> They Slimed Me > by SunniesStories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > They Slimed Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A soft munching broke the silence that shrouded the woods. A chubby white pegasus sat in the shade of a large tree, smiling contentedly as he continued eating his snack. It was a beautiful day, and Rory had nowhere to go and nothing to do once he got there. The mango he was eating was deliciously ripe and minty, as always, and he settled back against the tree, enjoying the sun as it warmed him. He finished most of the mango and set what was left on the grass next to him. Rory’s eyes drooped, and he decided to take a nap before continuing his walk. He pulled his beanie down a little over his eyes, leaned back against the tree, and quickly fell asleep. It wasn’t long before the grass near Rory rustled. A small pink blob emerged, a happy smile on its face as it smelled the remaining bits of mint mango. Scooting forwards, it gobbled it up, and with a happy giggle, it slid up to the sleeping pegasus. It wiggled up onto his socks, and poked at his pudgy belly. Rory’s tummy let out a little gurgle. The slime gurgled back, and slowly climbed up his chest floof, and peered into Rory’s open mouth, smelling the mint wafting out on his breath. It giggled again, and shoved itself in. With a loud schlorp, the small pink slime disappeared into Rory’s belly, tasting like delicious bubblegum. Rory snorted, but didn’t wake up, and his belly bulged outwards. As he slept on, the rest of his body swelled slightly as well, his socks growing a little tighter around his chubby legs. Before too long, another couple slimes, attracted by the mint, came oozing up to investigate. They too jumped down Rory’s throat, giggling the whole way. The pegasus again stayed snoozing, his belly growing larger, a little pudgy ball in his thickening lap. He shifted, resting a hoof on his new potbelly, and snored on. His stomach grumbled loudly as it pushed outwards, his arms and legs growing plumper, thighs spilling out of the top of his socks just a little. The chubby pegasus was well on his way to being just fat, but it wasn’t over yet. Two more slimes approached, a grey tabby and a golden honey. The tabby mewed as it scooted up, liking the look of Rory’s beanie. The honey slime burbled happily as it slithered into his waiting mouth, leaving sticky bits of honey on his chest and around his mouth. The tabby hopped up on Rory’s shoulder and nabbed the beanie. The pegasus finally awoke, looking around sleepily, seeing the little slime scurry away with his beanie. “Hey!” He said muzzily, getting to his hooves to give chase, his messy mane falling in front of his eyes. Rory had taken only a couple steps when he felt something squishing against his hind legs. He paused, and looked back. “W-what the…” Rory’s belly hung low, a sloshing and glorping ball of adipose, easily twice as big as before. He poked it with a hoof, blushing at how far it sunk in. His stomach jiggled, and a belch bubbled up out of his throat. “BURRRRRRRRRRRP!” His white cheeks went even redder when he looked past his belly. His tush, a favourite part for his friends to tease him about, had grown as well, becoming even more of a bubble-butt, and it too wobbled with each step. His poor socks strained against the wave of fat pressing against it, and he noted with even more embarrassment that a seam had split in the purple and white fabric. A mewing wrested him from his exploration. The tabby slime had returned, wearing his beanie, smiling happily at him. Rory trotted forwards, feeling parts of him wobble that had never wobbled before, but before he could get anywhere near the tabby, it took off again, deeper into the woods. Gritting his teeth, Rory followed, squeezing through the bushes in not-so-hot pursuit. It was cool in the trees, even so, sweat beaded on the tubby buck’s forehead, unused to have to heave his new weight along. He huffed and puffed, his belly groaning in protest of all this activity after such a heavy meal. The path where he’d come from was long gone, and a tinge of fear permeated Rory’s mind, but whenever he started to turn back, the tabby slime would reappear, mewing at him, taunting him, before oozing off into the brush again. The pegasus plunged onwards, body jiggling as he hustled. Then, with a final push, the woods suddenly turned into a clearing. Rory tumbled to the ground, his glasses falling down his nose. His stomach, even more displeased, let out a loud BWURRRRRRBLLLLE. He nudged his glasses back up on his nose, eyes focusing on the tabby slime directly in front of him, still wearing his beanie. It mewed, and plopped his beanie back on, no worse for wear. “O-oh… t-thanks, I guess…” Rory pushed himself back to his hooves, taking a look around the clearing. It wasn’t a natural clearing, that was for sure. Tree stumps and odd boulders lined the perimeter, and a stream cut through the middle, bubbling away. The pegasus turned around, preparing to find his way back to the path, but found his path blocked by more odd boulders. He stepped over, and tapped one. It was hollow, and shone an odd blue colour in the sun. They definitely hadn’t been there before, otherwise how would he have gotten in here? He tapped at the boulder harder, and a sparkling flake of it fell into his hoof. It smelled like… candy? He popped a piece into his mouth, and let out a surprised squeak at how delicious it tasted! It was candy for sure, rock candy most likely. Puzzled, Rory broke another piece off, crunching on it as he looked for a way out. He walked the entire perimeter, finding nothing but tall tree stumps and more delicious rock candy. He sat by the stream, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow, and decided to take a drink. The water was cool and refreshing, just what the doctor ordered for the tubby buck. Rory drank his fill, but when he tried to lift his muzzle out of the water, it suddenly was sucked back in. With a startled “Mmph!”, Rory was forced to gulp as water flowed relentlessly into his belly, bloating him out bigger and bigger. He soon felt full, his belly pushing into the ground as he struggled to stop the seemingly endless flow of water. Finally, he managed to get his hooves steadily underneath him, and heaved his face out of the water with a gasp. The water swirled, and he realized that there were small eyes and smiles looking up at him. There were slimes in the water! Rory scrambled backwards, his belly sloshing against the grass, desperately looking for a way out. Then he saw something that made his heart sink. The blue boulders were now pink, and wriggling with slimes. From the tree stumps, golden yellow slimes oozed to the ground. They were all giggling and yipping, and all were looking towards Rory. “O- BWOOOORP -h no…” He moaned, everywhere he looked, a relentless wave of pink and yellow. He sloshed his way to the centre as more and more slime poured their way into the clearing, until Rory stood on the only patch of grass not covered in slime. The tabby suddenly pushed its way to the front, and as Rory stared at it, it mewed happily, placing a mint mango in front of him. It mewed again, and nudged the fruit towards him. “D-do you want me to eat this?” He asked. The tabby mewed, and nudged it again. The tubby buck nervously picked up the fruit, and took a bite. Instantly, the slimes moved. Two pink slimes leaped into Rory’s mouth, sliding down his throat. He let out a squeak before another two did the same. Then another. Bubblegum washed across his taste buds as the pairs of slimes jumped into him. Rory felt his stomach burble, and swell. With each slime, Rory grew larger, and larger. His belly, already brushing the ground, fattened further, pressing into the cool grass, slowly becoming a soft, heavy bed. His chest and forelegs began to plump up as well, growing softer and heavier by the second. A double chin slowly appeared, mildly stained by pink slime. But it was his rear where the show really was. His bubble butt had ballooned, becoming a mound of soft white flesh that jiggled and wobbled at the slightest provocation. His poor socks began to shred under the onslaught of his blubbery thighs, giving way inch by inch, stitch by stitch, with rips loud enough to hear over his own glorping belly. Rory’s cheeks burned as he felt his body swell heavy with fat, and that blush grew even deeper as he felt something rubbing against his belly, glancing past his fatty cheeks to see tabby slimes massaging his belly as it grew wider and wider. His wings fluttered uselessly as his body stretched and swelled bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Just when he thought the slimes would never stop, they did. Rory huffed and puffed and caught his breath, letting out loud BWOOOOOOURPs and quiet groans at how full he felt. He looked down in front of him, seeing golden yellow slimes in front of him instead of pink. They giggled as he tried to rear back, his body jiggling and sloshing as he pawed at the ground, only succeeding in wresting more belches from his fat belly. A yellow slime oozed forwards, climbing up onto his chest, and plunged into his mouth. As soon as the taste hit his tongue, Rory’s eyes almost rolled up in his head. The taste was beyond words, beyond even grunts. It was the most delectable, rich, sweet honey he had ever tasted, and even that was a poor description. Then a second slime crawled in, and the taste began anew. Rory began to grow again, a little faster, his eyes closed, concentrating on just the taste, and the sensation of getting fatter. He moaned into the delicious slimes as he dug his forelegs into his flabby chest, rubbing and sloshing his new fat. His belly began pushing him up into the air, his blubbery butt towering over him. His thighs, with the last bits of shredded sock still clinging to them, squeezed against his belly, and with a loud glorp Rory’s hind legs lifted off the ground. His wings shot straight out as he realized how big he had gotten. He was immobile, a complete and total blob of fat. His booty wobbled and jiggled as he squeezed his thighs against his belly, belching and groaning as he grew bigger and bigger. The slimes were alternating now, pink and yellow marching together into his waiting mouth. He could barely hug his chest now, so large and heavy his forelegs had grown. He dug a hoof in, and moaned happily as he felt himself push outwards, bigger, larger, heavier, fatter. When the flow of slimes stopped, Rory gasped and spluttered, his belly letting out series after series of loud groans and gurgles. Tabby slimes were all around him, rubbing his belly, and his tush, all mewing happily. Rory let out a loud BWUOOOOOOOOOORP and huffed. A tabby hopped up onto his chest. It mewed, then nuzzled Rory’s blossoming triple chin. Rory felt something pushing on the side of his belly, and when he looked, he saw lots and lots of tabby slimes pushing up against him. Then, Rory began to roll. Slowly, sloshily, the tabbies rolled the fat pegasus onto his back, his belly wobbling free in the air. The tabbies giggled and mewed, jumping all over the plump pegasus’ body, nuzzling and rubbing and kissing his new blobby body all over. Rory’s blush deepened, and his wings fluttered and twitched as more and more slimes joined in, massaging every inch of him. He giggled, as a tabby slime slipped into his new, deep belly button and began to burble and tickle him. The slimes giggled as well, and as Rory continued to play with his new fat chest, the pink and yellow slimes began to slide towards his mouth once more. He opened wide, and closed his eyes.