> Light and Darkness > by FandomPlays1234 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Lord of Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another day in ponyville and Starlight was out in the fields relaxing under the warm afternoon sun "Sweet Celestia, today can't get any better," she sighed. "It's so warm today," At that moment she felt a strange feeling inside of her. Almost if somepony had been watching. She raised her head and looked around. "Huh, must be my imagination," The feeling didn't go away but she just shrugged it off like it was nothing. "Hey Starlight!" a voice called out to her. She looked over to see Twilight walking over to her. She wore a huge smile on her face. "Hey Twilight can I help you with something?" asked Starlight. "Actually I was wondering if you were doing anything at the moment," replied Twilight. "No not really," said Starlight. "Oh great, I was wondering if you want to come with me to visit Flurry Heart in the Crystal Empire," said Twilight. "I'd love to!" exclaimed Starlight. Flurry Heart was always happy and was so excited to see Starlight and the rest of Twilight's friends. "But wait why now all of a sudden?" "I have to babysit Flurry while Cadence and my brother goes out tonight," answered Twilight. "Well that's understandable," said Starlight. "Yeah but we have to hurry or we'll miss the train," said Twilight. "Alright coming," said Starlight jumping to her feet. She walked over to Twilight and the two headed to the station. They would soon find out, that Equestria's end was near. Fox raised his blaster up to the sky as the rest of the Smash fighters gathered behind him. "Don't let a single one get away!" he exclaimed. Looking up, they could see the numerous Master Hands surrounding the large creature in the sky. It's large shining wings protecting the large orb of light in the center. "We'll each need to take down about ten," said Marth "Stow your fear, it's now or never!" exclaimed Zelda. "We'll win this, I know we will!" proclaimed Pit. As he made his proclamation, the army of Master Hands began to disintegrate and become energy and was absorbed by the creature. With his army of Master Hands under it's control, Galeem sought to create a new world. Shulk's eyes flashed as he saw the vision of their demise and reached to the other fighters to warn them. But before could speak even one word, Galeem blasted the fighters with countless streams of light. The fighters and their countless stories came to an end as the streams of light consumed them. Starting with Link, the fighters were fell victim to Galeem's attack. Some of the fighters like Samus, Bowser, and Pokemon Trainer attempted to fight back while others like the Inklings, Snake, and Captain Falcon attempted to hide or escape. All of them met the same fate. With all the fighters gone the only one remaining was Kirby who managed to escape on his Warp Star before a stream of light could swallow him. Although all the fighters were gone, Galeem didn't show any mercy to any of the other creatures living on earth and soon every living thing was consumed by light. Starlight gasped as she quickly turned around. She had that feeling again this time it was much stronger almost as if something inside was screaming at her. "Starlight is everything ok?" asked Twilight. She turned around again. Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor were looking at her. "Um what?" asked Starlight. "I said is everything alright, you look like you've seen a ghost," Twilight repeated. She couldn't tell them. But something inside of her was yelling at her to tell them. "Um can I talk to you guys in private for a sec?" asked Starlight. "Yeah sure, we have sometime," said Cadence. Starlight pulled Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight off to the side while she left Spike to care for Flurry Heart. "So what seems to be the problem?" asked Shining Armor. "So I wasn't planning on telling you this because I didn't want you to worry but, earlier today I've had this strange feeling inside of me," explained Starlight. "Ok?" asked Cadence. "Well here's the thing, something inside has been screaming at me, like it's giving a warning," Starlight continued. "Warning you about what?" asked Twilight. Starlight looked at the three with a worried expression on her face. "The end of Equestria," Starlight answered. The room fell silent. But the silence was broken when Twilight started to laugh. "Heh wow Starlight I didn't think you'd be so good at telling jokes," She looked at Starlight who was shooting her a look of pure fear. "You're joking right?" asked Twilight. She didn't answer. The smile melted off of her face. "No," said Twilight. "I don't want to have to admit it either," said Starlight. But before anybody else could say anything, the door burst open as two guards ran in with a panicked look on their face. "Princess!" the guard's called out. "What is it, what's going on?" Cadence asked confused. "You have to come see this," said the guards. Cadence and Shining Armor ran out with Twilight and Starlight following behind them. They ran out to see the entire empire in ruins. "What happened here!?" gasped Cadence. "It's those things!" exclaimed one of the guards pointing up. They all looked up to see numerous streams of light zipping through the air. "What are those!?" asked Twilight. Suddenly several streams of light came zooming down to where they were. The crystal ponies yelped as they ran around screaming. Until one of the streams came in and absorbed the pony causing it to disintegrate. "What the!?" yelped one of the guards. Before anybody could react more streams came down and absorbed the ponies one by one. "What are you doing go help them!" Shining ordered. "But Captain Armor those things are.." the guards statement was cut off when a stream of light came in and absorbed the guard. "Ack, we can't stay here!" Cadence yelped. "You two I need your help gathering the..." "Cadence look out!" Shining cried out. Cadence turned around to see a stream of light coming towards her. Shining tackled her and knocked her out of the way as the stream of light swooped in and absorbed him. "No!!!!" Cadence cried out. "Your majesty we can't stay here it's too..." another stream of light came in and absorbed the guard. "Twilight we have to go back inside!" said Starlight. She looked over to see Twilight's eyes open wide. Tears were rolling down her cheek. "Twilight snap out of it!" Starlight yelled. Starlight jumped to the sound of screams coming from behind her. She turned and watched as more ponies were absorbed by light. "Princess Cadence what do we do?" asked Starlight. "We can't stay here, we have to go back inside," said Cadence. "Got it," said Starlight. She followed Cadence and stopped short. She turned to see Twilight standing there. "Twilight come on!" Starlight called out. She didn't move. "Twilight!!!" Starlight called out to her again. This time she slowly turned around and looked at Starlight with tears in her eyes. "Why?" she whimpered. Suddenly a stream of light came in and absorbed Twilight. "NO!" Starlight screamed. She felt a tug behind her as Cadence grabbed her and ran back in. "No let me go!" Starlight screamed thrashing violently. "You can't stay there it's too dangerous!" Cadence exclaimed. She ran back into the throne room where Spike and Flurry Heart were waiting. "There you are, what's going on?" asked Spike. Cadence put down Starlight and closed the doors. "Starlight listen to me, I know you may not like what I'm about to do, but you can't stay here," said Cadence. "Wait what?" asked Starlight. Cadence used her magic to blow a hole in the wall. "Can somebody tell me what's going on?" asked Spike. Cadence picked up Starlight with her magic and created a magic orb around her. Starlight's eyes widened when she realized what Cadence was about to do. "No, Cadence no!" Starlight cried out. "Listen Starlight, we don't have much time, whatever these things are we can't fight them," said Cadence. "What about Flurry Heart?" asked Starlight. "As much as I want to send her with you I don't want to have to die without seeing her for the last time," said Cadence. "What kind of reasoning is that!?" Starlight yelled. "I'm sorry goodbye," said Cadence. "NO!!!!" Starlight yelled. A tear rolled down her face as she blasted the orb containing Starlight with her magic. The orb flew out of the castle and the last thing she saw was three streams of light flying in through the hole. Starlight closed her eyes as tears rolled down her face. "I'll come back for you," Starlight whimpered. The orb flew off into the horizon. As light consumed the entire world. > Chapter 1: Spirts and Puppets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark clouds covered the skies over the new world as multiple spirits hovered around aimlessly. Equestria, now a desolate land with no sign of life, is filled with spirits of the living creatures awaiting for the one who will free them from Galeem's control. As the spirits wandered around the new world, Kirby suddenly came crashing down on his warp star and landed face first on the ground. He slowly got to his feet and inspected his surroundings. The only thing he could see was desolate land. Although he knew that, there was no way Galeem would just let a single living creature escape. He was about to start walking when something caught his eye. He turned around as a flash of light appeared behind hi From the light, a small ball of light shot out and fell somewhere near where Kirby was. Eventually a loud boom echoed throughout the area indicating that the orb of light had crashed. Curious, Kirby ran in the direction of the noise. Starlight groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and placed one hoof to her head. "Ouch," she moaned. She looked up and looked around her surroundings. She had landed in a big canyon with nothing but desolate land as far as the eye could see. "Where am I?" she asked. That's when she remembered the attack on the Crystal , Twilight's death, and Cadence's sacrifice. Her eyes began to water. "Why Cadence?" she whimpered. She sat for a while before she wiped her tears. She got to her feet and climbed out of the crater. She couldn't stay here, she had to find someone who could help, if anyone was alive that is. "Hopefully I can find someone who can help me," she mumbled to herself. That's when something caught her eye. She looked in one direction to see something glowing. Curiously, she walked in the direction of the light. As she got closer, she saw a small rainbow light hovering around from left to right. "What is that?" Starlight asked herself. As she got closer she could see something in the light. It wasn't but, she could only see part of it's body. It had a small face and two big ears with pink and white fur. A small pink and white stripped bow was on it's right ear and a bow on it's chest. With sparkling blue eyes. "What is that?" Starlight mumbled. "Ah, who're you, please don't hurt me," a distant voice spoke up. Starlight looked around but saw nobody Was in the area where she was. "Who said that?" asked Starlight. "Right here," said the voice. she looked next to her and behind her. "No over here," said the voice. It wasn't until then that she realized the voice was coming from in front of her. She turned back to the small glowing light and approached it. "Did you just talk?" asked Starlight. "Well yeah," answered the small glowing light. "I asked who you are didn't I?" repeated the light. "Well yeah, I'm Starlight," she said introducing herself. "And you?" asked Starlight. "I'm Sylveon, or at least I was until Galeem attacked," said the light. "Galeem?" asked Starlight. "The so called Lord of Light," answered Sylveon. "He just showed up one day and decided to destroy this world, because of this there was a certain group of individuals who rebelled Galeem," explained Sylveon. "What happened to them?" asked Starlight. "It was because of them that Galeem attacked and ended up taking the lives of every living thing in this world," answered Sylveon. "They were devoured by the light while those who weren't part of that group lost their physical bodies and became spirits like me," added Sylveon. "Yeah I'm a spirit," said Sylveon. "What about those who DIDN'T turn into spirits?" asked Starlight. "Galeem has other plans for those guys," said Sylveon. "Hey I know maybe you can help us," "Me, how?" asked Starlight. "Well clearly you're the only one that survived Galeem's attack," said Sylveon. "As of now almost all of the spirits in this world are under Galeem's control, you can help free them," said Sylveon. "And how do I do that?" asked Starlight. "Um I don't know," answered Sylveon. "You don't know?" asked Starlight. "Hey I don't know what Galeem is planning to do with us ok?" said Sylveon. "I'm sure you'll figure it out in due time," said Sylveon. "Well I don't know," said Starlight. "Please you're the only one I can count on," said Sylveon. "Alright, alright you win," said Starlight. "Really?" asked Sylveon. "Yeah," said Starlight. "Great thanks, I'll be joining then," said Sylveon. She hovered over to Starlight with a happy smile on her face. "Alright so I have to find a place to rest," said Starlight. "Alright then let's go," said Sylveon. Starlight turned around and was about to start walking when she noticed that something was behind her. She screamed and jumped. "Mother of Celestia that scared me," gasped Starlight. She looked at the creature. It was a small pink ball with large red feet and small stubby hands. It looked back at them with it's blue eyes. "Um can I help you?" asked Starlight. The creature didn't say anything but stared at her in confusion. "Um hello?" asked Starlight. "Hey aren't you Kirby?" Sylveon suddenly asked. Starlight looked at her in confusion. "Who?" asked Starlight. But it was apparent that was it's name due to the excited giggles that came from it. Starlight looked back at it and saw a smile on it's face. It was jumping up and down with joy repeating it's name. "Kirby, Kirby!" the creature repeated happily. Starlight looked at it in confusion when she realized something. She suddenly had the terrifying feeling that they were being watched. She looked around the area but saw nobody. "Hmm?" "Starlight what's wrong?" asked Sylveon. "I have this feeling that we're being watched," answered Starlight. That's when she saw it. She looked at the canyon cliffs behind Kirby and saw the silhouette of a figure standing on top of the canyon. Kirby noticed that Starlight wasn't paying attention to him and turned around. It was apparent that the figure noticed them staring and jumped off. He got to the bottom of the canyon and began approaching them. She couldn't see the figure at first, but as it got closer she was able to make out the figure's features. The figure was wearing a white shirt and black overalls and black hat. On the center of it's hat was a black M. The figure had a large mustache on their face and was glaring at them with glowing red eyes. "Who?" asked Starlight. "Poyo?" asked Kirby. Suddenly the figure lunged at them and attempted to punch them, but Starlight grabbed Kirby and jumped to the side. "Hey whats the big deal!?" Starlight asked. The figure glared at them as he held up his fists. "Wait Starlight look behind him," said Sylveon. Starlight turned her attention behind the figure and saw another glowing light the same one as Sylveon. "Another spirit!?" Starlight gasped. "Poyo," Kirby said. Starlight noticed that Kirby looked worried. It appeared he recognized this guy. "Destroy," a distant voice said. Starlight turned towards the spirit. She looked closely to see a strange green creature with two arms and glowing red eyes similar to the attacker. He lunged at them again and attempted to grab them. Starlight picked up Kirby and quickly teleported out of the way. "Starlight looks like we have no choice but to fight him," said Sylveon. "What are you crazy!?" Starlight yelped. "It's the only way, don't worry I've got your back," said Sylveon. Starlight was hesitant but she knew that Sylveon was right. Whoever their attacker was, he clearly wanted them dead. She had to fight to survive. "Alright fine," said Starlight. She faced the figure and got into battle stance. "Let's hope this goes well," said Sylveon. She hovered behind Starlight and began sending her energy to her in streams of light. Starlight's eyes widened as she felt a new surge of power coursing through her body. The figure ran at at her and attempted to grab her again, but this time Starlight evaded the attack and kicked him sending him flying back. Starlight closed her eyes and focused as she felt the power of her magic grow stronger. She opened her eyes and hurled the large ball of magic causing an explosion that knocked the figure backwards. "Whoa," said Starlight. "I didn't know I could do that," The figure got to his feet and glared at them. "Bring it on," said Starlight. She immediately regretted her choice of words. "Mario, Metal Shift," said the voice. "Mario?" Starlight asked. She soon realized that was the name of her attacker due to the sudden change of his appearance. The figure's body suddenly became shiny and grey like metal. "I take back what I said," whimpered Starlight. Mario once again ran at Starlight. She raised her her hoof to protect herself, but she later noticed a red orb surrounding her as Mario attempted to land a punch on her. Mario's punch was blocked by the red orb and Starlight quickly rolled over to the left behind Mario where she blasted him with another ball of magic. But instead Mario didn't flinch. Starlight yelped as Mario grabbed her and began hitting her with his face. He then threw her to the left. Starlight slid on the ground to stop herself from going any further. "What the hay?" Starlight asked. "What?" asked Sylveon. "I never knew I could fight like that," said Starlight. "This IS typical Smash Bros. style," said Sylveon. "I'm sorry what kind of style?" asked Starlight. "Heads up!" Sylveon yelled. Starlight looked up to see Mario coming down on her with another punch. Starlight yelped as she quickly rolled off to the side. Mario glared at her with his evil red eyes. She noticed that Mario was metal anymore. "Now's your chance take him out!" said Sylveon. Starlight closed her eyes and began charging up a powerful magic attack as Mario ran towards her. "Alright Mario eat this!" Starlight exclaimed as she hurled the blast at Mario. Mario tried to defend himself, but by then it was already too late. He slid to stop but was struck by the blast. Mario had a pained expression on his face before his body exploded in a burst of light. Starlight breathed heavily exhausted from the battle,"Did I do it?" "I think so," said Sylveon. Suddenly a rock statue of Mario dropped onto the ground in front of them as the spirit controlling him hovered in front of them. "Ouch," said the spirit. "Looks like we freed the spirit," said Sylveon. "Sorry if we hurt you, but you just attacked us out of nowhere," said Starlight. "Wait I did what?" asked the spirit. "You just attacked us," repeated Starlight. "Oh crap," said the spirit. "Don't worry about it, you look like you're back to normal," said Sylveon. "Ah man, you're going to forgive me like that are you, well I thank you," said the spirit. "I'm Smoky Progg by the way," said the Spirit. Starlight introduced herself along with Sylveon and Kirby. "Well it's nice meeting you all," he said. "Same," said Sylveon. That's when Starlight noticed the Mario statue that the spirit had been controlling suddenly cracked and shattered into a pile of dust. "What was that?" asked Sylveon. "Ok I should probably explain," said Smoky Progg. "You see when Galeem took the life of every living thing in this world, he took the bodies of those who opposed him and created evil puppets to which he forced spirits like us to control the puppets," "So like doppelgangers?" asked Starlight. "Exactly, and the only way you can free these spirits is by spirit battles like the one you had now," said Smoky Progg. "Guess you were right," said Starlight looking at Sylveon. "Once you free a spirit, they'll most likely join you so when the time comes, they'll help you out on the field," added Smoky Progg. "Is that what you're going to do?" asked Sylveon. "Of course, I want to repay Starlight for freeing me," said Smoky Progg. "Well then I suppose we should start looking for other spirits to free," said Starlight. "Yes of course," said Smoky Progg. "But first we need to find a place where we can rest," said Starlight. "Whatever you say," said Smoky Progg. The spirit hovered over to Starlight and the group begin searching for a resting place. Spirits robbed of their physical body, evil puppets of those who opposed Galeem, this new world was going to be filled with excitement. One that Starlight wasn't prepared for. > Chapter 2: Spirit Battles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight yawned as she sat up. Groggily looking next to her Kirby was still fast asleep. She stretched out her hoofs and got up. Slowly she made her way out of the cave only to be greeted by a large ray of light. She looked up to see the sun shining brightly. "Strange yesterday there were so many dark clouds covering the sky and yet today is so sunny, could this be another effect of Galeem?" Starlight mumbled to herself. Starlight's ears twitched as she heard the soft sound of footsteps. She turned around as Kirby walked out yawning. "Good morning sleepy head, did you sleep well?" Starlight asked with a smile. "Poyo!" Kirby replied with a smile. "Sleepy head that's cute," Sylveon chuckled. Starlight turned as Sylveon and Smoky Progg appeared behind her. "No it's not like that," said Starlight blushing. "Don't jump to conclusions alright?" "Ok, ok sorry," said Sylveon chuckled. "We should probably start heading out," suggested Smoky Progg. "But where exactly are we gonna go?" asked Starlight. "Follow me," said Smoky Progg as flew off. Starlight looked at Kirby and shrugged. Kirby didn't say anything and followed him with Starlight and Sylveon tagging behind. They eventually followed Smoky Progg to an opening between two canyons. "Over there," said Smoky Progg looking out towards the distance. Starlight followed his gaze to see a large blue orb floating above the clouds. Looking through, Starlight could see a large entity with multiple shiny colorful wings surrounding an orb of light in the center. "Is that?" asked Starlight. "Yes, that is Galeem, the Lord of Light," answered Smoky Progg. "Galeem," Starlight repeated. The vision of the Crystal Empire attack replayed in her mind. She lost Twilight, Cadence, Spike, Flurry Heart, everyone she ever cared and loved had their lives robbed by that monster. She clenched her teeth as she growled. "That monster," "I believe that if we defeat Galeem, then we can return everything the way it was before," said Smoky Progg. "But we can't do it alone, we need your help," said Smoky Progg looking at Starlight and Kirby. "Of course," Starlight replied without hesitation. "Wait really?" asked Sylveon. Starlight nodded. "That thing had killed some of the ponies that I loved the most, I can't forgive anyone who would do such a terrible thing," Starlight growled. "Gee Star, sounds like you want to feed Galeem your full course special of vengeance," said Smoky Progg. "You said it yourself, if we defeat Galeem then everything will return to normal," said Starlight. "Don't you want to rest in piece?" "Of course, we all do," answered Smoky Progg. "Then let's not waste time," said Starlight. She began following the path that was in front of her. "Oh and as for that nickname, I'll take it," Kirby ran after Starlight with Sylveon following them. "She really is something," said Smoky Progg following them. "I assume this path leads to Galeem?" asked Starlight. "Most likely," answered Smoky Progg. "Wait stop," said Sylveon. The three halted and turned around. "Look ahead," said Sylveon. The group turned back around to see a blue dinosaur with a big nose, purple shoes and a saddle. It's glowing red eyes glared at the group. It had two racoon ears sticking out of it's head and a racoon tail swishing back and forth. It held a white and red ball and a small light hovered in the back. "Another puppet fighter with a spirit it seems," said Smoky Progg. "If I remember correctly this dinosaur is called Yoshi, and the spirit that's controlling it is my pre evolution Eevee," said Sylveon. "Well there's only one so it shouldn't be too difficult," said Starlight. However the moment she made that observation, two more appeared next to the blue one. One was yellow with green shoes, racoon ears and tail. The third was red with dark blue shoes and held a plate of food. All three glared at them with glowing red eyes and had the Eevee spirit supporting them. "I regret everything I just said," said Starlight. Kirby walked over and tapped her on the hoof. "Hmm what is it?" asked Starlight. "Poyo," said Kirby with a determined look. "It seems like he wants to help you," said Sylveon. Kirby nodded. Starlight smiled. "Thanks Kirby," said Starlight. The two turned their attention on the three Yoshi and prepared for battle. Sylveon hovered over and began sending her power into Starlight. "Come at me," she said. The blue Yoshi transformed into an egg and rolled over to her. Starlight evaded the attack and quickly kicked Yoshi in the face. Kirby rushed forward to deal with the other two Yoshi. Starlight rolled to the left as Yoshi extended his tongue to try and grab her. Starlight saw her chance and rushed forward to grab Yoshi. Yoshi struggled to break free as Starlight as she pounded him with her hoofs. After knocking pain into Yoshi enough times she tossed him in the air and blasted him with magic and sent him flying. "How'd you like that?" snickered Starlight. Yoshi immediately recovered as was coming back. Starlight charged up her magic and right when Yoshi appeared in front of her, she blasted him. Yoshi eyes widened as the blast exploded near him causing him to fall on the ground and erupt into a burst of light. "Heh, how'd you like that?" Starlight snickered. "Hey Kirby how are you doing?" asked Starlight. She turned around to see what Kirby was doing. "Poyo!" replied Kirby. Starlight was surprised to see that Kirby had already defeated the other two Yoshi and was standing next to the rock statue. "Hey, well done," said Starlight. She grabbed her statue and threw it in the center. The three spirits emerged from the statues and merged into one. "Owie," said a distant voice. "Urk sorry did we hit you hard?" asked Starlight. "Maybe," whimpered the spirit. "Ack sorry buddy," apologized Starlight. Kirby bowed his head showing he was sorry as well. "Nah it's ok," said the spirit. "Are you sure?" asked Starlight. "Yeah, thanks for freeing me though," said the spirit. Just like the puppet Mario, the three Yoshi statues cracked and turned into dust. "Whoa," said the spirit. "Anyway nice meeting you here Eevee," said Sylveon. "Wha, Sylveon you too?" asked Eevee. "Unfortunately yes," said Sylveon. "Anyway let me introduce you to my friends, Starlight, Kirby, and Smoky Progg," "Hiya, I'm Eevee," laughed the spirit. The group introduced themselves and said their greetings. Afterwards Sylveon turned to Starlight. "Shall we move on?" asked Sylveon. Starlight nodded. "Got it," said Sylveon. Now with Eevee joining the group. Starlight and her friends continued down the road and it wasn't long until they saw the next roadblock. This time it was a small pink puff like Kirby only this one it had a small curl on it's forehead and a big bow on it's head. The spirit was a red owl with a pink bow on it's head and peach and white colored diamond pattern on it's chest. "Ah it's Jigglypuff," said Eevee. "The spirit?" asked Starlight. "No I don't know who the spirit is but the puppet is Jigglypuff," answered Eevee. "Well she doesn't look so tough," said Starlight. She looked at the puppet and realized she was gone. "Wait where'd she go?" asked Starlight. "Um you might wanna look down," said Smoky Progg. Starlight looked down and saw the puff standing there with her glowing red eyes. "Uh what?" asked Starlight. Before she could do anything Jigglypuff jumped and pounded into her so hard it knocked her into the air. Starlight landed on the ground hard and groaned. "What the hay was that?" asked Starlight. She looked over and saw that Jigglypuff had fallen asleep. "You just got hit by her rest," said Sylveon. "Her what?" asked Starlight. "Her rest, a move that can do devastating damage and leave the user asleep and unable to move for a while," said Sylveon. "Well that sounds dangerous to both of us," said Starlight. Suddenly Jigglypuff grabbed Starlight and began pounding her. "Ouch let me go!" Starlight screamed. As Jigglypuff was beating on her, she noticed Kirby sneaking up on Jigglypuff with a burning hammer over his head. Starlight nodded as Kirby got closer. Starlight smirked as Kirby was now right behind Jigglypuff. But just as he was able to swing it into Jigglypuff, she quickly let go of Starlight and held her arms over her face creating a shield around her. "Shoot so close," said Starlight. But it was then she noticed that Kirby hadn't swung the hammer yet and noticed that the shield around Jigglypuff was growing smaller. "Wait what?" asked Starlight. After several seconds of waiting, Kirby swung the hammer with full force causing the shield to break and sent Jigglypuff flying into the air. Starlight looked up as Jigglypuff disappeared into the clouds. Not long after she went flying a large boom could be heard and a stone statue of Jiggly puff came crashing down. Starlight yelped as she moved out of the way. "Haha shieldbreaker!" laughed Smoky Progg. "What?" asked Starlight. "A shieldbreaker, it's a smash term in which a fighter breaks another's shield while they're protecting themselves," explained Eevee. "For Jigglypuff it's an instant KO," "Well that's brutal," said Starlight. Suddenly the spirit emerged looking dazed. "Ouch," said the spirit. "Hey sorry about that," said Starlight. "You HAD to hit me with the hammer at full force didn't you?" asked the spirit. "Sorry," apologized Starlight. Kirby bowed his head apologizing as well. "Well at least you freed me so I can let it slide," said the spirit. "I'm Celeste by the way," The group introduced to Celeste and watched as the Jigglypuff statue shattered into dust. "So I assume you folks are heading to Galeem?" asked Celeste. "Yes, we're truly fortunate to have Starlight here," said Smoky Progg. 'Well then I hope you wouldn't mind if I tagged along," said Celeste. "No, no problems," said Eevee. "Well then thanks for having me," said Celeste. She slowly hovered over to Starlight's side. "Alright let's keep going," said Starlight. The group continued to walk down the path and for a while it seemed like no other puppets were waiting to stop them. After a while they saw an entrance to a small village with someone blocking the gate. "It's about time," said Starlight. It wasn't until they got closer that Starlight noticed that the figure was starting to look familiar. "Hey Sylveon I feel like we've seen this guy before," said Starlight. "Well now that you mention it, he DOES look familiar," said Sylveon. They stopped several feet away from the figure and it wasn't until they turned around that Starlight realized who this was. The figure wore a blue overall with a red shirt and hat with the letter M on the center of his hat. He had a mustache on his face and large round nose. He glared at Starlight and her friends with glowing red eyes. "No it can't be," stammered Starlight. "It is," said Smoky Progg. "And actually this is the real one I think," "It's Mario," said Sylveon. > Chapter 3: VS Mario > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight stood before the plumber as he stared her down with his glowing red eyes.A bead of sweat rolled down her face as Mario stood there holding his fists up ready for battle. "Starlight what are you doing?" asked Sylveon. "Oh sorry it's just that the real thing looks so intimidating with those eyes," said Starlight snapping back into reality. "Look we know you're nervous, but if you don't do this the fighters will remain as Galeem's tools," said Smoky Progg. Starlight clenched her teeth. She was able to defeat the past spirits from Galeem's control sometimes alone while other times with the help of Kirby. But this was different, this was an actual fighter who was captured by Galeem and not just any random spirit. Starlight swallowed hard as she watched to see if Mario made any sudden movements but he just stood there waiting for her. Kirby walked up next to her and tapped her by the hoof. She looked down at Kirby who gave her a big smile. Starlight looked at him with a surprised expression. "Look even Kirby's cheering you on," said Eevee. "Don't worry as long as you have us, you'll be fine," said Celeste. "Everyone," Starlight smiled. "Yeah, you're right," said Starlight. She took a deep breath and got into stance. Sylveon smiled and hovered over to Starlight before Smoky Progg and Celeste stopped them. "No just wait a moment there," said Smoky Progg. Sylveon and Starlight looked at Smoky Progg with confused looks. "I guess I forgot to mention this, but there's actually two different kinds of spirits, primary spirits that boost your stats and support spirits that additional effects to help turn the tide of a battle." explained Smoky Progg. "Oh I see what you're getting at," said Sylveon. "What?" asked Starlight. "What he's trying to say is, because Sylveon is your primary spirit we can help Sylveon as support spirits by our skills," explained Celeste. "That way we can add additional effects that can help increase the chances of you winning a battle," "Really?" asked Starlight. "Cool right?" asked Smoky Progg. "So starting from this battle we as support spirits will assist Sylveon, but if you managed to befriend other support spirits make sure you use them," Celeste. "Using different combinations of spirits helps turn the tide of a battle," "Got it," said Starlight facing Mario. "Then let's get this show on the road," said Sylveon. As usual Sylveon began by giving Starlight her power. "Alright and the support spirits, Smoky Progg and Celeste!" Sylveon announced. "Smoky Progg at your service!" he announced. "With me you can start the battle with an item called a Unira," said Smoky Progg. "Celeste is ready!" she exclaimed. "If you use me, I can pull any items that appear in battle to you," explained Celeste. Both Celeste and Smoky Progg attached themselves to Sylveon. Just as they did a small blue object with spikes and two white eyes appeared next to Starlight. "Hmm?" Starlight picked up the object with her magic. "That's a Unira if you're wondering," said Smoky Progg. "Ah I see, so I just throw this?" asked Starlight. "Exactly," answered Smoky Progg. "Alright let the battle begin," announced Eevee. Starlight dashed out and began charging her magic. Mario held up his fists getting ready to defend if Starlight happened to attack. Starlight jumped and fired the magic blast at Mario to which he pulled out a yellow cape and reflected the blast back at Starlight. Quickly taking action she teleported out of the way and landed on the ground. She looked back at Mario who was now running towards her. She held up the Unira and threw at Mario hitting him in the face and knocking him back. The Unira landed on the ground and the spikes extended outwards. Mario slid to a stop as he got back up. "This Mario is much harder to defeat than the puppet," said Starlight. "He IS the real Mario after all," said Sylveon. "Be careful and don't let your guard down, who knows when he might attack next," "Got it," said Starlight. She refocused on the battle and noticed Mario holding a fire ball in his hand. "Tch that's how you want to play it eh," Starlight sneered. She dashed out again, running straight for an attack. Mario hurled the fireball to which Starlight dodged. Mario continued to throw more fireballs at Starlight missing each attack. Just then Mario pulled out a strange object and placed on his back. It looked to be a large pack containing water that connected to a tube and ended with a large yellow hose. He bent forward and aimed the hose at Starlight and fired spraying Starlight in the face with water. "Starlight are you alright?" asked Celeste. Starlight stopped for a moment to move her wet mane out of her face. "Ah great my mane," groaned Starlight. At that moment Mario ran up kicked her legs knocking her onto the ground. Mario raised his fists for a punch, but Starlight kicked him in the face knocking him back. Starlight ran and headbutted him in the stomach knocking him back. But Mario got back on his feet and ran at Starlight. She began charging up another magic attack and fired at Mario as soon as he got close. However, being the stubborn fighter he was he refused to stay down. "He just doesn't give up," said Starlight catching her breath. "Keep going, you can do it," said Sylveon giving her more power. Starlight rushed out and began charging another magic attack. Once fully charged, she fired but once again Mario reflected the attack with his yellow cape. Starlight yelped as the blast hit her knocking her back. As she was getting up Mario rushed up to her and landed a direct uppercut sending her flying. As Mario rushed towards her for another strike, Starlight used her magic to knock Mario into the air. But Mario easily recovered and came down spinning like a tornado, striking and knocking Starlight backwards. "Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed from the side. "You can do this!" said Eevee. Starlight slowly rose to her feet and spit out blood from her mouth. "You ok?" asked Smoky Progg. "I'm fine," said Starlight. "Don't push yourself," said Celeste. "I'm not done yet," said Starlight rushing forward for another attack. Mario did the same and charged towards Starlight. But before he could reach her, he stopped and flipped the cape in her face turning her around so her back was facing Mario. "Wait what!?" Starlight gasped. "Behind you!" Sylveon warned. Starlight quickly turned around but she was too slow and Mario headbutted her, knocking her into the air. He pulled his arms back and as Starlight came down, he thrusted his palm into her stomach with a fireball in his hand. Starlight's eyes widened as she gasped. The fireball exploded sending her flying. Starlight landed on the ground face first. "Poyo!" Kirby yelped. "Starlight are you alright!?" Eevee called out. Starlight's body trembled as she slowly sat up. She began to cough up blood as she held her stomach in pain. Inspecting the damage she could see a large black spot where the fireball burned her. "Starlight he's coming!" exclaimed Smoky Progg. She looked up to see Mario approaching. Starlight tried to stand, but because of her wounds she fell back on the ground. Once again she sat up and looked up as Mario stood before her, his red eyes glaring back at her. he raised his fist and attempted to punch her, but Starlight defended herself with the red shield. Just as she thought she was safe Mario suddenly reached in through her shield and grabbed her by the neck. "Ack!" Starlight yelped. he picked her up and held her in the air. Starlight thrashed around trying to escape, but she had become weak from all the damage she had taken. While Mario held Starlight in one hand, he used his free hand to summon another fireball. "Starlight!" Eevee called out to her. "Oh no at this rate Starlight will..." said Celeste her voice trailing off. Wincing Starlight kicked Mario hoping he would flinch, but Mario remained strong. "Let me go," Starlight gasped. Mario gave an evil smirk as he raised the fireball in the air. As the spirits watched in horror, Kirby suddenly dashed out and kicked Mario in the face causing him to drop Starlight and fall backwards. Starlight fell on the ground coughing. She looked up as Kirby looked at her. "Kirby..." she moaned. Kirby walked over to her and stroked her mane. "Poyo," he said with a smile. He turned around and faced Mario as he was getting to his feet. Angrily he charged at Kirby, who rolled to the side and grabbed him from behind. He began pounding his small hand into his face before throwing him on the ground and kicking him with rapid movement and jumping on top sending him flying. As Mario was getting up he grabbed him again and once again pounded his face before jumping up and throwing him down on the ground. As Mario lay on the ground, Kirby pulled out his hammer and began charging up an attack. The hammer ignited as he slowly made his way to Mario. As Mario slowly rose to his feet, the last thing he saw was a burning hammer, before Kirby swung it into his stomach with great force. Mario wore a shocked expression on his face before he was knocked down and light burst out from his body. Mario's limp body lay on the ground as Kirby walked over to Starlight who was now sitting up. "Poyo," said Kirby in a worried tone. "I'm fine thank you," said Starlight. Kirby then turned around and pulled out two bright red tomatoes with a big M imprinted on them. He put the tomatoes in front of Starlight and stepped back. "For me?" asked Starlight. Kirby nodded with a smile. In reality Starlight didn't want to eat them because her stomach was hurting, but because she didn't want to disappoint Kirby, she smiled, picked up a tomato, and took a bite. Her eyes widened the moment she began chewing. Immediately she felt the pain vanish and noticed that her wounds were beginning to heal. Surprised she ate both tomatoes without question. Now completely healed she looked at Kirby with a smile. "Thank you," she said. "Poyo!" Kirby cheered excitedly. At that moment, Mario rose to his feet groaning. "Ouch my head," said Mario putting one hand to his head. Starlight and Kirby walked over to him as he was getting up. "Well, well look who's back," said Smoky Progg. Mario looked at the two with confused looks. "Who are you and where am I?" "You seriously don't remember?" asked Starlight. "No, the last thing I remember was being Galeem and then after that everything else is kind of fuzzy," answered Mario. "Well before we explain we should probably introduce ourselves," said Starlight. "Well maybe just you, I know Kirby already," said Mario. "Well I'm Starlight Glimmer," said Starlight introducing herself. "Mario," said Mario holding out his hand. Starlight took it and shook hands with him. "So what exactly happened?" he asked. So Starlight explained the entire situation to him. "I did that?" he asked. Kirby and Starlight nodded. "Well I'm really sorry if I hurt you," he said apologizing. "It's fine you weren't in control of yourself," said Starlight. "So you said you were going to Galeem right?" asked Mario. "Yes," answered Starlight. "Well then allow me to accompany you, I have some unfinished business with him myself," said Mario. "Sure why not, it's nice to have a new party member," said Starlight. "I can learn some things from you and it'll make our team more stronger," With that Mario joined Starlight and Kirby on their adventure. Now that Starlight was able to free Mario, not only did it make her team more stronger, but things were going to get more challenging from here on out. With their new member Starlight and Kirby entered the village through the gate preparing for the next challenge. > Chapter 4: The Hardest Choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the long breath taking battle with Mario, Starlight continued her journey to defeat Galeem. She walked through the small village with Mario and Kirby beside her and the four spirits following behind. "It's so empty," said Eevee. "Poyo," Kirby said in agreement. "Do you think Galeem did this?" asked Celeste. "Most likely yes," answered Mario. "He isn't the kind of god who would just leave any creature alive," Starlight stopped. The group turned around confused. "Starlight what's wrong?" asked Sylveon. "Why?" Starlight asked, her voice trembling. "What?" asked Celeste. "Why did it have to be like this?" she asked. "What did these creatures do to deserve this?" Mario was about to say something when Kirby stopped him. "They didn't do anything wrong, they were innocent creatures," Kirby, Mario, and the Spirits looked at each other with worried looks. Starlight looked with an angry glare in her eyes. "I'll blast that Galeem back to the world he came from," "We know how you feel," said Mario walking next to her. "But there's no time to be upset, save it for Galeem himself," "Yeah ok," said Starlight wiping away her tears. She fixed her mane and ran back to join the group. Mario looked up. In the distance, he could see Galeem hiding inside the shield he created. Without saying anything more he walked to rejoin the group. After walking for some time, the group eventually reached what seemed to be the plaza of the small village. There were three paths the group could take, left, right, or straight. In the center of the plaza a large white robot could be seen standing. The chassis stuck out from the base which connected to the body that was slightly smaller than the base itself. Two arms were attached to the side and a cylindrical piece sat on top connecting the body to the head. it's two eyes were closed and the small red light on top flickered. "Well look here, if it isn't R.O.B," said Mario. "Who?" asked Starlight. "A robot that existed before me, although he looks bigger than usual," said Mario. "Does that mean?" asked Celeste. "Yep, most likely a puppet fighter," said Mario. "Poyo," said Kirby excitedly. "He doesn't look active though," said Starlight. "He most likely is, he just doesn't know we're here," said Mario. "Well then maybe if we sneak past him he won't notice us," whispered Starlight. "Wait what!?" asked Mario. But Starlight had already begun sneaking past the giant R.O.B. hoping that she won't disturb it's peace. It wasn't long until she made it on the other side of the plaza. She let out a sigh of relief and turned around waving her hooves. "See that wasn't so bad," Starlight told herself. She turned around and was walking to the other street not noticing Mario and the others trying to warn. It wasn't long until she hear the sound of machines being activated. She stopped as the sound of whirring came from behind her. She didn't even need to ask as the sky above her darkened. "I regret everything," Suddenly the giant R.O.B. grabbed her from behind and picked her up. Starlight screamed as she tried to escape the robot's grip. But R.O.B. turned to face Mario and his friends and threw Starlight down. "What's the big idea!?" Starlight hissed. She froze as a spirit appeared from behind R.O.B. it hovered over and began taking control of R.O.B. It's eyes flashed red as it let out a mechanical roar. "Alright company here we go another spirit battle," announced Sylveon. "According to my knowledge on spirits, that was guardian," said Smoky Progg. "It gives the opponent the Super Armor ability so it makes it harder for us to launch or flinch him," he explained. "This is a stamina battle in which he will constantly shoot lasers out of his eyes, beware," "I think we can finish this battle quicker if we work together," suggested Celeste. "Good point, aye Mario wanna team?" asked Smoky Progg. "Oh yes!" said Mario giving him a thumbs up. "But wait isn't Smoky Progg a support spirit?" asked Starlight. "It doesn't really matter for fighters, considering they're already powerful," said Mario. "Then it's the usual Starlight," said Sylveon. "With Celeste," added Starlight. "Well guess it's just you and me Kirby," said Eevee. "Poyo!" Kirby cheered excitedly. The spirits hovered over their respective puppets and began giving them power. "Alright so here's the deal Starlight," said Smoky Progg. "This is basically going to be like a boss battle, when you drain the enemy's health you win," he explained. "But at the same time, if the opponent drains all of your health then it's game over for you," "Why do you have to make this sound like a video game?" asked Starlight. "Gee I wonder why?" Mario repeated the question in a sarcastic voice. "Poyo!" Kirby cheered. "Alright guys let's let 'em have it!" announced Sylveon.The three dashed out and began their attack on the giant R.O.B. Mario ran up and began pounding him with his fists while Kirby threw rapid fire punches. Starlight punched R.O.B. with one hoof before turning around and bucked him several times. R.O.B. didn't flinch and instead began to look annoyed. He held out his arms and spun around like a tornado knocking the three back. But as stubborn the three were they refused to stay down. They regrouped as R.O.B. faced them. "Guys brace yourselves!" warned Smoky Progg. R.O.B. looked at them and fired a giant beam of laser at them. Mario quickly rushed in and flipped his yellow cape reflecting the laser beam and sending it back at R.O.B. However instead of try to dodge it, R.O.B. ran straight into it. Even though he got hit by his own lasers, the super armor prevented him from being launched. Mario, Kirby, and Starlight scattered and resumed their attack. It wasn't long until Mario made the final strike taking down the giant robot. R.O.B. let out a mechanical screech as it fell on the ground and burst into light. The spirit came flying out and R.O.B's stone statue fell on the ground before exploding into dust. The spirit hovered in front of Starlight and the others. "Hey buddy," said Starlight. The spirit didn't respond. Instead it just went over to Starlight and joined the rest of the spirits without question. "Guess he's not much of a talker now is he?" asked Mario. Starlight looked at the three paths that were open. "Which way?" asked Starlight. "Well if you go one way you should at least be able to come back and choose a different route," said Mario. "Are you sure!?" asked a voice. "Who said that?" asked Starlight. Suddenly a large disembodied white hand popped out and hovered over them. "Hello Mario and Kirby," the hand laughed in a deep menacing tone. "Master Hand what are YOU doing here?" asked Mario. "Oh just to watch you guys struggle," laughed the hand. "Anyways, about that comment you mad earlier about being able to come back," "Yeah?" asked Mario. "Well let's just say you'll have to choose wisely about which path to take," said Master Hand. "What do you mean by that?" asked Starlight. "Oh if it isn't your little pony friend," laughed Master Hand. "That's not funny," said Starlight not amused. "Oh don't ruin my fun little buddy, anyway you have thee ways you can go," explained Master Hand. "Each of these paths lead to certain areas and the entrance is blocked by three different fighters," he added. "If you go left, you'll encounter Marth, if you go straight you'll encounter Sheik, and if you go right you'll encounter Villager," "And you're saying we can go down only ONE path?" asked Mario. "Indeed," boomed Master Hand. The group turned their backs on him "Well what do you want to do?" asked Sylveon. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Well honestly as of now I don't feel comfortable facing off any strong opponents since we JUST had a battle with Mario, so I would say the weakest or at least the easiest enemy," said Kirby. "if you want the easiest then you outta go right to Villager," suggested Mario. "Ok great," said Starlight. They turned towards Master Hand. "We made our decision," said Starlight. "Fast aren't you?" laughed Master Hand. "We choose right," said Starlight. "Are you sure?" asked Master Hand. "Please note that once you've chosen your path, you cannot come back to the other two for some time," explained Master Hand. "We're certain," said Starlight. "Very well," said Master Hand. The group walked over to the right side and was about to start heading down the street when Master Hand laughed. "Have fun," he said. Then without warning he snapped his finger and created two barriers that led down the left and North path before disappearing. "Hey what the!?" Starlight gasped. "That damn bastard just blocked the other two paths!" exclaimed Smoky Progg. "I guess that's what he meant when he said we wouldn't come back to those two paths for a while," said Celeste. "Well too late now, we just have to keep moving," said Eevee. Starlight took a deep breath as she continued down the street. What challenges lay ahead? Who will they meet? Only time can tell. > Chapter 5: VS Villager > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and her group continued to walk through the empty streets of the deserted village after defeating the giant R.O.B. in a spirit battle to free the guardian spirit. "How long is this street?" asked Smoky Progg. "Not long as you think," said Mario pointing a finger in front of him. The group noticed a gate leading out of the village. Standing outside of the gate was a small child With brown hair and a big smile on his face. He wore a red T-Shirt with a blue 1 imprinted on the center along with black shorts and blue sneakers. "That's him isn't it?' asked Starlight. "Sure is," said Mario. The Villager stared back at the group with his menacing red eyes. Starlight felt a chill run up her back. She always believed that kids were supposed to be innocent and cute, but the way Villager was looking at her made Starlight feel uneasy. The smile on his face only made the red glare all the more intimidating. "Hey Starlight you ok?" asked Mario. "What?" asked Starlight. It was then that she realized she was sweating. "Oh uh yeah I'm fine," she said wiping the bead of sweat off her forehead. "Here we go again," sighed Eevee. Mario looked at Eevee with a confused look. "The same thing happened right before Starlight fought you at the village's entrance," explained Celeste. "Celeste don't tell him that!" Starlight hissed. "Sorry," apologized Celeste. "Well either way we gotta free Villager," said Mario. "Poyo," said Kirby. The spirits got into position as Mario, Kirby, and Starlight stared at Villager. "Ready?" asked Mario. "Ready," answered Starlight. "Poyo," answered Kirby. "Let him have it," Mario told Starlight. Although nervous, Starlight took a deep breath and refocused her attention on the target. She crouched and lunged forward running at Villager. He said nothing and quickly planted a tree in the ground as Starlight ran face first into the tree. "Starlight are you ok!?" Sylveon gasped. Starlight pulled her face off the tree and began rubbing it in pain. She let out a muffled ouch as she massaged her face. Meanwhile, Villager took out an axe and began chopping down the tree. By the time Starlight refocused, the tree was coming down. "Why me?" she whimpered. But before the tree could crush her, Mario ran in and grabbed her, running out of the way as the tree fell. He gently set Starlight down. "You should be more careful," said Mario. "I know that," groaned Starlight. Mario was about to say something just as Villager grabbed him with a butterfly net. "Mario!" Starlight gasped. "Well shit," cursed Mario. Villager pulled him and threw him into the wall of a nearby building. "What the hay, how can one child be so strong!?" asked Starlight. "I don't know, but be careful," said Sylveon. Villager turned his attention towards Starlight and pulled out a slingshot. Starlight rushed Villager as he opened fire on her, flinging stones in her direction. Just as she got close enough to attack she quickly teleported away. The panicked Villager looking around trying to find her. With his back facing her, Starlight appeared behind him and kicked him in the back with all of her force launching him. Mario jumped out from his resting spot and landed a solid punch into Villager and sent him flying into the walls of the building across from his. "Nice teamwork," said Starlight holding up her hoof. Mario smiled and gave her a fist bump. The two quickly turned their attention to Villager as he crawled out from the hole in the wall. "Oh he's going to get it now," said Starlight rushing him. "Go get him girl!" Mario cheered. Starlight grabbed Villager and began pounding her hoof into him. After several punches she hurled him across to where Mario was who gave him an uppercut. Villager fell on the ground but immediately got to his feet. He was looking really exhausted but for the first time, Starlight was eager to keep fighting. After a while Villager glared at Mario and Starlight with his red eyes. He ran towards them going in for an attack. Mario and Starlight got into stance until something zoomed past them. "What was that?" asked Starlight. Suddenly Kirby appeared and kicked Villager in the face sending him flying backwards. "Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed. "Nice work Kirby," complimented Starlight. "Poyo!" Kirby said cheerfully turning back to Mario and Starlight. Meanwhile, Villager was starting to get back up. "Let's finish this," said Starlight rushing forward. "Right behind you," said Mario following her. Starlight ran towards Villager and attempted to strike him with one of her magical blasts. Villager realized what she was planning and held up his hands as a small silver orb appeared around Villager. Not wanting to wait Starlight opened fired and as the blast came in contact, shattered Villager's shield and knocked him down. He got up looking dizzy and dazed. Starlight stopped in front of him and pointed her horn at him and began charging up an attack. Once Villager regained his senses, Starlight thrusted her horn into him and let the magic explode. Villager fell on the ground as light burst out of his body. Mario and Kirby quickly ran to her side as Villager's limp body lay on the ground in front of them. "Did you do this?" asked Smoky Progg. "You know I did," said Starlight. "Nice work," congratulated Sylveon. "Thank you," said Starlight. Villager groaned as he sat up. "Ouch," he said putting his hand to his head. "Looks like he's back to normal," said Celeste. "Hey buddy you alright?" asked Mario helping him up. "What happened?" asked Villager. He looked up at Starlight. "And who are you?" he asked. Starlight quickly introduced herself and explained to him what was going on. "Uh huh so you're going to Galeem in order to defeat him?" asked Villager. 'Yeah pretty much," answered Mario. "Well that's interesting, but can you REALLY do it?" asked Villager. "We won't know unless we try," said Starlight. "You know what, I like that I think I'll join you on your adventure," said Villager. "Really?" asked Starlight. "Of course, it's not like I have better stuff to do anyway," said Villager. "Welcome to the team," said Mario. "Hey by the way, before we go any further, just one quick question, and I don't mean to insult or offend you but isn't taking care of spirits a lot of work?" asked Villager. "Yeah it is , but I have nowhere else to keep them," said Starlight. "Well then you're lucky you ran into me," said Villager. 'I happened to find this when I was back in my world," The group stared as Villager pulled out a big leather book with the Smash logo imprinted on the cover. "An album?" asked Starlight. "Not just any album, one that's made especially for spirits," replied Villager. "It's made of special material that can transform spirits into stickers, so now you can put all the spirits you've collected and put them in here," "Great thanks," said Starlight. She opened the book to the first front page. As expected it was blank. "Alright guys you're new home," "'In we go," said Eevee. "If you need us just call," said Smoky Progg. "Bye," said Celeste. The guardian didn't say anything and went into book without hesitation. As the light burst out of the album, the spirits that had followed Starlight were now stickers. "Dang it actually works," said Mario. "Great it's your turn Sylveon," said Starlight. "Actually I think I'll stay out here," said Sylveon. "You sure?" asked Villager. "Yeah," replied Sylveon. "Suit yourself," said Villager. "So now that's done, how about we keep going?" Starlight, Kirby, and Mario looked at each other and nodded. "Let's go," said Starlight as she walked past the gate. Meanwhile Kirby, Mario, and Villager following behind > Chapter 6: Spirit Multi Battles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now armed with a new party member, Starlight continued her journey to defeat Galeem. As they walked along the path, they would occasionally stop to rest and take breaks. Starlight had been rescuing spirits and fighters and was nearly exhausted. Although she lied to her party members saying she was fine when clearly she wasn't, they easily saw through her and gave her some time to rest. During this time they had lunch and talked about their game plans for the future, meanwhile Villager and Kirby trained up for the next several battles. After some time they continued down the path. it wasn't long until they reached their next spirit. Starlight and her friends stood across from the puppet fighter Wendy as she waited for her challenger. "You ready?" asked Mario. "I think you already know the answer to that question," said Starlight. She handed the album to Villager without taking her eyes off of the puppet Wendy. "Hold this." "Oh ok," said Villager taking the album. Starlight stepped forward and took a deep breath. "Sylveon," she said. "Right behind ya," said Sylveon hovering behind her. She looked at Wendy and waved her over. "Bring it on," she said. The puppet Wendy's clown car opened it's mouth as two small yellow R.O.B. came out. "So that's how it's gonna be," said Starlight. The puppet Wendy smirked. 'Alright fine let's see how well you deal with me," Starlight charged and kicked one of the yellow R.O.B. sending it flying into Wendy's face. Wendy yelped and covered her face in pain. She glared at Starlight. "Ha who's laughing now!?" beamed Starlight. Wendy pointed a finger at her and the two R.O.B. turned their attention towards her. They began approaching her, but Starlight just stared in disbelief due to their lack of speed. Rolling her eyes, Starlight grabbed the two R.O.B. and beat them and threw them back on the ground before blasting them with magic. The two R.O.B. exploded into a burst of light and crumbled into dust. "Wow," said Villager. "What?" asked Mario. "I can't tell if she's becoming strong or if those R.O.B. just went easy on her or if they were just plain weak," said Villager. "I think it's just that there were weak, I mean they got launched pretty easily," said Mario. "Wow what a joke," said Starlight walking back over to them. "Wait what?" asked Villager. It wasn't until that moment that he realized that Starlight had freed the spirit. "Hold on you defeated the puppet?" asked Mario. "Yeah she was pretty weak actually, didn't take long for me to pound her into a pulp," said Starlight. "Anyway, can I have the album?" asked Starlight. Villager continued to stare at her with astonishment as he handed the album. "Thank you," she said taking the album. She flipped to the front page as the spirit entered . "Alright shall we continue?" asked Starlight. Mario, Villager, and Kirby got up and the four continued down the path. After walking for some time, the party came across two paths, one that continued down a slope and led to a small shore and one that continued past an ruined stadium. "So which way?" asked Mario. Starlight looked down from the top of the slope and then looked in the direction of the stadium. "From what I see I think it's best to go down to the shore, considering that path just leads to a dead end," suggested Starlight. "Whatever you say, you're the leader," said Villager. Starlight froze. She looked over to Villager and asked, "What did you say?" "I said you're the leader," repeated Villager. "Why?" he asked. She hesitated for a moment but eventually summoned up the courage to answer. "Nothing, it's nothing," said Starlight. "Now before we go down to the shore, I can see a someone on the path leading to the stadium, I want to see what that's all about," said Starlight. "Alright," said Mario. As the party started walking towards the four figures, Starlight replayed Villager's phrase in her head. "You're the leader," he said. The visions of her past began to play through in her head. From her first encounter with the mane 6 to the time she was called back to her village to help with the festival. A small smile formed on her face. "Everyone I wish you were here to see this," Starlight muttered to herself. The smile faded as her eyes began to water. She didn't know if Galeem had destroyed her village or not, but considering all the destruction that had been done, it was most likely that everyone in her village were gone too. "Uh Starlight is everything ok?" asked Mario. Starlight quickly snapped back into reality. "Uh what yeah I'm fine," she answered wiping away the tears. "Are you sure?" asked Villager. "Yeah, positive," replied Starlight. "So where are we?" asked Starlight. "Look ahead," said Mario. Starlight looked up to see four strange human figures. They had squid tentacles as their hair and had a pack on their back containing a tube of paint. They glared at Starlight and her party with glowing red eyes and held little toy guns in their hands. "It seems like your next challengers are Inklings," said Villager. Starlight once again passed the album into his hands as she stepped forward. "I won't be long," she said. "Again?" asked Villager taking the album. But Starlight had already run out into the battlefield. "What do we do?" asked Villager. "She said she won't be long, might as well just stay here," said Mario. And sure enough within 5 minutes, Starlight had defeated the four Inkling army and returned to her party with the spirit following behind her. "Welcome back," said Mario. "Poyo!" exclaimed Kirby. "I should have known they were going to use paint," she said as she cleaned her hoofs, "They're called Inklings for a reason," said Villager. "Well anyway I got the spirit," said Starlight. Villager handed her the album. Starlight opened it to the first page and watched as the spirit jumped in. "Shall we continue?" asked Starlight. The three didn't ask questions as they followed Starlight back to the top of the slope where they switched path and began heading down to the shores. But not too long after, they immediately encountered their next challenger. "Hmm Palutena and Roy are your next challenger as it seems," said Mario. "Things are gonna start heating up soon," snickered Villager. "Not if I finish before then," said Starlight. "Don't tell me I know," said Villager. He took the album without question. "Thank you," said Starlight. "I'll be sure to pay to back later on," Without saying more, Starlight dashed out onto the field. "She really is getting excited isn't she?" asked Villager. "I'm proud of her," said Mario. As Starlight ran towards Palutena as she set off explosions next to her. Once she was close enough, she lunged and attempted to land a punch, but Palutena quickly rolled out of the way. The two began to clash with magic as Starlight attempted to get closer. Starlight had managed to land some attacks and was getting up to the point where she could launch Palutena. But instead she waited for the opportunity. "I guess you won't go down without a fight huh," said Starlight catching her breath. Palutena smirked as she rushed towards her. Starlight smiled and right when she was close enough, she fired off a magic al blast she had charged up earlier. "Well neither am I!" Starlight proclaimed. Palutena was knocked back and light burst out of her body. Starlight gasped as she walked over to the stone statue. Just then someone appeared behind her. Starlight turned around to see a young swordsman standing there with his blade drawn. His blue armor was topped off with the blue cape flowing behind him. His red hair only added to the variety of colors. "Hello, Roy was it?" asked Starlight. "Careful Starlight, his sword really burns you!" Mario called out. Starlight turned to face Roy as he held up his sword. "Come at me," said Starlight. Smirking, Roy came charging at her and attempted to slice her in half, but Starlight quickly teleported out of the way. Roy stopped himself and looked around in confusion. As he desperately struggled to find Starlight he failed to notice his target had appeared behind him. Sneaking up on Roy, Starlight kicked him with all her force and sent him flying. Roy landed on his feet and rushed Starlight again. Smirking, Starlight fired a magic attack she had charged up. Roy stopped and shielded himself but wasn't quick enough to react as Starlight ran in and grabbed him. After pounding her hoofs several times, she threw him into the ground and jumped on him, causing Roy to fly out of the ground. Starlight jumped up and kicked him in midair and knocked him back. "Hmm nice combo, I assume she got the throw and jump grab combo from Kirby's down throw," said Mario.Roy got to his feet and once again attempted to rush Starlight. But again, Starlight teleported out of the way. This time Roy was prepared, he turned around fully expecting Starlight to be behind him only to find that nobody was there. Instead Starlight appeared behind him and shot Roy in the back with a magic attack. sending him flying again. Just before Roy could get to his feet Starlight teleported away. Roy looked behind him and in front of him but saw Starlight hadn't appeared. This time Starlight appeared directly in front of him catching him off guard. Starlight quickly grabbed him and pounded him several more times before throwing him into the air and fired off another magic attack. Roy's body fell on the ground as light burst out his body. Starlight gasped as she watched Roy's statue shatter and turn to dust. The spirit emerged from the Palutena statue and hovered over to her. "Thank you," said the spirit. "No need to thank me," said Starlight. She walked back to her party with the spirit following behind. "My god since when did you learn how to do combos?" asked Villager handing her the album. "I've picked up a thing or two from these battles," said Starlight as she opened the album. "I gotta admit you're learning fast," said Mario. "Thank you," said Starlight closing the album. "I suggest you take a break, once you've caught your breath we can find a place to stay for the night," said Mario. "Agreed," said Starlight. She walked over to where they were sitting and flopped on the ground. Villager and Kirby ran over to her to compliment Starlight for her efforts. "Hmm she learns quickly," chuckled Mario. > Chapter 7: Spirit Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight managed to land one final punch into Donkey Kong's stomach causing him to fall backwards as light burst out of his body. Starlight gasped as she caught her breath. The spirit slowly emerged as the puppet shattered and turned to dust. "There we go another spirit," said Starlight. "Nice going Star!" Villager called out to her. She walked back to join the party and watched as the spirit flew into the album. "Well done," said Mario. "Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed in agreement. "Thanks," said Starlight. "Well since that's done, let's keep moving," said Villager. The four continued on their way, slowly making their way to the shore. Starlight continued to laugh and talk with the group until they eventually reached a path leading down to the shore. "Looks like if we take that route we'll be able to head down," said Mario. "Let's check it out," said Starlight. She ran ahead with Kirby and Villager following behind. Mario chuckled as he ran after them. Starlight stopped at the edge of the hill and looked out. The blue water seemed to sparkle under the sun. "So beautiful," said Starlight. "Poyo," said Kirby walking up next to her. "I would like to try fishing here," said Villager. "Geez why do you guys run so fast?' asked Mario catching up to them. "Sorry, I couldn't help it," said Starlight. "Well next time, try not to run off on your own like that," said Mario. "Got it," said Starlight. She turned around and looked out to the horizon once more. She was enjoying the view when she noticed someone was down by the shore. Curious, Starlight began walking down to the shore. "Hmm, Starlight where are you going?" asked Villager.She didn't answer and continued to climb down the hill. Once she reached the shore she slowly began sneaking up on the figure. "Zelda huh?" asked Mario. Starlight looked over to him. "Who?" asked Starlight. "Zelda, possibly just a puppet though," suggested Mario. Starlight looked over and continued sneaking up on it when suddenly a voice spoke up. "I know you're there, it's no use sneaking up on me," said the voice. "What the hell, how did she notice you?" asked Mario. "I don't know," whispered Starlight. Zelda turned around and glared at them with glowing red eyes. Starlight swallowed hard. But when Zelda saw her, the glare melted off and looked at her as if she recognized Starlight. "Starlight?" asked Zelda. Mario looked at her in confusion. "I'm sorry have we met?" asked Starlight. The confused look was soon replaced with an angry glare. "So you don't remember me huh?" asked Zelda. Starlight was so confused as to what was going on, until she noticed the spirit that appeared behind Zelda. The moment she saw who it was, her heart sank. "No," said Starlight. "No it can't be," "So NOW you remember me," said the spirit. Confused Mario took a closer look at the spirit. It seemed to resemble a purple unicorn with a dark purple mane. Her eyes were glowing in a deep shade of red just like every other spirit, but the way she glared at Starlight was one that was filled with deep hatred. "Twilight is that you?" asked Starlight. "Yeah it's me," growled the spirit. "What happened to you?" Starlight whimpered. "I think YOU know the answer to that, TRAITOR!" she hissed. "Wha?" asked Mario. "You left me to die, why Starlight I trusted you," said Twilight. "Twilight I, I can explain," stuttered Starlight. "NO!" hissed Twilight. "There's nothing to explain, you abandoned me," said Twilight. "No I didn't it's just...." Starlight's voice was cut short when the puppet Zelda stomped her foot. "LIAR!" she hissed. You left Cadence, Spike, and Flurry Heart to die as well, I know," "No you don't understand," said Starlight with tears in her eyes. "SHUT UP!!!!!" The spirit roared. "I WON'T FORGIVE YOU STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!!!" The spirit disappeared behind Zelda as she came rushing forward. Starlight rolled out of the way avoiding the attack. She prepared to attack until she realized her body wouldn't move. "Starlight what are you doing?" asked Mario. "I, I can't do this," whimpered Starlight. "What?" asked Mario. "What are you talking about, just fight her like every other spirit," "That's the thing, I can't!" said Starlight looking at him. Mario was about to oppose when he noticed the tears in her eyes. "She's not like the other spirits," "Starlight look out!" Mario yelled. Starlight turned around as an armored figure came up to her and slashed upwards with it's sword. Starlight grunted as she was sent flying. "Hey you're going to pay for that!" Mario ran towards Zelda, but then he was pulled back by something and noticed that Starlight was holding him back. "Starlight what are you doing!?" "Please don't hurt her," pleaded Starlight getting up. "Are you crazy?!" yelled Mario. Starlight walked over next to him,"Please Twilight let's talk this over," she pleaded. "I don't want to hear from a traitor," hissed Zelda. But before Starlight could say anything, Zelda came rushing and tackled her with one of her spells. Starlight crumbled to the ground causing her to let go of Mario. Zelda picked up Starlight and threw her into the water. "Starlight!" Mario cried out. Suddenly Zelda blasted Mario and knocked him backwards. "You stay out of this!" hissed Zelda. She turned towards Starlight and began approaching her as she was getting up. Zelda grabbed her hit her a couple of times before throwing her into the air and kicking her in the stomach midair. Starlight was knocked back and crashed into one of the rocks nearby. Starlight tried to get up, but fell back down. She began coughing up blood as she held her stomach in pain. She looked up as Zelda walked up to her. "Twilight please," she pleaded with tears in her eyes. Zelda glared at her with absolute hatred and slapped her across the face knocking her back down. Starlight tried to get up but was pushed back down. "Stay down," hissed Zelda. Starlight felt her strength leaving her body as the pain took over. "I never should've trusted you," said Zelda. "You're a disgrace, even now," "No," Starlight sobbed. "You're no better than yourself when you were still running your village," said Zelda. Starlight's eyes widened. "You deceived me like those ponies," "No," Starlight whimpered. Zelda looked down at her. "You were bad back then, but you're even worse now," growled Zelda. Starlight closed her eyes as tears continued to roll down her face. "Please stop," whimpered Starlight. "When will you learn, that you're not the only one in this world?" sneered Zelda. "Please stop," Starlight repeated. "You can't even protect you're friends during times of crisis because you're too scared," sneered Zelda. She was about to continue when Mario punched Zelda knocking her back. "Come on, we have to get out of here!" exclaimed Mario. He grabbed Starlight and quickly ran out of the area leaving behind the angry Zelda. She watched as Mario and the others run off carrying a badly injured Starlight. "You may have escaped my wrath today, but come back and I'll make sure you suffer," snickered Zelda. > Chapter 8: Painful Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mario, Kirby, and Villager sat on the grass patiently waiting for Starlight to come back. Villager looked up to see Starlight still sitting on the rock. "So what exactly happened?" asked Villager. "Well I assume the spirit controlling the spirit Zelda was a friend of hers," said Mario. "But because her spirit was still under Galeem's control she had that hostile nature like the other spirits," "I assume she got beat considering you came running back with a bloody Starlight," said Villager. "Oh it's not even that, she refused to fight her," explained Mario. "Couldn't hurt her old friend eh," said Villager plucking a piece of grass from the ground. "Poyo," said Kirby sadly. "Poor girl," said Sylveon. "Maybe one of us should fight her instead?" asked Villager. "No, Starlight refused to fight because she felt guilty that she wasn't able to save her from Galeem's attack, she needs to take this chance to overcome her guilt otherwise she won't be able to continue like this," said Mario. "So you're going to continue torturing her like this?" asked Villager. "It may seem like torture, but you know we're doing this for her own good," said Mario. "And if she says no?" asked Villager. "We'll just have to talk her into fighting," replied Mario. "No," Starlight whimpered. Mario, Kirby, and Villager looked up to see Starlight limping over to them. Her face wet with tears. She had a bandage wrapped around her head. Starlight groaned as she fell forward. Mario quickly got up and grabbed her before she hit the ground. "Whoa don't force yourself," said Mario. He helped her settle down on the ground, "I can't do this," whimpered Starlight. "Star," Mario sighed. "I CAN'T DO IT OK!?" Starlight screamed stomping her hoof on the ground. "I can't," she sniffled. Kirby walked over to her and nudged her with his small hands. He looked up to see tears rolling down her face. Mario got up and walked over to her. "Starlight listen," sighed Mario. "I TOLD YOU I CAN'T DO IT!" Starlight yelled at Mario. "WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND!!!???" At that moment Mario raised his hand and brought it across Starlight's face. Villager got to his feet and Kirby backed away. Starlight placed her hoof over the spot where Mario slapped her. She looked at him with wide eyes. "I know you can't do it ok?!" Mario yelled back. "I understand that you can't do it, but at least listen to me!!!!" Starlight looked down unable to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry I hit you, but you left me no choice," said Mario. He could hear her sniffling. "I know how you feel, it hurts to lose someone as special as your friend," "We've all been there friend," said Villager. "But we're fighters part of the largest crossover in gaming history," "No matter who we lose, we don't have a choice but to keep fighting," "We've had moments during the Smash Bros. Tournament where we've lost someone very special to us and the only thing we could do is keep fighting," said Mario. "We as fighters never got a single chance to say goodbye to those we loved," "Poyo," said Kirby comforting her as she sobbed. "You may not be a part of the roster but as of now you play the role of a smash fighter," said Mario. "Until the moment we defeat Galeem, you have to endure the pain that we have felt for years on end," "Look we don't want to say this but Mario is right," said Villager. "I mean I've only been in the tournament for so long and even then I've had to sacrifice a lot of things," "We don't want to make you suffer, we really don't," said Mario. "But just think about everyone else who are in the same position as you but they can't do anything to change the fate of this world," Starlight stopped and looked up. "You are the only one who could do something to change the future, our future," "Poyo," said Kirby. "I'm sure you're friends are thinking the same thing," said Villager. "They don't want to hurt you, but because they're under Galeem's control they don't have choice, they're forced to act and no matter how hard they try to resist Galeem still manages to overpower them in the end," "So because they can't do anything to stop Galeem, they have to depend on you to save them," added Mario. "If you just sit here and whine because you can't hurt your friend, you'll leave them in the hands of Galeem," "You're hurting your friends even more because you're afraid of doing the same thing Galeem has done to many others," Starlight gasped as her eyes widened. "I know this may not be the best situation, but even heroes have to make difficult choices, if you really care about you're friends, then you would hurt them to save them," Mario continued. "Mario and Villager are right," said Sylveon. "It's hard for anybody to hurt someone really close to them, but these two especially Mario has had to run with this gig for years," "Ever since I joined this tournament, I've had to beat my brother, friends, and even my lover without a choice," said Mario. "I've had to fight them knowing that they were gonna die," "It may not seem like a big deal considering the fighters come back every time they die, but in reality it's hard for each and every one of us to have to kill for the entertainment of many," said Villager. "So Starlight, please understand that you're not the only one who has to go through something like this," said Sylveon. "The Smash Fighters has had to experience this themselves so they know this pain more than anyone else," "Especially those who have been a part of the tournament since the beginning," added Villager. "We're not telling you this because we hate to hear you crying, but because we care about you," said Mario. "So please take the time to think about it, either you continue to complain and let your friends suffer, or you take the risk and hurt your friends to save them," Mario walked back to his spot and plopped down on the ground. "Don't worry, if you need help just ask us," said Villager walking back to his spot. "Poyo," said Kirby comforting her. Starlight didn't answer. She couldn't stop thinking about what they had told her. They were right, she had no right to cry about this when THEY had to endure this pain for years. She thought about Twilight, Cadence, Spike, Flurry, and her friends. Wherever they were, they were in pain. Being forced to fight by Galeem and with no other choice but to wait for her to come save them. They were right, only she could change the outcome. "Do you think you were being too harsh on her?" asked Sylveon. "Yes, but how else am I supposed to convey the message to her?' asked Mario. "There were other ways, you just had to find them," said Villager. 'Well anyway I'm tired, I'm gonna rest for a bit," said Mario lying down. Villager continued to pluck grass out of the ground and didn't notice Kirby walking off. For a long time the group sat there and eventually they soon found out that time has passed and the sun was already beginning to set. Mario yawned as he sat up. "Well look who's up," said Villager. "What time is it?' asked Mario. "It's already getting late," replied Villager. "Where's Kirby?' asked Mario. "I don't know actually," answered Villager. Just then Starlight walked up to them. "Oh Star what's up?" asked Mario. Starlight took a deep breath and answered,"I've made my decision," "Really?" asked Villager. "I'll do it," answered Starlight. "That's the spirit," laughed Villager getting up. "All thanks to you," said Starlight. "I suppose we should prepare for tomorrow then," said Mario. "Yes," agreed Starlight. At that moment Kirby came running with a panicked look on his face. "Kirby there you are where have you been?" asked Villager. Kirby jumped up and down as if he was trying to tell them something. "Easy, what is it?" asked Sylveon. Kirby ran past them and pointed in one direction. "What is it?" asked Villager. Mario followed in the direction that Kirby was pointing and noticed something. "Look," said Mario looking up. Villager and Starlight followed his gaze and noticed a large worn castle in the distance with large black clouds covering the sky above the castle. "What is that?" asked Villager. "I don't know, but it seems like Kirby wants to go there," said Mario. "Why?" asked Starlight. "Only one way to find out," said Mario The group all looked towards the castle. Whatever was there, they had to be prepared. Starlight knew that her biggest challenge was waiting for them. > Chapter 9: Rematch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day Starlight woke up early to train for her battle against the puppet Zelda. She had to be prepared Twilight was counting on her. After a while Mario, Villager, and Kirby woke up and prepared for the day as well. Once they were ready, they set off. When they reached the hill leading to the shore, they could see Zelda waiting for them impatiently. "You ready for this?" asked Mario. Starlight nodded She had told herself that she was going to do this the day before. After all this was for her best friend. "Good luck Star," said Villager. She nodded as she walked down to the shore with Sylveon following behind. "Let's hope for the best," said Mario. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Hmph so you came back," hissed Zelda as Starlight approached. "Yeah but this time she's prepared," boasted Sylveon. "Oh are you?" snickered Zelda. "Fine but are you prepared to get beat again?" Zelda held up her hands as they sparkled. "Starlight," said Sylveon. "Don't worry I got this," said Starlight taking a deep breath. "Sylveon, give me a boost," Sylveon smiled. "Right away," She began sending her energy as usual. She looked at Starlight. "I hope this works," she thought to herself.As Starlight began absorbing the energy, she noticed something was different. She not only felt stronger, but she could also hear a voice from the distant. "Wha?" asked Starlight. Sylveon smiled. That's when she saw it. Her eyes widened as she saw Twilight being restrained by several strings of light. "Twilight?" Starlight asked. She heard. Twilight looked up and gasped. "Starlight, you're ok!" "Twilight what happened?" Starlight asked. "Please, Starlight help me," Twilight sniffled. "It.. it hurts," She winced as the strings of light began to tighten around her. "Hang on I'll get you out of there," said Starlight. "Please hurry, I don't know how much longer I can take this," Twilight begged. Soon Starlight gasped and found herself back on the shore standing before Zelda. "Well what are you waiting for?" sneered Zelda. The look of shock melted off Starlight's face and was replaced by pure determination. "Oh nothing, just getting ready to kick that princess ass back to the master you serve," snickered Starlight. Zelda's eye twitched as she stared at Starlight with an offended expression. "Don't worry Twilight, I'll save you," "Alright pal you think you're so funny don't you?" sneered Zelda. "Well by the time I'm done with you, I'll have the last laugh," "If you can survive that long," snickered Starlight. Zelda glared at her with an even more annoyed expression. "Alright that's it time to die!" hissed Zelda. Starlight waited as Zelda rushed towards her. Just as she got close, Starlight quickly teleported out of the way, catching Zelda off guard. As she looked around, Starlight burst out of a portal behind her and kicked her right in the back sending her face planting into the sand. Zelda rose to her feet with an angry look in her eyes. "You're going to pay for that," she growled. "Aww what's wrong, did I hurt the little princess?" Starlight cooed sarcastically. "Argh!" Zelda grunted. "Get her phantom!" Zelda ordered as a large pile of armor built itself up. Zelda waited patiently as the phantom came rushing towards her. As the phantom got close enough she reflected the phantom so it was facing Zelda. "Nope," said Starlight. The phantom rushed forward and slashed Zelda sending her flying into a nearby rock. "Nice one Star!" said Sylveon. "Thanks," said Starlight. Zelda got up and glared at Starlight breathing heavily. "Come on Zelda is that all you got?" asked Starlight. "You're going to regret doing that," said Zelda wiping the blood off her face. "Come at me," snickered Starlight. Zelda rushed forward going in for another attack. Starlight quickly rolled over to the left as Zelda tried to strike her with a magic attack. Starlight quickly grabbed Zelda and pounded her in the face with her hoof before throwing her into the water. "Wow you're doing so much better today Star," said Sylveon. "It's all thanks to Mario and Villager," said Starlight. Meanwhile as Starlight continued her battle with the puppet Zelda, Mario, Villager, and Kirby watched from the top of the hill. "Looks like she got over her guilt," said Villager. "Honestly I didn't think she'd actually be ready for today," said Mario. "It's strange how she's doing so much better today," "Perhaps she realized that this is the only way, like we said," replied Villager. "Maybe," said Mario. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Geez look at her go," said Villager. "She's really growing fast," said Mario. "I didn't think she would be this good," "I hope she's proud of herself, cause I sure as hell am," said Villager. Mario snickered next to him. "Hmm Mario is something wrong?" asked Villager. "Oh no it's nothing," said Mario. "Really, cause that doesn't sound like nothing," said Villager. "Ok, ok," said Mario. "I was just thinking, do you think Starlight will be able to you know," asked Mario. "What?" asked Villager. That's when it hit him. "Oh no, there's no way," said Villager. "Really?" asked Mario. "I mean come on, why would you think like that?" asked Villager. "Cause she has potential," answered Mario. "Poyo?" asked Kirby confused. "Well even if she DOES have potential, there's no way the others would agree to this," said Villagers. "Ok, ok just my opinion," said Mario. "I mean I'm not saying that she couldn't, we just have to ask," said Villager. "And if they say yes?" asked Mario. "Then it's a yes, though I doubt we have anymore room," replied Villager. "I mean everyone IS back," "I'm sure we can make some space," said Mario. "We can talk about this with the others when we bring them back but for now let's just deal with Galeem," said Villager. "Alright, alright," said Mario. He turned back to Starlight and smiled. "Maybe, just maybe," Meanwhile back on the shore Zelda let out a pained cry as she fell on the ground. Light burst out of her limp body as Twilight's spirit emerged. Starlight breathed heavily as she walked over to the stone statue. "Ouch," groaned Twilight. "Twilight," Starlight called out to her. Twilight turned towards her. "Starlight," said Twilight. "Is that really you?" "Yes," answered Starlight. Her eyes began to water and tears rolled down her cheek as Twilight's spirit hovered over to her, leaving the puppet to crumble into dust. "Are you alright?" "Yeah now I am," said Twilight. "Thank Celestia," Starlight sniffled. "Starlight what's wrong?" asked Twilight. "Twilight I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you," Starlight whimpered. "Oh, Starlight it's ok," cooed Twilight. "No it's not," said Starlight. "I couldn't save you, Cadence, Spike, or Flurry Heart," "Starlight," Twilight said in sad tone. "It's because of me that you had to suffer," Starlight sniffled. "That everyone has to suffer," "No it's not, you did your best," said Twilight comforting her. "Nobody expected Equestria to be attacked out of the blue like that," Starlight wiped the tears from her eyes. "Do you know who's responsible for this?" asked Twilight. "There's an entity called Galeem who calls himself the Lord of Light," explained Starlight. "It's him, he's the culprit," "Galeem," repeated Twilight. "Do you know where he is?" asked Twilight. "Yeah, we're actually making our way there now," said Starlight. "Who's we?" asked Twilight. "Ahem," said Mario clearing his throat. Starlight turned around to see Mario, Kirby, and Villager standing behind them. "We means us," said Mario. "Sorry who are you?" asked Twilight. "Twilight these are my friends, Mario, Kirby, and Villager," said Starlight introducing them. "Hey," said Mario. "Hi!" cheered Kirby. Nice to meet you," said Villager. "It's nice to meet you too," said Twilight. "I'm Twilight, Starlight's friend," said Twilight introducing herself. "Yeah we know, Star told us a lot about you," said Mario. "Star?" asked Twilight confused. "It's like me official nickname," said Starlight. "I figured," said Twilight. "Anyway, we should get going," said Villager. "Ok," said Starlight. "Wait where are you going?" asked Twilight. "If you come with us then you will see," said Starlight. > Chapter 10: Anna the Shopkeeper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn't long after Starlight managed to free Twilight's spirit from Galeem's control that the group decided to have a lunch break. As the group settled down in a nearby field to eat lunch, Starlight explained the situation to Twilight. "So you're telling me this Galeem is the one responsible for turning us into these quote on quote spirits?" asked Twilight. "Exactly, and unless we defeat Galeem these spirits will remain under the clutches of Galeem," added Mario. "Honestly I find this hard to believe," said Twilight. "It sounds ridiculous yes, but it's the truth," said Starlight. "I see, well alright then, I'll help," said Twilight, "Really?" asked Starlight. "Of course, I owe you one for saving me back there," said Twilight. "Great, once we finish lunch we can start heading out," said Mario. The group quickly finished up and packed their things as they continued along their way. It wasn't until they ran into another puppet. "It looks like Jigglypuff this time," said Villager. "Alright let's get this over with," said Starlight. "Is this one of those spirit battles she mentioned?" asked Twilight. "That's right," answered Villager. "Watch and learn," "Poyo!" exclaimed Kirby. Starlight stepped up to the puppet Jigglypuff who stared back at her with glowing red eyes. Sylveon hovered over Starlight and began sending her power as usual. "What's Sylveon doing?" asked Twilight. "As a spirit, they have two ways of helping fighters," explained Mario. "The first is primary spirits which powers up a fighter's stats and then support spirits which adds additional effects to help increase the chance of winning over the opposing spirit," "Because Sylveon is a Primary Spirit, she has to send Starlight power to strengthen her attacks," added Villager. "Ah this is so much interesting information and I can't even take notes!" groaned Twilight. "Yep the struggle is real," said Villager. "Very funny Villager," pouted Twilight. Villager snickered as he refocused on the battle. Starlight had grabbed the puppet Jigglypuff and was hitting it several times before throwing her off to the side. Jigglypuff jumped off the ground and onto her feet. She looked towards Starlight and noticed she was standing right in front of a large cliff. The puppet Jigglypuff smirked. "I bet if I use rollout I can knock her off the cliff," snickered the spirit. "Well hope this works," Jigglypuff got onto it's side and began rolling. Starlight saw what it was trying to do and attempted to step back when she realized she was standing on the edge of a cliff. Starlight yelped and stepped forward again. Looking down she could see the waves crashing against the side of the cliff. "Oh no," said Starlight. "Careful Starlight, you don't want to fall off!" Villager called out to her. "Of course I don't wanna fall!" Starlight exclaimed. That's when it hit her. She looked a Jigglypuff who was still rolling in place. "Wait maybe," said Starlight. "Star, what are you planning?" Sylveon asked in a concerned tone. "Let's hope this works," said Starlight. "What are you doing?" Sylveon asked. Starlight didn't respond. Instead she kept her eye on Jigglypuff and waited. The Jigglypuff came barreling towards her. "Starlight she's coming right for you," said Sylveon. "I know," Starlight replied as kept her eyes on Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff continued to roll towards her a t great speed, but Starlight didn't move. "Wait for it," Starlight mumbled. Just as Jigglypuff was several feet from where she was, Starlight quickly rolled to the side as Jigglypuff zipped past her and off the cliff. Jigglypuff's screams echoed throughout the area as a pillar of light erupted from the spot Jigglypuff had landed. "Wow it actually worked," said Starlight. "Oh my god Starlight what were you thinking!?" exclaimed Sylveon. "What it worked didn't it?" asked Starlight. "That was the most disrespectful thing I've ever seen," said Villager as they walked up to Starlight. "What does making a puppet roll off a cliff have anything to do with respect?" asked Starlight. "It's a Smash term," said Mario. Starlight looked at Villager with a confused look on her face. "You'll figure it out eventually," said Villager. "Ok?" said Starlight even more confused. "Hey!" a voice called out. The group turned around to see the spirit floating up from below the cliff. "Thanks for leaving me down there," groaned the spirit. "Sorry," apologized Starlight. "Eh whatever," shrugged the spirit. She didn't say more and just hoped into the album. "Well shall we continue?" asked Mario. They all nodded. So the group continued to walk down the path until they saw a small building standing on the side of a cliff. A figure stood in front of the building as if they were waiting for something. "Who's that?" asked Villager. "Looks like they're trying to get in," said Twilight. "Should we help?" asked Starlight. "If you want," replied Villager. Starlight asked no questions and walked over to the figure. As she got closer, Starlight could hear the figure mumbling something. "Um excuse me do you need help with something?" asked Starlight. The figure turned around and stared at Starlight with glowing red eyes. "Ah shit," cursed Villager. "Lucina?" asked Mario. "Who?" asked Twilight. "No just another puppet," said Villager. "Well only one thing to do," said Starlight. She stepped forward ready to engage the puppet into a battle. Lucina didn't say anything and drew her sword. Starlight rushed forwards as Lucina raised her blade. "Nope," said Starlight as she hurled a ball of magic towards her. Lucina quickly raised her arms to shield herself but not before Starlight suddenly appeared in front of her. She grabbed Lucina and hit her a couple of times before throwing into the ball of magic. Lucina slid to a stop after being knocked back. At that moment Starlight appeared behind her and kicked her in the back and sent her flying into a nearby tree. "How in Celestia's name did she learn how to fight like that?" asked Twilight with a surprised look on her face. "Let's just say she learns fast by doing," said Mario. The group refocused their attention and watched the rest of the battle. Lucina groaned as she grabbed her sword and rushed forward in attempts to slash at Starlight. As Lucina thrusted the blade forward, Starlight stepped off to the side to avoid getting sliced. "Stop moving!"Lucina hissed. "Nope," said Starlight. She smacked the blade away from her face and tackled Lucina into the ground. As Lucina sat up Starlight jumped up and blasted Lucina with stream of magic. "Damn you," she growled. "Lucina was it?" asked Starlight. "Come on fight me," Lucina glared at Starlight and grabbed her sword. "You won't escape me alive," said Lucina. "We'll see about that," said Starlight smirking. She quickly teleported from her spot catching Lucina off guard. "Wha?" Lucina asked confused. She looked around with her blade raised in case Starlight decided to pull a sneak attack. "Show yourself coward!" Lucina demanded. Suddenly Starlight jumped onto Lucina's back and wrapped her left hoof around her neck putting her into a headlock. "Right behind you," snickered Starlight. "What the hay since when!?" Twilight gasped. "Damn, she just went from easy to hardcore badass mode in 3.5 seconds," said Villager. "Were you actually counting?" asked Mario. "No," replied Villager. "Come on give up Lucy," said Starlight. "Ngh, never," Lucina groaned as she tried to throw Starlight off her back. She tugged at her hoofs trying to break free from her grip. "You know you can't win," said Starlight gritting her teeth. After a while Starlight groaned,"Ok this is getting nowhere," She jumped onto Lucina's shoulders and onto the ground. But before Lucina could recover Starlight jumped up and punched her in the face. Lucina's limp body dropped on the ground as light burst out. "You put up a good fight friend," said Starlight catching her breath. The puppet's body turned to dust as her friends came up to her. "Well done again," said Mario clapping. "Thank you," said Starlight. "Starlight we have to discuss about your method of combat later," said Twilight. "Heh totally worth it," chuckled Starlight. At that moment the spirit emerged and hovered over to Starlight. "Hey thanks for that," said the spirit. "No problem," said Starlight. "I'm Anna, the owner of this shop," said the spirit. "Starlight, Starlight Glimmer," said Starlight introducing herself. "And these are my friends, Mario, Villager, Kirby, and Twilight Sparkle," Starlight introduced her friends including Twilight's spirit to the shopkeeper. "Well Starlight, as a thank you how about I give you a special deal?" asked Anna. "Um I don't have money," said Starlight. "Oh you won't need money," said Anna. "Trust me, I think you'll like this deal," > Chapter 11: Heroic Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight walked along the path with a huge smile on her face. Thanks to Anna she was able to fully stock up on supplies for the next several spirit battles she was going to engage in. "Starlight really is in a good mood isn't she?" asked Villager. "Yep and it's all thanks to Anna," said Twilight walking alongside Mario. "When she said that this deal was worth it, she wasn't kidding," said Mario. It was after Starlight had freed Anna's spirit from Galeem's control that she had made a deal with them. As a thanks for saving her, Anna had given them a bag full of food, three large canteens of water, three large jars of snacks for spirits, a second spirit album, a complete map of the world they were currently in handcrafted by Anna herself, some maximum tomatoes, heart containers, fairy bottles, some healing sprouts and fields, five assist trophy, ten Poke balls, one Master Ball, five super stars, eight special flags, a brand new beam sword for Starlight, a boomerang, and a booklet filled with tips and information on fighters and spirits for free. She even brought Twilight back to life by creating a small Twilight doll and having her enter the doll which somehow gave Twilight a physical body that was exactly the same before she died. It was almost as if she never became a spirit. "I could've sworn she was gonna pull a merchant's greed on us before she said all of this was on the house," said Villager. "Poyo," said Kirby munching on a apple. "I guess even merchant can have a merciful heart," said Twilight. "it's almost hard to believe that she would give us all this supplies for just freeing her," "Truly a kind and friendly merchant she is," said Villager. "And kind of cute," Starlight giggled. "Hmm Starlight did you say something?" asked Mario. "Nope," she answered with a smile. "So where to next?" asked Villager. "According to this map, it seems there's another path we can go to get to the castle," answered Mario studying the map. "We have to past that stadium we past by a couple of days ago and then there's another path that leads up to the mountains and eventually if we continue climbing, we should reach a split path," "It says to continue climbing the mountain and that's where the entrance of the castle should be," explained Twilight. "Guys wait," said Starlight. The party stopped to see Starlight standing in the middle of the path. "Starlight is something wrong?" asked Mario. "Up there," said Starlight pointing a hoof towards the top of the hill. The group followed her hoof to see someone standing at the top. Starlight couldn't recognize the figure because their back was turned towards them. But Mario, Kirby, and Villager seemed to recognize him. The figure wore a large blue tunic and light coffee colored pants with brown boots. A large scabbard and quiver was slung on his back and his brown hair flowed in the wind. "Is that?" asked Villager. "Link," replied Mario. Then as if the figure heard him, he turned towards them and stared back at them with glowing red eyes. "Uh oh looks like he noticed us," said Twilight. He started walking towards them at a slow pace with his sword and shield in his hands. "Poyo," said Kirby with a worried expression on his face. Starlight grabbed the hilt of her beam sword with her magic ready to draw it in case he got too close. Once Link was several yards away from them, he stopped. He stared at the group as if he was studying them. "What's he doing?" whispered Twilight. "I don't know," said Villager. When he saw Starlight his glare grew more sinister, he pointed the tip of his sword at her causing her to step back and pull out her beam sword. "What do you want?" asked Starlight. "Uh Starlight I think he just challenged you to a duel," said Mario. "Wait what!?" asked Starlight. Then without warning, Link rushed towards Starlight and swung his sword at her. Starlight yelped and blocked the attack with hers. "Oh shit," cursed Mario. Kirby and Villager ran off to the side while Twilight teleported out of the way. Mario jumped backwards and landed on the grass. "What's the deal?" Starlight grunted. Link began swinging his sword at her, but Starlight quickly reacted and blocked every slash he threw at her. Starlight knocked the blade away and jumped back. She raised her blade preparing for another attack, but instead Link pulled out a small blue orb and tossed it at her. Starlight stepped back as it rolled by her hoofs. "What?" she asked. That's when it hit Mario. "Starlight get away from that thing!" Mario yelled. Starlight looked back in confusion not noticing Link pulling out a small box from his back pocket. "Look out!" Mario warned her. Starlight turned around as Link pushed a button causing the orb to explode. Starlight was sent flying and landed on her back. Starlight scrambled to get back up as Link rushed in and grabbed her. He tossed her to the left and kicked her in the stomach with his right foot. Starlight fell face first into the dirt but quickly got back up. She picked up her sword just in time as Link attempted to slash her face again. She managed to block the attack but was pushed back onto the ground. "Starlight!" Twilight gasped. Star clenched her teeth as she tried to force Link back, but he was slowly pushing his blade down along with hers. "Get off of me!" Starlight yelled as she blasted Link in the face with her magic. Link yelped as he stepped back covering his face. Starlight scrambled to her feet and slashed Link with her sword knocking him back. Link quickly recovered and pulled out his quiver and two arrows. He aimed at Starlight and opened fired, but missed as Starlight teleported out of the way. Link grabbed his sword and got into stance ready for an attack. Starlight appeared behind him and attempted to sneak up on him, but Link immediately noticed and swung his sword around, slashing her in the stomach. Starlight screamed in agony and collapsed on the ground. "Starlight!" Twilight gasped. Her eyes began to water as she saw blood trickling out of the wound. "Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed. Starlight winced and sat up as Link stood before her. He raised his sword up preparing to strike. "We have to help her," said Twilight. Mario rushed out to save Starlight, but Link noticed and fired two arrows at him pinning him to a nearby tree. "Villager!" Mario called out to him. "Ah right!" said Villager. But before he could react Link rushed in and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He threw him into the air and slashed upwards three times with his sword sending him flying. "Oh no," said Twilight. Link turned towards Twilight next and brought his blade down on her, but Twilight yelped and protected herself by shielding. But Link grabbed her and kicked her across the field. Kirby also tried to help, but Link was too fast and sent Kirby flying into a pile of flowers. Once Link was finished, he walked back over to Starlight and raised his sword to finish his job. Starlight shut her eyes and placed her hoofs over her head to protect herself. Just as Link was about to bring the blade down on her, a ball of fire flew into Link knocking him back. "What was that?" asked Mario. Starlight continued to cower in fear not noticing the strange figure that appeared in front of her. "Hmm, looks like I made it in time," said a voice. "Are you alright?" the voice asked. Starlight opened her eyes and slowly looked up to see a male figure kneeling in front of her. He wore a long black sleeved shirt and a purple robe and coffee colored pants with lime green shoes. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the sunlight and his long brown hair flowed in the wind. "I asked if you're alright," he repeated. "Oh um yes, yes sir," answered Starlight. "You know you don't have to lie," he said. "Ok," said Starlight. Her ears twitched as the angry footsteps of Link approached. The young man looked behind him to face Link. "You better leave this to me," he said. "Oh, okay," said Starlight. The young man rose to his feet and raised his sword. Link angrily glared at him with his deep red eyes. "Bring it on," he said. Link didn't ask as he charged forward. Starlight watched as the two clashed with each other, slashing and thrusting at each other with their swords. She watched in awe as the male figure continued to deal heavy amounts of damage on Link before finally landing the final blow that knocked him onto the ground permanently. As light burst out from Link's limp body, the young man lowered his sword and walked over to the tree where Mario was pinned. He removed the arrows allowing Mario to go free. Meanwhile Twilight and Villager were both helping Starlight as Kirby brought her some food from one of the bags. "Starlight are you alright?" asked Twilight. 'I'm fine, thanks to him," she answered looking at the male figure as he walked over with Mario. "No need for thanks miss," he said. The group turned around as Link sat up groaning. "Ow what happened?" he asked. "Looks like he's back to normal," said Villager. Link looked over to the group and then the environment around him. "Wha, where am I?" he asked. "You don't remember?" asked Twilight. "Sorry, the last thing I remember was fighting Galeem and then everything went black," said Link. "Well you better be grateful cause this young man just freed you," said Starlight pointing one of her hoofs towards the male figure. "Um sorry who are you?" Link asked looking at him in confusion. "Ah right, I guess I should've introduced myself," said the young man. "But first why don't you come join them," he said inviting Link. Shrugging Link got to his feet and walked over to Starlight and her party. "I am the legendary hero who is said to have defeated the darkness and saved the world," he explained. "Many call me the Luminary but most of my friends just call me Eleven," "Eleven huh?" asked Villager. "Yes," answered Eleven. "Ok and what exactly are you doing here?" asked Mario. "Well originally I came to this world after I was invited to a tournament, but after I found that most of the living beings in this world were killed by a monster, I set out to defeat this so called monster," explained Eleven. "Monster," Twilight repeated. They all looked at each other. "It's Galeem," said Starlight. "Poyo," said Kirby. "It seems you know much about this monster," said Eleven. "Actually, we're on our way to defeat this monster," said Starlight. "Is that so?" asked Eleven. "Then allow me to accompany you," "Wait you'll help us?" asked Twilight. "Indeed, we all share the same goal so why not," answered Eleven. "I'll go too," said Link. "I still have a score to settle with Galeem," "Well then, we welcome you to our party," said Starlight. "It's an honor to be working with you miss uh...." Eleven stopped short. "Starlight Glimmer," said Starlight. "And these are my friends, Mario, Kirby, Villager, Twilight Sparkle, and now Link," "I thank you for having me, I swear that I shall support you the best I can," said Eleven. > Chapter 12: VS Lucario > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the being saved by their newest member, Starlight and her friends continued to make their way to the castle. Now with Link and Eleven by their side, their party had once again powered up. They eventually came across the stadium but decided that the castle were their only choice considering that the gates were locked and there were no other entrances. After several more minutes of walking, they came across another split path. The left path led to a another small village, but their was a gate blocking the path. To their right was a bridge that crossed over a large fissure leading to a whole new area. The path ahead of them went up to the mountains where the castle was located. "Should we go to the castle?" asked Mario. "I wan to say yes, but I also want to check out what's across the bridge," said Starlight. "That won't be necessary!" boomed a familiar voice. "Oh great I know THAT voice," groaned Mario. Just as he said that, a disembodied white hand appeared above their heads. "Master Hand," Starlight growled. "Ho, ho you remember me do you?" chuckled Master Hand. "Are you here to cause trouble again?" asked Mario. "Cause last time after with chose to battle with Villager, you pulled a really shitty move," "Hmph the words you speak disgusts me plumber," said Master Hand. "You should know that Super Smash Bros. is rated E for everyone," "Are you serious?" asked Mario. "The author of this story literally said there's profanity," "And correction it's E10+," said Link "Um Mario what are you talking about?" asked Starlight. "Don't worry about it," said Mario. Starlight looked at Villager with a confused look, but he shrugged indicating that he didn't know anything. "Anyway, I just came to check on how you were doing," said Master Hand. "And from the looks of it I can see that, you've truly grown since our last encounter, especially you Starlight Glimmer," "How about you go toy with someone else," Starlight sneered. "Yes, yes of course," groaned Master Hand. "But first, "What?" asked Twilight. Master Hand snapped his fingers causing the ground to shake. "What the hell!?" yelped Villager. "What sorcery is this!?" asked Eleven. Suddenly, bright light erupted from the fissure and creating a barrier, preventing anybody from crossing. It wasn't long until the shaking finally ceased. "Well my job here is done, I will be expecting a lot of improvements from you the next time we meet," laughed Master Hand. "Until then good luck, you're going to need it," With that Master Hand snapped his fingers and disappeared. "That bastard," cursed Villager. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Well looks like our only option is forward," said Twilight. "Right," said Starlight. She was getting ready to start the climb up the mountain when Eleven stopped her. "Wait," he said. "What is it?" asked Starlight. "You feel that, do you not?" he asked. "Feel what?" asked Starlight. "Somebody is watching us," said Eleven. The group looked around but saw nobody was there, but it was certain that an uninvited presence was there with them. "Where are they?" asked Villager. "I can't say for sure, but prepare to do battle if we must," said Eleven. Mario held up his fists getting ready to throw punches while Link, Eleven, and Starlight drew their swords. Kirby and Villager scanned the area but still no sign of anyone. "Who could be watching us?" asked Villager. Just then something came flying towards Starlight, but Link quickly ran in front and held up his shield to protect her. "Link!" Starlight gasped. "I'm fine, and you?' he asked. "I'm ok, thank you," said Starlight. "Who's there?" Mario called out. "Come out and show yourself!" Suddenly something jumped out from behind a nearby rock and landed in front of them. Starlight's party turned to face in front of them. A tall creature stood before them with one of it's palms held out in front of it. The creature looked to be a humanoid dog standing on it's hind legs. It had blue arms and black paws and blue thighs and black legs. The torso was covered in white fur and a single white spike protruded from the center of it's chest. It's face was covered with blue fur and had two tall ears on top of it's head. Two black feelers were dangling from either side of it's head. It glared intently at the party with glowing red eyes as blue energy flowed out from it's paws. "Who might this be?' asked Eleven. "Damn it's Lucario," said Villager. "Who?" asked Twilight. "Lucario," repeated Link. "The fighting steel type Pokemon," "Hmph, I see you've done your research," said Lucario. "Lucario what are you doing here?" asked Villager. "I heard you were trying to reach the castle," said Lucario. "Well I hate to break it to you, but you won't be reaching that castle unless you get by me," "What are you a guardian or something?" asked Mario. "In a way yes," answered Lucario. "Lord Galeem has given me the privilege of protecting the first boss that lies within the castle," "That damn bastard," cursed Link. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Well what's it going to be?" asked Lucario. "You can either stay here and waste time or fight me," said Lucario. "Looks like we have no choice, I'll take him on," said Starlight. "Go get her Star!" cheered Villager. Starlight stepped forward raising her beam sword. "You won't get to the castle, I'll make sure of that," said Lucario. "I know this isn't you Lucario," said Starlight. "So hang on, I'll free you," The two stared each other down for a while, before Lucario made the first move and rushed towards Starlight. Starlight swung the sword into Lucario and sent him skidding back. Lucario growled and put his paws together as a large blue orb began to form. "Starlight, be careful!" warned Link. "If Lucario takes to much damage, then the power of his aura increases!" "Aura?" Starlight asked. She looked towards Lucario. "He must mean that blue energy," Starlight thought to herself. "I just have to be careful of that," She held her sword up, preparing herself for the attack. Lucario thrust his arms forward hurling the ball of aura at Starlight. She waited for a moment before jumping up and over the ball of aura and then charging towards Lucario, her sword at the ready. Lucario held up his paws, preparing for an attack. Starlight swung her sword only for Lucario to dodge it by sidestepping. "What!?" Starlight gasped. Before she could process what happened , Lucario thrust his paw into her chest and sent her sliding backwards. "Starlight are you ok?" asked Villager. "Poyo," said Kirby. "This is nothing," said Starlight rubbing her chest. "Stay focused, he's coming!" said Eleven alerting Starlight. Lucario dashed forward and lunged at Starlight, but she quickly swung her sword into Lucario knocking him back. As Lucario slid to a stop he noticed that Starlight had disappeared. Looking around Lucario closed his eyes and waited. "Shoot we should've warned her about Lucario's ability," said Mario. As Starlight snuck up on Lucario for a sneak attack, Lucario suddenly turned around to face her. "What the!?" Starlight yelped. Lucario quickly grabbed her and began pounding her in the face. He then threw her back towards her party. "How in Celestia's name did he know?" asked Starlight. "Lucario can sense the aura of all living things," explained Link. "Which means sneak attacks don't affect him," "Thanks for telling this to me now," said Starlight. "Look out!" warned Eleven. Starlight turned around to see Lucario rushing towards her. As he went for a flying kick, Starlight moved to the left and slashed him with the beam sword knocking him to the ground. Starlight quickly picked him up and threw him down and then kicked him several feet across from where she was. Starlight ran after him and tackled him as he was getting up. She jumped on top of him and blasted him in the face with her magic. She jumped off and picked him up once more and threw him into the air before jumping up and kicking him back down. As Lucario crashed down, his body bounced back up just in time for Starlight to slash him again with her sword. Lucario was sent flying into the rock he was hiding behind earlier. "Since when was Starlight good at combos?' asked Twilight. "Like I said, she learns quicker by doing," said Mario. Lucario groaned as he got back onto his feet. "Still not going down are you?' asked Starlight. "I won't let you pass," Lucario growled. "Let's see what you got," said Starlight. Lucario smirked as he put his paws together. Another ball of aura began to materialize but this time it grew bigger and looked more deadly than before. "Oh no," said Mario. "What is it?" asked Twilight. "Remember what Link said?" asked Mario. "The more damage Lucario takes, the power of his aura increases," "Wait you don't mean?" asked Twilight. "Yeah it's clear that Lucario has taken a lot of damage," said Villager. "Which means his aura should be extremely powerful by now," Twilight looked at Starlight with a worried expression, but noticed she was smirking. "Have a powered up aura sphere!" said Lucario. He thrusted his paws forward hurling the ball of aura. The party watched in anticipation to see what Starlight would do next. But she just stood there not moving. "What is she doing?" asked Eleven. "I don't know, but maybe we'll find out," said Link. "Poyo," said Kirby. Starlight waited for a while longer and just as the ball of aura was yards away from hitting Starlight, she used her magic to form a barrier that reflected the ball of aura and sent it flying back at Lucario. "Right back at ya!" proclaimed Starlight. The party including stared at her with surprised looks on their faces including Lucario who couldn't react fast enough and was hit by his own attack. Starlight quickly dashed out as Lucario was getting up and swung her sword one final time into his chest. Lucario let out a scream of agony as he collapsed on the ground. Light burst out of his body as he lay still. Starlight turned around as her friends ran up to congratulate her. "Starlight that was amazing!" said Link. "How do you keep getting better like this?" asked Mario. "And since when did you learn how to reflect attacks?" asked Villager. "I have my ways," said Starlight. Kirby ran up to her with a huge smile on his face. "Thanks Kirby," she said. As the party was celebrating, Lucario got to his feet groaning. "Ow what happened?" he asked. "Looks like he's back," said Eleven. "Wha, Mario, Villager, Kirby, Link?" Lucario groaned looking up. "What are you doing here and who are they?" he asked looking at Starlight, Twilight, and Eleven. Starlight quickly introduced themselves and explained everything to Lucario. "So what you're saying is, you're planning on taking on Galeem?" asked Lucario. Starlight nodded. "Well if that's the case, then let me come with you," said Lucario. "Sure why not," said Starlight. "Really, just like that?" asked Lucario. "We're all trying to accomplish the same thing, it be better if you were with us," said Starlight. 'I suppose so," said Lucario. "So you said you're heading to the castle yes?" asked Lucario. "That's right," said Twilight. "Well then follow me, I'll lead the way," said Lucario. "Wait really?" asked Starlight. Lucario nodded. "Great that'll be a huge help, thanks Lucario," "Don't mention it,"said Lucario. "Now come, we better hurry, it's starting to get late," He turned around and began walking up the mountain. Starlight looked at her party members and nodded. They nodded back and soon,they were following Lucario up the mountain towards the castle. > Chapter 13: Pokemon Battles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Lucario continued to guide Starlight and her party up to the castle, Starlight noticed that they were now under the black clouds that had covered the sky over the castle. She looked up and saw that they were slowly approaching the castle. Twilight looked up with a worried look. She felt uneasy about something but Starlight wasn't sure why she looked so concerned. "We're almost there," said Lucario. "If we just make this last climb we'll reach the entrance," At that moment a loud screech halted the party in place. The group looked ahead to see a large green reptilian beast blocking their path. The beast had two large wings on it's back and a long tail that ended in a barb. His green scales and glowing red eyes only made him more intimidating. "Oh god it's Ridley," groaned Mario. Th beast growled as a spirit emerged from behind him. "Yep, just as expected another spirit battle," said Villager. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Hang on, let me handle this," said Lucario. "Wait are you sure?" asked Starlight. "Trust me I know what I'm doing," said Lucario. "Well then I guess we'll leave it up to you," said Starlight. Lucario stepped forward to face Ridley. He growled as smoke rose from his nostrils. Lucario raised one of his palms as aura surrounded it. "Raphael, help me," said Lucario. Suddenly Lucario's body began to glow in a rainbow light as a spirit emerged from Lucario. "Wait you can use spirits too?" asked Starlight. "What you thought you were the only one?' Asked Lucario. Just then Ridley let out a screech as he came rushing. Lucario turned to face Ridley and just as he slashed at Lucario with his claws, Lucario suddenly vanished catching Ridley off guard. "What the?" asked Starlight. He suddenly came rushing in out of nowhere and landed a flying kick into Ridley's face and sent him flying. "You can teleport too?" asked Starlight. "No, it was a move called Extreme Speed," answered Lucario. "It's a move that allows me to move at incredible speed which I use to attack opponents," Suddenly Ridley let out an angry roar and stomped the ground causing an earthquake. "Back up," said Lucario. Starlight didn't ask questions. She quickly ran back to her party and watched as Lucario stood his ground. "Wow he must be strong if he can withstand an earthquake," said Twilight. "No it's just the ability of a spirit," explained Link. Lucario waited as Ridley flew up into the air and attempted to dive bomb onto him. As Ridley came crashing down, Lucario rolled to the side and grabbed Ridley. He began pounding him with a fistful of aura before throwing Ridley to the side. As Ridley crashed down on the ground, Lucario put his palms together to form an aura sphere. Ridley scrambled to his feet and growled. He came rushing towards Lucario again. But just as he got close, Lucario hurled the aura sphere into his face. Ridley yelped as he went skidding back several yards. Lucario took this chance and rushed in. He grabbed Ridley and began pounding him once more before letting him go and thrusting his palm into Ridley's chest. He let out a screech as he crumbled to the ground. Light burst out of Ridley's limp body as the spirit emerged. "Too easy," said Lucario dusting himself off. "Maybe I should've taken this opponent," said Starlight walking up to him. "And why do you say that?" asked Lucario. "Cause it looked way too easy for you," answered Starlight. "You can take the next," said Lucario. "Great," Starlight said sarcastically as she opened the album. "Now come along, we're nearly there," said Lucario. He continued to make his way up as the party followed behind. They finally reached the gate of castle after several more minutes of walking. "So we're finally here," said Villager. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Well let's not waste time," said Starlight. She was about to walk through when Lucario stopped her. "Wait," he said. "What is it?" asked Starlight. "Someone's here," said Lucario. "Who?" asked Twilight looking around. Lucario closed his eyes as his four feelers slowly rose. "Um what are you doing?" asked Twilight. "Remember what we said about how Lucario can sense the aura of all things?" asked Mario. "Oh that," said Twilight. Lucario opened his eyes. "They're on top of the gate," he said. "What?" asked Starlight. The party took a step back and looked up to see another Lucario standing on one of the pillars. "Is that you?" asked Link. The Lucario opened his eyes and stared down at the party with a evil red glare. He jumped off and in front of the gate. "Oh great I hate dittos," groaned Lucario. "You hate what?" asked Twilight. "It's a Smash Term," said Mario. "So you must be the intruders I've sensed," said the opposing Lucario. "Seems to me you're trying to get to the boss's castle," "And I assume you're guarding the gate?" asked Starlight. "Hmph, sharp missy," said the opposing Lucario raising his palm. Starlight looked back at the real Lucario. "I remember what I said," sighed Lucario. "He's all yours," Starlight smiled as she turned to face the opposing Lucario. "Well I hate to break to you, but we're getting past no matter what you say," said Starlight. "If you can survive long enough that is," said Lucario. "Bring it on," said Starlight drawing her sword. The rest of the party backed up giving the two space. After a short stare down with each other, Starlight rushed out, her sword at the ready. As she swung at Lucario, he quickly sidestepped out of the way and thrusted his palm forward sending her skidding back. Lucario put his palms together, creating an aura sphere. Starlight waited with her sword at the ready. After a minute or two, Lucario hurled the aura sphere which Starlight reflected and ran after. Lucario quickly shielded to protect himself only for Starlight to rush in and grab him. He hit him a couple of times before throwing him into the air and kicking him. The opposing Lucario put his paws on the ground to stop himself. "Not bad," said Lucario. The opposing Lucario ran towards her and attempted to grab her, but Starlight quickly rolled to get behind him and kicked him in the back. The fake Lucario growled as he thrusted his palms forward knocking Starlight back. Starlight dusted herself off and raised her blade. Lucario ran at her only to get slashed by Starlight's sword. As he held his face in pain Starlight rushed in a grabbed him again. She hit him several times before throwing him to the side. As Lucario slid to a stop, Starlight rushed in an kicking him in the face. "Starlight is becoming a true fighter," said Villager. "You think?" asked Mario. "She definitely have potential," said Link. "Yeah potential," grumbled Twilight. "Is something wrong?" asked Lucario. "This just comes to show how my lessons of friendship doesn't work," said Twilight. "Well it IS Smash bros," said Mario. "Hey she's got it," said Villager. "Poyo," exclaimed Kirby. The party looked over as Starlight reflected another aura sphere from the fake. The fake shielded himself only to be grabbed by Starlight again. She threw him up and blasted the fake with a magic blast. The fake Lucario let out pained scream as his body fell to the ground. Light burst out of his limp body as the spirit emerged. "Amazing as always," said Mario clapping. "Thanks," said Starlight opening the album. The spirit jumped in and the stone statue crumbled into dust. "Well now that's done how about we camp out here for the night?" asked Link. "It's getting pretty late," "Yeah, and since we're already here, all we have to do is get up and go through the gate," said Villager. "Then it's settled," said Lucario. So Starlight's party began setting up camp for the night. This was it, tomorrow, they were going to investigate the castle. > Chapter 14: The Cutest Flower is also the Toughest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning after Starlight and her friends ate breakfast, they packed up their things and walked through the gate. Now standing in front of the entrance of the old castle, Starlight took a deep breath and prepared for what was coming. "Well this is it," said Starlight. Starlight was about to take a head in when Mario stopped her. "Hold on, before you go can I talk to you for a sec Star?" asked Mario. "Sure," said Starlight. She followed Mario over to the side near a giant green pipe while the others waited. "What is it?" she asked curiously. "So the others and I have discussed this last after you went to sleep, and we all agreed on something," said Mario. "What is it?" asked Starlight. "So seeing you battle with these spirits lately, we agree that you've grown strong," said Mario. "Aww Mario, that's sweet," cooed Starlight blushing. "But that's the problem," said Mario in a serious tone. "What why?" asked Starlight with a confused look. "We say you've grown strong, but maybe too strong," said Mario. The smile melted off of her face as she heard the tone of his voice. "Where are you going with this Mario?" Starlight asked nervously. "I'm not saying that we should get rid of you, but rather I think it's time you took a break," suggested Mario. "A break from what?" asked Starlight. "Ever since we met, you've taken the burden of battling every enemy yourself," explained Mario. "Because of this, the rest of us has had to watch from the side," "We agree that it's time you take a break and let one of us handle some of the fights," Starlight stared at him with a worried look. "Oh come on don't go giving me that look, I'm only telling you this because we're worried," "About what?" Starlight asked a nervous tone. "You've been doing so well, but you've also pushing yourself too hard," replied Mario. "It's not good for your health," "But I," Starlight started but couldn't finish her statement. "Look I know how you feel, and honestly I want you to keep growing like this, but at the same time you need to take care of your body as well," Starlight looked down in disappointment. "I hate to say this, but for these next several battles let one of us handle it," Starlight didn't say anything for a while but eventually lifted her head. "Yeah ok," she said. "I understand, you're worried about me," "And honestly I want to refuse but I know what you're saying is right," she looked at Mario. "I hope you wouldn't mind me sitting out for a while," "Take a rest, you deserve it," said Mario patting her on the shoulder. Starlight smiled and nodded. "Alright the rest are waiting," Starlight nodded as she followed Mario back to the entrance. "Took ya long enough," said Villager. "Sorry I was explaining to Starlight," said Mario. "About the thing?" asked Link.Mario nodded. "Great so now that's settled let's head in," he suggested. "Wait," said Lucario. "What is it now?" asked Link. Lucario closed his eyes as his four feelers began to slowly rose. Several seconds later, Lucario's eyes shot open as he turned to the group. "Above us get out of the way!" Lucario warned. The group looked up to see something falling. They quickly scattered as something came crashing down. Dust shot up off the ground as the group turned to face whatever tried to crush them. "What was that?" asked Twilight. As the dust hung in the air, the group could see an outline of a strange figure. Two glowing red light suddenly flashed within the dust covered sky. The figure let out an angry roar blasting the dust away. The group shielded their eyes to prevent dust from getting into them. When they looked back up, a large creature could be seen blocking the entrance. It had yellow scales and large claws. Two horns stuck out from either side of it's head and razor sharp teeth could be seen inside it's big mouth. It wore four black bands with spikes sticking out on either of it's arms and wrists, and one around it's neck. It's red hair was the same color as it's eyebrows and it wore a large green shell with multiple spikes protruding from it. "Oh god it's him," said Mario. "Who?' asked Twilight. "My arch nemesis, Bowser," answered Mario. Bowser looked at Mario and laughed. "Well, well I came here to deal with the intruders and YOU happen to be one of them Mario," he said. "Don't wanna hear it," said Mario. "And don't think I'm done picking a fight with YOU," growled Mario. "Hmph," Bowser crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "Listen Lord Galeem told me to chase off any intruders, but he didn't say anything about not killing my enemies," "He appears to be under that monster's control as well," said Eleven. "Guys, I'll handle this one," said Mario putting up his fists. "Go get him Mario," said Starlight. Bowser glared at Mario with his red eyes as he stepped forward. After a short silence Mario ran forward as Bowser blasted him with fire. Mario jumped up and came spinning down like a tornado striking Bowser multiple times. As Bowser clutched his face, Mario grabbed him and headbutted him before spinning around and throwing him into the castle walls. "Yeah let him have it Mario!" Villager cheered. "Poyo!" Kirby cheered. Mario turned around and gave them a thumbs up just as Bowser jumped out and headbutted Mario knocking him back. Mario slid to a stop just as Bowser ran up and grabbed him. He bit Mario several times before throwing him on top of his shell, spinning around and thrusting up so that Mario was sent flying upwards. Mario landed on the ground and got up just in time for Bowser to drop kick him in the face. Mario yelped as he was sent flying backwards where he crashed into Starlight. "Mario!" Link called out to him. Lucario and Eleven glared at Bowser as he laughed menacingly. "How do you like that Mario?" Bowser laughed. "This is revenge for all the times you kicked me in the ass!" Mario groaned as he got off Starlight. "Mario are you ok?" Starlight asked. "Yeah some how," he answered. Starlight's eyes widened when Mario started to cough up blood. "Oh no," Starlight gasped. "Damn how am I so weak?" Mario asked himself. "Must be rusty from not fighting in a while," "Should I take over?" asked Starlight. "No I'm not letting this freak beat me," said Mario. "But you can't go out like this," said Starlight. Mario ignored her and stood up. He limped over to where Bowser was standing. "Still standing huh?" asked Bowser. "You really are annoying as always," He smirked, "But let's see how you deal with this," He grabbed Mario then jumped into the air and came crashing down with Mario under him. Bowser got up as the crushed Mario lay on the ground. "Mario!" gasped Twilight "Oh no, I have to help him," Starlight was about to step forward then stopped. She remembered what she had discussed with him earlier. She clenched her teeth. "I promised but I can't just let Bowser kill him," Starlight's body trembled. "What do I do?" She watched as Bowser stood over the beat up Mario. "Couldn't beat me this time eh?" he sneered. "Well this isn't the old days buddy," "This is Smash!" He raised his foot getting ready to stomp on him as Starlight stood and watch. "No," she whimpered. But just as Bowser was about to finish off Mario, something came flying into Bowser's face knocking him onto his shell. Bowser roared as he held his face in pain. "What was that?" asked Eleven. Starlight looked next to Bowser to see a small spiky ball on the ground. "Where did that come from?" Starlight asked herself. The group looked around in confusion trying to find the origin of the spiky ball not noticing the strange figure that jumped out from the nearby green pipe. Bowser got to his feet and growled angrily. "Who did that!?" Bowser roared. He glared at Starlight. "That wasn't me!" Starlight exclaimed. "Very funny" sneered Bowser. "You were standing behind Mario this entire time," he stomped his way towards Starlight. But just before he could reach her something came flying out from behind the green pipe and kicked Bowser in the face knocking him back into the castle walls. Starlight stared in awe as the figure landed in front of her. Mario slowly sat up and looked behind him. The others took notice as well and looked in Starlight's direction. In front of her was a small flower sprouting from a small pot. It had a red head with small white dots covering it. It had big white lips with many sharp teeth inside it's mouth. Two pointed tip leaves were sprouting on the side of a long thin stem that attached itself to the head. "Is that a plant?" asked Twilight. "It would appear so," said Eleven. "Wait a minute, I've seen one of those things before," said Link. Starlight stared at the plant with a confused look as it turned around and smiled at her, showing off it's white teeth. "Hiya!" the plant giggled. "Did it just talk?" asked Twilight. "It did," said Lucario. "Poyo!" Kirby said cheerfully. "Who are you and how can you talk?" asked Starlight. "Well I don't have an actual name, but many people just call me Piranha Plant," said the plant. "Piranha Plant?" asked Starlight. "Yep!" the plant answered cheerfully. Piranha Plant and Starlight looked over to Bowser as he emerged from the hole in the wall. "So it was you!" he growled glaring at Piranha Plant. "Yeah it was me," answered Piranha Plant. "I came here to save Mario!" he announced. Bowser glared at him as he let out an angry roar. "You'll pay for that!" he roared. Piranha Plant walked over picked up Mario and carried him back to Starlight. "Watch him," he said. "Ok," said Starlight. Piranha Plant turned to face Bowser as he came rushing towards. As Bowser tried to slash him, Piranha Plant got down on the ground and swept his flower pot knocking Bowser on the ground. He then grabbed Bowser by the tail and began spinning him around before tossing him onto the ground. As Bowser got to his feet, Piranha Plant began hacking and spat out a cloud of purple smoke into Bowser's face. "Eat poison!" he proclaimed. Bowser began coughing and wheezing. Piranha Plant walked over and grabbed Bowser, chomping him several times before throwing him into the air. He began blowing a spiky ball up into the air before tossing it onto Bowser's head. Bowser growled and tried to slash Piranha Plant, but he quickly retreated into his pot then popped out chomping on Bowser's face and sent him flying. Bowser roared in agony as his body fell on the ground and light burst out. "Wow Bowser just got owned by a flower," said Villager. Piranha Plant hopped over to Starlight who was treating Mario's wounds. 'How's it going?" he asked. "Great thanks to you," said Mario. The rest of the party rejoined with him and began congratulating both Piranha Plant and Mario. "Thanks for saving me," said Mario. "No problem," said Piranha Plant. Meanwhile Bowser sat up groaning. "What the hell happened?" he asked. He looked around at his surroundings. "Where am I?" "It's a long story," said Starlight. Bowser looked over at them with a confused look. "Who the hell are you?" he asked. "And is that a Piranha Plant?" "Yeah, the one that saved you from Galeem's control," he answered. "Wait Galeem?" asked Bowser. "You know Galeem?" Starlight sighed as she walked over to Bowser and explained everything. "That damn Galeem!" he growled. "And that's why we're on this journey to defeat him," said Starlight. "Hey if you're back to your old self why not come with us?" "Ha and fight with Mario?" laughed Bowser. "Not a chance!" "Come on Bowser, can't you see we don't have time for this?" asked Mario. "Can't we just set aside our differences and work together until Galeem is defeated?" "Never, no!" said Bowser. "I would never work with you!" "If you don't help you'll never get Peach back you know," said Mario. Bowser shot him an angry look. "Why you little," growled Bowser. "You know it's true," said Mario. Bowser hesitated. "Ok fine you win," said Bowser. "But until we defeat Galeem," He walked over to join Starlight and the others. "You mind if I tag along too?" asked Piranha Plant. "I want to go with Mario," "Sure thing friend," said Villager. "Alright!" he cheered. With that Starlight and her party entered the castle with their two new party members. What could this castle have in store for them? What lies deep within the castle's walls. Only time will tell. And Starlight knew that something evil was lurking within. > Chapter 15: The Molten Fortress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moment that Starlight and her party stepped into the castle, the first thing they were greeted by was a gust of hot air. Starlight shielded her eyes from the burning air. "Sweet Celestia, why is it so hot in here!?" she yelped. "Might wanna take a look at your surroundings," suggested Villager. She looked around and noticed that they were inside a castle with nothing more than several pieces of thin platforms they could walk on and everything else was filled with burning lava. "Wow," said Twilight. "Oh god we just got in here and I'm already burning up," said Link. "Welp I'm out," said Villager. He turned around and was getting ready to leave when the doors slammed shut. "Never mind," said Villager turning back around. "Let's just find whatever it is we need and get outta here," said Bowser crossing his arms. "Guys over there," said Lucario. The group turned towards where Lucario was pointing to see a large black portal hovering in between two pillars. A series of stairs led up to the portal. "I suggest we head over there," said Lucario. "Alright then," said Starlight. "Be careful when walking guys, you fall you're dead," said Starlight. The party followed behind Starlight in an orderly fashion as she led them to the portal. Not too long after they started making their way to the black portal, four small Bowser emerged and blocked their path. "Halt!" one of the Bowser squeaked. "What the hay?" asked Starlight. "You're not getting past this point!" a second squeaked. "Seriously?" asked Starlight. "And what are you going to do?" The Bowser smirked as they each pulled out a bomb that was twice their size. "You've gotta be kidding me," said Starlight. "Hehehe, this is where you die!" squeaked the first Bowser. The four Bowser lifted their bombs and threw them at Starlight with their strength. Starlight yelped as she created a barrier that reflected the four bombs back at the 4 Bowser. "On second thought we're dead," he squeaked. The bombs exploded and sent the four Bowser flying into the lava. Four pillars of light erupted from the spots where the Bowser landed. Starlight opened here eyes and looked around. "Is it over?" asked Starlight. As Starlight searched the area for any more tiny Bowser, Mario was at the back shaking his head in disbelief.The spirits emerged from the lava and hovered over to Starlight as she opened the album for them. Unable to find any more tiny Bowser, the party continued forward. They walked for several more minutes before they ran into their next puppet fighter. Three tall navy blue frogs with pink scarfs blocked the parties path. "Greninja eh?" asked Lucario. "A Pokemon I assume?" asked Twilight. "Yes," answered Lucario. "Starlight if you would allow me, I'll deal with these foul ninjas," "Be my guest," said Starlight. She moved out of the way as Lucario stepped forward and held out his palm. "You face the fighting steel type Lucario, stand down or be defeated," Lucario proclaimed. "Hmph, we have been given strict orders from the boss to turn away any intruders," said one of the Greninja. "We shall not refuse his order," "Then so be it," said Lucario. He rushed forward as he engaged the three puppets. "So Lucario against Greninja eh," said Mario. "It seems Lucario has an advantage this time around," 'What makes you say that?" asked Eleven. "Lucario is a fighting steel type Pokemon while Greninja is a dark and water type," explained Mario. "Dark types are apparently weak against fighting types," "Interesting, seems like you did your homework," said Eleven. "I was mostly tutored," corrected Mario. "If Lucario has an advantage it probably won't take him too long to deal with those puppets," said Twilight. "We'll see," said Link. Sure enough within 5 minutes Lucario had defeated the three puppet Greninja and returned with the spirit controlling the puppet. "This guy claims he's from Megaman's world," said Lucario passing the spirit to Starlight. She opened the album to a blank white page and watched as the spirit entered. After making sure everyone was present, Starlight continued walking through the hot castle. They eventually stopped at one point before crossing a large bridge to drink some water and rest for a bit. Starlight was wiping her forehead with a handkerchief when she noticed someone standing in front of the bridge. "Hey who's that?" she asked taping Mario on the shoulder. "Huh what?" asked Mario turning around. He followed her gaze to the strange figure standing in front of the bridge. She wore a yellow robe and was carrying a sword in one hand and a book in the other. "Robin?" Mario asked standing up. The rest of the party stopped what they were doing and turned to face the young woman blocking their path. She looked at Starlight with her glowing red eyes causing her to step back. "Hello Starlight Glimmer, it's been a while," said Robin. "What?" Starlight froze in place. "How do you know my name?" "Starlight what's going on?" asked Twilight walking up next to her. "Ah Twilight it's good to see you again," said Robin. "Um sorry have we met?" asked Twilight. "Obviously, or have you forgotten me already?" asked Robin. Twilight stared at her with a confused look. At that moment the spirit came out from hiding, hovering above her head. Starlight squinted to get a better look at spirit. Her eyes widened and her heart sank when she saw who it was. "No," said Starlight. "So you DO remember me," chuckled Robin. Confused, Twilight followed her gaze to the spirit. It was small but she could clearly make out the shape of a unicorn. She had a red and yellow mane along with light amber coat and glowing red eyes that burned with hatred. "Sunset Shimmer?" asked Twilight. Robin smirked. "Who?" asked Piranha Plant. "Sunset Shimmer, a friend of Twilight," explained Starlight. "Hey Twilight I gotta ask you something," said Robin. "You remember when you royally kicked my ass back at Canterlot high?" she asked. "Yeah, well that time..." Twilight was cut off by Robin as she looked at her with burning hatred. "Well this is revenge for that, for humiliating me in front of the whole school with your ridiculous rainbow power bullshit," said Robin lifting her sword. "Sunset I was only trying to..." Twilight started. "Twilight," Starlight spoke up. Twilight looked at Starlight with a confused look. "I hate to break it to you, but that's not Sunset," "What?" asked Twilight. "Well I say it's not her but what I mean is she's not herself," explained Starlight. "Her spirit is being controlled by Galeem, and she won't return to normal unless we defeat her in battle," "Sunset," Twilight looked at Robin with sad eyes. "Come on Twilight can't fight?" sneered Robin. Twilight looked down as a teardrop rolled down her cheek. "Look Twilight if you can't fight then I will," said Starlight. She was about to take a step forward when Twilight grabbed her by the shoulder. "No," she whimpered. "Twilight don't stop me," said Starlight. But instead she pulled her back and stepped forward. "Twilight," Starlight stared in awe as Twilight stood before Robin. "I'm sorry, please forgive me," Twilight whimpered. She raised her head and dashed out towards Robin. Growling, the puppet Robin lifted her sword ready to attack as Twilight charged towards her. Twilight jumped in the air and attempted to kick Robin only to get knocked back by one of Robin's spells. Starlight watched in awe as she observed Twilight's battle against Robin. "Wow she's good," said Piranha Plant. "Impressive," said Eleven. "Has she fought someone before cause that looks sick," said Villager. "Poyo!" said Kirby. Starlight laughed nervously as she recalled the number of times Twilight engaged in battle back in ponyville. She quickly refocused as Twilight slid to a stop in front of them. Robin held out her palm as it began to spark with electricity. "Dodge this," said Robin. A stream of electricity shoots out and towards Twilight. "Thoron!" With some quick thinking Twilight formed a barrier reflecting the attack and sending it back towards Robin. The attack strikes Robin directly in the chest causing her to fall to her knees. Twilight rushed out and grabbed her by the collar of her robe and began hitting her in the face.After three or four hits she spins around and throws her off the edge. Her screams echo throughout the castle as a pillar of light erupts from the spot where Robin landed. Twilight breathes heavily as she turns towards the party who was staring at her in awe. She walked back as Villager walked up to her. "How did you..." "Don't ask," said Twilight cutting him off. "Ok," said Villager following her. "Twilight," said Starlight. "So that's all I had to do right?" asked Twilight. Starlight nodded. "Ok," she said. "Hey look," said Starlight pointing behind Twilight. She turned around as Sunset's spirit hovered around behind her. "Ugh where am I?" she asked. "Sunset," whimpered Twilight. "Twilight what are you doing here?" asked Sunset. "And why is it so hot?" Twilight didn't respond. Instead she walked over and gently held her spirit with her hoofs. "Um Twilight what are you doing?"As tears rolled down her cheek. She held Sunset's spirit against her chest. "Ok then, I don't know what's going on but a hug is nice every once in a while," "Hey Sunset," said Starlight walking up to them. "Oh Starlight, can you explain to me what's going on?" asked Sunset. So Starlight introduced Sunset to her party members and told her about Galeem and the spirits and what they were planning to do. By the end of it, Sunset just looked more confused than anything else. "That's hard to believe Starlight, but if you're friends is saying it's true then i must be true," said Sunset. "Maybe it was so much content that I just got lost," "Anyway, we're working on stopping Galeem and trying to fix the damage that he has created," said Starlight. "Alright you know what, I'm not too sure on what I have to do, but as for now is it all right if I tagged along with you?" asked Sunset. "Sure thing, it'll great to have on the team," said Starlight. "Great," said Sunset. "Just hop in here," said Starlight opening the album to a new page. Confused Sunset decided not to ask questions and jumped into the album. "Well that's that," said Starlight. "I suppose now we can continue," said Bowser. Starlight nodded. She turned to Twilight and asked," Are you ready?" Twilight nodded, "Yes, let's keep going," "Alright," said Starlight. So she began crossing the bridge with the rest of the party behind her. Now that Twilight has freed Sunset from Galeem's control she has joined the party. However this was only the start. The bigger challenges lie ahead of them. > Chapter 16: Legendary Encounters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating the puppet Robin and freeing Sunset's spirit from Galeem's control, Starlight and her friends continued to make their way to the dark portal. Along the way, her party continued to defeat more and more puppet fighters and freeing spirits. They occasionally had to push different switches in order to get across large bodies of bubbling lava. But the more spirits they saved, the closer they got to the portal. Eventually they had navigated through most of the castle that they were almost near the portal. But before moving on, the party stopped to get a drink of water. ""How are you holding up Star?" asked Piranha Plant. "I'm fine, thank you," said Starlight wiping her forehead. "To think we'd come this far," said Twilight. "Don't give in fellow allies," said Eleven. "We have nearly reached our destination!" "Let's keep going," said Mario. The party got to their feet and was about to start walking when a loud roar echoed throughout the castle. "What was that?" asked Villager. "Something is coming," said Lucario. "Brace yourselves," said Link. Just then something zoomed past them and flew over their heads. The beast stopped in front of them and let out an angry roar. It's large body was covered in red scales and seemed to resemble a large dragon. It had two large wings on it's back and a long tail that ended in a ball of flame. The beast came crashing down on the ground in front of them and growled, it's glowing red eyes burning the very anger in the party member's souls. "What is that!?" yelped Twilight. "It's Charizard, the fire flying type Pokemon," said Lucario. "Is he another puppet?" asked Starlight. "I assume so," said Lucario. "He has a different scale color than usual," Sure enough the spirit controlling Charizard came out of hiding. Except something felt different. "Is that spirit glowing brighter than usual?" asked Starlight. "Yes," answered Eleven. "What does it mean?" asked Starlight. "I can't say for sure, but it also looks more powerful compared to all the other spirits we've faced," said Mario. "Poyo," said Kirby. "He looks powerful indeed," said Eleven. "Which is why i ask permission to challenge him," He looked at Starlight. Smiling she nodded. "Permission granted," said Starlight. Smiling Eleven drew his sword and held up his shield. "Have at thee beast!" Eleven proclaimed. "Let us do battle!" Charizard growled as he pulled out a plate of food. He gulped down the entire plate and glared at Eleven. He inhaled as he blasted a stream of fire into the the air. "So fire is it?" asked Eleven. "Come, thy shall slay thou!" Eleven held his sword towards the heavens, then pointed the blade's tip at Charizard. Growling, Charizard jumped up and flew towards Eleven at great speed. Eleven held his shield readying for an attack. Charizard opened it's mouth and hurled a fire ball at Eleven which he blocked with his shield. Just as Charizard got close, Eleven slammed the shield into his face knocking him out of the air. Charizard clutched his face as he growled. Eleven then slashed Charizard and sent him sliding back several feet. Glaring at him, Charizard let out another angry roar as he blasted another stream of fire. Eleven held up his shield to block the attack and slowly approached Charizard. Charizard jumped and kicked his shield knocking Eleven back. "Come on Eleven, beat his ass!" cheered Villager. "Not bad, but thy shall not admit defeat!" proclaimed Eleven. Charizard growled as he sprang up and charged at Eleven. Smirking, Eleven lowered his blade and held up his hand as three small blue rings zipped past Charizard putting him to sleep. "Whoa magic," said Starlight. Eleven walked over to Charizard and held his blade towards the heavens. "For Smash!" He declared. Then with all of his strength, he brought his blade down on Charizard with full force. Charizard let out a pained screech as light burst out of it's body. "Hmm, you have much to learn beast," said Eleven returning his sword to it's scabbard. "Wow Eleven that was amazing," said Villager walking up to him. "I appreciate your compliment young one," said Eleven. "That last move looked extremely powerful too," said Piranha Plant. "Ah you speak of my Critical Hit do you?" asked Eleven. "Critical Hit?" asked Link. "Yes, it's a move that will deal great amount of damage if I unleash my full power," said Eleven. "Cool," said Twilight. "Poyo," said Kirby. Starlight looked over to the crumbling Charizard statue as the glowing spirit emerged. "Hey there need someplace to stay?" asked Starlight. She pulled out her album and opened it. "In you go," she said. The bright spirit quickly entered the album. "So shall we continue?" she asked rejoining her party. Everyone nodded. So the party continued to make their way to the black portal. Not long after they defeated Charizard, they party came to a split path. One leading to a small platform where a fighter could be seen waiting while the other lead to the black portal. "Which way?" asked Bowser. "I would go to the portal first but there seems to be someone waiting for us on that platform," said Starlight pointing down the first path. "SO then, the first path?" asked Piranha Plant. Starlight nodded and was about to start making her way down the first path when a voice boomed above their heads. "Halt!" Starlight stopped and looked up along with the other members. Suddenly something flew over their heads and came crashing down in front of them. Starlight yelped as she jumped back. The dust cleared to reveal a tall and slender dragon with blue scales standing in front of them. The dragon, of course, had two wings on it's back and two horns sticking out from either side of it's head. Blue spines sprouted from it's head and ran down it's back. It's tail swayed back and forth and it's deep red eyes glared at the party. "Well, well look who we have here," growled the dragon. "Who are you?" asked Link. "Princess Ember?" Starlight asked walking up to her. "Ah if it isn't Starlight," the dragon hissed. "Star you know her?' asked Lucario. "She was a friend of ours, but she seems different," said Twilight. That's when it hit her. She looked at Ember's eyes and noticed they were red with burning hatred. "Oh no, it can't be, those eyes," gasped Twilight. She looked towards Starlight who was trembling in fear. She stepped back as Ember stared down at her with her menacing eyes. "No," whimpered Starlight. "No, no, not you too Ember!" "Enough, I'm sick of hearing your cute little friendship stuff," hissed Ember. "You can't change who I am," "She doesn't look different compared to any of the other fighters, does that mean she isn't controlled by a spirit?" asked Twilight. "Most likely yes," answered Starlight. "From your reactions, I can tell that she's special to you two," said Lucario. "Well not exactly, we see her more of a friend than family," said Twilight. "Well either way she won't let us pass until we defeat her," said Mario. "Let me handle this," said Bowser stepping forward. "What are you sure?" asked Twilight. 'What you don't trust me?" growled Bowser. "No we do," said Starlight. "Geez since when did YOU become helpful Bowser?" asked Mario. "Shut up, I still hate your guts," growled Bowser. "You're my opponent?" asked Ember. "Fine but don't expect me to go easy on you," Bowser and Ember glared at each other for a moment, until Ember inhaled and blasted Bowser with a stream of pink flames. Bowser countered her attack with his own fire breath, which exploded into a cloud of smoke upon contact. Ember burst through the cloud of smoke and tackled into Bowser which he stopped by grabbing onto her. He chomped down on her several times before slamming her down onto the ground and dropping on top of her. He got off of her and back away, waiting for some sort of reaction. Eventually Ember burst out of the ground and extracted her claws. Angrily she charged towards Bowser ready to slash him. But Bowser quickly turned around causing Ember to crash into his spiky shell. He pushed her off before jumping up and slashing her in the face. Ember did a back flip before landing on the ground. "How's that dragon girl?" laughed Bowser crossing his arms. Ember wiped the blood off her cheeks and glared at Bowser. "You're going to pay for that," Ember growled. "Come at me," snickered Bowser. Ember didn't need to be told twice.She inhaled and attempted to blast Bowser with another stream of fire. Catching his opportunity, Bowser charged towards Ember ready to attack. As he got close, Ember fired off her pink flames in his direction. Bowser smirked as he lept into the air right above Ember before he came crashing down on top of her with a ground pound. Ember noticed what he was trying to do and quickly shielded herself. However as Bowser came crashing down, Ember's shield shattered knocking her onto the ground. She got back onto her feet and swayed back and forth looking dazed. Bowser smirked as he crouched down. Just as Ember recovered, Bowser used his full force to drop kick Ember causing her to collapse on the ground. Light burst out of her body as she lay still on the ground. "Haha, that's what happens to anyone who messes with King Bowser," laughed Bowser. "Aye that was awesome Bowser," said Piranha Plant. 'Yeah, yeah whatever," said Bowser rolling his eyes. "I gotta admit, you really handed it to her with that brutal shield break," said Villager. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Ok that WAS pretty awesome," said Bowser. As the party congratulated Bowser, Ember groaned as she sat up. "Ugh my head," she moaned. "Aye look who's up," said Villager. Ember looked up as Starlight and Twilight walked up to her. "Starlight, twilight what are you doing here?" asked Ember. "It's a bit of a long story," said Starlight. "Go on, let me hear it," said Ember. "I need an explanation," So Starlight and Twilight took turns explaining the whole situation to Ember. From the spirits to Galeem, they explained everything they had planned for the future. "Uh huh, so you're going after this so called lord of Light to beat him in order to return this world to it's original state?" asked Ember. "Yeah that's pretty much the gist of it," said Twilight. "That sounds awesome, mind if I come along?" asked Ember. 'Sure thing," said Starlight. "Great," said Ember. So Starlight and Twilight introduced Ember to their party members after which they stood in front of the two paths. "So you know which way you're going?" asked Lucario. "Yes," answered Starlight. She looked in the direction of the fighter with eyes filled with determination. "Whoever you are, just wait, we'll save you," > Chapter 17: VS Peach > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The party walked down the path leading to the fighter. As they slowly approached, they could clearly see the fighter's overall appearance. It was clear that this fighter was female from the long blonde hair and the pink dress she wore. "Oh god I know that dress anywhere," said Mario. "It's her isn't it?" asked Piranha Plant. "Who?" asked Ember. The fighter turned around to reveal her face. She had a small blue gem encased on her chest and a small crown with blue and red jewels sat on top of her head. Her red eyes drilling into the party. "It's Princess Peach," said Bowser. "Oh if it isn't Mario and Bowser," giggled Peach. "And I see you've brought your little friends," "Come on Peach, can we talk about this?" asked Mario. "I would love to Mario," said Peach. "But Lord Galeem told me I can't spend time with my enemies," "Again with Galeem," said Link. "Is that the Lord of Light you mentioned?" asked Ember. "Yeah, you were also being controlled by him before Bowser saved you," answered Twilight. "Alright who's going for it?" asked Lucario. "I'll go," said Mario. "She's my lover after all," "Go get him bro," said Villager. Mario stepped forward with his fists up. "Don't worry Peach, I'll save you," said Mario. "Ok!" Peach exclaimed Mario. Mario rushed forward and threw a punch as Peach dodged his attack. Peach quickly grabbed him by the overalls and slapped him four times before throwing him back. Mario slid to a stop and hurled multiple fire balls all of which Peach dodged as she ran towards Mario. She reached out to grab Mario, but he quickly moved out of the way and punched her several times before sending her flying. As Peach stopped herself, Mario ran up and landed a flying kick into her chest. "Yeah let's get Mario!" Piranha Plant cheered. "Do it for your love!" added Villager. Bowser crossed his arms while stomping his foot impatiently. "Something wrong?" asked Ember. "I just can't sit and watch Mario beat up the person I love," growled Bowser. "Hmm love eh," chuckled Ember. "What's so funny?" growled Bowser. "Nothing," answered Ember. "Didn't think a beast like you would understand what love actually is," "Are you saying I'm heartless!?" growled Bowser. "Well you kinda are," said Link. "Shut up!" he roared. "Hey look he's already up to the point where he can launch her off the platform!" exclaimed Twilight. "What!?" gasped Bowser. 'Impressive," said Eleven. Mario gasped as he wiped the blood off his face. "Peach you've gotten stronger," said Mario. "Thank you Mario ," said Peach. "But if you think compliments are gonna save you, you gotta another thing coming," "We'll see," said Mario. He got to his feet and ran towards Peach with a fireball in hand. He jumped up and attempted to land on Peach, but she quickly sidestepped avoiding the attack. Mario quickly shielded as Peach tried to slap him again. As she went for the last slap, he dropped the shield and thrusted his arm forward sending her flying off the platform. Peach jumped and pulled out her parasol as she slowly drifted down. "Hmm nice Perfect Shield," said Link. "A Perfect what?" asked Twilight. "A Perfect Shield," repeated Villager. "It's a method in which the fighter drops their shield the moment their opponents hits them," "Interesting," said Ember. Mario jumped up and punched downwards as Peach dodged the attack then pulled out a golf club and swung it but Mario dodged the attack then flipped her using his cape. He grabbed Peach's waist and began headbutting her before swinging her and throwing her and sent her flying. However Peach had managed to survive and was floating on her parasol again. Mario smirked as he ran forward and jumped. "Hey Peach," said Mario. "What is it?" asked Peach. Smirking Mario raised his fist and slammed it down on Peach's head and sent her crashing off the platform. As Mario landed on the ground, a pillar of light erupted from the spot where Peach had landed. "Get dunked," said Mario. Suddenly a platform carrying Peach appeared over the party's head. Peach jumped off the platform and walked over to Mario.. "Aye sorry about that Peach," apologized Mario. "Kinda had to do it," "Hehe, no worries Mario at least you saved me," giggled Peach. "And she's back!" said Villager. "Poyo!" cheered Kirby. The party ran over to Mario and Peach and congratulated them for freeing Peach. "It's nice to meet you Princess," said Starlight. "Oh who might your new friends be?" asked Peach. Mario quickly introduced, Starlight, Twilight, and Ember to Peach. "Well it's nice to meet you all," said Peach. "Alright should we head over to the black portal?" asked Piranha Plant. 'Wait before that, I actually wanted to do something," said Starlight. 'What is it?" asked Mario. "Wait here ok?" asked Starlight. She grabbed the album and teleported out of the castle. "Where might she be going?" asked Eleven. "Well she told us to wait so," said Villager. So the group sat and waited for Starlight to return. "Where do you think she ran off to?" asked Link. "Who knows," growled Bowser picking at his teeth with a toothpick. 'Poyo," said Kirby. Suddenly a flash of blue light appeared behind them grabbing Villager's attention. "Hey guys look," said Villager turning around. The rest of the party got their feet and turned towards the light. The light eventually died as Starlight and another pony appeared. "Star, there you are where have you been?" asked Mario. "And who's that?" asked Lucario. "Sorry guys, I almost forgot that I wanted to revisit Anna," said Starlight. "This here is one of Twilight's friends actually," "Oh yeah, the Sunset whatever your name was," said Villager. "Sunset Shimmer, nice to meet you all," said Sunset. "So you're back to normal, I assume it's one of Anna's replica dolls?" asked Mario. "That's right, it took forever to make, so sorry," apologized Starlight. "I guess that explains why you took forever," said Link. "Well anyway, Sunset will be joining our party from here on out," announced Starlight. "Great, nice having you on the team," said Piranha Plant. "Do your best," said Link. "Thank you everyone," said Sunset. "So now we head for the black portal?" complained Bowser. "Yes Bowser," groaned Mario. "Great let's go already," said Bowser getting to his feet. he quickly dashed off leaving the party behind. "Well Bowser's still Bowser," giggled Peach. "Let's run after him before he does something stupid," suggested Lucario. The party followed after Bowser as he ran off. Now with Peach and Sunset joining the team, Starlight is finally ready to face whatever is awaiting behind the black portal. Who could possibly be waiting? Whoever it is, Starlight knows it's her biggest challenge yet. > Chapter 18: VS ??? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and her party stood before the large black portal as it looms before them. They had finished their battle with Peach and had recruited Sunset Shimmer as a new member as well. But now the time was here. "Well?" asked Mario. Starlight took a deep breath and approached the portal. he examined it and waved her hoof in front of it, but the portal showed no signs of spawning any enemies. "It's definitely not used for summoning enemies," said Starlight. Suddenly a loud groaning noise began to ring out inside the castle. Starlight turned around as black aura burst out from the portal. Starlight yelped as she ran back to her friends. Suddenly a wave of black aura shot out and grabbed Starlight. "Starlight!" Twilight gasped. "Help!" Starlight yelped. But before anybody could do anything, Starlight was sucked in. Twilight ran up in attempts to bring her back, but the portal released black energy waves knocking her back. Mario and Link ran up to help her, but at that moment the portal vanished leaving the rest of the party in the middle of the castle. Starlight groaned as she got to her feet. "Wha where am I?" She inspected her surroundings and found herself in a whole new area. She appeared to be standing on some sort of large floating platform. She continued to inspect her surroundings when she noticed something standing in front of her. The thing had it's back turned to her, but she instantly recognized the purple scales, green spines that ran down it's back and it's short tail. "Spike is that you?" asked Starlight. "Starlight," the baby dragon moaned. "Spike thank Celestia you're ok, I was so worried about you," said Starlight. "Look I'm sorry about what happened back there," she said apologizing. "But I'm glad you're ok," Spike didn't respond. "Spike is everything ok?" she asked. Once again he didn't respond. "Spike?" Starlight repeated his name in a worried tone. "Starlight," Spike moaned. "Yeah?" asked Starlight. Spike began to laugh. "Spike?" Starlight asked. But when Spike turned to face her, Starlight's heart sank. Her eyes widened in horror. "No," she whimpered. "No Spike not you too!" Spike smirked revealing many sharp teeth as he glared at her with glowing red eyes. "You're time is up," laughed Spike. He raised his claws and got down on all fours as black aura violently burst out of Spike's back The aura surrounded him and expanded growing bigger and bigger. Once it was about the size of Twilight's castle the black aura scattered revealing Spike in a different form. He was much bigger and had a longer tail. He no longer had short arms and legs and was about the size of an actual adult dragon. He had rows and rows of sharp white teeth and glowing red eyes that spelled evil. He glared at Starlight and roared angrily. Starlight watched in horror as her best friend transformed into a large angry beast. "No," Starlight whimpered. Suddenly the album opened up as Sylveon flew out. "Starlight you have to fight!" said Sylveon. "I can't," Starlight whimpered. "Don't you remember what Mario and Villager said?" asked Sylveon. "I do but," Starlight's voice trailed off. The giant Spike stomped towards her growling viciously, smoke rising from his nostrils. "If you don't fight you're going to die!" Sylveon exclaimed. "Do this for your friend!" Starlight gasped as all the memories began to come back to her. The day he accompanied her to Sunburst's house, the day He introduced her to Ember, the day he was killed by Galeem. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Spike, I'm sorry, I hope this can make up for not being able to save you," Starlight sniffled. She wiped her tears and faced Spike. "Sylveon," "That's the spirit!" exclaimed Sylveon. She hovered over her and began sending her energy. Starlight faced Spike as he raised his foot, getting ready to crush her. Starlight quickly rolled off to the side avoiding the attack and began pounding her hoof into his feet. Spike growled as he tried to reach for her. Starlight rolled off behind him and blasted him in the back with her magic. "Spike, please come back," Starlight said. "Get him Star!" Sylveon cheered. Starlight continued to roll left and right trying to avoid getting stomped on. She rolled to the front where she met eyes with Spike. Spike inhaled as he blasted her with a stream of fire. Starlight jumped up and hurled a ball of magic in his face. Spike growled as she tried to grab Starlight. She landed on his arm and ran up and onto his head. She slid down on his snout and blasted him in the eyes with magic. Spike roared as he began shaking violently. Starlight screamed as she fell of Spike. "Hang in there Star!" Sylveon cried Starlight flipped as she landed on the ground. Spike growled as he faced Starlight. "Don't worry Spike, I'll save you," said Starlight. Spike raised his foot for another attempt to stomp her, but Starlight rolled behind him and kicked him several times before teleporting out of the way. Starlight continued to attack Spike but she couldn't tell if she was doing anything to him considering he wasn't flinching. After what seemed like hours of consistent attacks, Starlight hurled one last magic blast into Spike's stomach. Spike's eyes widened as he froze. He let out an agonized roar as his body began to explode in many different areas. "Did I do it?" Starlight gasped. "Seems like it," answered Sylveon. Spike almost looked dazed but eventually collapsed on the ground followed by an explosion as black aura burst out of his body and Spike returned to his normal size. "Spike!" Starlight gasped. "Wait!" Sylveon said. 'What?" asked Starlight. "Look," said Sylveon. Starlight turned in the direction of Spike as a spirit larger than him slowly emerged from his body. shocked Starlight stepped back and grabbed her album. "Is that a spirit?" asked Starlight. "Yes it appears so," said Sylveon. The spirit slowly hovered over to Starlight and stopped in front of her. Starlight held up the album to protect herself. She was able to get a closer look at the spirit now that it was up close. It almost looked like Bowser but, his horns were bigger, his snout was smaller but he had more sharp teeth, and his eyes looked more intimidating. "Hey you gonna open the album or what?" asked the spirit. "Oh sorry," said Starlight. She opened the album and stared at the spirit. "The name's Giga Bowser," said the spirit. "Best if you remember that," The spirit didn't say anything else and jumped into the album. Starlight sighed as fell on the ground with the closed album. "Aren't you gonna see you're friend?" asked Sylveon. Starlight flinched from realization. She got to her feet and tossed the album to the side. She ran over to Spike who lay on the ground unconscious. Trembling she picked him up in her hoofs and gently touched his face. "No Spike, please wake up, please!" Starlight pleaded with tears in her eyes. She shook Spike hoping he would wake up, but when he wouldn't move, tears rolled down her cheek. "No," Starlight whimpered. She set him down and punched the ground lowering her head in the process. She began to sob as Spike groaned and sat up. "Ow, what happened?" he asked. Starlight looked up and gasped. "Spike!" The baby dragon jumped and looked up. "Oh Starlight, what are you doing here?" asked Spike. "And where am I?" He looked around his surroundings with a confused look. "Where is this place?" asked Spike. he looked at Starlight and noticed she was crying. "Starlight what's wrong?" she grabbed Spike and hugged him. "I'm so glad," she sobbed. "Um Starlight are you ok?" asked Spike. She embraced him for a while longer before setting him down. "Sorry it's just that I was so worried when you didn't wake up," said Starlight wiping the tears from her eyes. "Wha?" asked Spike. "It's a long story," said Starlight. "Let's hear it," said Spike. So Starlight explained everything that had happened since the attack on the Crystal Empire, about spirits, and Galeem. Once she was done Spike rubbed his head with a confused look. "Look I know it's a lot to take in, but what I'm trying to say is Galeem destroyed our home and killed everyone we loved," explained Starlight. "Right now, we're making our way to Galeem so that we can defeat him and get him to restore Equestria to it's original state," "Ok that explanation might've been better cause I got lost the moment you mentioned spirits," said Spike. "Well anyway you're back friend," said Sylveon. "Gah what are you!?" Spike yelped. "That's Sylveon," said Starlight. "She's one of the spirits I mentioned," "Hiya!" cheered Sylveon. "Um hi," said Spike. "Ok so how do we get back?" asked Starlight. Suddenly the black portal that brought her here appeared in front of them. "Guess that answers my question," said Starlight. She picked up the album and walked through with Spike and Sylveon following behind. The party waited patiently as the black portal suddenly appeared in front of them once more. "Hey look!' said Villager. The party got up and waited as Starlight and Spike emerged from the portal. "Guys we're back!" said Starlight. The rest of the party ran over to greet her and Spike. The next several moments were introductions, and family reunions. "So I guess Spike was the boss of this castle," said Link. "I'm surprised that Galeem even made him a boss," said Piranha Plant. "Well he's back with us," said Twilight snuggling him. Suddenly, black aura burst out of the black portal as it exploded and disappeared. 'Guess that means because we freed Spike from Galeem's control we technically finished this area," said Lucario. "Well then how about we get outta here?" suggested Ember. "Yeah it's freaking hot in here," groaned Bowser. So the party began to make their way to the entrance with their new party member. By the time they got out, Starlight had noticed that the black clouds above the castle had vanished and the sun was shining down. "Ah yes fresh air!" said Piranha Plant. "Oh yes," agreed Peach. Suddenly the ground began to shake throwing everyone in a panic. "The hell is that?" asked Ember. The ground shook for a while before finally coming to a stop. "What was that?" asked Lucario. Just then Kirby ran to the side of the castle excitedly and jumped on a rock. "Kirby what is it?" asked Twilight. He turned around and began jumping up and down. Confused the party ran over to where he was and looked in the direction that he was pointing.The party looked up to see Galeem in the distance being protected by a mysterious blue orb. Suddenly the orb changed from a light blue color to an orange as it seemed to shrink. "What just happened?" asked Bowser. "It would appear the barrier has weakened," said Eleven. "Is it because we freed Spike?" asked Starlight. "Yes, we can assume so," replied Eleven. "Heh, where getting close," chuckled Villager. "And before we know it, Galeem is screwed!" "Well then let's keep moving shall we?" suggested Mario. "Yes," said Sunset. "Lead the way Star," said Link. Starlight nodded as she led the party away from the castle and down the hill they had climbed up. Now with Spike as a new party member, Galeem's barrier has weakened. It would be long before Starlight and her party will face off against Galeem, and now is the time they prepare themselves for the day to come. > Chapter 19: Back on the Path > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and her party had climbed halfway down the mountain that lead to the castle. From there, they began taking the path leading onto a large grassy plain. As they continued walking, Mario briefly explained more in detail about spirits to Spike. "So you're saying this Galeem guy turned everything into these spirit things?" asked Spike. "Precisely," said Mario. "Gee it's hard to believe," said Spike rubbing his head. "It's hard to believe but it's the truth," said Mario. "Guys stop," said Starlight. "What is it?" asked Sunset. Starlight pointed one of her hoofs at something in front of her. The group looked in the direction she was pointing and saw four green lizards with big noses and orange shoes standing in front of them. "It's Yoshi," said Mario. "And four of them to be exact," said Lucario. "Let me handle this, I won't be long," said Mario stepping forward. "Hey no fair you get to have all the fun, I'm going too," said Bowser. "I'll help you too Mario," said Peach. "Me too," said Piranha Plant. "Guess the rest of will wait here then," said Starlight plopping down on the grass. The rest of the party followed her example and sat down next to her. They sat and watched as Mario, Peach, Bowser, and Piranha Plant battled the four Yoshi puppets. It wasn't long before all four dropped on the ground as light burst out of their bodies. "Ha too easy!" laughed Bowser. "Easy for you to say," gasped Piranha Plant. "You look like you've seen better days," said Villager. "Ya think?" asked Piranha Plant. "Anyway, here's the spirit," said Mario handing Starlight the spirit. She opened the album as a spirit of a yarn textured Yoshi flew in. "Heehee, that's the most fun I've had in years," giggled Peach. "Well that's that, so how about we move on?" asked Ember. "Good idea, let's go," said Starlight. She got up and began walking as the rest of the party followed her. They weren't very far from the intersection where they were met with another puppet fighter. The fighter wore dark red overalls with a pink shirt and hat with the letter L. The fighter had a round nose and a mustache like Mario but was a bit taller than him. "Luigi," said Mario. "Who?" asked Sunset. "Mario's brother," answered Link. "That's your brother!?" asked Spike. "Not exactly," said Mario. "He wears green, not pink," "So another puppet," said Twilight. "You know, I kinda wanna try battling," said Sunset. "Be my guest," said Mario. "Really!?" Sunset asked excitedly. Everyone nodded their heads. Filled with excitement, Sunset stepped forward to challenge the puppet Luigi. As Luigi ran at her, Sunset quickly sidestepped to avoid his dash attack before knocking him to the ground with a single leg sweep. She then grabbed him by the legs and swung him around before launching him across the field. Luigi got to his feet an crouched down, charging up for another attack. "What's he doing?" asked Ember. "Oh this," snickered Villager. Ember, Spike and the ponies looked at Villager with a confused look. "Just watch," he said. They all turned to the battle just in time to see Luigi launch himself across the field headfirst. Sunset yelped as she formed a magic barrier reflecting Luigi and sending him flying back in the other direction. "Did he just launch himself!?" asked Twilight. "Indeed," answered Eleven. As Luigi landed headfirst into the ground, Sunset noticed that she had an opening and ran in. She plucked him out of the ground and began smacking him before throwing him into the ground causing him to bounce up. She then charged up her magic and thrusted upwards causing a magic explosion that sent him flying upwards. Everyone looked up to see where Sunset had launched him only to see him crashing face first into an invisible wall only to slide off and onto the ground as a pillar of light erupted from his body. "What in Equestria was that?" asked Starlight. "I think that's what you would call a screen KO," said Villager. "A what?" asked Starlight. "Never mind," sighed Villager. Starlight looked at Mario who just looked away and began whistling. "Well that wasn't too bad," said Sunset as she walked over to them with a spirit. The spirit appeared to be a strange creature with a red robe and cape. It had short stubby legs and a red hood that covered most of it's head. "Oh it's Dreambert," said Mario. "Who?" asked Starlight opening the album. "He was a friend of mine," answered Mario. "A friend huh?" asked Starlight. "Well you can thank Sunset for freeing him then," Just as she said that, Sunset fell face first into the ground. "Wha Sunset are you ok!?" gasped Starlight. She didn't respond. Starlight quickly put her hoofs and rolled her over to the side only to find that Sunset had fallen asleep. "Wha?" asked Starlight. "Welp that's just great," said Piranha Plant. "Poyo?" asked Kirby. "Well as long as she's ok," said Starlight. "Anyway let's keep going," "Bowser can you get Sunset?" asked Mario. "Ugh fine," groaned Bowser walking over to the sleeping unicorn.He picked her up and followed after the others. "So which way?" asked Eleven. As Starlight was deciding which path to take, she noticed that one of the paths led to another building. "Is that a shop?" asked Starlight. "Maybe," said Link. "Let's head down there and see if we can find anything," suggested Starlight. She began leading her party down to the building where they eventually came across a bridge. "Alright guys, let's do this in a nice and orderly fashion," said Starlight. "We cross the bridge one at a time so that we don't damage the bridge. Everyone nodded in agreement. But just as she turned around to cross, she found Master Hand blocking the path. "Hello again!" boomed Master Hand. "You again!" hissed Starlight. "Ah so nice of you to remember me," he laughed. "What do you want Master?" growled Link. "Oh nothing much," said Master. "Except this," He raised his palm and slammed it down on the bridge and destroyed the bridge before getting back up. "Later," he said as he teleported away. "Oh my, I swear to god I'm going to beat the crap out of him," said Bowser. "Calm down Bowser," said Lucario. "What do we do now?" asked Peach. "I don't know," said Starlight. "Wait let me handle this," said Villager. "You?" asked Spike. "Yeah I know something that may help us," said Villager. "Knock yourself out buddy," said Ember. Villager walked over to the grass and planted a seed in the ground before watering it. "Are you serious, do you know how long it takes to grow a tree?" asked Ember. But just as she said that, a tree immediately sprouted from the ground. "What?" asked Ember. "I've never seen a tree grow so fast," said Spike. "So fascinating," gasped Twilight. Villager quickly chopped down the tree with his axe and created a bridge using the tree. "Hey Bowser can you give me a hand with this?" asked Villager. Bowser rolled his eyes as he put down Sunset and walked over to Villager. He picked up the bridge and carried it over to the gap and placed it over the broken bridge. To their surprise, the bridge was long enough to reach the other end and big enough to fit at least two or three people. "Alright guys you know the drill," said Starlight. She waited as her party members crossed the bridge before crossing herself. "Starlight I don't think this is a shop," said Twilight. "What?" asked Starlight. She walked over and looked up at the sign. The word Dojo was written in big black letters right above the entrance. "A Dojo eh?" asked Eleven. "But it looks like it's closed," said Ember. That's when a loud cackling echoed throughout the area. "What was that?" asked Peach. "Oh no, I know that laugh," sighed Twilight. Just as she said that something appeared from behind the building. The creature was a pony with a black coat and a dark turquoise colored mane and tail. She had a large horn and transparent wings like an insect. Her wings, tail, horn, and lower half of her hoofs were riddled with holes and her menacing red eyes glared at Starlight and her party. Spike yelped as he hid behind Twilight. "Well, well Starlight, we meet again," it hissed. "Starlight who is this?" asked Lucario. "She's the leader of a group of shape shifting monsters called changelings," growled Starlight. "Indeed," she cackled. "As for my name, I am Queen Chrysalis," > Chapter 20: The Changeling Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and her party stood before the changeling queen as she smirked wickedly with her sharp teeth and glowing red eyes. "I hoped to never see you again," said Starlight. "Well sorry, but Lord Galeem can't have you running around causing problems," sneered Chrysalis. "Well at least we have a chance to pound that disgusting face of yours," snickered Starlight. Chrysalis's smirk melted as her eye twitched. "Disgusting face?" she repeated. "Hmm, disgusting face yeah I like it," snickered Bowser. "What you wanna take this one?" asked Starlight. "I'd be happy to," laughed Bowser. "Be my guest," said Starlight. Bowser didn't ask any more questions as he stepped forward. Chrysalis glared at him with a crooked smirk. "You think this is some sort of joke?" she asked "One I can actually laugh at," sneered Bowser. "Alright that's it, I'm gonna crush you!" hissed Chrysalis. "Come at me queen bee," said Bowser raising his claws. Chrysalis used her magic to transform into another Bowser and charged at him. As Chrysalis tried to swipe at Bowser, he quickly sidestepped and grabbed Chrysalis. He slashed her face several times before throwing her onto his shell and spinning around. Chrysalis was sent flying and landed on the ground on her shell. As she struggled to get up, Bowser charged and headbutted into her sending her flying off the edge. But Chrysalis quickly changed back and flew back onto land. "Wow this is going to be tricky," said Spike. "Why do you say that?" asked Piranha Plant. "Because Chrysalis is a changeling," said Spike. "She can technically take on any form," "Oh," said Piranha Plant. Piranha Plant flinched as Bowser landed several inches away from where he was. Bowser dusted himself off before refocusing on Chrysalis. "You don't give up easily do you?" asked Bowser. "Hmph, give up?" sneered Chrysalis. "Who do you take me as?" "An insect," said Bowser. "Very funny," said Chrysalis. "You know what else is funny?" asked Bowser. "Your face on fire," He opened his mouth and hurled a fireball at Chrysalis. She yelped as she jumped out of the way. "Ok I get it hothead," said Chrysalis. "You think it's funny to see other people on fire," She transformed into a dragon as she spoke. "But let's see how it feels, if you were the one burning," She opened her mouth and blasted Bowser with a stream of fire. Bowser immediately countered her attack with his own fire breath. As the two streams of flame of green and red collided, it created an explosion big enough to cover both dragon Chrysalis and Bowser. "Whoa what the!?" exclaimed Link. "Poyo?" asked Kirby. "Grr, where are you coward!?" Chrysalis suddenly emerged and fanned away the smoke to reveal that Bowser was gone. "Hey where'd he go?" asked Ember. Chrysalis searched for the Koopa King while the others waited in anticipation to see what would happen. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Bowser came crashing down on Chrysalis's head with the spikes on his shell pointing down. Chrysalis yelped as she was knocked down from the impact. Bowser got up and jumped off of her as Chrysalis returned to her normal form. "Why you little," growled Chrysalis as she got to her feet. "Who are you calling little?" laughed Bowser. Chrysalis angrily blasted him with her magic which he blocked with his shield before he ran forward, grabbed her, jumped up and body slammed her into the ground. Chrysalis was sent flying as Bowser rushed forward, jumped up and did a midair spin with his arms and legs spread out launching her even further. The party watched in awe as Chrysalis face planted into the ground. "Nice," said Villager. "He's doing well," said Lucario. Chrysalis got up and charged at Bowser preparing for another attack. Just then Bowser pulled out a small object and threw it at her, causing it to explode and leave her dazed . "Ha Deku Nut bitch!" laughed Bowser. "A what?" asked Twilight. "It seems like he's doing this with items," said Eleven. Before Chrysalis could recover, Bowser rushed forward and grabbed her. He slashed her face a couple of times before throwing her on the ground and body slamming her. As Chrysalis went flying, Bowser lunged after her and slashed her with his claws. Chrysalis recovered her senses and glared at Bowser. "You'll pay for that!" she hissed. "Come at me," laughed Bowser. Chrysalis once again charged at him, but this time Bowser jumped up until he was right above her and attempted to ground pound her. Chrysalis saw what he was doing and shielded only to have it shatter as Bowser came crashing down. "Oh damn shield break!" said Villager. "Is he going to charge?" asked Lucario. The others watched as Chrysalis stood in one spot looking dazed as Bowser crouched down. Just as she recovered her senses, Bowser finished her with one last drop kick. Chrysalis screamed as her body was sent flying. As her body landed on the ground, light burst out as the spirit in her body revealed itself. The party congratulated Bowser on his victory and Starlight put the spirit in the album with the rest. Eventually, Chrysalis regained conscious and looked around. "Ow what happened?" asked Chrysalis. "Well, well look who's up," said Starlight walking up to her with her party. "You!" hissed Chrysalis. "What are you doing here!?" "We want to ask the same of you," said Starlight glaring at her. "That's none of your business," hissed Chrysalis. "Oh, really?" asked Starlight. "Maybe we should have Bowser beat you into a pulp again," "Who?" asked Chrysalis. Bowser stepped forward with a huge smirk as he looked over at the changeling queen. Chrysalis hesitated. "Well whats it going to be?" asked Starlight. "Ugh fine I'll tell you," groaned Chrysalis. " So after you took my kingdom from me, I was planning a revenge scheme to get back at you when I suddenly got attacked," explained Chrysalis. "Before I knew it I found myself here," "Seriously that's it?" asked Twilight. "Well when I first heard that Starlight Glimmer was here, I WAS going to hunt her down and get my revenge, but then I heard that she was hunting a creature that apparently 'killed' everypony," said Chrysalis. "She's talking about Galeem isn't she?" asked Sunset. Starlight nodded. "And so I thought, well if she's hunting down a murder, then it's probably a bad idea for me to try and get in her way," explained Chrysalis. "Wow that's the first time I heard something like that out of you," said Starlight. "Hey if you're hunting a killer than why would I try and come after you when I don't even know what your capable of?" sneered Chrysalis. "Actual logic from the changeling queen," smirked Spike. "So I decided to wait until all of this was over," said Chrysalis. "And what exactly are you doing now?" asked Link. "Well I didn't know where I was or what I was doing here, but because there's nowhere for me to go or do, I decided to start a business just for kicks and giggles," explained Chrysalis. "And I assume that this Dojo is your business?" asked Piranha Plant. "Hey if I ever find changelings that need training, I could always accept them for some resources," said Chrysalis. "Anyway, I don't think anypony else is here except you and I really don't want to crush this place since it took forever to start, might as well open it up to you or rather those spirit thingies," 'Wait seriously?" asked Twilight. "Pfft I would've loved it if some changelings came to train, but because you're the only ones alive there's no other option," said Chrysalis. "Well that's great to hear," said Villager. "What do you want to do Starlight?" "Hey if you have no reason to be here, then scram," said Chrysalis. "Just seeing you here disgusts me," "Well as of now we don't have any business so I think we can move on," said Starlight. "Besides we can always come back right Chrysalis?" asked Starlight. "Honestly I want to say no, but again you're my only customer," said Chrysalis. "Well that's not reassuring," said Ember. "Well anyway there's nothing else so let's keep going," said Starlight. Her party nodded in agreement as they started heading back from the way they came from. > Chapter 21: Final Smash Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After freeing Chrysalis from Galeem's control, Starlight and her party continued their journey. But just before they crossed the bridge, Chrysalis had given them information regarding the path that was near the bridge that was blocked off by the light pillars erupting from the fissure. Chrysalis claimed that she saw a strange blue switch and suggested that they checked it out. Surprised by the fact that Chrysalis had actually gone through the trouble of giving them information, they were hesitant to trust her. Starlight, however, decided to take the risk and led her party back down the mountain and to the path where the bridge was blocked off. "Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Lucario. "I thought you didn't trust her," "Yeah, but it's worth a shot," said Starlight. "Truly a stubborn pony is she not?" Eleven asked Twilight. "She can be that way sometimes," Twilight sighed. She began crossing the bridge and noticed the blue switch the Chrysalis had mentioned. "That must be it," said Spike. "Let's check it out," said Piranha Plant. "Don't do anything stupid," said Bowser. Starlight was about to walk over to the switch when Lucario stopped her. "Wait," he said. Starlight stopped and turned around. "What is it?" asked Spike. "Someone's here," said Lucario. "I sense a strong energy source around this area," The party froze in place as they looked around their surroundings. After a short period of silence Lucario suddenly turned towards Starlight. "Starlight get out of the way!" Lucario exclaimed. "What why?" asked Starlight. "Behind you!" Lucario warned. Starlight quickly turned around as a beam of sky blue energy shot towards her. Starlight yelped as she quickly teleported out of the way. "What was that?" asked Ember. Starlight appeared next to Lucario just in time to hear someone laughing. "Impressive," chuckled a voice. Starlight and her party looked above to see a pony flying down. She had her back turned to them, but Starlight recognized the princess from her wings and horn. Her coat was a bright pink color and she had a mix of purple and pink wings. Her tail and mane were a beautiful mix of purple, violet, and cream yellow that ended in curls. A small blue heart was imprinted on her flank and a small golden crown sat on top of her head. Twilight's eyes widened as a huge smile appeared on her face. "Princess Cadence!" Twilight exclaimed. "You're alright!" But Starlight blocked off her path as she tried to approach her. "Starlight what are you doing?" asked Twilight. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Starlight let me through," demanded Twilight. "No Twilight," she said. Twilight looked at her with a confused look. " "I'm sorry Twilight, but that's not Cadence," "What are you talking about Starlight?" asked Twilight. "She's right Twilight," laughed Cadence. They all turned towards Cadence. She turned around revealing her evil smile and her glowing red eyes that glared back at them. Twilight's eyes widened. "No," she whimpered. "You failed me Twilight," said Cadence. "I..." Twilight had lost her words, her tears choked her as she struggled to speak. "I know what you're here for, and I will not let you hit that button," said Cadence. "Who is she?" asked Link. "A close friend of Twilight," answered Spike. "Oh no," said Peach. "Is she being controlled by a spirit?" asked Villager. "From the looks of it no," said Starlight. "If you want to hit the switch, you'll have to get past me," laughed Cadence. Starlight looked down at Twilight. "Twilight I know how hard it is for you, so let me handle this one," said Starlight. Twilight nodded. Starlight turned towards Cadence and stepped forward. She opened the album and pulled out the Giga Bowser Spirit. "You called?" asked Giga Bowser. "Please lend me your strength," pleaded Starlight. "Yeah whatever," said Giga Bowser. He began sending her energy as she made eye contact with Cadence. "Come on," she said. Cadence smirked as she blasted her with magic. Starlight quickly teleported, but was caught off guard when Cadence suddenly appeared in front of her and tackled her to the ground. Starlight got back on her feet but quickly avoided another magic blast. "Why is she so fast?" Starlight asked. "What's wrong can't keep up?" asked Cadence. Starlight began charging up a magic attack but was interrupted by Cadence as she ran up to her. "Too slow," she sneered. Starlight managed to avoid her punches and kicks and knock her back with her magic. Starlight gasped as she caught her breath. Sweat began running down her face as she waited for Cadence to make a move. In all the battles she'd been in, not a single enemy was fast enough to outmaneuver her. Starlight was caught off guard when Cadence suddenly teleported. With a panicked look on her face, she began scanning the area for Cadence. "Right behind you," said Cadence. Starlight yelped as she turned around only to get knocked back. Just as she managed to catch herself, Cadence rushed in and grabbed her. She hit Starlight a couple of times before throwing her into the air, blasting her with magic and kicking her back into the ground. "Starlight!" Spike gasped. Starlight's body trembled as she got up. "Too slow," said Cadence grabbing her leg. Starlight yelped and tried to escape, but Cadence picked her up by the leg and threw her into a large rock. Starlight's eyes widened as her back slammed into the rock. She collapsed on the ground coughing up blood. "Come on done already?" Cadence groaned as she walked over. Starlight's body trembled in pain as she tried to get up. "Nope, stay down," hissed Cadence stepping on her hoof. Starlight winced trying to pull her hoof away, but let out a scream of agony as Cadence stomped on it several times. "We have to help her," said Peach. But before anybody could make a move, Cadence used her magic to raise a barrier between them and Starlight. "Hey what the hell!?" yelled Link. "Stay out of this," hissed Cadence. She turned to face Starlight again. "Tch you're so worthless," sneered Cadence. "A waste of my time," She kicked her in the stomach causing Starlight to cough up more blood. Starlight's body trembled as Cadence walked away. She could feel her energy leaving her body as she lay there the verge of losing conscious. The screams of her party members and the pounding on the barrier began to grow distant. "It hurts," she told herself. "I'm so tired," Her eyes grew heavy. "Maybe..... I'll... close...my.....eyes," "Is that really what you want?" asked a voice. Starlight's eyes shot open. "What?" asked Starlight. "I said, is that really what you want?" repeated the voice. "Who are you?" asked Starlight. "I can't say much, but let's just say I'm the God of this world," said the voice. "Galeem!?" Starlight gasped. "Not quite," said the voice. "It's true that Galeem is God like, but he is also a creature born of in this world, that I created," "You created!?" Starlight looked around and realized that she wasn't in the location she had originally been, but rather a black void. "Relax, we're currently in a place deep within your conscious," said the voice. "Now to answer your question, yes I did indeed create this world, but that also means I created Galeem," "Wha?" Starlight asked. Her surprised expression melted away as anger replaced it. "Why would you do that!?" Starlight yelled at the voice. "I understand that you're upset, but I have a perfectly good explanation for this," said the voice. "Well then say it, I won't forgive you for creating such a monster until I do," Starlight said angrily. "Very well," said the voice. "First off. do you believe that this is the only world where many faces can come together like this?" asked the voice. "No not really," answered Starlight. "Indeed," said the voice. "You nor your friends know this, but I've created more worlds like this in the past," "What?" asked Starlight. "Now, what I'm about to tell you may sound surprising, but I can assure you it's the truth," said the voice. Starlight looked up in confusion. "You see Galeem, the fighters you've met, the spirits, and even the very journey you're taking, is only an illusion," "What?" Starlight asked in confusion. "Let me show you," said the voice. Suddenly a large square appeared in front of Starlight showing a first person view of a vision. She could see two hands in a small room with a desk, a toy box, a bed, and several posters of cars hanging on walls. "This is me," said the voice. "You?" asked Starlight. She couldn't tell who this was considering she could only see hands. The vision continued as the hands reached into the toy box and pulled out a small plush of Mario and Kirby and placed them onto the desk. The hands began rearranging the stuff before the individual backed away. The screen began to close, almost as if the individual was closing their eyes, then the screen went black. However when they opened their eyes, Starlight saw something different. The room was gone and now she was in a completely different location. Both the Mario plush and Kirby plush stood up and began fighting. "Is that?" asked Starlight. 'This is the world of Smash, the very world I created when I was just a child," explained the voice. Suddenly another screen appeared next to the first one as another vision started playing. In this one, the individual could be seen walking into a room with shelves filled with multiple video game consoles, a television, a bed, and a table filled with little figures of fighters like Mario, Kirby, and Link. The individual walked over and picked up Mario's figures. They looked at it for a moment before setting it down once more. "What?" asked Starlight. A third screen came into view as another vision started playing. This time she could see Master Hand, only he was being restrained by chains of light that led to a mysterious blue figure floating in the sky. "Who?" Starlight asked. That's when she noticed someone jumping from a ledge to attack the mysterious figure, only to get knocked back with Master Hand and turned into one of the figures. She watched as Master Hand rose and attempted to punch their attacker only to be knocked back and die. Suddenly the fighters appeared led by Mario and out of nowhere, the blue attacker grew wings and sent waves striking all the fighters. Starlight watched in horror as they were all transformed into figures. "Those were the sad times," said the voice. Another screen appeared. In this vision, she saw herself in a new environment. Unlike the first two, the individual was now in a room with a desk, a bed, shelves filled with books and trophies, and a wall covered in certificates. The individual put down what appeared to be briefcase and sat on their bed. He looked over to a second shelf with the same figures of fighters that were covered in dust. They looked down when Starlight could hear multiple voices. 'Wha?" asked Starlight. They almost sounded like the voice she was speaking to earlier but in this vision, it almost sounded as if the individual was doubting themselves. They looked up at the figures and walked over to them. The individual picked up the dusty Mario figure and looked at it before closing their eyes as another vision began playing. This time, Starlight could see the fighters battling what appeared be dark creatures taking the shape of a giant humanoid, a rampaging beast, multiple swords, and a clone of the fighter themselves before revealing a small multicolored orb that when thrown off the stage, would suddenly burst into a wave of black aura. A fifth screen appeared and this time, it wasn't in first person. Starlight could see a human with short brown hair and a black shirt smiling back at them. He was saying something but she couldn't make it out too well. "That's me," said the voice. "That's you!?" gasped Starlight. She looked back at the screen. She could see the human was still talking before shifting to a scene with the words What is Super Smash Bros written on it, before moving to a scene where Mario and three other fighters were battling on a field. The words The End appeared and then Just Kidding underneath it, before switching back to the human talking. "You see I've created not just this world, but four other worlds based off of my imagination as a child," said the voice. "However, even though it seems like very little has been created, I've been doing this for my entire life," Starlight looked up with a worried look. "For many years I've been doing this and during those times, many have come to appreciate my creation," said the voice. "But as of now, those who gave me their support, my fans, have lost their sense of appreciation, and have constantly attacked me with requests on how I should create these worlds," "Oh no," said Starlight. "During times of trials and tribulations, I believed that I had been working with the intention of bringing not just mine, but the imagination of others to life," said the voice. "Until I realized that wasn't the case," "What happened?" asked Starlight. "As the years went by, I began to grow tired," said the voice. "However just when I thought I could escape, those who supported me turned their backs and gave captured me," Starlight's eyes widened as she put her hoofs over her mouth. "They forced me to work and I didn't have a choice, knowing that if I quit there my fans would think very little of me," "Oh no," said Starlight. "Yes, as bad as it may sound though, I wasn't upset because of that," explained the voice. "I was upset because both my fans and my supporters has lost their sense of appreciation and the REAL intention of creating these worlds," "What was your real intention?" asked Starlight. "To bring joy and happiness to the children by bringing these beloved characters to life," answered the voice. Starlight gasped as tears began to roll down her face. "But in these times, my fans and supporters only saw one thing, who was the true master of these characters," said the voice. "They had become so wrapped up in their thoughts, that they only saw my creation as an opportunity to gain rights to these characters and control them not seeing the true value these characters have deep within them," 'Oh my Celestia," said Starlight. "In desperate times, I needed to express my feelings and thus I created this world and Galeem," said the voice. "As cruel as he is, this was my final attempts to try and get everyone to understand once more the true value these characters hold and my real intentions of creating this world," Starlight looked at the screens replaying the visions in a loop. "If I had hurt you and your friends, then I sincerely apologize, but right now you're the only ones I can depend on," Starlight looked back at the screen with the human, still talking with a huge smile on his face. "So I ask you once more, is this really what you want?" asked the voice. "What do you mean?" asked Starlight. 'If you give up now, you'll put your friends, your world in danger, as well as my attempts to free myself from this endless torture," explained the voice. She looked back at the visions with tears in her eyes. Before looking back up. She shook her head. "No, no I don't want to give up," said Starlight. "Very well, then allow me to assist you," said the voice. "Just so you know, this may be the only time we get to talk so I'm going to go ahead and say this," Starlight continued to look up. "Don't give up, I know you can do this, the fate of your world and my freedom depends on you," "I know," said Starlight nodding. "Good luck," said the voice. Suddenly the screens disappeared as light began to fill the void. Starlight shielded her eyes as she felt her body burning. She opened her eyes to find herself back in her original location, she could still hear her friends calling out to her. When she tried to stand, she noticed something was different. Her body wasn't aching and felt a new power surging through her body. "Guys she's alive!" announced Villager. "Oh thank Celestia!" exclaimed Twilight. "Hey guys is it just me or does Starlight look different?" asked Spike. They took a closer look and sure enough, Starlight's body was glowing in a rainbow aura. Suddenly the sky grew dark as storm clouds hovered over them. Starlight looked at herself as her new power coursed through her body giving her strength. Her eyes were glowing in a golden light. "Hmph, so you're alive eh?" sneered Cadence. Starlight turned around and looked at her with pure determination in her eyes. "Yes, and I'm going to tell you now, get out of my way," said Starlight. "Over my dead body," Cadence sneered. "That was your final warning," said Starlight smirking. > Chapter 22: Final Smash Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence glared at Starlight with her glowing red eyes as Starlight stared back at her with a calm expression on her face. The rainbow aura glowing brightly. Thunder boomed above their heads as her party watched in anticipation. "What's she doing?" asked Sunset. "Wait for it," said Mario smiling. Cadence rushed towards Starlight as she blasted her with magic. But Starlight sidestepped and struck Cadence with an uppercut as she closed in on her. Cadence was knocked back to her original spot, but before she could move Starlight suddenly appeared in front of her and barraged her with a flurry of punches before landing one last punch knocking her back even more. Cadence wiped the blood off her face and growled. All the while Starlight staring at her with calm golden eyes. Cadence growled as she rushed towards her screaming. "You'll pay!" she hissed. "We'll see," Starlight mumbled under her breath. She waited as Cadence got close enough. She smirked, "Time to finish this!" As she made her proclamation, a large bolt of lightning came crashing down on her, covering her body in electricity. The rainbow aura flashed as she rushed forward and tackled Cadence knocking her onto her back. As Cadence sat up Starlight summoned four large portals using her magic. The portals flashed as Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Princess Celestia, Zecora, several Timberwolves, and the Mane 6 from different time periods jumped out of three of the four portals and ponies from her village, when they still had their equal sign cutie marks, jumped out from the fourth. Cadence gasped as Starlight pointed one of her hooves at her. "GO!" she ordered. The large group of ponies and Timberwolves charged and barraged Cadence with a flurry of attacks doing massive damage. All the while Starlight began charging up an attack with her magic. After 10 seconds of attack Starlight raised her horn and fired off a powerful blast of blue aura. The attackers noticed and quickly scattered and jumped back into the portals as the beam of magic swallowed Cadence. After another 10 seconds, there was a loud screech as Cadence was sent flying. "What power!" exclaimed Eleven. Starlight gasped and looked over to Cadence as light burst out of her limp body. Her attack had caused the barrier, keeping the rest of her party out, to shatter. Her party stared at her in awe. The rainbow aura had disappeared and her eyes had returned to normal. All the dark clouds that was hovering above them had scattered, revealing the setting sun in the horizon. Starlight turned around to face her friends who were still in a state of shock. After another minute of silence, Spike ran up and gave her a hug. "Starlight you were amazing!" cheered Spike. "What really?" asked Starlight. "He's right, I've never seen such powerful magic," said Sunset. "Well aside from that last attack, it was awesome!" said Spike. "By the way wasn't that giant laser beam the same move you used to banish Discord from Twilight's school?" "I guess so," answered Starlight. "Although it felt more powerful than usual," "That must be because of your Final Smash," said Mario walking up to her. "My what?" asked Starlight. "It's an extremely powerful move, that fighters like us use during battle," explained Link. "Think of it like your Ultimate move," "Wow, Starlight you can use a final smash?" asked Spike. "Ah well," Starlight laughed nervously. She didn't know how to explain it to Spike. She couldn't tell him that she got this power from a disembodied voice that called themselves a god. "Who cares about whether or not she can use it, she won!" said Bowser. Her party cheered as they surrounded her. Starlight laughed as they picked her up and tossed her in the air. "Hey Starlight, I think your friend is waking up," said Piranha Plant. Starlight gasped as she teleported back onto the ground. She ran over to Cadence who was sitting up. "Ow," groaned Cadence. "Princess Cadence!" Starlight cried out. Cadence looked over to see Starlight running over to her. "Oh Starlight, is everything alright?" asked Cadence. Tears rolled down her cheek as she hugged her. "Whoa Starlight what's wrong?" asked Cadence. "I'm sorry!" Starlight sobbed. "I couldn't protect you," Cadence looked at her with a surprised look. "Starlight is this about..." her voice trailed off. "Cadence!" She looked up as Twilight hugged her. "Twilight wha?" Cadence asked surprised. The two ponies sobbed in Cadence's arms as the rest of the party walked over to them. "Aww how sweet," cooed Peach. "I don't think now's the time for that," said Lucario. "Poyo?" Kirby asked tilting his head. Starlight and Twilight slowly pulled away from Cadence giving her some space. "Princess I'm so glad you're alright," said Starlight. "After I saw those streams of light enter your castle I thought..." Starlight was interrupted by Cadence's sudden gasp. "Where's Flurry Heart!?" she asked. Starlight froze. She had completely forgotten that Flurry Heart was there when her mother was killed by Galeem. "Starlight where's Flurry?" Cadence asked. Starlight averted her gaze. Unable to admit the fact that Flurry was gone, Starlight remained silent. Cadence's eyes widened as she grabbed Starlight. "Starlight where's Flurry, please tell me she's ok!" Starlight looked down. "Please, Starlight!" Cadence whimpered. She looked up at her with tears in her eyes and shook her head. "I'm sorry," she said. Cadence slowly let go of her as she slumped down. "No," she whimpered. "No," Her eyes began watering as she covered her face with her hooves and began to sob. Twilight and Spike walked over to her to comfort her. Meanwhile Mario took off his hat and held it over his chest. The others watched with sad looks in their eyes as Cadence cried for her child. Starlight gritted her teeth and stomped the ground. She turned around and looked in the direction Galeem. "Fuck you Galeem!!!" Starlight yelled angrily. She slumped down as tears began rolling down her face. "Can you guys give us a minute?" Mario asked the others. They nodded as they walked off leaving Mario alone with Starlight, Cadence, Twilight, and Spike. He walked over to Starlight and put his hand on her shoulder. "Starlight," Mario said calmly. "Sorry Mario," Starlight apologized. "I should probably watch my language," "Starlight of all the times you apologize for your language, now's not the best," sighed Mario. "I understand how you feel," Starlight looked up at Mario. He looked back at her with eyes of empathy as he took a seat next to her. Starlight quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. "I know it hurts to lose someone close to you," said Mario. "So what, are you going to tell me, now's not the time to be upset?" asked Starlight. "That's true, but if you need to cry, then let the tears run," said Mario. "That's the first time I heard you say something like that," sniffled Starlight. "Oh trust me, I say things like that a lot in my world," said Mario. "Starlight I just wanna say I'm proud of you," "Really?" asked Starlight. "You've changed a lot since the first time we've met," said Mario. "You've grown stronger and more confident," He looked at her with a smile. "Thanks Mario," said Starlight. "Do you wanna talk to your friend?" Mario asked looking over at Cadence. "Yeah sure," said Starlight. "Alright," said Mario standing up. "Hey Twilight, Spike, I think Starlight wants to talk to your friend," Twilight pat Cadence on the back before picking up Spike and walked away with Mario. Starlight walked over to Cadence who looked up to her with tears in her eyes. "Princess," said Starlight. "I'm sorry Starlight," said Cadence. "For what?" asked Starlight. "For making you worry," said Cadence. "No it's fine," said Starlight. "Besides I was more worried about you," "I heard everything from Twilight," said Cadence. "Do you think Flurry is out there?" "I'm sure she is," said Starlight. She plopped down next to her. "I just hope she's alright," said Cadence. "We'll see her again," said Starlight. "I promise," "Yeah, ok," said Cadence. She wiped the tears from eyes and looked over at Starlight. "Thanks," "Don't thank me, thank my friends," said Starlight. "Come on, let's go regroup," "Alright, yeah," said Cadence. Starlight helped her up and the two made their way back to rejoin with the others. > Chapter 23: Mario Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and Cadence regrouped with the party who had already begun setting up camp. As Twilight introduced Cadence to the party members, Starlight walked over to the switch and pressed it. For a moment nothing happened, but as she was getting ready to head back, she noticed the blue lights in the distance had gone out. Starlight returned to camp, without saying another word and enjoyed dinner before heading off to sleep. The following morning, they packed up and continued with their journey. The next spirit wasn't far from where they were and was guarding the entrance to another dojo "It's Iggy Koopa this time huh?" asked Villager. "Starlight let me handle this one," said Piranha Plant. "Be my guest," said Starlight. Piranha Plant hopped up to Iggy with a huge grin on his face. "Man I've never felt so excited to battle before," "Didn't you technically beat Bowser's ass the other day?" asked Link. "Shut up!" roared Bowser. Suddenly Master Hand appeared out of nowhere and began fanning Iggy and Piranha Plant, creating strong winds. "Oh come on really!?" groaned Piranha Planet. "Star, is there any spirits that can help with strong winds!?" Starlight opened the album and began flipping through the pages. "Nope sorry!" Starlight yelled over the noise. "Dammit, seriously?" Piranha Plant mumbled under his breath. "Guess I'll just have to make do with this," "Look out!" warned Ember. Piranha Plant looked up as Iggy attempted to drill him into the ground. Piranha Plant quickly dodged the attack and grabbed him, biting into him several times before throwing him to the side. Piranha Plant quickly scooted to the side before he could be blown away just in time for Iggy to recover. As drove his clown car towards Piranha Plant, he began hacking and spit out a cloud of poison into Iggy's face. Iggy yelped as Piranha Plant retreated into the pot, aimed himself at Iggy, then shot out biting his face and sent him flying. As he was getting blown towards the edge, Piranha Plant began blowing on a spiky ball and hurled it just as Iggy attempted to ram him. The ball hit Iggy and sent him flying. As the wind continued to push Piranha Plant he tilted himself at an angle, several feet lower to where Iggy was and just as he attempted to recover, shot out and bit him in face once more, and sent him crashing into the water, where he sank. A pillar of light erupted from the water followed by a spirit. "Impressive," said Eleven. "Beating the puppet without a spirit?" asked Lucario. "I guess it is durable," Master Hand groaned and teleported away leaving the party to celebrate. Starlight opened the album giving Kapp'n the opportunity to jump in. "Where to next?" asked Ember. But before anyone could answer, a large yellow fur gorilla with a blue necktie dropped down in front of them. "Ah right, the master spirit," said Villager. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Looks like it's Donkey Kong," said Link. "All right let me take this guy," said Mario. But his confidence was soon crushed when 8 Jigglypuffs appeared and handed the Donkey Kong a hammer. "On second thought, this doesn't look to be easy," The Jigglypuff began to spin getting ready to attack as DK began swinging the hammer violently. Mario had managed to roll to the side as DK came in and attempted to smash him, but Mario quickly grabbed him and threw him to the side, only to get slammed in the back by a Jigglypuff. Mario did a flip and landed on his feet but was smashed in the back by DK and was sent flying into an oncoming rollout attack by another Jigglypuff. "Uh oh," said Villager. "At this rate, Mario won't be able to attack," said Peach. "Come on Mario," said Cadence gritting her teeth. Mario landed face first into the ground as DK and the Jigglypuff gathered. Mario got to his feet and dusted himself off. "Mario are you alright?" asked Villager. "What do you think?" Mario responded with another question. "Come on you pasta loving plumber, beat his monkey ass!" Bowser growled. "Not a good time Bowser," said Mario. As DK approached with the hammer, Mario rolled over to the side and grabbed him. He swung him around and threw him into an oncoming Jigglypuff and sent both of them flying into several more Jigglypuffs, one of which was accidentally hit by DK's hammer causing it's shield to shatter and was sent flying over the horizon. "Hey he managed to get one," said Spike. At that moment two Jigglypuffs rammed into him and sent him flying. Mario managed to recover but landed feet first into a pool of lava. Mario yelped as he jumped onto one of the platforms. "He doesn't look too good," said Eleven. Mario felt his entire body ache as he looked up at DK and the remaining seven Jigglypuff. He dropped to his knees as he caught his breath. "Oh no," said Sunset. "Come on Mario don't give up!" cheered Starlight. Mario looked up at Starlight who started cheering him on. He then turned towards DK and the puffs. DK didn't have his hammer anymore but he looked like he was ready to knock him out. "Yeah, I can't give up now," said Mario. He got to his feet ready to finish what he started when he felt a strange tug inside of him. Mario froze. "What the?" He looked at his hands. "You've been through worst, don't give in," said a voice. "What?" asked Mario. He suddenly felt a new surge of power as his body began to glow in a rainbow aura. He looked at his hands once more and felt the pain leaving his body. Dark clouds began to gather above Mario as his eyes went from blue to a golden glow. "Whoa," said Spike. "Is that?" "It is," said Villager. "That Final Smash thing you mentioned earlier?" asked Ember. "Yes," answered Eleven. "I hope you're ready to witness what a fighter's final smash looks like," said Link. "Poyo!" Kirby cheered excitedly. "Go Mario!" cheered Peach. Mario turned to face DK and the seven puffs as they charged at him. He thrusted his right arm forward as the energy grew stronger inside him. "Oh yeah, let's-a go!" said Mario. A single bolt of lighting crashed down onto Mario covering his body in electricity. The rainbow aura flashed, as Mario curved his left and right arms in a giant circle and took a step back. Just as DK and the puffs got close enough to attack him, Mario thrusted both of his arms forward. "Oh yeah ooh wah!" Mario let out a war cry as two large streams of fire shot out and curved diagonally as it pushed back DK and the puffs. "Sweet Celestia!" Twilight yelped. "Whoa!" Spike gasped with wide eyes. "Amazing," said Starlight. "It's so hot, I can feel the heat from here!" exclaimed Sunset. "Awesome!" said Ember. "What incredible power," said Cadence. As Mario's final smash came to an end, the dark clouds above them had scattered and the only thing remaining was a trail of flames. "Nice one Mario!" said Villager. Mario turned around and removed his hat as he bowed. "But wait Donkey Kong survived," said Peach. Mario turned around as DK climbed back up onto the ledge. "Let's finish this," said Mario putting his cap back on. He rushed forward and grabbed DK and threw him off the edge. As DK attempted to recover, Mario jumped up and slammed his fists down onto Donkey Kong's head. "Nope," said Mario. DK let out a squeal as he went crashing off the edge. A pillar of light erupted from the spot DK had fallen as Mario jumped back onto land. "Whoa, what was that?" asked Spike. "That was called a Meteor Smash or a Spike," said Link. "It's when fighters uses an attack that knocks opponents straight down," "wow, I wonder if I could do something like that?" asked Spike. "You could try," said Lucario. Starlight and her party ran up to Mario as the spirit flew over to them. "Oh ho ho, I must thank you for freeing me," laughed the spirit. "I am Darunia," said the spirit. "Starlight Glimmer," said Starlight. "Is this another dojo?" she asked. "Indeed it is," answered Darunia. "If you ever feel like learning a new kind of style, just come on by," "We'll consider it," said Starlight. She turned to face her party. "Shall we continue?" Everyone nodded in agreement and left the dojo to continue their journey. > Chapter 24: Backtrack to the Race Tracks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight examined the map that Anna had given her as she led her party back onto the bridge. "So where to next?" asked Peach. "Actually if you guys don't mind I would like to go back to Anna's place to see if she has anything in store for us," said Starlight. Mario reached over and took the map and studied it. "That would mean we would have to go back down the mountain," said Mario. "Yeah I know, but it would be a perfect opportunity to see what's in that stadium that we didn't get to go in before," said Starlight. "Plus there's apparently another path that we can take now that we have the Kapp'n spirit," "Actually yeah, that doesn't sound like a bad idea," said Villager. "Perfectly fine with me," said Ember. "So everyone agrees?" asked Starlight. She looked up as the party nodded their heads in unison. "Alright, then let's go team!" Starlight led her party back down the mountain and once again passed by the small village with the closed gates. Eventually they reached the stadium and entered to find the race tracks swarming with puppet fighters. "Ah geez, there's more in here," groaned Bowser. "Let's clean this up quickly so we can leave earlier," said Starlight. "But wait, that track doesn't look big enough for all of us," said Cadence. "That's why I was going to go alone," said Starlight. "What are you crazy or something?" asked Sunset. "I'm coming too," Sunset walked over and joined Starlight by her side. "Anybody else?" asked Starlight. Kirby smiled as he walked over to her. "I think the rest of us are fine here," said Peach. "Alright then," said Starlight. "We'll be back before you know it," she took the album and walked towards the track while the rest went up to the bleachers. The first puppet fighters the three ran into was Sonic, Fox, and Ness who were waiting for them at the start of the track. "Wow three of them, perfect numbers," said Starlight. "Poyo," said Kirby. "So who wants to take who?" asked Starlight. "I'll go for the fox," said Sunset. "And you Kirby?" asked Starlight. Kirby looks at Starlight and points at Sonic. "Very well, guess I'll take the kid then," sighed Starlight. The pair of trio looked each other in the eye as they took their stance. After some time, Sonic ran towards Kirby and attempted to kick him. But Kirby dodged his attack and grabbed him. He punched Sonic several times before throwing him behind him. Kirby ran after Sonic while Sunset charged at Fox, leaving Starlight and Ness to face each other. "PK Thunder!" Ness put his fingers to the side of his head as a ball of electricity zipped towards Starlight. Starlight teleported out of the way and appeared behind Ness, kicking him in the back and sending him face planting into the ground. Ness got to hi feet and dusted himself off as Starlight charged at him. He turned around and flicked his fingers at Starlight. "PK Fire!" A small spark flew out and ignited upon making contact with Starlight resulting in a pillar of fire. Starlight yelped as she quickly dropped onto the ground and began rolling around, trying to put out the flames. Meanwhile, Sunset was having trouble dealing with Fox's speed. "Damn," Sunset cursed as she slid back. "How can be so fast?"Fox looked at her and flicked his fingers towards himself. "Come on!" he said taunting her. "Oh you want me to come over there?" hissed Sunset. "I'll come over there," She charged at Fox in attempts to try and hit him, but he quickly evaded the attack and knocked her back with some kicks to the chest. Kirby wasn't having an easy time either. He yelped as Sonic spin dashed into him. Kirby jumped up as Sonic wiggled his finger at him. "You're too slow," he snickered. Kirby tilted his head with a confused look as Sonic ran towards him for another attack. Kirby quickly evaded the attack as he grabbed Sonic just a the right moment. He punched him several times before throwing him onto the ground and stomped him multiple times with rapid speed before jumping on top of him knocking him into the air. As Sonic tried to recover Kirby jumped up and drilled downward on top of Sonic with his feet. Sonic landed face first into the ground as Kirby quickly pulled out a hammer and began charging up an attack. As Sonic got to his feet, he glared at Kirby with his red eyes and charged. Kirby's hammer ignited and as Sonic prepared to attack, Kirby swung his hammer into his stomach with great force, sending him flying into the bleachers. Sonic's limp body fell on the ground as light burst out and his body crumbled into dust. Kirby looked over to Sunset and Starlight and ran over to help them. "Too fast," Starlight gasped. Ness held up his bat, waiting for Starlight to make a move. Starlight began charging up another magic attack as Ness smirked and prepared to absorb the attack. She hurled the ball of magic as Ness pulled up the projectile absorbing shield when Kirby suddenly appeared behind him and smashed him in the back with his hammer. "Kirby!" Starlight gasped. Ness was sent flying into the ball of magic doing massive damage and sent Ness flying into the bleachers. "Poyo!" cheered Kirby. "Thanks Kirby," Starlight said smiling. "Poyo!" Kirby laughed. Suddenly Ness jumped out from the bleachers with his bat in his hand. "You're going to pay for that," he said. "Come on then," said Starlight. Ness put his finger to the side of his head as an orb of electricity appeared. Kirby raised his hammer and began charging up another attack. "PK Thunder!" The orb of electricity zipped over his head and into Ness's back sending him flying towards them. Just as he got close, Kirby smashed him in the face with his burning hammer, and sent him flying back into the bleachers where his limp body crumpled onto the ground as light burst out. "Nice work," said Starlight. "Poyo!" Kirby happily raised his hammer. "Come on, let's go help out Sunset," said Starlight. "Poyo," said Kirby. The two quickly ran off to support their friend. Sunset got to her feet as Fox approached her. "Is that all?" laughed Fox. "Not yet," winced Sunset. "Too bad this is where I finish you," laughed Fox. "We'll see about that," said Starlight. 'What?" asked Fox. Then, without warning, Kirby grabbed Fox from behind and jumped up before throwing him into the ground. Fox was knocked into the air where Kirby spun around, kicking Fox into a blast of magic from Starlight. Fox stopped himself by performing back flips and landed feet first on the ground. Starlight walked up next to Sunset as Kirby helped her up. "You alright Sunny?" asked Starlight. "Now that you're here, I'm fine," said Sunset. "Let's finish this up fast," said Starlight. Fox growled as he pulled out his blaster and started firing at them. Kirby ran forward dodging the lasers and grabbed him punching him several times, then flipping backwards and throwing Fox behind him where Sunset kicked him into the air with a back flip. Starlight jumped up and knocked Fox back with a punch where Kirby was waiting with his hammer. He jumped up and slammed the burning hammer into Fox's back and sent him flying out of the stadium. "Yeah nice combo," said Starlight. "That's what I call teamwork," said Sunset. "Poyo!" cheered Kirby. At that moment, the spirit appeared in front of them. Starlight opened the album as the spirit hopped in. "Well that's that," said Starlight. "What now?" asked Sunset. "I believe there were more puppets," said Starlight. "I guess we should take care of them," said Sunset. "Agreed," said Starlight. With that the three made their way over to the next spirit that was waiting for them. > Chapter 25: Bikers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight, Kirby, and Sunset continued to walk around the track looking for more puppet fighters and spirits. It wasn't long until they ran into a puppet Captain Falcon blocking their path. "Just one this time eh?" asked Starlight. "Poyo," said Kirby. Captain Falcon thrusted his arm forward and waved them over, then saluted. "Come on, show me ya moves!" said Falcon. "Well who's taking this guy?" asked Sunset. Kirby walked over and tapped Starlight's hoof. She looked down as Kirby pointed at Captain Falcon "Poyo!" Kirby squealed excitedly. "You want to take him Kirby?" asked Starlight. Kirby nodded as he jumped up with joy. "Alright go for it," Kirby turned around and stepped forward. "Go little buddy!" cheered Sunset. Falcon gave a wide smile as he ran towards Kirby. Just as as he was about to throw a punch at him, Kirby jumped up and onto his head, knocking him down. Kirby landed on the ground as Falcon fell on the ground. As he was getting up Kirby ran up to him and threw a barrage of rapid fire punches. He then grabbed him punched him several more times before throwing him on the ground and kicking him before jumping on top of him. Falcon's body bounced off the ground and into the air where Kirby sent him flying with his hammer. "Let's go Kirby!" cheered Starlight. Kirby turned around and gave a happy Poyo not noticing Falcon getting up. "Ah look out out!" warned Sunset. Kirby turned around as Falcon's leg started to burn. "Falcon Kick!" Falcon ran at Kirby as he kicked with his burning foot. But surprisingly, instead of dodging, Kirby began to inhale sucking Captain Falcon in. He let out a grunt as he tried to escape. "No, what are you doing!?" Starlight screamed. Kirby swallowed as a replica of Captain Falcon's helmet sat on his head. "Wha?" asked Sunset. He spit out Falcon and ran towards him as he came in for a leg sweep. As Falcon was launched in the air, Kirby jumped and pulled his hand back causing it to ignite. "Falcon Punch!" Starlight and Sunset watched in awe as Kirby knocked Falcon into the closest wall with a single punch. "Oh my Celestia," said Starlight. But Falcon wasn't done, he jumped out of the wall and ran towards Kirby "Kirby watch out!" warned Sunset. Kirby turned around as Falcon nailed him in the face with a burning kick. Kirby yelped as he was knocked into the air. But before Falcon could land another attack, Kirby transformed into a large spiky ball and dropped himself on top of Falcon. Kirby returned to his normal state and jumped, kicking Falcon in mid air. "Kirby, Kirby, Kirby!" Starlight and Sunset cheered in unison. Kirby walked over to Falcon as he lay on the ground and pulled his hand back. Falcon got up to try and attack only to get a face full of Kirby's burning hand. "Falcon Punch!" Falcon let out a yelp as light burst out from his body. "He did it!" cheered Sunset. Kirby turned around and did a little victory dance as he lost his Captain Falcon helmet. The spirit emerged from the puppet's body and hovered over to Kirby as he walked back to Starlight and Sunset. Starlight opened the album allowing the spirit to enter and closed the album. "Let's keep going," said Starlight. Sunset nodded as Kirby let out a happy Poyo. The three continued to make their way around the race tracks and ran into four Wario puppets no too far from where Kirby fought with Falcon. "Seriously there's four of them!?" asked Sunset. "Look's like that's one for each of us plus one extra," said Starlight. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Well let's just get this over with," said Sunset. The puppets turned around to face their three challengers and pulled out motor bikes. "Are you serious?" asked Sunset. "I hope they're not," said Starlight stepping back. The Wario team laughed as they charged at the three. As the three battled with the four Wario puppets, the rest of the party waited on the bleachers. "Looks, like their dealing with Wario now," said Lucario. "I kinda feel bad for them," said Villager. "Why's that?" asked Twilight. "Let's just say Wario has a tendency of being 'unprofessional' during battle," said Mario. Twilight, Spike, Ember, and Cadence looked at each other with confusion. "Never mind, don't worry about it," said Mario. "Kirby's combos were impressive, were they not?" asked Eleven. "Indeed," agreed Link. "Honestly, I would've preferred to be the one beating up people," said Bowser. "But if it meant that I had to go with those two cute ponies, then I wasn't about it," "But Bowser what's wrong with ponies?" asked Peach. "They're cute, and happy, and really annoying," groaned Bowser. "Annoying huh?" asked Cadence. "Yeah so what?" asked Bowser. "Why don't you say that to my face!?" Cadence yelled as she kicked Bowser. Bowser screamed as he was launched into the air. A giant pillar of light shot down from the spot where Bowser was KO'd. "Way to go on killing Bowser, Cadence," said Mario. As he said that, Bowser descended from the heavens riding on a platform. He jumped off and glared at Cadence. "What the hell was that for!?" growled Bowser. "Like you're the one to talk," said Cadence. "Who do you think you are calling a princess annoying?" "You two, now's not the time to be fighting," said Lucario. Cadence and Bowser backed off without breaking eye contact and took their seats. "It looks like they managed to defeat at least two of those puppets," said Ember. "Man I'm bored, I wanna go help them," said Piranha Plant. "Go then, nobody's stopping you," said Link. "Really?" asked Piranha Plant. "Knock yourself out buddy," said Villager. "Heh see ya," said Piranha Plant as he hopped off. "Hope they wouldn't mind," said Link. "I'm sure they won't," said Mario. Kirby smashed his hammer into Wario's back and sent him flying as light burst out of his body. Starlight, and Sunset gasped as they stopped to catch their breath. "Looks like that's the last one," said Sunset. "Phew I'm beat," Starlight walked over to the puppet's body and opened her album as the spirit emerged. Starlight obtained the spirit and walked back to Kirby and Sunset. "Well shall we keep going?" asked Starlight. "Honestly, I feel tired but yeah I can go one more," said Sunset. "And you Kirby?" asked Starlight. Kirby smiled as he let out an excited Poyo. "Very well let's keep moving," said Starlight. The two stood up and followed Starlight as she led them further down the tracks. > Chapter 26: The Blue Flash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After having defeated the Captain Falcon and the four Wario in a battle, Starlight, Kirby, and Sunset had cleared out half of the race track.The only opponent they had left to face was the fighter waiting for them at the end. "After we free the fighter we should be done with this area," said Starlight. "Then let's finish this quickly," said Sunset. They came to an intersection that led to the exit where the captive fighter was guarding it. "We're almost there," said Starlight. "If we just get past this point then we should be able to reach the fighter," They were about to start walking when someone stopped them. "Stop!" a voice called out. Starlight and Sunset froze. They began scanning the entire stadium. "Who said that?" asked Sunset. "Up here," said the voice. They looked up as something came crashing down towards. Realizing what was about to happen they quickly jumped out of the way as the thing landed straight in the middle creating an explosion that shook the stadium. Spike jumped as the whole stadium began to shake. "What was that?" asked Spike. "Something just landed in the center of the tracks!" exclaimed Villager. "Let's go check it out," said Mario. he got to his feet and began leading the rest of the party down the bleachers and onto the tracks. Starlight coughed as the smoke floated around the area. She squinted to see what had crash landed only to see the brief outline of Pegasus. "Who's there?" asked Starlight. Two red eyes flashed brightly, shining through the clouds of dust. "Hmph, well, well Starlight didn't expect to see you here," snickered the pegasus. Starlight's heart sank when she heard the voice. "No," whimpered Starlight. "Starlight are you alright?" asked Sunset as she walked over to her with Kirby. She noticed the outline of the pegasus with the glowing red eyes. "Hey who are you?" asked Sunset. "What's the big idea attacking us like that?" "Hmph, you don't remember me Sunset?" asked the pegasus. "Fine let me show you," The pegasus pulled it's wings in as it began absorbing air. Then she spread them out again causing large gusts of wind to blow away the dust. Starlight, Sunset, and Kirby shielded their eyes as dust flew everywhere. When the dust cleared they opened their eyes to find a blue pegasus with rainbow mane and tail with a rainbow colored lightning bolt shooting out of a cloud mark on her flank. "Hello you two, it's been a while," snickered the pegasus. "Hmph, I thought we'd never see you again, Rainbow Dash," said Sunset. "Hey guys!" a voice called out to them. They turned around to see Piranha Plant and the rest of the party running up to them. "We saw something crash down here so-" But Piranha Plant's statement was cut off by Twilight. "No, Rainbow not you too!" Twilight gasped. "Yo, Twilight why'd you have to betray us eh?" sneered Rainbow Dash. "Lord Galeem wasn't too happy when he heard you got beat," "Who?" asked Eleven. "She's another one of Twilight's friends," answered Spike. 'Not anymore," snickered Rainbow Dash. "She betrayed Lord Galeem," "That's what you think," said Sunset. Everyone turned towards Sunset as she took a step forward. "You say that Twilight betrayed you, you say that she isn't your friend," She looked at Rainbow with a determined expression. "But you know that's not true," "Shut up!" hissed Rainbow. "If you're going to get in my way, then I'll kill you here and now!" "So you're not going to listen are you?" sighed Sunset. "Starlight let me handle this one," "Are you sure?" asked Starlight. "I'm positive," said Sunset. She gave her smile. "Don't worry I can do this," Starlight nodded. Sunset turned to face Rainbow. "Come on," she said. Rainbow Dash hissed as she charged and tackled into Sunset which she surprisingly managed to stop. Sunset winced as she grabbed Rainbow, jumped and threw her into the ground. She landed on top of her and blasted her in the face with magic. Rainbow screamed and kicked her off with her hoof. "Let's go Sunny!" cheered Villager. "Don't call me that," groaned Sunset. "Oh sorry," apologized Villager. Rainbow Dash attempted to tackle her again, but Sunset evaded and grabbed her tail swinging her around like a rag doll before slamming her into the ground. "Well damn," said Bowser. "Psst Twilight, is she always THIS badass?" whispered Piranha Plant. "I don't really know what that means but no," whispered Twilight. Rainbow growled as she got up. "Is that all you got Rainbow?" asked Sunset. "Heh, the real show's only starting," sneered Rainbow. She jumped up and began flying around in circles really fast creating a large twister that began sucking things in. "Oh shit!" exclaimed Link. "Everyone scatter!" said Mario. Nobody needed to be told twice as they split up and ran in different directions trying not to be sucked in. Unfortunately, Sunset wasn't quick enough and was pulled in before she could react. Rainbow laughed as Sunset was sent for a ride through the twister and eventually thrown into one of the nearby bleachers. "Sunset!" gasped Twilight. She groaned as she pulled herself out from the rubble. But as she tried to move, she felt her right hoof explode with pain. She looked over to find a piece of plastic from the broken seats had lodged itself into her hoof. Wincing she grabbed the plastic and yanked it out. Meanwhile Rainbow noticed that Sunset was crawling out of her hole. "No you don't," snickered Rainbow as she flew towards her. "Sunset look out!" Peach warned. But by the time Sunset noticed Rainbow tackled her back into the hole with great force. Her eyes widened as pain shot up her entire body. She gasped as blood dripped out of her mouth. "Stay down," grunted Rainbow. Wincing she grabbed Rainbow with her magic before kicking her off with her legs. Rainbow backed away as Sunset pointed her horn towards her and began charging up magic for an attack. But Rainbow smirked as she grabbed her face with her hoofs and headbutted her causing her to lose concentration. She then grabbed Sunset and pulled her out before throwing her down the bleachers. Starlight watched in horror as her friend tumbled down the bleachers and eventually onto the tracks. "Oh no," whimpered Starlight. "Someone has to go help her!" said Mario. Kirby didn't wait as he ran in the direction where Sunset fell along with Twilight. Meanwhile Sunset lay on the ground unable to move. Blood dripped out of her wounds and her whole body ached. As she felt her strength leave her body, she was suddenly woken up by a voice in her head. "Don't give up," said the voice. "Your friend's need you," 'Who?' groaned Sunset. "Get up, I'll lend you my power, so stand," said the voice. The voice grew faint, but Sunset noticed something was different. Her body wasn't aching, and she felt a new surge of power coursing through her body. "No you're right," said Sunset closing her eyes. Her ears twitched as she heard the shouts of Twilight approach. She couldn't see but she knew Twilight was close. Meanwhile, as Rainbow admired the battered Sunset like a farmer would for their crops, dark clouds began to gather above the stadium followed by thunder. She slowly hovered down as she noticed Twilight and Kirby approach Sunset. Meanwhile, back on the ground, Twilight followed Kirby as she rushed over to check on her friend. "Sunset are you ok?" Twilight asked. She suddenly froze when she noticed Sunset lying on the ground motionless. not because she thought she was dead, but because her entire body was glowing in a familiar rainbow aura. "Sunset Shimmer?" asked Twilight. She didn't answer but she felt a smile form on her face. 'That's right, I have to fight," Sunset told herself. She opened her eyes revealing a bright golden glow. "For my friends," > Chapter 27: Daydream Shimmer Slash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder boomed over their heads, as Starlight and her party rushed over to where Twilight and Kirby were. "Twilight is Sunset alright?" asked Cadence. She didn't respond but slowly turned her head towards the others with a surprised look. "I think you need to look at this," Twilight said in a nervous tone. Everyone gathered around Twilight and saw Sunset on the ground, her body glowing in the familiar rainbow aura. "No way," said Villager. "It is, is it not?" asked Eleven. "So even Sunset," said Lucario. Sunset slowly rose to her feet and turned around, revealing her bright golden eyes. "Yep that's definitely it," said Bowser. Rainbow laughed as she came down. "Well, well what do we have here?" Sunset glared at Rainbow with her glowing golden eyes causing the wicked smile to melt off of Rainbow's face. "What?" asked Rainbow. Sunset lunged and body slammed into her, knocking her back. "Why you little," Rainbow growled. She spread her wings and charged at her only for Sunset to side step causing Rainbow to crash into the ground. As Rainbow tried to stand up, Sunset grabbed her with her magic and flung her into some nearby bleachers. "Wow," said Peach. Rainbow burst out of the bleachers and tackled into Sunset pushing her slightly backwards. As the two wrestled with each other, the thunder above them flashed, allowing Sunset to knock Rainbow back with her magic. Rainbow managed to stop herself but was suddenly met with Sunset and was kicked in the stomach and sent flying into some nearby barrels of oil. Sunset approached as Rainbow struggled to get the barrels off her. "Ah!" Rainbow gasped. "My awesome mane!" Rainbow growled as Sunset looked at her with a calm expression. "You'll pay for this," Rainbow got up and rushed towards Sunset with an angry glare in her eyes, but Sunset remained calm. "Let's finish this," said Sunset. A single bolt of lighting came crashing down on Sunset, covering her body in electricity. "Now," the rainbow aura flashed as Sunset charged and threw Rainbow into the air. Yellow aura surrounded her and expanded before bursting and revealing Sunset's new form. She had gone from being a pony to a human and was wearing a light colored dress with a cream yellow colored veil. She had large orange high heels and sparkling yellow sparkling wings on her back as well as a horn on her forehead. She held a large flaming sword in her hand that was in the shape of a large orange feather. "What the hell!?" yelped Villager. "Is that?" asked Peach. 'It's Daydream Shimmer!" exclaimed Twilight. "A what now?" asked Bowser. "It's Sunset's alternate form," explained Twilight. "She took this form to save me in an alternate universe," The party stared in awe as Sunset jumped up and began slashing Rainbow with her flaming sword from different angles, before raising her blade and bringing it down on Rainbow and dragging her down back to the ground. As they crashed, it triggered a massive explosion that sent Rainbow flying into the sky. Her echos screamed throughout the stadium as she disappeared through the black clouds. They all looked up as a to see of flash of light, different from the thunder, go off. After some time Rainbow's limp body came crashing back down into the stadium. All the while Sunset had reverted back to her old form. and was being cared by some of the party members. Those who weren't caring for Sunset quickly surrounded Rainbow's limp body to see if she was still in one piece. "Is she alive?" asked Peach. Villager walked over and poked her flank with a stick making her twitch. "Yeah she's alive," said Villager. "Villager!" gasped Peach. "What?" asked Villager. "That's not very nice," said Peach. "Well what do you want me to do?" asked Villager. "You could try not poking her with a stick," suggested Ember. "Oh shut up," groaned Villager. "Alright that's enough," said Mario breaking up the argument. Rainbow groaned as she slowly sat up. "Ow," Rainbow moaned as she placed her hoof to her head. "Rainbow!" gasped Twilight running over to her. "Huh wha?" Rainbow moaned as she hugged her. "Ow hey, come on calm down a bit, my body still hurts you know," "Oh sorry," said Twilight backing away. Lucario walked over to her with some food and bandages to wrap around her. "Ugh what happened?" asked Rainbow. "And where am I?" "I guess she doesn't remember either eh?" Link. "Remember what?" asked Rainbow. "And who are you weirdos!?" "Rainbow be nice they're just trying to help," said Twilight. "Ok sorry, I'm just freaking out," said Rainbow. 'I bet you must be," said Mario walking up. Rainbow looked at him with a confused look. As he explained to her everything that's happened. "Ok what!?" asked Rainbow. "Look I know it's a lot to take in, and everything sounds crazy," said Mario. "But it's the truth," added Link. Rainbow looked at everyone, still with a confused expression, until Cadence spoke up. "Look, once you come with us, you'll understand better," said Cadence. "Yeah, I'll go cause I have no idea what's going on," said Rainbow. "Another party member!" cheered Piranha Plant. "Indeed," chuckled Eleven. "Well there doesn't seem to be anybody else here so shall we start heading out?" asked Cadence. "Yeah, but I have a feeling that the exit's being blocked by a fighter, so we'll have to beat them first to get out," said Starlight. "Then let's go kick his or her ass!" exclaimed Bowser. "Halt!" a voice boomed. The party stopped as the voice called out to them. "Oh what now?" groaned Ember. Suddenly the sky flashed as a ball of orange light slowly descended from the heavens down to the party. Once the light vanished, a large pony was hovering above them with two Master Hands on either side like a princess's escorts. The pony had a white overcoat with large wings on it's back and a horn on her forehead. She wore large orange hoof shoes and necklace with the symbol of a sun imprinted on the center. A large tiara sat on her head with a bright red gem encased in the center. A large orange mark of the sun was on her flank and her mane and tail were made purely of fire. She stared down at the party with glowing red eyes. "Well, well we meet again Starlight Glimmer," laughed the pony. "Starlight?" asked Mario. "No," Starlight whimpered. Mario looked over to see her trembling. She had a look of pure fear in her eyes. "No not you!" Starlight screamed. "Starlight what's wrong?" asked Villager. "I..." Starlight took a step back in fear. "Where's Celestia?" "The pony you call Celestia is gone," laughed the pony. "I am Daybreaker, loyal general of Lord Galeem's army," > Chapter 28: VS Captain Falcon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The party waited in case Daybreaker decided to make any sudden movements, but she remained in place. Her glowing red eyes and evil smirk spelled evil as she glared down at them. "Too scared to speak I see," snickered Daybreaker. "What do you want from us?" growled Ember. "Pfft, is that seriously how you talk to someone who came to visit you?" groaned Daybreaker. "Especially you Starlight Glimmer," "Starlight who is she?" asked Mario. He looked over to see her shaking uncontrollably. "Starlight?" asked Mario. "I..." Starlight stuttered. "I can't...." "Oh what's wrong?" sneered Daybreaker. "Scared?" She flew down until she was face to face with the terrified unicorn. Starlight stepped back with a frightened look on her face. Daybreaker placed one of her hoofs under her chin in order to make eye contact. Starlight froze. "Hey get away from her," Link drew his sword and pointed the tip at Daybreaker's chest. "Oh trying to pick a fight?" hissed Daybreaker. "I wouldn't try if I were you," "And what if I do?" asked Link. Daybreaker smirked as she backed away from Starlight as she fell backwards into Mario's arms. "Alright I'll bite," said Daybreaker. She took a deep breath and blasted Link with her fire breath when Bowser jumped in front to counter it with his own. The streams of flames collided forcing Daybreaker to back away. "Oh my, didn't know you had a friend who could do that," snickered Daybreaker. "I am not their friend," growled Bowser. "As for you pal, you better tell Galeem to fix this mess," "Sorry, but that ain't happening," said Daybreaker. "Speaking of Galeem, he told me to get rid of you permanently," Daybreaker looked over at the left Master Hand and nodded. Master Hand snapped his finger that were followed by footsteps approaching Starlight's party from behind. :But I have some other business to deal with, so I was kind enough to prepare a replacement toy you can play with," cackled Daybreaker. They turned around as Captain Falcon approached from behind. "Captain, I leave them in your hands," said Daybreaker. "As for the rest of you, I hope to see you again, if you can survive that long that is," Daybreaker cackled as she created an large orb of light around her and the two hands and flew off in the direction of Galeem as Mario and Link ran up to catch her. "Damn, she got away," cursed Link. "Uh guys I think we have bigger problems to worry about," said Spike. Mario and Link turned to face Captain Falcon as he waved them over. "Come on," he said with a wide grin. "I guess we won't be able to leave this place until we defeat him," said Cadence. "I'll handle Captain," said Link stepping forward. "You sure?" asked Mario. "Trust me I got this," said Link. "We're counting on you," said Mario. Link turned to face Captain Falcon and raised the Master Sword and Shield. Falcon smirked as he rushed forward. As Falcon raised his fist to punch, Link raised his shield and blocked the attack. He pushed Falcon off and bashed his shield against his head, forcing Falcon to back up. While Falcon recovered, Link slashed at him with his sword and knocked him back. Falcon raised his knees, causing it to ignite, and kicked. "Falcon Kick!" But Link managed to raise his shield before Falcon could touch him. He pushed him back and Falcon returned to his usual spot. But falcon wasn't finished, he ran forward and grabbed Link punching him several times before turning behind him and kicking him in the stomach. Link drove his sword into the ground to stop himself from going back any further. "Get him Link!" exclaimed Ember. At that moment, Starlight regained conscious and slowly sat up. "You've come back to us," said Eleven "What happened?" asked Starlight. "You fainted for some reason after she went to pick on Link," said Peach. "Oh right, yeah I remember," said Starlight. "Tell us Starlight, why are you so scared of Daybreaker?" asked Lucario. Starlight looked down. "Can't say huh?" asked Lucario. Starlight shook her head. "It's fine if you can't then I won't force you," Suddenly Link screamed as he crashed on the ground in front of them. "Link!" Cadence gasped. Link got to his feet with a determined look on his face. "I'm fine, don't worry about me," said Link. "But damn he's tough," "Aren't fighters controlled by Galeem usually this tough?" asked Spike. "I don't know, I haven't battled anyone in a while," answered Link. "Then I think you're just rusty," said Sunset. "Probably," said Link. "Look out!" warned Twilight. Link turned around as Falcon came in for another dive kick. Luckily he was able to protect himself with the shield. Falcon bounced of the shield and on the ground, but this time Link was quicker and grabbed him before he could make a move. "So you think you're faster than me huh?" Link asked as he hit Falcon with the butt of his sword. "If you're fast then dodge this!" He threw Falcon into the air and slashed upwards three times with his remaining strength. Falcon let out a scream of agony as he was launched into the air. As he fell back down light burst from his body, leaving unconscious on the ground. "How's that for fast?" bragged Link. "That's my boy Link," said Mario patting him on the back. "Looks, like he didn't need a final smash for this battle," said Villager. "As upset that I am not being able to see one of those cool moves, guess I can't complain," said Ember. "Upset huh?" asked Spike. "Seems like Thorax taught you well," "Guess I have," said Ember. "Uh what?" asked Piranha Plant. "It's a dragon thing," said Ember. Piranha Plant looked at them still not convinced. "Wow, what happened?" asked Falcon as he sat up. "And there he is," said Bowser. Twilight and Cadence walked over to help him back to the group. While Kirby cared for Link's injuries. "Welcome back friend," said Lucario. "What was I doing, and where am I?" asked Falcon. "It's quite the explanation," said Piranha Plant. "Tell me, cause I'm so confused," said Falcon. So Mario and the others took turns explaining to Falcon everything that's happened since their face off with Galeem. "Oh yeah, that's right we were captured and copied weren't we?" asked Falcon. The fighters nodded their heads. "Honestly I don't know if I can do this, but then again if I don't it then we're screwed right?" "Pretty much," said Villager. "Then I'm definitely joining you guys," said Falcon. "Let's do this," He smiled and gave a thumbs up. "Well it looks like nobody else in here so we might as well get going," said Starlight. "Off to Anna's right?" asked Mario. "That's right," replied Starlight. "Lead the way," said Mario. And so with Captain Falcon joining the party, Starlight led her party out of the stadium and to the shores where Anna was stationed. > Chapter 29: I'm Gonna Get so Grounded > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Captain Falcon as a new party member, Starlight led her party out of the stadium and to the mountainside near the shore where Anna was stationed. "Alright, I'm just going to get more supplies, if you want to come with me then it's fine," said Starlight. Surprisingly, both Mario and Ember stepped forward. "Anyone else?" asked Starlight. The others shook their head. "Alright then, let's go," said Starlight. Mario and Ember followed her into Anna's shop where she was sitting behind the counter. "Starlight!" gasped Anna. "Hey Anna, long time no see," Starlight chuckled. "I thought you would never come back," said Anna. "Well here I am," said Starlight. "Here you are indeed," said Anna. "And I see you've brought a new friend," "Oh right, Anna this is Ember, one of my friends," said Starlight. "Heya," said Ember. "Hello indeed Mrs. Ember, I'm Anna the shop owner," said Anna. "So what can I help you with today Starlight?" "We need to restock on some items," said Starlight. "Ah yes, good timing cause I just got my hands on a special bundle offer," said Anna. She went to the back of the shop and came back with a large brown basket. "This bundle comes with one spirit, a revival doll, some food, two Maxim Tomatoes, one special flag, and some snacks for your spirits," said Anna. "Only for 500 gold coins," "Ok what spirit?" asked Starlight. "Hal Emmerich," answered Anna. "You can use his spirit to hack into any piece of technology, pretty useful I should say," "Ok and what exactly is a revival doll?" asked Mario. "It's one of those dolls that turned your friend from a spirit to a living being," said Anna. "Here this is it," Anna held up a small doll of a pony fish hybrid. It had cream yellow colored scales that ended in sky blue colored fin. It had small transparent pink wings on it's back and a red necklace with shells. A large fin sat on the back of it's head with a small antenna on top of it's head. "I don't recognize it," said Starlight. "The bundle was originally 1,000 gold coins, so it's technically on sale for 500 gold coins," said Anna. "I don't know," said Mario. "It's a limited time offer that ends in 1 hour," said Anna. Mario, Ember, and Starlight looked at each other and nodded. "Sold," said Starlight pushing 500 gold coins in front of her. 'I knew you would take it," said Anna. She put the doll back into the basket and pushed it forward as she took the coins. "Hey you wouldn't happen to have any crystals do you?" asked Ember. "Seriously?" asked Starlight. "What?" asked Ember. "Oh well actually lucky for you I just got stocked up yesterday so I have plenty," said Anna. "Wait here," Anna ran into the back room an came back with a large box of of crystals, gems, and other forms of jewelry. "Wow, how much is it?" asked Ember. "5,000 gold coins," answered Anna. Ember looked at Starlight and Mario with a wide grin on her face. Starlight looked into her bag and saw she was missing 1,000. She looked at Mario with a nervous look. "From the looks of it, you seem to be quite short, but no worries, I'll put it on your tab," said Anna. "Really?" asked Starlight. "Yeah no worries," said Anna. "Oh thank you Anna," said Starlight. "I promise I'll pay you back later," "Sure thing," said Anna. Starlight gave her the remaining 4,000 coins and walked out with the box of gems and basket. "Took you long enough," snorted Bowser. "Sorry, we had some payment problems," apologized Starlight. "Who's that for?" asked Captain Falcon pointing to the box of crystals. "For me," said Ember. She pulled out a large green crystal and popped it into her mouth. Mario looked at her with a disgusted look on his face. "It's a dragon thing," said Starlight. "Ok?" said Mario. "Anyway can we go now?" asked Spike. "Yes," let's keep moving," said Starlight as she put the basket into her bag. Everyone rose to their feet and followed Starlight as she led them back up to the hill. "So according to the map up, if we continue going up and turn left there should be a small lake nearby," said Starlight. She continued to follow the map and eventually came across a large lake with large rocks sticking out of the water and a small piece of land at the top corner of the lake. "This must be it," said Starlight. "But how do we cross?" asked Cadence. "There's a boat but we can't drive," said Link. Suddenly Kirby ran up and began digging inside of Starlight's bag. "Whoa Kirby what are you doing?" asked Starlight. After some more digging around, Kirby pulled out the album containing the spirits and opened it. Starlight watched as he flipped to the page with the Kapp'n spirit. "Poyo," said Kirby pointing to the sticker. 'What you want me to use this?" asked Starlight. "Poyo," Kirby said happily. Starlight looked at Mario who only shrugged back at her. Starlight took a deep breath and pulled the spirit out of the album. "Kapp'n here what can I do for ya folks?" asked the spirit. "Do you think you can drive this boat?" asked Starlight. "Sure thing, missy," said Kapp'n. "Unfortunately, I can't carry all of y'all," said Kapp'n. "How many can you carry?" asked Lucario. "3," answered Kapp'n "I assume, y'all want to go to that island yes?" Starlight looked towards the island and nodded. "Very well find your three and hop on board," Starlight and her party huddled around and began discussing. After some time, they eventually agreed that Starlight, Spike, and Captain Falcon would go. Once they decided, they hopped onto the boat and Kapp'n began steering the boat in the direction of the island. "I gotta tell ya missy, I'm impressed with how far y'all came," said Kapp'n. "Normally I wouldn't think that anybody would have the guts to stand up to someone like Galeem, but y'all proved me wrong," Spike and Falcon looked at Starlight who was looking down blushing. "Thanks," said Starlight. "Whoa," said Kapp'n as he stopped the boat. "Whoa why'd you stop?" asked Spike. 'We got company y'all," said Kapp'n They poked their heads out to see a yellow Inkling standing on a piece of land blocking their path. "Oh great another fighter?" asked Starlight. "Nope that's a puppet," said Falcon. "Alright, who's the spirit?" asked Starlight. "Hey I know you!" said the Inkling pointing at Spike. "What you do?" asked Spike. "Yeah," said the Inkling. The spirit slowly appeared from behind. Starlight squinted to get a closer look and saw that the spirit closely resembled the revival doll that came with the bundle. "Wait, aren't you Princess Skystar from Mt. Eris?" asked Spike. "Yep that's me!" cheered the Inkling. "Wait you know her?" asked Starlight. "Yeah, she helped us when the Storm King attacked Canterlot," answered Spike. "I didn't know you were here too," "Yeah, it's so good to see you again," said Skystar. "Ok, it's nice you guys are catching up but can we cross?" asked Falcon. "Well Skystar, can we?" asked Spike. "Please?" "Aww I would love to, but I can't or else I'm gonna get so grounded," said Skystar. "By who?" asked Spike. "By Lord Galeem of course!" cheered Skystar. "But if you can beat me in a battle I'll let you pass," Spike looked at Starlight with a nervous look. "That damn bastards controlling her too eh," growled Starlight. "I'm so going to kick his ass when I see him," "Hey Star, mind if I give it a shot?" asked Falcon. "Go ahead," said Starlight. "Hey Cap, can you steer the boat near the rock, so I can jump off?" asked Falcon. Kapp'n hesitated but eventually let Falcon off on the piece of land, the Inkling was standing on. "So you're my opponent huh?" asked the Inkling. "You bet," said Falcon giving her a thumbs up. "Well then let's do this," said Skystar. "Oh by the way, if I hurt you I'm sorry," Falcon smirked as he thrust out his arm and waved her over, "Come on, show me your moves!" "Ok then," Skystar cheered smiling. The two stared each other down before they charged at each other. > Chapter 30: World Tour Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The puppet Inkling let out a screech of pain as it fell into the water. A pillar of light erupted as Skystar's spirit emerged and hovered over to Falcon. "Wow, thanks for saving me," said Skystar. Captain Falcon gave a thumbs up and a shiny grin.He jumped back into the boat with Skystar's spirit, as Starlight was digging in her bag for the revival doll. "Hi again Spike!" Skystar said cheerfully. "Long time hasn't it?" asked Spike. "Yep!" cheered Skystar. "Ah there we are," Starlight pulled out the revival doll and held it out for Skystar. "Hm, what's this?" asked Skystar. "It's a doll that'll return you to your original state," explained Starlight. "It's almost like your new body," "Wow thanks," said Skystar. She jumped into the doll and within seconds, Skystar had her physical body back. But instead of becoming a sea pony, she had taken the form of a hippogriff. She examined her body and looked at the three with a huge smile. "Alright y'all, let's keep moving," said Kapp'n. He continued to steer the boat and within moments, they had arrived on the small piece of land. "I'll be waitn' here," said Kapp'n as the four got off. Starlight thanked Kapp'n and began exploring the small land. After some exploring, they came across a large portal that had opened up. Curiosity got the best of them as Starlight walked in followed by Spike, Skystar, and Captain Falcon. When they came out on the other side, they found themselves standing in on a familiar piece of land. "Whoa," said Captain Falcon. "Is this?" asked Spike. "It's Equestria," said Starlight. "Your home?" asked Falcon. "Yeah, but it's strange I thought Equestria was destroyed by Galeem," said Starlight. "That's because it was," answered a voice. The four turned towards the voice, to find a yellow fox sitting next to a large red plane. "I didn't think some outsiders would find their way here," scoffed the stallion. "Um sorry and you are?" asked Starlight. "I'm Tails," said the fox. "I'm currently running a business in which I carry passengers all over the world, but ever since Galeem went off and killed everything, business kind of went dull," "Wait Galeem was here too?" asked Spike. "Not really," answered Tails. "Only eight of us didn't make it," Tails stood up. "Actually one of those seven is someone who tried to fight off Galeem," "Just one?" asked Falcon. "Well if there are spirits here, then we might as well go free them," said Starlight. "But how?" asked Skystar. "It's not like I can carry all of you," "Well you might be, but I certainly can," said Tails. "Or at least two of you," "So what's the fee?" asked Starlight. "Well normally I charge tourists, but from what you've said, it sounds like you're trying to save this world correct?" asked Tails. Starlight nodded. "Well if it's for a good cause I guess I could let the fee slip," "Really?" asked Starlight. "Yeah, just hop in and I'll take you to the location of the spirits," said Tails. "Great, then I guess me and Falcon can hop in and Skystar can carry Spike," suggested Starlight. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Alright then let's go," Starlight and Falcon hopped in as Tails began powering up his plane. Spike jumped on Skystar's back. "Hang on, it's going to be a bumpy ride," said Tails as his plane roared to life. Skystar took for the skies as the plane took off. The first location that Tails took the four wasn't far from the portal. As Tails dropped Starlight and Falcon next to the crumbling remains of Twilight's castle, the puppet fighter revealed itself as it jumped out from one of the broken windows. "Zero Suit Samus," said Falcon. "Is it a puppet?" asked Skystar. "Yeah," answered Falcon. He stepped forward as Samus drew her blaster. "Let's finish this quick," said Falcon. He dashed forward as the battle began. "So tell me Tails, how did you end up here?" asked Starlight. "The truth is I don't know myself," said Tails. "I was sure that Galeem's attack affected me too, but before I realized I found myself here for some reason," "You mean you just got here with no knowledge of what happened?" asked Starlight. "Yeah, something like that," said Tails. "But what's also weird is the fact that I was alive when I awoke," "That is strange," said Spike. "Hey!" Falcon called out to them. They looked up as Falcon walked over to them with a spirit. "I got it," said Falcon. "Appreciate it," said Starlight opening the album. "Well then, let's move to the next location," said Tails jumping onto his plane. The plane roared to life as Falcon and Starlight hopped in. Skystar followed as the plane took off. "The next location isn't too far, but still, take some time to relax," said Tails. As the plane flew through the skies, Starlight studied the map while Falcon dozed off. After a while, they landed at the entrance of the Everfree forest where a large green gorilla had its back turned to them. The plane landed allowing Starlight and Falcon to jump off. They were then joined with Skystar and Spike. "It's Donkey Kong," said Falcon. "Oh yeah the gorilla," groaned Starlight. Donkey Kong turned around and beat his chest as he noticed them. "Can I take this one?" asked Skystar. "You can unless you don't want to get by his Screw Attack," said Tails. "His what?" asked Spike. "Screw Attack," repeated Tails. "It's an item that can do constant damage as you're jumping," "Yep I wanna do it," said Skystar. "She's a brave one," said Tails. Skystar took a step forward as Donkey Kong approached her with angry red eyes. Surprisingly Skystar wasn't intimidated by it and only found it as a motivation to take the challenge. "So I just have to beat right?" asked Skystar. "Pretty much," answered Spike. "Okay then!" exclaimed Skystar. Donkey Kong let out a howl as he came at her, swinging his arms around. But Skystar only jumped over and landed behind him. Donkey Kong turned around with an irritated look on his face. He began swinging his arm, charging up for a punch. Skystar rolled her eyes and grabbed Donkey Kong by the neck tie. "Sorry but no punching allowed," giggled Skystar. She picked him up and threw him into one of the trees behind her. Donkey Kong glared at her and beat his chest angrily. "Oh no he's mad,"said Spike. Donkey Kong bounded towards Skystar and attempted to roll her over. But once again Skystar jumped over DK and this time she slashed him in the back with her talons. DK howled in pain and glared at her. "Oops, did I make the monkey angry?" cooed Skystar. DK attempted to grab Skystar but she quickly stepped back and pulled out two shells with eyes, one blue and one pink. "Shelly, Sheldon, go teach him a lesson," said Skystar. She threw the two shells and hit DK in the face. DK yelped as he ran around in circles blind. "Sorry Mr. monkey," said Skystar as she picked him up. DK flailed around trying to escape as Skystar pulled him through the air and tossed him into the trees. "Yeah finish him!" cheered Spike. Skystar smirked as she tackled DK knocking him further into the Everfree forest. DK yelped as a pillar of light burst out from within the forest. "She did it," said Starlight. Spike clapped as Skystar bowed. Starlight and Spike walked over to her as the spirit emerged from the forest. "I think this is yours," said Skystar handing her the spirit. "Yes, thank you," said Starlight. She opened the album as the spirit jumped in. "Where did you learn to fight like that?" asked Spike. "Oh you know, picked up a thing or two over the years," said Skystar. "But don't tell my mom about this ok?" "You're secrets safe with us," said Spike giving a thumbs up. "Well another successful spirit battle I should say," said Tails. "Should we head over to the next location?" The three looked at each other and nodded. "Yes," answered Starlight. "Well then let's get going," said Tails walking back to the plane. > Chapter 31: World Tour Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After freeing the Chun-Li and Blanka spirits from their puppet fighters, Starlight and her party continued to their next destination which was, to her surprise, Ponyville. After landing in the main plaza, Tails led them to Rarity's boutique. Standing in front was a large cat with red and white fur standing on it's hind legs. It's torso was covered in black fur and a belt of fire was wrapped around it's waist. "Well that's new," said Starlight. "Incineroar eh?" asked Falcon. "Who?" asked Spike. "There's not much known about him, considering he just joined the roster this year," said Falcon. "But what I do know is he's uses fire and most of his attacks are based on moves used by pro wrestlers," "I don't know what that means, but if he can manipulate fire, then we should be careful," said Starlight. Incineroar noticed the four standing in front of them and walked over to them with a huge smirk. He stopped several feet away from them and began to flex. "Looks like he's challenging you," said Tails. "Actually if he can use fire, maybe I should take this one," boasted Spike. "Are you sure, he's pretty dangerous," said Falcon. "Nah I got this," said Spike. He walked up to Incineroar and puffed out his chest. "Ok cat, let's see what you got," Incineroar smirked as he extracted his claws and did a back flip. He thrusted his claws towards Spike. "Actually, can we talk about this instead?" Spike asked nervously. Incineroar lunged at Spike and attempted to slash him with his claws. Spike yelped and ran away screaming. Incineroar growled as he began chasing Spike. "Spike, don't run, fight!" Starlight told him. "I change my mind, I can't fight him!" screamed Spike. Just then Incineroar jumped in front of him, causing Spike to fall backwards. Incineroar reaches over and picks Spike up while grinning madly. "Spike!" Starlight gasps. Spike looks up at Incineroar wearing a nervous expression. He opened it's mouth revealing rows of sharp teeth. Spike yelped as he sank his teeth into Incineroar's hand causing him to let go. Spike fell on the ground and scrambled to get on his feet. Incineroar raised one of his paws and slammed it down to crush Spike, but he quickly moved out of the way. "You can do it Spike!" Skystar cheered. Spike looked back at them then back at Incineroar. Incineroar glared at him with his glowing red eyes as he raised his paw for another strike. Spike took a step back when he heard a voice coming from inside his head. "How are you supposed to protect your friend if you can't fight?" asked the voice. "What?" asked Spike. "You want to protect those you care about do you not?" asked the voice. "I do, but..." Spike stuttered. "Then you have to fight," said the voice. "I know you're scared, but think about you're friends who protected you all this time," Spike froze. He recalled the times, that he saw his friends fight. They had that look of determination, but was that how they really felt on the inside? They acted so confident, but there's no way that was how they truly felt on the inside. They must've felt scared at one point, and they still fought. It's not because they wanted to fight, but because they had no choice. This wasn't Equestria, not anymore. The only way to survive was to fight. "Seems like you understand now," said the voice. "Yeah, I do," said Spike. "If your friends can fight, then so can you," said the voice. "I know," said Spike. He looked up as Incineroar attempted to slash him once more. This time Spike jumped onto his arm and ran up to meet his eyes. Spike extracted his claws and jabbed Incineroar in the eye causing him to yelp and cover his face in pain. Spike quickly jumped off and ran behind him. He jumped up and bit into his tail causing Incineroar to scream in pain. Growling, Incineroar brought his paw down, to try and crush Spike. However Spike was too fast and began drilling Incineroar's paw into the ground with his tail. "Whoa," said Skystar. "Ha too slow for me kitty," boasted Spike. Incineroar swiped at Spike but gave him a chance to run up his arm and onto his head where he began drilling down with his tail. Incineroar swiped at him with his claws but missed every time. He jumped onto his snout snickering. "Come and get me," Spike jumped off just as Incineroar attempted to grab him only to slap himself in the face. As Incineroar held his own face in pain, Spike bit into his leg making Incineroar yelp. As Incineroar clutched his feet and jumped up and down, he ran behind him and got down on al fours so that his spines were sticking out. As Incineroar went to put his feet down, he accidentally stepped onto Spike's spine and screamed in pain. "He's winning somehow?" asked Starlight. "I gotta admit, in all the times I've been in Smash, this is the most creative fighting style I've seen," said Falcon. "Starlight!" Spike ran up to them leaving Incineroar on the ground clutching his foot. "Spike you're not finished," said Starlight. "I know, that's why I came back," said Spike. "What do you mean?" asked Skystar. "I want Starlight to throw me," said Spike. "Excuse me, you want me to do what!?" asked Starlight. "I want you to throw me," repeated Spike. "At Incineroar?" asked Falcon. "Yeah," answered Spike. "But why?" asked Skystar. "Don't worry why, just do it," said Spike. Starlight looked behind him to see Incineroar getting back up. He was looking in their direction with an annoyed look on his face. "Hurry Starlight!" exclaimed Spike. "Whatever you say," said Starlight. She picked up Spike with her magic. "Aim at his face," said Spike. "You can't be serious," said Starlight. "Starlight there's no time," said Spike. "If you get hurt, you're explaining to Twilight why you got hurt," said Starlight. "Don't worry I know what I'm doing," said Spike. Starlight raised Spike and took aim as Incineroar came bounding towards them. "I hope I don't regret this," said Starlight. She didn't say anything else as she hurled Spike at Incineroar. As Incineroar came closer, Spike flipped so that his tail was pointing towards his face. Incineroar slid to a stop when he realized what was happening, but didn't react quick enough and was jabbed in the eye by Spike's tail. Starlight, Skystar, and Captain Falcon stared in awe as Spike knocked Incineroar down to the ground using only his tail. "Bullseye!" Spike proclaimed. Incineroar screamed as he fell on his back. Spike bounced off his face and landed behind him as light burst out of his body. All the while Spike struck a pose with his back facing the limp puppet. "Heh, cool people don't look at explosions," snickered Spike. He turned around and walked back to the group who was still in the state of shock. "See I told you I knew what I was doing," bragged Spike. "I've never seen Spike fight like that," said Starlight. "I almost felt the pain in my own eyes," said Falcon. Spike grabbed the album and opened it as the spirit emerged from the puppet's body. "Alright come here,' said Spike. "I appreciate you freeing me from Galeem's control, but I'm afraid I can't come with you," said the spirit. "What why?" asked Skystar. "Cause I've got a business to run," said the spirit. "Nobody ain't training themselves now are they?" asked the spirit. "So you're a master," said Falcon. "You're sharp pal," said the spirit. "That's right, I'm a Master Spirit, as for my name" He hovered in front of the boutique. "I am Zangief," > Chapter 32: VS Ryu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Spike's victorious efforts, Starlight's group was able to free the spirit from Galeem's control. However the battle was far from over. According to Tails, there was still four spirits in need of saving plus the one captive fighter. So they continued traveling around Equestria rescuing spirits from their respective puppet fighters. Thanks to the power of teamwork, they were able to liberate all four spirits in no time. They were currently at the Crystal Empire and had finished their battle with the puppet Ganondorf. "Well that's the last spirit," said Starlight. "I guess that means we can go find that fighter that still needs saving," said Spike. "Yep," said Tails. "Come on, let's hurry back to the plane," He turned around and walked back to the plane as Starlight and Falcon followed from behind. They hopped in and took off within minutes. "So where's this last fighter?" asked Starlight. "You'll see," said Tails. It wasn't long until Starlight realized that they were heading to Canterlot. "The castle?" asked Starlight. "Yep," answered Tails. He flew over the gate and landed in front of the doors to the castle. He opened the door and walked in as Starlight, Falcon, Spike, and Skystar followed from behind. "This way," said Tails as he led them up the flight off stairs. They entered the throne room to find someone standing at the center with their backs against them. He was wearing one of those traditional karate clothing with the sleeves torn off. A black belt was wrapped around his waist and a red headband was wrapped around his head. He turned around to face them as they walked in. "Oh god it's Ryu," said Falcon. "Who?" asked Starlight. "Ryu," Falcon repeated. "He can unleash a lot of powerful moves and his combos are no joke," "We better be careful then," said Starlight. "And that's why, I'm taking him on," said Falcon. "I know him better out of all of us so I have more of advantage," "I guess you do have a point," said Spike. Captain Falcon stepped forward as Ryu adjusted his gloves. "Let's do this," said Falcon. He rushed out to attack Ryu, when he pulled his arms back as a ball of blue energy began to materialize. "I see what you're doin," said Falcon. He thrusted his arms forward as he hurled the blue energy sphere towards Falcon. "Hadoken!" The energy sphere flew towards Falcon which he jumped over to avoid. Smirking he raised his leg as it ignited. "Falcon Kick!" Falcon performed a flying kick into Ryu's stomach knocking him back. As Ryu was recovering from the attack, Captain Falcon rushed in and barraged him with a flurry of weak punches, before finishing his attack with a strong punch. Ryu managed to catch himself as he was sent flying. Falcon ran towards him ready to attack, when Ryu flew at him like a spinning tornado. "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" Falcon was caught in the tornado of Ryu's kicks and was pushed back. Falcon stopped himself from sliding back further by putting his hand on the ground and looked up. Ryu crouched down and thrusted his fist upward and knocked Falcon into the air with a nasty uppercut. "Shoryuken!" Falcon quickly recovered by kicking downwards with his burning foot. "Falcon kick!" His attack connected and Ryu was sent flying backwards. "This is amazing!" proclaimed Spike. "Yeah but it also feels kind of strange," said Starlight. "Huh why?" asked Spike. "Why are they announcing their moves like that?" asked Starlight. "Maybe it's a fighting game thing?" said Spike. "Maybe, but why doesn't Mario yell fireball or Link yell slash when they're using their moves?" asked Starlight. "Maybe you should ask them," said Skystar. The two continued to go at each other as the three turned their focus back on the battle. All the while Ryu continued to announce his next attack. "Hadoken!" Once again Falcon jumped over the attack. "Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" Falcon managed to avoid getting hit by sidestepping then grabbing Ryu. He punched him several times before knocking him back by kicking him in the stomach. Ryu got to his feet as Falcon rushed in for another attack. "Let's go dude!" cheered Spike. But as Falcon rushed in for an attack, Ryu pulled his arm back as black energy began flowing out of his body. As Falcon tried to knock him down with his punches, Ryu didn't flinch and countered with a powerful punch, leaving Falcon stunned for a brief moment. Then he landed another uppercut before he could recover. "Shoryuken!" Falcon was sent flying into one of the walls as Starlight, Spike, and Skystar watched in horror. "Cap!" Starlight gasped. Ryu began approaching, but as he got close, Falcon shot out and kicked Ryu. "Falcon Kick!" Ryu had managed to weaken the attack by shielding himself, but Falcon quickly grabbed him and threw him across the room. He ran toward Ryu for another attack, as Ryu got to his feet and shielded himself once more. Falcon pulled his arm back and slammed his elbow into his shield and shattering it. As Ryu got to his feet he put his hand against his head looking dazed. Falcon smirked as he pulled his arm back causing it to ignite. Then, with all of his strength, he punched Ryu with his burning arm. "Falcon Punch!" Ryu screamed as he was sent flying into Celestia's throne. Light burst out of his limp body indicating that he had been defeated. "Sweet Celestia!" exclaimed Starlight. "That was awesome," said Spike. "Such a flashy ending," said Skystar. Falcon turned around and gave them a thumbs up with a huge smile on his face. "Yes!" Falcon boasted. "I've never seen anything like that," said Starlight as they walked over to him. "What then ending or the battle?" asked Falcon. "The ending of course," said Starlight. "She's right that was awesome!' said Spike. "Well thanks for the compliment," said Falcon. Ryu groaned as he crawled out of the pile of rubble. "Ow what the hell?" asked Ryu. The four quickly ran over to Ryu, to check up on him. "Aye Ryu how you doing friend?" asked Falcon. "Not good," answered Ryu. "My entire body is aching," "I guess that's understandable considering you had a crazy battle just now," said Starlight. Ryu looked up at her with a confused look. "Who the hell are you?" asked Ryu. He checked out his surroundings. "And where in god's good name am I?" "Remember when Galeem killed all of our friends?" asked Falcon. "Yeah," answered Ryu. "Well things get pretty complicated after that," said Falcon. "What do you mean?" asked Ryu. So Falcon explained everything that's happened after they Galeem's attack. "Well that's great," said Ryu. "Now we're stuck in a world created by Galeem is what you're saying right?" "Pretty much," said Starlight. "Loo, I know it's a lot to take in, but right now we're making our way to Galeem so we can put an end to his evil schemes," said Falcon. "Fine, if that's the case, then I'm coming," said Ryu. "Really?" asked Spike. "Trust me, you'll be needing all the help you can get," said Ryu. "Great, thanks," said Starlight. "So now what?" asked Skystar. "I'm pretty sure, we've done all we can here so I suppose we can start heading back," said Starlight. "Got it, then let's go talk to Tails," suggested Skystar. "He left during the battle to prepare for our departure," "Great let's go," said Starlight. So with Ryu back, Starlight and her friends get ready to return to their world, to prepare for the next challenges ahead. > Chapter 33: VS Pac-Man > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle with Ryu in Princess Celestia's castle, Tails flew Starlight's group back to the portal they originally came from. After thanking Tails for his service, Starlight led her party back to their world. Upon their return, they were met with Kapp'n who was waiting for them on his boat. "There you are," said Kapp'n. "I took the liberty of carrying your friends across this lake while y'all were gone," said Kapp'n. "Where are they now?" asked Starlight. "On the other side," answered Kapp'n. "Appreciate it," said Starlight. She hoped on the boat along with Captain Falcon and Ryu while Spike hopped on the back of Skystar and went over to the other side where the others were waiting. Kapp'n started the boat and carried the three to the other side of the lake where the others were waiting. After getting off, they thanked Kapp'n and put him back into the album. "Took you long enough," said Bowser. "Where have you been off to?" asked Rainbow Dash. Starlight explained her experience in the other Equestria and the spirits they saved while they were there. "Wait another Equestria?" asked Cadence. "Yeah except nobody was there," answered Spike. "How strange," said Twilight. 'There are some things we may not know about, but maybe we'll get some answers after we beat Galeem," said Starlight. "So let's keep moving," "Actually, while you were gone, we went ahead and freed some of the spirits on those platforms," said Villager pointing to the large mushrooms. "I see, well I appreciate your efforts everyone," said Starlight. "We also managed to save another fighter as well," said Link. "Really who?" asked Skystar. Everyone moved out of the way as a small human in a yellow astronaut outfit walked out. His eyes were shut and his big round nose bounced. Three small creatures with flowers and leaves on there head followed behind. "Wow," said Starlight. "Hey Olimar, long time no see," said Captain Falcon. "Oh Captain, yeah long time," he said. "This is Captain Olimar, he's a bit timid, but I'm sure you'll get along with him," said Mario. "Hello Olimar, I'm Starlight," she said. "And these are my friends, Spike and Skystar," "Hey," said Spike. "Hiya!" cheered Skystar. "Um, nice to meet you too," mumbled Olimar. "And I see you have Ryu with you too," said Link. "Long time I suppose," said Ryu. "Hello again to you too," said Mario. "So did you guys cross over to the other side?" asked Starlight. "We tried to, but another fighter was blocking the path," said. Sunset. "We were thinking of engaging them into battle, but Peach said that you guys were coming back so we decided to wait for you," said Lucario. "Well alright then, let's go see who this fighter is," said Starlight. She began crossing the mushroom platforms as the rest of the party followed behind. After crossing over several platforms, she noticed someone standing near the edge blocking their path. It was yellow and had a small round body. It wore orange gloves on it's hands and red boots on it's feet. A short stubby nose stuck out from the center of it's face and two eyes in the shape of ovals with slits. "Who in the name of Celestia is that?" asked Starlight. "That would be Pac-Man," answered Mario. "He used to be an old friend of mine, but after I joined smash, I kinda lost touch with him," "Luckily for you, he was invited in the last tournament and now he's back," said Piranha Plant. "Poyo!" said Kirby walking up to her. "Hmm?" Starlight looked down at him. "Kirby what is it?" asked Starlight. Kirby ran in front and pointed at Pac-Man. "Do you perhaps want to battle?" asked Starlight. Kirby smiled and nodded."Alright, go get him," said Starlight giving Kirby a light smile. Kirby excitedly ran over to Pac-Man as he turned around. Kirby stood before him with a determined look on his face. But just before they could engage The light from Galeem flashed grabbing the attention from everyone. "What's Galeem up to?" asked Rainbow. As they looked up, they could see an orange flame burst out of Galeem and crash down in the middle of the base standing behind Pac-Man. "Uh what just happened?" asked Villager. "Only one way to find out," said Lucario. Kirby who was looking up quickly turned his focus back on Pac-Man as he attempted to grab him. Kirby jumped up and landed behind him to perform a leg sweep knocking Pac-Man into the air. Kirby jumped up and kicked him three times sending him flying. Pac-Man quickly recovered and dropped a fire hydrant on the ground as it began to squirt water. Kirby kicked the fire hydrant knocking it out of the ground and sent it flying into Pac-man. "Ooh ouch," said Rainbow. Pac-Man got up and held out his hand as a line of small white pellets extended outwards. He suddenly turned into a yellow circle with a slit for his mouth as he zipped forward, eating the pellets and knocking himself into Kirby. But Kirby made a comeback as he turned into a large spiky ball and dropped down on Pac-Man's head. Pac-Man got up and turned into the yellow circle with the slit as he rushed towards Kirby, only to be met with a burning hammer in his face. "Ooh, I could almost feel that," said Cadence. As Kirby and Pac-Man stared each other down, a flash of light grabbed Mario's attention. "Hey look," he said looking up. Everyone followed his gaze to see a large orb appear in front of them. The orb had a beautiful glow from the multicolored aura that flowed around it and a vertical and horizontal line was imprinted on the orb in the form of a cross. The horizontal line was adjusted so it was slightly under the center and the vertical line was a lot thicker compared to the horizontal and was slightly moved over to the left. "Is that a Smash Ball?" gasped Peach. "A what?" asked Spike. "A Smash Ball is an item that can allow the user to use their final smash once they break it open," explained Eleven. "So pretty," said Skystar. Suddenly the Smash Ball began to float around Kirby and Pac-Man. grabbing their attention. Kirby and Pac-Man looked at each other before Kirby grabbed Pac-Man, hit him several times and throw him off to the side before he ran up and began hitting the Smash Ball. For a while it seemed like Kirby was hitting the Smash Ball until Pac-Man suddenly knocked him away and began aiming for the Smash Ball as well. After what seemed like minutes of attacking and chasing the Smash Ball, Kirby was able to break it open. Kirby's body began to glow in a rainbow aura as dark clouds began to gather above them. Kirby stared at Pac-Man with his glowing golden eyes. Pac-Man ran at Kirby in attempts to knock the Smash Ball out of him, but wasn't able to react quick enough as a bolt of lightning crashed down onto Kirby. "Do it Kirby," said Starlight. Kirby's body flashed as a large green cap with an orange headband with a white star, appeared on his head. Kirby held up his hands as large sword with a blue hilt and a green emblem with a yellow star in the center, appeared. It grew bigger and bigger until it was almost several times bigger than his original size. "Wow!" exclaimed Spike. Twilight's jaw dropped as she stared at Kirby's sword in awe. "Haha yes, Ultra Sword!" exclaimed Piranha Plant. Kirby slashed forward, catching Pac-Man into it's range, and began slashing him with his sword from different angles, each slash followed by a trail of rainbow light. After hitting Pac-Man with a barrage of slashes, Kirby raised his sword and hit Pac-Man with one final slash sending him flying into some nearby bushes. Even though they couldn't see it, light burst out from behind the bushes. Kirby turned as Starlight and her party walked over to him, thanking Kirby for opening up the path. But Kirby didn't seem to care, instead he ran over to the bushes where Pac-Man had landed to check up on him. He pulled the bushes away as Pac-Man sat up looking dazed. Starlight walked over and patted Kirby on the head. Kirby looked up at Starlight with a curious look. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine," said Starlight. "Come on, let's go meet up with the group again," Kirby looked at Pac-Man as he walked back to join the party. Starlight walked over to Pac-Man and helped him up. "Come on don't push yourself," "Who, who are you?" asked Pac-Man. "I'm Starlight," she said. "I'm pretty sure you don't know what's going on," "No," answered Pac-Man. "Come on, I'll explain everything as we walk," said Starlight. She helped Pac-Man walk back to her party and explained everything as they began searching for an entrance to the base. > Chapter 34: Subspace Military Base > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Kirby defeated Pac-Man in a battle, he was able to open up a path leading to the entrance of the base that was discovered by Rainbow Dash during their attempts to enter the strange military base. Unfortunately, the path to the entrance was blocked by three spirits and Starlight's party were forced to battle their way to the front. Luckily for them, the spirits showed no sign of extreme hostility and were easily defeated within minutes by their challengers. After defeating the puppet Dr. Mario and his army of Snake doppelgangers, Starlight and her party were able to reach the entrance. "So how do we get in?" asked Piranha Plant. "If anybody's good with technology, maybe they can hack into this computer," suggested Villager. "I don't think there's any tech geeks here at the moment," said Bowser. "Wait," said Ember. "Didn't you get a spirit that's good for situations like these?" she asked Starlight. "Maybe," said Starlight. She opened up her album and flipped through the pages. "I don't see anybody that could possibly be useful," said Starlight. "Hey aren't you forgetting someone?" a voice asked. Confused Starlight flipped to one of the pages as Hal Emmerich's spirit jumped out. "You said you need a hacker right?" asked Hal. "Can you?" asked Starlight. "Leave it to me," said Hal. He hovered over to the control pad and began punching buttons. Within seconds the screen flashed followed by a loud beep as the base's doors slowly opened. Starlight's party watched in awe as the doors came to a stop. "You'll want to have me when you get inside too so I'll stick around you guys for the moment," said Hal. "We really appreciate it Hal," said Starlight. "Alright let's get going," She walked through the open door with her party not noticing the fighter watching them from the distance. They walked around looking for a way in and eventually found an unlocked door around at the back. They entered and found themselves in a dark corridor lit up by the lights on the walls. "It's so dark in here," said Falcon "I'm scared," said Olimar. "Fear not young one, we're here,"said Eleven. "He's right, we can protect you if you're scared," said Peach. "But it does give off an ominous presence," said Lucario. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Let's move forward to see if we can find anything," said Starlight. She started down the dark corridor as her party followed behind. They eventually came across an open area where the path splits into three. In the center were 8 2D fighters that moved around in frames like paper figures. "Are those paper people?" asked Cadence. "No that's just Mr. Game and Watch," answered Link. "Eight of them to be exact," "Which means they're puppets," said Ryu. "Can I take these guys?" asked Spike. "They look pretty weak," "You can, but I wouldn't underestimate their strength if I were you," said Starlight. Spike shrugged as he approached the eight puppets. "Oh this outta be good," said Bowser. "Even if he did defeat one Incineroar, this is eight Game and Watches we're talking about," said Bowser. "He's going to get outnumbered for sure," "Done," said Spike. "What?" asked Bowser. "Yeah I was right, they were pretty weak," said Spike. "They got launched so easily," "Well you can forget about your logic Bowser," said Ember. "Damn," cursed Bowser. Spike handed Starlight the spirit and she continued forward considering the other two paths were blocked off by laser barriers with the number two. As they continued down the corridors they came across another open area only this time, there was a large monitor to their right. "Over there," said Hal. Starlight followed Hal as he hovered over to the monitor with a big 1 ion the screen. He began punching buttons and after messing around with the keypad, there was a loud beep as the screen pulled up a map of the base. It then showed all the rooms blocked off by the barrier labeled one were now accessible. "Nice," said Hal. "Thanks for the assist," said Starlight. "There seems to be another room down the corridor across from here," said Pac-Man. "Let's check it out," suggested Starlight. She began walking towards the corridor across from them which led to another room containing a large computer system with four monitors. "So do we hit all of them?" asked Starlight. "No there is most likely that only one of those monitors is the one to deactivate the barriers," said Hal. "So how do we know which is the real one?" asked Starlight. Hal hovered over to each monitor and inspected it. After a while, Hal hovered over to the monitor on the right end and began punching buttons. Sure enough, there was a loud beep as the map of the base appeared and the barriers that were disabled were marked. "Wow Hal, how did you know?" asked Starlight. "A wild guess," answered Hal. "Now come, let's keep moving," Twilight sighed in disappointment to find out that Hal wasn't actually a mad genius that she hoped he would be. They walked back the way they came from as and began walking down the corridor to their left to explore more of the base. They eventually came across a split path and Hal suggested that they took the right path to see if there was anything. Starlight agreed and led her party into another small room containing another monitor with the number 4 on screen. "Geez how do we keep getting lucky?" asked Falcon. "We just do," said Sunset. "Guess I can't argue with that logic," said Falcon. Once again Hal hovered over to the monitor and began punching more buttons. A loud beep was heard as the map appeared. The barriers labeled 4 was disabled and marked on the map. "There we go," said Hal. "At this rate we'll be able to clear out this base in no time," said Peach. "So according to the map, there is another room if we go down the other path where the monitor to disable all the barriers labeled 3 should be locate," said Hal. "If we do that, we can go to the room where monitor to shut down barrier 5 is located," "We don't have to go disable that barrier do we?" asked Villager. "No, but if we do, we can access the room where the captive fighter is located," said Hal. "A fighter huh?" asked Starlight. "I think it be better if we do it," "Agreed," said Mario. "Let's hurry then," said Skystar. They left the room and took the other corridor which led to a giant room containing large crates of material. "This must be a storage of some sort," said Mario. "There," said Skystar," pointing a large monitor at the end of the room. "We need to go there," said Hal. "Then let's get going," said Starlight. She began to walk down the right alleyway but was stopped by a a strange fighter that was waiting for her. The fighter's body was made up entirely of strange green wire frames like the typical computer program but seemed to resemble a human with boxing gloves. "Who?" asked Cadence. "Is that Little Mac?" asked Peach. "Seems like it," answered Link. "Let's just get this over with," said Starlight. "You want quick?" asked Mario. "Then it's better to send someone who can fly "Ooh, I'll go!" said Skystar. "We're counting on you," said Starlight. "Make sure to stay in the air," said Mario. Skystar stepped up as Little Mac turned to face her. "Hiya," said Skystar. Little Mac didn't say anything as he rushed forward and attempted to punch her. Skystar quickly retreated to the air leaving Mac on the ground. Little Mac looked up and jumped, trying to bring her down. "Wow why does Little Mac suck at jumping?" asked Spike. Twilight hit her hoof against him and glared. "What I'm just saying," complained Spike. "Little Mac's punches are extremely powerful, which means that he's mostly a ground fighter," explained Lucario. "So I guess it means that if he's so good on ground, he's weak while he's in the air," said Sunset. "Exactly," said Link. Meanwhile, as the others were chatting, Little Mac was struggling to get Skystar to come down and was constantly getting beat. As Little Mac tried to jump, Skystar would pluck him out of the air and toss him around like a little rag doll. His assist character he summoned wasn't being helpful either. After a long struggle, Little Mac fell and the spirit was freed from the puppet's body. "Finally got the spirit," said Skystar flying over to the party. "Very good," said Hal. "But we're not done yet," said Starlight. "How's everyone holding up?" she turned around as most of her party members looked exhausted. "You all look tired, should we take a break for now?" Everyone nodded. "Alright then, 20 minute break and then we keep moving," said Starlight > Chapter 35: VS Snake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Skystar reigned victorious over the puppet Little Mac, Starlight and her party took a short break to regain energy for the challenges they'll be facing later on. 20 minutes later, they defeated two more spirits and gained access to the 5th monitor which they sent two members to go find it in order to deactivate the next barrier. Eventually the barrier was knocked down and Starlight and her party entered the next room where, sure enough, someone was waiting for them. "That's the fighter?" asked Starlight. "Yes, it would appear so," said Eleven. "Solid Snake is it?" asked Lucario. The fighter turned around to face them. "Whoever is challenging Snake should be careful," said Link. "Why's that?" asked Sunset. "He's a weapons expert," explained Falcon. "So he uses guns, grenades, and rocket launchers," "Let me get a shot at him," said Villager. "Are you sure?" asked Cadence. "No worries I got this," said Villager. "Whatever you say," said Rainbow Dash. Villager stepped forward as Snake held up his arms. "Come at me," said Villager. Snake ran forward and tried to roll into him, but Villager grabbed him with his butterfly net and pulled him in, hitting him several times before throwing him behind him. Snake got up and pulled out a rocket launcher. He aimed at Villager and fired. Just as the missile came in Villager grabbed the missile and stuffed it into his pocket. "Wait what?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, that's one of Villager's skills," said Mario. "Picking up projectiles and items and using it against the user," Snake begin digging a hole in the ground as he buried a mine. Meanwhile Villager planted a tree which somehow sprouted out of the metal floor. The he took out an axe and swung it into the tree once, and waited. Snake saw him hiding behind the tree and ran towards him, but Villager swung the axe into the tree once more causing it to fall. "Timber!" Villager announced. Snake tried to stop but was crushed under the tree. "That looks painful," said Spike wincing. Suddenly Snake grabbed the tree and pushed it off as he got to his feet. "That should've killed him," said Ember. "Not in this world not," said Pac-Man. Snake dusted himself off and glared at Villager. He reached out to grab him, but Villager pulled out a slingshot and began pelting Snake with stones. Snake yelped as he backed up while covering his face. "Eat stones!" said Villager. Snake growled as he rolled behind him and put Villager into a headlock. Villager yelped as he thrashed around trying to escape. But Snake managed to knock him unconscious and slow put him down. "Oh come on wake up pal!" yelled Rainbow. Villager yelped as he jumped up and faced Snake. "Not cool buddy," said Villager. Snake smirked as he held up a detonator. "Wait what's that for?" "Under you," said Snake. "What?" asked villager. He looked under his feet to see the place Snake panted the mine. "Oh shit," cursed Villager. "There," said Snake as he pushed the button. The mine exploded underneath him and knocked Villager into the air. Snake ran up and kicked him in midair before raising his leg and slamming it down on Villager's head, sending him crashing into the ground. Villager crawled out as Snake ran at him getting ready for another attack, but Villager quickly reached into his pocket and threw the missile he grabbed earlier into Snake's face. Snake stepped back as Villager ran and threw a pot at his head. "Wow he's actually doing good," said Starlight. "Villager, Villager, Villager!" Spike and Rainbow cheered in unison. Snake reached over to his belt and pulled out a grenade "Let's see you dodge this," said Snake. He pulled the key out of the grenade and threw it. Villager rolled his eyes as he grabbed the grenade and shoved it into his pocket. "Oh come on!" groaned Snake. "You think you're so sneaky don't you?" asked Villager. "Sorry, buddy but I can read you from a mile away," boasted Villager. He ran towards Snake as he pulled out his slingshot. Meanwhile Snake pulled out his rocket launcher again and fired at Villager. Villager pulled out the grenade from his pocket and fired it back at Snake with his slingshot. At the same time he pocketed the missile like before. Snake flinched as the grenade rolled by his feet, but before he could react it went off sending him flying into the air. Villager quickly pulled out the missile and threw it Snake knocking him backwards but pulled him in using his butterfly net. He pounded Snake a couple of times before tossing him like a doll and hit him with stones using his slingshot. "Is there anybody in Smash that's not good a combos?" asked Starlight. "It is a tournament where the best fighters are gathered," said Pac-Man. "Poyo!" said Kirby. "Honestly I'm not very good at combos though," mumbled Olimar. "Aww that's not true," said Peach. "You just need practice," "Maybe," said Olimar. "Go Villager go!" cheered Skystar. As Snake struggled to fight back, Villager continuously grabbed his projectiles and hurled it back at him while also pelting him with stones constantly. "Ugh you're so annoying!" hissed Snake. "Snake hissed?" asked Rainbow. "Wow, he's really living up to his name," "Rainbow what are you talking about?" asked Sunset. "They said that Snake hissed," said Rainbow. "Who?" asked Sunset. "The human writing this," said Rainbow. "Oh my Celestia, Rainbow you're becoming like Pinkie Pie," said Twilight. The smash fighters looked at each other with confusion. "I'll explain everything later," said Twilight. "Gah let go of me!" Snake hissed. The party quickly refocused on the fight to see Villager grabbing Snake with his net again. 'If you ask nicely, maybe I will," said Villager. "Can you please let go of me?" asked Snake. "Sike!" laughed Villager as he continued to hold onto Snake. "Ah fuck you," cursed Snake. Villager tossed him to the side as Snake let out a scream. His limp body lay on the ground as light burst out of his body. "Nice," said Spike. Villager walked over to Snake as he slowly sat up. 'What happened?" Snake groaned. "I'll explain everything if you come with me," said Villager. 'Who are you kid?" asked Snake. "I'm the Villager from Animal Crossing," said Villager. "I'm part of the tournament, remember?" "Oh right you told me before didn't you?" asked Snake. Their conversation was interrupted as Starlight and her party walked up to them. "Welcome back Snake," said Mario. "Ah Mario, tell me, where am I?" asked Snake. "It's a bit of a long story," said Mario. "Tell me on the way out," said Snake. "I just want to get out of here," "Unfortunately not, there still something else we have to deal with," said Starlight. "Who're you?" asked Snake. "A friend, anyway let's move quickly, there still one opponent we have to face," said Starlight. > Chapter 36: VS ???? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and her party began heading back to the room where Spike faced off with the Primid spirit. Along the way they explained to Snake everything that had happened after the face off with Galeem. Thanks to the help of Hal, they were able to walk into the corridor that was originally blocked of by the number 2 barrier. They continued to walk down the dark corridor, all the while Starlight's heart was racing. "Are you alright Starlight?" asked Twilight. "Yeah just nervous," answered Starlight. "Clearly, this enemy we're about to face is another one of Galeem's strongest minions, we can't expect this battle to go smoothly," "All in all that's true, but don't let it bother you too much," said Cadence. "You can always count on us to be there when you need us," "Thanks Princess," said Starlight. After several more minutes of walking, they came out into an open room much bigger than any of the other rooms, they've been in. "Geez so big," said Rainbow. "So where is this so called boss at?" asked Piranha Plant. "I think you should look ahead of you," said Spike. They all looked up in front of them to see a large metallic tank in front of them. "What is that?" asked Ember. "Wait, no it can't be," said Bowser. Suddenly the two engines on the side extended outwards as two large purple hands appeared on the ends. The tank slowly rose as to it's feet as it began transforming into a large robot. It's eyes flashed as it stood on it's two feet and glared down at the party. "Oh my Celestia," said Twilight. "Shit it's this guy again," cursed Snake. "You know this, uh robot?" asked Sunset. "His name is Galleom," answered Link. "We've fought him before in the past, but we didn't expect him to return," "Galeem, must've revived him," said Olimar. "Revived or not, he's still a threat," said Starlight. She took a step forward catching Galleom's attention. He pounded his chest as he roared angrily at Starlight. "Come at me!" said Starlight. Galleom raised his arms and slammed them down on the ground creating a shock wave that came at Starlight. Yelping, Starlight quickly teleported out of the way, and reappeared next to his feet. She raised her hoof and hit his feet as hard as she could, only to scream in pain. "Starlight what's wrong?" asked Rainbow. "Because he's made of metal, it hurts to just punch him!" Starlight cried out. She looked up as Galleom raised his foot in attempt to crush her. Starlight screamed as she ran out of the way before Galleom stomped his feet. She ran back to her party as she clutched her hoof. She whimpered as tears rolled down her cheek. "Come on Starlight, it can't hurt that bad," said Rainbow. "But it does," Starlight whimpered. "Ugh watch I'll prove it to you," boasted Rainbow. She flew up and pointed a hoof at Galleom. "You may act so tough, but you won't survive this!" She raised her hoof and charged down for a flying kick. As she landed her hit on Galleom's face armor, a loud clang rang out, followed by Rainbow's scream. She crashed onto the ground clutching her hoof whimpering. "Yeah it definitely can't hurt that bad," Starlight reminded Rainbow. "Shut up!" whimpered Rainbow Dash. "Ugh amateurs," said Snake. He ran up and aimed his rocket launcher. Galleom looked at Snake and raised his arms to crush him. "No you don't," said Mario. "Come on everyone, let's-a go!" Mario ran forward followed by Kirby, Link, Lucario, Eleven, Piranha Plant, Ryu, and Bowser. Steam erupted from Galleom's body as he tried to swat away the fighters but to no avail. Angrily Galleom jumped up as the rockets under his feet allowed him to hover above the ground before dropping down on the fighters. Some of the fighters managed to get out of the way before getting crushed, while others were sent flying in every direction. However they continued to gang up on Galleom in attempts to knock down his HP. "Come on let's help them out!" said Skystar. She flew over to join the fighters as Ember, Sunset, Cadence, Twilight, and Spike followed from behind. Galleom let out an angry roar as he crouched down before spinning around, pulling anybody too close to him, into his attack. The fighters and creatures that were pulled in, was hit by a barrage of attacks before being launched in every direction. "You can do it guys!" cheered Peach. Olimar watched as the fighters desperately attacked Galleom and managed to summon up the courage to run out onto the field. "Olimar," Starlight called out to him. Olimar ran over next to Snake and began plucking out Pikmins from the ground. "Go my little friends, we have to help them," said Olimar. He began chucking Pikmins of different colors at Galleom, allowing them to latch on and began attacking. As the fighters continued to barrage Galleom with attacks, he suddenly stood up and angrily began stomping his feet as his entire body began to glow red. "Uh oh," said Spike. "What does that mean?" asked Sunset. "We don't know, he didn't do this before," answered Link. "He must be overheating," said Mario. Galleom crouched down as he began charging up another attack. "Oh shit everyone scatter!" said Bowser. But before anyone could run, Galleom began spinning again sucking in everyone around him. Everyone including the Pikmins were knocked back as Galleom turned to face Starlight and the other son the sideline. Galleom jumped up as he transformed into a tank and aimed his rocket launchers at them. "Oh no," said Starlight. Galleom opened fired as the rockets flew towards them. Starlight quickly jumped in front and summoned a barrier with her magic, protecting the others as the rockets exploded. "Come on guys, don't give up!" said Starlight. "You heard her, let's get him!" said Mario. He jumped up and charged as the others followed his example. They returned to their attacks as Starlight got to her feet and ran out onto the field. Galleom look on either side before raising both of his arms and slammed them down on either side knocking everyone back. Starlight managed to avoid the impact as she approached the robot. Galleom looked over to her and roared as he extended his arms and grabbed her. Starlight yelped as Galleom lifted her up. He glared at her as he held her in his hands. "Nice try, but you can't defeat me," said Starlight. Galleom looked at her as she raised her horn. She began charging up an attack as Galleom began crushing her body. Starlight winced as the boss tightened his grip. "Starlight!" Twilight gasped. "You think you're so tough?" asked Starlight. "Let's see you handle this!" She blasted Galleom in the face with her magic causing him to drop her. "Starlight!" Spike called out to her. Skystar quickly flew up and grabbed her as explosions began erupting throughout his body. Galleom let out one final roar before falling on his back. Chunks of metal from his body landed in piles around him as he lay on the ground. "Did we do it?" asked Starlight. "I think so said," Skystar. She carried Starlight down to the rest of her party where they greeted her. "Starlight are you alright?" asked Twilight. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks," said Starlight. Suddenly there was a flash as light burst out of Galleom's body, followed by a spirit. It hovered over to Starlight and her party as it waited patiently for her to open the album. She opened the leather book and flipped to an empty page where the spirit jumped in without hesitation. "Well looks like we got another boss spirit," said Peach. "Yeah," said Starlight breathing heavily. "Shall we get out of here?" asked Eleven. Starlight nodded. She got up and began leading her party out. Upon exiting the base, they noticed that the sun was beginning to set. "Well that was interesting," said Ryu. Suddenly, there was a flash of light that came from Galeem's direction. They all looked up at Galeem as the barrier around him turned from orange to red. "Looks like we've managed to weaken his barrier again," said Twilight. "Well what now?' asked Olimar. "Let's find someplace to set up camp, I'm sure you're all exhausted from that battle," said Starlight. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Alright then let's go," said Starlight. She began leading her party back to the entrance not realizing that someone was waiting for them. > Chapter 37: Welcome to the Jungle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snake landed on his feet as he wiped the blood off his face. He looked up as the familiar blue robot took a step towards him. About 15 minutes ago, Starlight and her party had defeated the boss of the Subspace Military Base, Galleom, and were now getting ready to head out to set up camp. Unfortunately they, were stopped at the entrance by a fighter in all blue. The fighter, Mega Man, had suddenly attacked them and prevented Starlight and her party from proceeding unless they defeated him. Snake who had willingly volunteered to defeat the super fighting robot was just about badly bruised, but so was Mega Man. "Come on Snake finish him!" said Rainbow Dash. Snake looked back at her then back at Mega Man. Sparks flew out from different parts of his body "Come on," said Snake. Mega Man glared at him with his glowing red eyes as he charged towards him. As he attempted to grab him, Snake quickly rolled to the side and hit him on the back, knocking him to the ground. Mega Man got to his feet and glared at Snake. He smirked as he held up a small detonator. Mega Man looked at him confused as Snake pointed his thumb behind him. Mega Man turned around to find a C4 attached to his back. He looked back at Snake with a terrified look. "There," Snake hit the detonator, triggering an explosion that sent Mega Man flying. His body landed in front of the party as light burst out. "Well that's a rough way to end things," said Ember. Snake walked back to the party and knelt down next to Mega Man. "Hey wake up buddy, you back?" asked Snake. Mega Man's eyes flashed as he slowly sat up. "Whoa what happened?" he asked. "Yep he's back," said Skystar. He looked up at Snake then at the party. "Who are you and where am I?" asked Mega Man. So Starlight and her party took turns introducing themselves and explaining to Mega Man their objectives. "So you're going to Galeem eh?" asked Mega Man. "I assume to kick his divine ass?" "Pretty much," said Bowser. "And you don't need to tell us, we know you're coming," Snake helped Mega Man to his feet. "By the way, Mega Man do you know any place where we can camp for tonight?" asked Starlight. "The only place I know is just outside Kongo Jungle," said Mega Man. "Good enough," said Starlight. She turned to face the rest of her party. "Alright, we'll rest up for tonight and prepare to head out again tomorrow," she said. Everyone nodded in agreement as Starlight led them out of the base. Once they were out, Mega Man took them to a safe spot so that they could set up camp. They quickly set up and headed off to bed early due to their exhaustion. They woke up the following morning, ate breakfast, packed up and set out immediately. Upon entering the jungle, they ran into two split paths. "So which way?" asked Peach. "There appears to be a shop if we took the left path," said Starlight studying the map. "I think it be good if we check it out," Not too long after entering the jungle, they were met by a small monkey wearing a green hat and shirt. Olimar, although hesitant, wasted no time in defeating the puppet and freeing the Deku Link spirit. They continued further down and were met with another puppet containing a spirit. This time four puppet Wendy blocked their path which Piranha Plant defeated without too much trouble. They continued through the forest and eventually reached the entrance of the shop Starlight had mentioned earlier. "This is it huh?" asked Ryu. "According to the map, yes," answered Starlight. She lowered the map to see a human with a large red sword slung over his shoulder standing in front of the store. He wore no shirt and his blonde hair flowed in the wind. Next to him was a smaller version of Link with large cartoon eyes. "Oh great Shulk and Toon Link eh?" asked Lucario. "They look powerful," said Cadence. "I'll handle this," said Link. "I won't be long," He drew the Master Sword and stepped forward. Shulk smirked as he pulled out a small object from his pocket. It was golden and green with small wings on it's back and large clamps in the front. "Ah shit," cursed Link. "What's that?" asked Sunset. "Oh no," said Captain Falcon. Shulk threw the object at Link as he quickly sidestepped. The object flew past him and into one of the trees. The object clamped onto the trunk, then without warning, yanked the entire tree and flew upwards with it. "Oh," said Sunset. Twilight fell on the ground, unconscious as Rainbow's jaw dropped. "That's dangerous!" yelped Spike. Suddenly Toon Link pulled one out as well and threw it at Link. Link quickly sidestepped once more to avoid getting caught by the object "That was close," said Link. He turned to face the puppet Shulk and Toon Link. With no objects in their hands, they drew their swords and charged. Link's sword cashed with both of theirs as they engaged in a two against one duel. "Let's go Link!" cheered Starlight. The three swords continued to clash and on random moments, more of the same items began spawning on the field, allowing Shulk and Toon Link to snatch them up to throw them at Link. With the clashing swords and the dangerous items, the battle grew more challenging and eventually Link was knocked down. He looked up as Shulk and Toon Link approached with their blades raised. "Oh no, Link!" gasped Starlight. "Wait," said Mario. He held out his arm to hold Starlight back as she attempted to run out and help. 'What is it?" asked Starlight. "Look," said Mario. Starlight looked over to Link who was still on the ground. As the two prepared to plunge their blades into Link, He smirked and threw two of the items which clamped onto Shulk and Toon Link. The two yelped as they were carried towards the heavens by the objects. Link got to his feet as Starlight and Mario ran over to him. "Link are you alright?" asked Starlight. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks," said Link. "You're so sneaky aren't you?" asked Mario. "I guess you could say that," said Link. Suddenly a small light flashed behind Link as a spirit appeared. "Oh ho, Link!" said the spirit. "Wait Beedle," you were the spirit?" asked Link. "You bet, " said the spirit. "Thanks for saving me old bud," "Yeah, no problem," said Link. "Is this your shop?" 'That's right," said Beedle. "You wanna take a look?" "Not me," said Link. "Her," He pointed a finger at Starlight. "Hi," she said. "Oi, you got strange friend there, but aye customer is a customer," said Beedle. "Come in miss," Starlight chuckled as she walked into the store. Link and Mario waited with the rest of the party while Starlight took the time to look through Beedle's shop. She eventually came out without anything. "Nothing?" asked Link. "No just looking around," answered Starlight. "I see," said Link. "Well where next Starlight?" asked Villager. "Do you even have to ask?" Starlight smirked. "We keep going," "I guess that's the only logical explanation," said Villager. "Aye, come back again!" said Beedle. Starlight said goodbye to the store owner as she continued through the jungle to her next challenge. > Chapter 38: Best Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and her party continued deeper into the jungle where the came across another split road. "So which way this time?" asked Skystar. "We can continue down the left path, but if we keep going forward, there should be another split path with one path leading to a fighter,"' answered Starlight. "Another fighter huh?" asked Pac-Man. "Let's check it out," Starlight began walking down the path in front of her and sure enough there was another split path. "From here, we turn left," said Starlight. Her party followed her as she took the left path. They continued to walk for the next several minutes, however there was no sign of any fighters anywhere. 'Are you sure it's this way?" asked Bowser. Starlight looked at the map. "The fighter should be here," said Starlight. 'I don't see anyone," said Eleven. "Poyo," said Kirby. "Wait," said Lucario. "What is it?" asked Peach. Lucario shushed her as he scanned the jungle. "No there's definitely someone here," said Lucario. 'Can you sense them?" asked Ryu. "Starlight behind you!" Lucario warned her. Starlight turned around as something jumped out from inside the trees towards. Starlight quickly teleported out of the way, as the thing landed on the ground. "What was that?" asked Starlight. In front of her was a large gorilla with brown fur, wearing a red necktie with the letters DK imprinted on it. The gorilla howled as it beat it's chest. "A monkey?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Not just any monkey, it's Donkey Kong!" exclaimed Mario. Donkey Kong raised both of his fists and waved them in the air. "He looks dangerous, but you know what, it's been a while so I'll take him on," said Starlight. "Yeah go Starlight!" cheered Rainbow. "Be careful Starlight," said Twilight. Starlight smirked as she rushed forward. Donkey Kong glared at her with his red eyes as he raised both of his fists, and began slamming his hands on the ground, causing it to shake. Starlight yelped, as she fell on her back. As she tried to get up, Donkey Kong ran up and grabbed her. Starlight struggled to break free, but Donkey Kong kept his grip as he picked her up and held her in the air with one hand. 'Hey come on put me down!" Starlight screamed thrashing her hoofs. Donkey Kong smirked as he carried her and threw her into a nearby tree. Twilight yelped as she covered her eyes. Starlight rose to her feet as she began charging up a magic attack. But Donkey Kong didn't seem to mind and bounded towards her. As he tried to roll into her, Starlight quickly teleported behind him and blasted him with magic. Donkey Kong turned around and angrily punched Starlight launching her into the trees. "Come on Starlight!" said Rainbow. 'Kick his ass!" Bowser roared. "I would do it if he wasn't so tough!" said Starlight poking her head out from one of the bushes. DK came in for another punch, but Starlight rolled to the side and grabbed him. He pounded her hoof into him several times before throwing him into the air and blasting him with a magic beam. DK went flying, but immediately recovered and slammed his fists against Starlight's head sending her crashing into the ground. "Starlight!" exclaimed Sunset. "Oh no," gasped Peach. "I'm ok," said Starlight poking her head out of the ground. Sunset sighed in relief as Starlight teleported out of the hole in the ground. Suddenly, Donkey Kong appeared behind her and headbutted her, burying her back into the ground. "Ouch," said Starlight. Donkey Kong began slamming his hands on the ground causing the ground to shake as Starlight was tossed into the air. "I knew this was a bad idea," said Mario. "Do something!" Rainbow told Mario. "No!" Starlight exclaimed. "I can do this!" 'Are you kidding!?" Rainbow screamed. "You're getting beat up!" "I'm not going down without a fight!" said Starlight. She flipped and bounced off of Donkey Kong's head. She ran towards DK and headbutted him in the stomach sending him flying. But he didn't stay down for long.He quickly got back on his feet and angrily beat his chest. "Uh oh," said Starlight. he bounded towards Starlight and attempted to roll into her, but Starlight quickly teleported behind him in order to counterattack him. The, without warning, DK swung his arm back, knocking her into the air. As Starlight scrambled to get back onto her feet, DK headbutted her into the ground. He then began swinging his arm charging for a powerful punch. Panicking, Starlight quickly teleported out of the ground and blasted DK with magic. "She's doing it but..."Cadence looked at her with a nervous expression. "She can't do it without taking a hit," added Spike. "She should at least watch out for his punch," said Villager. "That thing is deadly," They continue to watch as Starlight teleported from place to place, trying desperately not to get hit while, at the same time, landing her attacks on DK. She had managed to pull it off a couple of times, but she wasn't doing enough damage. After several more minutes of dodging and attacking, Starlight accidentally tripped over a piece of the ground that was sticking out from the damage caused earlier in the battle. Thanks to her mistake, she fell directly into DK's punch that sent her flying. "Starlight!" gasped Spike. Her badly bruised body landed near her party. She slowly raised her head as DK approached. "Get up Starlight!" exclaimed Ember. As much as she wanted to listen to her, she felt her body grow weaker and her energy being drained. As her party members watched nervously, they failed to notice the dark clouds gathering above their heads. She closed her eyes for a moment, but when she opened them again, DK was standing over her with a large grin on his face. She could hear the voice and cries of her party members fade as she watched Donkey Kong raise his fists to apply the finishing blow. Suddenly a huge bolt of electricity came crashing down behind DK. "What was that?" asked Ryu. Starlight, her party, and DK turned around to see a rainbow glow behind them. There appeared to be someone standing behind them. But before they could confirm the figure's identity, the familiar rainbow light flashed as the figure thrusted their arm upwards. The ground began to shake as a large statue erupted from the ground underneath Donkey Kong, knocking him to the air. The statue seemed to represent a strange humanoid creature with a large beak and pointy ears. Suddenly the rock crumbled away, revealing the creature's blue body and red eyes. The creature lept up and began flying around while tackling DK with it's beak before finishing him with one final blow to the stomach. All the while smaller versions of the creature with green, yellow, red, and purple colored bodies followed the larger version of themselves. "What in Celestia's name!?" yelped Twilight. Donkey Kong yelped as he was sent flying. His limp body crashed into some nearby trees, followed by an explosion of light. "Wow," said Bowser. They all turned towards the figure as they approached Starlight. "Hey you ok?" he asked as he reached Starlight. She looked up but could only make out a silhouette of two creatures standing above her. She could almost make out a bird of sorts on the back of the first figure, but was too dark to make out clearly who was standing in front of her. "Who are you?' Starlight groaned. The figure reached out to her revealing a large paw. She looked up at the figure once more. This time the dark clouds were beginning to scatter so she was able to make out some of the features. It appeared to be a large brown bear wearing yellow shorts and a blue backpack. Behind him was a red bird with a yellow beak and sparkling green eyes that stared back at her with a worried look. The bear smiled. "Hiya, I'm Banjo, and this bird, is Kazooie," he said. "Guh-huh," > Chapter 39: VS Daybreaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Banjo and Kazooie, Starlight was able to survive the battle with Donkey Kong, who joined her party. Although the Maxim Tomatoes had healed her wounds, she still needed to be bandaged up. Now with two new members joining her team, Starlight continued to navigate her way through the jungle. As she continued to walk down the path she was on, her party had to battle past two more puppet fighters controlled by spirits, until they came across another split path. "Well which way now?" asked Falcon. Starlight looked at the map. "There appears to be some sort of switch down the right path," answered Starlight. 'A switch?" asked Peach. "Apparently," said Starlight 'Might as well check it out," said Piranha Plant. Kirby let out an excited poyo as if he was agreeing to Piranha Plant's suggestion. Starlight started down the right path with her party following behind. Sure enough, Starlight found a small green switch in the center of a small clearing, after walking down the path for some time. "There it is," said Starlight. "What do you think it does?" asked Skystar. "You guys remember the blue switch that Cadence was guarding?" asked Starlight. "What the one that didn't do anything?" asked Bowser. "No not necessary nothing," said Starlight. "Besides if it wasn't nothing, then why would Galeem station a powerful enemy like Cadence to guard it," "She's got a point," said Sunset. "If Galeem's assigning some of his powerful minions to guard these switches, there must be some importance to it," said Starlight. She stepped forward when a voice caused her to stop in place. "Halt!" Starlight and her party looked around looking for the voice's origins. "Who said that?" asked Starlight. "Look above," said the voice. Starlight looked above as a orb of light flashed above her. Starlight backed away as the orb of light descended revealing a familiar orange and white pony. "Hello again Starlight Glimmer," she cackled. "Daybreaker!" gasped Starlight. "It seems like you've got some new additions to your little party," Daybreaker cackled as she approached. Starlight took a step back with a look of fear in her eyes. "What's wrong, you aren't afraid of your little princess are you?" sneered Daybreaker. "Oh wait, SHE'S GONE!" Daybreaker cackled as Kirby ran up and stood in between her and Starlight wearing a determined expression. "Kirby," Starlight looked at him with a surprised expression. "Oh what's this, a little pink marshmallow?" laughed Daybreaker. "How cute," "I wouldn't underestimate Kirby if I were you," said Mario taking a step forward. "What it's not like he can be dangerous," sneered Daybreaker. "Are you sure about that?" Mario asked smirking. Daybreaker's wicked smile melted off her face as she looked down at Kirby. "What?" asked Daybreaker. Kirby jumped up and kicked her in the face forcing her to back up screeching. "My beautiful face!" she hissed. Kirby ran forward and slid on his feet, kicking her in the leg. Daybreaker screamed as she fell over. "Kirby you," Starlight looked at Kirby as he turned around giving her a bright smile. "Poyo!" said Kirby. Daybreaker slowly rose to her feet as she glared at Kirby. "You're going to pay for that," she hissed. Kirby turned around and got into battle stance as he stared at her with a determined look. Daybreaker's eyes flashed in a red light as she lunged at Kirby. He quickly rolled to her left and slammed her with his hammer. Daybreaker let out a pained screech as Kirby jumped up and slammed his hammer on top of her back. Daybreaker fell to the ground as Kirby drilled her down into the earth with his feet. As she struggled to pull herself out of the ground, Kirby jumped up and kicked her in the back of the head, then hovered right above her head before transforming into a large slab of pink stone with two curves for eyes, and dropping right on top of her head. "Ouch, that's gonna hurt," winced Villager. Kirby returned to his normal state as he returned to Starlight and Mario's side. Meanwhile Daybreaker recovered from the damage and pulled herself out of the ground as she let out an angry screech and glared at he three as her red eyes flashed brightly. "Why you little, YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!!!!" Daybreaker blasted them with a stream of fire to which Kirby inhaled. Daybreaker stopped as she stared in awe at Kirby's abilities. Once Kirby sucked up the remaining bits of fire, he jumped up as his body went from pink to a reddish orange color. A small band with a large green jewel appeared on his head, as fire burst out from the top. "What in the sweet name of myself!?" screeched Daybreaker. "Whoa Kirby," said Starlight. Kirby ran and jumped backwards kicking Daybreaker under her jaw. She screamed as she held her mouth and retreated into the air. "Kirby, Kirby, Kirby!" Starlight's party chanted in unison behind them. Kirby blasted Daybreaker with a stream of fire. "I can do that too you know," hissed Daybreaker as she countered with her own fire breath. As the two streams of fire collided, Kirby quickly canceled his attack with Daybreaker following his example. "At this rate we're not going to make any progress," said Ember. That and idea came to Villager's mind when he began digging through Starlight's bag. He pulled out a Master Ball from her bag and turned towards Kirby. "Kirby!" Villager called out to him. Kirby turned around with a curious look on his face. "Use this!" said Villager throwing the Master Ball. Kirby caught the ball and threw it on the ground as a small creature popped out. The creature had a cream colored head and body with two small wings on it's legs. It had sparkling blue eyes and two large, pointy orange ears in the shape of a V. "It's Victini," said Lucario. Victini flew in front of Kirby with a huge smile on it's face. Kirby smiled back and waved as it waved at him. Victini backed away as a bright yellow star flashed before Kirby's eyes. Suddenly, Kirby was covered in rainbow aura as his eyes went from blue to a bright golden glow. "Is this?" asked Starlight. Sure enough dark clouds began to gather above their heads as thunder boomed. 'What is this!?" asked Daybreaker. Victini returned to it's Master Ball as Kirby turned to face Daybreaker. A bolt of lighting came crashing down covering Kirby's body in electricity. "Poyo!" said Kirby. His body flashed in the rainbow aura as he pulled out the blue sword with the star on it's hilt. "Yeah let's Kirby!" cheered Rainbow. Kirby held up the Ultra Sword then blasted it with fire causing it to ignite. "Wait this seems different," said Piranha Plant. Regardless the Ultra Sword, now covered in flames grew bigger until it was it's usual size. Daybreaker's jaw dropped as she stared at the pink puffball who was holding the large flaming sword that was much bigger compared to him. Kirby slashed forward catching Daybreaker in his attack and began slashing her from multiple angles as a trail of fire followed behind. After several slashes, Kirby held up the burning Ultra Sword and slashed her one final time. Daybreaker screamed as she was sent flying out of the jungle. 'I'll remember this!" she screamed. Once it was over, Kirby returned to normal and even lost his fire ability. Starlight and Mario stared at Kirby as he turned to face. 'Poyo!" said Kirby. "Kirby what was that?" asked Starlight. "Poyo?" Kirby tilted his head as he stared back with a confused look.