> Escape of the Rainbow Factory > by Herobrine1087 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day in Clouds Dale and Shadow had finished his training at military school, well almost finished. His captain said that he needs to go back home to complete a Test to become a full night guard soldier. Well this sucks As he thought at the test. He thought it was stupid and asked his captain why he needed to do it to become a full night guard. His Captain (His mentour) said that it was the final step of becoming a full member of the Night guard and that's all. Although he found Clouds Dale his home he grew up in very boring than his time in military school. He just found his home very uninteresting. He still found the so called *Test* stupid and unessecary. I could of been done by now with my training and become a night guard but NOOOO I have to do this so called test before I become one. When his mentor announced this to the class he was sort of surprised although he wasn't that fond of surprises especially when one of the trainee's tried to jumpscare him but got a bloody noise for it. After that incident nobody tried to jumpscare him again because they knew what would happen if they did. Even though he didn't like this *Test* he had to do he still had to do it because it was a rule and rule' are rule's even if you think they are stupid are why they are there. Unless they are made by a stupid person how thinks they are doing correctly.Thought shadow as he walked down the pathway. He also wasn't very fond of rules either expect when they come from the Captian himself those rules made sense and you had to listen to them EVERY, LAST, ONE. He can still remember the first day he arrived at Military school and meet the Captain for the first time. He was like a father to him because he would always train with him and support him when things got taugh and when he needed it. I had a father once...before he died. It all happened one day on the news. Although he never really knew his father that much and he was still a colt. It all happened when he said he had to go to the office for an ergant meeting. After that he never came back and one of the soldiers came to them. He said he needed to talk in private with my mom and weren't for sensitive ears. When his mom went to the kitchen to talk in private shadow sneakly followed and heard that his had been killed in action. Shadow still young still didnt know what was going on but his mother came with tearful eyes and hugged him like the world was gonna end or she was gonna lose him forever. Ever since then it was different. It has just been him and his mom since then and had to move from Canterlot to Clouds Dale. His mom said it will be cheaper and more fun than being in the city. It was fun for a while and he got bored of it. He was more a ground pony then a sky pony but he still liked flying in the sky every now again but was also part of his training at Military School. Luckly for him the test was only tomorrow and would be ready for it. Maybe I can stay at my moms house until then. It would be nice to see her again and catch up whats happening and how she is doing. I still remember the day how she re-acted when I was leaving for military school.This was true his mom nearly broke into tears and tried to stop from going once or twice. I can even remember our conversation before I left. *** "Mom I'll be fine you don't have to worry so much" Said shadow as he started to pack and get ready to leave for military school. "I just...don't want to lose you like your father and that was hard for me" she sighed "Im just not ready to see you go yet." "What if you dont make it, What if you need my help but Im not there, What if you get injured, What if..." She paused as Shadow got up and hugged his mom. "Mom Ill be fine trust me." "Thats what I worry about." As she embraced his hug. "How about this I will writes lettets to if I need your help,ok?" She nodded at him "Besides I know your worried about and everything that is going on around us ever since dad died, but you dont have THAT much" "Just come back alive please it is already hard for me now." She said as she sighed holding back her tears. "Dont worry I will come back and I will stay out of trouble" This was a lie. He liked trouble and danger while he was at military school. Expect that one time when he thought his mom's boss was a bad guy and nearly punched in the face but his mom stopped him and apologized for it. "Just promise me you will" "I promise" Shadow said as he packed the last bit of his stuff in his bag and ready to go. As he reached the front his mom gave him one final hug "I love you shadow" "I love you to mom" As he opened the front waved goodbye to his mom and left to Military School in Canterlot. *** That was all three years ago and now he is back where he was when he was just a small colt. But now he was no longer a colt he was a teenager. As he continued to walk down the pathway to his mom. After some time he got to his moms house and walked up to the door. With a deep breath he lifted up his hoof and knocked on the door. He waited for his mom to open the door. He wondered how his would react to him and wondered if she will remember him. The door started to open before he could nock again and before him was a pink pegasus mare with a purple mane and a red cross for a cutie mark on her flank. This mare was his mother and as she stared at him for several seconds he decided to break the silence. "Hi mom I'm back liked you promise" Without another word she leaped toward him and gave him the biggest hug he ever had. "MY BABY!!!" As she cried with tears of joy. Although this didnt last long as she was tighting her hug on him. "Mom...your...crushing...me." As he tried to break free from his mothers grip on him. "Oh sorry" She let go of him as he took a deep breath from his gripper. "Oh I have so much to talk about you and your training in the military but lets go inside where its more private don't you say?" "Agreed" As shadow started to walk in the house and have a nice discussion between them. What seemed like minutes of talking turned out to be hours of it. They would talk about alot of things like how are things and whats happenening around them and etc. "So hows military school?" She asked as she took a sip from her tea. "Good actually. I am nearly done with it." He said as he waited for his mom finish sipping from her tea. "I just need to finish this test and then I am done." His mother gave a confused and surprised look "What test?" She asked as she took another sip from her tea. "I don't know, they just said I must finish this test first and that's all they said. I tried to ask them what is was about but they said nothing else." His mom gave him a confused look on her face but despite this she still took a sip from her tea and asked another question. "So do you have a girlfriend yet?" Shadow immediately shoot up "MOOOOM!" as he screamed in embarassment. "What just asking." As she looked at him "Why can't a mother ask her own son if he has a girlfriend or not?" As she put down her tea but still asked him the same question "So do you?" He immediately turned his to his mother and shock his head in response. His mom gave him a shocked look to him "What! My son doesn't have a girlfriend yet and yet it has been three years since then." Shadow immediately protested at his mom. "Well its not that easy mom!" "Oh really, tell me then" She replied to his protest. "Well none of the girls in canterlot really were interesting for me or not to my liking" as he scartched the back of his head "Some of them we to bosse, some of them were to cleanie or too royal and yea." As he put his hoof down. His mother took a sip and looked at her son."Well then it is time for you to get one." Shadow gave his mother a shocked and disapproval look. "What!?" "You heard me its time for you to get one" she replied " I cant let my little shadow live all alone."as she got from her seat and walked towards him "atleast try and get one for yourself. It is always better try to and fail then not try at all." "But mom...." as he protested against his mom. "No buts young man you are getting a girlfriend wether you like it or not. If not do it for me do it for yourself." "Fine but if I dont get one I get to say 'I told you so'." as he looked at his mom competively. "Deal" She said with a detemined look on her face. "Although I am going to be the one saying that to you." "Your on" as they both laughed at each other. "Oh my goodness look at the time." The sun had already set and it was nearly night time. "Time flies when your having fun." He commited to his mother "Come let me take you to your old room you must be exhausted on your way here." This was no lie he couldnt resist the sleep in his eyes much longer. "Alright" as he followed his mom to his old bedroom. "Here we are" As she showed him the door that lead to his old bedroom. "Thanks mom." as he opened the door to his opened the door to his old bedroom. He had lots of old memories here when he was a colt. He stepped inside and walked to his bed although it is a lot bigger now since he is older than his old one. "I was thinking in changing it to a guest room but I didnt think you would like that if I did." "Thank you mom" When he reached his bed he tucked himself in his bed and was ready to doze off. As he did this his mom came and kissed his forehead like he was a little colt again. She walked to the door and turned off the lights. "Goodnight my little soldier." "Goodnight mom" as he dozed off ready for tomorrow. *** It was a new day in Clouds Dale as the sun started to rise and its ray shining down on it. When the sun's ray reached Shadows room it was blocked by the curtains keeping out its ray from getting in. Shadow was sleeping peacefully in his bed. He had never slept so well in his entire life and he was enjoying. That until his mom came in house and woke him up. "Rise and Shine Shadow" She walked over to the curtains to let the sun ray's to come in and spread its light all around the room. As for shadow he covered himself with his blanket tob block the sun and his mom from waking him up. His mom saw this and immdiately come up with a plan. She walked over to him and whispered in his ear. "Unless you wanna back out from our deal last night?" Shadow immediately got up and gave his mom a confident look "Never!" "Well than get ready you lazy bones because today is your test and you dont want to be late for that do you?" His mom did have a point there he did not want to be late for his test. "Also breakfast is down stairs so I want you ready when I see you in the kitchen" As she did this she walked towards the door and closed it. As he got out of bed he walked to the bathroom to go brush his teeth and shower. As he walked to the bathroom he wondered what the test was and how well he was going to do. I hope its not a flying test other wise I wont do that good at it. Shadow said as he walked inside the bathroom and started to brush his teethBut its nothing I can't handle I mean I am quite good at avoiding and blocking enemys Even though he was a pegasus he still prefered the ground then the air, sure it was awesome flying in the sky without a care in the world but he still liked the ground more. Although that was his problem 'flying' was his weak point, sure he could avoid a few moving targets and obstacles here and there but he still was bad at it. Espiecally when he was at military and were having test on their flying. He did well for a while but then it was time for the manoeuvre and tight turn obstacle, thats where he failed at it. During this he crashed into a moving obstacle that he didnt see and crashed on the ground. Luckly his fall wasnt to severe but after that incident he knew that flying tight corners and manoeuvres were his weakness. As he finished brushing his teeth he got into the shower and turned the tap on. After five or ten minutes in the shower Shadow got out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry himself. After drying himself and got out of bathroom. Shadow went to his bedroom door and opened it to smell something delicious. Smeems like mom is making breakfast already Shadow closed his door and went down stairs to see what his mom was making. As he approched the kitchen he saw his mom making bacon and eggs for breakfast. "Egg white hard and and yolk soft or the yolk hard as well?" She asked "Yolk soft please mom." He replied to his mom. "Ok then" as she continued making breakfast. "Grab a plate breakfast is nearly done." Shadow didnt need to be told twice as he grabbed a plate from the cupboard and walked over to his mom. He walked up to his mom as she served him breakfast. "Ready for today?" She asked as she served him breakfast. "More than ready" He said with a confident tone "Good then, I don't want my son to be unprepared for his test today" "Mom when have I ever let you down." "I know you wont just checking if you are." After Shadow fnished his delicious breakfast he got up from the kitchen, walked to the front door and waved goodbye to his mom. I will pass my test and make my mom proud of me. He opened his wings and took off where his test was being held *** Shadow flew for some time and arrived where the test was taking place. He landed and folded his wings. As he landed he saw what looked to be one of the judges. Maybe I can ask him what the test is about? As he started to approach what looked like the judge. "Excuss me sir is this where the test is?" The judge gave a small glare at him "Why yes and are you a pegus?" No shit sherlock Im a unicorn Shadow almost lased out of him but keeped calm and spoke politly. "Yes, yes I am." He spread his wings to he was telling the truth. "Alright then, please go to the desonated area to wait." Before Shadow could ask what the test was about the judge immediately turned away from him and flew off. "Rude" He said as he went to the area the judge showed him to wait. Im sure all the judges are like that I dont even know why I came here. While Shadow was complaining about the test and judge he did not see the pony that was in front of him. "OOF...HEY! Watch were your..." Before he could finish his sentence he stared at the pony he walked into. The pony was a mare with white fur and a red mane and tail. She was also a pegasus and had a cutie mark that he had never seen before. "Are you alright?" He offered a hoof to help her up. "Yes thank you" As she accepted his hoof. "Sorry that I bumped into you I was lost in my thoughts" "Its ok I can understand that" "So are you here for the test as well?" "Yes I am actually. Im here to finish my studies as a nurse." "Awesome" As Shadow looked at her, she was very beautiful and couldn't resist her. She was very different to the mares in Canterlot. If this happened in Canterlot the mare would of thrown a hisse fit at him for bumping her but she didnt. Then without warning he asked her a question he sure would regret "So where do you live?" "Excuse me?" She asked Stupid, you dont ask a mare you just me where she lives. Why did I say that "Actually forget I said..." "Ponyville" She replied "Excuse me?" "I live in ponyville" She said again Shadow exhaled forcefuly like he dodge a bullet. "Really?" He asked "Well..I used to live here but then me and my parents moved to ponyville. They said it was alot quieter and nicer and their jobs were closer to them." "I heard that place is very nice their." "Yip" She nooded "So...where do you live?" She asked "Huh?" She giggled a little as she repeated herself "Where do you stay?" "I stay in Canterlot" "With your parents?" "No my mom stays here in CloudsDale." She gave a surprise look on her face "Why do you stay in Canterlot?" "Im training to be a Night Guard there" He replied. "I guess thats why you have a shield for a cutie mark." As she looked over to see it "Eeyup" "What is yours?" "Oh let me show you" As she turned to show him her cutie mark Shadow gave a puzzled look when he saw this. "What is that?" "Its a caduceus" "Uh what now?" "A caduceus. A symbol of medicine" "How did you get it?" He asked eargrly to find out. "I got it when my dad was really sick and the medicine the doctors gave him werent working. But I noticed the docters were giving him the wrong ones. So I decided to help my dad and gave him the right ones after working with the medicine." She smiled as she said this. "Then all of a sudden my cutie mark appeared when he was all healed and all better." "Thats amazing!" She blushed a little as he said this "Thx. Nobody has ever said that to me before" "Well what was I supposed to say" "So what is your name?" "My name?" Shadow responed "Yea silly. What is it?" "Oh my name is Shadow Hunter" "Thats a nice name" All of a sudden he blushed What is this? He asked himself why his face we turning red "Thank you" "What is yours" He asked "My name is Rose Heart" "Thats a Beautiful name" Rose blushed even harder as he said this and tried to hide it from him. "Everyone may I have your attentiom!" Everyone heard this and went towards the judge as he called. "The test is about to begin so if you would kindly go and line up in front of the obstacle course." Shadow and Rose heard this and knew they should get going. "I guess we better get going" "Agreed" As they both troted to where the obstacle course began. *** The two of them arrived where everyone else was lined up. "This test will conduct how good are you flying skills and agility are." One of the judegs said. Wait a minute flying, agility this was a flying test. One of his weaknesses "The rules of this test are easy, you fly to far right you fail, miss or crash into an obstacle you fail, try to back out from the test you..." The judge paused as someone yelled from the crowd. "We get it you fail can we just get one with it." As the tried to look how it was, he cleared his throat and continued "As I was saying those are the rules of this test. Any questions?" The judge asked when he was done making his statement. "Good, now lets begin." "Since you guys are older we have decided to make the coures a little more challenging" As one of the judges pulled a switch. The obstacles and rings started to move around. "Now lets begin" exclaimed the judge. "Fly, fall, complete!" As he said to the first pony in front. As the line got shorter and shorter Shadow got more nervous every time. Flying tight turns and manoeuvres was his weakness. Rose was in front of him although when she turned to see him she looked quite worried. "Hey shadow are you ok?" "Yea Im fine just worried about this test thats all" "Why?" "Well...flying tests really arent my specialty." "Oh well dont worry Im sure you'll do fine." "Next!" As the judges called out to signify it was Roses turn to do the obstacle. "Good luck" Shadow exclamined "Thx" She replied as she stood ready "FLY, FALL, COMPLETE!" With those words she took off. She was actually doing well, that until it come to her landing. When she was about to land she opened her wings too late and hit the ground with a hard thud. She landed where everyone was supposed to land but falied to do so. When she tried to get up from her crash their was a crack sound in the distance. "AAAAAAH" She fell back down to the ground, one of her front legs were injured and broken. Shadow looked at her with horror She must of broke her front leg when she crashed "FLY, FALL, COMPLETE" The jugded called out to him. He got ready to take off as he looked at her. He couldnt help but wanting to help her. Keep calm Shadow you can do this dont get distracted. He took a deep breath in and out and took off. He dodge a few obstacle and just managed to make the tight turns and manoeuvres. As he continued to fly he saw rose struggling to get up. As he did this he did not the ring that was coming up and crashed into it. He revored and landed. When he was done he immediately ran to rose to help her. "Are you alright?" He asked OF COURSE SHES NOT ALRIGHT SHE HAS A BROKEN LEG DUMBASS "Sort of, just a broken leg." She replied "We need to get you to a Doctor, NOW!!" Shadow lifted her up and put her broken arm around his neck "Can you fly atleast?" "Yes I can" "Alright then lets..." "And where do you think your going?" One of the judges spotted this. "To a Doctor sir she needs medicial attention." "Im afraid I cant allow that" "Why not!?" Shadow protested "You and her failed the test and must go to the pick up dock immediately." "After I take her to a doctor." The judge was getting annoyed by this "Its the rule!" "Well the rule is stupid if you ask me" The judge glared at him for this protest he was giving and without hestitation he lifted them both his magic and took them to the loading docks. What the hell he's a unicorn but I thought only peguas were only to be judges "HEY PUT US DOWN!!" As Shadow tried to grab The unicorn just ignored him and continued on. *** When they arrived at the loading dock the judge dropped them there and one last glare at Shadow "Wait here until the transport arrives to take you both." The judge walked back to where he came from but had cast a spell to prevent from them escaping or flying off. After a while he disappered. Shadow tried to open his wings and leave the bazare place but couldnt when his wings refused to open. What has that unicorn done to me? After a few attempts of trying to open his wings he gave up when they didnt open up. He looked at Rose to see if she was still ok. "How are you holding up rose?" Shadow asked "Ok but thank you for trying to help me" She replied. He could not help but feel guilty for not helping her at first and only helping her when he was done. "Sorry that I couldnt help you at first. I... just... thought when I am done I could help you." He said hanging his head low "Its ok shadow I know how you feel" She said with a calming and forgiving voice "Thank you Rose" After a while of waiting the pickup had arrived. He had the same expression as the judge earlier, same galier and look in his eyes. "Get in!" He demanded "No!" Shadow was getting tried of being bossed around by these ponies he just wanted to go home. "Get in or I hurt you and her!" Without hestittation they both got in. The door slamed shut behind them and sat down at the floor. It felt like hours being in that cargo box and they suddenly flet like that hey had landed. The doors opened for me and siganaling them to move. "Get out!" They got out and trotted to what seem to be the weather factory. Why are we going to a weather factory? Shadow wondered Why would failed ponies come here? Alot of questions ran through his mind when he heard a small voice calling him. "Hey shadow why do you think we are being brought here?" Rose asked "I dont know but I dont like it" He replied Just before Rose could ask the pegaus why they were being brought here he knocked on the door and a orange pegasus stepped out with a white cote. All of a sudden Shadow had a uneasy feeling seeing this pegasus and wanted to tell rose to start running but he couldnt because the unicorns spell was still working and they still couldn't fly. "Here are two more" "Thank you I'll take it from here" The pegasus that brought them here bowed his head and walked off. "Come with me." They followed him to a door. But this was no ordianary door it was a metal door that looked heavy and strong to break through. As he opened the door he smiled at them. "This way" as he pointed a hoof inside the dark room. Again shadow felt an uneasy feeling setteling in again. They stepped in the dark room and looked around it was pitch black they could hardly see one another in it. The pegasus with a wide smile grined at them. "Enjoy the rest of your miserable lives" As he slamed the door shut. Shadow heard this and immediately run toward the door "Hey Open Up!" as he banged against the door. he stopped after a while and glanced at there surroundings. There were pipes and chains hanging lose and a gaint machine what looked to be red paint all over it. "Where are we?" Rose asked with a concerned look on her face. "I don't know but I've got a bad feeling about this" Within a second the lights went on and saw red paint on the machine wasnt really red paint. It was blood and it was all over it like a massecre. They heard the door open again, two more ponies stepped in. No wait three ponies stepped in two were stallions and the other one was a mare. They were also pegasus. All of a sudden a door opened up but it came from upstairs. A blue pegasus come out with coloured hair but this was no ordinary pegasus. It was Rainbow Dash the one how made the sonic rainboom. "What is she doing here?" Shadow asked one of the stallions that were standing next to him. "I dont know" replied one of them "But I have heard that she lost her mind and killed her own sister for the this factory" When he heard this he was shocked to that someone would kill their own sibling to keep their job. Rainbow stepped on a balecony that showed the unlucky pegasus that were standing below her. "Welcome to the Rainbow Factory Failures!" Rainbows statement hit him like a bullet Failures, they werent failures sure, sure they failed their flying test but they werern't failures "You have been choosen to keep the factory running due to failure." Rainbow dash said as she smiled with grin. Shadow knew that things were about to change around here, alot of things were about to. As she stared at the failures that stood before her she gave out a psycho laugh at them, that sent chilles down their spins. Eeyup...things are definitely about to change. As Shadow stared at rainbow that contined to laugh. > The Factory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow was emptying out the cart of what the machine had left behind. This was his usuall dutie that Rainbow dash put him in. As he emptied out the cart a dead fillie fell out of it. When Shadow saw this the first time he nearly throw up. After a week or so he got used to it but was still sickened by the way they did it. Why, why were they also doing this to foals they didnt derserve this, any of these by the matter. They desreved better. Once Rainbow forced them to watch the machince at work and how it operated. Shadow once tried to rescue one but was tazed back to the ground to prevent him from doing it again. Rose took it the hardest she fainted at the sight but was forced to watch it again since she fainted. She even tried hiding one from its horrible death. Eventually they found the foal and hit rose for hiding it. This all happened one week ago, one week ago they were happy and enjoying their live like nothing mattered but that all changed when they failed the test. One week ago they entered hell and a never ending tormente. One foals body got riped by the chains. All of its body organs fell on the floor and blood spat everywere. Food and water was also scarce. They would give out very little food and water and everyone would always fight about it to survive. Everyone but Rose she would not fight for the food but try and make everyone stop fighting over it. That until one day somebody had enough of her and hitted her. *** "SHUT UP YOU STUPID MARE!!!" the pony that had hit her said with irreration in his tone. Just before he could hit her again Shadow came and pushed him off her. "Hey why don't you pick on someone your on size." Shadow said. "Like you!" The pony said as he formed a grin on his face. "Why yes but just warning you I wont go easy on you." Shadow said as he stood on defencesive mode. The pony smiled at him and charged at him with full force. He avoided most of his attacks and punched him square in the face. Thanks to his experience in military school he was able to control his punches but gave the pony a bloody nose to teach him a lesson. "YOU SON OF A BITCH" The pony screamed as he came again to attack shadow. Shadow turned around and bucked him in the chest. This a very dangerous techinque and if not careful you can kill someone by doing this. Luckly he had control over his buck and just kicked him back but still able to breath. The attacker breathed heavily and trying to control his breathing. "Next time choose your opponents wisely and next time you hurt her I will kill you." Shadow said with fire in his eyes. The attacker saw this, got up and walked away from them. *** Ever since then Shadow become protective over Rose and always helped when she needed it and other ponys would back off when they saw him. They even became afriad of him and back off when the food came. Some would even come to his cell and give him their food but he refused when they did and let them keep their food. While in captivity Shadow and Rose meet two pony's and had the same story as them. One was a stallion hows name was stronghold. He was studing to be a Royal guard. The other one was a mare, her name was light. She wanted to become a fashion desinger and make clothes for a living. These two ponies became friends and helped them when ever they needed it. However today was different. Today Shadow was going to experience his worst nightmare. Shadow was doing his usual duties like always, empty out the creats from the machine that had left behind. As he was emptying the crate he heard a scream in the distance. AAAAAAAH At first he thought his mind was playing tricks on him and continued on his duty. Then he heard the sream again Please Dont!? The voice sounded to familiar it almost sounded like Rose voice. THATS BECAUSE IT IS HER VOICE YOU IDIOT! Shadow dropped his cart and ran towards the screaming. When he had arrived he thought his heart had dropped for what he was seeing. Rose was lying there helpless and with pleading eyes begging for her attacker not to do it. He turned towards Roses attacker and was carrying a tazer that the guards had. He then also saw that he had no sympathy was going to kill rose. Shadow immediately run towards them and punched Roses attacker of her with a hard punch. *** Rose was emptying the old the colours the factory had made. When the colours start to fade it is time to throw them out and bring in the new ones. This was Roses duty, to emtpy the old ones so the new ones can come. Although rose did not do it alone. She had someone to help but it was a random person, and this random person was a stallion. This stallion was black and had a sword cutie mark. Although the reason why she needed help was because of her injured arm. Her arm was bandaged with bandages from the medical room, although Shadow I to steal some to bandage her arm. This made seen as a easy target or vulnerable to the guards and other ponies that wanted to hurt her. As they are walking to the dumping area rose trips on herself and spills all the colours on the stallion like he did it. He gave her angry look "Do You Realize What You Have Done?!" He said with angrer in his tone. "I - I'm sorry. Here let me help you get that off." She said with fear and conserne in her tone. As she tried to get it off him, it only made it worse and got a hoof to the face for trying. She fell the the floor with a thud and tried to get up back got pushed back down from the stallion. When he was on top of her, he stomped on her leg with a big thud. "AAAAAAAH" She sreamed as she felt the pain in the back leg. She tried to retract he leg by bringing it in but was hit again in her other back leg but with more force. "AAAAAAAAH" She screamed again from the pain as she tried to curl into a ball to prevent him from hurting her some more also to protect her face. She tried to crawl away but was pulled back by her tail. "Please Stop!" Rose exclaimed trying to escape her attacker. He didnt stop, he only contined by hitting her and punching her in her face and legs. "AAAAAH!" Rose screamed in pain as he hit her in the face. All of a sudden there were hoof steps coming towards them in the dark. "Good, very good" Rainbow dash said as she walked towards them and clapping her hooves. "Now I just need you to do one last thing." She said with a grin on her face. She gave her attacker a tazer. One the guards use when there is trouble in the factory. "Kill her" She said as she pointed to rose. Rose's pupils shrunk and looked at her attacker. "No please don't" Rose said with pleading eyes. "Kill her now and you'll be free." Rainbow dash continued "NO please, dont listen to her" Rose screamed with fear in her voice and tears in her eyes. She didnt want to die, she still had so much to do. She wanted to go home and see her family again. She wanted to finish her studies as a nurse and become and join The 'Ponydale Hospital' and save lives. She wanted to see her friends again and start her own life. She still had so much to do. "Please..." She said with fear in her and tears running down her face. She looked at her attacker just to see a little empathy for her. She saw none of it, the last of his sanity had left him and had the look of a killer and was ready to do so. He switched the tazer on like the guards did and was ready to finish her. Rose closed her eyes as tears continued to run down her face, waiting for him to finish her. Rose waited for him to strick down on her but it never did. She heard a punch she opened her eyes to see what was happening. She was expecting her attacker standing over her but instead was somepony else standing over her. But this was no stranger she knew this pony. As she looked over him some more she knew how it was, it was shadow. He was standing over her like a shield protecting her from harms way. "I wont let you hurt hurt her anymore!" He screamed at her attacker. She has never been so happy to see him in her whole life *** Shadow stood over Rose protecting her from her attacker. He glanced back at her and saw the worst. She was badly beaten. Her back legs were swollen and her face red from the attack. As he glanced back at rose's attacker he saw the last of his sanity had left him. There was noting left but anger. Her attacker stood up from where he was lying down. "Oh ho ho, your in for it now." He said with a devilish grin on his face. He picked up the tazer he had dropped and ran towards Shadow. Shadow jumped back from the pegasus. He attacked again but got a hoof to the face as he did so. He startled back a and put a hoof to his face to stop the his bleeding nose. "Had enough" Shadow proclamied. "NO, not unless I kill you and her together" He said as he attacked him again Shadow dodged this with eaz "JUST, STAY, STILL!!!" He said with annoyance in his tone. "Why?" Shadow said with a sarcastic tone "SO I CAN KILL YOU!" He shouted "Ok then" Shadow stopped moving and standed still as a statue. The pegasus looked confused at first and but didnt waste the opportunity he was given. Good he has taken the bait Shadow turned around and bucked him square in the chest with a loud crunch Bulls eye as roses attacker fell to the ground motionless but still breathing, hardly. This was called 'The Buck" it is a lethal kick that can lead to serious injury or even death if not in control that he was taught by his captian and only his captain. The attacker lying down on the floor motionless still as Shadow picked up the tazer the attacker had dropped and walked towards him. "Remember this" Shadow said as he held the tazer towards roses attacker. "The weapon you used against her" Shadow with a grin forming on his face "Now lets see how you feel about when someone tazes you for no reason." without a second thought he brought down the tazer close to his heart. Shadow wasnt going to kill him but he was going to make him feel the same pain he inflicted on Rose. "Sh-Sh-Shadow?" As rose looked at him with scared and confused look. When he looked at rose and back at the attacker Shadow immdetaily dropped the tazer and looked at the attacker.What Im I doing!? Shadow ran to rose but wont she be afriad of him now since he nearly killed him. The last thing he wants is for rose to be afraid of him. This place was changing him. Shadow walked up to rose aand helped her up. "Are you alright?" Shadow asked with concerne "Yes, thanks to you." Rose said with a smile on his face. As she tried to stand up she fell but was stopped by shadow. "Can you walk?" Shadow asked " I think so..." "Ok then lets-" Shadow was cut short when rose gave him a hug. He never had a hug before by someone expect for his mom but this was different. He was just shocked that instead of running away from him, she gave him a hug. "Thank you for saving" She said as she tightend her hug on him. "Your welcome" Shadow said. All of a sudden he had tingly feeling in his heart in which he had never felt before. What is this feeling? as he put a hoof to his heart. He never had this feeling with the other mares he had meet why does he feel it only now. Whatever it is it feels....nice and warming. Shadow looked down at the mare that was hugging him and hugged her back like the world was ending. "Shall we head back?" Shadow asked "You can lie on my back if you want to?" Rose blushed a little as she turned her attention back to shadow. She nodded in agreement as shadow lifted her up onto his back. As they walked back to their cell Rainbow was watching them in the dark without them seeing her. She called on of her guards to come to her and fetch someone specific. "I want you to bring me that pony, he may be very useful to us?" Rainbow asked "That one that is called Shadow Hunter ma'am?" The guard asked curiously about Rainbow Dashies demand "Yes him I want you to bring him to me and I dont want him hurt or injured or else I will feed you the machine. Understood?!" The guard nodded as he walked away to fetch the one called Shadow Hunter. As the guard walked off Rainbow formed a sheepish grin on her face and looked at the injured pegasus that was lying on the floor motionless. "Its a ashame that you have to go to waste" Rainbow dash said as she looked over the motionless yet still breathing pegasus. "You could of been useful guard but instead you get beaten by a prisoner" as rainbow picked up the tazer on the floor. Fear entered the pegasus eyes, begging, pleading her not to kill him. He will do better next time. "Oh well I guess you werent right for the job then" Without hesitation Rainbow strake down the tazer onto the pegasus into his heart and brain. When she was finish she backed away from the pegasus and called one of the guards to come pick up dead pegasus. They nodded their heads and took the dead pegasus away. Rainbow did the same and walked back to her office where she will see everyone and everything. *** Shadow and Rose arrived back at their cells. Shadow kneeled down for rose so she can get down from his back. Rose got off his back and lyied down on the floor. "You'll be safe here now" Shadow said Although nowhere is safe here in this factory. as Rose lyied down, Shadow lyied down next to her. Rose blushed a little and looked away from him. When her face was back to normal she looked back at him but now nose to nose without each other as their noses touched. Both of them blushed and looked away from each other with embarresment. "Hey guys whats-" Stronghold stopped as he looked at the two pegasus that blushing as red as tomatoes. "I'm I distrubing something" Stronghold saod as smiled at the two of them. Shadow gave a sharp glare at stronghold and told him to go fuck himself if he just came to tease them. "Hey, easy, you dont have to get up and arms about me." Stronghold said " I just came to check on you guys on how you are doing and if you came back?" "Well Were Back, Happy now!?" Shadow said with frustrayion in his tone. "Well...ok then" Just before stronghold was about to leave light came into their cell. "Rose, Darling are you here?" Light asked as she saw the two of them together "Oh Im I distrubing something here." Light asked with concerne in her tone "No its ok light" Rose said As light stood there she looked at rose and saw the brusies on her leg and face "Oh darling what happened to you?!" Light said as she walked towards her. "Well I was attacked by someone." Rose replied "Who was it?" Light asked curiously "Well..." Rose said hesitantly "It was a black pegasus with a sword cutie mark" "Then what happened?" Light said as if she was about to fall off her chair "Then he attacked me for spilling the colours on him for some reason." "How dreadful it must of been really scary for you to experince that." "It was" Rose said with saddness in her tone "I thought I was gonna die there with nobody to help me." She said as a tear fell down her cheek. She then felt a wing on her back it was shadow trying to comfort her. "That until shadow came to save me from the pegasus" Rose said as she looked up and smiled at him "Well its a good thing he was there at the time at the right moment. Otherwiseyou would of died if he wasnt there." Light said with fear in the her tone. "Congrats shadow maybe you can rescue light when she is in trouble" Stronghold said as he smiled at light "Now is not the time for jokes stronghold" Light said with annoyance "This is serious!" "What can't I atleast make a joke out of this?" Light sighed and looked back at the both of them "Then I guess you won't mind me telling them that you once got your tail stuck in a machine and cried like a baby for me to get you out" Light said as she started to giggle "What did you say to me again, oh yes 'Light please help me Im stuck' " As she acted when strongholds tail was stuck in the mcachine. Everyone laughed expect stronghold "I thought we said we will keep it a secret" Stronghold said with embarresment "What can't a mare joke around abit?" Light said as she giggled at the image of him Shadow got up and walked up to rose if that really happened to him. Light nodded her head with satisfaction. Shadow fello on the floor laughing out aloud. "Well we have all had a interesting day didnt we?" Rose said with a smile on her face "Indeed" Rose said as she got her laughing under control "Well thing is for sure is that Yawn Im beat so Im heading back to may cell catch you guys later" Stronghold said as he walked back to his cell. "I might as well see you guys later" Light said as she as well headed back to her cell Shadow thought it would also be a good time to head back to his cell but was stopped by rose. She was grapping one of his front legs "Could you maybe stay with me shadow" Rose asked "If you want to I mean you can leave if you want to but can you maybe stay with me?" Shadow thought at first if that was a good idea If I stay with her it will be a bit weird but she will be safe and nobody will and try to hurt her. Also she is to weak to withstand another attack, if she gets attacked again she could die. "Why not its not we will get into trouble or anything" Shadow said Rose smiled at this as shadow lyied down beside her. He wrapped his wing around her as she snuggled up against him. Rose fell asleep after a while. Shadow kissed her forhead goodnight and fell asleep as while. One day we will get out of here, one day as shadow fell asleep *** Shadow was awoken by hoofsteps by his cell. He got up and looked at the guard that were coming towards him a rose. One of the guards walked up to him "Come with us" The guard said "Why?" Shadow asked "Rainbow Dash wants to see you in her office" The guard responded This left shadow confused, why would rainbow dash want to see him. Shadow responded with irritation in his tone "Well you can tell Rainbow Dash to go FUCK herself!." One of the guards chuckled at this "She knew you would say that. She said if you refuse to come we will hurt the ones you love especially her" The guard said as he pointed towards rose. Shadow got up and responded with a threat "Touch her and you will die!" The guard laughed at his threat and looked back at him "I would like to see you try and I would love to see you suffer but rainbow wants to see you unharmed to you better come or else..." Shadow sighed and walked towards the guard that was standing in their cell "I will come on, one condition" Shadow said "What is it?" The guard asked "She will not be harmed while I'm gone" The guard sighed and nodded his head in agreement to his condition. "Very well then" The guard said "But only this once" Shadow stepped out of his cell and looked back at rose before he left and back at the guard "Okay I will come with you to meet rainbow dash" as they walked out of the cells and walked towards Rainbow dash's office. *** The factory was a lot bigger then he remembered and more like a maze them a factory. There were different kind of passages that lead to different areas to the factory. Although shadow wasn't that good at directions but he was good at remembering where he was meant to go place after place. "This way" The guard said as he pointed in the direction they were going. As they walked shadow thought a bit why Rainbow Dash wanted to meet him was it because that he slept in roses cells or was because that he was becoming soft. Shadow was interrupted from his thoughts from the guards as he pointed to the stairs that lead to Rainbow's office. They climbed the stairs towards her office he still thought why she needed him maybe she is going to set me free from this hell although we wouldn't leave his friends behind. The arrived at her office as the guard opened her door. They stepped in as rainbow was on the balcony that lead to the outside and saw there approach. "Ma'am we him like you said, unharmed" The guard said "Good, now you may leave us in private" as Rainbow walked away from the balcony and into her office The nodded and walked out of the office so the two pegasus may talk alone with each other. Shadow and Rainbow were alone in the office as shadow stared at her hate and fire in his eyes. After a while of silence Rainbow Dash broke the silence. "So you might be wondering why I brought you up here?" Rainbow Dash said Shadow remained silent at her and nodded his head in argeement. "Well I'm here to offer you a gift?" She said as she walked to her desk What is getting on to Shadow thought as he looked at rainbow dash confused "I want you to join me in the Rainbow Factory" Rainbow Dash said Shadow shocked at this and looked at her surprised "Why are you offering me this?" He asked "I went through you file and I have to say, you are quite good at fighting against other opponents especially when I saw you fight against that pegasus yesterday" Rainbow Dash said "You saw that!?" Shadow said with shock in his tone. How could he not of noticed her there. He would of know if someone is watching him or not. Rainbow Dash grinned as she saw his face with shock "Oh Shadow, I see everything in this factory its like my home and I must know whats going on in it" Shadow just stood there in shock "Just think about it you here in the factory, helping me make rainbows so everyone can see the beauty in them" Rainbow Dash said Shadow thought for a bit if he should accept it or not. If he accepted he would become one of them, killing innocent fillies and colts just to keep the factory running and see the beauty of the rainbows. Also rose would be afriad of him, stronghold would dispise and hate him for what he choose and light would be devasted that he choose the factory over them. "So what will it be kid?" Rainbow Dash asked Shadow took a deep breath in and looked up at Rainbow Dash "No" Shadow responded "Excusse me?" "I said no" Shadow said condfidently "I would rather die then to be here with you" as he pointed a hoof at her "Are you sure about that, I mean this is a one time offer" Rainbow asked "I said no and that's my final answer" Shadow said as he glared at rainbow Rainbow Dash sighed and walked towards "I was afraid you might say that but I have a solution to that problem" Rainbow Dash said as a sheepish grin formed on her face What is she planning Shadow thought as he looked at Rainbow "What if one day your friends disappear?" Rainbow Dash said as she continued to grin at him "What if they just disappeared from the picture permanently" "What are you getting at?" Shadow asked "How about this you join me or else I will kill your friends" Rainbow Dash said as she smiled at the idea NO!! Shadow didn't want his friends to die especially rose. As he heard this it felt like his heart skipped a beat and his world dark Rainbow Dash saw the fear in his eyes and continued "What were there names again" as Rainbow Dash put a hoof on her chin "Ah yes stronghold, light and rose I'm I correct?" "TOUCH THEM AND I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU!!!!" Shadow screamed at rainbow dash with fire in his eyes Rainbow Dash sighed at this and turned back to her desk "Alright then" as Rainbow Dash sat down at her desk "GUARDS!" Rainbow dash screamed The guards stormed into the room when they heard Rainbow call them "Yes Ma'am?" The guard asked as he walked into the room instanly "Take him back to his cell will you?" Rainbow dash said "With pleasur ma'am" The guard replied The guard approached shadow and pushed him towards the door. As they left the office Shadow grinned and looked back at the balcony that would them to the outside world. Thank you Rainbow Dash for inviting me and showing me the way out He arrived back at his cell as the guard pushed him towards it. As he arrived at his cell the guard had something for him. When shadow's back was turned the guard took out his tazer and hit him against his back. Shadow fell to the ground with a thud. Rose was awoken by this and saw what had happened. She rushed to shadow as the guard walked off laughing in the distance. When rose came to him she saw a big smile on his face "I know how to get out of here" Shadow said as he stood up from his attack Rose gave a shocked look at him as she heard this "You do?!" "Yes but Im gonna need your help if we want to get out of here" Rose leaned in to hear what he was going to say and how to escape "And are you sure about this?" "Trust me rose I will get us out of here" Shadow responded "I promise" > The Great Escape part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After convincing the Captain of the guard to help rose with dumping the old colours, he took his new role with her very seriously. He looked out for her and helped her when she tripped out was unable to carry or push the old colours in the dump. Also yesterdays conference with rainbow dash gave him an advantage and how to escape this factory. Although things have now changed in the factory. The guards have now been given permission to treat them badly and do what ever they want to do with them. Some guards would hit them for no reason and punish then. Some would even take it to far, some would even rape the mares in their cells or when they are on duty away from everyone else. But that wasn't that's not all. The stallions would be tazed or drowned to their deaths. The mares that got raped they would fall pregnant and the medical stations were for the guards only in the factory. This was very dangerous for the mares since they didn't have any doctors to come and help them give birth. Some would die giving child birth, some would die from blood lose when giving birth or their bodies weren't ready yet and would die from internal bleeding. If they did survive the guards would come and take away their foals, kill them or just leave them and wait for their foals to die from starvation. Food and water was now also becoming a problem. The guards would bring less and less of it everyday. It was becoming a struggle in the factory then it ever was. We have to get out of hereShadow said in his head as he trotted along with rose to dump the old colours that were left behind by the machineEveryday it is becoming more and more of torture and we cant stand this much longer as they continued to walk to where they would dump the colours. When they came a cross some of the guards shadow would stay close to rose to protect her from the guards and to show that they should not try any 'funny' businesses when he was near her. Some would try their luck on hitting on her but failed when shadow shoot a cold glare at them. As they arrived at to where they would dump the old colours two guards walked up to them. "Hello beautiful" one of them said as they looked to rose. Rose ignored them and continued her duty as shadow helped her dump the colours. "HEY, we are talking to you!" One of them commanded as he trotted towards her. Shadow saw this and stood in front of him. "Out of my way!" The guard commanded "Sorry but I won't let you do that" Shadow said with hate in his tone "If I were you I would walk away and never come back" The guard laughed at him when he heard this "Make me" the guard responded "Alright then" Without hesitation shadow punched the guard in his face right in the jaw. The guard fell on the floor with a thud. The second saw this and came to check on his friend. He was unconscious. "I'll make you pay for that!" as the guard ran towards him with his fist coming towards his face. Shadow dodged this and punched him in the stomach hard. The guard fell on the floor and spat out blood as he lyied down on the floor. He got up and walked to his friend. "This isn't over" The guard said as he pulled his friend away from where they were. "I believe it already is" as shadow stood firmly in front of rose. When they guard had left with his unconscious friend in the distance shadow sighed and looked at rose. "Looks like your a target now rose, due to your condition" "Yea but I have you luckly to protect me from them." as she smiled at him. "Yea" shadow smiled back at her. She was healing but very slowly. Her broken leg was healing but the bandage was getting old and dirty. Once they were done they headed back to their cells to see if stronghold and light were done with their duties. As they arrived they saw stronghold hugging light as she cried. Rose immediately ran to her to check if she was alright. "What happened to you?" Rose asked with concern Before light could answer and tell them what had happened shadow spoke "They raped you didn't they?" Shadow asked with a bit of anger in him Light nodded her head. "I'm so sorry light" Rose said with empathy and concern "They did it when I wasn't there to stop them" Stronghold said "Those bastards when I see them again I am going to give them a piece of me mind" as he punched the wall to lower his anger Shadow put a hoof on his shoulder "Don't worry stronghold you will, once we get out of here" Stronghold sighed and walked to light to help her stop crying. Rose was still comforting light and telling her to calm down. Shadow didn't really pay attention to her appearance when they first meet but now her peach hair was a mess and her light blue body was now going to change. "Thank you rose" Light said as she smiled "I'm glad I meet you and shadow in this factory other wise me and stronghold would be lonely" Rose smiled "Your welcome" Shadow walked up to stronghold "Any luck with the volunteers?" Shadow asked Stronghold sighed "Only five wanted to join us the rest are to scared or don't want to get involved" "Well that's good enough" Shadow said with a bit of hope "May I see them?" he asked "Ok then" Stronghold said as he got up "Follow me" Shadow followed stronghold to where the volunteers were. It was better to have a few volunteers than zero. They walked to the end of the room where the volunteers where. "Here they are" Stronghold said as he pointed towards them. Shadow looked at the five volunteers that wanted to help them escape and bring an end to the factory. The first one was a stallion. He had a orange mane and tail and a dark grey coat almost like him but he had a light grey coat. The second one was also a stallion. He had was yellow and had a red mane and tail. The third was almost the same except he had a dark red coat and a yellow mane and tail. The other two were mares. One had a violet coat and a pinkish mane and tail. The other was indigo and a white mane and tail. Expect she was pregnant. She looked six months pregnant to be precise as he saw a little kick in her belly. "Excuse me miss" Shadow asked "What is your name?" "My name is Megan" She said "And are you sure you want to join us?" Shadow asked The mare sighed "Hey just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't join you." She said annoyed by his question "Also I want my foal to have a better life than this" She said as she pointed to her swollen belly "Very well than" Shadow said as he walked away from her "Just remember you are taking a big step to put a stop to the factory" They all nodded as they returned to their cells as shadow walked to stronghold. "Alright to what is the plan?" Stronghold asked "We shall attack when the guards change shift" Shadow responded "The inexperinced wont know whats going on and will give us a chance to escape" Stronghold smiled at this but then frowned again "What about rainbow dash?" Stronghold said "Surely she will know about this and what is going on" Shadow grind and said "She won't because we will create a diversion" Stronghold gave a confused look "And what will that be?" Shadow smiled at this "We are going to sabotage the machine" "WHAT!" Stronghold exclaimed "But the machine is heavily guarded and it is impossible to get even near it" "Not unless you go fetch the old colours and dump them" Shadow said "During my new duty with rose I have been unscrewing the bolts of the machine each time I was with rose" Stronghold had no words expect looked shocked at shadows accomplishment with the machine. Stronghold sat down "So when do we escape?" he asked "Today, today we shall escape this living hell and free ourselves" Shadow said Stronghold sat up in a blink of an eye "WHAT!? But we have only been planning this for only two days" Shadow gave him a serious "Do you want to stay here any longer?" Shadow asked Stronghold opened his mouth to say something but closed it "Thought so" Shadow said "Now we shall meet back here when we are done with our duties and begin the plan, understood?" Stronghold nodded his head and went off to do his duty. Shadow walked to rose to do his duty with her. Two days was short but was enough to plan and get out of here. Rose stood up when she saw him coming towards her "You ready rose?" Shadow asked "Yip" Rose responded with confidence in her voice. "Alright then, lets go" as they both walked off to their duty *** Shadow and rose did what they also did. Fetch the old colours from the machine, dump the old colours and return to machine to fetch the rest and so on. When they heard that Rainbow dash had something 'special' for them, shadow knew this was a either a trap or another 'offer'. When they approached they dumping five guards were waiting for them. "Why hello there" One of them said with a smile on his face Shadow sighed "What do you want?" as he spoke with annoyance "Oh nothing really" The guard said "We just wanted to make sure you arrived here safe and sound" He said as a grin started to form on his face Shadow didn't liked the look of this. He knew something was up but what was it they were planning. "Also we are here to give that 'special' thing Dash told us" He said "She said we must give two pegasus a something special to them" They said as they started to approach them with smiles on their faces. I've got a bad feeling about this as shadow started to look worried. One of the guards stepped into the light where they were standing. It didn't take a second for shadow to not recognize one of them. It was one of the guards he beat earlier when they were here. He immediately turned to face rose and before he could warn her a guard from behind them pinned him down. Shadow struggled to break free and warn rose what was about to happen to her, but the guards strength that was holding him down was to strong. One of the guards approached him and whispered something in his ear "Told you this wasn't over" as a grin formed on his face. When the guard looked up, he pointed to rose how was trembling in fear. "Now what shall we do with you?" the guard said "We could have some fun with her" One of the other guards said "Indeed" He responded Rose started to back away but was stopped when she bumped into one of them behind her "Where do you think your going sweetheart?" The guard behind her said. The guard behind her pinned her down on her back to prevent her from escaping and do what he was about to do. The guard sighed as he looked at the mare that was trying to escape him but couldn't because one of his hoofs were on her good one "Such a beautiful mare" he said "yet wasted" he said as he looked to shadow "Don't worry I'll be very gentle with her" He said as he looked to shadow NO! Shadow continued to struggle against the guards strength that was holding him down, but got a punch to the eye for it. "Stop struggling and enjoy the show" as he lifted shadows head to where rose was Rose had to think of something and fast. She didn't want to get raped by these guards. She could continue to struggle but that would make him enjoy it more. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the guards cold breath and sniff her neck and hair. She wanted to vomit as he did it the second time, when she looked down at herself she saw that her back legs were free. This was her chance to free herself, but she only had one chance of doing it, if she misses he will ask the others guards to pin her back legs and render herself helpless. Rose lifted her back leg and aimed for his groan as the guards to continue to smell her but his getting a bit close to her face now. Good he hasn't realized what I'm doing As she got her leg into position and with one powerful kick she it his groan. The guard fell to the ground in pain as he put his hooves on his groan. Rose got up as quickly as possible so they don't pin her down again. "ROSE RUN!" Shadow screamed "But I can't just leave you here!?" Rose exclaimed "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME JUST GO" "But..." Rose said as she stood there "GO NOW!!!!" Shadow said as he screamed at her Rose didn't have to be told twice as she ran through the passage. "AFTER HER!" One the guards exclaimed The rest of them ran to her as two stayed behind to make sure shadow didn't escape Now's my chance as he did the same trick rose did with the her guard. Shadow hit his groan and got up "Oh hoh hoh I'm not done with you!?" as the guard stood in his way. Shadow smiled at this as he attacked the guard *** Rose ran as fast as her hooves could take her down the passage. She didn't know where she was going but she needed to get away from the guards and return to her cell with her friends where she was safe. Just when rose thought she was safe she heard hoofsteps in the distance "This way!" One of the guards called No, no no no, noooo Rose continued to ran in through the passage I need to hide they will catch up with me if I keep running Rose came to a room where there where carts and a dead end. I could hide in the cart but that would take to long and the guards will see my crawl in and it will be a challenge for me as she looked at her broken arm. The hoof steps were getting closer as they started coming closer to where she was. Rose sighed and walked towards the cart. "Search the area!" One of the guards said as they arrived where she was. "DO NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE UNCHECKED" The head guard said "Come out, come out where ever you are?" One of the guards said as he grinned devilishly "We just want to have some fun with you" as they walked around the area Rose closed her mouth in hope that it will be harder to find her. She could her one of them coming closer to her as he trotted past her hiding place "Captain why do we need her" the guard asked as he walked towards the captain "Because private, that mare is his weakness he cares about her, he 'loves' her" as he stuck his tongue out in disgust "If we capture her or rape her he will break down and feel bad about himself and will want to join us so it wont happen again" The private smiled as he heard this "Oh I'm going to enjoy that" as he continued the search "Yea it will be, unlike my brother" The captain said "He always hated working here and hated what we did" "So what happened to him?" One of the guards asked "He quitted and left for Canterlot" The captain responded "Why?" "Something about becoming a Royal guard and training them to save lives" The captain responded "He also got attached to a colt called Shadow Hunter" Rose gasped at this but immediately regretted as she closed her mouth by putting a hoof on it. "Did you hear that?" one of the guards said "Why don't you find out private" The captain said The private rolled his eyes and walked towards the cart. Rose closed her eyes as he walked closer and closer to her. Please don't find me, please don't find me she said as she repeated it in her head. She didn't want to be found and all her effort will be for nothing. As the guard approached the cart he stopped and looked over to see what was there. When he arrived there was no one to be seen in it. "So whats there?" The captain said "Nothing sir, its empty." The guard responded "Well keep looking we are not going to leave this area until we find her" The captain said After a few hours of waiting the guards finally left and exited the area rose was in. Rose breathed a sigh of relief. It was a good thing she hid behind the cart and not in or else she would of been already found. She got up and walked back the way she came. She wondered if shadow was alright since he was pinned down and had to fight the other guard. Just when she thought it was all over she heard hoofsteps in the distance and they were getting closer. No, no, no, no as rose froze in her spot, there was no where to hide now. The hoofsteps were getting closer as the echoed through the passage. Rose stood there in fear waiting for the guards to take her and do whatever they were going do to her. Just before she ran for her life, she heard the hoofsteps were...limping. Since when do the guards limp. She stood still waiting for however was there. Maybe she can help them, maybe she try to tell them to stop. When the figure came out of the darkness it was no other than Shadow and he was badly hurt. He had bruises on his front leg and right eye. Rose immediately ran towards. Shadow saw her ran to him and stopped in his place. "What happened to you?" Rose asked "Well...Lets just say the guards don't go down until they are dead or severely injured." Shadow said "So you killed them?!" Rose said with shock "What, No! I just left them unconscious and I'm better than that." "Ok but what happened to your eye and leg?" Rose asked "Well...while we were fighting I didnt see the guard coming for my face, nor did I see the one with a baton aiming for my leg" Shadow said "Well lets head back to our cells to I can see what I can do to help you with your bruises" Rose said "Alright" Shadow said as they both walked to their cells. Although shadow was surprised to see the leadership she had in her. Maybe she isn't the much of a scaredy cat after all. > The Great Escape part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a while they arrived back at their cells but weren't surprised when they saw stronghold and light with concerned faces. "Where were you guys?! We were about to look for you guys because you didn't arrive like we said" Stronghold exclaimed "Well...lets just say we ran into a bit a trouble when we were returning here but, we made it work out" Shadow responded as he looked at his eye and leg that were swollen. "Well I'm going to check on light" Rose said as she trotted to light. "You should of heard her when we were returning" Shadow said "She spoke like a leader when I came to find her" "Oh really, well then I guess we have a new leader now" Stronghold laughed at his own joke "Haha very funny" as shadow rolled his eyes "Well shall we get this show on the road." stronghold said with enthusiasm in his voice "Not yet, we still need to meet up with the others, then we can begin" "Alright then, I don't want to miss out when we do" as he walked back to his cell Shadow sighed and walked to rose and light. "Are you girls ready for this?" as he looked at rose and light "Absolutely darling, I cant wait to leave this ratchet place and go back to designing clothes again" Light said as she stood up "And you rose?" Shadow asked "Yes I am, I just want a normal life again instead of fear and saddness" Rose said "Alright then once the others have come back we will leave immediately" Shadow said as he trotted to the entrance. Today will be the day they escape this hell, today they will leave this factory and its insanity, today they will bring the Rainbow factory to and end and no longer live in fear and no more fillies and colts have to die. Rainbow dash was in her office organising and sorting out the files of the ponies in the factory although due to the rule she made things have been going down the hill. She had to deal with mares that got pregnant by either killing them while they are pregnant, let them die in child birth with no medical attention or when they gave birth and survived their foals are taken away and given away or killed. She also had to deal with the dead bodies in her factory due to this issue. The disposal area was already full and couldn't take anymore mares and stallions. While she was cleaning up she came a cross shadows file. She still was amazed by it when she sat down by her desk and went through it. Name: Shadow hunter Gender: Stallion Skills and hobbies: Fighting, disciplined, fishing, well listener and trust worthy Role: Studying to be a night guard in canterlot at canterlot training ground. Born: Canterlot hospital and moved to cloudsdale when his father died A knock on the interrupted her as she put the file away "Come on" she said The captain of the guards walked in. "Oh, why hello captain" Rainbow dash said "What brings you here?" "I'm just checking on how you are doing ma'am" he said as he walked up to rainbow "You seem to be more or less down in the dumps lately" "So you've noticed huh?" Rainbow said as she sighed "Yeah I haven't been myself this often lately" as she looked at him "I just don't know whats going on with me" Rainbow said "I would always be happy and thrilled to do what I am doing but, now I just feel sad and unhappy doing it" as she looked down at her hooves "Is it about that pegasus named 'Shadow hunter' ma'am" He asked her curiously "Thats the thing" Rainbow said with annoyance "When I asked him to join us and and the factory, just said no" Rainbow said as she started to get angry "Nobody has ever said no and why is it only buging me now" Rainbow said as she looked out to the balcony "I don't know ma'am maybe your just so used to ponies accepting your offer you have forgotten how it feels like when someone says no" The captain "But maybe if you forget about and focus on what you do, you'll feel good again" "Thanks" She said as she looked back to him "Is that all you came here to do captain, try to help me and feel good about myself" Rainbow dash suspiciously "Actually...there is something urgent I need to tell you" He said "Well spit it out, I don't have all day" She said "The machine is broken" He responded "What do you mean 'broken'?!" She replied with angry in her tone "Well we went to check on it and do a test run but, when we did it nearly fell apart" "HOW?!" She shouted "The bolts holding it have disappeared, like vanished into thin air" He said with a hesitation "And you discover this only NOW!!!" Rainbow said as she hit her hoof against the table with anger and annoyance in her voice. "I am sorry ma'am but somepony must have done this secretly without us knowing. They are either incrediblely brave or really stupid" He said trying to stay firm. Rainbow dash took a deep breath in and out. She sighed as she got out of her chair and walked towards the captain. "Well do your the captain, so do SOMETHING ABOUT IT" as she screamed at the captain. "Find who is responsible for this and do whatever to punish them" as she trotted back to her desk. "I don't care what your methods are, JUST DO IT!" "As you wish rainbow dash" as the captain bowed his head and trotted to the door and left. Rainbow dash sat at her desk and looked at 'Shadow's' file. "I under estimated you shadow" She said with a grin on her face. "But you little game is about to end is about to end" as she grined at her desk and looked outside. It was just like he planned. The guards are now changing shifts as the inexperienced guards come and took their place for their shift. "Is everyone ready?" Shadow asked everypony as stood behind him. "We only have one shot at this, there is no turning back now. We will escape and end this nightmare once and for all." as he looked towards the passage that would lead to their escape of this living hell. "Follow me and be quiet. If any guards spot us be prepared to fight." As they trotted into the passage. They went passage after passage until the came to the main area to where the machine was. As they approached the area two guards came and approached them. "Halt! You are not permitted to be here" One of the guards said. "Why not?" Shadow questioned "There has been a sabotage to the machine and somebody is responsible for this." "Really?! That's a first I never knew this could happen" Shadow said while smiling in his head. His plan was working, they just needed to reach rainbow dash's quaters, head to the balcony and fly away from here. "Yes, you must all return to your cells. Rainbow dashes orders" The guard said "Sorry but that wont be happening today" Shadow said with a smile "And makes you say that, we are stronger and better than you" the guard said as he reached for his baton "Well, because of this" in a flash shadow punches the guard in the face so hard he fall unconscious 'Why you little--" Before the guard could have the chance to attack shadow, stronghold goes behind the guard and snaps his neck in a blink of an eye. "Oh, that felt so, good" Stronghold said as he looked at the dead guard smiling at him. "Don't get to excited of yourself stronghold" Shadow said as he looked at stronghold. "There will be more along the way" "Psssh, I am more than ready to face them" as stronghold walked to the main area of the machine was being held The group continued walking towards the machine, as they approached it they immdiately started backing up as there were a few guards by it. "Well one thing is for sure shadow" Stronghold said as he looked at shadow. "Your distraction worked but it invited the whole factory" "Thats the point" Shadow said as he looked back at stronghold "They will be too distracted and too focused on fixing the machine that they wont see us coming" as he pointed to rainbow dashes office "And how are we gonna get there, fly our way there?" one of the pegasus asked "Follow me" shadow said with a smile on his face. He slowly walked in the shadows of the factory, keeping himself hidden. Everyone did the same. They were all good and making good progress until they heard a alarm going off in the factory when the reached the stairs that lead to rainbows office. "Attention all units, we have escaped prisoners, I repeat Escaped prisoners!" "Oh no" one of the mares said "They found us, now we are gonna get caught and proberly get killed" "They havent found us yet, we still have a chance to escape, just keep following me" As they almost reached the top one of the guards spotted one of the climbing the stairs. "Found them!" as one of the guards called out "RUN!" As they all glapped up the stairs and run to rainbow dashes office. "GET BACK HERE YOU RUNTS!" one of the guards said as they chased after the group As they approached shadow heard a collapse behind him. Its was the pregnant mare and she looked exhausted. "I...cant...run...any...more." Shadow ran to the mare and pick her on his back and ran after the group. When the reached the office, the bursted into the office. Once everyone was inside they immdietaly slammed the doors closed and put rainbows desk in front of it. BANG! BANG! BANG! "Open up!" One of the guards shouted as they continued to bang against the door. "What now?" Rose said as she looked at shadow "We better get to the balcony and fast" Shadow exclamied They all ran to the balcony, just as they approached the balcony cloudsdale guards ambushed them. They all surronded the group and pointed there weapns at them. Soon the guards made way for somepony and that somepony was rainbow dash smiling at him and the group. "What a show, what a show" She said as she clapped her hooves in astonishment. "I have to say you are one sneaky and clever pegasus that ever set foot in the factory" rainbow dash said as she approached them. "You should earn a achievement, not wait maybe a medal will that be better" she said with a more sarcasstic tone "Now you better return to your cells or we shall we do this the hard way" Rainbow dash said as she signaled one of the guards. One of them approached rose and dislocated her wing. "AHHHHH!" as rose screamed in pain and shadow ran to her aid. "Now what will it be the easy way or the hard way?" Rainbow dash smiled What should I do? Shadow thought to himself. It will be all for nothing if we return to our cells but I cant let anymore ponies to get hurt "The clock is ticking" Rainbow dash said As shadow put his head down in disappear he saw somepony in the distance in the office, it was stronghold, he must of stayed behind to keep the door closed. As he saw what was going on he signaled him and shadow knew what he was going to do "Well rainbow dash Im sorry to tell you but you forgot one of us, somepony very strong in the group and special" Shadow said with a grin "What do you-UGH!' as a kick hit her head "NOW!" Shadow screamed as the all the ponies started to fight back against the guards. Shadow picked up rose and ran to the edge of the balcony, but he stopped when he saw everypony fighting "Go on without us we will hold them off for you" Stronghold said as he knocked out another guard. "But I cant just leave you guys here" Shadow said as he looked at the group "Dont worry about us, get help and tell the world what the rainbow factory is all about and you owe" Stronghold said with a smile Shadow sighed and put rose on his back "Hold on tight rose" As he jumped off the balcony. Rainbow dash saw this but was too late to catch them as the fell down to the ground as she looked back the rebels were pinned down and arrest on the spot "What shall we do with them miss" One of the guards said "Take them back to there cells and be sure they stay there" "Understood" As the carried them away Rainbow dash looked down in the distance and said "You wont escape that easily" as she walked back to her office Shadow fell to the ground as he struggled to open his wings but the unicorn magic was still there. They were approaching land fast, if shadow didnt think of something quick they will die. 'C'mon wings open' as he struggled. 'OPEN!'. Rose closed her eyes waiting for the impact to happen. 'C'mon!' With one thrust the opened and shadow flapped his wings as hard as he could but that wasnt enough. They crashed into the everfree forest, luckily the impact wasnt that bad shadow fell face first in the ground. Once they crashed shadow stood up and his face and body aching all over. He saw rose lying on the floor not moving. He ran to her in worry and checked her vitals and chest. She was still breathing and alive just unconscious. "Oh thank celestia" As he breathed a sigh of relief. He picked her up and put her on his back He looked around to find a cave or somewhere to stay. As he looked around and felt like hours he saw a cave, luckily it was empty and put rose down. Just as he collapsed on the floor due to his aching body he heard thunder in the distance 'Thank goodness we found this cave on time' As he looked out into the distance he heard rose moan "Ugggh..." as she looked around "What...what happened?" she asked "We escaped rose, we escape the factory" Shadow said with a smile "Really!" Rose said with tears in her eyes "Yes we did" Shadow said with smile. "Now lets get some rest, we have a buzy day tomorrow" as he got up and walked to the side of the cave but felt something hold onto his back hoof "Could you...maybe...sleep with me for night, please" Rose said "Ok" As he lied down next to her and put one of his wings over her to keep her warm. "Now lets get some rest, ok" As shadow looked at rose "Ok" as rose snuggled in shadows wing. Once rose was asleep shadow looked up into the sky. 'Well will come back for you guys stronghold, I promise' as shadow also fell asleep as the storm continued to roar