> As Above, So Below > by Dark Tail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Who goes sky diving in bikinis anyways? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ugh, I could be relaxing on the beach, soaking up some sun, and watching the occasional hot mare or stallion go by. But what am I doing instead?" Luna mumbled to herself as her eyes glared daggers at Celestia. Both were currently sitting in a small plane, waiting for the big jump. Celestia was as excited as a sun princess could get. She was practically jumping in her seat, her red bikini barely containing her breasts as they bounced slightly. She wore a big grin on her face. She turned and looked back at Luna. "Isn't this exciting?! I have never been sky diving before. This is so cool!" Luna slapped her hand over her forehead. "Sister, you do know we can fly right? We've spent plenty of time in the air already!" Celestia continued to bounce in her seat. "I know, but now, we get to feel the adrenaline of falling and hoping that our chutes will catch us. No wings this time!" Luna tried to shift her wings while adjusting her bikini top. "Is that why you had us put on this stupid black band around our wings? You know this is rather uncomfortable right? Feels like someone tried to put a rubber-band around them." Celestia nodded quickly. "And don't forget the magical suppressors around our horns, we are now at the complete mercy of the parachutes strapped to our backs!" Luna was almost scared at how much extra thought Celestia put into making this more exciting. Sure, it would be scary... If it weren't for the fact that they were mostly immortal alicorns. The worst that is going to happen if their parachutes fail is a rather painful landing, maybe some broken bones, but nothing life threatening. Their rather brilliant alicorn healing factor would kick in as well. But Luna was too good of a sister to mention all this, also figured her sister would be too excited to care. Celestia seemed too focused on her new found love for adrenaline seeking hobbies lately anyways. She was however, going to mention to Celestia that she should make sure her bikini is tied on tight enough. The wind battling against them, could surely catch something and rip it off. But before she could mention anything, a green light came on. "Alright, ladies," the pilot called out, "This is where we drop you. Try to aim for the shore. Its going to be a long swim back otherwise." Celestia quickly got to her hooves. "Will do! Come on sister, we have a date with the unforgiving sky!" Luna rolled her eyes but stood up. "Alright but before you go, you should probably-." Celestia opened the door and had to cling to the safety bar for a second as air escaped outside. Celestia looked back at Luna, grinning from ear to ear. "Tell me when we reach the bottom!" Then she turned and jumped. Luna watched Celestia disappear out into the blue sky. She let out a long sigh. "Alright, lets get this over with." Luna casually walked over, looked out into the endless blue sky and took a quick jump. Luna felt the wind hit her face as she felt her body fall. She glanced down as the ground seemed so far away but was slowly come up. She could see nothing but blue sea on one side of her, and nothing but brown beach followed by dots of green and grey from the town nearby on the other. It was.... Actually breathtaking to say the least. This even Luna had to admit, was pretty amazing. Since with flying she always focused on getting somewhere, never really taking the time to really take in the sights, this was really cool to see. Luna took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I hate to admit it, but Celestia actually had the right idea here. All things considered, this is kind of fun. And after we are done with this, I am sure Celestia will be down for some-." Luna was unable to finish her thought as a red cloth suddenly hit her in the mouth and partially obscured her vision. "What the...?" Luna tried to see what had just hit her, only for it to come loose and fly away. Luna turned onto her back and watched as the red cloth flew off into the oblivion. It was hard to tell but it looked like... Luna's eyes went wide as she turned over and look down. Just below her, she could see Celestia who appeared to be screaming her head off in excitement. Her arms and legs stretched outwards. Even though her wings still lay banded together against her back, as well as her parachute pack, it was still noticeable enough that a certain bit of cloth had gone missing. "Sister!" Luna tried to call out but realized that there is no way Celestia was going to hear her like this. Luna groaned inwardly. "I hope this is a topless beach!" Luna watched as Celestia began to do flips and rolls in the air, too excited to notice she had just lost her top to the unforgiving sky. Rolling her eyes again, Luna decided to just wait for them to touch down and figure things out from there. Speaking of which, they were noticeably starting to get much farther away from the beach than before. Heading well out to sea. "Fantastic, looks like we are going to be doing some swimming today as well." *Smack* Luna blinked as the smell of her sister hit her nose like a truck. A red piece of cloth now obstructed her vision again for a second before coming loose yet again. Luna did not need to look back to see what that was, all she had to do was look down at Celestia's now very noticeable naked ass to know exactly what that just was. Celestia did seem to to notice this time however, as Luna watched her sister clutch her now exposed crotch, her other hand checking her breasts and finding those were open to the world as well. She watched as Celestia tried to use her arms and hands to cover herself best she could. She didn't have to see Celestia's face to know that she had a look of panic mixed with a large blush currently across her face. Her movement and body language told Luna all she needed to know. "I wonder if skinny dipping was on her list of crazy things to do while on vacation." Luna mused. The water was coming up quickly and Celestia was soon pulling her chute. Luna soon followed. As she felt the chute open and catch her, she watched Celestia went back to fumbling around her body. Now with wind no longer masking her voice, Luna called out to Celestia. "Sister! We are out in the middle of the ocean! I don't think anyone is going to see you." This seemed to calm Celestia down for a second as she watched her sister's hands drop before going back to clutching her the straps of her chute. Even if there was someone watching, the water soon embraced her, covering her body from the neck down. Soon Luna felt the water come up to greet her as well. The water was surprisingly warm and once it came up to her neck, her movement slowed. Once she had stopped moving, she unhooked her chute and swam over to Celestia who was currently treading water. Her chute lay floating nearby. "Well that was more exciting then I thought it was going to be." Celestia said in a low tone, glancing down at her naked form. A blush was still covering her face. Luna swam up in front of her and gave her a small smile. "Hey, look on the bright side. You said you wanted excitement. I'd say you got it." Celestia let out a small chuckle. "I suppose. So now I guess we start swimming back to shore and hope there aren't anyone on the beach?" Luna nodded, "Probably best case scenario anyways. Though I was hoping to-." Before she could finish, Luna suddenly felt something graze her hoof. Luna glanced down but didn't see anything. "Hey, Celestia, did you feel that just now?" Celestia look up and at her sister. "Feel what?" Luna glanced behind Celestia and could see something swim below them. Luna held her breath and dove under water. Celestia raised an eyebrow and followed her under. Now under the calm blue water, both Alicorn's could make out a shark swimming nearby. He did not seem threatening though. Though he did remain fixated on Celestia. "Is it just me or is that shark blushing?" Luna wondered to herself. Soon the shark came up close and booped his nose against Celestia's bare breast. Celestia watched in quiet fascination as the shark began to bleed from its nose. She threw up a hand to wave at the creature as it soon darted off, leaving a trail of red fluid as it went. Soon both sisters broke back above the water. "Well that was weird." Luna said with a small gasp of air. "I guess you can ignore my remark earlier. I guess there was someone here to get an eyeful after all." Celestia felt her cheeks grow warmer. "Better a shark then a pony I suppose." Luna was about to make a small joke when she felt something against her hoof again. "Huh, I think that shark just came back for a second peak." Celestia looked down and around her. "Are you sure? I don't see anything this time." Luna cocked her head. " Could have sworn I just felt-." Luna's body suddenly disappeared, her head suddenly shooting below the waves. Celestia went wide eyes as she looked around, expecting her to pop back up again. When a few seconds went by and she didn't, Celestia dove beneath the water. She swam down a bit until she saw what had grabbed Luna. It looks like some sort of tentacle like plant. It had yellow appendages that shot upwards towards the surface. They moved and bent in the water, appearing to be searching for something. Celestia looked down, trying to see the head of the creatures but the tentacles seemed to be coming from cracks in the ground. She then spotted Luna who had her arms crossed, looking more annoyed then anything. The tentacles were exploring her body. Thankfully, they seemed more curious about her then seeing her as a potential snack. Some tentacles held Luna in place, with some looped around her legs and one around her left arm. While others poked and prodded her. Celestia swam up to Luna to who now Celestia could see had a blush across her face. Some of the tentacles were rubbing and squeezing her breasts, causing her bikini top to come loose. Celestia would have giggled at the sight of Luna trying act all cool while being fondled like this but she was still holding her breath. Then a tentacle got really curious and snaked its way into her bottom bikini piece. Luna noticeably let some air out as the yellow appendage rubbed against her slit slowly. Two more tentacles came up and began to rub against her thighs, causing the last bit of clothing she had on to come loose. Celestia watched as the tentacle rubbing against her slit suddenly entered Luna and began to pump in and out slowly, exploring her entrance. Luna opened her mouth to let out a small moan but only air bubbles came out. Luna put a free hand to her throat as she realized how big of a mistake that was. Now out of air, she looked at Celestia desperately who smiled and swam closer. She put a hand behind Luna's head and brought her close, their breasts smashed against each other as Luna locked lips with Celestia. She shared her air with Luna who gladly took all the Celestia had to offer. Celestia soon broke the kiss however and swam back up. Her head breaking the surface as she took a bunch of lung fulls of air. She then grinned once she felt her lungs felt up to it again, as she dove back under water. Luna was currently doing her best to hold her breath as she felt another tentacle enter her back entrance. It too was pumping in and out of here. Luna would be moaning to heck and back if she could. The way the creature massaged her breasts, pumping her entrance and filling her up with each thrust, it was heavenly. She could only close her eyes and lay back, allowing the creature to have its way with her. Celestia returned and locked lips with Luna once again. This time, Luna was able to get a hand free and grabbed her sister's wonderful ass. She squeezed it and watched a tentacle graze Celestia's white flower. This seemed to get the tentacles attention as two more soon came up to greet Celestia. Celestia felt a her entrance get prodded and soon filled. It took all her concentration not to scream out in pleasure. Instead, she worked to steady her heart rate as the tentacle worked it way in and out of her. Pumping slowly but with a powerful thrust each time. Luna moved her hand up began to massage her sister's large breast. Deepening her kiss as much as possible. Celestia made sure to hold Luna's head with one hand and her back with the other. Both smashed their bodies together, loving the warmth of each other while enjoying the touch of the strange creature. Both alicorns were soon came to their limit, both in terms of air and orgasm coming up to meet them. Luna was the first to scream out, breaking the kiss as her body jerked around slightly. Celestia soon followed but managed to keep a little air inside her. She grabbed Luna and with a powerful kick, began to swim upwards. When the the tentacles felt Luna and Celestia fight against it, it quickly let go. Soon both broke the surface, gasping for air. Both were silent for a moment, the sound of heavy breathing the only thing that could be heard. Luna and Celestia locked eyes and began to laugh. "Hah, heh. Whoa. Ok... That was... Different." Luna gasped. Celestia ran a hand over her entrance briefly. The distant sensation of the creature still just barely there."Would you... Say... Ah... That almost... Made all... Of this... Worth it?" Luna seemed to think for a moment before shrugging. "Yeah, I guess so." Celestia gave Luna peck on the cheek. "Good, cause we still have to swim back and hope that the beach is empty to today." Luna glanced back at the shore. It was a fair distance away but she could still see plenty of umbrellas out along the beach. "Looks like we won't be getting that lucky today. Oh well. May as well do some swimming while we wait for dusk to come." Celestia couldn't help but feel a blush returning. "Its funny you should mention that... Skinny dipping was something I have always wanted to do." Luna couldn't help but break out laughing. "Ha, I freaking knew it!"