> In Plain Sight > by Jest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Very Public Display of Affection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So did it work?” Twilight asked, looking down at herself, arms spread wide. Starlight shrugged. “I don't know. Trixie said that if I was under the effects of the spell that I would be able to see everything else also under the effect of the spell.” The woman frowned and looked down to where Twilight’s cock emerged from her dress and then back down to her own almost naked form. Her body clad only in a pair of long stockings, some black lace, and a collar that said alicorn slut on the front. “I don't feel any different.” Twilight looked down at her own body, to her plain black tee shirt, her short black skirt and her own black stockings, chosen for the fact that the clothes were expendable. “Me neither, but the spell is still there.” Twilight muttered, pointing down to the exposed horsecock that emerged from beneath her dress and stood proudly into the air. “Hmmm.” Starlight muttered, leaning closer and inspecting the mottled horse cock that was nearly a foot and a half long. “The rune is still sort of visible, but won't that get rubbed off when your inside me?” “That's not the only thing that's going to get off inside you.” Twilight snickered only to shake her head. “But seriously, I think it's fine. You said that it can't be wiped off, and that it would look like my dress was down.” “Oh yeah. Still, there's only one way to find out I suppose.” Starlight replied, smiling up at the alicorn. “Right.” Twilight sat down upon her throne in friendship castle before letting loose a booming. “Next!” At the top of her lungs. Starlight winced before standing next to the princesses’ throne, waiting patiently to see if their plan worked. Soon after, the doors parted and an old earth pony woman stumbled inside, her cane barely able to keep her standing. Her hair was long and grey, cascading over her shoulders and falling down her back, almost completely obscuring the flannel shirt she wore. On her nose were a pair of thick glasses which she pushed further up her nose before peering up at Twilight. “Err hello there princess.” She muttered, eyes narrowing. “And how can I help you this morning?” Twilight offered graciously, pretending like she wasn't sporting a huge erection and was being flanked by a mostly naked Starlight Glimmer. The older woman sighed and gestured down to her cane. “I’m afraid I’ve hit some hard times lately princess and I was hoping if you would be so kind as to loan an old woman enough bits for a new cane.” Twilight lifted an eyebrow and glanced over at Starlight, who shrugged. “Of course. I shall authorize a zero interest loan in the amount of one hundred and fifty bits. How does that sound?” The older woman’s face lit up and she nodded vigorously. “Oh thank you princess, that will be more than enough.” “Excellent, but before you go I would ask a favor of you.” Twilight gestured to her dress, and hard cock. “Please, tell me what you think of my dress.” The mare’s eyes narrowed and she lifted the glasses before peering a little more intently at the alicorn. “It suits you, your majesty.” Twilight grinned from ear to ear. “Thank you madam, just give the attendant your name on the way out and I will see to it that the bits are in your hands by this evening at the latest.” The old woman bowed as much as her back would allow. “Thank you your majesty, a thousand blessings upon you.” With that, she turned and left, slipping through the enormous double doors. Leaving Twilight and Starlight to exchange shrugs before Starlight hopped over to Twilight and planted her face directly over the alicorn’s cock. The smaller woman’s lips parted and her tongue snaked out, the pinkish appendage immediately seeking out Twilight’s cock and lavishing it long, luxurious licks. Twilight smiled as she looked down at Starlight, who was busy getting to work, her attention focused utterly on the hard cock laying before her. “Your getting pretty good at this you know.” Twilight commented as Starlight began to stroke her cock. “Fucking me three plus times a day for nearly a year and a half will do that.” Starlight shot back, a smirk on her face. “True enough.” Twilight replied. The alicorn watched as Starlight stroked the base of her shaft while also continuing to suck and lap away at the tip of her prick. After a minute, Twilight was certain she should be able to hide the pleasure she felt, and cleared her throat. “Next!” She yelled. A second later a younger couple hesitantly took a step inside, the male and female both outfitted in the finest clothes they probably had. Both seemed nervous, and that nervousness doubled when they laid eyes on Twilight. “Er princess?” The stallion asked. “Yes, how may I help you?” Twilight replied with a gentle smile, ignoring the girl currently bobbing her head on her crotch, the alicorn’s cock buried in her throat. The couple exchanged a glance before shrugging, with the woman clearing her throat and taking a step forward. “I uh, we were hoping you would officiate our wedding in a month’s time but your probably busy.” Twilight chuckled, ignoring the soft plap of Starlight’s face impacting the alicorn’s crotch. “I remember you two from the first party Pinkie Pie ever threw for me, and I would love to officiate your wedding.” “That's wonderful your highness but are you sure, we may have been at that party but it's not like we know one another very well…” Muttered the stallion, who was doing his absolute damndest to not stare at the bulge that could be seen in Starlight’s throat. “Nonsense.” Twilight announced dismissively, waving a hand. “I would love the chance to actually use some of the powers granted to me as a princess.” “Well that's just… great.” Muttered the mare, who tugged nervously at the collar of her blouse. “We should probably leave now, right hun?” The stallion nodded meekly. “Thank you again your highness, we will send you an invitation once we get a date set inside- er in stone.” Twilight nodded confidently. “I will see then, have a wonderful day.” The mare tugged the stallion’s arm insistantly, pulling him along while whispering in his ear. “When we get home you are going to throat fuck me like there is no tommorrow, understood?” The stallion nodded enthusiastically, allowing the woman to pull him out of the room by the arm. “Yes dear!” Twilight smiled as she watched the couple shuffle awkwardly out of the room, both keeping their legs pressed firmly together, as if hiding something. “What a lovely couple.” She declared softly. Starlight pulled off the alicorn’s cock with a wet shlock, the massive horsecock flopping out of her mouth and now soaking wet with spit. “Yes mistress and you were most generous to agree to marry them.” Starlight declared proudly. Blushing heavily Twilight chuckled. “Oh stop. It was nothing. Besides, I remember that they were both very kind to me when I first got here, and I’ve been meaning to pay them back for that kindness.” “Still, you didn't have to go that far.” Starlight replied. “Now then, I better get back to work before your cock gets cold.” “Good thinking my little cock sock.” Twilight replied, shooting her student a wink. Prompting the other girl to blush profusely and dive back down the alicorn’s cock with the ease of a trained professional, her throat opening wide and accepting the massive appendage. Her hands reached forward and began to fondle the alicorn’s balls as she knew Twilight liked, squeezing and kneading the alicorn’s tender flesh roughly. “N-next!” Twilight declared, stifling another moan as Starlight began to bounce faster then before, the other girl establishing a surprisingly quick pace. She didn't even seem to require air as the woman never once stopped and removed the cock from her throat, too eager to please her mistress to take time to grab more than the tiniest bit of oxygen. A dedication that didn't falter in the slightest as she heard the doors open and the sound of hooves clack against the floor behind her. An unnaturally tall earth pony woman strode confidently into the room, her bright red fur going perfectly with her orange dress and combining to nearly light up the room. Her deep burgundy hair cascaded over the left side of her face for the most part, being guided by several golden clips that kept her hair out of the woman’s sight. That confidence faltered somewhat when she noticed what was happening right before her, the woman nearly tripping over her own high heels. “Are you alright?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow to the blushing woman. “I’m fine your majesty just…” She looked down to the alicorn’s crotch for a second before shaking her head and forcing her gaze to rise. “Distracted is all.” “Okay then. How may I help you today?” Twilight offered, smiling widely as Starlight bounced up and down on her dick so fast that the alicorn’s cock didn't remain exposed to air for more than a single second at a time. “My name is Cherry Red and I was just… wow, that is…” She shook her head, physically grabbing her chin and forcing her to maintain eye contact with the alicorn. “My apologies but it is the first time being in the presence of such beauty that I find myself rather awe struck.” Starlight growled, though that growl was stifled somewhat by the nearly two feet of horsecock occupying her mouth and throat. Something that made Twilight roll her eyes. “I’m flattered miss Red. Do you mind if I call you that?” “You can call me anything you desire.” The woman replied elegantly, a hand slowly running between the crevice that opened up between her titanic tits. Twilight gulped and did her best to ignore the half second that she felt Starlight’s teeth press down around her shaft, the threat clearly illustrated. “Yes well. How may I help you miss Red?” “The mayor of this town rebuffed my attempts to open a sex shop but I was hoping to get your help in changing her mind.” Cherry Red announced, her voice slowly petering off at the end as her hands gripped her dress tightly, as if she were resisting the urge to flip her dress up and masterbate right then and there in front of the alicorn. “I see.” Twilight muttered, the alicorn gripping her chin as she thought, an action that also helped her stifle a groan of pleasure. “I could possibly sway her, but I’m sure that you've noticed how… innocent this town is. Are you sure you would be able to have a large enough customer base to warrant a brick and mortar store?” Starlight grumbled to herself, jealousy slowly rising in her chest as she thought about just how closely Twilight was staring at the other woman. An idea popped into her mind and Starlight pushed back, Twilight’s cock popping out of her throat as she stood up suddenly. Twilight raised an eyebrow but said nothing, doing her best to pretend like Starlight wasn't there. “Yes well I’ve had several requests for a store in order to better serve this community and I…” Cherry Red’s jaw hung open as she watched Starlight mount the monstrous alicorn cock and then subsequently drop her entire weight on the massive appendage, forcing it deep into her body. The alicorn and unicorn’s hips met and Twilight unconsciously spread her legs a little, allowing Starlight to hook her limbs backwards through the chair so they were facing, Starlight’s breasts nearly pressing against the alicorn’s face. Twilight for her part did her best to ignore Starlight entirely, leaning to the side and looking over the unicorn’s shoulder and pretending like she wasn't currently balls deep inside her student. Gritting her teeth tightly, Twilight grunted as she felt the confines of Starlight’s pussy squeeze down around her shaft, as if reminding the alicorn of what was happening right in front of her. “You were saying?” Twilight asked, holding back a moan that threatened to spill past her lips. “What was I saying?” Cherry blushed and looked down only to shake her head. “Oh yes, that's right I uh, had several requests to help better service this community and even have over a dozen preorders to help show that desire.” Twilight nodded, extending a hand. “May I see?” Cherry Red blushed a little harder and nodded. “O-of course your majesty, give me but a moment.” Starlight ground her teeth together tighter, and bounced harder, faster and with even more force. Though the soft clap of their hips meeting was partially quieted by Twilight’s skirt, it was not enough to hide the sound entirely. Something that made Twilight grow tense, her cock twitching needfully inside Starlight’s tight cunt. The red woman slowly approached the throne, her hand extended and holding a small collection of papers. Though her eyes wanted to wander, she kept them locked firmly on Twilight’s during the entire assent up to the throne. “H-here you are your m-majesty.” Stuttered the woman. Twilight nodded and took the papers from the other woman, using her magic to fan the papers out in front of her. Though she did her best to try and actually look at the pieces of paper, that task was a difficult one as Starlight was now bouncing so fast and so hard that Twilight could already feel her orgasm beginning to grow and her balls churn with potent seed. Seed that was now destined for Starlight’s womb, which was thankfully under a minor enchantment that would ensure that all such cum would remain inside the other woman in order to further keep their secret from getting out. A fact that did little to ease Twilight’s worry while she was a mere foot away from a very curious woman. A woman that was now staring at her intently, her legs pressed so tightly together that Twilight was certain she could have turned carbon to diamond if she stuck a rock of the stuff between her thighs. Twilight nodded, having not actually managed to keep her attention on the paper long enough to even read so much as a single line of text. “That is a considerable amount of product that's been preordered.” Twilight replied, placing the papers back into the other woman’s hand. “I will speak to the mayor and see if I can't change her mind though you should be aware that we would still like that you keep your shop out of the more busy areas of town.” “Oh yes, of course. We wouldn't want any little ones to stumble into my shop and parose my sultry wares unattended by an adult.” Whispered Cherry Red, who bit her lip as she looked up at the alicorn. Twilight gulped, casting a weary glance at Starlight who was glaring intensely into the alicorn’s eyes and slowly shaking her head. Starlight’s pussy meanwhile had Twilight’s cock in a vice like grip, squeezing down on the alicorn’s dick with such intensity that for a moment Twilight actually wondered if it was possible to have one’s genitals crushed by kegel muscles alone. “Yes of course. Now if you’ll excuuUUuuse me I have something I want to finish inside- I mean finish up.” Twilight laughed nervously. Cherry Red gave the alicorn one last once over before sighing and trotting towards the door, a slightly disappointed look on her face. “Yes well, if you ever want to check out my wares for yourself you have an open invitation to show up day or night, as I will always be open for you.” Twilight gulped and nodded, not trusting her voice to not betray her. The woman strutted confidently out of the room, her hips swaying back and forth and bringing attention to her wide hips and her considerable curves. Curves that Twilight watched the entire time she was walking out, her mind only snapping out of her stupor when the doors slammed shut behind her. “Starlight I-” She began, only to be cut off by a hand against her mouth. “You will say nothing until you have filled my womb with your seed. Only then will I forgive you.” Starlight replied, somehow speaking clearly while continuing to bounce on the alicorn’s crotch. Twilight nodded weakly and leaned back in her chair, silently pondering how their little master/slave dynamic had been flipped so suddenly. “Yes ma’am.” “Good.” Starlight declared evenly. This time any such hints of romanticism were utterly crushed, as Starlight pushed herself to the absolute limit. Her hips nearly became a blur as she pulled all the way up Twilight’s shaft before slamming back down once again. Her hands gripped the alicorn’s shoulders tightly as she moved with such speed, precision and power that Twilight could do little but grab the other woman’s waist and cling to her for dear life. The unicorn all but demanded Twilight’s seed as she bounced on her crotch with enough force to make both women's tits bounce. An act that would have normally fixated Twilight as she was an unrepentant boob lover, something she loved about Starlight’s double D’s. Now however, she could only stare into Starlight’s fire filled eyes as she squeezed down on Twilight’s shaft as if trying to force the cum from the alicorn’s cock rather then allowing Twilight to give it to her. This continued for less then a minute before Twilight felt as though she was nearing the end of her rope. “I’m so close Starlight.” Twilight whispered. “Good, I want you to give me every last drop. Got it?” Starlight demanded, her eyes narrowing. Twilight nodded meekly, clearly aware of how their little dynamic had been flipped. “Yes ma’am.” Starlight smirked. “You know normally I love it when you dominate me but this is pretty fun.” “Yeah I- holy crap.” Twilight muttered, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she felt Starlight’s pussy clamp down on her cock while the woman herself continued to bounce away. The tight, writhing pressure around her dick was too much for the well endowed alicorn and her hands gripped Starlight’s waist tightly as she stared down at the other woman’s bulging stomach. The outloine of the alicorn’s monsterous horsecock clearly visible through the other woman’s flesh, but that wasn't what she was looking for, what came next was. The first spurt of cum made Starlight’s stomach bulge slightly, the sheer power of Twilight’s orgasm making Starlight cum as well. Together the two women clung to one another, their lips mashing together as their lust overcame their senses and demanded that they come together more intimately. Something Twilight was initially reminis to give in to as she missed watching Starlight’s stomach balloon with seed, but that was fixed by placing a hand on the other girl’s stomach and allowing Twilight to feel it happen. Hot cum spurted up the alicorn’s cock and exploded into the unicorn’s womb, rapidly filling the mortal mare to the absolute brink. By the time they broke away from the kiss Starlight’s womb was so filled with alicorn spunk that she looked several months pregnant, something only made possible by endless practice and a few minor enchantments which helped make her body more elastic. Something Twilight was immensely happy about, and she rubbed the other woman’s stomach with a wide smile on her face. “That was so fucking hot.” Starlight whispered, her head resting in the groove of Twilight’s neck. “I’ll say.” A third voice announced from off to the side. With cock still inside her, Starlight turned her head and noticed the distinct look of her friend standing off to the side. “Trixie? What are you doing here? How did you get inside?” “And how didn't we notice you?” Twilight added. The teal caped magician shrugged. “I just came by to tell you my notice me not spell was perfected, thus answering all your questions at once.” She smirked. “Truly I am the greatest.” “Wait, you only perfected it now?” Twilight muttered, slowly turning to Starlight, who shared the same massive blush that was growing across the alicorn’s face. “Which means…” Starlight added. “You two were fucking in public.” Trixie answered, chuckling to herself. “It was quite a show by the way, super hot. I would rate it an eight out of ten, would watch again.” “I er- but you said your spell was-” Starlight began only to be cut off by Trixie who raised a hand. “A masterpiece, but a masterpiece can be incomplete you know.” Trixie replied, leaning against a pillar. “You could have just asked you know.” Starlight blushed and nervously turned back to Twilight. “Uh, whoops?” Twilight snorted, her hands that gripped Starlight’s waist tightened, as her cock throbbed, hardening inside the other woman’s cunt. “Me and you are going to have a very long, very hard afternoon.” Twilight declared. Starlight turned to Trixie, desperation in her eyes. “Save me.” Trixie chuckled and shook her head. “You made your bed, now you gotta lie in it.” Trixie giggled. “Oh that's a good one. Get it cus Twilight’s gonna fuck your brains out.” Twilight rolled her eyes and disappeared along with Starlight in a flash of light, leaving Trixie alone in the throne room. “What? I thought it was pretty good.” Trixie muttered, her arms crossing over her chest.