Pokemon in Equestria

by Robert Emerald Fountain

First published

Strange critters appear around the world, and a mysterious being shows up

There have been spottings of rather peculiar creatures around Equestria. Twilight, Cadence, and Flurry Heart have noticed that the creatures only say their names over and over. Now they have received word of an unidentified object that has crashed down in the Frozen North. They must figure out what is going on. Will the unidentified object hold some answers, or are they on their own?

First Sightings

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It all started one slightly rainy night after school was finished. Twilight was getting ready to lock up for the night when the phone rang in her office.


"Friendship School, Headmare Twilight.", Twilight answered.

"Twilight, this is Cadence. Flurry Heart spotted a critter outside this morning. We don't know what it's supposed to be. We have tried talking to it, but all it says is "Cyndaquil". We are led to assume that is what it's name is.", Cadence explained.

"My friends and I have seen something similar. We have seen three different ones in various places near town. It seems that their names are Charmander, Treeko, and Zubat."

"We must find out what these things are and where they came from."

"I agree. All I know is that streaks of light came down from the sky that looked like meteors. In the spots where they landed we found the three creatures that I just mentioned."

Little did they know that they would be receiving an answer soon.


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Miles away in space, a Pokemon trainer named Ash was on his way to a space station. Ash had recently gotten his license to search intergalactic places for more Pokemon to catch. Unfortunately he ended up flying into a gas cloud that apparently behaved like a portal. His radar and main systems began to short circuit because of static discharge in the cloud. He proceeded to send a call for help, but was not sure if anyone would pick it up. Luckily, his friend Misty received the distress signal. He was directly over the planet of Equus, where Twilight, Cadence and Flurry Heart had spotted the unknown creatures.

"Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is Pokemon Starliner 3574 requesting assistance. I flew into a cloud of gas that seems to have acted like a wormhole, and wound up a long distance from my rendezvous point with Station 96. My ship has lost power, and I am losing altitude over an unidentified planet at the following star coordinates: X-76, Y-41, Z-85. Can anyone hear me?"

"Ash, this is Misty. I hear you loud and clear. Professor Sycamore has your location, but it is very weak due to your power loss. We will be headed your way in an hour, but we won't reach the planet for a few days. Be careful, and be safe."

As his ship began to enter the atmosphere, Ash lost the ability to control where he was going. Sparks were flying from the panels because the heat shield was damaged and the controls were overheating. Suddenly the starboard wing blew off and the ship was sent spinning out of control. To make matters worse, Ash was going straight into a blizzard and he couldn't see anything. Then the tip broke off the ship's nose and shattered the cockpit window. Pikachu cried out as his seatbelts tore loose and he was ejected out of sight. Ash realized that this was not going to be smooth. He also knew that he had two options. He could either crash or make an emergency landing. Looking at his speed, his heart sank. He was going too fast to make a safe landing. He was going to crash. He pulled back on the yoke to level the ship, but it wasn't much help. Touching down in the snow, he slid for a few minutes and eventually came to a stop. After the ship sunk down in the snow a bit, Ash took off his seatbelt and his headset. He grabbed his coat to stay warm and began to search for shelter. Stepping in an unstable area, Ash lost his footing and fell into a small gully. However he had hit his head on a large piece of ice. He was now lying on his face, unconscious.


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After watching Ash's ship go down from a distance, guards notified Cadence of what they had seen. She spread the word to Twilight in the morning.

"Twilight, this is Cadence. I have been informed that a ship of some sort has crashed near the Crystal Empire."

"I will be there to help you look around. The pilot may have answers for what we have spotted earlier."

Arriving at the gate, Twilight waited for Cadence and Flurry Heart to get ready. Setting out to investigate the crash site, they found what looked like another unknown creature. This one had long ears that stuck up at angles. It's skin was nearing blue since it had gotten so cold in the snow. They soon found the ship, and noticed what was left of Ash's footprints. Keeping radio contact, they split up to find the ship's missing wing, and to find the pilot. Twilight went to find the wing while Flurry Heart searched for Ash. Cadence searched the ship for anything that would be helpful, but she found nothing. Twilight soon returned with the missing wing, and picked up a call from Flurry.

"I found the pilot. He's lying unconscious in a gully. Lock on my signal and help me out please."

Twilight followed her niece's signal and they returned with Ash held in their magic.

"He has mild hypothermia, and his skin is discolored due to frostbite.", Flurry Heart reported.

"Let's get him to the hospital before it gets worse.", Twilight suggested.


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Cadence sent for guards to take the ship to be repaired, while she and the others took Ash and Pikachu to the hospital. They found his name tag on his clothes, and they looked at his pokedex to find his schedule. Three minutes later, he started waking up.

"Where am I?", he asked wearily.

"You're in a hospital recovering from frostbite and hypothermia. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Your badge says that your name is Ash Ketchum. Is that correct?", Twilight said.

"You are right. I am currently stranded here until my instructor comes to pick me up. I am a Pokemon trainer. Pokemon are small creatures that repeat their names and have different abilities. I see that you saved my first one. His name is Pikachu."

Ash explained that he was going to a space station to begin looking for Pokemon in areas throughout space. Twilight showed him pictures of the creatures they had seen before he crashed, and he confirmed that they were Pokemon. After he was back in perfect health, Ash was checked out of the hospital. Pikachu thanked Twilight, Cadence and Flurry Heart for saving them by giving a friendly shock.

Returning to space

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Ash got his ship back two days after being discharged. During pre-flight checks, he received a call from Professor Sycamore.

"Ash, this is Professor Sycamore. We have arrived in orbit above the planet where we last saw your signal."

"The planet's name is Equus. I think we should place a beacon here for future trainers. The citizens have already sighted a few Pokemon here."

After placing the beacon, Ash boarded his ship and took off. Many more Pokemon eventually appeared on Eqqus, and trainers came gladly during voyages. Twilight and all of her friends learned a lot about Pokemon during this time.