> Spike's Reward > by mrmidnight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spike's Reward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were walking down one of the unbeaten trails in the Everfree forest. While the group walked down, you could hear their laughter, just having a good time. It was clear they were enjoying what could be their last summer. Soon they would be heading off into the real world. Applebloom was staying in Ponyville, and she was going to be working on the farm with her family. Help just the place just a little more life. Sweetie Belle had been given an internship in Manehattan where she’d be studying to become a teacher. Almost everyone had been surprised when she announced it to everypony, including her sister. While Rarity was surprised about her sister's decision, she was none the less proud of her sister. Scootaloo didn’t have many plans, though she had gotten a job working for the Postal service. It was just her first step in a line before she could join the weather team. At least that was the deal Rainbow dash made to help her get the job. Scootaloo was determined. She might not have had the wing’s to join the wonderbolts, but it wouldn’t stop her. Scootaloo wanted to feel the air in her face, that’s all that Scootaloo wanted. She smiled while walking town the dark woods. Her hands wrapped around the back of her head. As they headed deeper into the forest just enjoying the beautiful summers day, a small cracking noise like broken branches could be heard coming from behind them. “Did you hear that?” Applebloom asked as she looked behind her only seeing her two friends, “No, not really, why do you think that?” Scootaloo asked as she seemed oblivious, Sweetie Belle just shook her head while they carried on. “So Applebloom, how’s hanging out with Tender tap been? Have you been able to bump around the sack?” Scootaloo teased as she bumped her hip into her friend, causing Applebloom's blush. “No, I haven’t,” Applebloom said as she shook her head, “ Tender Tap’s is with somepony else right now.” “Oh, so who’s the lucky lady?” Sweetie asked, giving a romantic look, as she had over time inherited her sister's love of gossip and knowing who was with who. Just a good laugh, and a blind sense of curiosity. “Some stallion named Magic Step. You really should see those two dances together. It’s quite wild.” Applebloom said nonchalantly. While Sweetie Belle seemed to stop right there, stunned- well more surprised than anything as she hadn’t seen that coming, a stallion like Tender taps she thought she’d seen him before with some mares. “Wait you mean he’s gay?!” “No Bisexual” Apple bloom said, waving her friends off as if it were nothing “Trust me, was a surprise when I caught the two of them together. I mean really in a broom closet. Don’t stallion have any sense of class.” “Stallions are weird sometimes. Hey, at least they’re fun to look at.” Sweetie Belle giggled as she pumped her hips into the other while they laughed loudly. They are never noticing that a significant figure was following behind them. She was stalking over watching oh so close and just watching them slowly as it got closer. It appears the C.M.C was going along without a care in the world. They moved ahead, while just giving a simple smile. However, I was walking off towards, with it as Scootaloo stopped upon hearing a low growling. “Guy’s, did you hear that? It’s getting louder.” The girls seemed to stop at Scootaloo’s words slowly. The rest of the girls begin to turn around. Standing behind them, they saw a figure. It was large. It seemed Surrounded in shadows, with a menacing look. It was a hydra. The multiple heads were moving back and forth hissing, with a low growl and moving down three of its five head’s, running down. Slowly sniffing them, and growled hungrily. The long tongue moved out slithering around. “Girls… Let's run.” Scootaloo said as she squeaked gently. Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. Applebloom was the first to make a move, and she ran like there was no tomorrow, her hips moving as she pushed herself. The other girls chasing behind her as the Hydra followed on. The grounds are shaking under it, while it walked in slowly. Pushing forward. It’s grand size seeming to help keep up with the Crusaders as they were running like the devil was chasing them. “Sweet Celestia we’re going to die!” The girls were genuinely terrified as they felt their legs burning, as they thought their breathing was getting harder as they kept going — the fear of death running over them. “You know, really if we were younger, we could have gotten our Cutie mark Hydra hunters.” Scootaloo joked slightly trying to lighten the situation as they began turning towards the right, hoping to lose the creature. It didn’t seem like it was working out while the deadly monster was chasing them. “If we’re going to die, I’m glad to be with you girls,” Applebloom mumbled while It was clear they got cornered by the beast. There was a massive wall of rocks standing over them. It was clear that they couldn’t climb over moving around, while just trapped. Then the CMC would slowly begin turning around looking up at the hydra watching them slithering. Scootaloo gulped imagining that it was licking its lips hungrily. “Scootaloo, you could fly and get away.” Sweetie Belle said as she and Applebllom looked over at Scootaloo. Scootaloo looked back at her friends and shook her head. “No way, I wouldn’t leave you, girls, behind. We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and we stick together till the end, and I think this is the end.” She said, giving a long gulp as she was nearly tempted to fly off and be a chicken. However, she took a second but stayed in place. However, there was just a fraction of a second that she felt tempted but looking back at her friend. It helped steel her nerve as she was ready for the end. The hydra was close ready to strike down, taking its meal when there was a roar which followed by a scream, which caused the Hydra to turn around. Standing there, a small satchel in his hand stood a tall, lean figure, Nothing too intimidating, but a strong man standing there, his eyes on the hydra, while looking annoyed. He was purple with green spikes moving down his back. It was none other than Spike the dragon. His wings stretched out from his end as he looked over. The hydra, seemed to snicker looking over to the much smaller being, as he returned his focus onto the CMC ready for a snack, its mouth opening slowly prepared to take a bite. When Spike ran at it, he ran fast and hard, when he tossed the satchel at the beast, catching its attention. The magnificent creature moved at Spike, never noticing the flowers wrapping around one of its heads. “Spike run!” Applebloom shouted, feeling worried about the dragon. It took Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, pulling her away as they got out of the situation through the girls were keeping their eyes on the Dragon, as he was about to fight this hydra. The Hydra moved in walking towards Spike, the ground shaking with each step as it got closer. However, as the Cmc began noticing, the Hydra was getting smaller as Spike watched it getting close. It is shrinking as it screeched loud before it was standing in front of Spike. It seemed the Hydra had just realized it was smaller than Spike was while it looked up to the dragon, who gave it a smirk as the creature looked back at its many heads. “Guess you’re looking up to me.” As it grabbed ahold of two of its head and began swinging it around, and around faster and faster. The Hydra was roaring- no screaming as it was not realizing at all what was going on before it was suddenly let go and tossed away. It was going- going! Then it was gone landing somewhere else in the evergreen forest. However, the most important thing was that it was no longer around to bother them. Spike whipped the sweat from his head while just giving a smile and dusting his hands off while the girls ran right towards him, excited and pulling him into a four-way hug. “Thank you, Spike, thank you, thank you, thank you!” The girls exclaimed barely able to let go of the dragon who just chuckled his cheeks reddening by this. “It’s nothing. You’re just lucky that Twilight sent me out to get some shrinking Lilly's.” “I guess it is lucky, but still Spike is there anything we could do for you. To show our appreciation.” Applebloom exclaimed looking towards the dragon while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. Spike shook his head with a long smile, “it’s no problem besides it’s my dragon duty to help out those who need it.” He chuckled before turning around and heading off, probably to get ahold of more Shrinking Lilly's. Though Applebloom wasn’t satisfied by what Spike said and turned around towards the girls, “Ok girls. I think we really should do something for Spike. I mean, he saved our lives.” “Yeah but seriously how are we supposed to do that Applebloom?” Scootaloo asked as she was rather curious about it. “I don’t know I mean, what could we do to show our thanks to Spike?” Sweetie Belle added though Applebloom seemed to be having an odd expression like she was thinking very, very hard. They could almost see the lightbulb that was hanging over her head, ready to spark back to life. When there was a small spark, and it went right back up. “I’ve got an idea girl, but you’ll have to listen to me, and do what I say. We’ll be making Spike a very, very happy dragon.” Applebloom smiled as she huddled the girls in, and there they would explain the plan. The girls nodded and began whispering more idea’s just merely smirking as it was clear by their smile. They had something for the Dragon. Something that he wasn't going to forget about. --- It had been a few days since the event in the Everfree forest. Spike at this point had nearly forgotten all about it. While he moved on heading back towards the castle, it had been a long day. The dragon was ready for a relaxing afternoon. Hop into the tub, and soak for a few hours. When he walked into the Castle, Twilight was sitting over on her throne reading. A book went by the Title ‘The Bet’ Her focus mainly on that as she was muttering to herself. “Oh, Nightshade what are you doing? Can’t you see Silver Wind wants to be left alone.” Though when she heard the door slamming closed and saw her number one assistant walking In she quickly put the book away pretending like she never had it on her. “Oh, Spike I’m glad you made it home alright, how was stone gathering with Rarity?” Twilight asked, trying not to look suspicious as she was sitting on top of her book. “Well It went well, the bat’s stayed asleep for a good while, so they didn’t bother us. All that digging has built up a swat so I think I should go and take a bath.” Spike muttered as he began walking towards the showers. “Ok, Oh, by the way, you have a couple of guests waiting upstairs in your room. They said they needed to talk with you. It was rather important.” Twilight with a simple chuckle as she leaned back, Spike just frowned and gave a long sigh. He wasn’t in the mood for something like this but decided to head upstairs. “Thanks and Twilight enjoy your book.” Twilight’s only response was a hard blush as she looked around some as she pulled out her book again, getting ready for another page. She was curious as to what Night Shade was going to do. Would she make it to the end of the book? When Spike had gone up the stairs, Twilight sighed stating, “Spike may Celestia have mercy on your soul.” Spike began walking up, going off towards his bedroom. The sooner he could get to them and find out what they might need. He yawned when he got to his bedroom door and took the doorknob. When the dragon motioned and pulled it open, “Hey, there Is there something you ne-“ Spike stopped mid-sentence as he walked into the room. There laying on his bed was something he never expected to see, dreamed about but never see in real life. Three mares were wearing nothing but the most revealing of lingerie. It was none other than the legendary trio of destruction. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, each of them, staring at him with a lustful smile. Spike was at a lost for words while looking at them for a second when they said, “Welcome home, Spike,” they said in almost perfect sync, “What's going on here? You three needed something?” Spike stuttered while he began stumbling some as he walked in, not even realizing he closed the door behind him. Though in a quick second Sweetie Belle’s horn flashed and the Dragon could hear a clicking sound from behind him indicating the door was locked. “Well, we came to see you, Spike. We know you said that you didn’t want a reward, but what kind of ‘honorable’ girls would we be if we didn’t reward our savior.” “You don’t need to do these girls; I mean it.” Though soon the CMC began getting off the bed walking towards them, their breast bouncing with each step as they got closer to the teenage dragon. The three of them got to Spike, who didn’t even bother to try and run from them. Their hands started caressing and feeling over the dragon. “Hmm but we insist, please we worked so hard.” Sweetie Belle whispered into Spikes each kissing it gently while Applebloom seemed to be grabbing ahold of the bottom of Spikes shirt pulling it away. Scootaloo the naughty mare she was had gone for the kill slowly catching Spike’s zipper and started pulling it down as she used her other hand to caress the growing bulge. “If you guys insist. I guess I can look a gift in the mouth.” He muttered a goofy smile flowing through him as suddenly Applebloom pulled the dragon in for a deep kiss. The two seemed to share this for the longest time just holding onto it. Spike let out a soft moan when Scootaloo screamed, “I got it off girls and Wowzards this Dick is 20% bigger than I thought.” Spike had finally realized his pants had been ripped off and blushed more when Applebloom pulled back from the kiss. “Like that sugar cube?” Applebloom, smirked as she began undoing her bow. Her hair was flowing down as she took a step back. The girls moved back beside Scootaloo who smirked as she proceeded to give Spikes Large cock a long lick. “Scootaloo wait… Ohh.” Moaning hard while Spike bit his lips as he moved his hips for this as he grunted. “Oh shit. Scoots is right? It’s huge!” Applebloom exclaimed seeing Spikes cock. It was more prominent than most stallions at least the studs the girls had seen in the magazine Sweetie Belle had even the few Zebra’s that was in there. All they knew Spike had a cannon strapped to his thighs. Scootaloo seemed to be taking advantage of this as she wrapped both hands around Spikes member, as she started jerking him off while sucking Spikes sensitive head as she sucked him off faster. Spike grunted reaching over and grabbing the back of her head his claws moving through her mane. While she gave the girls a side glance, almost teasing them with her victory while she bobbed her head back and forth. “Oh, Scoots isn’t going to get away with this.” Sweetie Belle said jealously when she moved right behind Spike. “See I can pleasure Spike also, and I don’t even need to use his cock. That’s too easy.” Sweetie Belle said as she suddenly spread Spikes ass cheeks. “Wait! Sweetie Belle what are you- Oh holy Celestia!” Sweetie Belle suddenly stuck her tongue right up Spikes ass and began swirling around there. She moaned as she seemed to be exploring his cavern while the dragon bent over his hips, thrust forward right down Scootaloo throat as he was getting double teamed by the mares. Applebloom walked back over joining the girls since they were having all the fun at this point though she did something else as she pushed herself up more and caressed the dragon's neck pulling him in for a kiss, as he grunted more as they kissed. Scootaloo sucked Spike harder doing what she could not to choke or gag as the cock thrust down her throat. The mare felt like she could barely breathe. Sweetie Belles tongue moved over and seemed to be looking for something, as she was exploring Spikes Anus, giving a grunt Spike couldn’t help moaning as Applebloom used her strong hands caressing his ballsacks. “Girls fuck this feels amazing!” he muttered while moving down as his eyes glow bright green as he thrust more. Scootaloo coughed as she tried holding on. But Spike reached down grabbing Scootaloos head and forcing her down face fucking her. Applebloom squeezed on Spikes balls finding them plump and huge with a smirk, “Oh Spike you’re balls are too big and fat. When was the last time you got laid or jerked this fucker off?” Applebloom winked as she sucked and kissed his neck. Spike could barely hold his voice as he looked towards her, “It’s been a few weeks since I had gotten myself off.” He admitted genuinely as he moaned more, “Fuck girl’s your gonna make me cum!” Spike groaned his butt cheeks clenched, causing Sweetie Belle's tongue to get stuck. His cock was expanding, and balls tightened as he cried. “Fuck!” Spike called out as he began cumming down Scootaloo’s throat. Scootaloo gasped and coughed more managing to pull out her noise being booped by Spikes cocked as she looked at the dragon, “Yesh, Spike that was a shit ton of cum. You’ve been pent up.” She whipped her lips some getting back onto the table, with a simple smirk as she shook her butt. Sweetie Belle had managed to get her tongue out of Spikes ass as she turned around. “Hmm, I hope you didn’t waste all of it on chicken tits here.” Sweetie Belle said, teasing her friend as she cupped her breast. “I’d hate not to get a taste of something like that.” “Oh, girls I think he can handle it. Look at him; he’s still hard as a diamond.” Applebloom added giving Spikes cock a squeeze. The dragon couldn’t help but moan loudly. “Now are you gonna get ready Spike to cause the fun is about to begin,” Applebloom said as she smirked getting over to the bed the girls joining him. Spike just looked over and took a deep breath. “Well, I’m glad I had breakfast today.” Spike jumped right towards the bed where the girls were on and made a break for Applebloom. She was his first target. Spike jumped towards her as he was kissing her neck getting a good feel. His hands are caressing her vast country, bosom. “Hmm, Spike you’re excited.” She said in her southern twang. Apple Bloom's pussy lips were dripping wet while she looked to the dragon with a smile as she felt his strong hands pushing her legs apart. “Hmm, I’m gonna fuck you Silly Applebloom!” Spike growled his head filled with lust as he got himself in position. His thick fat cock moved right against Apple Bloom's pussy, rubbing against it. Applebloom felt the cock pushing against her pussy. She moaned while closing her eyes, just enjoying the stimulation. Spike moved in soon as the girls got in the position right between Applebloom. Scootaloo on her right, and Sweetie belle taking her right. “You ready Applebloom?” Spike asked as he pushed his cock head against her entrance. Applebloom nodded with a slight shudder as Spike moved and started with a hard thrust. His cock plunging deep into her and gave a hard moan. Apple Bloom's eyes widened as she felt her pussy getting spread, Spike invaded down thrusting into her like no tomorrow and going hard and fast. Applebloom seemed to hold onto the dragon for dear life. Scootaloo and Sweetie belle got in position. Their heads over Apple Bloom's breast and taking her nipples in their mouth sucking on them. Applebloom cried in excitement moaning hard as the girls teased her chest While Spike was fucking her pussy like a jackhammer. The bed under them crooked and moved back and forth as Spike fucked the mare. He was loving every second of it his breath getting heavy with a long moan. --- Down on the bottom floor, Twilight was reading her book just enjoying it more when she heard the creaking and looked up, “Huh well, Spike better clean up the mess when he’s finished.” --- The foursome continued going on as Spike was thrusting harder, even if Spike was fucking Appleblooms tight pussy for a few minutes, He was close to blowing his load for a second time as he gasped louder. She felt just so good as hie balls slapped against the Apple mare. Fuck if your sisters could see you being so Slutty.” Spike said teasingly as Scootaloo, and sweetie belle giggles while nibbling AB’s breast. Who just screamed wanting more. Her toes curling around as she arched her back, overwhelmed with lust and pleasure while hearing Spike growling more. It was clear this farm girl was turned on and horny as hell. Spike moaned louder his more beastly side was overwhelming him as he gasped for breath. Never in his wildest fantasy had he ever imagined he'd fuck Applebloom. He believed it would've been easier to get in bed with Fluttershy. Especially with the rumor of what Applejack did to the last stallion who tried getting in Applebloom's pants. Now look at him he was balls deep in her fucking her brains out. Than Applebloom cried out "Oh, Celestia Spike I'm cumming you're making me cum!" As she screamed, she pulls Spike down into her. Using her earth pony strength as she tensed up. Spike bit his lips as he tried all he could not to cum just yet he had two more mares to pleasure. Well, Big Mac always advised me never to leave a lady unsatisfied, but I don't think he meant his little sister. Applebloom body went limp at this point. Spike looked worries as he let go of the Apple mare and began examining her. She was laying there crossed eyes for a second clearly in a daze, her tongue hanging out. Spike could hear her giggling slightly. "Wesh, I took it out of her," Spike exclaimed surprised. But before Spike could react or even recover. The Dragon felt himself getting pulled away from her and straight on his back. There he was looking up to see none other than Scootaloo straddling him as she was getting more comfortable. Her wings spread out, looking almost like an angel. "Not tired yet are you big dragon!" Scootaloo teased as she reached down and grabbing his cock, putting it against her pussy while she started pushing down gasping. "Fuck, it feels even bigger!" She would sit down on his lap, adjusting to Spikes impressive size. Till finally, she started rocking back and forth. It was slow at first, but she was going fast over time. Spike gasped, feeling himself plunge in the little Pegasi, pussy just taking it while she gasped more moving her hips. Longful need as Spike grabbed ahold of her firm ass. He began lifting her up and down, slamming her with a good bit of strength. Scootaloo eyes twisted some as she looks to be enjoying herself more with every second that passed. "Holy fucking Shit Spike keep going fuck my cunt!" Scootaloo screamed to the heavens. She didn't care if anyone heard her. She was feeling like a bitch in heat by this point. Suddenly Spike notices a figure sneaking behind Scootaloo a glowing smile and a flash of light as Scootaloo was being rammed. Spike realized it was Sweetie Belle who had a look of glee and perversion rolling over her. Scootaloo never saw it coming. She was focused on Spike, but then Sweetie Belle jumped at Scootaloo. Soon the pegasi had a surprised look as she screamed. “What the what are you do- Holy shit!” She screamed as she suddenly felt her ass being penetrated. A long hard item pushing down into her, When she looked over Scootaloo was shocked seeing Sweetie belle there as she asked, “What the hell Sweet’s what are you doing?” She asked moaning harder feeling herself being double teamed by the two, while Spike remained Silent thrusting up deep in the Pegasus’s cunt. “Oh, just joining in on the fun Scoot’s since you decided to take my spot in line.” She added while giving a hard thrust. Scootaloo gave a hard grunt, as she moaned, even more, taking it like a champ, at than. “Shit, shit, shit!” She moaned more while her ass tightens up. Scootaloo's pussy was getting hotter. The Dragon started to smack Scootaloo’s ass. Sweetie Belle reached over, caressing her winged friend's tits. Spike was having more trouble at this point as he felt himself close to cumming, his balls tightening as he was growing more, as he gasped. It was clear that Scootaloo could feel that as she gasped loudly. As she screeched out, “Fuck cum in my pussy! Fill me with your baby batter!” She screamed even louder. An ear pitching scream as she began cumming over Spikes cock. As the Dragon started to cumming hard into Scootaloo. The mare head was flipping back, moaning hard as she felt Sweetie Belle continue humping her ass even then as she smirked her arm around her neck as she was dominant. It would be a few minutes before Sweetie Belle finally finished, as she pulled out, revealing she was wearing a strap on. It was long, and thick a good imitation of a stallion as she looked towards Spike with a small smile as she was standing there the fake cock bounced. “You know Sweetie Belle I notice you seem to have a thing for asses.” Spike joked as he put Scootaloo right next to Applebloom clearly worn out and soon the two mares cuddled. Spike thought, was sitting there his cock at this point half-cocked and slowly wilting away to a more softer form. “What can I say, some mares are into tits, some like Pussy others like cocks. My things asses. Nice plump asses.” She winked as she moved in, kissing the dragon more passionately as she caresses his cheeks. Spike not being one to disappoint returned the kiss with a burning passion. As he held onto her and soon pulling back. “Hmm I’d love to fuck you silly, though I think mini-me is kind of out for the count.” though it was the look on Sweetie belle's face He couldn’t help but feel nervous, but when her horn glowed brightly, The dragon felt himself turning around and on all fours. “Sweetie Belle, what are you doing?” he muttered, feeling nervous. “Just a trick I saw once, I think it’ll help get little Spikey Wikey up.” She smirked, grabbing Spikes ass, spreading his ass cheeks. “I need an adult.” Spike squeaked through Sweetie Belle leaned in and started whispering into his ear, “I am an adult Spike, and now it’s time for some real good fun then you can have me all you want.” Spike suddenly felt himself being penetrated the hard cock invaded his ass, sinking deep into him as he groaned hard. Sweetie Belle was moaning as she began thrusting her hips back and forth. Spike moaned hard as at; first, it was hurting, but then it seemed like it was getting more comfortable as he was enjoying it. The end of that rubber cock hitting his prostate as he gasped. Sweetie Belle was taking ahold of his tail, pulling it back as she called out. “Like that, Spike? Like getting your ass fucked by a hot mare like me!” She kept smacking his ass as she thrust harder. Spike moaned more, biting his lips as he nodded as he held onto the bed. “Fuck! Sweetie Belle this feels even hotter than I thought!” He groaned hard feeling himself taken While the white mare moaned, even more, she was enjoying herself while the bed under than seemed to creak louder. It was clear that it was barely holding on for its life. Spike butt clenched even more. Sweetie Belle was ramming into his prostate. Somehow managing to get his cock hard as a rock but he wasn’t able to resist his heart racing more as Spike was moaning loudly. Spike moaning hard as he suddenly felt himself cumming he came again all-cause Sweetie belle had fucked him in his ass as he groaned hard and landed down on the bed, laying there panting his body slowly feeling numb. His ass was hurting as Sweetie belle pulled the strap-on. “Hmm ready for more baby?” Sweetie Said as she bounded on top of the dragon as she began riding him his cock invading her ass. Spike growled ready for more as he grabbed her hips and began fucking her roughly in the ass. He was prepared to return the favor. Flames growing around his mouth. He never even bother ripping the strap-on off. So it was somewhat of a funny sight seeing it bounce while he fucked her. --- Spike huffed and puffed as he was dragging him out of his bedroom. After he had managed to take Sweetie Belle fucking her up her ass. The other girls woke up and were ready for more. He honestly didn’t know how he made it. But they went on taking and fucking him for hours in a different position. It was finally with a little bit of luck. The girls had passed out laying in his bed covered in his cum hair looking completely wild. The Dragon thought he needed some water. He imagined if he masturbated by this point, he would only be shooting dust out. “Water… Water.” Spike said with a dry voice as he dragged himself out more. His body was as sore as could be. But as he made a turn towards the right. He saw someone. An orange mare. It was clear who it was. It was Applejack standing there arms crossed, looking peeved. She just looked at him popping her neck. Her breasts were looking bigger the way her hands were held even with her the bandanna around her chest. “Spike… Have you seen my sister?” She said in a long drawn out voice indicating that she knew precisely where Applebloom was. Spike looked freaked out, as he tried turning around crawling away as he called out, “Please Applejack it’s not what you think. I didn’t have sex with her or the Cutie mare crusaders! I swear!” Though as he tried to escape and get away a rope wrapped around. He screamed, grabbing the ground as tight he was able to. While hearing the big tit mare pulling him back. “Oh yeah? So your not telling me that I and over half of Ponyville, didn’t hear you having sex with my sister?” She pulled him on as Spike tried to escape, but it helps no weight as Applejack pulled him off His claws digging into the ground as she was taking him away. “Please Applejack, don’t kill me! I won’t ever look at them again!” “Oh Spike I’m not gonna kill ya’h, I’m just gonna show you how a real mare Fuck’s. My sis there just an Amature I’m gonna show you one hell of a time,” she said in her southern twang. Spike was shocked by this but still holding onto the ground for dear life. The dragon didn’t know if this was going to be a good thing or a bad thing. But it was clear on one thing. The Dragon didn’t have much of a choice. Spike got his reward that's for sure. But he was in for a hell of a night, Oh who was Spike kidding. He was in for a hell of a week now that the legendary Farm mare had ahold of him. She was going not to let him leave until she was one hundred percent satisfied.