Lightning Strikes

by BronyBear1

First published

Rainbow Dash's long lost friend walks into Ponyville and they try to find out what happened to him.

A mysterious young stallion arrives in Ponyville. He have traveled far during his life in hope that time would heal all wounds. But he never foresaw the events that he would experience in the small town.

Chapter 1

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Lightning Strikes

It was early, the sun had yet to rise above the horizon, when he walked into the small village Ponyville. A young stallion with an old hooded cape and legs wrapped in bandages. He walked through the village and stopped in-front of an alley. ”This seems like a good place to rest for a little bit.” he thought to himself. He walked into the alley, lies down beside the wall and closes his eyes.


“This day is going to be so awesome!”

“So Scootaloo, are you ready to get some flying tips and special training from the best.”

It was a beautiful morning among the clouds above Ponyville. Then Rainbow Dash had asked Scootaloo to meet her outside her house this morning she expected that they were going to do some exploring or pull some pranks on somepony, but she would never have imagined that Rainbow Dash had made a training course of clouds. This was the first time Scootaloo walked on a cloud. The feeling was, strange. It felt like she was walking on air, yet at the same time it felt like solid ground.

“Ok kid, I'm going to show you the most basic training program to start with. The first thing you want to do is to stand with your hoofs on the cloud and just flap your wings in a comfortable pace. This will train your endurance so what you can fly longer without getting exhausted to fast.”

Rainbow demonstrated the exercise by extending her wings and flapping just enough to not make a vertical takeoff. “Now you try it.”

Scootaloo started flapping her small wings. It took a few minutes before she found a pace that was right for her. She looked at Rainbow and saw what she was still flapping her wings. ”Dash, I think I know how to do this now so you don't have to show me anymore.”

“I also got to train sometime you know. Oh, and just to give you a heads up, I won't standby on the side and watch then you train. We are going to do everything together.”

“As awesome as you are I thought that you didn't need to train.”

Rainbow stretched her head towards the sky and started to laugh. Then the wave of laughter was over she turned towards Scootaloo. “Even the best have to train sometimes kid.”

The following hour they continued to do some more of the basic stuff like going over different ear-signals and that they meant. After that the winds died out so they moved on to the hovering exercise. Because of her small wings Scootaloo had some difficulties with this. In order to stay in the air she had to flap her wings much faster than normal which only allowed her to hover for a few seconds before she was exhausted.

“I think we need to work some more on your endurance.”


The roar made both Rainbow and Scootaloo jump around to look for what it could have been. That they saw was a full grown dragon flying towards Ponyville.

“Is he going to attack us Dash?”

“Probably not. Dragons usually don't attack unless somepony aggrava...”


The dragon plows through the clouds, totally destroying the training course. Scootaloo could feel how she was plummeting towards the ground. She tried to flap her wings but to no use, they wouldn't move. She started to scream in hope of that somepony would hear her. Nopony came. Tears was now streaming down her face. She screamed again, still nopony came. As the ground came closer and closer she shut her eyes, preparing for the end. Suddenly she landed on something. She thought that she had landed in a tree so she hugged that she thought was the trunk of the tree. She could still feel how she was moving, but instead of falling towards her death she was moving forward. As her eyes opened she could see a green stallion.

He heard a scream. He looked towards the sky and saw a Pegasus getting chased by a average sized dragon. Then the dragon had passed over him he felt a strong jerk as he was flung up in the air. For a few moments he just followed the dragon. He tried to shout to the Pegasus to fly towards the ground but he was like a ghost, he could watch and speak but nopony could see or hear him. A spirit, doomed to forever walk the earth.


He came to a grinding halt. No matter that he did he couldn't move. His saw how the dragon continued to fly a bit more before circling around and flying straight at him. The dragon, now just a few meters away from him opened its mouth.


He snapped his eyes open. He jumped up, ready to defend himself against whatever was trying to hurt him. As he looked around in the alley to confirm that there was nothing there. The only things he could see was a couple of boxes and barrels and a mouse that was running further into the alley fearing for its life. Then he had calmed down enough he noticed that he was breathing heavily and that the sweat was dripping of his face. “Darn nightmares.” He lifted his hoof to his forehead to whip the sweat of his face. “But that roar, it sounded so real.”


The scream caught him off-guard. He looks up and what he sees drained all the color of his fur until he looked more gray then green. A dragon soaring above the town, but there was something else that caught his attention. A small object falling towards the ground. He closed his eyes a little in an attempt to see better. The object had what looked like tiny wings. A scream once again ran through the air. The adrenalin started to pump through his body as he abandoned everything related to thinking and let his instincts take over.

The boxes!

With the speed only comparable to a frightened cat he turned around and jumped up on the stack of boxes. Fortunately the stack was high enough so that he could jump up on a nearby roof. He looked up to see that the filly was only a few hundred meters above the town. He took a deep breath as he started to run towards the edge of the roof. As he ran it felt like the time was slowing down. He jumps. He could see everything so clear. Every crack, every stone, everypony that was watching on the street. Suddenly he felt how his hood was pulled down and how something was holding a firm grip around his neck. In the corner of his eye he could see a orange filly with a mane which color was somewhere between pink and purple. As time started to return to normal he started thinking. “Where am I going to land?”

As soon as he realized this a much more primitive and uncouth thought came to his mind. “Oh horse-apples.”

It was a beautiful morning in Ponyville as the towns pink partymare walked down the stairs from her room to start her eight hour workday at Sugarcube Corner. She stops at the threshold to the kitchen, inhaling the air of the clean and tidy room. She frowned. “What kind of kitchen is clean and neat, a kitchen is supposed to have flour here and there and you should also be able to feel the smell of newly baked goods!” A smile started to creep across her face as her mood brightened. “Well I'm going to change that, it's time to get baking!”

She walks over to the fridge and picks out the ingredients she needs to make the days first batch of cupcakes. “Lets see her we're going to need butter, egg, milk, flour...” She continues to name the rest of the ingredients as she puts them on the table. “...and last but not least...” She opens a cabinet and pulls out a huge paper bag. “...a bag of sugar.”

She prepares a plate and starts to mix together all the ingredients, all the while she hums on a happy tune. She takes a spoon and tastes the mix, letting the taste sink in for a bit before she smiles and gives an approving nod.

Then she had poured the mix into the molds she could hear the sound of hoof steps coming from the stairs followed by the screech from the kitchen door as it swung inwards, reviling a yellow earthpony wearing a matching white-red hat and bow and a white apron.

She turns towards him with a smile. “Good morning Mr. Cake!”

He puts a hoof over his mouth as he lets out a big yawn. It was first now what she noticed that his eyes were completely bloodshot. “Aahhhh, good morning Pinkie Pie, up early as usual I see.” Another yawn escapes from his mouth.

“Eupers, got to make a batch of muffins for Derpy, you know how cranky she gets if she doesn’t get her morning muffins, I know I get cranky then I don't get my pastries.”

He inhales the scent of the cupcakes in the oven. “But if you're making muffins why do I smell cupcakes?” He looks at her with a questioning look.

She looks at the oven for a second before she turns back with a sheepish grin. “Hehe, I got hungry.”


The sound of breaking glass and cracking wood rang through the bakery. Combining one tired Mr. Cake and a sudden loud bang and you end up with a pony that looks like he is about to have a heart attack.

After a moment to collect himself he managed to stammer: “I-I know what D-Derpy isn't the best at l-l-landing but this must be some kind of record, e-even for her.” He takes a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. “I'll go and check that she's alright.”

As Mr. Cake walks out of the room Pinkie looks at the clock hanging over the door with a wondering look on her face. “Hm, that's odd. She's unusually early today.” She shrugs and starts making Derpys muffins. “O well, she'll just have to wait for them to get done.”

Just then she was about to clean the bowls and the other things to make a batch of muffins a rather worked up Mr. Cake calls from the counter: “Pinkie, I could use some help in here, now!”