Shout At The Devil: Road Trip

by Bucket of Skies

First published

The not so wanted sequal of devilish antics by Rocky, Brim, and Sunset Shimmer in a road trip of a life time.

After a few months of working non-stop, Rocky Pebbles is stressed out. The gang takes notice and wants to help him. With an unexpected phone call from one of her old friends, Sunset Shimmer and everyone's least favorite devil, Brimstone, plan out a road trip back to Sunset's hometown of Canterlot. A road trip back to Canterlot, sounds easy right?


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I’ll be the first to ask it; why the fuck did we not get noticed the first time? I mean the author put his heart and soul into making something new and it was glossed over for a story about as basic as they come. How messed up is that?

You literally sound like you aren’t happy with the little attention we got from it.

I am happy with it, but like I need to know how our last story was not able to break the mold on the site. Or at least get some attention with it.

We got more dislikes than likes. I think it's quite clear people didn't like us.

Wrong, they don't know how to take a single fucking joke so they get offended by me calling them a "horse fucker". But that's an argument for another day. Anyways, are we rambling too much about this when we should be getting to introduce what we’re doing next?

Good grief, this is you who was rambling. There was no “we”.

I’m a part of your conscious as your personal demon, so technically yes there is “we”.

Moving on to not start an argument, Looks like you decided to come back for more. Or you noticed us a second time and decided to give us a chance. So please, catch up on the story we told before. Anyways, we told our story and did something new. I know, we broke new grounds with that story we told.

We honestly didn’t do anything new. Fourth wall breaks have been around for years.

Will you shut up? Anyways, a lot of you are thinking what we can do now since I managed to save Brim from going back to hell by getting him fired. Well I’m here to tell you that it only gets crazier after that. Especially since now I had the two best people with me in my life. Well, technically one person and a demon.

Or if you want to be honest with yourself Rocky, a horse in human form and a demon.

Can you not?

What? The reader knows it and I know it. Might as well be honest about it. Be thankful that they won’t make porn of you and horse Sunset. Or at least I think they won’t. Yeah, no one gives a shit about us so fuck it if they do.

Good Grief! Anyways, I have more to tell. After all, I have to talk about the time where I got even closer to the ones I lived with. And the best way to do that is a road trip.

A road trip where I got to call Rocky a pussy so many times.

Hold up! We didn’t even get to start the story yet. You can’t just say that spoiler yet.

It’s not a spoiler if people already assume that about you. Seriously, I can bet that while listening to you describe your events, they wanted to call you a pussy. Especially before I got in the picture.

Thanks for the words of encouragement of my self esteem. Can we start the story from the very beginning now that you managed to get this story’s rating down to an MA?

Hold up, one more for good measure ...pussy. Okay, now I’m ready to start. Roll the new theme song!

Chapter 1: Rinse and Repeat

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We pick up exactly a few months right where we left off, the middle of May to be exact. I had been working at my job as an intern at a paper company for about four months. The job consisted of a lot of the same things for every single day. So much so that days fell into routines. Want to know exactly what my routine was? I’ll walk you through it step by step.

First step was to wake up in the morning. My time, or more accurately Sunset and I’s time to wake up in the morning was 7:30. We’d wake up in time for a good morning kiss right before Brim would show up to call us gross for doing so. After that, we’d get up and take turns showering for the morning. If we were really rushed for time, we’d end up showering together, but of course we’d still arrive late because well ...we took a little bit too long together in the shower.

Gross. You are literally asking for it Rocky. When the rule 34 comes out with the way you’re describing your stuff, I don’t want to hear you complain.

Anyways, Sunset and I would then get dressed for today as well as grab clothes for later in the day for work. It was typically the same casual clothes we wore, the only difference was the occasional different button up shirt I wore for that day before the white one for work. If we had time, we’d make a cup of coffee before we head out, but most of the time it wasn’t the case because we typically left together either after waiting for the other.

As with the development for the routine, Sunset and I would always catch the 8:05 subway train to the MBC. I know, we must be crazy to try and do school and then work right after. But given the new place we were living at, we needed the money to pay the rent for the new apartment. Anyways, we would take the train ride over to MBC most of the time. It was faster than the one I would take before I moved in with Sunset mainly because of the more corner based tracks. After the train stopped where we got off, Sunset and I parted ways to head to our classes. Only difference now was that I soon discovered that Brim would switch between me and Sunset to pop in to see what we were doing. It was the typical make fun for me, but for Sunset from what I heard, he was a completely different demon. Instead of being the sly and witty demon around me, from what I heard he was now a gossip and rumor type of demon.

Not rumors, they are true! That bitch Rose is a two faced skank that lies to guys and then says goodbye like it's no big deal. Fucking bitch.

Anyways, I would go through class with Brim popping in every once in a while to check on me to give a couple of remarks and then go right back to Sunset. Kind of tiring if you think about it. Traveling back and forth between the two of us. I imagined Brim would get bored, but he would do the same thing over and over again.

Classroom wise, my grades were at the top of their game. Professor Wings was to help with that since he was now tutoring in the afternoon. I would see him on the occasional weekend I had off, but in that occasional day I would learn a lot with my class and basically just study with him. Not to bore you with details, but we were primarily going over stuff that would be on my final at the end of the semester. Yeah, the real big one that could end my years in college. The one I could use to reflect on my years of being at a great college.

You do realize that most of those years you spent playing it safe by being the most rule follower of all rule followers in college. You were too pussy to even think about going to parties.

Hey, I drank and had some fun.

What you call drinking is honestly sad. No time to do anything fun while you’re drunk because by the time you drink a sip, you’re passed out on the floor. I like to call it temporary suicide if you asked me.

Okay, moving on. I would go right from classes straight to the bathroom to frantically change into my work clothes. Not a really easy thing to do when you are cramped between two walls of a very small bathroom stall. After managing to squeeze myself into my clothes for work, I would book it all the way to the corner to try and catch a cab to my paper company I worked at called Scranton Co. Cabs were the only reliable source of travel here because the trains would shut down for lunch and well running to work isn't exactly a good way to go there if you are in a weak shape that I am in.

After paying for the cab, I would walk in through the door and be greeted by the receptionist, also my girlfriend, before being handed papers to file, letters to deliver and well a note from management. Around five minutes after I get there, my crazy boss would arrive to greet me in some ridiculous way. One afternoon he came in making fun of the one beer commercial I hate where they just scream "whatsup", into a phone for a minute straight. Then the next afternoon he acted like the killer in the movie "The Darking", where he breaks in through the door and says that daddy is home. Kinda like what Brim would do but, way more annoying than entertaining.

As the day goes on, I would be creeped out by the guy who smells like beets as usual and then the day would end. Occasional nights I would stay after work making copies as Brim would go through his day of shifting between me and Sunset and how he managed to make fun of the same person over and over again. For some reason he likes to make fun of small women.

If you saw the brain power being shown by them, you'd be doing the same jokes too. Like tell me you don't just imagine a tumbleweed tumbling in an empty void when you think of their thoughts. That shit is hilarious.

After that, I would manage to make my way back home to where it was either one of three things waiting for me at the door: a sushi dinner made by Sunset, A pizza delivery guy running into me asking me to pay, or Sunset passed out on the couch as she was playing some video games waiting for me. On the last occasion, I would typically make myself a bowl of chips to eat despite it being very unhealthy, but it would fill me up. I would then wake up Sunset and take her to bed before I would join her as well as we closed off the night ...before Brim would decide to crawl into bed with us and sleep next to me.

It's not what you think boneheads. If I were gay for Rocky I would have done it by now. But I'm not like that since gays are generally the ones who are too grabby and weird. Don't believe me, look at the singer of King, Mercury Star. The most faggot of all fag singers right there.

Anyways, the night would end like that and then well ...rinse and repeat. And then rinse and repeat again, and then rinse and repeat again and well, you get the idea. The days began to get more and more boring, even with Brim in my corner trying to entertain me. But alas, the same jokes get repetitive after a while and yo grow tired and end up just becoming a bored yes man. Then of course work and school were getting more stressful as I began working up higher and higher until one day it had broken me and I ended up leaving work early. That's where this story truly begins.

About time when you actually started it. Couldn't you have saved this for the intro?

I could've, but you were too busy asking the reader questions that you should have known.

Fair point. Continue.

As I was saying, the day ended with me going home early and then throwing myself face first on our couch. I wanted to go to sleep, but the amount of stress I had was keeping me up. Not to mention the numerous times Brim would check in on me. Finally, I heard the door to my apartment open with Sunset following behind it. She shut the door behind her and walked over to the couch I was laying on. She sat next to me and put her hand on my back to try and comfort me. I think she could tell that I was stressed out.

"Hey… is something wrong Rocky?", Sunset asked in a sympathetic voice.

"Every single day feels like something is wrong. At this point I don't even know what the true cause is of what stresses me out anymore", I said muffled by the cushions beneath me.

"Well, you've been working hard for a while, actually a long while. You need to relax sometimes Rocky. ", Sunset told me.

"And do what, take a day off and be in a town where people can call me and ask where I have been all day? I don't find that a day off, more a day with less responsibilities and more voices to invade my mind. ", I said sarcastically.

"Well Rocky, you have to do something. It's unhealthy for you to be stressed out like this. It hurts my heart to see you like this.", she said still rubbing her hand on my back.

I gave a slight groan of tiredness from where I laid.

"Hey buddy, you're gonna get up and do something? I thought I was the lazy bum.", Brim said appearing next to my face.

"Not now Brim. I'm really not in the mood to be friendly insulted", I said muffled.

"Oh come on. What's one little smile from you gonna do to you? Nothing. Now let's put a smile on that sad little face you got.", he said in a baby like tone.

I felt Sunset give Brim a look of disapproval as he suddenly went silent.

"Alright fine. Mope around on this nice leather couch. Don't stain it, leather can only stay so nice.", he said before snapping away.

For a few more minutes, Sunset sat there rubbing my back to try and ease my stress. It felt kind of nice, but it just wasn't enough. Suddenly, the apartment phone had rang and got the attention of Sunset.

"I'll get it. Don't worry, I won't be far.", she said getting up to grab the phone.

I didn't answer from stress. I just wanted to lay there and not want to move. For a little bit I blocked out what Sunset was saying to the person calling until I hear a tone of excitement I never heard from her before.

"Fluttershy!? My goodness it's been forever! How are you doing?", she exclaimed aloud.

This kind of scared me as I shot up from my couch to see what was the matter. I saw Sunset with an eager smile on her face that I never really saw before. Whoever called must've been a really big deal. I listened in closer to the phone call to try and decipher what was going on.

"I'm doing great. College is a bit tough but I'm making it through. What's that? You want me to come visit? But don't you have…...oh I see. Well, I need to check with a person I'm with right now. I'm sure he could use something like this. Uh huh… yeah. I'll let you know. Yeah, I'll talk to you in a bit. Yeah was nice to talk to you again too Flutters. See ya.", she said before hanging up the phone with a grin on her face.

“Who was that?”, I asked her.

“That was a very old friend of mine. She managed to find my phone number somewhere and wanted to chat. It was real nice.”, she explained.

“But what was that last part?”, I asked.

“What do you mean?”, she asked.

“‘I need to check with a person I’m with right now. I’m sure he could use something like this’, that part”, I clarified.

“Oh. Well, I had been thinking about it for a while and never really discussed it with you because we never really had enough time with you working and stuff but, I was thinking about taking a road trip somewhere. Now I think we have an excuse to try and take a trip to Canterlot.”, She suggested.

I groaned a little bit at the idea. I never really liked to be in a car for a large amount of time simply because of how often I have been walking from place to place. The idea of being cramped inside a car for hours upon hours really gave me an uneasiness in my stomach.

“Er, I don’t know about that.”, I questioned about it.

“Why not? You have been working for so many unstoppable months. You deserve a break. Why not make it a road trip?”, she asked crossing her arms.

“Did someone just say a ‘road trip’?!”, Brim asked suddenly appearing next to me.

“Yeah. Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful idea for a break?”, She asked him.

“Uh, is my skin red and fire hot? Fuck yeah it is a wonderful idea! It’s gonna be the first road trip I had in a while since I traveled the highway to Hell.”, he said excitedly.

“See Rocky. Even Brim thinks it’s a good idea. Why don’t you?”, she asked.

“Yeah Rocky. Don’t be a pussy. Just do it.”, Brim said turning to me.

“Look it’s not an easy thing for me to describe, maybe if we just-”, I said before I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

I looked down at my phone to see a very old picture of me with my balding father and short mother. Oh good grief, the one group of people I wasn’t looking forward to talking to on the mood I was in, and they were calling me directly. I don’t necessarily like talking to them, more specifically my dad, but I always do because I was raised to always answer to them.

“Give me one second. I have to take this.”, I told Sunset and Brim taking my phone in my hand.

I answered the phone and held it away from my head for a reason before I answered.

“Hello?”, I answered.

“Rocky! About time you answered the damn phone! Do you know how expensive calls outside of our state is? Especially when it is to a place like Manehatten?”, an extremely jewish man voice yelled out to me from the phone.

"Hey Dad.", I said with a slight groan as I realized who it was.

"Give the boy a break Honey Comb, he had to take a college scholarship and that meant moving to Manehatten. ", my mom said with her signature Horsey accent.

"And? That doesn't excuse a boy from not speaking to the people who planned his bar mitzvah. Which was expensive, I might add.", My dad said.

"Oh there you go with you and your money again.", my mom groaned on the phone.

"Do you want to go broke and live on the streets? Go right ahead Luster. ", my dad told my mom.

I gave a sigh on the phone. They would typically do that. I don't know if that's how their relationship works, but it does. It's why they have been married together for over thirty five years. I assume that at some point you just deal with the other person because they are your spouse.

"Who is that on the phone", Sunset asked me.

"It's my parents, give me a few minutes I'll be done in a sec-", I said before hearing my parents suddenly interrupted.

"Oi, who else is there on the phone? You better not be working while talking to us. That's not what a son of mine does. You better get back to work before I-", my dad said before my mother interrupted.

"Is that a girl? If it is, please put her on I want to meet the woman who is with my little man.", my mom blurted out.

I gave a slight groan before turning to Sunset.

"They…. want to speak to you.", I explained to her.

"Oh that's nice. I think it's the first time I ever meet your parents. Put me on with speakerphone.", she said.

"Oh sweet. Now I can hear where the pussy gene was inherited.", Brim said making fun of me.

I ignored his comment and turned on speakerphone for Sunset. She sat next to me as I held my phone up for her.

"Hi. Is this Rocky's parents?", Sunset asked.

"Who's asking? Are you some scammer hoping to get my money?", My dad said in his signature tone.

"No no. My name is Sunset Shimmer. I'm Rocky's girlfriend. ", she explained.

"Girlfriend? Rocky, what the hell are you doing focusing on girls? You need to be focused on school and work. No time for any of that mumbo jumbo. ", My dad dismissed to me.

"What your father is trying to say is that's wonderful that you're finally seeing someone. When can we meet her?", my mother asked.

"Well uh see I'm kinda busy with work and stuff so I don't-", I stumbled before Sunset answered for me.

"Yeah! I think we can visit some time this week. Me and Rocky are planning to do a road trip and we could visit you both if you like.", Sunset said with a smile.

I quickly tried to give a negative sign telling her it was a bad idea, but it was too late.

"That works out well. We live around Fillydelphia. About a day and a half drive from Manehatten. We can't wait to meet you Sunset. You sound really nice.", My mother said.

"Well, thanks. I try my best to be great.", she said to her.

"Alright, we can save the rest of the conversation for when you come over. Not gonna pay the bill for an out of state call. You better be there Rocky, goodbye. ", My dad said.

"Well wait I-", I tried saying before being interrupted with the hang up tone.

"And now I see what shaped you into the pussy I know and love.", Brim said to me.

"Oh shut up!", I said to him.

"Well, now I guess we have no choice but to go. Come on Rocky. Do it for me? I really care about you not stressing out. We can plan out a trip all the way to Canterlot and stop at various places along the trip. Come on, for me?", Sunset said putting her hand on my hand.

I really didn't like road trips, but sadly Sunset knows my weakness in doing things that are outside of my comfort zone. If she was serious about me doing something that she thought would be good for me, she would always insert herself in the persuasion by making it about her or if she was really desperate for it she would use her beautiful looks and body to-

You don't need to finish the sentence. We know what you two do as couples. Just get on with it.

Okay, anyways, I gave a small sigh before looking over at Sunset.

"Okay. I'll do it for you. I can't deny you something that you really want.", I said with a goofy smile.

"It's gonna be fun. I promise you Rocky. ", Sunset said wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug before kissing me on the cheek.

"I hope so too.", I said smiling at her.

"So is it on? Are the boys and one girl back in town for a new story?", Brim said excitedly.

"New story? What are you talking about?", Sunset asked.

I quickly gave her a reassuring grin to let her know it's alright.

"Yes Brim. We're going on a road trip. You better pack your things.", I explained to him.

"Whooo, Road Trip!", he said running off into his bedroom.

"I swear, Brim is something else.", Sunset said.

"Well, you aren't one to talk since you came from another alternate universe. Not so different from hell if you ask me.", I said with a smirk.

"Oh hush up you.", she said before giving me a small peck on the lips.

"So we gonna leave tomorrow?", I asked.

"Yep. We'll stop at a rental and get a car for a few days and then we'll be on our way. You know the way to your parents house?", she asked me.

"Sadly yes I do. But we can go if you want to really meet them.", I said crossing my arms.

"Look, I know that you and your parents aren't exactly the perfect family. At least based on what I heard, but it's gonna be fine. You can manage one visit with them.", she reassured me.

"I hope so too.", I said.

"So, when are we leaving? In ten minutes? Five? Now?", Brim asked fully dressed up for a road trip carrying two duffel bags.

We quickly dismissed him and let him know that we weren't going to be leaving until the morning after. He was a bit disappointed, but he managed to deal with it for the rest of the evening. We got up from the couch and decided to order pizza for dinner at some place nearby. The pizza we normally get was a medium pepperoni pizza with one singular pineapple pizza for Brim.

Yeah that's right. I love pineapple pizza. You know why? Because I am willing to try anything crazy. Unlike a lot of you who dismiss anything weird. Kind of ironic isn't it for you people to question weird stuff when you look at horses for-

Are you done insulting the reader?

Yeah sorry. I get a little heated when that argument is brought up. Please continue.

We ate dinner and settled down for the night as I slipped into my sleep boxers and white t-shirt. I slumped down into bed with Sunset who was wearing a black t-shirt with her blue short shorts as I leaned next to her after I put my glasses on the counter next to the lamp.

"Have a goodnight Rocky. Big day tomorrow.", she said looking at me with loving eyes.

"Yep, you bet. Love you Sunset. ", I said giving her a goodnight kiss.

"You too Rocky. ", she yawned before rolling over to her side.

I rubbed on her side before turning over to turn off our lamp. After shutting off the lamp, my face turned over to Brim who was on the side of the bed with a really dumb looking smile.

"No goodnight kiss for me?", he asked me.

I gave a small groan before I put a pillow over my head to try and go to sleep. Things were about to get really exciting after tonight. A trip to Canterlot and a few places on the way. What's the worst that can happen?

Chapter 2 : Away We Go

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The morning after, we slept in for a little while before finally getting up to pack our bags for the road trip ahead of us. We managed to pack enough clothes to last us for about a week or so as well as a few snacks we had gotten for the car ride if we, or more accurately Brim gets hungry. We managed to take most of our luggage in a cab that was large enough to fit it in the third seat next to where me and Sunset sat. All of us managed to fit in the car surprisingly. Well, all except for Brim, but he only existed in our conscious so it could work out for all of us.

Also, being cramped in between luggage wasn’t the worst spot I’ve been in. I mean look at my years in hell.

Isn’t that natural for you since you are a demon?

Not what I was talking about. I was talking about the years I spent with my ex girlfriend. Lucy is the worst of all girlfriends, so much of a stickler for me being a regular demon. Who the hell does she think she is?

Are you still a little hungover from her?

No. I-I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Please keep going with the story.

Okay. We had made it to a rental car place that had a variety of cars to choose from. Ideally, we wanted one that had great gas mileage and wouldn’t cost us too much if we took it for a couple of days. Yeah, that’s the Jew in me trying to save as much money as possible despite this being a trip to not worry about anything at all. Guess it’s something that comes from my family.

Anyways, we had walked in and talked with some guy running the place and took us out to the lot to look at an inventory of cars to choose from. You would think it would be easy to find the one that you like given the few specifications to look for, but it is so much harder than you think.

“Here is what I call the ‘Garden of Keys’. Take a look around and find the one you want and I can look up for you two. I have to go tend to some business in the building.”, our guide with a cowboy hat said walking back into the building.

“Well ...quite the plethora to look for.”, Sunset said looking at the lot next to me.

“Yeah, where do we even start with this?”, I rhetorically asked.

“Maybe start with the vans?”, She asked.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good start.”, I said as we began to walk around the lot.

The walking down the lot was the most disappointing series of events I have ever been through. I say that because it goes a little something like this: You walk down and see a vehicle. You look at the car and get a good vibe for it. You sit inside, the seats feel great, not too stiff or too soft. It still has that nice new car smell despite being used by hundreds of different people. It is the one. You go to look at the price and then ...boom. Too expensive. Or if it is still a good price, bad history of breaking down. And so on and so forth.

It seemed like we were going nowhere. The only cars that were left were sedans and trucks, and sedans are a no go because they have no room and trucks eat up gas mileage like a fat person eats large fries and a quarter McSpanky burger.

Whoa! Not the insult I would expect you to say.

I wasn’t saying it as an insult. It was more a general stereotype. You know, fast food is an easy way to get-

I know the stereotype Rocky. I was being a smart ass.

Okay moving on. We were between a rock and a hard place. The only options we saw were left was a truck, but I strongly disagreed with it.

“Why don’t we just try and convince the guy to lower the price somehow?”, I tried reasoning.

“I doubt that will work. Most of these guys have one goal in mind: get as much money as they can. I really doubt he will feel generous and lower his price. Especially the fact that he fits the look of a sleazy car salesman.”, Sunset explained.

“There’s gotta be something we can do. I really don’t like the idea of a truck.”, I said.

“What other option is there? We won’t have any room if we do a sedan.”, Sunset told me.

We were interrupted by the devilish laugh of Brim off to the side smoking his cigarette. He took one last puff before tossing it to the side.

“What’s so funny?”, I asked Brim.

“You guys are really dumb. How did you guys miss the perfect car for our roadtrip?”, He asked us.

“We looked at all the vans. They are either too expensive or have a problem with it.”, Sunset explained.

“Blind. That’s what you are. How do you not see that beauty over there?”, he said pointing behind us.

I looked over to see a small white car with a few japanese symbols on the side. I didn’t know what it said, but it gave me the sense that it was used for tofu delivery, very very fast tofu delivery.

“Brim, the car is far too small. It won’t fit all of our bags.”, I explained to him.

“Not the drift car bonehead. The one behind it.”, he said pointing further.

I looked past it to see a slightly larger van that looked like it had come back from the 80’s to retire and die a peaceful death. It was a station wagon that looked old, yet new at the same time. It had a puke green finish with a square of wood in the middle of sections of the car. You know you really stumbled on an 80’s national treasure when it has wood embedded in the body of the car for style.

Walking over to the car, I got an unnerving feeling about the car. It looked old enough to be cheap, but also old enough to be one of those faulty cars that broke like crazy back in the day.

“Er, I don’t know about this one. It looks old enough to practically be stuck here. I’m not even sure it will start.”, I urged Brim.

“And? Technically, I’m about a couple hundred years old and I’m still kicking. This car can still kick it. Sunset, you have to give this one a chance at least.”, Brim said defending the car.

“Actually, I got to side with Rocky on this one. I’ve never even heard of this brand before. ‘Speedwagon King’. Sounds like a really bad blender.”, Sunset said rubbing the hood for dust.

“Hey! You don’t disrespect Speedwagon King. This old dog has a legacy. Just take a look under the hood.”, He said lifting up the hood.

The inside was as you would expect; a slightly underused engine with dust and cobwebs around it. It smelled of oil and old arcade consoles that broke if you even breathed on them. Honestly, if Brim was using this as a point to support his car then it was a very bad example.

“Okay, so maybe the engine isn’t the top of the line, but come on! Doesn’t this just scream road trip?”, He asked.

“Oh wait I think I recognize this car. It was from that really outdated comedy movie where a family goes on a roadtrip to some crappy amusement park.”, Sunset said to Brim.

“You shut your face! ‘Road Trip Vacation’ is forever going to be a classic! You can’t change my mind on that!”, he said pointing at Sunset.

“The car is butt ugly.”, I tried to reason.

“Your face is butt ugly! Okay, if for any reason to consider the car for the trip, at least look at this one.”, he said pulling out the price tag.

He definitely had a convincing argument with the rate per day. My only issue know was the mileage and what problems were with it.

“Uh Huh. I knew you would change your mind once you saw the price. Come on. It isn’t a true road trip without the car that was literally part of the best 80s road trip movie of all time.”, Brim inquired.

I looked over to Sunset to get her opinion on it.

“I mean, it’s the best option we have found so far. It has the most room and has cheap rates. It has a weird charm to it now that I spent a little time with it.”, she explained.

I looked back at the old car. Looking at it, I felt a little bit of pity just leaving it there. If no one was going to rent it, it was gonna end up just dying there and pretty much existing for nothing. It was a station wagon built for trips, we were on a trip. I would be stupid if I didn’t choose it.

You mean the word retarded. If you see this car and you need one for a road trip, you better find one otherwise you are not on a real road trip. Bite me!

After much reluctancy, I caved in.

“Alright Brim. You win this one. We’ll take this time machine of a car you found.”, I told him.

“Sweet! Let's skip all the bullshit and take off boy and girl!”, he said climbing on the roof of the car.

We went inside the renter building and filled all the paperwork we needed. The guy running the place was a bit surprised to see us taking such an old machine, but at the same time he could care less since he was getting our money. Classic move from renter car dealers wearing white cowboy hats.

We loaded up the bags in the back of the station wagon and was surprised to find that we still had plenty of room in the second to last row of seats. It was almost the size of a hearse, but minus the area for a coffin.

Oh ha ha ha. Coffin joke because I used to deal with the dead. I’m literally crying in tears with how hard I’m laughing.

I wasn’t saying it as a joke. It probably could’ve fit a coffin back there.

Yeah, fuck you. Keep going. I’m gonna take a minute and smoke a cig.

Moving on. We signed off on our papers and finally got our hands on the good old 80’s style key for the car. Out of the two of us, we agreed to let Sunset drive since she had more experience driving. Plus, she knew the route to get to my parents house on the way to Canterlot from looking at maps during dinner the night before.

We finally entered the car with me and Sunset in the front with Brim taking up all of the back seat as well as some snacks. Right before we were about to pull off from the lot, Sunset stopped and pulled out her phone.

“What are you doing?”, I asked her.

“I want to document this very trip on day one with a selfie of all of us.”, she explained.

“Ugh, the selfie. The one decent thing that came out of your generation. So unbelievably disappointing. We could’ve found the cure for cancer or the cure for AIDS, but no instead we found the cure to make our social media pages less depressing than they already are.”, Brim said rising up from laying on the backseat.

“Oh come on. It’s just one selfie.”, Sunset said to Brim.

“And that's the phrase the exact same person said before it turned into an epidemic. But since I’m a nice demon, I’ll do it to make your page a lot less sad than it already is.”, he said.

“Tell us how you really feel Brim!”, I said to him.

“Social media is just sad in general. Even the ones with the most followers. Like nobody cares what you are eating or if you have a funny thought. Just live your life like a normal person", Brim said.

We took our selfie with Brim giving a disappointed expression and giving the camera the finger as we took the shot. Not what I would call a shining memory of the trip but it was noteworthy of Brim.

"Alright boys. Away we go on our road trip!", Sunset said shifting the car into drive.

As we were beginning to pull off the lot, an 18 wheeler appeared from out of nowhere nearly clipping the front of our Speedwagon. He gave us a pissed off honk of his horn as he drove off. Sunset managed to hit the brakes so hard that Brim had fallen out of his seat and onto the floor.

“Ah! What the hell?”, I said to the sudden appearance of the truck.

“I’m so sorry guys. I swear that guy came out of nowhere.”, Sunset said.

“Argh! Whoever that guy was, he is a total dick. Made me fall directly on my neck.”, Brim said getting up from the floor.

We managed to collect ourselves from that near spill, and continued on with our trip. We managed to find the highway to get us on our way to Fillydelphia. Like my mother had said before, it was about a day and a half drive from Manehatten, but what was infuriating was the way to get there in that allotted time. You see, the extremely strange part about Manehatten is that you are in the city in one moment and then in the middle of nowhere highway the next moment. I feel that you could blink for one second and then open your eyes and think that you had blacked out and ended somewhere like Las Pegasus. In short, the highway is long, and completely boring. Your only site or point of interest to keep you entertained was the occasional billboard.

We had traveled for about seven hours on the uninterrupted road to West Bonkers. We would try to talk occasionally, but we were often left with the noise of the radio that surprisingly still worked in our old machine of a car. Outside of that, nothing really to keep us entertained out on the road for so long.

“Ugh, are we at least halfway there yet?”, Brim complained from the back.

“We’re gonna know we’re near if we see a sign for the hotel we’re staying at. Some big giant glowing one, I think it will be easy to spot.”, Sunset explained.

“I’m about to throw myself out of the car out of boredom. At least it will be something else other than sitting here doing nothing.”, Brim said.

“Weren’t you the one who wanted to go on this road trip the most? You even said that you were hoping it would be like the Highway to Hell.”, I reminded him.

“Yeah, but at least the pain and despair kept me going on it. I feel legit bored as hell that this is worse than hell.. no, worse than the DMV. Oh my Lucy that place is the fucking worst.”, he said from the back.

“Well, that’s a normal road trip for us.”, Sunset said.

“Jesus, it’s almost as bad as my years with my ex. So many nights of silence between us.”, Brim said sitting up to light a cigarette.

“You actually dated someone in Hell?”, Sunset asked.

“Yes, regrettably I did. And regrettably it was with the one you fear the most, AKA the Devil herself, or as you hear me say constantly, Lucy. Rocky has met her and could agree, although he stood up to her convincing me that maybe he wasn’t as much of a pussy I thought he was.”, Brim explained.

I rolled my eyes at his little insult.

“Was it always bad? Between you and Lucy, I mean.”, Sunset asked.

“Actually, it was nice for a time. Sex was absolutely killer, even some of the foreplay before that.”, Brim said.

“I wasn’t talking about that.”, Sunset reiterated.

“Well, outside of that, it was about as nice as you could expect from a CEO of Hell. Constantly stressed out, constant bitching about me being lazy in collecting souls, normal shit like that.”, Brim explained.

“That sounds horrible. I’m glad you got out of that relationship with your head high.”, Sunset said.

“Oh, it wasn’t the kind of end you’re thinking of Sunset.”, I jumped in.

“What do you mean?”, she asked me.

“Well come on. Brim is a demon. Do you honestly think he did the right thing and broke up with her the correct way?”, I asked.

“Ha Haaa! Maybe the squirt actually knows me well enough now. But to answer your question Sunset, I ended up in multiple affairs until one particular night I got caught giving a fellow coworker the best ride of her life.”, Brim explained.

“That situation must’ve been really awkward.”, I responded to Brim.

“Heh, especially since it was the first time I covered two demons in my-”, Brim tried to say before being interrupted.

“Okay! I think I get the context of that situation. My goodness you really have no boundaries.”, Sunset exclaimed.

“You’ve known me for several months and you still haven’t gotten that yet?”, he asked her.

She looked over at me to try and defend her point.

“What can I say? I have been with him for so long to realize he can’t change his demon ways. Hell, he can’t even get off of cigarettes.”, I said shrugging.

She rolled her eyes with a small annoyed smile. The kind of smile that is if you were proven wrong, but you accept it.

“What about you?”, Brim asked Sunset.

“What about me?”, She asked him.

“Have you had any bad exes?”, he reiterated.

“Oh, you don’t need to know. It was a small thing.”, She said looking back at the road.

“Oh come on! A girl like you has to have some good ex stories. Plus, you could reassure Rocky here that he has nothing to fear if he gets the thought of you leaving him.”, Brim said puffing a cigarette.

“What makes you think I would think that?”, I asked him turning back.

“Oh be quiet señor pussy! I know for a fact you’re curious about her evil exes as well.”, Brim said to me.

"Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious. ", I said.

Sunset gave me a small chuckle and turned to me.

"Do you really want to know?", she asked me.

"I guess. It's kind of a topic that I wanted to talk about but I was too embarrassed to say. ", I said.

"Well, If you two insist. Okay, it was back in my old hometown of Canterlot. There was this one boy that I had a bit of an on off thing with him.", Sunset explained.

"On off? What you two came back to your senses and realized who was wrong?", Brim asked.

"No it's a bit more complicated than that. However, one time we tried. We actually tried to make things work, but he disagreed with my decision to leave for Manehatten. He wanted me to stay and tour with his band that were in his words ,'Gonna make it of we hold on'. Let's just say in the last years I saw him I saw who he really was.", Sunset explained.

"Sounds like a tool. What was his name?", Brim asked.

"Flash Sen-", she tried to say before being interrupted by Brim.

"And I heard enough. Anyone with the name Flash automatically gets the major douchebag sticker in my story. Probably the type of douche who drives a sports car with a retarded looking sticker on the hood.", Brim said throwing his cigarette out the window.

"You don't know that. I'm sure he was-", I said before noticing how Sunset was snickering to the comment he made.

"Its funny he says that, because he did.", She explained.

"And once again I can read douchebags from a mile away.", he said.

I rolled my eyes at Brim in a joking way.

"Hey wait a sec. Is that?", Brim said sitting up from his seat.

I looked ahead to the road to see what Brim had noticed. Off in the distance, there was a singular 18 wheeler driving off in front of us.

"Holy shit it is!", Brim exclaimed.

"What are you going on about?", I asked him.

"That's that douchebag who nearly hit us when we were pulling out of the lot. He's going to the same place we are.", Brim explained.

"Okay. What does that have to do with us and why you are so excited?", Sunset asked.

"I got a plan to make this trip go by a lot more enjoyable. ", He said rolling down the window on his right.

"Brim what the hell are you doing?", I asked him.

"Don't worry about it. Just drive closer to him.", he said.

"Brim I don't like where this is going. ", Sunset told him.

"Ah it'll be fine. After all the guy deserves a little harmless payback for nearly destroying the Speedwagon. ", he reassured while snapping his finger to pull out a gun.

"Whoa whoa! What the fuck? We are not gonna kill him.", I said seeing the gun.

"Calm down Rocky! It's a paintball gun. It ain't gonna do anything to him. I mean it will make his truck a mess, but it's not going to kill him.", He explained to me.

"I don't think we should do that.", Sunset advised him.

"Come on, what's a little rule breaking gonna do. Now get me closer so I can pop a cap in this truck's ass.", He said, aiming his head out the window.

With much hesitation in both of us, Sunset and I agreed to let him go through with this plan. After all, it was getting a bit boring and we could use a little entertainment from Brim, especially since he had been cooped up in the back of the car for a while. As steady as she could, Sunset drove as close to the side of the truck as she could.

"Okay, keep it steady! I got like three balls in here and I didn't bring extra.", Brim said from out the window.

"Can't you just magic some more here if you run out?", I asked him.

"You know I didn't think of that so instead I'll just say no.", Brim said looking back at me for a second.

We drove up and immediately, Brim was getting hyped up.

"This is what you get for disrespecting the Griswold family vehicle motherfucker!", he said before unloading his three shots on the side of the truck drivers door.

Quickly as she could, Sunset sped up to try and get as far away as she could with the truck driver. Brim was celebrating his three hits with glee.

"Hell yeah motherfucker! Nobody disrespects the Speedwagon. ", Brim said tossing the gun out the window.

"Okay, so it was a little fun. Still it felt a bit wrong. ", Sunset said.

"Oh don't get so mushy for this douche. Damn near crashed into this morning. Least we could do is-", Brim said before being interrupted by a gunshot that crashed through the luggage and almost hit Brim.

"Holy shit!", I screamed out to the gunshot.

We all collectively screamed as we began swerving out of the way. We soon realized what was happening. We shot him with a paintball gun, now he was shooting us with a real gun.

"Oh my god I knew it was a bad idea!", Sunset said frantically steering away.

"Shut up. Just try and outrun this guy like you do the cops in your video games. ", Sunset said ducking behind a bag.

"That is because I'm not actually being shot at you fucking idiot!", Sunset screamed out.

"Guys! We need to focus on the psycho behind the wheel of the 18 wheeler that's chasing us. We can argue when we get to the hotel.', I said trying to get them to focus as the driver shot another series of shots at the car.

Another shot hit the rear view mirror and the radio. Brim was ducked underneath a bag like a soldier in war. Sunset, with a really wide look of fear on her face, was swerving for her life behind the wheel. I on the other hand was sweating like crazy hoping to god that none of us except Brim and his dumbass self would get shot.

"Rocky! I need you to get back here. I got a plan to get him off our tail.", Brim commanded me.

Without hesitation, I threw myself back there as another shot flew by.

"Okay, I need you to find the heaviest thing in the car so we can toss it out at the truck." Brim explained.

"That's gonna be damn near impossible when we are packed to the brim back here. Can't you just use your magic and make him go away?", I exclaimed to him.

"Oh. Must've slipped my mind.", He said coming to the realization.

"You what?! You mean to tell me you forgot that you could cast spells to get us out of this mess?!", I scolded him.

"Guys, I really don't want to die because you two were busy arguing about his magic. ", Sunset screamed out at us.

"Right. One moment Bacon!", Brim said before appearing out the window again to throw a fireball or something.

Upon impact, the ball that Brim threw had enough power to swerve the truck off the road and flip onto the side. It made a load crash as it came to a halt as we drove off. Before I thought the situation was over, the truck exploded into flames as we made it far away into the distance.

"Were you able to get him off okay?", Sunset asked us.

Not wanting to admit that Brim probably killed someone, we went along with the idea that he was fine.

"Yeah yeah he's fine!", I said frantically.

"Super duper, he is out giving us two thumbs up.", Brim added on.

We finally made it to the hotel not long after, but we were still in shock for quite awhile. Even after we were able to calm down and get out of the car finally, we were still devastated by the amount of bullet holds that guy had left in our car. I groaned constantly at the site of them.

"Oh this is just fucking great.", I said in frustration.

"Look I know it looks bad, but I can fix-", Brim tried to say before being cut off by Sunset.

"No more shenanigans Brim! You could have gotten us killed.", Sunset scolded him.

"I know I know. But let's not worry about this. It's only the first day of the road trip.", Brim tried to say looking at the bright side.

"No, do you not see our car? Its fucked. This trip is over.", I told him.

"Hang on and hear me out. I can get some demons in Hell to try and come by and fix this overnight. I may be fired from Hell, but I still know plenty of connections to help us out. It won't cost us a thing.", Brim said.

"Come on Brim! Stop it with these ideas. The last one wasn't so bright of you.", I told him.

"It's true. I swear I can get this fixed. You just gotta trust me on this. We'll be back on the road in no time. Just do it. For me?", he asked with puppy like eyes.

I looked back at the car to see the holes and the small damage done to it. It didn't look necessarily hard to fix, but it was gonna be a nightmare to try and get a mechanic all the way out here to try and fix it.

"Good Grief! Alright, I'll let you do what you have to do. Me and Sunset are gonna spend the night while you somehow manage to fix this.", I told him.

"Great! You won't regret it!", he said perking up before disappearing from my sight.

I gave a small sigh before sitting down on the curb with Sunset.

"You okay?", She asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just that I thought that I could avoid the craziness you know? Being away from work and stress and stuff. It was all the things I wanted to get away from. Now, I feel that I was better off with them because of what happened today. ", I explained.

Sunset put her hand around my shoulder to comfort me.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Like Brim said, it's the first day. And I'll definitely make sure that he won't pull anything like that again. You just gotta deal with it. Come on, let's go to the hotel and relax a little while Brim fixes it. We can finally have a moment to ourselves without Brim making witty comments. ", Sunset said standing up from the curb and holding out her hand.

I trusted her with those words as I took her hand to go and grab our few things we needed for the night before heading into the hotel. The rest of the night we had away from Brim, who we would occasionally check on outside the window to see him working while smoking. He seemed to be trying, but from what we were seeing, not much for those few hours. But that was day one in a nutshell: Craziness followed by a moment of silence from the craziness. If that makes sense. Probably does. Probably not. But whatever you take away from this, know that the madness was only beginning.

Chapter 3 : Stereotypical Jew

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“Wake up sleeping beauties! We gotta get back on the road. “, Brim screamed out waking us up in the morning.

He was covered in dirt and oil stains and looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Which, saying that now sounds dumb because he was working for only one night. He also smelled like oil and cigarette ash. It was unusual because it smelled like he smoked a whole pack in one night. I know he is a smoker, but from what I saw he would only do two cigarettes in one day.

I may make bad decisions, but I don’t make the mistake of fucking up my throat with cigarettes. Especial with how deep my voice sounds already.

“Could you be any louder?”, Sunset asked getting up from the bed.

“I could, but that would kill you both. Now let's get a move on! It’s time to practice Shabbat or whatever the hell Jews do on a daily basis.”, Brim said referencing what was to happen today.

I groaned at the realization of having to visit my parents, more specifically my dad. I had an idea of how exactly that day would go, especially with what my dad would say to Sunset. I groaned at the idea again as I grabbed my glasses from the table next to the bed.

“You slept okay Rocky?”, she asked me throwing on a cleaner shirt.

“Yeah I’m fine. Just not looking forward to today.”, I explained to her getting up from the bed.

“Hey. It’s going to fine. You worry so much about your parents.”, Sunset said trying to comfort me.

“There is a reason I moved to Manehatten instead of stayed in Bonkers.”, I explained.

“Well, come on. Lets just go and get this over with and we can keep going on our road trip to Canterlot.”, she said holding out her hand to help me up.

I grabbed her hand and gave her a morning kiss before throwing on the rest of my clothes for the day. Brim had appeared with a bag filled with yamakas.

“Hey Rocky, since you are the Jew out of our group, which yamaka you think says the right amount of Jew without seeming like a Holocaust survivor to your parents?”, Brim asked me pulling out three of them.

“Why should it matter? They won’t be able to see you.”, I asked him.

“I have to dress Jewish if I enter a Jewish house because it is gonna be extremely painful for me. The Jews don’t take kindly to demons like me.”, Brim explained.

“Why is that?”, I asked.

“We gave Hitler a job when he came to hell instead of giving him eternal torture like God and Torah. My ex found him useful as a janitor for her private bathroom.”, Brim explained.

“Wait, how is it painful for you?”, Sunset asked him.

“Imagine acid being thrown at you in a pool. That's what it feels like from the Jewish atmosphere that senses a demon is near. The only way to remedy that was to partake and act Jewish for a little while.”, Brim explained.

“That doesn’t make sense. Why don’t you burn now with Rocky?”, She questioned.

“It’s because I’m not a traditional Jew. Sure I like to celebrate Hanukkah every once and awhile, but I don’t go crazy religious with it. It’s like a title of some sorts.”, I answered for Brim finally catching on to what that meant.

“Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! Would you like your prize to be an offensive Jewish or a slightly more offensive Jewish joke. This chapter is going to be the most fucked up either way so it won’t matter which one you choose.”, Brim said putting on a blue yamakka and burning the rest with the snap of his finger.

“I have a bad feeling about some of the comments you are going to make.”, Sunset told him.

“Ah grow a spine. It’s not like you were born during that time period.”, Brim said.

“Should we begin to pack up now so we can get back on the road to get this over with?”, I said intervening before Sunset tried to censor him.

Which by the way, is a huge mistake. If you try to censor me, it’s like neutering a dog. You get rid of its purpose of being a male dog. You make it a bitch.

Anyways, we managed to pack up the luggage we took with us and headed out to the car. To our surprise, the car had looked completely brand new. Like really brand new. Like Brim had somehow time traveled back to the 80s and got a brand new one. It even looked less puke green, and more slightly less puke green.

“Good Grief! How did you manage to clean it up so well?”, I asked Brim.

“Like I promised. I was gonna get the car clean one way or another. Let's just say thank Lucy I still have connections in hell who can give me spells to fix cars like this old girl.”, he said rubbing the side of the car.

“Just so long as it doesn’t break down on our way to Rocky’s parents.”, Sunset said opening up the back to put our bags in the back.

“It ain’t gonna break, because I managed to use a time travel spell on it so it will run like it did back in 1981.”, Brim explained.

“You can time travel?”, I asked.

“Not exactly. If I worked in Hell still, yes, but now I can only work with time travel-like magic. Essentially, I could make you and Sunset both eighty-two if I wanted to.”, Brim explained.

“Let’s not do that.”, I said shuddering at the idea of suddenly being old.

We finally settled our things in the new and improved Speedwagon and headed back onto the highway, only this time we didn’t have a psycho truck driver to try and kill us. We still had a long drive ahead of us, only it wasn’t as long. It wasn’t as boring either because Brim was able to get all of his Jew jokes out before we reached my parents home. Sunset had asked me why I wasn’t getting offended by his jokes, especially the really offensive ones about a girl who had a diary in the Holocaust. I simply told her that I heard just about the exact same jokes in high school and that they didn’t phase me. Plus I wasn’t a traditional Jew, as stated before.

After about three hours of driving, we made it to West Bonkers. Oh how I certainly missed the grey atmosphere of the town. Things looked like they hadn’t changed for years. Imagine a more depressing and more suburban version of a place like Las Pegasus. Only, there are fewer casinos and more gas station casinos that are shitty money scams.

That was until you reached the Jewish part of town. It was surprisingly clean and consistent compared to the rest of the town. If you were to visit the town and notice the somewhat clean nature and similarities between the houses, you’d think that you had stumbled into a weird dystopian society where everyone is equal except for the head leader.

We finally pulled up to my parents house with their bright blue mailbox.

The place was oozing with Jewish energy, damn near caused my skin to want to burst into flames.

We parked outside the front of the curb and got out of the car. Finally a time to really stretch…..right before being worked out once again with visiting my parents. Oh how I remembered the day I left home, such a freedom I felt that was like being free from torment in Hell.

Hah! You wish you would feel that if you somehow escaped from hell. What most likely would happen in that situation was PTSD from the lava feet torture and then most likely killed yourself and end up right where you started. In short, there is no escape from the torture in Hell.

“You ready Rocky?”, Sunset asked me on the steps of the doorway.

“Eeyup. Lets just try and get this over with.”, I said before hesitantly ringing the doorbell.

As I was waiting for someone to answer the door, a thought I forgot to talk about hit me and I needed to explain it to Sunset.

“Oh wait! Before we go, I need to warn you about my dad.”, I said looking at her.

“What about him?”, she asked.

“Well, there is no easy way to explain this, but he is a very stereotypical Jew.”, I tried explaining.

“What? Your dad is the name of the chapter?”, Brim asked sounding surprised.

“What? No. He is one who plays into the stereotype of a Jew.”, I explained.

“Oh thank Lucy, I was hoping you weren’t stealing my ability to break the fourth wall.”, Brim said sighing from relief.

“Fourth wall? What are you..”, Sunset tried to ask before being interrupted by the door opening.

“For the last damn time, I don’t want to buy your chocolate bars for your school! Now get the hell off my doorstep befor- Oh, it’s you. One minute Rocky. Luster! Put down the Kugel! Our boy is here!”, My dad screamed out.

“Just a minute dear. It’s very hot.”, my mother said from the kitchen.

“Well put it down somewhere! Just not on the fine China. I spent good money for it to not be broken from a hot casserole.”, my dad demanded.

“Yes dear.”, she responded from the kitchen.

“Well come on in. We can’t waste the air conditioning bill because you couldn’t come in on time. Come in and say hi to your family.”, he said to me before walking back into the house.

I had expected that sort of acknowledgment from my dad, but Sunset on the other hand was speechless. I guess she finally realized what I had been talking about when I said that I wasn’t looking forward to visiting him.

“Well don’t want to keep the Jews waiting. That’s what happened to them when they were in the Holocaust.”, Brim said walking past us with a small exaggerated smile.

For a moment it was silent between me and Sunset.

“Oh my god.”, Sunset said breaking out of that shocked look.

“You see what I mean now?”, I asked her.

“Yeah. Let’s just hope that your mom is a little better”, Sunset said before taking my hand and walking into my parents' house

The inside of my parents’ house has stayed the same since the day I left for college. It still had the same beige carpet that had been there for years, even before I was born. My mother’s collection of artisan plates were still looking as dusty as ever. Everything was more or less the same from what I saw.

“Luster! Our son and his girl is here. Can you finish up with the casserole and say hi?”, My dad yelled out again.

“Just a moment dear.”, my mom said.

“Ugh, women.”, my dad muttered to himself.

“So, how is mom?”, I asked awkwardly.

“How about you ask her. I honestly do not know at this point other than her being too damn busy with a Kugel instead of her own son.”, My dad said with a grumble.

“Oh good grief.”, I said to myself softly.

“Oh my dear Rocky! It is so good to see you again.”, my mom said coming out of the kitchen to hug and kiss me.

“Hey mom. Good to see you too.”, I said looking slightly embarrassed in front of Sunset.

“Oh, and this must be Sunset er, Glimmer?”, my mom asked Sunset.

“Shimmer. It’s nice to meet you Mrs?”, Sunset asked with a small smile.

“Luster. You can call me Mrs. Luster dear.”, my mother said.

“Or you could just yell, she answers just about the same.”, My dad said sitting on the couch.

“Oh come on Honey, not in front of our son and his girlfriend.”, my mother said to him with disapproval.

“The boy had to deal with years of it then, he can deal with it a little bit more.”, My dad said.

Both Sunset and I sat silently while the two argued for a little bit. Meanwhile, Brim was nowhere to be found. At first I began to think that the Jewish atmosphere was too much for him to handle and that he was spazzing out somewhere. Boy I sure could’ve used his help during this little squabble.

“Anyways, how are you two doing?”, I asked nervously.

“We’re doing great. Your father recently retired so that’s a relief to have him back at the house.”, My mom said trying to look normal.

“Pfft, I’d rather be out working than me being here all the time.”, My dad said crossing his arms.

"Oh hush. You know deep down you love it when I'm around. ", my mother said to him.

"Somewhere deep deep down. I mean deep down. Anyways, do you like Kugal? Because that's all we have, so if you don't like it sorry but not really. ", my dad said to Sunset.

I wanted to say something about his comment, but I just didn't have that strength in me to talk back to him like that.

"Well uh, I never had Kugal before. As long as it doesn't have meat, I should be fine. ", Sunset said trying to bounce off the ride comment.

"Oh I believe you will like it dear. Everyone I've had over to try my Kugal always ends up loving it. So, how did you and Rocky meet?", she asked her.

As Sunset began to discuss how she and I met, Brim appeared from behind the couch wearing a fake Jewish beard with his attire. He seemed to be doing fine from what I assumed he was feeling being deep in a Jewish household.

"You and me need to talk. Preferably in some place where they can't see you talking to me. ", Brim said whispering in my ear.

"Where have you been? You suddenly disappeared from us. I thought you were having a weird seizure somewhere from the energy of the house.", I told him.

"That's not important, all you need to know is that I was watching and you and me need to discuss this. Excuse yourself to the bathroom or something. Just meet me somewhere. ", Brim said quietly.

"Rocky! Answer your mother when she asks you something. I didn't raise you to be disrespectful to women.", my dad yelled at me to get my attention.

"Huh what? Sorry I was…. In a train of thought.", I asked.

"I asked if you fell in love the moment you saw her or was it gradual?", My mother asked me.

"Uh, yeah. I would say that it was the moment I saw her.", I said grabbing Sunset's hand.

"Well that's very sweet. Our Rocky fell in love.", my mom said.

"Can you excuse me for a minute? I uh, need to use the restroom. ", I said getting up.

"Oh sure you can. Maybe you can also leave as quick as the day you left Rocky as well.", My dad exclaimed.

"Honey! Yes dear, it's the same place as always. ", my mother answered.

"Thanks.", I said getting up to shoot Sunset a look that said that Brim was around before saying to myself, "Good Grief ".

I made my way to the hallway near my old room and towards the bathroom I used for years. Not really a lot of memories here, mainly the ones you'd expect in a bathroom.

Oh don't disrespect the greatest room for all guys. The bathroom is the best room in all homes.

Okay, please explain since you wanted to interrupt the story.

It's the first place where everyone jerks off for the first time.

Oh jesus you are sick.

I'm not wrong. Even I did it there about a hundred years ago, and my bathroom was shit compared to modern day bathrooms.

Moving on, I walked into the bathroom to see that no one was in there. At first I thought that Brim meant the other bathroom, but then I heard the door close behind me with the loud click of a lock. Turning around, I saw Brim tear off the fake beard he had on.

"Oh sweet Lucy I can finally breathe. How do Jews have this and enjoy them. ", Brim said rubbing his face.

"You're asking the wrong person for that. Is this seriously why you wanted to talk to me?", I asked presumptuously.

"Oh no. I just wanted to voice that concern. Anyways, I want to ask you something. ", Brim explained.

"Okay, shoot.", I responded.

"Rocky, do you remember the numerous times I've called you a total pussy?", Brim asked me.

"Yes, how could I ever forget something that you've called me since we came up with this idea of a road trip?", I rhetorically asked.

"Okay, well after seeing your situation and what you grew up in, I want to apologize. ", Brim said.

"Great, now you see why I was so against visiting my parents. ", I presumptuously said.

"Let me finish. I want to apologize for not emphasizing it enough that you are a total pussy and that in the future you understand a lot better when I say it.", Brim responded.

"Are you seriously kidding me right now?", I said with a pissed off tone.

"I just wanted to get it out there for you to know. You can't just take that for so long. What are you, like 23 years old?", he asked me.

"What do you expect me to do Brim? He is my dad. ", I explained to him.

"A piece of shit dad. You mean to tell me you are gonna take insults from a retired honey harvester?", he asked me.

"What? Honey harvester?", I asked him confused.

"Wait, he didn't work with bees?", he asked me.

"No. He was a bank teller. And was terrible at it. ", I told him.

"Oh, damn you with your confusing names. Thought they represent what you do for a job or some shit like that. Guess Honey Comb has a deeper meaning. ", He said realizing his mistake.

"This doesn't mean anything to what you were talking about before. So what he is a piece of shit? That still doesn't mean that I have to tell him that I think he is a piece of shit. ", I told him.

"What you have is pent up frustration from numerous years. Pent up frustration is like AIDS. You're not meant to keep it to yourself. If you do, you die while the people who know you had no clue and only found out because you had a manifesto on you when you inevitably take that anger on a bus full of kids with an AR-15.", Brim said with a straight face.

"Oh good grief Brim! That's a bit extreme. ", I exclaimed.

"I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't true. If not for your sake, do it for Sunset. My god if I were you I'd smack him upside his mouth for talking to Sunset like that.",Brim said.

"And say what? 'Hey dad, stop being an asshole to my girlfriend and me. You are father of the fucking year?'", I said hypothetically.

"Yes. Exactly that. Or maybe a trimmed down version of that.", Brim said.

"Oh Jesus. ", I said with a sigh.

"What's the worst that can happen? Your dad cuts himself off from you like the asshole he is? I see it as a win win.", Brim voiced.

"I'm done with this conversation. ", I said before walking back to the door.

"It's inevitable Rocky. You either take it out on the source, or the source of future generations in an extremely violent way. ", Brim said standing back.

I walked out of the bathroom to the smell of lunch being made. That smell of Kugel never got old. If I were to say one thing I missed since moving away, it would definitely be my mom's Kugel. Essentially it is a potato and cornbread casserole with a hint of Jew in it. Actually a lot of Jew in it. I mean the connotation of it being a Jewish meal, not a drug.

"Hey. You okay Rocky?", Sunset asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just checking on Brim. He was a little sick from the Jewish environment. ", I said lying.

"No he didn't. I was just having a meaningful conversation about how much of a puss he is.", Brim said appearing behind her.

"Brim will you please leave it be?", I exclaimed.

"Not until you get out of the Puss Panties and call your dad an asshole. ", Brim said.

"For the last time, I don't want to talk down to my father. ", I told Brim.

"Actually Rocky, I have to side with Brim on this one.", Sunset told me.

"What?", I exclaimed.

"You gotta tell him something. While you were gone, he passive aggressively insulted me about me pity dating you. Which I didn't do.", Sunset explained.

"Are you serious?", I said hearing what he said to her.

"See? It ain't getting better if you hold it in. Let it all out now so you don't take it out on the wrong people. ", Brim encouraged me.

"Alright, I'll do something if he says something again. Right now let's go eat. I'm a bit starving from Brim chastising me.", I told Sunset.

We both walked into my parents kitchen to see them waiting for us.

"About time you showed up. We were about to have to use an energy bill to try and reheat the Kugel.", my dad exclaimed at me.

"It's okay dear, don't worry, we would've waited for you.", my mom said to me.

"Yeah thanks.", I said sitting across from my dad at the table.

"Hope you like potatoes dear. Our Kugel is filled with plenty of that.", My mom warned Sunset.

"Oh, that shouldn't be a problem. I'm vegetarian so it doesn't matter. ", Sunset said to my mom.

"Ugh, you and you women with diets. Such excessiveness for simply trying to stay thin. How about you work for instead of taking the easy way out. ", dad said taking a bite of Kugel.

"Honey! That's incredibly rude to her. I'm sure she has her reasons for being that way.", my mom said trying to defend her.

"Oh good grief. ", I whispered to myself.

"What Rocky? Do you have something to input into the conversation or are you gonna do that stupid phrase of yours that you always do.", My dad said looking at me.

I looked up from the table to see Brim giving me a gun motion. I think he was trying to tell me to pull the trigger or something like that. I finally got the nerve within me to try and say what had been bottled up inside me for years.

"You're an asshole.", I told him softly.

"What was that you just said to me?", my dad said.

"I'm sure you heard him wrong dear, I think he meant that your Kugel is getting cold.", my mom said trying to stop me.

"No. I said that you are an asshole. ", I said a bit louder, seeing Brim giving me two thumbs up.

"You're calling me an asshole? The one who left without saying any goodbyes at all the day he got a scholarship? Let me tell you something Rocky, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.", He said trying to pin it on me.

At this point, now my anger was coming out.

"Maybe because I had to deal with your god damn shit for eighteen years I left in such a hurry you piece of shit. Maybe because I got tired of the way you treated mom. Or maybe because of how you talk to people like my fucking girlfriend. Maybe that's why I left in such a hurry!", I exclaimed loudly.

The table went silent as my dad stood up and walked over to my seat. At this point I was blinded by rage that I didn't care what he did for calling him what I wanted to call him for years. Finally, he stood next to me with my mom and Sunset looking in horror. Brim on the other hand looked like he was about to record a fight on camera.

Then, in an unexpected move, I felt my dad wrap his arms around me and hug me tight.

"For years I've waited for you to eventually man up. Today is that day!", my dad said on the verge of tears.

"What the fuck?!", I exclaimed in confusion.

"I wanted you to do it. To have the balls to actually stand up to your father, unlike mine. Thank you so much Rocky. ", My dad said sounding like a completely different person.

I was in a mix of emotions in that moment. Mostly anger from him suddenly going to a completely different attitude that I've never seen in him, but also confusion to what the actual fuck just happened.

"Ah, now let's eat. I always loved your Kugel dear.", my dad said to my mom.

"Thanks Darling. ", My mother responded.

The rest of the meal was surreally awkward for me and Sunset. Especially for Sunset who just about had no clue as much as I did about the situation. Brim on the other hand was celebrating like he scored the winning touchdown in a football game. He seemed completely oblivious to what happened.

After eating lunch with my parents, we had to leave and hit the road if we were gonna make it to Canterlot in a few days. As we were getting in the car to leave, my dad yelled out from the porch of the house.

"Hope to see you soon son. I'm very proud of you!", my dad exclaimed.

"Hope to see you too Sunset. I hope you like us.", my mother exclaimed to her.

We finally pulled off the driveway where we parked and drove off. There was a bit of awkward silence between all of us. More so Sunset than Brim.

"Hey Rocky?", Sunset asked me.

"Yeah?", I responded.

"Your parents are weird. Like really weird. Not so much your mom, but your dad.", She explained.

"Yeah, I feel just about the same. Instead of talking about this, can we agree to block this out of the memories of this trip?", I asked her.

"Agreed. ", She said nodding.

"Aw what? That was fucking awesome. You told your dad off and everything went the way I least expected. Sounds like a flashbulb moment to me.", Brim said expressing his opinions.

"Hey Brim? Next time I'm faced with a situation like that, can you use your time travel spell on me so I don't have to go through the confusion again?", I asked him.

"Hmm, you drove a hard bargain. What's in it for me?", He asked.

"I don't know, just kind of make sure it doesn't happen again. ", I said still trying to process the situation.

"Okay, deal.", Brim agreed.

If you are just as confused as they are, don't feel bad. The next chapter is going to alleviate the confusion. It's not gonna be some complicated family problems. Pinky swear. Okay? I know, Jews are confusing. Until of course they are turned to ash. Ha, one last Holocaust joke before the ending. Let's hope we burned this author's reputation down with this chapter.

Chapter 4 : Mission Slightly Impossible

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On our way to Canterlot, we managed to stop for some small sightseeing in Mareland. To be completely honest, there wasn’t a lot to see other than a few things here and there involving the Great Falls that were a staple there.

A flowing waterway is a staple? Sweet Lucy, that says just about everything about Mareland. Boring as shit.

That was until we reached the town of Ox Hill.

Oh fuck yes! This is my favorite part of this story!

Can you relax and let me tell the story?

Yeah sorry, I’m just fangirling over an incident that happens. Whoops, I mean spoiler alert!

Just shut up and let me tell the story.


When we had made it to Ox Hill, we passed in front of various shops to gaze out at the display window to see what interesting stuff they had. Yeah, that’s how uninteresting Mareland is that we were finding more entertainment from a display window from a random store.

But I digress, we were stopped at a red light. So far I had the best interesting item being a solid gold fishing pole with the name “Old Reliable” etched on the side of it. The closest thing to that was found by Sunset, with hers being a statue of some guy that rumored to be a homeless person due to him wearing a bucket on his head. And then Brim was in last place with a sign that had a fish smoking a cigarette, which he claimed to be the best thing he found on this trip.

It’s an artistic masterpiece. You’d be too stupid to understand the deep meaning behind a fish smoking a cigarette.

Anyways, I was in the lead, and was looking like a victory for me, but Brim simply wouldn’t give up on finding a new item. So much so that he began to look at random things on the sidewalk at the red light we were at to try and beat me.

“Forget it Brim. Just accept that I won this game with good ‘Old Reliable’”, I told him.

“Never. We still haven’t stopped somewhere. I still have time.”, Brim said defiantly.

“You really don’t know when to quit do you?”, Sunset said cocking an eyebrow at Brim.

“No I don’t. How do you think I got so addicted to cigarettes. Now shut up and let me focu-Aha! I got it!”, Brim exclaimed pointing out the window.

“Okay, what garbage did you find this time?”, I said looking to where he was pointing.

“There. In that pawn shop window. There is a bass guitar that looks like a close replica to Giddy Lee’s bass.”, He said pointing out the bass.

“Who?”, I asked not knowing who that was.

“Giddy Lee? The bass player for the band Crush? The best bassist in the world? You mean to tell me you never heard of him?”, Brim asked me.

I shook my head no.

“Sunset? You have to have heard of him right? You are the closest to a musical talent in this car right now.”, Brim asked her.

“Can’t say that I have Brim.”, she answered.

“You kids have no clue what good music is anymore. I may not have been alive when this band hit the scene, but they were the best prog band in the late 70s and 80s. So many great songs released during that period. But anyways, I consider myself the winner because that is a very good replica of his bass. Like all those details on it make it look like it was actually Giddy’s”, Brim said pointing out the sweat marks and the sticker on the front.

“Whatever Brim. You call that your win.”, I said just letting him have the victory out of pity.

“Oh no.”, Sunset said.

“What is it Sunset?”, I asked her.

“We’re low on gas. I thought we would’ve lasted a little longer.”, she explained.

“We’re just now running out of gas? Good grief, the Speedwagon must have some long ass gas mileage.”, I said pointing out how far we had been traveling without stopping once for gas.

“It doesn’t. This car has terrible mileage, but I put a spell on it to make it last a little bit longer than it usually does. And by a little, I mean a lot.”, Brim explained.

“Well thankfully there’s a gas station up the road that we can stop at. Also a time for me to go to the bathroom. Do you mind pumping the gas while I go do that Rocky?”, Sunset asked me.

“Sure, no problem.”, I answered.

We pulled up to a gas station near an overpass that seemed to look clean. There were plenty of those types of gas stations that you would want to steer away from due to the fear of being mugged while pumping up gas. This one looked the part of a decent gas station, but for me I’ve always been careful to not be fooled by what meets the eye.

And look where that got you; to be best friends with a demon who used to work in Hell.

We pulled over to the first pump to the right and all got out of the car.

“I’ll be just a minute. You know how to pump right?”, Sunset asked.

“Yeah, I think so. If not Brim can help out.”, I answered.

“Great. I’ll be right back.”, She said before walking into the gas station.

Although I didn’t have a lot of experience with pumping cars with gas, I managed to figure it pretty well. I felt a bit ridiculous pumping gas into a car that most likely would have died in the early 90s, but I managed to do it well. Might even say I could have a good job at doing something like this.

“Have you ever wondered if the grapefruit technique was discovered by accident? Like one day they were messing around with a grapefruit and began using it for that.”, Brim asked me puffing a cigarette.

“What are you even talking about?”, I asked him.

“I don’t even know. Just a thought that popped up in my head.” Brim explained.

As we were talking, a black bus pulled up to the side of the gas station. It looked really hefty for a bus. Almost to the point it looked like a train that flew off the tracks. It was massive.

“Huh, must be a king in that bus.”, Brim observed.

“What makes you say that?”, I asked him.

“It hasn’t got shit all over it? How do you not tell from how big the bus is that it is someone important?”, Brim answered putting the cigarette back in his mouth.

The door on the side of the bus opened up with a squeak. Then came out a group of people followed by one slightly taller and older individual with long black hair and a pair of brown shades. He also had some weird beair around the area between his lip and chin.

I didn’t think much of him when he came out. However, Brim saw this individual and his eyes widened.

“Holy shit it’s him! It’s actually him!!!”, he shouted out while spitting out his cigarette.

“Whoa calm down Brim! Who is ‘him’?”, I asked him.

“That’s Giddy fucking Lee! Right there in the flesh.”, He said pointing at him.

“That bassist you were talking about earlier?”, I asked him.

“Not ‘that bassist’, the bassist. The best bassist in the world. What’s he doing here in Mareland? You have to go talk to him.”, Brim demanded.

“What. Why me?”, I asked.

“Because he can’t see me stupid. I have to meet him.”, Brim said desperately.

“Well that still doesn’t argue that I should be the one to meet him. I haven’t even heard of him. Plus he is a bassist, how good can he-OW!”, I exclaimed from Brim smacking me across the face.

“Don’t you dare question how good Giddy Lee is. Now go over there and meet him!”, he said with a disgusted face.

“No, not after that shit!”, I said arguing with him.

“Rocky, don’t make me force you into it.”, Brim demanded.

“What are you going to do?”, I asked him.

“I’m warning you, don’t make me use it on you.”, Brim warned me.

“Use what on me?”, I asked again.

“That’s it! I’m using it.”, Brim said fed up.

“Wait Brim, what are you-”, I said before Brim shrunk down and inserted himself inside of my mouth.

I closed my eyes for a second before my eyes shot open. This was weird because I didn’t do that. It was almost like I didn’t do it. On top of that, I felt like I couldn’t move. With all the urge I could, I couldn’t move at all.

“What the hell?”, I asked, before realizing that my mouth didn’t open when I said that.

What the actual hell did he do to me.

“Ugh, how can you live being this short?”, I heard Brim’s disembodied voice say while my lips moved.

“Brim, what did you do to me?”, I asked him literally confused about what was going on.

“Don’t be naive Rocky, you’re being possessed. Now, lets see if I can use your short legs and meet Giddy.”, Brim said suddenly moving my legs to move forward.

If I could describe this feeling of being possessed, I would simply say it is the scariest feeling in the world to not be able to try and fight it. Think of it like a rape, but minus the sex stuff.

That's…...actually not a bad way to describe what being possessed is like. Good analogy Rocky.

As my shell of a body began to move closer to Giddy, I began to try and fight out of this possession.

“It’s no use fighting it Rocky. Just chill out for a minute while I meet my hero.”, Brim said.

Finally he had made it next to Giddy. He was talking to someone before he must’ve sensed that he and I were near. He turned around and I was able to gaze at his height. However, I was still trying my best to fight out of this possession.

“Giddy Lee. Hi, I am a massive fan. I never would have thought that Giddy Lee would be here in Mareland. Can I please get an autograph or a picture?”, Brim asked frantically, still using my body.

“Why of course you can.”, Giddy answered with a slightly higher pitched voice.

“Oh my god I am having a conversation with Giddy Lee.”, Brim excitedly said.

“You’re a bit young for a fan of mine. You sure you aren’t getting me confused for some other guy?”, Giddy asked.

“NO! I mean, no, I am a huge fan. I grew up listening to your music. The way you play your bass is magical.”, Brim said frantically.

“Oh. Well sadly the good old ‘72 bass is missing. So sadly I am not so magical.”, he said shrugging.

“The black one? The one with all those sweat marks and that sticker on the front?”, Brim asked.

At this point, I started to find something to try and break out. It was with my leg, I was able to jig it like a tapping motion. Brim must’ve taken notice with it, as he stomped on my foot to stop it.

“Yeah. We were stopping at the hotel and someone broke into the bus and stole it. I have to try and order another one in time for the show tonight.”, Giddy explained.

“Oh Crap Balls! I saw it at a pawn store on the way here. I thought it was some replica.”, Brim exclaimed to the realization.

“You did? Oh that’s wonderful. If you can show me where then we-”, Giddy said before he was interrupted by his bus honking the horn at him before saying,”Damn. I have to go. If you can somehow get the bass back, I can repay you with a few tickets to the show tonight in Ox Hill. Meet me at the stadium with the bass and it can work”.

I managed to use my strength to stomp back at my own foot against Brim. He however was quick to recover and continued like nothing was happening, despite Giddy noticing that something was off.

“You have my word Giddy!”, Brim said realizing that I managed to take back control.

Giddy had gotten on the bus he came from and motioned for the driver to drive off. As the bus drove off, this was my chance to fight off Brim taking over. Managing to get control of my arm, I punched myself in the stomach. It was enough force to push Brim out of my mouth and out of my Body, finally getting my body back. Brim was on the ground covered in saliva from my mouth after being forced out by me. Meanwhile, I was gasping for air after getting my body back.

“That was the best interaction with a human ever.”, Brim said with the happiest smile on his face

“Never again are you going to possess me like that.”, I said with the little air I had.

“Rocky! What are you doing over here? Why is Brim soaking wet?”, Sunset asked walking behind us both.

“No time to explain now, get in the car. We can explain on the way.”, Brim said getting up.

“Now wait just a minute! I didn’t agree to this.”, I told Brim.

“Yeah, but now we have to fulfil a promise to a rockstar, and you don’t break a rockstar’s promise.”, he said to me.

“Argh, Fine, lets go get the damn bass.”, I said frustrated while walking to the car.

“Wait what?”, Sunset asked confused.

“Just start the car and drive to the place. I can explain all the way.”, Brim said snapping inside the car.

Brim had practically explained all that had happened while Sunset was inside with me getting possessed to promising a bassist to get back his stolen bass.


Anyways, Brim was able to essentially explain that the bass he saw in that pawnshop was actually Giddy Lee’s very own ‘72 Bass and that we had to try and get it back in time for the Crush show later that day. Sunset’s reaction to all of this? Well…

“I thought I told you no more shenanigans Brim!”, She angrily told him.

“Yes I know, but this time I swear this is the last time. After this, I’ll be done. Please Sunset, it’s a rockstar promise.”, he begged her.

She looked over at me to see my opinion on the situation. I was a bit fed up with it, but I figured I might as well do it for Brim since he was able to meet his hero. Even if it meant I had to pay a lot of money for it.

“He is partially right Sunset. Plus, we could get tickets tonight if we do. It’ll give us something to do in Mareland.”, I said trying to defend Brim.

She gave a small sigh before looking back at Brim.

“Alright, but this is the last time. Understand?”, she warned him.

“Yep, now let’s go in and get it. I have a plan. So Sunset, you stick behind while me and Rocky go see if we can buy it.”, Brim explained.

Me and Brim got out of the car and went over to the Pawn Shop where the bass sat in the display window. Walking in, I was met with the signature pawn shop smell of old antiques. Not a pleasant smell, but not a bad one either.

Not losing focus on what we wanted, Brim and I headed over to the counter where some sketchy looking guy was sitting there doing a crossword puzzle. When I say sketchy, I mean that he looked like he had gone to jail numerous times. What gave it away was the scars I saw on his face. Looked like he went to war and the war never left him.

I was trying my hardest not to give him scars for stealing Giddy Lee’s bass.

“What do you want?”, the guy said.

I gave a small gulp of nervousness before talking to him.

“I-I uh, was looking to see how much the bass in the window was.”, I nervously said.

“20 thoasand dollars, no less.”, he said looking back down at his crossword.

“That’s a bit steep for me.”, I told him.

“I told you, no less than 20 thousand dollars. Now do you have a problem with that?”, he asked me with an attitude.

“Fuck, I can’t possess him. He seems to lack any soul whatsoever. You’re gonna have to try and reason with him.”, Brim said explaining his problem.

I realized then that I would have to tell this guy that the bass was stolen. I dreaded that thought because I didn’t have any proof other than the words of someone else who wasn’t there to confirm. Especially the fact that it came from the famous bassist from Crush.

“Look, I don’t know who came in with the bass, but that bass was stolen from Giddy Lee’s bus. They are playing a show tonight. If you could be so kind to maybe-”, I said before being interrupted by the owner.

“Yes I know it was stolen.”, he said looking unphased.

“Oh, then you probably can give the bass back right no-”, I tried saying before being interrupted again.

“It’s because I stole it.”, he said with a straight face.

“That Motherfucker!”, Brim exclaimed in anger.

“Why? Why would you do that?”, I asked.

“Because the world is a gross and fucked up place. We steal from each other, and it is regular business for us. So therefore, it don’t make a difference if I steal a bass from someone who steals from others as well.”, the owner said.

“You’re delusional, and I’m calling the police.”, I threatened the guy.

“And what you gonna use as proof that I stole the bass? Nothing. Just speculation for a really expensive ‘replica’. Now, get the fuck out of my store.”, he said looking back down at his crossword.

Brim had motioned me to leave the store with him without question. With all the energy I could to try not to call the cops on him, I walked out with Brim in tow. I was a little surprised he hadn’t used his magic on him to try and distort his face severely. But whatever he wanted to do with me leaving, I needed to know.

“What are we doing? We have to get the bass.”, I told Brim.

“Yes, I know that. I got a plan.”, Brim said eyeing a woman who was in a school girl uniform.

I had a bad feeling about what he planned on doing. Especially with what he did to me earlier in the day. Sure enough, I witnessed Brim possessing a poor woman. It looked relatively easy since she didn’t even know what was coming. Not long after, Brim had full control of the woman.

“Alright, so here is the plan.”, Brim said with that woman’s voice.

“I already don’t like where this is going.”, I said voicing my discomfort with Brim’s idea despite not hearing it.

“Ah don’t be a pussy. I swear, I can imagine a small tampon string come out of you every time you say something negative about my plans. Anyways, the plan is that I go in. Manage to seduce the cunt. Then you go in while he is distracted and take the bass and run like hell back to the car. I can teleport back to you later. I have to do some things to this cunt before I meet you.”, Brim explained while adjusting the woman’s shirt.

“What if it doesn’t go to plan and he sees me? I could get arrested if he catches me.”, I warned Brim.

“And tell the police what? ‘Hey, this guy stole a bass that I stole from a guy on tour right now.’, the cops won’t be on his side. It’s a simple job. Not Mission Slightly Impossible”, Brim said.

“And you think that he is gonna buy some random girl trying to seduce him?”, I asked him.

“I am a demon who majors in possessing people to sexual things. I can make him want a piece of this fine ass. Which I hope is legal, because then it will make it so much worse if I find out it isn’t when I am busy with him”, Brim said.

“What are you gonna do, kill him?”, I asked him.

“What kind of sick animal do you think I am possessing a woman? No I’m not gonna kill him. I’m gonna torture the fucker for stealing from a bass god and potentially preying on a minor.”, Brim said cocking an eyebrow at me.

“That doesn’t sound any better than the first option.”, I voiced my opinion.

“Well I didn’t ask if you thought it was better or not. Now get into position. Time for good old Brimjob to strut his stuff.”, he said fixing his not real hair.

I stood back behind the door and watched Brim walk in with control of the mysterious woman’s body. Despite what you may think about the morals of Brim doing this, he definitely had a point in trying to steal it back. Although, I didn’t agree with him straight up possessing a stranger by doing so.

Ah, the ends justify the means. Are people on this site any better than me? The possible child molesters making stories about admitting you are a pedo are better than me? I thought not.

From the window of the door, I saw Brim miraculously work his magic into getting the guy to take Brim back to his office. Now was my chance. Not wasting a second more, I quickly walked in as quiet as I could and made my way to the window where the bass was. Reaching for it, I nearly fell over to take it off the mount it was on. I really didn’t want to fall and possibly knock something over in fear of making noise and ruining Brim’s plan. Trying again, I carefully grabbed the bass by the neck and began to lift it off the mount. What I didn’t realize about Giddy’s bass was that it was the heaviest instrument I had ever carried. It wasn’t easy considering I was trying to keep my balance to not fall over while reaching for the bass possibly breaking it or making noise.

I had managed to make it down from the window with the bass intact. This was it, I had it. As I confidently walked away from the window, I accidentally knocked over a metal tray on a shelf.

“Shit!”, I exclaimed to myself trying to catch the tray.

As I expected, the door behind the counter opened up with the guy who stole the bass coming out of it. He locked eyes with me before getting a full look of who I was.

“You son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill you motherfucker!”, He said pulling out a tire iron from behind the counter.

I felt a fear that I had never felt before. It was a fear that got a rise out of me to make me alert, but at the same time a fear that froze me in place. I was expecting to get my shit pushed in with a tire iron from a guy who was probably dangerous.

Right before he managed to get out from behind the counter, I heard a loud crashing noise as the owner’s face went from angry to blank. He then dropped his tire iron and collapsed face first, showing Brim in the woman’s body clenching a bottle of perfume, while another bottle smashed and onto the floor where the guy laid. Another thing that I noticed about brim was that underneath the skirt was a black garter and panty set. Very revealing stuff.

“So turns out she was a prostitute. Which explains what she was wearing underneath and the numerous bottles of perfume in her purse.”, Brim said shrugging.

“Oh good grief! I nearly shat myself as soon as he came out. I’m so sorry for messing up the plan.”, I apologized to Brim.

“Knowing you this long, I would’ve expected it. Now get out of here. I got to do some really fucked up shit to an extremely disrespectful man. Go meet Giddy for real this time.”, Brim said grabbing the tire iron the guy dropped.

Not wanting to stick around to find out what he was going to do to the guy who stole the bass, I rushed out of the pawn shop and ran to the car where Sunset had been patiently waiting. I hadn’t realized how long I had been there. It looked to be around five o’ clock in the evening when I got out.

“Where have you been? I was worried something went wrong.”, Sunset told me as I got in the car.

“It’s alright. Just a little bit of convincing I needed to do to the owner to get the bass back.”, I said halfway truthfully.

“Well that’s a lot for trying to be convincing. Where is Brim?”, she asked.

“He’s gonna join us later. He’s taking a minute with smoking. Let’s just go to meet Giddy.”, I said trying to change the subject.

Without question, Sunset and I took off to go to the stadium to go meet Giddy and the rest of the band before the show started. It wasn’t a far drive from the pawn shop, but it was trying to find the place to meet Giddy. He didn’t exactly say a specified place, so we instead had to go look for his black bus around the back. Thankfully his bus was easily distinguished, but managing to convince the guards that we were meeting him wasn’t so easy.

With enough convincing of the fact I was returning the bass to Giddy, security allowed me and Sunset into the area to try and find Giddy. Right along the back of the stage, we managed to meet him along with the rest of the band before they were going on. We made right in the knick of time.

“Well I’ll be damned! You managed to get it back.”, Giddy exclaimed noticing the two of us walking up.

“Yep. Here you go. I can tell you’re happy to see it again.”, I assumed handing the bass back to him.

“Happy? I’m ecstatic! I was so worried that I would never see this old girl again.”, he said cradling the bass.

“Well, we’re so glad to help you out. You can now play your show properly.”, Sunset told Giddy.

“Say, what are you two doing out here besides the concert? I don’t mean to disrespect the town or nothing, but it’s kind of boring here.”, Giddy asked us.

“Well, we were passing through here on our way to my girlfriend’s old hometown of Canterlot. We were gonna ask around to see what other places we could visit on the way.”, I explained to him.

“Huh, we had passed through there on the way here. If I were to make a suggestion, head to Hoovesiana. It’s a very fast way to get to Canterlot and you have plenty of things to do there. Plus they have the best baked goods out of any place I have been to.”, Giddy suggested to us.

“Huh, I never would’ve thought about that place Rocky. What do you say? Want that to be our next stop?”, Sunset asked me.

“Why not? This road trip has been crazy already the fact we are with the bassist for Crush. I could go for a more crazier place.”, I agreed with Sunset.

“Then it’s settled.”, Sunset responded.

“That’s super awesome. I wish I could stick around, but our show is going to start in a few minutes. Please stick around. You deserve a free backstage for the great public service you did. Thanks you two.”, Giddy said putting on his bass and walking with the rest of the band.

“Not the way I imagined this evening to turn out.”, I said to Sunset.

“That's Road trips for you.”, Sunset concurred.

Suddenly, I felt a poof of flames appeared next to me as Brim appeared with his regular body this time. He looked very satisfied with whatever he did.

“Sorry I’m late. I’m not late am I? Did we make it?”, he asked me.

“Yeah we did. Just in time too. They are about to perform.”, I explained to Brim.

“Yus! I was starting to worry that CBT was taking too long on the owner.”, Brim said taking out a cigarette.

“Wait what?!”, Sunset asked him.

“Nothing, let's go listen to this concert now! I’ve been dreaming of this moment my whole life.”, Brim said with an excited tone.

The rest of the night was the biggest blast I had had in forever. I may not have known the band Crush all that well, but their concert was the most fun I’ve had. Sunset seemed to really enjoy it as well, but the one who loved it the most was Brim. I think at one point I saw him crying tears of joy.

NO! I don’t cry. I never did. Not that you saw, dammit! I miss that moment so much. I want to travel back in time again just to relive that moment.

It’s okay Brim. It’s alright to feel sad about happy moments.

Can we end the chapter now? I need to calm down before I continue to give my take on the rest of the trip.

Sure we can Brim. Sure we can.

Chapter 5 : Let's Go Fishing

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Alright, I think I’m fine now.

Okay, that's good. We can keep going with the story now?

Yeah. Let’s tell them about Hoovesiana.

To give a little context, we had a blast at the Crush concert over in Mareland. Especially since we were allowed backstage passes for returning the bassist’s bass from some asshole who stole it from him. Brim had the time of his life and we were ready to hit the road once again. This time, we were heading for a recommendation that was told to us by the guy we helped out. That place was Hoovesiana. In the little bit of information we got on the way there from research, it was a state that was very famous for its bakery, and yes it’s only good bakery. The only other famous part about it was it’s river that had a lot of historical background around it.

But just like in Mareland, nobody gives two shits about the history other than the people that live there.

But there we went, for two solid days of driving we had made it to Hoovesiana with no effort. However, Sunset was beat. I have to give credit to where it is due on this road trip by saying that Sunset was a real trooper in driving us this far in two days. I mentioned numerous times while she was driving that she didn’t need to push and drive for those days and could let me drive, but she refused and kept going right up until we had arrived at the hotel we were staying at in this weird little town called Yakyette.

In the hotel, she quite literally threw herself onto the bed and passed out. I didn’t think she was gonna wake up as easily as she would, as she seemed to be in the deep, coma like sleep from two days of driving non stop. I couldn’t blame her for collapsing onto the bed like that. Realizing that there wasn’t anything we could do without Sunset, Brim and I finally decided to settle down for the night with Brim sleeping on the pull away couch and me in the bed with Sunset. The rest of the night was silent as could be. That was until the morning after.

“Hey! Rocky!”, Brim whispered to me to try and wake me up.

Still half asleep, I groaned telling Brim I was still sleeping.

“Rocky, get up! You and I are going to have a fun day today!”, Brim said trying to bring me out of bed again.

“Brim, just a few more minutes. I’ll see you in….”, I yawned out before slowly drifting back to sleep.

Before I drifted off to sleep again, Brim snapped his fingers and I felt myself become weightless. I don’t just mean weightless as in drifting off to sleep, I meant literally feeling weightless. When I realized this, I was falling from the ceiling onto the floor of the room. I gave a small yelp before hitting the floor.

“Wake the fuck up, Sleepy Eye! We got a day to burn.”, Brim said to me as I looked back up to him from the floor.

“What do you want? Do you even know what time it is?”, I said still tired and groggy.

“6:00 in the morning. And now is the perfect time to wake up. We can finally have a few hours to ourselves.”, Brim explained.

“To do what? Nothing is open yet.”, I asked Brim.

“I don’t know. Let’s go fishing. You did say that Hoovesiana has a great river for fishing.”, Brim said suggesting an idea.

“I was reading the gist of what that river was known for in the past.”, I said getting up from the floor.

“Still, better to try something out and prove whether it was bullshit or not.”, he said shrugging.

“Okay, let’s say we do that. We don’t have any fishing supplies with us. And we can’t just go to a store at this hour and pick up two fishing poles and-”, I said before being interrupted by Brim snapping two fishing poles into existence.

“Why did I not see that one coming?”, I asked him rhetorically.

“You mean to tell me you were not expecting me to somehow make things work in my favor? A demon who has used possessions to fulfil my sexual urges?”, Brim asked me.

“I didn’t need to know that last bit. But anyways, we can’t just leave without letting Sunset know.”, I tried to explain.

“That’s what leaving a note is for, bonehead. Which, I have provided right here.”, he said handing me a red piece of paper in his handwriting.

“‘I’m taking the pussy out for the morning. TTYL- BS’? That’s your note to her?”, I asked him.

“It’s honest and straightforward. Now hurry up and get dressed. I want to get the fresh batch of fish.”, Brim said throwing me some clothes.

I gave a small sigh and decided to go along with it. I didn’t see a point in trying to argue if he was gonna be there the whole time to pester me about it.

“If we’re going to do this, I’m gonna need some coffee.”, I told Brim putting on my shirt and hoodie.

“And thank Lucy that there is a bakery on the way to the river. The only bakery in Hoovesiana.”, Brim reminded me.

I want to start off this section by stating how bad of a driver Rocky is. Dear Lucy, I could literally see how much of a Manehattan you are based on your driving. How did you not kill someone when you took your driving test?

Give me a break! It’s not my fault that Manehatten has the worst traffic of all places.

Ah excuses excuses. Keep going with the story.

Okay, whatever. We made it to a bakery over in this little town called New Saddle. It was a very dainty town, but somehow gave off a vibe of importance in Hoovesiana. I say that because everywhere we went in the town, there was some sort of picture of a woman who looked to be in her late 60s. It was almost like she was some sort of idol in this community.

Or a very hot GILF.


What? There are some people reading who think that. You can’t deny that.

Okay, moving on before you say something insulting about an unknown figure, we made it to the one place that seemed to be the talk of Hoovesiana; Cakes + Confections. This was what people around here called,”The one place”. In terms of history, this was the one place that carried the most in terms of interesting facts. The bakery was owned by some family who lived over a hundred years ago, and has since then been the only business in all of Hoovesiana to have a family member in charge over three centuries. The other interesting thing about the place was whoever runs it. The owners of the business are the only ones to know the family recipe to the bakery’s most famous dish: Cobbler. It varies from each owner on what type it is, but the one thing that stays the same is how secretive it is. Not once has it ever been exposed to anyone in the three centuries its been open in. It was crazy long for a recipe.

Pulling up to the curb in front, Brim and I got out of the car to the semi lit bakery. As I expected for most bakeries at this time, it was open but still empty from the window. With no time to waste at all, we walked inside. It was emptier than I thought it was. It was silent, only with the ambient noise of the air conditioner joining us.

“Are you sure it’s supposed to be open at this time?”, I asked turning to Brim.

“It’s unlocked. This has to be a really shitty bakery if they simply leave the front door unlo-”, he tried to say before being interrupted by the door in the back swinging open.

Out came a pregnant woman coming out with a fury. Whatever she heard must’ve set her off.

“Velvet told you to arrive an hour earlier Pipsqueak! It’s six forty f- Oh. Forgive me, I thought you were someone else.”, the woman said recovering from her outburst.

“It’s...okay. Are you open right now?”, I asked her.

“Oh sure sure. I’m sorry, were expecting one other employee to be here but…..yeah. Anyways, what can I do for you?”, she asked me.

“Get me a coffee. I need to play the role of a goth with cigarettes and coffee.”, Brim asked me.

“Can I just get two coffees on the go?”, I asked her.

“Yeah, I can get that for you.”, she said turning around to the coffee machine behind her.

“What’s going on Ruby?”, a guy coming from the back said.

He looked to be about the same age as me, just slightly older. Maybe early 30s or late 20s.

“Nothing dear. Just an early customer.”, ‘Ruby’,explained.

“God. I swear this is the last time she arrives late.”, the guy said putting his hands on his head.

I awkwardly sat silent as the two began to discuss about this worker who was late. Silently, I turned to Brim.

“I am starting to look forward to fishing now that my coffee is being delayed due to a conversation.”, I whispered to him.

“Yeah, I agree. But I get the weirdest sense of deja vu with these two. I don’t know where, but I feel like I know them somewhere.”, Brim said.

“So, where you off to this morning?”, the guy asked me deep into thought.

“What? Oh uh, I’m meeting a friend for a little fishing expedition. I’m getting him a coffee. Do you happen to know where the river is?”, I asked the owner.

“Well, it’s only the biggest river in all of Hoovesiana! You must be a tourist.”, he assumed of me.

“Well, I am on a trip with my girlfriend. Kinda wanted to meet an old friend from-”, I said before being cut off by Ruby.

“Manehatten!”, she exclaimed.

“I’m sorry?”, I asked.

“You must be from Manehatten. “, she explained.

“Yeah, I am. How did you know?”, I asked her.

“Just a hunch I get every once in a while. I used to live there for a little while. Almost like a second sense for that.”, Ruby explained.

“Oh. That’s cool I guess.”, I said.

“Well, here’s your coffee. Hope your fishing expedition goes well. Do be careful. There are rumors of some weird freaks that hang out by the river.”, the owner warned.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the coffee Mr?”, I asked wanting to know who he was.

“Velvet. Red Velvet.”, he explained.

“Well, thanks Mr. Velvet.”, I said taking my coffees.

“Don’t mention it. See you soon.”, he said waving.

“Holy shit! Why can’t I put a pin on where I have seen those two before?!”, Brim complained as we walked out of the bakery.

"It's probably something you hallucinated while smoking or something. Let's just get to the river so we can get to fishing. ", I told Brim getting into the car.

We finally made it to a safe place to park the car and not have to worry about some mugger coming up to try and break in. Stepping out of the car, I was followed by Brim carrying both our fishing poles.

"Well, work your magic.", I told him.

"Huh?", He asked me confused.

"We need a boat to get out on the river. You do have one right?", I asked him.

"No, but that's where demon magic comes from.", He said snapping a canoe on the coast of the river.

"I never asked, is it stuff you made from thin air when you snap stuff into existence?", I asked him.

"Pfft. I don't make shit. Too much work to be put in, so instead I just use my magic to steal whatever we need.", Brim explained.

"Once again, not really surprised when I should be.", I answered him.

"And that's how I know you are a good friend when you realize my habits. Might even give you a best friend smooch later on for realizing. Now let's get on the boat and float down the river.", Brim said tossing the poles into the canoe.

I hadn't had much experience with boats since it was yet another thing that people from Manehatten are not around a lot. Thankfully Brim knew a thing or two about moving and steering.

You bet I did. It was something I did back when I was alive. Despite all those years of having to go even further back in time as a demon in Hell, I still remembered how to canoe.

Moving along, we floated down to an area between some fallen trees in the lake to some mossy coastline to set anchor. Right then and there, we managed to get the rest of our things, or rather Brim stole the rest of our things for our fishing trip and got us all set up. He handed me a pole and put a worm on the end of the hook.

"Now, do you need to learn how to fish properly?", Brim asked me.

"Nah, I think I understand the basics. Just toss the worm out there and wait for a fish to bite.", I said attempting to toss it far.

"It's not just tossing a worm out there! You have to keep in mind where you're gonna aim the worm. If you aim it somewhere too far off into the distance, you won't be able to see if you got a bite. If you go to close, no fish is gonna come by because they know it's a trap. Fishing is all about skill. Fishing is about-", Brim tried to explain before I interrupted him with my rod tugging.

"Got something.", I said feeling a tug.

"Are you serious? Huh, guess there is no skill after all. Okay, now stay calm and reel in. Don't lose grip on the fish.", Brim instructed to me.

""What? I I'm grabbing the pole. How do you expect me to grab the fish?", I asked him.

"Not what I meant Bonehead! You have to keep a grip on the fish with the hook on the end. You have to maneuver the fish into submission. ", Brim explained.

"Good Grief! Is fishing always this overly complicated?", I asked him.

"You were the one who said it took no skill.", Brim said.

"Brim just help me out with the damn fish!", I exclaimed.

"Alright alright! Keep hold and pull. I'll real it in.", Brim said grabbing the base of the pole.

Both of us felt the tug of the fish that was pulling it. Whatever we grabbed, it was wanting to get away. The fish was holding on with such a force that was almost bending the pole at a 90 degree angle.

"Come on! Keep pulling until I say yank. Then you gotta tank the pole up.", Brim commanded.

"Can't we pull up now?", I asked in a frantic state.

"Shut up! You don't have the experience to decide when to pull up. Now hold on.", He said rolling back the dial on the pole.

The fish was now running on all cylinders, as the fish was damn near rocking our boat from the amount he was fighting. He had to give up eventually. Then, as sudden as could be….

"Yank Rocky Yank!", Brim roared out.

With all the strength I had, I pulled up on the rod as hard as I could. With all the force I put into it, a figure flew out of the water and into the air. Whatever I pulled, it was big, yet so weightless that it was so high up into the air. And as most things that fly up, the figure was coming down.

"It's coming right this way!", I exclaimed.

"No shit sheriff! Be ready to catch it!", Brim said standing up in the canoe.

It came flying down with such ferocity that it would almost seemed like it was an object falling from space. With open arms, I anticipated the possible catch I would have to make. As it drew closer, I prepared for the catch. And then it was there until…..

"Ow fuck!", Brim said getting hit in the face by what appeared to be a log.

"Brim! Are you okay?", I asked him.

"I was just hit in the face with a loh. I fucking knew it was too good to be true that you would get a fish.", Brim said covering his eye that got hit.

"Shit! I'm sorry Brim.", I apologized.

"Don't worry about it.God, since when are logs so robust?", Brim rhetorically asked.

"Well, I guess we have to keep going. ", I told Brim.

"Oh no not yet. I need to take a whiz by a tree. That coffee is coming back.", Brim announced.

"Can't you do that in the water?", I asked him.

"Absolutely not! How would you feel if somebody randomly pissed on you without you even knowing? Pretty pissed off right? Now let's anchor to the coast so I can take a piss.", Brim demanded.

Taking the paddle from Brim, I steered off to the side where the trees meet the bushes. I set the anchor down and got out of the canoe with Brim and followed him to a tree.

“You know, I never would’ve thought you would need to piss?”, I told Brim.

“What makes you say that?”, he asked as he started to do his thing.

“I don’t know. Something about torture and despair in hell made me think that you never had time to actually piss properly.”, I assumed.

“That’s all a lie. Only for the truly despicable are the ones that are tortured. Except Hitler, for some reason he was seen as a janitor.”, Brim explained.

“That makes no sense. How does a leader of an extremist military group suddenly get values to-”, I said before being interrupted by the sudden noise of a shotgun being loaded.

“Hold it right there city boy!”, a southern voice spoke.

I turned around to see two hillbilly looking guys, with one of them holding a double barrel shotgun. One of them had really jacked up teeth and a scar on his face. Whoever they were, they did not look friendly.

“Put them hands up boy.”, one of the hillbillies said.

“Whoa okay! Take it easy!”, I said following his orders.

“Just stay calm Rocky. I’m almost done.”, Brim said calmly finishing up slowly.

“You too piss pants. Get them hands up.”, one of them said pointing the shotgun at Brim.

“Wait what?!”, he said surprised and turned around and putting his hands up.

I was just as shocked as he was. All this time,I thought it was only me and Sunset that could see him.

“They can see you?!”, I exclaimed.

“Yes! How the hell do they se-Oh I get it now. They are on some homemade ‘Shout at the Devil’.” , Brim said realizing what was going on.

“What? Homemade? How is it homemade?”, I asked him still with my hands up.

“Moonshine? That sort of shit.”, He answered.

“Run that by me again you red son of a bitch?”, the hillbilly said cocking an eyebrow.

“Uh, nothing! It’s none of our business to know what you do!”, I frantically answered for him.

I remembered all the numerous stories about how seriously dangerous the moonshining business is from my bartender Biff. He talked about how there have been some shootouts with local militias and law enforcement due to them attempting to raid the strongholds. Biff described them as bloodbaths, like the type of messed up things you would see in car crashes.

Or as I prefer to call it, the messed up shit you see on a revolution involving dismembering innocent civilians.

“That’s right city boy. None of your goddamn business!”, the hillbilly with a gun said.

“Okay, well we can go on our way now and not mention this at all.”, I tried compromising with the hillbilly.

“Oh you ain’t gonna tell nobody what you know after this. Get your ass by the tree boy.”, he said pointing at the tree.

I followed his directions and stood by the tree next to him. He took my arms and tied them behind the tree with a rope. I was now drenched in fear about what was gonna happen. Especially if they were moonshiners, they could pull some medieval shit.

“We gon make you learn where to not stick your nose where you don’t. Red boy! Take off them pants”, he demanded Brim.

“I’m sorry?”, Brim asked with an offended tone.

“I said take off them pants before my boy blows your fucking head off your body.”, the hillbilly said.

“Wait a minute, why am I still following your direction? I’m a demon from hell. I can’t die.”, Brim said putting his hands down.

“I’m gonna count to three before I tell my boy to blow you to smithereens.”, the hillbilly warned him.

“Do it pussy!”, Brim said throwing his arms up like a challenge.

“What the hell are you doing Brim?!”, I asked him.

“Will you relax Rocky? These guys can’t do shi-”, Brim said before getting shot in the head with the shotgun.

Brim stood tall for a second, almost looking like the bullet didn’t phase him. He reached up to the small hole in his head and put his finger through it.

“Oh, they actually shot me.”, Brim said in a surprised tone.

Then, as unexpected as ever, Brim had fallen unconsciously.

“BRIM!”, I exclaimed out.

“Have fun with the dead boy, I’m gonna teach city boy a lesson.”, the hillbilly told the other one with a gun pulling out a huge knife.

He then turned to me with the knife. I began to breathe heavily in fear that this was it. I was gonna die tied to a tree after seeing my friend getting murdered by some psychopath hillbillies.

But then that would make this story a whole lot shorter than it is wouldn’t it?

“You ever been skinned alive you fucking ape?”, the hillbilly said putting the knife against my neck.

Right before he had enough strength to push it into my neck, the other hillbilly with the gun had gotten his attention.

“Hick! He’s still warm.”, the hillbilly with the gun spoke.

“Huh?”, the guy with the knife said turning around.

“I’m feeling around this bastard’s body. His rocket is still warm.”, the other hillbilly said reaching into Brim’s pants.

“Get your goddamn hands off my motherfucking junk before I rip your dick off and stuff you with it like the dirty hillbilly pig you are!!!”, Brim yelled out suddenly awakening.

“Holy hell Hick he isn’t dead! He is immortal!”, the hillbilly said in a frightened state.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here!”, the other one with the knife said running away.

“That’s right you better run! Go diddle your sister you sick bastards!”, Brim said standing up from the ground.

I was still in shock from fear to give a response to the situation. That, and I was still tied to the tree. Brim had dusted off some leaves on him, still with a hole in his head.

“Sweet Lucy that slug had some kick! Here, let me get you off that tree.”, Brim said peeling off the wound like a sticker.

He used his magic to untie me from the tree. As he approached me, I latched my arms around him in a tight hug. Brim jumped from the sudden attachment. I was so scared to death that hugging was the only response I could muster up from nearly being killed by some hillbillies.

“Um, Rocky that’s a little too close don’t ya think? It’s not even part four yet.”, Brim said confused.

“Thank you! I was so scared for my life. No more situations like this. Promise me that Brim.”, I mustered up still shaken up from the situation.

“Well, I figured you’d be used to it after the trucker attack so I can’t really say-”

“Promise me Brim!!”, I demanded.

“Alright fine. I promise.”, he agreed.

I finally let go after a deep hug with Brim unwillingly. I felt a lot better about the situation knowing he swore to not put us through situations like that again.

“Alright. I think it’s time to head back to the hotel. I think our morning was frantic enough already.”, Brim suggested.

“Yeah. Lets.”, I agreed following him back to our car.

“One thing though. Let’s keep this a secret between us only. I don’t need Sunset to bitch about it later on.”, Brim requested of me.

“Yeah. This dies with us.”, I said getting into the car.

We had finally made it to the hotel after a silent ride back. After all, would you be the talkative one after almost dying? I thought not. We made our way back up to our room and walked right in through the door. Sunset was awake and watching TV waiting for us.

“Oh hey! How was y’alls morning?”, Sunset asked us.

I spoke not a word and sat next to her and gave her a deep hug. She embraced my hug, but was a bit confused with my sudden embrace, much like Brim was.

“Rocky?”, she asked me sounding concerned for a bit.

I looked into her eyes, and gave a small smile.

“You missed out on a morning.”, I said to her.

“Oh really? Is that so?”, she said cocking an eyebrow.

“Yeah. Why don’t you explain why Brim?”, I said turning to him.

“I thought you’d never ask. Well…”

Chapter 6 : A Little Stop

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This is getting close to the end folks. Hope you were enjoying it the second time around.

We aren’t even on the last part of the story yet. Why are you bringing this up now?

I don’t know. It’s a feeling in my gut that I just can’t shake. Like it’s anticipating something.

That sounds like stomach ulcer in your stomach. Probably from all the smoking you do.

If you even think of suggesting that I quit smoking, I’ll punch you in the throat. Now lets keep going in the story as I light up another fat one.

Anyway, we were right on our way to Canterlot. We were going at a steady pace, leaving us with about a day left of driving until we made it to Canterlot. Like Brim promised, there were no new altercations to our trip due to his promise he made to me at the lake. Definitely didn’t want another near death experience with some rednecks.

“I really can’t believe it.”, I said to myself in the car.

“What can’t you believe?”, Sunset asked me.

“This whole trip. I was so opposed to this trip from the very beginning, but then after a few days and Brim’s shenanigans, I really started to love this trip. I could do this again sometime soon.”, I explained.

“You actually mean it Rocky?”, She asked me.

“Yeah. It was after this trip I realized I was buried in life and work. It’s gonna sound really deep with me saying it, but I finally realized that I wasn’t really living my life before this trip. Like, I was living only for a paycheck. This trip made me realize that I need to stop caring about my gains and instead focus on the ones I hang around with.”, I said looking over at Sunset with a smile.

“D’aww. My Rocky is getting all sentimental over this trip.”, Sunset said looking over at me with a smile.

There was a brief pause as we stared at each other. I still don’t know why, but we decided to lean in and give each other a small kiss, however…

“Oh lookie what we have here. A little over a days left of the trip and you two love birds can’t seem to not want to lock lips at every single time I’m awake.”, Brim said peeking over Sunset’s seat.

“Ugh, Good grief!”, I said to Brim.

“Don’t get mad at me for you being semi-horny for your girlfriends lips. Anyways, I propose a suggestion for us all.”, Brim announced.

“Brim, I thought we promised no more shenanigans after the Bass situation.”, Sunset pointed out.

“Yes, you don’t need to remind me about the best night of my life. And this isn’t going to be bad, I promise. I say we take a stop at the woods nearby and camp out for one night.”, He suggested.

“That’s it? Nothing else?”, I asked him.

“What? You expect me to turn it into a raid on a redneck moonshine plant? Of course I mean nothing else!”, Brim said.

I eyed him down to ixnay on the situation that had happened earlier that week with our fishing trip.

“Of course, Moonshine is not legal here so of course I would be joking.”, Brim said trying to cover up what he said earlier.

“I’m not opposed to the idea of camping out. What about you Rocky?”, Sunset asked me.

“I guess, but where are we gonna get the camping stuff?”, I asked.

“Rocky. You have not paid attention at all to the stuff I can do. I can spawn whatever I want with the demon magic I showed you.”, Brim vaguely described to me.

My guess to why he described it like that would probably be to not worry Sunset about stolen things, but that's just my take on it.

“Sure. I don’t see why not. Lets go camping.”, I said agreeing with Brim’s suggestion.

“Uh, No. Don’t take my title from last chapter and change it. We’re making a little stop.”, Brim explained.

“Last chapter? What are you talking about?”, Sunset asked him.

“A demon joke you won’t understand. Now let's get moving.”, Brim said lighting a cigarette.

We managed to pull up to a side road that led to a back road near some forest like trees, as well as some springs. It was pretty much the basic backwoods road you’d expect for a camping trip.

Location name doesn’t matter now. We already bombarded you with enough locations at this point. Consider it mercy on our part.

After a few minutes of driving, we finally reached a stopping point and parked the car in an area we felt would be safe. We stepped over this hill to find a small flat field surrounded by trees. It was nice and peaceful. I could see why a select few would try and stay out here in the woods.

Yeah, you’d think twice to find out that those who do end up staying are coked out hippies who end up getting lost in the woods. I know because most of them would end up in hell. Lazy bums.

Okay, well we had observed the area and all agreed; this was the perfect spot to set up.

“This might be it. I have never been camping before, but this looks like this is a good spot.”, I said observing the area.

“This ain’t the best spot, but it’ll do. It's no 1897 summer camp, but it's not the worst.”, Brim said putting out his cigarette.

“Well, my past experience with camps was a little more sophisticated than this, but this looks fine.”, Sunset said leaning on a tree.

We had all agreed this way the perfect place and decided to set up camp. With the materials Brim had “spawned”, we set up. We managed to set up a large tent that Brim painted red for his personal preference. We had set up a small fire pit in the center of it all for later that night as a preference for if it would get colder that night. To be completely honest, it wasn’t a lot to set up, but Brim insisted that we needed to set up these things.

It’s not a real camping trip if you don’t have any of those things. I should know, I took many trips as a boy.

“Looks like everything is set up. Only took about an hour, but it was worth it.”, I said looking at everything we had done with Brim.

“You damn kids.”, Brim said leaning back onto a stump.

“What? You aren’t happy about this?”, I asked him.

“Listen, I don’t mean to sound like an X, but you kids have it way too easy as far as camping. Like have you people ever heard of a real tent? A tent that could seriously hurt someone if you accidentally put a bar too tight?”, Brim asked pointing at the tent.

“You’re just jealous that we had innovations to help make things easier and safer for us.”, I told him.

“It’s called excitement. You never know which poor bastard is going to get stabbed from someone else’s mistake.”, Brim said tossing a rock to the side.

“Good Grief! Did you see where Sunset went? I want to get her take on this point I’m making.”, I asked looking around for her.

“I think she went to go look around some trees or some hippy shit like that.”, Brim said getting up from his stump.

Brim and I walked through a series of trees to go look for Sunset. Walking through it, I noticed how truly pretty the forrest was with its trees. On top of the beautiful sun in the distance as well as the perfect temperatures, it was heavenly.

Ugh, heavenly. The one word that spits in the face of every single demon who is proud. That is our version of a slur. A really offensive slur.

It’s just a way to describe something Brim. We don’t mean it like that.

You better not. If I ever hear you calling me heavenly, I will stab you in the esophagus.

Food for thought. We walked around until we saw a clearing through the trees to find a rich lake. A lake that looked heav- beautiful at the sight. The water was clean, the sunlight shimmered onto it, and a few animals looked like they were having a ball swimming in it. It was the prime conditions for a majestic fog during this setting. I don’t know how it would happen, but it would work.

Brim and I found Sunset sitting on a dead tree stump on the side of the lake. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She seemed to be happy staring at this pretty lake, almost like she was in a trance.

“Hey, you okay?”, I asked her.

She looked over at me with a small smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just feeling a little nostalgic.”, she said looking back to the lake.

“Something to do with your camp you went to?”, I asked.

She nodded.

“We were at a camp in the Everfree forest. It was where I got the closest with a new friend. She was going through a bit of a tough time understanding herself and what she was going through. She tried to run away from camp, but I was there to stop her.”, Sunset explained.

She never really talked about the past a lot, so this was something new from her that I heard. I wanted to know a little bit more about her friend she was talking about.

“Is she an old friend we will meet tomorrow?”, I asked her.

She shook her head.

“I doubt she’ll be around for visiting. She wanted to take a career in being a principal at a high school. I take it she’ll still be student teaching somewhere.”, she said looking a little bit faint.

I felt bad for her. From what I could tell, this was a really close friend to leave behind when she left for Manehatten. Feeling sorry for her, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. Her embrace told me that she really did appreciate me trying to make her feel better.

I was gonna take a moment and try to comfort her and let her know that it was gonna be okay, however…

What? You weren’t expecting me to interrupt a moment like this? I’m a little disappointed reader. I thought you knew me by now.

“Hey lovebirds! I don’t mean to interrupt a cling moment, but I feel this can help ease up some pent up feelings.”, Brim said from behind us.

We both turned around to see Brim taking off his jacket. As he got closer, he began to take off his shirt underneath. Sunset and I looked at each other in confusion to what Brim was suggesting.

“Uh, Brim, what are you doing?”, I asked him.

“We are in the middle of a forest and in front of a lake with no one around, what do you think I am suggesting?”, he said with a smile.

Then, without warning, Brim dropped his pants, exposing his body in front of us.

“Good Grief Brim! You can warn us!”, I said looking away.

“Whoa!”, Sunset exclaimed turning away as well.

“Oh, so suddenly it's not okay for you to see me naked, but it’s fine if I see yall naked? I could only imagine what you would say if I was an immigrant.”, he said with disgust.

“Why did you strip down in-”, I said looking away before he interrupted me.

“If you are gonna talk to me, look me in the eyes while you do. It’s rude to look away.”, Brim demanded.

Slowly, I looked back at his face. My eyes kept glancing away from me noticing his situation.

Situation? We have a mature rating! You will call my dick by its correct term. It didn’t grow to eight inches to be talked about by someone who is trying to walk on eggshells by some pussy.

Okay fine! I kept looking away by noticing how big his penis was.

Okay, now you are going too far. I said use the correct term, not turn this story into an abstract porn fic. The people reading this are horny enough based on seeing the sex tag.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Nothing, keep describing it like you were before this.

I fucking swear. Anyways, I kept looking away to not gaze at Brim’s situation.

“Oh come on! If the Greeks can appreciate a nude body, you two can too.”, Brim exclaimed.
I finally looked at him straight faced ignoring what was happening.

“There, now was that so hard to do?”, Brim asked sarcastically.

“Why are you naked Brim? And what does it have to do with your idea?”, I asked him.

“If you had paid attention to our situation of being in front of a lake in a forest, I recommend we go swimming.”, Brim said proudly.

“We don’t have swimming stuff.”, Sunset explained to him.

“It’s called skinny dipping bonehead.”, Brim clarified.

“I don’t know about this Brim, it could have some leeches in the water.", I said uneasy about the suggestion.

"Are you sure it's not just you being to scared to show your pussy that is underneath your clothes?", Brim said egging me on.

"What, no. You've seen that I have-", I said before being interrupted by Brim.

"Then come into the water you pussies. Last one there gets the title of pussy of the trip!", Brim said running into the water.

As he ran in, water began splashing everywhere as he went deeper into the lake. He dove into the water and rose up again to look back at us on the coast.

"Come on in! The water is fine. Definitely not filled with leeches.", Brim yelled out encouragingly.

Sunset and I looked at each other with the same look of grinning. We both knew that he would keep going until we went skinny dipping with him. After all, he was right about it being in the middle.of a forest all to ourselves.

"Well, I guess we gotta do it.", Sunset said starting to get undressed.

"Not like your first camp, is it?", I asked her doing the same.

"Not at all.", She said pulling her top off.

Soon, we were both butt naked and walking into the water together. The water was cold as you would expect a lake to be, but after a while we became used to it and it felt like regular. After simply treading water for a few minutes, our boredom led to a simple water fight between me, Brim and Sunset. It was very fun. For once I felt joy in beating Sunset at something.

What turned into speculation turned into a lot of fun just swimming in a lake with my friends. It's definitely a highlight of this entire trip if you asked me.

After a few hours of simply hanging around naked by a lake, the sun was starting to go down and the cold air was settling in. By this point we had decided it was best to get back into most of our clothes and settle down and start a campfire for the night. With the wood that was lying around and help from Brim's magic, we were able to get a full fire going that was warming us up. Brim felt at home with this fire, considering he was from hell.

Thanks for pointing that out captain obvious.

We were sitting by the fore getting warmed up and telling some stories like we did back in the car.

"And so long story short, I hate Hitler because he never gave back my sauerkraut that day.", Brim said talking about a past acquaintance.

"That is honestly crazy how you were once friends with one of the most evil people in history", Sunset said tossing a twig into the fire.

"At least now we know that God had a plan for him.", I said pointing out his location.

"Well regardless, he still owes me sauerkraut like the ex butcher who still owes me my bucket of chicken. Or at least thirty bucks!", Brim rambled on.

"What?", I asked him confused.

"Nothing that pertains to you. What do you say we make this night interesting with an indulgence of mine?", Brim said standing up.

I figured out what he was talking about with indulgences.

"Sweet. What whiskey are we getting tonight?", I asked him excited.

"Oh no, we aren't gonna do that. I'm afraid we'll get sued by another author for doing that. I propose another stress reliever. ", Brim said.

Maybe, not what I thought he was talking about.

"Another one?", Sunset asked.

"You got it right the first time. I propose we smoke!", he announced snapping a rather large looking cigarette in air.

"Brim, I'm not smoking another one. You know I hate the taste of it.", I reminded him.

"It's not a cigarette. I decided to upgrade and make it an even better cigarette. It's weed.", Brim explained.

I had never been in the presence of weed before, mainly because it was illegal in Manehatten.

"Are we allowed to smoke that here? I'm pretty sure it is illegal if you have it.", I told him.

"Its illegal if you're stupid enough to get caught with it. Which by the way, we are in the middle of the forest. Who is gonna catch us? The bears and tigers?", Brim rhetorically asked.

"There aren't tigers in a forest. ", Sunset corrected him.

"Tomato Potato, I'm smoking this blunt. You two can smoke it with me if you want.", he said before taking a hit of his blunt.

With his puff, he let out a cough that gave a scent of what I assume was the smell of weed. I can't exactly describe it, but what I can say is that it was strong. Very very strong.

"Oh fuck yeah! Dogg can be my bitch for his claim for being the best smoker. ", Brim said.

Sunset looked over at me before looking back at Brim.

"I...want to try it."she said, holding out her hand.

"Well, someone wants to go to the dark side. Rocky, you have to do it now otherwise you are a pussy. ", Brim said passing the blunt to Sunset.

I still wasn't sure about doing it. I could trust that Brim wouldn't slip anything funny into it, but I was worried about how much I could handle. Sunset took a hit before coughing heavily.

"It's alright. Let out the first timers cough. It's all on you now Rocky. Complete this circle.", he said taking the blunt and passing it to me.

By this point, Sunset had stopped coughing and looked over at me.

"I don't, feel different. I think you can handle it Rocky.", she said with red eyes.

Not wanting to feel left out of this circle of events, I sucked up whatever doubts I had in smoking weed and did it anyway. Taking the blunt, I tried to remember everything I could about the time I smoked the cigarette that Brim had offered me and tried my will to hit it. With a quick and deep puff, I felt a wave of fuzziness hit me as I coughed out from the powerful taste of smoke.

"Ah yes, the virgin, is no more!", Brim said taking back the blunt.

"How do you feel?", Sunset asked me.

"I… don't know. I don't feel...anything. ", I said feeling a bit weightless.

"Oh it's working alright. I know that look anywhere. The only solution now is to finish up this blunt.", Brim said puffing in more of the blunt.

The next few minutes were the weirdest few minutes I had ever felt. Or at least I thought they were a few minutes. How long do you reckon we were sitting around the fire high Brim?

I don't keep track of time when I'm high. It is counterintuitive.

Right. Well, we were sitting there high and talking for an unknown amount of time just rambling about random things. I don't remember exactly what we were talking about, but we were talking about something. To further prove how much we don't remember what most of the stuff we were talking about, this was where I snapped back with what we were talking about.

"They call it Devil's Lettuce as a joke, but it's literally our lettuce on burgers.", Brim said.

This made all of us laugh deliriously from highness. Whatever made it funny for me at the time, I will never know.

"Brim, you say the darndest things. ", I said to him finishing the last of the blunt.

"Oh you dick! Not enough to share with me? I bet you're the kind of person to not give someone a reach around after you fuck then.", Brim said angry with me finishing it off.

"Ah give him a break! You always call him a pussy. ", Sunset said slightly high.

"Thanks you Sunset. I really appreciate it. ", I said slightly happy.

"Although, he does have a point.", Sunset said suddenly.

"Wait what?", I said suddenly coming back to reality.

"You are a pussy at times. I could tell from the magic I use on you sometimes when you sleep.", Sunset explained.

"Oh ho ho! Even your own girl is calling you one!", Brim said laughing.

"I can't believe it. You think that of me?", I said suddenly thinking down of myself.

"Don't worry about it Rocky! To be completely honest with you, I love that you don't strive to be a fake person like my ex. It's why I love you now.", Sunset said putting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

This made me smile a little bit. Even though I was high and still seen as a pussy, I was proud to know that my girl loved me just for being the way I was.

"Uh, okay I think the weed is kicking off the wrong sort of vibe. Maybe we should-", Brim said before I interrupted him.

"You know what Sunset? I think I got to admit one thing about you as well.", I said slightly delirious.

"Oh yeah?", She answered.

"You have a great personality and a rockstar bod! I think I am in love!", I said putting an arm over her shoulder.

By this point, the towelI had to cover myself fell off. Sunset was looking over at me with the goofiest smile on her face.

"Well, that's awfully nice of you! I need to repay you now for that compliment. I feel like making you rocky hard.", She said pulling off her top and bottom.

"Okay I think we should stop right here!", Brim said trying to pry us apart.

We had completely ignored Brim and started to sloppily make out in front of him. The tensions were now getting ready to be released as we fell back behind a stump we were sitting on.

As we were starting to go at it, Brim had approached us from the other side of the stump.

"Uh guys, I think we shouldn't be doing that right no-", Brim said before one of us interrupted him by grabbing his arm.

I don't remember what it was exactly that we were doing with it, but we did something to ease the sexual tension.

"Uh, guys that's my arm! I didn't agree to this shit! I signed up for weed not an involuntary thre- Oh fuck it's too deep, get it out!!!", Brim exclaimed trying to pull away.

And that's where we are gonna stop the chapter. Not because it is up to what we remember, but because I just want to point out a claim. For those expecting a descriptive sex scene between my friend and his bacon smelling girlfriend, consider yourself played. Because I am not gonna condone this level of horniness any longer. If you got something against this, then please let us know in the comments or something. Am I even allowed to do this? Hell if I know. See you next chapter horse fuckers!

Chapter 7 : You Have Reached Your Destination

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Oh good. You weren’t too mad I called you a horse fucker for expecting a detailed account of sex and came back.

I wasn’t going to describe that anyway because it was our business. I can’t believe some sick people would want to know that. I feel dirty now.

Oh quit your whining about rule 34 and finish this story already.

Alright fine. It was the morning after smoking the weed that Brim had given us. I was laying down on whatever was underneath me. When I woke up, the light of day had blinded me making my vision fuzzy for a solid minute or two. Once my vision got back into focus, I saw Sunset, still naked from what we did last night, on top of me.

Shortly after waking up, I brushed her hair from out of her face, accidently waking her up in the process. Not that she didn’t mind it. When she opened her eyes, she gave me a soft smile to let me know that she was happy to see me. She snuggled up next to my chest before kissing me.

“Good Morning my Rocky.”, she said with slight seductiveness.

“You slept well?”, I asked her.

“Like a baby.”, she answered running her hand across my chest.

Something told me that she wasn’t done yet, not from last night. Not that I had any complaints against it.

“You want to go again? You know Brim isn’t going to like that,”, I said smiling.

“Eh, let him watch. I just want to do you again.”, Sunset said before kissing me again.

At this point, both me and Sunset were full on getting ready for “round 2”, from last night. We were just about to get there when we both took a second and realized something we hadn’t noticed when we had woken up; we weren’t in the woods. We were in the backseat of the Speedwagon that was moving. Looking out the window, it looked like we were driving down the highway. After our initial shock to the realization that the car was moving on its own, we looked to the front seat to see Brim driving the car while holding a cigarette outside the drivers window.

“Oh would you look at that? The two horny love birds are finally awake from last night. Hope you guys didn’t mind that I stole the role as your driver.”, Brim said sarcastically looking back at us.

“Brim! You have been driving with us naked back here the whole morning?!”, I asked him.

“Uh yeah. That’s kind of the situation we’re in.”, Brim said looking back at us in the mirror.

"And you didn't think to clothe us?", I asked him.

"Did you ask me if I wanted to be a part of your night time fuck last night? No. So therefore, this is payback for including me. Now the seven people who saw you naked on the road can say they saw you naked.", Brim said sarcastically.

"Are you serious right now?", Sunset asked him.

"Ah quit complaining, the only saw it from the front. They were pulled up in front looking almost at the driver's seat. Kind of weird to be looking from that direction.", Brim said.

Then it occurred to me that they weren't looking at us.

"Brim. They weren't looking at us. They were looking at the car that seemed to have been driving itself with no driver!", I exclaimed.

Brim took a second and realized what had happened.

"Oh, now that makes a whole lot more sense! All this time I thought they were trying to get a front seat view of you guys. I kinda forgot I didn't exist in their reality.", Brim said with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh good grief!", I said laying back down with Sunset sitting up and covering her chest.

"Well, my plan of revenge backfired. If you want to put your clothes back on, it's there on the floor. I just grabbed whatever was laying around in the bags and threw it back there to have for y'all to wake up.", Brim told us.

Grabbing our clothes off the floor, Sunset and I changed while Brim had taken over driving for a while. For once we were able to feel what Brim had felt like by simply riding in the back while he drove. If I could say one other thing that was positive about the Speedwagon, it had the comfiest seats of a car I had ever laid on. I could see how Brim would fall asleep on them with how plump yet comfortable they are. I almost fell asleep again before the car had suddenly came to a stop on the side.

"What's going on? Why are we stopping?", I asked.

Brim took the keys out of the ignition and turned back to us.

"What do you think I stopped for? We're here.", he explained.

"Wait what?", Sunset asked.

"What do I need to say it in a GPS voice? You have reached your destination. We made it!", Brim said opening his door.

Stepping out of the car, we stood at the side of the road in front of the sign of Canterlot. It was a huge white and blue sign with a picture of a small family on the bottom right hand corner. It looked very nice from my perspective. However, Sunset’s face said a lot more. It said that she had been gone for so long and was happy to see her home again. It looked like she was about to cry tears of joy from seeing her hometown again. I stood next to her and put my arms around her as she wrapped her arms around me.

“Canterlot.”, she said silently.

“Canterlot.”, I said in agreement.

“Oh it’s only a sign!”, Brim said leaning on the door of the car.

We looked back at him slightly annoyed at his comment.

“What? I gotta make my movie reference quota somehow.”, Brim explained.

Sunset and I rolled our eyes at Brim and continued standing there in front of the sign for a little while. I did it for Sunset since she had been gone for so long. I couldn’t imagine being far away from a place you had been for all of your life for so many years.

I can. I sure as Hell could argue that my distance from Hell has made me great. Maybe a few nights at some bars in Hell at the most, but the distance is great.

After letting Sunset have a few more moments to take in the homecoming, we got back into the car to drive into the town; this time with Sunset driving. Taking a gander at her town made me feel fairly happy. Almost like I had been there before. It’s not quite deja vu, but somewhat like it.

Like the uneasy feeling I’m feeling now?

No, not at all like that. You feeling okay?

Yeah I’m fine. I just have a bad feeling about something. I don’t know what.

Anyways, we drove around the town for a little while, passing over this huge school with a statue in front that Sunset went to. She told me numerous stories of her time there, even the bad ones where she described herself as an evil entity. Kind of a scary story to tell me if you think about it. But then again, it wasn’t any different from me having Brim come into my life.

Aw, you’re so sweet. It’s almost convincing enough to make me think you’re gonna buy me dinner later. I’m being sarcastic by the way.

Moving on, after a while of driving down Sunset’s memory lane, we approached a nice roomy house on the outskirts of the city. It had a big tree in the front and a large backyard from the height of the fences. As we got out of the car, we heard a rustling from the bushes nearby. It gave me an uneasy feeling knowing what was in those bushes. After a few seconds of anticipation, out came a small bunny carrying a carrot. It walked over to Sunset as she exclaimed excitedly.

"Angel Bunny!", She exclaimed as she picked it up and hugged him.

"You know this bunny?", I asked.

"Oh course I do! This is the cutest little bunny I have ever seen.", She explained in a child like voice petting Angel.

Brim rolled his eyes at Angel. Then, Angel started directly at Brim with the weirdest look I have ever seen an animal do.

"What are you looking at small cheeks?", Brim asked in a mockingly way towards Angel.

There was a brief silence before Brim suddenly got a little upset.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?! You better watch your tone you small insignificant ball of fluff!", He snapped.

"Brim!", Sunset said sternly.

"What?! He called me a cunt. I can't just sit here and take that. Oh shut the fuck up! You must be this tall to enter this conversation you prick!", Brim exclaimed at Angel.

"You can talk to the bunny?", I asked him.

"I can talk to all animals. It's something that demons learn when they travel throughout the world.", He explained.

"Just promise you will behave yourself and not trying to start anything with Angel. You don't need to make Fluttershy angry by hurting her pride and joy.", She said putting him down.

"Hey, remind me who Fluttershy is again?", I asked Sunset.

"She is a friend of mine way back since high school. She is a bit weird with how close she is with her animals, but who isn't?", She explained as we approached her door.

"The one you used to bully back then?", I jokingly said.

"We don't talk about that.", She said with a slight embarrassed groan.

She rang the doorbell by the door as we waited for someone to answer. Brim on the other hand was getting more and more bothered by Angel who was next to him. From what I could tell, he was insulting Brim a lot more. Brim kept his composure and tried his best to ignore him.

Right before Brim could curb stomp Angel, the door opened up to a surprising sight. Behind the door was not the friend that Sunset had been describing, but rather a tall and slender middle aged man with a gray beard under his chin. The part that irks me the most about him was his eyes being a shade of yellow. But despite all of these details, the man seemed to have recognized us, or at least Sunset I guess.

"Ah, you must be Fluttershy's friend coming all the way from Manehatten. And I'm assuming her partner you are?", he spoke to me with an effervescent accent.

"Uh, yeah. I'm her boyfriend. ", I explained.

"Splendid! Oh, I see you have met the sweet little Angel already. ", the man said.

"'Sweet'?! That fucker has no manners at all!", Brim exclaimed to me.

"Yeah, can we come in? I have been dying to meet Fluttershy again.", Sunset asked him.

"Certainly. She'll be out in a minute. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Discord. ", he said holding out his hand.

A thing I noticed about his hand was that it seemed small. Like, really small. Almost to a point that it didn't look real. I didn't want to comment on it to not offend Discord. Brim on the other hand, was already getting negative vibes about this guy.

"Okay, I already don't like this guy. Scary hand and his love for an asshole bunny already has me not liking him. ", Brim said silently to me.

I shook his hand diligently as I could.

"Hi, my name is Rocky. This is Sunset. ", I introduced us.

"Nice to meet you Rocky. Follow me this way.", Discord said pointing it out with his other, not small hand.

Sunset followed him without hesitation, but I was a bit more skeptical. And by skeptical, I mean Brim was bothering me about how skeptical he was about this Discord character.

"Rocky, I already don't want to touch this guy with a ten foot pole. Something about him seriously irks me.", Brim explained.

"It's okay Brim. I am a little freaked out by his hand too. But just ignore it and we'll get through it.", I told him.

"Not the hands. Just this guy in general. There is something off about him. I am gonna find out somehow.", Brim said before following me into the house.

Whoever Fluttershy was, she definitely had the message of caring for animals painted everywhere. In almost every single picture I saw on her wall, she was holding some sort of animal. Even some exotic ones, for some reason.

As I walked into the living room, I heard a squeal of excitement from Sunset as she embraced her friend with curly pink hair and a beautiful autumn dress. This was the girl in those pictures. This was Fluttershy.

“Oh my goodness! It is so good to see you again Sunset.”, Fluttershy said softly, hugging Sunset in the process.

“It’s the same for me. It's been such a long time since I’ve been back home.”, Sunset explained.

They finally let out of the hug as Fluttershy took notice of me.

“And who’s this?”, she asked Sunset with curiosity.

"Let me introduce you to the person I have been seeing these past few months. This is Rocky. Rocky, this is Fluttershy. ", she said to me.

I waved as she walked closer.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Sunset has told me a lot about you.", I said shaking her hand.

"And to you as well. It is so well timed.", Fluttershy exclaimed.

"What do you mean?", Sunset asked.

At this point, the two of them sat down on the couch nearby.

"Well, about a month ago I started seeing someone who was so sweet and thoughtful. Everyone else thought he was a bit weird, but deep down inside he is a lovable little man.", Fluttershy explained.

"Oh, who is he?", Sunset asked.

"That would be me.", Discord said suddenly behind me.

For whatever reason, him walking up behind me gave me a scare. More so Brim than me. There was something about his voice that made it unsettling. Maybe at the time that's what had Brim freaked out.

"Discord?", Sunset asked.

"Why yes. You seem to have met him already?", Fluttershy asked.

As they kept talking, Discord sat next to Fluttershy and put his arm around her. For whatever reason, this made Brim groan.

"Ugh, disgusting. ", Brim said to me.

"What? I do that all the time with Sunset. ", I said quietly to Brim.

"Not that. The fact that she is dating a probable forty something year old and she is probably the same age as you.", Brim explained.

"What's wrong with that? My parents met when my dad was priority and my mom was 23.", I clarified for him.

"Let me put it into perspective. When he was eighteen, she was probably not even born yet. Technically speaking, he could classify as a closet pedo.", Brim said.

"That's a bit of a stretch Brim. I doubt he would be that person.", I said trying to calm him down.

"Maybe I'm a bit skeptic, but I know something is up. I'm gonna find out one way or anothe-ah fuck stop looking at me he is looking at us. ", Brim warned me.

As I looked back, Discord looked at me with a slightly confused look. By this point, I listened back in to what Sunset and Fluttershy were saying.

"So, you managed to meet him out on the street doing magic before he pulled out Angel from his hat? Sounds like a movie if you ask me.", Sunset said.

"It's true. With that one little trick alone he managed to make me want to spend more time with him until he was kind enough to ask me to a date.", Fluttershy said putting her hand on Discord's.

"Oh Fluttershy stop! You're embarrassing me. ", he said with a bashful chuckle.

"I knew it! He created that little bastard! Get the fuck out of there Rocky, he is not one to be trusted. ", Brim exclaimed.

At this point, I got up from where I was sitting.

"Will you excuse me a moment?", I asked the group.

"Certainly, the bathroom is all the way down the hall to the left.", Fluttershy told me.

I went down to the middle of the hall with Brim following behind me before stopping to intervene with Brim.

"Brim, you can't keep doing this the whole visit. What has you so bothered?", I asked him.

"This Discord guy. I'm being serious. He is up to something. And I intend to find out.", Brim he explained.

"What's the threat? So far the only thing that you have to say about it is his hand being smaller than the other one.", I told him.

"Rocky, when I get a feeling about someone it typically means that there is something else really going on in them. This guy is grade-A sus. ", Brim explained.

"Is something wrong?", the familiar voice of Discord said from behind me.

This made me jump as I turned around as quickly as I could. He gave a suspicious look to me talking to Brim.

"Uh, no nothing is wrong. Everything is swell. Just er...looking at a wall.", I said trying to cover up Brim.

"Are you sure? You look like you seen a ghost. ", he asked me.

"Nope. No ghosts around here. I hope.", I said.

He eyeballed me a little more before I excused myself back to the living room. Sunset and Fluttershy were still catching up on old times while I sat down next to Sunset. She looked over at me with slight concern.

"Is everything okay?", Sunset asked me.

"Yeah. Just a little personal problem .", I said referring to Brim.

Sunset nodded understanding the issue.

"Oh, this sounds like a job that Angel can solve. He always seems to fix uneasy things with a few snuggles.", Fluttershy recommended.

"Anything but that little dickweed.", Brim demanded me.

"I think I figured out what your issue is Rocky!", Discord exclaimed.

This made my hair stand on edge. I didn't know what he was talking about. Could he be referring to my little incident in the hall? Or could he be talking about something much more that I didn't know he knew?

Why are you asking the audience? They are the ones curious, not you.

It's just narration. Anyways, there was a moment of silence before Discord rose up with excitement.

"You are quenching for something to drink! That's why I made us all tea.", He said suddenly carrying a tray of tea.

Within a few minutes, my suspicions of Discord were gone. He seemed to really just be a weird guy, but in the good way. Plus his tea tasted great. Everything was going good.

By this point, I was having a full conversation with both Fluttershy and Discord without worry. In this case, I was discussing how I had met Sunset.

“So long story short, I knew that I met the one the day I met her.”, I explained to Fluttershy.

“Aw, that’s really sweet. You really got a sweetheart for a guy Sunset.”, she said holding Discord’s hand.

“Well, he was definitely an upgrade from the last boyfriend.”, Sunset said jokingly about her ex.

“He wasn’t so bad. At least from what I could tell.”, Fluttershy said.

“Oh Flutter, you have no idea what he was like behind closed doors.”, Sunset said with a chuckle.

“Oh do tell.”, Discord said curiously.

As they began discussing about the topic we spoke earlier in the week, I heard a small shuffling from the other room. Then from out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brim’s arm throw something off to the side. Not wanting to cause a commotion, I put down my tea and excused myself to the room where Brim was. How could I not have known something was up as soon as I knew the Brim was nowhere to be seen?

Walking into the room, I caught brim digging through a series of drawers looking for something. The room already looked trashed from the amount of things he found, but threw off to the side.

“Brim! What the hell are you doing?!”, I scolded him.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m digging for answers.”, Brim answered.

He continued digging through drawers, pulling out miscellaneous things.

“Stop that! You completely trashed this room. Sunset is going to be pissed when Flutter and Discord fin-”, I said before he interrupted.

“Sunset will not be pissed because I’m gonna put everything back.”, he corrected me.

“What the fuck difference does that make? You need to stop.”, I told him.

“No, not until I find out what is off about this guy. I’m telling you Rocky, as a demon from Hell who has gut feelings about off people, I know for damn sure that Discord is- Will you mind your goddamn business?! You must be this tall to enter this conversation you piece of shit covered in fluff!”, Brim said suddenly turning around to see Angel staring at him from behind.

There was a small silence again.

“Oh? Now you want to bring mommas in this?! You know what your mom is? A whore, because she fucks anything that manages to rape her from behind. That's how you came into this world you little cunt!”, Brim said flipping off Angel.

By this point, Angel began hopping off in the opposite direction.

“Yeah yeah, walk away before you embarrass yourself even more. Geez, some animals have no manners.”, Brim said suddenly turning back to the drawer.

“Brim you need to stop! This has gone long enough.”, I told him.

“AHA! I finally found it! Everything to convince you that this guy is off!”, Brim said pulling out a black magic wand.

“A magic wand?”, I asked him.

“Not just any magic wand. This is the magic wand. It’s not made from some bullshit plastic. No, this is made from pure obsidian! The ones used by wizards and witches.”, Brim explained.

“Or because he has a career in doing magic tricks and wanted a nicer wand. Brim this is ridiculous.”, I told him dismissively.

“No it isn't. Rocky, I know my gut feeling. Look at the guy’s hand. That’s not irregular to you?”, he asked me.

“It was probably a birth defect. When will you admit that you have a fear of his hand?”, I asked him.

“I DO NOT!”, he said frantically.

“Is everything okay in there?”, Fluttershy asked from the other room.

“Uh yeah everything’s fine. I’m gonna be out in a minute.”, I told her before turning back at Brim.

“Rocky, I’m so close just let me-”, he said before I interrupted him.

“No! You are going to clean this room up and get out there, just so I can show you that you are being paranoid over a hand.”, I demanded.

“Ugh, fine. But when the guy spikes your drink with some drugs or some shit, I won’t be there to save you until you admit that I told you so.”, Brim said snapping his fingers to clean up the room in a snap.

"Whatever, can we please get back out there?", I asked him.


As we walked out of the room back to the living room, we noticed that it was empty. All we had heard from the group was from another room that was small murmurs that sounded familiar to the group that was just here. Not looking to be left out of the group, we walked into the room hoping to see the group there.

Well, we were partially right about seeing the group there.

When we walked into the room, we noticed how eerily dark the room was. It was almost gothic with the amount of candles that were surrounding the room. Whatever this room was, it gave me a sudden uneasy feeling.

As I was going to talk to Sunset who was in the room with Fluttershy, a door closed behind me with Discord following right behind.

“Glad you could finally make it Rocky.”, Discord said ominously.

I looked at Sunset in confusion before looking back at Discord.

“What is going on?”, I asked nervously.

“Yeah, is something wrong honey?”, Fluttershy asked with the same amount of confusion I was in.

“Why don’t you sit down while I try and explain?”, Discord asked pulling a chair from the table.

Not wanting to offend Discord, I sat down in the chair across from Sunset. She began looking at me like something went wrong on my side. I gave her a look back that pretty much said that I had no clue what he was talking about.

“I have brought you all here for something that I noticed since you two had arrived here that had my suspicions. I now realize it isn’t about you two, it is with you.”, Discord said pointing at me.

“I’m sorry?”, I asked him.

“Now’s your chance Rocky. Grab the closest sharp object and stab him before he turns you into a rabbit.”, Brim urged me.

“You have been acting very strange since the day you got here. Looking at a wall for no reason, taking moments away from us to yourself, even making a commotion in the other room. I have made a final deduction of a choice with my past experience with this sort of behavior that can be summed with one solution.”, Discord explained.

“Now’s your chance. Stab him in his goddamn esophagus before he does something that you might not expect.”, Brim warned me.

Discord then pointed at me from across the table.

“You are possessed by an evil spirit!”, Discord exclaimed.

There was a brief silence in the room. There was no way that we could have a repeat of the same situation with those hillbillies with Discord. Before I could protest, Discord pulled out a cross from under his shirt.

Brim had erupted in laughter. Almost to a point he was in tears from laughing so hard.

“This?! This is what my gut was feeling suspicious about?! A fucking priest?!”, Brim said laughing still.

Not wanting to confirm any of Discord’s suspicions, I tried my best to avoid whatever it was he wanted to do to my “evil spirit”.

“Uh. No no I feel fine. I’m Jewish so I don’t think this applies to me.”, I said standing up.

“The room will not open up until this evil spirit is revealed to us and is dealt with. I guarantee it.”, Discord explained motioning me to sit down.

“Uh Discord I’m sure there is a misunderstanding. Rocky would never act like that. I'm sure it's just nerves or something. ", Sunset interjected trying to defend Brim.

"All the more respect to prepare for any sort of irregular activity that could harm you and Rocky. This will only take a minute. ", Discord said.

"Ah don't worry about me guys. I have years of experience dealing with priests and them trying to kill me. I can handle this guy.", Brim said confidently.

I looked at him with a look of doubt.

"What? In my years of surviving all exorcisms, this shouldn't be any different.", Brim reassured me.

I gave a small sigh before settling back into my chair to let Discord do his work.

"Fine, let's get this over with.''

Discord began by removing a sweater he had on to better get ready for his “exorcism”. I’ve only seen the examples of exorcisms in movies were with the person is strapped down to the table as the demon tries to fight his way out of the body to avoid death. This process was a lot more mellow and a lot less restrictive.

“This won’t be dangerous will it?”, Fluttershy asked Discord.

“Oh it won’t be. Thankfully it isn’t strong. I had gotten the feeling that something weak was taking over when Angel had come up to me.”, Discord said holding up Angel before placing him on the counter.

“Why you little fluffy snitch!”, Brim exclaimed clenching his fist.

Before Brim could throw himself at Angel to fight him, Discord snapped his fingers and began the exorcist ritual.

“Spirit! Make yourself known to us! Show us that you exist with a simple tap!”, Discord announced to Brim.

There was silence before Brim spoke to no one.

“Nice try, but if you think I will willingly knock for you you are out of your-”, Brim said before Discord reached into his pocket and then threw some powder before Brim suddenly exclaimed in a child-like voice,” ANGEL DUST!”

Brim then threw himself on the table and snorted all the dust that landed on there, knocking his head on the middle of the table.

“At last! He reveals himself. Spirit, show yourself. Show yourself before I force you to show yourself!”, Discord exclaims.

Sunset began looking at me with concern for Brim. To which I looked at Brim with a questioning look. He looked back up at me with blood flowing out of his nose from snorting all of his Angel Dust.

“It’s alright, as long as that was his only handful. That shit is like catnip for demo- Don’t you even think about it Discord! I swear to Lucy if you throw another hand full of goddamn- ANGEL DUST WHOOO!”, Brim said as Discord threw another handful of Angel Dust.

The amount of knocking Brim was doing on the table was concerning. I tried to intervene and make Discord stop before he could do something to Brim.

“I don’t want to do this anymore. This is clearly fak-”, I tried to say before being interrupted bt Discord.

“Not Yet! I almost got him. Spirit! I condemn you to reveal yourself. Reveal yourself. REVEAL YOURSELF!”, Discord screamed out before waving his arms.

“Oh fuck I don’t feel so good Mr. Rock!”, Brim said suddenly orbing light around him.

Suddenly, the light got blinding to a point where the room began shaking. It was almost like an earthquake going off. As the shaking died down. The light began to die down, Brim appeared before them…..still the same as before?

“Oh my goodness!”, Fluttershy exclaimed and fainted.

“At last the demon exposed himself!”, DIscord said with excitement.

“Wait a minute! You got the wrong idea I’m not-”, Brim tried to explain before Discord pulled out a bible and spoke.

I knew exactly what was happening next. As quickly as I could I stood back up from my chair.

“Demon! I condemn you to hell for all eterni-”, Discord tried to yell out before I interrupted by throwing myself in front of him.

“Rocky!”, Sunset screamed out at me

“No stop! You don’t understand why he is here!”, I exclaimed at Discord.

“He is a demon! He must go back to where he belongs! Don’t tell me you are going to defend him.”, Discord said.

“I am. He is my friend. I didn’t want to explain it because I would seem crazy, but he is my friend.”, I explained to him.

“Yeah, I’m his friend you fucking racist! I don’t tell you to be separate from society because you have a small hand.”, Brim said from behind me.

After all this commotion, the doors opened up and there was a brief silence between us before Discord lowered his bible. By this point Fluttershy had woken up from her fainting. She sat up and looked around and saw Brim.

“Who is the new guy?”, she asked innocently.

After that whole debacle, we had a long discussion with Discord and Fluttershy about how Brim became my personal demon. After explaining everything, Discord explained how the spell worked on Brim. Turned out that not only did the spell make it to have Brim be shown to both Discord and Fluttershy, but now everyone can see him. Discord said he could try to reverse the effect, but Brim disagreed with it.

I’d say it allows me to be more social. Thankfully it let me keep my demon powers. Kind of a win-win if you ask me. I can now share my spastic personality outside of Sunset and Rocky here.

Anyways, Brim had gone outside to smoke a cigarette and I followed him out there to talk with him. To be honest, it felt awkward to talk to anyone else besides Sunset and Brim about this, so I decided to stay outside with Brim while Sunset was talking with Fluttershy.

“Hey.”, I said to Brim.

“Hey.”, he said back to me.

I sat down next to him on the steps of the house as he continued smoking.

“I want to apologize for not believing you about your suspicions with Discord. I had no idea he was that crazy.”, I told him.

“It’s alright Rocky. I should’ve suspected you would think I was crazy for being as suspicious as I was. Plus, I know that you humans lack the gut feelings that demons have.”, Brim said.

“I know, but you could have been sent back to Hell forever. I know how much you hated that place, especially with Lucy being there.”, I said.

“Pfft, they would have kicked me out of Hell again as soon as I showed my face to Lucy.”, Brim said tossing his cigarette off to the side before pulling out a box of raisins,” Plus if I could say one positive thing about this whole experience, I got free raisins”.

As he opened the box and ate a handful of them, his face suddenly turned sour as he spat them out on the lawn.

“That little shit!”, Brim exclaimed throwing the box off in frustration.

“What?”, I asked.

“That bunny bitch shit in the box and passed it off as raisins. I swear to Lucy I’m gonna have a rabbit stew if I don’t leave anytime soon.”, Brim said in disgust.

Right as we were discussing, the door opened up with Sunset and the rest of them following behind. We both stood up from the steps to talk to them.

“Well, I thank you two for coming to visit me and Discord. We really appreciate you coming to visit after such a long time.”, Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Yeah, it was fun. Well, until about an hour ago.”, Sunset said with a nervous scratch.

“Again, I am terribly sorry for almost killing your friend. Can we let bygones be bygones despite you being a demon?”, Discord asked Brim holding out his hand.

Brim hesitated a little bit because it was with his smaller hand, but delightfully shook his hand.

“Bygones are bygones.”, he said after letting go.

“It was nice meeting you finally Fluttershy. I can definitely see why you and Sunset were close back then.”, I said to her.

“Well, I would definitely say the same about you. You better take good care of her.”, she said with a smile.

“I will”.

After we said our goodbyes to Fluttershy and Discord, we got into our car and drove off back into the city. We were cruising along in silence for a while before Sunset spoke finally.

“Well…..we did it! That’s our road trip.”, she said faintly.

“Yeah. I have to admit, this was definitely better than I thought it was gonna be.”, I said.

“And on top of all this, I am now part of your society. Gonna miss the days where I could where absolutely nothing and not feel judged. Well, except by you guys.”, Brim said putting his feet up on the seat in the back.

“Yep, but it’s still not over yet Brim. We got to head home.”, Sunset said looking back at him.

Suddenly, a thought popped up in my head. I thought about what would happen when we would get back and how we pretty much would start from scratch again with my busy schedule. I was silent for a moment, but then decided to speak out.

“You know, we could last thing before we go home. You know, one last thing for the road?”, I suggested.

“What, you already are too much of a pussy to go back to work?”, Brim asked me.

“No, I’m just saying we could do one more thing. After all, it might be awhile before we can do something like this again.”, I said.

“Pfft, you’re part of a story fool. You will have no time to go back to work.”, Brim said.

“What are you talking about?”, I asked.

Right before Brim could discuss what he was talking about, Sunset spoke up.

“There is, one thing we can visit since we are here in Canterlot. The only thing is, I want to know if you guys are down to try something crazy.”, Sunset suggested.

Brim perked up.

“Bitch, we nearly got killed by hil- I mean a crazy priest, stole back the bass for my musical hero, and managed to do so in a matter of a week. I think we are the kings of crazy.”, Brim said cocky.

Sunset looked over at me.

“What about you Rocky? Do you want to go on one more adventure?”, she asked me.

Would you do the same thing? Would you want to go on another fun adventure before going back to your mundane life for the road? I know for a fact I wanted to. It definitely beats going back to my boring job right away.

“One more.”, I answered with a nod.

“Great, then let’s go”.

We approached the town and stopped right in front of Sunset’s old school, Canterlot High. I never could understand how a facility this big could belong to high schoolers. It is literally comparable to a college campus in it’s large size. The town must’ve had money coming from the walls to make it that big and accessible.

Getting out of the car, Brim and I followed Sunset to the back of the Speedwagon where our bags were kept. Sunset opened up the hatch and grabbed her bag to start digging in it.

“What are you looking for Sunset?”, I asked.

“Something I brought with us just in case things wouldn’t work out and the day would be done soon. But since it wasn’t and you chose to, I figured why not use it.”, Sunset explained.

“Is it a gun?”, Brim jokingly said.

I looked back at him in disapproval with his remark.

“What? We are in front of a school. We literally look packed to the brim with our car. I couldn’t miss out on a school shooter joke.”, Brim said shrugging.

“Ah, here it is.”, Sunset said closing the bag.

As she turned around, I saw a small satchel with a design I had seen on a few of her shirts before. She shut the back and locked it before turning back to us.

“Alright, lets go.”, Sunset said as we walked with her.

“You said that already but okay.”, Brim said.

We walked a little bit into the school parking lot before we stopped in front of a statue of a huge and luxurious stallion. Sunset then turned to me and Brim.

“Are you ready?”, she asked me.

“Ready for what?”, I asked her.

She then grabbed my hand tightly.

“You’ll see. Just hold onto me”.

At the same time, Brim reached over to my other hand and grabbed it as well, although it was more fearful than tender like Sunset.

“What are you doing?”, I asked Brim.

“I don’t know, it just feels right.”, He explained.

Then, without announcing. Sunset began walking forward towards the statue. At first I thought we were gonna walk around it to see something behind it. But instead, Sunset kept moving forward.

“Uh Sunset?”, I asked.

She spoke not a word and continued moving forward towards it. Within a few minutes, we were up close with the statue to see the grainy texture of the stone.

Then, as Sunset reached for the metal plate on the front, it began gleaming with light as her arm began getting sucked in.

“Uh Sunset?!”, I asked out of fear.

“It’s okay, just hold on!”, Sunset said pulling me and Brim in with her.

“I didn’t fucking sign up for this! Mommaaa!”, Brim exclaimed as he was pulled in with me.

What happened next was the most extreme thing that had ever happened to me. I walked into this swirling void that kept spinning and spinning as I screamed from not knowing what was going on. The spinning didn’t stop until I hit a point where the light was almost blinding, causing me to faint.

I woke up to the sight of the floor. I looked up and let my eyes focus on what was happening. When they came back to focus, I saw that I was now in a library of some sorts. I gave a small groan before speaking.

“What the…”, I said softly to myself.

“Rocky! Good, You’re finally awake. Listen, you need to take this slow.”, Sunset’s voice said from behind me.

“What are you talking abou..”, I said before reaching out.

That’s when I noticed something truly strange. Instead of my hand, was a grey hoof. This made me jump and fall back. I tried to stand myself up on my two legs, only to fall down again to find my legs were replaced with hooves.

“What the hay?!”, I said almost unwillingly.

“Rocky, slow down!”, Sunset said.

I finally got my bearings and was able to lift myself up off the floor on this counter. As I got up there, I caught a reflection of myself and Sunset behind me. I wasn’t in my body anymore. No longer was I a human. No, I was now a full fledge unicorn.

“Oh ...Good...Grief!”


What? What’s going on?

We have a code cliffhanger! Get the author on the line!

Wait, What!? What the hell is going on?!

Right now, it’s action first, ask questions later! We got to end the story now!


Fuck it! You’re useless for an ending narrator! Roll the end credit music!.....I don’t know, just play anything! End the story so we can contain this code cliffhanger!