The Dark Light

by leconnorandghost

First published

Two school ponys, two heros will they ever find out?

Both under 18, both defend trottingham. But they don't know each others secret. What could happen between each necking corner?

Chapter 1

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NOTE: Mr Sneek is meant to have two 'E's.

It was a cold bitter winter’s night, so cold you could see the condensation spewing from any person’s body heat. The day is the twenty forth of November, year nineteen ninety two. Everyone is fast asleep, all but one. No one knew him personally. People referred to this shadow as Mr Sneek. This thing carried a sword like no other, at the handle there laid a carving of a man with red rubies as eyes, next to the man was a snake which had diamonds as teeth which glittered when light shunned upon the mass complexity of the cuttings and indents of the glorious diamond.

Mr Sneek stood up, scanned the entire town of trottingham, from right to left. He soon crouched down and jumped at such a height that you can just about see his shadow on the ground, he landed on top of a thatched roof of a cottage yet he was as silent as the night. Soon he stood up from the crouch. Looked ahead. He soon started to sprint across the town, using only one step on the houses roofs. He jumped so quick that not even a train could overtake him. Suddenly he stopped running, look before his path and saw what could only be described as darkness. Through the darkness you can see a pair of eyes, this person is human, but across this one’s left eye was a stand of hair. Then a voice appeared from the mouth “See ya” the sound was a female voice. She started running across the streets, lit up by candles, at lightning pace, Mr Sneek followed close by. Every candle she passed showed her hair colour, it showed up as blonde, bouncing the light from the candles. Soon the mysterious female turned a sharp right, leaning into the turn, and Mr Sneek lost her in the dark depths of the ally. Mr Sneek soon pursued. He rushed passed the trees at lightning speed, making a whistle as he passes. The leaves rustle once passed. Soon the leaves started to descend from the branches of the pine trees. As the sycamore leaf floated towards the trampled path, a gust of wind catches the leaf, ascending it higher than the tops of the trees and the leaf flitters away, twirling and turning.

Soon, after half an hour’s worth of searching, Mr Sneek soon found the mysterious girl at a dead end. On her robe was a name, ‘Cassandra’. “Cassandra?” Mr Sneek said aloud, soon the mysterious girl looked back in shock, then smiled and said “That’s my name”. Mr Sneek quickly sussed out that Cassandra had a sword to her right and a blade to her left. Both pieces of weaponry were one-handed. Soon Cassandra went to pull her weapons out of there slings, but Mr Sneek, with lightning speed, sliced her weapons in two with his two-handed sword. “How do you have such reflexes?”. Mr Sneek floated down into a crouch and slithered his sword into its holdall.

He looked up, glanced at Cassandra’s face and said “I was born that way.” Mr Sneek stood up, turned around and walked away as if nothing had happen. Cassandra soon started to follow Mr Sneek, to discover where he lived and who he was really. “NO WAY!” she said quietly to herself.

The next day, at a secondary school in Equestria, a simple sixteen year old is quietly doing his class work and then the bell rang for end of school. “Hey Aaron” a cute voice called aloud. “Oh hi Kerry, you look very beautiful in your dress today.” Kerry was wearing a typical school dress and Aaron was wearing a typical school uniform. Aaron turned to look at Kerry and noticed how beautiful she was, he had always thought this of her right from the start when they first met. Kerry glanced at Aaron; he soon looked ahead in embarrassment. Kerry looked at Aaron and thought ‘he is so handsome in his school uniform, cute too.’

Chapter 2

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As they walked, side by side, walked in time, arms the same sway, they had no idea of the others love for the other. Soon Kerry got to their house, Kerry, looking quite shy, asks Aaron “Hey, umm, you’re not busy Saturday, are you?” , Aaron’s face was bombarded by embarrassment at the question. Aaron reply’s “Err, I err, I’m not busy, why do you ask?” “Thought you might want to hang out one day at, say, my place?” Kerry began to heavily blush upon asking the question; Aaron smiled and said “Sure”.

That night Aaron laid upon his mattress thinking ‘Can’t wait to see Kerry’s house but more importantly, can’t wait to see Kerry’ at the same time Kerry was thinking ‘I can’t believe I asked Aaron over. I hope he likes the house and I hope my parents like him’ and so the duo fell to a soft soundless sleep. And like that it was Saturday. Kerry heard knocking at the door screamed “That’s him! That’s Aaron!” she ran down the stairs rushed past the T.V. slid on the floor in front of the door, opened the door with joy to find Aaron standing in, a luxury white shirt, top three buttons undone due to the heat, blue jeans and a Michael Jackson look alike hat. Kerry couldn’t help but hug Aaron.

Kerry wanted to show Aaron something. So the two flocked to her room. Aaron sat on the stool beside her door. “Please sit” Kerry insisted, pointing at her bed. “Wait here” Kerry rushed out, Aarons heart racing at the speed of a dodge viper. Kerry enters her room, turns around, locks the door “Kerry what you doing?” Aaron asked alarmingly. Kerry pounces up on top of Aaron and leans over and whispers into his ear “I know your secret...” Aaron whispers back “Which one?” as Kerry pulled away, with her hair partially covering her eyes and cheek, Aaron winks at her. Kerry strokes Aarons chest, Very quickly Aaron grabbed her hand and without realizing he placed her hand in a very odd spot. “Where is my hand?” Kerry wondered, Aaron replied “My stomach”. Kerry could feel a few lumps and pondered ‘Oh my, he has muscle. Jackpot!’, “Well well well, looks who’s been working out” Aaron blushed and said “a little” Kerry and Aaron then had a tussle, Kerry trying desperately to take off his top, Aaron struggling to keep his shirt on then Kerry rips all the buttons off and revels Aarons six-pack. Aaron was bombarded by embarrassment, Kerry, shocked to high heaven.
Ten minutes pass, and silence has taken over the entire room. Aaron finally speaks up “Well, what do you think?”, Kerry was still in amazement “I,I,I...I think its sexy. Suits you.”