> Treat of a Sun Goddess > by emu34b > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Queen’s Exotic Tastes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How John even got here was a mystery to him. One day in the normal human world full of normal sized humans, living normal lives and working normal jobs just like him. The next? In this world of pastel horses with only a pair of shorts on, ones that spoke his language and looked like cartoons, with large eyes, marks on their flanks, and everything. Of course… they were also giants. He wasn’t ant sized, but he certainly wasn’t going to be visible to most of these ponies either. Also of note, was the fact that the sun never did seem to set here either. It would get close, but not quite. It was as if night didn’t exist. His life went from going to work to exploring his giant environment, which by the looks of it, seemed to be a castle, and a very grandiose one at that, with golden statues of an alicorn known as “Nightmare Star” being littered throughout, and flags with red suns on them in every hallway. Some places here even seemed to have entire hallways made of pure gold. He would deduce that this Nightmare Star was the leader (and more specifically, queen) of some kind of country, and this was her palace. Not like he would ever get to meet her. He had never seen her in person yet, after all. Meeting the queen was not his concern however. For the most part, he kept to himself, and hid when he could. He had been here for a few weeks, and quickly learned the best hiding spots, places to find food, and when and where it was best to go out in the open. John had pondered perhaps trying to get ponies to notice him, but every time he thought of it, he would decide against it, due to the possibility one might not have the best intentions for him. And there was no way he could fight back, nor would anyone come to his aid if such a thing did happen. Speaking of which, his stomach was calling now for satisfaction. Looking around, he saw no pony, not even a guard, in sight. Therefore, he would make his way to the “Private Pantry”, where the tastiest food was, at least to him. It was all vegetarian, at least the stuff he could reach. Not like it mattered though, food was food. And there was sometimes even cake to eat! The door was locked, but he would find his way under a crack in the door, with natural sunlight illuminating the place as per usual. He would hang by the wall, before deciding he would go for something quick, that being cereal. Specifically that oats and strawberry yogurt one he liked. Him being so small in this world did come with some advantages. Climbing was much easier, and falling didn’t hurt nearly as much, thanks to his apparently much lower mass. He could just jump down if he really needed to. He didn’t have to work as hard to scale tall objects, like the shelf that the cereal was on. He’d use various objects and nooks where he could place his feet and hands that were on the shelf and the counter next to it to make his way up to where the boxes were. He idly wondered how good he would be at parkour should he ever make it back home. After a few minutes of climbing and various acrobatic tricks, he would find himself at his destination, standing in front of the cereal box that he was going to take only the yogurt pieces out of and leave the not as tasty oats, to the chagrin of it’s owner. As he was figuring out a way to scale this box, and get into it’s contents, he heard the door behind him start to unlock. He put the thoughts aside from now. John would run between the cereal boxes, and hide behind them. He knew little of Equestria (or rather, the Solar Empire,) but he knew who he was looking at. “Nightmare Star...” he would whisper to himself. She was a goddess, put it simply. She was stronger and taller than all the other ponies he’d ever seen, whom were already skyscraper sized to him. She was also adorned in gold and amethyst, with an elaborate chest plate, several necklaces, armor going across her back, and a crown with golden horns to top it off. This would leave no question that she, and she alone, was in charge. After all, she was the queen… and for good reason. She was responsible for raising the sun after all! And he was locked in a room with her now. He just never thought he’d see her. Of course, Star also had keen eyes. She would immediately spot the motion between the boxes of cereal in her periphery, and would trace it to the box that he was now behind. His heart would beat faster as he heard the golden shoes of hers tap and shuffle towards him. There would be a momentary pause, just long enough for him to think that maybe, just maybe, she didn’t see him. Of course, this was a ploy by Star, to get him into a false sense of security. And then like the Red Sea, the cereal boxes would part. The sudden movement and noise would startle the human, and make him fall over with a gasp. He felt light hitting his eyelids, and would open them to a sight he was hoping not to see. The shelf had turned into a stage, the cereal boxes forming it’s walls to his right and left. And both forming the sole member of his newfound audience, and the stage lights, Nightmare Star and her aurora like mane would fill most of his view. With her violet, slit eyes both focused right on him. It was a truly magnificent, but terrifying sight. Perhaps he did wish to meet Nightmare Star someday… but not like this. Star’s eyes would scan the creature she had just discovered. It was no mouse, nor rat. Too small to be either, firstly. In fact, looking into the creature’s eyes, they would suggest that it possessed sentience and intelligence. The creature appeared to be a small monkey of some kind… but it was hairless, aside from on the head. And monkeys certainly didn’t live anywhere near here nor were they inches tall… “Looking for something to eat are you?” she said, spinning the key around in her magic. His reaction to her voice would only confirm that he was intelligent, and not just some other pest. For him, her voice was low, breathy, smooth, but most importantly, loud. Not enough to hurt the ears, perhaps just on the cusp of it… but enough to dominate his sense of hearing whilst she talked. Like a seductress… or dominatrix, more like. Of course, it would take a second to register that the gigantic queen before him had just asked him a simple question. Responding to her wasn’t an easy task either, as all he could do is stammer at the sight before him. “Well?” she would press. “Y-y-yes...” he would blurt out suddenly, confirming to Star his intelligence, and the fact that he would understand her words. “You could have gone for something more nutritious than cereal.” she would comment with a laugh, as their eyes continued to be locked, for perhaps a little too long. Such a giant pair of eyes fixed on him would only make him feel much smaller. Let alone the fact they were the eyes of the Queen herself. “Yes, little one… I know I have lovely eyes, but are you going to stare at them all day? Surely there’s something else about me that’s interesting to look at.” she said with a smirk, before she would lean in to observe him even closer. “Care to tell me what you are? It’s quite clear to me you’re not the usual fare of creatures you would find hiding in the pantry.” He would swallow before responding again. “Uh-uh… h-human-n…?” he would again stammer. How his tiny voice was able to be heard by Star, he wasn’t sure. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact she was an alicorn. His statement would result in Nightmare Star’s smile growing, causing him to back up against the back of the shelf. Which would then cause Star to laugh at him. “Must you be anxious at my every action beyond blinking?” she’d comment. Of course, Star was enjoying this. She did take pleasure in being large and in charge, after all. Now just more than usual. “Humans are mystical creatures here, you realize. I never thought I’d meet one… let alone a few inches tall and hiding in a pantry like a mouse. Aren’t you supposed to be taller?” she would ask. That was a question he couldn’t answer. His mind was temporarily taken away from the giantess in front of him and more to the consideration that humans here were like unicorns from where he was from. Another chuckle would come and demand his attention once more, however. “As the Queen of the Solar Empire, I give you permission to speak, human.” she would tell him. “Though, that was a rhetorical question anyway.” she would add. “Care to tell me your name?” “J-John...” he said, feeling almost defeated by the dominating presence of hers alone. Perhaps that wasn’t his name, but he didn’t feel like talking too much… especially now that his body wasn’t touching the shelf. Indeed, he was levitating above it, surrounded in some strange tingly orange glow that Star’s horn was also producing. The shelf would retreat before him, before long he would see the ground that Star herself stood on. The sheer scale of the mare and the height would make his heart skip a beat, feeling like he was hundreds of feet in the air. Looking back at Star wouldn’t help either, with the violet eyes of her’s now dominating his vision. “Just getting a closer look at you is all…” she said, as her pupils and eyes narrowed on him. “Honestly I would have expected you to have more fur on you… more than zero anyway.” He really didn’t know how to respond to that. Before long, he’d be turned around in the magic, now facing the shelf instead of Star. Feeling like he was being levitated between two skyscrapers. “Mmmmm… none on your back either… there’s some more on your head of course.” she would say. Hearing her voice behind him would still make him tense up, of course. It was like being in a movie theater. Of course though, Star remembered why she was in here in the first place. Him facing away from her, he couldn’t see the evil little grin forming on her face. Star would lean forward and give him a peck across the back, followed by a “Mwah~” and a shiver on his part. “Even my kisses make you tense up… its honestly adorable.” Hearing Star talk behind him was enough to make him feel smaller than he actually was. The next feeling though, would feel alien to him. Across his back, John would feel another sudden feeling, one of something squishy, slimy, warm, and velvety press against him, and begin moving upwards. All the while, hot humid and peach smelling air would surround and blow past him. It was completely unexpected, and would cause him to shiver and close his eyes at the strange, unknown feeling. Star’s magic would ensure he couldn’t turn around easily to see what it was either. The feeling seemed to last for a minute to him, before subsiding, and leaving his back feeling wet and drippy, and the air would start to feel much colder there as well. The feeling would return temporarily, as the squishy thing would press into him again for a second, before pulling away. He heard what sounded like someone loudly licking their lips behind him… and then he figured it out. Nightmare Star had just tasted him. The revelation would make him shiver once more, especially as he was turned around to face her again. Star was harder to look at now, after all, know she knew what he tasted like. And she was more than capable of devouring him if she felt so inclined. “Why little human… you taste so wonderful...” she said, with a smile, full of those dangerous teeth. As if being eaten by a monolithic alicorn queen wasn’t scary enough. There was no way he could fight her either way. His thoughts would pause for a second, as he saw Nightmare Star’s head coming closer to him, mouth slightly agape and tongue outstretched, presumably coming in for another lick. He would tense up and his breathing would quicken. Just before the tongue made contact with him, it would stop just feet from his face, and the member would retreat back into the cave it originated from, with a loud slurp, and a low laugh from the queen it belonged to. “Aren’t we going to have so much fun together~” She would smile once again, nice and wide, exposing her teeth to him in all their glory, forming a wicked expression that would send shivers down his spine. Each one of them was a pearly white spire, one that by itself could end him, let alone a row of them. However, this wouldn’t be the only sight he would the human would see of her maw, as the teeth would themselves begin to part, with strands of saliva connecting a few of them breaking as she opened nice and wide for him. Being hit with a wave of peach smelling breath (not unpleasant actually), the human would turn away, before looking back. The sight would not make him shiver, rather, his eyes would become just as wide as the maw before him, as his breath would quicken as he started into the cave that had opened before him, with an “Ahhhhh~” announcing it. The mouth to him, was a gigantic cavern. Her sharp teeth would adorn her mouth’s edges, spotless, white and wickedly sharp. In the back, there lie the portal into the rest of the goddess’ body, her throat, with her uvula there hanging just in front of it. A portal of flesh of it was, reddish and lightly pulsating, the source of the humid, peach smelling breath that would once again waft past him. The rest of the flesh in her maw would take on a similar color. The centerpiece of her mouth, her tongue, laid casually at the floor of her mouth. It was a massive ocean of flesh, eager to welcome it’s new guest, which he knew in the back of his mind, was to be him. It moved lightly, quivering slightly in anticipation. All of this, generously coated in thick, glistening saliva. It dripped from the roof, uvula and her teeth, and covered the walls and throat. On her tongue, it formed small pools, and more than generously covered her tongue in it. One could even see evidence of a larger pool of it just under her tongue. Perhaps a mesmerizing, but terrifying sight to such a small man like himself. And he was slowly heading toward it. Once he discovered this fact, he would turn around in her magic, and desperately kick and struggle in her grasp, swimming in the air, causing Star to chuckle at his fruitless fight against her. As she was pulling him in, she was lowering him at the same time. Gradually, her teeth and the rest of her maw would come into his view once again, but this time, they would be framing the outside, causing him to struggle even more feverishly and breath even faster. It would all be for naught though, as he knew his fight was lost the moment he felt something warm and very slick come into contact with his body, and for the tingly magic to release him, right in the center of her tongue, and the center of the cave that was now to be his prison. As John was released, the unstable ground would ensure that he would fall and lay down on top of it. Still, he hoped Star would come to her senses. Grab him with her magic, pull him out of here, and let him be, or do something else with him. Maybe even apologize. Of course, that fantasy was not to be, as Star’s jaws would shut around him, the sound of which would muffle his cry. If this were any other pony’s mouth, perhaps it would be shrouded in pitch blackness, but even that was a luxury he wished he had. Her mouth was just light enough to see inside of it. The source of the light? On the bottom of his list of concerns. The fact that he could see in her maw, the wall of sharp teeth, and the massive tongue he was on only amplified the feeling of helpless terror. He didn’t dare look behind him, he didn’t feel like staring at another beast yet. While he was getting his bearings though, the part of his mind less filled with fear would notice something. Her tongue was very, very soft. Exquisitely soft even. He was sunken deeply into it’s flesh, his body looking to be a foot below the ocean’s surface. And it was slick, absolutely covered in her saliva. And it was warm. Actually, the whole place was warm, hot even, and humid. It would of course, also be filled with sound. The sounds of dripping and moving saliva, her breathing and nearly every movement of the flesh in her throat and tongue would dominate his hearing. Her maw was the size of a sports venue to him, but for all he was concerned, he was in a completely different world. One entirely contained inside of the solar regent, one where she controlled every aspect, voluntarily or not. John wouldn’t get much more time to mull over his situation, however. Star wasn’t going to just let him sit in her maw all day, after all. Well, not without playing with him. The ocean of flesh beneath him would begin to stir, him feeling like he was riding waves on top of it. It began to roll him around like he was but a candy. As he slid and slid over it’s slick, smooth surface, he would get covered in more and more thick saliva, and let out a shiver as he felt the fine texture of her tongue pass by his exposed skin, everywhere, time and time again. He tried to struggle against it, but Star would continue playing with him anyway, his struggles again fruitless. Suddenly, it would all stop, her tongue flattening out, and him landing on his face near the edge, by her teeth. He would peel his face off her tongue, it and everything else of his drenched by saliva, and find himself looking straight at one of her many sharp teeth. The sight made him instinctively back away from it, but even that proved to be a challenge. Star’s tongue was too soft, every movement of his would sink deeply into the warm flesh of hers, and the thick, sticky saliva wasn’t helping at all. He would, with effort, back away towards the center of her tongue, with the realization that Star was tasting him. She wasn’t done yet though. Star would begin to toss him around in her mouth, starting with a laugh. Just to seal the deal. Her tongue became more violent in it’s actions, at least to him, her jaws parting to give it some more room. He felt he was on a squishy roller coaster now. In reality, Star wasn’t going much harder than she was earlier, but for the tiny man, any swerve of her tongue felt like riding a giant wave, lubricated by her saliva. Saliva would rush in as her tongue was driven mad with the exotic flavor of the human’s skin. Occasionally, he would find himself pinned up against the slimy flesh of her cheeks. It was as if he was a piece of butter in a hot pan. Her tongue would be everywhere he was, and he would always land back in it’s embrace, for the process to start anew, until of course Star got bored of it. She’d shut her jaws, and let her tongue settle down where it was. As he realized the ride was over, he looked again, and found that he was once again faced with teeth, even closer than last time. And this tooth was the tallest looking one; it was one of her fangs. The sight of the white spire would make him back up once more. Of course, Star would have a plan though. As he backed away from her teeth, the tongue would rise up, and pin him up against the roof of her mouth. Forcing him to lay face down again, and making him feel awfully claustrophobic. As the tongue would squeeze him up against the roof, he would be squished further into it, giving him little room to breathe or struggle. Her tongue had no such restrictions, and as a result, moved freely, back and forth, dragging what felt like a mile of soft, wet velvet across his tiny body, back and forth. She was suckling on him, like a candy. She would let out an “Mmmmm...” like a cat purring as it plays with it’s toy, sending vibrations through her tongue, and a shiver up his spine. Perhaps not one of fear, however. Star did have a nice voice, but that’s not what it was. Still, she wasn’t done with him, far from it. She would let him go, her tongue dropping down suddenly. The saliva would leave him stuck to the roof of her maw for longer, and he would peel off the roof and fall back onto her tongue with a wet splat, her tongue softening any blow he could have received from it. He would look behind himself and see that the tip of Star’s tongue was curling back, rising like a giant wave. He tried to flee from it, only for the back of Star’s tongue to rise and make him slide right toward it again. He was forced into a hug from her tongue, a very slimy, very warm, soft and extremely awkward hug. One that would of course, taste him all over, and make him shiver at the alien, but pleasurable feeling. Perhaps what he feared most now that he wasn’t fearing what was going on, at least right now. This was the gentlest she’d ever been so far. Star’s tongue was soft and warm, the best part of the experience. Star’s tongue would suddenly shift then. He didn’t much care for when it would lurch and swerve around, of course. He would hug her tongue, perhaps to hold on to something rather than go everywhere again. The hug would become tighter, before she’d release him, and her tongue would fold lengthwise, making him lay in a valley of warm, dripping flesh. He didn’t really know what she was doing at this point, so he waited for her to do something else. Perhaps even let him out. Seconds later, one his wishes would be granted, as her tongue would cup him, surrounding him even more by her tongue. Star was trying to figure out if he was enjoying it, the hug cluing her off. And he would indeed, do it again. Again to hold on in case of any sudden movements, and partially to perhaps signal to her to stop. Maybe a mix of both. “So… you enjoy it, human?” she would say, her smooth voice echoing throughout the cavern, him feeling every movement of her tongue as she spoke. She would open her maw wide once more, letting light in, causing him to open his eyes. Framed by her teeth, an image of Star could be seen, mouth agape, slit, violet eyes looking straight down at him. Her head framed by her fire and aurora like mane, her head framing her maw and every detail inside of it. Every droplet of saliva, to the throat that might as well be a portal to another world, looming just behind him. And the tiny human inside of it. He would realize then, that Star was looking in a mirror, his entire form only a small detail in the cavernous maw of hers, which Star would be looking down at. Another shiver would issue down his spine at the sight, equally terrifying as mesmerizing. John was in the maw of a monolithic goddess, the size of a candy to her, her face an evil smile that he himself was a part of. The world would go off balance again, as she spoke once more. “The shiver doesn’t answer my question, human.” she said. The feeling of her just talking was almost overwhelming, with the hot air, filled with the sound of her voice, and tongue dancing intricately underneath him. And perhaps, pleasurable too. A thought would enter his head, and redness would flush his face, at the thought of Star holding him for hours, talking to him all the while. Once it had settled down, he was still looking at Star’s mirror image, which was still looking at him back. After a pause, a short laugh would emanate from her throat behind him. “Well, I do believe I have the answer I was looking for~” she stated. Star knew. “I wonder what it could be that you enjoy just so… could it be the sharp teeth?” she said, closing her mouth suddenly, in a biting motion, before opening up again. He didn’t need to be reminded of the ever present threat. “… soft, warm flesh...” she continued. He could see what was coming next, as Star’s thick tongue would cup him, and curl back a bit, only forcing him deeper into that plush tongue of hers, and causing another shiver on his part. Such a strong, gigantic muscle caressing him ever so softly, being pressed into it’s warm, moist embrace. It would come to end not long after, going back once again to the mirror image. The smile would grow a bit, before Star spoke again. “Or perhaps it’s my voice you enjoy so much.” she would say, before her maw would close again. Her tongue would once again cup and embrace him, even lightly rock him, and Star would begin to hum as she did so. Her deep singing would fill the peach smelling mouth with sounds and vibrations, that he could feel in the warm tongue once again embracing and tasting him. This proved to be a near overload for all his senses, causing the most powerful shiver yet to run down his spine, and for him to close his eyes to hug and embrace the sodden, soft warmth underneath him. The man absolutely enjoyed this experience, no doubt about it. He didn’t care that it was taking place in her maw, he didn’t want it to end. Perhaps being at the mercy of this goddess wasn’t so bad after all. However, as all things do, it all would indeed come to an end, as Star would cease humming, and let her tongue once again rest in a casual state. She wouldn’t open her maw wide again, however, simply letting out another dark laugh. “Very well then. I suppose I can keep you in here.” she said. “In fact, I think you will be sleeping in here tonight, little one.” she added, in an assertive tone, that left no doubt about what she intended for him. Of course, the idea of sleeping inside the very maw of this queen would send another shiver down his spine. The very idea of resting upon her tongue, and waking up to it… It would brew a cocktail of feelings in his stomach, with pleasure and terror being the main ingredients. Perhaps pleasure was the dominant one however, because her tongue was the best bed he could ever ask for. He wouldn’t mind sleeping in here, even it came with saliva instead of blankets. And then it would all begin again. Star knew exactly what she had to do to get to him now, something which she would gleefully take advantage of. The cuddling and rocking with her tongue, the humming and everything would start again, once again overloading his senses, once again making him shiver, and even moan a little bit. He would even rub her tongue with his hands, doing what little he could to pay back Nightmare Star for her time. Naturally though, this kind of overwhelming treatment would become tiring after an extended period of time, combined with the anxiety of meeting her and what he had been doing earlier in the day. Star would be doing this for what felt like an eternity, but in reality lasted only 30 minutes while she did other things. She had accomplished her mission of finding something to eat, after all. After so long, he began to feel very tired, and it wouldn’t be long before Star would sense him relaxing, and his own movement cease, leading him to fall into a deep, restful sleep. Star would cease what she was doing to him as she felt it, there was no need to continue if he wasn’t even awake for it. When he would wake up again, he would still feel tired. He didn’t know how long he had been out for… but sure wasn’t a good night’s sleep either. Three hours maybe? He would be torn from this train of thought when he opened his eyes to see the cage of sharp teeth in front of him. He would quickly pinch himself, thinking he was still dreaming, hoping that waking up inside a giant mouth was merely a figment of his imagination. Alas, the pinch indeed hurt… and the mouth he was in was as real as it was cavernous and slick. He would back away from the teeth in his tired stupor. However, this would only grab the attention of the beast whose drooling maw he was a guest in. “Up early I see, human.” she would say. Again, the strange feeling of her talking while inside of this place would make him shiver, as he put the last piece together. He was in Nightmare Star’s mouth! And he slept in it! Now he was ashamed and terrified. How could he have slept in the maw of a queen like this… well, the answer was she managed to lull him to sleep. He wasn’t sure how to think of it… now as he was beginning to remember what was happening towards the end. Hugging her tongue? What was he even thinking? His thoughts would drift to how to escape this place… And immediately be taken away by Star, whom would resume playing with him in her mouth, starting by talking to him. “I really could do this all day you know. You taste delightful. And I know you enjoy it.” she said, stressing the last part. He felt blood rushing to his cheeks, at both the feeling of Star talking and what she actually said. “You never did answer my earlier question of why you enjoyed it, by the way. Could it be the soft tongue of mine? Or my lovely voice… mmmmm...” she would say, adding vibrations to her maw. Now she was teasing him! He had to admit though… her voice did sound lovely, especially with the surround sound… and softness of her tongue. Making his cheeks only become more red. Especially since Nightmare Star wasn’t just another pony… To his thoughts, Star was oblivious, and even if she wasn’t, she wouldn’t care anyway. “You weren’t out for too long anyway… perhaps you should go back to sleep little human. Inside of me, of course.” she would say, as she began to gently and slowly, roll him around inside of her mouth… again. Naturally, being toyed with like this would send yet another shiver down his spine, but in a good way. Being in the mouth of a goddess certainly had its pros… and perhaps the domination aspect too. Especially since Star wasn’t so… outgoing with it. Like this was normal, and should expected from her. Once Star had hit a lull in her motions, he would roll over to lay on his back. “Or perhaps it’s my breath.” she would say, cupping him with her tongue again, using the tip to manipulate him, and giving him yet another blanketing of sticky, thick saliva. With another “Ahhhh...”, Star would open her mouth, and simply breath on him, letting her warm breath wash over him like waves on a beach. It wasn’t at all an unpleasant feeling… what was unpleasant to him was that he was actively enjoying it. Speaking in a whisper, Star would tease “You know you love this. Little mint...” Combining the breath and talking sensations, and what she was saying all at once. Which wouldn’t help his case at all, of course. Star would then continue play with him. She did notice that the human did feel a little more… wrinkly on the hands and feet, but she didn’t really care. Again, he would find himself pinned up against the roof of her mouth, pinned just hard enough that he couldn’t move much, where she would begin suckling on him again. Just like a mint. Only, much slower than last time. It felt like she was dragging endless miles of velvet and soft and warm across his back, back and forth. He managed to muster the strength to roll over, where it would feel just as delightful as it did on his back. Slowly then, he would begin to fall back asleep again. Star was absolutely right about him enjoying it. It was so warm and relaxing… He might never look at a maw the same way again. Or at least hers. However, Star didn’t intend to keep him in her maw this time. As he was showing signs of drifting off to sleep, her tongue would release him from her palate, and her head would begin to tip back, the man inside too tired to know what was going on. He would slowly slide down the member, where he would wake up just a little as he fell off the back of her tongue. Then wake up a little more as a loud, wet GLRSSHHH sound would sound around him. Things would return to normalcy however, as he felt more flesh moving past him, and all the wet sounds it was making. Though this felt a bit more smooth and tight… Star would watch as the bump he made went down her long, slender neck. He made a dent, but just barely. Only barely larger than the bulge created by her taking a bite of anything else. Soon, the bump would disappear from her neck, but that didn’t mean his journey down was over. After all, being such a tall pony meant it would be a noticeably longer journey into her body, going this way. The human inside was still too close to sleep to notice anything was wrong, of course. Soon, the feeling would stop, and John would find himself on something equally slimy and warm, but odd and wrinkly. It was still soft, though not quite like the tongue of hers. He would open his eyes… and find himself looking at what looked like one of the maps NASA produced of the Sun’s surface, and found that it would compose both the walls and floor he stood on. On one end of the place, would be a pool of some thick looking liquid. The sounds around him consisted of more sounds of liquid, her heart beating and her breathing. If he wasn’t tired at this point, he would realize that he was in fact, inside of Nightmare Star’s stomach, and probably panic again. His concern was more getting back to sleep at this point however, so he made his way over to the nearest wall, and found a fold to embed himself into, eliciting a purr from the alicorn he was inside of, especially as he would be rubbing and shuffling in the flesh to get himself in there. Once he groggily found his place in there, his movement would cease entirely, and he would fall asleep once more inside of his goddess.