Pinkamena Diane Pie Cupcakes with Scootaloo

by cupcakespinkiepie090

First published

Pinkie turns Scootaloo into cupcakes.

Pinkamena invites Scootaloo over to "play"!

Playdate with Pinkie!

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Scootaloo was walking down the road. She was traveling to Pinkie's house for a playdate. When she got there, she hollered, "Pinkie, are ya home?" No answer, so Sootaloo trudged up the steps, and walked in. It was dark. "Hey, Pin-" Scoot was cut off, by something hitting her in the head. She blacked out. When she woke up, she was chained to the wall. She could feel blood trickling down her head. "Pinkie, are you there? Please help me out!" Scooty fluttered her tiny wings, hoping she could get free, but it was no use, she was stuck. "Suddenly, Pinkie appeared, but she didn't look the same. Her mane was flat, and her pupils dilated very small. She was smiling like a maniac. Scootaloo screamed. "Help, somepony help me! Please! Pinkie smiled even bigger. She said, "Scootaloo, settle down! I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie. You're Scootaloo. I pulled your number, which is 12. Today, we're going to make cupcakes!" She said that last word sinisterly. Pinkamena walked over to a tray with surgical tools, and power tools. She picked up a drill. Pinkie held down Scootaloo's hoof while she drilled 3 holes in it. Scootaloo screamed from the pain, which felt like jolts of electricity were shooting up and down her arm. Pinkamena grabbed some nails, held them over the fire, and put them in the holes she'd drilled. She did the same to the other 3 hooves. Scootaloo screamed and hollered 'till her voice was sore. She could feel blood trickling down her head again, and also her throat, and her hooves. Scootalloo passed out. When she woke up, she noticed Pinkamena sitting in the corner holding something. She said, "Pinkie? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Pinkamena said, I-I-I hurt you! How can you ask me if I'm okay?!" Scootaloo said, "because I care." Pinkamena turned around. She was holding Rainbow Dash! Scootaloo shrieked and started to cry. Pinkamena grabbed a scalpel and started to cut open Scootaloo's stomach. Scootaloo started to cry harder. Pinkamena pulled out Scoot's insides, and made jokes on them. Scootaloo fainted. She was slipping away. Pinkamena grabbed Scooty's heart and pulled. Scootaloo's eyes rolled upward and she began to foam at the mouth. She died. Pinkamena took a shower, then made cupcakes out of Scootaloo's remains. Pinkamena drew the next number, it was 46, Carrot Top. Pinkamena chuckled to herself. "Easy as pie...."

The next day, she asked Carrot Top if she would like to come over and bake "Carrot Cake". Carrot Top eagerly agreed. When Carrot got there, it was dark. She walked into Sugercube Corner and said, "Pinkie, where are you, I'm here!" Pinkie Pie smacked her on the shoulder and Carrot collapsed. When she opened her eyes, she saw a crazy pink pony standing over her. She tried to move her limbs in an attempt to get away, but found they where tied down. Carrot yelled "HELP ME SOMEPONY, PLEASE, NOOOO!" But Pinkamena had already began to cut away her cutie mark. She did it slowly, as if enjoying it, and smiled, savoring the scent of blood, and enjoying Carrot Top's screams of pain and fear. When she was through with Carrot's screams, she grabbed a knife and said menacingly, "If you scream one more time, I'm going to cut out that pathetic tongue of yours. Understand?" Carrot began to cry as she nodded her head. Pinkamena grabbed a blade and began to slice open Top's stomach. She grabbed her kidneys and said, "I kidney you not!" and burst into a fit of laughter. Then she licked the blood that was dribbling out of Carrot Top. She grabbed Carrot's stomach, and said, "I cannot stomach the sight of you!" and laughed some more. Carrot died as Pinkamena pulled out all her organs, dyed them orange and put them in a bag of carrots. Pinkamena went yet again to the hatbox. The number was 1. "Derpy?!" She exclaimed. "Why, such an honor!" When Derpy came to give her the mail, Pinkie held out a muffin, and lured her inside Sugercube Corner. Derpy woke up in a room filled with intestines blown up as balloons, and veins as streamers. There was a sign that read; Life is a Party. Derpy spied a muffin on the table next to her, and strained to get it. Suddenly, Pinkie appeared. She was holding something. Pinkie handed the muffin to Derpy and Derpy bit it. "
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaarrrggh!" she screamed, blood shooting out of her mouth. There was a needle in the muffin, and it had come through her cheek. She started to cry.And Pinkie shoved her down onto the table and tied her down. "Why, Pinkie, why!" she cried. Pinkamena didn't answer as she pulled out an axe and beheaded Derpy. Pinkie pie sighed as she undid the tie on the apron. Mrs.Cake was bossy. She hated the way she bitched about everything. Pinkamena crawled into bed and fell asleep at once. Tomorrow would bring more "fun". The next morning, Pinkie woke up and sighed. She went downstairs and ate breakfast. "Mr. Cake come on! Seriously, we need to go! Damnit, where the hell is my saddlebag?!" Mrs. Cake bitched. "Pinkie, watch the twins please!" And they left. "Now what will I do with my "sweeties"?.... Pinkie said, evilly. She grabbed a knife and stabbed Poundcake through the heart, laughing as blood spurted out of his mouth. Then she hopped up and down on his carcass and spat on it. She grabbed PumkinCake and slammed her head into the wall a couple times, 'till she got bored. Then she threw her on the ground and went to get some juice. As she was drinking her juice, she heard a wheeze. It was PumkinCake! "What the hell!" Pinkie said, and picked Pumking and Pound up, and threw them into the garbage can, grabbed a stick and beat the side of it against the can until her face turned blue. Pumkin Cake was still alive. Pinkie layed Pumkin out on the table and disected her. When Mr. and Mrs. Cake came home, they saw the remains of their children. They both screamed. Then everything went black. When they awoke, Pinkie had them tied up on the wall. She had ball gagged them. "Now, Mrs. Cake, I'm tired of your bitchin' 'bout everything." she said. "And Mr. Cake, I'll never forget that you molested me in my "sleep". "I'm going to starve your fat asses 'tille ya bothe scream." And then she left.