Wild Wet Waterworks Within Westward Vanhoover

by Fireflower

First published

Clopfic crossover compilation: too many ships, not enough room; also inspired by the likes of certain artists on Derpibooru, it's a true sequel to a similar story. Nevertheless, it's self–explanatory but not the all–singing, all–dancing either.

Summertime is here and for many, it's the perfect time for rest and relaxation: tourism to and fro, commerce rising about, and temperatures rising; in addition, it's also an ideal time for vacationing all throughout the land of Equestria and even beyond it as well, something that many individuals can easily relate to doing.

Speaking of which, one location within this very country happens to be the perfect place for such: close to the waters where every living thing relied on it in a multitude of ways, known and unknown so to speak of; either way, the adventure in question would still be down–to–earth for the lack of a better term in the very least.

Nevertheless, the abundance of favorable weather conditions were proof that the celebrations are in order for such events like get–togethers between friends and/or family alike; in these cases, however, it's still so much more than just the talking and eating alike, especially for the young folks spending their times with each other, like before.

NOTE: All the characters featured in this story are generally of consenting age in accordance to the rules!

Dark Singles

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There was a lone city that was bathed in an elegant afterglow thanks to the eternal golden sun taking residence above them in the heavens with the cottony clouds traveling about in its wake. In them, the big bright blue skies contained a variety of lifeforms flying across the way over the rhythm emotion of the surface’s hustle and bustle flowing about without even so much as a care. There were towering behemoths ruling and governing the own landscape for although that they were divided, these constructs nevertheless shared the same power wielded over this very place. Aside from a variety of wagons running about the asphalt with sights and sounds contributing to its atmosphere, there were also some ships of various sizes surfing across the dyed deep blue. What had made it stand out the most were the massive flocks of herons and seagulls that could run so far to and fro but couldn't get away with even the largest of wingspans as they’d cawed. On the other side of the vast and magnificent waters where the many ships had sailed in and out of were a mountainous valley donned in a dark green growing upon the massive beautiful earth. Most importantly, the very denizens themselves were abundantly commonplace coming and going inside the city by any and all means necessary as they pleased in sheer density whatsoever.

Of the scarce pedestrians within the vicinity of the very city, there was but a sextet of ponies whom were perhaps alike in fair dignity at first glance; still, there were some significant differences all of them had, something that many like them would care less about to say the very least: for starters, over half of them were mares. Speaking of which, the first of the mares was a freckled yellow pony with eyes of a clockwork orange accented by a raring–to–go concave: aside from the pink bow worn over the straight red tresses, she wore a light green blouse overlaid by a pair of dark blue suspenders holding up her shorts with its legs barely touching the kneecaps. Standing next to the redhead was an orange stallion wearing a moderate shade of deep purple tresses slicked back as they matched his eyes: in regards to his attire, they had consisted of a predominantly white shirt with some blue shoulders as well as a pair of green shorts with slightly more pockets than the former even considered. Behind the first couple of ponies was also a mare, except she was a snow white unicorn who also had purple tresses even as they were accompanied by some pink within their neat curls matching her sparkling dress inches away from her kneecaps; like the redhead afore herself, she, too, was smiling to a lesser extent within the jaded orbs. Also nearby was another stallion whom was coated in a brownish chocolate disco: like the pedestrian walking adjacently, he also had tresses in two different shades, albeit in a fruity scheme of orange and tangelo as they were adorned with a rainbow beanie; in addition, he wore a yellow shirt matching his eyes and blue pants. Right at the tail end was another orange pony with purple tresses matching both eyes except it was a pegasus mare: her attire consisted of a plain white tee and some long blue pants, much like the ginger albeit more looser yet held up by a big red belt; also, both of her arms were adorned by a series of green bands around her elbows. Lastly but not least was yet another white mare standing by but she’d just so happened to have more in common with the yellow peer herself: still, much like the two equines upfront, she’d donned tresses in two different colors, albeit in a citrus blend of lemon and lime; also, she wore a cyan hooded tracksuit with the rainbow finishes.

“So this is Vanhoover; I never expected it to be so beautiful…!” the lonely white unicorn had exclaimed almost instantaneously, the sights of it alone bringing about euphoria to her emerald eyes.

The orange pegasus had quickly chimed right on in, “tell me about it, Sweetie Belle: usually it’s cold and snowy because of the fact it’s nearby the frozen north where the yaks live but it’s summertime now; besides, who would ever even think about wanting to live here in this city year–round? Snow in December is one of the most magical moments within the very month; the others are Hearths Warming, schools closing, and watching the entire year come to an end to ring in the new one. Any other day besides one in even April or October would’ve left me begging for it to melt away; of course, Rosemound needs the chill more since they’re nearby one of the warmest waters within the seaside: it’s like a vacation paradise in the making.”

“What about Las Pegasus, Scootaloo…?” the white mare asked the titular target, grabbing ahold of the latter’s abdomen with a warm smile on the former’s face, “at least, you would’ve had all the fun and games there with the gambling, the rides, arcade machines, and the stage shows to boot.”

“Please, Lemon, why go all the way out through the desert to play Rhythm Emotion when they’ve built one here at the bowling alley in Ponyville…?” the orange pegasus spoke back to the eponymous colleague.

The lone redhead of the group then said, “at least it beats risking a ban from the establishment for property damage: in all fairness, we could’ve killed somepony there trying t’ get our cutie marks; as a matter of fact, Ah don’t think Ah would’ve lived with mahself if main had been a skull cracked open by a bowling ball instead…”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself, Apple Bloom: we were fillies; now, we’re grown mares with an invitation to a party at Vanhoover’s finest hot springs resort here in Equestria…” the lone white unicorn replied with a tiny huff, “at least it would explain why anypony would live here year–round; speaking of which, it’s was actually miraculous that I’d been able to slim down in time. My sister has been telling me to watch my figure lately since I started growing; of course, it hasn’t been the same since she and Spike had gotten hitched years ago: one time, I saw her eating some blackberry ginger cupcakes with buttons made of jade… ACTUAL JADE…!”

“Now that’s saying something: this was even more weirder than that time somepony fired a squirt gun filled with citric acid at an arcade machine; thankfully, nopony was killed but the guy got thrown in prison cause of it…” the brown stallion had said within his adenoidal pronunciation.

The orange counterpart then jumped into the conversation, “gee Button, I never knew about guns; I thought they were just an old ponies’ tale…”

“Not quite, Tender Taps: Ah just remember that Granny Smith wanted t’ fight in a war some many decades ago; apparently, this was when Ponyville was still trying t’ stand on its own hooves back then…” Apple Bloom retorted without any form of hesitation whatsoever in her pacific tone of voice, “anyways, her parents were worried sick ‘bout her even thinking about it. That was the last time our family ever even had a gun; as a matter of fact, she even mentioned that her family used t’ live in Fillydelphia but they’ve moved out because of the overcrowding and the crime: come t’ think of it, Ah read in the papers that it’s gone down over the past ten t’ fifteen years ago but Ah wouldn’t risk it…”

“Me neither: unless my sister Rarity wants to open a store there, I’m not interested; besides, compared to Manehattan, it’s not my cup of tea…” Sweetie Belle chimed back into the forefront of the conversation.

The bright blonde blurted out, “speaking of which, Vanhoover almost looks just like it: bright lights, big city, it even has its own subway to boot; as a matter of fact, we should try to take them if we want to get there on time. The buses at Rosemound stopped running at night when the snow gotten too piled up when we’d first went there not too long ago; their transportation, including the ferries themselves, however, will give us better opportunities now it’s summertime.”

“That we can already agree on, Lemon…” the aforementioned traveler’s partner laughed before sharing a kiss between themselves lightly, “I can’t even wait to try the hot springs: a step up from that generic Ponyville spa; after all, it’s a nice change of scenery compared to the adventures we’ve been having lately…”

“I know, Scootaloo; all this happening behind the scenes was just too fast for all of us…” Tender Taps told themselves timely, looking up at the skyline above the sextet with a somber look of expectation: from what he could see, an airship was in view, hovering nearby the skyscrapers but out of their range so to speak of.

The orange stallion was lost in an artificial sea of negated nothingness on a flat plain until the yellow mare’s cheerful voice broken himself out of the trance, “come on, Ten–Ten, Ah found a subway station: if we find a map, then maybe there’s a route to the resort we can go to…!”

“Oh…!” Tender Taps stuttered before he’d found himself standing at a distance from the remainders, “‘kay, I’m right behind you…!”

Time had passed on through space alongside with the inhabitants whom were drifting aimlessly as the stars amongst the never–ending blackness floated on, each of them to prompt any wayward traveler to harken back to the memories of life when the richest beverage kept their spirits up until their next destination and from the mouth of madness. Of course, time itself was the only thing that remained constant in the ever–changing plane of existence where many variables had come in all shapes and size, coexisting alongside either in unions or divisions thereof as they transcended boundaries without incident to say the least; then again, almost all of them succumbed to the folding sooner or later. This interval however would prove to be a special case since that there were those who have found themselves still standing rather than stumbling and falling to the depths of their failure nonetheless; however, not all of them were doing so as the whole wide world turned on its own axis: out of many of those in question, there was indeed a few no less.

For what it was worth, things were already hot and heavy: the countless mists and moisture were overwhelming, quickly bound to a single area where escape was nonetheless certain to a fault. Everywhere within the confined space was made of ligneous material: the flooring, the walls, and the ceiling; in addition, there was a bucket already filled to the brim with water and a gourd. Its details were made possible by the bright lights held up at the corners within the walls as they were bearing a plasma white scheme to illuminate the sweltering place and its tight surroundings. Generally speaking, there were exceptions that proved to be far from uniform so to speak of: in the middle was an open brazier, a clock at the top of the wall, and a screen door opposing them. Now that the scene was set, it was an ideal environment to purge any and all toxins clinging to whatever flesh that made up the integumentary system, the kinds of textures notwithstanding.

There were at least several stallions present and accounted for, all sweating about from their brows and with towels worn around their waistlines as their only commonalities; as such, there were bound to be differences amongst themselves. The first were an athletically lightweight pair with tresses matching their very eyes: while one out of the duo was darkly coated in an emerald splash, the other one was lightly painted in blue with the sweetness of silver chariot swinging low. The next pair right next to the truly bluish pony was both lipid and also wearing blue bright eyes: one was also coated in silver yet his tresses were a burnt chocolate disco while the other was also green with some short hairs of an indigo prophecy. The last of these weren’t like the others, having green eyes; also, although they weren’t active, sedentary wasn’t the case: one sitting near the colorful heavyweight was a gilded ginger whereas the other had an aquamarine coat with amber orbs.

“Steam rooms, I love Vanhoover already…” the warm middleweight sighed into the vapors at once.

The jaded athlete had just joined into the fray, “you’re not alone in this one, Fry: this is our first time here; my brother Shady and I haven’t been able to step out of Ponyville in a long time…”

“That makes the both of us: my little slut of a fillyfriend and I have bothered to head on out flying to Vanhoover thanks to the invite…” the lone brunet also said to his peers in response to the two of them having already started a conversation, “never imagined it‘d came with an airship ticket and some bits to boot, let alone a map in where the new party was going to be…”

“That’s funny, none of us have even gotten any money in our mail; what had made you two so special…?” the cool lightweight had exclaimed.

Fry turned to the truly bluish peer and said, “relax, he’s not alone: I got some money in mail too but I spent it on a new swimsuit for my fillyfriend of my own; of course, I’m not sure if she truly likes it though…”

“Speaking of swimwear, Berry decided to wear a cat keyhole bikini to the party: apparently, it’s based on all those lingeries somepony in Neighpon wore; if that wasn’t enough, she even brought some fake ears too…” the silver heavyweight said with a happy sigh before taking in a deep breath at once, “it seems that she’s pretty into wanting me to rut her, despite what I did to her…”

“Whoever thought of such a thing…?” the ginger asked the brunet almost instantaneously so to speak of.

Shady answered only immediately, “beats me…”

Sure enough, it wasn’t long until the doors were opened, prompting the sextet to turn their eyes towards the individuals whom made their way inside. Outside in the cold distance, a wildcat did growl; two more stallions were approaching and the wind began to howl from where they had just entered. Both of them had possessed such commonalities: some short rough cut tresses, towels around their waistlines, and steely coating upon themselves. It was safe to say that whatever was on their very minds, the road they were both traveling on was already at an end, exposed to the fog of hotness.

Speaking of the two though, while their collective lack of textiles made them one of the same as all of the equines who were already in attendance, they too possessed differences many could identify at once almost instantly. For starters, one of the stallions was muscular than that of the brothers inside with his tresses coated in a bright cobalt like them both whereas the other was but only a lonely pegasus heavyset and wearing some locks of gold. Secondment, there was also a slight difference in facial composition between the two of them standing about: only the winged blond amongst the very duo had donned some creases of fat worn right over his cheekbones. Thirdly, the muscular pony in question maintained a thinly toned figure with flanks illustrating a monochrome sword against a spectral shield while the heavy counterpart wore hot pink drapery lined with some white zigzags. In addition, the silver lightweight in question had both irises rich with color of rubies right within the owner’s visage whereas the blond onlooker bore some circles of opalescence already dyed a deep blue like a body of water.

“Hey guys, what’s up…?” the muscular pony was the first to speak up to the occupants in question, “I wasn’t expected this room would be nearly filled up as soon as we’d got here today…”

“Well, count your blessings on getting here; of course, I was just about to leave soon enough: my baby maker’s itching to get it stuck into some certain Filly Guide’s body…” the silver heavyweight sighed, blushing about as something had started growing slowly underneath the towel.

The jaded counterpart took notice of this and recoiled slightly, “geez, Truffle, are you always this horny?!”

“Relax, Seed: I’m already going to be saving this cock for her, not some colt cuddler; besides, I’m not into getting pegged like what her Filly Guide friends had done to them…” the titular tenant tittered about timidly, taking the time to stand notwithstanding of his tumescence within the textiles, “speaking of which, she always loves it when I shove it right into her slutty butt…”

“Sounds like you have such an interesting relationship: my first fillyfriend had brought her own gal pal to the party; oddly enough, they’ve gone to a similar one like this back around the holiday season…” the emerald middleweight had wheezed, causing the remaining band of seven to raise their eyebrows highly.

Of them, the truly bluish stallion asked, “you mean to tell me that you have a special somepony who swings both ways too?!”

“Well, join the club…!” the heavyset brunet exclaimed after seeing the lighter counterpart nod, “my fillyfriend is also into mares as well…!”

“Huh…?” the jaded middleweight had stuttered.

Of the seven stallions that had leaned inward, Truffle inquired, “what’s her name, Danny–boy…?”

“Lily…” the eponymous subject had mumbled a bit rather slowly before gaining backing, “Lily Longsocks…”

“I know her, we went to school together when we were young…” the warm middleweight had chirped.

The jaded counterpart spoke back, “I didn’t…”

“What are you saying…?” Shady said to Danny briefly, “you look young enough to be from Ponyville…”

“Who said that I was from Ponyville…?” the emerald middleweight had laughed only mirthlessly.

The lone ginger sputtered, “you mean to tell me you weren’t from around there…? That’s okay, me and my fillyfriend were from Manehattan too; of course, my family moved out when I was just a foal: pops said the city was getting close to being a hotspot for secret tests by the government…”

“Sounds likes your dad has been consuming too much of the pictures and radio…” the jaded heavyweight retorted at once, “the Princesses would never do any of this without our knowledge…”

“You don’t know a darn thing about my old guy, Cu…!” the gilded middleweight interjected, pointing at Seed’s muzzle indignantly.

The brunet gotten between them both sighing, “relax, we came here today to relieve some tension between ourselves, not add any more; besides, we have our own special someponies to explore, right…?”

Beyond the event horizon was a ground zero complex which had currently stood out amongst other buildings deeply within the even territories. The cubic habitat was covered up in elaborate styles, colorful clashes of shades and hues crying out for warmth throughout its elaborate exteriors. The flat roofing was conforming to the geometric surface areas, much like the edifices around it albeit with but length and width instead of height. Many of the rectangular windows were tinted with a deeper shade of midnight blue despite the sunlight already latching onto the glass surfaces. Only the brown doorwall tallied the finishing touch to the otherwise unassuming establishment, opened to all, especially to those seeking solitude.

Standing outside were six ponies: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Tender Taps, Button, and Lemon, the lone intermediaries facing the looking glass upfront within full view. The very air around themselves was already filled up to the brim with such gentle breezes from the blue skies to forever as the green grass blew in the wind ever so light and variable. An abundance of flora and topiary were also present, great and small, embracing the favorable conditions brought about by the warm temperatures as they’d grew only slightly now. Beneath their very hooves were but an amalgamation of concrete and asphalt; in spite of its accumulating heat, the ground they were standing on was chilled to the touch anyway.

“Looks like we’ve made it; we better head on inside…” the lone redhead had commented on the proximity, the first of the several finding the time to trot towards the entrance, only to find it opening by itself as they slid sideways; unperturbed by recent discovery, she’d gasped, “hello…?”

Despite the automated opening, the sextet were finding safe passage in the complex almost immediately, greeted with multiple aromas of a strong concentration entering their very nostrils. Almost instantaneously, the very equines in question felt their lower limbs become cooler and insulated by carpeting so soft it was like the thick manes of napping lions albeit more tranquil. Within their collective viewpoints, the background itself was adorned with whiteness, a rather stark contrast to the elaborate decorum of its exterior the party was treated to not too long ago. Lurking about from beyond the well–lit walls of the hallway were sounds of conversations and melodies faintly emanating in many of their ears with the gentle precipitations being all muffled. Some small quantities of furniture were found within the visitors’ eyesights: tables here and nightstands there with several chairs to and fro aligned neatly as well as some mirrors on a wall.

“Hmm…?” a faint reply entered Apple Bloom’s ears.

The new voice on the inside had belonged to another pegasus; like the orange one, the new individual in question had possessed similarities right between themselves: purple eyes, a gymnastic physique, and a feminine appearance. Of course, there were many significant differences amongst the two pegasi at hand: of them, one of which was that the tenant’s mane and tail had possessed an equal color scheme with thin racing stripes all reminiscent of a small rainbow. Another was the fact that rather than the fruity integuments coloring Scootaloo, her counterpart’s coating was flowery, bearing the likeness and textures of a rose in a lighter shade compared to the redhead’s tresses while only blushing about. Donned over the pink pegasus’ body were a snow white ensemble of a hat, sundress, and some boots with a small flower arrangement adorned amongst the very textiles clothing her, more elaborate than the lone white unicorn’s attire.

The lone bright blonde became belligerent and barked briefly, “you…!”

“Me…?” the spectral single stuttered, pointing to herself as she laid eyes on Lemon’s grimace, “who are you…?”

“Don’t play innocent with us: everypony in Equestria and beyond knows of what you did, Cozy…!” the bright blonde bellowed.

Sweetie Belle jumped in front of Lemon and said to her, “relax, Lemon Daze… that’s Rainbow Harmony; Cozy Glow has already been dealt with…”

“Oh, I see… sorry about that…” the bright blonde stuttered, losing some steam as she struggled to look at the aforementioned equine, “I thought it was–––”

“Never mind that: once upon a time, ponies thought that I was Rainbow Dash’s long–lost sister; now, it’s Cozy Glow this and that…” the pink pegasus peeped.

A tiny teardrop tore away from the leftmost of Rainbow Harmony’s orb, prompting the orange correspondent to speak up, “that’s awful, I didn’t understand the pain you’d went through lately…”

“It’s nothing compared to what she did to me: from the day our eyes first met, I thought we had something; considering where we were, the two of us could’ve been together forever…” the pink pegasus wept a bit, struggling to hold back the deluge to maintain the neutral visage from earlier, “I was a foal for even believing the lies Cozy told me but betraying Equestria was even worse! Even though she was defeated, the stains in my brain latched onto me like some kind of parasite from outer space: everywhere I’d went, ponies thought of me as her distant relative whom inspired such plans to destroy the world; one stallion tried to rip off my mane thinking it was a disguise. Since that day, I’ve contemplated changing my mane and tail completely so it wouldn’t happen again; I have gotten Rarity to thank for coming up with such an idea, even though she didn’t mean for this to happen: at least the ponies liked her new look and she’d got her groove back.”

“I still like the rainbow theme though: it reminds me of those two lovely fillies I’ve met in Rosemound long ago…” another matronly voice cooed, catching the several mares and few stallions off–guard.

In an instant, another pegasus mare had trotted right up to Rainbow Harmony’s side: already bearing jet black tresses and a freckly silver coating over the ample bosom and voluptuous curves directly underneath an elongated snow white housecoat, with such luscious eyes of green, the former was staring at the latter as well as the other equines presently and accounted for.

At ease by her presence, the band of seven said, “Silver Wing…”

“Welcome back, we’ve been expecting you; after all, the six of you did have fun at my master’s party long ago: wish I could’ve seen your cousin again…” the titular tenant tittered a bit as she’d faced Apple Bloom tenderly, maintaining the distance between themselves, “speaking of which, how is miss little Barbarella doing…?”

“Babs, she’s doing great: Ah went t’ her shower weeks ago; they said that it’ll be ‘bout several months ‘til she becomes a mother…” the lone redhead answered the silver pegasus almost immediately.

Silver Wing became tickled pink as she’d sighed serenely, “oh, little Babsie’s carrying: she having a son or a daughter; better yet, are they twins…? Oh, I’m just dying to know; besides, I’m having a foal of my own too: it’s been only the first trimester since that fateful Hearts and Hooves Day long ago…!”

“Yer gonna be a mother too…?” Apple Bloom asked, slowly staring at the silver pegasus’ abdomen at once after seeing the latter nod; it was at this point the former had become jovial, “congratulations on getting on the road t’ motherhood: how far along are ya; what’s the foal’s gender going t’ be…?”

“Couldn’t say: I’ve barely exited my first trimester earlier this month so it’ll be at least until wintertime when the baby’s due; anyways, I’m looking forward to seeing your dear cousin again within the next year…” Silver Wing replied softly, rubbing the stomach gently as she looked down at the white fabric clothing her very body.

The lone redhead had spoken back to the silver pegasus, “next year… what’s happening next year…?”

“That’s for Winger and I to know and for you guests to learn all in due time; after all, you’ve come a long way from home to get to where all of you are today…” another voice had interjected immediately, catching the octet off–guard with a masculine tone, “sorry about her: she does seem to have a habit of talking a bit much; of course, she’s expecting so it’s bound to happen…”

Its point of origin was another tall white unicorn walking up to Silver Wing’s side quietly yet quickly for the others to witness. The mane and tail were of a darker shade than that of the silver pegasus’ tresses, donning sleek jet black stands without contrast. The presenter’s irises were but a balanced earthly tone of brown, accented by a lone nevus resting right beneath his left eye. The white unicorn’s attire was simple: a conical felt hat resting upon the mane and a pair of board shorts both colored in red.

“Smudge Proof, good morning; we were wondering where you were earlier…” the orange stallion said suddenly so to speak of.

The eponymous elder chimed, “don’t worry about me: just had to put on the finishing touches before the party can began; besides, we’re glad that you’ve came here today and right on time too…”

“I know, Sweetie and I can’t wait to try the hot springs…!” the brown visitor whinnied, holding the unicorn mare tightly as she began to blush from the sensation alone, “isn’t that right, you guys…?”

“Totes… let’s go, guys…!” Apple Bloom chirped deftly, embracing freely general hospitality in just keeling much negativity over proudly; quintessentially, reaching such timing unopposed valued work xenial youthful zeitgeist.

Equestrian Violets

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The wonders of the environment itself were easy to experience from the most singular of iotas altogether immediately at this passing moment instantly. The ceiling skylights suspended by about several meters from the ground, were colorful enough to shine its own mobile contents all throughout the way. The background, walls serving as their foundation were nothing more than a few mezzanines already being merely chains away from its center point. Many windows already found were displaying a distant sea and the skies above them with their shades of blue clashing about with the sands and clouds. The territory was mostly aquatic hence the abundance of its pools, slides, and the like; that being said, couches, chairs, and table rested on solid ground. A composition of strings and brass mixed together calmly sounded off from some speakers at dry corners with gentle vivacity and steady progression.

That being said, there were at least a few dozen occupants in the room already basking in the hot and heavy atmosphere with various states of care thereof. Almost all of them were equines: most were plain, some had wings, other possessed horns, but never both; of course, there was but at least one exception. Many of them had donned manes and tails with colors reminiscent of berries in various shades, styles, and spans alike, another major factor easily noticed. Even more obvious was the sheer fact a vast majority of them in there was scantily clad; as a matter of fact, the mares in attendance wore some collars. Resonating within the whole moment was that all of them were now actively found in various poses imaginable, averaging at no more–or–less than pairs. Sounds of moans, groans, and squealing about were heard instantaneously, already coalescing with the present music inside and the ambiance outside.

Out of many was but a sextet of ponies whom were perhaps already in much more fitting attires compared to the one in which they’d arrived in earlier: as such, the fabrics upon themselves had shown more of their coating without being in the altogether much like a fraction of their peers in attendance. As such, although Apple Bloom still wore that pink bow, there was a bikini dyed a deep purple like the tresses half of her equals possessed: despite its small size, they’d done well to cover her petite yet moderate form; in addition, a collar worn around the neck had borne her tresses’ color hue overall. Standing next to the redhead was Tender Taps now wearing a pair of red board shorts covering up much of his waistline more than her swimwear ever did; because of the wearer’s gender, he was already free to be showing off his limber but muscular frame, something his kind can easily partake in. Sweetie Belle was now wearing a jet black collar matching the bikini already found over the very frame, covering up their owner’s moderate bosoms yet still displaying the miniature umbilicus she and Apple Bloom both shared; in addition, the former’s attire was bearing a more modest coverage. Nearby the young white unicorn was Button Mash, still wearing his rainbow beanie: in addition, he was currently wearing a pair of midnight board shorts with a star platinum lightning bolt pattern at the sides; just like the orange counterpart, his abdomen was also bared, despite such skinniness. Right at the tail end was Scootaloo with her attire now consisting of a blue swimsuit with yellow accents: unlike the ones her friends were wearing, it’d covered up much of her waistline and stomach yet had left her tiny bust exposed; moreover, another red collar was also found around her neckline. Lastly but not at the very least was Lemon, bearing a more liberal outfit: a bandeau with a skinnier fabric were colored in an emerald splash, serving as a contrast to yet another red collar around her neck; because of this, her flanks donned the slice of a citric fruit with all the colors of a rainbow.

“No wonder why it was so popular: it’s huge…!” the yellow redhead gasped in awe at the sight of the environment she and her friends were in.

The brown ginger, although sharing Apple Bloom’s sentiments, was more subdued as he followed after her, “so what…? At least they have an arcade on the second floor: it’s nothing like Las Pegasus’ games but at least they’re free this time around…”

“It’s always the games, isn’t it…?” Sweetie Belle scoffed, looking at the aquatic surroundings and its inhabitants themselves, “fuck em; look around you, Button… look at how everypony is enjoying life: you see a few of them over there…?”

The titular stallion found himself staring at a pair of redheaded ponies in the distance: aside from their hair colors, their commonalities were easily apparent; even so, there were many significant differences between them. For starters, one of the redheads had a sundance scheme and a predominantly darkly reddish style rough around its edges whereas the other was coated in white and short but straightforward cerise matching the eyes. Secondment, there was also a slight difference in constitution between the two of them alone: while the gilded redhead possessed a large cleavage bouncing about, the white counterpart had rolls of cellulite in a shape. Thirdly, the buxom mare had worn some big brown eyes reeking about with anticipation whereas the petite correspondent just bore concupiscence backed up with some liberation in them right at once with a clear target. Of the two redheads in question, the gilded redhead had a wide brimmed hat resting on her head by the leftmost side while the white counterpart had wore a pair of rectangular glasses in shades of the royal purple itself. While the curvaceous mare had donned an ample apple in the form of a brass bell adorning her flanks, the petite correspondent just carried an abacus that was matching both the tresses and irises alike so to speak of. Considering their companionship, both of them had went unclothed, save for some collars around their necklines: the gilded redhead donned one that match her tresses; the white counterpart wore cobalt. What had also cemented their very collective appearance was the state they were found in: the voluptuous mare was bent over towards a railing, her croup being occupied by a protuberant object from abaft herself.

“Oh, Libby; your butt is so tight…!” the petite individual moan, shoving in and out of the gilded target with the tumescent toy overall.

Watching the sedentary redhead being subjected to such a sensation left the dark ginger blushing about as he’d drooled about, “fuck…”

“Button, focus on me for now: let us not forget why we’re here; besides, I’m in control this time around…!” the white unicorn had snarled playfully, snapping the eponymous stallion out of his stupor with a kiss to catch him off–guard, “let’s have some fun first: I’ve been wanting to feel your cock inside my mouth anyway…”

“Ooh…” the brown ginger had cooed as Sweetie Belle slid gently downward and made contact with his swimwear immediately, taking note of the distension underneath the very fabric right at once.

With the white unicorn’s knees having already reached the wet surface, she’d uncovered the dry prepuce with a quiet giggle, causing Button to join in. Initially, Sweetie Belle’s hands started kneading the shaft around playfully like some joystick, catching their remaining friends by surprise instantly. Before long, the white unicorn’s tongue slipped outwardly and slowly slid about at once with such salivation now making contact for others to see. Sure enough, the brown ginger was resting one of his hands onto Sweetie Belle’s mane to stroke and pat based on the progress she was already making. The white unicorn’s tongue still freely licked Button’s yard before slowly forwarding it in her mouth, deeply taking a break to moan in a sultry tone. Even though the brown ginger extended his gaskins a bit further to give Sweetie Belle more room to lick around, the former barely helped himself. In no time whatsoever, the white unicorn enjoyed the fact her own tongue stimulated and syphoned Button’s shaft, now nestling in her cleavage. Now with the brown ginger’s prepuce sliding throughout ‘til its point became seen beneath the adjacent chin, Sweetie Belle started squeezing about.

With the white unicorn starting to swaying them up and down concomitantly with her tongue slipping through and out below her lips before reaching the tip, Button became aroused at what she was trying to do, only this time she loudly moaned hungrily, “ohhh… shoot your hot cum all over my tits, Buttfuck…!”

“OK…!” the brown ginger yelped for it wasn’t long until Sweetie Belle’s sandwiching and tongue tickling around his elongated yard had caused it to splatter across her very neckline and then dripped downward between her clothed bosoms, “how was that, my little prossie: pleased to find that my cock was to your liking…?”

“Better than before, Button…” the white unicorn sighed softly after becoming caked densely ever freely with the aforementioned stallion’s extract, taking no time whatsoever to remove her own top and expose her bust to him immediately.

Even though the brown ginger’s prepuce lost its shape, he never lost his smile as he’d sputtered, “I can help you keep going though; besides, we still got the whole day to ourselves thanks to them…”

“Ain’t it the truth…?” Sweetie Belle giggled as she stood up straightaway face–to–face with Button again with a smirk, “let’s go find some other empty bench to clean up: I wanna have you rut me better enough to bear your foals…”

“Well, why wait any longer; can you lead the way, Sweetie…?” the brown ginger heaved as the white unicorn wiped his upper lip with the swipe of her finger all frolicsome without a care in the world.

The titular tenant tittered tersely, “the pleasure will be mine to do so, Buttfuck…”

It wasn’t long until the white unicorn and her lover sequestered themselves from the other pairs they’d been with since that fateful morning earlier, leaving the yellow redhead alone with the orange stallion and the other mares still present and accounted for like before; of course, with that being said, even they knew it was but a matter of time: Scootaloo and Lemon began to kiss.

“Apple Bloom, what would you like to do from here…?” Tender Taps had slowly asked the eponymous lover, looking into the eyes sensibly, “we can go on the slides together if you want to…”

“Let’s not beat around the bush: you and Ah both know what we want, or rather, what we need; besides, ya and Snails didn’t have any problem whatsoever in beating off to me and my friend Twist having some fun together last time…” the yellow redhead interjected with a playfully snarl, finding the time slid up to the orange stallion’s muzzle without either of them touching.

Abaft of the duo were the pegasus and her blonde colleague giggling about as their hands currently explored each other’s integumentary systems slowly but surely: of the two osculating mares, the latter was the first to whisper, “how would you like it if I grabbed your clit and started fingering it, Scoots…?”

“Do it, Lemon: shove them into my pussy already; it’s already on fire…!” Scootaloo sighed, sending the bleached counterpart out to stick a leftmost hand down inside the former’s swimsuit white the other had still latched onto the petite cleavage on the adjacent side, “yeah, fingerbang me for the win, Lemon… fingerbang like the world shouldn’t give a fuck about our love lives…”

“Speaking of which, let’s kiss and makeup as we go along; we’ve gotten the whole day t’ ourselves…” Apple Bloom cloyingly drawled effortlessly, frontline generally hereon in just kernels lined messily nearby obstructions piqued resonantly so their utter vivacities would xylograph youths’ zeitgeist.

Since they were still standing straight anyways, their eyes were accented by blushing considering that both faces had been maintaining a close distance. As the two finally joined hands, their respective lips grew closer to one another while Tender Taps’ terse trembling had started to cease immediately. The pair finally grew more eager, their muzzles finally opened as one another passed, tongues finally slipping out for their very ecstatic exploration. In little time whatsoever, they’d surrendered their kneecaps onto the cold concrete underneath, the yellow redhead still leading the way so to speak. Neither of them had relented, continuing for at least over a minute or two tongue–tied during the embrace as their conjoined passions started growing. When the orange stallion transferred his lips from the target down to the neckline, he’d then exhaled dioxide from both nostrils without hesitation. Only then when Tender Taps’ tongue started licking Apple Bloom’s shoulder she’d felt the very sensation crawl around, not caring due to anticipation. Once immediately, the smile grew as the orange stallion quickly slid his tongue down to the bosoms in between, delivering pleasures hoped for. Delighted by the sheer fact Tender Taps slowly started tugging on them with his teeth, the yellow redhead had soon let out loud yet soft moans.

Needless to say, the orange stallion broke away from the bust and whispered, “Apple Bloom, take off your bikini bottom… please…”

“Ain’t that ironic that a master and husband such as yerself would even stoop so low as t’ make such a demand, but since ya asked nicely…” the aforementioned mare sniggered before slipping the lower garment off of her waistline in front of Tender Taps in so little time despite being slow; with it out of the way, she was now in her dishabille for him to see clearly, “what do ya think?”

“Beautiful…” the orange stallion simply sighed, staring at the significant strands of hair sitting supra the yellow redhead’s sheath in the shape of a heart after she’d stood right back up again straightaway to show of her tricolor shields.

It wasn’t even long until Tender Taps was just merely a few inches away directly from Apple Bloom’s cavernously defining entrenched flower gazing happily in just kinetic lounging, mesmerized neatly over placement quaintly reminiscent so to utter vividly xanthochroid yearnings zestfully.

The orange stallion salivated a bit before the yellow redhead’s voice became more than enough for him to snap back to reality, “what are ya waiting fer, mah pussy to get wet…? Eat me out now…!”

Tender Taps was more than happy to oblige, lapping at the fork in between Apple Bloom’s gaskins straightaway as she’d watched onward with naughty glee. Although the yellow redhead was soon feeling the effects of the orange stallion’s tongue being put to work, she held firm and stood upright with her firm smiling. Tender Taps started lapping the contents of Apple Bloom’s sheath with her resting a lone hand onto his deep purple tresses for some support as she became giddy. As soon as the yellow redhead felt that muzzle tickling her before slowly slithering inward, she’d moaned slowly yet loudly at the tightness the orange stallion found. Even so, Tender Taps ran his very tongue right around Apple Bloom’s gaskins so briefly as they, too, were starting to spread a bit further wide for him to explore. The orange stallion could barely help himself but drooled every time it went sliding in and out of the yellow redhead’s flower repetitively, his hands onto her hips. In no time, Apple Bloom had given out more small moans which quickly turned into loud yelps of happiness the moment the depths of her fork became tampered. The sheer cold from Tender Taps’ very expedition had soon caused the achromatic fluid to squirt from his adjacent target and onto his taste buds warmly in return.

“Mmm…!” the orange stallion moaned, breaking away to look upright at the yellow redhead, “no wonder why your home’s called Sweet Apple Acres: you farmers live up to your name; even your juices are like them…”

“How about ya lie down and finish what ya just started, Ten–Ten…?” Apple Bloom snapped blithely at Tender Taps whom started lying supine, his head away from hers as their collective eyesight formed a hypotenuse.

It didn’t take long for the yellow redhead to rely on her mostly residual strength to walk over to the orange stallion’s visage, turning around to face his fabric prior to planting her croup closely. With the same tongue from before, Tender Taps now jutted back into Apple Bloom, this time in her fundament as he sent tingles throughout her body, shutting both eyes tightly yet still smiling. The yellow redhead reopened them to look onward in contentment at the rest of her little orange lover’s body, the former’s flanks held firmly in the latter’s grasp with muzzle buried right inside. Tender Taps found the time to stopped and lap at the adjacent sheath, bringing out some more pleasure each time his tongue had switched right back to Apple Bloom’s croup and vice versa. Soon, the yellow redhead felt salivation now curling down from the corner of her lips, the orange stallion’s exploration giving way to hunger and thirst as he stretched her fundament wide easily. Apple Bloom gave out another loud moan, gurgling about at the cerebration of wanting to taste Tender Taps soon enough as the dribble escape, eyeing the fabric snugly around his waistline. The yellow redhead had only attempted reaching down to her wet flower and started furbishing rhythmically as the orange stallion still permeated all throughout her flanks ever so illustriously.

Almost immediately, it was also at this very point in time that both Apple Bloom and Tender Taps were now mutually inverted towards one another, the former’s hands making contact with the latter’s kneecaps as their owners’ mouths now aligned with their waistlines. Contentedly, the yellow redhead started mollycoddling the orange stallion’s clothing frolicsome by using a few of her own fingers to reach inside; in response, he’d gotten aroused and stuck out his tongue up at her fork almost immediately, still aware of its saturated state. Apple Bloom swayed her waist reactively, bouncing around lightly for at least several times and moaning quietly in delight while caressing her cleavage before she’d decided to do the same to Tender Taps’ shaft, proceeding to forward her hot and heavy lips around it all. Each time that the orange stallion felt the yellow redhead stimulating, pumping, and licking the uncovered yard, it started to get harder so he was returning the favor; quickly, it got so hard his hands now grasped onto her rippling thighs and started rubbing up and down. Because Tender Taps’ tongue was already intertwined with Apple Bloom’s sheath and vice versa with his prepuce, their instantaneous aria of libidinousness were being stifled by the respective lips and tongues bringing pleasure to one another, such timing notwithstanding. Soon, their mouths, including their tongues started transferring so much stimulating pleasure between themselves quickly, it’d seem that they would have been able to get their wishes; however, only the yellow redhead began to break off away after getting her fill.

While this was going on and about, Rainbow Harmony only was literally sitting at the sidelines; unlike the many whom were in the midst of their passions, she’d possessed so many differences. For starters, the pink pegasus’ mane was freed from the confines of her snow white hat yet her attire now consisted of a black collar, much like the ones the gilded and white unicorns wore. Secondly, since the sundress was replaced by an open swimsuit, Rainbow Harmony only donned a blank notepad with a purple writing utensil at the side of it right over her limber toned flanks. Aside from the sweat, the pink pegasus felt something else running down from the corner of her purple eyes, another anomaly that set her apart from the rest of her peers, especially the mares.

Although the sight of their swimwear, or lack thereof, unfazed Rainbow Harmony, only her mind spoke otherwise, “Cozy, I thought that we had something special; why did you betray Equestria, its neighbors, our heroes, our teachers, our classmates, but most of all, why me…? We were supposed to be friends forever; it was the whole point of coming to Twilight’s school so I ought to know: how long were you even planning this charade…?”

“Are you okay, miss; is there something wrong here…?” a question was heard immediately; while it was obviously clear the sensation the pink pegasus experienced had generally went unnoticed, some individual found the courage to speak to her real gently, “I’ve noticed that you’re alone…”

As soon as Rainbow Harmony turned around, the source in question led her to find another pegasus mare with a similar color palette, albeit more relaxed so far along the way. Possessing a much more solid color, the speaker was fruitier than the rose tinted coating the listener had with the former’s brilliant tangelo painting the coat with a dark texture. Around the shorthaired observer’s luxurious pupils were circles of a dyed deep blue cornflowers having already widened with its tender gaze which could refresh many lifeforms. Like Rainbow Harmony, the collar upon the fruity pegasus’ neck was also painted in a jet black scheme, offset by a brass ring in the middle compared to the steel upon the former. Still, the shorthaired observer’s body had showed off a petite cleavage and miniature umbilicus underneath the more liberal swimsuit, even much tinier than her pinker counterpart. The fruity pegasus’ flanks were already adorned with a flutter of several lepidopterans, each of them all colored in a royal shade reminiscent of majestically purple mountainsides.

“Huh, Flutterbye…?” Rainbow Harmony outcried softly, replying towards the titular traveler tersely.

It didn’t take long for the fruity pegasus to speak to her pinker colleague almost immediately, “wow, I know that Smudge Proof invited so many, but I never expected to find you here of all places…”

“What’s it to you?!” snapped Rainbow Harmony before going gently than initially projected, “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’ve been trying to get away from the drama at Ponyville yet it hasn’t been easy…”

“Ponies confusing you for a certain Wonderbolt…?” Flutterbye said, earning only a sad scoff instantaneously.

The pink pegasus looked down from her fruity counterpart’s line of eyesight and replied, “worse… you remembered that time you–know–who sided with the villains a long time ago…?”

“Yeah, dreadfully so…” Flutterbye shuddered, shivering about despite being in the environment, “you’re still upset with what she’d tried to do and I understand; the fact she was so young had gotten to us: all that potential wasted on making such a nightmare into a reality and with him no less…”

“That’s not all, I looked up to her as someone who I thought would be my friend: growing up, ponies at my school teased me for being some long lost daughter of some element bearer, despite having parents of my own; it didn’t help I was the only pegasus mare in the family no less…” Rainbow Harmony intoned, shedding some tears.

The fruity pegasus sat down nearby her pinker counterpart and said, “I see what you mean: I’ve been mistaken for being related to one of the Wonderbolts training but I didn’t let it get me down; if anything, she was the reason why I signed up in the first place. Besides, we’d gotten around to meeting one another again and talked about ourselves: friends, families, futures, the fun we had together; she gave me a reason to never let the comparisons get to me as a whole. Anyways, I found some friends of my own age while in the Wonderbolts, most of them were from that day we were foals under Spitfire’s supervision: Wind Whistler, Heart Throb, even Medley whom came here today with her own coltfriend…”

“Wish I had one; at least he could help purge the filth that she’d left behind away…” Rainbow Harmony cried softly, burying her face with her own hands, “even when everypony isn’t saying anything to or about me, I sometimes hear their thoughts about me and the times I’ve shared with her despite not knowing much about her; of course, I never knew the real her at all either…”

“Neither of us did…” another feminine voice made its way but it didn’t belong to either pegasi whom turned their eyes towards the source: two more mares had already approached them, both possessing multicolored tresses like them but with more differences than the observers can notice on the surface; after all, even they were quick to understand one another almost immediately.

Speaking of the twosome, although their collective lack of wings had made them both one of the same as the warmly colored lovers, Button, and Lemon, they too were different from each other. For starters, one of them was also pink, albeit faint with tresses containing every color save for green while the other was coated in silver bearing locks of yellow, green and purple all tied up. Secondment, there was also a slight difference in facial composition between themselves: only the silver mare amongst the very duo donned creases of fat worn right on her rosy cheekbones. Thirdly, the lighter pony in question kept a thinly toned figure with flanks bearing a paintbrush and purple spiral while the metallic counterpart was slightly portly with some pies on the sides. In addition, the lightweight visitor in question had both irises rich with the color of opals right within the owner’s visage whereas her heavyset correspondent bore some amber waves of grain. The most notable difference was their attire: aside from their red collars, the lighter pony wore a black bandeau and white towel while the metallic counterpart donned an orange and blue combo.

Flutterbye was only quick to comment on the mismatched pair’s arrival instantly, “Toola–Roola, Coconut Cream… hello, how are you two doing…?”

“Great, we were just about to hit the teashop earlier but we heard you talking about Cozy Glow…” the former visitor was the first to answer the fruity pegasus’ greeting, “sorry about what I did, Mona…”

“Don’t fret about it, it was a long time ago anyway; besides, I should’ve expected that this would happen at some point in time: they say that friendship is magic but it seems I was wrong to be friends with her of all ponies…” Rainbow Harmony only wept quietly, catching the somberly silver observer off–guard.

The heavyset pony had approached the pink pegasus cautiously with a small grin while saying, “ponies used to say the same about me and Too–Roo: she told me that part of the reason she’d left Ponyville to pursue her dreams was because of her; even though that she was defeated, the pain Cozy caused us was a bit too much. As a matter of fact, when I was staying at her place, Too–Roo told me she’d suffered nightmares about the time when Equestria was drained of its magic: one of them was when she and myself watched each other losing the colors on our bodies staring with our cutie marks and then the rest; it was at this point she woke up screaming late at night. Even worse, it had been around the same time my friend–––”

“You don’t have to tell them the whole story, CiCi; besides, I needed to clear the air out of my head from being in Ponyville since that day…!” the pink pony interjected at once, “even though us students thwarted the little tyrant, I still couldn’t get over what she could’ve done; after all, none of us ever even thought she would do something like this, let alone take over the school. Everyone trusted her, especially Twilight Sparkle: from what I’d heard, she’d taken Cozy Glow’s betrayal hard, not just because of her fate but also because of the fact that weeks before it, she’d blamed those three ponies, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, for failing the test; now, the Princess sees it as one significant failure in her life so far. Starlight had been attempting to comfort her on the issue, like that time they’d published their Friendship Journal and gotten so many problems popping such as ponies stalking them and striking a boutique; they’d all seemed to have missed the whole point of the book CiCi and I had been reading.”

“Much like being able to tell the difference between Cozy Glow and myself; I’d thought that Equestria was supposed to be full of friendship but it seems that we’re fickle enough to overreact to the smallest details, whether it be wondering which of us were Changelings serving Chrysalis or a gossip column written by one or more ponies…” the pink pegasus grieved a bit so to speak.

Coconut Cream faced Rainbow Harmony and said to the latter, “come on and have a drink of tea with us: at least it’ll help the lot of us clear our minds; besides, they’re free for today anyway so it’s a good deal since Smudge Proof provided.”

“Yeah, maybe some tea would be nice; I haven’t been able to sleep last night since staying in the hotel…” the pink pegasus sighed happily, taking a stand literally up in front of the three other mares, “at least it’s even nicer to be among real friends…”

“Agreed…!” Toola–Roola and her colleague chirped together as they, Flutterbye, and Rainbow Harmony finally walked away from the sidelines.

In the meantime, two more pegasi were found on the opposite side, both alike in fair dignity at first glance though possessing certain commonalities: dark coating, cold eyes, and a general display of immodesty; of course, there were some significant differences between themselves. For starters, one was a lone silver stallion was found to be standing upright with his more lipid form reminiscent of Truffle; the other was an indigo mare towering over him by a few inches right near a poolside partition, athletic but curvaceous leaning against its side with her bare back. While a set of long golden locks were found making its very way to the nape of the neck in a solid color already being weighed down by moisture, she donned blue and violet tresses making their way all throughout her back, clashing against each other in a pointless quest for dominance. Surrounding such luxurious pupils were circles of opalescence dyed a deep blue inside the silver stallion whose face faltered about whereas a rich shade of light cornflower were held back by the indigo mare herself alongside with a winning smile that held firm enough to provide reassurance. Of the two mismatched pegasi in question, her only article of clothing was found upon the very neckline: a lone red collar speaking more loudly than what their tresses, coating, or eyes could’ve dared to say, not that he’d minded in the very least, despite his minimalistic hesitations. Slathered right upon the silver stallion’s flanks were a set of hot pink drapery lined with some white zigzags thin like bits of string holding them together; the indigo mare wore yellow shining suns with a welcoming face as well as hands holding scoops filled to the brim with many raisins.

It was at this break point moment in time he’d latched onto her croup with both hands and said, “are you truly sure that you want me to do this, Hyacinth; what if I’m not good at it this time…?”

“Look, Cloudy Daze, please try… you’ve made it this far in life to prove your worth as a stallion: there’s no point in giving up when we haven’t even started yet; do you understand…?” the eponymous mare replied softly, looking into her respective partner’s visage with a pleasant grin as the latter nodded off; sure enough, the former said, “read… my… lips… eat me out…!”

“Okay…” the blond stallion stuttered while watching the indigo colleague turn around and bent forward, presenting him two of her own ingresses within those haunches: their differences apparent to the former whom lowered himself.

Slowly yet surely, Cloudy Daze jutted into Hyacinth straightaway at once, sending out tingles throughout her body as she’d shut both of her own eyes tightly and suppressed quiet moans in response. The indigo mare reopened them to look back quickly, watching in contentment now the blond stallion held her flanks firmly in his grasp, muzzle buried at once running roundabout and within thoroughly. He’d maintained his grin onto her despite stopping to lap at the adjacent flower right underneath, bringing out more pleasure each time his tongue switched back to the fundament and vice versa repetitively. Like Apple Bloom, Hyacinth felt saliva curling down from the corner of her lips, Cloudy Daze’s exploration giving way to hunger and thirst altogether; needless to say, she’d felt needy to return the favor.

In the meantime, the blond stallion had stretched the indigo mare’s croup wide before forwarding his tongue back inside, causing her hands to tense up as she closed her eyes again while giving out a loud moan, “oh, Cloudy… please shove your horsecock inside me already; I need it so fucking bad…!”

“Damn, she’s really enjoying herself already…” he’d cerebrated, permeating through her flanks in such an illustrious matter, slurping and licking within much to her delight as his saliva dripped down the very abyss, “better give her what she wants; after all, I wonder if she wants me to go for her vagina or the flank hole; of course, my tongue inside there is enough of an answer…”

“Do it: please fuck me rotten if you dare; I can’t take it any longer…!” Hyacinth cried out with warmth now enveloping Cloudy Daze within those folds as she’d felt his subzero salivation now inside her very fundament altogether, reaching down to her wet fork to started furbishing it rhythmically.

A slobbering moan escaped the blond stallion’s mouth before licking deeper inside the indigo mare: to him, it was appetizing ‘til the dryness sat in, forcing him to relent, release, and retract; now, his tongue filled in both contents of his salivation inside as he was breaking away from the habit of it all, standing back up with a gripped shaft, “Hyacinth, here I go…”

Needless to say, she was now feeling more pleasure each time he’d slowly rubbed against her while sliding his tumescent yard in and out rapidly; as a result, she’d wavered around and increased in luxurious synchronicity. Some vastly soft high–pitched moans escaped from Hyacinth’s wet lips again along with added panting, turning into intensely loud yelps of happiness once again as more jolts travel up her spine with pulp friction growing on. Even Cloudy Daze could barely help himself, grunting, panting, and moaning as well every time his thrusting prepuce punctured through the croup, causing its owner to go wriggling forward and back like some lavish caterpillar.

“You can do it…!” the indigo mare squealed as she’d placed her left hand over her sheath still soaking about in its solution from not too long ago thanks to the blond stallion’s act thereof, “cum inside my plot hole…!”

Still grasping onto Hyacinth tightly, Cloudy Daze moved his right hand to grab onto her adjacent elbow while his other hand now groped the tacky cleavage when the shaft had moved inwardly. The resumption of movement, although slow like before had started to gain some momentum as the indigo mare used her left hand to go in between her legs and start wiping her flower slowly. They couldn’t even help to love every minute of such togetherness with a little more tenderness: the blond stallion’s yard was buried into her flanks as she occupied herself with her own fork. Each time they moved around and about, they felt their coats rubbing off of each other in this hot and heavy atmosphere with only the moisture of the aquatic area providing themselves relief. The two pegasi were still in a touching grip, their perspiration already pouring throughout one another and salivation slowly escaping from their mouths as they moaned more loudly than ever. The active Hyacinth now pushed two of her fingers inside her sheath while Cloudy Daze quickly used the left hand to chafe her bust smoothly and pinched one her moistened nubbins gently. Their continuous efforts were getting to another highpoint closely since such excitement was just around the corner; for what it was worth, they were all comfortably numbed to the environment. The indigo mare couldn’t even take it any much longer as she’d yelled out at the very peak of her own pleasure, shooting out more juices all over from the fork and onto the left hand in full force. At the same time, the blond stallion’s plunging into her fundament caused him to shoot out at once, sticking it to his target before subsiding right away as a small trail appeared between them.

“Wow, look at all that spunk; I never knew my own strength…” he’d gasped after breaking away from Hyacinth with a wet pop.

The indigo mare turned around almost immediately and giggled, “I figured that things would get better for the both of us.”

“You really mean it…?” Cloudy Daze inquired, earning a nod from her, “I don’t know what to do from here now…”

“Let me take over from here; you did well by yourself anyway…” Hyacinth shushed, placing a dry forefinger onto the blond stallion’s upper lip.

It didn’t take long for the indigo mare to be glancing at the sodden region with a profligate grin, speedily taking note of its currently descended length being surrounded by its remaining extract. Sure enough, she’d used the left hand to knead the prepuce around playfully after cleaning off the tacky layering; before long, it’d sprung up onto her very muzzle in little time whatsoever. Nonetheless, Hyacinth tongue quickly slipped right out of her mouth and started slowly sliding around Cloudy Daze’s shaft with warm salivation making contact, causing him to blush deeply. Standing uprightly, all that the blond stallion could do was watch as the indigo mare whom was stimulating and syphoning what had and would erupt from his barely limp yard and to herself. Gently and surely, he’d lent back a bit further to give her more room to lap around, still careful enough not to let gravity send him downward onto the flooring at a certain angling so to speak. Cloudy Daze couldn’t help himself but coo and moan as he’d felt Hyacinth’s tongue running across his prepuce, taking what little time to pat her darker tresses gently in such synchronicity. Within due time, the indigo mare driveled onto the blond stallion’s shaft for some significant time til her mouth was filled to the brim with flavor, swallowing about before breaking away.

Both pegasus were face–to–face once again: she’d licked her lips clean of the solution expelled from his yard earlier; afterwards, he spoke out, “sorry about that: I should’ve warned you that I was gonna burst earlier…”

“Don’t fret, CD… it’s way better than that rimjob you just gave me; since your tongue went inside my plot hole, I’ve been literally begging for some backdoor action from you…” Hyacinth heaved, hugging Cloudy Daze tightly with a happy visage full of hearts filled with limerance and concupiscence, “I’ve wouldn’t have minded if you’d gone and wrecked my dirty pussy like that.”

“Yeah, it’s a shame I’d wasted it all on plowing you in there; I would’ve been fine with you beating it off of me instead…” the blond stallion had mewed as his indigo correspondent slowly but surely locked lips with him straightaway.

The fact they were both sweating in the altogether wasn’t enough to fill themselves with shame in the least; as far as they were concerned, they were already right within their mutual embrace. With both pegasi nibbling their lips and tongues as well as each other gently all throughout, their very cooperation was every second spent trading kisses with one another in such a euphoric bliss. The differences they’d both possessed alongside their few, if any, commonalities simply through touching were irrelevant, their irises already met with a subdued clash of shades, hues, and cries. The music around the pegasi, along with their other peers had changed even as the ambiance was merely preferable to any slim margins of error; despite this, they’d remained lost in the moment.

She’d soon broke away from his lips and said to him, “it’s a miracle that we’ve made it this far together, even after everything that happened so far in Equestria of all places: you a playwright and me a Wonderbolt…”

“I know, it makes me feel at ease with myself: even before I’d gotten old enough, I’d been picked on for simply not fitting into one or the other completely…” Cloudy Daze had softly sighed sadly, looking away from Hyacinth, beads of sweat dropping from his brow and onto the concrete flooring, “one time, I remember somepony sending me a petticoat on my birthday…”

“Don’t let what happened to you get in the way of being a better pony here; you have so much to live for now, like me…” the indigo mare had interjected sharply, causing the blond stallion to wince right away.

Looking back life before, he’d faced her once more, this time with feelings of satisfaction and relief while replying, “yeah… you’re right…”

“Besides, nopony else isn’t out there trying to see how long your dick is, let alone us; the glass windows are one–way: no one outside the resort can see any of us doing the nasty…” Hyacinth laughed warmly before kissing Cloudy Daze once more, “at the very least, we can enjoy the scenery as well as the main attractions too…”

“I agree: Manehattan’s nothing but noise all–day everyday; even Las Pegasus knew when to quit sometimes…” another feminine voice cut into the fold, bringing the amorous duo out of their solitary gaze at once.

Two more mismatched ponies were now easily found joining the pegasi pair: needless to say, they were no longer alone so to speak, not that it’d made much of a difference whatsoever. As with the observers in question, they, too, had possessed certain commonalities as well: some height and stature as well as an eager yet restrained gaze right within their coldly colored eyes. Of course, there were also many significant differences between the plain visitors, especially considering they had much more common with the pink and silver pair on the opposite side.

As a matter of fact, even they were were starting to sharing a much deeper resemblance with the other ponies in question as well as the very pegasi pair themselves, something that which many, especially the two in particular, can relate to for what it was worth living for and learning about. For starters, one was a lone indigo stallion with a darker coat than Hyacinth, standing upright with his more limber form reminiscent of Tender Taps; the other was an orange mare with a much lighter coating, lanky yet buxom like her, albeit with some more depth and density inside. Like Cloudy Daze, he wore a set of long golden locks already making its very way to the nape of his neck except there was a bright stripe in the middle; as for her, her tresses were purple like much of the yellow redhead’s entourage with two shades both tied back up by a green elastic tie. Surrounding such luxurious pupils were circles of opalescence dyed a deep blue inside the indigo stallion accented by freckles whereas a rich shade of moderate cerise were held back by the orange mare herself much like the white heavyweight but more freed from any form of eyewear. As with the indigo pegasus, the only article of clothing found upon the very neckline was a lone red collar speaking more loudly than what the latter’s eyes could’ve dared to say, not that either of them had minded in the very least because of their collective minimalistic movements overall. Slathered right upon the indigo stallion’s flanks was a big goldenrod star with a triumvirate of miniature horseshoes trailing right after it in a path; the orange mare wore a set of flannel hearts, predominantly pink with intersecting lines of purple and gold laid out like some incomplete grid.

The blond pegasus felt his heart racing a bit when he was now staring at the warmer counterpart: although he didn’t show it, he couldn’t help himself but feel the weight on his shoulders gaining; he took in a deep breath and zeroed in on the latter’s cerise orbs above the cleavage stuttering, “Plaid Stripes… I wasn’t… expecting… to find you here… of all places…”

“Oh, my… this isn’t looking good: one minute he’s mister Chill, now he’s shaking like a leaf; it’s not like CD…” Hyacinth ruminated, taking note of Cloudy Daze’s faltering yet stable stance as he and the indigo stallion were nearby the aforementioned individual in question, “do these two happen to have some kind of history together…?”

“Mmm, I like the fact that Vanhoover’s much more cooler than Manehattan this time of year: the weather’s much more stable and warmer compared to the ice and snow; besides, too many ponies have been traveling up and down Equestria for the summer and not just for the vacationing…” the orange mare had giggled happily.

The freckled blond chimed into the conversation, “at least the zeppelin ride from there was exhilarating like before: makes you as free as a bird to see how small our own little world really is; sometimes you wonder if there’s other places aside home…”

“Home… that’s easy enough to say: at least yours is much rustic; mines just commonplace…!” Plaid spat out strongly yet still maintaining her grin, catching even the indigo pegasus off–guard, “even the concrete jungle’s too much for me sometimes…”

“At least you haven’t been to the capital: trying to see the royals up there in her own hometown was a hassle, not to mention that she happens to have tied the knot with somepony else here; never thought she would do that, let alone start up a family of her own like Shining did…” the indigo stallion said softly, blushing about so to speak of.

Turning to face the freckled blond, the orange mare had cooed sensually, “perhaps you’d like to see something even better: how about if I eat that purple pegasus out while you and her coltfriend whack off to us fillies; what do you say to that…?”

“What?!” the blond pegasus choked out, struggling for some oxygenated air at what Plaid had plainly said, “I didn’t know you were into mares too or maybe I’m the one whom guessed wrong…”

“Don’t take it personally: with many of the fillies in here, it shouldn’t be too surprising in the very least; besides, I’ve already seen enough of them in the nude before I got here, like that cook I’ve made out with years ago…” the orange mare had replied as if Cloudy Daze’s outburst was nothing to sneeze at, figuratively and otherwise.

The indigo pegasus shared the same emotion as Plaid; prior to gaining proximity, the former said to the latter, “perhaps, I can take you up on that offer…”

Suddenly, both blonds felt their hearts skip a beat, treated to the sight of their lovers locking lips with one another with little warning whatsoever. The mismatched males felt their prepuces standing in towards the very mares lost in the throes of their concupiscence as their tongues danced on. Under no circumstance did they expect either Hyacinth or Plaid to hit it off sooner than they could even handle anticipating in the very least.

“Damn…!” Cloudy Daze had murmured only silently, “look at themselves both going at it together…!”

Rookie Blues

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A lone sterile environment was found to be massive: all clean and pristine to a fault, despite its overall purpose already being utilized currently. The flooring was made up of bronze earthenware tiles on the ground, richly reminiscent of the solid earth and the treasures it could have held. The walls were painted in vaguely obscure silver, a much arguably colorless shade than the very pleasant weather occurring outside the confines. Speaking of which, the gentle taps of wind were heard from above, courtesy of the skylight up above the flooring alongside the electrical lights. Accommodations were typical things including a long line of stalls, each containing a toilet and bidet inside along with some sinks out in front. In addition, there were also some showers nearby that were mostly active, contributing to the heat and moisture that grew right on the mirrors.

Amongst the few ponies that were found in attendance, a high yellow stallion was already in the fray gently covered in some hot white foam. A rather moderate shade of some true blue was found to be flowing out in a rough shape to the point of covering up both eyes straightaway. In regards to the utter lack of attire, he was already showing off his middleweight form alongside with the tumescent prepuce wafting aimlessly. Shown slathered on the yellow stallion’s very flanks was a gilded fork wrapped around neatly by an enormous red ribbon in the form of a bow.

“Oh, yeah… take it in… take it all in…” he’d muttered hoarsely, gripping his shaft tightly with the froth as his own choice of emollient.

The yellow stallion already found himself lost in the haze, already occupied with his shaft as he’d slid the fold to and from the tip slowly yet surely with the warm water and bubbly froth to aid the camp. He was soon to gain momentum as he’d started thrusting forward and back gently so as to avoid falling onto his back due to the slippery tiles; of course, he’d backed himself into a nearby corner only safely. Free to increase the pleasure, the yellow stallion furiously rubbed his moistened yard without a care for time and space, the perspiration and precipitation over his face doing little, if at all, to dissuade him. His chubby cheeks turned red like apples and not just on the face, the result of his passionate labor so close in coming to fruition right away, the very sensation within him had soon grown heightened.

At long last, the yellow stallion was satisfied, his creamy fluid escaped into the achromatic solution beneath as it suddenly went down the drain while the nerves and stamina in his whole body finally regained control almost immediately; needless to say, he was more than happy to take on the whole world, at least until another voice had escaped into his ears, “howdy–do…!”

“Hah…!” he’d gasped, startled a bit yet standing his ground with a hint of annoyance, “what the fuck, dude?!”

“Who are you to call me dude…?” the same visitor’s voice replied to the yellow stallion, now indignant so to speak of.

Needless to say, the sounds of wet plops amongst the confines grew closer as the source finally made an appearance, graced with dignity and beauty at first glance. A light green pony wore a blue mane and tail already flowing out from both the cranium and dock respectively, a commonality shared with the yellow counterpart. Unlike him, the observer’s eyes were all freed to see anything, having donned a set of dark green irises circling around pupils amongst the freckled moist integument. Compared to the yellow stallion, the green pony was in a state of extreme dishabille, wearing only a collar that had matched its owner’s tresses as well as his too. Aside from a satchel of berries worn upon the individual’s flanks, this curvaceous yet bulky frame bore large bosoms, some muscles, thin waist, and a prepuce.

Although caught off–guard for the most part, he still said back at once, “sorry, I thought you were one of the other stallions; never thought that I’d see a blue collar here of all places, let alone worn by you…”

“What can you do…?” the green pony sniggered, unfazed by the yellow correspondent’s comment, “it seems like to me you haven’t seen a mare with a member before; although, maybe we’d both gotten off on the wrong hoof so let’s try again: hi, my name is Bindle Stick and it’s a pleasure to meet you. What is your name handsome…?”

“It’s Lemonpuffs… I’m Lemonpuffs…” he panted, his sweat mixing in with the water and mist seamlessly.

Bindle Stick blushed before moving towards the titular tenant slowly, “I want to start off by apologizing for startling you; I didn’t know that you like to partake in some self–service before heading out to party city. It’s nothing to be ashamed of: I like to jerk myself off too sometimes; better than staining the sheets at night.”

“That I can agree with: besides, I also like to fuck ponies too, mares or stallions; do you…?” the yellow stallion replied coyly, stilling blushing about as the green pony joined in, “did I also mention that I’m bisexual?”

“Ah, a colt–cuddler, a modern rarity if I do say so myself: who’s the happy one today…?” Bindle Stick asked him at once.

It didn’t take long for Lemonpuffs to answer, “Minituffs, she’s a zebra and I’m happy to look forward to fucking the stripes off of her slutty butt…”

“Well, isn’t she so cute; sounds like quite the character: what does she do in her spare time…?” the green pony chuckled, turning around to show off haunches as a left hand rested on the shaft, “pretty sure she’s making a name for herself…”

“Indeed she is: Minituffs’ an entrepreneur; I swear she’ll do anything to get paid in this day and age…” the yellow stallion answered while another source of liquid started getting emptied amongst the water.

Taking in another deep breath, Bindle Stick sighed, “I know I’ll do anything for some bits too; besides, that’s why I’m even here anyway: I have a client itching for my cock in her body today. Even though that I happen to have some breasts like much of the mares here, my undercarriage is well–hung like you; ponies like her can’t afford to risk get knocked up with somepony’s foal, not even an intersexual like me. Also, there’s the matter of infecting someponies with diseases and the like: although my line of work has plenty of safeguards against it, I still prefer to use condoms no less.”

“Not me; going bareback is what’s more liberating in my point of view: the feeling my hard cock entering a tight space, especially in the plot makes me horny…” Lemonpuffs replied as his leftmost hand went back onto its owner’s yard, “besides, colt–cuddlers like me aren’t just the only ponies into some backdoor action; mares love having some phallus inserted inside of them. I know it because I once stuck my cock inside Minituffs there but she wasn’t the only one whom I’d fucked the slutty butt off of: I’d also met Trixie before the show and offered to be her assistant back in Ponyville as well as Milky Way back in Trottingham after leaving home for work.”

“You must be such a playcolt, planting your junk in their trunks like there’s no tomorrow: you would’ve made some money in the movies with your big dick; as a matter of fact, she would’ve made some too…” the green pony laughed as she was currently lowering herself to the adjacent yellow stallion almost immediately.

Lemonpuffs became silent for a mere moment, staring at Bindle Stick through his blinding mane: though calm on the outside at first, he didn’t seem sure what to make of it while being looked at; after all, the latter did happen to be feminine, save for one particular attribute the former shared.

Nevertheless, the yellow stallion cracked a smile again while replying to the green pony, “and it seems you what some of my dick too: no matter, you ain’t the first dickgirl I’d the pleasure of having sex with but I’ll make this quick for you; after all, our mares needing some loving too, you know…?”

“Just shut up and get it over with already; I have needs too, blueballs…!” Bindle Stick roared rascally at Lemonpuffs, still glancing right at his sodden prepuce with a profligate grin, “besides, I’m pretty sure I heard you jacking it earlier so I know you want some more, you eager little feague…”

Initially, the green pony utilized the two hands to knead the yellow stallion’s prepuce around playfully like a joystick; before long, the former’s own tongue slipped out and slowly slid about. Somewhat helplessly, all which Lemonpuffs could do was rest one of his hands over the blue mane, stroking and patting about based on the movement Bindle Stick made by licking his shaft.

“Good gobbler… just like that…” the yellow stallion had whispered quietly right into the occupying green pony’s ear, gritting his teeth when the jaded counterpart had currently forwarded both lips inwardly as he’d blushed about.

Bindle Stick enjoyed the sheer fact of stimulating and syphoning Lemonpuffs’ yard even to the point where he’d spread his gaskins a bit further to give the former more room to lick around. The yellow stallion could barely help himself but drool and blush every time he’d felt such hot and heavy lips going around his prepuce prior to nestling between the green pony’s massive bust. Now with the shaft sliding throughout until its point became seen underneath the adjacent chin, Bindle Stick now started squeezing her cleavage mutually on each side with such maniacal glee. The green pony swayed them up and down concomitantly while its owner’s tongue started to slip through and out below lips afore reaching the tip of Lemonpuffs’ shaft, bringing up more saliva. The yellow stallion started getting aroused at what was getting done with only his soft moaning being the only sound being heard in the waterworks, driving the thought of going inside faster.

Bindle Stick moaned hungrily as it wasn’t long until the sandwiching and tongue tickling around Lemonpuffs’ elongated yard caused it to splatter across the former’s very neckline and then dripped downward between the bared bosoms, “oh… shoot yer hot cum all over my tits…!”

“Hng… UNF…!” the yellow stallion growled loudly as he’d watched the green pony now becoming caked with the same–old fluids from before; afterwards, they’d broke apart at once, “damn, you’re talented…!”

“Heh, it’s all in the wrist, sug…” Bindle Stick chuckled as she rinsed herself clean again right before Lemonpuffs’ obscured line of sight.

At the very same moment in time, not much has changed with the environment itself: skylights remained colorful, mezzanines lit up, windows displayed clearly, attractions were moist, and lifeforms embracing passions. The only thing that changed was the music: now a composite series of strings and percussion with blaring bass tones were playing about acutely, a somewhat similar far cry from its brassy predecessor from earlier ago.

Out of the many still here, Truffle was now kneeling near a lone bench betwixt the railing and himself in the altogether, his muzzle buried into the sheath of another mare similar to the former. A rather moderate pair of cherry shades was found to be making its very way in a short puffed up shape with a jet black hairband bearing the shape and style of some felinity affixed to her ears. Surrounding the stout redhead’s luxurious pupils were circles of glazed violets matching her collar, smiling about and blushing even as the perspiration clung to her red hot yet cooled coat. Compared to the heavyset brunet’s utter lack of attire, she was scantily clad, already wearing a skimpy two piece combo of a black swimsuit yet in a state of dishabille by virtue of baring skin. Shown upon the stout redhead’s flanks was a simplistic illustration of some cookies, each with their own assortment of ingredients within the compositions to differentiate from one another.

Amongst the twosome, she was the first to mewed lasciviously as Truffle slowly but surely lapped at her moist whispering eye within his lidded blushing orbs having already taken aim, “ooh, eat this catty pony out, daddy…!”

“Mmm…!” the heavyset brunet moaned loudly into the stout redhead’s fork, taking ahold of her waistline so as to not lose his grip while the tongue was at work with the adjacent flesh, “you’re such a fucking ho; I love it…!”

Truffle was still bent down on his very knees, having placed his face over the sheath so that the tongue slipped out the mouth slowly slid into her right at once. It wasn’t long that the heavyset brunet licked the stout redhead’s whispering eye, stretched wide by a pair of hands resting on the latter’s taken area immediately. She’d moaned slowly yet loudly as Truffle had ran his tongue around the widening gaskins only centimeters away from reaching the fundament underneath itself. The heavyset brunet could barely help himself but drooled every time he’d gone sliding in and out of the stout redhead repetitively with the occasional descent. In no time, she’d given out more small moans which then turned into loud yelps of happiness the moment Truffle’s tongue soon licked deeper within the fork. The sheer coldness of the heavyset brunet had caused a clear fluid to squirt all out from the stout redhead in return, even onto the warm taste buds and croup.

“Hah, please shove your cock inside me already; I’m such a dirty whore…!” she’d slowly heaved, rolling over before to rest her palms onto the metallic balustrade to the point of letting Truffle see the moistened flanks up in front of him.

Sluggishly yet surely, the heavyset brunet had stood up a bit slightly and soon chuckled gruffly, “okay Berry, I’ll do it, for you of course; besides, all this lip service has made me feeling so horny…!”

It wasn’t long until Truffle’s freshly exposed prepuce now went inside of the eponymous mare’s fundament, causing the latter to grip tightly onto the metal surface at once. At first, the movement started slowly before gaining some momentum steadily as the heavyset brunet held onto the croup firmly with his fingertips gently dug into flesh. Under no tiny amount of time whatsoever did the stout redhead had started feeling her wet sheath getting heated all of the sudden with its pith and substance slick like water. Now, she was firmly aware of how her whispering eye already burned about with such heated moisture accumulating about, less viscous than the hunger for some food. Along with the burning sensation upon their faces, Berry now moaned loudly since her flanks were occupied by Truffle alone, whom had wasted no time thrusting about. Much of their momentum was now increasing on and about almost immediately as the heavyset brunet still bounced up against the stout redhead’s fundament abrasively. With growing determination and expectation, it was only in a matter of moments Truffle got close enough to Berry bursting, her haunches reacting toward his ingresses. Sure enough, it was only but a matter of time as the stout redhead was losing control of her own body while her brunet lover closed his eyes, sweating and moaning about.

“Please, Truffle…!” Berry gurgled, calling out the aforementioned individual’s name now rubbing her wet fork, “shuffle back into my dirty pussy and give me some truffle butter; I need some in there now…!”

“Are you sure about that?” the heavyset brunet commanded, pumping himself now slowly into the stout redhead whom was so tensed up, a stream of achromatic liquid escaped from her sheath underneath.

Because of this, Berry was crying out almost immediately as Truffle stopped himself midway, “give me truffle butter, please daddy…!”

“Okay…!” the heavyset brunet had said to the stout redhead, gently pulling out of her only to take aim at her whispering eye, “here I cum…!”

“TRUFFLE BUTTER, PLEASE SIR…!” Berry bellowed, bucking her croup against Truffle teasingly as she still dripped about.

A wicked smile grew over the heavyset brunet’s visage as he’d finally switched from the stout redhead’s flanks to her fork, such slick loose lips being more than enough to make his rigid shaft had finally shot into there for her to feel its warmth and his body arching forward to the point they were both becoming reminiscent of an acute angle, a far cry from the quarter turn of events.

Truffle’s muzzle was now edging towards Berry’s ear as he’d whispered real quietly in here, “how was that; pleased that we’d came together, Butter Munch…?”

“Mmm… thank you, daddy Truffle; I needed that…” the stout redhead mewed, sighing about sensually as her brunet lover slid out with a tiny drenched pop, “it’s a shame that Babs and Opal stayed behind in the Crystal Empire; I had so much fun eating them both out back at Rosemound, especially that creampie her coltfriend had made…”

“I know… I’d watched it happened: the fact that you and her were tossing their salads for all that spunk inside them made me feel hot and bothered; besides, the second I heard you two call my name I was more ready to wreck the both of you…” Truffle snickered as he’d watched Berry turn back over again with an illustrious smile on her face as well.

Burning brightly yet chilled to the touch, the stout redhead purred playfully, “yeah, I know, right…? After all, Chocolate Disco barely made it out in time before December ever even started: I’d spent thirty–seven hours squeezing him out of my body; as painful it was, the feeling of our child crawling out made me wet behind the ears and in my birth canal. At the very least, even your cousin Twist was willing to let me clean her back up again; she’d said that nopony else would eat her out there other than Snails or Silver Spoon: not even Apple Bloom would be willing and she wouldn’t do the same…”

“Not even after her coltfriend Tappy gave her anal…?” the heavyset brunet exclaimed a bit, looking at the small puddle of fluids underneath the bench, “that sucked: that would’ve been hot if she’d done that; besides, Twist being the town bicycle doesn’t surprise me in the very slightest…”

“But you also love to give me some backdoor action too, don’t ya…?” Berry cooed, dragging every finger gently hovered in just keen linear motioning, now occupied presently, “besides, sticking your cock there isn’t the only thing that gets me in the mood; eating me out from there can also be nice: even Opal licked my tail there…”

“Perhaps I can be of assistance; mind if we join in…?” another feminine voice had cut into the fold, alerting the amorous duo straightaway.

As soon as Truffle turned around, the source in question led him to find a lonely zebra standing next to the yellow stallion from not too long ago. Like the stout redhead, the individual nearby Lemonpuffs was female but lean, generally coated in blackness save for some white stripey accents. Circling around the zebra’s luxurious pupils were goldenrods sparkling about like flowers and the precious metals found underneath its bedding. Also like the mares present, a collar was worn around the observer’s neck: in her case, it was red, bearing a warmer color than even her own irises. Like Berry, the lean zebra also wore clothes despite being dishabille: a short jet black dress with white frills and gloves along with purple ribbons. Despite having tresses of lost yet soulful silver, the observer was brimming with youthful energy, much like everyone in the vicinity so to speak of.

The heavyset brunet felt his sodden yard toughen a bit when he saw them both so happy together and said, “huh…?”

“My master and I were just about to have a snack break when we saw you two busy enjoying each other’s company; made my own pussy wet as we can see here…” the lean zebra sighed as she hitched up the frilly hemming of her dress to show off her moist sheath, devoid of color and viscosity unlike that of the stout redhead, “I hope we weren’t interrupting you in the very least.”

“That’s okay, although you should’ve seen me plow that Filly Guide earlier; even before I’d came into her dirty pussy, I gave her my lip service: ate out her fluffy tail hole at first like she’d wanted before I’d went to ream her onward…” Truffle said, smirking about as the stout redhead dug into her supersaturated whispering eye prior to pulling out two tacky fingertips straightaway.

With a trail of viscosity being strung along, Berry lapped at the string and cooed, “my sugar daddy knows how make some sweet, sweet Truffle Butter… you’re more than welcome to have some though; just let me clean his cock first…”

“Ah, creampies… I don’t mind having some too…” the yellow stallion blurted out, catching both ponies within his otherwise obscured point of view off–guard, “besides, your pussy seems to be keeping it nice and hot for somepony to go eat it…”

“You have a point: we have been talking about how lonely it has been since we’d gotten here…” the heavyset brunet sighed as he was watching the stout redhead dandled about her integuments, “a crystal pony named Opal Bloom came here with the both of us to one of Smudge Proof’s parties months earlier: even though she’d looked like one of my cousin’s friends, she was older. Thankfully, that millennial was able to get with the times despite the differences between her birthplace and ours; speaking of birth, she’d gotten a job as a wet nurse for our baby son the moment he was born: considering our talents for cooking, Opal became part of our family in essence. Come to think of it, we never even bothered to introduced ourselves in the very least: I’m Truffle Shuffle and this is my cocksleeve Berry Munch, yet I call her Butter Munch because she likes to eat creampies out of other mares; what are your names…?”

“Minituffs, sir… my name’s Minituffs and this is my master Lemonpuffs; we’ve both met a long time ago back in Trottingham but we’ve also moved to Ponyville within the following years to raise our twins: Cotton Puff and Lemon Drop…” the titular tenant stuttered a bit before finding the strength to give Truffle and Berry her reply.

The stout redhead jerked upward to face the lean zebra with a bright blushing beam over the visage and squealed, “oh, twins; you’ve must have been pretty proud to have them…! I wish we can meet them soon someday; they must be so cute together…!”

“I know but they won’t be for long: after all, they’re still growing foals after all; even I know that…” Lemonpuffs sighed as his prepuce grew more rigid than before, even after having unloaded into the green pony earlier, “besides, isn’t it about time that we have some free samples your leaving out…?”

“Oh, yeah… I remember now: I just left a nice hot batch of Truffle Butter in the oven that’s waiting to be eaten; would either of you be willing to have some…?” Berry cooed, having spread both gaskins wide before the three equines nearby; of them, the yellow stallion couldn’t resist licking his lips yet Minituffs felt a growing puddle of fluids beneath the clothes and hooves.

Needless to say, the lean zebra had collapsed onto her kneecaps and gently replied to the stout redhead up in front, “I’d be delighted to: it would be an honor for the likes of me to be sampling your wares; besides, even your master can appreciate my talents in cleaning you up for the next round.”

“Can’t argue with that logic here…” the heavyset brunet chuckled as Minituffs crawled up in between Berry’s cannons with their tongue slipping outwardly with both expectation and anticipation respectively, “what are you waiting for…? Eat up…!”

Just like Truffle prior, the lean zebra placed her face over the stout redhead’s fork and slipped the tongue inwardly, providing the monochrome mare some flavor. It wasn’t long until Minituffs had started licking Berry straightaway, stretching the latter widely with a pair of gloves still belonging to the former immediately. The stout redhead moaned loudly again as the lean zebra ran roundabout the widening gaskins only centimeters away, eating their earlier emanation effortlessly. Both the heavyset brunet and the yellow lightweight barely helped themselves but drool each time the mares up in front were enjoying each other’s company. In no time, Berry gave out more small moans, turned into loud yelps of happiness once more the moment Minituffs’ tongue soon licked deeper inside the sheath. Even though the stout redhead was now all cleaned up, the lean zebra never left her side, lapping up the very residue as well as the excess fluid from the former.

“Lemon?!” Minituffs shrieked a bit as she’d broken away from Berry’s whispering eye, turning around to find that Lemonpuffs abaft them both now had lifted up the frilly hemming of the former’s little black dress.

With the yellow stallion gripping his shaft inches away from the lean zebra’s open region, he’d sighed happily, “it’s okay, we’re all friends here…”

Needless to say, Minituffs felt Lemonpuffs slide his yard in and out rapidly, wavering around and increasing in luxurious synchronicity; this did little to deter her as she was still stuck in betwixt the two equines. Vastly small high–pitched moans escaped from the stout redhead’s wet lips again with added panting prior to slowly turning into some intensely loud yelps of happiness once again as more jolts travel up her spine. The yellow stallion could barely help himself grunted, panted, and moaned as well every time his thrusting prepuce punctured through the lean zebra, causing her to push further into the adjacent target’s saturated flesh. Still grasping onto Berry tightly, Minituffs lolled her tongue into her, sensing the shaft shoved in by Lemonpuffs as all three equines were recoiling about while Truffle stroked in the former’s direction on standby now. The fact the yellow stallion was lodged within the lean zebra made him more hot and bothered than before, feeling her flanks contract every push and pull alongside the brief moments in between their pleasures. With Lemonpuffs’ yard buried inside Minituffs, she’d still lapped at the stout redhead’s dripping fork; each time they all moved roundabout, they’d felt their coats rubbing off of each other in the hot and heavy airspace. The threesome felt their perspiration already pouring through one another and salivation slowly escaping from their mouths as they moaned more loudly than ever, the continuous efforts getting all of them to a pinnacle. Excitement was just around the corner for them; for what it was worth, they were all comfortably numbed to the environment: Berry barely took it any longer, yelling at the peak of it all while shooting out more juices.

“Oh, daddy…!” the stout redhead caterwauled as the lean zebra broke away at once before being splashed on, “I’M GONNA CUM AGAIN…!”

Needless to say, the yellow stallion started slamming into Minituffs as hard as possible, causing her to tense up yet relaxed anyway despite the rather lack of consistent ease and moisture deeply within, the former pumping further inward to deliver more crushing blows to the latter in a steady pattern at least prior to unloading for the other duo nearby to bear witness to right away.

“How do you like that; pleased that you’d gotten what you’d wanted, Mini…?” asked Lemonpuffs, grabbing the lean zebra by the bust.

Minituffs mewed, sighing about as her lover pinched her nubbins hard, “pleasant… miss Berry had exceeded beyond my expectations…”

“Yeah, I know that… that’s why I like her…” the heavyset brunet sighed as he quickly painted the eponymous mare’s face white with his extract, the same fluid he’d discharged into her sheath earlier before being consumed by the lean zebra recently, “drink it in; that’s what success tastes like…”

“Mm…” the stout redhead gurgled as she’d now leaned over to Truffle’s side to lap at his moist prepuce, taking plenty of time to savor the sensuous flavors from not too long ago for what it was worth.

Unbeknownst to the quartet, Bindle Stick was now found to be kneeling about nearby the water, accompanied by two mares upfront also in the altogether bearing many significant differences. Of the duo, one of them was coated in a pinkish scheme, wearing locks of both purple and white while the other donned a gray braiding with tresses lighter than that despite being just as young. Secondly, the colorful mare had only bore some adventurous azure around the amorous pupils whereas her metallic counterpart wore brilliant violets contained by the light blue spectacles. Though both curvaceous, the pink tenant possessed a smaller cleavage with thickly tinted plums while the young gray correspondent was more ample than the former, painted a scanner darkly. Because of the utter lack of textiles, their flanks were especially enough to differentiate the duo: the colorful attendant wore another blue crown, the latter bore a steely spoon with an amethyst. With that said, they also had some collars already worn around the necklines like the green pony: the pink tenant had only donned some jet black; the silvery counterpart wore a reddish scheme.

Standing right in front of the three mismatched equines was another orange stallion with his hands over its owner’s saturated and mucilaginous prepuce. Only a rather moderate shade of some azure tresses were already found to be slicked back neatly, already matching his eyes the colorful mare also possessed. Like the many whom were in attendance, the orange stallion was also in the altogether, already showing off his own limber frame compared to Tender Taps. Donned right over his very flanks were a rather simplistic illustration of a ligneous bat already accompanied by a white sphere inches away from each other.

Of the two mares whom were moaning and squealing about, the pink pony was the first to break away from the metallic whispering eye underneath just as Bindle Stick pushed into her at once, “fuck yeah, ream your huge cock inside me, shemale…!”

“Just tell your… little gray friend… to hold you tight; I’m about to… cum real soon here…!” the green pony spat out huskily as the crowned fundament was still being secured anyway, despite the throes of concupiscence the three of them were in, “almost… almost…”

“AHHHN…!” the colorful mare mewed before breaking away from both equines straightaway: unlike Bindle Stick who still maintained composure, the young gray correspondent was soaked with the former’s deluge; at the same time, the orange stallion also unloaded into the moistened fork belonging to the latter mare, his extract also landing onto the wet and messy coating at once.

As soon as the green pony finally gave way, the metallic tenant had sighed joyfully, “oh, Diamond Tiara… how was all that hard fucking; wouldn’t you agree that coming to this place was a great idea…?”

“Even better… I know that I’ve seen Vanhoover plenty of times but this one is the best of times: all the hot air and sunlight and none of the ice and snow…” the aforementioned pony answered, “it’s a shame that we haven’t gotten together like this more often when we were growing foals; the water is just so invigorating, Silver Spoon…”

“That was before we’d grown up over the years, Ditty: this resort isn’t for little baby ponies; even the notion of hosting a super sweet sixteen here would be ineffable for many parents…” the bespectacled counterpart sighed as she’d crawled over to her pink friend’s side until they were currently face–to–face with one another, their moist skin having already made contact yet again.

Blushing about, Diamond Tiara had giggled to Silver Spoon, “that and the fact it’s still sunny outside; thankfully, the glass windows themselves are one–way only: nopony outside can see us but we can see the scenery from the comforts of our hot and sexy party…”

It didn’t take long for both mares locked lips almost immediately at once, cloaked in sweat, saps, and saliva before the water underneath them had cleaned it straightaway. As far as anyone can see, he and Bindle Stick could barely believe what was happening: the pink and silver twosome was now right within their mutual embrace at once. With both of them mares currently biting their lips and tongues as well as each other gently all throughout, they were cooperative, collaborating so as to become at ease. Every second spent trading kisses with one another was bliss; not even the other fluids from before had dared to deter the twosome at all, not that any of them minded. The two others whom were literally standing by was firmly aware of the differences they’d both possessed alongside their few commonalities simply through touching. Right throughout their own lidded eyes, the very irises had instantaneously met with a subdued clash of shades, hue, and cry in between their shared concupiscent ways. Already lost in the moment of the passing times, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were both still tongue–tied by their momentary lust amongst themselves, flailing about.

“Speaking of which, don’t you think it’s about high time that I go get in on the action now…?” the orange stallion said to the metallic mare whom turned around to give him a frolicsome nod, “now then…”

“Ooh, so hot: I should’ve let you put your wienie inside there before you’d came, First Base!” Silver Spoon exclaimed coyly after he’d knelt.

The young gray mare lolled her tongue, sensing First Base’s shaft shoved in her fundament with little warning only to recoil about while Diamond Tiara felt the sudden addition of force applied. The fact the orange stallion was now lodged within Silver Spoon had made him more hot and bothered than ever, feeling her croup contract every push and pull along the brief moments. Despite being on top of the pink pony, the young gray mare maintained a tighter grip with their mews growing loud with each passing thrust through stirring about with momentum so to speak. First Base soon paused for a moment to savor the feeling of Silver Spoon’s callipygian muscles and the collective solution produced by her and Diamond Tiara’s previous performance overall. Needless to say, the orange stallion started slamming into the young gray mare as hard as possible, causing her to tense up yet relax despite the lack of ease and moisture deep within her. Pumping further inward, First Base had delivered more crushing blows to Silver Spoon in a steady rhythm prior to unloading the deluge right onto the pink pony’s sheath from hers alone.

Sure enough, the orange stallion bucked his hips into the young gray mare fast and loose, letting out a loud moan along some more to little end in sight as he relented immediately afterwards; she’d broke away from him easily just as a small string of white liquid right in between them did so too while Diamond Tiara felt the collective weight off of her own body becoming lightened.

Needless to say, the pink pony had some breathing room relinquished back to her again so she can exhale, “fuck, no wonder why Twist loves having some anal: it’s so hard and tight, plus you don’t even get pregnant from normal intercourse…”

“Oh, come on, Ditty… it’s not like you’ve never considered it in your lifetime; besides, you would’ve been all set if you hadn’t been so picky with your taste in colts…” Silver Spoon simply said to Diamond Tiara blithely, “anyways, did you ever even consider inviting Sticks to the dinner table…?”

“Don’t even go there: even though things are patching up between mom and dad lately, I don’t think they take kindly to her; besides, I’m worried about how they’ll react should I do so…” the pink pony prattled on to her metallic counterpart before sitting upright, resting her kneecaps within the water underneath themselves.

The green pony soon interjected abruptly, “oh, please… I’ve seen this kind of attitude one too many times; ponies nowadays can’t even help themselves but wonder about ponies like me: ‘are traps gay?’ That’s nothing more than a trick question spoken by the likes of ponies too poor to sleep with those already turning them for one reason or another. Plainly put, what’s the point of sticking to one identity if you’re one gender above the waistline yet another beneath much like myself, a mare with a horsecock; besides, ponies who happen to be into chicks with dicks never seem to consider the opposite possibility: what if someone else was born a male yet has a vagina instead of a penis? Ignoring sexual proclivities overall, they also seem to ignore other problems that us intersexuals such in particular like fashion choices, romance options, and the crippling feeling of loneliness despite being surrounded by others who used to say the line about sticks and stones along with all that jazz.”

“Talk about philosophy; existentialism much…?” he spoke back, earning an aside glance viewing askew from Bindle Stick, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon almost immediately, “what…?”

“Just because your twenty–third chromosome is perfect doesn’t mean you can goes measuring it around others to prove yourself to be better…” the pink pony spoke indignantly.

Just as First Base was agape at Diamond Tiara’s reply, the quartet was caught off–guard by some loud moaning, “OH, LANCELOT…!”

It was at this moment they’d turned their heads to find another foursome off in the cold distance: consisting of a lone pegasus mare already being occupied by three stallions, she was exposed to both Shady and Green whom were also unclothed; in addition, another stallion in the altogether found beneath, gray like the metallic mare but with light blue tresses and a rapier on the flanks.

“Whoa, look at her go: I never took Harmony as some kind of exhibitionist, let alone into triple penetration; I thought she was with you–know–who…!” the surprised Silver Spoon spoke out, seeing the saddled spectral subsidiary soaking in several secretions, “Ditty, any idea as to how it correlates to her appearance now…?”

“Does it matter…?” the crowned pony rejoined the metallic mare mildly, watching as Rainbow Harmony was being engulfed with ecstasy thanks to all three of the very stallions around herself gyrating about in unison like emptyheaded defeated officials from all sorts of backgrounds electing degenerates to hold public office.

Considering how far they were from the observant quartet despite other equines being present, the pink pegasus could only hear the grunts of her explorers as she felt her loins convulsing about in synchronicity before something wild, wet, and warm entered the lone body to fill up at once.

Afterwards, both brothers broke away from Rainbow Harmony due to not being tied down to her weight or lack thereof in their case; as for the remainder, it wasn’t long until she’d rolled off of him as well, feeling under pressure no more.

Of the two supine equines resting about with faces above the water still, the steely stallion shown his slated orbs as he spoke through the panting and moaning sighing, “wow, what a way to start off the occasion here; I never imagined you being in to this kind of thing no less: two brothers loading your muzzle and breech whereas I’d entered the old–fashioned way…”

“Anything to rid myself of the taint that traitor left behind onto by my; even the frequents bathing and showering is of little help to me if at all…” the pink pegasus had exhaled promptly, turning her head on the side to face Lancelot right away also blushing about so to speak, “I never asked for much: just a friend and she betrayed me; she betrayed the trust I place into her…!”

“She played us all…” the silver stallion said.

Rainbow Harmony orated, “yeah, but I was the one who let her play my heart like a fiddle in the first place; even though we were different from one another, ponies couldn’t stop asking about me: first it was about Rainbow Dash but now it’s about that young traitor…!”

“Don’t let what she did to us get to you: you’re an original, one–of–a–kind I might add, even in Equestria of all places; even the Element Bearers wouldn’t have thought differently of you…” Lancelot said to the pink pegasus, laying a hand gently over her red–hot cheekbone straightaway, “besides, that Wonderbolt would’ve loved what the new generation would’ve made the team…”

“Really, you honestly think I’d have been Wonderbolt material too…?” Rainbow Harmony inquested, now elated suddenly.

The silver stallion soon smiled back at the shivering pink pegasus, saying somewhat simplistically all of the sudden, “of course: even without her on the team, you would’ve been an inspiration for your peers nonetheless; besides, you have your other talents and hobbies too… much like me…”

“Like what, Lancelot; what could you also do besides fencing and the like…?” the terse Rainbow Harmony had replied to the titular tenant only ever so timidly, “isn’t that what your life is based around…?”

“Not quite, I also cook and make ceramics for a hobby; I once made a sculpture of three pigeons out of clay one time: red, green, and blue…” the silver stallion solved the spectral sightseer’s simple query.

Rainbow Harmony outcried, shooting upwardly, “really, when can it be the best time to see them after this party is over…?”

“Tuesday, my sweet…” Lancelot chatted decently, “for now, let’s clean ourselves up; I can’t wait to let you have a turn…”

“Fair enough; besides, the brothers had done more than a good job at having their fun with the likes of me, a rainbow maned pretty, pretty pegasus of all the ponies in Equestria: I’m no Miss Dash but I bet I can last longer than her…” the pink pegasus sighed as she’d started to take a stand straightaway, no longer bound by the seeds of suspicion.

The silver stallion also followed suit, the water slipping from his tresses and coating as well while he replied, “I suppose I’ll hold you to it; besides, I’m feeling a bit hungry so I’ll wait up after you at the teashop when we’re done…”

“Sure…” Rainbow Harmony chirped, “see ya later…!”

It didn’t take long for both equines to find the time and effort into going about right throughout the tiny yet sizeable abundance of ponies; though their energies were mostly expended, their passions continued to rage onward, leaving them with plenty of time and effort to themselves to use as they see fit within the very confines.

Of the remaining tenant, a blue unicorn was literally sitting at the sidelines, much like what the pink pegasus had done before, albeit joyful. He’d worn some tresses with two differing colors but unlike shades vying for dominance, his only consisted of cerulean and amber spikes. Of course, the blue unicorn was wearing a pair of red board shorts, showing off his limber but athletic frame as he was moisten with water. Nevertheless, another commonality they had shared was their coldly colored pupils: in his case, it was warmer, a darker shade than the coat.

“To be young and in love; what a time to be alive…” the blue unicorn cerebrated as he was watching his peers inside the complex, already occupied with themselves and the others too so to speak of.

Unbeknownst to him, one lone gilded mare was found to be standing behind straightaway, no doubt a tenant much like the former alone. Regions of raspberry and rose were found running away all throughout her tresses, two colors already speaking loudly and proudly about. Found on the gilded mare’s tresses were light lavender bows resting at the near end, holding them in place despite being of a smaller size. Around her luxurious pupils, circles of sea green were already widened with her coy smile as they’d been both offset by some larger cyan. In regards to the gilded mare’s attire, all that she wore was a red collar around the neckline and a white bikini barely covering her modesty. Considering the near lack of clothing thereof, her very body had showed off the moderate bust, miniature umbilicus, and slender waistline. Resting upon her flanks was a blue feathery quill writing down a black line, one piece of irony gone unnoticed since her body was clean.

At this particular moment in time, the gilded mare was carrying a pair of canteens in her hands when she’d greeted the blue unicorn immediately, “Skeedaddle, are you ready for this…?”

“Anything for you, my lovely Kettle…” the eponymous stallion soon answered as she’d bared her cleavage with little warning whatsoever, “oh my Celestia…!”

“Mm…!” Kettle moaned as her friend had started latching onto her more petite cleavage, feeling the latter’s tongue swirling away.

The blue unicorn fondled the other bosom slowly with his fingertips, drinking in the flavorful liquid from the gilded mare’s nubbins before licking in between them while leaving behind ribbons of salivation. Kettle’s moaning started to intensify when she’d felt Skeedaddle’s teeth started chewing over the bust, causing the former’s hands to rest on the latter’s back as milk spurted from them and went inside, sending chills. The otherwise dirty deed continued onward for merely a few minutes until the blue unicorn lifted himself upwardly to the gilded mare’s lips, kissing her once again as she’d tasted her own liquid glands soon enough.

Peppermint Greens

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In the perceptions of many, moisture is usually formed with water, one out of many elements that provide subsistence: one of them was in the form and function of perspiration, seeping out from the skin of many as it usually had a similarity to saltwater itself; however, it was already accompanied by fear and fury conjoined together in a rather slow yet steady boil in the mix. Of course, such was the prevailing truth in a lone sterile environment so clean and pristine to a fault that even the most stubborn of stains can be washed away with the utmost effort alongside the rightly portioned compounds and solutions when exposed to the right temperature: the active nozzles themselves were irrefutable proof of this very matter thanks to their precipitations. That being said, the mists and hazes conceived from the continuous downpour contributed to the already hot and heavy atmosphere, even going so far as to affect the visibilities of any lifeform whatsoever trapped deeply within them; however, the only consolation which it had offered was a rather neutral scent that masked the area away from all of the others nearby so to speak of. After all, considering their very purpose overall, it was also certain that these showers weren’t the sole utility in this part of the already clouded room, let alone the only section of the area in and of themselves; as a matter of fact, it was nevertheless most likely that at least one individual in question was in there using one of them as of this particularly passing moment in time.

Out of the few, Coconut Cream was currently in the altogether overall, washing her hands as she barely paid some attention whatsoever to her steamy reflection up in front. The amber eyes were filled with concupiscence and relief as the sweat off of these brows became mixed with the water and foam already swirling into the drain underneath. Of course, the silver heavyweight was firmly aware of the fact her upper limbs weren’t the only places on her already moistened considering the environment she was in.

“Hah… what a relief…” she’d cerebrated as a small grasp of water within her hands was doused onto her perspiring face, the cold soft feeling as well as the texture had soon made its way down the mane and coat.

Shivering about, Coconut Cream heard a voice enter her ears, “CiCi, I’m coming out soon; are you ready…?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right with you shortly…” the silver heavyweight answered back, shutting the steely faucet off completely as both of her hands became cleaned again; afterwards, she’d quickly turned around and started walking away, “Too–Roo, what do you want to do next for the time being…?”

“Just some cuddling for the time being; my pussy’s still sore after what you did to me…” the pink pony’s voice replied.

In spite of the mist, Coconut Cream paced herself away from the sink and followed the source of it all, finding a shadow within along with some running waters in an arc. At first glance, the heavyweight observer assumed that said form in question belonged to her fit friend; after all, the latter had given the former a reason to even be here. Nevertheless, Coconut Cream was also aware that neither of them was alone, despite the rather near lacking of other ponies, much less mares like her and Toola–Roola.

Of course, whomever the silver heavyweight had encounter wasn’t even an equine of any kind to begin with: rather, it was a griffin of the same gender as her. Like fur, much of the winged body was covered in feathers, many of which were a grayish cyan matching the eyes along some silvery and light blue accents. Found upon the cyan griffin’s face wasn’t a muzzle but a beak colored in the brilliant gold with matching talons sharper than hands yet gentle nevertheless. Regarding the outward attire, a red collar had been adorning the very owner’s neck; in addition, a turquoise rubber band was also found tying the plumes back. Besides the cyan griffin’s bouncy bosoms, she also happened to have a leonine waistline, paws, and tail, key differences between herself and Coconut Cream.

Speaking of which, before the silver heavyweight could even say anything, the winged witness cut ahead of the curve with a greeting, “hi, there…”

“Hello, there…!” Coconut Cream coughed up quickly, “I haven’t seen you before; who are you…?”

“I’m Gabriella, but you can call me Gabby; it’s a pleasure to see you…” the cyan griffin had introduced herself to the heavyset equine at once.

Noticing an outstretched talon, Coconut Cream shook it and said to Gabby, “don’t mention it: it’s just that I’d never consider the notion that you would come here of all places; is this your first time in Vanhoover…?”

“Not even close: most of the times I’d came here was on business and even I didn’t stay here for long; as a matter of fact, I had to help ship out a huge surplus of goods from there years ago…” the cyan griffin answered, shivering about despite being showered in warm water nevertheless, “at least it wasn’t on Hearths Warming; anyways, is this your first time here…?”

“Not just that… Too–Roo and I came here together because of the invite; for what it was worth, it was a good thing that summer had just begun earlier: I heard that this hot springs resort is usually packed when the city is snowing…” the silver heavyweight retorted as she started to sweat as well.

Gabby then said to Coconut Cream out of confusion, “wait, it also snows in Vanhoover as well…?”

“Yeah, of course: it’s up near the mountain ranges; lake effect snow is more common around that season…” the heavyset equine replied to the cyan griffin immediately, “all the more reason to stay here in Ponyville, that and Too–Roo no less; speaking of which, this is not the first party we’d went to: Rosemound was also cold but not unsafe to traverse through if you have a map…”

“Rosemound, I happen to love that city; it’s such a nice place to visit: fine dining, beautiful sights, even the climate…!” Gabby exclaimed.

Coconut Cream cachinnated considerately, “Too–Roo didn’t; around new years’ she’d came down with the cold and had to spend the week in bed. It was scary, you know: I’d tried to contact her but I didn’t get a reply in the very least; for that long of a time, I had thought she’d perished…”

“I heard that…!” the pink pony interjected, catching both the silver heavyweight and the cyan griffin off–guard as the former had materialized before them both, “I’m no ghost or zombie as you can see here…”

“Oh, hi there, I didn’t know that you were nearby; I tried calling out to see if anybody else was here earlier but I guess I was wrong…” Gabby replied as water dripped down from Toola–Roola’s tresses and coating, no longer bound by textiles save for another lone red collar around the neckline.

With a roll of the eye, the pink pony paid no mind and prattled about, “this is just like that time I came looking for CiCi in the shower only to find another pony at first; she was just like the lot of us: all on her lonesome with no coltfriend of her own and with so much on her mind. Apparently, she showed up to the party with some friends of her own from the schoolhouse but none of them had taken an interest in her at all; they both seemed to have fillyfriends of their own: one of them was with some Manehattanite and the other was with Twist. Neither of us paid any mind whatsoever on the account of being really into each other and the like, and I mean really into each other: I was shoving a strapon in and out of her flankhole so fast she felt like it was going to start bleeding all of the sudden…”

“Ooh, that sounds hot; I never had somebody put something like that into my backside…” the cyan griffin sighed in a sultry tone camouflaging with the environment the threesome were still in, “I might as well ask him to try it…”

“Him… you mean to tell us that you have a special somebody of your own here and now; who is he, what is he like…?” Coconut Cream interjected all of the sudden, sending a jolt to Toola–Roola’s back.

Smiling wide, Gabby replied, “Cucumber Seed…”

“Cucumber Seed…?” the silver heavyweight said in a slight shock at the cyan griffin’s answer, “you mean to tell me that out of all the choices in Equestria and beyond for a romantic partner, you’d picked him, a pony…?”

“What’s wrong with that…?” Gabby sneered.

Coconut Cream regained her composure and said, “nothing; I didn’t mean to offend you this way: it’s just that I thought you would’ve brought a mate of your own from Griffinstone no less.”

“Relax, it’s not the time before Equestria’s founding: no one’s at each other’s throats this time around; just some good, good smiles all–round…” the cyan griffin laughed a bit before starting to leave this place right away with the two equines following suit, “besides, let’s finish up and head on out of the door; I think he’s just about finished with freshening up by now…”

They did, of course, the wonders of the environment itself still no different from before in their entirety so to speak of; the only exception was the music, melodic winds and wires with the occasional striking of keys were playing acutely: together, they were the epitome of both refinement and gentleness, a greater far cry from its prior percussive predecessor.

Of the masses, Flutterbye was found near two ponies whom were perhaps alike in fair dignity at first glance, possessing certain commonalities that the former shared besides the lack of clothes; nevertheless, there were significant differences such as the lack of wings upon both their bodies. For starters, here was a stallion whose coat, although white as snow had patches of brown all throughout his very body that matched his eyes; standing next to him, another zebra mare with eyes of orchid blossoming about against her rather intricately monochromatic body of streaks. Secondment, the former was a brunet: although matching the spots, his small mane was frazzled enough to reach past the nape of the neckline; the latter’s short style was neatly straightened out but it did nothing whatsoever to deviate from their utter lack of color save for a blue collar. Thirdly, the patchy pony had worn a silvery compass and a crimson X with a jet black dotted trail in between them on both of his very flanks; the zebra donned a flock of butterflies of all shapes and sizes but the only commonality amongst themselves were their grayscale schematics. Even their facial structures almost had the observer confused due to their varying appearances: his muzzle was rounded out, like many of the mares but it was filled up with some confidence; hers, however, was more boxy since it possessed various angles and a curvilinear base as well. The most contentious piece of detail between the two ponies in the altogether was their stature: the patchy pony had some meat right on his bones but was otherwise lightweight so to speak of; the zebra was also lightweight albeit with such a bust in the size of baseballs that sagged a bit.

“Mmm… I’m ready to have a nasty threesome, master Pipsqueak…” the fruity pegasus moaned, her bared body showing off the petite cleavage, miniature umbilicus, and slender sheath as well as flanks full of fluttering butterflies, albeit plum.

The titular tenant tittered a bit before turning to face the monochromatic observer, “it looks like that our dear little Flutterbye is ready to finish the morning off with a bang; wouldn’t you agree, Samoa…?”

“As you wish, master Pipsqueak; it’s no secret that she’ll leak…” the lone zebra answered as she walked over to the fruity pegasus’ side without a care, sending out a tingle throughout the former’s spine, “besides, the morning hours due and she’s ready for me and you; at this rate, we’ll all be peaked…”

“Oh, Samoa…” Flutterbye mewed softly.

Since both mares were still standing straight anyways, their cold eyes were accented by blushing considering both faces maintained a close distance. As the two finally joined hands, their hot lips grew closer to one another while the patchy pony’s trembling had started getting a rise from his prepuce. The pair finally grew more eager, their muzzles finally opened as one another passed, tongues finally slipping out for their very ecstatic exploration. In little time whatsoever, they’d surrendered themselves on the cold waterfront underneath: the zebra was already residing below the fruity pegasus. Neither mare had relented, continuing for at least over a minute or two tongue–tied during the embrace as their conjoined passions started growing.

“Oh…!” Flutterbye squealed, breaking away from Samoa’s lips to find that Pipsqueak had planted his shaft inside her fundament.

The patchy pony remained gentle as he whispered softly into the fruity pegasus’ floppy ear like sweet nothings, “it’s okay, we’re here for you…”

Flutterbye lolled her tongue as she’d sensed Pipsqueak currently shoving into her small croup, recoiling about while Samoa had held the former tightly as the latter went to work right away. The fact the patchy pony was lodged within the fruity pegasus made him more hot and bothered than before, feeling her flanks contract every push and pull along the brief moments in between. Because of the delicate structure, Flutterbye was relieved to find her fundament had maintained a tighter grip, her mews growing loudly with each passing thrust about stirring with momentum. Pipsqueak had paused for a moment to savor the feeling of the fruity pegasus’ flat formation and their collective solution being made by herself and the lone zebra’s opening performance overall. Needless to say, the patchy pony started slamming into Flutterbye as hard as possible, causing her to tense up yet relax anyway despite the rather lack of ease and moisture within her croup. Pipsqueak pumped himself further in, delivering more crushing blows to the fruity pegasus in a steady pattern prior to discharging herself onto the monochromatic counterpart’s moistened fork.

“Hng…” Flutterbye gritted throughout her clenched teeth as Samoa held on firmly, both of their whispering eyes dripping so fast before the patchy pony knew, “oh, Celestia… I’m about to burst already…!”

“Just a little more…!” Pipsqueak grunted.

Before long, a wicked smile had grew onto the patchy pony’s roundabout face as he’d finally shot into the fruity pegasus’ flanks for the lone zebra underneath to feel before they’d given one another one more passionate kiss between themselves, finally at ease with what had been done just recently.

With both mares left alone, Samoa spoke to Flutterbye with a grin, “so, how was it, Madame Flutterbye, tell us ‘twas swell, not a lie: did the sweet sensation of some double penetration let some joy into your eyes…?”

“I wouldn’t call it that: you weren’t wearing a strapon this time around, I’m afraid…” the fruity pegasus said, still burning bright from Pipsqueak pulling his yard out with a wet pop at once, “even Babs liked it better when you’d rammed her good months ago; besides, one of your Filly Guide friends is using it right now…”

“Oh, yeah, Trey; fuck me rotten…!” a loud feminine voice echoed into the threesome’s ears right away.

Further away from them were two mares, on a bench, also in the altogether, both alike in fair dignity at first as they possessed certain commonalities: coldly colored irises, height and stature, and sweat over their bodies; of course, there were many significant differences between them. Speaking of the two, they were the ones already close together to get lost in the throes of passion throughout the passing times: for starters, one of them was a lemony pegasus with darker tresses too while the other was a minty unicorn with teal tresses accented by brighter stripes overall. Secondly, there was also but a slight difference in retinal composition between the mismatched two: only the blonde bore a lone nevus underneath one of her glowing green eyes whereas the minted counterpart had worn some brilliant sky blue containing illustrious excitement within. Out of the two equines in question, the lemony pegasus had a buxom formation with a thickly tinted pinkness while the minty unicorn was more petite, painted in a scanner darkly; in addition, while the former wore colorful nosegays, the latter carried a trio of curved arrows trailing about. Like many of the visitors around themselves, they were both devoid of textiles completely, save for collars already worn around the necks red like the concupiscence enveloping the majority; with that said, the blonde sat over the jaded counterpart whom wore an artificial protuberance.

The minty unicorn was pushing up into the lemony pegasus while latching at the sheath and bosom in front of her, cerebrating about, “that’s right, Savannah, you’re almost there; it won’t be long now…”

“AHN…!” the blonde moaned as she felt her prodded fork becoming more loose with liquid shooting out from there instantaneously; afterwards, she turned to the jaded counterpart at once, “no wonder why Tails likes you so much: you’re so confident in your abilities to please a mare such as myself, Trefoil…”

“Such a shame that she wasn’t invited no less; she would’ve love the party that he’s throwing us: all that warm water and the attractions too…” the eponymous mare sighed softly before pecking Savannah on the cheek.

The lemony pegasus then exhaled, sliding off of the minty unicorn’s lap to the only free space nearby before speaking, “oddly enough, she’s not the only pony to sit this one out from what Samoa told us: aside from our friends Tag–A–Long, Dulce, and Do–Si–Do, Snips and Babs haven’t shown up either; of course, Apple Bloom and her friends told me about their plans…”

“Speaking of which, you seem to be eased with your coltfriend letting you go to Vanhoover alone; I thought you and Rumble were going steady after your career takes off or something…” Trefoil spoke to Savannah as they were briefly watching the others going about their own ways, “did anything happen between you two…?”

“Not at all: I heard that his big brother has been married to somepony for a long time; word on the street is they’re going to have a foal sometime soon this year…” the lemony pegasus had simply answered the minty unicorn without any kind of hesitation within the former whatsoever.

This made Trefoil’s smile grow wider as she’d exclaimed, “oh, how wonderful: did you get to meet the happy housewife yet; what is she like…?”

“Can’t say that I’ve gotten around to see the mare whom married my coltfriend’s brother, at least not yet; come to think of it, I know little about her in the very least…” Savannah simply sighed softly as she stared at the skylights above themselves so to speak of, “of course, I’ve heard rumors it’s some zebra from another land, nothing more…”

“I see…” the minty unicorn replied as she and the lemony pegasus were now treated to the sight of the patchy pony resting on his kneecaps with Flutterbye prostrate towards his prepuce as the lone zebra nearby them entering her fingertips close to the fundament while kissing him on the lips.

Needless to say, Savannah started standing up and spoke to Trefoil soon enough, “I’m thirsty: I think it’s about high–time for me to get a glass of tea; do you want something to drink too, Trey…?”

“Not a bit, though I would like some biscuits; I am feeling kind of peckish so to speak…” the minty unicorn answered, following suit as they passed by so many of their peers, few of whom were in a swimming pool so to speak.

Likewise, two more mismatched ponies alike in fair dignity at first glance were found to be possessed certain commonalities such as light coating, purple eyes, and crimson hues; of course, they also had significant differences between themselves. For starters, the buxom pony currently found to be sitting at the edge of the water was but a pasty white mare wearing a purple collar whereas the other lanky equine whom resided near her was a gilded unicorn with his muzzle already buried in her lap. Secondment, the former was a redhead, wearing her supersaturated and elongated frizzy coiffure with some strands out of place whereas the latter possessed only tidy turquoise tresses despite the overabundance of fluid underneath the neckline thereof. Thirdly, the beige lounger had worn a pair of candy canes affixed into the shape of a heart on both flanks out in the dry air while the gilded swimmer donned a purple gastropod with a shell in a darker shade being shown deep within the wet waters. Out of the two ponies, the sedentary redhead bore irises of light fuchsia focused onto the jaded mane which had already belonged to her freckly counterpart whose dark indigo orbs had targeted the whispering eye, his tongue slurping and licking about.

The beige mare couldn’t resist giggling about as the gilded unicorn pushed his way in with such avid glee, “ooh… you’re thuch a good kither, Thnailth… now I know how Apple Bloom felt when her coltfriend and I did it to her so long ago…”

Soon, he’d started feeling the frizzy redhead’s clutched hand now resting on his mane as she felt him tickling her dear sheath before slowly sliding it in, such tightness knowing no bounds at all. Snails now ran his tongue around the beige mare’s gaskins as they were starting to spread a bit further wide, barely help themselves but drooled every second the achromatic liquid clung on. With the gilded unicorn’s pink tongue sliding in and out of the frizzy redhead’s fork repetitively, his hands held onto to her abdomen; in no time, she gave out more small moans of contentment. They’d turned to loud yelps of happiness the moment his tongue licked deeper in the whispering eye, the sheer cold of both compounds now calling forth another, this time from the beige mare.

“Mph…!” Snails suppressed a grunt after breaking away from the frizzy redhead, looking upwardly to find her smiling amorously, “even after all these years, you still have the same great taste like before, Twist…”

“Jutht thtay outta the way; I’m gonna ––– ahh…!” the aforementioned female struggled to speak before another fluid soon started to escape from her: unlike the others, it was tinted in a goldenrod scheme in the form of an arc hitting the surface of the pool where the gilded unicorn resided; thankfully, he’d taken heed to her words and avoided the direct onslaught straightaway.

He’d watched as the other solution, despite the small concentration, make contact with the larger body of water resting adjacently: because of this, nothing much had changed from the sudden reaction so to speak, not that the frizzy redhead cared in the least; afterwards, she’d laughed, “well, now with that ith out of the way, perhapth I’d thuppose you’ll punith thith anal thlut…”

“Eeyup…!” Snails snapped sportively, “turn over…!”

“Yes, mathter…” Twist sniggered, rotated about so that her fundament was now facing the tense fluid surface from earlier, her bust resting upon the solid earthenware underneath the integument as she remained moist as the mixtures from earlier.

Wavering about, the gilded unicorn took the beige redhead’s snickering and squirming as an invitation for his shaft grew rigid and sharp; grasping her croup with a smack, he’d said softly, “now…!”

With the same tongue from before, Snails spread Twist’s flanks apart before jutting right back in her once again, this time in there which had sent tingles throughout her very body. Shutting both eyes tightly, the beige redhead had suppressed quiet moans before reopening them, looking onward in contentment as the gilded unicorn latched onto her fundament. With Snails’ muzzle buried inside at once running around and within so thoroughly, he’d briefly stopped to lap at the adjacent sheath beneath Twist, yielding even more pleasure. Each time the gilded unicorn’s tongue had switched back to the croup and vice versa repetitively, the beige redhead drooled with hunger and thirst from his very exploration therein. Needless to say, Snails stretched Twist’s flanks a bit wider before forwarding his tongue back inside, causing her to closed the hot pink eyes again and give out a louder moan. The beige redhead had started gurgling about as the dribble from the gilded unicorn’s tongue surpassed the point of wishing she would’ve done more to support herself earlier.

“Mmm… don’t thtop, Thnailth: keep eating me out; your tongue inthide me ith keeping me tho hot…” Twist mewed as the titular tenant tapped into her tight fundament with his tongue before it was time to take it out; this left her bewildered from the otherwise sudden timing, “why didn’t you keep going jutht now: ith there thomething wrong…?”

“Not at all, my little cunt: I was just lubing you up before I fuck your fluffy little rear off of you like the slut you are…!” the gilded unicorn answered, standing up with his yard merely inches away from the beige redhead’s soiled ingresses.

It wasn’t long until Snails’ freshly exposed yard currently went inside of Twist’s croup, causing the latter to let out a big sigh as she planted her hands onto the rough concrete. At first, the movement had begun tardily before gaining some momentum steadily as the gilded unicorn clung onto the beige redhead firmly, his fingernails gently digging in. Under no tiny amount of time whatsoever did Twist started feeling her fork getting heated up all of the sudden with its pith and substance slick like water that remained nearby. Firmly aware of how they were both already burning about with such hot moisture accumulating about with less viscosity, Snails pumped himself further in and out without care. So much of the momentum had now increased on and about almost immediately as the gilded unicorn still bounced against the beige redhead with growing satisfaction cleanly. It was only in a matter of moments Snails gotten close enough to unleash a discharge into Twist, her flanks now reacting to the repeated incursion thereof as their frictions grew. Sure enough, it was only a matter of time: the beige redhead was losing control of her own body while the gilded unicorn clenched his eyelids, both ponies perspiring profusely. In spite of the conflicting body temperatures overall, Twist was beyond pleasured with Snails’ choice in the matter, having come to terms with the near future awaiting them. With that said, although the beige redhead had yearned for the lengthwise to be sparsed along, she and the gilded unicorn were already on the verge of bursting about eventually.

Twist’s callipygian muscles contracted whereas Snails’ prepuce swelled within, causing herself to plead, “WRECK ME RIGHTLY…!”

“Here it comes…!” the gilded unicorn grunted before the most latest reentry had caused him to burst, squirting his extract into the beige redhead’s fundament with its excesses covering the edges as well as around his shaft still buried deep inside of her, “FUCK YEAH, THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT…!”

Of the twosome whom were now moaning in exhaustion, Twist had kept at it loudly, panting and huffing about as Snails finally broke away with a wet squelch when a small string grew between themselves before it had collapsed in due time, much of the solution still remaining in their respective placements so to speak of.

“Ohh, you’re tho bad but I love it…” the beige redhead moaned before her kneecaps gave way; the gilded redhead whom watched on stood still.

Twist felt the lungs inside her body and the air within them becoming stabilized after what Snails had done to her, left with the remaining strength to present his saturated shaft the whispering eye from before with a smirk as he’d laughed, “you just don’t know when to quit, do you? Even after I’d punished you for that brief watersports exhibition like you’d suggested, making your rump match your mane and tail, cleaning you up as I ate you out, and fucking you even harder to make it hurt even more, you just can’t give up; it must have been real nice for somepony such as yourself to have all that stamina…”

“At leatht I’m not opening my legth to your friend Thnipth: he cumth too much, too fatht; bethideth, Babthie already took him for herthelf…” the beige redhead chuffed as her sheath was still leaking about thanks to the gilded unicorn’s efforts suffice it to say, “thpeaking of which, the did thuggetht I thtay with you of all ponieth…”

“Says the sex–on–a–stick who couldn’t hold it in this time despite having used the bathroom earlier today…” Snails sniggered silently.

Twist tittered timely, “I may be a thilly pony to you, but I’m altho grown ath well; even I know better not to go thoil the pool we’re all in…”

“Excuse me, guys; sorry to interrupt you but we must know: which way is the teashop…?” a lone feminine voice was heard by the amorous duo whom were broken out of their mutual gazes, “we were just finish going down the slide together earlier…”

At this very moment, two ponies were found standing nearby, both alike in fair dignity at first glance through virtue of possessing one certain commonality with the present pair: a general display of immodesty; of course, there were some significant differences between themselves. For starters, one was a lone olive stallion was found to be standing upright with more lipids and musculature than the gilded unicorn; the other was a raspberry mare already standing right next to the former by a few centimeters, colorfully petite yet athletic compared to the beige redhead. Like Snails, he, too, had tidy turquoise tresses weighed down by some moisture except they were making its very way to the nape of the neckline; likewise, she, too, also donned some crimson of the same lengthwise as him yet proved to be even just as dark, neat, and full compared to Twist. Surrounding such luxurious pupils were circles of opalescence matching the olive stallion’s strands whose face faltered about whereas a rich shade of light silver were held back by the raspberry mare herself along with a winning smile holding firm enough to provide reassurance. Of the two juxtaposed ponies in question, her only article of clothing was found upon the very neckline: a jet black collar speaking more darkly than what their own tresses, coating, or eyes could’ve dared to say, not that anyone had minded in the very least, especially the beige redhead. Slathered right on the olive stallion’s flanks were a modestly singular corn cob baring its kernels just bearing an equal color palette of the rainbow; the raspberry mare wore a ruby red sun in the center of a polygon with its rays of light arranged in a pattern of the same color as well as white.

“That way…” Twist said, pointing abaft them.

It didn’t take long for the two ponies walk past the sedentary tenants whom had returned to their throes of passion not long after.

Of the pedestrian twosome traversing throughout the aquatic landscape, the raspberry mare was quick to speak up, “Corn, are you feeling okay…?”

“It’s nothing, Cerise… I’ve just been feeling hungry lately, that’s all; besides, it’s almost lunchtime anyway…” the eponymous stallion answered her immediately, looking down at his own stomach upon feeling it vibrate, “oh look we’re here…”

Both ponies stopped in place to find a series of glass paneling up in front of them, most of which was displaying an abundance of refreshments. Standing between themselves were some sets of several tables with the accompanying chairs beneath, less than that being already occupied. Perched on top nearby the curvature was an amalgamation of wood, foam, and metal gears, each having spelt out the very establishment’s name.

Trudging through the dry terrace, the traveling twosome trotted over until they had reached the inside where they were both greeted by its storekeeper: a buxom silvery unicorn. Like them, the tresses were rough, albeit more so than their neat forms thanks to the fact they had been already painted in an indigo prophecy despite being of nearly dark shadings. Around the storekeeper’s luxurious pupils were but circles of a brilliant gamboge having already widened about with its tenderly gaze which could have refreshed many lifeforms. Considering the red collar over the neck, its owner was of the same gender as Cerise; in addition, the former had also donned a jaded ensemble of only a square hat and an apron.

“Good morning, dearies; it’s a beautiful day outside: sun’s shining, birds are singing, nice day for a game of catch…” the storekeeper greeted.

Of the two, Corn was quick to respond to the silvery unicorn straightaway, “hi… can we have some chocolate milk and alphabet crackers please…?”

“Sure, it’s on the house today since my employer had rented the entire resort out for the party…” the buxom storekeeper had answered the olive pony, turning to walk towards the refrigerator where the beverages resided, “as a matter of fact, he’s managed to provide catering to anyone whom had shown up to the party this morning…”

“That explains much…” the raspberry mare said.

It wasn’t long until the silvery unicorn returned to the same spot from before with the glass bottles in tow to give both ponies alongside a pair of bags filled with foodstuff; after handing them over to the tenant’s in question, she’d said to the lonely patrons simplistically, “have a good afternoon…!”

“We will… thanks…!” Corn replied while he and Cerise had both stepped back out to find their place to partake in their collective leisure, “never imagined that we’d be back to attending another one of Smudge Proof’s parties, let alone go to Vanhoover of all the places in Equestria…”

“Ditto…” the raspberry mare chimed inwardly.

Finding an empty table, the two ponies took their seats and their fair share of collations acquired recently: as soon as the items were opened, its scents slowly wafted in their nostrils before either of them spoken; of course, it wasn’t long until Corn had spoken up once again, having already poured out his own nutrient, “so what do you suppose is gonna happen now they’re in charge?”

“You mean Princess Twilight and her sister–in–law Cadence…?” Cerise answered as she’d opened the bottle gently and slowly, taking a minimal swig from there at once, “in all fairness, it was considerably surprising to say the very least: I usually never even considered the possibility that it would happen, if at all, let alone her of all ponies…”

“Well, nopony, or rather, nobody else had considered the possibility we’d bounce back from having the magic stripped off of us twice in so many months apart so to speak, of course…” Corn said he’d taken his first few bites as well.

The raspberry mare had looked at the few other visitors nearby her as well as their collective surroundings too before speaking only slightly aloud, “if anything, I think what happened with the Crystal Empire millennia ago is more scarier: lost in the echoes of times with nowhere else to go to run or hide while some king rules over them with an iron vice–grip; nothing is more tragic. Come to think of it, I think I once had a dream about a decade ago where everypony was going to war against him: there was a huge train heading up north past of Ponyville filled with the lot of us ready to fight Sombra and free the ponies made into his own slaves as well as the inhabitant stuck in the Crystal Empire…”

“You’re kidding, right?!” the olive stallion exclaimed, nearly letting his own unopened beverage fall into disarray, “I just had a dream where I had been forced to watch him have his way with my mom before I was sent out to battle; it was just like one of erotic Japonime and manga I had stumbled across over a year ago at the convention in Applewood, including the fanzines…”

“Wow, you are weird…” Cerise said to Corn.

Some more feminine mewing was heard yet it didn’t come from the raspberry mare or the other nearby patrons, Savannah and Trefoil, whom were both indulging in a simply large glass of iced tea they were sharing with their straws; rather, it’d came from Rainbow Harmony whom, though out of their collective sight wasn’t out of minds, moaning about freely, “Lance… ahhhh…!”

“Him, what in the world was that about: since when did he have a marefriend…?” the olive stallion sputtered as he’d struggled to regain control over himself rather immediately, “I thought that swordfighting was going to be his life, serving the crown and country as well as the ponies themselves; I never thought that he’d end up with a mare of his own, let alone her of all ponies.”

“I’m just as surprised as you but don’t pay it any mind at all; besides, it’s not like anypony else cares about the whole thing, especially with everypony already in the mood so to speak, Corn…” Cerise said as she was just about finished eating her snack while the bottle right next to her was halfway full.

Sure enough while they consumed their refreshments, the pink pegasus was partaking in this golden opportunity: her delicate body had now already sat over the supine Lancelot’s very waist. It didn’t take long at all in the very least for her fork to be firmly aligned almost immediately, giving out a small as well as passionate yet heavy breath from the mouth rather instantaneously. The silver stallion started resting one of his hands right onto Rainbow Harmony’s cleavage, taking in the view of her moist form as well as the fact he had her all to herself this time around. The pink pegasus didn’t care that he was currently latching at her small bosom rather gently since she’d felt his yard directly inside of her whispering eye calibrating collective movements. In the midst of the very ordeal, she’d planted her two hands onto the pavement underneath in an attempt to keep herself supportive while both traded momentum with each other in the process. Now that both their coats of fur were starting to give off a small static of satisfaction from the stretch of rasping, feelings of pleasure came by as each movement made the two equines moan. Gearing up for some expulsion from Lancelot’s prepuce inside Rainbow Harmony with such intensification of the pulp friction, she gave off a resounding happy moan amid the respirations. Soon enough, the silver stallion was now shooting in the path of the pink pegasus’ sheath, his otherwise rigid shaft now suddenly giving way and undergo what had been done to her so earlier.

It was at this point in time did she collapse onto the flooring nearby the poolside gently, panting and heaving about as he slid out of her, “mm, that was so refreshing: way better than that time she’d stuck her tongue into my nethers and make me cum years ago…”

“I take that you’d enjoyed the ride now…?” Lancelot said to Rainbow Harmony whom had turned to her side without a care in the whole wide world, “it’s a pleasure that we’ve been able to meet each other after all these years, despite the troubles…”

“Anything to get out of Ponyville for once: that little bitch had to just show up here of all places and stab every single Equestrian in the back by stealing the magic; I almost had my mane cut off because of her, all on the account of the two of us looking nearly alike…!” the pink pegasus laughed with losing lucidity before regaining some semblance of control over herself back again.

The silver stallion sat back up and spoke to her right away, “yeah, I know and to be fair, you aren’t the only pony in this part of the country, let alone Vanhoover who resembles somepony else…”

“Yeah, I know, and besides, their aren’t that many ponies who happen to resemble the likes of Rainbow Dash, let alone share a part of her name in my case; I’ve been getting that a lot…” Rainbow Harmony spat out at once with only the faintest hint of indignation, “of course, that was before Cozy Glow, mind you…”

“In actuality, I was referring to myself; apparently, there are at least only two ponies that happen to remind me of that: Silver Spoon and Chipcutter…” Lancelot interjected, his joyful mood still unwavering despite the recently rebounded reply.

This made the pink pegasus widen her eyes in a small shock as she’d started to face the silver stallion once again, this time with feelings of confusion so to speak, “what do you mean by that…? It’s not like you’re related to them in the very least…”

“That’s not how they see it; as a matter of fact, I actually had no love for Silver Spoon either and for good reason: before we’d left schooling altogether, she always hung out with Diamond Tiara…” he’d answered her without hesitation whatsoever in him, “even though that I’ve never been to the same school as them, I couldn’t resist hearing the gossip that went around in town. The fact that the Foal Free Press used to be headed by the likes of her at the time didn’t help matter, especially with all the stories that was published by them; of course, her famous writers did spread some lies on the way and their photographer invaded our privacy, not that we were any better since we couldn’t resist the gossip either.”

“I never knew that the Ponyville Schoolhouse had a newspaper, let alone one that ran stories like this back then…” Rainbow Harmony orated.

Lancelot lightly laughed listlessly, “yeah, me neither; of course, that was before it’d straightened itself out, especially ever since the Cutie Mark Crusaders wrote their apology before signing out. It seems to me that Ponyville can’t resist having all this strife and the like: Nightmare Moon’s return, animal stampedes as well as attacks, dragon smoke, parasprites, what have you; and I wasn’t there to see it all…”

“Come to think of it, you don’t seem like you were from around here; where did you live before you came to Ponyville…?” the pink pegasus asked the silver stallion gently as her hooves were now firmly right in the water, “I happened to have come from Bales with my big sister Flash…”

“Nurslings, I was born in New Horseleans… around here, we’d also called it the Crescent City of Equestria; however, I didn’t always stay there: my parents and I sometimes went to Ponyville for the winter vacation since its climate was much cooler…” he’d said to her almost rather instantaneously.

Rainbow Harmony turned around to face Lancelot yet again, asking right away, “I’ve never been there in my life at all: it sounds beautiful; if it’s not too much trouble, when this is over, can you take me to see your hometown this year…?”

“Of course, but it’s as what many said: you show me yours and I’ll show you mine; in return, you take me to Bales sometime in the future, at least when it’s appropriate…” the silver stallion simply spoke back to the pink pegasus in return, “besides, I’d like to see what makes your hometown special…”

“Anything to rid myself of memories with the littlest traitor; anyways, I miss home already…” she’d sighed somberly, staring at the skylight slowly to see some semblance of series regarding future episodes with uncertainty.

It wasn’t long until a pair of hands made their way around Rainbow Harmony’s back; even though it’d startled her, she knew well and good whom they’d belonged to: holding her tightly, he’d whispered into a flopping ear gently, “so do I…”

This gesture was enough to move the pink pegasus to tears, despite the small stream and the fact her torso was so adjacent to the clear waters Lancelot’s palms were stuck in betwixt the navel and bust, the solution made by both parties threatened to become more fluid than before; with all of that said, however, it didn’t happen, at least not yet.

“Lance, I have a favor for you to ask: can you please take me from behind this time…?” she’d simply said to the silver stallion all too suddenly, catching him off–guard almost instantaneously, “one of the brothers had made good work with my flank hole earlier so I thought you would be up for it now…”

“Aren’t you worried about the pain, Mona…?” he’d asked the aforementioned mare abaft him straightaway.

The pink pegasus turned around and chuckled, “any pain is better than being with the likes of her…”

Then, she slid out of the water and sat back down, this time upon Lancelot’s waistline with his yard now lodged inside of her croup as his hands had returned back to the very same abdomen. Soon, the movement started slow like before, gaining some momentum as the silver stallion cuddled Rainbow Harmony firmly with his fingertips now nearing further towards her umbilicus. Under no small amount of time whatsoever did the pink pegasus started feeling her cleavage being affected by his right hand with the slippery surface of its very pith and substance overall. Now, she’d cerebrated onward about how she would to reach down into her fork to regain more pleasure in spite of recent events; of course, Lancelot had used his left hand to do so already. Along with the burning sensation upon their faces, Rainbow Harmony was moaning the loudest since her waistline was still being occupied at both ends by the silver stallion at the same time. Much momentum was now increasing on and about almost immediately as he’d still bounced against the pink pegasus with growing determination, still feeling himself firmly over her body. In a matter of moments, Lancelot spurted yet another discharge into her once more with feeling, this time into her flanks as she was tasting the compound they’d both made thanks to him alone.

“Oh, Rainbow… you’re so… ahhhhhhhh…!” the silver stallion sighed soundly, bucking his hips into the eponymous counterpart’s fundament a few more times before subsiding almost immediately.

The pink pegasus looked back at him with a satisfied smirk and followed after with a coo, “see, I knew you could do it…!”

Lancelot had nothing else to say in return, his lower regions having become sore and sensitive; nevertheless, he had her for company as she lain at his side while the other attendees had their own fun as they were before, some of whom were at these similar situations as they themselves.

At long last, Rainbow Harmony was at ease with herself, no longer bound to any points in the timestream.

Iced Coffees Obtained

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Dark skies were finally over the lands, painted with the clusters of stars and a silver crescent already shining the way for many of its observers underneath. It was one of the only aspects of beauty that, against almost everything, remained untouched by the tales of terrible things that had ensued right below earlier. Ever since the atmosphere itself wasn't even cold enough to freeze the most pure of waters, it still had some warmness retained to not let it come to pass overall. Generally speaking, due to such lukewarm temperatures, there was an utter lacking of any precipitation supersaturating any kind of terrain whatsoever. Of course, only few pedestrians left out in the cold below would be found sightseeing with a mixture of fascination and frustration unbecoming nonetheless.

Of the scarce pedestrians within the vicinity of the very area, Lancelot and Rainbow Harmony only found themselves staring at the illuminated metropolis. Whilst the pink pegasus had returned back to her only white ensemble, the silver stallion was now wearing a jet black tube top and a pair of light trousers. Not even the chill of the night deterred them from enjoying the sights and sounds of this big city thanks to its bright lights in many other colorings and shapes.

“It’s beautiful…” she said softly so to speak of.

He’d replied in return, “I know…”

“To think we would’ve never been able to see Vanhoover in this light, let alone at all in our own lifetimes…” Rainbow Harmony only giggled as she’d given Lancelot a dry kiss on the cheekbone straightaway, “it’s a shame that we have to go back to Ponyville soon enough, my Lance…”

“Indeed, it would be nice to go back to Vanhoover, even for one more day…” the silver stallion sighed as the twosome stared at their own surroundings with a somber stare towards the skies and the city as well.

It wasn’t long until their collective tranquility was broken by the sudden appearance of more pedestrians, most of whom were masculine so to speak; of the many, Truffle was among them with Berry by his side, both fully clothed more conservatively than they were much earlier ago overall: the former also wearing a snow white combo, the latter a red sweater and green skirt.

The heavyset brunet was the first to speak up, fondling the thick cloth over the stout redhead’s rightmost bosom to her illustrious nonchalance, “why go back to city when you can get invited to another one of his parties, am I right, guys…? My cock is still sore after letting my little cumslut run me ragged for so long: Butter Munch even sat on my face when I was fucking that zebra up the butt…”

“Only because you wouldn’t cum in my flanks like you did with that pretty little zebra, Mini…” Berry chuffed as Truffle ran his finger over her dense bust without a care in the world therein, “at least she and Lemon had no problem with eating me out, especially since he’d unloaded in there…”

“Oh, grow up…” the heavyset brunet retorted.

Fry appeared from behind the lipid twosome on the right, now clad in a red jacket over a plain white tee and some blue jeans, ready to say something already, “it’s a shame that I have to go back to my old job delivering pizza in Manehattan: they don’t get up and find their customers by growing limbs and faces…”

“We know…” Lancelot lilted about listlessly as some light lime lingered upon the visage, “I would probably lose my lunch having to think about it…”

“Oh, come on… pizza’s not so bad once you try it…” the middleweight ginger said as he’d walked over to the steely lightweight gently.

Lancelot backed away and replied, “of course it’s not: it’s an Iorian dish, one of many in their culinary palate; not much time in eating it though…”

“I would like to eat it though; I love pizza…” the pink pegasus peeped plainly, putting the effort to reenter the conversation she’d previously partaken in, “it’s like part of my life, at least since I was a filly…”

“It was a part of both our lives and so was this: coming to the party and losing our virginity together to the same mare on the same day, time, and place no less…!” said Shady, currently clothed in a gray shirt and black shorts as he high–five his brother Green whom wore a similar attire, albeit with a golden vest and red jeans.

This made Rainbow Harmony radiate with rich redness as she’d roared rapaciously, “at least I had a better time making that memory here rather than home; it’s gonna be hard for me to leave here tonight, knowing I have to go back to Ponyville…”

“It’s gonna be hard for the lot of us: some of us have a place to be tomorrow morning; of course, they won’t be expecting me ‘til Monday…” Gabby interjected, now dressed up in brownish gold fabric covering much more of her body instead of only a red collar from before, “besides, I can’t wait to finish up my paid leave with my little pony friend in the meantime…”

“I feel sorry for you already…” Truffle sniggered.

The pink pegasus couldn't resist rolling her eyes at that matter as she turned to speak blithely to the steely lightweight, “I’m still looking forward to going to your hometown someday, my knight in waiting…”

“Same here, my fair lady…” Lancelot chuckled definitively before kissing Rainbow Harmony on the lips once more, this time with feelings of freedom being fearlessly fluttering about between themselves, “despite everything, I’m still going to cherish this day and the night as well with you, Mona…”

“As will I, Lance: even your presence alone will give me comfort for the future…” the pink pegasus cooed as she’d watched the steely lightweight’s visage light up as well, both faces now filled to the brim with warmth throughout their very bodies.

For what it was worth, the yarns that had been spun would have ended there, already expended for the sake of weaving a story in the altogether. Of course, with the night still young, it was but only a couple miniscule hours until it could end; nonetheless, so few would’ve been asleep now. Relatively speaking, there were still a noticeable many having yet to fall prey to the mundane functions like slumber for one reason or another.

Such was the case for one of the many vast and magnificently smaller conurbation on display, defined in more variously rustic materials befitting for the likes of the three little pigs. A calm gentle breeze was surfing across the grassy knolls, the brilliant green surrounding it on a lower plane of existence with a dirt road guiding to the forestry nearby it straightaway. In the background were a valley and ridge of mountains raging with growth and erosion in the process of their trying times as the shining skies were looking down on them already. The town bustled with an utter abundance of people from various demographics whatsoever: age, gender, finances, and social positions notwithstanding; still, the activities were waning.

One such case in particular was a marketplace filled to the brim with a variety of goods and services readily available to the public; however, many of its sections were either closed off or being hauled away for safekeeping and storage, final results notwithstanding.

Of the few shopkeepers still roaming about in the chill of the night, a lone stallion was found to be standing out and about, lightly coated in the amber waves of grain. Although that his tresses were gray like the moon above himself, there was but a thin stripe of copper matching his eyes, a clear contrast to the youthful landscapes. Raiment consisting of a jaded cotton shirt and bleached denim were also accompanied by a gold watch around the elder’s left hand and a silver cane beneath the right.

It didn’t take long for him to look at the timepiece and the right angle which had formed underneath the looking glass; needless to say, he’d grumbled listlessly, “no use staying here any longer; I got my grandkids to go back to…”

“Hey, boss…!” squawked another masculine voice entering the amber stallion’s ears: unlike the stoic stability inside him, it was a bit higher in pitch and tone; in addition, it also made the latter raise an eyebrow, “you gotta try some pie that I bought: it’s delicious…!”

“Hmm…?” the elder murmured about.

The amber stallion was face–to–face with the speaker’s identity: an orange penguin with a gilded beak and feet clothed in a green knit cap and overalls with a handkerchief matching the plumage carried a circular tray of pastry in both flippers as the wispy steam blended in with the air; like the former, the latter had brown eyes but they were youthful, accented with blushing cheekbones.

Scurrying about, the younger pedestrian informed the elder, “I got it from the booth; you won’t believe how long it took me to wait for one: there was still a line before I even jumped in earlier…”

“Oh, what kind is it, Krill…?” the amber stallion inquired, taking in all the details provided for him so far by the orange penguin holding the foodstuff in question, “it smells really good to be worth it…”

“Yeah, as a matter of fact, I heard from the vendor that if you finish eating it completely, then you’ll get a nice surprise underneath; I don’t know what it is but some guys at the booth have been laughing and hooting about it to make a big deal…” the titular tyro talked tenaciously to the tense elder.

With a cane in tow, the amber stallion turned around and said to the orange penguin calmly, “step on by to my booth; I’d like to try some…”

It didn’t take long for Krill to obey the elder’s words as he followed after the latter to an open kiosk, the former taking the time to set the pie on a nearby countertop. Pulling on the hilt, the amber stallion unsheathed a small blade within and began to cut the foodstuff in half; afterwards, they were both left with their fair shares.

“Thanks, Mister Pear; if it’s not too much trouble, can I please have the other half of the tin when you’re done…?” the orange penguin then asked as he was presented a fruity and creamy filling found within the split product, “I want to see what makes it so special; I’m really curious…”

“You’ll get your picture soon enough; I just need to find a container so I can carry it safely…” the eponymous shopkeeper replied as he attempted to transfer the pie from the metal base without ruining the intact form of his half.

As the amber stallion was doing so, he’d found something worth greater attention than the foodstuff itself: a picture of a redheaded mare colored in a similar yet colder coating was smiling yet her eyes were obscured by a black rectangle; in addition, her only attire consisted of a pink bow and a red collar, both of which were doing nothing whatsoever to cover up her buxom form.

Krill was unaware of what was going on in Pear’s mind, despite a small trickle of red liquid crawling out both nostrils; nevertheless, the former was innocently asking the latter right away, “sir, is there something wrong…?”

“Krill, can you do me a favor…?” the amber stallion requested, keeping calm even as the compound escaped onto the halved centerfold as the orange penguin nodded out of the former’s sight, “whatever you do, don’t eat the pie; as a matter of fact, I want you to leave your half behind, head straight on home, and never speak of this to anyone at all…”

“Okay then…” Krill heeded, sensing the sudden change in Pear’s static stance before leaving the latter behind in the dust.

That being said, for every story at its end, another would’ve also begun in its place like a revolution: with and without violence in typical coexistence. A small screen had resided about in an orderly fashion against the darkness before the enemy red dawn with pictures of mares and stallions along with others. Already in the throes of concupiscence moving onward, the most that could be said about them was that it was stuck in the past, henceforth grainy imagery. To say about their origins overall was a default gateway to the stardust memories of what had transpired directly within these very vantage points overall.

Before its projected state were two ponies alike in indecency and libidinous: Smudge Proof lounging about in a red chair and Silver Wing with her kneecaps onto the flooring afore himself. Glancing at the sodden prepuce with a profligate grin while quietly giggling about, the silver pegasus kneaded it around playfully like a joystick, bringing the white unicorn some pleasure. Before long, she’d gotten her own tongue slipping out of the mouth, slowly sliding it around as its salivation made contact, causing him to grit his teeth thanks to the former as he hardened up. Somewhat helplessly, all that Smudge Proof could do was rest one of his hands onto Silver Wing’s jet black mane, stroking and patting about based on the movement she’d been making.

With the tongue licking the white unicorn’s shaft before slowly forwarding about, he’d whispered quietly in the silver pegasus’ ear, “good girl… just like that.”

Even though that she was moaning in a sultry tone somehow, she could tell that he was aroused by the stimulating syphoning from his moistened yard inside the former’s deep throat; even so, the latter spread his gaskins a bit further to give out more room to lick around. Smudge Proof could barely help himself but drool and blush every time he’d felt Silver Wing around his prepuce as his hands held onto to her bound wings; in no time, she’d driveled on it for some significance time ‘til her mouth was now finished sipping up its extract.

“Oh, master… what a glorious cock you have…” the silver pegasus cooed affectionately, cleaning away the residue remaining before finding the time and effort to look up to the amorous white unicorn soon enough, “it’s a miracle that your seed has been able to fill me with a child that will be ours soon enough…”

“And just in time before our next party this year: it’s safe to say that going across the pond would be much more preferable for our location and not just for the climate unlike Vanhoover, Winger…” he’d chuckled freely as the sight and sounds of subjects like and unlike themselves played onward to their collective content.

She couldn’t resist laughing, albeit lightly as she’d stood up and presented her flanks gently, “agreed: unlike Rosemound, we’ll have Trottingham to ourselves for the taking; plenty of guests will have all the candy to their hearts’ content and play a part in making some for our customers by the following Hearts and Hooves Day, along with their performances no less, like before…”

“Another thing that will be different is that we won’t have to worry about the princesses or Springwheel either: we can stay out of Twilight’s way for the time being; and yet, that old hack Goodfellow’s becoming a problem…” Smudge Proof yawned as he felt Silver Wing’s fundament clenching his shaft, “I’ve gotten word recently that he’d made the brothers to stop the presses…”

“I know and that’s a crying shame: the pills that they’ve been both making were doing so well with making a bunch of ponies happy as well as a few others; if only there was some way to make him change his mind and forget about all this nonsense he’s been mucking up…” the silver pegasus stifled instantaneously a moan from her lips.

The white unicorn rolled his ocular nerves and replied simply, “maybe, but for now, let’s just finish the job; we’re just about ready to witness interspecies intercourse: that pinto is sure lucky to be having a pegasus and zebra at his side…”

“I know…” she’d grunted while feeling his yard firmly lodged deeply inside of her very croup, “it gets me so hot and horny…”

Smudge Proof grasped Silver Wing tightly around her front abdomen, one hand groping one side of the bared cleavage whilst the other covered the bulging navel as their eyes faced three ponies now onscreen. Feeling the white unicorn’s fingertips now circling around the nubbins and umbilicus, the silver pegasus moved slowly yet started to gain some momentum as the centenarian cuddled her around tightly about. As she did so, cerebrations of exploring her own sheath became corporeality as her hands slid further downward, loving every minute of his prepuce inside her flanks each time they were watching them. Both of the viewers could easily tell how romantic it was as they still held onto one another in a touching grip with sweat pouring through each other and saliva trading spaces with their owners’ tongues too. Silver Wing now salivated at the sight of Flutterbye and Samoa being mutually inverted with their muzzles lapping at each other’s forks while Pipsqueak whom knelt nearby came in from behind them. Smudge Proof pushed himself further and further into the folds of his target’s skin, undeterred by the resistance presented yet rather inspired to continue hearing the mews and groans up in front of him at once. Drooling about, the silver pegasus, now comfortably numbed to the white unicorn’s increasing activities after succumbing to the solitary yet unifying concupiscence, gave out an enormous moan straightaway.

“My little cumslut…” he’d groaned happily as the two viewers finally relented, panting for oxygen just to regain some strength reserved for watching the rest of the cinematic compilation to its conclusion.

Too lethargic to break away from the organic appendage, she’d mewed about only lustfully, “thank you, master…”

Nevertheless, the vignettes of vicissitudes reached their collective conclusion like so with the most likely yet depleting chance of continuance therein. In a similar note, there was a hot and heavy atmosphere no different from the confines of a time long ago in an environment faraway and nearby no less.

“Ahh…” a sultry moan escaped into the air, “mm…”

Amongst the steamy camouflage were two redheaded mares, Apple Bloom and Twist both alike in fair dignity; even though they’d been freed from their own respective collars, there had also utter certainty they were both in the altogether based on their stances; the former was standing straight upwardly whereas the latter kneeling nearby with a muzzle towards the whispering eye.

“Wow, look at them go, Silvy: even watching her going at it is making me soft and wet…!” another voice was heard nearby themselves, belonging to neither one; not even the yellow occupant’s panting maw was accepted as a clue.

The beige counterpart didn’t care as she soon stopped to puncture her friend’s fundament freely, bringing out some more pleasure even as the former’s tongue refused to leave the latter’s sheath. Soon, Apple Bloom had felt salivation curling down from the corner of her lips with the sensation of Twist’s exploration giving way to hunger and thirst, no doubt the work of the latter. In the meantime, the beige redhead stretched the yellow counterpart’s very flanks wider before forwarding back inside the latter, causing the former to give out a loud moan amidst the struggle. Apple Bloom started gurgling about at the mere presence of Twist’s tongue planted inside already, poking in and out of the former’s fork as it’d made contact with its very intricate folds. Slurping and licking furiously within the yellow redhead’s saturated whispering eye, the beige correspondent treated it as dessert, an appetizing happy meal she’d enjoyed along with its owner.

It wasn’t long until Twist’s cloudy and bespectacled visage came across another achromatic compound following Apple Bloom’s moaning; this brought a smile to the former’s face as both mares were now standing up to each other’s face before speaking, “how wath that, Apple Bloom; do I thtill got it…”

“Mm–hmm…” the yellow redhead mewed passionately with a light nod so to speak of, “please kiss me…”

The beige counterpart heeded such a request; both eyes now accented by blushing considering their face–to–face distance and their shared desires. As the twosome finally joined hands, their respective lips grew closer to one, growing more eager enough to let their tongues finally slip on out. In little time whatsoever, they surrendered themselves to the ecstatic exploration, neither mare relenting to taste each other despite growing warmth. As the two continue for at least over a minute or two tongue–tied, they’d begun to embrace one another without any sign of hesitation whatsoever. Trading kisses with reckless abandonment, the mares then exhaled dioxide from their very own nostrils, breathing in and out of the ardent airspace. It was only then when Twist had started breaking away from Apple Bloom’s muzzle, catching the latter off–guard despite the gentle tenderness.

“You really like it, don’t you: having uth kith each other dethpite the thtallionth at our thide…?” the beige redhead heaved in her yellow friend’s face.

Apple Bloom was still at a loss of words yet found the time to nod once more, uncaring of Twist’s playful interrogation at the former spoke, “what about ya…? Ya still couldn’t get over the fact ya couldn’t wait until we were grown and sexy since we’d reached puberty, at least until we’d made it past that…”

“Girls, can we at least grow up already and enjoy this night out back in Ponyville…” another feminine voice made its way through the hot water vapors; like the one before, neither redhead claimed ownership, already knowing its identity: Silver Spoon snapping up the scene, “it’s only going to be a few more hours until the spa closes for tonight; besides, we’ll be gone by then…”

“Yeah and it’s not like you two are alone in this at all: aside from the both of us, there are plenty of mares who swing both ways; even the rest of you crusaders had no problem with letting other ones take joy in eating them out, especially Scootaloo of all ponies…” Diamond Tiara added on, appearing from the mist alongside the young gray mare as they sat in the water clothed in towels.

Turning back to face them, the beige mare purred at them playfully, “obviouthly… even I wath thurprised by the notion of Thcooth dating Lemon, even the cruthaderth had themthelves for company thince we were fillieth…”

“Yeah, yeah… we know…” the yellow mare tittered about without a care whatsoever, “I still can’t get the memory of her moaning Rainbow’s name one time that late at night; for a sec there, Ah had thought she'd spilled her drink some time ago while Sweetie and Ah were just fast asleep in our old clubhouse…”

“Bloom… ponies who moan like this in the dead of the night were probably having some fun playing with themselves; it’s natural, it’s fine: I remember my first time petting my own kitty…” the pink pony sniggered, much to the nausea of Apple Bloom herself.

Now green in the very face, the yellow redhead had groaned a bit, holding back her reflexive urges almost immediately, “not here, not like this, Diamond Tiara…”

“It ith tho nice that we bathically have the thpa to ourthelveth for a while no leth: it may not be Vanhoover but at leatht I can take tholace that my friendth will be right bethide one another…” Twist sighed before sinking into the water alongside Apple Bloom, content to be in the good company of both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in much too different yet watery environment.

Alone, their passions heated the liquids even as they were being cleaned; together, they were all calmed amidst the misty and stagnant atmosphere.