> Missing Rainbow > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > No Penis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horrifying sights of big, bulging, long penises greeted you everyday in this magical pastel pony land you found yourself in. And it was the females who had the penises in question, which were much larger than their male counterparts. To make things even worse, all the mares had a human fetish it seemed. You would have gone insane, if not for the fact that one of the first ones you met didn’t have a penis. The pony in question was Rainbow Dash. A shy, timid mare. She may be a far cry from the Rainbow Dash you knew from TV, but she didn't have a penis so that was good enough for you.  Rainbow Dash lay next to you on a love heart shaped bed. She looked teary eyed, still in shock that you chose her over all the other mares. Her bedroom was covered in human paraphernalia, from Space Marines, posters of Nicolas Cage with a hairy chest, and Commander Shepard. You stared into her beautiful rosy red eyes. She looked back at you, worried that you have changed your mind over her. Sensing her fears, you gently placed a hand on her cheek. From there, you gently stroked her. The mare melted at your touch, sighing happily.  “I chose you, Rainbow Dash.” you said softly. “I can’t believe you chose me, over all the other mares.” she said in a low voice. “Rainbow, you don’t have a penis and I don’t like penises. I’m glad I can cum inside you, without having to worry about you cumming inside me back.”  “I-I… I don’t understand. I’m an ugly mare Anon. I don't have a penis, and I’m very thin when compared to most ponies. Even my bony thin butt can’t save me.” “Rainbow, don’t be so hard on yourself.” “But it’s true Anon. My whole life, not one stallion even looked in my direction due to my birth defect of not having a penis. I tried to get their attention but … but ... but ….“ her voice began to stutter, overwhelmed with emotion and tears began to fall down her cheeks. “They told me that I was hideous without a penis and my ass was too small.” You wrapped your arms around her, taking her into a tight embrace. You could not bear to see her so upset. Rainbow Dash cried silently into your shoulder, matting your bare skin with her tears. “Don’t listen to them jerks.” “Thanks Anon. I’m glad I have you now.”  For a long time you simply held her. You basked in the feeling of her soft fur against your bare skin. Rainbow Dash was quiet for the most part as she vented her pent-up sadness on your shoulder. “Rainbow Dash, the way this world treated you, you have obviously been traumatized.” you said softly. “Not everypony was so mean. I have got five great friends, that gangbang me out of pity on a regular occasion. Some of which have some of the largest penises in Equestria. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.” “Well, that’s nice isn’t it?” “But not one stallion is my friend.” she said in a low voice. “Oh.” “Until you.” she said softly, leaning forward to gently kiss your cheek. “Rainbow, I'm sorry for what happened to you. You may not be the same mare presented in the show, but I'm going to try my best to bring out the Rainbow Dash I know.” “I know, I can’t live up to your Rainbow Dash, but I’ll try to change and… Aaaaahhhhhh!” a butterfly flew past, this prompted her to jump out of the bed and go under it.  “I see I have my work cutout for me.” “Why work, when you can have a real mare like me?” came a hot, sultry voice. You looked over to the door to see the massive form of Princess Celestia. She stood at least twelve feet tall, towering over your puny form. She had a monstrously large cock longer than your own body, with a pair of watermelon sized balls between her legs.  “Uhh, no thanks Celestia.” She frowned, her massive cock swinging angrily about and her massive balls sloshing about with pent-up seed. “Anon, I promise your body won’t be destroyed by my penis.” “Princess Celestia, I firmly believe that you can adequately protect me from the power of your penis from destroying me. But I don’t like penis.” Princess Celestia sighed, her penis rapidly deflating. “I’m sorry Anon. My honyness for human ass got the better of me.” “As long as you don’t rape me, we’re good.” “I-I… would never do that Anon.” she said in a low voice, before quietly departing. You sighed. You hate that you hurt her feelings, but you didn’t want to give the mare false hope when there was none. You turned to Rainbow, who was eyeing you with wide eyes. “You just turned down the biggest penis in Equestria, which she can magically grow even bigger for a no penis mare like me?” You sighed. “Rainbow, I don’t like penises. I don’t fancy my asshole getting destroyed by giant pony cocks going up it.” “Your asshole would be safe. Celestia’s cock does not destroy its lovers.” “I know, but the thought of that going inside me makes me shudder.” you said in a low voice, shuddering. “If I didn’t know any better Anon, I think you might be a gay faggot for not liking penis.” You smiled at that. “Now, that’s the tough, dirty mouth mare I fapped to on the Internet. Now, let’s bang.” “Errr, you may need to get Twilight to give you a hand with some spells on your junk. I want my first time with a human to have a massive penis.” “How big are we talking here?” “At least thirty inches long and three inches thick.” “Uhh, that's ridiculously large.” “Well, your little pee-pee won’t do the job I’m asking for my pussy.” You growled. “Fine, we will go to Twilight's. You better come with me and protect my asshole, okay?” “Of course, I’ll be right behind you.” she said, giving you a salute. END