A Love story [Book I]

by Shadowbolts

First published

Scootaloo admits his love towards silver spoon through a secret letter….

Scootaloo admits his love towards silver spoon through a secret letter, witch brings doom to the earth and a relationship for a really cute couple.

Silver spoons childhood?

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It was just another typical Spring day in the land of Equestria for most ponies, except for one particular stallion who, after school let out for the day, went home to write an anonymous note to his crush Silver Spoon for Hearts & Hooves Day.

Though the stallion named Scootaloo had a hard time hiding his feelings towards the mare from his friends, and his sister Scootalina. He kept it a secret from everypony for a long time.

Entering his house after saying goodbye to his friends whom he walked home, Scootaloo went into his chamber and tossed his saddlebags onto his bed. Grabbing some parchment, ink, and a quill, Scootaloo got to his desk and proceed to write the note for his crush Silver Spoon.

Dear the beautiful Silver Spoon,

I have had a crush on you for the longest time and, I am asking you if you want to be my special some-pony this Hearts & Hooves day.

Please meet me by the edge of the Everfree Forest next week on Friday after school for more information…

Sincerely Anonymous

After getting the last bit of the note written, Scootaloo grabbed an envelope to put the now finished note into and headed outside to his mailbox to have the note delivered to Silver Spoon’s mansion.

“I hope she likes the note I wrote for her,” Scootaloo thought to himself, As he went outside to put the note into the mailbox, shaking from nervousness while doing so. He started heading back to his treehouse, he looked outside the 30-year-old glass to watch for the mail-mare to come and pick up the note from the rusty mailbox.

After a while, Derpy, a grey coated pegasus with a blonde mane landed face first into the ground right next to the rusty mailbox. The mare got up with no hint of pain and opened the mailbox, pulled out the envelope, and closed the mailbox, then went on her way.

Once Derpy arrived at the Spoon’s mansion, she knocked on the diamond encrusted door, only to be greeted by a drunken slut who ripped the note out of Derpy’s hooves and said to her

“piss off and go have sex with a tree.”

This insult really hurt Derpy, so she flew away and gave this other whore the middle feather.

Later that night, when Silver Spoon arrived at home, she noticed the note addressed to her sitting on the countertop among a bunch of alcohol bottles and broken wine glasses She tried to reach for it but her abusive mother nearly broke her hoof because she didn't want her reading it. Silver Spoon escaped from her mother and hid in her closet, which doubles as her chamber.

Silver Spoon wrapped a bandage around her bruised hoof and decided that she would run away from home that night. She took out her saddlebags and began packing her things, she didn’t have much to call her own so she only took what she had. This included stale chips, her bead necklace, a notebook, ink, and quill, and her stuffed moose.

She poked her head out of the closet and waited for her parents to pass out to make her move, she snuck through the kitchen and grabbed the note off the countertop. Before she made it to the door, she stepped on broken glass and dried blood, which hurt like hell, but she ignored it and ran out of the house, the pain in her hoof nearly too much to bear.

Upon finally finding shelter under an old tree a good 150 miles away, she finally had time to read the note she nearly died over. After she finished reading it, she smiled and started to cry tears of joy, as she thought to herself, someone cares about me.

Compassion for the beautiful Silver Spoon

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The next morning, Scootaloo found Silver Spoon passed out under a tree in the middle of nowhere. So Scootaloo let Silver Spoon borrow his special blanket. He put a note next to it under a rock, that said

"Bring this back to me next Friday."

Scootaloo left Silver Spoon to get some rest. as he went to his treehouse for his Scooter. As He wanted to practice some new scooter tricks.

Later as Scootaloo was riding his Scooter, he saw Silver Spoon waddle by him. She was all fucked up from the night before, so Scootaloo took her to the hospital.

“Silver Spoon! Hey, Silver!”

Silver Spoon stopped in her tracks and looked over at Scootaloo, as he walked over to her. She felt embarrassed to be seen in this condition, but was glad to see him.

“What the fuck happened to you, Silver Spoon?” Scootaloo asked worryingly.

“I can’t tell you, I’m sorry, but I don’t want to cause you any trouble down the road.” She said while looking away from him.

“Can I at least take you to the hospital? You really should have those bruises looked at.” Scootaloo moved a lock of hair away from her face.

Silver Spoon was touched by his kindness and worry about her wellbeing, She never really had that growing up so it felt nice having someone really cares about her.

“All right. I’ll at least go to the hospital. I’m exhausted and...”

Silver Spoon fainted before she could finish what she was saying, Scootaloo got a red wagon, and attached it to his Scooter then put Silver Spoon in it. As He got on his Scooter and went on his way to the hospital.

amongst the mist of night, Silver Spoon was all worn out and needed to relieve her stress, then she had the weirdest idea in a long time, she started to masturbate, and it appeared to work for the time being.

Silver Spoon used her right hoof pushing her clitoris open. She started to fap to Scootaloo in her head, a warm heat felt through her body.
Silver moans at the thought of Scootaloo's body humping her body with her strength of a Pegasus.

Silver Spoon imagining Scootaloo on top of her super wet pussy, Silver yells in pleasure as she squirts everywhere all this cum poured into a river leaking out of her vagina,

Later the nurse came in blushing, she handed Silver Spoon a paper towel, and said

"I hope you had fun,"

as she walked away giggling, Silver Spoon blushed and waved at the nurse as she left.

Silver Spoon lay in bed trying to sleep then Silver Spoon noticed that the hospital had vials, chemicals, and a needle she grabbed it and stabbed it into her hoof not caring about the side effects. After that, the nurse came in and then, Silver Spoon was gassed while they removed the broken glass from her left hoof, during this time Scootaloo came to visit her, but she was unconscious and unable to respond to him, so he gave the unconscious mare a huge hug and left.

Silver Spoon work up in a burst her body vibrating with the chemical she implanted into herself, Silver Spoon stood up looking at some mirrors as she felt dizzy. So Silver Spoon went back to her bed and went to sleep because it was late also, she had school the next day. the next morning she realized that she was a lot smaller than yesterday,

“I’ve shrunken two feet fucking now, my clothes are too big for me.”

Silver Spoon's body was four feet tall now, and her clothes don’t fit
Later Diamond Tiara came to get Silver Spoon to take her to school.

Diamond Tiara went to Silver Spoon's chamber to find her, “what the hell happened to you, Silver Spoon you look smaller than me?” Said Diamond Tiara

Silver Spoon's body was naked, Her body dripping with wetness from last night's dream.

“looks like some-pony did a little too much with herself,” Diamond Tiara said

“shut up Diamond Tiara, I just shrunk somehow.” Said Silver Spoon

Silver Spoon fell over her old clothes that she couldn't fit in it anymore. she even looks younger and hotter somehow.

Diamond Tiara grabs a big sheet of cloth from the closet. Then flops the cloth on Silver Spoons sexy naked body, then grabs Silver with the cloth and leaves with Silver Spoon

“I'll get you dressed at my house Silver Spoon,” said Diamond Tiara.

Secrets not mean to be found out

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As Silver Spoon's body was wrapped in cloth, Diamond Tiara tried sneaking her out of the hospital doors.

“Let's see how can we sneak you out of here,” Diamond said, clinging onto silver cloth.

The doors were a few minutes away. They tried hiding on a shelf of towels and used it as a shield to get out of sight.

the cart of towels was pushed towards the doors. Once they made it to the doors, they halted, at the open door and they both jolted off the Tiaras super fancy mansion. On the street named “far-end avenue drive”.

the street was full snobby ponies living down there with fancy mansions, full of gold stairs and Silver doors and a Fuckton of money.

Diamond Tiara’s mansion was on the right side of the street next to fancy pant’s house, her house was the one with pearl white, marble, and lavender shades.

They raced inside and up the super long staircase up to Diamond Tiara’s chamber, once inside, Diamond Tiara opened her wardrobe and started picking out clothes for Silver Spoon, she picked out a casual outfit that made Silver Spoon look all the sexier.

It was an outfit that was a silk skirt with a color pattern of strips of pink and blue emeralds, with a red head bow.

“why do you still have these smaller clothes even when you're still older than me?” Silver Spoon Said as she looked with a questioned look on her face.

Diamond Tiara stuttered with the answer “I saved them for ice hockey.”

She said with a nervous look with her holding a hoof down her thigh, She was puffy and she was sweating a lot, her body looks more slimy pink skin.

Diamond Tiara’s mind raced with ”OH FUCKING GOD IM HORNY NOW!"

Diamond Tiara was blushing at this well Silver Spoon didn't quite understand why, Then Silver Spoon realized that Diamond Tiara was a lesbian.

Silver Spoon thanked Diamond Tiara for the clothes and let herself out, while Diamond Tiara ran to the bathroom, to go and fap or something.

One secret told

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Diamond tiara suddenly woke up in her bed hugging a stuffed teletubbie.

"What the hell happened" Diamond tiara said.

"You were having a seizure on the bathroom floor" replied a mysterious voice coming from somewhere in the house.

Diamond then set off to find Silver Spoon, who was on her way to the ice cream bar. Diamond Tiara bumped into Scootaloo on her way though, Diamond Tiara was pissed off to see him, so, she tried to ignore him.

“Diamond Tiara, wait I need to ask you something” he said with a nervous voice

“Augh what the fuck do you want” she responded rudely

“I need to ask you for your help with something this hearts and hooves day, and it involves Silver Spoon” he responded

“Augh, fine, but I want something in return” she said

“Fine, Let’s go over there to talk business” he responded

So, we headed over to a table, and we started talking, all her insults didn’t really shock me at all, because I have a feeling she doesn’t. What really shocked me was what she asked for in return.

“Ok, does it matter if it’s enchanted or not” scootaloo asked

“No, it doesn’t matter, as long as it works” Diamond responded

“Ok, I can get an enchanted one for cheaper than the non enchanted one,” he said

“Wait you know a pony, who sells that kind of stuff?” Diamond responded.

“Well, yes, but she doesn’t just sell one kind of product, she sells enchanted products”

“Can you tell me her name” Diamond said excitedly

“Sure, her name is Trixie, and her shop is parked in the Everfree Forest” Scootaloo said

“You must be really brave or really stupid to wonder in the forest like that, I would be afraid of being raped by slender man or something.” Diamond said in a scared voice!

“Slender man, really, he is nothing, if you know his weakness which is fire by the way, now there is nothing to be scared of, except the poisonous tentacles, which can kill you with one thorn.”

“You are fucking insane, going into the forest, by your self non the less” said Diamond

“I see your point, but let’s get back to the actual reason for this conversation” scootaloo said

“Oh right, what was that again”

“Well, I’ll start from the beginning, it all started when I wrote a letter addressed to Silver Spoon, it was a love letter in fact, asking her to meet me by the edge of the Everfree forest on hearts and hooves day, so, I can make my move and actually ask her out on a real date, well the only thing is that she doesn’t know I wrote the letter, so, I need you to distract her, so, she doesn’t find out early.” Said Scootaloo

“Oh, wow, looks like you have everything planned out, just why are you asking me, and not your other friends like Apple Blossom, or the unicorn” Diamond Tiara replied

“Well Apple bloom would not like it for reasons, and sweetie Belle would have a hard time not telling, plus they would both laugh at me, and think I am crazy, so, I came to you cause youknow Silver Spoon more than any of us.” Scootaloo said.

“Fair enough”

“I’ll add your request to my list of to do” Said Scootaloo

As Silver Spoon, walked up to them, she gasped as she saw them talking,

“Whatcha doing” she said

Scootaloo blushed and hid his face,so Diamond quickly made up a lie and said

“We were talking about Gandalf making out with a teletubbie well riding Godzilla”

“Sounds like fun” Silver Spoon said as she continued her walk.

“Thank you” said scootaloo with a puzzled expression on his face.

“By the way you have extra homework sence you missed school for three days while you were unconscious” scootaloo added.

With hearts and hooves day around the corner scootaloo needs to put his plan into action, so, he set off to complete his list.

The list (short)

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I really don’t have much time, to complete this list, considering the deadline is tomorrow I have to get everything ready, starting with my order from miss rarity, a black cloak with a hood. So, I started for rarity’s carousel, to pick that up.

“Scootaloo, darling what brings you here” Rarity Said

“I’m here for my secret order” I Said back, and she knew exactly what I meant, and brought me my black hoodie. I took it, and paid her with a red gemstone, and left to go to get the second thing on the list which was lemon cupcakes from the local bakery, once I arrived, I was asked what I was there to order.

I responded, “I’m here for my order A1B2”

The pony went to the back and came forward with a box that said top secret order A1B2, I gave them a red gemstone and left, with my secret order, and set off to my Treehouse, which is located within the Everfree Forest, once In my Treehouse, I set my stuff down and went to get Diamond Tiaras requested object of choice, once I arrived at Trixie stand I said

“Hello Trixie I need one enchanted lesbian sex toy.”

“Hello, Scootaloo, I don’t know why you need that, but regardless it will cost at least one of those red gemstones, by the way this enchanted object will give the user a dick, and it shall revert to normal at the stroke of midnight” Trixie said

“Ok, I will be sure to keep that in mind,” I said as I trotted away

I purchased this strange object and headed back to my Treehouse, to fix up my shoes with Some black spray paint, and after that I just waited for the day to end.

Friends or foes

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The next day during school, Scootaloo was digging through her saddlebags to find a pencil to do her homework, because she didn’t do it the night before, but then before she knew it, the bell rang, so, she turned in her homework and dashed towards the open door. Apple bloom noticed that Scootaloo was not being normal today, so she decided to follow him, and sweetie Belle was dragged along, they followed Scootaloo into the Everfree forest, scared as they were they kept going, it wasn’t that long until they discovered Scootaloo's Treehouse.

“WHAT THE HE~”Apple bloom was abruptly cut off by twist who jumped out of the bushes and pointed a spear at their face


“We are here to see Scootaloo” Said Sweetie

“The Pegasus is busy at the moment, when shall I schedule a meeting” Twist said

Scootaloo popped his head outside the window to see what the hell was going on

“Yo, Twist, it’s okay, let them in” Scootaloo said

“Okay, you two are free to go in” Twist said with glee

Scootaloo flew down from his tree house and greeted his two friends.

“What’s up” Scootaloo said happily

“What is all this, and why did we get a spear to the face” Apple bloom asked

“Well, this is my secret area, where I live, and the whole spear thing was my guard keeping out intruders, if you want I can make you some IDs that grant you access”

“Yes, we would like IDs, because there is only one colt that can hold a spear to my face and not get hurt” said Sweetie

“We can talk about that later, I will have your IDs within a week, feel free to stay and play space chess, but I must get ready to go and greet hopefully my future marefriend, but only time can tell.” Scootaloo said as he flew back to his Treehouse.

“FUTURE MAREFRIEND” They both shouted in unison

“Everything will be answered in time, trust me,” Scootaloo shouted

Scootaloo flew down from the Treehouse in a black hoodie, black shoes, and a game of space chess

“There is a table over, there, now I must go, and please don’t follow me this time” Scootaloo said as he flew away.

Special marefriend

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Scootaloo awaited high above the ground in a tree, for the beautiful Silver Spoon, Silver Spoon arrived in the rain, at the hour of 10.

“Hello, are you there” Silver said

“Yes, I’m hear,” Scootaloo said in a voice that didn’t sound like him at all, as he flew down from the tree

“Oh, your a Pegasus, I see” Silver Said

“Yes, I am, and I am the one who wrote you that note” Scootaloo said

“Oh, I believe this belongs to you than, there may be dried blood on it though” Silver Said as she handed him his blanket

“I have to ask you, will you be my special marefriend Silver Spoon” Scootaloo said

“I was really hoping for, Scootaloo to ask me that, but he ran away instead, which means he doesn’t like me in the way I was hoping, do you think he likes me like that” Silver Spoon said

“I don’t know about all that, but I do know for a fact that he likes you in that way, and if I were you I would go up to him and ask him out, I have a pretty good feeling he would say yes.” Scootaloo said.

“Really, you must be heartbroken, to get me to come out here in the pouring rain, just to find out that I like some pony else.” Silver Said.

“Not really heartbroken, just very surprised, is all.” Scootaloo said.

“Well before I leave to go ask Scootaloo out, I must know who you are” Silver Said

“Go ahead, remove the hood, I feel you will be very surprised.” Scootaloo said as he walked towards Silver Spoon.

Silver Spoon grabbed the hood, and pushed it back, only to find out that it was Scootaloo the entire time.

“OMG, hey, Scootaloo, what’s up” Silver Said in shock

“Nothing much, how about you beautiful” Scootaloo said back

“Is there something you want to ask me.” Silver Said laughing.

“Actually, yes, will you be my special marefriend” Scootaloo said

“Of course.” Silver said as she smiled.

Scootaloo pulled out an umbrella, and opened it over Silver Spoon.

“Let’s head to my Treehouse, to get out of this rain pumpkin” Scootaloo said

They both shared the umbrella, as they walked towards the Treehouse.