Mane-iac carefully stepped into the shower to wash off. This was an instant mistake. The thiols in the musk activated, causing the stench to figuratively explode. This smell was exorbitantly bad. She retched into the shower as her gut couldn’t take anymore. She fell to her knees as she spewed up bile. Her gut was empty, and she was somewhat thankful for that. The situation? Not as much. The Mane-iac was trembling horribly and she shut the water off as fast as she could. Her tendril-like mane was essentially dead and couldn’t move.
“Al-Alright Manie… Y-You have been in worse situations before…” She did her best to coach herself. A noise behind her caused her to yelp. She spun to see what it was.

A lone hench pony walked into the showers. “M-Mistress…?” He called as he had his nose clamped down tightly. “Wh-What is going on…?”
The Mane-iac yelped, hiding behind the shower curtain. “St-Stay back!” She hissed. “D-Don’t come closer!”

The hench pony flinched. “M-Mistress?” He stopped where he was. “Are…Are you okay?”

“No! I am not okay!” She screeched like a banshee at him. “I…I made a bad mistake with who I decided to go up against…” The reeking villainess said somberly. “I’m stuck like this…”
The hench pony gasped as he heard this, not sure what to say. “S-So your mane is…”

“Ruined? Most likely…” She groaned. “I am done for…”

“What if we recreate the thing that gave you the powers in the first place…?” The hench pony offered.

“That…May work…” She mused at the idea, humming as she thought about it. “I’d need the electro orb though.” Even with an idea to restore her mane, she didn’t sound confident enough to try anything.

“It is only worth a shot, though a tomato juice bath may be the best thing to do first.” The hench pony suggested behind a wince, not wanting to upset her.

“Guess we may as well try that, but the monster that did this said it would be a permanent endeavor…” The Mane-iac’s spirit had been totally crushed by this.

“I will get the tomato juice ready, and we will see about finding the Electro Orb.” He said confidently as he tried to cheer her up.

“Fine…” She said as his words did nothing to help her.

After the attempt at a pep talk, he ran off to start the bath up. The head hench pony took over the affairs with finding the Electro Orb. Soon, a warm tomato juice bath was ready for the Mane-iac to get into.

She looked at the hot liquid, freezing up at that. “Guess I have no other choice but to try….” She carefully got in and submerged her whole body in the red liquid. She dove her face underwater and held it there for a few seconds before coming back up. She hesitated on taking a whiff of the air. She eventually did, but it was in vain. The juice had done very little to dilute the smell. In fact, it seemed to have made things even worse for her. She retched at the smell, a massive coughing fit reignited as the Mane-iac stumbled out of the tub, hacking up a lung. She eventually got herself under control. Her green body was now tinted a dark red color. The villainess shook herself off with a pant before turning to the other guard.

“This was a mistake too…” She groaned. “It’s useless…” The Mane-iac sighed in disdain. “I have to find the Electro Orb to just get my mane fixed…”

One of the hench ponies stepped forward, “Mistress, if I may…” He started. “No one has seen the Orb. It’s been moved from the vault…”

“Of course…This gets worse and worse…” The Mane-iac held her face in a forehoof. “Guess I do have one option…” She mused.
“What is that, Mistress…?”
“Stay here with the others. Keep looking for the orb.” She started to head for the door. She stopped at the entrance. “I’m going back to the mare that did this to me…” She said in disbelief at her own words. She was insane, but the Mane-iac could not believe that she was going through with this. Her heart had sunk to the lowest point in her chest. “Fuck…” She said to herself as she began to walk out the doors. A miracle might just save her now.

Chapter 4: The Unholy Alliance.

The Mane-iac walked through the town with her head held down. The ponies that saw her, or rather smelled her, immediately moved to the other side of the street to stay out of her way. She had never felt so humiliated. “I would much rather be defeated by the Power Ponies a thousand times over than deal with this for another second!” She growled out loud. The sweltering stink that came off of her was almost visible to everyone around her. She ignored the looks and actions of those who were holding their noses with their hooves and retching behind the hooves. The Mane-iac started to make her way to the subway where the beast waited.

When she got to the gate, she froze. She forgot that it was still there. “Oh no…” She froze at the sight of it. It was locked and there was nothing she could do to open it. “Damnit!” She slammed a hoof against the steel angrily. “I’m so close!” She started to break down outside of the lair of the monster that had cursed her for eternity. She sat outside of the gate crying for a long while before getting up and wiping her face off. “Guess this is my gate then…” She started to walk away.

She didn’t even make it five hoofsteps away when there was a loud click behind her. The Mane-iac spun around at the sound and looked in horror as the lock came off with a magical aura surrounding it. The villainess gulped audibly and started for the gate which opened on it’s own as well. She carefully walked through it. That hurdle was done. Now it was time to face the beast. She started down the hall.
She stopped the moment she entered the atrium again. A wave of fear shot up the spine of the Mane-iac. She shut her eyes as images of what happened here previously flashed into her mind. The mere thought of being here again was enough to make her blood curdle. She shook her head. “Gotta get through this Manie…” She sighed. She opened her eyes. When she did she about jumped out of her fur, screaming at what awaited her.

Michelle snickered at the torment of the other mare. “Well, well, well~ What a day it must have been for you to return to me so soon~” She taunted cruelly. “Guess my curse was way too much for you to bear huh~?” She smirked at The Mane-iac.
The Mane-iac shuddered hard before gathering herself to face Michelle. “Yes…It is…” She looked away as she tried to come up with the wording she would need to ask for forgiveness. The Mane-iac gulped as she was hoping to not upset the monster anymore. “Wh-What would it take to get this curse removed…?” She asked simply. Negotiations could start with that at least.

Michelle glared at her for a few seconds before bursting out into a very evil cackle. She laughed like a maniac for a solid minute before sneering at the Mane-iac. “Oh, you stupid filly~ You don’t get it do you~?!” She bellowed with more laughter than a moment before. “There is no way in hell I am going to fix you! You stole what was rightfully mine!” The sneer she had soon devolved into an intimidating scowl that threatened to pierce right through the Mane-iac. “You are insane if you think I am going to let you out of this!” Michelle snorted, now towering over the Mane-iac.”

“Ple-Please! I can’t smell like this forever!” She whined as tears started to form around her eyes. “I just want a reprieve from this hell!” She fell down to her knees, begging Michelle. “Please!” She groveled.

The dark frown on Michelle returned to showing a dark smirk. “Hmm~” She suddenly started to purr as she took a forehoof to raise the face of the Mane-iac. “There actually is something you can do for me~ A few favors actually~” She laughed darkly. “I could actually use help with two things~”

“Pl-Please name it! I will do anything you need!” The Mane-iac perked up through tear-stained eyes. “Anything!”

“Very well~ You cannot back out from this point on, understood~?”

Something deep inside the Mane-iac caused her heart to skip a beat. She suddenly realized that this was going to a very bad mistake. She could only nod as she and Michelle locked eyes together.

“Then it is decided~” She cooed as she let go of the smaller mare. “I will save the bigger favor for later, but for now…~” She smirked darker as she started to turn around and raising her tail. “I need a little something taken care of~!”

The Mane-iac flinched as the hindquarters of the skunk mare found its way in front of her face again. She immediately shut her eyes as a small yelp escaped her lips. Silence followed as the mare waited in suspense for the musk to rain down. A few minutes passed by and nothing happened. The Mane-iac opened her eyes slowly. She looked ahead to see the backside of the larger mare just hovering in place. The villainess blinked as the large vulva before her glistened with Michelle’s juices. “I-I don’t…?”
Michelle snickered loudly. “What~? Ever went down on a mare before~ If you want to get away from the curse of my ass, then you better get to licking~” She took a half step back. Her nethers were brushing against the muzzle of the Mane-iac.

The smaller mare tensed as the organs made their way to her face. She shuddered as she took a timid sniff of the large lips that hung directly in front of her nose. Her eyes widened the moment that the scent of Michelle’s natural musk registered. The smell had perfectly cut through the miasma that surrounded the Mane-iac’s form. It was a sweet scent that held an earthy undertone. She shuddered, moving her face forward and inserting it into the nether region of Michelle. Her tongue began to explore the warm inside of the vagina.

Michelle let out quite the lewd moan at that. She shuddered as her tail started to wrap itself around the head of the Mane-iac. Michelle constricted her long appendage to force the muzzle of the maniac to go in farther. She purred and panted hotly as the feeling of a tongue on her folds was heavenly. This caused her arousal to sprout out further, letting the Mane-iac have a better area to work with. The larger mare huffed excitedly. “F-For someone who was so hesitant at first, y-you sure do a good job at pleasing your mistress~” She gasped as her newfound servant drug her tongue across the sides of Michelle’s inner walls.

The Mane-iac was really enjoying this motion as well. Michelle was really sweet and had a slight tang to her ever wettening juices. If the Mane-iac said she wasn’t happy in this situation, then she would be lying. The snatch of the larger mare held a reprieve from the hell that was the musk that afflicted the villainess. She made sure to take her time with this. Her tongue teasingly lapped at the walls that surrounded her muzzle. The Mane-iac got into a pleasing rhythm that was simply her licking at the deepest part of Michelle’s canal that she could get to before pulling back and slowly easing her way back into the deepest part of the canal, licking the folds carefully.

Michelle groaned out lewdly as her nethers were being tended to. She shuddered as her body began to warm up significantly. She panted out hotly as she could barely hold herself together. “Y-You know~?” She tilted her head back slightly to look back at the Mane-iac. “I think I know what would really help out my burning loins~” The long, pointed horn lit up and a magic aura surrounded her pet.

The Mane-iac shuddered as her head was surrounded by magic. She gulped on the juices that had filled her mouth and held still. She shut her eyes tightly before she felt her head being pushed forward. She was pushed as deep as Michelle’s snatch would allow. When the Mane-iac had essentially bottomed out with her face, she was pulled out all the way past Michelle’s vulva. The smaller mare shivered as she opened her eyes. She was being pushed back into the vagina again. This repeated motion stayed slow and rhythmic as Michelle was testing the snout of the Mane-iac.

When Michelle had gotten a good feel for the snout of her toy, she pulled the Mane-iac all the way out. “Guess it’s time to pay your dues~” She taunted cruelly as she spread her legs and raised her tail high in the air. Michelle braced herself as she used her magic to slowly pull the Mane-iac back into her nethers. Michelle purred at that, repeating the motion. Each time she did, however, the monster mare started to increase the speed. She was essentially using the Mane-iac to fuck herself with the snout of the smaller mare.

The Mane-iac was doing her best to not get sick from this motion, but something about it was just as erotic as it was sickening. She gave in, letting her muzzle pleasure Michelle as much as the larger mare wanted to. The Mane-iac was in no place to complain nor did she want to. She just rode it out in a bit of ecstasy.
Michelle moaned loudly as she forced the muzzle of the Maniac to get faster and faster in her own nether area. She started to tremble and the fur of her tail began to unfurl as her orgasm started to draw near. Her moans of pleasure started to get too unruly levels in volume. The titanic mare huffed between moans as she spread her legs some more. Her tail had blossomed to twice its size through the amount of pleasure that she was getting. Her asshole started to pucker hard. She finally reached a very powerful orgasm as her walls clamped down onto the muzzle of the Mane-iac. Fluids shot out of her nethers and went into both Mane-iac’s muzzle and onto her face.

The smaller villainess shuddered as she got a facial from the skunk mare, but she swallowed the secretions that the titan released and was quite shocked to find that they were sweet. It was almost intoxicating. Mane-iac had to wait for Michelle to ride her orgasm out. Eventually, it died down, but a sharp hiss in the air caused the Mane-iac to flinch.

Michelle had sprayed her vile musk out in the afterglow of her orgasm. She had relaxed so much that her muscles couldn’t hold back. The terrible hiss lasted several seconds and it coated the face of the poor Mane-iac.

This volley of musk sent the skunked mare into a major coughing fit. Her gut did somersaults into her chest. Her eyes poured tears and she tried everything she could to get away from the horrible stench. Nothing seemed to help her as she was in the worst predicament possible. She’d take anything else over this form of torture. Her face and mane was now matted down beyond repair. She eventually gave up fighting, letting the stink consume her form.

Michelle smirked darkly as she pulled away from the reeking mare. She waved a hoof in front of her nose, eventually holding it shut. She turned to the Mane-iac. “Phew~! What a terrible stench~! You won’t ever be getting that cleaned from your body~!” She taunted evilly. “Guess if you want to be free from my curse then you have no choice but to work with me~!!”

The Mane-iac could only respond with a weak nod. She was a mess. There was really no way to describe the terrible stench that surrounded her form. She stunk to high heaven. The stink was visibly wafting off her body at this point. Her eyes were a bloodshot red. Eventually, her nose acclimated to the stench and she was able to respond. “Wh-What do you want me to do?” She responded weakly with a raspy voice. The power of the musk had sapped almost everything from her.

Michelle chuckled darkly. “Now that you are officially my new pet, we will get to work on my plans~” She turned towards the dark hallway. She disappeared into it for a few moments before returning with something under a cloth in her magic. “I have been wanting to find a way to show how dangerous I really am~ I think we should take the fight to your nemeses, the Power Ponies~” She cackled again. “We are going to lay a trap juuuust for them~” She cooed in a sing-song voice.

The Mane-iac sat up from her reeking heap. She rubbed the side of her head as this whole scenario was giving her quite the migraine. “Wha-What do you plan on doing…?” She looked at the cloth that was hiding the item.

Mishi removed the cloth. under it was the fabled Electro Orb. “Well, the first thing we need to do is restore that lovely mane of yours~” She laughed evilly. “I need that to hold down the Power Ponies while I inflict my curse on a few of them~.”

The Mane-iac’s eyes widened in both fear and astonishment. “Th-Th-The Electro Orb!? How did you get that!?” She was sent into another coughing fit as the smell had become quite pungent. With each passing minute, the smell was getting worse, and the effects were beginning to show on the Mane-iac. She clutched her chest as she did her best to calm the spasms. “I...I thought that was under powerful protection!?” She managed to gasp out despite her body doing it’s best to shut down.

Michelle again cackled evilly. “You would be surprised at what a few threats, a few bribes and a demonstration of power will get you~” She hummed as her smirk darkened. “I also told them to give the news a story that it was stolen~ That would be enough to lure out the heroes for us to defeat~” She stated matter-of-factly. “Now there is one thing I need to do for you before we start our plan~” Her horn lit up, and a bolt of magic shot out and struck the Mane-iac.

The Mane-iac yelped at that, expecting to feel a lot of pain. She shuddered and shut her eyes tightly as she once again found herself holding her breath in fear. A few seconds went by, and nothing happened. She opened an eye with a wince. There was no pain, and the only thing she could see was the titanic mare before her smirking darkly. “Wh-What…?”

Michelle laughed, but this time her laugh wasn’t dark. It was very light-hearted. “Take a whiff of the air~ I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you smell my pet~.”

The Mane-iac did just that. She took a very timid whiff of the air. She jolted in shock as for the first time since this horrible nightmare began several days ago, she was able to smell things usually. Sure, the scent of skunk on the air was still present, but overall she could breathe the musty air of the underground lair that she was in. “Well…” She started. “I guess you did live up to your end of the bargain…” She admitted in a depressed tone. “I still have the other favor to do, and then I am fully free…?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that~” Michelle cooed. “I think I will need you in the future, and to ensure you stick with me, I put a timer on that spell I just cast~” She taunted as her tail swished more to the left and right. “I think you started to notice that the smell was getting much, much worse as time went on~ So when that spell wears off, the stink will be many times worse than it is right now~.”

The Mane-iac flinched at that. “Alright…” She sighed. “I am all yours.” She said in utter defeat.

Michelle snickered at the submission before approaching the other mare. “That is a good girl~” She started to circle the Mane-iac. Michelle rubbed her tail along the side of the fellow horse, and when she began to come around the other hand, she brought her rear up the chest of Mane-iac, following it up her neck and flicking it off her chin.

The villainess shuddered the entire time, gasping at the final display that Michelle gave. “What should we do first…” She gulped on the word she was about to utter. “M-Mistress…?”

“We wait at the shampoo factory for the heroes to arrive~” She purred. “But I need you to do one last thing before we lay the trap~” She raised her tail in front of the Mane-iac. “Kiss my asshole to seal the deal~.”

The Mane-iac shuddered as her heart sank. “Y-Yes Mistress…” She stepped forward and leaned down. Her face came between the cheeks of Michelle. Her nose picked up the strong scent of natural musk. She shuddered, trying her best not to be aroused by this action. She moved forward again, and her lips made contact with the fleshy ring, sealing the deal as Michelle cackled into the night.

Several days later, the news broke that the Electro Orb was once again stolen. Of course, when it did, the Power Ponies were called in to help figure out what was going on. They were sent into the museum where it had been last seen.

Masked Matter-horn began to inspect the casing that the electro orb was in. “It...It’s not shattered, but it has a magic protection on it…” She was rightfully, perplexed. “The Mane-iac couldn’t have done this…”
Mistress Mare-velous blinked. “What coulda done this? There ain’t anyone who can get it except the owner of the museum, right?”

Matter-horn looked at the case for a bit before turning to her friends. “That’s right. He couldn’t have let it go like this…”

Zapp groaned. “The Mane-iac could have just bribed him, everyone! Ponies would do anything for money!”
Radiance sighed in return. “As much trouble as Rainbow’s reasoning is, she is right…”

The saddle rager flinched at that. “But why would the curator take a bribe if he knows what is going to happen with the Mane-iac…?”

Fili-Second was dashing around the room. She was looking for any clues that she could find. “I don’t see anything that would say otherwise unless there was a super-secret ninja who stole the key to the case and ran off with the orb to shock anyone wh-”

“Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash barked out at the flitting mare. “We don’t have time to imagine things that are less likely to happen…” She huffed as she flew over to the camera hovering over the room. “This camera looks like it was damaged with magic!” She noticed. She quickly unplugged the camera and took it off its housing. She brought it down to Twilight.

Twilight looked at the camera after taking it into her magic field. “Whatever damaged it with magic, knew what it was doing. They cracked the lens on the inside. Another clue, though…” She grumbled as she floated the camera back to the housing that it sat in. “Alright, girls, what should we do?”

“Who else could use the orb?” Applejack mused. “About the only thing we got is the Mane-iac…”

Twilight sighed. “Guess we could see if she is rebuilding the weapon. That would be our first lead to go on… I have a horrible feeling about this…” She gulped dryly. “Let’s go…”


The Mane-iac was watching the magic vision that Michelle was providing her. The Monster with her had graciously offered a spell that would negate the effects of the spell. “So that is all it took for them to come here? No trap or clue?” She was very impressed. “You know what you are doing with this. Can’t you take the Power Ponies out on your own?” She grumbled.

The titanic mare next to the Mane-iac chuckled darkly. “I can destroy them on my own without breaking a sweat~ It is no fun that way. If you are going to play the long game, then you need to be ready to make the game fun~” She turned away to get the Electro Orb. “Jump in~ We need that mane and tail to be tendrilly again to help defeat them~.”

The Mane-iac groaned as she looked into the vat of shampoo. Without a second thought, she dove in deep.

Michelle held the orb over the vat with her magic. She cast another spell, activating the sphere. The next moment, there was a powerful zap of lightning that struck the liquid. Soon the liquid was bubbling, and, in the shadows, there was tendril-like movement. The monster cackled as she saw the motion, knowing that it was time to enact the plan.

About an hour later…

The Power Ponies arrived at the shampoo factory.

Masked Matter-Horn stopped outside of the building. “Why do I get the feeling that this is a terrible idea…?” She was looking up at the windows.

Mistress Mare-velous was looking at the windows as well; there were flickering lights from inside of the factory. “Ah, am glad Ah’m not the only one who feels that way…” She suddenly shuddered. “Yet, Ah, think we were right to come here…”

Zapp looked at the windows before flying up to them and peering inside. She flew back down after a few moments. “I can’t see anything directly…” She said upon landing. “Maybe a light was left on…?” She offered a reason.

Radiance nodded. “Perhaps, but if it is where the orb is left and we don’t check it, then Maretropolis wouldn’t trust us…” She shook her head. “I feel like this is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t know the situation…”

The Saddle Rager sniffed at the air. “I think…” She suddenly flinched. “Something happened here…”

Matter-Horn turned to Fluttershy. “What do you mean…?” Her facial expression turned to one of concern as she looked down at her.

“Something smells heavily of skunk b-but it smells much worse…”

The team of ponies started to smell the air.

Mistress Mare-velous blinked. “I smell something like a skunk, but it isn’t that strong. “Are you sure you are smelling things right, Fluttershy?”

“I-I am sure!” She huffed in an offended manner. “I only take care of animals for a living…” She growled a bit.

“Easy Flutters…” AJ said gently. “We are all on edge and have no idea what we are expecting here. We all need to be ready for anything to come. So let's all relax and prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Matter-Horn took the lead into the factory. When they opened the door, they could smell something a bit worse than the scent of skunk on the wind. Twilight used her magic to pinch her nose, and they continued into the building.

As the team went into the guts of the building, they stopped dead in the center. There were no henchponies and no other obstacles stopping them.

“I think this feeling just got a lot worse…” Zapp said quietly.

The door to the factory suddenly slammed shut, prompting a cry of fear from the Power Ponies. Things went dreadfully silent, and the team turned formed a circle to try to get a bead on what presence there was in the factory.

After a few minutes of tense silence, there was the sound of heavy hoofsteps that was coming from the darkness to their left. All eyes went to the sound, and the heroes could only watch in vain as a smirking muzzle appeared from the night, then came her head, then a body and finally the tail of the titanic mare. Michelle had appeared, and she was smirking at the Power Ponies.

“Welcome to hell~” She cooed evilly.

Matter-horn shuddered at the entrance of the large mare. “Wh-Who are you, and why are you in the Mane-iac’s factory…?” She lost all confidence at the aura of fear that Michelle gave her.

Michelle chuckled darkly at that. “You as heroes should know why you are here tonight~ You came for an item and answers. I have exactly what you need, but you are going to pay dearly for what you have come for tonight~” She stated. “The name is Michelle Darkmane~ You are going to learn to fear me~.”

The Saddle Rager saw the striped body of the larger mare and yelped in fear. “Y-You are a-a-a-a…” She was so terribly frightened that she couldn’t speak.

“A skunk pony~?” The monster cooed at that smugly. “Yes, I am~. In fact, am a unicorn skunk mare~ I am mighty at magic, and what will be your fates here tonight~” She looked at the vat of shampoo. “Rise Mane-iac~!!”

A figure leaped out of the liquid and landed on the other side of Michelle. As it did, the room was filled with the ungodly stench of thiol activated musk. The miasma penetrated the area and cut off any new space for the poor ponies that were in the trap that the two villainesses had lain. The Mane-iac was not affected by the stink, and she evilly grinned at the group. Her mane and tail were flowing in a tendril-like manor again.

The stench caused the Power Ponies to fall to the ground in a twisting mess instantly. They were hindered almost on the spot. The one who was affected most by this was Radiance. She was reacting much worse to the awful aura that followed Mane-iac.

Michelle looked at the Mane-iac. “Subdue the rest with your new mane and tail~ I see the first target of my wrath~” She motioned to Radiance.

“Anything to deal with these so-called ‘heroes’~” Mane-iac cackled as she rounded the group and used her mane to wrap them up. She picked them up. The stench that was coming off of her tendrils were sapping the now defenseless ponies of their stamina. Thankfully, there weren't any oils coming off of the mane, so, for now, the Power Ponies were safe from being inadvertently marked, but they were still caught up in the tendrils.

Radiance flailed out as she tried to hold her nose and motion to her allies at the same time. She slowly slid on the floor as she tried to get to her restrained friends. She suddenly stopped as she felt a presence above her.

Michelle rolled Radiance over onto her back as she tried to crawl away. Mishi smiled insanely down at the mare. “What is the matter, honey~? Do you not like the gift I gave the Mane-iac~?” She asked rhetorically. “I could give it to you as well~ I think the smell would suit you better than her~.”

Radiance shuddered. “Oh, please don’t do this to me!” She pleaded up at the monster above her. “Ju-Just give us the Electro Orb, and we will be on our way! Y-You, don’t have to do anything to anybody!”

Even before she had finished her pleas, Michelle had turned around. Her large tail drooped down just enough to brush against the face of Rarity. She raised it again, slowly squatting down and planting her large, perky rear upon the face of Radiance. “Mmm~” Michelle cooed. “Your face is a great seat~” She wiggled down onto the muzzle of the fashionist below her to bury her down to her large tail hole.

At first, Rarity cringed hard at the feeling, expecting the smell to be extraordinarily foul but soon found that Michelle was quite fresh down there, and it was oddly pleasing to the downed mare. She did not let her guard down as she had a hunch that things were about to get much, much worse.

“I think I am going to enjoy crushing you like a bug with my stink~” She sat her full weight back upon Rarity. “Hope you are ready~.”

Radiance flailed as she was pinned further under the ass of the titanic mare that sat upon her face. She knew that this would be the end of cleanliness as she knew it. About all she could do at this point was brace for impact.

Several seconds went by as the room fell silent. Well, mostly quiet except the heartbeat of Radiance and the occasional whimpers she made. The anticipation was growing as a few of the Power Ponies covered their faces so they wouldn’t feel the embarrassment that the fashionable pony was facing. Suddenly, time started to slow as if there was a powerful magic forcing it to slow down.

Michelle leaned forward, and the dreaded anal glands that held the musk came out. The mare under her started to flail more and more as she did not want this to happen, but that only fueled Michelle’s power trip even more. Michelle cackled out loud and wiggled her rump down so that the glands were aimed right at Radiance’s eyes. “I think a nice shade of amber green would suit your white mane very nicely~!” Her evil cackles rang out. The weapons started to swell, and the gigantic plume of a tail increased in volume as the fur on it began to unfurl. There was a minor trickle of musk that came from the nubs that dripped down onto the upper lip of Radiance.

“Celestia help me…” Came the final plea of Rarity. She shut her eyes tightly again and held her breath.

The monster fired the dreaded musk that coated the white mare’s eyes, head, and purple mane. The white fur was instantly stained with the vile fluid, and there was searing pain as the musk was powerful. Radiance let out a scream, but she was cut off when the smell hit. Instantly her eyes were pouring out tears. The white mare was sent into a coughing fit that almost blew her vocal cords on the spot. She started to retch as the power of stink caused her stomach to flop in her chest. Her face was tinted with a shade of red from the embarrassment that this situation laid upon her

The remaining Power Ponies were also sent into a fit. They had to cover their muzzles as best they could to avoid the smell of musk. The scent almost knocked Zapp and The Saddle Rager out. All of them turned away to spare themselves of the secondhand embarrassment that Radiance was feeling. Even the Mane-iac had to turn away. She knew how bad it was, and she felt a bit sorry for her adversary.

This was not the end of the assault, though. The skunk mare’s asshole once again bloomed, and there was a sickening hiss. It was not musk that came out, but a horrible blast of flatulence that consumed the form of Radiance. Somehow, the smell of the gas was worse than the stink of the musk that had hit her moments prior. Her face was tinted with a sickly green, and so was her mane. This prompted her to cough and retch on the fetid air harder.

Michelle cackled cruelly. “What is the matter, ~? Does the pretty mare not like the gift her new mistress has given her~” She began to rub her backside down onto the face of the skunked fashionista tauntingly. “Better get used the scent~ It won’t ever leave your nose~” She laughed more, getting off of her.

Radiance lay there in a retching heap. The smell almost visibly wafting off of her. She couldn’t have been left more helpless at the moment. Her eyes were nearly glued shut as she did her best to keep the stinging musk out of her eyes.

“Now then~ I think the rest of the Power Ponies have a hint of the power that I hold. What will their demise be~?” She asked as she stared at them almost seductively. “Guess I should let them have a chance to fight me~ Set them down Mane-iac~ It’s time I showed my true power~!”

The moment that she set The Saddle Rager down, her power manifested. She became the monster of muscle. “How dare you hurt my friend!” She roared and started to charge at Michelle.

The larger mare smirked and planted her back hooves down. When the two collided, she slid back a few feet but was eventually able to stop Saddle Rager. “Gotchya~!” She let out an evil laugh that stunned the muscle mare. She growled, and using her herculean strength, she tossed the Saddle Rager aside and sent her crashing into an unused vat of shampoo. “Such a simple creature~ Using her anger to take on someone she doesn’t know~” Michelle started to turn towards the other Power Ponies, but a special rope suddenly lassoed her. “What is th-” She was suddenly flung into the giant vat of shampoo. The container burst on the spot with hot shampoo was suddenly spilling out onto the floor.

The Mane-iac gasped. “M-Mistress!?” She started for the vat. A sudden zap of lightning stopped her movement. She screamed out in pain, going to her knees. Her mane was flailing about like a dying carp on land.

Mistress Mare-velous stepped forward, lassoing the Mane-iac. “Looks like yer fightin’ days are done! We won’t let you go so easily this time!” She growled, tying up the villainess.

Masked Matter-Horn looked at the still emptying vat. “We need to get Radiance help and scram! I don’t think that was a good idea, Applejack…” She winced at the sight.

Fili-Second zipped in, picking up the sick mare. “Guess we better hurry! That is not a mare I want to see upset!”

There was a clanging at the door. Zapp was trying her hardest to get it open, but it seemed like there was no chance to get it opened. “Gu-Guys! W-We may be in a bit of trouble here!” She slammed into the door again. It still wouldn’t budge. “Wh-What do we do!?” She whined.

Matter-Horn stepped up. “We need to stay calm!” She instructed. “If we get upset, that will make things worse!”

The Saddle Rager began to get up. “The sooner, the better..” She grumbled as she started to rub her head. There was a bit of blood, but it wasn’t enough to cause worry.

The Mane-iac growled from her restraints. “I don’t have the Electro orb you fools! Let me go!”

Mistress Mare-velous was bringing up the rear. “Where is the orb ya varmint!?” She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a loud explosion behind her.

From the plume of smoke stepped a very wet, a very clean, but an extremely pissed off skunk mare. Her mane and fur was soaked with shampoo. Her tail, however, was frizzed out beyond belief. Her skull-like pattern now looked twice as large. The squishing stomps of her hooves thundered as she approached the group. “!?” Came the dull roar.

The Power Ponies seemed to be frozen in absolute fear. They couldn’t answer the call because they were not about to sacrifice Mare-velous to the monster that approached them. The silence was staggering.

Michelle grit her teeth. “You all better answer me right now, or I will make sure Maretropolis will be able to smell you six for miles!” She thundered in absolute anger.

The Mane-iac smirked as she was able to move her mane a bit. She pointed at Mare-velous with a free stand of hair. “This one was the one who did it, Mistress~ She was the one who threw you~,” She said smugly as she waited to see the punishment of her adversary. She felt no sympathy for Mare-velous. This was going to be a slaughter, and it was going to be horrible.

Mare-velous grit her teeth as well. “Yeah, it was me.” She said confidently. “I am not going to back down when it comes to protecting my friends!” She roared defiantly at the monster who attacked Fluttershy.

Michelle used her magic to pick up everyone else besides AJ and pinned them to the surrounding support beams. “You have made a terrible mistake, and you will pay dearly for it!” She snarled as she approached Mare-velous.

The orange mare hunkered down and prepared for a fight. When Michelle was close enough, she turned around and threw a devastatingly powerful mule kick into the chest of the Monster that stood before her. However, she looked back in horror as her kick landed. It did nothing but mainly glance off of the chest of the large purple mare. “H-How!?”

Mishi smirked darkly as she looked down at Mare-velous. “I am not the skunk mare you see in the legends~ I am a genetically modified monster whose sole purpose is to hurt whoever I chose~!” She reared up on her hind legs, which caused the mare under her to yelp and covered her face as she fell onto her back. Michelle landed with her hooves striking beside Applejack. “Now you see why I am the most dangerous being in the city~! You now know why there is a monster in the dark~!” Her evil smirk turned to a dark, evil glare. “You now know why I am the most feared entity in the city!”

AJ flinched at every single proclamation the skunk mare made. She still covered her face in the hope that any punches that were thrown at her were deflected. No punches were thrown, and all went silent. She removed her shaking forelegs from her face, gulping. She was staring up at the glaring pink eyes of Michelle. Applejack started to break out into a cold sweat.

Michelle turned on her hooves and raised the huge, puffed up tail. She didn’t even give Mistress Mare-velous a chance to admire the view as she brought her large, plump and perky rear down onto the face of the orange mare below her. When Mishi wiggled her backside down, it mashed Applejack’s head into the crevice of her backside. The monster smirked the moment she felt the nose of Mare-velous become flush with her musky asshole. There were still remnants of her skunk musk from when Mishi blasted Radiance.

Mistress Mare-velous gasped at that, groaning at the feeling of pain from the larget mare crashing down onto her face. AJ’s eyes went wide as her face was ground down upon until her nose became flush with the fleshy ring that was to seal her fate for generations to come. “Oh, buck…” She was only able to think in silence as she was helpless to the punishment she was about to receive.

Michelle’s gut roared as the gas started to build up. “Oho~” She snickered. “I don’t think I will need to use my musk on you~” She leaned forward a bit. “Hope you don’t need to be social ever agian~” She taunted cruelly. “At least Radiance has a chance at freedom from my curse~! You will suffer!” She roared. Her rear door began to pucker, and then all at once, the dam broke as a flood of vile gas flew out and had nowhere to go but up the poor nose of Mistress Mare-velous. PfffffrrrrrrRRRRRRRT! It was an extended, brassy release that reeked horribly beyond belief. It managed to cut through the scent of the musk filled air. The hot gas of Michelle caused the nose of AJ to become super-heated. The whole ordeal was far worse than what Rarity had endured five minutes before.

AJ cried out when the fetid air had nowhere to go but up her nose. She retched out hard as her eyes began to pour tears out like Niagra Falls. Her lungs were on fire, and Applejack started to wheeze horribly. Her coughs rang out through the factory. Applejack’s face and mane had already been tinted with a dark green. The gas seemed to stick much harder than Mistress Mare-velous could have ever imagined. She squirmed under the titan of a mare. She was much stronger than Radiance, but her fighting was all in vain. She gave up as she submitted to the torture she was receiving.

Michelle moaned slightly as the pressure in her gut had been relieved somewhat. “Ahh~” She moaned dreamily but waved a hoof in front of her face tauntingly. “P.U!” She snickered. “You stink Mare-velous~! They say I reek, but you take the cake here~” She leaned back, putting her full weight down upon the orange mare. “Hope you are ready for more because there is plenty more~” She grunted, lifting a leg slightly. Another powerful fart rang out. This one was louder and more forceful as her butt cheeks vibrated against AJ’s muzzle. It lasted seven seconds, and the stench stuck to Applejack much worse than the previous blast.

Applejack screamed out as she felt the power of this fart. She shuddered as it flew up her nose as the last one had done. Her sinuses felt like they were about to burst from the headache she was getting. Her coughing only got worse and worse as the fetid air grew in vileness. She had her eyes tightly shut by this point, and she was holding onto the fact that if she didn’t spray her, the stink wouldn’t last that long. It was only flatulence.

Meanwhile, the other power ponies were watching this display in utter horror. They felt sorry for their friend who was being tortured, but they were helpless to do anything. The smell that had filled the factory was sapping their strength and stamina. Poor Radiance limply hung in the restraints as her musk-ridden body was too weak to hold her up.

Michelle moaned as her gut was relieved more. She wiggled her rump down onto the face of Mistress Mare-velous to make sure the stink was rubbed into the head of the orange mare. “Darling, I think it is time I give you your full punishment~” She cooed. “I think I will add a little something special on top of this next blast~” Michelle leaned forward again.

Applejack's eyes widened as Mishi informed her of what was to come. She fought as much as her limp body would allow. With the energy-sapping musk weighing her down, there was not much room to fight. She gave up and shut her eyes tightly as she braced herself for the hellfire that was to come. She took a deep breath and held on to the tiny glimmer of hope that she would escape.

Michelle's asshole bloomed out as a dreadful hiss was let loose from the deepest reaches of her innards. This hiss lasted a solid 10 seconds. At the tail end of the release, her buds came out, and there was a wetter hiss that was let out. Two thick streams of musk splashed down onto the face of Applejack. It sprayed up her cheeks and went up the bridge of her nose and spreading out across her forehead. The sickening stench exploded into the air and was exacerbated by the flatulence that preceded it. The orange mare below Mishi was etched with a dark amber, green streak across her face.

Mistress Mare-velous screamed out in pure terror at the velocity and power of the fart that was let out onto her. She winced as the smell of it made her mane blowback, and she felt the cheeks that trapped her face fluttered as the force of the release. When the musk hit, her eyes began to pour tears faster than she had ever cried before, and the pain was immeasurable. She had to inhale as the pain made her cry out, and like Radiance before her, she was sent into a terrible coughing fit. Her gut was flopping in her chest as she retched harder than she had ever dry-heaved before. Soon, she passed out as her body was unable to handle the terrible effects of Michelle’s musk.

After the orange mare below her had ceased moving, Michelle slowly rose off of her and smirked at the rest of them. “Now, I see you have had a viewing of what I can do~ I bet you are wondering why I am enacting this terrible fate upon you.” She gave a dark, guttural chuckle. “I need money to make my underground home more suited for a true master of the city~. Once they hear that I defeated the saviors without breaking much of a sweat, then the city will have to pay their tithes directly to me~” She used her magic to pick up AJ and floated her over to the group. “So, what do you do from here~?” Michelle cooed evilly. “Since a villainess cannot live without heroes to face her, I will need you to visit me every once in a while~ Don’t worry about your current states~ The smell will come off eventually, I am sure~” Her evil laugh rang out through the factory.

Masked Matter-Horn used her magic to pinch her nose to control better her body’s reaction to the thick air that hung around them. “Th-That is your plan…?” She asked in a nasally tone as she blinked at the monster. “You are just going to rule the city like that…?” She couldn’t fathom the logic behind this.

“Oh, no~ On the contrary, my dear~ I don’t want to rule this city per se, but I do wish to have it under my hoof whenever I need something from its citizens~” She purred, walking up to Masked Matter-Horn and smirking. She placed her hoof on the chin of Twilight and moved it up so she could stare at Mishi. “I would hate to see that pretty face of yours be placed under the same fate as the other two ponies here tonight~.”

Twilight blushed at that, turning her head away. She joined the downed team and turned to face Michelle and The Mane-iac. “I will find a way to stop you…” She growled in a promise, although she did not sound sure of herself.

Michelle’s horn lit up, and a portal opened behind the two villainesses. “I highly doubt you will~ Now run along and play hero elsewhere~ I have plenty of money to collect from the citizens who need my protection~!” She cackled as she turned around and started for the portal. “Oh and a fair warning to the two who are marked with my stench~ Stay away from water for a few days~ Don’t want my thiols to activate and make it worse~” She entered the portal, dragging the Mane-iac with her, her laugh echoing through the night as the portal closed.