> Autumn Blaze > by Pinkamena666 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Whole New World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016 AW Closing her eyes, Twilight exhaled deeply and slowly before whipping around and aiming her gun. Without hesitation, she shot Tresemmé in the head. Later... Celestia and Luna gathered at the front of the hotel as they and Sunset lowered the shield. The orange mare came running up to them as she put her phone away. "Celestia! Luna!" She said frantically as she stopped in front of them. "It's Twilight. She's killed Tresemmé in cold blood. Spitfire has her a number one priority since she... resisted arrest." "What?!" Celestia exclaimed, wide-eyed. "Oh, no," Luna muttered. "But... H-How can this be?" "Unsure," Sunset said as she shook her head. "I guess everything was going well, but then she just shot her. And, on top of that, Sunny escaped after killing two cops." "Thank you, Sunset," Celestia said as she patted the unicorn on the shoulder. "Give us a moment." "Of course," the orange mare replied before she went to go spread the bad news. Once the unicorn was far enough away, Luna took Celestia's hand. "It will never be calm enough around here, sister. We cannot wait any longer, can we?" Celestia shook her head. "No... They've waited long enough. If we wait much longer, the world may be too different for them to adapt. It has to be now." "Tomorrow," Luna said with a light smile. "Tomorrow, we will bring them back." The Next Day... Autumn Blaze, a white Kirin with an orange lion-like mane and hair, opened her eyes to find the world was a bit blurry. She could faintly make out other Kirin and tall structures that weren’t trees. Muffled voices filled her ears and she couldn’t really make out anything that was being said. She then saw who she assumed was Cinnamon hugging a blurry blue figure. After a few seconds, the blurry blue figure ran over to her and pulled her into a hug. “Oh, Autumn...” said a familiar voice. “I missed you all so much...” Blinking a few times to clear her vision, Autumn shook her head before gasping. “Princess Luna?” She asked, looking around. “Wh... Where are we?” Confusion was strong with this one as the last thing she remembered was the threat of war before being engulfed in a bright light. “More like when,” Luna chuckled. “You all have been gone for over 2,000 years...” Her expression soon saddened. “It was my fault this happened. I let power and jealousy get to me and I... ended up starting a war...” Letting out a sigh, she looked the Kirin in the eyes and smiled lightly. “I am glad my sister managed to get you all to safety.” Autumn smiled in return. “The past doesn’t matter. I mean, sure you may have started a war and caused us to have to be sent away, but at least everything worked out okay, right?” She asked. Luna chuckled and nodded. “Still as chipper as ever, I see.” The Kirin smiled and looked around. "So, this is 2,000 years later?" She asked. "What are these... tall things?" "Buildings," Luna said, looking around at the warehouses. "More specifically, warehouses. Used for storing others' junk." She then looked at Autumn again. "We have your kind to thank for those, remember? Thanksgiving?" Autumn let out a giggle. "You still celebrate that?" The alicorn nodded. "Every year..." She then patted the Kirin’s shoulder. “Come. We brought clothes for you all. Because, we’re in a city and we must all obey the law.” Autumn tilted her head before looking down at her topless figure. “I have to cover up?” Luna nodded. “It’s the law. Don’t worry, though. My sister and I are trying to find a place where you can start up your village again the way you want. But, for the time being...” She then stepped aside and held her arm out towards a van, it’s back door open to reveal boxes of clothes. “We made sure to keep them as simple and as loose as possible so you won’t feel restricted. A good friend of our gang made them for everyone.” Autumn walked over to the van and pulled out what appeared to be a top, though it was just a ring of earth-brown fabric with fur around the rim. Pulling it on, she realized it was only meant to cover her breasts. Liking how soft and free it felt, she saw what seemed to be a skirt made from the same fabric as the top. Removing her current skimpy skirt, she pulled the new one on. This, too, felt nice and loose. “Not bad,” Autumn cooed, moving her hips side to side to test out the limitations of the skirt. “You’re right. It doesn’t feel restricting at all.” “Something else you should know,” Luna began. “And we will be telling the others this... but, Kirin are a legend as they are part of Thanksgiving history. So, you may be approached by many who are curious and excited to meet you. Whatever you do, though, do not burst into flames.” Autumn forced out a nervous chuckle. “Of course,” she said with an equally forced smile. “Then, my sister and I will make the announcement to the rest,” Luna said, putting a hand on the Kirin’s shoulder as Cinnamon walked over. “Great seeing you again,” she said, before shooting Cinnamon a quick smile. As the alicorn walked away, Cinnamon rummaged through the clothes to find a top and bottom. “Some place, huh?” She asked Autumn. The white Kirin nodded. “Yeah, but... I’m just a tad worried...” “Worried?” The red Kirin asked as she pulled her tube top over her breasts. “About what?” “A lot of things,” Autumn explained with a sigh. “What if I burst into flames and scare or hurt someone? And, wasn’t Luna the reason Celestia sent us to Limbo in the first place?” Cinnamon thought for a moment before looking over at the blue alicorn, who had rejoined her sister in explaining the situation to the other Kirin. “They both seem fine now. “Yeah...” Autumn muttered. “Well, I wish you luck, Cinnamon. She’s your girlfriend, after all.” “I’ll be fine,” Cinnamon replied with a roll of her eyes. “Will you try and find someone for yourself?” “I don’t know,” The white Kirin replied, looking around. “If we’re as legendary as Luna implied... then how would I know that the one who loves me... isn’t just with me because of my species? How would I know if they actually cared, you know?” Cinnamon chuckled. “You may be overthinking it. Their actions will tell you if they truly care or not.” “Easy for you to say, Cinnamon,” Autumn sighed as she crossed her arms. “You already have Luna.” Cinnamon smiled and looked over at the blue alicorn. “I do. I’m sure the right one for you is out there somewhere.” “Yeah...” Autumn sighed, still feeling nervous in this new world despite Cinnamon’s optimism. After the Kirin were filled in on the dangers of the city and recent events, they were all divided up into two groups, each group heading to a different hotel. The majority of them went to the Elementals’ hotel while the rest went to the Eclipse. Luna led the group with Autumn and Cinnamon to the Elementals’ hotel to get them all rooms. When they entered, Applejack came over. “Well, y’all must be the Kirin,” The orange mare greeted with a smile and a tip of her hat. “Celestia and Luna said we should be expecting you. Couldn’t believe it when we heard. Actual Kirin.” “Where’s Midnight?” Luna asked, looking around. “Um...” AJ said with a saddened expression. “Up on the roof.” Luna nodded and looked at the Kirin. “Applejack will show you to your rooms.” She then headed for the elevator. Up on the roof, Midnight was looking out over the city in the direction of the bridge lashing out. “Do you think she’s still in the city?” She asked when she heard someone behind her. “I cannot say,” Luna replied as she walked over to the black mare. “I am sure, wherever she is, that she is safe... and thinking about you just as you are thinking about her.” “Yeah...” Midnight sighed. “It’s been less than a day and I... I already m... Oh, Luna, I miss her so much.” “I know,” the blue alicorn said as she walked up beside her. “We all do. But, that is what this city does. It takes the innocent and turns them into criminals. I just hope Twilight knows what she is doing and, if confronted by the police, will not do anything she will regret.” Midnight shook her head. “Twilight’s smarter than that. If she was on to something big, I need to continue her investigation.” “Legally, this time?” Luna asked with a light smile. Midnight eyed her with a light chuckle. “Yeah... Though, I have the benefit of not having Crazy Mare PTSD.” The alicorn nodded. “Well... boss... would you like to come meet your new tenants?” Midnight stood up quickly. “The Kirin are here?” Luna nodded and began making her way back to the stairwell. Midnight followed close behind as they made their way to the elevator on the top floor. Autumn Blaze and Cinnamon sat in their room naked, their clothes laying beside them on the bed. "Well, this is nice," Cinnamon said with a light smile as she looked around, lightly swinging her feet. "I cannot believe we inspired all of this." She then looked over at Autumn who had her gaze fixated on the carpet. "Autumn?" She asked. "Something wrong?" "Well, I’m just used to the whole living-in-a-forest thing,” Autumn replied. “These... buildings and... cars and trucks and... mutterbokes?” “Motorbikes,” Cinnamon corrected. “And, sure it is all a little different, but...” “Different?” Autumn interrupted. “If we burst into flames in our village, we’d only destroy our village. Here? If any one of us burst into flames, it would be chaotic. Panic in the streets, houses and buildings catching on fire...” Cinnamon listened before she nodded. “I agree we have to be more careful now... but, that does not mean we have to live in fear. It just means we need to control our emotions.” “Easier said than done,” Autumn sighed. “I just don’t wanna hear that one of us was killed for turning into a Nirik.” Cinnamon nodded, knowing she couldn’t say anything to relieve her friend’s stress. She didn’t really have to think of much else as there was a knock on the door. Getting up from the bed, Cinnamon walked over to the door. “Who is it?” “Luna and Midnight,” came the alicorn’s voice in response. Cinnamon unlocked the door and opened it a little, sliding the two mares to enter. She then closed the door and faced the visitors. “This is Cinnamon,” Luna said, before looking over at the bed. “That’s Autumn Blaze on the bed. Midnight, here, is the leader of our group.” Midnight looked over and gave the Kirin a wave. Autumn waved back nervously. “She okay?” The black mare asked. “She is nervous,” Cinnamon sighed as she crossed her arms. “Maybe you can reassure her?” Midnight smiled and nodded. “Of course.” “If all that is settled,” Luna said s as she took Cinnamon’s hand. “Mind if I borrow this one? We have some catching up to do.” “Fine with me,” Midnight said with a chuckle as she made her way over to Autumn. As the other two left, the black mare sat down beside the Kirin. “Nervous about being back after all this time?” Autumn nodded. “Everyone in this city has seen their fair share of danger. First, Changelings returned and threatened the city, then a fake succubus demon emerged. After that, a mare named Surprise killed a couple of our friends and took over the city. After her, four sirens showed up and almost destroyed the city. The most recent threat was really nothing too bad, but... the aftermath is much worse...” Autumn eyed her in shock. “All that?” She asked. “Wow... Well, what happened after the last threat?” Midnight hesitated before taking a deep breath. “I lost my girlfriend. Not in a, um... like she...” Holding back a tear, she let out a cough. “She killed the mare in cold blood and the police were done giving her any more second chances. Now, she’s on the run and the mare who was partnered with the one Twilight killed... is still out there.” “Oh, I’m... sorry,” Autumn said sadly. “Maybe our fire is the least of this city’s concerns...” “Well, you’re right to be nervous about that,” Midnight went on. “But, I doubt Celestia and Luna would’ve brought you back if they didn’t believe in you. So, the question you have to ask yourself is; do you believe in yourself? Autumn gave her a smile and nodded. “Oh, you mentioned Changelings and Sirens. Are any of them still around?” Midnight let out a light chuckle. “Chrysalis is living here and married to a pegasus. The three sirens work at the local strip cub, The Wet Mare. You can even find that fake succubus living with her werewolf sister at the local sex shop, Bit & Bridal. Oh, and we also have two vampires, too. They live together in an apartment.” Autumn was staring at her in disbelief. “All of that is in this city?” The black mare nodded. “We’ve picked up a few strange friends along the way. Why? You plan on getting advice from them about fitting in?” “Was thinking about it,” The Kirin mumbled. "I think it's a great idea," Midnight said with a smile. "I can get Rainbow Dash to drive you around." The Kirin gave a smile in return. "Alright." Midnight nodded and got up. "I'll go get her up here. I believe she's mingling with the others," she said, before walking away. Autumn watched her leave before grabbing her clothes. Slipping them on, she left the room, too. Standing in the hall, she saw Celestia and Luna gently pull Cinnamon and Rain Shine into their room and close the door. Walking up to the door, she could hear giggling. They sounded happy. Probably because they had a special someone. Letting out a sigh, Autumn backed up and leaned against the wall, wondering if she'd ever find someone like that. Someone immortal would be best, but there weren't many around. She didn't have to wait long when Rainbow Dash came down the hall, waving to her. "You Autumn Blaze?" She asked. The Kirin just nodded. "Cool. I was having fun getting to know your kind. Getting to drive you around will be great." Autumn smiled lightly at the mare's fun energy and enthusiasm. "It'll be fun for me, too... To get to know someone in this new world." "Same world," Rainbow said, holding out her hand. "Just a couple thousand years in the future." The Kirin chuckled lightly and took the mare's hand before they began walking down the hall together. "Yeah, that's the problem..." "Hey, don't be so down," Dash tried reassuring her. "Everyone in this building is more than happy to be your friend. We're all one big family here. And, now you all are a part of it." Autumn felt the smallest bit of hope but the fear of turning into a Nirik still plagued her mind. It certainly was reassuring to her to hear about the other unusual beings in the city and how the city, itself, has gone through a few rough patches. It couldn't possibly get much worse, right? > Loosening Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Where are we?" Autumn asked, her and Dash standing in front of a hotel room door. "This is Fluttershy and Chrysalis' room," Rainbow explained, knocking. "Y-You brought me to the... Changeling queen first?" Autumn asked, rubbing her arm nervously. "Couldn't we start with someone else?" "She lived right down the hall," the pegasus replied. "Made sense to come here first." "Yeah, but..." the Kirin whispered. "It's the Changeling queen..." Rainbow eyed her when they heard Fluttershy's voice. "Hello?" "Fluttershy,” Rainbow said with a smile. “It’s me. And, I’m with a Kirin who’d like to meet the queen.” There was the sound of faint, muffled talking before Fluttershy spoke again. “Alright,” she said, the door unlocking and opening as the mare stepped aside. Autumn looked inside to see the changeling queen sitting on the bed with her legs crossed, wearing a green bra and panties. The yellow pegasus was wearing a large t-shirt that hung down past her knees. The silence was soon broken by Dash’s phone buzzing. Pulling it out, the blue mare read the number and gave the Kirin a gentle shove forward. “Go talk. I need to take this,” She said, answering the call. Autumn kept her balance and looked over to see Dash walking away, her phone to her ear. “What is that thing?” “It’s a cell phone,” Fluttershy replied with a smile. “Please, come in.” Autumn returned her gaze to the yellow mare before looking at the changeling. It was only now she noticed a changeling drone in the bathroom as the door was open. She was naked and staring at herself in the sink mirror. “How many changelings live here?” Autumn asked as she slowly entered. “Just these two,” Fluttershy replied. “Though, sometimes, some of Chrysalis’ children stop by for a visit.” The Kirin nodded. “I see.” “You don’t have to be afraid of me,” Chrysalis said as she kept her eyes on their visitor. “I’m good now. Which, I know, must come as a shock to you since you only knew me back then... but it’s true.” Autumn let out a sigh and placed a hand on her forehead. "I don't... honestly think I care... I just need advice," she said, lowering her hand. "How did you adapt to all of this?" "Well..." Chrysalis began. "I guess I just evolved with the times. Is that what you need help with? Adjusting to all this?" The Kirin nodded in response. "Sorry to say, sweetie, but no one here can help with that. We've all been around. Even Luna, after she came back, didn't have much to adjust to as everything was relatively the same." "Oh," Autumn said as she lowered her head, her ears drooping as she held her left arm tightly. "I see..." Chrysalis noticed her reaction and sighed, shifting to get on her knees. "Come here," she said, patting the spot on the bed in front of her. The Kirin eyed her with a confused look. "Huh? Why?" "Just... Come here," Chrysalis repeated, patting the bed again. Autumn stayed frozen in place for a few more seconds before she slowly approached the bed. Keeping her eyes on the queen, she climb onto the bed and slid to her knees in front of the changeling. "Like this?" Chrysalis nodded, before she quickly leaned in close and held the back of Autumn's head to keep her from pulling back, which she almost did. Chrysalis looked over the Kirin's expression, the green eyes scanning Autumn's face. "Hmm... There's something else, isn't there? You're not just worried about adapting. That's only part of it." Autumn stared at her, never thinking she'd ever see the feared changeling queen this close up. "Uh... Y-Yes, I... Well, Kirin are immortal as we exist as long as nature does... So, um... if I'm to find a... special someone, I'd need to... find someone immortal, too..." Chrysalis smiled and sat back upright, pulling her face away from Autumn's. "I see. Well, there's very few immortal beings here that are single. Ruby and Jade at Bit & Bridal..." "The succubus and werewolf?" Autumn asked. "Yes, respectively," Chrysalis replied. "There's also the three sirens, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria at The Wet Mare. And, then there's Nala," she said, looking over at the changeling in the bathroom. Autumn looked over to see Nala look over at them. "I'm not dating a fucking pony," she said, closing the door. "I'm actually a..." Autumn began, getting cut off by the door clicking shut. "Kirin..." "Yeah, she only likes changelings," Chrysalis sighed. "So, succubus, werewolf, or siren." Autumn Blaze rubbed the back of her head. "Oh, gee, I dunno..." Chrysalis looked her over before chuckling. "Wow, you're tense. Do you need help loosening up?" "Loosen up?" Autumn asked as Chrysalis motioned for Fluttershy to come over. "Oh, you mean sex? Normally, I wouldn't mind doing it with friends, but, uh..." "Still scared of me?" Chrysalis asked as the pegasus climbed onto the bed. "Yet, you have no problem meeting a succubus, werewolf, or siren?" "Well..." Autumn mumbled. "when you put it that way..." Chrysalis then suddenly grabbed Autumn's ass and pulled her into her lap. The Kirin let out a startled gasp and quickly grabbed the queen's shoulders for support. She then stared into the changeling's eyes, not knowing what to expect. Fluttershy smiled as she crawled up beside them. "Um..." Autumn muttered. Chrysalis chuckled and leaned in so their faces were only an inch apart. "You know, I've had sex with all species at least once... except Kirin." "Oh, really?" Autumn asked with a nervous smile, followed by a forced laugh. "So glad I can be your first." As soon as the Kirin had finished talking, Chrysalis pressed her lips to hers and slipped her tongue in her mouth. Before Autumn could pull away, Chrysalis held the back of her head before laying on her back with the Kirin atop her. Letting go, she rested her arms by her sides as Autumn broke the kiss. Laying atop the queen, Autumn looked down into her eyes. "That was sudden,” the Kirin responded with a light chuckle. Chrysalis smiled up at her. “Feel free to explore my body,” She said as she reached behind her own back to remove her bra. Tossing it aside, she let her large tits roll to the sides. Autumn stared at them before sliding lower to be at eye level with the nipples. “The queen’s boobs,” she said, gently grabbing them. “They’re big...” “You think those are big?” Chrysalis asked with a light chuckle. “You wanna show her your body, sweetie?” She asked, looking at Fluttershy. Autumn glanced over to see Fluttershy pull her large t-shirt off, exposing her cock, balls, and huge breasts. “Oh, you have one, too?” The Kirin then suddenly felt something stiff between her legs. Looking down, she noticed that the changeling now had a rod, too. “Oh, wow.” Chrysalis then rolled them over so she was on top. "Relax," she cooed, leaning in and kissing the Kirin's cheek. "Flutters, if you would," she said as she wiggled her legs. The pegasus nodded and helped her wife remove her panties. Afterwards, she began pulling Autumn's skirt off. The Kirin looked over her shoulder but allowed for her clothing to be removed. She then, herself, removed her own top and chucked it aside. Chrysalis smiled down at her and squeezed her breasts. With a heavy exhale, Chrysalis leaned in close to Autumn's ear and gave it a slow lick as she lifted her hips. "Are you ready?" She asked, Fluttershy taking the green cock and bringing the tip to the Kirin's pussy. Autumn hesitated but nodded, letting out a moan when Chrysalis moved her hips forward. The dick slid right in the wet hole and the queen exhaled again once she was fully sheathed. Fluttershy moved around to kneel by Autumn's head. Smiling, she lifted her own cock and slipped it between the other two's faces. Chrysalis went right to licking at it while Autumn took a couple seconds to realize what was happening. Chrysalis soon sat up as she kept moving her hips, her tits jiggling as she moved. "Sit on her face," she told Fluttershy. "Let her lick your balls while I suck your cock," she moaned, squeezing her left tit. Fluttershy nodded and straddled the Kirin’s face, her balls resting on Autumn’s lips. Chrysalis then gripped the rod and started sucking the tip while she fucked the Kirin beneath her. Outside, Rainbow Dash was still on the phone call. “Other than that, it’s been pretty normal, G. I’m actually showing one around the city now. We stopped at Fluttershy’s first so she could meet Chrysalis.” “That really the best idea?” Gilda asked. I’m sure they’re getting along fine,” Rainbow chuckled.” Fluttershy let out a loud moan as she blew her load in the queen’s mouth, the excess cum dripping down onto Autumn’s neck and chest. Chrysalis pulled back and swallowed before sighing happily. “Ready for another round?” Fluttershy nodded with a giggle. “Oh, yes.” The changeling gripped the Kirin’s ass and rolled over so Autumn was on top. She then spread Autumn’s butt cheeks as Fluttershy got into position. When the slippery yellow rod was pushed into the hole, the Kirin let out a deep groan. “Oh, sweet Gaia...” Autumn moaned out as she started to get fucked in both holes. “Okay, I’ll talk to you later, G,” Rainbow said with a smile. “Love ya, too, you sexy bitch.” She then hung up as the door opened. Autumn left the room and closed the door behind her, her hair a mess and her clothes looking like they were quickly and clumsily put on. Rainbow pocketed her phone and chuckled. “Have fun?” She asked. “That was really fun,” Autumn said in awe. “Those two are really kinky... And, they filed each other up so many times... They even said I could come back for more.” “So... ready to move on?” The pegasus asked with a smirk. All Autumn could do was nod, her butt still aching from the thick yellow dick that had just been invading it. She didn’t mind it. Not one bit. > Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rainbow drove down the road, she eyed Autumn who was looking at everything in the car. Currently, she was playing with the air vent on her side for the A/C. Once she got bored, she moved to the door where she found the window button. She then lowered the window... and raised the window. Dash's eye twitched a little before she locked the window in the closed position. Autumn didn't seem to notice as she flicked the button faster. "Um..." the kirin muttered, looking over at the pegasus. "it stopped working." "Don't worry about it," the cyan mare replied. The kirin hesitated in thought for a second before asking, "Did I break it?" Rainbow shook her head. "Nah, I'm sure it's fine. Maybe it's just stuck." "Oh," Autumn said, looking out the window again as she took in the scenery. Bit & Bridal... Rainbow parked the car and the two got out, making their way towards the sex shop. Opening the door, Dash led the kirin inside and looked around. At the counter, as always, was the dragoness. Rainbow smiled and looked at Autumn. "Come on," Dash said, heading towards the counter. "Ruby and Jade are most likely out back." "Can we go out back?" Autumn asked as they were almost at the counter. Rainbow nodded. "I know the owners." The dragoness looked up from the newspaper she was reading and smiled. "Hey, Dashie." The pegasus rested her arms on the counter and leaned in. "Hey, Sterling. May my friend, here, have a moment with Ruby and Jade?" The dragon looked over at Autumn and gasped. "Oh, is this a kirin?" She asked. "Yeah, that's no problem. They're right out back in the kitchen." "You go," Rainbow said as she looked at the kirin. "Sterling and I have some catching up to do." "Um... Okay..." Autumn said, moving around the counter to the doorway. "I'll see you soon," she said with a forced chuckle before disappearing out back. She could still hear Rainbow Dash and the dragon talking but they were soon downed out by noises down the hall. She assumed they were coming from the kitchen. “We still need that, Ruby,” said a scratchy female’s voice. There was a giggle. “I’m just adding flavor. You think Flog will like it? Besides, now I have some all over me, so... care for a snack? I know how much you love my pussy.” Autumn stopped in the doorway of the kitchen with a light blush. A naked red mare was holding a spoon with cake batter on it. Some of the batter was now on her crotch. The green mare was wearing an apron and only an apron. They both looked over at the visitor. “Um...” Autumn started, before waving hello. “Ruby and Jade?” Ruby looked down at the mess of food all over her slit before looking back up at the Kirin. “Hungry?” “Ruby!” Jade gasped. “She’s a guest. And, a Kirin, too.” She then walked around the table and held out her hand. “I’m Jade. The smarter sister.” Autumn smiled and shook her hand. “Autumn Blaze. You’re the... werewolf, right?” She asked. “Ruby’s the succubus?” Jade chuckled. “You heard, huh? Well, neither of us were born that way. We were victims of genetic experimentation. The only part of my sister remaining in Ruby is her brainwaves. She has all of my sister’s memories but her body isn’t the same.” “I’m better,” Ruby said with a grin, fists in her hips. “I’m immortal.” “That’s actually what I came here for,” Autumn said, rubbing the back of her neck. “Originally, it was to ask how to fit in. But, now I just want... a relationship.” “Oh, we’re bad at dating advice,” Ruby cooed as she sat down on a stool. “I’d fuck anyone.” “Not advice...” Autumn muttered. “I’d like to date someone immortal like me. But, there aren’t many of us out there... And, I’d like it to be a non-kirin, too. So, I’m... uh...” “You’re going around the city to meet all the currently single immortals to see who suits you better and the only way to do that is through hot, steamy sex,” Ruby said quickly. “Right?” “How’d you...” Autumn started to ask. “Just a guess,” the succubus shrugged. “Also, I’m really hoping for some hot, steamy sex right now,” she moaned, her eyes glowing red. Jade walked up to her and lightly smacked her in the back of the head. "You're too forward, dammit." "I'm a succubus," Ruby whined, rubbing the back I i of her head.o The green mare leaned in close. "A fake succubus." "I still need sex to recharge," the pseudo-demon pointed out. She then looked at Autumn. “So, do you wanna fuck?” She asked, making Jade facepalm with a hard slap. Autumn thought for a moment before walking up to the red mare. “What would the sex mean to you?” She asked with a light tilt of her head. Ruby tilted her head, too... in confusion. “What do you mean?” “I’m looking for a relationship, Ruby,” Autumn said with a sigh. “You’re probably not the right one for me.” "Well, I'm probably a pretty bad choice for a romantic partner," the red mare said with a shrug. "Do you still wanna fuck? Just for fun?" "Ruby!" Jade exclaimed. "Just, stop, already. Damn." Autumn smiled lightly and crossed her arms. "Mmm... I think I'll pass, but... maybe later?" The red mare crossed her arms with a heavy sigh. "Fine. Better than nothing." Jade playfully scratched her head before looking at the Kirin. "I hope you find what you're looking for." Autumn smiled lightly. "Yeah... Me, too..." Rainbow Dash looked over at Autumn as the Kirin emerged from the back, looking disappointed. "Assuming neither one was the right one?" Autumn shook her head. "Nah... Ruby just wants sex and Jade didn't seem interested..." "Ah, well..." Dash said, raising her fist to the dragon. After Sterling pounded it in return, the pegasus began heading for the front door. "Next stop, the strip club." "Will I really find love at a..." Autumn started as she followed, before feeling confused. "Strip club? Females strip for entertainment now?" Rainbow chuckled. "Yeah. I've been a few times. It's pretty sexy watching a hottie remove their clothes and dance sexily. But, the three sirens work there, so that's why we're heading there. Although, we have some time before it opens. I could take you to where the sirens live, but... there's usually an orgy going on." "I don't mind nudity or sex," Autumn said. "After all, all females were topless in my village." Dash chuckled and led the Kirin back to her car. "Well, then... To Euphoria," she said as she opened her door and entered the car. "Euphoria?" Autumn asked. Euphoria... The Kirin stared in awe at the sexual acts on display. There were a bunch of mares and stallions fucking hardcore as well as a bunch just kissing or groping lovingly. Adagio was in her seat in the center of the room as a couple mares kissed her legs and feet while the siren fingered herself. Aria and Sonata each had a group of mares worshipping their bodies beside Adagio. "Oh, wow," Autumn said as she stared in awe. "I've seen orgies, but... this is something else." "Yeah, that's what the stallion out front is for," Dash said with a smile as she made her way into the orgy room. "To keep the youngsters out." Autumn quickly followed after her. "Is that one of the sirens?" The kirin asked as she pointed at Adagio. "Yeah," Rainbow confirmed. "That's Adagio. The blue one to the right of her is Sonata and the purple one on the left is Aria. And, between you and me... Aria's a little on the rough side and Adagio can be kind of... a bitch." "So, the best option is Sonata, then?" Autumn asked as they made their way around couples and threesomes. "Do they do this often?" "Oh, yeah," Rainbow said with a chuckle. "All the time." Autumn's ears drooped a little as they approached the three sirens. As they neared, Adagio glanced over at them with a devious smile. It made the kirin feel both scared and safe at the same time. She wasn't sure why. "And, who is this?" The siren cooed, pulling her fingers from her dripping pussy. As she stuck them in her mouth, Rainbow and Autumn stepped up to her. "Mmm... Is this one of those kirin I heard about?" Aria and Sonata looked over at them, the mares around them continuing to suck on their nipples. "Kirin?" They both asked, seemingly interested. "This is Autumn Blaze," Rainbow said with a smile. "She's looking for an immortal to date." The white kirin blushed with a smile. "More or less, yeah..." Adagio chuckled under her breath. "I get it. Living forever can get lonely. And, you'd prefer not to watch your lover die of old age while you live on. We've dealt with that, and realized that, since we have each other, we have no need for a permanent mate." "Oh..." Autumn said as she averted her eyes. "I see..." "Hey..." Adagio said as she stood up, the mares worshipping her feet scooting aside. "You'll find someone," she said, stepping up to the kirin. "You just have to keep looking." As she spoke, one of the mares came up behind her and buried her face in the siren's ass, making her gasp. "Ah, damn," she moaned, looking back. She then returned her attention to her visitor. "There's been a bunch of weird stuff happening lately." "Yeah, I'm sure there's more like us out there," Sonata giggled as one of the mares sucking her tits moved to kiss her neck. Aria nodded. "And, if you can't find anyone, feel free to come back here," she cooed with a devious smirk that told Autumn exactly what she wanted. "Yes, or stop by the club," Adagio said with a light moan. "We'd love to spend some time with you." "Thanks," Autumn replied with a blush, her eyes going down to the mare eating out Adagio's ass. "We should get going," Rainbow spoke up, gently taking the kirin's hand. "If I stay here too long, I may not wanna leave." "Right," Autumn said as she began walking away, ears drooping slightly in sadness. "See ya," Aria waved. Autumn forced a smile and waved back before leaving with her pegasus chaperone. When they got back to Rainbow's car, Autumn let out a sigh and climbed in, not saying a word. She then proceeded to spend the ride back to the hotel in silence. > The Only Option > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash parked her car in front of the hotel and looked over at the silent kirin. "It'll all work out. I'm sure the right one is..." "I already have someone in mind," Autumn interrupted. "The only possible option. Though, she may be the hardest one to convince..." "Oh," Rainbow said, tapping the steering wheel. "Well, I hope it works out. I'd like to hang out with you when you're happy." Autumn smiled lightly at that. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I hope it works out, too." She then opened her door and climbed out. "And, sorry about the window," she said, before closing her door. "No, you didn't..." Rainbow began, but it was too late. "Ah, never mind..." Autumn knocked on Fluttershy's door and waited for a response. It wasn’t long before she got one. “Come in!” Called a raspy female’s voice that was neither Chrysalis’ or Fluttershy’s. There was only one other being the voice could belong to and Autumn had a feeling she knew who it was. Opening the door, her assumption was confirmed. On the bed, watching TV, was Nala. The covers were pulled up over her breasts. “Oh, it’s just you,” the Changeling sighed, flinging the covers off her naked body. “Come in and close the door. Or, leave.” The kirin stepped in and shut the door. “I didn’t mean to bother you, Nala. I was just...” “Looking for my queen so she’ll fuck you?” Nala asked with narrow eyes. “She told me to help you if they weren’t around. So, get over here, I guess.” “What?” Autumn asked as she approached Nala's side of the bed. “I thought you hated non-changelings.” “I do what my queen asks,” the changeling replied. “So, how do you want it?” She asked, running her hands up and down her shaft. “Orally? Vaginally? Anally? Hard? Soft? Want the cum inside or all over your...” “Whoa,” Autumn chuckled. “No need to be so formal about it. Can’t we just let it happen?” She asked as she reached out to gently rub the changeling dick. “It will never happen,” Nala hissed. Autumn leaned in a little. “Why not? Why do you hate everyone?” “Interspecies relationships don’t work,” Nala explained. “Different genetics, and that some will live forever while others don’t. Take Chrysalis and Fluttershy for example. Fluttershy will age while Chrysalis will remain the same. My queen will have to watch her lover die.” “That's exactly my problem, too," Autumn said. "Though, I guess, for Chrysalis, a brief moment of happiness is better than a lifetime alone?” Nala said nothing. She just turned her head to the side to look away. Smiling, Autumn climbed on top of her, getting her attention again. “I think you could make someone a really good partner some day," the kirin said with a smile. "Because you care." "I don't care," Nala protested with a huff. "Yes, you do," Autumn cooed. "You don't wanna see your queen hurt. Just like you don't wanna get hurt. So, you push others away. But, Nala? Kirin are immortal. If we were a couple, we'd always be together." “Why do you want me soooooooo badly?” Autumn let out a sigh. “You're the only one who's available...” she answered in a saddened tone. Nala said nothing. “So, would you, at least, consider going out with me? Please?” The changeling stared up at her in thought before she suddenly rolled them both over. “I can’t be seen dating a pussy. Can you fight?” She asked as she ran her hands over the Kirin’s abs. “You have the body of a fighter.” “I’ve never fought, no,”’ Autumn replied with a light smile, arms resting on the bed by her head. “Never had to.” Nala let out a sigh. “Oh, well. You’re cute enough, so I’ll at least have sex with you. Not sure about dating, though." Autumn smiled a little wider. "I think you're cute, too." "Oh, don't start," Nala groaned. "Alright, sorry, geez," Autumn apologized. "I'm just trying to have some fun with you." The changeling stayed quiet for a few seconds before she grabbed Autumn's left breast, making the kirin gasp from the sudden feeling f pleasure. "Just be quiet and fuck me," Nala said, before leaning in and kissing Autumn on the lips. The kirin didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, and now wasn't the time to be picky, so she kissed back and closed her eyes with a moan. 1 Hour Later... Autumn and Nala lay beside each other, the only light in the room coming from the TV. Autumn looked over at Nala and tried to make out her expression in the minimal light. They had just had some pretty steamy sex, but the changeling wasn't acting all lovey-dovey. She was just... sitting there. Like nothing had even happened. "Well, that was... fun?" Autumn said questioningly. Nala eyed her before looking at the TV again. "You held yourself pretty well. You must have great stamina." "I used to go on jogs around my village for exercise," Autumn explained, rubbing her own abs. "I punched trees to let out anger and I helped out with the heavy lifting." Nala let out a breathy chuckle. "Sounds like fighter stuff to me. Never trained?" Autumn shook her head. "Nope. Wanna teach me?" The changeling let out a sigh. "You should probably leave, actually. Chrysalis and Fluttershy will be back soon and there isn't enough room on this bed for the four of us." "Nah, I can just sleep on top of you," Autumn replied with a giggle. "We're not dating," Nala said sternly, looking over at the kirin. Autumn's smile faded. "Oh... Right..." She then slowly slid off the bed and got dressed. "Sorry, I... I forgot. Got caught up in the moment," she said with a forced, weak chuckle. She then took one last look at the changeling before heading to the door. "Bye," she said, before opening the door and leaving. "B..." Nala started, but was cut off by the door closing. Letting out a sigh, she sank into her pillow. Covering her face with her hands, she let out a deep sigh. "Fuck..." > A Sense Of Comfort > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cinnamon spent the night with Luna, Rain Shine, and Celestia again, leaving Autumn alone. The white kirin stayed up late, thinking about Nala. Holding back tears, she finally managed to fall asleep. When she awoke the next morning, she felt empty inside. Sitting up, she let out a sigh and left her bed to go into the bathroom. Walking over to the shower, she stared at the knob before turning it. Feeling the water, the turned the knob some more until it was warm enough. Stepping inside, she just stood there and let the water wash over her. Once she was dressed, Autumn left her room and slowly made her way downstairs. As she entered the lobby, Rainbow Dash ran up to her with a smile. "Hey," the cyan mare greeted. "How'd it go?" "Really bad," Autumn replied plainly, heading for the front door. "Oh..." Rainbow said, her cheerful expression fading. "I'm sorry... Want me to drive you around again?" Autumn shook her head. "I'm just gonna go for a walk." "Oh," the mare said, sounding a little concerned. "Okay, well... Take this, then," she said as she held out her cell phone. "Call any number in my contacts if you need help." Autumn stopped at the door and looked at the device. Hesitantly taking it, she looked it over. "Um... Alright. Thanks." She then pushed the door open and left, leaving the worried mare behind. Autumn Blaze made her way down the sidewalk with no clear destination in mind. As she looked around, she noticed that all eyes were on her. She started feeling like maybe she shouldn't have come out here alone after all. Continuing on, she found herself in a small park area with a grassy field and trees. Smiling, she made her way to the edge of the sidewalk and stopped. Looking around, she made sure no cars were coming before running across to the other side. Upon entering the park, she walked over to a tree and sat down. With everything going on right now, spending time with nature was exactly what this kirin needed. Leaning back against the tree, she closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh. The nice breeze in the open air felt nice against her skin as she rested in the shade of the tree. She managed to drown out the sound of passing cars and focus only on the wind. The quietness, however, didn't last long. “Are you a kirin?” A feminine voice asked. Autumn opened her eyes as a purple unicorn kneel beside her. “Yes, I’m... Autumn Blaze. You?” “Starlight Glimmer,” the unicorn greeted with a kind smile. “I can’t believe you’re really real. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to meet one of you.” "Oh, well, I'm sure it's the same as meeting one of you," Autumn said with a light smile. "Still, though," Starlight beamed joyfully. "The kirin are a legend. Without you, we wouldn't have buildings or Thanksgiving." "Thanksgiving was a collaborative effort," Autumn smiled. "We kirin and the princesses helped each other and, in doing so, made Thanksgiving." "Wow, so... you're all here to stay?" the unicorn asked. "Hopefully," the kirin replied. "Say, you wouldn't happen to be immortal, would you?" "No," Starlight chuckled. "No, sadly, no. Why do you ask?" Autumn shrugged. "Just curious." "Alright, well..." Starlight said as she stood up. "I have things to go do. It was great meeting you. Maybe I'll see you around?" The kirin smiled and nodded. "Probably. T was nice meeting you, too." The unicorn gave her a quick smile before walking away. When the mare was gone, Autumn looked around to see a couple mares and stallions approaching her with their phone out. Going wide-eyed, she stood up and started walking away. Looking both ways at the crosswalk, she ran across to the other side. Upon arrival, a group approached her, all speaking at the same time so it was hard to make out what they were saying. "I can't understand what you're saying," Autumn stammered as she backed away. As she walked away, the group followed her before another group started approaching her from the front. Feeling trapped and anxious, she felt fire form around her hands. "Oh, no," she whimpered, closing her eyes. The overlapping voices from both groups began drowning out all other sounds of the city. Without warning, she let out a yell and burst into flames. When she opened her eyes, they were completely white and her skin was black. Everyone around her had a look of fright on their face. It seems that a nirik wasn't as approachable as a kirin. Seeing everyone’s frightened expressions made her scared, too, as she didn’t want to be seen as a monster. When she was about to say something, a police car pulled up to the curb before the cop got out. “Freeze!” He yelled, aiming his gun. “Whatever you are, don’t move!” Autumn let out a gasp as her bad day was becoming worse. Tears started to drip from her eyes but quickly vaporized due to the heat. Backing up against the side of the building, she thought her heart was going to explode from the amount of stress, anxiety, and terror she was feeling. “Put your hands up!” The cop yelled with a shaky voice. Autumn let out a yell and covered her head before a brown mare quickly stepped in front of her, a calm look on her face. “Relax,” the mare said gently, reaching out and gently holding the nirik’s wrists. Autumn gasped at the touch, both surprised by it and the fact that someone would touch her while she was on fire. The calming tone and face of the brown stranger was enough to soothe the flames. Soon, Autumn returned to normal. The mare smiled at her and removed her own red jacket, before giving it to the kirin. Under the jacket, she was wearing a dark red tube top that covered her A-cups along with black jeans and boots, both splattered with dark red paint. “Put this on, you’re naked.” Autumn blushed and quickly pulled the jacket on. Luckily, it was long enough to hide her crotch. “What the hell is wrong with everyone?!” The brown mare yelled, looking around at everyone before her eyes fell on the cop. “Didn’t anyone do the research?! Kirin burst into flames when cornered or provoked!” “Shit...” the cop muttered. “Um...” “Save it!” The mare snapped at him. She then looked at Autumn and held out her hand. “My place isn’t too far from here.” The kirin smiled lightly before taking her hand. “I’m Autumn. Autumn Blaze.” “Rusty Dust,” the mare replied with a smile. Rusty led the kirin into her studio apartment, both chuckling at their conversation. “Wow, so you had an orgy with the princess? That must’ve been pretty special. And, everyone in your village was topless, even the females?” “Sure was and yep,” the kirin replied, answering both questions as the mare closed and locked the door before kicking her boots off. “Well, things are a lot more restricted now, as you may have gathered," Rusty said as she made her way to her bedroom. She soon emerged with a pile of clothes. "These should fit, though you should look into fireproof clothes." "Thanks," Autumn said as she took the clothes. "They make those?" "Fireproof clothes?" Rusty asked with a chuckle. "Of course. Well, they're not mass-produced but if you find a clothing designer who knows how to enchant clothing, you can pay a little extra for some fireproof clothes." "Huh..." Autumn said in thought. "And, you know of someone?" The mare nodded. "You bet I do. I can take you to her later, if you want." The kirin smiled widely and nodded. "Oh, yes, please. I mean, if it's alright with you-- Well, you offered, so I'm guessing it's-- I-- Yeah-- Um..." She then let out a nervous chuckle. "You aren't... by any chance... immortal, are you?" "Me?" Rusty chuckled. "No, not yet." Autumn tilted her head in confusion. "Um... What?" "Oh, I'm looking for something that should help with that," Rusty vaguely explained. "But, I won't bore you with my... uneventful search." "Alright..." Autumn replied, still confused. She then turned and went into the bedroom to set the clothes on the bed. Rusty followed and leaned against the doorway. "Why'd you ask, anyways?" The kirin blushed as she held onto the collar of the red jacket she was wearing. It was easier asking the others because they were immortal and seemed more open. This mare seemed more normal and it made it a little harder to admit why she asked about immortality in the first place. "Um, well, I-I-- You see, I-- It's..." She let out a sigh and her grip on the collar tightened. "You're lonely," Rusty said, figuring it out. "You're looking for someone like you." Autumn nodded and slipped out of the jacket. The mare eyed the kirin's exposed breasts and fit figure. As she reached out and grabbed the jacket, Autumn followed her gaze and blushed more. When she let go of the jacket, she covered her breasts and crotch. Rusty kept her eyes on the kirin as she tossed her jacket on the bed. She then slowly got closer, making the kirin blush harder. Autumn looked the mare in the eyes as she was standing directly in front of her. Rusty gave her a smile and removed her tube top, tossing it on the bed behind her. Reaching down, she undid her jeans and let them drop to the floor. Stepping out of them, she kicked them aside. Autumn quickly looked her up and down. Rusty reached out and placed her hands on Autum's arm. The kirin slowly felt more and more relaxed. Something about this mare was calming to her. Smiling, Autumn moved her arm away from her breasts. Rusty moved closer so the kirin's breasts pressed up against her chest. Autumn hugged her as the mare hugged her back. "This is nice," Autumn said, nuzzling the mare's neck. "Yeah..." Rusty sighed. "Wow, you're soft..." They pulled back to look each other in the eyes, before Rusty leaned in to kiss her. Autumn kissed back with a soft moan. This kiss felt more natural and loving than the experience she had with Nala. Breaking the kiss, she leaned in and kissed Rusty on the neck. The mare tilted her head back with a happy sigh. Autumn kissed lower and lower, making the mare have to lean back against the bed as her kisses neared the mare's breasts. Autumn smiled and wrapped her lips around Rusty's nipple, making her moan out. "Oh, Autumn," Rusty gasped. "Your tongue feels great." She bit her knuckle to stifle a very loud moan. "Mmm... Lower..." Later... Rusty was laying on her back with Autumn resting her head on the mare's chest. The kirin was fast asleep with a huge smile on her face. The brown mare soothingly stroked the kirin's head, feeling her chest moving as she breathed peacefully. After a few more minutes, she slowly slid out from under Autumn and made sure she was laying comfortably. After kissing the kirin on the forehead, Rusty went to her paint-spattered jeans and pulled out her cell phone. One missed text. Letting out a sigh, she stood up and looked over at Autumn. Smiling lightly, she left the bedroom and closed the door. Dialing the number that texted her, she waited for an answer. "What do you mean you can't find it?" She asked. "I need that dagger." She listened for a bit before interrupting. "N-No, don't give me excuses. Twilight's gone. The Elementals are broken. Now's our chance. Besides, I..." She then looked back at the bedroom where the kirin slept. "I really need it now..." > Dusty O’Cult > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rusty entered the bedroom and looked at Autumn, who was still fast asleep. She was currently hugging the pillow with a smile on her face. Rusty smiled, too, and went over to her clothes to get dressed. Once no longer nude, the brown mare went to her closet and reached high up to the top shelf. Pulling down gun holsters, she strapped them on and then pulled down two pistols. Sliding them both into the holders, she reached up a final time to grab some ammo and slipped them into the pouch on the back of her gun belt. Pulling out her phone, she replied to a new text with I'm on my way. "Sleep well, sweetie," she cooed at the sleeping kirin. "I'll be back shortly." On her way to the front door, she stopped and sighed. Walking into the kitchen, she pulled out a napkin and a pen and wrote back soon on it before bringing it to the bedroom and leaving it on her side of the bed. Feeling better, she left her apartment and headed downstairs. Once outside, she climbed into her sleek, black sports car with red tinted windows. Turning on the engine, she sped off towards the warehouse district where there also sat abandoned buildings such as shops and apartments that the city has ignored. Pulling up to an abandoned shop, Rusty parked her car and reached up to her glasses holder to grab her shades. Pulling them down, she slipped them on her face before leaving her car. When she approached the front door, a stallion inside opened it for her. "They're in the basement," the stallion told her as she entered. Rusty flashed him a smile as she past him. "Of course they are," she said, heading out back behind the counter. The shop appeared to once have been a convenient store with a small counter off to the right. The back door was at the far back wall. To the left were a bunch of empty shelves and trash all over the floor. It looked like something out of an apocalyptic zombie movie. The stairs were easy to find as another stallion with an assault rifle stood guard at the doorway leading to them. Rusty headed down to the basement where a stallion not part of her gang was strapped to a chair. Around him were two stallions and two mares, each with a rifle. "Dusty, ma'am," one of the mares said. "This is the stallion I texted you about." "Yes, I assumed," the brown mare said as she approached them. The bound stallion was gray with short black hair and wearing casual clothes. "So, I'm told you know a little somethin'-somethin' about the dagger I'm looking for." "Black Sapphire's Ritual Dagger?" The stallion asked. "Yeah, the one she used to kill her family," Rusty said as she grabbed a nearby chair and pulled it close to the stallion. Sitting down, she sighed and pulled out one of her guns. "The one she used to gain her power. Where is it?" "Why would I ever tell you?" The gray stallion asked. "We've sworn an oath to never reveal its location." Rusty smiled. "And your other coven members have done a great job avoiding all ties... but, you... You chose to get a family and settle down, didn't you?" The stallion went wide-eyed. "You leave them alone, you bitch!" "Ooo, temper," Rusty said with a chuckle. "If you refuse to tell me where that dagger is hidden, I won't kill you. I'll kill your wife and son. Then, I'll return you to their corpses so you can lay your eyes upon your greatest mistake." The stallion struggled to try and free himself from his bindings, wanting to beat the shit out of the mare sitting before him. Coming to the conclusion that it was no use, the stallion stopped trying to break free and sighed heavily. "Fine..." Pulling out her phone, Rusty opened her map app and held it out to the stallion's hand. "Enter in the location." The stallion struggled but managed to enter in the address. "There. Now, leave my family alone." Rusty looked at her phone, a scowl spreading across her face. Quickly standing up, causing her chair to fall backwards, she whacked the stallion across the face with the butt of her gun. "You're fucking with me!" "No!" The stallion coughed. "We decided it was the safest place! Think about it!" Rusty looked at her phone again and let out an angry yell. "Are you fucking sure?!" She screamed, aiming her gun at the stallion's head. He nodded and coughed again. "Yes! Now, leave my family alone!" The brown mare's breathing didn't lighten but she smiled evilly. "They'll live," she said, before pulling the trigger. A gunshot rang out as the stallion's brains sprayed the floor. "But, you won't," she said, before lowering her gun. She looked at her phone again. "Shit." "What is it, ma'am?" One of the mares asked. "What's wrong?" Rusty turned to her and let out a heavy sigh. "They hid it in the fuckin' police station. East Side Police Station!" The group looked at each other before looking at their boss. "We're with you," a stallion said, the others nodding in agreement. Rusty thought for a moment. "I can't be seen. My cover can't be blown." She then snapped her fingers. "Get the others together and storm that fucking police station! I'll do what I can, but if I'm seen with one of you, I'll be forced to kill you, so stay outta my way! Got it?!" The group nodded. "Good! Spread the word and get me that dagger!" She ordered, heading for the stairs. "Recruit outside the gang if you have to!" Getting in her car, she slammed the steering wheel in anger. "Fuck!" She exclaimed, before leaning back in her seat. Closing her eyes, she let out deep breaths to calm herself down. Gripping the wheel, she breathed in a slow rhythm which soon lowered her heart rate and relaxed her. "Okay..." she said softly. Her hand then went to her crotch, thinking about the kirin in her bedroom. "I need to fuck something," she said, starting up her engine and speeding off towards her apartment. > Not My Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rusty entered her apartment with a sigh after leaving her weapons in the trunk of her car. Kicking off her boots, she made her way towards the bedroom door. Feeling a small vibration, she pulled out her phone. There was a new text that read: 7pm Opening the bedroom door, she saw Autumn sitting on the edge of the bed, facing her with a smile. “Oh, you’re awake,” Rusty said with a smile in return. The kirin nodded and laid on her side. “I think this is the first time I’ve been happy since coming here.” “Well, you only just arrived yesterday,” the mare said as she approached the bed. “How long you been awake?” “According to that device over there,” Autumn started, referring to the digital clock on the bedside table. “about 30 minutes.” “You sat there for 30 minutes?” Rusty chuckled. Autumn shrugged. “You said you’d be back soon, so...” The mare smiled and patted her head. “Why don’t I treat you to dinner? What do ya say? Feel like going out to eat?” “I don’t know what that means, but okay,” The kirin replied as she sat up. “Let’s shower first,” Rusty suggested as she held out her hand. “Then, we gotta find clothes that fit you. Most of mine would be tight around the chest area. Plus, I don’t have any bras.” Autumn took her hand and stood up, immediately leaning against her with bedroom eyes. “Mind If we play a little, first?” Rusty chuckled and placed her hands on the kirin’s butt. “How can I say no to this body?” She asked with a smile, before leaning in and kissing the kirin. Autumn kissed back before they started rubbing their tongues together with loving moans. Autumn and Rusty sat down at a café down the street from where the police station was. They both ordered a drink and an appetizer to start. Once they were alone, Rusty smiled. "You look good in that," she commented. Autumn was currently only wearing a large sweater that hung down to her waist. For pants, she wore loose sweats with sandals. "Really? I look sort of plain." "Sure, but..." Rusty started. "the fact you're naked under there is hot." The kirin blushed and looked around. "Everyone in this city wears clothes. It's so different from my village." Rusty smiled and let the waitress put their drinks down before continuing. "What was your village like?" "Oh, we were all topless," Autumn explained. "Wore as little possible to hide our naughty bits. Had sex for fun." She then smiled. "We all got along well. Aside from a few small disagreements, it was peaceful. Quiet." "Sounds nice," Rusty said before she took a sip of her water. "How are you liking it here?" "This place?" Autumn asked. "I dunno... The Elementals are sort of protectors, right? I dunno, I feel like... like I should be doing something to help, yo know? Earn my place with them." "I don't think they'd want you putting yourself in harm's way," Rusty said as she took the kirin's hand. "Neither do I." Autumn smiled at her and held her hand. "Thanks." Down the street, a couple vans pulled up to the police station. A pink griffin left the van in front and headed into the police station. She was wearing a white t-shirt and long, thin jeans. As she approached the front desk, she blew a bubble with the gum in her beak. The stallion behind the counter looked up at her. “May I help you, ma’am?” “Probably,” the griff cooed as she leaned in. “There are bombs all around this building. If you make any sudden movements, we’ll detonate them. Am I understood?” The cop’s eyes narrowed. “What do you want?” The griffin chuckled. “I want you to get your chief out here so I can explain the situation to them.” The stallion sighed and picked up the phone, dialing a number. “Yeah, sir? I’m gonna need you to come out here. We have a situation.” He then hung up the phone and, only a minute later, the chief came out and walked over to them. “What’s going on?” He asked. “Who’s this?” “Bubblegum,” the pink griffin replied. “Nice to meet you.” “She said there’s bombs all around the building,” the cop explained. “One wrong move and…” The griffin cut him off by imitating an explosion with her right hand. “Boom.” The chief stared at her for a moment before talking. “You think this is smart? Showing your face to us? You don’t think we’ll come after you?” “Honestly, it doesn’t matter,” Bubblegum cooed. “Now, tell everyone in here to stand down. My boys are coming in to search the lower levels. I’d hate to leave any dead bodies behind.” Autumn’s ears perked as she looked in the direction of the Police Station. Rusty followed her gaze and wondered why she was staring at the wall. Before she could say anything, Autumn took off. Realizing what the kirin may have heard, Rusty let out a gasp and quickly stood up. She was about to leave when their waiter approached her. “Are you both leaving?” He asked. Rusty nodded quickly. “Yeah, I have to...” “Then, You must wait for the check,” he said, making the mare growl under her breath. Autumn headed down the sidewalk, approaching the police station. Everything seemed quiet, but the kirin’s senses were telling her that something was off. If she was right, however, would she be able to control her powers and help? Or only make things worse? She spotted a couple vans parked in front of the building which seemed off to her. Heading around to the side of the building, she approached a window and peeked in. Inside, she saw the lobby with a few officers held at gun point by masked stallions. “Uh oh,” She muttered. “Not good.” Her ears twitched at a noise and she looked over to see an armed thug circling around the building. He quickly spotted her and held up his gun. Since they were in an alley, no one on the street could see him. He cautiously approached her, keeping his gun on her. “Don’t move,” he ordered. Autumn knew he was going to shoot her anyways. She also knew she had to put aside her pacifist attitude and hill him before he killed her. Her heart rate increased as her breathing intensified. Sweating nervously, she stopped to her knees, her legs feeling weak from extreme anxiety. She didn’t want to but she knew she had to. When the stallion was close, he reached for his radio. “Attention. I have the...” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence before Autumn let out a scream and lunged at him. He blocked with his rifle as the kirin grabbed the weapon. Her hands started to heat up before the gun began to melt. The stallion went wide-eyed before the kirin burst into flames, completely engulfing the stallion. Both his screams and the light from the fire immediately attracted the attention of the civilians outside and the thugs inside. The thugs all burst out of the front door, heading to the vans. The nirik darted from the alley, her eyes focused on the vans. As the last stallion was about to climb into the middle van, he spotted her and raised his gun. Autumn let out a gasp and leapt to the side to avoid the bullets. The shooter noticed a fire hydrant near the nirik and fired at it. Autumn looked over just in time to get a blast of water, putting her fire out. After getting knocked on her back by the force of the water, Autumn shook her head to dry off. She then saw the stallion standing over her, gun pointed at her face. “That was my brother you burned to a crisp,” he said with an angry look on his face. “O-Oh, uh…” Autumn stammered. “I’m sorry, I didn’t…” She was cut off when the stallion kicked her in the side. “You’re sorry?!” A few of the other thugs ran over to try and pull him away. “Come on, we gotta go!” One yelled at him. The sound of police sirens caught his attention before he pulled out his cell phone. “Cops are coming. We need to get the artifact out of here now. Send backup.” Autumn looked down the road to see the cops coming closer. Looking over her shoulder, she saw a line of black trucks approaching. She knew a fight was about to begin with her smack dab in the middle. Letting out a yell, she ignored herself again and ran for the sidewalk. When the stallion who attacked her raised his gun, she threw a ball of fire near a parked car. It exploded and tumbled towards the attacker, who jumped out of the way. “Shit,” he grunted. Autumn ran down the sidewalk towards the cops, panting heavily while her heart felt like it was about to explode from fear. When one of the cars pulled up to her, the two cops inside got out. “Are you the kirin?” One asked. “We need to get you out of here.” Before anyone could say anything else, a stallion sitting in the back of one of the black trucks pulled out a grenade launcher and fired it. The cop car exploded, killing the officers while sending Autumn flying back into the brick building. She collapsed to the sidewalk with a groan and a cough. Opening her eyes, she saw blood on her arms and went wide-eyed. “No,” she muttered, as gunfire continued around her. “This… This is… This isn’t my blood…” Rainbow Dash walked up to Fluttershy, Chrysalis, and Nala who were at the hotel's restaurant. "Have any of you seen Autumn?" All three looked up at her as Fluttershy replied. "No, she hasn't come back yet. Does she have a phone?" "Yeah, mine," Dash sighed. "I've tried calling but it must be off. I hope she knows how to turn it on." Not even a second later, Fluttershy's phone rang. "Um..." the pegasus muttered, pulling her phone out. "It's... Rainbow Dash," she said, before looking at the cyan mare. She quickly answered it. "Hello? Autumn?" "Send help, please!" The kirin yelled. "I-I think I started a war! I-I'm covered in blood a-and there's... s-so many bodies..." She let out a shriek when the line went dead. "Shit," Rainbow gasped, immediately turning and leaving. "Do you know where she is?!" Fluttershy called to her. The cyan pegasus shrugged. "I'll just listen for the explosions!" "What if she doesn't make it?" The yellow pegasus asked. Chrysalis watched Rainbow leave the hotel before getting up. "She has to. But, if she can't... then she'll need help." Autumn stared at the phone on the ground, a bullet hole in it. She heard another explosion before there was the sound of tires screeching and vehicles speeding away. Inside the station, Bubblegum sighed heavily and looked at the chief. "And, this was going so well, too," she said, before slipping behind him and wrapping her left arm around his neck. She then pulled out a silenced pistol and. before the stallion behind the desk could react, she shot him in the head. The griff then aimed the gun at the chief's head and fired. Letting his body drop, she reached into her other pocket and pulled out a hand grenade. Turning to leave, she pulled the pin and threw it behind her. As she left the station, the grenade went off and she pulled out a lollipop from another pocket. Looking over, her eyes met the naked kirin's. "Well, who's this?" She asked, walking over to the blood-spattered kirin. "You're a cutie." "U-Uh..." Autumn stammered. "I-I'm Autumn." "Autumn," the pink griff repeated as she put the lollipop in her mouth. "You start all this?" The kirin shook her head. "I-I didn't mean to. I-I just wanted to help." "Well..." Bubblegum started, looking around. "Seems like you caused more damage than I wanted. You see, this was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab mission. No one was supposed to die. Now, all the cops in that building are dead." She then let out a chuckle as Autumn gasped, tears in her eyes. "Oh, don't cry. I'd like to thank you. I may be a silent assassin but I do enjoy making some noise now and then." She then playfully ruffled the kirin's head before standing up. "See ya later, Autumn," she cooed, before turning and walking away. Autumn watched her slip into an alley and just started sobbing. She then heard someone familiar shouting for her. Looking up, she tried to see through the fire. "O-Over here!" She called out. Being fire-based, the smoke wasn't affecting her, but she still had to struggle to yell over the raging fires everywhere from all the burning vehicles. A familiar figure soon landed in front of her, making her gasp softly. "N-Nala? You came?" "Rainbow Dash is coming, but my queen thought that..." She trailed of when she saw the blood all over her naked body. "Um... She thought she could use some back-up." The changeling moved closer. "We need to get you cleaned up and clothed," she said, holding out her hand. Autumn stood up and took the changeling's hand. Nala suddenly pulled back when she felt the blood. "You really are covered," she said, making Autumn whimper. "Autumn?!" Came another voice as Rusty ran over to them. "Autumn, are you okay?!" She gasped, seeing all the blood. "It's not... It's not mine..." Autumn muttered. "Shit," Rusty sighed, before her phone chirped. Pulling it out, she groaned. "Not now," she muttered, before putting her phone away. "Autumn," she said, walking up and taking the kirin by the shoulders. "Will you be okay to go with your friend here?" The kirin nodded and sniffled. "Y-Yeah..." Rusty leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I'd stay if I could, but I'm needed elsewhere." Nala raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "What's more important than making sure Autumn's okay?" The brown mare shot Nala a frown before kissing Autumn on the lips. "I'll see ya later, okay?" Autumn nodded and Rusty took off. Nala watched Rusty leave before she heard a car approach. Turning around, she saw Rainbow pull up, followed by a bunch of police, a few ambulances, and a fire truck. The cyan mare got out and ran over to them, skidding to a stop when she saw the kirin covered in blood splatters. "Shit," Dash gasped, rushing over to the kirin and looking her over. "Not yours?" Autumn shakily shook her head. "Your phone." "Huh?" Rainbow asked. "First your window..." Autumn muttered. "Now, your phone." "No, you didn't..." Dash began, before sighing. "Never mind. Let's get that blood washed off." She then removed her jacket and put it on the kirin. "Now, your jacket, too," Autumn pointed out. > I Only Wanted To Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the police were done questioning and tending to Autumn, Rainbow and Nala brought her back to Dash’s car. The pegasus went around to sit in the drivers seat while Nala looked at Autumn. “Where do you wanna sit?” The changeling asked. “Front or back?” “U-Um, the back,” Autumn started, sounding nervous. “W-With you, if… if that’s okay. I mean, i-it’s okay if you don’t w…” “It’s fine,” Nala interrupted, in as soothing of a tone she could muster. She then opened the back door for the kirin. Autumn gave her a light smile and climbed in. Nala followed and shut the door. After putting on her seatbelt, she felt the kirin lean against her. When she quickly looked over, Autumn pulled back. “I-I didn’t mean…” Autumn stammered. “I’m just exhausted, and I…” “It’s…” Nala interrupted again, before she let out a sigh. “It’s okay.” Autumn slowly moved closer before resting her head on the changeling’s shoulder. Nala watched the kirin almost immediately pass out. The changeling looked her over before leaning her head back against the headrest. Rainbow smiled and drove off. Nala walked Autumn over to her room and stood beside the door. “Here we are.” Autumn nodded and stepped up to the door, opening it. “Um… I don’t mean to keep being a burden but…” “You’ve had a pretty rough day,” Nala assured her. “I think you’re allowed to ask for favors.” Autumn smiled lightly. “Then… can you stay with me? Until I fall asleep?” The changeling hesitated for a few seconds before nodding. “Sure. That sounds reasonable.” Autumn’s smile grew a tad wider before she headed inside. Something about her smile made the changeling feel… something. Nala wasn’t sure but it felt… good. She followed Autumn inside and closed the door. Once inside, Autumn removed Dash’s jacket, exposing her bare upper body. One of the female cops helped clean her up and gave her some shorts to wear. That didn’t take the blood off the jacket. The second Autumn saw it, she let out a gasp. Nala quickly took it from her and rolled it into a ball. Autumn was a bit startled but, when she realized why Nala did that, she smiled a little more. Nala didn’t smile back. The kirin then slipped out of her shorts and kicked them aside before heading into the bedroom. Nala set the jacket down and followed Autumn, who was climbing into bed. Nala went around to sit on the edge of the bed, directly next to Autumn. “I should’ve listened,” Autumn said softly. Nala looked down at her. “What?” “Rusty,” Autumn explained. “She told me… not to put myself in harm’s way.” “She just didn’t wanna see you get hurt,” Nala stated. “I didn’t,” Autumn replied, sounding upset with herself. “Others did. Cops died because of me. I tried to save them, but I only caused their death.” Nala let out a silent gasp. “You… You can’t blame yourself. You didn’t know what the outcome would’ve been had you not showed up.” “That pink griffin said she didn’t wanna kill anyone,” Autumn muttered. Nala scoffed at that. “She was working with them. She was probably lying to you.” “What if she wasn’t?” Autumn asked. The changeling let out a groan and started to undress. “That’s it. I’m spending the night here,” she said with an annoyed tone. “R…Really?” Autumn asked as the changeling tossed her clothes aside and slid under the covers with the kirin. Autumn had to slide over to allow the changeling some room. “You can’t be alone right now,” Nala sighed as she laid on her back. Autumn smiled and moved to rest her cheek on the changeling’s shoulder. Nala watched her before slowly lifting her arm and wrapping it around the kirin, holding her close. Autumn smiled and draped her left arm over Nala’s waist before closing her eyes. Nala waited for her to fall asleep before she smiled lightly. The changeling then picked up the covers to see the kirin's body, admiring how soft her fur looked. She bit her lip and lowered the sheets. Despite her not liking non-changelings, Nala found herself strangely attracted to the kirin's soft body. As she looked over the kirin's upper body, she then spotted the kirn's open eyes. "Nala?" Autumn asked. "Sorry," Nala sighed. "You just look... well... soft." Autumn smiled and laid on her back. "I know you aren't interested in me, but... you can feel if you want." Nala looked the kirin in the eyes before she felt the fur on her upper chest that went behind her neck and joined her hair in the back. Her hand gently ran over the kirin's neck before moving back down to the tuft of fur above the tits. Nala looked over the kirin's body again before looking her in the eyes. She then moved her hand lower to feel Autumn's abs. "In addition to your fur... you also have a fairly strong build. You could probably have someone like Applejack to train you in combat." "With fists?" Autumn asked. "I don't know. I would much prefer..." "Setting your enemies on fire?" Nala asked. Autumn's ears drooped a little. "I just... don't wanna kill them with my bare hands." "So, knock them out," Nala said with a light smile. "Still better than burning them to death." The kirin sighed and nodded. "You're right. And, maybe the training would help take my mind off things." Nala nodded and traced the abs with her fingers. "Nala?" Autumn asked, getting the changeling's attention. "You can... keep feeling." Nala hesitated before moving her hand up to the kirin's left breast, giving it a gentle squeeze. Autumn let out a soft moan before Nala leaned in. "If we... went further," she began, making Autumn look at her with interest. "would that help you sleep?" Autumn smiled and nodded. "Probably." "Then, per my queen's instructions," Nala cooed as she slid her hand lower to the kirin's crotch. "I must help you." She then started rubbing as Autumn moaned even more. Dusty O’Cult entered an alley where Bubblegum was waiting. The pink griffin was leaning against a dumpster, arms crossed and blowing a bubble of gum. “Still impressed you can do that with a beak.” The griffin let the bubble pop and smiled, using her tongue to pull the gum back in her mouth. “Practice makes perfect.” “Did you get it?” Dusty asked stepping up to the griffin. Bubblegum nodded and pulled out the dagger. “My payment?” Dusty nodded and took out a large stack of one hundreds. “And, I get a place of power in this new world of yours? Should you succeed, that is.” “I will, and yes,” Dusty confirmed. Bubblegum smiled and took the money before holding out the dagger. Dusty took it and examined it. The handle had runes carved into it. “Amazing to think that this dagger is over 3,000 years old.” “Yeah, and that a mare killed her whole family with it,” Bubblegum said before she blew another bubble. “All but her daughter,” Dusty corrected. “Although, not much is known about her daughter. She disappeared shortly after the fall of her mother.” Bubblegum smiled and patted her shoulder. “Pleasure doing business with you. But, I must be going. History was never my strong suit.” “Of course,” Dusty replied, pocketing the dagger. “I have my own business to attend to.” Bubblegum saluted casually as she turned and walked away. Dusty watched her leave before she looked at the dagger again. "The time has come. With Twilight out of the picture and this dagger in my possession I will bring this city to its knees." > The Burning Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn and Applejack stood facing each other, a punching bag suspended from the ceiling between them. Both were wearing training bras and shorts with sneakers. Autumn pulled at her top, uncomfortable with how it hugged her torso. “Is this really necessary?” Asked the kirin. AJ nodded. “I heard how y’all like to wear very little or nothin’ at all. But, here, at the gym?” “I get it,” Autumn said with a forced smile. “No public nudity, right?” The orange mare smiled for real. “Exactly. Plus, these clothes are the best for working out since they’re tight. Loose clothes could get in the way.” “I suppose,” Autumn muttered, seemingly disappointed that the mare had a good reason. “Alright,” Applejack said, holding the punching bag. “Hit it as hard as you can.” Autumn nodded and pulled her fist back. “Get ready for this monster,” she said, before throwing her punch. AJ rolled her eyes before she felt the bag jerk from her grasp. She had to take a step back to avoid it hitting her in the face. “The hell?” She asked, staring at Autumn. “Was that good?” The kirin asked innocently. “I-I mean, my purple have naturally strong muscles since we lived in nature and had to build all our homes from scratch.” “Right,” AJ said with a chuckle, patting the bag. “Should’ve guessed by your… actually incredible abs. However, you still need technique.” “Technique?” Autumn asked. “Like dodging and blocking?” “Among other things, yeah,” AJ smiled, before she walked up to the kirin. “Let’s go back to the hotel so I can teach you how to use those muscles of yours for combat. Autumn nodded. “Lead on, teach.” Dusty knelt down in the basement of her hideout, gripping the dagger firmly in her right hand. “The dagger Black Sapphire used to kill her family. Infused with the powers of the Nether itself. A power which is now mine.” “You find it easy?” Autumn asked from her shower. “Throwing punches at others?” Applejack, who was in the shower next to the kirin’s, smiled. “If my life, or the life of one of my friends, is in danger, I’ll fight whoever I have to. Even, if it means killing them.” “I see,” muttered Autumn. “Now, let’s finish up and get back to the hotel,” AJ called over to her. “I need to show you how to fight.” Dusty brought the dagger’s blade to her arm. She could feel the heat of the Nether from within the blade. Dragging the dagger across her arm, she let out a grunt of pain before the dagger began to glow red. “It’s time,” she sighed, before red Event from the blade shot into her open wound. The veins in her arm faced off a red glow as the energy coursed through her body. “I-I can feel it,” she grunted. “The power.” Autumn slid into the passenger’s seat as Applejack sat down in the driver’s seat. “So,” AJ began. “Rainbow tells me you’re seeing someone?” The kirin blushed but nodded. “Mmm-hmm. She’s really nice, and… I feel safe with her.” “Well, I’m glad ya found what you were lookin’ for,” the orange mare said with a smile. Dusty let out a yell as a pillar of fire erupted from her body and burned through the floors and roof above her. Applejack slammed on the brakes when she saw the pillar of fire in the distance. “What the hell?” Autumn leaned forward before letting out a gasp. “Rusty lives around there.” AJ eyed her before slamming on the gas. She then took out her cell phone and called the police station. “It’s Applejack. Get me Spitfire. Quickly!” She swerved around other cars that had stopped in the road when the fire pillar appeared. At the police station, Spitfire’s desk intercom buzzed. “Ma’am? Applejack’s on line one for you. Sounds urgent.” The pegasus picked up the phone and pressed the line one button. “Applejack? What’s going on?” Right after she asked, she heard phones throughout the building ringing. “It’s bad, isn’t it?” “There was a weird explosion,” AJ explained. “Cause unknown, but I don’t think it was natural.” “Where is it?” Spitfire asked. “I’ll send units.” Applejack sighed as she saw what was left of the building. “Just tell them to follow the smoke.” Autumn gasped and quickly ran out of the car once it was parked. Running into the fire, she looked around. The staircase was practically nonexistent and there was no sign of life. Tears started to fill her eyes but quickly evaporated in the heat. She ran out the other side to see a naked mare on fire walking down the sidewalk, away from the inferno. “Uh… ma’am?” Autumn asked, her voice making the burning mare stop. “Are you okay?” The mare slowly turned around and saw the kirin. “Autumn?” Autumn gasped and went wide-eyed. “Rusty? Wh-What happened to you?” The flaming mare chuckled. “I found what I was looking for. Now, I have powers, like you. And, I’m immortal. Like you. We can be together now.” Autumn shook her head. “What? But… What about the others living in that building? It wasn’t just you.” Dusty shrugged. “I didn’t have the luxury to think about them. I needed the power. And, now I have it.” “Rusty, you…” Autumn said shakily as she took a step back. “Y-You didn’t need to… do that. I-I would’ve…” She was cut off by the sound of approaching sirens. Suddenly, two cop cars skidded past Autumn and came to a sudden stop. Officers climbed out and aimed their guns at the burning mare. “Get down on the ground!” One yelled. Another looked at the kirin. “Do you know her?” Autumn shook her head. “N-Not anymore.” Dusty’s eyes narrowed as she raised her fists. “No one can stop me now.” When she was about to attack, she heard a gun go off to her right. The bullet melted midair as the mare looked over to see AJ. “You,” she growled, pointing her palm at her attacker. “You did first.” She fired a torrent of flames at the orange mare, but Autumn quickly jumped in the way as the flames engulfed her. Applejack shielded her eyes from the heat as she watched. Autumn grunted as she felt the extreme heat. This fire was only a tad hotter than what she was accustomed to, but her body seemed to be about to handle it. Dusty stopped her attack and lowered her hand. “So… you close them, do you?” Autumn sighed and stood up, her clothes still on fire. “I do,” Autumn sighed, her eyes steaming from her tears. She then let out a yell as her body turned black and her flames turned purple. Her clothes completely burned away as she now stood as a naked nirik. “And, I’ll do what I must to protect them.” Dusty growled and clenched her fists. “You’re really going to throw away everything we had?!” Dusty yelled, her own eyes starting to steam. “That meant nothing to you?!” “It meant everything to me,” Autumn whimpered. “But… after knowing the real you… you’re just not my type.” Dusty looked away and exhaled sharply. “Then… y-you’re in my way. Just like e-everyone else.” She then returned her attention to the nirik. “I really hope you know how to fight.” Autumn shrugged. “I’m still learning.” > We Could’ve Been Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusty threw a fireball at the cop cars. Autumn leapt in front of it, the impact causing her to be thrown into one of the cars, both her and the car being knocked further back. The cops all ducked as the fireball was thrown before they all took off running. Autumn watched them leave before she crawled out of the destroyed car. Igniting her hands, she threw a couple fire balls at the mare, who sidestepped both as she ran closer. Autumn threw another ball, but Dusty dodged it, lit up her right fist, and delivered an uppercut to the kirin's jaw, sending her flying backwards into the third floor of the apartment building behind her. Autumn gasped when she saw the fire spreading throughout the room. Looking around, she saw she was in the living room area of an apartment. A scared mare and stallion couple were hiding under a nearby table. “Don’t panic!” She called to them. “I’ll get you out of here!” She got to her feet and quickly ran to the door. Using her fire, she burst through the door easily. Stepping back, she closed her eyes and began absorbing the flames in the room. When she had cleared enough of them, she opened one eye and looked at the couple. “Run!” She grunted through clenched teeth. The couple nodded and took off. “Thank you,” the mare said quickly as they passed. Autumn could barely hold the flames back anymore. Suddenly, Dusty jumped in through the window and dove at the nirik. Upon impact, there was a large explosion of flames that erupted from Autumn’s body as both crashed into the apartment next door. “We could’ve done so much together,” Dusty said as she pinned her opponent down by the wrists. “This city— this world… could’ve been ours.” “That’s where you lost me,” Autumn said as her eyes narrowed. “I didn’t want the city, or the world. I just wanted you.” She then let out a yell as she blasted the mare out through the window with a burst of flames. Getting to her feet, she saw a mare huddled in a corner as the fire started spreading even more. Autumn got to her feet and turned back into a kirin before running over to her. “I’m here to help,” Autumn said s as she knelt down. “M-My child!” The mare screamed, pointing at the bedroom. Flames now blocked the doorway. Autumn nodded and stood up. “Wait somewhere safe.” She then ran into the bedroom, ignoring the heat from the flames. Inside, she saw a guilt hiding under the bed, tears in her eyes. “It’s okay,” Autumn said as she knelt down, holding out her hand. “I’ll take you to your mom. She’s waiting for you.” The filly sniffled and started to crawl out just as a flaming chunk of ceiling fell on the bed. The child screamed in fear, but Autumn managed to pull her out before the fire could touch her. “Alright,” Autumn began. “I’ll absorb some of the fire, giving you and your mom a path out of here. But, be quick. I can’t hold it for long.” The filly nodded and hugged her. Autumn smiled and hugged back, patting the filly’s back. The filly soon took a few steps back so Autumn could work. Spitfire pulled up to the burning building as a few mares and stallions ran out. “What the hell?” She asked as a fire truck pulled up beside the building. Applejack ran over to her as the cop left her car, the Elemental panting heavily as she showed to a stop. “It’s Autumn,” AJ explained. “She’s fighting another mare who can control fire.” “Are you shitting me?” Spitfire asked with a groan. “Two firestsrters are fighting?” “And bullets just burn up before they can hit her,” AJ continued. “I think her fire is too hot.” The couple Autumn rescued came running over to them. “Is that kirin with you?” The mare asked AJ. Applejack nodded. “Yeah, she’s one of us.” “She saved us,” the stallion said with a smile. “Then, she was attacked.” “Don’t blame this on her,” the mare told the cop. Spitfire shook her head. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” she said, sitting in her car and grabbing the radio. “Attention, all units; if you see the mare responsible for the fire, hit her with water to douse her flames, then shoot her. But, don’t hit the kirin.” The mare and her child ran out of their room before the whole room exploded in flames. Autumn stumbled out of the fire, holding her chest. “This is exhausting,” she groaned as she watched the last of the residents run down the stairs to safety. She dropped to her knees as the flames built up around her. She heard a cracking and creaking noise from beneath her. “Oh, no.” Suddenly, the floor gave way and she went crashing down to the second floor. Laying on her back, she stared upwards through the hole and sighed. “Ow.” Dusty pulled her attention from the apartment building as a fire truck rolled up and screeched to a stop. The firefighters all took their positions as Dusty narrowed her eyes. "Oh, you all wanna play?" As Nala passed by the TV, she saw the news report on Dusty's attack. "What the hell?" She asked. Chrysalis and Fluttershy stopped kissing and looked over at her from the bed. "What is it?" Asked the changeling queen. Nala knelt down and watched as the reporter spoke. "Fire is burning out of control. There have been a few injuries already. The fire department is on scene but it appears that the fire is being caused by an unknown individual who is seemingly on fire. There have been reports of a kirin trying to stop her but, so far, all efforts have failed." Applejack ran over to Autumn to help her up. "Are you okay?" Autumn nodded and then shook her head. "None of this is okay." "How are we gonna stop her?" Applejack asked as she let out a deep sigh. "She's too strong." The kirin shook her head. "No. I can do it." "How?" "Do you have any ammo left?" "What does that matter?" AJ asked. "Bullets melt before they touch her." "Do you have any left?" Autumn asked again. "Yeah, but..." "Good." Autumn looked over at Dusty. "When there's an opening, take the shot." "How will I know when?" "You'll know," Autumn groaned as she stumbled out of the wrecked building. Dusty seemed to hear her and stopped her attack to face her. "Oh, you aren't done yet?" The kirin shook her head as she stopped a few feet away. "I'll never give up on you," she said as she held out her hand. Dusy's eyes narrowed. "What are you doing?" "I just... wanna hold you again." Dusty hesitated but slowly began to make her approach. The fire department kept their distance and focused on putting out the burning buildings. When Dusty turned to them, Autumn took a few steps forward. "I love you," she said as a tear fell from her eye. The burning mare looked over at her. "Autumn, I..." she began as she moved closer. "I love you, too." When they were close enough, Autumn reached out and took the mare's hands in her own. "We could've been happy." Dusty moved closer so they were only inches apart. "But, we still can." Autumn shook her head. "I'm sorry," she said, before she tightened her grip on the mare's wrists. Before Dusty could pull away, Autumn began to absorb the mare's fire. The kirin let out a yell of pain as the heat from Dusty's fire was almost too much for her to handle. Her own body started to heat up as she essentially became a furnace. Applejack watched from a distance and readied her gun, waiting for the mare's fire to dissipate completely. "What are you doing?!" Dusty yelled. Autumn's yelling became louder as she absorbed more and more fire. When the mare was almost extinguished, Applejack got ready to fire. Suddenly, Autumn gasped before an explosion of flames erupted from her, knocking both her and Dusty backwards as well as filling the area with ash and smoke. Debris was sent flying everywhere as Applejack covered her eyes and coughed while she backed away. Autumn coughed and held her chest as she looked up. All she could see was smoke and ash. She let out another cough as she got on all fours and crawled in the direction where she and Dusty were. "D-Dusty?!" She called out. She let out a yelp of pain as she collapsed again and held her chest. "Dusty!" She then heard a very faint and very weak, "O-Over here!" The kirn groaned as she got back to all fours and continued to crawl in the direction of the voice. She pushed bricks and concrete out of the way as she finally made it across the street and onto the sidewalk. “Dusty?” She finally found the mare. The former burning mare was now seated against a building with a metal pipe sticking out of her chest. Autumn gasped and stumbled over to her. “Dusty! N-No, don’t…” she stammered as she frantically scrambled over to the injured mare. Kneeling beside her, Autumn looked over the wound. “No. I-I…” “This isn’t your fault, Blazey,” Dusty groaned as she tried to move. “Be honest. How bad is it?” Autumn just hung her head as tears dripped onto the sidewalk. “That bad? Well… at least we had a good run. Until I fucked it up. I just… wanted to be immortal. Like you. So we could be together forever.” “But, we could have,” Autumn whimpered as she took Dusty’s hand. “I would’ve stayed by your side until the end.” Dusty smiled and leaned her head back. “Imagine… That would’ve been something, huh?” Autumn sniffled and leaned in, resting her cheek on the mare’s shoulder. “I’ll never forget you. I-I love you.” Dusty smiled. “I love you, t…” Autumn felt the mare’s grip on her hand loosen and she clenched her eyes shut tightly. She was about to scream in shiny when she heard a nose behind her. Expecting it to be Applejack, she looked back but let out a silent gasp. Standing there, instead, was Nala. The changeling slowly got to her knees and hesitated before She held out her arms. Autumn felt tears fill her eyes as she dove into Nala’s embrace. The changeling held the kirin tightly as Autumn cried out loud. Nala could feel the dampness of the kirin’s tears on her shoulder but she didn’t care. Nala glanced over at Dusty to see a smile on the mare’s face. Something told her that the mare was looking right at her. Once she came to this realization, the deceased mare’s eyes finally closed. Nala tightened her hug and nuzzled the kirin’s neck. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn opened her eyes and looked around. She was now in a bed at the hospital. The only one in the room was Nala, who was seated in a chair on her right. The changeling gave her a light smile. "Hey," Autumn said weakly. "What happened?" "You passed out shortly after I got there," Nala explained. "The ambulance brought you here." Autumn went wide-eyed and sat up with a pained groan as she held her chest. "Dusty?" Nala quickly stood up and gently pushed her back down by her shoulders. "Shhh. You need to relax." "But... Dusty?" Nala kept her mouth shut but shook her head. Autumn's eyes filled with tears again and Nala quickly hugged her. Hearing the kirin start to cry, Nala pulled back and kissed her on the lips. Autumn went wide-eyed before Nala broke the kiss to look at her. "I know you cared about her, but you are not alone. I'm here." "I-I thought you... hated me." Nala shook her head. "No. I hated all non-changelings, yes. But seeing my queen with Fluttershy... I wouldn't mind, um..." Autumn wiped her eyes with her fist. "I-I just... need some time." "Right, of course," Nala nodded. "I'll be here for you if you... you know... need me." The kirin smiled. "Thank you." The changeling pulled the sheets back up and tucked the kirin in. "Just get some rest. There's someone I need to talk to." Autumn nodded. "Thank you." "You're welcome," Nala said softly as she rubbed Autumn's cheek before walking around to the other side of the bed. Autumn then watched her leave before she closed her eyes. Nala took one last look in the room before she stepped away and was greeted by Spitfire. "Hey." The cop gave her a smile. "How's she doing?" Nala looked over her shoulder briefly. “Good. Misses Dusty, despite the damage she’s done.” Spitfire chuckled. “Damage would’ve been worse if Autumn wasn’t there. She even saved that filly.” “How long until the area is repaired?” The cop shrugged and let out a sigh. “Oh, if we’re lucky, weeks. But, most likely a few months.” She then smiled. “I don’t believe we’ve officially met.” “Yeah, this is our… first time talking, I think.” “Spitfire.” “Nala.” “So, a changeling and a kirin?” The changeling rubbed the back of her head. “Heard that, huh?” “Caught some of the end there.” “Ah,” Nala muttered. “Well, we’re… working on it. She just needs time to get over Dusty.” “Hmm…” Spitfire nodded, before there was an awkward silence. “Do you know about a possible accomplice?” Nala shrugged. “Accomplice?” Spitfire nodded. “It wasn’t Dusty who killed all those cops and stole that dagger.” “I don’t know anything about that. I was actually trying to… stay distant from Autumn.” Spitfire sighed. “All we know is it was a griffin and Gilda had a solid alibi.” “About that dagger,” Nala started. “Did you destroy it?” “No, we called an expert. Someone who could come and take it off our hands.” “Who?” The changeling asked, curiosity taking over completely. “Are you familiar with Daring Do?” Nala shook her head. “Not really.” “She’s an adventurer who raids tombs and temples and then donates the find to a museum. However, whenever she stumbles upon a magical artifact she stores it in her vault. For safety. There’s an entire book series based on her adventures if you’re interested.” “Pass,” Nala said with a shake of her head. Spitfire chuckled and patted her shoulder. “Catch ya later, Nala. I have to go oversee the handoff.” Nala gave a light wave. “Nice to finally meet you.” As Spitfire turned and walked away, Nala headed back to Autumn’s room. The kirin was fast asleep. The changeling went back to her seat and sat down with a light sigh, keeping her eyes on Autumn until she, too, felt sleepy. Spitfire left the hospital and went over to a brown van with a compass on the side. Parked in front of it was her cop car. When she was close to the van, the driver’s side door opened and a light gold pegasus mare with a grayscale rainbow mane and tail stepped out wearing an explorer’s outfit and hat. “Wow, you’re just like in the books,” Spitfire said as she opened the trunk of her car. “I get that a lot,” the tomb raider said as she followed the cop. Spitfire pulled out a briefcase and handed it to the pegasus. “Not sure if it’s still dangerous, but better safe than sorry, right?” Daring smirked at that. “You have no idea.” She accepted the briefcase and headed for her van. “If you find anything else weird like this, please call. Especially if it’s related to Black Sapphire.” Spitfire nodded. “Will do, Miss Do.” Daring opened the passenger door and sat the briefcase down on the seat. As she closed the door, she looked at the cop again. “Pleasure, ma’am,” she said with a smile before she made her way around to the driver’s side. “Anything for you,” Spitfire called before blushing. “Shit, I mean… Glad to help!” Daring sat in the driver’s seat and smirked at her before she lowered the passenger window. “Keep protecting and serving!” She called with a wink before she turned the key and drove away. Spitfire exhaled sharply. “That was cool,” she said as she wiped sweat from her forehead. From a nearby rooftop, Bubblegum pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number. When she got a response, she smiled. “Hi, is this Starlight Glimmer?” “Who the hell’s asking?” The unicorn asked as the griffin ran and then jumped to another rooftop to keep her eyes on Daring’s van. “Just an interested party,” the griff cooed as she walked along the edge of the roof. “Tell me, wasn’t Surprise looking for the secret vault of Daring Do?” “She was and now I am.” “Cool. Because I’m currently following our little Do-Do and, for the right price, I’ll track her to her headquarters.” Starlight let out a heavy sigh. “Fine. Do it.” “Consider it done.” Bubblegum then hung up and jumped off the roof. Next... CHRYSALIS