> A new hole fixed > by Tyl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The desolation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”No one there. No one there.” Luke mutters to himself as his small head pokes out of the cave's entrance, his red eyes surveying all directions in the wasteland. Leaving the cave is strictly forbidden, as his mother and siblings told him time and time again, but his feelings of curiosity are stronger then their words. Even if that means to get his crotch kicked a thousand times by everyone for breaking one of the major rules. Not that he been he been much of a rule-breaker before this. Mother's words that she "loves you" are empty when you get punished. But that may be the case when your mother has thousands to look after between age of larva and elder and a kingdom to rule and protect as well!! With the biggest problem of all. Feeding her kingdom with the only available food. Love. “Life of changeling I guess.” He sighs heavy and his ears get low. Nothing is as bad to be a changeling then the hate and fear from everycreature else. He takes a quick look around again and ones he sees an opening in the sentrie's patrols, he starts running with his rather small and weak legs. With his speed he will not outrun other changelings, but his size makes him a small speck on the ground from eyes above and in the black goo balls he dodges between, no one will see his little body. He is the smallest of the millions eggs clutch mother had laid that time. he saw so many other changelings that time, all so much bigger and stronger then him. All so much fiercer. Still, he’s happy to be one of the ten percent that was hatched alive, not dying to malnutrion or fights between children. The black goo becomes more spread out and leaves bare open ground the smaller the hive tower behind him he used to call home becomes. The further he runs, the less hiding place there are it. Making it easier for all the guards and drones occasionally passing overhead, scanning the ground for intruders or leavers, just like him. He still can’t believe how he is so close to the forest. It’s almost in a reach for.. “Stop there Little!” A changeling drone caught him sneaking as he ran over a bare spot. The ground different from his black body. She chases Luke and closes distance fast. Her face having that fierce look with her tongue out. He breaks out into a full sprint, panting heavily as he keeps close to the black orbs. Dodging the bare spots. He may be able to escape one drone but any more spots him he's fucked. Good for him that the drone was far away when he was spotted but it isn't enough as she quickly closes in. He sees the tree tops of a forest rising bigger and taller every feet. He’s close. So close to his goal. In that forest, he can be free and alone. It is only one problem left. A… sharp… incline seperates his home and his goal. He gulps and grinds to a stop just feet from the wall. Eyes travelling up and down the tall and sheer slope. It was made after the hive the hive moved it. Surrounding the whole land. It’s the only thing between him and the forest. It’s hard for him and even harder with time pressure when the drone is chasing him. “Come back here little.” She screams. She’s closing distance even more. The changeling doesn’t stop to think and put his hooves on the small grips. He moves up like a mountain goat. It goes smooth. It’s made like a stair in the stone. Can it be. Will he run away. He smiles and hope sparks in his body. “Close. So close.” The grip breaks under his hind hooves. Making him lose his force to make it up. He feels around for another but there is none. It’s a slope. He extends his wings. Flapping them and moving them without having the ability to fly. He’s still too young. He grunts and flaps and buzz and fight. He can’t give up now. He won’t. There must be a miracle from Celestia soon. Soon. Even for a bug it has too. “Celestia. Help me.” He begs. Without hope it will happen. He fights to get up even if he’s losing strength to hold. The changeling gets closer. Keeping the speed as she smiles. He will lose. Get punished. Worse then before because his struggle. It’s over. But not. Like Lukes wish becomes true a strong wind goes through the valley. Close to the ground. It holds its strength and catches his wings erect. It throws him over the edge and onto the grass. Surprised by the moment he falls on his side. But not waiting on something else he gets up and sprint with quick hooves into the forest. Not turning around to look or stop. He’s out. Out of that place. The sun gets visibly lower before Luke stops in the deep forest. For every time he heard something behind, whether it was a rock flying from his running or changeling chasing him. He looks around at all the plants. That he can’t see. He has been running too deep that even the sun can’t get its rays through thick leaves. He looks around in horror. Fear creeping up his face and ears gets lowered. He’s just a little changeling in a big overgrown forest full of unknown. “Why did I do it? Whyy!?” He curls up as he tears up in his first terrified cry. But no one will hear him in his place. Nothing helpful here at least. “I miss my mom and my brothers and sisters. Anything but here.” He closes his eyes as tears falls. Even if it been short time and how mean they’ve been he already misses home from this terrible, lonely and lost journey of death. What can be better here. Nothing, as quick sounds from the bushes gets his attention. Opens his eyes and reacts just before the thing making the sounds pounces towards him. He rolls over and is a meter away, eye to eye with a Manticore. Fierce eyes and hungry mouth. Not a challenge for a full-grown changeling with all its might. But Luke isn’t one of them. The Manticore goes for another attack. Makes a jump for him with teeth on full view. He barely makes it with a roll. Changing place with it. But his caught by the tail making a swoop and stopping him from finishing it and drop head first into the soil. And just when he thought he maybe will survive this. It stands over him. Stopping his escape. Dripping saliva from the hungry mouth. It’s nothing left to hope. Luke life will end for a decision he made minutes ago. It stops. Just before a snack. Sniffing and huffing into the air. It must have caught something with its nose. Something far more.. fun. It jumps off him and bounces is way into the bushes. Disappearing from Luke senses. Leaving him stunned and hurt. What just happened would not be believable and seen as a dream, but Luke knows that what he did and what happened and regret everything. His time of just trying it is now over. Now he has other things to think on. Survival. He slowly gets up and looks around. His stomach growls at him for not pleasing it with yum yum. His kind of yum yum. “Foood, love” He puts a hoof over his growling stomach. In the fear of getting eaten. He got a need to eat as well. Looks around for something to satisfy his hunger for something loveable and spicy. But there is nothing around for that. Just berries, leaves, a left over bone. “Uhh. Why must I be a changeling.” He sighs. He decides to just head in one direction without a clue of what is that way except for it is not where the Manticore has been bouncing away and is probably best to not goooo.. “Hmm. If I’m thinking what I’m thinking then it is..” For being hungry he can make a critical choice. There can be a chance he knows where to get love and turns around. He makes his way to where he last saw the Manticore and goes inside the deep darkness. He goes on with no stop deeper from that open spot. In a gap between leaves he can see that the sun has gone lower. He been searching for the Manticore in a while, either it has been going for kilometres or Luke can’t find it. Lost again, and even more now. He perks his ears as a sound goes through the forest. Tiny and weak. He wonders if it can be the Manticore. Even like that he doesn’t know what a Manticore makes for sounds in its circumstance though he believes it would be something louder and not as a balloon. It gets louder the more he walks straight forward. His size and colour make him invisible in the dark grass. The sounds are loud now and he crotches down. Ready like a lion to strike. Though he won’t attack whatever it is. Big or small. He reaches an open spot in between trees. Not big, but enough for a few more of him to be there. The bush in front of him rattles with no wind and the whining sound has stopped. He can tell that it is not the Manticore anymore and that makes him more scared. He turns around ready to move on as he stamps on a twig. It breaks loudly and the rustles stops. He gulps. The bush watches him silently. It is alive. “I’m not here, I’m not here.. I’mnothere” He says with his most squeaky voice ever. Stupidly giving away he is there. He has himself faced away with his eyes hold closed. If he will be eaten, he wants to be eaten faced away. “Meepe.” It sounds really close to him. Just beside him. Just right next to him. He dares to open his eyes to look what it is but then quickly closes them as a pair of glowing green eyes looks back at him. There is only one creature it can be. A Timberwolf standing beside him with eyes watching his every move. Its sap just sipping out it’s open mouth, its teeth ready to bite and its size not big cause he looked down when he looked. He opens his eyes again with little believe his brain is right. The creature is a Timberwolf and true it is very small. Smaller than it should be. Smaller in every size. It’s a cub. “H-ello.” He greets confused. Looks around them. One of them means a lot of them and with a pup it must be a big pack around. He just waits for them to attack him from behind. Slitting his throat off, driving their log teeth in his body, making him a living headless changeling. He just has to taste the best. Tasty and crispy. His mind fills with all the scenarios that he can be eaten and all the ways he could have done for not do this. He could just have stay put in the hive. Getting caught by that changeling. He can just think that the punishment would be so much better. Fucking with Chrysalis sounds so much better then hunger and death. “Are you done?” He asks the Timberwolves surrounding him after not feeling any sharp sticks in his carapace. No answer. Obviously because they can’t speak, but no sounds either. He looks up. Slowly one eye a time. The pup is still beside him. It’s tail wiggling back and forth. It looks so happy… for getting food. A tasty tiny insect. He believes he must be a real feast, if they eat him whole and leave nothing. “Meep” It looks at him. Curious showing with its whole body. Slow wiggling, head tilted, legs bended and ears high. Is it really what his mind makes it? Is the pup wanting to eat him or is it curious about him and happy cause… it’s alone!? Referensvärde 0,84 > The given, the lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”No one there. No one there.” Luke confirms as he looks around as far as he can in the deep, dark forest. The forest he has been running around in, and lost himself to its depths. His heart beating fast. Because of his little believe he will ever come out of there. At least not without scares over his carapace. “No one at all except you little one.” He turns back down to the smaller timberwolf pup as it sits on the ground with its green eyes focused on him. A head smaller then him. It shows confusion to him as it quite doesn’t understands his actions. He turns to face her completely with his body and smiles. Calmer and less focused on his surroundings. A perfect little catch for some stalking timberwolves. But he is confident that all that in his mind isn't true, and the little cub is all alone. Just like him. “I’m Luke.” He tries to be polite and give it his hoof in a good gesture. The cub only looks at him with a slightly more tilted head. Confused by it her tail stops. For him it feels like the winds have stopped and the sounds have turned down to nearly silence. Everything is on him. “Oh. Did I do wrong.” He pulls back ashamed that his idea was stupid. His little courage is quickly gone again. “I…I don’t know how to d-do it. It.. is just something I heard other changelings laugh to, so I thought it could be polite and kind. Because.. we aren't polite and kind.” He explains with an embarrassed smile. The timberwolf cub continues to look confused at him. “Guess I’m talking to myself here huh?” He asks and of course he gets no answer. He starts to think of a way of communicating with it. Showing what he’s in need of. In a non-threatening, evil and using changeling way. He looks around for anything to help. A mud pool to write something with or in this case draw something with the mud or in a more serious thought. Blood from a newly killed carcass left behind from the hungry creatures stalking these places. Fear can barely grow in his body before he shakes it off. He is fine. Whatever it is he can take it. Maybe not. Then he gets it. How to communicate with the pup. He is a changeling for Chrysalis sake. Ops. Celestias sake. A green flame quickly engulfs him and separates him from the cub, who backs of from the fire in fear. The flames subside and leaves a transformed Luke from a changeling to a copy of the timberwolf cub in front of him. Everything but his red eyes and a few holes on the legs looks equal. He isn’t fully comfortable with transformation. The cub squeaks happily and starts to run around him. Her tail becomes a dangerous baseball bat. Positive about him even if his legs and eyes doesn't look the same. Anyway, He is really proud of himself. In the hive he hadn't got to transform much. One thing was that he was easily pointed out from the others. “So, c-can we understand each other? You know my words?” He asks the hyper active cub. Hoping for it to start shouting how happy is to meet him and how much it loves him. His new stick tail wags in patience. He gets no answer back. “Oh ok.” He stops waging and his ears goes low. It isn’t what he expected it to be like when he transformed. Now he understands that he can only transform to look like something but not talk. He is sad because he knows no other way to communicate with it. Nothing else he’s able to think of. “Guess we will... have to be like this. Talk me to me.” He sighs heavy. The cub continues running in circles and bumps into him. By mistake or not it nuzzles him quickly and licks his wooden face. Which makes Luke chuckle and stop care if they can’t communicate. She is cute anyway. The cub pushes up on him and continues attacking with leafy licks of sap. He can feel how he’s losing balance and uses as much strength back. “S-stop… I.. am no timberwolf and you know that.” He tells it. Though he doesn’t believe it cares and neither do he. He likes how playful and kind it is to him. Nothing he usually hasn’t experienced a lot of in the hive. Luke starts to push back against the cub on two legs. Harder and playful as his young instincts tells him to play with it. His minds tells him to play with the cute and playful timberwolf cub on him. “Hey. I said stop. Or else.” He warns. It still continues to push against and lick all over his equal looking face after his warning and he knows why. He likes it. “Ok then. Ready.” He growls playfully. Making a strong push up and throws the cub up on two legs. Getting up himself. It lands on all four and face him. Face to face. "Meep" Making a playful squeak. Then it starts to circle against him. Luke follows on quickly in the the circle with it. Not letting eyes go from each other and growl playfully. Luke even makes out a giggle in his growls. The time around them has stopped. The winds are gone, other things don’t exist. Nothing at all. It’s only them slowly circling around low to the ground. Growling and giggling. Smiling and showing teeth. Just waiting for the other to do the start. The cub makes a jump for him and he is quick to answer with his own. They meet in the middle on two legs. Paws pressed to paws as they use their strength to push the other. No one has the advantage with strength. The cub growls and squeaks. Biting against him. Pretending to do it by slamming the mouth shut in front of him. He laughs and bites back. Their muzzles nearly meet in the middle as they pretend biting with their tree teeth in the air. He pushes and pushes and pushes against it. Making it easier to push as the cub loses balance. He doesn’t stop at anything. It continues to playfully pretending to bite. It loses balance and falls down on the back. He manages to land on all four above. Panting from the added exercise it gave him. The playful cub squeaks/barks as it rolls around on the back. Not hurt by the strong push down on the ground he just gave. It is happy. Dirty by dirt which is nothing. Though, her pussy is perfectly clean from… dirt. “H-her part.” He gulps heavy. Stunned in place at the sight before him. He hadn’t cared about his hunger when they first met. First in fear of more timberwolves and then in joy with their game he hadn't found himself hungry and didn’t care about the cubs gender. But having the genital before his eyes now from an unsuspected cub his stomach growls. She just rolled from one side to the other on her back. Playing with him. Like her genital didn’t already play on his mind. He transforms back to his normal form without knowing why. He is so entranced and unable to take away the eyes from her canine pussy as she wiggles her tail and looks at him patiently. Begging to play more with him. Not the way he has mind though. “H-have you ever had a.. male before?” He asks aroused. Getting her frowning attention because he tells her their normal playtime is over. He doesn’t make eye contact with her. “I.. mean as a friend.. With a few necessities.” He knows that he won’t get an answer to it but can still hope. She gets up on all fours and looks at him with what looks like an embarrassed face. Would maybe be blushing if she wasn’t made of tree. But he gives a dark red blush as she moves closer with eyes on him. He makes himself ready. Closing his eyes and makes kiss mouth. Instead of feeling her being eye to eye and give a kiss to his puffy lips he feels her coming down. Under his chest. Opening his eyes slowly he gets a glimpse of her ass and tail, her upper body going down under him. "Ihh ahh" A pleasuring shock spreads through his body from his crotch as it feels hot and wet. His whole body shakes and he has to let out a moan. The feeling of hot and wet remains. “A-are you…” He won't believe it is true, but another pleasure through his spine makes him sure. It is her leafy tongue erecting his boyrod. The licks makes him moan as he instinctively thrusts against her face. Smearing it along her muzzle as she to licks the tip. “Oh. Make me full of love.” He moans. Talking about the need of food his mind wants. His hunger getting sated by the tasty sexual attention she gives him. But it isn’t enough for him, he needs more quicker. He lights his horn and turns her over on back. Standing over the little female cub and covering the sun. His cock leaking pre above her chest as his eyes are drilled into her body. Red eyes, drooling mouth and long tongue hanging out because he knows what waits. The fear itself for anyone having it before its eyes. “I want.. it… ALL!!” He has nothing left of the cute and scared little cub. “ and. You will give me it to mee.” He licks her over the face sexually. Rubbing his saliva into her logs. She doesn’t like it. She shows signs of fear. Eyes are back, head pushed to her body, legs tucked close and she whines. His cock throb against her cubby cunt. Smearing it in a black lubricant. Made to help the changeling get enough love from sex. But the cub on the ground shows no sign of liking it. She shakes as she becomes small. Small, smaller, smallest possible. Her parts close together with her tail kept down as rubs her lips with his small dick. Her green eyes losing her shine. “I!... I. I” He shakes his head furiously. Realising what goes on with him and tries resisting it. Moving away from her. “N-no no.” He stumbles backwards to try and keep himself away from raping her. Slapping himself in the face if one bad thought comes in his mind. Timberwolf takes the opportunity to run for it, going up on her four and runs in some bushes and is gone. Once he gets control of himself it is too late. “Sorry. Hhehuhu.” He cries. He feels so bad, so bad that tears run down his cheeks. Changelings don't cry but he doesn't care, he is a failure on everything. Nothing he done so far has been anything good. His hive. His mothers love. His new friend. Why did he run away? Here he can’t survive. Not even find help because he scares it away. “Fucking changelings. Fucking me fucking her. Fuck, fuck, fuck fuckeri, Fuck.” His sadness turns to anger and he stamps in the ground. But as fast anger came it is gone again. He knows that in anyway he does something he won’t survive. Not on his own. Not without that cub. She must have to know how to survive if she is still alive here on her own. “OK… I’m going to find you and apologize.” He whips his tears off and follows her steps through the bushes. > Guess it came back again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”No one…. No one at all.” He sighs. It been so long time that it feels like years, but probably it only been an hour or two. Luke has no sense of time, even if he can see the sun. In the Hive there was no sunlight to tell the time. But it wasn’t needed when you listened and followed the queen blindly. But if you were in need to know the time, you just asked a guard. There was no need to know what time it was like it is in the forest. He continues walking down the open path he found. His stomach growls as his hunger is yet to be satisfied by love. The forest seems empty. No sign of any creature and not a single sign after the little timberwolf pup he met earlier today as he walked. Maybe because she is so tiny that her wooden paws don’t make a pawprint in the forest dirt. He had really scared her away with his disgusting changeling behaviour to feed her love through sexual intercourse with her innocent mind. Still it was she who started licking his little erection, but it was he who first got aroused, still it was she who made him aroused… He was born. Luke stomps in the ground. He wants to be angry to himself, against his mother. But he can’t be it now. He must find the pup instead of standing there, being angry and sad. Tears rolls of his cheeks as he starts running between the trees of the seemingly infinite forest. Is there anything else then the forest and wasteland in the world? He slows down quickly and walks as he starts taking control of his own feelings. Opening his mind so he doesn’t miss a piece of track and can find her again. Two nearly equal sounds reach his ears. It is far away, but close enough that he can hear it. Even with the experience from his hours in the forest and his meetings with two creatures to not follow sounds, he is curious if it can be some help to his problems. Making his way towards the sounds. As he comes closer to the source it gets clearer what it is for sound he is hearing. A mating call. Not so different from the jokes other changelings did in the hive. Against him and his life of being the only virgin. Jokes wasn’t something only he got. Changelings are like the ones making mean jokes, but when it is true that he hasn’t fucked in any position, any gender or as any specie it hurts more then it should. He has asked himself when he will get the chance to fuck, but the one chance he got with the pup, he fucked the chance. He isn’t angry though. If he cam further with his rape it would had broke her completely. He must show that he isn’t like that. That he isn’t like a changeling. The sounds get louder, and it is obvious they are for one specific occasion. Between the thick leaves in the dense forest he can see a glimpse of a big red scorpion. It is soon companied by another scorpion tail coiling around it. Moving closer he can see to where the tails lead to. The asses of two Manticores having some heated fun. The female Manticore has it rear high and head low as the male moves his hips against hers. The sounds and smell of natural lubrication fills the open spot they fuck in. Both seems to adore it and Luke can already feel the love he’s eating from their intercourse. Their love is tasteless because he isn’t involved in their share of love. Still it will do to feed him and make him think straighter. The scene before is something new for him. The male Manitcore is furiously thrusting into the female and his hips smacks loudly into hers. It is some rough fucking, but she fucking loves it. Her mane stands in every direction and moves with the male’s thrusts. His mane is the same as hers. Luke only has to take one step to the right to be able to see the male two barbed cocks. One quickly moving in and out from her opening and the other moves against her hip. Either he couldn’t aim both, or he wants his white cream to paint her yellow coat. Luke will know soon as they seem to have start reaching their edge. The female Manticore roar and the male responds by biting her neck and burrow his claws in her legs. His roughness is more pleasuring then painful for her and can’t hold it. She cums and squirts over him. He can’t hold it and cums with her. A big and strong load fills her. When it’s full inside the rest shoots out on the ground and a small drop is able to reach Luke’s face. Luke simply wipe if off and licks it without letting his eyes look away. The act is too entrancing for a young changeling that it almost become the only thing. The Manticores aren’t done yet though. They still have a stamina and they do this because of pleasure rather then offspring. The male’s cocks quickly become hardened and this time he tries to insert them both. He is lucky and get them both inside. The male Manticore grips the females hips and slams his two cocks deep in an instant. He’s rough and everything that’s the nature of a Manticore. Their moan is deafening all other sounds and the area is loud. Splash after splash he takes her mate in her pussy, just as she loves it. Her whole body and mostly her crotch tingling with leg shaking pleasure vibrations. It is a miracle she is even able to stand up. They won’t be able to hold this too long sadly. The male is already letting his sperm be in the end of his cock. Just waiting for him to get a second burst and release. But, Luke doesn’t feel like trying his chances to see if he gets covered in semen. Or does he. He doesn’t know. He walks away and back on a nearby path. Letting that thought remain in his mind for now and let the sounds calm down behind him. He must remember to find the pup before the night. He is concerned about her, even if she has much better survivability in the forest then him. This can be the day she needs help from a Changeling. Help from a Luke. Though, now his happy and his belly full of love. Now he believes there is no chance he will forcefully by need of hunger sexually attack her and make her run. If he already didn’t fuck her puppy mind with his cock. He shakes his head. It came out wrong and weird. He wouldn’t actually.. Not really take and.. “Meep.” He stops and perk his two ears, carefully listening around the area. That sound is very familiar to him and nothing he will be able to forget easily because of all the history stuck with the sound. The first sound that calmed him down since he entered the forest. “Puppy. Here. I am sorry. I wasn’t myself.” He spins around. His eyes and ears searching for her position. She can’t disappear again. When she is this close. “Hello.. I’m here. To beg for your forgiveness. I didn’t really want to do it. I was hungry. Hungry for love.” He gets no answer. “Hungry for love.. just like a changeling. Like a fucking changeling.” It is too late. If it now was her, she is now gone. Slowly and overwhelming sad he continues to walk on the path. Did she play with his mood, or didn’t she want to be with him no more? She seemed too had liked him when he first met. Like he was the only thing she felt comfortable to see. Something new and none threatening. “M-maybe she didn’t hear me. Was busy doing something else and just didn’t know I was there. Or she knew I was there and wanted to surprise me later.. Or.” He mumbles to himself. The last thing is the most obvious. She doesn’t want to meet him after what he has done. Still he can’t go back to the Hive. Even if he found it, he would possible be witness things he doesn’t want to think of that is worse then the forest. He is just inexperienced. That is why he is walking right into a wet ground. He lifts his hoof covered in mud. “Shit. Uh.” He decides to continue. How can it become worse then it is now for him? Nothing. He has reached the bottom. No one to talk to, no one to be with, no one to save him from the future he is given. He might just become a paranoid changeling. Scaring creatures with just his words. That is what he thinks as he splats around in the mud. Trying his best to get out of it with his tiny legs. “Stupid world. Stupid mud. Is there anything that isn’t STUPID!” He screams. Annoyed by the fact nothing is really going his way. That food maybe isn’t as useful as it first seemed. He has more energy. More energy to scream out his pain to a forest that will respond with lots more of it. “Stupid. AHHh. Uh.” He trips over a root sticking up from the ground under the mud and slips with the other hoof. Falling head down first in it and sink himself down in the mud. “MMM Huh.” He is about to scream but stops himself and sighs. Mud sinks in and covers his black body like a cocoon around ponies. Cocoons he has seen hanging in the hive. Never been used at all. He gets up. The root brushing against his rear. He can promise that his rear isn’t that low to touch the root and that he had at least fallen far from it not to have it there at all. He turns around to see where to kick, to kick the root away. That’s not going to happen. The root is not a root at all and in reality the tail of a Cragadile that has awaken from its slumber and is facing him. Luke freezes in place. He’s dead. Food for a beast while covered in mud. Crushed by the gigantic jaw and sharp teeth. The Cragadile looks him directly in his scared eyes. Showing him just how fierce and ready it is to snap him in pieces. It does everything, except eating him. It simply turns around and leaves him for its own need to look for food. Then why not him. He is so delicious and must be the easiest to digest in the forest. Then why isn’t he? He doesn’t move anything. Maybe it can’t see him while he is still. It must be something as the Cragadile leaves him there, covered in mud and looks like a larger stone thrown in. He doesn’t get it, but he is thankful it happened, or he would be living in a warm, lapping balloon. When the coast is clear from Cragadile and Manticore, he shakes himself from mud and continues his way through the mud. He is lucky but maybe next Cragadile won’t be as stupid and see. He quickly trips over another… root. This time it is a root. Pulled up from the mud. He exhales happily. Taking much more care as he walks to the end of the mud. Shaking his hooves from the brown goo. “Uh.” He sighs and use his weak magic to wipe off the rest mud that’s stuck around his body. A large bush on his left rattles quickly. Catching his attention. Then another one on his right. Left again and right back to right. For every time they rattle it gets more of his attention away from anything else and makes him cover in fear. A Cragadile? A Manticore? A Changeling? Anything else there is that he hasn’t met before? It is something stalking him from all ways. He can’t go anywhere and makes himself ready for his end. Closing his eyes to not see the beast slamming its jaws around him. “Ehhh. Ahhhh.” The stalking creature breathes. It leaves the bushes and comes closer. At this point Luke has already given up because he knows nothing he can do will work. “Meeep.” Her cute high-pitched sound comes from in front of him. Though, can it really be her. Last time it wasn’t, maybe. It can be a decoy to make him look. But it isn’t much worse blind or not and he slowly opens his eyes. Opening them to see his little Timberwolf cub “friend.” She sits before him, her tail moving back and forth on the wet ground. “Meep.” She tilts her head and looks him in the eyes. It really is her and not some random cub. “You’re.. back. I’m so sorry for what I did to you. It is hard for changelings to control…” He explains as he frowns with ears tucked back. He starts to let the memories he blocked to flow through his mind. It is now him and her only. Not any of those deadly creatures. “I was just hungry and horny. I couldn’t really get myself satisfied in any of the two on my own. I can’t relieve myself.” He explains to her even though he isn’t sure she understands him. Changelings aren’t being taught how to masturbate in the hive from their mother’s strict law. Changelings will not pleasure themselves to relieve their lust. They will not do it when there are other ways to pleasure. Changelings have all the abilities to get it with ease and if it isn’t easy, they are able to take what they want raping. Can’t Changelings masturbate, Changelings can fuck more. It is said that they only do it because it can hurt, but Luke knows that isn’t the truth. He looks back up at the pup and a smile crosses his face. “Changelings are weird right? I want to be like you.” He says with his choice of tone at the sad side. When he thinks about it, it is true. Changelings are bad. The pup who seems to understand everything jumps on him and starts to slurp her sappy leaf tongue around his face. Making him break up in chuckles as it feels weird for him, in a good way. For what he knows, she isn’t mad at him anymore. Something had changed because of him or her own mind. He wonders who it can be. “Are we ok? Hehehi. A. Uh. Are we good?” He asks as his faced gets raped by the tongue lapping around his face. He has nothing against it though. He is just happy she is happy. “You want to hear what I’ve been through without you? It been a mess. I saw Manticores have some... fun and then I faced a Cragadile in the swamp behind us.” He says and then reminds himself they aren’t in a good spot. “Umm. Should we..” He says before she stops licking and turns around. Meeping once as a way to show he shall follow before she trips away. Her female gift on view before his eyes. “Oh..” Luke follows in silent. It feels like a long time without no way to know the time but after a little while they reach a pile of dirt and sticks. It looks handmade. Pawmade. Made of a small and inexperienced builder. Exactly like the pup crouching her way inside. Luke takes in the architecture of the pile and then makes his way inside. For once he is happy being a changeling. The sticks would be painfully scratch him otherwise. He crawls inside weirdly. He isn’t created to go so low and agile, but it works somehow. It is deep and he feels like he is going slightly downwards. How does it look like in there and will they fit? He reaches a larger dome and the pup sits there. Crawling out from the tunnel. He made one of the most stupid decisions in his life. Standing up and nearly wrecking the den but gets stuck instead with his ass in the tunnel. He struggles careful not to pull down the place. “Ohh. I believe you can rebuild it.” He says with his belly full of embarrassment of his action. The pup tilts her head when she looks at him. Not showing if she is mad, serious or happy and he doesn’t know how to respond to this. “I’m sorry. I sit here.” He says in embarrassment and blushes by his accident and unsure of the pup’s reaction to it. He wiggles some more just to try and free himself without breaking a piece of the den. Exhaling deeply in relief. “At least I’m free and just a little did I destroy.” He says and rubs his leg. Sitting down in front of her. But now he doesn’t know what to do and stares at her to start do something. The moment that shares between the two differently created creatures sitting together in a small and nearly wrecked den is new, beautiful, wonderful. Maybe even some sexual. At least from one of them. “What now then.? I actually starts to be hungry and..” He says embarrassed and ready. But she isn’t getting up to move out. He watches her tail sway back and forth along the ground. He can’t look away from her and he can feel his starts to grow. She jumps closer to him on her rump. Luke doesn’t know what to do. What if she knows. Will she do the same? He blushes deeply. “Uuu.” He doesn’t know what to do when she moves closer. She must know at this point. “I am s-sorry. I know you don’t like it and so, but I can’t help it.” He explains and closes his eyes. He is so embarrassed what she can see that he can’t look at her. Now she can bite him or kick him as he wants. She can even leave him again or even…. Lick his sheath. That is not what he waited. It feels good. “No, wait. T-that wasn’t what I mea.. meant. What about my.. my growling stomach then. N-nothing special. I am starting to get hungry. L-love. Mmm. Goood.” He moans out occasionally in his words when her leafy tongue laps over his sheath and erecting cock tip. It all came from nowhere from her. Just like before. But she has to know what it is now. She should. His cock grows large to his chest in seconds. Almost as thick as his legs and long as his body it grows for her to take more of him. The more of his that is out of the sheath the better it feels. He can’t hold on for long with her zapping his small cock with pleasure jolts from where her tongue laps over his flesh. “Nnngh. Fuck me.” He says as his body tenses up and twitches. He can’t control his movement as it feels like an internal earthquake of pleasure through his body. Soon he bursts out his white semen onto the dark ground. Luckily or unluckily the pup licked his underside and makes him miss her body completely. He barely holds himself up above her when she licks his itching sensitive tip for his cum. Panting for all he can. When she’s done, she goes back and looks up at him with big eyes. Making out a loud meep to him. “You… want to..” He says with a guess what she wants now. It is soon answered as she shows off against him. Flashing his eyes with her female Timberwolf pussy. She wants to get fucked and he can’t believe it. Moving closer with shaking legs. Slowly mounting her one leg at a time and lets her hold him up. Moving his hips forward and feels her lips teasing his tip. Moving further closer and rubs his cock over her pussy. He gets to fuck. He gets to penetrate and feel a pussy. Thump Luke falls to the ground as his support is gone. Crushing his cock between him and the soft ground. He looks to the pup facing him. He already understands what happened. “You don’t want to get penetrated. That’s it. Just lick and rub” He says and sighs. He had his belief that she wanted to fuck with him but when it is clear she doesn’t, he can’t say he isn’t a little sad about it. Still he gets up and confirms with a nod he will not try penetrating. She flashes him again with her parts and he slowly move in. Slowly moving a hoof up to rub neither lips. “At least I can rub. That is… maybe also fun.” He thinks. Stroking higher up and smears her tiny wetness on her lips. The juice she leaks is stickier in substance then he heard female will have. He only learned about ponies and their anatomy though. She starts to moan as he rubs her. Just like him she is inexperienced in her movements and can’t hold on for much long. By that he decides to continue and slowly leans his head forward. He stops with her leaking pussy just before his eyes. He blushes and hesitates to start licking. Her moans tell him she wants him to start please her. He lets out a little bit of his changeling tongue and starts lapping over her pussy. Starting at her log body and going up. The hard tree structure of her body replaces by her soft lips against his soft tongue. He stays there on her outer lips like he tries to stay away from her wet hole. He knows he can’t stay like that forever because it is just teasing. With a deep inhale he closes his eyes and goes in slowly to her pussy middle. It gets more wetter then he feels the empty room at his tongue tip. Quickly he pushes it in. The taste of her is… good. His eyes fly open in surprise. Better than he expected. Better then… He doesn’t care if he can’t fuck now. “MmMm -Slurp- MMmmahh.” He sounds when he laps at her pussy. Taking her fantastic taste every time and makes her squirm and moan. He burrows his tongue further inside, pushing past her outer parts for her wet tasty treasure inside. He cannot hate it. He likes it. No, he loves it. He loves it so much that he grabs around her legs and pushes his face deeper into her pussy and she seems to love it as well by her louder moans and even humps back. Soon she will burst onto his face and he just lick. The structure of her inside is felt around his tongue and her clenches are untrained. Trying its best to grip onto and pull his slithering tongue in. It doesn’t take long at all and she cums. Her Timberwolf juices splashing onto his face when he separates his mouth with her pussy. “It feels so weird. Hehe.” He says and giggles. It feels good for him to be cummed on. Not because the wetness or the aroma and taste being all over him. He can’t tell what, but it feels good to be cummed on. He licks it off quickly and watches her turn around to lick what is rest of him. “Hehe. O.. Hehe. Ok. It is good now.” He sits down on the ground and laugh. They are both so happy for what they have experienced with the other. “Guess we had fun didn’t we.” He says and moves a hoof to rub on her log chest. She doesn’t respond negative to it and continue slurping into his face. It makes him feel so warm inside and smile, almost smirk. “I guess we are going to have a lot of fun you and me.” He says and rubs down as far as he can on her body. It is teasingly close for both of them and she even tries to move against it. Until she runs past him. Stopping at the tunnel to see if he follows. “Yep. Time for food.” He says and nods. He has a lot to learn but what she does is easily understandable. He gets up and follows her through. “I guess we’ll have a lot of fun you and me. Nothing like I had with the others back there. But we are like butter and sandwich, like stone and moss, like..” He smiles. “Mates.” > The decision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m here. I’m home.” Luke shouts as he approaches his and the pup’s den at night. The last three weeks the den has been going through a lot of renovation. Luke couldn’t believe that learning to build in the hive would come to any use as they didn’t have anything to build back there. The hive didn’t have to rebuild or expand because of the Canterlot accident. One major part of the new den is the new entrance. Wider, shorter and more solid. He and the pup can fuck wild and senseless in it and not even a twig will fall down from the ceiling. Though, she can’t be called pup much longer. Under the two weeks she has switched tree at least three times. Maybe four, Luke doesn’t know. But he do know and can say she is nicer in the pussy every time. Like a new larger virgin. Maybe he even gets to have the virgin today as well. He doesn't know as he has been gone from the home The past three days he has wandered around the forest. Far away from the home. There was nothing special he was looking for. He just thought to take a larger look around and at the time before he left, there was a tiny, little fear that nearly held him back from going at all. At least half of him wanted to stay. But after some… help… he was soon ready and left. He has been strolling around the forest with no plan in his mind other than viewing the nature. Escaping and hiding for his life a lot of times too. But he hadn’t found anything special and came back earlier then he thought. Luke enters through the large opening. The opening is very large as he is still that small little changeling he have always been. It is so large and curved that he doesn't need to bend his legs to get through. “Helloo?” He shouts again as he got no answer the first time. He gets nothing the second time either. At that time, he starts to get worried. She can take care of herself pretty well but maybe not this time. He reaches the renovated room. “Pup?” He asks and looks around in the dark. The only room now fits both and a little more. But right now, it will fit maybe three as he finds the pup. Curled into a wooden circle and violently shaking on the ground furthest in the den. “Pup.” He screams worried and runs to sit down in front of her. He examines her large and dark wooden body from top to bottom. He starts to cry as he notices, she isn’t breathing. Her chest is completely still and her whole body as well. Still he feels like something isn’t right. Two green eyes shine in the darkness from her limp head. Not blinking nor moving but they look directly at him. It is weird. Like she just happened to look at him before Her head lifts off the ground and faces him. Her eyes blinking as they focus on him. She says nothing as their eyes connects and Luke understands a few things. One, she isn’t dead and second, that there is something wrong with her and he doesn’t know a thing. Those two makes him go down on knee and moves his head in to nuzzle her deeply. He doesn’t care if it is contagious. He wants to care with her. “It is fine. Hnh.. I’m here now.” He says as he starts to weep over her. He feels stupid that he left her all alone these days. No one to look over her. No one other then her knows how long she has been this sick the recent days. Could it be something he did? Could it really be him? He starts to imagine and think of what he did before he left. Luke had come back from a quick gathering of tree pieces to continue the building of their den when he found logs in different sizes at the entrance. They had looked familiar for him and from where they were familiar he was soon told when she jumped out and pounced him. He had laughed through the pain from the pounce when she lapped his face wet with her sticky saliva. “Yeah. Yeah. I see you have got a new look. Your brighter colour looks great.” He complimented her through the constant licking over his face. It continued for what felt like a day before she got off him and let him stand up. He wiped the saliva off his face. “Mind telling me what this is all about.” He asked her with a light chuckle. He watched her gracefully dance around and showed off her new larger and cleaner body. Her body was smoother, and she had a left ear again. “Yeah. Yeah, I see. Getting larger then me again. Just wait until I grow larger.” He smiles. Pup then rolled her eyes and turned around at his sentence. “Hey?.. Did I say something stupid? Y-you look perfect.” He complimented her again as he thought he must had said something that was wrong. “I don’t know whaaaat...” His eyes widen as she looked back at him with half lid eyes and a large grin on her lips. Her stick tail moved to the side to feast his eyes with her pussy and ass. Slowly she moved inside. Her ass swaying with glistering wet lips got quickly devoured by the dark inside and gone from Luke’s view, but he was not slow to follow into the darkness. He had kissed her lips and held her tight before they had reached the room. On entering she laid down and he got on top. His lips locked to hers and tongues wrestling inside. They separated and panted. Opening their eyes to stare into the others. Sharing a lovely, needy silent in their quick breathing. Without a word he had moved his hoof down her body. Gently zick-zacking down her body to her wet slit. He could feel her heat even before he reached her pussy and as he reached it, her pussy felt like a soaked fireplace. He pressed his hoof against the fire hole and got a loud moan from her. She looked him deep in his eyes with her need for him reflecting from them. He leaned in and kissed between her shoulder logs. There was sensitive magic there of timberwolves and it made her squirm, purr and bark for his further attention down her body. He happily moved down her body to her crotch and got started to work on the magic there as well. Working his long changeling tongue between the wood as he rubbed around her lips. She loved it but it wasn’t before he switched place and got to work on her fluffy lips she whimpered in pleasure by his forked, long tongue penetrating her lips and playing with her clit. The hooves spread her legs wide. She couldn’t wait. He was slow as always. She used her tail to lift him up and sent him flying and spinning to then land on her with his back first. Luke wasn’t ready at all and stopped pleasing as he was sent spinning. But as he landed and felt her tongue go along the cock he understood why and turned back on belly to give her what she lusts after. Luke waited for her and found his cock soon engulfed in her mouth. Untouched by any of her teeth but grasped by her tongue’s grip. He moaned loud and got to work on her pussy again. He lapped and penetrated her tight hole to start move it around. He couldn’t see what he did on the end of her long body as she sucked him off. But she was too good that he couldn’t stop from letting her continue. Her tongue knew how to work his length. Her saliva coated his cock damp and her pussy coated his tongue in her sticky and tasty pussy juice. His tongue got deeper and pressed against her g-spot. She spasmed and squirmed as she gave away that she was close. She stopped sucking him and pushed his ass up. He understood again what she desired. He turned around and positioned his tip at her pussy to share a wet kiss. Pushing up against her large clit. Moaning as it opened for him. He looked her in the eyes to be consent with it and she nodded needy for his cock. He pushed and was surrounded by her tight and hot canine love hole. “You are just as tight as all other times.” He complimented her tight pussy as he took one more virginity of hers. He hilted her in one thrust and the tightness of her pussy was heaven. They both shared a deep moan as he pulled his cock out before pushing it in again. They got in for a deep and passionate kiss as well. Slurping on each other’s tongue. Luke ran his hoof across her cheek as he moaned while he took her deep and slow. He was going to enjoy her the tight feeling before she loosened. Together they filled the den with soft moans and damp genital kisses. “I love how you make me feel. How you make me full of your beautiful love. Your pussy is good, but you are the perfect. I love how you clench, and I love how you make me feel needed. I want you to be mine forever and… and.” He couldn’t come up with more words. He quickly leaned in for a kiss to break the embarrassment and sped up. She broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes. Only her eyes told him that she loved him in all ways too, as well as continue without the need of words. She had clenched harder on him as he was filling her depths quicker and harder. He could feel see wasn’t going to last longer judging by her erratically, quick hugs as with his slaps against her clit. It took a minute until he could feel it. Her insides held him in as they milked for his semen. “Um.” He sounded as it became tight to thrust and remained still through her orgasm. He wanted to scream and yell love words but fought himself to stay quiet. He waited it out because he didn’t want it to be over so soon. He had a lot more love to give. After she is done, and her body relaxed to the ground he starts thrusting again. He shouldn’t have done that as she still had one hard clench to give and it sent him over the edge. “MmmM.” He pushed in all the way and filled her womb with infertile semen. As all other time his shivering was furious and left him relaxing and panting hard on her while his cock slowly softened inside her. She panted and smiled to him. He smiled back and then it hit him. One more love sentence. "You know what." “I will be there for you when time hits hard. Whatever it means for me.” He tells her one more time as tears runs down his both cheeks and make a pool in front of her. He places a hoof on her back and places his head to hers. For one second her violent shaking stops and her tongue licks along his chin. He then gets up and wipes his tears off. He immediately decides his direction and hesitantly heads out the den. He doesn't want to but he has to. He has no other idea where to go. He starts walking his way to his set destination. He hopes that he'll meet someone else that can help her. Before he reaches the Hive. > The trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few minutes has gone by since he sat his direction to the hive, and he has gotten far because he started running after getting some meters from the den. He feels like her condition is urgent and uses all his energy to help her in anyway he can find. “Fuck. If I at least could’ve learned how to fly. But maybe that would be bad as well as I will get there quicker then I should.” He talks to himself and lowers his head and lays his ears backwards. He feels bad about her and his past but also about his walk and their future together. As it looks to this point, he will not find anyone to help before he reaches his destination. And he may not even find any help at all there. Only a worse place to live. But he must do it since he loves her. Luke passes a large rock and immediately turns left afterwards. He remembers this rock from his latter half of his walk because it was at that point, he found himself hearing a familiar sound and looked up to the sky, where he saw a white pony getting carried away by a load of changelings. Poor pony to fall in the evil changeling’s grasp. But it is the way of nature and life, and since they flew with their prey, Luke guesses that they headed straight for the hive and follows their direction. The nature is beautiful this day and with the sunrise over the trees it is heaven. But doesn’t it look like the sun has stopped. The sun moving or not, Luke doesn’t care about the environment even as the sun is blinding his eyes. He simply turns his head and continues to walk quick and efficient, sprinting now and then. There is no time to lose for him. The howls, roars or other sounds from creatures inside the forest doesn’t interrupt him. He has his goal set. Luke sprints and rolls, jumps and crawls through the obstacle that is called a forest. Large stones and tense vines are no problem for an experienced Luke. Reaching one of the forest’s many wetlands he dives in without hesitating and walks with large steps through the knee-deep water. Nothing hinders him or makes him trip. But he dives himself down in the mud and covers himself in it. Hidden he is from all the creatures who would otherwise see him. He continues until getting to the other end and goes in to full sprint. The mud flying off his carapace. The world flying past and his stomach’s growling. He is hungry, he needs food. He knows a place nearby which highly possible can give him some. He sneaks close to the ground as he approaches the cave of the beasts. The first thing he sees is two Timberwolves trying to bite the other’s head off. But they are cubs, and they are only pretending with their gigantic misses. Behind them are the rest of the siblings eating their freshly captured meat and their parents sit furthest away from their cave entrance and appreciate their lovely pups. The mom grabs her youngest cub and carries her inside. The others know to follow their mother and goes inside the cave to rest. Seems there will be no food. Or? The mother comes outside to her partner and nuzzles against his neck. She turns to lick her male’s neck with long, soft laps. He then sees it. The erection of the male is peaking out. It all happens so fast after that. They both seem to not be able to wait for the action and goes straight to it after some quick laps from the male over the females leaking pussy. He mounts while she leans down and quickly penetrates her. He seems to love his mate’s depth as he lets his tongue out and immediately starts taking her hard and fast. The female also loves his probably big cock penetrate her lips and slamming his knot into it. Luke can feel their love for each other and how strong it is through the fullness of his feeding. The cubs are lucky they had to go sleep as they shouldn’t watch such roughness. It doesn’t take them long before they switch position. Still she is underneath but on back and he once again starts to savour her splashing wet and tight hole. Out and in, out and in he thrusts hard and her juices splash out on the ground. For a moment it even looks like she is cumming around him, but he doesn’t stop, only speeding up his pace. After what can be thought as she orgasms from the female and a lot of wetness from the both, the male pushes his cock fully in and knot her. He fills her up and it all remains inside her. Now they will wait another cub, if they don’t already wait one from the other times. They nuzzle and lick each other cheeks as they let the time pass in that position. It is enough for Luke and he leaves them. But he can hear how they seem to agree and continue some more. That is all his fun for this day as he remembers his destination. He hopes, just hopes for whoever there is to help him that they will come now because it seems to him that he is getting closer to finding help at the Hive. A stick crack and he can hear something like voices. “Hello.” He screams with a tone in need of help, perking his ears towards the direction and becomes silent. Silent like the forest around him. There are no more sounds. Not a single sound in the forest. He may be getting paranoid and he knows that but who wouldn’t when they have to force themselves somewhere they don’t want. He continues on alone. He is sad full of thoughts. So full of thoughts is he so he’s nearly tripping over the edge and down a slope. It wakes him up though and looks up to where he is. He is there. Or almost there. He is at the start of a desert, the one desert he knows. The one guarding the hive, and there in the horizon he can see the same tower from most of his life in its full and familiar glory for most changelings. A wind of nothing but dirt blows past him. Also is that a some thin dragon snake creature he can see with some colourful spots going through the desert. > The Hive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “No.. it can’t be that hard really. Right? I mean, the weird thing made it inside and I haven’t seen any different pattern in the hive. They’ve made it through. That’s true.. Heheh, I mean if the creature really is true?” He says and chuckles nervously insane. Every step through the desert carries him closer to the continuously raising black structure in the middle. Is it bigger now then for a moment ago? Have they expanded it since he left? He tries to find those questions out as he goes over the gooey black ground. He is in the open but the ground helps him to stay hidden from fliers whether it be Changelings or not. There is little chance he will be found by anything. “Hey. Stop there little shit of changeling.” A female voice screams in the air from behind him. He finds the voice very familiar in some weird way. He can’t tell why but it sounds familiar and it frightens him. It scares him so much that he freezes in place and ready to be easily caught by the drones. His journey is now over. As seconds go, he slowly turns his head around to look at his catcher. “Stop there. You really think you can fuck me later. You really think I want to… Then you are right. Grr.” The female says and gives a sexual sound. Her wings buzzing quicker for a second. Luke can’t believe what he hears. Is the female Changeling attracted to him? Does she know who he is, or does she take him for someone else? He knows Changelings almost looks the same but living together makes you notice the small differences. And now if she does know who he is and what he has done, is she turned on by him and his actions. He was kinda brave and masculine. He turns around to meet his sexually attracted female fan. Is cheating something Timberwolves care about? “I like big and large once who follows command, who listens and follow. Not like the deserted little leaver. Those or more specifically him would I give pain. Or worse.” She says to the bigger changeling and spit down to the ground. The spit pool lands right in front of him and he gulps. He is happy he didn’t respond to her. The male and female continue back to the hive and leaves him shocked on the ground. Any belief he had that they wouldn’t remember who he is are now gone. They will know him, and they will hurt him. Slowly and carefully he steps closer to one of the many shifting ground entrances. They can be hard to find and because he has been gone for a long time, he isn’t sure about the schedule as he was months ago, even though he studied them a lot. Lot more then anyone else. He finds one and slowly steps up to it. Taking a quick look inside and then outside behind him. He steps forward. Right into a wall. He quickly turns back to the once door. “Oh.” He says and saddens. He was too slow and now he doesn’t remember how long time it takes until it opens again. “Shit… I” He starts before he remembers he is at a bad spot to start making noise when he only has himself. He decides in silence to look around for another door. Nothing around the corner, nothing after that, nothing half way around the hive. Is it just him or does it feels like the hive itself doesn’t want him going coming in. He doesn’t know what the hive is made of. Nothing he has learned. Could it be made by something superior. Like.. “I saw him run this way come on.” Someone yells behind Luke. He quickly goes in to hiding mode against the hive itself. He isn’t as much hidden as he thinks he is. He can see a group of changelings leaving the hive. They are in a hurry to search for whoever they look for. The weird creature? Cause he knows the walls aren’t transparent and if someone saw him, they would not send a team. He is that easy to get. But finally, he has a way inside. “Ok. Let’s guard this place in case they are trying to escape.” And there his way inside is gone. A group of one, two, three, six changelings between him and his way in. He turns around and forgets about it all. There is no way. No, there is a way. Confidence fills his chest and spreads a sure face. Timberwolf, his Timberwolf needs help and he can’t take time to being afraid. Time is shrinking. He turns around again and makes his way towards the guarded entrance. The guards aren’t that good to guard as their focus lay on other directions and other things. With careful steps and held breathing he steps closer and closer. They don’t notice him and there is nothing he can step on to alert them. It gets tougher to breath when being tough and risky. The air getting harder which he can’t feel as he remembers holding his breath. “AHHh.” He gasps loudly for air. Giving out a what sounds like a moan. All Changelings slowly peak their ears. Luke decides to just run for it, but he can’t, his legs aren’t moving. He can try but something has them stuck. Something invisible. “Look what we caught here. A Changeling having his mind all wrong. Hehehe.” The one in the middle of the group says and laughs. Everyone in the group follows to make fun of him. He doesn’t find it as fun as they do though. “But seriously, can’t you for once stop touching yourself on worktime. I know you are a horny Changeling and so, but focus on guarding.” He tells the Changeling guard having an erection under him. They must think he is the one making the sound. Luke is now stuck on the spot by confusion. He doesn’t get that he is not yet seen. He quickly understands that he may not be so lucky, and they may think someone else did it in a few seconds. He takes a short, slow step. The last to the entrance he just goes for it. He enters and quickly turns behind the corner. He can hear how the Changelings arguing who it was. It seems they also start to think it could have been someone else but can’t see anyone else as Luke is far gone without a trace. He has found his way inside quietly and now he must find someone to help his puppy. “We got intruders. Larm the hive.” A guard from further inside screams so his echo bounces between the walls. Luke hides at an ok hiding spot in the wall. How had they’ve seen him already? The guards from the entrance immediately make their way towards the throne room. When under attack the throne room needs a lot of guards. But that they have to make such a move because of him is weird. Also, they call him intruders with plural. They haven’t found him yet, they are referring to the others entering the Hive. They just fucked it up harder for him and Pup. Luke leaves his bad hideout and continues. More careful now than ever. Slowly he creeps around in the darkness. Hidden from the view of all guarding Changelings that is now on alert. He climbs higher up through the hive. He thinks he may know the way to go to get what he needs for Pup. He hears the guards searching, talking, swearing and moaning as he lurks around in the dark of the hive. Creeping closer to the top. He finds a perfect place, like a ventilation system, but he doesn’t remember what it really is. It smells burnt. He crawls through the tunnel. Right, left, right, left, right. Is that crying nearby. “HIIISSS.” He sounds as a group of Changelings on the other side of the wall makes a sudden high pitch angry hiss. He shuts his mouth with a quick hoof slammed against his face. He wants to see what is happening on the other side, but he can’t see through walls. Or can he? No. He lets it be and continues. “IHHH.” Someone screams on the other side again and make him jump again. He stops himself from giving himself away again. That didn’t sound like threatening Changelings but some old man. He doesn’t care and continue. He is getting deeper and deeper in the hive. Sounds of Changelings becoming more common and more Changelings. He also hears her. The one. His mother. She is talking a lot, a lot more then she usually does until it gets quiet. Obviously, it is about some plan to take ponies or steal some love even if he can’t hear what she says behind the wall. She can even talk about who to expand her hive with. Poor male. Light shines into his eyes and nearly blinds him. As he adjusts to it, he notices the small hole in the wall. Small to hide him but big enough for him to see through. He peaks his red eye through to look what is happening, but something is in the way. Whatever She has hung in the ceiling of her large throne room that is slimy, green, glowing and has some dark silhouette in it, it doesn’t look fitting. But he finds something beautiful in the weirdness. He shrugs and puts his ear over it instead. Focusing on his listening. “One litfewhoniealfiwhihinfelf.” He can hear her voice saying, muffled by the goo chandelier. It sounds to him like she is at the same height as he is though. “Ohh. HofwillfIesferpresenfhisdafinghescue.” She continues, still muffled. He presses his ear closer to the hole. “HIIISSSS!” The whole hive hiss out loud. This time he isn’t scared to his life, but he feels bad for whoever made the hive mad. He can’t save them in anyway and not risk to not save Pup. He continues with a slight guilt in his stomach. Continuing through the hidden tunnel the sounds of Changelings disappear and it is quiet and empty. Every in the hive must have been there. What could happen to move the whole hive to the throne room. “Why shall I just stand here when the intruders literally are losing, and the slow healing effect of the royal honey is not helping them even if it is strong.” Luke can hear a mad and instable males Changeling dark voice. His wings buzzing of anger. It hits him. Royal honey. Why didn’t he think of it? Or did he, subconsciously. He needs to get it. There needs to be another way that he starts searching for in the tunnel. He turns the corner and meets the end. There is no way up in the tunnel. “Also! Who really knows about this place, I can say no one! There isn’t like they would come here for this when her plan is in work.” He continues to talk to someone quiet not answering. Or himself. Luke finds a way to go. But it goes to where the Changeling is guarding and groaning. “I mean. I could leave this place. I will leave this place!” He continues and takes a heavy step. Lucky Luke. “You know what. I don’t like. I should just go. But you never know anything and.” The Changeling says and steps back to his post. He sounds less secure in his angry tone and Luke understands why. But now he can’t get the honey. He must choose the right path for survival. Luke steps out into the open and looks down to the ground with a serious face. Even though he is shaking on the inside. The Changeling guard stares at him from Luke’s side. Doesn’t know what is happening. Awkward silence between them. “Look what dropped in. Some deserted beatmeat.” He says and stretches his neck. Grinning happily to Luke. He knows who he is, just as everyone else. He steps heavy closer to Luke and makes himself larger to intimidate him, and it is working well. Luke is shaking furiously on the spot. The Changeling goes into full gallop. His world is breaking apart. He hoofless falls down a black hole. Wherever he looks there is nothing but darkness. A large Changeling laughs evil with his dark mad voice, his eyes burning with hatred. A tall Changeling with long grey hair shakes the head in shame. Pup lays in the dark and doesn’t breathes. Her colour is slowly fading and losing its spark. Her happy wiggling tail losing its energy and falls off. A glowing green cocoon with a black curled shadow inside, loses its glow and cracks open. In the goo the little black figure isn’t moving. Luke closes his eyes not to see what it is. He already knows. He failed them. “AHHHHH!!” Luke screams into the darkness. They become disoriented and grey around him. Freezing in action and it becomes silent for a moment. “I am not a failure. I am strong, I don’t like you and I’m totally deserving my life. Pup does the same. She is my sunshine, even though it is fading. She deserves to survive as no one else do. She Will Survive and I am Not a Failure.” He spins 180 and kicks his hindlegs hard straight forward. “Wuaa.” The Changeling groans as Luke sends him flying backwards into a wall of the hive. He falls to the floor with a thump. Seemingly unconscious. Luke pants with his ass facing the unconscious Changeling. He is hot and would be sweating if it was physically possible. “What. Tf.” He says confused and turns around to find to his surprise, his opponent getting back up from the floor. His wing broken so it bends up and down like a lightning. He doesn’t look happy nor scared. He pants and groans. Shaking his head furiously from time to time. Luke just looks at him not happy, but nor scared. They have eye contact. The Changeling charges for him. Horn aimed to Luke’s throat as he closes in. Furious as he eyes his unmoved opponent. Ready for the killing impact that he may be bloody off, but better than letting go off his quickie. A really satisfying quick one. He trips forward over Luke’s magic string around his hooves flips around. Headfirst down and this time going completely unconscious. “I don’t have the time. Pup needs royal honey quick.” Luke says and walks past his unconscious opponent and enters the storage. A blinding colour of red is everywhere inside except from where he came. Head large red jelly balls are piled up against the walls. He had heard about it but never seen the place for himself until now. It is a really beautiful place even for what the balls contain. He sits down and grabs one. He looks around himself for something to carry it home with. “Nothing. I guess..” He says and tries to stand up while holding it in his front hooves. Holding his balance and opening his wings. Moving the ball over his head and placing it between his wings. “That work.” He says, surprised by himself. He leaves the storage and gets out through the normal way. Takes a quick look just to be sure no Changeling see him. He trips quietly on his hooves as he balances the orb between his wings while keeping high alert for anything with every sense. Carrying a big red glowing orb so open is a beacon to find him. He knows that he’s getting closer to an exit. He shifts his gaze back and forth, left and right. Scanning from the left to the right and stops at right as he sees that he has been caught but an oddly pink Changeling looking creature. It looks so similar in the form, but they are whole and colourful which he hasn’t seen before. The “Changeling” looks at him in the same way and they both blink their red eyes at the same time. Luke slowly starts to walk towards the exit again and they disappear from his sight. He finds an open exit and gets out of the hive. No one guards it. Maybe they are still busy with the intruders and maybe that thing was one of them. But then why would they be so open and not hiding. The colours didn’t blend in. If they were still not found the hive should be swarming, but.. Luke stops for a moment as that overloads his mind when thinking about it. He then shakes his head and decides to forget about it. It isn’t his problem anyway. He has to head home to his love and there’s where he aims himself towards. Home to his One. > The end with another name > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Nearly home.” Luke confirms to himself. He remembers that rock. Over sticks and stones, through mud and brushwood, under trees and monsters. Speeding up and slowing down, going up and going down. While holding the big red jelly ball on his back between his open wings. Until he reaches his goal. There is his home and inside is his love who needs him immediately. He doesn’t remain outside to adore the moment of finally getting home and just enters. It is quiet in the dark inside. He hopes that she is alive, and that no other creature has found themselves inside. At least he can get the chance for a proper goodbye. For every step he takes though, his worries grow and hope shrinks. Other ideas start to grow inside him. There is nothing that tells him what he is about to find and that is what worries him the most. To not know until it is too late. He reaches the main and only room of their den and takes a quick look for her. There she is. In the middle. All out cold and not moving. He falls down to his legs before her and a tear runs down his cheek. Stroking a hoof over her head to see if she reacts. She doesn’t. The tear falls off his cheek and onto her back. Sipping down her side. Her head moves to look at him. She is weak. Her head rests on the ground and her ears are located flat on her head. He gives a light smile across his face as she shows that sign and takes no extra time to move down the ball from his back to the ground in front of her muzzle. “Come on. You have to eat it. Maybe tastes weird. B-but you have to. Come on.” He tells her, needing her to take it. He will almost force her it if she doesn’t. But, luckily she seems to take it by own initiative. She cannot chew so she licks repeatedly. Not the fastest, but it is at least a way. He both impatiently and patiently waits for her to take it and maybe become better. There is nothing else he can do. He watches her and keep her company as she licks the red ball while it shrinks. After a long time with a lot of licks over a ball that isn’t his own, she is done and puts her down to the ground again. Closing her eyes. Now it is just for Luke to sit beside her and wait. Who knows how long it will take for her to maybe become better? Pup lifts her ears after two minutes. They stand straight up. She turns her head and looks to him with open eyes. Luke himself has his eyes closed, so he sees nothing. Just letting the bodily fluids wet his face. She lifts her head and comes closer to him. “Meep.” She sounds. Luke freezes as he hears the long time no heard sound she hasn’t given for a long time. He opens his eyes and stares into hers. Just staring. Soon he flings his legs around her. “Omy..Oh my. I thought. T-that it wouldn’t.. let us not talk about it. I don’t want to feel negative now.” He says and burrows his head in her neck with a smile across his face. She appreciates it and does the same. Purring into his neck and both loving the moment they share. He wants to do the same to her and that is why he let’s a green fire engulfs him. Pup doesn’t care about it and nuzzles him through it. She can feel how he’s changing. Every muscle, every part. The fire subsides and the little changeling has changed into an equal big Timberwolf with white colour and black dots. They separate and look at each other in the eyes. Her fully green into his fully red. A desire awakens. They lean forward and locks lips. The sound of wood against wood and wet against wet fill their den. They open their mouth to share each other’s saliva. Luke raises a paw and places it on hers. Separating with a saliva string connecting them. It has the form of a heart. He goes underneath and lifts her paw. Showing her to move over which she happily does. He guides her to lay down on her back with her legs up in the air. She licks his Timberwolf muzzle before he dives down to lick her neck. He gets a moan from her and continues deeper down her body. He passes her belly and massages her sides. His paws remain above her hips as his muzzle goes down to her puffy lips furthest out on her log. His tongue laps over her pussy. She moans louder as he licks and pushes his tongue deep inside her pussy. His nose pressing against her clit as he savours her pussy and its juices and pleasures her body. She seems to have get touched in ways of her weakness and squirts over his face after just a little time of getting her inside of pussy licked of Luke. Or he is just too good. He stops as she cums and squirts him with his favourite juice, deciding to let her rest from her orgasm. They don’t want to end it too quickly. He moves up to her face and gets a lick across his face. He chuckles and continues forward. Pup licks parts of his body as she moves closer to his crotch, without moving. His cock soon pokes against her mouth. She knowingly opens her mouth wide and swallows his cock. His cock being the only part of his outside now being flesh, which they both are happy about. Think if it was made of wood just like him. He moans as more of his cock penetrate her mouth opening and her deep wet inside tightly surrounds the meat. She starts to bop her head up and down his cock above and inside her. Reaching all the way up to his knot and back down to his tip. She purrs as she sucks his cock in and out of her soaked mouth. He moans as he feels her cheeks and piece of throat around his tip, her tongue also seems to find itself on the underside. Her mouth just pleasures his cock by tightening and moving up and down him. Luke starts to semi thrust in her mouth. He can’t hold himself from not doing it. Her sucking he finds is just too good. She moves her head up and down while moving it to side and side and her tongue plays on the underside. Every nerve of his cock is getting pleasured and his load starts to build up. He is close to coat her wanting black mouth white. He can’t resist more and starts to thrust his best. They go together and meet in the middle. Getting deep and hard in her mouth. He can’t hold it in and burst. Filling her mouth full of his nonfertile semen. He pants and moans while she continues to bop her head up and down his cock with her mouth filled with his semen. She doesn’t stop until he is completely emptied and slack. Their eyes meet and Pup pulls off her dick. A silent understanding has exchanged between them. Pup moves past his cock and moves all the way up to his head. She leans in for a kiss and position herself completely over his body. Sharing her tongue with him and getting his back. She lifts a front paw up in the air, and presses it down on his right front leg. She is pinning him down. Throwing another front paw on his left leg. Sinking down a little and spreading his hind legs widely apart. Sitting down on his belly just with his erected cock resting on her ass. All while holding the deep kiss with Luke down to the ground. Luke, just doesn’t react much to it. He lets her do it to him. She grins sexually as she separates the kiss with him. She takes no time to wait and lifts her rear to aim herself on his erected cock and sink down. They both moan out loud as his cock passes her pussy lips and her pussy walls spread for his cock. They spread enough to let sink in completely but also please his nerves as well as Pup’s. They both have missed that feeling travelling through their spin. Pup immediately starts to bounce up and down on his cock and moans as it goes in and out of her. She knows exactly how she wants. Speed, angle, hardness. Using Luke as she wants while he has his eyes closed and moans as she does him. She spreads his hind legs further with her own. Going deeper on his cock as she fully takes him inside and clenches happily around him. Tighter than ever before with her size. Her experienced pussy knows when and where to clench the most to please them both plenty. She rides him faster and faster. Going in the tremendously quick speed she wants to do. Up and down, up and down she bounces from his tip down to his knot. Taking a small bit of it before she goes up again. But she has plans ho take it completely. The intense mindless feeling of love and sex makes her lean down to kiss him again. There is nothing else her mind can come to think off as she takes her love. Riding faster and clenching harder. She can see that he will not last a lot longer, so she takes the best she can instead. He looks to be closer than she thought as he closes his eyes and clenches his wooden canines. His loud roar/moan reaches her ear and she can feel how the heat of his infertile cum filling her womb up. She slows down and stops. Letting her walls clench around his cock as she moves her paws to lay on him. She stays on him as he pants with his eyes closed. Still clenching around his cock inside. As things calm down, he opens his eyes and smiles. “Come here. Please. Miss.” He says and blushes. He has never said that before. To her at least. He gets what he wants, a kiss on his lips. They hold it for a long time and open their maw to share leaf tongues. They move them around and lastly coil their tongues together. Then they separate. “I have thought of something. Actually.” He starts. Getting her complete attention as she lays on his chest. “I think that I have a name for you. Pup is very…. General. I love it. Only I think that this name fits you better…. But you can say no to it as well. If you don’t really like it. Of course, I like it. But it is you who….” He stops as he is cut off by a low growl from Pup. He knows that it means he is talking too much. “Ok.. I want your name to be Nova. Because… Because.” He is cut off again as she kisses him. Telling him without words. That she loves that. Just as much that she loves him. And he loves her just as much. His Nova.