> Don't Say Her Name > by DougtheLoremaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1-Three Little Ponies Go To Camp In The Woods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright, let’s make sure we got everything. Trix, you got the list?” “Right here Star. Let’s see: lotion, bug salve, tent, sleeping bags, books, food...wait...books?” “Sunset said she wanted to tell ghost stories and wanted to bring some tales to read.” ”Ah, okay, when are we meeting her anyway?” “In an hour!” Starlight and Trixie were currently laying on their bed going over what they needed for a special weekend retreat camping in the Everfree with Sunset Shimmer. The three mares had organized this awesome vacation to celebrate their victory over Chrysalis and saving the world from her wrath. “We really needed this. Eh, Trix?” Laughing, Trixie responded with a smirk. “You can bet your sweet lilac colored flank we did. I almost went mad giving all those lessons to the dragons and yaks and...If I have to tell another changeling for the thousandth time, what the difference between making love and eating is, I swear I’ll scream. And then I’ll give them a physical demonstration!” Starlight kissed her. “Oh shut up, you know you enjoy it!” “Only because you and Sunset are there to keep me sane.” Starlight laughed. “You? Sane? Anyway let’s go get her it’s time for the sun to rise!” *** Sunset Shimmer poked her head of her window as she heard Starlight and Trixie calling to her. “Hey girl! Are you ready for our vacation?” Her reply was as sunny as her smile. “You bet! It’ll be great to get away from the farm for a day. My hooves need a rest.” Ever the ray of sunshine and gumdrops, Trixie laughed. “At least you aren’t holed up in some clothing boutique like me catering to those who wouldn’t know fashion if I beat them over the head with it!” Starlight looked from Trixie to Sunset and back again. “You both really think your jobs are worth complaining about in comparison to mine?” Trixie and Starlight nervously locked eyes with each other. They both knew that as Princess of Friendship, Starlight had the displeasure of working for and reporting to Queen Luna; the Nightmare who had conquered Equestria by successfully raising a coupe against her sister. The queen ruled with an iron hoof and immediately dispatched of anything that remotely irked her. Starlight definitely had it worse with the amount of stress she was forced to be under. After a moment of awkward silence, they smiled at her. “Alright you win.” Sunset closed the window calling down from the loft of her family barn. “Anyway, hold up I’m on my way down!” Turning to Starlight, Trixie voice her opinions, making sure they were loud enough for Sunset to hear. “I hope she brought some actually scary stories this time.” Nudging Trixie with her fore-hoof and giving a playful wink, Starlight chimed in. “Yeah, if it’s another ghost story about her apple orchard, I say we leave her behind for the next trip!” Both began laughing. Sunset’s laugh could be heard as well. “Oh I think I found the perfect tale to raise your fur in the Everfree this time, girls.” All three were avid fans of dark tales. Growing up in Ponyville, a place where all the fairy tales end in grim ways and where Queen Luna spoke in great detail about her slaying of Celestia once a year; it was to be expected. “Ha, you tell a scary story, puh-lease.” Sunset ran up and hugged Trixie, grinning. “Oh c'mon Trix, give me a chance, this story gave me shivers; you’ll love it.” Trixie’s cheeks took on a soft blush as she laughed. “Sunset, darling, no offense but you think rainbows are scary!” Sunset kissed Trixie as Starlight laughed at the scene. “Shush, besides they are scary! Have you ever seen a natural rainbow? You know as well as I how they are made. Anyway, I bet you’ll be so scared; you’ll need a new sleeping bag!” Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Alright then, I am intrigued. Let’s see what you got.” Meanwhile, Sunset walked over to Starlight and laughed after giving Starlight a hug and kiss as well. “Trust me, I’m the pony of Honesty and Loyalty after all!” All three had a good chuckle at that statement before grinning all three shouted out loud. “Let’s go! Our weekend begins now. To the Everfree!” After a three-way high-hoof, the girls set out on their way to go camping in the Everfree; long since brought to knee before the might of Luna’s No Nonsense policy. As they walked along the pathway, the three chatted and bickered like friends often do. “Hey check out that stream! Isn’t it beautiful?” “Oh wow, a frog! We don’t see many of those in Ponyville!” “Ooh look at this cutie! I’m keeping him!” “Trix put that down; it’s a snake!” “And?” “Oh let her keep it Starlight, you know Trixie loves animals.” And so they made their way along the stream and even stopped to dip their hooves in the water for a while. During which Starlight tried in vain to get Trixie to release the “Cutie” of a deadly water moccasin she was snuggling, to no avail. “I’m naming it Snuggles. Stop laughing! I swear I’ll gut you if you keep laughing at me! Stop laughing!” *** They sat by the edge of the stream, kicking their hooves in the cool, crisp water as Snuggles the snake lay happily asleep on Trixie’s midriff. The three began to discuss what they would do when they arrived at the campsite. “I think we should wait until the moon is at its apex to tell the story!” “You seem pretty enthused about this one, Sunset. Care to share why?” “Because this one isn’t fiction!” “Are you serious?” “Yeah! It’s about a series of disappearances and an unsolved murder that happened in the Everfree itself!” Sitting up quickly, with her eyes wide with interest, Trixie caused her new pet to hiss in annoyance as it woke up and bit her. “Really? Ouch! Snuggles, no biting!” The girls stared in disbelief as she ignored the poisoned bite and began to gently stroke the snake’s head saying. “It’s alright, go back to sleep, mama’s here!” “Trix are you alright?” “Huh? What do you mean?” “Well the snake just bit you, and it’s poisonous…” Trixie laughed. “This is nothing; you should see my menagerie sometime, Starlight. Poison is nothing but a tickle to me anymore. I've quite the range of immunity. Especially after the whole black widow wedding fiasco.” Sunset and Starlight just glanced at each other and shrugged, before laughing. Of all three, Trixie was easily the hardest to faze when it came to animals. “Alright, so what do you think?” Trixie grinned as the snake on her midriff, now content, drifted back to sleep. “I can’t wait.” > Chapter 2- Where the Dead Trees Burn In the Midnight Hour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTRANCE WITHOUT EXPRESSED PERMISSION OF THE QUEEN IS SUBJECT TO REMOVAL OF THE PERPETRATOR'S HEAD. Trixie and Sunset laughed nervously. All three stared at the slightly overgrown sign as they stood before the entrance to the Everfree. Starlight however, just laughed and said in an almost singsong voice. “Don’t worry girls; I got the permits, as promised.” Sunset laughed and nudged Starlight. “I wasn’t too worried, but Trixie was shivering in fear.” “How dare you! I wasn’t afraid, I was shivering in excitement!” “You were scared! Just admit it!” “I was not! You may have been, but I was thinking how much more exciting this will be than the time we camped in that Dragon’s cave.” “Ha you got that right, Trixie. Though the corpse did provide a rather neat ambience.” “Well this will be better, especially since a certain applebucker brought some actually scary stories this time!” Starlight rolled her eyes and hugged them both. “Oh c’mon you two, quit measuring, you’re both brave. Now stop flexing and lets get to camping!” *** “So, what kind of food did you pack?” Sunset, Starlight, and Trixie had been walking through the forest for a while. Upon feeling her stomach growl, Sunset inquired about the food situation. Trixie laughed. ”We brought some carrots to steam and marshmallows to roast on the campfire. And of course we brought some apples for you to snack on, because we know you prefer those to carrots.” "Sounds awesome! Hey what about your snake?" "Yeah, I'll need to find something for Snuggles to eat. Probably find some squirrel or mouse later." "Make sure you do Trix; you wanted it. You take care of it." "Yeah, yeah, no worries." “I mean it Trix, I want a Star Promise on this.” “Oh come on.” “Do it. Now!” “Okay, okay, calm down darling. May the stars fall from the sky, striking me down if I lie. I hereby promise to feed Snuggles by tomorrow morning!” “Good girl. You know I trust you. It’s just you tend to forget things sometimes.” “Oh that’s just adorable.” “Shush Sunset.” “Ha! Make me, Trixie!” “I’m sure I can find something to put in your mouth to keep you quiet.” “Oh? Is that a promise?” “Starlight are we there yet?” “Almost! Don’t let me stop your fun time you two.” Trixie’s horn glowed a bright blue as Starlight sat down to watch the show. Turning to Sunset she spoke teasingly. “Perfect! C’mere darling!” “Mmmmrgh!” “Ha! That shut you up. I win! Now to claim my prize.” *** Hours later, as the moon rose above the treetops above them, the three girls found themselves sitting around a campfire. Sunset lay, content, on Trixie’s lap; a collar and leash around her neck. Trixie gently stroked her mane as Snuggles lay, basking in the glow of the firelight nearby. Starlight sat next to on the other side of Sunset, gently running a hoof up and down the mare’s torso while using her free hoof to roast an apple for her. “This is the life, girls.” “You said it, Star. Hey how about we let our ‘pet’ off her leash and we hear this story she was so jazzed about earlier?” As Starlight undid the leash from Sunset’s collar, she spoke quietly. “It’s nice to be away from Ponyville and Canterlot for a while, so we can spend this time together and do as we please, even if only for a weekend. Alright Sunset, scare us.” Using the magic of her horn, Sunset called forth a book from a satchel by the tent. Still laying on Trixie’s lap with the book hovering before her eyes, Sunset began. Her voice quiet as the flames danced across her smiling face. “With pleasure. This is the story of The Shattered Heart. It all began centuries ago…" *** “And they say, if you go to the circle of dead, standing trees around the midnight hour in the Everfree and say her name the ring of fire will still appear. For her cursed blood still flows through the ground, where that shattered heart still lies buried. So heed my advice and never bring your lover to the Everfree. Don’t enter the circle. Don’t say her name. And if you do, don’t mention your lover’s name. Or you, like them, shall meet with a most grievous fate as the mare will most definitely kill her own mate. The End.” The fire had slowly diminished over many hours and now it was nothing more than glowering embers. Sunset had begun using her magic to illuminate the campground as she had been reading. As she finished, she glanced up at Starlight and Trixie to find them both shivering and looked to be hugging each other for comfort. “Well?” Trixie laughed hollowly. “That was pretty fur-raising, that’s for sure. E-Even the forest quieted down to listen.” Starlight looked around and listened. Trixie was right, not a sound was being uttered throughout the Everfree. Chuckling nervously, Starlight added. “Y-yeah, that was...that was something. You definitely picked a winner. If you’ll excuse me, I need to go take a powder.” Trixie nodded furiously. “Yeah I...I think I’ll join you darling.” As the two went off. Sunset grinned. “Finally vindication for how not scary my last one was. I knew they’d love it. While they’re gone, I'll set up the sleeping bags.” It was the work of a few minutes to unroll the one double-wide sleeping bag and the single and place them side by side. The mare dutifully packed up the loose snacks and tidied up the campsite, a task she was quite used to doing for Trixie and Starlight often. “Sunset.” Trixe and Starlight had returned and seemed to want to talk to her about something. Sunset quickly stopped what she was doing and sat down, as was expected of her. “Aw, good girl. Trixie and I think you’ve earned a nice reward for the wonderful story earlier. So Trixie has agreed to let you spend tonight cuddling with me.” “Really, Trixie?" “Yeah, Yeah, generous of me, I know. Now shush and accept your reward before I change my mind.” After saying these words, Trixie gave Sunset a hug, and whispered gently in her ear. “You did a good job. I’m proud of you sweetie.” Sunset smiled happily as Trixie gave her flank a smack. It had been this way between the three for the past 13 years. Sunset was proud to be the submissive of both Trixie and Starlight, and they were proud to own her heart. Starlight laughed. “Time for bed, everypony.” *** Later, as Sunset lay snuggling close to Starlight, Trixie felt a tickling sensation in her ear. Groggily she whined. “Starlight, you said not until we get home...Hrgggh let me sleep you tease!” The sensation continued and opening her eyes, she nearly leapt from the sleeping bag. It wasn’t Starlight but Snuggles the snake, and he was just as frightened recoiling in fear at the sudden movement. Taking a moment to collect herself, Trixie gently pet the snake in an effort to calm it down. “Hey boy, don’t scare me like that! What’s wrong?” Hissing, the snake explained the situation to Trixie. “Oh I am so sorry! I forgot to feed you didn’t I, sweetie? I’ll get you something in the morning I promise.” She was about to roll over when she remembered the Star promise she made earlier. Very few things frightened the mare of Generosity and Kindness, however, even she dreaded breaking a Star promise with Starlight. Looking at the snake with a smile, she spoke gently. “Don’t worry baby; mama will get you some food. Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Taking care not to wake Sunset and Starlight, Trixie rose stealthily out of her sleeping bag. Taking great care not to upset her snake friend, Trixie lay him on her sleeping bag. And after assuring him she would be right back, stumbled off into the pitch black of the Everfree, to find something for Snuggles to eat. > Chapter 3: The Name That Should Never Be Said > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Stupid snake.” Trixie was quietly sneaking through the underbrush of the pitch black Everfree Forest. As she muttered this out loud, she grimaced. That’s not fair, after all I was the one that promised him a meal, after all. Not his fault I forgot. I wonder if he would like a nice warm terrarium, perhaps I could even convince Starlight to perform an eternal warming spell on the snakes home. That would be- Trixie’s thoughts were interrupted by a squeak of to the right; a forest mouse foraging for food in the dead of night. Trixie’s horn glowed as she removed a skinning knife from the holster on her right foreleg. Closing her eyes, she focused on and flung the knife in the direction of the squeak. Moments later a loud THUNK as the knife embedded itself in a nearby tree, rewarded her. She smiled, and then the smile vanished as she heard the distressed squeaking of the mouse in pain. Oh Luna above, no! As she hurriedly ran to the squeaking mouse, she lit her horn up so she could see. The sight that greeted her made her sick. The knife had pierced the mouse alright, just missing any vital organs as the poor creature screeched obscenities at her in pain. Trixie face-hoofed. I meant to kill him quickly, not inflict pain on the poor dear. Looking at the mouse, Trixie apologized as she drew forth her secondary blade. “I’m sorry little one, I never meant for you to feel pain. Relax darling, I’ll end your suffering. Go to sleep now. Sweet dreams await you eternal.” Without awaiting a reply, Trixie used her magic to thrust the backup knife straight in the heart of the tortured creature. The wretched mouse ceased it’s struggling as Trixie whispered softly. “If Snuggles ate carrots, we could have avoided this. Forgive me, little one. Rest in peace.” As she took a deep breath to calm herself, she turned her attention to the two knives now piercing the dead rodent. Her horn glowed brightly as she lamented the state of her hoof-crafted, knives. “Oh how ghastly! Ugh, now the shiny silver blades will be stained red. Maybe Starlight can help me remove those stains again. Oh come now, I didn’t sling you that hard, darlings; let go of the wood now.” Trixie was finding her magic ineffective as the knives, trembled at her beckon but would not leave the stump; where they were firmly embedded. Perhaps it is just my nerves affecting my magic, after all, I never feel justified in taking another creatures life. Though I do understand why I must. Lamenting these thoughts to herself, she slowly approached the embedded blades and grabbed the handle of one in her muzzle. “Lft gh shtpid knrf!” Angrily, Trixie let go of the knife handle; it wasn’t budging. “Just not my night, hmmph! Let go-what’s this?” Her horn’s light had illuminated the stump revealing strange words carved into it. Trixie examined them as she attempted to read the faded ponish. “Ca-denz-a, Shadow-mancer of Love.” “What in the hay does that mean?” The air grew warm around Trixie as the nearby trees began erupting in flames of green hellfire. The area lit up as the ring of dead trees became visible in the greenish blaze. The bark of the ancient trees crackled and sizzle with demonic energy and soft voices could be heard by Trixie whispering to her. “Run! Don’t let her get you! Run!” Trixie’s eyes were wide, her hooves were trembling as the ground below her began to glow a bloody red. Ears pinned back in fear, Trixie screamed the name of the one pony she could come to for anything; her lover. “Starlight! Help!” The ground below her began to quake as it glowed brightly three times and then, it stopped. The area went dark as the flames died out in the dead treetops; the bark without a scorch mark. And Trixie, mad with fright ran at a full gallop, off into the darkened forest, unable to make a sound; her voice, gone. *** Starlight’s eyes opened as she sat up in bed and looked at her hooves. She smiled and turned to look at the sleeping form of Sunset Shimmer, who was softly snoring at her side. Slowly she rose up out of the sleeping bag and started toward the campfire; smoldering away in a circle of jagged rocks the girls had found. “Starlight?” The lilac unicorn stopped as her name was called, her eyes flashing at the sound. Turning she smiled sweetly at Sunset. “It’s alright dear, go back to sleep. Just checking on Trixie, sweetie.” Sunset nodded and gave a smile. “Okay, good night love.” Starlight watched as Sunset slowly turned away and went back to sleep. Her horn glowed a bright sickly green as a rock near the campfire began to rise up. Smiling with a sickening grin, she spoke to Sunset in a loving voice. “Good night, Sunset. Sweet-” Pausing, she slammed the jagged rock into Sunset’s unprotected skull. It made a sickening CRACK as it embedded itself into the poor unicorn; granting her eternal dreams as the wound began to trickle blood. “Dreams-” CRACK, CRACK Again and again she levitated and smashed the rock into the still form of Sunset Shimmer, watching with a joyful grin as the insides of their skull spilled out onto the ground. “-Love.” Standing over her dead companion, Starlight licked her lips greedily as she spread the unicorn’s legs apart and gently licked the still warm corpse’s thigh. “I haven’t eaten in what feels like forever.” *** CRACKLE The fire burned a bright orange and crimson red, as well as a sunny yellow. Beside the fire Starlight sat holding a skewer, humming to herself, happily. Beside her lay fragments of a young mare’s skeleton; having been brutally torn apart. Copious amounts of blood drenched the ground beneath the skeleton. Thin layers of skinned hide lay scattered all over. On the skewer was a piece of unidentifiable texture. Using her muzzle, she pulled a stringy, almost sinewy chunk, of the cooked piece from the skewer in a vicious motion. It smelled of burnt pony. Slowly she chewed the piece of cooked food reflecting on the taste with a smile stained a dark crimson from her evening meal. Nothing like the flesh of a loving pony, late in the evening. Especially after a deliciously moist snack. She was so turned on. Delicious. Now that I’ve eaten, One remains. Starlight slowly rose and grinned maliciously. Picking up a nearby satchel with her sickly green magic, she calmly packed a skewer into it. Next she packed a couple raw carrots. Now fully packed, she used her magic to douse the fire, as she trotted off through the underbrush to find Starlight's one true love; Trixie. “Let's have some fun-" Her eyes flashed with a sickening green, as she smiled the now fang-like teeth she had filed. "love." > Chapter 4- Her Name Is Written On The Lips Of The Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Splish Trixie stood barrel-deep in an ice-cold river splashing her face with water. Still shivering, she tried to process what just happened to her. Okay, okay Trixie, darling calm down. Her eyes scrunched tightly as Trixie tried to recall the events of what occurred. I’m fine. Everything is fine. Alright I was looking for...food for Snuggles. I found a mouse and slew it. I stumbled on a-a- Her eyes snapped open. She couldn’t remember what happened to her. She remembered the mouse and then she was running, running through nettles, judging by the stinging fur on her forelegs. So now I’m at the river? What about Starlight? I need to go find them. Them? She shook her head in confusion, only able to recall Starlight. Oh darling, you’re losing it. No other pony came with us. Just Starlight. Silly girl. she was pretty sure there was no ‘them’ involved. Just her. Alright, let’s go find Starlight. Head still swimming with the mist of shock-based amnesia, Trixie shook the water from her mane and slowly trotted off into the underbrush to find her only lover; Starlight Glimmer. It was then, she heard the singing. The haunting melody filled her ears and mind until she couldn’t stop herself from seeking it’s source; the voice familiar and lustful. *** “This night is going to be per-fect, The kind of date of which I do adore”~ Starlight slowly stepped into the circle of dead, standing trees, her voice haunting and alluring. Her song flowed from her with a melodic taste of honey. Her eyes flashed a sickly green as she saw the blue unicorn running through the forest, heading her way. Sniffing the air, she gathered the scent of fear, pain, and desire. Smiling, she ran her tongue along the sharpened fangs she now possessed. Sharp and deadly. Not unlike those daggers that mare stuck in my epitaph. Strolling over to the dead tree stump when the blades of Trixie still dwelled, she took the time to admire the weapons. Starlight used her magic to pull forth the daggers to inspect them. Drawing a blade across her left forehoof, Starlight moaned in arousal as her blood began to drip, for the wound Hoof-crafted, lovingly made, and stylish to boot. Ignoring the pain, Starlight’s song began once more as she waited to share the delicious ecstasy of agony with Trixie; in the most permanent of ways. “I’ll take your very breath, And deliver to you death, As you lay helpless upon the forest floooor”~ Using her magic, she continued to watch Trixie draw near, and smiled lovingly. Soon. Starlight began swaying and twirling to her own melody as she continued; her excitement evident. “You won’t even see it coming, As I rend your bones and your flesh, From your very spine, Lovingly and divine, While you breathe a rattling last br-eath!”~ Slowly she licked the blade of one of the silvery knives and savored the taste of blood from the keenly sharpened blade. It won’t be long, not long at all. Soon I’ll give you eternal love. “You can try to run, But you can never hide, In these woods, You are all miiiine~ Starlight slowly and seductively drew a hoof down a tree trunk as she eagerly awaited the blue unicorn’s arrival. Her lust for Trixie filling her words as they filled the Everfree; seductive and welcoming. “Scream all you want, It will truly turn me on, As I turn you inside and out! Oh don’t you worry now, The sweetest embrace is coming soon, And soon my icy hoof of love will claim your souuuuul.”~ *** Trixie followed the song through the woods. Her mind was foggy and her eyes were hooded; almost as if under a spell. Pushing through briars and stinging thistles, Trxie ignored the pain and even grew more excited as she drew closer and closer to the singer. Faster and faster still, she rushed towards the sugary, lustful singer. Finally, she burst through the woods into the clearing of dead, standing trees. Her gaze brightened as she saw Starlight staring at her lovingly, beside who floated the knives Trixie so treasured. The look on Starlights face took on a malicious smirk as her song continued. “Finally the moment has arriii-ved, For you to perish at my side”~ Trixie’s eyes snapped into focus and her mind grew clearer. Starlight? Why is she wielding my blades? Wait...perish? What is going on? This isn’t right..Something’s wrong! “Oh go ahead and try to escape, You won’t escape this fate”~ Trixie tried to will herself to stop as she found herself stepping slowly towards Starlight; who now wore a murderous smile. No, stop! Why can’t I stop! I have to get out of here! As Trixie stepped within range Starlight grabbed her in a fierce hug, whispering the last of her song in Trixie's ear. “Becuase now you are, MINE! ALL MINE!”~ It was then as Trixie, trapped inside her disobedient body, screamed a final silent scream. Her face frozen in terror forever as Starlight, laughing, pierced Trixie’s torso with the twin blades slowly drawing them up and slicing Trixie’s midriff open allowing the innards to spill onto the cold, lifeless soil of the Everfree. The blood from Trixies heart coated the muzzle of Starlight as she tenderly lapped the lacerated organ. Starlight laughed as she withdrew the crimson-coated blades and licked them before sliding them just under the hide; skinning the hide off her now dead marefriend. *** Starlight’s eyes slowly came into focus as she yawned, as though awakening from a slumber. “Good morning T-” Looking down at her dead partner, Starlight screamed. The half skinned corpse, lay on the lifeless loam with her own hunting knives sticking out of it. “TRIXIE?! OH LUNA NO! This can’t be happening. Trixie! TRIXIE!” Wildly looking around for an answer, Starlight felt the cockles on her neck raise and a chill roll down her spine. A soft feminine laughter echoed around her. “She’s dead, you know.” Starlight called out shaking in fear and anxiety. “Who’s there? What did you do to her?” The voice laughed as a greenish mist appeared before Starlight’s eyes, and began to take shape; the form of an alicorn. “I am Mi Amore Cadenza, and I have done nothing to your desecrated lover. You were the one who killed her.” “You’re lying! I would never hurt her!” Laughing in a seductive taunt, the ghostly alicorn teased. “Oh, Starlight, if you don’t believe me, take a look at yourself. Her blood on your hooves and muzzle. I saw the whole thing you precious unicorn, you.” “N-no I-” “You both brutally murdered Sunset Shimmer and then you and her came here to commit a final act of desire for each other before you both committed a lover’s suicide.” “That- can’t be-” Starlight stared at her hooves in disgust, tears welling in her eyes. Did I- No I wouldn’t...right? “It’s not my fault princess that you grew cowardly when it came time to keep your end of the deal.” Starlight’s confusion began to cloud her mind. Her thoughts grew more and more muddied with every passing second Did we really... “Not very fair of you to leave your marefriend and partner waiting for you alone on the other side, is it?” They’re waiting for me. I should join them. These thoughts filled her mind as the alicorn’s voice filled her ears and Starlight’s eyes went out of focus. I should join them. Can’t keep them waiting. The alicorn smiled maliciously and whispered seductively. “Go to them; you love them don’t you? Join them.They are waiting.” Starlight’s magic lifted the bloodied knife from Trixie’s mutilated corpse and looked at it. A smile crossed her lips as she forced the knife deep within her chest. “Thank you Cadenza.” As her heart was pierced, she fell to the ground screaming in pain. Her head slammed into the ground as her eyesight grew dim; a loving smile on her now-still lips, forever. Laughing haughtily, the alicorn raised her ghostly head to watch as the sun began to rise above the horizon. The glowing form dissipated as the light from the sun hit it. As it vanished, her chilling laughter filled the dead silent Everfree; one last time.