> Her Words Words Words > by Wandering Pigeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just Her Words > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Uggh! Are you done yet?” “Rainbow Dash, please. I’ve barely begun.” “Barely begun? I’ve been your pincushion for the last hour here!” “Now now, there’s no need to whine about it. Not when you volunteered to be my model.” “Pincushion.” “Model.” “Yeah, yeah. Remind me why I did that again?” “Because you had so much fun with me last time, darling.” “Last time?” “Well… you wouldn’t remember.” “Heh, saying I blocked it from my memory? Sounds like me, but doesn’t sound familiar.” “No need to push the issue, darling. Lift your hind leg for me.” “Well now you got me thinking about it. Uh… let’s see… was it during the parasprite invasion? Cause I can’t remember the last time otherwise.” “Oh no, that was so long ago. Naturally you’d recall then, we were interrupted. Other hind leg, please.” “What’dya mean ‘naturally’?” “Just— Oh, you know. Big event and all, what with all the wanton destruction and such. Usually our sessions run a little smoother than that.” “Still drawing a blank on all these times I supposedly modeled for you.” “Fore leg up, please.” “Whenever I try to picture it my head just gets all… fuzzy.” “Rainbow Dash! Fore leg up. Please!” “Okay, okay! Geeze, you can be fussy.” “Maybe I’m just trying to get you out of here as fast as possible. Since you hate it so much.” “Aw see, now you’re trying to guilt me.” “Well I’d hate for you to fly off before I’m finished dressing you up is all.” “Going to be hard to do that with this corset you stuffed me in. You sure it needs to be this tight? Grrh! My wings are squished!” “All necessary, trust me. Now, for your last leg, if you don’t mind.” “And what’s with these socks anyway? They’re so thin you can practically see through them.” “Honestly now. You can’t tell me you’ve never heard of stockings before, Rainbow.” “Oh that’s what they are.” “My my, so uncultured.” “Hey, I’m cultured. I’m the best at being cultured! I’ve just, y’know, never worn something like these before.” "Oh, you have." “Huh?” “Nothing, dearie. Hold still while I add the garter.” “Ugh, does it have to be pink?” “As a matter of fact it does. Now let me just… there, magnifique.” “Cool. We done?” “Rainbow, you barely have anything on!” “So?” “Ugh… no, we are not done. Far from it.” “Hooray.” “Somewhere to be?” “I’m just missing my afternoon nap for this is all.” “Oh don’t worry, darling. By the time I’m through with you, I have a feeling you’ll be very relaxed~” “Uh-huh.” “Now turn around, I need to get these on you.” “A skirt? Groan.” “A petticoat, Rainbow Dash.” “…Rarity.” “Yes?” “That’s a frickin’ skirt.” “…” “Don’t roll your eyes at me!” “Darling, I didn’t roll anything.” “Nuh-uh, you did! I could practically hear you.” “Well forgive me. It’s just hard to believe a mare with as much culture as yourself doesn’t understand basic fashion.” “Haha.” “Step back into these, please.” “Whatever, just as long as you know that’s a skirt.” “Petticoats are similar, Rainbow, but they’re not actually skirts. Their job is to make your dress nice and poofy!” “Oh yay.” “You could try to drop the sarcasm, darling. It isn’t becoming of a lady such as yourself.” “Ha! Me, a lady. Good one, Rares.” “Oh, it was no joke, Rainbow. You can be a very good girl when you want to be.” “Yeah well I— I mean… uh… I guess?” “That’s the spirit! Now we’re going to add one more petticoat. Is my model okay with that?” “Does your model have a choice?” “No.” “Then no. But go ahead anyway.” “There we go—!” “Whoa! Hey, watch where your magic’s riding up.” “Apologies. But it looks good!” “It looks big. I can’t even see past my back now!” “Well, that’s the idea. Just wait until we get to the dress!” “There’s a dress too?” “Rainbow…” “I’m not eyeing the door. Just… uh… posing?” “Hehe. Yes you are. Good girls like posing in their outfits.” “Urrgh… Uh… yeah! Want another one real quick? Wa-CHOW!” “Oh my, how striking!” “Ka-POW!” “Marvelous, Rainbow. Though, I must add that most models wait until they’re fully dressed before hitting the runway.” “Right, sorry… dunno what happened there…” “You got a little carried away is all. Nothing to be ashamed of. I thought your poses were quite fetching.” “Thanks?” “But I would have done without the sound effects, however.” “Yeah, cause you’re not awesome!” “Hm.” “So is it time to stuff me in a dress already?” “My, you must really be in a hurry to want to skip to that part.” “No! I mean I’ve got nothing else going on. Makes no diff’ to me.” “Sure. But if you insist, we can move along. Here, let me get this blouse over your head.” “Ack! Warn me next time, will you?” “I did warn you, darling.” “Well warn me sooner. You almost ripped my mane off there.” “Sorry. Here, why don’t you smooth out your petticoats real quick, they got a tad ruffled.” “Err…” “What’s the matter?” “That sounds super girly when you say it like that.” “Oh but Rainbow, good girls will do as they’re told.” “I… yeah, sure whatever.” “Don’t mumble dearie.” “I said okay. Sorry.” “You’re certainly being a handful today, aren’t you? I’m usually not so… commanding, this early on. Are you sure nothing’s going on?” “Everything’s fine!” “…Now darling, when you snap like that it makes me think everything isn’t fine.” “…” “Let’s stop beating around the bush here. You can tell me what’s going on, Rainbow. Good girls tell the truth.” “I—I just… It’s noth— er… nothing! Nothing’s going on!” “My word, you’ve never— I mean… Rainbow Dash, good girls tell the truth. You want to be a good girl, don’t you?” “I do! Errgh… I just… uunnff… it’s embarrassing.” “You can tell me, Rainbow.” “I really gotta use the bathroom is all.” “Oh. Oooh. I see, dearie. That’s nothing to worry about.” “Guess it was kinda silly to try and hide it. I think it’s the corset’s fault. It’s trying to squeeze it outta me.” “HA! …Erhem. Charming, Rainbow Dash.” “Hey, you laughed.” “I did not! Now hold still, I want to sew some bows onto your blouse’s sleeves.” “Aw come on. Aren’t good girls supposed to tell the truth or whatever? Don’t try to hide it.” “Do not throw my— my words back at me.” “Heh, you make it too easy. Good girl this, good girl that. It’s like your new ‘darling’ or something.” “Alright, I believe you’ve had enough time awake today, Rainbow.” “Huh?” “It’s playtime, good girl.” “What are you— you… talking… about…” “Feeling more… obedient, Rainbow?” “…” “Ah, yes. How could I forget? Dashie, are you there?” “I’m here, Rarity.” “Hmm… Still a trace of you in there, huh? Dashie, be a good girl and call me by my title.” “Yes, Mistress.” “There we go. Dashie, what do good girls do?” “They obey.” “Are good girls ever naughty?” “Good girls are never ever naughty girls. Good girls obey.” “That’s more like it. You really had me worried there for a second.” “I’m sorry, Mistress.” “Oh that won’t save you now. You can’t kiss up to me when you’re under my control and expect me to believe it’s genuine.” “Yes, Mistress.” “But before we deal with that, I have a special little surprise for you, Dashie.” “What is it, Mistress?” “Remember last time when you begged me for a new dress? Something pretty for you to twirl around in? Something that shows off your you-know-what?” “Yes, Mistress, I remember.” “Well last night I was inspired! I stayed up late just for you to make sure it was perfect. Ta-da!” “It’s beautiful. Thank you, Mistress.” “Oh, you’re welcome, Dashie. Now put it on and show me how cute you look! Here.” “Okay, Mistress. Thank you again, Mistress.” “Aww, so submissive. It’s a shame Rainbow Dash can’t be like this all the time. But I do enjoy the time I get to spend with just you, Dashie.” “I like being with you too, Mistress.” “Oh! Now I won’t peek. Tell me when you’re done.” “I’m ready, Mistress.” “Ah! Simply divine, darling. You look like you popped straight off the cover of Lolita Monthly!” “I feel so pretty! Teehee~” “Give me a twirl, Dashie, let me see it all.” “Okay, Mistress.” “Ah, lovely. Though one thing is missing.” “Mistress?” “You know what it is, Dashie. Something white. And fluffy. And it goes riiiight… here!” “Oh, my diapee!” “Good girl! I knew you’d remember. Now, which kind would you like? I still have a few of those glittery one’s you adore. But I also just got in some Deluxe Cloudies. They line the padding with clouds to make them extra soft and poofy!” “Ooh, that one!” “Now Dashie, good girls remember their manners.” “Yes, Mistress. I’m sorry, Mistress. May I please have a Deluxe Cloudie diapee?” “Of course you can, darling. Allow me. I do so love wrapping your cute little flanks up in one of these.” “I like them too, Mistress.” “Oh, I know you do. I made sure of that, good girl. Now hold still… and I’ll get… this sorted… out! There we go. How does that feel, Dashie?” “Heehee! Poofy…” “Give that cute little pa-tootie a wiggle for me, won’t you?” “Teehee! Like this?” “Ah… simply divine. Now, I do believe Rainbow told me something about needing to use the restroom. Is that true, Dashie?” “I… uh…” “No squirming dearie, it’s not ladylike.” “Yes, Mistress.” “Now speak up. Good girls do what when they need to go potty?” “They… hmmf! Hnng!” “Very good Dashi— Oh. Oh my…” “Hrrrgh!” “That’s… goodness me, Rainbow you weren’t joking.” “Aaahh~ Heehee, I made a poopy.” “You certainly—Mmph! Goodness—You certainly did, Dashie. Phew, the smell!” “I’m sorry for being a stinky girl, Mistress.” “It’s just the surprise. Warn me a little earlier next time, darling.” “Yes, Mistress.” “At least your diaper hardly sagged. Are those Cloudies treating you well, Dashie?” “Yes, Mistress. I love them.” “Good. Now, before we can begin our usual tea party, we must do something about that mane of yours. Oh, how I wish we could keep it curly just once…” “Um… Mistress?” “Yes, Dashie?” “Are you… going to change me?” “With how fussy you’ve been today? Goodness no. You’ll spend the whole tea time sitting down in that thing.” “But—“ “Dashie, good girls don’t complain about their full diapers.” “Yes, Mistress.” “It’s absurd how much resistance I’ve gotten from you lately. That tears it, once our tea time is over you’ll be spending the evening as Sweetie Belle’s doll again.” “But Mistress—“ “Ah-Ah! Not another word. If you didn’t want to be punished you wouldn’t have acted out. Now don’t pout. Good girls are always cheerful and sweet. There we go. Now go sit down by the vanity, we must do something about that rat’s nest on your head already. It ruins your adorable ensemble even more than the smell.” “…” “That’s it, Rainbow. Keep being my sweet, girly, smelly little filly.” “…” “Oh, despite the trouble you give me, I do enjoy it when you ‘volunteer’ to be my model. It’s just what I need to relax at the end of a long week. And I know you like it too. I wouldn’t allow you to feel any other way about it.” “…” “Go on, Dashie, you can speak now. Don’t you love be my sweet little diapered model?” “Yes Mistress. I love it sooo much!” “Fufufu… Good girl.”