> My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment > by King Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- Displacement And Midnight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1- Displacement And Midnight My name is Acnori Quill, and I was born in Japan. I also grew up watching one anime. Fairy Tail. I am so sad to see such an awesome story come to a close, but what really kept me going, was the main villain. No its not Zeref, or even the Spriggin 12. It's Acnologia. That's who I'm cosplaying as right now. I have all of the right things to cosplay as him, but I'm missing the necklace that he wears. I look around the convention, and I see something. I walk over, and see the necklace that Acnologia wears! I notice that the vendor owner walks over, and he looks like the merchant from Resident Evil 4. "Hello! I see you've taken a liking to that necklace." He points out. "Yeah, I like it a lot. How much will it cost?" I ask as I take out my wallet. "That'll be $100 please." He tells me as I take out 2 fifties and hand them to him. "I noticed that you're dressed as the merchant from Resident Evil 4. That's really neat!" I compliment as the man rubs his head. "Oh, thanks. I see that you're cosplaying The black dragon of the apocalypse, eh? Nice going on the clothes by the way. They look almost like the real thing." He tells me. "O-oh, thanks. I-I made them myself." I thank him while blushing in embarrassment. I've never been the most extroverted person out there. In fact, I'm far from it. So, getting a compliment like this made me a bit shy. "Well, see you later." I tell him as I walk away from the vendor. I put the necklace on and I notice that its a perfect fit. I start to walk a it further when I feel a little fatigued. I brush it off as just a fluke, but two seconds later I face plant onto the floor of the convention, as I go completely unconscious, but instead of feeling the hard tiled floor of the convention, I feel the tickling sensation of grass, and the dusty feeling of dirt. I groan in a little pain as I lift my head off the ground. I push myself off the ground and- wait... I look at the ground and notice that I'm no longer sitting on the tiled floor of the New York convention. Instead I'm sitting in a fucking alley... Did I just cuss? I've never cursed before. Welp, I'm not gonna do anything about that, cause that doesn't matter right now. "Where the hell am I?" I thought to myself as I stood up. I noticed that the sky was midnight blue and that no one was out. I then stepped out of the alley, and saw that I wasn't in New York anymore. I was in a village like town that had somewhat normal colorations and looked kinda familiar. I just couldn't figure out where I'd seen it before. I felt the dirt on my feet, causing me to look down, to see that I'm not wearing shoes. I didn't really mind, but what I did see, was that I still had the pants of the Acnologia cosplay I was doing. I then walk out of the dark alley, and I find a window. I walk past the window, but I immediately stop. What I saw was astonishing. I WAS Acnoligia. "What the? H-how? When? Why?" I question as I touch the very long, dark navy blue hair that was now my own. I thought of the light blue markings that made Acnologia, and I lifted up the cloak and there they were. The markings of the Apocalyptic dragon. I let the black cloak drape back down to its previous position, and I saw a glimmering sheen in the corner of my eye. I looked over to the glimmering's origins, to find it coming from a library in a tree... Eh, not the weirdest thing I've seen today. I walk over to the library and I hear voices coming from inside the building. So, I decide to eavesdrop. I mean, I have heightened senses. I'm gonna use them. "I read all about the predictions of Nightmare Moon, and in those predictions it mentioned the Elements of Harmony, but I don't even know what they are. Heck I don't even know what they do, or where they are!" A feminine voice explained. Nightmare Moon? Isn't that the first villain of the My Little Pony show? I thought as I continued listening. "The Elements of Harmony, a reference guide." A different voice sprouted. "What!? Where did you find that!?" The first voice semi-yelled. "It was under E~" The second voice cheerfully said. I facepalm and chuckle slightly as I immediately duck into a bush as I hear a new voice noticed my chuckle. "Did y'all hear that?" A southern country like accented voice emerged. "Sounded like it came from outside." I hear the windows open to reveal an orange pony with a cowboy hat. My eyes go wide as I now know where I ended up. I ended up in My Little Pony, Equestria. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooolllllllllllyyyyyy Shit! I mentally scream. I ended up in my childhood TV show. So, all those stories of the Displaced and "The Merchant" are real!? This is awesome and scary! I internally squealed as I saw the orange pony, who was known as Applejack close the windows and go back to what the others were talking about. If I'm correct, then I landed in the time of the Nightmare Moon Arc. Ok, I'll need to follow them to the Everfree forest, so I could help them. Maybe I should give Spike a little visit first. I mentally debated before seeing, Applejack and five other ponies walked out and towards the edge of the town. I waited till they were far enough so I wouldn't be seen. "Ok, now's my chance." I told myself before getting out of the bush as quietly as I could, and walking inside the Golden Oak Library. I looked around and noticed a sleeping Spike's breathing. I quietly walked upstairs and saw the little dragon dozing off. I reached over to wake him, but I stopped and pulled my hand back. Was this really a good idea? Well, here goes nothing. I told myself as I gently shook Spike and he began to stir. He groggily looked around, and then mumbled a few things before yawning and sitting up. I then noticed his scale's colorations. The majority of his scales were a Violet purple, and his underbelly was an emerald green, and the spines on his back and head were the same emerald color. He rubbed his moss green eyes. Looking at him from the show, and looking at him in real life you could actually see the difference. He looked at me and I just gave him an awkward wave. He just stared at me for a few seconds before finally breaking the silence. "Who're you?" He asked as I sweat dropped. "Hehe. Well, my name is Acnologia, and it may not look like it, but I'm like you." I told him while rubbing my neck. "What do you mean you're like me? You're not a dragon. I don't even know what you are." He stated while trying to get up. "Please stay seated, you're really tired. And I was a human. Emphasis on 'was'. What you see me as right now is what I used to look like as a human, but due to the magic I use it caused me to become a dragon. The reason I look like this is because I wouldn't be able to fit inside here due to the size of my draconic form." I explained. "But away from that. What's your name?" "I'm Spike the Dragon!" He said proudly as he puffed his chest out trying to look cool. "Well, its nice to meet you Spike." I chuckled. "I need to go soon. Your friends are going to try and find the Elements of Harmony to try and stop Nightmare Moon. I'm going to help them." I told him as I stood up straight to my full height. "Then why'd you stop here?" He questioned. "So I could make my first friend." I told him as I walked down the stairs and as I walked out the door, I could hear his adorable snores. I then ran as fast as I could to the entrance of the Everfree forest, and I dived into another bush as I saw a purple furred Unicorn walk into the forest. I then got out of the bush and silently followed them. Watched as the six of them make their way to the ancient castle of the two sisters, all while proving their traits as the Elements of Harmony. I saw as the country Earth pony Applejack reassured Twilight by telling the Honest truth, I watched as the incredibly shy Pegasus pony Fluttershy use Kindness to tame the wild Manticore, I witnessed the cheerful Earth pony Pinkie Pie help her friends use Laughter to help dispel their fears, I marveled as the fashionista Unicorn pony Rarity calm a weeping serpent with her Generosity, and I was proud as I saw the prideful Pegasus pony Rainbow Dash stay Loyal to her comrades. While watching all of them I was also keeping tabs on what Nightmare Moon was doing. I saw her cause the cliff to fall, I saw as she became the thorn that angered the Manticore, I saw as she tried to scare the ponies with her magic, I saw as she cut the now calm serpent's mustache off, and I was angered as she tried to use the "Shadow Bolts" to get Rainbow to stray from her friends, and I watched and smiled as all of that failed. I made my way into the castle while keeping quiet as to not alert the Mane 6 of my presence. I looked as they all let out a "Woah" in awe of what they were seeing. "C'mon Twilight, isn't this what you've been waiting for?" The orange country pony asked the violet Unicorn. "The Elements of Harmony! We've found them!" Twilight declared. I watched, with careful eyes as one by one, Rainbow and Fluttershy brought the stone elements before Twilight. "One, two, three, four... Uh there only five elements Twilight. Where's the sixth?" Pinkie pointed out. "The book said, 'When the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth element to appear.' I have an idea on what that might mean, but I'll need to focus." Twilight told the others. I watched as Applejack and the others walked out of the room, so they could let Twilight focus. I, however, kept watch on the violet Unicorn. I heard a wisp of smoke and I saw the midnight colored mist that was Nightmare, sneak up on the concentrating Twilight. I got in a jumping position, and waited. I saw as Twilight's horn lit up with magic, as she tried to activate the elements, but before she could Nightmare still in her mist form picked up the elements and started to teleport away. Twilight's eyes widened as she witnessed this. "The elements!" She shouted as she jumped into the vortex. I heard all of the other ponies call Twilight's name, but after the violet Unicorn leaped into the vortex, I sped off into the vortex as well, creating a burst of wind that was made by my blinding speed, and my vision momentarily went white. After a few seconds I could feel solid ground, and I opened my eyes to see Nightmare Moon laughing. I saw Twilight looking at me in complete shock and confusion. I got up and ran over to her. "Do not worry young Unicorn. I am a friend, I'm here to help." I told Twilight as my inner Acnologia sprouted, and my voice turned into Acnologia's voice. "I will hold this one off while you get to the elements." I told her as I looked at Nightmare with focused eyes, and I started to stalk threateningly over to the still cackling Alicorn. Nightmare stopped laughing and noticed me. Her eyes widened slightly due to the intimidating aura I was giving out. I continued to walk over to her, and then once I was in the middle of the room I halted. "Nightmare Moon! I challenge you to a one on one duel! Do you accept?" I announced to the corrupted Alicorn. "You're challenging me? Really? You a mortal creature? Fighting a god like me? HA!" Nightmare looked at me as if I was insane. "Do you accept my challenge, or are you not as strong as you think you are?" I taunted. Nightmare immediately stopped her laughing and narrowed her eyes at me. She accepted my challenge, and got into a fighting position. I just stood there. Its a good thing I took those martial arts, and boxing lessons. The two of us circled each other. I kept my eye locked onto her. She then charged at me, with her horn pointed like a javelin. I swiftly dodged the Alicorn, and countered with a quick jab to her side, that sent her skidding across the floor. Once she came to a stop I charged and grabbed her neck as she tried to use her magic to pry my hands away, but it wasn't working. I then threw her into the wall and gave her a kick to the stomach. She then got up, and summoned several balls of energy, and they started to fire beams of condensed magic at me which I dodged like this. I could see that Nightmare was getting frustrated, and I then decided to attack. So, I jumped over the magic, and pushed myself using the roof, down towards her. I then landed next to her, and gave her a swift kick to the back sending her into the ground. "Grrrrr! ENOUGH!" She bellowed. "YOU ARE INDEED SKILLED, HOWEVER I AM A GOD!" She then used her magic and caught me off guard, and blasted me into a pillar causing it to collapse onto me, and making me black out. Twilight POV I watched as the strange creature was sent flying into a pillar. I went wide eyed, and started to try and activate the elements. My horn lit up with magic, and the elements started levitate and a spark of electricity coursed through them. The shock of this action sent me flying back. I watched as Nightmare Moon wore a fearful expression, as the electricity continued to course through the elements. But then the electricity stopped. It didn't work, the elements failed! I watched as the laughing Nightmare stomped on the ground, and destroyed the elements, leaving the shards of them scattered around her feet. I watched in horror as she gloated in victory. "Fool, did you really think that you could stop me, and my eternal night? Now that the elements are destroyed, you will never see your precious princess, nor your precious sun. THE NIGHT WILL LAST FOREVER!" Nightmare boasted as she cackled and laughed. I looked on in fear, but then I could hear voices in the distance, and when they got close enough I heard that it was my friends! My eyes went wide, and I gasped. I felt the spark! I then turned to Nightmare Moon, and with sass and attitude I looked to her. "You think that you can destroy the Elements of Harmony that easily? You're wrong, because the spirits of the elements are right HERE!" I shouted as my friends walked/flew on both sides of me. I saw that the shards of the elements start to glow, and levitate which caused Nightmare to gain a fearful look. "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of Honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the Manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of Kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of Laughter! Rarity who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents the spirit of Loyalty!" I shouted at her, while the shards of each element went to the corresponding pony and spirit, while glowing each a different color. "The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge that you threw at us." "You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!" Nightmare screamed. "Oh, but it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you!" I told my friends as I faced them, letting out a tear of joy. "The spark ignited inside of me, when I realized that all of you, are my friends!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Suddenly, a glimmering light appeared above me and the sixth element appeared. When I saw the symbol, I saw that it looked like my cutie mark! I then floated down to me and stopped right above my head. "You see Nightmare Moon, when these elements are ignited by the, uh, t-the spark, that resides in all of our hearts, it summons the sixth element! The element of Magic!" I yelled as the sixth element enveloped all of us in white light. Third Person POV Inside the blinding light, the shards of each element formed into necklaces around Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow, which contained the element that corresponded to them, and the element took the shape of their cutie marks. The sixth element however created a crown/tiara that landed on Twilight's head. When they all opened their eyes, their eyes were glowing anti-void white, and the elements shot out a rainbow that started to envelope Nightmare Moon. To which Nightmare tried to get out of the blast, but was unable to. As the rainbow enveloped the Alicorn, a brilliant flash of light encased the room, and then the light faded, leaving the elements on their users as the six ponies started to groggily wake up. "Ugh, my head!" Rainbow groaned. "I-is everypony alright?" Applejack asked. "Oh, thank goodness!" Rarity shouted. Over to Rarity, her tail had grown back to it's full glory, as she had cut it off to calm the serpent. "Why, Rarity its so lovely!" Fluttershy spoke softly. "I know, I'll never part with it again." Rarity spoke as she held her tail next to her. "No, you're necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark!" Fluttershy told her. "Wha--? Huh? So does yours Fluttershy!" Rarity remarked. After all of the ponies present looked on in amazement, Twilight's eyes widened to dinner plates, and she ran over to the rubble that was once a pillar, now destroyed from Nightmare blasting that strange creature into it. "What is it Twilight? What's wrong sugar cube?" Applejack pondered with worry. "It wasn't just us that helped defeat Nightmare. There was a strange bipedal creature too. They were keeping Nightmare busy while I tried to activate the elements, but he was hit with a very powerful blast. I don't know if he's still alive or not!" Twilight explained to everypony. Everyponies' eyes went wide as Fluttershy started to cry. Suddenly there was a flash of light and they all turned around. Who they saw was Princess Celestia. In response they all bowed, with Fluttershy still crying softly. Celestia noticed this and wondered what it was about. "Why do you shed tears my little pony? Twilight, what happened?" The Princess of the sun asked her student. Twilight went on to explain what had transpired, and hearing this made Celestia's heart crack a little. An unknown creature sacrificed their life so that Twilight and her friends could succeed. Celestia walked over, and with her magic removed the rubble, to reveal Acnologia. The sun Princesses' eyes went wide and she looked upon the creature, and to see them in death was breaking her soul. Celestia lowered her head in sorrow, when a gentle glow enveloped the body of Acnologia, and his tattoo markings began to illuminate. All the injuries he had gained were being rapidly healed. The Mane six, and Celestia's eyes widened as the body of the fallen creature let out an audible groan of slight pain. Acnologia POV My vision began to return to me as I had just woken up from blacking out. I let out a pained groan as I had the shittiest headache ever. I lifted my arm and placed it onto my head as I sat up. "Does anyone have a fuggin' ibuprofen? Cause I have the biggest headache." I complained. I looked around to see the Mane six, which included, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity Belle, Fluttershy Breeze, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, as well as Princess Celestia looking at me in disbelief. I just stared at them for a few seconds debating on what to say, but before I could think of anything, my mouth answered before anything else. "What? Is there something on me?" I asked. "OOOOOFFF!!!!" Twilight had rammed into me, and engulfed me in a huge hug. I didn't know how to react, I just sat there with a surprised look on my face. "I thought you had died! What happened?!" She screamed. "I, uh, I-I think I blacked out. Hehehe." I told the Element of Magic. Twilight released me from the hug and gave me a look that said 'Really?' I just awkwardly rubbed my neck and smiled. I then heard a groan coming from behind everyone. I looked to see an Alicorn with night sky blue fur, and a void black tiara on her head, she also had a crescent moon cutie mark, and around her were the remains of the Nightmare Moon armor that she once dawned. I slowly got up, wincing from the sting of the blast her corrupted form had shot at me, and I slowly stumbled over to her. I saw her eyes flutter open as she slowly looked at me. "AH!" She yelped backing herself into the corner. I looked at the Alicorn, and made my way to her. I heard Celestia get into a kind of fighting position, as she was ready to protect her sister, but the Princess of the sun then stopped as Twilight put her hoof onto the sun Princesses' leg. I finally got close enough to the Alicorn that was cowering in the corner, and I kneeled in front of her. I then did something that no one expected. I hugged her. "It's Ok. No one's going to hurt you Luna. It's going to be all right." I quietly told her as she hesitantly returned the hug. I stroked her mane, and got her calmed down. I then released her of the hug and helped her to her hooves. She looked around and saw her sister. She then started to hide behind me. "Princess Luna..." The solar princess began. "It has been a thousand years since I've seen you like this." She said, as she kneeled down in front of her lunar sister. "It's time to put our differences aside, after all we're meant to rule together, little sister." Celestia told her sibling, as everypony gasped in this new revelation, well... everypony except me. "Will you except, my friendship?" Celestia asked her younger sister. Luna looked up at me, as she was still unsure and scared. I just gave her a gentle smile and a reassuring smile. After a few seconds, Luna jumped from behind me and instilled her older sibling in a reuniting hug. "I'm so sorry!" Luna spoke as she cried on her sister's shoulder. "I missed you so much big sister!" I watched as Pinkie comically blew her nose, and then suddenly shouted that it was the right time for a party. I laughed at her antics and they all looked at me. "What?" I asked. Celestia that got up and walked over to me. I could literally feel the magical powers of the fucking sun irradiating off her. "Strange creature, I thank you for helping bring back my little sister, and for protecting my student in her time of need. For that, I am grateful." The Princess thanked before bowing. "Ah, please don't act so formal around me, and it was nothing. I really didn't do mush besides fight a little." I told her. "Though I've never seen a creature like you before. What are you?" Celestia asked. "I'm a dragon." I said with a poker face. "WHAT!?" That all screamed. "But, you look nothing like a dragon!" Twilight spoke. "That's because I wasn't always a dragon." I stated. "What do you mean?" Applejack wondered. "Ok, lets start from the beginning. My name, is Acnologia. The black dragon of the Apocalypse. I used to also go by the King of the Dragons, but I have long since given that title up." I explained. They all got into fighting poses but I swiftly held both my hands up in the air. "Hey, let me finish. If you don't recognize my species, that's because I'm from a very, very far away place that's not even on the Equestrian map, because I'm not from Equestria. I'm from a land called Fiore, but I was born in a land called Japan." I continued as they all relaxed. "And I might not look like it, but I'm over four hundred years old. I became a dragon by using too much of my specific magic, called dragon slayer magic." I told them. "D-D-Dragon Slayer Magic!?" Fluttershy screamed. "Hey, hey, hey! The dragons I had back home were much, MUCH more aggressive and destructive then the ones you have here. Some of the dragon in Fiore would destroy a village just for shits and giggles. This caused a war between my former race, the humans, and the dragon race. On the human's side were humans, and a ton of dragons who wanted to live in peace, and on the other side, were dragons who wanted all humans DEAD." I told them as all of their eyes went wide. "W-who won?" Rainbow Dash asked. "The humans. But when I became a dragon, is what ended the war. I... I used so much of my magic, I became a dragon, and due to the transformation being too taxing on the mind, I went insane. The result was an event that would be forever know as the dragon king festival, and I was that dragon king. The resulting fight led to the slaughter both sides, even the dragons on the human's side, my allies. I almost wiped out the entire dragon race except for five sole survivors. Their names were Grandeeney the sky dragon, Weisslogia the holy/light dragon, Skaidrum the shadow dragon, Metalicana the metal dragon, and Igneel the Fire Dragon King. All of them died off eventually, but only one of those five died by my hands. Igneel. I killed him with my own claws, but that wasn't for another several hundred years, and when I did end him, I wasn't unscathed. He took my left arm, which I have no clue as why it's back, but during those years they evaded me, they raised five children and taught them how to use dragon slaying magic. Natsu Dragneel the fire dragon slayer, Wendy Marvel the sky dragon slayer, Gajeel Redfox the iron dragon slayer, Sting Eucliffe the holy/light dragon slayer, and Rouge Cheney the shadow dragon slayer." I told them while sitting down. "There was another reason I went insane. I witnessed the death of a little girl. Her name was Sonya. She died and I got there too late! I watched as the dragons murdered her, it drove me mad! I brutally murdered the three dragons that killed her, and that was only one day before I slaughtered almost all of the dragons!" I screamed as I held my head in my hands and I started to cry. Everypony had listened and they all tried to imagine what I felt through all of that, but only one pony could sympathize with me. That pony embraced me in a hug which I returned as I cried on Princess Luna's shoulder. After a few minutes I stopped crying, and my eyes were red and puffy, because I had been crying for so long. "Shh... Its ok, you're going to be ok." Luna soothed me as I felt really tired. I let out a soft yawn, as I finally fell asleep. Letting the Princess of the night catch me as I fell. Luna's POV I heard the adorable snores of Acnologia as I felt his weight fall onto me. I looked at his face and smiled softly as the human turned dragon slept. "Lets get him back to Ponyville everypony." I told them as I set Acnologia on my back. All of us walked out and through the Everfree forest as I was in the back with my sister. "You like him don't you." My dear sister asked out of the flippin' blue. "W-what? What does thou mean dear sister?" I inquire as I feel my cheeks warm up a little. "You know what I mean." Tia hints. "Y-yes I guess I do like him a bit, but... well... I..." I stutter as I find it hard to word what I was thinking. "I understand sister, but lets just keep this between the two of us alright? I believe that if Acnologia feels the same, he will in time admit it." My sister reassured. I smile as we make our way to the exit of the Everfree forest, and into Ponyville. As soon as Twilight stepped out of the forest... She stopped dead in her tracks. This caused everypony else to halt as well. "Miss Sparkle?" I asked. "Is there something wrong?" "I just realized that when Acnologia was telling us his story, he used the words several hundred years... How old is this guy?! I mean, he told us that he was a former human, turned dragon and from my previous research in the Canterlot library, I deduced that dragons only live for at least two hundred years." Twilight pondered. "Well he is from a very different place Twi, so maybe the dragons in this Fiore place live a lot longer." Applejack suggested. "And he did say how old he was. He told us that he was over four hundred years old." Applejack corrected the Unicorn. "Well let's not dwell on that for now, because ITS TIME FOR A PARTY~" Pinkie yelled as Twilight and her friends led the group into Ponyville as I carried the still sleeping Acnologia on my back. Third Person POV As the Mane six, Princess Luna and Celestia, and Acnologia exited the forest, far inside the darkened forest, a brilliant light flashed leaving behind two figures, unconscious. The first was male and the second was a female. Their faces directed at each other with loving smiles. The male was wearing a high-collared black robe, with gold trims, and a white toga that draped around his torso, with his hair black, and his skin pale. His hand was holding the females hand, as her long golden hair draped around her ankles, and she wore a pink layered robe with a hot pink bow tied around her neck, as the wing like headbands could be seen in her flowing hair, as her fair tanned skin is seen and she wears no shoes. As both of them lay with their stomachs to the ground, a pitch black and cursed aura surrounds them, and after a little while, the pitch black aura begins to leave them as if the new setting that is around them pulls the curse away, and the curse that they both once shared, gone and it dissipates into the wind, piece by piece, it then eventually is destroyed. The scene then fades onto the unconscious female, and her face is shown. Then suddenly a voice is heard from an unknown location. The voice is sweet and caring, as the female then scrunches her eye lids, and her eyes swing open revealing her moss green, with no pupils. The scene quickly fades to black as the words "An Apocalyptic Displacement" appears, and a golden light swirls around the words before finally settling in front of the title, and this is seen. Before fading to complete darkness, and the words "To Be Continued" can be seen. > Chapter 2- The Black Wizard, and The Tactician > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2- The Black Wizard, and The Tactician Acnologia POV "Ugh, how long was I out?" I ask myself as I sluggishly open my eyes. I look around the room and I notice that I was in some kind of infirmary. I could tell by the layout of the room that it wasn't the Ponyville hospital. I then hear the door open and I look to see Princess Luna, and Celestia enter. "You're finally awake! How long were you planning on sleeping?" Luna joked. "I don't know, but how long was I out?" I once again as the celestial sisters. "You were out for three days, Acnologia." Celestia answered. My eyes went wide as she told me. I was sleeping for three days!? Damn! I must've really been out of it, but for some reason, I feel more powerful. Like I literally could cause the apocalypse. I then remembered about Acnologia's magical resistance, and about his spells. "Welp…" I start as I get out of the hospital bed. "Now that I'm awake, where am I?" I ask the sisters, as I walk towards them. "Thou art in the Canterlot castle." Luna tells me, as she reverts back to her olden way of speaking. I walk out of the infirmary to immediately feel a cool air on my torso. I stop mid walking, and I turn around to see Luna, and Celestia snickering as Luna uses her magic, and levitates my cloak and necklace over to me. "Was it fun giggling that I forgot to put my cloak on? Or did you like what you saw?" I teased Luna. After saying that, I can officially say that I made best princess blush. I watch as her face light up and immediately turned as red as the dragon teeth on my necklace. I chuckle and we walk out of the infirmary, and I take all of the sight in. I saw that the walls had a violet purple, and the glass windows were gigantic! Literally! They were three times the size of me! The carpet on the ground was oddly a crimson red, which peaked my interest however, I payed no mind to it. The three of us walked down the halls to the main throne room, and as we were walking there I had only just realized the size difference between the three of us. While Celestia is eight feet tall, Luna was six feet tall. Me on the other hand... I am NINE FUCKING FEET TALL! As the great and pervy Tucker from RvB once said "W-T-Fuck!?", and that is what my thoughts screamed as I kept a neutral look on my face. As the three of us walked into the throne room, I was greeted by the blinding light that shone from the stained glass windows that showed all of the events that had taken place. I looked at one of them, and I noticed that it depicted Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight using the Elements of Harmony to blast the absolute shit, out of Nightmare Moon. I then noticed that above this image was... Me? The pose I was in was one that looked like I was about to strike Nightmare with a dragon powered Falcon punch. "Hey Celestia?" I called out to the solar diarchy. "I understand why the girls are in this one, but... Why am I depicted in it too? I mean, all I did was stall for enough time for Twilight's friends to get there." I asked the eldest sister. "I included you in there because you helped in more ways than just stalling." She explained, as she, Luna, and myself walked to their thrones. "You helped Twilight realize how much she cared about her friends, and you also helped weaken Nightmare's hold on Luna, so that the Elements could do their work better." Celestia sits down on her throne, as Luna sits next to it. I take a stand next to the lunar diarchy, and The solar diarchy explains that in a few minutes day court would start. I pass the time by talking to the diarchies about what had happened since I was out, and they explained how, while I was out, Twilight had found a friendship problem to solve almost every day, with the latest being how Applejack was being a stubborn mare, and had refused help in clearing the apple-buck season orchard. After Luna finished explaining the details to me, I whistled in amazement as I never thought that Applejack could've actually scared the shit out of so many bunnies that it would cause a fluffy stampede. "Well, it's almost time for day court to begin. Guards! Bring in the first pony please." Celestia announced to her Royal Guards. After a few minutes of waiting, the Guards came back followed by a huge, and I cannot stress this enough when I say that this line, was fucking HUGE! I saw every equation, and in my head, as well as using my new heightened senses, I figured that there was around 50,000 nobles in line. Jaysus… I knew that day court was kinda stressful, but I never imagined that it would've been like this! The first few nobles weren't anything special or eventful. Most of them had common complaints, and one of them told us that they were just there to welcome Luna back! This made me smile but as this pony left, the real shit-show began. Up walked a female pony with a hair... Mane? Whatever, they walked up with a hairdo that screamed 'I want to talk with your boss!' Otherwise known, as the classic Karen haircut. Which I will now call her. She walked up, and once I got a good look at her, I saw that her fur was a gloomy grey, and I could feel that her magical aura, if used enough, could affect everyone's mood and give us, an absolute shitty day. Then there is the part where the bitch spoke. "Princess Celestia, I have come here today before you, to talk to you about an urgent matter." Karen announced with a seething amount of entitlement. "You see a few hours ago I went to a local restaurant, and when I asked for a lettuce salad they told me that they only had a daisy salad left! I told them what I wanted and when I asked for the manager, they told me that they really didn't have and lettuce salad left! This! Is! An! Outrage!" The Karen complained. "I demand that this restaurant be closed for such lousy service!" The bitch finished. I make this face and I turn my head towards Celestia, and I very quietly ask: "Is this the kind of dogshit you've had to deal with for a thousand friggin' years? If so, I feel bad for you." "Oh you don't even know the half of it." She quietly replies. "I am very sorry, but I cannot close a restaurant, or anyplace for that matter without a justified reason, and lousy service is not justified. You may leave now." I watch as the Karen grumbles something under her breath, which I really just ignored and watched her stalk off as if Celestia had just framed her for murder. The rest of the day, was just petty complaints, and the worst one was just a noise complaint which was resolved quickly. After they all left, Luna went to her room to go to sleep, and Celestia went to go talk to the chefs about lunch. As for me, I went back to the infirmary, to take a nap. After all, I did have to listen to Karen's BS, and I'm just plain lazy. After I got back onto the bed, I closed my eyes and let the darkened silence of sleep overtake me, but before I fell asleep, I felt a new magical presence. I just ignored it, and went to sleep. ??? POV I slowly opened my eyes to see that Zeref was sleeping soundly next to me. I felt the smooth, roughness on my cheek, as the dirt- wait... dirt? Shouldn't me and Zeref be dead? Didn't we die? I sat up, and looked around to see that a forest with night black trees surrounded us. I looked up and I could barely see the blue sky through the enormous foliage. I was confused. I looked back to see Zeref, and I shook him slightly. He started to stir a little, but he turned over, and went back to sleep. "C'mon Zeref! Wake up!" I pouted. "Five more minutes Mavis." Zeref waved me off. Seconds after saying that, he immediately sat up, and his darkened black eyes darted around with lighting speed, likely because he's trying to find out where we are, and why we aren't dead. He stopped looking around, and he turned to me. "M-Mavis... I-Is it really you?" He stuttered as his eyes watered with tears. "Are we really alive?" He strained out. I started t tear up as well, because the love of my life was still alive. I was still alive. I reached out, and grabbed his hand and held it tight. "Yeah... I-It's really me Zeref. We're alive." I stuttered a reply out. "B-but what of our curse?" "When we 'Died' in Fiore, our curse was destroyed with us." Zeref explained, as he wiped his tears, before his eyes went wide. "Which means, that we're alive, and we can live normal lives!" I squealed with happiness, and I jumped onto him, giving him a tight hug, which I felt him return. After a few seconds, I released him of the hug, and I placed my hands onto his cheeks, and I leaned in towards his face. I then did what I've wanted to do for the longest time. I kissed him. I had finally gotten the chance to kiss the man that I've loved for a hundred years. Once we parted, I looked deep into his eyes, and pressed my forehead against his. We then both got up, and we started to walk in a random direction, our hands intertwined with each other. "When do you think we'll get out of this place? It kinda gives me the creeps." I told Zeref. "I don't know Mavis, but we should be getting out soon." He assured me. Just as I opened my mouth to say something, we could start to hear someone singing. I held my hand up to my ear, and listened. I then looked at Zeref, and he looked to me. We both smiled and nodded to each other, and we walked towards the singing. After a few feet we started to see sunlight. We then broke from the tree line, and saw that it wasn't a person that was singing. What we saw was a yellow cream colored winged pony, with a pink mane and tail, and on their flank, they had a marking that had three pink butterflies. They hadn't noticed the two of us, so I took a step forward. "H-Hello?" I called out. "Hmm...?" The pony turned around, and she gasped. "W-Who are y-y-you?" The winged pony asked terrified. "Hey, it's ok. We're not going to hurt you." Zeref tried to calm them down, while it only worked slightly, they did calm a little. "My name is Zeref Dragneel. This is my...." He then turned to me. "Are you my wife now, or are we just dating?" He asked. "Dating for now." I answered. "And this is my Girlfriend Mavis Vermilion. Do you know where we are?" Zeref asked the pony. "Well, m-my name is F-Fluttershy, and you're in Equestria." She answered, sheepishly. "Well it's nice to meet you Fluttershy." I said cheerfully. "Do you know if there's a continent called Fiore near here?" I asked. The winged pony, Fluttershy then calmed down almost instantly. She then looked at the two of us with a slightly confused look. "Fiore? Like where Acnologia came from?" She asked. Me and Zeref immediately froze. I felt him tense up as he started to slightly squeeze my hand. My eyes went wide, and I gasped slightly. "Y-You mean, the black dragon of the Apocalypse, is HERE?" I asked with worry, and fear laced into my words, and my voice. "Mm-Hmm. He should be at Canterlot castle right now healing." Fluttershy told us like nothing was wrong. "Why are you treating him!?" Zeref asked with panic in his voice. I had the exact same question. Why were these ponies treating such an irredeemable creature?! Don't they know that when he wakes he will kill them all!? "Well because he's our friend." She told us causing us to just stare in disbelief. We just stared at the winged pony for a few awkward seconds before she decided to speak up. "W-Was it something I said?" She stuttered. "If I said anything mean, I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just-" She started before I cut her off. "Hold on a second... The literal incarnation of the apocalypse, is your friend!?" I questioned. "Uh... Yes?" She sheepishly answered. "Can you take us to him please?" I asked. "Oh! Sure! I was going with some friends of mine to go see him today anyway, so yeah! You can tag along!" Fluttershy said before flying towards a cottage, which was probably her house. Me and Zeref stood there just soaking in what she had told us. Acnologia had made friends. Was this really Acnologia? Was this really the same Acnologia that we had fought in Fiore? As these questions floated in my head, Fluttershy exited her cottage, and told us to follow her. Once we got to what looked like a train station, I saw six other creatures standing there as one of them was flying. I saw that the one that was flying had cyan blue fur, with a rainbow colored mane, and tail, and she had on her flank an image of a cloud shooting out a bolt of rainbow colored lightning. Another was a pony with no wings, and they wearing a country hat like Bisca's hat, and her fur was an orange color, and her mane was a white blondish, as was her tail, and they both were tied up in a bun, and on her flank was a marking of three red apples. The next was a white furred pony that had a horn on their forehead, and they had purple colored curled mane and tail, with an image of three diamonds on her flank. The pony standing next to her was one that was pure pink, as their mane tail and fur, was very pink, and their mane and tail was super messy, and it almost looked like an afro but was messy in a way that it wasn't an afro, and dawned on their flank laid an image of three balloons with two of the balloons being blue, and the third being yellow. The last was a velvet purple furred pony that also had a horn on their head, and their mane and tail was a very dark purple with a lighter purple strip running down the middle of their hair, and on their flank was a picture of a star that had six smaller stars surrounding it. The last creature looked like a dragon, that had purple scales, with a tan underbelly, and they had emerald green spines. "Hey everypony! I made it, and I've also brought along two new friends." Fluttershy told them all, as they turned to look at me and Zeref. I just waved awkwardly, as Zeref looked really nervous. "HimynameisPinkiePie!What'syournames?Alsowhatareyourbirthdays?Whatareyourfavoriteflavorofcakeandpie?Oh!AND--" The pink pony shouted as she basically teleported straight up to our faces, and she was cut off by the orange pony putting her hoof into the pink pony's mouth. "Sorry 'bout her. She can get a bit over excited." The orange one apologized. "Anyway, my name's Applejack. The Pegasus over there is Rainbow Dash, the white Unicorn's Rarity, the other Unicorn's Twilight, the dragon's name is Spike, and this one-" She gestured to the pink pony. "Is Pinkie Pie. What's your names?" All I could do was let out an "Umm..." and stare as all of them looked like everything was ok. Even though Acnologia was here. "W-Well, m-my name's Mavis, and this is my boyfriend Zeref. Can I ask you a question?" I told/asked Applejack. "Sure, go ahead sugar-cube." Applejack replied. "How can you all act so normal when Fiore's greatest threat is literally in a castle!?" I scream out. "What do you mean?" The velvet Unicorn Twilight asked. "Acnologia, is the world's strongest wizard, and the world's greatest threat, and you have him in a castle and are treating him! Why!?" Zeref yelled. "Hey!" The cyan Pegasus Rainbow Dash called out. "You got a problem with him? Are you two spies!?" She accused us as she got directly into my face. Before I could answer Rainbow Dash was yanked back by Zeref grabbing the scruff of her neck, and he held her up to his face. I also noticed that his eyes had changed color, as they do when he gets mad, or angry. "Now you listen here, and you listen well. Don't you EVER, talk to Mavis like that. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?" He screamed at the terrified Pegasus. Rainbow Dash nodded fearfully as Zeref dropped her, and his eyes went back to normal. Then Twilight walked up to me, and in a much kinder tone she spoke. "Why don't we settle this once we're at Canterlot. I have a feeling that Acnologia is going to have a lot of explaining to do." She suggested, as the most colorful train I've ever seen pulls into the station. After we all get on, me and Zeref take a seat next to each other. I then leaned onto his shoulder, and then I felt his head land on top of mine. I quietly heard his snores as they lulled me into a sleep as well. I just hope that this Acnologia isn't like the one from Fiore. I thought before my eyes closed and I became unconscious. > Chapter 3- A Very Shitty Reunion, A Very Shitty Prince, A Very Painful Memory Uncovered, And A New Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3- A Very Shitty Reunion, A Very Shitty Prince, A Painful Memory Uncovered, And A New Family Acnologia’s POV I lay there having a pretty nice dream about me laying in a bed of flowers, and let me tell you, these flowers were AMAZING! They felt like literal clouds and they were in a multitude of colors ranging from Red Roses, to Blue Violets. I was in absolute peace. At least I was… Because after a few hours of me resting in my dream, I was rudely awakened by somepony poking my fucking side. I scrunch my eyes in irritation, as I slowly awoke from my peaceful dream. I groan in annoyance as I slowly open my eyes. I feel the golden rays of the sun, push ever-so softly against my tanned skin. I then get poked again. Sweet ever-loving god or goddess of death please have mercy on whatever poor soul decided to fucking wake me up by poking me in the shitting side. I thought as I looked over to my left. I then immediately take the poor soul mercy thing as I see the fucktard who woke me up. Oh fer’ fucks sake! I internally scream, as I just dead-eye stare at the fucker who woke me up. His mane and tail were a bright blonde, and his fur was an anti-void white. His eyes were a light blue, and he was wearing a white tuxedo. The little shit that woke was none-other than the entitled prick himself, Prince muthafucking Blueblood. This. Little. Shit. “Who are you, vile creature? Why are you in the Royal Palace?” The prick asked with the oh-so iconic bitch voice. I just deadpanned at him before saying: “Your aunt Celestia let me here, and I was having a great dream until you rudely woke me up. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’ma go back to sleep. So, fuck off.” I waved my left hand lazily at him while turning over and pointing my back to him. “UGH! HOW DARE YOU! GAURDS ARREST THIS CREATURE AND SEND HIM TO THE DUNGEONS!!” Blueballs cried. I looked over my shoulder to see two guards just standing there. Not doing a goddamned thing. I smile and face back to where I’m looking at the other wall, away from the entitled dick that is Blueblood. I close my eyes to try to go back to my nap, and just I am about to drift back into sleep. I’m shoved off the goddamned bed. I could feel the cold tiled floor, and I can hear the little shit that pushed me smirking and chuckling. I look over to see Blueblood smiling like a little fucker. This. Little. Bitch. I think angrily. I then get up off the ground, and stand at my full height, which is NINE. FEET. TALL. And it smacks the smile off the pricks face immediately. I walk over to him and while he is still frozen in fear, I yank him off the ground and I stare deep into his soul. “Let me make one thing fucking clear. You do not, EVER fuck with my sleep. BECAUSE IF YOU DO, I WILL RIP YOUR SPINE OUT AND BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH IT. AND BEFORE YOU SAY THAT’S IMMPOSSIBLE, ASK THE LAST SHITHEAD THAT FUCKED WITH MY SLEEP. OH, WAIT YOU CAN’T BECAUSE HE’S DEAD. DO I MAKE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR, YOU LITTLE SHIT?!” I scream into his soul. He gives a terrified nod before I let him fall ass first onto the ground. To which he promptly runs the fuck away in terror. I smile at my handiwork, and I lay back down onto the bed to catch a few more Z’s. Unfortunately, Celestia had other plans for me. “Sir Acnologia, Princess Celestia calls for your presence in the throne room.” A Unicorn Guard told me. The guard was wearing the standard golden armor, and his mane and tail were a deep blue. His fur was a greyed white, and his Cutie Mark was a deep blue shield with a purple six-pointed star. This was indeed, Shinning Armor. Twilight’s big brother best friend forever. That name is still very weird. “Alright, just let me get up.” I tell him. I then get out of the gurney bed I had slept in, and I stood to my full height. I then walked over to the counter and I put my black cloak, and dragon tooth necklace on. I then walked over to Shinning, and he led me to the throne room. While walking down the halls I noticed a few guards that weren’t there before. Most notably, I saw four dragon guards. This had caught my immediate interest. We walked past them, and Shinning opened the doors to reveal the throne room, which was now filled with several dragon guards, and what looked to be a few dragon nobles. Princess Celestia, and Luna were there of course too, and there was the Elements of Harmony and Spike, but there were two cloaked figures. This made me go on the defensive. I then slightly tensed my muscles. “Ah, Acnologia. Thank you for joining us.” Celestia greeted. “I hope you got a well night’s sleep.” “Yeah, I got a great sleep. Though I was rudely awakened by somepony, poking me in the side, but other than that, yeah. I had a good sleep.” I responded with the famous monotone Acnologia voice. “So, you mind telling me what’s going on here?” “Acnologia, I’d like you to meet some of the nobles from the dragon lands. They act as representatives for the current Dragon Lord, Torch.” Celestia explained. The first noble that walked up to me looked more like a general as he was wearing some sort of armor. But his scales were salmon red, and he had a huge scar that formed an “X” over his chest, and he had another scar that looked like a burn on his left side. He looked at me and said: “Hello there. My name is General Igneel Dragneel.” My outside reaction was the same as I raised my hand and he shook it, and I replied: “My name’s Acnologia. It’s nice to meet you General.” However, my internal reaction was anything but tame, and calm. HOLY MOTHER OF THE LORD ABOVE, IGNEEL EXISTS IN THIS WORLD!? My thoughts screamed as the other dragons introduced themselves. The other dragons didn’t seem like much, as they were normal nobles but Igneel still lingered in my mind. Didn’t Celestia remember that in Fiore, I killed Igneel? I didn’t dwell on that long, as the cloaked figures were about to introduce themselves. “Hello, what are your names?” I asked the tallest figure while holding my hand out. “… You don’t recognize me?” The figure asked as I stopped dead. My eyes went wide and I was shocked. That voice. That voice was Zeref’s. “It seems he does recognize us.” The shortest pointed out. My blood chilled. That voice. That voice! I-It’s Mavis’! “You do remember us don’t you Acnologia?” The tallest spoke in Zeref’s voice causing my heart rate to speed up. The two figures then took their cloaks off to reveal Zeref and Mavis. They were wearing the same clothes they had on when they died at the final season of Fairy Tail. My heart was beating so fast you could hear it. I took a step back and I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t make a sound. Then memories I wish I’d never see were flooding into my mind. Memories that weren’t from watching the anime. Memories that weren’t mine. A white flash burned into my vision before fading away and revealing a gruesome scene, as Zeref looking at me with rage induced eyes, as he was holding a girl with long flowing blonde hair, in a pinkish white dress was unconscious in his arms, as they were covered in blood. He was holding Mavis. I looked down to see my hands. Only they weren’t hands. They were claws. They were void black, and they had the same markings as Acnologia did from the show. I looked back up to see myself surrounded by millions of dragon corpses. All of them were ripped limb from limb, and there was blood everywhere. I looked around to see them all staring at me. I looked back in front of me, and I saw Sonya’s beaten and bloodied body laying at my feet. Her body then started to move slowly before looking at me and weakly saying: “W-Why d-didn’t you s-sa-save me Papa?” I then felt something climbing up my throat and I slapped my hands over my mouth. I slapped my hands over my mouth, and I bolted out of the room without using my blinding speed. I then pushed and shoved past everypony in my way. I then found the bathroom. I opened the door, and promptly slammed it shut behind me, causing cracks to appear on the walls around the door. I then fell to my knees in front of the toilet and let loose. I furiously vomited into the bowl, and I felt like shit. As I hung my head near the toilet, another memory flashed through my mind. This one caused me to go wide-eyed, and as the memory played out, I muttered these words over and over again: “No… No way… I-It can’t… It can’t be. It can’t be. That’s not possible…” I muttered as tears bled from my eyes. I then uttered one word. It was a name: “S-Sonya?” Mavis’ POV I watched as Acnologia stepped back away from me and Zeref, as I had a look of hate stamped onto my face and Zeref’s eyes were red with hatred and anger. After a few seconds, Acnologia slapped his hands over his mouth and his cheeks inflated with something. He then bolted out of the room. I was left in a state of shock, as a few moments later, the sound of a door slamming appeared. Then the disgusting sound of someone furiously puking caused me to reel back. “What the heck did you say to him?” Spike asked dumbfounded. “Oh, I hope he’s okay.” Fluttershy sheepishly said. What in the world? That wasn’t something the Acnologia I knew back in Fiore would do. Who the hell is this!? I screamed in my thoughts, still shocked at what happened. I looked over to see a similar reaction on Zeref’s face. After a few minutes of shocked silence, the doors opened to reveal the Acnologia that had ran out a few minutes ago. He looked like he had seen something that would haunt his dreams. In complete silence he walked back over to the seat between Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, and he sat down. He didn’t give off any reaction. He was completely silent. “A-Are you okay Acnologia?” Fluttershy softly asked. “…~~~~~” Acnologia whispered. He had whispered so softly that literally no one could hear it. “Didn’t quite catch that sugar cube. Could ya say that a bit louder?” Applejack asked. “… I… I-I was her f-fa… I was Sonya’s father.” He muttered while his navy-blue hair covered his eyes. We were all left in a reaction of complete and utter shock, and everyone gasped. Sonya was Acnologia’s daughter? I-I never knew… I thought she was an orphan. Does this mean that… Acnologia watched his own daughter die? Is that why he wanted to kill all the dragons? I thought as I heard drops of water hit the ground. I looked over to Zeref, and his face was one of dread, shock and sorrow. Again, I heard several drops of water hit the floor. I looked back over to Acnologia to see a steady stream of tears bleeding from his eyes. He was crying. Princess Luna then wrapped her hooves around Acnologia’s neck and hugged him tightly. Slowly the crying former-human wrapped his arms around Luna’s neck and buried his face into her shoulder. Third Person POV Acnologia buried his face into the shoulder of the Princess of the Night, and his tears flooded from his eyes. Some of them streamed and dropped onto the floor, as others were buried into Luna’s shoulder. Everyone, and everypony had different thoughts about this new revelation. Sonya was Acnologia’s daughter?! I-Is this why he wanted me to cast that spell that turned him into a dragon!? But who was the mother?! So many questions burned through Zeref’s mind, as he stood there watching the former King of Dragons, and Harbinger of the Apocalypse cry. Oh no. I-Is this the real reason behind him going on a rampage? Twilight thought as she started to tear up. He lost his daughter… Just like I lost my parents. Applejack thought while staring wide eyed at Acnologia. That’s… dreadful. Rarity thought simply. T-That’s so sad. Pinkie Pie thought as her hair deflated and became flat. Dude… How… How did he go through so many years of feeling that pain? Rainbow thought as she looked down at the ground. Fluttershy didn’t think anything as she just held Spike like the world might end, and Spike just sat there and imagined if he lost someone close to him, like Twilight. Just what have you suffered through Acnologia? Celestia thought as she watched her sister hug the crying dragon. Is this really what happened Acnologia? Why didn’t you let me help you so long ago? Igneel thought as his eyes were filled with sympathy. “Shh… Shh…” Luna cooed as she ran her hoof through Acnologia’s hair calming his sorrow. “It will be okay. I’m here for you. It’ll be alright. You don’t have to worry anymore. It’s okay.” She soothed the grieving Acnologia’s sorrow. Soon Acnologia stopped crying and Luna released him of the soothing hug, but she still held her hoof to his back. Acnologia then wiped the rest of his tears away and looked back up to Zeref and Mavis. “I don’t blame you for hating me. I hurt you and so many others. If anything, I deserve your rage.” Acnologia told them with sadness still evident in his voice. Mavis then ran over to Acnologia and jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his torso. She hugged him tight and said: “NO! If anything, our rage was misguided! You were grieving, and you were in pain! You had every right to be angry.” She told the dragon. “I’m sorry you had to go through that pain.” Zeref then walked over and put his hand on Acnologia’s shoulder. Acnologia looked up and faced Zeref as Mavis still hugged the dragon father. Zeref then said: “We’re here for you now Acnologia. You don’t have to be in pain anymore. Please accept our apology, and our friendship.” Zeref asked Acnologia. “Heh… I’ve already forgiven you.” Acnologia stated as he pulled Zeref into a hug and returned the one given to him by Mavis. The three wizards released themselves from the hug, and the rest of the meeting went by without problem. Igneel then had to leave and report back to Lord Torch about his findings. After Igneel left, the meeting then became lunch. Everypony had gotten salads while Acnologia had gotted some fruit, and a few gems. As Acnologia reached for some of the fruit, his hand stopped and he eyed the gems for a bit, before picking one up and hesitantly putting a part of the gem in his mouth. He then bit down. And then immediately started to devour the gems. To him they tasted as if he was eating twenty cupcakes at the same time. Needless to say, there was a shit ton of sugar. After eating the last gem, he and Spike at the same time burped very loudly. The two dragons looked at each other before smiling and laughing followed by the others laughing as well. After the laughing settled down, Acnologia then picked up his cup of water and smiled. “I think it’s about time I told you what my real name is.” He said. Everypony, and everyone immediately stopped eating and looked straight to Acnologia. “Whatever do you mean darling? Isn’t your name Acnologia?” Rarity asked. “While yes that is my name, it’s not my real name.” Acnologia explained. “Well then, what is it?” Luna asked the dragon. “Heh. Well my real name… is Acnori Quill.” Acnori told them all. “But my friends in Japan used to call me Quill. And you all are my friends so please, call me Quill.” Quill told them. After getting used to calling Acnologia, Quill lunch had ended. And it was time for the Elements of Harmony to return home. “Well, I believe it is time for us to return to Ponyville.” Twilight pointed out. “Thank you for inviting us Princesses.” The Element of Magic thanked the celestial Princesses. “Well could I go back to Ponyville with you guys?” Quill asked. “I mean, it’d be easier for Zeref, Mavis and myself to get used to being here. Oh, and Luna?” Quill suggested. “Yes?” Luna asked. “Could you keep an eye on my dreams? I don’t want painful memories giving me nightmares.” Quill said while rubbing his arm. “I will be sure to do so.” Luna reassured him. “Thanks Luna!” Quill said before giving Luna a big hug. After releasing Luna from the hug, Quill, Zeref, Mavis, Spike, and the rest of the Elements walked to the train station, while the three wizards got strange looks from the nobles of Canterlot. They didn’t mind. As they all got onto the train, Mavis brought up problem they would have. “Have either of you thought about where we would stay?” She asked. “We could buy a house.” Quill told her as Mavis sat between him and Zeref. “But we don’t have any currency.” Zeref said. “Wait a sec let me check…” Quill told them while putting his hand in his pocket. “… Ah! Here we go!” He said in victory as he pulled out a wallet. The wallet was a pitch black color and it had a navy-blue Fairy Tail symbol on it. Opening it he found a void. No literally he found a pocket dimension in his wallet. “Uhhhhhh… Why is there a little dimension in your wallet Quill?” Mavis asked while the three wizards looked at the wallet with confusion. “I have no idea.” Quill responded. Quill then reached his hand into his wallet and he reached all the way until his entire left arm was inside the wallet. Zeref looked at the wallet in pure confusion, while Mavis giggled at Zeref’s face. Once Quill pulled his arm out and in his hand was a bag filled with ten thousand gold coins. “Well… Hey Twilight?” Quill called. “Hmm?” She responded. “How much would a house in Ponyville cost?” He asked. “I believe a small house would cost around a thousand bits. Why?” She asked. “What could you buy with ten thousand bits?” Mavis asked. “I’d say a small mansion at least.” Twilight responded. “Well…” Zeref started. “Then we’ve got a small mansion.” Zeref said while he and the other two wizards look at the bag with a deadpan stare. “Oh…” Twilight responded as the other Elements and Spike had heard as well. The camera then pans to the outside of the train when several voices are heard screaming one thing: “Wait……... WHAT?!” All the Elements of Harmony, and Spike scream. Time skip brought to you by Mavis, Zeref, and Quill standing side by side, and they’re showing off their Fairy Tail symbols. Quill is looking at the screen with his back facing the screen, and a navy-blue Fairy Tail symbol is seen on his right shoulder blade. Zeref is looking at the screen facing forwards and his head is facing up, which shows his flame red Fairy Tail symbol on the middle of his neck. Mavis is in between the two of them with her left arm in the air in the position for number one, and her sleeve had slide down to reveal her golden Fairy Tail symbol on her arm. Acnologia/Quill’s POV We arrived at Ponyville with little problem, except for the part where I had to explain that my wallet had a void in it. That was fucking confusing. But other than that, the trip was pretty uneventful. We all got off the train, and everypony had to leave and go home, while Twilight, and Spike led me, Zeref, and Mavis to town hall to meet the Mayor of Ponyville, who is named with a pun. Mayor Mare. As the five of us walked over to the hall I saw that many ponies were staring at us. I ignored it just as Zeref and Mavis did. We then reached town hall, and we were introduced to Mayor Mare who didn’t really mind of what we looked like. “So, how can I help you.” The Mayor asked. “Well, we would like to buy a house.” Zeref told her. “Alright…” She started while pulling out several folders. “This is what we have available.” I picked up a folder, as did Zeref and Mavis, and I started to look through the details. So, this building has three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. It has a pretty big backyard, and it has three floors. The basement, the attic, and the floor with the bedrooms. It has a family room, kitchen, a porch, and it also has a few other rooms that could be used as entertainment rooms. It also has an office which I could use. Now the cost… Only six thousand? Hm… well this looks like a good one. I read through the folder. I then flipped the page to see what it actually looks like. It looked like my old house back in Japan. I smiled and closed the folder. I saw that Zeref and Mavis were finishing up looking at the folders as well. “Hmm… I don’t think I like this one.” Zeref mumbled about his. “Yeah this one doesn’t stand out to me.” Mavis agreed about hers. “Well, how about this one?” I asked while showing the folder to them. After a minute of conversing, we agreed that we would get the one I chose. “Alright, that’ll be six thousand bits please.” Mayor told me, as I pulled my wallet out, and grabbed the bag of bits, but this time it had six thousand bits exactly. She took the bits and put them in a safe. She then took out three keys and gave one to each of us. She gave me a map with the location of the home I bought. I was located right on the outskirts of town. Exactly where I’d like it. “C’mon guys. Hurry up! I want to see our new home!” Mavis cheered excitedly. “Alright one sec.” Zeref reassured her. I smiled and looked at the road ahead of us. The road to our new home. Along the way Mavis had climbed onto my shoulders and was now atop my head. Her hands were on my head and it felt like I was with my little sister again. I smiled at the memory and continued onwards. “Hey.” I said to get Mavis and Zeref’s attention. “Now that we live in the same house, would this technically make us family?” I asked. “Hehehe! I’d love to have you as a brother Quill!” Mavis giggled as she hugged my head. “I wouldn’t mind.” Zeref told me. “Well I guess that settles it.” I told myself. We then arrived at the house. I looked at it, and let Mavis get down. I walked up the steps to the front door and I found a note taped onto the front door. Hello there Acnori! It is I, your friendly multiverse displacer, The Merchant. I took the liberty of transporting your house here along with different clothes for you Mavis, and Zeref. Your welcome. Until next time! Ta-ta! I smiled and took the note off the door. I then took out my key. I then turned it and with a click, the door was unlocked. I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Mavis and Zeref shortly followed me inside, and we decided on who would get which room. We decided that since Mavis and Zeref were a couple that they would share a room while I got one to myself. My room was a fairly normal and standard room. It had a window right next to the bed, and the bed itself was twelve feet long, and nine feet wide. It had three pillows, which were all a sea blue color. The sheets were a dark grey, and the walls were painted the same navy-blue color as my hair and tattoos. The floor had a night blue carpet, and I thought ‘Perfect’ as it was the same room that I had back in Japan. I smiled and walked out of the room. I then walked into the kitchen and found where everything was. I got several items out and I opened the fridge to find it full. “Oh! Nice!” I laughed as I got several things out. I then started to make a dish which I was best at making. Spaghetti. I got all the necessary ingredients and made enough for three people. After a few minutes of cooking, the dish was ready. “Mavis! Zeref! Dinner’s ready!” I called up to them. “Oh sweet!” I heard Mavis cry as she ran into the kitchen and sat at the dining table. Instead of wearing her signature pinkish white dress, she was wearing a fluffy pink hoodie that had a golden Fairy Tail symbol on the front, and she was wearing a matching set of fluffy pink pants. I then saw Zeref walk in wearing a black t-shirt that had a flame red Fairy Tail symbol on the front as well, and he had on a pair of black sweat pants on, and he was wearing a set of fuzzy black slippers. I smile and set the plates down in front of them. “Well, since this is our first dinner together, how about a toast?” I say while giving them a glass of grape-juice. Zeref eyed the drink as I gave it to Mavis, but his suspicion was calmed when I said that it was grape juice. “A toast! TO FAMILY!” I yelled. “TO FAMILY!” Zeref and Mavis yelled as we clinked our glasses together. We then started to eat and talk about what we would do tomorrow. I then brought up the possibility of us making it back to Fiore. It was a possibility, but we didn’t worry about it. We ate dinner sharing laughs, and once we were done, Zeref and Mavis went up to bed while I cleaned the dishes. It had gotten really dark out and I took a step outside on the porch. I took a deep breath in and exhaled out. I smiled and looked at Luna’s beautiful night. “Merchant, if you’re responsible for giving me the shit ton of bits and the pocket dimension wallet, thank you.” I said quietly. Just as I was about to head back in the house, I saw a flash of light in the distance. It looked golden and red. I looked at it and I used my heightened sight to see what it was. Though I could only make out one figure, and I did smell that this was some sort of magic. But as soon as it appeared, it vanished. I decided not to think about it and go to bed. I walked into the house and turned off the kitchen and Livingroom lights. After that I walked up the stairs to my room. Once I got up to my room, I opened my door and walked in. I then closed it behind me so no one could disturb me, and I opened my dresser to find a set of PJs’. They were only the PJ pants but that didn’t bother me. The pants were a black color and they looked just like the pants I usually wore except they had the same markings as my tattoos, and they were way fuzzier. I then got into my bed and closed my eyes. I wonder what episode tomorrow will be. I soon felt the uninterrupted relief of sleep pass over my body, mind, and soul, ready for anything that the next day would bring. Dream Scape- Third Person POV Princess Luna was doing her nightly responsibility and destroying the nightmares her subject had during the nights and she was walking by the doors of several different ponies. The void around her looked as if she was standing in the night sky itself. She then passed by three doors that held the dreams of Quill, Zeref, and Mavis. Quill’s door was marked with a navy-blue Fairy Tail symbol. Zeref’s was marked with a flame red Fairy Tail symbol, and Mavis’ was marked with a golden Fairy Tail symbol. As Luna walked by the three doors, a small glow appeared next to the tree wizard’s doors and silently out of the lunar ground. And swiftly without making any noise, another door appeared. This door was marked by several objects that looked like sword, and they were connected to each other by the hilts, and they formed a partial circle. The camera then pans into the door and goes through. The scene then shows not a dream, but a memory. The scene shows the strongest of the Ten Wizard Saints laying on the ground, defeated as three figures stand in front of them. The most notable of them was one wizard by the name of God Serena. He and two of his Ishgar allies stood on either side of him. As Serena gloated and boasted about his victory in the distance in front of him a figure walked towards them. The figure was nine feet tall, and he had navy-blue tattoos and very long and messy navy-blue hair. He wore a cloak that covered his left arm as it had been torn off. He was wearing black pants and a red dragon tooth necklace. This was Fiore’s Acnologia. “Oh, and who might this be?” Serena asked with cockiness written in his words. As Acnologia walked ever closer Serena continued to boast and got into a fighting stance. But just as he began his sentence, he stopped. And the blades on his back fell to the ground, destroyed. And behind him with his right arm extended, was Acnologia. “Now only seven dragons remain.” Fiore’s Dragon King stated simply as he continued walking. The other Ishgar wizards were in complete fear and shock, as was the strongest Wizard Saints. Serena’s arms fell to his sides, and his legs gave out. He then fell to the ground. He was DEAD. The scene then turns into a white void containing a woman in a tribal dress, while the rest of her facial features were covered by a hood she wore. This was the Goddess of Death, Ahnkseram. She looked over the dead body of Serena and held his soul. “You’ve made many mistakes. But everyone deserves a second chance. At least, almost everyone.” She stated simply. Granting Serena’s soul mercy, she sent it to a world where he could get a second chance to be the good guy for once. Entrance of The Everfree Forest-Third Person POV Laying in the dirt, face down was a man. He had several shattered blades surrounding him, and he was wearing clothes similar to what Zeref wore, except the colors were different. Instead of black robes, with white accents, he donned auburn red robes, with gold and white accents. His hair was a fall-leaf color, and his skin was pale white. The man then shuffled around and his face was shown. On his face was a scar going across his nose, and his eyes were shut. While lying there he started to stir. His eyes scrunched up before one of them flew open revealing several different colors, each representing his different magic types. One section was grey, like a Gale force wind. Another was dark brown, like a Cavern. A different section was an infernal red like Purgatory. Another was deep blue like the Sea. A variation was white like the sun’s Light. Right next to the white section was a section that was pitch black like the Dark Night. And another was Acidic green. The final section was golden yellow, like a Lightning bolt. The screen then flashes into darkness. As the darkness of the void is ever present, a bright light shimmers and reveals the symbol of the Ten Wizard Saints. And from that light these words are seen: To Be Continued > Chapter 4- How can I help yoooouuuuuuu......... FUCK!! A New Class Session, An Explanation Of Terrifying Magic, And A Sound That Started The Calendar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4- How can I help yoooouuuuuuu……… FUCK!! A New Class Session, An Explanation Of Terrifying Magic, And A Sound That Started The Calendar. God Serena’s POV My head is pounding. It really fucking hurts. A lot. I push myself off the grass I’m sitting in and with my eyes still shut, I hold my hand to my head to soothe the pain. What was the last thing I remember? Oh, that’s right… I was killed by Acnologia. But, if I was killed, then… Why am I still alive and not in the afterlife? I think back to how Acnologia killed me and I shivered with terror. I had never experienced fear like that. “Ugh!” I groaned loudly. “Why is everything so confusing?” I then look around me to see the remains of the blades that had once rested on my back. Their color of black with gold edges shone in the rays of the sun. I walked over to them and peered into their reflective metal. I saw my auburn hair and the scar that ran across my nose. I then looked at my eyes and saw my right eye bearing its natural dirt-brown color. I then saw my left eye and I gasped in shock at what I see. Where the same dirt-brown color as my right eye should be, I instead see a multicolored eye, sporting the same color that would represent each of my dragon slayer magic types. Grey, Dark Brown, Infernal Red, Deep Blue, Pure White, Pitch Black, Acid Green, and Golden Yellow. “What in the world?” I mumble. “That’s new.” I whisper still shocked. I then stand up and view my surroundings. On the left is a large dark forest with aqua blue thorns and brambles. On the right was a path with a building in the distance. I place my hand up to my chin and think about where to go. “Hmm… Either the dark creepy forest, which probably is home to hundreds of things that would want to kill and eat me… Or the path to a random building.” I think aloud. Then a huge roar of something emits from the forest causing my hair to fly wildly in the wind. “Building it is!” I say before running away from the noise. After a few minutes of running I was far enough away from that forest. Goodness gracious. What kind of monsters live here?! My brain questioned. I thought back to Fiore and I’ve always known that there wasn’t a forest like that, so I must not be in Fiore anymore. I look around and see the flowing breeze around me. I watch as the breeze flows over, and through the grass. I look up at the sky and notice that it’s not as darkened and after taking a deep breath in, I notice that there is no trace of any, Magical Pollution. My eyes drift over to the building. I then walk over to it keeping my guard up as I don’t want anything to attack me. Once I’m close enough I notice that off in the distance, laid a small town. As I reached the building, I saw that it was a home. I steeped the porch, and lifted my hand to knock on the door, when: CRASH!!! A loud crash exploded from the house and several other sounds of things falling over. Then a voice that was laced with panic screamed: “SIS!! FUCKIN’ CALM YO’ SELF!!!” The voice screamed with panic and in a pleading tone. “WHY DID I GIVE YOU THAT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!?” It questioned. My mind was frozen with utter confusion. I then heard a weird song in the background start to play. Then several other loud sounds emitted from the house. “Z!! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND HELP ME CALM YOUR GIRLFRIEND DOWN!!!” The first voice cried. “WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M DOING QUILL!?!?” A new, and oddly familiar voice shouted. “MAVIS CALM YOUR SHIT!!!!” The familiar voice bellowed. “NEEEEEVAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” A young but feminine voice retorted. What in the fuck is going on in there!? My thoughts asked. But I was soon to get my answer as I heard footsteps getting closer to the door. Slam! The door that once rested on the doorframe of the house came flying off its hinges and right onto me, as I laid on the ground in front of the porch. “Damnit Mavis! Look at what you did! Not even a day of owning this house and something’s already broken!” The first voice scolded. “I’m sorry.” The childish voice apologized. “Mavis, it’s fine but next time I tell you, that you can have one cookie, it means only ONE! Not the entire jar.” The first voice sighed. “Your punishment is no cookies for a month.” “A-Alright.” The child-like voice accepted. At this point I decided to speak up: “Uhm… Can someone get this door off me please?” I asked with my voice muffled by the wood that rested on my entire body. “Sorry, here.” The familiar voice apologized before someone lifted the door off me. I rubbed the back of my head and looked at the person behind the familiar voice. My brain then shut down. Because standing in front of me was the leader of the Alverez Empire, and the creator of the Spriggin Twelve, Zeref Dragneel. And standing next to him also with shocked looks on their faces were The Fairy Tactician, Mavis Vermillion, and The Black Dragon of The Apocalypse: Acnologia. The one that killed me. “I-I don’t… I can’t… I-Uh, w-wha…” I stuttered, while looking at Acnologia with fear before my eyes rolled back. I then promptly fainted. Quill’s POV- Several Minutes Earlier I let out a big yawn, and the sweet smell of pancakes filled my senses. I then groggily opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around and found myself laying in a very messy bed. I smiled and got out from under the covers. Still in my PJs I walked down the stairs and into the family room to find Mavis watching a cartoon on the TV, and Zeref in the kitchen making pancakes. They were still in their PJs too. “Morning Mavis, morning Zeref.” I greeted while still half asleep. “Oh, morning Big Bro!” Mavis greeted with a small smile. “Good-Morning Quill.” Zeref said while still making the pancakes. I then walk over and sit on the couch next to Mavis. I continue to watch the show with her. After a little bit Breakfast is ready, after a discussion of how our first night as a family was, Mavis asked a question that I would regret saying yes to. “Hey Quill?” Mavis said. “Yeah sis’?” I respond. “Could I have a cookie?” She asked. “Sure, but only one.” I tell her as the next thing I see is her completely devouring all the cookies in the entire fucking cookie jar. Zeref then looks at her then at me, then back to her and in unison we both say one thing as she started to vibrate with energy: “… Fuck.” Quill’s POV- Present Time I watch as God Serena faint in front of me. I just blink in utter confusion. “What in the world?” I silently ask. I then walk over to the unconscious Serena, and I pick him up bridal style. After two equally confused Zeref, and Mavis follow me, I set him in the extra room that the house had. After a few minutes of silence Zeref asked a question. “H-How? How is Serena alive?” He muttered. I think about my answer for a little while before giving that answer: “I believe this may have something to do with either his Magic, or the Goddess of Death Ahnkseram.” I state. “What do you mean?” Mavis asked looking at me with a puzzled face. “Well for the first thought, his Dragon Slayer Magic could’ve brought him here for something I like to call “Anime Logic”.” I explained. “’Anime Logic’?” Zeref asked. “It basically means that something that shouldn’t happen does happen, and because that happens, it usually involves reasons which will never be explained.” I tell them. “For the second thought, I believe that Ahnkseram gave him a second chance. I believe that she saw that he could still be redeemed. But… I’m not entirely sure.” I finish. “Hmm… Well the last one is fairly reasonable, and the first one does seem like it would happen, what with Natsu overcoming all the impossible odds.” Mavis contemplated. As the three of us conversed, my sensitive hearing picked up the sheets on the bed shuffling. I looked over and saw that Serena had woken up and was staring directly at me with fear written all in his eyes. What intrigued me was that his left eye had eight colors, with each representing his Dragon Slayer Types. I reach my hand towards him, but he flinches back. I stop my reach, and I tap Zeref and Mavis on the shoulders. They both look at Serena. I look at them and nod. When they nod back at me, I reach my hand back out to the cowering Dragon Slayer. As my hand reaches closer, I see him tightly hold his eyes shut like he was waiting for me to harm him. I then grab his shoulder, and I pull him into a hug, which Mavis and Zeref join. I feel his body flinch with shock, and I hear him gasp. “Please don’t be mad at Quill.” Mavis tells him. “He wasn’t in control back then. He didn’t mean to kill you. He was still grieving and in rage.” I feel him hug me back, and I feel the warmth of his skin. I then see a golden glow envelop his back, and it slowly but surely starts to envelope his entire being. Serena frantically looks around at his body as the golden light swallows his entire body, he screams: “Zeref? Mavis? Acnologia? W-What’s happening!?” Then the golden light envelops his entire body and it causes me and the others to shield our eyes. The light then dies down and I look at what had happened to Serena. Only to see a boy, no older than five, with auburn hair that looked like Kirito’s from Sword Art Online, he was looking at me with heterochromia eyes, as his left eye was the same color as the Serena I saw sitting in his place mere moments ago, and his right eye bearing the same dirt-brown color. On his face was a scar that ran across his nose, and he was wearing a dragon onesie, which looked like my dragon form. I just sat there in complete and utter shock and confusion, as Mavis and Zeref had the same look. “Ugh. What in the world? What happened?” The child asked. “Wait… What happened to my voice?! Why do I sound like a kid again?!” The child screamed in terror as his voice was that of a younger Serena’s. “Uhm… Serena?” Mavis hesitantly asked the child. “Yes?” The child responded. “Oh, for frick’s sake.” I say while censoring the cuss word. I then notice a note next to the now child version of Serena. I picked it up and read it aloud: “For the people or person that finds this child, please take care of him. I have been merciful and given him a second chance at redemption. Be warned that he holds eight types of Dragon Slayer Magic and his name is Serena. Good Luck, The Goddess of Death: Ahnkseram.” I read. “Oh, you’ve got to be flipping kidding me.” Serena groaned with an annoyed tone. “I can’t even cuss now!? Gosh Darn it!” He screamed angrily. “Well… Who’s going to be the guardian of Serena as he grows-“ Mavis started before I cut her off. “Hold up. There’s more.” I say. “And if you happen to meet Zeref and Mavis, I decided that you both had suffered long enough. And as such got rid of your curse, however. You both are still immortal. Ta-Ta” I finished. “That cheeky Goddess of Death, I bet she turned Serena back into a kid just to screw with us.” The last part I think to myself. “Welp… At least we’re still immortal.” Mavis points out. “And as for your first question Mavis, I guess I’ll take care of him.” I tell them gaining shocked looks from everyone. “I mean, he does have Dragon Slayer Magic, and who better to teach him how to use it again, than another Dragon Slayer.” I point out. “Oh, by the way. Serena?” I ask. “Yeah?” He responds. “What’s two plus two?” I ask. “Oh, that’s, uh…. I don’t know.” He says while looking confused. “And there we go. It seems that he has forgotten all that he had previously learned from school, and probably how to use his Magic.” I explain. “But first things first, I need to get him into school. Luckily I saw a schoolhouse while getting here when we bought this place.” “Well. You’ve been prepared.” Zeref points out. I let out a sigh before saying: “When you’ve lived my life, you have to be.” “Well, why don’t we go out to Ponyville? I mean we still need to get used to this place, and with kid Serena, you need to legally become his guardian, and enroll him in the school.” Zeref told me. “Ok you guys go on and wait outside, I’ll be here with Serena. I need to do something really quick.” I told them as the two of them walked outside the room. After they left, I then turned to Serena who was sitting there looking very innocent. “Ok, so… I guess I’m your new dad. Now what are we going to do about your clothes?” I mumble the latter to myself. “Well while you and Zeref were talking, I noticed the closet glowed a little.” Serena told me. I then walked over to the closet and opened it to reveal several different clothes that would fit Serena. Thank you for the Magic closet Merchant. Thank you. I thought as I took a shirt and pants from the closet and gave it to Serena for him to change. Once he got dressed, I looked at him and his shirt was an auburn color, with the symbol for the Ten Wizard Saints on the middle of it, with a black Fairy Tail symbol on the side of the chest where the heart would be. His pants were gold with black accents. I smiled and he did as well. The two of us walked out of the house, which had Magically repaired its own door I then noticed that Mavis and Zeref had already gotten dressed. The four of us then walked down to Ponyville, and about halfway there, I felt someone try and grab my hand. I looked down to see Serena with a small blush on his face. “Is there something you need Serena?” I ask. “C-Can I hold your hand? A-And could I c-call you… D-Dad?” He asked sheepishly. I smile softly and I answer his questions: “For your second question, yes, you can call me your dad, and for your first question… How about I carry you instead!” I say before scooping him up in my arms, causing him to squeal and giggle. Zeref and Mavis smile as we continue to head to Ponyville. Once we get there were greeted with the sight of Rainbow in the clouds talking to somepony. “Hey Dash!” I yell while waving my free arm, as the other arm is being used to hold Serena. Dash then looks over to the four of us and flies over to us. She then lands and says: “Hey guys! How’ve you been?” She asked. “Other than Mavis eating too many cookies and breaking our door down, pretty well.” I respond. “Oh, and I’d like you to meet someone Dash.” I say. “Oh? Who?” She asked. “This little ball of innocence.” I say gesturing to Serena. “Hmm? Oh, who’s this kid?” She asked. “This is Serena. His original name was God Serena, but that was in Fiore. And yes, before you ask, he is from Fiore. His Magic is eight different types of Dragon Slayer Magic. Though he wasn’t taught by eight different dragons.” I explain. “I’ll tell you about it later when everypony is present. But who were you talking to?” I ask. “Zeref, Mavis, Quill, Serena. I’d like you all to meet Gilda!” Dash announces before a Griffon lands in front of us, and my question that I had last night was answered. So, we’re on the Griffon brush off episode, eh? I think as Dash continues: “Gilda is my best friend from junior speedster’s flight academy.” “Sup.” She says flatly. “Hello!” Mavis says cheerfully. “Greetings” Zeref says with a half-dead smile. “Hi.” I say while giving her a small smile. “…” Serena is quiet. “Serena… Go on say hi.” I tell him. “H-Hi.” He stutters nervously. “Sorry, he’s just a little shy.” I tell Gilda. Gilda just flips her hair feathers before saying: “Nah, it’s okay. I get it, meeting new people can be really nerve racking.” “Hey, Quill.” Zeref tells me. “Me, and Mavis are going to go to Twilight’s. We’ll need to tell her about Serena.” He says. “Got it. See ya’ Zeref, see ya’ sis.” I wave to the two. After they’ve walked to Twilight’s I turn back to Dash and Gilda. “Well, sorry to stop the meet and greet but I’ve got to get this little one enrolled in school.” I tell Dash, and Gilda. “See you later!” “See ya later Quill!” Dash replies. “Bye!” Glinda says. I walk away from Dash, and Gilda with Serena in my arms and I make my way to the schoolhouse. After finding our way there I walk up and knock on the door. Knock, Knock “I’ll be right there!” I hear Cheerilie’s voice tell me through the wooden door. After a second or two the door is opened by the teacher pony. “Oh! Why hello there Acnologia. It’s good to see you.” She greets. “How may I help you?” The teacher asked. “It’s great to see you as well Cheerilie. As for my reason of being here, well… I’m holding him in my arms.” I tell her. She looks over to my arms and sees Serena still being very shy. “Oh, why hello there. It’s nice to meet you.” She said while giving him a calming smile. “What is your name?” She asked. Serena was slow to answer but after a couple seconds he answered: “I’m Serena.” He told her quietly. “Well Serena, you have a very nice name.” She told him making his shyness dull away. She then looked back to me. “I wasn’t aware you had a son.” She pointed out. “Up until this morning, I didn’t. But because of the Goddess of Death in Fiore, he became my son.” I told her. “I’m also here to enroll him in your class.” “Well then come inside and we can get him all set up.” Cheerilie, well, cheered. I then walked inside the schoolhouse and saw the same schoolhouse as the show. I smiled and set Serena down at a desk. I followed Cheerilie over to her desk, while feeling the cool smooth texture of the wood on my feet, and she gave me a folder of paperwork. I had to fill out what Serena’s name is, where he lives, how old he was, and other things like that. After discussing a few things with Cheerilie, we got to the end result that Serena would be placed next to Scootaloo in the front. He would also be starting later in the day, which was around an hour in a half. I asked Cheerilie if I could come into class to introduce myself to everypony and I also asked if I could get a job as a teacher. She said that I’d have to fill out some papers but both of those would be fine. “So, when I become a teacher, what would I teach?” I asked my new co-worker, Cheerilie. “I haven’t thought about that yet, but I have a pretty good idea.” She said. “Since you come from a different place you could teach about the magic from that place.” She suggested. “Oh, and could you also teach Physical Education? I’ve been meaning to hire someone for that, but I’ve never had the time because of me being the only teacher for so long.” She explained. “Don’t worry about it. Yes, I will teach P.E.” I assured her. “I’ve got to go meet up with Zeref and Mavis in a little. So, I’ll see you later Cheerilie.” I told her. “Who’s Mavis and Zeref?” She asked before I walked out. “Oh, right you don’t know.” I realized while mentally face palming. “Mavis and Zeref are others from Fiore, as is Serena but I’ll tell you later during introductions.” I tell her. “Oh, got it. Well, see you later Acnologia.” She waved with her hoof. "See ya Cheerilie." I waved back. Me and Serena left exited the School House and walked over to the Ponyville market, on our way there we met up with Fluttershy, who was leading a small family of ducklings and their mother somewhere. "Hm?" I said before noticing Fluttershy. "Oh, why hello there Flutters. Nice day isn't it?" I ask. "Oh, yes it's a very lovely day. Who's this?" She asked motioning to Serena. I explained to her what had happened this morning and she took it relatively well. I say that but in reality she just nodded her head and said she understood. "You don't really understand do you?" I asked. "Not really." She admitted. I chuckled and told her about my new job. When I looked over to Serena, I saw something that I really should've expected: Serena was sitting criss-cross, with the mother duck sitting in his lap, while the other ducklings were sitting on his legs. I just stared at my son for a few seconds before letting out a sigh before telling Fluttershy: "Welp, we've got some time to kill before school starts so I guess we'll be helping you and the ducks." I said with a chuckle as Flutters giggled a little. Serena then picked some of the ducklings up in his arms, where some of the others landed on his head and sat there comfortably. It was a cute sight. The mother duck flew over and landed onto Fluttershy's back and together the three of us walked into Ponyville's market. As Serena walked in between me and Fluttershy, the two of us conversed about me changing my appearance. "Hey, do you think I should cut my hair?" I asked my friend. "Maybe. I mean if you want to." Flutters answered sheepishly. "I don't see why you'd want to though." "Well, it's mainly because I don't want others thinking that I'm a girl if they see me from behind." I explained. "And I am going to be a teacher, so I don't want to be a bad influence on the youth." I told her. "I see. Well you could probably go to Rarity for help. I know she'd be happy to." The pegasus suggested. "Well, thanks for the advise." I thanked. I was about to say something else when Serena bumped into someone causing him to fall onto his rear. "Oof!" Serena grunted. Several of the ducklings jumped away in surprise but they slowly returned after seeing that their new friend had fallen over. I walked over to help my son up when I heard someone yell at Fluttershy. "HEY! Watch where you're going!" A familiar griffon yelled at Fluttershy and at Serena. "I'm walkin' here!" Gilda yelled. "Oh, we're very sorry. Me and my friends are just helping some ducklings and their mother get to-" Fluttershy began before Gilda cut her off. "'I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'" Gilda mocked. "Why don't you watch where you're going you little shits!" Gilda cussed at Fluttershy. "B-b-but, I'm s-s-sorry-" Flutters stuttered as tears were already beginning to fall from her sky blue eyes. Gilda then took a deep breath in. Gilda then roared straight into my friend's face causing Fluttershy to reel back in fear. Tears burst from Fluttershy's eyes. Shy tried to hide behind her pink mane, and tail but I ran straight in front of the shy pony ready to defend her. I looked straight down at Gilda, as she was around two feet shorter than me. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked in the same voice I used when challenging Nightmare Moon, and when threatening Blueblood. "Can't you see that my son bumped into you on accident? There was no reason to roar at Fluttershy." I explained trying to defuse the situation in a much calmer voice. I noticed the mother Duck was checking to see if Serena was okay, but I had to refocus on the situation at hand. "Well maybe if you retards were watching where you were going we wouldn't be having this issue!" Gilda semi-yelled getting straight into my face. "Now why don't you be a good little monkey and leave!" She screamed. I stood there dumbfounded. This bitch had called me a monkey. She had called my son and my friend a shit, and called all of us retards. To say I was pissed was an understatement of the God damned millennium. I looked straight at her and and grabbed her by the collar, lifting her up to my height: "Now you listen and you listen good. You can insult me all you'd like, but you will NEVER, insult my friends, nor my son. Do I make myself clear?" I threateningly asked. When I didn't get an answer I looked straight at her and my eyes narrowed. "I said, DO I MAKE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR!?" I roared. Gilda nodded quickly before I dropped her straight onto her ass. She then lowly growled: "Whatever." Before flying off to wherever. Probably off to find Rainbow. Damn. Now I remember why I didn't like that bitch. I thought before turning around to Fluttershy, and trying to calm her down. I wasn't helping much as she was shivering with fear. When I finally calmed her down, I was able to help her get the ducklings to the pond on the other side of town. Serena was still carrying the ducklings, and I held the mother Duck. Serena was trying to cheer up Flutters with little success because tears were still dripping down the emotionally fragile pony's cheeks. Once we reached the pond, Shy basically collapsed and started to cry uncontrollably. I set the mother Duck down and ran over to Fluttershy. I kneeled down next to the crying pony and placed my hand on her back trying to soothe her sorrow: "Hey... It's alright, you're okay. You're safe now. Nothing bad will happen. Not while I'm around." I calmly said to her, as several other animals emerged from the pond and the foliage around the three of us. They too wanted to soothe their caretaker's sorrow. "Hey, Fluttershy." Serena began softly in his shy voice. "I know you're scared, I am too, but we can't let fear drive our lives. We have to be brave, if not for ourselves, then for the ones we love." Serena told her. "So... let's be brave together!" He cheered softly. Fluttershy was then calmed a little bit and told us that she would be fine to be left alone. She was with her animal friends and I knew they would cheer her up. Me and Serena then wandered over to Rarity's Boutique. It was almost blinding to look at as there were reflective decorations scattered all over the outside. What I could see was the door, thankfully as my son and I approached the blinding structure the shadow it casted was enough to spare our eyes from the light. I pushed the white and purple door open. The jingle of the bell overhead rang to alert Rarity that she had a customer: "I'll be with you in just a second darling!" Her voice told us. After a few minutes her equine head peeked from behind a corner. "Oh, Quill! Nice to see you today! Who's this little one?" She asked about Serena. I explained to her about what happened this morning and about my new job. "Ah, I see. So, how can I help you?" She asked as her purple mane whipped around. "Well, I was wondering if you could give me a hair cut. I really don't want my hair to be this long." I told her as I picked up a bunch of my navy blue hair. "Hm, I do have some ideas but I think you'll like the idea I have for you." She told me. "Right this way, follow me." She said. I followed her to a chair, and I had a bit of trouble fitting in the chair. The compromise was for me to sit on a stool. It was weird but it worked. After a little I could hear Rarity working away as she was mumbling incoherent words under her breath. I looked in the mirror to see Serena picking up a magazine trying to occupy his obvious boredom. After a little while Rarity the backed away and declared: "There! It's perfect!" I looked in the mirror and saw the myself looking at what Acnologia looked like before his transformation into a dragon. I still had the markings but other than that it was spot on: "I love it. Thank you Rarity." I told her. "How much do I owe you?" I asked taking out my wallet. "Oh, darling this one is on the house!" She generously told me. "Really? Thanks Rarity. Oh, by the way, do you have somepony in your family that goes to Cheerilie's school house?" I asked. "Why yes, my little sister Sweetie Belle goes there. Why do you ask?" Rarity inquired. "Well, as I've told you before, I am the new Fioren magical teacher there, as well as the new P.E coach." I told her. "Really? I didn't know you had a teaching degree." Rarity pointed out. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Serena who was still looking at a magazine: "Well, I actually have a PHD in magical theory, and a Doctorate in Medicine." I admitted. "But that was before I became a dragon." I explained tapping into my knowledge of Acnologia's lore before becoming a dragon in the anime. "I don't know if I still retain the knowledge of the Medicine but Magical theory I know pretty well." I proudly stated. I then looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost time for school to start. I said farewell to Rarity and I picked up Serena, as we both left the fashionista's home. The two of us walked over to the School house which had many young colts and fillies walking to the entrance. I smiled as I saw some familiar faces, such as Twist and Applebloom. I set Serena down onto the ground and he looks up at me with a quizzical look: "Hey, Serena. I'm going to go back to the house but I will return in a little. Just head on inside and I'll meet you in a little while." I tell him as he nods and runs over to the entrance of the School house. I then use my speed and quickly run over to my home. I'll never get used to running that fast. I think to myself as I open the door and speedily change into some new clothes. I looked in my closet and found a set of clothes I knew would be perfect for this occasion. I also found a pair of loafers laying in front of the clothes. I smiled as I took my cloak and pants off as well as my necklace. I then dressed myself in the new clothes, and put my necklace back onto my neck. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I looked exactly like Acnologia did before his transformation. After that speedy change of clothing I ran back over to the School house just in time for the bell to ring. I opened the door to see around twenty eight colts and fillies, including Serena, looking at me. I smiled and apologized for being late. "It's fine, in fact, you're right on time." Cheerilie said. "Okay everyone I'd like to introduce two new additions to the class." Cheerilie announced. I motioned for Serena to get over to me, and he did but as he reached me, he slightly hid behind my lab coat. "Please welcome our newest teacher here, Acnologia, and his son Serena!" She announced cheerfully. Pun very much intended BTW. The class kinda just sat there for a little while before I decided to speak up: "If anypony has a question I'd be happy to answer them." I said brightly as several hooves shot up in the air. I saw that a colt with brown fur and decided to pick him. "How about you?" I said pointing to him. "What are you?" He asked. "Well, to be honest, I used to be something called a human, but currently I am a Dragon." I answered before calling on a filly with a tiara on her head. Oh lord this was Diamond Tiara. "Yes?" I said pointing to her. "Where's your Cutie Mark?" She asked snidely. "I don't have one." I told her. A loud gasp erupted from the class as Dimond yelled: "You don't have a Cutie Mark?! But how do you know what your special talent is?!" She asked. "Well for one, no human has a Cutie Mark. Serena doesn't either. Second, I don't need a Cutie Mark to decide what I'm going to do or what my special talent is." I explained in a calm tone. "The only thing that is unique to me is my magic. And plus I already told you that I'm now a dragon. And I don't think that dragons here get Cutie Marks either." I finished. "Alright class that's enough questions for now. Serena please go sit down." Cheerilie told the class as Serena obliged and sat back down next to the orange pegasus filly, Scootaloo. "It's time for the lesson to begin!" She said. I waked over to the side of the class and watched as Cheerilie taught them about history and math. I saw how invested Serena was in wanting to learn. I smiled at my adoptive son and my thoughts drifted over to Sonya. I let out a small sigh as I pulled my mind away from that because before I knew it, the Recess bell had rung. "That's all the time we have for now class, go out and have some fun!" She dismissed them. I walked over and sat in a chair next to her desk. "Well, the next lesson will be all yours Acnologia. Are you ready?" She asked me while she got out her lunch. "To be honest, not really. But the world never gives you the time to get ready. You always have to be prepared." I answered cryptically. Cheerilie just deadpanned at me and after a few moments she giggled. "But in all actuality, it's the class that has to be prepared because their next subject will be Fioren Magical Theory." I explained. "I see. I'm guessing that you want them to call you something other than Acnologia?" She asked. "Yeah, probably." I answered. As the two of us conversed I heard several conversations occur outside due to my heightened hearing and I let my mind wander. Third POV Outside of the School house, on a bench facing towards the playground as all the other fillies and colts played, sat Serena. He sat there because he had nopony to play with. He was the new kid. But he was the only human in the school besides his once human father. Serena sat on the bench alone until two little fillies approached him. The first filly was an Earth Pony had pink fur and her mane and tail were a pale, and light grayish violet with white streaks and she also wore a tiara on her head. Her Cutie Mark looked exactly like her tiara. This was Diamond Tiara. The second filly was an Earth Pony as well, her fur was a gray, and her mane and tail were a light gray. She wore light aqua glasses and her Cutie Mark was a silver spoon. This was Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara's best friend and probably only friend. The two fillies walked over to Serena where Diamond wore a smug look. Once they reached the dragon slayer she said: "You're Serena right?" To which Serena replied with a nod. "Okay, so I want to know... What's it like being a Blank Flank?" She asked intending for it to be an insult. "... A what?" Serena asked not recognizing the comment as an insult. "Well you don't have a Cutie Mark which means no special talent, which means you're not special!" Diamond Tiara semi-yelled. "That's not really true." Serena stated. "All of us in our own way have qualities that we all share, but we all also have our own unique traits and abilities that make us who we are." He explained using his logic. Serena even though he is very shy, is a very logical kid and he acts older than what he really is sometimes. "For example say you had a brother and he was better at painting and drawing than you were, but you're better at sports than he is. That is an example at something you are good at, and that quality as well as many others make up who you are." Serena told Silver and Diamond. The two would-be bullies just stood there shocked. "The quality that would make me special and unique would be my magic. It's much different than yours as mine isn't Equestrian magic-" Serena was about to finish his sentence when Quill walked outside and announced that it was time for school to start again. Serena just hopped off the bench and walked up to his adoptive father. Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon were just dumbfounded and shocked that Serena had just roasted the shit out of them. It took around ten seconds for them to snap out of it, and once they did snap out of it they turned around to see their teacher Quill, looking at them with a smug look on his face. The two fillies walked inside and took a seat with Silver's face deep in thought, as Diamond looked at Serena with an evil glare. You've made an enemy today Serena. You've made your worst enemy. Diamond thought as her head turned to the sound of chalk writing on the chalkboard. "Hello class, my name is Acnologia. But from now on you will address me as Sensei. If you're wondering why, it's because in Japan it's a sign of respect to your teacher. And if you treat me with respect in kind, I will treat you with respect." Sensei-Quill introduced with a monotone face. "If you have any questions, now would be the best time to ask them, as I will not stop nor will I repeat myself in the middle of the lesson." He told them sternly. Some students raised their hoof, and Quill called on Applebloom: "Sensei? What are you teaching us?" The Apple asked. "That is a good question. Now listen up!" Quill called out to the class. "This lesson will be Magical Theory, but for now it will be the most basic units. However, this is not Equestrian Magical Theory for anyone here who thinks they will fly through this course. This my little students, is Fioren Magical Theory." Quill told them with an intimidating smile. A different student raised their hoof: "Sensei? Why do you say "Anyone", and "Everyone". Shouldn't it be anypony and everypony?" The curious student asked. "The reason for me not using anypony and such is because say that would only be addressing ponies and since there is more than one species here I will not be using them." Quill explained. Another student raised their hoof: "Sensei, what's the difference between the two types of magic?" They asked. "This question will be answered during the lesson." No other student raised the hoof/hand so Quill begun the lesson. "If there are no other questions the lesson will begin." He stated. The Sensei turned around and drew a T-Chart, with "Fiore Magic" and "Equestrian Magic" written on either side. "Now can anyone guess what the differences between the two types of magic are?" Several students raised their hooves. Quill looked over them and saw a student he recognized as Sweetie Belle: "Yes, Sweetie Belle?" He called on her. She answered: "They have different effects?" "While that is correct I'm looking for more specific answers. How about this, you tell me what Equestrian magic is like, and I will write down what Fioren magic is like." Quill told them. Then several students started to blurt out answers: "Our magic is attached to our emotion!" "Equestrian magic gives us our Cutie Marks!" "It helps us grow our crops!" "It moves the sun and moon!" They yelled before their Sensei had enough. "HEY!!" Quill roared shutting them all up. "Next time you all have an answer, raise your hoof, or in Serena's case, hand, and wait to be called on okay?" He told them calmly. "But yes, all of what you said is correct." Quill began while writing down all of what had been said about Equestrian magic. "Now I will tell you what Fioren magic is like. First of all, Fioren magic does NOT give anyone Cutie Marks, and as I've stated before, no human on the planet has a Cutie Mark." He explained writing the info down. "Second, Fioren magic can help people in their everyday lives, but it does not extend from emotion. It can only grow with practice, and everyone in Fiore has magic available to them." He told them as the students all listened closely. "Third, Fioren magic has three different wielding types, or in simpler terms, there are three different categories of Fioren magic. You will learn about two of these categories but the third you will not and hopefully will never learn about." Quill told them. This time Serena raised his hand, to which Quill called on him: "Why are we only learning about two of the categories?" He asked. "This question can be answered by the next piece of the lesson. Magic Categories." Quill wrote on the board. "There are three categories, Holder Magic, Caster Magic, and finally Lost Magic or Ancient Magic. You will only be learning about Holder, and Caster magic. If you're wondering about Lost Magic, then listen because I will only say this reason for you not learning about it, ONCE." Quill said while his eyes gained a serious and definitive look. "Holder Magic is when a wizard uses magical items with the most notable being celestial wizards, more on that another time. Caster Magic is a type of magic where the magic user expels magic from their body say someone fires a spell from their elbows or knees, again more on that another time." Quill explained. He then let out a heavy sigh and leaned on the board with his arms crossed. "Finally, Lost Magic, the most powerful type of magic in Fiore." He told them causing all the students minus Serena who's auburn hair was overshadowing his eyes, to gasp. Quill wasn't smiling. Serena wasn't either. Scootaloo shot out of her seat and yelled: "Well if it's the most powerful then why aren't we learning about it?!" Hearing Scootaloo's comment the other students started to talk and protest loudly. Quill had enough, he didn't want to hear their bullshit. "ENOUGH!" Quill screamed causing the school house to go quiet. "Scootaloo the reason I'm not going to and will never teach you about Lost Magic is because even though it is the most powerful, it's also the most destructive and if used incorrectly..." Quill trailed off and looked out the window and to his son. "It could possibly kill, or curse its user." Quill told them causing their eyes to go wide. "Please understand that this magic should never be taught, and that it is called "Lost Magic" for a reason, okay?" He asked his students, to which they all nodded in response. "Thank you." Quill looked at the time to see that it was almost time for class to end. "It seems that it's almost time to go, so if you have any other questions, ask them." He suggested for nopony to raise their hoof. "I've got to leave so, Serena. C'mon kid." Sensei-Quill told Serena. Serena, and Quill both got their stuff, and left the School house, leaving Cheerilie and the other students in a state of pure horror. They had no clue how terrifying Fiore's magic could be. They had no idea that Quill had to live through the use of these magic types. The scene slowly panned over to the chalkboard to see the the words "LOST MAGIC" on the board with a line through it. The scene slowly fades into the view of Serena and Quill walking to Twilight's house. "Dad..." Serena said, catching Quill's attention. "Did you really have to tell them about Lost Magic?" "Serena... I didn't have much of a choice... They had to know that it's a very, very dangerous type of magic." Quill told his son as they wandered closer to the Golden Oak Library. Once they reached the door Quill knocked on it three times. Knock, Knock, Knock "Oh, that must be Serena and Quill!" Mavis' voice sprouted from the door. The door opened to reveal Mavis. "It's about time you got here. What took you so long?" She asked the duo. "I got a job." Quill said nonchalantly while entering the library. "Okay." Mavis responded. "Wait... What!?!?!" Quill smiled slightly, and saw the Main six, Spike and Zeref also sitting there. All of them except for Fluttershy and Rarity had surprised looks. I quickly explained about how I enrolled Serena in school, and how I had gotten a job at the school. I also had to explain what had happened for Serena to become my son, and surprisingly Pinkie Pie was the only one who understood it. "Hey, could I get something for you to drink?" Spike asked Quill. "I'll take a coffee." Quill told him as Spike walked into the kitchen. Quill and Serena sat next to Mavis and Zeref when Zeref asked: "So what are you teaching?" "I'm teaching P.E and Fioren Magical Theory." Quill said while his smile slowly faded. Spike brought him his coffee and handed it to Quill. "Thanks." Zeref's and Mavis' smiles also faded. Serena's smile hadn't returned from the discussion back at the School House Seeing the usually happy family not smile was something that worried all of the others. "Is everything okay?" Twilight asked. None of the wizards from Fiore answered her but instead Mavis asked: "Did you tell them about the Categories?" "I told them they'd learn about the first two. But they asked about the third." Quill responded. "Did you..." Zeref trailed off. "No he didn't. He only told them the repercussions. "Good." Zeref sighed. "Now what in tarnation are you talking about?" Applejack asked. "Quill?" Mavis asked in one word. "Might as well tell them." He responded simply. "Whatever are you talking about darlings?" Rarity asked. "Yeah, can you stop being all cryptic and tell us?" Dash said. "Three." Zeref stated. This confused the ponies and dragon. But then Mavis picked up where Zeref left off: "There are three different categories of Fioren Magic." She let Quill continue. "The first two are the most common types. Holder Type Magic, and Caster Type Magic." Quill finished allowing Serena to pick up where he left off. "The third is the most destructive, the most powerful, and the most costly." Serena said. "It's called LOST MAGIC." The four Fioren wizards said together. "Lost Magic is a category which holds our variants of magic. The first types of magic. My magic is called Black Arts, more commonly known as Death Magic." Zeref revealed. "My magic is called Fairy Magic, or more commonly called Life Magic." Mavis stated. "My magic is one of the first types of magic in existence, aside from Ahnkseram Black Magic. My magic is call Dragon Slayer Magic, and I also have a very devastating and unique type, which is in a category all on its own... Time Magic." Quill restated to the listeners. "My magic is also called Dragon Slayer Magic however my variation of Dragon Slayer Magic is different from my dad's." Serena said. "The most powerful and the most iconic types of Lost Magic, are Fairy Law, Fairy Sphere, Fairy Glitter, Death Magic, Life Magic..." Quill once again trailed off. He let out a deep sigh before saying. "And the magic me and Serena use..." Quill stated. "Dragon Slayer Magic." He told them all. "Now you have to keep this in mind. This magic was created during a time when us humans and more than half of the dragon race was at war. The other half was helping us humans learn Dragon Slayer Magic. I am one of the first Dragon Slayers on the planet. And when I gained mastery over my magic I..." He paused. He then took a leap and told his friends the truth. "I was turned into a dragon, but not just any dragon. I was turned into one of the most powerful types of dragons in the world. I was turned into something called, The Black Dragon of The Apocalypse: The Dragon King." He said changing to the other lost magic. "The other reason I won't teach anyone about Lost Magic is because... If you use any other type of it incorrectly you will at best die, or at worse be cursed with something called the Curse of Ahnkseram, which makes it so when you find the true appreciation for life, you will send off a wave of death magic, killing every living thing around you and you'll become immortal. The only way to stop this curse is if you lose appreciation for life, and if you die." He said quietly. "But aside from that there are several different elements of Dragon Slayer Magic and different Generations." He then took a sip from his coffee Serena followed up and said: "As far as we know, there are five generations of Dragon Slayers." Serena stated. "The First Generation are ones like dad. First Gen. are taught by actual dragons. Most dragons who taught First Gen. were the slayer's foster parents. The only First Gen. I currently know of are Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and dad." Serena paused to take a breath. "The next Generation are Second Gen. This Generation was not taught by a dragon. Instead they were implanted with a Dragon Lacrima. Lacrima are a variant of crystal from Fiore which contain vast amounts of magical power. The process of getting a Dragon Lacrima implanted into you is very painful trust me, I had eight implanted into me. As such I am a Second Gen. The other Second Gen. are Laxus, and Erik or Cobra." Serena explained. "Next are the Third Generation. This Gen. had a Dragon Lacrima implanted into them and they were also taught by a dragon. The only two I know of are Sting, and Rouge." Zeref explained the Third Gen. "Then there are the Fourth Generation." Mavis sighed. "These slayers aren't even alive so. To explain, Fourth Gen. Slayers are created from Pure Dragon Lacrima. Or in other words, Crystal Robots. These things can't be destroyed unless you break their core Lacrima." Mavis detailed the Fourth Gen. "Finally, the Fifth Generation Dragon Slayers." Quill started. "These Slayers are... Brutal. One becomes a Fifth Gen. by devouring Dragon Flesh." He said causing everyone to reel back in shock. Even Mavis, Zeref, and Serena didn't know the origins of the Fifth Gen. but now they do. "As deadly as it my seem, these Slayers are also known as the Dragon Eaters, and they are..." Quill trailed off. "Evil?" Zeref suggested. "Cruel?" Twilight offered. "Meanies?" Pinkie said. "All of that right there is just an absolute fuck ton of sugar coating it. Pardon the language, but these shit-bags... They are caticlism's in human bodies. These... Things are... They're just pure evil. And once they've set their sights on you... Just hope that you have a Dragon Slayer with you, because these guys will tear through anything and anyone just to kill you. I've had to deal with some of these bastards, and let me tell you, they can get pretty bloodthirsty. Thankfully no one has ever mastered Fifth Gen. Slayer Magic." He explained allowing everyone to let out a sigh of relief. "But now we get onto the Elements of Dragon Slayers." He announced. "I've already told you about Fiore's five remaining Dragon taught Slayers but I haven't told you about Fiore's two Lacrima dragon slayers. Laxus, and Erik. The Lightning and Poison Dragon Slayers." I told them. "Yes, I've been wondering what other element types for the Slayers are." Twilight pointed out. "Aside from the elements I've said Serena, since he's had eight Slayer Lacrimas implanted into him, he has eight elements. I only know of five. Purgatory, Cavern, Deep Sea, Lightning, and Gale." Quill listed. "Well, the others are Sun Light, Dark Moon, and Acid." Serena finished. "Well, what about yours Quill?" Spike asked. "Yes, I'd love to know!" Twilight said giddily. "Alright. I don't have one." Quill admitted. "You don't... YOU DON'T HAVE AN ELEMENT???!!!!?!?!1" Twilight screamed. "Nope. My Slayer type is simply called Dragon Slayer Magic. I've just given it the name Temporal Magic Dragon Slayer Magic, or essentially, Apocalypse Dragon Slayer Magic." Quill explained. "Wait Temporal? As in Time?" Zeref asked. "I don't remember you having Time Magic." He pointed out. "I didn't until Natsu killed me after I ate the Bonds of Time in Fiore. This was just after you had died however." Quill responded. The Main six and Spike looked at the four in utter confusion, because they had no clue what they were talking about. Their confusion was evident until Fluttershy intervened: "You... Ate Time?" The shy pony asked. "Apparently though I wasn't in control of my dragon form nor was the insanity I was in. Evidently, my human body and draconic body were separated, and while the guild Fairy Tail fought and destroyed my draconic body, the Dragon Slayers, not including Serena, fought my human body, and finally Natsu had killed me." Quill explained while taking another sip of his coffee. "By the way, I forgot to ask but... What happened with Gilda?" He wondered aloud. "... She left." Rainbow simply stated, turning her head away so that her rainbow mane blocked her eyes. "So, she left Ponyville?" Quill asked. "Yup." "Was there any reason for that?" Rainbow turned and looked at Quill with a slightly angered glare: "It turned out that she was a terrible friend. So, I ended my friendship with her." She told him. Quill only focused on drinking the rest of his coffee not affected by the news in the slightest. He set the empty cup of coffee on the table in front of him and looked back at Rainbow: "Did you ask her why she was acting the way she was?" Quill asked with a raised eye brow, or rather the marking that replaced his eye brow. "I-..." Rainbow stuttered before pausing. "No... I-I didn't." Rainbow said shamefully. "Well how long ago did she leave?" Quill inquired. "Around twenty minutes ago." Mavis told the Apocalypse Dragon. "Well, then maybe you could find her and ask her." Serena suggested. "I mean, you've said that she didn't have friends, aside from you so she probably cherished her friendship with you a lot. Ending that friendship probably crushed her." The five year old pointed out. This revelation stunned Rainbow for a few seconds before she bolted up and started to fly/hover in the air and declared: "You're right Serena, I do need to make amends. If I leave right now I could probably find her." She surmised. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go." Zeref said before the Mane six ran out of the house followed by Spike. The only four left in the Library house were Serena, Zeref, Mavis, and Quill. They all looked at the open door smiling with sheer pride. "You think we did the right thing telling Rainbow to go find Gilda?" Mavis asked. "Definitely." Zeref stated. "Mavis you saw how she looked when Rainbow ended their friendship at the party. She was holding back a lot of sorrow." He reminded her. "Well," Serena yawned. "I'm kinda tired so I'd like to go home." He told his family with droopy eyes. "Alright time to go." Quill said as he started to stand up. But he was stopped by Mavis' hand. "Let us take him home, okay. You seem like you need a breather from today." She said alluding to the discussion of his magic. Quill nodded and motioned for Mavis and Zeref to go ahead. The two lovebirds stood up, and Zeref picked up the now sleeping Serena and walked out of the door. All that was left was Acnori Quill, and silence. Quill smiled and his eyes closed. He began thinking of his life before all this. Before becoming Acnologia. Before The Merchant. But then his thought wandered to Luna, and her smiling face. He remembered how she was his favorite character from the MLP franchise ever since he could remember. You know... For a pony who is over a thousand years old, she is quite cute. A strange but eerily familiar voice spoke in Quill's mind. Quill's eyes opened faster than a bullet and he shot up and looked around for the owner of the voice. But instead of finding himself in the oak wood room of the Golden Oak Library, he found himself standing in a field of grass. Quill's POV Everywhere I looked, I saw the same thing. Grass. I looked around and saw myself over looking a forest, just like in the opening for the Fairy Tail anime when I first saw Natsu and Happy. I stood there frozen. Where am I? I thought with bewilderment. I looked ay my hands, but I noticed one key detail was missing. The markings. I looked all over my arms and legs but there were no markings anywhere. I looked around a little more and found a mirror. That's right a random-ass mirror sitting in the middle of the field. I almost fell backwards at what I saw. Looking back at me wasn't the visage of Acnologia, but it was myself. It was me before The Merchant. I still had the Navy-blue hair that Acnologia had before becoming a dragon, but the rest of my look was different. I wore a black hoodie with red markings all over it. On the sleeves of the hoodie were Roman numerals for the number four hundred. The same age as Acnologia. Laced around my neck was the same dragon tooth necklace Acnologia had worn in the anime. My skin tone was the same as Acnologia's but that was my natural skin tone. My eyes instead of their dead blue, were a menacing red. I wore grey jeans, and I wore black tennis shoes with red laces. "W-What the hell is going on?" I stuttered aloud as I continued to look at my reflection. "Currently we are inside your mind, or rather... It's currently ours." A familiar voice resonated in my head as the origins of said voice came from behind me. I slowly turned around and my pupils shrunk to pins. Standing in front of me was the real Acnologia, and plastered on his face was a small smile. "Well, Acnori Quill... It is nice to finally meet you." Acnologia said as he began to slowly walk towards me. "Now we finally have the chance to speak, face to face." He said as he drew nearer. I couldn't say or do anything as I was paralyzed with terror. With every step he took my fear only grew. I was scared. What was he going to do? What did he want to talk to me about?... Was I going to die? Acnologia had gotten close enough for me to feel his aura and it... was... comforting? As the former King of The Dragons drew closer I saw that his eyes no longer held rage or bloodlust, but instead they held gratefulness and kindness. He finally reached me and slowly he stood in front of me standing at nine feet tall, towering over my five foot six inches in height. He then placed his hand on my shoulder and said: "Thank you." "Huh?..................EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" I yelled in confusion. "I see that you're confused. Follow me, I'll explain." He told me as I snapped out of my shock and confusion. The two of us walked through the field and I had a question to ask: "Why would you thank me? What did I do?" I asked Acnologia. "Well, to explain simply, you returned just as you promised. You saved me." He told me much to my confusion. "To go into greater detail we have to go back a long time but I don't have the time to do that right now, so long story short, you are my reincarnation, or rather, the reincarnation of our humanity." He tried to explain. "Wait, so you're saying that I was reincarnated into the modern day Japan after, correct me if I'm wrong, after we watched our daughter Sonya die and we went insane and lost our humanity when we became a dragon?" I asked for clarification. "Yep, that's pretty much it." He said with a poker face. "This, is a lot to take in but it mostly just sounds like a bunch of bullshit." I told him. "If you don't believe me then how about you being born with blue hair when your parents on Earth had black hair, cause that ain't genetics. And what about the time when you were eighteen and you punched a punching bag in half?" He listed. "What does my hair have to do with this? And that punching bag was falling apart." I protested. "That punching bag had forty pounds of sand in it! What about the time when you got so pissed you punched a hole in concrete?! If anyone other than you had even attempted that, their hand would have been broken! You didn't even bleed, when you got stabbed in the leg! You told the paramedics you didn't feel a thing!" He yelled while I tried to find a good argument but I was coming up short of anything to say. "If you still don't believe me then let me tell you about you being a displaced." "What does that have to do with anything?" I asked. "You've read how most displaced aren't able to remember their name after buying things from The Merchant, right?" He asked. "Yeah but what does that have to do with-" I started before he cut me off. "What is your name?" He asked. "Acnori Quill." I stated. "But I don't see what that has to do with-" I started before stopping as the realization hit me. "I remember my name because it's our real name isn't it?" I asked while looking at the ground. The only thing my past self did was give me a nod. "So... I am a reincarnation... At least I now know why I felt pain every time you got hit in the anime." I said in a plain voice. "Hey," Acnologia started as he rested his hand on my head. "Don't sell yourself short kid. You have more magical abilities than I did so be glad for that. And you still have both arms so quit your bitching!" He said jokingly while ruffling my hair. "Hey!" I laughed. "Would this technically make you my older brother?" I asked. "Don't know, maybe. If so, I'm going to enjoy teasing the shit out of you into asking out Luna though!" He teased in a suggestive voice. I felt my face light up with a blush and I started to wave my arms around: "Hey! I-It's not like that!" I tried to defend. "I mean, yeah I do like her a lot, but I don't know if it would work out though. I don't even know if she likes me the same way as I like her, and plus I'm too socially awkward to ask her anyway, and you should know this! You've looked at my memories, I have social anxiety! The only reason I don't cry in a corner at my teaching job is because of the courage becoming you gave me." I argued. "No, the courage you gained has always been there inside of you, but coming here has just boosted that due to this place's "Friendship is Magic" adaptation, and being here boosts your emotions a whole fuck ton." Acnologia explained. "But the only thing stopping you from telling Luna your feelings is your very low Romantic Self-esteem." He told me flicking my forehead. "Stop being a downer on yourself and have faith. Because I have faith in you." Acnologia told me with a smile. "Fine but, what about the outside world, what are we doing right now?" I asked. "Oh, I took the liberty to freeze the world using our Time Magic. By the way, you may be able to use our physical abilities, but our magical abilities are the ones you need to learn. Every night when you sleep you will be transported here, so we can train your magic. And don't worry about Luna, if she wants she can join us." He explained. "Well, could we hurry up? I kinda want to move again." I told him. "Fine, well, see you tonight." He waved as the scenery warped into the Golden Oak Library. I looked around and found a clock sitting on a wall. I stared intensely at it, when after a few seconds, the minute hand moved. I smiled and saw that time was moving normally. I stood up and walked outside. I took a deep breath in, and exhaled. Welp, I guess it's time for me to head home. I'm hungry, and I need some dinner. I thought to myself as I began to walk towards my house. "Damn you! Let us go!" A faint voice traveled to my ears. My ears twitched as I stopped dead in my tracks. Was that... Gilda? I thought to myself as I looked in the direction of the voice. "Shut up Griffon! Or else we'll kill your little girl!" A draconic voice sounded faintly. Thank you heightened hearing. I thought as I walked towards the origins of the voice. "Let's hurry this up! If we go now we can be home free by sunrise." A rougher voice which reminded me of a voice from watching Sonya die in the anime said. "Let us go! Celestia Damnit!!" Rainbow's voice screamed. CRACK "GAH!!" Rainbow's voice cried in pain. "Rainbow!" Gilda's voice shouted worry laced within it. What the fuck? I thought as I began to run towards the commotion faster. I ran as fast as I could when Acnologia's voice spoke. What the hell? Why do I smell blood?! We both screamed as we ran faster towards the scent. When I reached the origin of the smell my eyes widened as I saw Rainbow Dash lying on the ground with a small pool of blood originating from her right wing which she was holding onto it like her life depended on it, Gilda was crying her eyes out as she had several claw scratches on her sides and neck, while an infant Griffoness was being held with a blade to her throat. I hid behind a tree and dove down into some bushes, I looked at Gilda's, and Dash's captors and my eyes widened when I looked at them. The one with blood dripping down his claws looked exactly like the equestrian version of fucking Zirconis, The Jade Dragon, and the one holding the blade to the infant... suddenly a memory started to flash in my vision. I stood up looking at a dragon with lava emitting from his wings, and his tail. It also looked like lava was flowing through his veins. I frowned at him as the realization hit me. This was the dragon that fucking trained me. This was the fucker that gave me those scarred markings. This... Was Tyrrios. I stared at him angrily as he swiped his tail at me. As it was about to hit I felt my hands radiate with magical energy and since this was a memory, my hands clapped together and I heard my voice scream. "MAYAN SHOCKWAVE!!!!!!!!" Memory me screamed. Then a huge and I mean HUGE wave of what seemed to be my magic which was also Navy-blue emerged from my hands and it looked like Godzilla Earth's shockwave. That is to say when it hit Tyrrios I was shaken out of the memory. I continued to watch the scene unfold as Tyrrios, with a sadistic and phycotic smile, kept slowly pushing the blade against the infant's throat, when it started to draw blood. Gilda watched and started to thrash around in sorrowful anger. "NO! Please don't hurt her! I beg you please!" Gilda cried. I clenched my fists and felt them warm up. I looked down at them and noticed my markings were glowing a soft Navy-blue. I then looked up and saw that it was almost midnight. I smiled and knew what to do. Test run? Acnologia asked. Test run. I thought back in response, as the markings all over my body glowed bright, and somehow my cloak and pants teleported onto me and replaced the clothes I was currently wearing, and my shoes just disappeared. I looked back up and my eyes glowed an eerie menacing red. It was time for me to have some FUN. Third POV "Please! I beg you, don't hurt them!" Gilda pleaded while struggling against the ropes that immobilized her. Zirconis only looked at her with a regretful frown: "I'm sorry I have to do this, but... It's either you, or me. And if me surviving comes at the cost of this pegasus... I'll have to take it." He told her while placing his non-bloodied claw gently on her shoulder. "I promise... If I could change what I'm doing, then I would." He told her. "Please... Save my little girl." Gilda uttered between her sobs. "ZIRCONIS!!" Tyrrios yelled his voice scratching out of his throat. "Do what we came here to do, and kill that pony." The tyrant scratched. As Tyrrios pressed the blade against the young Griffon's throat, a small glow caught his attention. He looked over towards the origin of the glow and he sneered as the glow pulsated continuously, when the glow suddenly roared and Tyrrios snarled in recognition of the glow, then two red flashed which formed the shape of eyes flared to life, and out jumped Quill. Quill roared and tackled Tyrrios knocking away the sword the dragon was holding, and causing Tyrrios to drop the Griffoness. The sword skidded over and landed near Zirconis who looked at it and then back to Quill, and Tyrrios' fight. "Fuck it." Zirconis grumbled before picking up the sword and running over to Gilda. Zirconis ran up to Gilda and turned her around he placed the blade under the ropes and cut them, letting Gilda go. Gilda looked back at the Jade Dragon with confusion as she rubbed her wrists. "W-Why are you helping me?" Gilda asked. "Because... I've done enough bad in my previous life, so I'm gonna make up for what I did here." Zirconis told her. "Now go and get your daughter. I don't know how long this guy can hold off Tyrrios. I'll go and tend to your friend." Zirconis explained while helping Gilda get to her daughter. Gilda ran over picked up the young Griffoness, and cradled the infants head. The infant Griffon had the same color of claws that Gilda did but the feathers from her neck up were white with a red hue, and her lion body and tail fur were a rusted brown, her eyes were the same cat like yellow, and her wings were a white with red splotches: "Oh please Mali, please be okay." Gilda pleaded for Mali to heal. Over to Zirconis, he was healing Rainbow's wing which wasn't broken, and only several gashes on it. The only thing broken was the tree behing her which had a huge crack in it. Zirconis kneeled down next to her and hovered his claws over the gashes and they started to glow a faint green. Zirconis was using healing magic. Over at the fight, Tyrrios was being crushed under Quill who was thrashing around trying to pin his former master to the ground. Tyrrios then saw an opening and threw Quill off of him by kicking him in the chest. Quill let out a grunt of pain as he stumbled back with a smile. Slowly Tyrrios rose and looked at his former student with rage, which Quill returned with a glare of pure hatred. "So... I see you've returned my pupil." Tyrrios remarked. "Fuck off, you bastard. Why the hell were you after Rainbow Dash?" Quill asked. "If you want that answer you'll have to beat it out of me." Tyrrios snarked. Quill clenched his teeth and tightened his fists. Memories of what Tyrrios had done to him, of what he had taken from him. Memories of how he took his family. If you say so... WE'LL BE HAPPY TO OBLIGE!!!! Quill, and Acnologia's voice roared in their mind, as Quill's Apocalypse Magic roared to life, and engulfed both his fists as his eyes glowed red, and his markings burned bright. Quill let out a growl before something odd happened... His hair grew exponentially and his long messy and bushy hair returned to its original look. Quill and Acnologia bellowed out a brutal roar that could be heard for miles. (Go to 3:59 on the song please. It'll be better in my opinion, but you don't have to.) Tyrrios cackled maniacally before his claws radiated a seemingly impossible amount of Lava Magic, and his corrupted golden eyes glowed with the same brilliance as Quill and Acnologia's. The two faced each other before they both leaped at one another. Quill raised his right arm and jumped up above Tyrrios, and swung his right fist down. In response, Tyrrios looked up with a psychotic smile ever present on his draconic face. He leaped off the ground and swung his left fist up to meet and counter Quill's attack. When their attacks collided the resulting shockwave sent the camera flying back and the screen shot out into darkness. As the music continued, Tyrrios' Lava Magic wheeled up into a circle on the right side of the screen, and on the opposite end, Time Magic imbued with Quill's Apocalypse Magic wheeled up into a circle as well. Then the two circles of magic collided causing these words to appear: TO BE CONTINUED... Next Up: Tyrrios VS Acnori Quill: Lava VS Time > Chapter 4.5- NANI THE FUCK!?!?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author King Rose looks at An Apocalyptic Displacment for daily checks. "M'kay now... Let's see how my stories are doing..." I say looking at my stories section of my profile. "Spatial Hope, doin' fine... Displaced Assassin, is good... New Born Queen's okay... Apocalyptic Displacment's got hundred likes..........................................." I pause. WAIT... NANI THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!? How the hell did I get one hundred likes on this story?! I'm not complaining, but do you guys really like this story that much?! I-I don't know what the hell to say!! Thank you all so much!!! > Chapter 5- Lava VS Time: Tyrrios VS Acnori Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5- Lava VS Time: Tyrrios VS Acnori Quill Third POV The shockwave expelled from the two dragon’s collision forced a colossal amount of pressure and wind to suddenly blow away a vast majority of the surrounding trees of the Everfree. However, neither Quill nor Tyrrios were exempt from pain. The force of the blow sent Quill backflipping to his original position and Tyrrios was sent skidding back into a tree, as the Lava Tyrant grunted with pain. The tree he used to halt himself had shattered on impact, stopping Tyrrios but also ending splinters into his back, as a chunk of bark and wood was lodged into his back. Quill wasn’t fairing off any better as his right arm, had gashes and cuts raising all the way up to his elbow, and it was leaking crimson blood onto the darkened forest floor. But I guess it would be more accurate to say that the blood fell onto the dirt of a large clearing, because the force of their clash had uprooted the surrounding forest in an eight-mile radius. Thankfully Gilda, Rainbow Dash, and Mali were unscathed because Zirconis had shielded them, gaining several scrapes and bruises. Once the shockwave settled the Jade Dragon continued to heal the still unconscious Pegasus. Quill held his right arm in pain as he looked over to see the onlookers of the battle: “What are you doing?! Zirconis! Get them OUT OF HERE!!” Quill roared as he grits his teeth trying to ignore the pain. “But I can’t just leave you here to fi-!” Zirconis tried to argue before Quill cut him off. “JUST GO!!!!” Quill screamed. “And when you get to Ponyville, find Zeref and Mavis, and tell them what’s happening!! NOW RUN!!!” Quill cried out. Zirconis only looked at the pained Dragon Slayer with a sorrowful look before picking Rainbow up and telling Gilda to follow. The Dragon and Griffoness then ran as fast as they could to go find the other two Fioren Wizards. Quill focused his attention back to Tyrrios but taking advantage of Quill’s distraction Tyrrios had launched himself at the Wizard grabbing Quill by the throat. “Focus on the FIGHT!!” Tyrrios cackled manically. Tyrrios choke-slammed Quill directly into the ground, with enough force to cause an eruption of the ground below them, as Quill’s cloak gains rips and tears as debris tear through the already tattered cloak. Hundreds of chunks of rock and stone flew up as the ground cracked and splintered. Quill roared with pain, as he gripped Tyrrios’ wrist and smiled. Quill kicked his foot up with blinding speed and sent it straight into the one place where the sun will never shine. Quill kicked Tyrrios… IN… THE DICK!! Tyrrios gained a pained look and released Quill from his grip. Quill used this chance and with both feet, kicked his former mentor in the chest sending the Lava Dragon several meters back as the Lava Dragon cradled his genitals he rolled and tumbled across the ground crashing through several boulders. Tyrrios skidded to a halt and after working through the pain no one should feel he glared at Quill with hate flowing through his veins. Quill only smirked and tore off his now destroyed cloak exposing his muscular frame, and his tanned skin, as many navy-blue markings were show on his torso. Quill then lunged at Tyrrios. Once Quill had gotten close enough, he struck Tyrrios in the shoulder with a kick. “TIME QUAKE!” Quill shouted activating one of his magical attacks. The markings on Quill’s leg glowed bright and they sent a magical burst of energy straight into Tyrrios’ shoulder, obliterating the Dragon’s shoulder blade, rendering Tyrrios’ right arm, useless. “LAVA DRAGON IRON FIST!” Tyrrios roared as his left claw burst into magma-like energy, and he sent the magic imbued attack straight to Quill’s stomach. Quill let out a grunt and was sent a few feet back, his feet dragging in the dirt and rocks. Tyrrios ran at the stunned Quill as the latter quickly regained composure and saw that Tyrrios was trying to send a punch to his face. Quickly Quill moved to the side to avoid the attempted attack, causing Tyrrios to falter and lose his balance. Taking advantage of this Quill sent another magical attack hitting the Tyrant Dragon. “TIME TWISTER!” Quill shouted as he held his palms out directed at Tyrrios. Quill’s palms glowed with his Time Magic and a force of magical wind struck Tyrrios’ side sending him flying into a boulder. When Tyrrios impacted the boulder, he let out a screech of pain as the chunk of wood still lodged into his back was sent deeper into his back, tearing at his draconic muscles, and shattering some of his scales, as the shards were sent splintering into his already shattered shoulder blade causing his to fly into a rampage. In a furious rage, Tyrrios lunged at Quill catching the him by surprise. Tyrrios sent a rage induced attack straight into Quill’s chest, and an audible crunch was heard. Quill coughed up crimson blood and was sent careening back into the ground several meters away from the enraged Tyrrios. That blow broke several ribs. Acnologia told Quill who responded. “Brilliant fucking deduction. I know this because I can fucking feel it, and it hurts.” Quill strained. Over to the rage blinded Tyrrios, he spread his feet shoulders width apart and got ready to send off a powerful magical attack: “LAVA DRAGON!!!!!!” He began. “ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Tyrrios roared as he sent his Dragon Roar gunning straight at Quill, who widened his eyes. While stumbling with every movement Quill stood up. His body aching terribly as he could taste iron in his mouth. He raised his hand to his mouth and wiped away the blood. Okay… I can do this. Quill internally told himself. Just remember what you did before. Quill thought while closing his eyes. Quill then spread his feet shoulders width apart and held his hands to his sides facing towards the oncoming magical Roar. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling out, Quill felt the world around him become slow, as time stopped. Quill lifts his hands and sets them in front of his chest, as streams of magical energy swirled around in the middle of his hands, all originating from different sources. People, Ponies, Griffons, Minitours, Dragons. Every single life form on Equis had their magic present as the streams of magic formed a sphere of pure magic energy. Quill focused intensely and felt the most prominent magical sources on the planet. Following the red stream of magical energy, the scene arrives to find Rainbow Dash laying in a bed at Quill, Zeref, Mavis, and Serena’s house. Her wing bandaged, as she had a peaceful look on her sleeping face. Panning over to the bed next to her, laid an unconscious Mali as she too, had a peaceful look with a grey stream of magical energy flowed from her, and followed Rainbow’s red stream. Over to the others, Zirconis and Gilda are talking to Zeref, Mavis, and Serena as their frozen figures had powerful magical streams flowing from them, with Serena’s eyes widening as he knew what was going to happen. Zirconis had a Jade-Green stream of magic, and Gilda had a white stream flowing from her chest. Zeref had a Pitch-Black stream, and Mavis had a Moss-Green stream. While Serena had a multicolored stream flowing from him representing his magical types. The view then follows an Orange stream to find Applejack looking over at the emanating light from Tyrrios’ attack. As the scene follows the butterscotch colored stream, it leads to Fluttershy who is speaking to several different animals trying to find Gilda, as she looked up to notice Tyrrios’ attack glowing brightly. Time then stops for her as well. Following a flame-Green, Diamond-Blue, Pink, and Lavender streams, the camera finds Spike pointing to the Lava glow which Tyrrios’ attack is creating, as Twilight looks at it in worry, as Rarity, and Pinkie Pie look over at the secondary glow which begins to resonate even greater than Tyrrios’ attack, when Time stops for them. Over in Canterlot, the Midnight-Blue and Sunshine-Golden streams lead to Celestia and Luna, who are viewing at the glows resonating from Tyrrios’ attack as Celestia looks on in worry, Luna however, looks on in hope as a Navy-Blue wave of temporal magic begins to wash over into Canterlot. “Win, Quill.” Luna says to the winds as she charges her magical stream with even more magic. The temporal wave then washes over her and Celestia as they become frozen in time. The Midnight-Blue stream darts with blinding speed over to the sphere Quill holds as he smiles. He knows everyone is with him. The streams then wrap around the sphere and magic stops flowing through. The sphere continues to spin and swirl at impossible speeds as it gains a rainbow color which quickly flashes into millions of different colors. “Time Dragon Slayer Secret Art.” Quill stated as he looked directly at Tyrrios’ attack, his eyes burning brightly with red energy. He then slammed his hands together causing everything to stop. MAYAN CALENDAR DEVASTATOR Time then resumed and every living thing whether monster or not looked over to the direction of Quill and Tyrrios as an enormous wave of magical energy began to swirl around as two spheres of pure magical energy began to merge. And when they finally did, something which Equis had never experienced, happened. Tyrrios’ attack was immediately cancelled out, as trees went flying everywhere, and the ground beneath the two was obliterated. The shockwave had reached all the way to Canterlot as windows in Ponyville and in Canterlot were blown out and the shards of the windows were obliterated. In Canterlot Luna and Celestia watched as the wave of magical energy flew past them and the shockwave arrived not more than two seconds left. The sister braced against the force of the magical wave but found that there was no force, and across all of Equis, the wind blew harmlessly past them. Celestia looked to her younger sister with worry and fear: “Sister, what was that?” The diarchy of the sun asked Luna. “It was Quill.” Luna answered simply. “That is the true power of The Time Dragon Slayer my dear sister.” Luna told her sister while smiling sweetly at the power Quill was displaying. But her smile faltered once she sensed Quill’s magical amount depleting at a frightening rate. As the magic died down, all that was left was a crater which was half the size of the crater Godzilla stood in when the city of Sendai was hit by a meteor. The ground was irradiating with left over temporal magic and cracks had slithered all around the vicinity. And in the middle was Acnori Quill, and the shadow of his former master, Tyrrios. Quill stood in front of the shadow and his markings dimmed and finally ceased to glow. Quill looked at the surrounding area and thought: So… This is what we can do? He asked Acnologia, who replied: No… this is what YOU can do. Quill was silent for a moment before smiling weakly. “Guess… That was… A… Successful test run.” Quill said to no one in particular in between breaths before he tipped backwards. “I’m… gonna take a nap.” Quill muttered. Quill’s eyes rolled back and closed as he fell backwards passed out, and just as he was about to fall to the ground, a pair of Midnight-Blue hooves. The owner of those hooves was none other than Princess Luna. Luna held the KO’d Quill in her grip and lifted him up using her wings, while floating his tattered cloak with her magic, she set his cloak and laid it on him like a blanket. “This is the power you hold Quill.” She said to the unconscious body of Quill. Then she used her magic and teleported into Twilights home, startling the Lavender Unicorn. “OH!! Princess Luna! What are you doing here?” Twilight asked. Just as Luna went to answer her the door to the library flew open and Zeref, along with Mavis, Serena and Zirconis ran in. They all looked like something devastating had happened, which it had. “Twilight!” Serena began. “We need to find my-!” Serena began to tell her before he saw Quill laying on Luna’s back. “Dad!” Serena yelled. “Please be quiet, little one. Your father is resting. He used a large amount of his magic.” Luna told Serena. “What in Equestria happened?” Twilight gasped as she viewed his wounded arm. “Let’s get him in bed so I can take a look at him.” She told everyone. The current audience agreed and followed Twilight up the stairs and into a separate room used for guests. The room had golden wood surrounding the walls and the bed in the middle only barely fit Quill’s body. Taking the wounded Quill’s necklace off, and setting it on the nightstand, Twilight used her magic to scan Quill’s body to see the extent of the damage. “Oh, my!” Twilight gasped. “What is it? Is my dad okay?” Serena questioned worriedly. “He’s going to be fine, but… He’s almost completely out of magic.” Twilight explained. “He has four broken ribs, and three cracked ribs. Along with his right arm having lacerations across the lower half of the elbow, his body is completely out of energy. It’ll take a while for him to heal completely.” Twilight diagnosed. “It’s better if we get him to a hospital, he’d heal properly there.” Twilight told them. Luna let out a sigh and said: “Not even a day, and he already needs to get back to Canterlot’s Infirmary.” She chuckled. “If it’s alright with you all, I could go with him and help heal him.” Zirconis told them looking at Zeref, and Mavis. “And plus, his injuries, compared to what he’s gotten in Fiore, are rather minor. He’s also a dragon so, his body naturally heals him fairly fast, but it’d still be best to get him to the Canterlot Infirmary. Wherever that is.” Zirconis added saying the last part quietly. “It’s okay Zirconis. You’re trying to right your previous wrongs. We’ll go tell Cheerilie that he won’t make it to work for a while. C’mon Serena.” Zeref told them. “B-But I don’t want to leave my dad!” Serena whined as he started to cry. Zeref let out a heavy sigh as he watched Serena hug his adoptive father’s ripped and tattered cloak. As Zeref watched this his thoughts drifted and Serena’s crying figure warped into the figure of a young Natsu, who was also crying but instead of clutching Quill’s cloak, he was clutching his bed sheets. Zeref smiled softly at this memory from long ago, and he was brought back to reality. Zeref walked over to Serena and placed his hand on the five-year-old Dragon Slayer’s shoulder: “If you promise not to cause any trouble, and to stay by either Luna, Zirconis, or Celestia’s side at ALL times. Then I guess, it wouldn’t hurt to allow you to go with them to Canterlot.” He told Serena. Serena looked up at the Dark Wizard with hope and innocence flooding from his aura: “R-Really?” Serena asked. “If, it’s fine with Luna.” Zeref told him looking over to the Princess of The Night. “It will be fine. Serena can come with me to Canterlot.” Luna told the young wizard. “Y-…” Serena started to say before letting out a big yawn. “Yay!” He cheered quietly as he drifted off to sleep, hugging Quill’s cloak tightly. “I guess it’s time for everyone to sleep. It is almost midnight.” Mavis pointed out. “C’mon Zeref, we need to go check on Gilda and Mali.” She told her boyfriend. “Right. Luna?” Zeref said getting her attention. “Please, take care of the two.” He told her. Luna gave him a simple nod and trotted quietly over to the sleeping Serena. She kneeled down and with her wings, and not her magic as using her magic would wake him, picked the five-year-old up, cradling him in her wings. Zirconis walked over and grabbed Quill’s dragon tooth necklace off the nightstand before picking up the still unconscious Quill. “You gonna teleport us?” Zirconis asked. “It is the fastest way.” Luna told him plainly. “Well, what’re you waiting for?” The Jade Dragon asked, smirking. Luna rolled her eyes before her horn glowed with a blue magical aura, and with a flash, she, Serena, Zirconis, and Quill disappeared. Canterlot Celestia was pacing in the throne room back and forth, as she had been doing for more than six hours. She was stressed because of the explosion of magical energy, and because Twilight had reported to her about Serena and Gilda. Celestia was worried mainly about the magical explosion because the amount of power it expelled was greater than all of Equestria’s magic combined, and to top it all off, Luna had teleported, and to quote what Celestia had said while rambling two hours ago, “Mother knows where.” As Celestia was mid-thought, a flash of light gained her attention when the flash swiftly died to reveal the Midnight-Blue Alicorn cradling a sleeping Serena, who was still hugging Quill’s cloak, in her wings, and next to her was a dragon who stood about a foot taller than Luna, whose scales were Jade-Green and he had whiskers that looked like a mustache. The dragon was carrying an unconscious and wounded Quill, whose bleeding arm had ceased thanks to a little healing Zirconis had performed a little while ago. “Luna! Thank Mother you’re okay!” Celestia yelled. Celestia yelled only to be shushed by both Zirconis and Luna as the latter looked down to see the young Serena only yawn before continuing his peaceful sleep. Serena was wearing his dragon onesie, which he had when turning to a kid. “Luna, who are these two?” Celestia asked in a quieter tone. “Sister, this” Motioning to Serena. “Is Serena, Quill’s adoptive son. And he,” She continued motioning to Zirconis. “Is… Zirconis right?” She asked. “Correct.” Zirconis confirmed. “My name is Zirconis Jade. I’m a dragon from Fiore.” He introduced. “Though right now it’d be a good idea to get Quill to the Infirmary. There I can begin healing him properly.” “Oh, right follow me.” Celestia reminded herself. Celestia had led them all to the Infirmary where Zirconis laid Quill on the same bed Quill slept in when he was there before and set Quill’s necklace next to the bed on a nightstand. Zirconis then held his claws out and they started to glow a calming green color, and Quill’s wounds faintly glowed the same color. “This could take a while.” Zirconis thought aloud. “I’ll take young Serena to my quarters, so he can rest.” Luna told her sister, and Zirconis. Luna then trotted away still carrying the sleeping Serena. She then arrived at her room. The walls were painted in a way which made it seem as if the night sky was all around them, and scattered her dresser was a warming white which made it seem like the moon. Luna set the sleeping Serena down on the bed and tucked him in. She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the head, which caused Serena to smile peacefully. After making sure he was sleeping, Luna activated her magic and walked into the Dreamscape. Luna’s POV- Dreamscape I opened my eyes to the calm view of the Dreamscape. My realm. I waked across several doors which were marked with the Cutie Marks of all my subjects to show me whose dreams the doors led to. I walked upon the starry path, and it led me to five doors. The first door was marked by several objects that looked like sword, and they were connected to each other by the hilts, and they formed a partial circle, this was likely young Serena’s door. The second door was marked by what looked to be a symbol of a fairy, and this symbol was on two of the other doors, but this one had a Navy-Blue symbol, while the others had a gold symbol, and an Inferno-Red, so these were likely Zeref, Mavis, and Quill’s dreams. The last door simply had a Jade-Green draconic scale, so probably Zirconis’ dreams. As I went to walk past the doors, I noticed that Quill’s door glowed which was odd. I decided to investigate. I approached the door and placed my hoof on the handle. I slowly opened the door to see a shining sunlight. I then opened the door fully to see a vast plain of grass, which overlooked a forest. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the sun’s light added to the beauty. I looked around in wonder. I then turned around to see two figures talking. I wondered who they are and what they’re discussing. As I approached, I made out, what they looked like. The first looked like Quill but… his voice was deeper and calmer, and serious tone. The second voice sounded like Quill, but… his appearance was much different. His hair was the same as Quill, but it was much shorter, but still very messy. He wore a black hoodie with red markings all over it. On the sleeves of the hoodie were Roman numerals for the number four hundred. The same age as Quill and laced around his neck was the same dragon tooth necklace Quill has always worn. His skin tone was the same as Quill, but he didn’t have any markings. I could see that his eyes instead of a dead blue, were a menacing red. He wore grey jeans, and black tennis shoes with red laces, and he was much shorter than the Quill lookalike. I tried to get closer, but the two-conversing people had suddenly stopped. My entire body then froze as they both looked directly at me. The strange thing though was that they both had different magic, but the one in the hoodie, had the same magic as Quill. The one in the hoodie, and my eyes met, and my eyes went wide. Without thinking about anything else and before I could do anything my mouth voiced my thoughts: “Quill?” The one in the hoodie looked at the Quill lookalike, and then back to me. “Uhm… Well I guess it’s time for us to be formerly introduced.” The hoodie said. “Hello Luna. My name is Acnori Quill, and I’m… The-uh… The reincarnation of Acnologia’s Humanity, and the… The Time Dragon Slayer.” Quill? told me. “And this-!” He started again while gesturing to the Quill? lookalike. “-Is Acnologia Quill. This is the REAL Acnologia.” He finished. I stood there shocked. W-What? Reincarnation? Humanity? What the Tartarus is going on? Does this mean, the Quill I love is… Isn’t real? I thought as many more questions shot about my mind, one stood out and was a constant. Who is the real Quill? “Hey!” Acnologia’s voice resonated, snapping me out of my trance. “You good?” He asked rudely snapping his fingers in front of my face. “Acno, stop. She’s just processing what I told her. Don’t be rude.” Quill told Acnologia. “Jeez, I was only seeing if she wasn’t brain de-.” Acnologia tried to finish before Quill smacked him upside the head. “OW! Hey, the hell was that for?!” Acnologia asked while rubbing the back of his head. “For being a douche.” Quill retorted. He then looked over to me. “Hey Luna? Are there any questions you need answered?” Quill asked. I looked at the man who claimed to be Acnori Quill dead in the eyes and asked: “Who are you?” Both Acnologia, and Quill paused at my question, and Quill let out a heavy sigh. “Are you asking to know our past?” Acnologia asked. I gave a wordless answer and nodded: “Alright… then listen good and well because we’re only telling our story, once.” Quill stated as I sat down. “This is our story.” “Once upon a time…” > Chapter 6- Our Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6- Our Story Once upon a time, on a continent called Fiore, two races of creatures lived and reigned supreme. Humans, and Dragons. The Humans, while weak in magical power, they were abundant in numbers. The Dragons, while small in numbers, were powerful in magical abilities. The two races lived in peace until one day, a war broke out. The Dragon race was divided in two, those who wanted to live in harmony with the Humans, and those who want all Humans to be eradicated. This war had been raging for several decades before one day, a woman named Irene, had an idea. This woman along with a Dragon named Belserion, bonded their powers together, and thus the birth of the very first Dragon Slayer. And the beginning of a timer… A timer that counts the days, until the Dragon King Festival. Our story then brings us to a small village called, Montes Secreta, lived a doctor who was just like any other person. However, fate had a different plan for him. His name was just simply, Quill. His home village was guarded by a peaceful Dragon named Acnologia, and for many years the village lived in peace and safety. During one of these peaceful years, Quill had married and had a daughter named Sonya. Then, betrayal and tragedy confided, and devastated Quill’s home. Acnologia, the dragon that had protected Montes Secreta, had turned and destroyed the village, killing everyone except for Sonya and Quill, who were out in the woods playing. Sonya and Quill were devastated to watch their home be burnt to the ground. So, they made a vow. Sonya vowed to live her life for everyone who lost their own. But Quill… Vowed to find and kill Acnologia. Thus, the father and daughter traveled to a different village, and found his solution: Dragon Slayer Magic. So, Quill decided to join in the fight in the Dragon Civil War, supporting the coexistence of both Humans and Dragons. After enlisting in the army, Quill swiftly rose through the ranks and joined the Dragon Slayer unit as one of its most powerful members. But he had to learn the magic. So, in order to learn, he trained under the cruel Dragon known as Tyrrios. Under this Dragon he learned the Lost Magic and hunted down Acnologia. However, during one of the callback missions before Quill could begin looking for Acnologia, he learned of his daughter’s kidnapping. She was taken by two Dragons, but one Dragon had gone to stop them. Quill after learning of this, tried to tell his mentor Tyrrios, but he was nowhere to be found. Ignoring everything else Quill rushed off to find his beloved daughter, and his only family left. And he did find her. But… She was already on death’s doorstep. She was killed, by two Dragons. The first was called Animus, and the second was one who betrayed Quill’s trust. It was Tyrrios. The Dragon Quill had trusted, the one that had taught Quill all he knew. The one Dragon that was trying to protect Sonya, was named Zirconis. Though Zirconis was a neutral in the war, neither on the coexistence side, nor fighting to wipe Humanity off the planet. The only reason Zirconis tried to protect Sonya was because he does not condone the slaughter of children. That moment when Sonya reached out to her father, saying just one thing. “Please daddy… I-I don’t want to die.” That moment is when it all changed. This is where our story ends… And begins. In response, Quill murdered Zirconis, Tyrrios, and nearly killed Animus. Animus escaped only because he enchanted himself inside of Sonya’s body. As far as her history goes, she is currently living in a village along with Fairy Tail, and after figuring out that Tyrrios’ name was really Acnologia, Quill took up the mantle, as the King of The Dragons. The Black Dragon of The Apocalypse. But mere seconds after Sonya uttered that sentence… Quill’s Humanity reincarnated. And this is where Acnori Quill’s story begins. On the date November 21, 1998, in Japan, a child was born. His name was Acnori Quill. Over the years, as Acnori grew up, he had no memories of his previous life and had a good childhood. However, that all changed when he discovered a manga, a comic book which depicts an adventure of fictional characters. This manga’s name was Fairy Tail. As Acnori continued to read and grow up with this manga, his love for it grew and continued until he was twenty-one. Acnori had gotten a pass for a convention called an Anime Convention, which was being held, in a place called New York. He dressed up in something known as a cosplay and went as his favorite Fairy Tail character. His cosplay was handmade, and it was detailed to the smallest detail, however, Acnori didn’t get enough time to find something. A red Dragon Tooth necklace. But he knew he could find it at the convention. So, once he entered the convention, he walked and searched for the necklace, and he had finally found it. He approached the stall, and bought the necklace from the merchant, and put it on. But this necklace was enchanted as was all of The Merchant’s wares. For you see, The Merchant is known as a Displacer, a Void Dweller who sells his wares at ridiculously low prices, and then those wares send the buyer to a different universe with all the abilities of the original owner of that specific item, causing them to become a Displaced. The Displaced, formerly known as Dimensionally Misplaced, then explore and journey through the universes they’ve been sent to and communicate with one another using the Tokens. The Tokens, are the items that sent the Displaced to their new universe and have been imbued with messages and are sent into the Void to find different Displaced, so they can be summoned, or they can receive another Displaced Token, and have the ability to summon them. While in their original universe, a clone takes their place, or they just simply just disappear. So, once Acnori placed that enchanted necklace around his neck, he fell unconscious, and after waking up, he found himself a Displaced, and in a new world, called… Luna’s POV- Quill and Acnologia’s Dreamscape “… Equestria.” Quill finished telling me. I had listened intently to their story, and… I… I didn’t know what to think, or what to say. Displaced? Reincarnation? Tokens? The Merchant? I don’t understand any of this. My mind was running all over the place trying to stay calm, and not have a mental breakdown, but… It wasn’t going all to well. I start to hyperventilate, and tears form in the corners of my eyes. I-I can’t take it! I-I don’t know what’s real anymore! “Hey.” Quill says catching my attention, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Calm down. It’s all okay. Nothing bad is happening. It’s a lot to absorb all at once, I know. I felt the same way when I realized that I was a reincarnation.” He soothed, pulling me into a comforting hug. I couldn’t respond, except for returning the hug, and my tears began to flow uncontrollably. I then cried and cried. My tears dropping onto the grassy plains. I felt as Quill softly ran his hand through my mane in a lulling way, which started to calm me down. As my tears slowly ceased, I pulled back from the hung and looked into Quill’s eyes. They were no longer a menacing, and intimidating crimson red, but a calm and relaxed rusted color. I felt myself get lost staring into them. In response Quill tilted his head to the side a small bit and gave me a small smile. Getting lost in the moment, I moved closer to him. And my head continued the journey, until our lips met each other. I kissed him. I felt his body flinch in shock, before he as well, melted into the kiss. After twenty seconds, we had to break apart the kiss, because of the cursed need to breath. His expression was one of sweetness and kindness. “Well… That was a little unexpected.” He said. “But it was a welcome surprise. I love you Luna.” Quill told me. “I love you too, my dragon.” I responded. In the back, I could hear Acnologia chuckle and mumble something about, “Took them long enough.” I ignore him and focused on the moment. But… once again, fate had a different plan. Because the Dreamscape of Quill’s mind was slowly starting to fade. “Luna? What’s happening?” Quill asked. “It seems that you’re waking up.” I told him. I then gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you when you wake my beloved.” I giggled as Quill’s face became red, and I exited the Dream, and entered Reality. Real World- Third POV Luna’s eyes opened slowly, and as the brilliant light of the sun shone into the room, Luna’s attention quickly found itself drawn to the small five-year-old Dragon Slayer who had slept in her bed. Serena let out a small yawn before his eyes groggily opened and he looked around slowly, his eyes landing on the smiling Princess of The Night. “Good Morning Woona.” Serena slurred, as he slowly sat up. “Where am I?” He asked. “Well, your father was injured, and we brought him along with Zirconis and you to Canterlot, so he could heal. You fell asleep on the way, and I brought you to my room so you could sleep peacefully.” Luna explained. “I also visited him while Dream Walking, and he should be waking in a little while. Come, let’s go get some breakfast.” She suggested. Serena gave a simple nod before trying to get up. Only to find his legs, still asleep. Luna giggled as Serena tried once more to get up. Luna then noticed that Serena was still holding Quill’s tattered cloak: “Here, how about you sit on my back and I carry you?” Luna suggested. Serena literally had stars in his eyes as he was lifted up with Luna’s Midnight-Blue magic and placed onto Luna’s back. The toddler Dragon Slayer was almost bouncing with amazement. Luna, with Serena on her back, trotted down to the dining hall, to find Celestia, Zirconis, and Quill already eating breakfast, with the latter’s right arm being wrapped in several bandages, and his chest having many, many bandages wrapped round it. Luna blushed heavily, trying to hide it and succeeding partially behind her Midnight-Blue coat. However, due to their keen eyesight, Zirconis and Quill noticed. Zirconis just ignored it, while Quill smiled softly. “Good morning Luna, Good morning Serena.” Celestia greeted her younger sister. Celestia then levitated a stack of waffles with whipped cream, and some blueberries and strawberries up a little gaining Serena’s attention at the mouthwatering breakfast. “Would you two like some breakfast?” “YES!” Serena shouted. “Serena. Manners please.” Quill told his son. “Now get over here and give your old man a hug.” Quill stated, as Serena’s eyes widened and started to water. Serena literally leapt off Luna’s back and, with Quill’s tattered cloak remaining in his ever tightened grasp, dove into a Dragon Slayer hug, wrapping his small arms around the neck of the wounded Time Dragon Slayer, and flooding his tears of relief and joy into the shoulder and bandaged chest of his father. “Dad! You’re okay!!” Serena cried. Quill sighed and patted Serena’s back as the crying child coughed while stuttering against his words. Quill could feel the emotion, the happiness, the joy, the worry, and every other emotion. “Hey… It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m fine. Thanks to Zirconis, I’ll make a full recovery.” Quill soothed, as he felt the magic of Dragon Slayer emotion begin to ever so subtly leak from Serena. Quill knew how powerful and wild Fioren magic can get it used purely based on emotion. It had helped Natsu, defeat Gajeel, Jellal, and Acnologia. But it could also cause mass destruction, but with Serena being at a still young age, the emotion magic wouldn’t cause as much destruction, but the room would’ve been trashed. Serena had soon calmed down and sat next to his father. Quill had begun cutting Serena’s waffles when Serena said: “Uhm... Dad?” Quill looked down to his son and waited for what he would say. “You forgot this when you were asleep. And I wanted to give it back to you.” Serena explained while holding up the tattered cloak. Quill took the cloak his five-year-old son handed him and looked nostalgically at it. Quill smiled and looked back to Serena. Serena looked at his father expectantly, and much to his surprise, Quill responded by wrapping the tattered cloak around young Serena. “You can have it kid. It’s gotten a little destroyed, and if I keep getting into fights like that… Then I’d rather you have it, and it not get as destroyed.” Quill explained. Serena smiled brightly, and thanked Quill, before beginning to eat his waffles hungrily, causing Luna and Quill to giggle at Serena’s childishness. After a few minutes of eating, Celestia had to leave for Day Court, which Quill would be joining in a little, after he had finished his breakfast. Zirconis took Serena, to go play in the Royal Garden, which Serena was ecstatic about. Until finally, the only two left in the dining room, was Quill and Luna. The two looked at each other, and their memories flashed to the kiss they shared when in Quill’s Dreamscape. The two blushed at the memory, and an awkward silence enveloped the room. After an unbearable minute of awkward silence, Quill decided to speak: “So… uh… About what happened in my, uh… Dream last night… When we, uh… When we kissed.” He began awkwardly. “Um… Yeah? What about it?” Luna asked, also incredibly awkward. “I… Enjoyed it.” Quill admitted while his markings were faintly illuminating, with a blush red hue. “Oh… I… I also enjoyed it.” Luan admitted also, while trying to hide her blush, and being very unsuccessful. The two sat in awkward silence, once again. Neither of them willing to utter a word. Until after a few more minutes, Quill decided to speak once more. “So… God, this is so awkward. What should we tell the others, Lulu?” Quill asked, addressing Luna with a nickname. “I don’t know but we will tell them eventually, and ‘Lulu’? Where did that come from?” Luna asked. “Well… I just thought that, since we’re now dating, that I would give you a nickname.” Quill sheepishly explained, while rubbing his neck. Luna stood up and totted over to her new lover. She then sat next to him and awkwardly leaned on him before giving him a quick kiss to the cheek. “Well… I-I think it’s cute, and I like it.” She stuttered out, waiting for a response. When she didn’t get one, she looked up at her silent lover, only to find him completely unresponsive. When she tried to get a response by shaking him a voice which came from nowhere resonated and above Quill’s head these words appeared: “Acnori Quill. EXE is not responding please try again later.” The voice stated. “Oh, Mother damnit.” Luna grumbled. “SISTER! I THINK I BROKE QUILL!!!!” Luna called for her sister using the Royal Voice. In response Celestia also used the Royal Voice and asked: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU BROKE HIM!?” “JUST GET IN HERE!” Luna told Celestia. After a few seconds Celestia walked back into the room and looked at the crashed Quill, and the words that hovered above him. “What in Mother’s name is this DogShit? What the Tartarus happened?” Celestia asked. “Well… You see…” Luna began sheepishly. Meanwhile, outside and in the Griffon Kingdom, an old griffon sat watching the grey sky pass endlessly on. It was a peaceful day until: “YOU TWO ARE WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!” The scream rattled several windows, and the elder griffon looked up and saw the sun shining much brighter. “It’s suddenly so hot. I wonder why.” The elder griffon wondered. “You two are dating?!” Celestia yelled in question from the sudden news. In response to the Sun Princess’s rage, volatility, and confusion, the sun itself heated up beyond measure. Luna tried to calm her older sibling down and gained only little progress, but steadily, Celestia calmed down enough that the sun wouldn’t burn everything. “Yes, we are dating now. It happened last night, when I visited Quill’s Dreams. Once I got there, I learned of his past and… We started to date. I was the one who made the first move.” Luna sheepishly explained while Celestia listened quietly. “But right now, we need to fix Quill.” Luna reminded. “Right.” Celestia sighed. “But could you elaborate on what you mean by, you learned his past?” Celestia asked. “That’s for him to tell.” Luna told her. “For now, let’s focus on fixing Quill.” She said. When the two sisters looked at Quill, above his head, the words had changed. They now read: “Reboot in progress…” They quickly changed to read: “Reboot successful.” And Quill began to move again. “What the hell happened?” Quill muttered softly. “Well…” Luna started. “When I kissed your cheek, you had an error message above your head.” She said plainly. “So, I rebooted.” Quill summarized. Luna nodded in response, and added: “Also, sister now knows we’re dating.” Before Quill had a chance to respond, he was met with the towering figure of Celestia glaring down at him. Quill retracted his body and shrunk beneath the towering Princess. What. The. Fuck!? Was the only thought running through Quill’s mind right now. Celestia gazed at Quill for a moment before, Quill felt a pair of wings envelope him in a hug. He looked to see Celestia giving him a hug. “What took you so long?” Celestia asked. “Wut?” Quill muttered. Celestia explained that she knew Quill liked Luna, and vice versa. She was just bidding her time and waiting for this to happen. After some annoyed glares from Luna and Quill, Luna walked off to go find Serena and Zirconis, while Celestia and Quill walked off to Day Court. But just as Quill began to leave, he remembered something. Quill’s POV “Oh, crud. Hey, Celestia wait a sec.” I told her before turning around. “Hey! Lulu!” I called, causing Luna to turn back around. “Do you want to see me make my Token?” I asked her. “You mean you haven’t made yours yet?” She quizzically asked. “No, haven’t had the time to. But I figured now would be the best time to do it.” I told her while taking my necklace off. Let’s see if I have the process down right. I thought while holding the Dragon tooth necklace, dangling in my grip. I focused some of my magical power into it, and it became outlined with a magical Navy-Blue glow. “Here goes nothing.” I mumbled. “If you have found this necklace, it means you have found my Token. You now hold the power of The Apocalypse in your grasp. If you wish to use my power for nefarious plans, then it shall be you, who is eradicated. If you wish to use my power for peace, then place this necklace around your neck, and call the name of The King of The Dragons: Acnologia.” I finished, creating my oath. Luna looked at it as it resonated with my magic. I smiled and my hand, which held the necklace, and I threw it at the wall. But before it hit the wall, rip in the Void opened and the necklace flew into it and the rip resealed. Before it closed, I had gotten a good look at the Void and all I could see was an infinite darkness. That was kinda scary, but as soon as the rip closed, I felt the necklace reappear around my neck. “Is that it?” Luna asked. “That’s it.” I confirmed. Luna giggled at my uncaring confirmation and waved with her hoof. I then proceeded to walk to the throne room with Celestia, and once we arrived, I stood in the same spot I did when I was first in Canterlot. After getting settled, Celestia turned to me. “I think most cases will be about what transpired yesterday. I’ve also wanted to ask; how did you recover so quickly? It took three days for you to recover last time you fought.” She asked. “Well, it seems my magical resistance has returned. I don’t know how else I could phrase that better.” I told her sloppily. “Well, anyway. Shall we commence?” I asked, gaining a nod. Little did I realize, that almost the entire city had gotten in line. When I finally did realize it. Oh, it was too fucking late, because the first pony that walked up, made me want to sleep for an entire month. The Pegasus that walked up had a pitch-black mane and tail, with a crimson red stripe going down the middle, and her fur was all crimson red, and her Cutie Mark was a circular ruby, with a glistening shine. “Ah! Duchess Ruby! What a nice surprise! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Celestia forced a sweet smile. I leaned close to a guard, who was standing close to me: “Who is this? And why is Celestia forcing a smile?” I whisper very quietly. “Duchess Ruby thinks that the Pegasus race is above all including the Alicorns. She is also suspected of owning a slave trade ring, but there is no definitive evidence.” He told me. I looked at the Duchess and I heard Acnologia actually choke. What the actual FUCK!? Acno screamed, as I stayed quiet in reality just staring at Duchess Ruby run her mouth. What is it, Acno? I asked. That, that BITCH! Has killed so many living creatures, and innocents! I can literally smell the blood she has on her hooves! Acno gagged. I immediately listened into the conversation Celestia and Ruby are having and the first. FUCKING. WORD. Is all I hear before I decide that Ruby needs to die. “Peasant Celestia, you know why I’m here.” Ruby remarks with a proud smile. “We pegasi should be the commanding race, for we are above all, and you all are beneath us. Give up the throne peasant!” Ruby commands. I just stare at her blankly. Is this a fucking regular thing? I continue to stare at Ruby, and then she looks at me. “Also, who is this? Your new pet?” She asked snidely. “I’d be glad to take him off your hooves~. He seems like a fine specimen~.” She swoons, looking at me in a very, disgustingly seductive way. Okay this has gone from zero to a hundred too fucking quick. All I wanted was to help out Celestia with Day Court, but now I’ve got a horny bitch of a Pegasus wanting to fuck me? HELL NO! I’m dating Luna for Christ’s sake! I hear that Acnologia is about to vomit, and I honestly am too!!! “Okay.” I say as I raise my non-bandaged arm. “First of all, no… I’m not her pet. I’m an actual living thing, with sentience. Second, my name does not matter to you, as you will not be taking me home so you can relieve your painfully obvious horniness, and last, if you ever. And I mean EVER! Try to come near me or any of my family, I will personally, sucker punch you into the sun.” I tell her, before turning to Celestia. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go throw up. And I’ll be with the others in the Garden.” I say before I walk out of the room. I calmly make my way to the bathroom, which is conveniently marked by the crack marks I made last time I visited it. I, with a calm and collected manner, open the door and walk in. After turning on the lights, I close the door. I then walk over to the toilet and lift the lid up, before dropping onto my knees and projectile vomiting into the toilet, and I swear to everything Holy, Acnologia’s puke was in that toilet too. After getting all of that out of my system, I stood up and flushed. I then walked over and washed my hands, before looking up and staring at myself in the mirror. What I saw wasn’t Acnori, nor was it Acnologia. What I saw was Quill. I only saw myself. I smiled as my markings illuminated slightly, signifying that my wounds were healing. Slowly, but surely, I was getting better. I finished cleaning up, before walking out and heading to the Gardens. When I arrived, I saw Luna sitting next to Serena, while Zirconis was leaning against a tree smiling at the scene. I walked over to the Jade Dragon, and he quickly noticed me. “Hey Quill. Day Court done already?” He asked. “No.” I let out an exhausted sigh. “Just some entitled Pegasus who almost ruined a good day.” I told him. “We all have those creatures in our lives. We just don’t who they are.” He summarized. “Pretty sure I met Celestia’s mood killer so.” I concluded with a smirk. I watched as a butterfly landed on Serena’s head, causing him to giggle. “But also, I did kinda turn my mood killer into a Nuclear Shadow [1] though.” I pointed out. “Well, anyway.” He changed the topic. “What do you think about doing today? I mean, we still have time.” He reminded. I looked up thoughtfully for a moment, staring at the sky. I then looked back down and to Zirconis. “Well, we do need to get your living situation out of the way. But I’m pretty sure you could stay in the house with me, Serena, Mavis, and Zeref. If you don’t care about sleeping on the couch, cause we don’t have any spare rooms. Eating won’t be a problem because I found that Dragons here eat gems, and they’re not that bad.” I told him. “Well, I’m good for sleeping on the couch. And the gems I’ll have to try later. But we do have to check on Gilda and Mari too.” Zironis told me. “That’s right. Hmm…-“ I thought while putting my bandaged hand under my chin thoughtfully. “-Oh! I got it!” I exclaimed, while not yelling it. “Since Mari and Gilda likely won’t be able to go back to GriffonStone anytime soon, you, her and Mari could buy a house. It would fix that living situation and you could better protect them.” I suggested. “Hey, maybe if you’re lucky, you and Gilda could get together.” I remark slyly. “W-What?” Zirconis questioned while his cheek scales grew bright red. “W-Why would you even suggest that?” Zirconis asked while blushing madly. “C’mon bro, I know you like her. I could tell when you freed Gilda, and when you healed Mari and Rainbow. Plus, you did help her daughter. That’s got to count for something.” I shrugged. “Also, -“ I tried to say before Zirconis cut me off. “I know that you’re Acnologia’s reincarnation. Yeah, Acno only used Magic Dragon Slayer magic while you used Time Dragon Slayer magic. It wasn’t that easy to figure out though, I mean you both do look the exact same, but it would make sense.” Zirconis told me. “Right, well you know how I went to earth when reincarnating?” I asked receiving a nod. “Well there was this show I liked back there called, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. And the world we’re in right now, is the world that show takes place.” I told him, gaining wide eyes. “Now, please don’t tell anyone about this. Not even Serena, I don’t want to make things any more complicated than they already are, and plus… What would the others say if they knew I knew this world’s future, or at least…? What this world’s future might look like.” I asked him quietly, while Serena continued to play with the animals in the Garden. “I see what you mean, but like you’re insinuating, just us being here has likely altered this universe’s future, and timeline. Best case scenario, we stop all the bad here, and we live in peace. Worst case… Well, let’s just hope that Mayan Calendar of yours doesn’t reach an end anytime soon.” He replied. I gave him a nod and continued watching Serena and Luna play with a new addition to the Gardens. Philomena had arrived, while me and Zirconis were talking and she began to play with my son. I smiled while watching them, but my attention was soon draw by a slight breeze, which pointed my attention near Ponyville. More specifically, towards my house, where Zeref and Mavis were currently residing. I look over towards the direction, and Zirconis places his hand on my shoulder, I notice that Serena is down next to my leg, wanting to be picked up. I hear Luna trot up beside me and I pick up Serena and he giggles playfully, and I feel an enterial Acnologia standing behind me. We all look off into the direction the breeze blew, and we smile. Whatever this world has in store for us in the future… We’ll be ready. I may be just a reincarnation, and I may not be the real Acnologia. But I’ll tell you this… My arriving here was… well… it was An Apocalyptic Displacment. I think proudly. Merchant, wherever you are… Thank you, for not only bringing me to my new family, but for also showing me, who I really am. As the breeze continued to blow, it blew past these words: To Be Continued... The screen glitches to show a static figure. A Pony. The Pony was an Alicorn whose fur was grey, and his mane and tail were pitch-black, with snow-white stripes going through it. His Cutie Mark was covered by a cross slash scar, but it was a burning golden sun covered by a dark-silver moon. It was an Eclipse. All over his body was littered with scars, and their color was silver. He had several silver scars running down his back, chest, and legs. His left eye was a brilliant, and glowing silver, but his right eye had a massive scar stringing from the base of his horn, to the base of his chin, his right eye had dulled into a faded white. His horn looked scarily similar to King Sombra’s but instead of a crimson red, it was a vibrant gold. His wings were pitch-black, but his left wing had three scars each one differing in length, and his right only had one, six-inch scar. He wore a dulled white scarf, with three different Cutie Marks on it. The first was Celestia’s shimmering sun Cutie Mark, the second was Luna’s beautiful moon Cutie Mark, and the last… was his Cutie Mark. This was King Rose. This… Is me. “☟︎♏︎●︎●︎□︎ ❍︎⍓︎ ♐︎❒︎♓︎♏︎■︎♎︎⬧︎✏︎ ♓︎ ♋︎❍︎📬︎📬︎📬︎ ✋︎🕯︎❍︎ ⬧︎◻︎♏︎♋︎🙵♓︎■︎♑︎ ♓︎■︎ ⬥︎♓︎■︎♑︎♎︎♓︎■︎♑︎⬧︎ ♋︎❒︎♏︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ♓︎✍︎” I spoke, before letting out a sigh. “⚐︎🙵♋︎⍓︎📪︎ □︎■︎♏︎ ⬧︎♏︎♍︎📬︎📬︎📬︎ ❄︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ should do it!” I exclaim. “There! Okay, that’s better. Let’s start over. Hello, my friends and viewers! I am King Rose! The creator of this Fic and a few others. One such Fic is fairly new, and it’s called My Little Crusader. If you want you can go check it out, but before clicking away, I’ve got an announcement. As you’ve seen in this chapter, I sent out Quill’s Token. Which means, and other displaced author, is welcome to message me, so we could do a colab and either Quill could go into your story, or your character could go into mine. If you want to use him in a fight scene these are his current magical abilities: Time Quake: Channels a large amount of his temporal magic into his kicks or his punches and either attacks his opponent, or stomps the ground causing a miniature earthquake, or shattering a full-grown Dragon’s bones and scales. Temporal Dragon Iron Fist: Is like the Fire Dragon Iron Fist, but instead he uses Time magic. Time Twisters: Sends a large amount of gale winds towards his opponent with enough force to shatter boulders. And finally, the most powerful ability so far: Time Dragon Secret Art: Mayan Calendar Devastator: Magic from anywhere and everywhere swirls around Quill, and Acnologia and it condenses into a small sphere as between his hands when they are set in front of his chest. As soon as enough magic has gathered into the sphere he slams his hands together and a shockwave of magic is sent outwards in all directions hitting his opponent and the surrounding area, however the collateral damage can be on a grand scale, but the casualties are kept at a minimum only harming those who deep in Acnologia’s heart he deems as enemies, but it drains all of Quills magic leaving him essentially defenseless. These are his current abilities, and message me if you want to crossover with me. I’d be more than happy to allow you to use him. And just for a reminder, this is Quill's Oath: If you have found this necklace, it means you have found my Token. You now hold the power of The Apocalypse in your grasp. If you wish to use my power for nefarious plans, then it shall be you, who is eradicated. If you wish to use my power for peace, then place this necklace around your neck, and call the name of The King of The Dragons: Acnologia." I finish. “That’s all I have for now so until next time, I bid you all, Adeu~" > An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 1 Crossover Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7- An Apocalyptic Alchemist Serena POV I sit in my father's arms while smiling happily and looking off into the clear blue sky. I’m happy knowing that I’m with my family. Dad then sets me down from his arms, making me pout. “Aw, but I want to be held more!” I whine. “Serena, why don’t you go play with the garden animals some more?” My dad chuckles as he crouches down to my height, and grins. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…… Fine!” I pout, before hugging him and running off to play with the critters. I see a fox that looks at me curiously, to which I look back at it. The fox cocks its head to the side and I copy the action. I giggle as it walks over and licks my face, its tongue feels smooth but rough at the same time. I then pet it by rubbing my hand down its back, and the fox’s fur felt like a blanket. An orange, white and living blanket. Suddenly it turns around and bolts off towards the bushes and stops just before the entrance. It looks back at me with green eyes before running into the hedge. “H-Hey! Wait up!” I call out to the fox. I run after the animal, and I rush into the dense green foliage, barely keeping sight of the fox that continues to outrun me. I feel my clothes rip in several spots like my legs and arms, as I pass branches that smack my sides and scratch me. Finally, I emerge from the bushes and the fox stops running, allowing me to catch my breath. “Finally… You stopped running!” I wheeze in between pants. It felt like I was running after the fox for hours. I then look up and gasp at the scene around me. Before it looked like a normal garden of bushes, but as I looked around right now, my thoughts have changed. It looked like an entire village of foxes and other animals, like otters, hummingbirds, flamingoes, and other varieties of animals, all living here in this secluded area. I then feel a paw tapping my right leg. Looking down, I see it’s the fox I was chasing. He looked worried, so I decided to follow him, and he’d lead me to another fox, who was trapped under a metallic object, which looked like a watch. I leaned down and tried to pick up the watch only to reel my hand back, as some sort of magic leapt out and tried to grab me. I rubbed my hand while glaring at the watch. I gained a determined look in my eyes and reached for the watch again, this time I didn’t pull my hand back as the magic grabbed me and pulled my hand farther towards it, causing me to grab the watch in my hand. I gasped as I heard a calm, yet authoritative voice resonates in my head. I am the one who constructs and deconstructs, the partner and protector of the moon and sun, I aid the innocent and protect the children if you require aid, call my name and I will come forth, The Crimson Sage. I stumbled back in surprise and let out a startled yelp. I land on my butt as I breathe heavily and look at the watch in my hand. “What the heck was that?” I ask myself. “Dad might know,” I mumble before getting nuzzled from two foxes. I giggle as the foxes nuzzle me in gratitude. I return the favor by giving them both a hug. I then stand up and dust myself off, before waving bye and walking out the way I entered the foliage. My way out was easier than going in, but I did manage to avoid being smacked in the face by several other branches. I then emerge from the bushes once more, and this time I find Zirconis taking a nap under a shady tree, with Dad and Luna sitting next to him and talking. “Dad!” I yell, catching his attention. “Is there something you need Serena?” He asked. “Wait, what do you have there?” He noticed the watch in my hand. “It’s something I found while helping two foxes. I think it’s a watch, but it has weird magic.” I explain as he walks over and I hold out the watch to him. He gives off a thoughtful expression before plucking the watch out of my hand and his eyes go incredibly wide. After several seconds, his eyes dart to the watch and he mumbled something I couldn’t hear, before raising his voice, Zirconis had woken up and groggily looked over to us. “I didn’t expect to receive one this early,” Dad told himself. “Receive one of what Quill?” Luna asked while looking at my dad. “Well… You remember how I told you that Displaced could receive another Displaced’s tokens right?” Dad asked Luna, nodding in response. “Well… This is one of those tokens.” Dad told her. Luna gasped before looking at dad in an unbelieving expression: “Are you sure?” “Well either, I heard an oath, or I’m going insane again, but I’m pretty sure I’m still sane. So this must be a Token.” Dad then pauses and looks around before stating, “I’m gonna call them.” He stated. Not asked, just stated. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Luna asked with worry woven into her eyes. “I’m sure, and plus the oath I heard said that they are the protector of the innocent, so that means they aren’t a murderous or insane Displaced like some of the others I’ve heard about.” He says while looking back at the watch. “Well, here goes nothing.” He whispers. Dad then stands up and walks a few feet in front of us, Zirconis now being much more awake. Dad holds the watch out in front of him, and looks back at us, before sighing and turning back to the watch. “I call upon The Crimson Sage!” Dad yells. Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty second and nothing happens. I go to say something when suddenly a bright flash erupts from the watch and blinding us all. After several seconds our vision returns and where the watch dad was holding was, now laid a portal which resonated with green and red energy. Out of the portal stepped what looked like a tall man with a blonde braid. He was wearing a long red-hooded coat overtop a black suit with silver trim. On his face was an ornate pearl mask with gold outlines on it. On his hand were white gloves. “Can I even go home anymore,” the man commented as he strained his jacket. “First a green-haired swordsman summons me then I get lost and stuck in a Rwby world on my way back using one of his portals then just as I get back to my own portal wham!” He shouted in anger. “I get pulled here.” He looked over to us. “Hmm, who's the Displaced wise guy?” He held up a gloved fist. My dad takes a small step forward and with a deep voice, which resonated within the gardens he answered: “That would be me.” Dad tells the man. “There’s no need for a fight.” He stated while raising his hands in a calming way. “Fairy Tail is the theme this time. Judging on your looks your Acnologia, and a reincarnation at that,” the man spoke in a confident tone. “And if I wanted to fight then I’d fight. There’s not really anything you could do to stop me Former Dragon King. So, what’s your name and why’d you bring me here?” Dad looks thoughtful for a little bit before answering the man: “Well, first off, my name is Acnori Quill. Just call me Quill though, and my reason for bringing you here is… well… Actually, there’s not really a definitive reason, other than me receiving a Displaced token after only really being here for little more than a week.” Dad explained. “It could also have something to do with me having created my own token only about, a few hours ago,” Dad told the man, before retorting. “And even though I might not be able to stop you, I could certainly try, and I can guarantee you that I’d put up one hell of a fight. And if I went down, there's always Acnologia to back me up.” Dad grinned. “But now it’s time for my question…” Dad said before his grin disappeared and was replaced with a dead serious frown and his eyes narrowed. “How the fuck do you know about my reincarnation?” “Many ways actually but just chalk it up to my Seith magic and my Soul perception this time Dragon Slayer,” the man shot back. “I see Luna over there and a few others. Ponies this time. I sense to more powerful Magics nearby too. Other Displaced,” he stroked his chin under his mask. This guy could sense Mavis and Zeref. What else can he do? “I’m hungry!” He said in an embarrassed tone. “Y’all had breakfast yet?” I decided to speak up at this point: “Well, there should still be some leftovers in the kitchen.” I tell the man. “Dad? Could you and I lead him to the kitchen?” I ask my father. Just before Dad could answer, a slightly loud grumbling sound emitted from the man’s stomach. Dad let out a slightly annoyed sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose and saying: “Fine, c’mon Serena, let’s go. If you want some food, then I suggest you follow, or your stomach’s gonna get pretty pissed.” Dad chuckled as I ran over next to him and we began to walk back inside the castle to go to the kitchen. “Didn’t waste any time on making a move on the Princess of the Night. Aye Dragon of the Apocalypse,” the masked man chuckled as we soon arrived in the kitchen. “Wonder if the Celestia here keeps a stash of cake behind the thrown to? Oh, cereal.” “Dad, what’s up with this guy? It’s like he went from a demanding force to a food fueled numskull in zero to sixty,” I said as I watched the strange idiot making a bowl of milk and cereal. “I don’t really know, but let’s just be glad that this is one of the more friendly Displaced,” Dad whispered to me. “No need to whisper I can hear every word you’re saying,” he said from across the kitchen. “Come sit young ones, join me in my glorious breakfast feast of milk and cereal.” We both merely stared at the red-robed idiot. “Seriously? What’s this guys deal?” Dad then smiles and chuckles a little before dropping a bomb: “Actually, I wasn’t the one who made the first move. It was actually Luna.” He told the man eating the cereal, causing the cereal eating man to gain a bewildered look. “Oh wait a minute. You can’t see my face due to the mask. Sorry and kid,” he turned his head to face me. “What?” I glared at this idiot. “Don’t piss your pants,” he said nonchalantly as he removed his mask to reveal a pair of amber gold eyes the looked down at me. Suddenly a massive wave of pressure washed over everything I nearly passed out trying to find what was causing this force on my body. Then I realized it was the idiot across from me and Dad. “Who… are… you?” I managed to wheeze out. “Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist. Husband to Princess Luna and Partner to Princess Celestia. Father of the twin Star alicorns Morning Star and Solar Eclipse. Uncle to Adam Winger, Sorano Elric, Alexandria Justine, and Natalie Basatin,” he said with fervor. “That answer your question kid?” He asked as he munched on his cereal. “I… I think so.” I managed to say. “Jeez…” I could hear dad say as I looked up to see him not affected by the enormous amount of pressure washing over the room. “C-Could you tone down the magical pressure there Edward? You’re gonna make my son pass out.” He said, gesturing to me. “Oh!” Edward said as he looked at me. He then held up his hand and reached into so sort of space and pulled out a ring and placed it on his finger. The pressure suddenly vanished. “There ya go. Feeling better young one?” Feeling much better, I shake off the after-effects of the magical pressure: “Yeah, that’s a lot better, thank you.” I told him. “But since you introduced yourself, I’ll introduce myself. I am Serena Acnori, Adopted son of Acnori Quill, and the Eight Element Dragon Slayer.” “And I am Acnori Quill,” My dad started. “Father of Serena Acnori, Brother to Mavis Vermillion and Zeref Dragneel. Mental houser of The Magic Dragon Slayer Acnologia Acnori and I myself am the Time Dragon Slayer, Former King of all Dragons, and current Partner to Princess Luna.” Dad introduced himself. “Now that formal introductions are out of the way and that the cereal is gone,” Edward said holding up the empty bowl. “Time for dessert,” he said as he started eating the empty bowl. “Even I know that’s not normal,” I stared as the strange man finished eating his cereal bowl. “What?” He stared back at us. “Why the hell are you eating a bowl?” Dad asked. “I mean, I can eat magic but even I don’t eat fuggin’ bowls.” “Needed to get a feel of the magic of the world and eating exotic stuff is how I do things,” Edward laughed. “Plus there is that look on your faces. Never gets old!” He held his sides. “Now back to business. What can I do for you Quill?” The alchemist sat back down at the table. “Well… I actually need help with figuring out something.” Dad told Edward. “Within the time I’ve been here, the real Fairy Tail Zeref, Mavis, Serena, and Zirconis have ended up here. All of which had been killed by a Dragon Slayer. Serena and Zirconis had been killed by Acnologia, and Zeref and Mavis were inadvertently killed by Natsu Dragneel’s Dragon Magic. However, the Dragon that taught me my magic, Tyrrios, had also arrived here. And if you look out that window and into the Everfree forest, you can see the crater that I made killing the bastard. But what worries me is that… If Tyrrios arrived here… Who’s to say that other villains from Fairy Tail won't arrive here either? I need to find who or what’s been sending them here and I need to stop them.” “There’s no doubt that more will come for sure,” Edward said nonchalantly. “And if you hand an issue beating the dragon then that just means you need to get strong. You’re a Displaced and what do we do if we’re given the chance at a new life?” He pointed at my dad. “We take it and make the most of it.” Dad responded. “Also right before my fight with Tyrrios, I had my hair cut but as I went to fight him, it just regrew in like, two seconds. I thought that was weird but, it was probably just Acnologia doing weird shit.” Dad shrugged. “Maybe,” Edward nodded. “So,” he looked at my dad straight in the eye. The carefree in gaze was gone and the man sitting across from us now was the one who first arrived here. “In order to live the life you want to live here what do you want?” “Really?” Dad wondered. “In all honesty, all I want is to live peacefully with my new family, but the bitch that we all know called fate, has other plans, and as long as evil and danger are out there in my world… I will protect my loved ones, and I will protect the innocent.” Dad stated. “Plus, I’ve also got to train Serena to use his magic. But also… Me and Acnologia have got to figure out what Tyrrios wanted with Rainbow Dash.” Dad told Edward. “When I fought Tyrrios it seemed as if his magic wasn’t at full blast like there was a seal or a level cap on it. I originally thought it was because of the Everfree’s ability to absorb and dampen magic, but I realized that the Everfree only absorbs, Equestrian Magic, and seeing as Tyrrios was using Fioren Dragon Magic, it wasn’t the Everfree. But as soon as I saw Rainbow bleeding, it seemed as if Tyrrios’ magic was rising, like the seal was being broken.” Dad explained. “And if I’m right, then The Main Six are stronger than we all thought,” Dad told Edward seriously. I’ve never seen my dad this serious before, not even in Fiore was he ever this serious. “Naturally my young friend. They’re more in tune with this lands magic as they are the physical representation of the Elements of Harmony,” Edward explained. “Eventually they’ll be able to tap into this land’s without needing to use their elements. I’ve heard in some realities that all six eventually ascend to alicornism. But back to Tyrrios. Whenever one crosses the void from anywhere they're usually left in a weakened state due to the effect of the travel. This is true for us Displaced as well. Only those amongst us that have evolved to Void Dwellers or like me that have amassed enough power don’t feel this fatigue. It makes sense that Tyrrios would go after Rainbow Dash is trying to regain his lost power by going oater the nearest source of magic for an ample supply to recharge. Foiran magic and Equestrian magic aren’t all that fundamentally different at the base level. I should know I help Lex develop Dragon Slayer Magic when there was none in her world.” “Well, that's the thing… When I noticed Tyrrios’ seal, it didn’t feel… Normal. It didn’t feel like it was Fioren, Equestrian, nor Void like. It felt… For lack of a better term, it felt like there was a weakness in his blood. Not in his magic and he didn’t have any fatigue when fighting me as he broke several of my ribs.” Dad told Edward, showing him the bandages. “I didn’t even feel Equestrian magic for the entire duration of our fight, instead I felt… I felt a different type of magic. Like when the FACE was being activated in Fiore with the battle against the dark guild Tartarus, but even then, this was completely different.” Dad told Edward. “It felt more like a plague, was trapped within Tyrrios, and if allowed to be set free, it would take over all of Equiss like the flood from Halo, or rather… something like a virus, and if I’m correct, I’m the cure. Though I don’t think the Elements were involved with Tyrrios wanting Rainbow, I think he just wanted her blood. For what I can’t tell but it must be for something bad. Though Tyrrios won’t be doing much of anything anymore as he is now just a Hiroshima nuclear shadow on the ground.” Dad explained to Edward. “Pestilence. Hmm…” Edward rubbed his chin. “Could be he wanted to take out Rainbow or infect her with this virus. Pawns are often undervalued in most chess games due to people thinking they have no value other than to be fodder or shields for the royals but that isn’t true,” he explained as he got to his feet. “The thing about a pawn is its promotion to become royalty once it reaches the other side of the board. There is most definitely something else going on here Quill. What it is I can’t say but I can say you’ll have to figure this out.” Edward paced back and forth for a minute. “I wish I could help but without more to go on, I'm just as dead in the water as you are my friend. But I can help you in another way,” he smirked as he points at dad and me. Dad gave Edward a smirk in response and at this point, I asked: “Help my dad, how?” “I’m an inter-dimensional Mage with a vast knowledge of your own magic and many others under my belt kid,” Edward placed a hand on his chest. “Not to mention alchemy, weapons, Combat armed and unarmed, and many other skills I’ve acquired over the last fifteen thousand years I’ve been alive. You do the math for a minute?” “Well… That is impressive, and I don’t doubt your skills. So, I’m gonna ask if you could help me and Acnologia fuse our magic in order to successfully use our Apocalypse Magic. Also, I haven’t unlocked our Dragon Force and our Dragon Form is still locked away. Only yesterday, I unlocked my Time Dragon Secret Art, called Mayan Calendar Devastator.” Dad told Edward. “I can give you a key but whether you two use it is up to you,” Edward said in his own seriousness. “Just know on you start learning this skill there is stopping your training and it will be very grueling as you must learn to advance skills then combine them into one that every time you use it that you put your very life on the line. Even for minor things.” I looked into this man’s eyes, eyes that could switch between happy and joke to serious in a seconds notice but as I stared all I saw was and empty darkness in a sea of gold. “Are you willing to go through hell to protect your home, Acnori Quill?” He pointed at my father no light in his eyes at all. “Yes…” Dad told Edward with determination and conviction. “Very well,” Edward said as he walked in front of dad and clapped his hands together. “You will know Truth Quill and be prepared as it is a monster amongst monsters,” He pulled his hands apart red electric currents very flowing from his fingers. Edward then placed his hands on my father and they both vanished in a storm of lightning and shadows. Quill POV As I passed through the portal, I could feel the magical molecules in my body, be forcefully ripped apart, and reassembled several times over, and I could hear Acnologia screech in pain. “SON OF A BITCH!!!!” I screamed as my left eye slit and turned into a draconic eye. I roared in pain as a burning sensation ripped through the right side of my face, my torso and my leg. Strained scrapes against bone burned through my ears as pain seared into my limbs. After minutes of this pain, it began to finally subside. Before a pain ripped through my lower back, and my mind fogged in pain. Then it finally finished and the pain left me sore. “Son of a Nut that hurt,” I complained. “Oh a visitor,” came a voice from in front of me. “Do tell Acnori Quill. How did you get here and why are you here?” I looked up to see the form of a white silhouette with dust coming off it. It had no feature but that of a wide toothy grin as it appeared to look down on me. “Back off Truth. I brought him here,” Edward appeared next to me. “You okay Quill?” “Well other than feeling like my bones ripped each other apart and stitched themselves back together with tape, I’m fine.” I retorted as my voice resonated with two different vocal cords. “And I have a question… Why the hell do I sound like both Acnologia and Quill?” I asked before raising my hand to soothe my shrilling headache, and realizing that my hand was now a dragon claw. I yelp and jump back in surprise. “What the Nut happened!?!?” “Truth happened,” Truth snickered at my reaction. “You must be what you really are in my domain Dragon of The Apocalypse. Now you want the first half of Edward’s teachings, do you not?” This wicked being stared at me with an eyeless face and a wide grin. I look at Truth with determination and a draconic smile and I laugh darkly: “Let’s fucking do this.” I cackle insanely. “Oh so naive little dragon,” Truth put on a cute pout pose. “What will you pay for the power of Alchemy? Equivalent exchange is the rule here. To gain you must give. Pay the toll.” “I told you it was an ass,” Edward rolled his eyes. “Well…” I smile lightly. “I’ve already given it up once so… I’ll give up my humanity.” I tell Truth with a light, but sorrowfully nostalgic smile. “Tsk tsk. So sorry young one but you can’t pay with something you never had in the first place,” Truth chuckled. “Fair point.” I smile. “But, I’ll give up my left arm,” I tell Truth. “The payment is set,” The Truth smirked as it held up its left arm and my own arm was then deconstructed and it appeared on the Truth. “I do hope you don’t die of blood on the other side and that you send me more of your world.” The evil Void Dweller smirked at me as it floated out of the way to reveal a giant marble door. “Well, in my life before being a Displaced… Heh… I had already gotten my left arm from the elbow down ripped off the hard way. And it had to heal naturally, so I expect as much pain. Just hope this time, my Draconic healing will kick in this time.” “Are you gonna go through your door or not,” Edward said as he was now sitting on my head. “You won’t have the alchemical knowledge and know-how until you do.” He looked at the Truth in disgust. “I hate being here with that thing so… Can we please go?” “Well, let’s go.” I smile as I walk to the door with Edward still on my head. “Just let your mind go blank and your body go numb Quill,” Edward advised as we went through my portal. I walk over to the marble door and see its true form. Its color is navy blue, and it has black and gold accents, and several markings similar to the ones that covered my body also littered the door, with the same illuminating light. I press my right hand onto the door and lightly push, to which the door responds by opening inwards with a phasing slam. I smile and look down at my now armless left shoulder. “To protect you all,” I whisper to myself. I then step through the blinding light to enter the next phase of my training. I woke up in the kitchen back in human form with Edward kneeling down at my left. I tried to sit up only to fall on my back. I then felt a sharp pain on my left side and I Looked down to see my new stub. It was tingling with a bet of electricity coming off of it. “There ya go,” Edward said standing up and then helping me to my feet. “Well,” I started while wincing at the sting of losing an arm. “At least my dragon healing worked this time.” I chuckled while trying to ignore the continuing sting. “This is going to cause a problem,” Edward point at my missing left arm. “You’ll need a new arm if you’re going to move on to the next face of your training.” “I figured as much…” I sighed, before smelling something. “Is that… Metal?” “Yea why?” Edward raised an eyebrow as he rolled up his right sleeve to reveal an advanced technological arm. “Not your standard automail anymore. Is this what you smelt?” “Yeah, though I don’t know how I didn’t smell it before,” I told him, before looking at Serena. “Hey, could you go and tell the others that me and Edward are training?” I asked, receiving a nod followed by Serena taking my cloak off and handing it to me. He then ran out of the kitchen to go tell Zirconis and Luna. “Well, what now?” I asked Edward while placing my cloak back around my body, hiding my now missing left arm. “First things first, you need a new temporary arm before we can even start your next lesson,” Edward remarked as he moved over to a nearby counter. “First I’ll need a few raw materials,” as he said this a spell matrix formed over his hand. He moved his hand across the counter and random materials appeared below it. “Alright,” Edward cracked his knuckles, “Time to get creative.” He held up his right hand and it changed to have many different tools coming from it. The alchemist began to cobble, shape, cut, and form the materials he’d created a few seconds ago. “All done.” He held up a silver metal draconian looking left arm. “I made this from magi-steel to allow magic to flow through it naturally. I sure you’ll get your own arm down the line somewhere but for now, you’ll be using this.” Edward tossed me the arm. “It nearly unbreakable but not nearly as sturdy as my own.” “Thanks,” I told him while placing it onto the stump of my left arm. It was a perfect fit, and I could feel my nerves attaching themselves to it. After seconds of the process, the arm began to change, its color went from silver to pitch-black with navy-blue draconic markings on it, in the same pattern as my old arm. “Heh, guess my magic took to it well,” I responded clenching the metallic fist to get used to the feeling. “Good. Now, is there someplace to go where no one would care about mindless violence?” Edward asked outright. “Well, I suppose that we could use the crater Tyrrios and I fought in. It’s completely devoid of life, as anything that tries to get near it will likely fall into a coma due to the overwhelming amount of Time Magic.” I tell him pointing to the crater. “Perfect!” He chimed and then snapped his fingers and in an instant, we were in the middle of the crater. “Uff, you weren’t kidding about the time magic. Smells like rank Minotaur crap in here. One moment,” Edward held up his hand and a light began to form in it. Soon the light grew brighter and then died down into a dark blue glow. I looked at the alchemist’s hand and there hovered a strange crystal that radiated with my time magic. I then noticed that air was cleansed from the previous battles magic. “Here you go. And do try and not expelling all of this or you could seriously poison the area.” Edward tossed me the crystal. “No promises and I was going to point out that about two feet behind you is what remains of Tyrrios,” I told Edward while taking a bite out of the crystal and feeling my magic reenter my body. “And I’m sorry about the magical poisoning but I did basically create a magical nuke.” “Fine,” he turned around to look at the remains. “First lesson! Think fast!” Edward made a quick turn and in the blink of an eye, he was above me. He brought down his left leg hard. I managed to block but it still sent a shock through my body. I knew if his arm was metal that his leg had to be as well but he shouldn’t be able to move that fast. “Come on Quill think. Use the knowledge in that thick dragon skull of yours.” I smiled wickedly and with lightning speed, it seemed as if I phased out of reality, but I reappeared next to Edward and grabbed his face with my new left arm, slamming him into the ground causing spiderweb cracks to surround his head with rubble and rocks flying everywhere as a result. “How’s that for fast?” I asked him still wearing that devilish smile. “Fast yes but not the reaction I meant for you to have,” Edward smirked as he looked at me. I heard a clap and was forced back by a block of earth that shot up hitting me dead in the face. “I want you to use your alchemy dragon boy, “ he said sitting up. “Well,” I say, crushing the stone. “I am kinda tricky for the Time Dragon Slayer,” I smirk as the air in front of my chest condenses. “Hehe.” I laugh as I grab the condensed air. As I grab the air, it quickly morphs into an ethereal-like blade. I run at Edward with blinding speed, and I slam the blade into Edward’s side. Catching him off guard and throwing him away, while also cutting his jacket. “You ruined my coat,” he said throwing of the red coat. “Swords is it,” he held up his right arm and it opened to allow a hilt of some kind out. Edward hit a switch on the hilt and out shot a black katana shaped blade with a red outline along the edge. He took up a stance and placed the weapon in front of himself. “How familiar are you with Star Wars lore?” He smirked as he charged forward and quickly struck in an unusual pattern. He was keeping me on the defensive. I smile slightly: “Star Wars? Boy did you pick the wrong nerd to mess with…” I mumbled before leaping back and quickly focusing magic into my arms. “Temporal Dragon Blades!” I yell as lightsaber like swords extend from both my hands, both burning with magic. “Let’s go, Darth Edward!” I joke, charging at him. “Remember when I said I have a niece who is a Fairy Tail Displaced,” he smirked. I don’t like that look in his eye. “Crimson Dragon Roar!” He roared and a tempest of red dragon magic came for me. “Don’t try and eat it either as you will be severely hurt,” I heard from right next to me. I smile before stopping and looking directly at the oncoming magic. I just smile, and just like Natsu, I position my hands in a circular motion, and as soon as it’s about to hit me, I swipe my hands apart. I then take what remains of the crystal made from my magic and smash it in my hands. I start condensing it into a small sphere. I hold out my left arm and grab the pulsating sphere, causing my left arm to ignite into Temporal fire, resulting in me lunging past Edward. I then touch the ground and send the magic into it. “TIME QUAKE!” I scream out, sending millions of massive vibrations from my arm into the ground, causing Edward to stumble momentarily. “Are you nuts!” He yelled in anger. “You can use that with the populace so close, Nule Field!” Edward slapped the ground canceling out the quake. “You’re getting too caught up in this fight kid. Think before you use your powers. You won’t be using any more of your magic either as my Nule Field cancels all magic. What the hell were you thinking using that sort of move?” Edward pauses for a second, as he’s seeing something wrong with me. Because something is going very wrong: “Damn! IT! Acnologia! WHAT THE HELL!?!?? GAHH!!!” I scream in pain as my eye starts bleeding. Acnologia’s magic is going rampant, and I wasn’t in control. “I wIlL hAvE tHiS bOdY!!” A voice screeched. My eyes widen to dinner plates: “N-No, y-you’re dead, you died!!” I yell, before screaming in more pain. Holding my head in shrill terror. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!” I roar as my bleeding eye slits and blood flows into the iris of my eye and my magic begins to pulsate and defend against the invading magic. “Ah, you must be the dead one from his earlier fight,” Edward rolled his eyes. “Sorry but I can’t have you screwing with my apprentice’s brain and you most definitely can’t have his body,” I managed to make out Edward walking over to me and then he thrust his hand into my chest. I felt more pain than ever before as red electricity burst forth from the alchemist’s hand into my body. In the next moment, I was on the ground and Edward was standing above me with a blood-red glowing stone hovering above his palm. I stared at him and looked mainly at the blood-red stone: “Sorry… About, well… Y’know, using Time Quake to that extent. I meant for it to only affect you and the small radius around you and not… Create an actual earthquake.” I apologized shamefully, looking down at the ground. I then noticed blood dripping from my left cheek. I raised my hand and lightly touched under my eye, and pulled the arm back to see blackening blood, laying almost completely dry on my hand. “Even in death, you manage to ruin my fucking day. Screw you Tyrrios. Screw. You.” I swore. Looking up into the sky I asked. “Acno, you there?” Waiting for a reply I heard. “Y-Yup! All fucking dandy!” Acnologia’s swearing could be heard in my head. “Just went in and barely survived a fight with a mutated Tyrrios who looked triggered as hell, but other than that, I think I’ll live. Good thing Edward helped us, or I don’t think we would’ve made it out alive. Or one of us anyway.” He told me, as I could hear his relieved breathing. I let out an ashamed sigh. “Damn it. Tyrrios was still kicking and had mutated? Something is definitely wrong.” I mumbled before falling flat on my back. “He’d just keep coming back if I hadn’t turned the bastard’s soul into a Philosopher’s Stone,” Edward said holding out the stone to me in his hand. “What do you want to with it?” “Hell if I know, but this does present an opportunity.” I pointed out. “Acnologia tells me that Tyrrios had somehow mutated into something… brutal is all he says about it. Don’t know the specifics but it was gruesome. If we can basically dissect Tyrrios, then we might be able to figure out why Tyrrios wanted Rainbow’s blood. And we might figure out what the hell mutated him.” I suggested. “Just try and keep the thing away from me for right now… I don’t think Acno’s going to be able to use his magic too much, but I might be able to go for a bit. Though I might need more practice with Alchemy, I mean, the only real bit of Alchemy I did in the fight was to create that wind blade from the air particles around me. Even then I don’t think that was true Alchemy.” Edward placed the stone in some form of pocket dimension. “Why do you think I activated my Nule Field. To get you to use alchemy. Let me ask you this, what is the first rule of Alchemy?” “Equal trade. If you want something of value, you’ve got to give something of equal value. Like say if I wanted to make a scarf, I’d have to sacrifice something with the same value of the scarf, most likely I’d have to give up the base elements that makeup, said scarf.” I answer. “Yes, a Philosopher Stone is the only thing that can bypass this in the original concept of this law,” Edward held up his hand and red electricity spark and a sword form from it. “Being a living stone I could always bypass this law but I never used it unless I had to. Red lightning magic and Arc of Creation give off the same effect as using the stone in my body.” He tossed the sword to me. “See what can change the sword into and try and add details to what you make. Remember alchemy requires a circle but those who have seen Truth are the circle.” He pointed at me. “Hmm…” I think carefully about the sword I held. My mind drifts to Time Magic and other mythologies. Then, I get an idea. “Perfect!!” I exclaim as I get to work. “Okay so…” I mumble as I begin to gather supplies. After several minutes I finally got what I need. “Let’s do this.” I pop my neck bones. I kneel down and place my metal arm on the sword, which is surrounded by different materials. I focus my mind and think of one simple thing. The supplies and sword begin to glow and once they are engulfed in white light the shape begins to shift and swirl into an amalgamation, before snapping into a different form. The once short hilt of the sword was now a long staff-like shape, and a circular-like blade hung from the top of the handle. The light then faded and what was once a sword, was now a scythe. Its handle was pitch-black and the blade had draconic markings on it. I smiled at my work and picked the scythe up before looking back at Edward. “Nice work but it’s missing something,” he said as he walked over to me. I noticed that he was pulling his hands up. There appeared to be what looked like strings coming from his fingertips. I then felt a tugging coming from my, everywhere. Then it’s was as part of my very self was pulled from me. I saw black energy floating towards Edward and as it did it began to solidify slightly. “Let me see that scythe,” he held up his hand. I handed him the weapon and he began to take the energy he took from my body and using the same threads he wove the energy into the scythe. “Here you go,” Edward floated the scythe back to me it was different though, it felt as if the scythe was apart of me. “This feels… Right.” I mumbled aloud. “I wonder if the modification I thought of worked,” I asked to no one, which interested Edward. I smiled and spun the scythe in a circular motion, and suddenly stopped it but part of the blade didn’t and stopped when it reached the opposite of the top blade. I was now holding a dual-sided scythe. Like a staff, I set it next to me, and the height on this thing was ridiculous. It was almost twice my height. “Nice addition and if you’re wondering what I did to the weapon,” Edward held up his right arm and it opens to reveal many different glowing crystals. “I bonded it with your void energy so no one but you can use it, not even Acno can use it. Think of it as an extension of yourself and your magic.” He points to his open arm. “I used a similar technique to create these, there called Sage Stone. Think of them as the magic equivalent of the Philosopher's Stone. Though, these are made from singular elements ranging from fire and to even time.” Edward closed his arm. “Any questions?” “Not really, but I do have one,” I tell Edward while retracting the bottom blade of my scythe. “Can the Sage Stones use Apocalypse Magic or just Raw Magic?” “Raw magic is the only stone you’ll ever be able to make Quill,” Edward said with a bit of reserve. “I’m trusting you not to abuse these skills, Quill. Just by making the first Stone in my own world sparked a war with the Minotaurs. I can make you an Apocalypse Stone but only if you promise to use for justice and the protection of those close to you.” “Edward, I’m not asking you because I want to use them, I’m asking you because they’ll likely help with keeping my magic over Time, Acnologia’s magic over Raw Magic, and out combined magic over The Apocalypse,” I tell him as my hair overshadows my eyes. “I want you to promise me something. If ever we lose control over our magic, especially Apocalypse, then I want you to kill me. Erase my existence.” Edward smirked. “Nnanhaha!” I then felt a metal fist in my face. “Idiot, you’re so scared of your power that you already resigned yourself to death. No, only if I'm absolutely certain that you can’t do it will I wipe you from existence, got it.” I spit out a bit of dirt that landed in my mouth, before smiling lightly. “Understood, but I will lose control over most likely Apocalypse one of these days because as fate has established and made clearer than fucking crystals, History tends to repeat itself.” I chuckle. “Mmm…” Edward looked at me. “Just so you know my Stones power only runs out of magic if there is no magic around it for it to absorb from the air around it and they’ll only break if they’re completely drained dry of their magic.” He turned toward the castle. “Catch,” he tossed me a Sage's Stone. “Let’s make or way back to the castle. I think your marefriend might be getting worried and you need a shower after rolling around in the dirt.” “Sure,” I grinned. “Let’s go,” I said while getting up and placing the stone in my pocket. “By the way, I’ve got another question. What’s your favorite Star Wars Movie?” I ask. “Mine is the first movie. Episode one." "Will I grew up watching the originals with my younger brother and you just can't beat the classics or Darth Vader," he remarked as he rubbed his chin. "I was in kindergarten when Episode One came out. Have to say my favorite character in that one had to be Qui Gonn Gin." “Nice, but if I had to pick one, I’d say young Obi-Wan Kenobi, definitely because of that dual-wielding scene with the Light Sabers against Darth Maul.” I input. “Jar’kai dual bladed wielding,” Edward said as he looked over his shoulder. “My master was much better in lightsaber combat than I am. Most of my training is substituted from my other sword techniques I’ve picked up over the years. I do have to say its important to learn several forms of combat and to have a few weapons that don’t solely rely on magic as well.” “Ah, that’s the beauty of my scythe,” I tell him. “For you see, it channels my Time Magic in order to cut through it, allowing me to strike my enemy in frozen time. Y’know those moments with ninjas where they strike so fast, their opponent just falls apart? Well, my scythe, which I appropriately named Time Reaper, allows me to do that, but also puts a limit on my magic output, so I don’t poison the area with Time Magic. Other than that it’s just a normal scythe.” I tell him. “Tell me this Quill,” He turned to face me. “What will you do when you can’t use any magic at all.” he reached into his pocket space and pulled out a large crystal claymore. “This is a trophy from the Minos Wars. The king had it made to specifically take on Tia and Luna. This sword nullifies magic completely.” He tossed it to me. I caught the weapon and if it wasn’t for dragonic strength then I wouldn’t have been able to lift it. “Well, for one, I wouldn’t just give up.” I answer. “I’ll do what I did back on Earth when I never had Magic. Become unpredictable, because that’s my specialty. Unpredictability was what got me through tough times back home and so far, it hasn’t failed me.” I respond. “Good Answer,” He said as the sword returned to where it came from. We soon arrive back at the castle. “How’s your standing with Celestia anyway?” "We're good friends, and I've helped her with Day Court but when you arrived I had left Day Court because there was a particularly bad Pegasus who just really pissed me off. Duchess Ruby, a bitch with a major pegasi superiority complex. Gave me a headache." I explained. “Superiority complex,” I nodded. “I hate ones like that. But it’s good to know you’re friends with the Celestia here but keep in mind that the devil was once an angel my friend. I know she’s friendly but Celestia has her fair share of secrets too.” We wandered around the halls. “This place is similar to my own but there are major differences in it. What do we do now? This is your world so I’m not about to muscle in on anything.” "Oh I know, actually I was there when Luna was freed from Nightmare Moon. Apparently, they made a mural of me with the Main Six fighting Nightmare." I told him. “Mmm…” Edward stayed silent. He was giving off an air of resentment. “I was still in stone when Tia sealed Luna on the moon. Half insane too. I had to watch her slowly circum to her darkness then watch her while she was on the moon. Sealed away by someone I thought was a friend by alchemagic that I taught to them.” He said with an insane looking smile as he grasped his face. "..." I stayed silent before looking at him. "Well… You're not in stone anymore nor are you alone now, are you? Just focus on the better memories, and the present, not the past." I place my hand on his shoulder. “Right,” he said taking in a deep breath and straightening himself up. “I’ll let you lead the way. Oh, I know. Can we go see Mavis and Zeref? Maybe meet up with your kid, girl, and dragon fellow from earlier?” "Well, you'll actually be surprised to find that Gilda and her daughter are currently staying at our place." I then remember something. "Oh, also," I pull out my wallet. "Watch this!" I opened my wallet and reached my arm down to the elbow inside it. "Wallet dimension!" I joke. "Anyway, it's almost time for… lunch I believe, and I'm cooking, so what'd you like?" I ask putting my wallet away. “Surprise me, food is actually more of a luxury for me than a necessity due to my body. And nice to know Gilda has a kid here too. She has a son around seven in my world,” Edward followed me. “And the wallet dimension is a new one for me too. I usually put my stuff in my endless carry bag. My weapons are stored in my Gate of Aries or their own separate dimensions with the exception of my lightsaber.” "Well, believe it or not, the wallet was a courtesy of The Merchant. The guy who sent both of us here." I tell him. "So was my house and several of my clothes. For a void dweller he's kinda nice. Well, for someone who sends someone most of the time against their will to a different universe.” “You got one of the nice ones then,” he remarked. “Originally I could care less about the merchants but I’m glad I was sent to Eques. Never would met Faust, her husband, or Celestia and Luna. Never would’ve had my twins if it wasn’t for them. Just be wary of them. Some are nice enough but there's a time when they’ll stop giving you stuff. Usually, it’s when they see you more than will off in your world.” “That time’s probably already passed, but hey… Least he gave me a loaded fridge.” I point out while shrugging. “How about we get your crew and head to your house for BBQ,” he commented. “I’ll take care of getting us there. Sound good to you?” “I’m good with that.” I tell him before getting dead serious. “But I’m cooking.” I threaten. “I’m a mage, Sage! Scientist doctor etc. But one thing I don’t do is step in someone else’s kitchen. Especially when it’s a man cooking for his friends,” he chuckled. “Trust me, Zebras teach you this the hard way.” “Oh, I don’t mean it like that, I’m warning you to not even go close to the kitchen while I’m cooking, because I go full Gordon Ramsey, and I roast the ass off of anyone who messes with my cooking. And if you mess up my cooking, then not even all that magical BS you got will save you from my wrath.” I tell him while piercing his soul with my chef gaze. “Never shoot that gaze at a Louisiana man. We know cooking!” He said give back me stare tenfold. “Well good to know, because I’ve only been to the Americas once! And that time I went to a convention when I got Displaced, cause I’m Japanese, BOI!!!” I shoot back intensifying my stare even greater. Edward and I merely stood there and continue to stare at each other. Neither one of us was going to cave to other’s gaze but if were an actually contest than I probably could’ve held out until the end of the day. Then from around the corner came Serena, Luna, and Zirconis roused the corner down the hall. "Where were you two?!" Luna yelled at me, galloping over to check if I was hurt. She then noticed my now metal left arm. "Quill!!" She gasped. "Your arm! What did you do?!?!?!!!" She screamed at Edward. “Back off there princess,” Edward held his own metal hand up to Luna’s face. “I did nothing but open his portal. It was Quill that made the payment for the knowledge and power of alchemy to Truth with his left arm. I merely created a simple draconic themed prosthetic to replace it for the time being. The man knew what he was doing and asking for.” Luna began to light her horn. “Go ahead and blast me if it makes you feel better but know you can’t kill me or even come close to me in terms of power little pony!” Edward shrugged. Luna blast the man straight in the chest. We waited to see what was left once the dust cleared and stand there with a hole straight through him was Edward. Red lightning cackled and his wound quickly closed up. “Like I said you can’t kill me.. Even your midnight form would be enough to keep up with me. Heck even Celestia can’t keep up with me anymore.. He chuckled. “Who’s hungry?” I place my hand on Luna’s neck and run my fingers through her mane. She looks up at me with worried eyes and I lightly press my lips against her forehead. “Don’t worry Luna. What he’s saying is true, I did give up my left arm so I could learn Alchemy, but it was to better protect you and the rest of my family. Being brought to Equestria I had lost a family, but by meeting you I gained a new one.” I tell her calming her down. “C’mon let’s go, I’m hungry and I’m cooking.” Stealthily gives Edward the Japanese chef glare. “Enough with the staring already, geez,” Edward remarked as he fixed his clothes. “I already said I don’t mess around In another man’s kitchen. He snapped and we teleported to the main square of Ponyville. “I got us all to town you lead the way to your house.“ I stop my stare and smile. "Right, follow me," I say while leading them through the town. I led them down the main path to a path that led to my house, a secluded place where nothing could harm us. And once we reached the front of my home I stopped and looked at it happily. "Here we are. My home." I told them. “Quaint,” Edward said as he admired my house. “Reminds me of the house I built in Everfree when I first got back to Equestria from my travels around Eques.” “Well, actually this house is exactly like the one I lived in, on Earth before becoming a Displaced. This is a gift from The Merchant, and he got it down to the last detail, plus it can restore itself. Like auto repair.” I explained, before walking up and opening the front door. “Zeref! Mavis! We’re home!” I yelled into the house. Then I hear heavy and fast footsteps getting louder and closer when sliding out of the hall is Mavis. She looks at me dead in the eyes. “Oh shit…” I brace myself. “You all might want to make a path.” I tell the others behind me, and they move to one side, out of the way. I hold a thumbs up and then I’m flying out of the house being tackled by my adopted little sister. “QUILL!!!! YOU’RE OKAY!!!!” She screams hugging me tightly, as I lay flat on the ground, the wind knocked out of me. “Yeah, Mavis… I’m fine…” I wheeze trying to regain my breath. “Did you have any cookies while I was gone?” I ask looking at her. She then blushed in embarrassment. “I had maybe one, or two.” She mumbled. “She had seventy-two, exactly. She was stress eating.” Zeref told me while standing in the door frame. “Good to see your okay Quill.” He smiles. “The infamous duo of good and evil of Fairy Tail,” I hear Edward chuckle. “I see that you both no longer have your immortality. I wonder what caused that?” “Actually, they do still have their immortality, it’s just their Ahnkseram death curse was destroyed. And by none other than the Goddess of Death herself. She’s also the one who sent Serena here and turned him into a child.” I told him while getting back up and dusting myself off. “From the way she just tackled you I’d say she’s on one hell of a sugar rush or she has a crush on you,” Edward teased causing to go red in the face. “I DON’T HAVE A CRUSH ON QUILL!” She yelled at the alchemist in anger. “Not when I’ve got Zeref.” “Defensive for a half-pint ain’t she,” Edward chuckled. “And I find it odd how neither of you have asked me who I am or how I got here.” “Yeah, I just figured that you got here through some weird-ass magic BS.” Zeref says. “After being here less than a week, and knowing the pony Pinkie Pie, I honestly don’t question the weird shit that happens in Equestria.” He chuckles loosely. “Oh I like him,” Edward pointed at Zeref. “Any ways it’s nice to meet you both. My names Edward Elric the Full Metal alchemist. I’m a Displaced similar to Quill. I was sent to another version of Equestria over fifteen thousand years ago, but seeing as how time really his no meaning for the Displaced outside their native worlds so you can just write that last part off.” “Did you break the fourth wall just now? Or am I just imagining that?” Quill mumbles. “Anyway, if you’re wondering what a Displaced is, we’re basically an infinite amount of people who go to a convention, and buy something from this Void Dweller called The Merchant, and whoever the person is dressed up as or whose stuff they buy, they’re sent to a different world, or alternate version of Equestria and become that character. In my case, I was originally Acnologia, but my Humanity was reincarnated on Earth and I bought Acnologia’s necklace from him and was sent here. You all know the rest.” I summarize explain it to Zeref and Mavis. “Should’ve figured. But that is interesting though. Eh, weirder things have happened.” Zeref shrugs. He then notices my left arm. “And I’m guessing you had a part in Quill’s left arm?” He asked Edward. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it to get more power to better protect us.” He grumbled. “I merely opened the door for him,” Edward shrugged. “But you’re pretty much spot on. He’s got a pretty decent head on his shoulders and a good handle on his alchemy but not quite good enough to start the next phase of his training.” "Well, hey… you can blame Tyrrios for what happened back in the crater." I point out to Edward. "But yeah. Though I'd like to spark with you sometime. No magic, and no alchemy. Just hand to hand." I grin. “Mmhmmm…” Edward smirked. “I wouldn’t mind but we’ll have to go somewhere we could really cut loose. First, we need to eat though.” “My thoughts exactly.” I smile wide. I walk into the house and out the back porch, finding a grill. I didn’t know it was there becasue the last time I was out here it was pitch-black. I lift it up with my left arm and walk back out to the front, setting it down and calling for Gilda. “Hey, Gilda! I’m back and I’m making BBQ!” I call to the Griffoness. “Be right down! Just need to get Mali up!” She calls back. Several seconds later, and Gilda along with a tired Mali in her arms, walk down the stairs. “Hey, Mali. Nice to see you under better circumstances. How are you doing? How’s your neck?” I ask bending over to meet Mali’s eyes. “I-I’m doing better, and my neck still feels sore. Mr. Zeref says I shouldn’t talk too much.” Mali shyly responds, hiding her head bashfully in her mother’s feathers. “That’s good. How’s Rainbow Dash?” I ask Gilda standing back up. “She’s still unconscious, Zeref says she’ll be asleep for a few more days, but she’s getting better.” She tells me. “But I heard something about you cooking, and from what I hear Zeref and Mavis telling me about you, you’re one hell of a cook.” She grins, and we walk out of the house. “How bad a Rainbows injuries?” Edward asked in curious tone. “I may be able to help if you want.” “It’s fairly bad. Her wing was dislocated in several spots but thanks to Zirconis they were healed. Though she has a fever that just keeps getting worse. It’s not a magical illness though, it’s more like -,” Zeref explains before I cut him off. “Pestilence?” I ask. Zeref nods. “Seems our Pestilence theory might be right Edward.” I cross my arms in front of my chest. “Good thing I’m a scientist before a magician. If this a draconic illness we may have a big problem on our hands Quill,” Edward looked at me in the eyes. “I might not be able to treat her here. I can create lab equipment but I can only do it a piece at a time and even then if I want a new piece I can just make it on the fly if I’m in the middle of a procedure. Again if this is a draconic illness it could spread quickly if Dash isn’t treated right away. I know dragons usually stay away from ponies in most Equestrias but if this illness is easily transferred from dragon to pony so quickly, it could really be a big problem. There is Spike and his a dragon so if the virus needs a host to stay a live it’d be a safe bet he’d easily be infected but it doesn’t some that the illness is deadly to dragons. I wonder why?” He stroked his chin. “Likely because this illness is different. If it’s not magical, then it’s probably something I’m more familiar with. Back on Earth, I used to be a Doctor, and in Fiore so was Acnologia. I could take a look, but I’d need a second opinion. Care to help Edward?” I look at him. “Sure,” Edward nodded. “If there is any more medical treatment to her body that needs to be fixed I can use alchestry to heal the wounds.” “Let’s go up.” I gesture for him to follow me. Edward and I walk up the stairs and into the guest bedroom where an unconscious Rainbow Dash laid sweating heavily in the bed, tossing and turning. I walk over and check her temperature first. She was burning up rapidly, and my eyes widen as the temperature of the room was zero degrees fahrenheit. I look back to Edward and motion for him to check her pulse. “This is close to an illness I’ve seen in Fiore during my time as a doctor. But I was the only doctor who knew about it, because it only happened once. This is husk virus. I don’t know the full details but Acnologia tells me the Husk Virus does exactly what the name says. It tries and takes over the host through their blood, effectively turning them into an emotionless husk of their former self. Though the last known case was during the Dragon Civil War. I’d have to freeze the virus itself and remove it, but it takes a while for the virus to take full effect. However, your Alchemy could help kill the virus. But… I don’t know if this virus had begun to root itself or not. If it has then we have a bad time ahead of us, if not, we could safely remove it with minimal damage.” I explain going into my ‘Doctor’ mode. “Move over,” Edward pushed me out of the way and put one hand on Dash’s forehead and the other on her chest. His fingertips began to glow as he closed his eyes. “Mmm, mmhmm… ahh no this needs to be fixed. The virus is still in its larval stage but is developing rapidly, I’ll need my. Nanites for this operation. It’s the only way to safely purge the virus from her body without damaging it any further. She took one hell of a hit from that bastard dragon. There were still multiple fractures throughout her entire body. I’ve taken care of them but it would be best if you keep her grounded for at least a week after she wakes up.” He pulled his hands back and I noticed the same strings from earlier that he’d used to pull off a piece of my void energy. “What do you want to do Quill?” "Well as you said, it'd be safer to use your nanites so I'll try to freeze the virus in time but you'll have to hurry, my magic is drained from fending off Tyrrios." I tell him holding my arms out and letting my time magic freeze Rainbow. "Now I know what that seal on Tyrrios was. Most times this virus doesn't affect Fioren dragons but in very rare cases, it causes them to mutate and go on a rampage. I've had the displeasure of facing multiple victims of this virus. But it only once affected a human. What I want to know is how Tyrrios became a carrier to this virus." I ramble on. “I can’t tell you that Quill. I’ve never encountered this virus till now,” Edward said as he popped his mechanical arm open and pulls out a large syringe with what looked like glowing rainbow metallic slime. “These are harmony nanites that I developed with my master and my brother during the Cybertron Equestrian War. Long story shirt these little guys have harmony magic infused to their very structure,” he explained as he injected the machines into Rainbow Dash’s fore leg. “They’ll stay in her system fighting of the infection if we can’t nip it all but if we do I’ll ask her if she wants them removed after she wakes up.” "Okay, if you're right, which you probably are, the nanites will help attack and locate the virus. And I can understand the Alchemy, but now you're telling me that you've got fucking Cybertronians in your world? Jeez. If anything the secondary theme I'll get here would be… Have you heard of the game called Warframe?" I ask. “Warframe?” Edward tapped his chin. “Yea I’ve heard of it. It was a shooter game that came out earlier in the year that I was Displaced. I never played it as I don’t care for shooters.” He shrugged. “But back to your comment. I don’t have Cybertronians in my world. It was a war I was summoned into. That’s where I met my master and gained some of my powers and technology.” He suddenly got a huge smirk on his face. “That was a fun one. I remember making Shining Armor piss and shit all over the floor just from sheer terror.” "Oh I wish I was there to see that. But I did scare the shit out of Blue Blood for waking me up." I tell him. "Also, I kicked Tyrrios right in the genitals when we fought. His face was hilarious to look at." I joke. We noticed that Rainbow was starting to stir. “Your up dude. She’s your patient and friend. I simply an aid.” Edward pointed to the cyan Pegasus. "Ugh, what the hay? What happened?" Rainbow rubbed her head with her hoof and she looked around to see me. "Quill? Where am I?" She asked. "Rainbow, what's the last thing you remember? I ask her. "I remember, going off to find Gilda but finding two dragons, one was trying to attack her. Is she okay!?" Rainbow yelled. "She's fine Rainbow, but you were injured severely and me and my friend Edward had to remove a virus that would've likely killed you. You're okay now, but you'll have to stay grounded for at least a week." I explain. "Grounded? For a week? That sucks!" She complains. "Sorry, but Doctor's orders," I tell her. "Don't make me get Twilight on your ass." I threatened. “Your incredibly lucky that one of the dragons that attacked you felt sorry for you and shielded you from the one who infected your butt,” Edward added as he leaned against the wall. “Why do all Dashes have to be thick headed.” He murmured. “And I highly recommend you not fly at all and stay with one of your friends Rainbow Dash. I fixed your fractures for the most part but your skeletal structure is pretty much glass at this point.” “Hey! I’m not that thick-headed.” She argued. “O Really? Then why did you accuse Zeref and Mavis of being spies the first time you met them?” I asked. “How do you know about that?!” She screamed. “... I didn’t until you just told me right now.” I tell her smugly. “But in all seriousness, you need to stay grounded. If you try to fly right now, it could shatter your nervous system, and you’d never be able to fly, walk or do anything else again. That virus did some serious damage to your bones.” I inform her, seeing her pale at the knowledge that she could never move again. “For now I suggest you stay in bed and rest. The nanites Edward injected into you to stop the virus are still working away at it. Just rest and let them do their work, okay?” I ask placing my hand on her shoulder. “Alright.” She huffs. “I’ll stay here for the time being.” She tells me. “Good. C’mon let’s get something to eat.” I tell her, helping her get out of the bed. As Edward, Rainbow and myself walked downstairs, and outside, we’re met with Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie and Spike talking with Luna and the others all with worried faces. When Spike notices us, he runs over to Rainbow and hugged her tightly. “Rainbow! You’re okay! We were so worried about you!” Spike yells getting the other’s attention. They all slowly rush over and check to see if Rainbow really was alright. I explain to them what had happened and when they heard the part about the virus they all gaped with shock and Spike paled and clung tightly to Twilight’s foreleg in fear. “Don’t worry, Edward had a way to destroy the virus, but Rainbow’s skeletal structure was heavily damaged. She won’t be flying for at least a week, if not more.” I tell them. “You guys need to keep an eye on her to keep her from even hovering. My machines will repair what they can but she’ll have to heal on her own too,” Edward commented causing everypony in the room to turn and stare at him. “Hello, names Edward Elric the Full Metal Alchemist.” He walked out of the room. “I’ll be on the couch.” He waved. I gave out a sigh before looking at the Mane Six, who were staring shocked at my left arm. “Hmm? Oh, you’re confused about my arm. Well, I gave it up in order to learn Alchemy, so I could better protect you all from what might come. This virus might be one of several events that could lead to an extinction event or another Dragon Civil War, but unlike in Fiore, this one could be against the Equestrian Dragons. But that’s just me being paranoid. Let’s eat.” I tell them while getting the food on the grill and beginning to cook it. “Hey! Edward! If you want some food, you’d better come get it!” I chuckle. “If not then I’ll have your portion!” I taunt. “What are you screaming about I was second in line right after the Pinkiepedo,” He chewed as he points to Pinkie Pie. “I never question how she pulls half the crap she does but you still have to wonder some,” Pinkie was about to speak up. “And if you say shortcuts then I won’t give a cupcake from my Pinkie,” She quickly went back to stuffing her face. “Any pony else have a question for the guy in red while he feels like answering them?” “I have one.” Rarity says. “Who makes your clothes? The stitching looked well made! And sturdy.” She praises. “I make all my clothing myself,” Edward said proudly. “But it’s not made from your everyday thread but gemstone fabric to enhance my elements magic. Originally, I only used it in my and my wife and partner’s armors but as the years went on there was less need for armor as there were fewer wars and battles so I upgrade it a thread form and woven the gems into threads and further into clothes. Only a select few individuals outside my family have a set of these clothes.” He explained then turned to Applejack. “Now the orange pony with the stetson on her head and apples on her butt.” “Okay, I for one want to know exactly who you are. You say yer’ name is Edward Elric, and there is some truth to that, but there’s also something more yer’ not telling us.” She accuses. “What are you hiding?” She narrows her eyes. “Only if Quill is okay with telling you girls the truth will I say it,” He crossed his arms in defiance. “Fucking fine, you dick. Okay, so you know the multiverse theory?” I ask to which most of the girls nod. “Well the multiverse is a real thing, and I’m from a different world called Earth, but before that, I was the real Acnologia in Fiore but I was reincarnated on Earth when I bought this necklace from someone called The Merchant and I was sent here, and you know the rest.” I look back at Edward. “Good enough?” I ask, letting out an annoyed sigh. “I never said you had to do it I just said I needed your permission is what I said,” Edward waved his finger in the air. “Like Quill said the multiverse is a thing. I’m basically the same as he is. We’re what you call a Dimensionally Misplaced or Displaced for short. We send out what are called token into the Void to be found by others like us. Quill summoned me here when I was on my way home. Next is the bookworm pony that can destroy a mountain with a single blast if she really wanted to,” He pointed at Twilight. “Well, I want to know what your world is like.” She asked excitedly, her magic holding a notepad and a quill to write with. “Not much difference from this one actually,” He shrugged. “I mean, I’m married to Luna and we have two of the cutest twins under the sky. We call them our Twin stars,” He gushed. “Celestia is my partner right after Luna. Oh, we do allow the practice of dark magic in my world. Faust is a Harmony Ninetails. My Twilight in my alchemy apprentice and she’s dating my descendent slash former personal guard Polearm.” He took a breath. “They’re raising the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon, an alicorn filly by the name of Nyx who is as cute as pie. And I have creatures called pokemon in my world. Not to mention I whipped Blueblood into shape from a sack of mush and priss into the next Guard captain right after Shining Armor. Anything else?” “I have one,” I tell him. “What’s your real name? The one you had before becoming Edward, and when you were Displaced.” I ask. “Getting kind of personal there Quill,” Edward stood up. “If I tell you depends on your answer. Why do you want to know and why should I tell you?” “Because I’m hiding a personal secret too,” I tell him. “My older brother went missing at a BlizzCon a long time ago and I was wondering if you’ve heard his name.” I respond. “We’re not really brothers, but he did have a hand in taking care of me when my parents died. His friends who I consider brothers too also disappeared at different times and I’m worried about them.” I explain. “Sounds like a gamer type Displaced,” He rubbed his chin. “There was a Reinhardt I looked in on using my Rinnegan not too long ago. That could be him. He’s not too old of a Displaced based off his worlds Void Signature. If he finds my token and he is your brother then you can use the watches to video chat with each other. It’s what I do with my family. I spent some time in my long lost little brother’s world not too long ago after he summoned me before I came here. But to answer your question, my old name was Allen Ferris I was Displaced in August 2013 at my home town local Comic-Con be the Name of Geek Con. Sorry, but I’ve probably never come across your older brother or his friends.” he sat back down and continued eats. “Next question.” “Well, just letting you know, my brother’s name is William Lancer, but I was Displaced November 2019.” I tell him. ‘I was right. He is The Golden Eyed Sage.’ I think looking at Edward “I have one more. This other Fioren mage you met. What’s their name? And what’s their token? If I find it I’d love to meet them.” I tell him. He reached into his satchel and pulled out a crystal pendant with the Fairy Tail emblem on it. “Her name is Alexandria Justine, Faekage of the Fairy Tail Equestrian Branch. She goes by Lex.” He pulled out a picture with several colorful characters in it, several I can guess are Displaced. “My extended family. The Levy Displaced with the gold streaks in her hair is Lex.” “... I’m gonna go ahead and guess that if she met me, she might try and attack me because I look exactly like the main villain of the Fairy Tail anime who just so happened to murder almost all of the Fioren Dragons.” I say looking at the image. “Hmm… as long as your creed is descriptive enough or you some her then I don’t see why she would. You can also call her via the watch,” he pointed to the token in my pocket. “That thing also acts as a small item delivery system as long as the item is no bigger than a broadsword.” “Damn, so your token essentially acts as a phone in the form of a watch.” I summarize. “All my token is, is a necklace. Plus my creed does say that I’d kill anyone who summons me for evil. So, I might be okay if I met her, though I’m not taking any chances, if I get summoned there by her, then I’m bringing Mavis and Zeref with me. I don’t want to be dying yet.” I tell him. “By the way,” I say taking off my necklace. “Here,” I say tossing Edward my token, and another necklace reforms around my neck. “There’s my token.” “Thanks,” He places it in his bag. “I’ll put it on my wall with the rest of my tokens once I get back home. Right next to my Hyperbolic Chamber in my lab.” he cracked his neck and stood up again. “Good lunch break,” he pulled out his own watch and popped it open. “Luna,” he said into the watch. The arms began to spin wildly and then a holographic display appeared coming from the face of the watch. On the screen, I saw a human woman with a dark blue horn and wings with astral midnight hair. “Edward where are you? Its been at least a week since you were summoned,” She squinted at Edward who reluctantly scratcher his head. “I got lost the first time then summoned by my little brother and lost again and then just as I made it back was summoned yet again. But enough of that, how are my little ones?” “They’re asleep, Tia and I just put them down for the night,” Luna huffed. She then noticed the other Luna. “Full ponies this time. Hurry with your business there, please. The classes are extremely hard to teach and the court is backing up. I never realized how much we relied on your clones. Do be careful and please hurry.” “Will do Luna,” He smiled. “Tell Tia I love her. Give the twins a kiss good night and tell Faust if she’d been in my Dragon Ale I’ll bury her again.” She smirked and waved goodbye and then Edward closed his watch. He turned to see everyone staring at him. “What?” “At least I know how the watch works now,” I mumbled. “Dude? Really? You called your wife in the middle of lunch?” Rainbow asked trying to suppress her laughter. “Well excuse me for loving my wife and wanting to touch base with her. And you should try teaching a Dark Magic School, help run a nation, and raise two foals all at the same time,” He scowled at the pegasus who shrank back a bit in her seat. “All of you really have no idea how hard your Princesses’ jobs are. I know you’ve, faced a trial but still try and put yourselves in their shoes. Poor Luna has been back barely a week and she’s already mastered current speech which is a record if you ask me. Then she nearly loses Quill. You ponies can be really incentive at the best moments ya know.” “Well, I can imagine your pain buddy. I’m a teacher at Cheerilie’s school and I teach Fioren Magical Theory, and P.E. Plus I’ve got Mavis to take care of, and she’s a hell of a handful to deal with. Especially after she ate an entire jar of cookies, when I said she could only have one.” I told him looking at Mavis who blushed in embarrassment. “On top of that, I still have to raise Serena, and look after my friends and family, which trust me, in this Universe, is much harder than you’d think. For one, the Husk Virus, two Fairy Tail characters are appearing from Fiore, and who knows, maybe Fiore itself will appear next? That’ll be fun, especially when Natsu, and Gajeel try and beat the shit out of me.” I rant. “Anyway, I’m done eating and I’m pretty sure I saw some Badlands past the Everfree, so we could brawl there.” I smile. “Should we have an audience?” I ask him. “I don’t mind an audience but I have a better place if you don’t mind?” Edward smirked as he placed his metal arm on the table and leaned in. The girls drew back a bit at the site of this. “I’m down,” I responded with a devilish smile. “Where do you have in mind?” I ask cracking my non-metal hand’s knuckles. “Oh and by the way, no weapons, magic, or alchemy. Just a good ol’ fashion hand to hand battle.” I tell him. “Fine with me and,” He smirked and snapped his fingers and then there was a loud crash that came from outside. “What audience members did you want to bring along beside everyone present here?” He asked as he bade us to follow him out the front door. “How about the ones present, along with Celestia, Cadence and Shinning?” I ask. “They wouldn’t want to miss a good show. Plus… It’d be good for me to finally let my beast loose. I haven’t let him out for a while. And he’s itching for a fight.” I say while I loosen my muscles. “Good good,” Edward remarked as we came onto the front lawn. The was a huge marble gate with double doors on my lawn. He snapped again and Celestia, Cadance and Shining Armor appeared next to us. The merely stared at everyone. “We’re going on a trip to my world. That way you don’t have to worry about clean up, I get to go home, and I don’t have to worry about destroying anything here. Sound good to you guys?” “I’m fine with this,” I say before whispering. “Plus it brings me one step closer to getting Zeref, Mavis, Serena and Zirconis weapons of their own.” I chuckle. “And hey, technically I’m being summoned through this too.” I point out. “Oh, and when you said “We’re going on a trip,” My mind immediately went to, We’re goin’ on a trip in our favorite rocket ship!” I sing before laughing. “Let me correct you and something Quill. You’re not being summoned but traveling to my world,” Edward explained. “The difference being that you’re not under any form of contract like when summoned. So I can’t send you back by saying “Our Business is done..” You can stay in my world as long as you like and with my new barrier up I don’t have to worry about void contamination either. I can still send you back whenever I feel like it but that’s just me,” He shrugged. “Fair point.” I shrug back. “Let’s go then. I’m itchin’ for a fight.” I smirk, and approach the gate. “Let’s go,” he motioned to the gate. The gate opened to reveal a large black emptiness. The ponies were all shaking at the empty space. “Might want to give them a push Quill. See you on the other side.” he jumped into the portal without a second thought. I roll my eyes and I look back to the others. “C’mon guys, let’s go!” I exclaim causing all of them to smile at my eagerness. They all begin to walk into the gate. Altogether, as a family. I come out to see a vast spacious room. I looked around and saw that there was a lot of different equipment and various glasses containing odd liquids. I turned to see a wall completely covered in various items. I could only guess that this was the wall of tokens Edward had spoken of earlier. My eye then came to rest on an hourglass-shaped door and a smaller wooden door next to it. “Took ya long enough,” Edward said from a table he’d been sitting at. “Anyways, welcome to my world and more specifically, my lab. And there’s the rest of them,” he said as the rest of my friends come out of a similar marble gate to the one we had passed through to get here. Suddenly a couple of others came through a door on the other side of the room. One I recognized as Luna from the earlier call and the other must have been Celestia. They were followed by a rainbow Ninetails and humanized versions of everyone one else. “Well… This is very spacious.” I mumble to myself. “Anyway, nice to meet you all. Name’s Acnori Quill, The Time Dragon Slayer.” I say while giving a polite bow. “And the ponies you see behind me, are my world’s Mane Six, Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Cadence, and Spike. The three humans here are Zeref Dragneel, Mavis Vermillion, and my son Serena Acnori. The Jade Dragon right there is Zirconis.” I introduce. “It’s nice to meet all of you,” Celestia said first. “Lovely to see you all again,” said as she turned to Edward. “Hello everyone,” the ninetails waved a paw in the air. “Nice to meet you all my names Faust.” After Luna was done talking with Edward we all sat down in the nearest set of chairs. “Questions, anyone,” Edward asked as he looked around. “I just have one,” I say raising my hand. “Where’s the arena?” I ask with a chuckle. “We’ll be using the Time Chamber as not to cause a panic amongst my citizens,” he pointed at the hourglass-shaped door. “After my fight with Shining Armor I’d rather not endanger the lives of my people and the chamber is its own pocket dimension with protective wards around the living space. Another upside is no clean up after the fight is over.” “Well, least there’s that,” I say. “Well, anyways. Want to get to the fight?” I ask smiling. Edward stood up and walked over to the time chamber door and opened it. “Ladies first,” he motioned to his royals and the ponies. We entered the room and it looked like the Time Chamber of Dragonball Z but with more modern comforts. “There’s even a massive outdoor bath down the hallway,” Celestia added as everyone entered the space. “Yes but the area for Quill and our knucklehead of a lover is in front of us,” Luna rolled her eyes as she pointed out the expanse of utter white in front of the group. “I can set it a specific environment if you want Quill,” Edward added. "Hmm… how about the middle of a canyon? I've always preferred the canyon setting. You know the Saitama vs Genos battle right? I'd like that type of battle plain," I request. “How about we go with that very same spot then,” Edward smiled as a holographic display popped up in front of him. He started to type on the keyboard. Then the white space changed to match the canyon from One Punch Man. “Will this work for you?” "Definitely," I respond, walking out into the middle of the canyon. "Where should the others sit while watching us?" I ask. “I recommend that they stay with us up here in the living quarters,” Edward’s Celestia motioned to an open area. She then floated several cushions for the ponies and chairs for the humans. “If things go how they normally do then this is the safest spot for them to remain without threat of any form of… injury.” “I agree wholeheartedly sister,” Edward’s Luna nodded. “But we leave the final decision up to you. It’s your choice.” She turned to my friends. I look at them for a second before my Luna trots over to me. She pecks me on the cheek before flying back over to the others. “Be safe, and don’t get yourself killed.” She tells me. “Well,” I smile. “It’s as you say, they’d be safer in the living quarters, and on top of that, it’d be a hell of a lot safer for my Rainbow Dash. She’s still recovering and she needs to stay safe. But would they be able to watch the battle?” I ask while looking towards my family. “Fairy Sphere could barely contain a fight between me and Lex’s Celestia in her solar form last time I had a real fight,” Edward explained. “And I wasn’t even nearly as powerful then as I am now. Even if this fight is just brute strength this time I'm with Tia. Everyone needs to stay up here,” he said firmly as he pointed to the living area. “But I can help with the viewing issue.” More holo-displays popped up and a silver liquid came from Edward and formed into many spheroid floating cameras. “There, now I have no more nanites in my body and they have access to a full 1080 dredged view of the field. Work for you?” “As long as they’re safe, I’m fine with it,” I answer. “After all,” I hold up my left arm. “I gave this up to keep them safe.” I tighten my metal hand into a fist. My world’s Mane Six, Spike, Princesses, Shining, and Fioren people leave with Edward’s group to the main area of the chamber, I turned around to face Edward. I look at him with a devilish smile. “Ready to fight?” I ask. “That’s why we’re here,” he shrugged with a smirk. “Meet ya at the bottom.” Edward jumped backward off the edge down into the bottom of the canyon on the other side opposite me. “You’ll need to speed up Dragon Slayer.” I chuckle and step off the ledge of the canyon and drop down into it. Wind whips by my face and my cloak flaps rapidly from the speed. I then land with my metal knuckle to the ground and on my knees in an epic pose, creating a crater beneath me. “Let’s do this.” I smile. “Let’s,” Edward threw off his red coat and upper jacket to fully reveal his prosthetic arm. “Seal of Sin; Pride! Release!” His shadow immediately expanded behind and grew multiple eyes and a mouth with jagged teeth. “Well that’s cool, but ‘Seal of Sin’? You telling me you’ve got the seven deadly sins in you? That is terrifying and awesome at the same exact time.” I said. “Not exactly the seven deadly sins,” he shrugged. “Just a seal on the powers that’s representative of the seven homunculi from the Fullmetal series,” he said. “Heads up,” he launched himself forward at me. I expected him to try and hit my with metal arm and went to counter but he instead used his left, “Time ten nail punch!” He said as his punch connected. I was sent back aways but then I was hit again and again. Ten times in total while Edward never left his spot from where he first landed his blow. “Okay, that sucked,” I said spitting out a clump of dirt. “Why is it that dirt always gets in my mouth?” I mumble before standing back up and speeding to fight Edward. I launch my right fist at him, and as he goes to block and counter it, I grab his arm and throw him into the side of the canyon, and push him deeper into the ground with a spartan kick, causing spider web cracks to crawl from the impact. He walked out and cracked his neck and then his knuckles with a smirk. He ran around me from side to side leaving afterimages in various spots on the field. Suddenly they all converged on me but instead of images they were all solid hits all across my body. “Here’s a move you might know! Machine Gun Blows!” A tempest of punches hit the front of my body and sent me flying back into the wall of the canyon sending a fissure straight to the top. “Your gonna have to take this seriously Quill or you’re gonna die.” “Hehehe… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” I laugh while in the crevasse I was embedded in. “Oh, this what I remember!!!” I yell at him as my adrenaline rises rapidly and my vision goes gold. My eyes begin to burn with golden light and with an inconceivable amount of speed, I stop right in front of Edward, surprising him. He goes to hit me but his fist phases right through me and I stop next to his metal arm, and I send my fist into his side, causing him to go straight into the canyon side causing a shockwave to destroy some of the canyon side. I launch back at him and grab his face. After grabbing him I throw him into the sky, and I leaped after him. Wearing a smile all the while. “Yes!” Edward smiles back at me. “Now we’re having fun! Seals of Sin, full release!” He cries out and I feel the massive waves of power coming from him. He quickly corrects himself and kicks off the air and rockets at me. He and I exchange blow after blow and then land on either side of the gorge and then turn and take off in the air once more. In a flurry of blows and kicks we go at each other landing opposite and then taking off again. I charge right at him, but jump over him and send my heel into his left side with great force, throwing him into the ground, tumbling away and kicking up a mass amount of dust. “Oh my,” he got up. “Fancy footwork,” he said dusting off his pants. “Speed isn’t an issue but do you think you can keep up if I transform?” “Fight or flight. In my case, I’ll fight. So, go ahead and transform. I’ll take anything you throw at me and return it twice as strong!” I yelled at him. My adrenaline began to skyrocket causing cracks in the ground to form and a crater was spacing around me. My eyes burning brighter with golden energy and my tattoos burning with the same golden energy. “Very well,” Edward said coldly. His shadow then enveloped him and red lightning began to surge from the cocoon. The air around me became thick with some form of red miasma that was coming from the pod. Soon arms sprang from the cocoon and started to tear apart the shell. Before me, stood a demon and then he screamed. He then looked at me and vanished. I then heard from behind me a growl and felt a sharp pain on my cheek. He tried to go for my head and barely missed landing a pretty good gash on my cheek. He held his clawed hand up and looked at it then flung it out to the side throwing the blood off it and then turn to face me again. I leapt back in momentary surprise before a sickening scrape of bones against bones emitted from me. I smiled as scales grew up my right arm and began to eat away at my torso finally ending the feast and resting upon my face. I felt more powerful than I ever had. I looked at my body and saw that I looked more draconic. I then looked at the now demonic Edward and bellowed my own roar. “Getting caught up in the moment there Quill,” Edward gargles. “Let’s go!” We took off again and started to exchange blows. I was barely able to keep up with new form of his but I knew he was still holding back on me. “Skill; Mars Bane!” His arms glowed as he knocked his fists together. “Ten times Nail Punch!” He landed the blow into my gut and sent me fly back but instead of a ten hit combo like before I felt a total of twenty in my stomach. I was left coughing up a spew of blood. I look at him for a few seconds before blinking my eyes. “Oh… Shit.” I say before smiling. “The last person to ever make me bleed in a fight was my brother, but that was only because he was training me in combat,” I tell Edward. “This is getting exciting!!!” I say as my voice deepens into a bellowing roar. Charging at Edward I throw and land a punch straight into his stomach causing him to spit out a bunch of crimson blood that landed onto the ground. He slid back on the ground a few feet away from me. We looked at each other and in the moment we laughed a bit. “Damn, you weren’t lying when you said you were strong as hell!” I laughed panting and spitting the blood out of my mouth. “You got a pretty good right hook yourself, kid,” He chuckled as red electricity sparked from his body and the blood he’d spat up turned to ash. “All better now,” he moved his shoulder in a circular motion. “But the kid gloves are off now,” his arms glowed again. Suddenly he vanished again and that’s when I felt punches landing on opposite sides of my body. His left fist hit my face and his right hit my lower back. “Mars Bane Dual Twenty times Nail Punches.” A consecutive of eighty blows worth of damage was dealt to me and then Edward grabbed me by the face and held me up as he had an evil smirk on his maw. He slammed my head down send cracks in every direction and then started to run with my face still in his grip as he dragged me across the floor of the canyon. He started to then twirl and as he picked enough speed and proceeded to through me across the map. I landed and then the alchemist landed right on top of me with his fist buried in my gut again “MARS BANE EIGHTY TIMES NAIL PUNCH!” He roared and sent one hundred and sixty blows straight into my body but instead of flying backward a was sent deep into the surrounding stone. I growled angrily as my rage began to rise. Higher, higher, and higher with each passing second, the inferno that is my anger turned into a massive hurricane of rage. I felt the scales around my body begin to rise and my metallic left arm was blown apart sending shrapnel of metal straight into Edward’s chest. I slowly stood back up and looked directly at Edward, my anger at its limit. Scales formed over my face and became a snout, horns grew from the top of my head and wings sprouted from my back. A tail snaked from my lower back, and I looked at Edward, my eyes no longer glowing gold. They were glowing a deathly red. I could no longer speak, and only seethed out growls and snarls. “Yes, give in Quill, release the dragon,” Edward roared as he laughed maniacally “ Now that I managed to pull out that form you’ll be to use it once you learn your trigger. Bring it,” he roared as he threw his arms out to either side and charged at my dragon form. Before Edward could do anything I sent my clawed straight into the side of his chest, cracking his ribs and sending him straight into the side of the canyon. Quill’s Luna’s POV I look on in worry as Quill and Edward fight, trading blows and harming each other. I’m worried sick and I wish I could help my beloved Quill. “Please be okay.” I strain as Quill is sent into the side of the canyon, causing me to gasp. “Quill!” I gasp. “That one looked like it hurt,” Edward’s Celestia winced as she looked at the screen. “It’s a good thing Edward only released one seal. He did say no weapons were being used in this fight too right?” “You can relax Luna,” I turned to see the other me next to me. “Edward and Quill are only having a bit of fun. Edward is also trying to teach Quill how to unlock more of himself. If Ed were really serious he would have gone much harder from the start.” She smiled softly at me. Then Quill explodes from the canyon side, his tattoos glowing golden. Quill then launches at Edward and strikes Edward’s side and destroys part of the canyon side with the shockwave, surprising us. “Woah! I knew he was strong, but not THAT strong!” Zeref exclaimed as Mavis cheered Quill with Serena. Zirconis just sat slack-jawed. “Um… I hate to be the spoilsport but Edward just walked out like that hit was just a love tap or something,” Shining Armor pointed a hoove at the screen. “WHO IS THIS GUY ANYWAY?” “You must have missed a huge part of Ed’s explanation sonny,” Faust snickered at the confused unicorn. “Basically, Ed is the greatest mind and weapon of this world. He stands above even me when it comes in terms of raw power and most definitely intellect. He loves my girls deeply and willingly gave up any chance to return to his homeworld to stay here.” “Indeed, even from here I can tell Edward’s power and strength, but I can also feel a rivaling power and strength, which is Quill’s power, fighting against Edward’s power.” My sister explains. Then a massive wave of power roared around the walls and I looked back to the screen to see Edward changing forms. “I don’t think that’s a good thing, is it?” My Spike asks absentmindedly. “He took on his demon armor form. I haven’t seen it in a while,” Edward’s Celestia shuddered as she spoke. “Not since his fight with Sorano. This one looks smaller than the other one though. To think he pulled off all his Sins seal. Quill must be much stronger than any of you had originally let on. Ed hasn’t been pushed this hard in a while, but again he isn’t using anything but his physical strengths. Is that Mars Bane?” “Indeed it is sister,” Edward’s Luna confirmed. “Quill is in for a lot more more than just a few blows with that.” she looked over to me. “It’s not a technique but a skill that doubles the hits of anything it’s applied to and judging from the amount of damage Quill just took, Ed applied it to a Nail Punch. Think of it as getting hit repeatedly over and over in the same spot. It’s a move that on its own deals a very large amount of damage in a single blow. Paired with Mars Bane, it’s a devastating combo.” We then hear a huge roar, bigger than what Edward roared. I looked back to Quill to see his body almost completely covered in scales. His eyes burning brighter than anything I’ve ever seen. “Is that, Quill?” I ask. I then see Quill get hit by Mar Nane Nail Punches several times again, causing him to spit up blood. Me and the Elements gasp in shock. I gasped in worry but became confused when Quill punched Edward in the stomach and caused him to cough up blood, and they began to laugh by the looks of it. “Why are they laughing?” My Twilight asked. “They’re having fun,” Edward’s Twilight remarked. “He always gets like this,” she shook her head. “It runs in the family,” Polearm, Edward’s descendant slash guard said. “I get lost in the thrill of a good fight too. Think of it like when you’re reading a book that you’re really into. It can also be a guy of martial arts thing.” I nod my head and look back to the fight to see Quill getting brutally punched and thrown around the map. I gasp and tears threaten to escape my eyes, and I bring my hooves up to my mouth. “It looks like Edward has just about achieved his goal,” Edward’sLuna remarked. “He’d rather push someone to the brink physically than emotionally but it looks like he was trying to get Quill mad too. But why?” she turned to me. “Uh oh…” I hear Zeref say. We all turn to him. “That’s not good. I’ve seen Acnologia when he’s mad. And just from sensing his power, I can tell Quill is much, much worse.” He says grimly. I slowly turn to the screen to see Quill climbing out of the ground, his left arm grabbed the ground first but it looked different. That’s when Edward stumbled back with several pieces of metal jutting from his chest. Then Edward was blown back, and a huge amount of dust covered the battlefield. I looked into the dust to see gleaming red eyes looking at Edward. Once the dust settled, I saw Quill. But he had turned into a Dragon, several markings littered his shoulders and his tail was followed by a scythe-like blade, and a massive amount of power caused all of us a momentary amount of nausea. “That power is almost like that time Ed fought with Lex’s Celestia,” Edward’s Luna commented as she got to her feet. “I was afraid of this.” “Sister you don’t mean,” Edward’s Celestia looked at her sister in horror. She only nodded in confirmation of something. “Ed has been holding back greatly.” “And that’s even worse.” Zeref says while his eyes turned into spirals. “I see a seal on Quill’s strength. But from what I can tell, it’s put in place by Acnologia.” Zeref says. “And that means?” I ask. “Acnologia’s holding back to.” He says as we all focus on the fight again. “Great we have a mass of living souls holding back and an apocalypse dragon holding back,” Faust rolled her eyes. “This is exactly what the idiots love. Two meatheads holding back to push each other but my money is on my son-in-law.” "Well if we're betting, I'm going on Quill. Plus from what he's told us, Acnologia's not the Apocalypse Dragon Slayer. He's the Magic Dragon Slayer, and Quill's the Time Dragon Slayer, but when they're both not holding back and are working in sync, they're both the Apocalypse Dragon Slayer." My Twilight explained. “You forget that this is a purely physical fight or was until he turned into the Dragon,” Edward’s Twilight shot back. “My teacher is no pushover. As Queen Faust said, he has more power and intelligence than even her.” “Yes well, that was over seven thousand years ago dear,” Faust added as she rubbed the back of her head. “Wait how old is Edward here exactly?” My Cadence asked. “My uncle is over fifteen thousand years old in this world,” Edward’s Cadence answered her counterpart. “If Edward would have been using his magic in conjunction with his alchemy and other powers and weapons Quill would’ve been done for from the very start,” The other Luna answered. “He’s kept even his Homunculus power of the table to enjoy the fight. He’s still not even at half power. If his magic draining were on then he’d be at half power and that very bad.” “Let’s not have Malice come out dear sister,” Edward’s Celestia shot at her sister. “Agreed,” Edward’s Luna nodded in agreement. “Wait you said magic draining,” my Twilight looked at the other princesses. “Ed has a natural magic drain ability in his body that takes in the magic around him whether he wants to or not,” Faust said. “He can temporarily turn it off but only for about an hour or so.” “You also said he has other abilities. What are they?” I asked desperately. “Many forms of different Magics, something called chakra that allows a plethora of different skills, aura or soul projection, Rinnegan, martial arts, and weapons mastery, etc. he has a good many skills that aren’t magic-based all,” Edward’s Luna said. “What has Quill been facing out there?” I looked to the field it’s even more worried than I’d had in the last two thousand years combined. “I don’t like saying it and neither does any pony here but Edward calls himself a demon,” Edward’s Celestia said with a painful look on here face. I could see tears starting to form under her eyes and her sister’s . "Well then it's a demon vs demon battle." Zeref says. "Because I'm picking up a massive amount of demonic energy emitting from Quill, and it's as much as Edward is emitting. They've both gone demonic." Zeref tells us. “Luna,” Edward’s Celestia said quickly. “Has Ed really gonna full power?” Edward’s Luna was using some sort of holo-display keyboard to enlarge the images. “It looks like he's ... getting beaten to a pulp by Quill, what’s he thinking. He should be using his magic or something at least. Quill is just laying into him.” "He can't. From what I can tell, Edward is a very honorable man, and he wouldn't go back on a deal. Quill wanted a no magic, no alchemy, and no weapons fight. So that's how he's going to fight." Serena said. “You’re right when it comes to him being honorable little one but there is a difference between honor and being stubborn,” Edward’s Luna remarked. “Your father is out of control and if he’s not roughy back to his senses then we’ll have a very big problem on our hands. I hope Edward gets serious about this soon or we’ll be forced to seal Quill in the Time Chamber.” "That's not good… is it?" My sister asks. “Consider it on the scale as if a certain centaur escaped from his bonds and went on a killing spree,” Edward’s Celestia said seriously. “Think if it this way. This place is another Dimension inside another dimension. Edward’s lab is technically separated from our homeworld inside the void. If Quill was sealed in here not even Luna or myself would have the means to get him out. Not even Discoed has power here. The only one who does is Edward and whoever he says has it.” "I have just one more question," My Pinkie Pie says with genuine worry on her face. "Has any other Displaced ever fought Edward to a draw or rivaled his full power in terms of raw strength?" She asks her eyes never leaving the screen. “Only two,” Edward’s Luna stated. “His master and his war bound brother Optimus before his first body was destroyed and even then Optimus never magic Edward physical. His master is the only one who has ever actually bested him. He did fight to a draw with Lex’s Celestia but that was before he gained other magic and abilities.” Suddenly a huge column of red light erupted from the field send a shockwave in every direction. It was as if the very air shaking from fear of something, overwhelming. Everyone’s attention was now back on the screen. Everyone’s jaws hit the floor except for Edward’s Luna and Celestia as they seemed to have seen this phenomenon before. “Looks like this fight just went from a simple brawl to a clash of straight cataclysms,” Faust remarked. Edward’s POV I stood there looking at Quill in dragon form. I had intended to push him to the point he was another at me but it looked as if my part in playing the villain had triggered something else in Quill’s head. It felt as if something was keeping him in this state of constant rage. He must be projecting some sort of image onto me. I was gonna have to break him free of his dragon form before he got out of the Time Chamber. He could do some serious danger even in here though. With our friends in here, they were at a much greater risk than either of us. Quill would never forgive himself if he even scratched someone else in this state. “GRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” The now Draconic Quill roared. “Oh pissed off I kicked your scaly hide up and down this gorge you overgrown lizard,” I roared back at Quill. If he’s being affected this much I wonder if Acnologia is being suppressed under Quill’s rage to. “First…. Acnologia….! Will… Die…!” Quill strained to say. “Quill calm down! That Acnologia is dead! Remember you’re now fighting Edward!” A voice echoed. “Looks like you’re a little confused their Quill,” I felt something trying to calm him down just now. “Whoever you are you better explain who you are and what’s going on,” I looked around with my eyes as I kept my body still. Quill stood still just as I did, and never moved a muscle. He was waiting for me to make a move. I was getting antsy just standing around but I couldn’t risk moving until I had a better understanding of what was causing Quill to stay in this state of mind. I then saw a glint off in the distance away just to the left side of Quill behind the dragon head. I then remembered I had used my nanites to create remote viewing cameras for the others to watch the fight. “I can’t risk the cameras getting his attention and then him moving off to the others,” I mumble to myself. I then moved just to the left and now had Quill’s undivided attention. “Bring it Stink bait!” I yelled as I pointed at Quill. “GRRRRRRR…” Quill snarled in response. “Oh Raar yourself, air strike fist!” I yelled and sent a jet of high-pressure air into the center of Quill’s chest. He staggered back slightly and shook his head from side to side. “Come back to your sense you idiot. You have people you’re supposed to protect right.” “Will… Protect… Family… From… You... First… Acnologia… You… Traitor…!” Quill struggled to say through his rage and different vocal cords. “He’s trying to come back but it looks like I won’t get his mind clear until his magic runs dry,” I said with a slight annoyance. “He looks like he’s projecting the original Acnologia!s visage onto me from when he turned his back on his humanity, dragons and the world in general,” I sighed. “No, Edward you do not understand! The original Acnologia was the one in charge of protecting and taking care of our village in Fiore! But then he betrayed us all and murdered the Village leaving only Quill and his daughter Sonya. That original Acnologia is, or rather was Tyrrios!” The same voice echoed. “That’s right,” I said as I remembered. “Quill’s previous life took the name of the dragon that destroyed his village. Tyrrios aye, could it be that he’s drawn to me because I still have Tyrrios’s Philosopher Stone.” I thought aloud. “He’s just fighting in a blind rage at this point though, whether he sees me as Tyrrios or Edward doesn’t matter anymore. As soon as he’s done with me he’d move on to the next thing that moved. Wait you mentioned your village, who are you?” “I’m the Acnologia who witnessed Sonya get murdered. I’m what remained as Quill, who is our humanity, was reincarnated. I’m the Acnologia everyone knows as the one who caused the Fioren Dragons to go extinct. I’m also the only thing keeping Quill from going full genocide mode, or how I like to call it, Extinction Dragon Slayer.” Acnologia tells me. “What’s going on inside that head that you two share?” I asked. “Well, the more adrenaline that flows through Quill’s body, the stronger he gets but he’s also more susceptible to losing himself in rage! Oh Shit!” Acnologia yelled before continuing. “And the angrier he gets the more powerful he becomes and causing him to basically rival and eventually causing the Hulk in World Breaker Mode, and Kratos the God of War to say “You need to calm down”. But if they met Extinction Dragon Slayer Quill, they and everyone and thing around him would be dead within seconds! You need to find a way to suppress Quill’s rage! I’m doing what I can but it’s taking all I have just to hold back! Be careful! Because one punch from Extinction Quill can cut a mid-sized moon in half! SHIT! I have to go, good luck!” Acnologia explained before I couldn’t hear him anymore. “Nanwahhahhaa!” I laughed at his last remark. “A mid-size moon ya say. Nah aha! That’s pretty impressive for one so young. But the way I see it is I have one road to take. First I’ll have let him work out some of that rage and burn through that excess adrenaline then I’ll have beat him to a pulp and after that retrain him until his mind and body realign with each other. I really don’t like this first part,” I said half-heartedly. I looked Quill straight in the eyes and put myself in the evilest villain mindset I could muster. “Come on Quill or are you just gonna stand their and lose everything again, Nahaha! Oh I know once I’m with you I’ll go back to your world and enslave every last creature there and then once their usefulness is used up I turn everything into Philosopher Stones for my personal use! Hahahaha!” As soon as those words left my demonic mouth, Quill vanished. Only to reappear in front of me and I felt a sharp and massive wave of pain as several of my ribs were cracked and I was sent flying into the wall of the canyon and essentially created a cave from being sent so deep into the wall of the canyon. The only thing I could see was the burning red eyes of Quill, piercing my very being. “My what big eyes you have *bleck*,” I coughed up blood. ‘Why don’t you just destroy him, Allen, he’s just a lowly dragon, after all, use your magic it’ll be quick.’ “Shut up Malice, you’re not coming out and I can’t finish this fight with our match with using magic.”I murmured and then I looked at Quill. “Is that all you got you lizard because if it is your home will be mine in no time at all, Nayahahah!” I bellowed. Before I could get up, however, I felt a massive wave of pain flowing everywhere throughout my torso. I could hear the splatter of blood on the ground. I looked down to see the end of Quill's tail embedded into my stomach. I looked back up and was pulled out of the wall forcefully, and was thrown onto the ground. Sliding on the ground leaving a massive trail of blood, I looked at Quill’s tail and saw that it was barreling towards me at high speeds, and I only just barely avoided getting my head cut in half. Quill’s tail went back and left a trail of my blood on the ground as his eyes continued to look straight into my soul. “Hey Acno, how's it going on your end?” I got to my feet and as the holes in my body closed. “I don’t scare that easily, lizard.” I looked Quill staring the eyes and sent out murderous waves over my own out causing him to step back slightly. “Well, his rage is going down ever so slightly. But his adrenaline is still rising rapidly and,” Acnologia stops. “Oh poo. Ed, you better brace yourself because… OH SHIT! WATCH OUT!” Acnologia screamed at me, as I looked back to Quill who was barreling at me and I didn’t have enough time to dodge his fist, not that I planning to, which broke right through my chest. I shouldn’t be surprised but damn did that sting, and it only got worse when Quill ripped his arm out of my chest by pulling it out and ripping my left arm off too, and with one swift motion, Quill back-handed me into the ground. My healing kicks in instantly but it still hurts like hell have my limbs removed in any form. As soon as my wounds were closed I looked at Quill with a slight twitch under my right eye. “Rage down is what I needed. Even with your adrenaline up, your body won’t be able to stay in sync with your enraged mind.” I smirked. “Acno, will Quill be alright if I Iet loses a bit?” “Ed, right now, Quill can feel no pain.” He told me. “Go fucking ham.” “So basically I can show off my true form and knock his fucking block off,” I smiled evilly and began to give of tsunamis of killing aura. “Hope you enjoy an ass-kicking Quill,” I cracked my knuckles. “ Because I’m not going to hold… BACK!!!!” I yelled and unleashed my power as a column of red energy surrounded me. My body began to warp and twist as I started to grow to my full height. Soon the scar on my chest opened to reveal my massive golden Rinnegan with and Oroborus in the place of the pupil. My body started to blacken and more eyes opened all over my body then I gain crimson red armor and the eyes showed in every nook and cranny of my body. On my back, I gained my bright silver metal wings with red tips. As usual, I gained an armored tail. My face was covered in blackness with three red eyes on the right side of my face and one gold one on the left. My teeth become pointed like a predator’s. I was now in my true form and at my full height of twelve feet. I spread my wings and flexed every muscle let out a shattering roar while blowing everything away around me, “RAAAAAWWWRR!!!” I turned to Quill who was still much taller than me but was visibly set back by my actions. “This time you’re my bitch Dragon,” I growled with a smile. I vanished and reappeared at Quill’s tail end and took him by it. “Upsy daisy,” I said as I easily tossed him into the air. Quill tried to correct his flight path in mid-air but I got above him and slammed both of my feet into his gut driving him back into the ground. “Hehe, I forgot how much fun physical confrontation is,” I jumped back and fluttered on my wings slightly as I touched down. “Aww is the big bad dragon out of breath,” I taunted as Quill breathed heavily, trying to get back on his feet. “Ed, Quill’s rage is going down fairly fast, whatever you’re doing, keep going. But tone it down a bit, because his adrenaline was cut in half.” Acnologia told me. “Way to spoil a guys fun when he’s just getting warmed up,” I cracked my neck as I started to give off more wave of killing intent. “Didn’t say you had to stop, just try not to kill us.” Acnologia corrected. “Never had such a good punching bag before, Mars Bane,” I said as I shot in front of him. “Chain reaction Paralyzer,” I said as I hit center spots on Quill’s body to slow down his movements. I jumped back and smirked. “It’ll take a few moments to kick in but soon you’ll be completely immobilized by those pressure points I hit.” I flapped my wings and took off. “Catch me if ya can dragon boy.” I teased. I scored through the air on my own power with Quill hot on my tail, literally. He swiped at me with his remaining hand but due to my size and his spent energy, he was having a very difficult time keeping up. On top of this, he was starting to feel the effects of my earlier assault. “Looks like I can put the last bit of my plan into action,” I smirked as I corrected my flight to face Quill. “Susanoo!” I yelled as I was enveloped in a red giant with a silver right arm and a silver left leg. Using my Susanoo’s weight and positioning myself well above Quill I let gravity do its jump and fill on top of him. I used the Susanoo’s arms and held Quill down. “Now, Wood Style Deep Forest Emergence!” I placed a hand on the ground and then massive trees sprang from the ground and wrapped all around Quills dragon form. The trees acted as tendril and severely restricted his movements. He continued to thrash around but didn’t have the strength to break the trees. Quill kept this up until he was completely paralyzed from my Chain Reaction Paralyzer. I placed my hand on the side of my head, “Acno, how are things on your end?” “One sec…” Acnologia told me before I waited a few seconds. “I absolutely fucking hate the both of you,” Quill said in his normal voice. “Christ, my head hurts. What the hell happened? All I remember is getting pissed and my vision went red.” He told me. “And can you get these fucking vines off me?!” He yelled in annoyance. “First, they’re trees. Second, you got so pissed that you projected an image of Tyrrios on to me, and third, I kicked your ass in order to get you to return to normal,” I said bending down placing my hand on the ground causing the trees to release Quill. “Good news is now you have access to your dragon mode now.” “Actually, that was just his Dragon Force… His Dragon Mode would dwarf your twelve-foot form you have right now,” Acnologia told me. “His Dragon Mode is at least twice as big as a full-grown Tirek,” Acnologia explained. “Can’t wait to fight that,” I smirked. “Shall I unparalyze you?” “Yes, please.” Quill requested. “Go your ugly,” he remarked as I returned to my human form. “And really, you can fight our Dragon Mode right now. Because our Dragon Mode is the Apocalypse Dragon.” Acnologia added. “I barely used any of my raw physical power let alone any of my Susanoo and ninjutsu. My Susanoo’s wasn’t even fully developed into its giant state. It was still partially skeletonized,” I said as I returned to my human form. I walked over and nailed Quill right in the gut knocking the wind out of him but also send a shock through his entire body. “There ya go. Feeling better?” “Really asshole?! Fucking hell!” Quill yelled at me and returned the gesture with a punch of twice the power into my gut, but he used his left fist. “Wait… What the fuck?” Quill said surprised and looked at his now fully Draconic left arm. “When the fuck did this happen?” He asked. “When you transformed and I don’t recommend you hit me again. The only reason you’re not tithing in pain is due to your dragon scales,” I said as I snapped and we appeared back in the living quarters. “And three, two, one cue the loving maiden,” I said as Quill was immediately tackled by his Luna while I was overseen by my princesses and by overseen I been slapped upside the head by Luna and scolded by Tia. Then came the talk from Quill’s girlfriend also known as screaming at you in the Royal Canterlot Voice. “WHAT THE EVER LIVING FUCK, YOU SON OF A BITCH?!?!? YOU COULD’VE KILLED QUILL!!!!!!” Quill’s Luna screamed at me, tears flowing from her eyes as she tightened her hug on Quill. “Luna, calm down! I didn’t die. And plus he had to do that to snap me out of my rage.” Quill tried to calm her down running his left hand through her mane. “You’re gonna break your boyfriend or suffocate him if you keep squeezing him like that,” I said as I put a finger in my ear. “Damn Royal Canterlot Voice.” My princess merely giggled at my response. “Anyways, I’m sorry if it seemed a bit excessive to you Luna but it was necessary to unlock more of Quills power. Speaking of Quill” I pulled out a vile of red potion and tossed it to him. “Drink it before the adrenaline completely wears off.” Quill takes the bottle and chugs the potion. “Thanks. Christ… Gave you a run for your money though, didn’t I?” Quill asked me, as he sat up and onto a bed, while still running his left hand through his Luna’s mane. “I won’t completely deny it but at the same time I won’t confirm it,” I said with a nonchalant smirk. “But you pal,” I said seriously pointing at him. “Need to get a handle on that anger or you’ll end seriously endangering your world and on top of that your lover. Do you seriously want that, again?!” I raised my voice. “Well?” I stared at him straight in the eyes. “Of course not… That’s why I asked you to kill me if ever I got out of control in my world.” Quill answered Luna shrank back after hearing that.. “And plus… I would have Acnologia to try and stop me as well.” “You gave him hell to,” I said as I plopped down on a nearby chair. My Luna and Tia looked at each other and nodded. “You asked Edward to end your life but did you ask him why he would only do it as a last resort?” They said in unison. “Because there could’ve been a chance that I was still there. But even if he got me to snap out of it, I would ask him to teleport me somewhere random in my world,” Quill answered, to which his Luna looked at him in worry. “Don’t ask me why. It just feels like there’s something I’d need to do myself.” He tells her. I shook my head. I stood up and walked over to Quill and looked down my nose at him. “You Idiot!,” I reeled back and let my right arm fly and made him eat metal knuckles for breakfast. “You can’t face rage alone or you’ll end up as I did. Only with the help of Luna, Celestia, and Starswirl working together was I able to be stop in my rage Even then it was only when I was subdued and Luna got the chance to talk me down and brought me back to my senses, but not before I consumed all of the magic and life of what is now the Badlands of this world.” “Ow! Son of a bitch! Nut you’re right about one thing,” Quill said as he rubbed where I hit him.. “I can be an idiot sometimes.” He chuckled before falling flat on his back. “Jesus, I need a nap.” He complained, causing his group to laugh at his statement. “Your girl can help you with that. Feel free to yourself the beds here. You’re all more than welcome to stay here and the kitchen is fully stocked and the bath is down the hall,” I said as I walked to the door and all of my friends following me. “As for me, I have a couple of uber-cute foals to check on and Night court to help run. I can send you back home if you prefer.” Quill weakly and tiredly gives me a thumbs up before sleeping. “I leave you here for now then, take care him Luna,” I said looking to Quills Luna and then to my own. “Maybe you should stay behind and talk with her and the others. I can handle night court this time.” “I’ll take care of the Twins tonight you guys stay here, I have a feeling the ponies have a lot of questions and only a few of you, other than Edward, can answer them,” Faust said as she joined me and we walked out of the room. Quill’s Celestia’s POV I look to this Edward fellow’s Luna and begin to wonder. What else is out there, and what happened during that fight? I decided to start with a simple question. “Excuse me?” I speak up. “If I may, who is Edward truly?” I ask this world’s Luna. She giggled a little and then cleared her throat. “Forgive me I forget my manners some time and so can Ed when he spins summoned and brings others her abruptly.” She went to the kitchen and then returned with a tray with glasses and a pitcher of water. “It’s hard to explain but basically Ed is the same type of being as Quill at his core. They go by the name of Displaced. Beings with great poorer sent to various worlds or versions of Equestria. It seems the have a very similar view of things as well. Ed is, the strongest being I know with only his master being above him, but he is also my husband and father of our children. Does that help any?” “Yes, that explains quite a bit.” My Twilight responds. My Rarity clears her throat before shakily asking. “Just, how powerful is Edward?” She stutters. “Ed is so powerful that he could defeat Celestia and myself with easy, even if we were to be at the peak of our power over two thousand years ago and this was before he gained all of his other powers and Magics,” Edward’s Luna explained. Zeref then looks at Edward’s Luna and with Spiral-Red eyes, he asks: “How many times have you seen Edward’s true from, or what we saw him use to fight against Quill who was going out of control?” He asks with a monotone voice. “I’ve only seen it twice before today,” Edward’s Celestia said coldly. “Today makes my fourth time to see it but he hasn’t had that form for his whole life here,” Edward’s Luna explained. “Only after he came back from death and giving up his chance to return to his original world did he gain that from. It’s actually the manifestation of years of negativity from the souls that were trapped inside his body. Unfortunately, Malice survived the encounter and Upon Ed’s return he took the combined evil back into himself to make sure it didn’t go after someone else or become unleashed on the world he loved.” “Interesting…” Zeref mumbled. “U-Uhm… E-Excuse me?” My Fluttershy asked shakily. “W-What was happening during the fight? W-Why was Quill going o-out of control?” She asked still shuttering from the fight. To be honest, seeing what Quill contained, and now knowing that amount of rage was living in our world… It terrifies me. “It looked as if he had projected some kind of memory onto Edward,” the one known as Polearm interjected. “In training Ed has often told us to use this method in order to test our emotions but try and remain in control. I think Quill may have gone through some form of PTSD during the fight. Ed’s actions were confused or reminded Quill of something that happened long ago and angered him. The fact that he was powerless to stop Ed from laying into him only helped remind him of this old memory. Probably a memory where he couldn’t do anything but watch as everything was taken from him. One where he was angry at his own powerlessness and he swore revenge.” As soon as Polearm said this Luna’s eyes looked straight at me. “Sister? What is it?” I asked my sister. “Do you know something about this?” I inquire. “Yes… This memory… It was likely from the time when his village back in Fiore was incinerated by the Dragon who was sworn to protect the village. Quill’s real name was Acnori back in Fiore, but he changed it once he became the Dragon King. The Dragon was Tyrrios, but back then Tyrrios went by Acnologia. He was the first Acnologia. From what I could tell, Edward’s fighting methods prior to Quill changing was so similar to that of Tyrrios’ that Quill couldn’t differentiate between his memory or reality.” Luna explained, looking down sadly. “I think Ed was trying to get Quill to unlock his dragon form but at the same time he was trying to teach him how to trigger and harness this form,” Edward’s Twilight added. “He can go overboard when it comes to this sort of thing. He personally trained all of use in a similar manner. He created golems that were specifically tooled to work against our weakness.” “Yea, like me having a tendency to shoot off without thinking stuff through,” Edward’s Rainbow added jumped in. “Ya still shoot off on your own,” Edward’s Applejack interrupted with a sly smirk. “Well, yea but…” Edward’s Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head. “Edward helped us grow physically stronger in our bodies and unique magic but he didn’t help us in a mental sense,” Edward’s Twilight explained. “But I’m not saying he won’t try either.” “Ed has helped others this way before,” Edward’s Luna added. “He helped his nephew like this. Unfortunately, he often takes the role of the villain when helping others like this.” "Well in this case if Acnologia wasn't holding back, it might've ended badly." My sister said, to which I nodded in agreement. “I’ve seen my husband when he gets serious and if he’d truly thought that Quill was a genuine threat to us in any way or form without some way of bringing back to his senses the Edward wouldn’t have hesitated to end Quill’s life then and there,” Edward’s Luna said seriously before turning to my sister. “That being said I also know it’s like to see him completely consumed by his rage and hatred. He died once already to save this world from himself and gave up the chance to go back to where he one from. I wholeheartedly think Ed does everything he can to protect those he can, no matter what. He goes out of his way to help others no matter the consequences, even if it means that he ends up the bad guy or people absolutely hate him for the rest of their existence.” she said with a lot of sorrow in her voice. “He never turned to others always taking the burden of everything. It wasn’t until an incident during the summoning of our nieces that he, no Malice had inadvertently caused but taking pieces of their souls. Ed did everything he could to make a new body for little Sorano by combining several alchemical and magical techniques along with the help of her siblings. It wasn’t until he spoke with Lex that he actually started to rely on others and started to be open with Tia and myself,” she placed a hand on her sister’s. “Well, Quill, or rather Acnologia has already been consumed by his rage and hatred once before. It’s how the Dragon King Festival came to be.” Zeref told them. “And he wiped out all Dragons from the face of Fiore and nearly did the same with all Dragon Slayers.” Zeref said sadly. “And the form Quill took during the fight has the same amount of power that Acnologia had on Fiore and nothing and no one could even make a dent on him. And if that was Quill’s Dragon Force, well… Whoever pissed him off to that extent is going to have a Bad Time.” Zeref sighed. “Let’s just be glad that the Extinction Dragon Slayer, is on our side for the time being.” “Oh yes I almost forgot,” Edward’s Celestia said. “Ed wanted me to ask how long you’d like to stay in our world? And he gave me this,” she pulled out a glowing red stone the color of fresh blood. “He said that this belongs to Quill but to give to you,” She held the stone one up to Zeref. “Ed mentioned that Quill knew what it was but that it would be better for you to hold on to for the time until Quill was ready to use it.” “Well, you can yeet the damned thing out the window for all we care.” A voice spoke causing Mavis, Zirconis, Zeref, and Serena to jump in shock and slight fear. “Ah, don’t worry, just look next to the passed out Quill.” It said, and so we did, only to see an ethereal Quill, but his left arm was missing and his eyes were a navy-blue, and not Quill’s intimidating-red. The spirit waved at us all. “Hello there, nice to meet you in person and not through Quill’s eyes. You should already know me, I’m Acnologia!” The spirit grinned. “Zeref, when you take the stone, wait… y’ know what, just give it to Celestia. If it’s put in the vault, that’d keep it far away from me and Quill, which is good because of that fucking thing! If’s the remaining magic and the magical prison, for the son of a bitch who infected Rainbow with the Husk Virus, and the fucker who murdered not only our entire village but Sonya as well. That thing is Tyrrios.” Acnologia told us while pointing his middle finger at the stone. “Go fuck yer’ self Tyrrios. Fuck you!” Acnologia said giving the stone the stink-eye. “It looks like Ed gave you Projection magic during your fight Mr. Acnologia,” Edward’s Luna said before turning to me. “As for that stone, he’s right. You should lock it away where no pony, no no living being can find it. It can dramatically increase magic and perform miracles, except for reviving the dead, not saying that they won’t try though. It’s a good thing Ed only gave Quill Basic alchemy but I have no doubt that he knows what that evil thing is.” “Why would he give Quill such a dangerous artifact Princess?” My student looked at me with worry in her eyes. “Likely to do some good with a piece of crap!” Serena shouted in suggestion. “Tyrrios took my sister! So dad killed him for a second time!” Serena cheered as Zeref giggled at the child’s enthusiasm. “Watch your language Serena,” my sister scolded the little dragon slayer. “Sorry, Luna,” he apologetically said as his gaze turned to the floor. “The most probable reason is so Quill has more magical access.” Zeref said dropping his giggle and gaining a dead serious look. “According to what Zirconis told me about Tyrrios and his magic, Tyrrios has some of the most powerful magic, rivaling that of Time Dragon Magic. It’s apparently called Lava or Meteor Dragon Slayer Magic. I’m guessing that Quill absorbed some of the Meteor magic and fused it with his own to create Extinction Dragon Magic. So, not only is Quill one half of the literal Apocalypse, he is now a literal Extinction event just waiting to be pissed off.” Zeref exaggerated with a facepalm. “Great… Now Quill actually is the most powerful wizard from Fiore.” Zeref grumbled. “Have no fear young Zeref,” Edward’s Celestia said with a motherly tone that I was very familiar with. “Quill is a good man with a good soul. He’d rather have himself killed then hurt any of you here. But back to the earlier question. How long do you plan to stay in our world? We need to know if we’re to make the right accommodations for all of you as I don’t think you all want to stay in Ed’s lab let alone the Time Chamber.” “Well, I should get back, and the Elements all have their own jobs they need to get back to as well,” I say. “So, we should be heading back. My sister, however, will likely want to stay by Quill’s side for his duration.” I smile sweetly. “Welp, Serena has school tomorrow and I’ll have to go and be a substitute for the currently passed out Dragon Slayer over there, so we have to get going.” Zeref answers. “I’ll go back home to take care of Serena and Gilda along with Mali,” Mavis says. “How about you Zirconis?” “I think I’ll go back to take care of Gilda and Mail. It’s the least I could do for being an ass when we first met.” He rubbed his shoulder sheepishly as he looked over at said Griffons, Mali who was passed out and asleep, and Gilda who was halfway passed out. “I can return all of you in a few days once the void gate to your world restablizes,” Ed said as he came back into the room. “I was kinda hasty in it’s making and it was only stable enough for a one-way trip and I’d rather not risk sending you all back until we have a more stable portal. Let Blue Balls be overwhelmed with taking requests for about three days okay.” He said leaning up against the door. “I’m really sorry about this mess of things but it’ll at least give you some much-needed downtime and me some more time to train or snoring lizardman over there,” he pointed at Quill snuggling up next to Luna. “In how to better use his alchemy and to learn his next skill set for Alchemagic. I’m very sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you in this.” He bowed his head. “At the least, it’ll take three days at most a week if done right. Is that okay with all of you?” “It’s fine Edward. No harm done. And if anything and I’m gone for a few days, I’m sure my world’s Equis’ gravitational pull could move our sun and moon. Though it would make the day go by slower.” I mumbled that last sentence. “It’s fine bro. No harm done.” Acnologia told Edward giving him a cheeky grin. “Nice to finally meet you in person, by the way.” “Nice to meet you to Acno,” he said as he walked over and gave Aconolgia a fist bump. “Now let’s get all of you all settle into rooms. We’re in the castle so we have plenty of space,” he clapped his hands together. “Unless you’d all like to stay cramped up in this training room in here. I don’t recommend this either.” “Thank you for the kind gesture, Edward. C’mon everypony, let’s go to the Castle.” My student told everyone. “Would you like to help in carrying him?” Edward’s Luna asked my sister softly as she smiled looking down at Quill. “He looks like you could hit him with a log and he wouldn’t wake up.” She giggled. “I have just the room for you two if you don’t mind?” “Try… Over twelve steel beams, imbued with weight magic to make them heavier than the fucking Canterlot Castle itself. Cause Jesus, if you wake him up now, not even you Edward could stop the bad day ahead of us all. I mean it scared the literal and metaphorical shit out of Blue Blood back in our world.” Acnologia said, before trying to and failing to pick up the passed out Dragon Slayer. “Christ how heavy is this little shit?!” He strained. “You’re not going to be able to pick anything up man. Your just a projection and not a solid embodiment. You’d have to be separated from Quill completely before you can even try that and I don’t recommend it as your the other half of the Apocalypse Dragon,” Edward explained as he leads us through the lower levels of the castle. I didn’t recognize any of the areas we went through. “I can give you a body if you want but I also have to talk with Quill on it first.” We reached a large wooden door, I recognized this as the study where Twilight and I practiced before I sent her to Ponyville. “This will do as suedo sleepover area until we can get you all individual rooms. We have some foreign dignitaries staying with us and none of the other rooms are prepped. Sorry,” he turned to me. “Would you like to stay with Quill and Luna or with the others?” “I’d like to make sure my student and the rest of the Elements of Harmony are safe for the time being. Plus it’s as Acnologia says, wake Quill up and you destroy a whole lotta shit.” I whisper to Edward. “As you wish. There are pillows and sleeping bags in the room for when the girls come for training and extra blankets in the closet. The study has its own washroom and full bath,” he explained. “If you need anything ask the staff or ring the bell. Luna’s let’s get Dragon Boy into a proper be. We’ll set you two up in mine and Luna’s old bedroom. Had to upgrade once we found out about the twins,” he turned to others but then turned around and gave a warm smile. “Good night and have pleasant dreams.” He turned again and I was left with my own party while Edward’s variants followed him. I smiled softly and walked into the large room filled with sleeping bags, pillows and blankets for all of us. While we were setting up, Gilda had passed out and Zirconis caught her and made her sleeping place with Mali and slept next to them. I saw the look Cadence had and knew that Zirconis had a crush on Gilda. I chuckled silently and got into my own sleeping bag, after a few minutes, the rest of us fell asleep, and following shortly, was me. I was overwhelmed with the need and sweet relief of rest. End of An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 1 > An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 2 Crossover Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 2 Previously on: An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 1 After helping save a trapped fox, young Serena Acnori brought a strange golden Pocket Watch to his father, Acnori Quill, due to its strange magical properties. However, the Watch turned out to be the Token of The Crimson Sage, Edward Elric. Once summoned, Edward and Quill converse over what Quill’s previous teacher, Tyrrios, wanted with Element of Loyalty Rainbow Dash, only to later find out Tyrrios was a carrier for the Fioren Black Plague called, The Husk Virus. After injecting nanites into her bloodstream, Quill and Edward successfully removed The Husk Root, before it could plant and grow. Before the surgery however, Quill gave up his left arm in order to gain the power called Alchemy, so he could better protect his loved ones. After, Edward took Quill, or rather teleported, to the site of the dreaded battle between Tyrrios and Quill, The Temporal Crater. But their training was cut short when the mutated magical spirit of Tyrrios tried to invade Quill’s mind and fought Acnologia, who was housed in Quill’s mind, seeing the struggle, Edward ripped Tyrrios from Quill’s mind and transformed him into the Meteor Sage Stone. After introducing everyone to Edward, Quill requested a hand to hand fight against Edward, to which the Sage agreed. This fight took place in Edward’s Equestria, where in the Time Chamber, a vicious battle took place, resulting in Edward forcing Quill’s rage to spike, effectively turning Quill into a living Extinction event, known as The Extinction Dragon Slayer’s Rage. In order to calm Quill, Edward revealed his true form and with help from Acnologia, they were able to calm Quill long enough for his anger to settle. After returning to the others, Edward informed everyone from Quill’s world that it would take a few days for the Void Gate to restabilize, forcing them to stay a while in the Canterlot Castle in Edward’s world. However… Back in Quill's world, in The Temporal Crater, near the shadow of Tyrrios, a flicker of Void Energy sparked before greatly expanding into a portal, which was flown to the plains close to Quill's home. And emerging from the portal was a building and around it, was a golden sphere marked by a red symbol. The symbol… of Fairy Tail. However, speeding out of the portal, is two balls of pure energy, the first was crimson red, and the second was temporal-white. The two streams dived straight into the Everfree were laying in two small craters, were two familiar humanoid beings. The first looked like Edward, but had crimson amber glowing eyes, and the second looked like Quill but had the same crimson eyes. The only difference between the two and their originals, was the fact that these two had several chunks of flesh missing. The Edward lookalike was missing his entire arm and an entire leg, but they were replaced with bone prosthetics and half his face was gone. Quill's lookalike was much more gruesome, as it's left arm from the elbow down was replaced by bleeding muscles and his chest had a gaping hole through it. The largest difference was the fact that both creatures… were already dead. They looked up into the night and sniffed around but scowled when they couldn't smell their prey. In anger the Quill lookalike screeched into the night and several monsters, ranging from Timber Wolves to Hydras, all looked into the creature's direction, and ran for cover. They knew whatever was out there, was out for blood, and it wouldn't stop till either the end of days, or till their prey was dead. It seems as if many things are changing. And with it, the world around them is altered into a new world of unpredictability. Let's see what Quill gets himself into this time. Shall we? The screen goes completely black, and only the continuous ticking of a clock can be heard, and slowly fading into view is a golden pocket watch, with a red alchemy symbol on the front. It's constant ticking continues as a golden energy swirls silently in the alchemy symbol, eventually forming a golden Fairy Tail symbol. The ticking continues and in harmony with the ticking words phase in front of the watch, silently saying… AN APOCALYPTIC ALCHEMIST PART 2 Quill's POV Faintly I hear a piercing screech. I try to ignore it until I feel a weight slam onto my chest. "Oh, Christ!" I gasp as the wind is knocked out of me. "Morning Dad!" I opened my eyes to find Serena on his hands and knees looking at me with a gleeful smile. "Morning kid." I chuckle. I then hear a soft snoring coming from next to me. Looking to my right, I find the sleeping form of my Luna, sleeping so soundly. I smile and Serena gets off my chest. I try to get it off the bed but fail. I look down to my right arm to see Luna grabbing my arm and holding me down. I let out an exasperated sigh and I shake her side a few times trying to wake her, to no avail. Serena giggles at my misfortune. "Oh yeah, har har. Laugh at your trapped dad, so funny." I roll my eyes. "Luna it's time to wake up." I say poking her cheek causing her to snort and wave my finger away with her hoof. "C'mon Lulu, get up." I tell her, this time I ruffles up her already disheveled mane. Finally after that attempt she stirred and groggily opened her eyes and smiled backtiredly. "Oh? Good morning Quill, and to you too Serena." She spoke roughly. "Morning Lulu. Can I have my arm back now?" I ask. "Don't wanna," She whines snuggling into my side. "You're so comfortable." She says while starting to fall asleep. "Alright then, guess I can't make my super delicious pancakes then." I taunt causing her to sit up and let go of my arm. "Thank you." I thank as she and I got out of bed. "Now let's try and find the kitchen here." I say while opening the room door. We wandered through the halls of the castle looking for kitchen. The problem was, none of us had no freaking clue where it was. Sure, we could find it in our world no problem with a little bit of wandering around as we’d only been in the world for a week and if we needed help all we’d have to do is ask the nearby staff. The problem here is that none of had seen any staff, not even a token guard and this castle was way bigger than Edward had told us. There were a lot of open hallways and new additions. We eventually came across a maid by the name of Feather Duster and she told us that the part of the castle we’d been wondering in was off limits to any pony without proper clearance. It was some form of enchantment that was in the very walls of the castle the rejected anyone that wanders down here. Some sort of maze spell and you will always end up right back here at the entrance next to a red vase. I asked who came up with this sill but effective plan and she said it was the prince, aka Edward. I then asked if she could take us to the kitchen and she helply hooded and we followed her onward. Once we reached the kitchen we saw the others sitting at the table talking and eating, when Edward noticed us he waved and invited us over. I smiled and began to walk over. I also noticed his Blue Blood was giving us, more specifically Serena, a little glare. I didn't think much of it but I kept a note on it. “Morning you three, did you sleep well?” Edward said as he took a sip of his cup, coffee probably. “Heard from the elite guards that you got yourselves stuck in my my maze trap.” “Uncle,” Blueblood said. “Who are these two? What’s with that animal with them? Are they the new court jesters?” “Watch that mouth of yours Blood!” Edward raised his voice as he scowled at his nephew. “Just because you pulled that stick out of your as to me doesn’t mean you can treat others like you used to.” He got up from his seat. “I trained you to better yourself and to protect others weaker than you not so you could look down on your subjects again. I’ve got to get back to a few of my duties.” Edward starts to walk out but stopped. “They’re my friends and guests. They're to be treated with the same respect you show me. If I find out that you do something that puts my name, your grandmother’s name or heaven forbid either of your aunts I will throw you pompous ass so far out into the Badlands with a series of requirements that all of my previous training will seem like skipping down the street.” He looked over his shoulder to the cowering unicorn and then starts out the door but stops at my side. “Watch him Quill, he’s still a huge prick and will take the first chance he gets to put you down. He relies mainly on the worth of your strength. If you can put him in his place then do it but just beat his ass don’t beat him bloody.” I nodded and Edward walked out. "That shouldn't be a problem for me seeing as yesterday you all watched me and Edward fight. And if I remember correctly, in my rage I stabbed him in the chest, and before that out of my rage, I ripped his arm off. So you wouldn't think about disrespecting me or my friends and family, would you Blue Blood?" I ask said stallion with the creepiest smile on my face giving Chara's from Undertale, a run for their money. Blueblood stood up and pointed to himself, “Don’t underestimate me me you damn lizard. I may not be as strong as my uncle but he’s put me through living hell to give me the power I wield. I can even keep up with my Aunties,” he sneered at me. The guys had way more balls than the Blueblood back home but something is telling me he has a strongman’s complex. He’d be no match for me but he’d be able to give Serena and even Luna a run for their money. "Oh little Blue Blood… I don't underestimate you, but you forget, a Fioren Dragon is at least forty times larger than an Equestrian Dragon and much more powerful too. Plus I'm not even the strongest Dragon Slayer in Fiore anymore. That title goes to Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail." I tell him. "But really…" I start before my grin falls into a dead serious glare. "If you ever disrespect me, my friends, or my family, I will personally hunt you down to the ends of every universe and no one and nothing will save you from my wrath. I will destroy you and erase the very memory of you from every timeline, and the only one who would remember you is me, and you'd be a very, VERY hated memory… understood?" I ask as the lights in the room flicker and some even shut off. Edward’s Celestia came into the room. “Please refrain from doing anymore threats of this nature Mr.Quill. Blue might talk through his ass but he still has a good heart and is willing to put his life on the line for his citizens,” she said as he sat down. “I heard from Feather Duster that you were making pancakes.” She smirked. “I had to get me share of them as inter dimensional cooking is quite enjoyable.” "Ah, right. Sorry about the threat, I've always had a rough time with people disrespecting my loved ones. But anyway, time to get to work." I say, heading over to the kitchen. I grab the necessary items for the pancakes and I get to work, and a few minutes later the pancakes were almost done. I added whipped cream on them and several fruits like blueberries and strawberries and finally they were all done. I took a step back and smiled at my work. "Right… now… how to get all of these out to the others." I grumble before I see several servers behind me. "Mind helping me get everyone's breakfast to them?" I ask the servers. “Tuck and roll!” One of the servers yelled out and a ball of red flew threw the kitchen and knocked me flat on my back. "Ow…" I mumbled. “Who you?” I heard. I looked up to see a set of big dark blue eyes staring at me. There was a little girl with red hair in pigtails and red wings with a white horn on her head. She was wearing a yellow T-shirt with a white skirt with a crescent moon on her belt. “Ah…” I stared at the little girl sitting on my chest. “Meyhaha,”she giggled. “Funny man.” She patted my chest with her little hands. “Star where you go?” I heard from behind a cabinet. “Over here bubby.” She fluttered off me and went behind the cabinet and pulled out a little boy her age. He had blonde hair, amber eyes with a black horn and a set of matching wings. He was wearing black shorts and a dark blue shirt with a crescent moon on it as well. “Me find funny man,” she pointed at me and then she looked at me. “Funny man meets bubby.” She said giving ‘bubby’ a hug. I guess this her brother. I got to my feet and dusted off my pants. “Didn’t realize the staff was allowed to bring their kids to work.” I said cracking my neck. “Oh, these little ones don’t belong to anyone in the kitchen or the staff in general,” the earlier server said. “Food Runner, nice to meet you,” he said shaking my hand. “These two aren’t even supposed to be in here unsupervised.” “Star, Solar, where’d you two fly off to?” I heard from around a corner. Out came a woman with green hair dark tan skin a black curved horn with a set of insectoid wings. She was wearing a black top and black jeans with green shoes. “There you are. You know you’re supposed to stay with me when we’re in here,” she said as she scolded the little ones. She then turned her attention to me and raised an eyebrow, “I’m sorry if the twins caused trouble Mr… sorry what’s your name?” "Huh? Oh, my name's Acnori Quill, but everyone calls me Quill." I introduce. "What's your name?" I ask politely. “My names Chrysalis,” she smiled and then looked down at the little ones. “And this is Solar Eclipse and his twin sister Morning Star.” "Wait, aren't those the names of Edward's kids?" I ask Chrysalis. "In any case, I have a kid of my own, his name's Serena. But it's nice to meet you all. Mind helping me bring out everyone's breakfast? I've got a lot to carry." I say motioning to all the pancakes. “Certainly,” she nodded. “And yes these are Edward and Luna’s kids. I usually watch them during the early morning while Edward and Celestia are taking care of the affairs.” Chrysalis said as she picked up some of the pancake plates. “Chrissy have you seen my grandbabies?” I heard Faust coming in to the kitchen. “Oh, there they are.” She said as she picked up the twins and put them on her back using telekinesis. ‘How can she do that while she’s a pokemon?’ “Let’s go meet some new friends.” “Friends!” They laughed as they threw their hands up. We all walked back into the dining hall. I chuckle a little before picking up some other plates of pancakes and heading out with Chrysalis. Wonder how Serena will take to Ed's kids. I thought before we entered the dining area. Everyone was setting at their places at the dining table. My friends had all come in and gathered around the table taking up seats on either side where there was a free spot. Faust walked around behind Serena and placed Edward’s twins on either side of my boy. “Here you go my little ones. This is Serena, your new friend.” “New friend, Serena,” Star waved her hands above her head as she giggled. “Me Morning Star, that bubby!” She pointed around her twin brother. “Me… Solar Eclipse,” he pointed at himself. “You new friend?” Solar shyly asked. "Uhm…" Serena looked at me nervously. I only have him a reassuring nod. "M-my name is Serena Acnori. It's very nice to meet you Solar." Serena said shyly rubbing his arm. “No need to be shy dear,” Faust said with a soft smile. “They’re bot very friendly.” Star immediately flew to Serena’s side and gave him a big hug causing him to go completely red faced. “Serena Acnori, is Star and bubby’s new friend.” She said as she released the young dragonslayer as his eyes were still swirls. He was then pulled back to reality by Solar who grabbed Serena’s right hand and looked it over with a serious gaze and then looked to Serena’s eyes. “Serena good person, good friend.” He said as he hugged to my son and then released him. “Yes, Star is a lot more outgoing and open, like her father,” Faust said as she looked to me. “And Solar is much shyer, like Luna. He is much more sensitive to others’ emotions to. That’s why he grabbed Serena’s hand. He can tell a lot about someone by reading the color of their aura. I think it’s a skill he picked up from his father.” "Aura reading? That's quite an impressive skill. Few people in Fiore have mastered that skill, even less know its actual potential." I say while placing the rest of the pancake plates down. "Dig in everyone!" I tell them as they all start to eat. Everyone massacred their breakfast. There wasn’t a single pancake left on anyone’s plates. It was actually the little ones that ate most of them. That Morning Star can pack away some food I tell you what, it was actually a scary sight. “Exactly how old are the Twins Faust?” I asked as I picked up the dishes. She was patting her snout with a napkin. “They’re around four to four and a half months now. Or is it five months now dear?” She turned to her Celestia who was sipping on some tea. “Mmm… approaching five months now,” Celestia said with a warm tone. I looked at the duo half confused. “Here alicorns mature faster than other ponies. Usually it’s only twice the rate of normal ponies but twins have matured even faster. I’d say their mentally and physically around a year older in the growth rate currently.” “We think it has to do with Ed’s biology at the time of their consceptation,” Faust explained. “According to Luna’s time table Ed was still a human with a Philosopher Stone in his body.” “As much as I would like to continue this discussion I must be on my way,” Edward’s Celestia said as she finished her tea and set the cup down. “I have my duties that I must see to and like Ed said we have a few foreign dignitaries that require my attention. I just hope I can get through with them before the Minos group arrives,” she let out a sigh. “I wonder what they could want. To have the royals come here is rare.” Celestia said as she left the room. “I hope Ed isn’t to busy with his other work. I don’t know if they’ll still orders from him but they’ll at least listen to what he has to say, I’d rather have him by my side when they get here anyway.” I turn to the others at the table. "I take it you enjoyed the pancakes?" I ask them. “Good pancakes funny man,” Star said as she waved her hand in the air with joy. “They good funny man,” Solar said with a soft smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed them. My family and I are going to be here for at least a couple more days, so if you want I could make them tomorrow morning." I propose. “Daddy said funny man suppose study,” Star said as she jumped down. “Had big smile on his face. Said funny man go ringer,” she said slightly tilting her head in confusion. “Solar no good at daddy’s magic like Star, better with mommy’s magic though,” Solar joined his sister. “Serena wanna play?” The duo said in unison. "Yeah, sure!" Serena cheered happily. I let out a sigh and gave him a nod. "Yes, c'mon let's go!" Serena calls out to Solar and Star. We all went outside to the gardens through the kitchen. Luna and I both went to a familiar-looking tree and decided that we would both like to sit under it. We went to the tree but immediately found that the space under it already occupied, occupied but a small marble headstone. “Here lies Stone Elric a son taken before his time in a war he was never asked to be apart of. He fought in service to his friends and willingly gave his life so that his best friend had a chance.” There was a ring of glowing white flowers growing around the base of the headstone. They radiated a strange magic. If I was correct in most of my thoughts then Edward had made these flowers himself and they only grew here. “Quill,” Luna nuzzled my side. “What are you thinking about?” She asked as the kids played in the background. Star and Solar were both show Serena their magic and then started to fly around him a little before either of them grabbed one hand and slightly left him off the ground. "Nothing much. Mostly just wondering if this is how my parents felt when we adopted my brother, William." I reminisce. "I miss those days with my parents when all in the world was right and nothing was wrong." I tell her, before dropping my head slightly and letting loose a saddened sigh. "I only wish that I had gotten home in time to save them." I mumbled, leaning on Luna I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. "But that's in the past, and now I'm here with you, Serena, Zeref, Mavis and everyone else, and I couldn't be happier." I tell her. I look back to Serena, Solar, and Star, watching as Edward's kids lift my son off the ground, and I chuckle as Serena giggles uncontrollably with joy. I smile at the joy my son feels. “Mr. Quill,” I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see Edward’s guard Polearm with his own daughter, the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon. Luna slightly winced at the sight of the little filly and the little girl slightly hid herself behind her father’s leg. “I hate to intrude but Edward has tasked me with helping in your intermediate and advanced alchemy studies,” he looked down to his daughter. “Say hi.” “Hello Mr. Quill, Princess Luna. My name’s Nyx Nocte Caelum,” the little girl said with a bow. "It's very nice to meet you Nyx. My name is Acnori Quill, but please just call me Quill." I introduce. I look over and see that Luna is acting shy and quiet. "Hey," I whisper, nudging her with my arm. "She's not our Nightmare. There's no need to worry. Go on, introduce yourself." I encourage and reassure her. "I-If you say so." Luna responds. "I am Luna North Star. It's nice to meet you too Nyx." Luna introduced with her own small bow. "You’re scared of me too,” Nyx said looking down with disheartened eyes. “It’s because I was partially born from the leftovers of Nightmare Moon’s magic. Aunt Lu and Aunt Tia had the same look in her eyes when they first met me too.” The little filly started to sniffle and her eyes started to moisten with tears. “I don’t understand. why does every pony take one look at me and start to get scared or run away. I’m a good pony, I’m not her. I’m not Nightmare Moon.” She cried. Polearm picked her up and comforted her. “Shhh… it’s okay Nyx. We know you’re not that her,” he cradled the little girl close to his neck. “And even if the whole world runs away you’ll still have Mom, me, Aunt Tia, Aunt Luna, Uncle Ed, and all your friends down in Ponyville too.” Polearm looked to the nearby children. “And don’t forget that you need to be strong for Your little cousins to.” She come out her eyes red and puffy from crying. “Now dry your eyes and ask Mr. Quill if you can go play with his son Serena, Star, and Solar.” He put her on the ground and she proceeded to dry her eyes then she turned to me, “May I play with Serena, please?” “Of course you’re can little one,” I knelt down and with a smirk, tussled her hair a bet getting to giggle. Nyx then turned to Luna.“I’m sorry if I scared you Princess Luna and I hope we can still be friends. I also think you’re very pretty, but sorry you’re still not prettier than my mom.” She said fluttering her wings a bit and she hen ran off and joined the other children. I rolled my eyes and giggled as Nyx ran to go play with Serena and the others. "This world is fairly peaceful. At least, compared to the other worlds I know about." I mumbled to myself thinking about the other Displaced worlds. “Don’t let the surface fool you Quill,” Polearm said as he walked over and knelt down to place a daisy on the gravestone. “Things seem this way because of the groundwork Ed and the Princesses laid over three thousand years ago but there are still forces at work behind the scenes,” He got up and placed his hand on the grave. “Ed has told me there are things that are going to happen and even though he has the for knowledge of them and power to change these events he can’t stop them from happening as he has no idea of the repercussions that it could intel for this world or those involved. I think its the fear of not know what will happen that actually scares him the most. Not knowing how it’ll affect his family.” Polearm crossed his arms and let out a sigh. “He says there’s something coming up very soon something in the north. Something that has started to move and stir, what it is not even he knows. I think the Princesses might have some ideas on what he means but he also said it’s going to be much worse than he’d originally thought. As for myself, all the training, boosting our abilities to match his level that he had two thousand years ago and pushing us so hard that we nearly break. I think he’s getting us ready for war.” he rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the kids playing. “But if I can keep the kids and those I love safe then I’ll gladly go into battle but I’m not going to go to my death, no. I fully intend to come back to my marefriend and our little girl.” "Well, it sounds like you know what you want to do with your life. I know what I want to do with most of mine, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions in my world, and it feels like my job to find those answers. And I have a feeling that when I return to my world, things are gonna get a lot harder than we think." I ponder. “It always gets harder. Even Ed goes through trials still,” Polearm sigh as he remembered the events of the twins birth and Nat and Sora’s time here and in their brother’s world. “We almost lost Princess Luna after she gave birth to the twins. Severe magical drain. Her body was also in pretty bad shape do to the magic lose and strain that the twins were putting on it and due to all of this she was on Death’s Door. Even with all his power and medical knowledge, Ed used all of his mental fortitude to keep himself from rushing into the room and making a mistake if he performed an operation on her,” He looked at me. “Me point is, you will always face trials but in order to see them through you can’t get lost in the moment or allow yourself to drown in your rage Dragon Slayer.” "Well, that's what my family and friends are for. They keep me sane in my seat of insanity. I don't want to hurt anyone with my Extinction Dragon Slayer Mode. Though I have a feeling that if I can control that anger and turn it into adrenaline and determination, that it'll give me a new set of powers that'll be more than enough for what my world throws at me. Unless it's a Deviljho from Monster Hunter World, then I'm getting everyone and putting them in Canterlot so I can let loose because that Brute Wyvern is a literal Demon." I say grumbling that last sentence to myself. “You literally faced a demon last night,” He retorted. “Pony hearing. Anyway, you just faced Ed last night and he was upset that he was just getting warmed up in your fight. You lost yourself to anger, easily I might add. You need to keep a level head at all times. Especially if you’re going to be using alchemy and later alchemagic.” "That level headedness might take a while. My anger is something that can easily be exploited, and it mostly stems from a memory back on Earth. And plus, my anger is non-existent when I'm using a weapon, like my Time Reaper. When I'm using weapons I go into a state of mind I like to call, Type: Null." I tell Pole. And no, not the Pokemon all you people reading this. I think randomly. "It's a state of mind where my emotions disappear and the only thing left is my unpredictability and my skills with a weapon. In this mode, I can't feel pain, remorse, regret, guilt, or anything. I've had this state of mind for a very long time. Actually it's part of the reason I'm so good at weaponry." I tell them rubbing the back of my neck. "Back on Earth, I grew up in a very harsh neighborhood where the next day you wake up, it could be your last. So I had to give myself this mindset and when ever I'm fighting with anything that could be considered a weapon, Type: Null activates and I'm no longer in control. It's like those moments when your vision goes red and you don't have control over your body anymore, but for me, it's amplified by hundreds of millions of times over." I explain shivering from the bad memories of that neighborhood. “Mmmm…” Polearm placed a hand on his chin. “Ed has described a state of mind similar to your type Null but his is different for the fact that your don’t completely lose yourself in the moment. Your’s is a rigger reflex while Ed’s is a self induced type with Ed’s you are still aware of yourself. He calls Zero Mind state and he can even do this anymore due to his state of mind and body, or so he says,” he explained. “It’s apparently a very difficult skill to learn for anyone being but if you can master your emotions and use your defensive reflexive state of mind in tandem you may be able to utilize the Zero State. But you must know that Zero State not only takes a takes a major toll on the utilizer mentally but also puts a major strain on them physically as well.” Polearm held out his hand and magic began to flow from him. Wait, magic. He’s and Earth Pony though hens not supposed to be able to do magic. Suddenly bits of rock flew through the air and come to him then the stone compacted into his hand. Then a pole extended out from either side of his hand, as it did he grabbed the pole that was forming in his hand. Soon a naginata formed and he propped it against his shoulder. “How the hell…” I looked at the guard in confusion. “It’s a special type of magic that relates to a ponies special talent and race. It’s called Talent magic. I can use any form of pole type weapon with precision and accuracy while also working with the earth as an Earth Pony. It was a theory developed by me and Ed’s niece Nat. I was taught to augment my body by Ed with magic beyond the natural occurring form for earth ponies and couple it with trying to project it outward. This was the rustle,” he tapped the weapon on his shoulder. “I can also make armor, I think that has to do with my position as a guard.” "That's actually quite impressive." I mumbled. “In theory any pony can learn talent magic,” He explained stabbing the naginata into the ground. “The first step is learning magical augmentation for your body. Then you apply that concept outward. As long as it lines up with the ponies talent, or cutie mark, in some form then the can use for pretty much anything. Some localize it and some use a widespread but the drawbacks are it has to do with their talent or it won’t work. I’m telling you this because you’ll have to learn augmentation as part of your training and you can teach it to others in you world. Being a human, or humanism dragon in your place, doesn’t hinder your capabilities with talent magic like it does with ponies as humans don’t get cutie marks.” "That is true but it could be affected by my Time magic. So far I can't affect time in a large way, unless I use my Dragon Slayer Secret Art, also called Mayan Calendar Devastator. If my theory is correct then learning augmentation would possibly give me more control over time itself, but it would also limit that same power as not to completely rip apart time itself." I theorized. "But still I'd rather not pick up a weapon unless I really have to during training. Because in any sort of combat scenario training or otherwise, if I pick up anything that could be used as a weapon even if it's a stick, I run the risk of Type: Null activating, and I don't know what I'm doing as Null until the fight is over. Plus there is the risk of Null staying active for a longer time frame than just the fight, cause Null would actively look for fights. Though it has that drawback it does give me muscle memory when fighting." I tell him. "But I'm assuming training starts soon?" I ask. "Yes it does," Pole nodded. "But we need you to learn as much as possible in a short span of time, and you also have a lot of various skills to learn. Twilight and I will be covering your alchemy and magical training as we're the only ones outside the Princesses and Ed that are allowed to practice alchemagic. When Ed is done with his duties he'll take over when and where he can. Seeing as how we are and a crunch we'll be using the time chamber. The others of your party are going to have to stay here." "I'm fine with staying here to watch the kids." Luna tells me. "The others are off doing something, but I'm ready to start. Let's head to the time chamber." I respond to Pole. “Have a good afternoon Princess and please keep a close watch on the little ones,” he said with a bow and Luna nodded. “Follow me Quill.” We walked off to start my lessons. Quill's Twilight's POV "And then, after Princess Celestia used her magic to lift the rubble off Quill, we see his limp body just laying there. It was heartbreaking to see, but five seconds later, his body glows and his wounds magically heal. He then sits up while rubbing his head and casually asks, "does anyone have a fuggin' ibuprofen?" She imitates Quill with a deep voice. "Like he wasn't just blasted into a pillar with a large amount of magic that could've rendered a normal pony comatose and could've knocked out Celestia! He just shrugged it off and said that it gave him a headache." I ranted to my BBBFF and Cadence. "It still shocks me that he hasn't gotten more injured than he already has by now." I face hoof. "Well that is certainly one way to give an introduction." Shining Armor tells me while holding in a laugh. "And what'd you do in response?" Cadence asked, as a faint blush touched my cheeks. "Oh, nothing." I respond shyly, rubbing the back of my head with my hoof. “The usual teaser I see,” I heard Edward’s voice but couldn’t see him. “Look up,” he said and we turned our heads upward to see Edward on a ladder next to a bookshelf in the library. He was wearing his black suit and a blue coat with a Princess Luna’s cutie mark on the back of it. He jumped down right in front of us. “Hey there little ponies what ya up to?” "Oh, Twily here was just telling us about her first encounter with Quill." My brother replied. “So I overheard,” Edward said as he jumped down with a clipboard in hand landing in front of us. “Mirror mirror where’s there a mirror?” He hummed as he looked around. “Looks like I'll have to use one of the bathrooms on the way,” he said as his attention was back on us. “So where are you three headed and depending on the direction, would you mind some company for a bit?” "Oh, we were just wandering around, and no we wouldn't mind company." I reply. “Here an idea ya’ll might like,” Edward said looking at me in particular with a mischievous smile. “Why don’t you all come with me to Luna’s School. I have a few classes that need some serious lessons taught. Thus the blue coat,” he said gesturing to himself before he turned to look at the sky. “Unless you don’t want to learn about dark magic?” Edward said with another smirk. My eyes turn to stars and I run up to Edward. "Will you really teach me about dark magic?!" I scream in excitement. “Ow, geez,” Edward winced at the pitch of my voice. “Yes, you can set in on my classes and after I stay for a bit the teach about way dark magic isn’t bad.” He patted my head. “What about you two?” Her turned to Cadence and Shining. “If you want some alone time I can understand but you should know that isn’t a place here where you’ll be completely alone.” He points to a very large red dragonfly looking bug. “What are those?” I said as me mind was a light with curiousness. Edward snickered. “They’re called Pokémon and they’re not limited to just those dragonfly-like ones. They’re a lot like normal animals but they have abilities and types that very. They also change their form as they grow stronger. Now back to you two.” He turned his attention back to Shining and Cadence. “Ya know what, everypony is just going to come with me.” He said waving his hand in front of us and we all began to float. Edward walked on while we followed in his, grasp. “Let me start off by saying that Dark Magic itself isn’t inherently evil nor does it in itself corrupt the wielder just by using it. There are forms of Dark Magic that are out right forbidden for simplicity sake.” Edward waved his hand and gently sit us on the floor. “How is All Dark Magic not corrupting? We were always taught that if you use it that you can fall to its temptations just from one use,” Cadance said as Edward walked over to a nearby room and looked inside. “I know Quill has explain Floren magic to you before and it a similar concept really. There’s one,” Edward said as he went into the room and motioned for us to follow. “It has a lot to do with the wielder and the type of magic being used. Take Luna’s magic for example, her magic ranges an entire branch of Dark magic and yet she’s not corrupted. Sure, she fell to the corrupting influences but on after he mental and emotional state went to dark thoughts of her sister. Magic as you ponies know it has a lot to do with one's emotions and state of mind. Quill’s rampage last night was a perfect example of this. He projected his anger on to me and it caused him to unlock his dragon form, or dragon force form anyway. But his magic was more akin to that of demon magic than dragon magic if you recall Zeref’s remark.” “But if we go by what you’re saying then that means all magic can have a corruptive effect if done under the wrong conditions,” Shining said in shock. “Exactly my boy,” Edward said walking over to a mirror and hen pulled a black key from his pocket and placed it against the mirror causing a ripple to crossover the surface. Edward then walked through and we stood there with our mouths on the floor for a moment before he returned with a few books in hand. “Like I was saying earlier, Dark magic or in itself is neither inherently good or evil. . It heavily depends on the wielder, what it’s being used for, the wielder’s state of mind. let me make a correction to my previous statement, all magic is neither good nor evil only its intent of use is and even then you only have Your perspective of what is right or wrong. Sure there are forms of magic that are forbidden her like Necromancy but there is a form of that branch of this particular family of magic that isn’t corruptive I even though it’s Dark. I know this magic but even I don’t care to use it because I personally find it appalling. I know those who were so diluted by their own world view that the fill to the corruption of holy magic and then you have a very common corrupting magic, fire magic.” “Unrelated question,” Shining said with a raised hoof. “Shoot,” Edward said as we walked along. “What the hay was up with that mirror and you walking through it?” Shining said in shock. “It lies in this key,” Edward took the black key from earlier. “I place this key on any mirror and it tour so that mirror into a portal to the Dark Library.” That word got my attention. “Dark Library?” I said ecstatically. “Can I…” “Maybe later Twilight.” Edward cut me off. “As for an explanation, short of it is it’s that the library of Luna’s original school where most of this world dark magical lore, texts, legends, and spell books are stored. With the help of Starswirl, I was able to move it to another space outside this world to keep its, darker and more harmful contents from those who would seek it.” He said as we came upon to a large blue and silver lined building. “Welcome to Luna’s school for Gifted Ponies.” He said with a wave of his hand. “Wait school for Gifted Ponies,” I sailed with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t you mean Gifted Unicorns? Like Princess Celestia’s school, right.” “No, this School is for anypony that wants to learn magic,” Edward explained. “Sure, the first school only taught unicorns and focused more on Dark Magic, but when I spoke with Luna about a few recent discoveries we decided to change it to be open to the general populace.” I saw Cadance looking to and adjacent red and silver building. “What’s that one for?” She pointed at the building. “That’s my school for Automail Engineering and Mechanics,” Edward explained as we walked into the school. “That’s where ponies are taught to build and fabricate prosthetic limbs similar to my arm and leg but not nearly as advanced. It’s still a fairly new practice but is steadily growing a great reputation.” We entered a classroom. “Take a seat up front you three.” He motioned to an empty spot. “Today well be going back and seeing what all of you remember,” there was a collective aww, a few what’s, and a lot of damn its. “Yep, pop quiz,” Edward said enthusiastically as he slammed the books he brought down on opened them. "Okay, first question: What is the first step in learning any type of magic?" Edward asked. I raised my hoof to answer the question. When Edward called on me I answered. "First you'd study the type of magic so you know what to expect from it." I answer confident in my choice. “Good answer, one of the basic fundamentals of all magic,” Edward nodded while a smirked. “But not the right answer little pony. What about you Shining?” “Umm…” my brother tapped his chin with his hoof. “You have to know what emotions you using to fuel your spells.” “Another good answer and closer but still wrong,” Edward said as he flicked the air. Edward then pointed at himself. “The main key to magic is knowing yourself and what you can do and what you want to do. Now,” he clapped his hands together, “let’s move on to magical application.” Quill’s Celestia’s POV I was wandering around the castle, near the gardens when I found the entrance to said gardens. I walked through the doors and found myself in the middle of the gardens, looking at Edward and Quill’s kids playing tag. I trotted over next to my sister and sat down. I looked as she watched peacefully over the playing kids. “I wonder. Would you like to have your own kid sister?” I asked, startling my sister. Once she saw it was me she looked away sheepishly at my question. “I mean, maybe? I don’t know Tia. I’d love to have a kid of my own, but I’m not sure if it’s a good decision with all of what’s happening. I mean, our lives have gotten stranger by the hour we’ve been around Quill, and I doubt that it’s going to get any more calm. And with all the new information and such that we’re getting, it's hard to find a moment where it’d be just me and Quill. Plus we’ve only been dating for what? Two days now? Don’t you think it’s a little pushing it to think that we’d do that, this early in our relationship?” Luna explained looking back at the kids playing joyfully. “Talking about children are we ponies?” I heard a playfully toned voice from the other side of the nearby tree. “If you really want someone to talk to about this then you should speak with Edward and Luna.” I turned to look over to where the voice originated from to see Chrysalis leaning against the tree’s trunk. “Oh, hello there Chrysalis.” Luna said with a soft smile. “Enjoying watching the children play Princess,” Chrysalis smirked. “Yes, it’s just one of the very few things that are normal in the lives we live, especially when we live with Displaced.” She said turning back to the kids. “True, but amongst them we’re are mere footnotes compared to the Displaced,” Chrysalis said was she stood up.“If you love or have any form of relationship with a Displaced you need to be ready to deal with some very strange things Princess. Ed and Luna didn’t have children of their own until the twins. They did adopt children and made no distinction between them either. Polearm is actually a descendant of one of their children. Can you understand what I’m trying to say?” “Yes, I do understand, and I can’t help but feel like when we get back home there’ll be both a strange, and nasty surprise waiting for all of us, but more so Quill and Edward than anything.” Luna eerily told Chrysalis, and gazing off into the sky. “You are more than likely correct Princess,” Chrysalis sighed. ”I’ve learned to trust in those feelings since my reformation.” She looked to the little ones. “How about I take over watching the kids while you two go and talk with Edward and Celestia?” “Sure,” Luna told Chrysalis while getting up. “Serena?” She called, prompting said child to jog over. “Yeah, Luna?” He asked. “Chrysalis here is going to watch over you and the others for now.” Luna said while going off with me to find Edward and his Celestia. “Look in the throne room first,” Chrysalis called out as we went in the castle. “Celestia said something about Minotaurs coming today. Ed is the only one in the castle that they’ll show respect to right off the bat without question.” “Right, well off we go.” I thanked as my sister and I trotted out of the gardens and made our way into the throne room. As we were walking through the corridor, Luna looked over to me and asked: “What do you think the Minotaurs in this world are like? I once heard Edward mention a type of war between them.” She asked. “I don’t know what they’ll be like sister. This is a different world, where things we’d never imagined in our world could be reality here.” I told her, as we neared the throne room. We made our way to the doors of the throne room and like our own world there were guards posted on either side of the doors but they wore a mixed armor of blue and gold. “How may we help you two?” The guard on the right asked. “We’re here to see Edward and this world’s Celestia.” I answered with a smile. The two looked a teacher silently exchanging communication before the other guard spoke. “Very well but keep in mind that they are going through papers at this time and the Minos ambassadors and a legion of their guards are due to arrive at any moment.” We nodded and they proceeded to open the doors. There on the throne sat Celestia and next to her was Edward. He was where a red coat with a gold trim to it while his black outfit also had a gold trim. He noticed us as we walked up. “Good late morning to you both,” he said as he handed his Celestia a scroll. “Is there something we can help you two with.” “I hope you two have been enjoying your stay in our world,” Ed’s Celestia said as she looked over the scroll. “We are, it is quite a nice world.” Luna smiled. “Excellent to hear little ponies,” Edward said as he looked to us. “Now, what’s seems to be be on your minds?” “Really we’re just wandering, and we heard that you’d be having a meeting with the Minotaurs, and we got curious.” I said truthfully. “One of many truths to fall from your mouth Celestia,” Edward said as he picked up another scroll. “Tall Order wants to bulldoze an orchard for a personal stable again.” He said pointing to a part of the scroll. “Denied, as usual.” He said with a red stamp. “Now, what is the other reason you’re both here and I mean both of you.” Luna let out a huff and looked at me. “Well, you can blame my dear sister for that. She found me in the gardens looking after the kids, she suddenly asked me if I wanted kids, and it caught me off guard.” She grumbled. “Hmmm… “ He looked at my sister with thoughtful eyes. “I’m guessing you heard about me from someone close then. Say, Chrissy perhaps.” “She is supposed to be watching the twins while we’re busy and Luna is resting,” His Celestia added while she looked over her newest scroll “Well, she is now watching them. She got back when I was watching them.” Luna told Edward’s Celestia. “She must have been tending to hive matters,” Edward’s Celestia told him. “I agree, but that still doesn’t answer my question,” he leaned over and eyed us both sternly. “Why did you seek me?” I looked at the two, with my smile faltering. “You got me, the real reason is because I got worried when I heard that you and the Minotaurs had gotten into a war.” I told him. Celestia and Edward both looked at each other and then he chuckled. “Yes, there was a war, almost three thousand years ago.” Edward stood up. “There currently is no need to worry about such things unless something happens during the Minos’s visit.” Suddenly the two guards opened the doors and spoke in unison. “The Minos leader of the Edge clan wishes to speak to you your majesties.” “Looks like we’re out of time ladies but you can’t just up and leave either have a seat next to Tia and learn about some of our history,” Edward motioned to a few pillows off to the side. “Send them and their entourage in please.” The guards nodded and left the room while my sister and I took positions next to Edward’s Celestia. “Just to give you two a heads up, most Minos judge you solely based off your level of strength,” Celestia murmured to us. “You two are strangers to them so they won’t listen to anything you have to say but if you wish to speak let me know with a tap.” “We’ll most likely just listen.” I tell him. “Just please don’t let them insult us like them calling us pets. I’m pretty sure that Quill would find the one who insulted Luna and hurt him somehow.” I giggled. “No such action will be undertaken by anyone other than me in this court,” Edward said sternly as the doors opened and a group of newcomers arrived. They were large standing much taller than any of the ponies we’d seen his for in this world, even taller than Edward. They had two long horns coming out of either side of their heads. The middle ones were dressed in fine clothes and the surrounding group was wearing full plate red armor. They marched into the room with a thunder of heavy metal boots on the marble floor. One of the Minos in cloth stepped forward. “I am Lord Broad Edge, descendant of king False Edge and current leader of the Edge clan and lord regent of the Minos people,” stated the Minos with a thundering boom. “We are here today to ask for the return of the Minos Kingdoms greatest air loom that is the mark the Minos king, the Spell Breaker.” I tapped Celestia throne, and she slightly leaned over to me, “What is Spell Breaker?” I murmured. “Listen.” She gestured to the group. “We demand that you ponies return out kingdoms treasured sword!” Another younger Minos spoke out. “You weak ponies have no claim to it.” Broad Edge held his hand up and the younger Minos shut up really quick. “Enough Bleeding Edge,” he scowled. “As much as I can’t tolerate being talked over I’m award that my nephew has a point your highness. You have no claim to our sword anymore as the leadership of the Minos was entrusted to the Edge Clan as per the wishes the adopted brother of King False Edge and prior king to his reign, the Crimson King.” “As much as I would willingly return the sword to the Minos tribe, I’m afraid I can’t at this time as it is not mine to give,” Edward’s Celestia said outright. “You damn pony,” Bleeding Edge pulled a sword and held it out pointing it at Celestia. “The sword belongs to us and we will have it, even if it means raising this castle to the ground. Our forefather,Jagged Edge, crafted the sword as a crystal smith in conjunction with the mages of the Crystal Empire. It is our clan’s monicker.” “ENOUGH!” roared Back Edward caused the entire room to shake. The Minos immediately all looked at Edward and their jaws hit the floor. “It can’t be, the Crimson King!” One of the guards said finally. “Oh yes, it’s me little bulls and I can say if you want the sword then you can try your hand and claim it,” Edward said as he walked down to the group. He snapped his fingers and a crystal claymore appeared and stabbed into the floor. “You can challenge me for the sword as is dedicated by the ancient law of strength but until this time, you and no other Minos have no ounce of clam to my blade.” “There is no possible way your the former king! He died over two millennia,” Bleeding Edge said with a quiver of fear. “You can say I died all you want but here I am. I can also guarantee all of you that the stories that you all heard about the Crimson Butcher, are very much true,” Edward said as he picked up Spell Breaker. “I am the Crimson King and as far as I’m concerned you can take your claim and shove it up your asses.” He sat down next to his Celestia. “False Edge wouldn’t accept the sword when I stepped down demanding that it stay with the strongest and no has beaten me in a challenge for it but by all means, challenge me.” The Minos all looked at one another before starting a conversation amongst themselves. After a few minutes of debate they sent the best warrior amongst them but he was sent flying through the doors of the throne room with a quick back from Edward and the other Minos quickly followed suit. Edward quickly returned to his seat and let out a long sigh. “So,” he said looking to us out of the corner of his eye. “Go ahead and ask your questions?” "Okay first question," I started. "What in Equestria is the Spell Breaker?" I asked. “Bleeding Edge already told you what it is,” Edward said as he held the crystal claymore out in front of my face allowing it to be fully reflected in the sword’s blade. I tried to use my magic on the weapon only to find that I couldn’t even lift it up. “Why can’t I pick it up?” I asked with worry. “This was a weapon the the evil Minos King, Jagged Edge, personally crafted in order to combat my sister and I,” my counterpart answered in fear. “This entire sword is made of a crystal from the Crystal Empire that is heavily magic resistant and was then quenched in the stomach acid of a Tatzlworm several times during its forging.” “When Jagged Edge became king he used this blade a beacon for his rule. He ruled the Minos for years after claiming the throne for himself via the Law of Strength by killing the king before him,” Edward explained as he laid the sword next to him. “The fact that he made the sword and used it even before the start of the Minos Wars speaks volumes to his plans. Jagged was a very ambitious and an uncommon genius for a Minotaur. Far beyond that of even the smartest of his species. I inadvertently helped the bastard in his plans for war.” Edward stood up and walked over to one of the stained glass windows and looking up at the light coming through it. His tone had been very disturbing, full of sadness and anger. I couldn’t help but wonder about the events of the war that had caused him such anguish. Serena’s POV I laughed wildly as I played with Nyx, Morning Star, and Solar Eclipse. I ran from Eclipse who was "it" all the while shouting. "You can't catch me!" It was so much fun! “I gonna get you!” Solar laughed as he flew after the three of us. I laughed some more before getting suddenly tagged. Hearing Solar yell out, "You're it!" I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, before seeing Solar run away. I grinned before running after the closest person, that being Nyx. I ran at Nyx and was fixing to tag her when backflips out of my reach and then took flight with a flap of her wing wings. I managed to jump off the ground To keep up with her but she was more mature than the twins and easily out maneuvered me. I landed on the ground and then saw the twins staring off to the Everfree Forest of this world. They weren’t laughing anymore but looked rather concerned, as if someone down there was in trouble and needed help. There was a popping sound and the we found ourselves in the middle of the Everfree Forest. ”E-Eevee!” A small voice resonated within my ears, as they twitched to notify me in the direction of the cry for help. “What the?” I asked in a hushed whisper before focusing on the sound. ”Eev-Eevee!” The small voice cried once more, this time another sound was heard alongside it. It was a somewhat loud sound, and that’s when I heard it. A loud howl resonated and echoed across the land as my mind flashed to the moment when I arrived in Equestria. It was the exact same howl. It was a Timber Wolf, and from the sound of the pats hitting the earth, it was an entire pack of Timber Wolves. The heavy pounding on the ground, sounded like they were chasing after something. “Oh, no.” I said horsley as I ran in the direction of the howl. “C’mon, c’mon. I need to go faster!” I told myself as I sprinted through the forest, with Nyx and the twins right on my heels. I ran wildly through the forest as branches cut my clothes, face and caused me to bleed. Even though I began to feel tired, I kept running, I just had to help whoever was getting attacked by the Timber Wolves. Finally, after what felt like an hour of running, I leapt into the small opening to find a dog like creature backing away from a pack of at least three dozen Timber Wolves with tears streaming from their eyes. I looked at the wolves and saw that several of them had blood on their muzzles. I curled and clenched my fists in anger that this creature’s family and friends were likely devoured. I ran over between the creature and the wolves, looking at the wooden killers with rage. “DON’T YOU DARE TAKE ANOTHER STEP!!!” I roared at the wolves releasing my magical pressure, startling the wolves momentarily. “YOU BETTER LISTEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO END UP AS FIREWOOD!” Nyx yelled as she and the twins landed on either side of me. “YEA! BURN YA UP!” Star exclaims as she scowled at the wolves. “BIG MEANIES!” Solar joined in. The wolves looked at one another in slight confusion before puffing the confusion away and continuing to close in on the small creature and now, us. I looked around in slight nervousness before taking deep breaths. I spread my legs shoulder width apart, slowed my breathing and my pulse, before taking a deep breath in. "Purgatory Dragon……" I said while inhaling so much my chest puffed out. Then to a small surprise of the others, a magic circle appeared in front of me. "ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as from my mouth a semi-large stream of deep red flames spewed out, and when it hit the magic circle it grew into a river of fire hotter than lava and was sent barreling at the Timber Wolves. I kept this up till my breath ran out and the magic circle disappeared. When it did I saw the extent of my magic attack. It did indeed burn and destroy several of the wolves but only about a dozen before the rest smothered the embers that was magic. "Oh, crud." I said as one of the wolves lunged at me, its wooden fangs barred, and ready to tear into my throat. I closed my eyes for a brief second but then heard a loud shriek and then several cracking sounds. I opened my eyes to wolf’s fangs that had come barreling down upon me but instead of find flesh they found a stone spike jutting from the ground through the back of its skull. I looked behind the wolf to see several more rock spike impaling more of it pack causing them to cry out in pain before more spike came from the originals causing the wolves to shatter into pieces. I turned my head, my gaze following the trail of spikes to their origin to see Nyx whose hands were on the ground with bits of electricity flying off them. “Take that you dum mutts! No pony threatens my friends!” Nyx yelled in anger. I was shocked to see Nyx using the same skill that Edward had taught my dad, but I never heard her hands clap. I then noticed that the sparks of electricity were originating from a set of bracelets on her wrists. “No hurt pokie and friends anymore!” The twins said roared as they each held out a single hand while back to back. They sent out a blue and red twister of combined magic that in gluffed the wolves in front of the duo, tearing them apart as they when flying in all directions. “Let’s do this! CAVERN DRAGON STALAGMITES!” I screamed with a smile on my face, before digging my hands deep into the soil. In a small radius around us and the small creature, hundreds of magic circles pinged into existence as they began to glow bright, and from them bladed and sharp stalagmites jutted out of the ground and impaled even more of the wolves. I tried to hold the spell, but I began to get dizzy as I smelled a foul smell. I had to stop the spell I was casting, which caused the wolves I impaled to drop to the ground and bleed out green sap, I couldn’t focus on anything, as my vision began to blur. I put my hands on my head and tried to stop the spinning but I was failing at it, miserably. I looked around and could only see globs of colors. I felt my side becoming wet, but we were nowhere near a water source. I placed my hand on my side and brought it back into my limited view, only to see a red crimson liquid. Am I… Bleeding? I thought as I slowly looked at my side to see that one of the Timber Wolves wooden claws, had lodged itself deep into my side, likely when I used my Cavern Dragon Spell. Well, shit. T-This sucks. I think before chuckling slightly. I haven’t felt anything like this since dad’s dragon insanity ripped a hole through my stomach. I reminisce before my eyes registered a tan-brown and white glob of color walking towards me, and as the color did, I feel a little taste of iron as blood trickles out of my mouth. W-What? I think as the color got even closer. “Serena!” I heard Nyx’s voice next to the little glob. “Hold on,” she said as she knelt down. “Star you and Solar keep the rest of the wolves away!” “Okay!” I heard the twin off in the distance. Nyx? Where are you? I thought as my vision began to blacken and my eyes grew heavy. I tried so desperately to keep them open but it was a battle I would always lose. I was dying. I was once again, scared. “Don’t you close those eyes on me,” I heard Nyx complaining as a warm blue glow filled the area where the wolf’s claw had struck me. “I managed what I could from what mom and Uncle Ed taught me but we need to get you back to as soon as we can.” “E-Eevee!! Eev!” The creature’s voice resonated, as if it were trying to tell Nyx something. “I-It’s…” I tried to say only to cough up a bit of blood. “It’s gonna… be… o-o-okay Nyx… I’ve already died… But if I die now… It’ll fulfill my wish…” I coughed up more blood. “To die, surrounded by friends, protecting the innocent.” “Serene not die!” I heard Star voice on my other side as I felt her hands on my chest. I felt gentle warm rush enter and fill my entire body. The pain started to subside to the point I could once again see. “No die… no… die…” I heard from Star and then looked to see her lying next to me on the ground, unconscious. “Star!” Nyx shouted as she tried to get to her cousin only to fall to the ground on her side. “Damn it. I… used… too much...power,” Nyx stifled out as she reaches for us both. My gaze then shifted to the timberwolves and Solar Eclipse’s condition. All of the wolves were in pieces from what I could tell and I could just make out Solar’s outline as he was standing nearby but with his back to us. He was so scared I could see him trembling. Then I heard rustling coming from all around, suddenly bits of the timberwolves flew through the air and culminated into a single giant wolf. I looked at Solar as he started to back away while the new giant wolf inched closer to us with drool falling from its open maw. I used the last of my voice to cry out, “RUN!” What happened next was astounding. “You hurt Serenie… You hurt Nyx...you hurt my sissy,” I heard Solar murmur to himself. I then felt the air around us start to heat up. I looked to Solar and his blonde hair had changed to a golden flame. He extended his wings outward, “YOU NO HURT ANYPONY ANYMORE!” He roared as he threw his hands in front of him and release a torrent of black flames on the wolf burning it to nonexistent. I then saw Solar collapse onto the ground in front of a massive clearing of what was Forrest. I heard a slight buzzing noise coming from above us and drawing closer. “My gods, how the hell did you children get here. What the…” I heard. I then saw a faint outline of Ms.Chrysalis. “No time for that now Chrysalis.” I felt something wrap around my as my vision faded out again. Right before I became unconscious, I heard a very familiar voice which would’ve placed fear in me, but instead filled me with safety and comfort. “Geez Serena… You really ran yourself dry. Your dad’s gonna be pissed at me. Let’s get you home.” The voice talked to itself before I felt the embrace of darkness and I passed out due to blood loss. Acnologia's POV Well shit… he passed out. I thought as I held Serena in my arms. “We should get them all to the hospital wing of the castle right now,” Chrysalis said with a great unease in her voice. “Serena needs medical attention that only Ed can give him.” She looked to the little creature at Serena’s side. “I swear, all this fuss over you. The twins helped Serena protect you because he’s their friend but also because they’re too good natured. Their parents are going to have my head.” “Ms. Chrysalis, can you help me please?” Nyx said from next to where I’d picked up Serena. “I overextend myself closing up Serena’s wound.” “You kids are very lucky that you’re all so powerful,” Chrysalis scolded them all as she picked up Nyx in her magic and twins placing the youngest in her arms. She then teleported us back to the castle. Chrysalis took Serena from my grip in her magic and then looked me straight in the eye. “I’ll get them to the medical wing, up you go get Ed from the throne room. He should still be there help Tia finish court,” She said as she gently but quickly walked off while the Pokémon, Eevee as it called out, followed right on her heels. I nodded and walked or rather floated off to find Edward when from the throne room a large Minotaur flies right through me at high speeds, followed by a few other Minotaurs bolting out of said room. "Looks like I found him." I muttered as I float through the door to find Quill's Luna and Celestia talking to Ed and his Celestia. "Uh, not to interrupt anything but I need you guys to follow me to the infirmary right now." I said catching their attention. “Someone did something stupid again,” Edward grumbled as he quickly walked passed me while he was followed by his Celestia our ponies of the day and night. “Details Acno. I need to know what happened and the state they’re in.” He said as he looked to me out of the corner of his eye. "Well, first we'll need to get Quill… Serena is in a pretty bad condition. Nyx is fine for the most part, just used a lot of magic. Solar completely decimated the forest, and as such just used a lot of magic too. Star used most of her magic healing Serena's wound and passed out due to exhaustion. There was an Eevee but she's relatively fine besides a scare from the Timber Wolves. Serena however… from what I could smell, his lungs were stabbed into, and they filled up with blood. He almost died a second time. Good thing Nyx and Star saved him, but also he used too much of his dragon magic without proper training. But it's the specific element he used. He used two, Cavern and…" I bit my ethereal lip and sighed heavily. "He used Purgatory Dragon Roar. And his lungs weren't used to that heat, so it gave him a couple of heavy internal burning, but they were put out and negated mostly due to the deep sea lacrima in him." I explained. “Stupid kids,” Edward said as he shook his head. “Look, I don’t have time to go get Quill. I’m relieved that my little ones and niece are okay and proud of what they did but at the same time I’m also angry that they went off on their own,” he said with a tick. “Go get Quil and make it snappy, I’ve got to get to Serena and start examining him. I know the kids’ intentions were good and only were trying to help but they might have some adverse effects. I don’t want Serena to suffer from magic overload or magic poisoning. Let alone his other injuries. Now get,” he waved his hand off to the side. I nodded and headed off to the lower levels of the castle while Edward sped off to the infirmary with the three princesses in tow. I make my way to the training area when out of nowhere, I hear Quill's voice say. "I smell a disturbance in the magical pressure from the castle. Three, no four kids… all magically powerful, two girls, two boys. Three of them are almost out of mana, and the fourth is severely injured. Close to death." He growls as he sniffed the air once more. "Serena?" He asks as his eyes go wide. "That's right. You're getting better with your Draconic senses." I say before I look at him dead serious. "Listen I need all three of you to come with me, now. It involves our kids. Quill, Serena looks like when insanity hot to him." I told them. Several seconds later I'm floating behind Twilight, Pole, and Quill, well really Pole, Twilight, and I are running to keep up with Quill, who's going faster than a bankai Ichigo at this point with worry. "No, no no no no no no no no!" He kept repeating endlessly as he ran to the infirmary. Once we reached the med room Quill almost literally kicked the door in, stopping with tears misting his eyes. I could feel his worry and sorrow. I was him after all, mentally or not. "S-Serena?" He asked horsley as he looked at the state his son was in. I looked and my eyes widened as I say the result of the wound. Going across his left side was a large scar that went from his armpit down to the bottom of his ribcage. A breathing mask was attached to his face giving him oxygen and an IV drip was connected to his right arm. Which has bandages wrapped around it going to the elbow. I knew his condition was bad but not this bad. Sitting on the bed next to his right side was the same Eevee from before, which I assume he protected from the Timber Wolves. Quill slowly walked over to Serena and looked at him. I could feel millions of thoughts flashing through his head but one thought burned bright… or rather, darkly. That question screams in my mind as well as his, always crying out on sentence. "WHY CAN I NEVER PROTECT THE ONES I LOVE?!?!?!?!?!!?" I froze in shock at the question. Had something like this happened before? I pondered as I didn't recall anything like this happening in our normal life when we were together besides Sonya. But it couldn't have possibly been something like that. Sure he was still sorrowful about that fact but never like this. Could it be something to do with… his life before The Merchant? I wondered before Quill pulled up a chair and sat down next to the Eevee, petting it's head lightly. His face was woven with sorrow and grief. His eyes dulled and filled with pain. Something I'm all too familiar with, but his eyes lacked even their color. They weren't a dull red, but they rusted and eroded into an emotionless grey, full of nothing but hurt. His eyes… they intrigued me. Why did they always seem to change when he dealt with any strong emotion. First it was blood red with rage, now it's dulled grey with pain and sorrow. This question lingered in my thoughts as the continuous beeping of the heart monitor gave the bitter silence a sound. “Piece of crap,” I heard as I saw the heart monitor thrown across the room. My eyes turned back to the voice to see Edward standing over Serena with a stethoscope. He then listen to the kids chest. “You dragon slayers have such low heart beats it’s almost impossible to pick up when your body is in such poor states, especially with machines. Luckily, enhanced hearing helps in this case.” Edward stepped back from Serena and over to Quill placing a hand on his shoulder. “He had some bad internal injuries but thanks to him using all his store magic, the kids magic, and dragon slayer biology, he’ll pull through.” "Thank you." Quill said in a tone, unlike him. It was monotone, emotionless. "I can't lose anymore of my family." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. “Then wake up!” Edward raised his voice as he struck Quill over the head with his metal hand, Quill looked up at the alchemist as he rubbed the knot on the top of his head. “Think of your kid right now man. Think of how you’re relieved to still have him, how you’re going to scold him for using powers without knowing the cost, and how you’ll teach I’m how to use and control that magic.” "I am going to scold him. I am thinking of how I'm relieved that he'll be okay, that he'll live and I will teach him. But seeing how he is right now reminds me of when I lost my parents, and how Type: Null was born." He told Edward the color in his eyes returning as he dried his tears. “Here,” Edward took a handkerchief from his inner coat pocket. “I know it’s hard man, Luna was in a similar situation not long ago and I was so torn up all I could do was wait, but you need to reflect on the good things. He’s going to make it if not a little bit worse for wear and all the wiser.” He patted Quill’s shoulder. “The kid is tough, like his oldman. He’ll pull through it but he’s going to need your support and the support of the others as well. He’ll wake up soon and when he does, let him have it but also tell him he did a good thing in protecting this little Eevee here,” Edward pointed to the little creature at the foot of Serena’s bed. “Now I have my own kids to tend to and you two,” he looked to Twilight and Polearm. “Better be proud of yours. If it hadn’t been for her being there and knowing your teachings so well, Serena would’ve been dead in less than two minutes.” "I'm as proud as a parent can be Ed, and when Solar and Star wake up I'm going to thank them along with Nyx, heavily. I can't lose him, or else I might lose myself entirely. I already snapped once, I don't look forward to snapping again." Quill sighed. "Do you mind if I tell all of you the story of how I lost my parents and how Type: Null was born?" He asked. “Hmm…” Edward looked at Quill and then to Serena before returning to Quill. “If you’re alright with me knowing then I’ll listen. Let me check in on my babies first though. I be back in a moment .” Edward said in haste as he walked off. "Are you sure?" I ask Quill. "Yes… it involves the first time I ever, 'snapped'." He tells me. Edward soon came back and looked at the both of us. “Littles ones are sleeping soundly in their beds for now.” His gaze shift to Serena for a moment. “I’d say let’s head for the workshop but I honestly think your time is better spent here Quill. I’ll keep the staff to a minimum and the princesses are welcome to stay too. I’m not gonna send them away. They deserve to know who you are but if they want to leave, I won’t stop them either.” He said calmly as he leaned against the wall. “Tia went back to here room to finish up some paperwork so it’s just us right now.” "Well, this story begins with a seven year old me, and my mother walking home from the store with groceries." Quill began to tell us. My dad was at home in his office working, when me and my mom got home. It was late out and my brother, Will had gone to sleep. When me and Mom were putting the groceries away, we heard a snap and the yell of my dad. I told my mom that I'd finish putting the food away and she smiled before going to check on dad. I continued to put the food away until I heard a blood curdling scream of terror coming from my dad's office. I got scared and went to check on my mom, to see if she was okay. When I got there, the door was cracked open. So I looked through. That was the worst moment of my life. I was dead silent at what was in front of my or rather who. My father, was on the ground, with as far as I could see, five knife wounds in his stomach and he was bleeding to death. I looked to the other side of the room and saw a man with his pants down, and he was defiling my mom. Right in front of my dying father. I looked on in horror as the killer and intruder raped my mom and once he was finished doing that he threw her to the ground before stabbing her ten times in the chest. She and my father laid there dying, looking at each other. My mother had died of shock after being stabbed but my dad was still alive. He reached his hand out and grabbed my mom's before his entire body went limp. That's when I felt it. I felt my morality shatter and my rage flew to levels higher than anything Tyrrios could do. I snapped. I opened the door quietly as the man opened the vault in dad's office and lotted through it, and I grabbed the katana my dad always kept, as it was a gift from his father, my grandfather. I walked up behind the man as he knelt on the ground rejoicing over his loot and I lifted the sword over my head in a reverse grip. And I sunk it into the back of the bastard's head, and it went right through his mouth. I tore the sword out and watched the man's blood begin to pool around the corpse, as he fell. I then raised the katana once again over my head and swung down, cutting into the dead man's back. And I swung again, and again, and again. Over and over and over again till I actually began to cry. And before I knew it, I was screaming "DIE! DIE! DIE!" And I was laughing like it was the funniest thing I had ever seen! I was enjoying it! I had lost control over my body halfway through and only regained control when my brother's hand caught my own and stopped my rampage. I looked up to him to see his face contorted into one of pure terror. I tilted my head to ask what's wrong but I looked back at my handy work to then realize what I had done. And I realized what I was holding. I dropped the blade and looked at my body. It was drenched and covered in the man's blood and my face was wet with his crimson liquid. I ran to my brother and cried. I cried for hours upon hours. Not that my parents were dead, but because of what I had done. I had became the one thing I feared. A Monster. The next day at school the kids had learned of what I did, and they ostracized me, exiling me from the very school itself. From that point on I vowed never to lay my hands on another weapon. Of course with the neighborhood I lived in that was next to impossible. So for the next year's of my life I always accessed that murderous blood lust whenever I touched a weapon, and I called it… "... Type: Null." Quill finished his story as he let tears drop out of his eyes. "That's my story." “Hmmm… “ Edward h had shut his eyes and started to think. “You remind me of my nieces and nephew more than of myself Quill as far as your reasons go but the state of mind you came to be in and what came into being because of it, is exactly like mine.” He stood up and turned to face the other side of the room while he scratched his head. “I suppose it’s fair trade. Your past for mine that is. Would you be willing to learn of how I earned the name that still used a a fairy tale to fright children’s to this day in this world? Will you listen to the ballad of ‘The Crimson Butcher’ and how true took place and gave rise to Malice?” "I'm fine with listening." He responded. “Very well,” Edward replied as he pulled up and chair and sat down. “It started just over a few thousand years ago, just after I’d completed the very first Sage Stone. The Minos at the time were looking for any reason to go to war with us at this point, mainly just for pig headed show of power and also because the current King, Jagged Edge, was very ambitious in his own pursuits. As soon as he caught wind of the Stone, it was all the reason he needed to start his campaign, planning to claim it was us that threw the first punch.l “I left out to investigate a string of raids that were targeted towards our border towns and smaller settlements, Tia and Luna were hoping it was just bandits. Jagged knew the Princesses wouldn’t come all the way out to the border while dealing with the panic it would cause in our then capital, the Everfree, so I went in their stead. I had the advantage of moving around more freely as I was still very much unknown from my time away from Equestria, even more so since I didn’t need a guard detail. Let alone did we know that was what the king had banked on,” Edward sighed heavily sas he grab his head. “It took some to get out to the border, keep in mind this well before I had all the power I have now and I didn’t rely so much on my magic as I had to completely rewrite spells for my specific uses. I hated relying on my Philosopher Stone for for anything and refuse to outright use it unless I absolutely had to. So my main abilities were my knowledge, gear, fists, and alchemy.” “By the time I reached the border I was already well behind the raiders. It took a few more days of following their blood path of destruction and sending the survivors toward Everfree before I actually caught up to them. Every account was the same, a band of Minos in beat up full plate armor. They flew a flag of an unknown clan, which made it even harder to right off as an attack by the Minos Government. I was eventually able to catch up to the raiders while they were in the process of sacking another settlement. I was already in seriously angry from what I saw and had seen over the past few days. Then, the Minos leader got in my face.” “He threw off on my being inferior yada yada. I threw back and exploded in the process. Saying ‘OH I'M NOT GONNA JUST KILL YOU! I'M GONNA SLAUGHTER EVER LAST MINOTAUR SOLDIER, MERCENARY, AND SOLDIER I FIND UNTIL MY RAMPAGE NUMBERS EQUALS ALL THE LIVES YOU BASTARDS HAVE TAKEN!” Edward said in a slightly raised voice as he stood up from his chair. He then let out a long sigh and sat back down. “That pretty much the last conscious thought I had. I proceeded to tear ever last one of those bastards apart with my bare hands. Asked the same time I had unknowingly tapped into my Philosopher Stone thus unleashing the pent of rage and hatred of the souls trapped within it. It was all centered on me and I let it control my body allow the souls’ anger to sediment in a singular consciousness . I also started to drain the magic and vary life energy from everything and anything around me. For two straight weeks I wandered around devour energy and slaughtering anything that crossed my path In the process I earned the name the Crimson Butcher from the very blood he completely cover my form but also from the energy that surrounded me that gave rise to the Badlands. Jagged Edge got wind of my state and new who Iwas and that Tia and Luna would try and save me themselves.” Edward gritted his teeth in anger. “After a long fight with them and Starswirl I was captured long enough for Luna to talk to me and bring back to my senses. That’s when Jagged Edge made his play and brought his army to take on a tried out set of Princesses with this,” he waved his hand and a giant crystal claymore appeared floating in the air. “The Spell Breaker, as his ace in the whole. I then sent the ponies away and took on the army myself, embracing my namesake. Eventually it was just me and Jagged Edge left, we made a deal. If he could kill me and claim my head then he was free to carry out his plan.” “Obviously he didn’t succeed,” I chuckled. “Partially right Acno,” Edward said pointing to me as he took his sword in hand. “He was halfway successful. He took me head but didn’t kill me.” He said placing the sword to his neck. “ I regenerated not long after, scared Jagged Edge shitless. After a short fight we were both worn down so I ended it. I cut the bastard straight down the middle, from head to nuts, and set him on fire. I then took his sword and then his seat as king the next day. And that’s my story. It wasn’t until many years later that Malice reared his ugly head but another time and another place. “ he stood up. “Now where do we go from here?” "..." Quill paused for a moment before finally answering. "I don't know. Wherever time wills I guess." He mumbled cryptically. “Hmm…” Edward looked at the wrong of us then to Serena. “I should at my kids’ sides before they wake up. If you need anything, I'll be there. I think you two need to work somethings out just between you to anyhow, “ he said get up from his seat he then looked at me. “Acno, I can tell you’ve had something in particular on your mind that you’ve wanted to ask me so once you’re done here come find me.” Ed walked off leaving me and Quill in an awkward silence. “So… What’d you want to talk to me about?” Quill asked while picking the Eevee up and setting her on the bed Serena laid in. I released a small sigh, but one which carried heavy information. “You know that crater we left behind after defeating Tyrrios?” I asked, gaining a nod. “Well, I found that we have a magical connection to it and can sense what goes near it. And I’ve found a few things. I have good news, bad news, and even worse news. Which do you want first?” I asked. “I need some good news.” He grumbled. “Well, you’ll be happy to know that time moves a little faster here than back home, so a day or two here is like, a few hours back home.” I told him. “The bad news is that the crater is now a hotspot for portals, to who knows where, and a big-ass portal opened recently.” I told him. “The other bad news is that an entire fucking building came through but I don’t know what building, but then we have the even worse news.” I stress gaining a look of interest. “It seems that two… Uh, well… There’s no easy way to say this but… It seems two Void Eaters have jumped through the portal as well.” I explain while rubbing my neck. “Wait… Void Eaters?” He asks turning around slightly. “The hell are those?” He asked me. “Well, in all essence, they’re like Natsu’s END form, but they look like undead versions of us. Though from what little I know about them from books and legends in the massive Fioren archive back in, well, Fiore, there’s one for each Dragon Slayer and Alchemy user, but they don’t become active until their respective counterpart gets to a certain strength or mastery in their Magic or Alchemy. There were only records of one such occurrence and that was the counterpart of me. Who vanished a long time ago, but they are extremely powerful. Twice as much as the power I was at, and whenever I got stronger to face them, they’d just get twice as strong as I was at that point.” I explained. “To put it simply, you and possibly Edward are being hunted by things that can take an Anti-Etherion Cannon to the face, and brush it off like it was confetti. I don't know if that second one was mine, or Edward’s but I do know that you can get rid of them. Can’t kill them, but you can make them leave you alone. All you have to do is just beat them… Once. That’s all, just beat them once, and you can get them to leave you alone. Though I’m not one hundred percent sure.” I tell him as he thinks over what I’ve said. “I’ll head over to Edward now. See ya later bro.” I tell him, patting his shoulder. I found Edward sitting in a chair in between the twins while Polearm and Twilight were across the room on either side of their daughter. Edward was writing something in a blue leather bound book of some sort as he waited and watched over his children. He soon took notice of my presence without even looking up from his book. “Got your talk done?” Edward asked nonchalantly without even looking up from his book. “Yup.” I respond while popping the ‘p’. “So what is that you’d like to speak with me on?” He said as he looked over to his children before return to his writing. “Is there any way you could give me a body? A proper one.” I ask while leaning on the wall. He stopped his writing and looked up at me with just his eyes. “It’s not totally impossible. My nieces shared a similar situation as the Lethe you and Quill are in now.” He went back to his book and continued to speak. “But there's also a big difference than the one you two are in too. Nat and Sora were a single being to began with than then Sora develop self conscious developing a mind and breaking away from Nat soul to form her own eventually. I don’t know if it’ll work the same as you and Quill are one soul, as he is your reincarnation.” Edward closed book and looked fully at me. “I can try but it could have some severe repercussions on both of you.” He leaned over as one oof the twins slightly stirred only to roll over. He then pulled their blank back up. “I was able to give Sora a body with the help of Lex while using Nat’s DNA as base template but also used Lex and Adam’s DNA to dilute it making an all new body, so not just a clone another clone mainly so she didn’t age rapidly. I can do the same to build you a body but you’d need to find someone else willing to give you some blood. I’d offer my own but my blood turns to ash not long off to leaves my body.” He opened his book again, “if you’re willing to go threw it and Quill is on board, then I’ll do what I can for you.” "Well, I actually might already have someone in mind, but I'll have to ask them. And speaking of, would it help that Quill isn't my reincarnation specifically. He originally was what manifested as our humanity. Not my humanity but our's. From the moment we were born in the same body, he and I had always been separate entities. He also still has his Earth form whenever we meet in his mindscape." I explained. "But there is also the fact that a few other minds have been and are currently laying dormant inside Quill's mind right now. One of the less favorable ones is starting stirr on top of that, but those minds are part of Quill, bits of his past and manifested emotions." I think aloud. “No, no you haven’t. Quill was formed from your humanity and is still technically a reincarnation, even if it’s just your former humanity. Thus, making you two are still of one body and soul as well as many other aspects of yourselves too. As for the other aspects of Quills mind,” Edward looked at me. “I can help him by placing mental barriers up but on if he wants me to. This would also place restrictions on his power.” "That's the thing… I'm not even sure if those aspects as you call them are even originations of Quill. From what I can tell, Null is Quill's bloodlust, but there are several others, one of them being Tyrrios who is currently caged up. Many others feel like they're part of me though." I huffed. "Like… I don't know, like they're something or someone that I've known for a long time but at the same time have just discovered. It's kinda hard to explain." I grumbled. “This just reinforces the fact the you two aren’t as separated as you think you are Acno,” Edward explained as he looked to Star out of the corner of his eye. “Even though you and Quill are different from one another in many aspects, you are still link buy one soul, cause you to share many of the others aspects worth each other. Like your memories of the past.” “I understand what you mean, but it still feels strange.” I shake my head. “I think at this point I’m just rambling.” I mumble. “Any way, when should the gate to get us home be done again?” I ask. “Sometime within the next week, give or take a few things,” Edward explained with out a second thought. “The Void link between our worlds has become even more unstable on your end for some reason and I can’t get a clear picture on your side with my Rinnegan.” He closed his book and leaned back in his chair. “Back to you though, I’m more than willing to start working on a body for you while you wait. The base genome will only take a day and I can have a clone over see its completion. Thing is, you still need to speak with Quill if this is something you really want to do. I also have someone I need to speak with on my end as I’m not the only one who created and worked with the magitech that helped create Sora’s body.” I paused before furrowing my brow and sighing. "It may be my side is unstable, because of the Time Crater. Where you turned Tyrrios into a Sage Stone. My magic is connected to it and I've told Quill this but it may pertain to you as well." I told him explaining the building and the Void Eaters. "Though it's just recently that I've been able to commune with the Time Crater, so I may be wrong." I said. ”How does this pertain to me?” Edward raised and eyebrow. “Because one of these Eater’s felt eerily like your magic. Each one has a distinct magic which links it to the one it hunts. I could smell yours, but also Quill’s. But… Gah, I don’t know. I’ve only dealt with one Void Eater, and that was my own!” I grumbled. “I don’t know the specifics but what I smelled was your Dragon Slayer Magic, as well as Quill’s but you both are here. That’s all I really know.” I sighed with annoyance. “Hmn, I might need to speak with my master on this subject,” Edward said as he stroked his chin. “He’ll probably know what these ‘Earters’ are. He’s much more knowledgeable and versed in the Void life spectrum than I am.” "Makes sense." I think for a bit, holding my chin before asking aloud. "Do you think The Merchant knew about the Void Eaters to begin with?" I wonder. “Knowing the ‘Merchants’ Guild, more than likely, but then again,” Edward shrugged as leaned back in the chair. “I don’t know any of the Merchants. I was sent to this world rather early as far as Displacements go. They also know stay clear of me as I don’t put up with any of their bull, friendly or otherwise.” "Well I think the Merchant that sent Quill here knew he was a reincarnation, but I don't really think he knew what giving Quill his magic might mean." I sighed once more before mumbling. "Hell, I don't even know what it could've done to Null, it might've given him magic for all we know." “From what I understand, Null isn’t entirely its own thing, yet, but more along the lines of a defensive mechanism for Quill.” Edward explained. “It takes a certain combination of triggers for Null to come out, and it’s not just when Quill has a weapon in hand. For example, when we were back in your world at the Time Crater when Quill and I made his void weapon. He was able to handle it with showing any form a Null come on. I know you know because I was linked to Quills mind in order to speak with you.” "Yeah, that got me curious and I found something interesting about Null… it seems he's like Zangetsu. Y'know, the Zanpakuto. But at the same time, he's… different… yes as a defense mechanism but also as someone who taught Quill all he knows about weaponry." I revealed. "But that's not the most interesting thing I've found. Null really only reveals himself when Quill either "snaps" or he's faced with a very dangerous situation and he holds a weapon, but from what I understand, Null can take over Quill's body when he becomes unconscious. That's as far as I know and can learn without literally breaking some of Quill's memories." I huff. “I’d leave it be for the time being Acno,” Edward opened his book again. “Null isn’t bad from what I’ve seen but it’s the facts of what he does when he’s in control that really bothers Quill,” he picked up his pen and started to write in the book again. “You best talk with Quill on what we discussed. It’ll also help immensely, have another familiar face to wake up to that is.” I nodded and rejoined Quill at Serena’s side. I pull up my own seat and sit down, before shifting my eyes over towards Serena and back to Quill. “Hey, bro?” I ask. “What’s your opinion on Null?” I question. “Well, that’s kinda hard to answer,” He sighed as he watched the Eevee sleeping curled in Serena’s arms and Quill holding the other one. “I mean, without him I don’t think I would’ve lived through my childhood, but at the same time he’s his own personality.” I looked at his eyes and the pupils began to shift from black to a dull white at first. “He’s always been there for me, and people say that he’s a part of me and I think the same, but some side of me says otherwise. Can’t say though, I mean I haven’t even seen his true form, but I know that he favors scythes over anything. He was the voice in my head before you. He was actually my first friend, and became my only friend until getting here.” He smiled lightly, as his pupils became a pure anti-void white. “Though when I first met him, or rather heard his voice, he seemed surprised. Not that I could hear him, but the first thing he asked himself was, ‘How am I alive?’ That one question bothered me for a very long time, even now I still think about it. When we first met, it was during my dreams, the very night when I fell asleep in my brother’s arms after killing my parent’s murderer. When I first met him, he was as a small black butterfly. He spoke as if he was once a separate person and he always called me by the same name and even now when he’s disappeared, I can still hear his voice calling me. ‘Hatchling.’ That was the name he gave me.” He chuckled, causing me to smile. “It seems like he was a second father to you.” I pointed out. “In a way, I guess he was. But…,” Quill paused as his smile dropped slightly. “When I got to know him, I could tell that Null wasn’t his name. He was hiding it from me, but I don’t know why. And it felt as if he was someone that I had a very deep connection to, and it was as if he knew me long before I was ever born. It’s strange but… It feels like he was someone I had lost long ago, but I can’t remember who. Every time I tried to remember I’d always fall unconscious and have the same dream. A small child crying in front of a monster. The monster's body being torn in half, and a large shadow asking, “Are you alright little hatchling?” Every time I’d try to get a better look at either the child, or the shadow I’d wake up, in front of my parent’s graves. It happened so often and I tried to ask my brother about it, but he had no clue. I’d ask Null about it but everytime he’d just go silent, every so often he’d say, “Just a memory from a long time ago.” and that would be it. Even the night before getting here to Equestria I’d have it, but it was the exact same.” Quill muttered while brushing some hair out of Serena’s face. “In short, I’d say that Null was the father I never would’ve really gotten to have otherwise.” The two of us stayed silent for several minutes afterwards and it stayed like that for what felt like hours. Then Serena started to stir awake. Quill watched as tears formed in his eyes and several of them fell onto the floor, breaking the silence. Serena’s eyes scrunched up before they slowly opened and he let out a slight cough. He turned his head and looked at the Eevee who woke up and looked at him excitedly, and looking at the IV, trying to figure out where he was. His eyes then crawled over slowly to Quill where he groaned as his eyes tried to adjust to the light. “D-Dad?” He asked, his voice horse from the injuries he’d received. “Hey bud. How are you feeling?” Quill asked. “Ugh,” Serena grumbled. “I feel like crap.” “Well, you look the part too.” I told him. “Glad to see you’re okay kid.” “You a very lucky to still be here and breathing young one,” came a voice from behind me. I turned to see Edward’s Luna. “My sister informed me of what has transpired during my sleep. after checking I. With Ed and my own children I Thought I’d stop and check in here. How are all of you holding up?” “I’m fine… I think?” Serena asked while sitting up. “I can see the Eevee is fine but are the others okay?” “Nyx is laying in bed and speaking with her parents,” Luna softly smiled. “And my Star and my Eclipse are both sleeping soundly while their father is watching over them. Other than some magic exhaustion, everypony is just fine Serena. You’re very lucky that that Chrysalis and Acnolgia found you four when they did. Why did you all run off from Chrissy like that?” “Well, I heard Eevee’s cry for help and it was as if my body was moving on its own. And plus I couldn’t just ignore a cry for help.” Serena told her. Luna let out a slightly annoyed but looked at the boy with a soft and understanding gaze. “I believe I understand what transpired now. My children are able to make friendships rather easily thanks to Star being very open like my sister and Eclipse being able to read someone’s aura, an ability that comes from my father.” Luna turned her head slightly and looked down towards her kids. “They were trying to support you and also follow what they’ve been taught.” Serena looked away from her and looked out the window. "Did you know that I could hear her voice?" He asked getting my attention. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I could hear Eevee's voice. And not the one you all can hear, where she says her name, I could hear her 'human' voice. She was in pain and she was crying. And when I saw the Timber Wolves and the blood on their maws it only served to make me angrier." He explained. "The flame of emotion is a very strong thing. It helped Natsu beat Gajeel, and temporarily unlocked his Dragon Force against Jellal. But it is also a drawback. It leaves your body extremely vulnerable afterwards, it's probably what drained your magic, children aren't able to use the flame of emotion without hurting themselves too much." I explained. “Emotions can be a will spring of power when using the right ones to full your magic,” Luna added. “But understanding your magic and how it works comes first your ones,” she said to all of us. Quill and Serena’s gaze slightly shifted to the floor. “Don’t look so ashamed you two, all of us succumb to our emotions at point or another while using magic. Understanding which emotions to use with magic comes with learning is one of the principles we teach at my school and one of the reasons we are able to teach dark magic in this world.” "Well, I can understand that but… it also felt that I was for some reason drawn to Eevee." Serena mumbled. "If that makes any sense. Also I gripped thing when I used my Cavern Dragon attack." He said holding out a small stone, that shimmers with several different colors when in the light. "I've never seen a gem like this, do you know what it is?" He asked. “It looks like an evolution stone young one,” Luna explained. “I’m still new to understanding Pokémon but I do know quite a bit about Eevee as my partner is an Umbreon, the night time evolution of Eevee. See this Pokémon has the ability to evolve into one of several different forms based on certain circumstances. Mainly these types of stones.l Quill leaned in and looked at the stone quite carefully before something in his mind clicked and his eyes turned to pricks. "Insurgence?" He mumbled confused. "Why the hell is an Insurgence stone here?" He wondered. “A what?” Luna asked with a look of utter confusion. "Back on Earth there was many fan games, for instance, the game called Pokemon Insurgence. This game had two different story lines, the light and normal Pokemon storyline we all love, and then the dark kill or be killed reality storyline, where people die, Pokemon die and there are cults dedicated to the different legendary Pokemon such as Rayquaza, Kyurem, Darkrai, and so on. But in the region it takes place in, there are many different stones. We fans call the non-Canon stones the Insurgence Stones. Many such stones are the Insurgence Mega Evolution Stones. If my hunch is correct, this is no ordinary evolution stone, it's a Mega Stone." He tells us, and turns to Luna. "How can you tell what type of moves a Pokemon has or knows? If I'm right, Serena may very well have one of the most powerful Mega Stones to ever be found in Pokemon Insurgence." He asks. “You’d have to ask Ed about this. He strictly limits how much technology is given out to the public to protect them from it and keep it from falling into the wrong hands,” Luna explained as she looked out of the corner of her eyes to check the sun’s position in the sky. “I know of a device that Ed made and calls a Pokédex that keeps track of the and records basic information of the Pokémon he has encountered thus for and of what he remembers. It’s in his lab.” “Might not be much help if it’s one he built from his own experiences and knowledge,” Quill looked at the Stone. “That’s the one he uses to record and store his data but the device he uses to analyze the Pokémon is actually the token for our Nieces Nat and Sora,” Luna interjected. “Can we use it?” I asked. “I have no qualms with this but it’s not up to me Ancolgia,” Luna said abruptly. “It’s one of the items that Edward never let’s off his person at any given time. You’ll have to ask him. I’m sure he’ll let you use it, with his supervision of course. I must depart for the raising of the moon have a good night you three and Serena,” the young dragon slayer looked at the night princess. “I know of the bond you spoke of between you and your new partner. It is a common knowledge here. Many of our Pokémon here stay with ponies after finding each other through what I call an aura tether or soul bond. It’s one of the main reasons why Ed never issued Pokeballs to the masses.” "Luna if you want I could tell you about the different Mega Stones in the Insurgence universe. It may help determine what stone Serena found. Most of them radiate some type of dark energy as they're results of Giratina, the first insurgent and the main legendary of the game. I'll need some help with this." Quill suggests. “I am more than willing Quill but I must see to my duties first and then I must watch over my children,” Luna said with a concerned tone. “Perhaps your Luna and Ed can help in the meantime. If the twins wake up soon then I’ll be there to help. It’s best you wait on my husband anyways as he is the only one who can work the equipment in the lab other than Polearm and even then my grandson isn’t allowed to touch Ed’s technology.” "Makes sense." Quill replied. “I must take my leave gentle colts,” Luna said warmly. “Serena.” “Yes ma’am,” he looked as her a little worried. “You’re a good boy with a good heart but do try and not be so beach about things from now on, okay?” Luma smiled as she walked out. “Yes Princess,” Serena said with a slightly red face. I turned my attention to Quill, “We need to talk.” "Is it about you wanting a body of your own?" He asks, surprising me. "Uhm… y-yeah, actually. That is the reason. How'd you-," I start. "We're psychically connected. And with my hearing I could hear what you and Ed were talking about." He tells me. "If you need a body I'm all for that. You deserve to be your own person, and get a second chance. I'll help in whatever way I can." “Sweet, let’s go talk with Ed now,” I said with a bit of vigor. I then looked to Serena, “you feeling well enough to go and see the Twins?” "I think so." Serena says as he slowly gets up, grunting slightly with every sudden movement. “Let’s go then,” I said happily as the boy got out of bed with Eevee by his side and we three marched down towards Edward and his kids. We walked into the twins area to find them both fast asleep in Ed’s arms with the alchemist’s head careened back with a snot bubble rising and falling with his snoring. I raised an eyebrow while looking at the snoring with his children in grip while he wore a goofy open grin on his face , “I thought he didn’t need sleep being a Philosopher Stone and all.” “Just because you don’t need something doesn’t mean you can still enjoy it Acno,” Quill said as he snickered at the sight. “I mean back home when I bought my own house, sleeping was more of a hobby than a necessity.” Suddenly Ed’s bubble popped and he let out a yawn. “Yaaaaaa… and why do I have three onlookers to judge me while sleeping and comforting my kids.” He said in a grouchy tone. The twins then started to stir and let out their now yawns as they stretched. “The judging was on Uncle Acno, Dad was trying to defend you.” Serena told him. Serena then found himself tackled to the ground by a few extra pounds of twins alicorns. “Serenie okay?” The twins asked in unison as they checked over the young wizard with servers pats all over his person causing him to laugh. “H-Hey! St-Stop! That tickles!” He struggled as he laughed. “I-I’m fine you guys! I promise!” He giggled. “That’s a huge relief,” Ed’s Twilight said as she and Polearm walked over with Nyx in between them. “Enough you two,” Ed said pulling his kids up by their collars. “Let the poor kid breath.” He looked to us. “And what are three up too?” Ed said putting the twins on their perspective beds. “I agreed to help make Acno a body.” Quill told Edward. “And if that were the only thing on your mind then you’d have waited till after we were out of the infirmary at dinner or something to discuss whatever else is on your mind,” Ed said sitting back down in his chair. "I also want to discuss with you about this stone Serena found. I determined it to be something about an Insurgence Stone but if I'm correct on which kind it could prove to be very powerful. But I need to check Eevee's attacks to be sure. I want your help in determining her attacks." Quill explained. He then paused and reached his hand into his left pocket, and brought out what looked to be a phone, but on the back was a navy blue Fairy Tail symbol. “... How the heck did I only now notice this?” He mumbled to himself. “What’ve you got their Quill?” Ed said standing up and looking at the phone. He eyes changed to that of Rinnegan with the Ouroboros symbol for the pupils. “Hmmm… it’s got a void signature on it, similar to yours.” “I guess it’d be more accurate to say that this is what my phone is. Or at least what it’s lacrima phone form is as this thing has infinite charge… Somehow.” Quill said still blankly staring at his phone. “This actually makes things much easier to explain what Insurgence Stones are.” He mumbled. “Walk and talk then,” Ed said as he motioned to the door. “Catch,” Ed tossed a device to Quill. “That’s Nat’s token and I want it back but you can use it on Eevee. You do remember what Aura Readers are, right?” “Yeah, vaguely. It’s been a bit though so I can’t guarantee I’ll get it right.” Quill said as he, Edward, Serena, Eevee, and myself began to walk down the hall. “Now let’s see…,” Quill said picking Eevee up and activating the Pokédex. He began looking for a few things before his eyes narrowed and he sighed. “Well, damn… It seems this Eevee has all the necessary attacks and the right ability. So I guess that stone is Eeveeium. Well Serena, you’ve got a Mega Eevee with you.” He told his son. “But you’ll still need a key stone, and a mega ring to activate it fully.” We walked down several flights of stairs and through many corridors until we can upon a decorative set of doors that led to the lab. Ed then clapped his hands and placed them on the doors. Red sparks shot up and down causing the doors to open. The twins shot into the lab on either side of their father as he walked in. “No running,” he called out to calm the twins down as he walked over to a heavily teched out area and started to type on a large keyboard. “Quill, have a seat please.” Ed said as a chair came up out of the floor. "Okay that's kinda evil villain like but hey that's just the movie nerd talking." Quill said before sitting down. “Yea I’m then the villain in all this,” Edward said as he went to a nearby table and grabbed a needle. “I did kidnap all of you and after inviting you here in typical villainisc fashion,” he chuckled as he walked of over to Quill. “Arm please.” "Okay but which one?" Quill asked with a smug grin. "I mean, I've got two different ones." He chuckled before holding out his non-draconic arm. “Funny,” Ed said as he stuck the needle in Quill’s arm. “OW!” Quill yelled. “Hush,” Ed said as he drew a few vails of Quill’s blood. “That’s all I needed from you.” He remarked as he wrapped a compress on Quills arm. “Now,” he looked at me, “have you given any thought into who you want you secondary donor for DNA to be?” "Yeah, I have." I said summoning a vial of blood. "Be careful with that because it's the only one I have. You probably don't know who the donor is but, believe it or not it's actually Tyrrios. Or rather, when he wasn't a backstabbing traitor. He let me draw a vial of his blood so that in a worse case scenario I could become a fifth gen. dragon slayer. Luckily dragon blood never dries or evaporates." I explained handing the vial to Edward. "It's not corrupted. Trust me. When I was a doctor in Fiore I worked my ass off for a month trying to figure that out." I sighed, shaking my head. “No problem,” Ed said snatching the vial from my grasp. He then took a couple of droppers and took some of the blood from each vial and place it on slides then into his machine. “Basically, this is a form of synthetic jestaion and not direct cloning as there are multiple parties’ DNA used to create this new body but as it is still some form artificially creating a life it won’t directly have a soul which is how we’re able to filter out soul particles thanks to Seith Magic. This part of my craft is more science than magic but it requires magical input on many levels. You may have heard Luna refer to this,” he knocked his machine with his knuckles. “As magitech. Any way, are there any specific you want to add into, or take away from in your body. A certain way you’d like to look?” "Well for one… I want my dead blue eyes. For another… I want a left arm that's a must because I spent like, two years without one and it sucked, but I managed. Lastly I want dragon scale knuckles, it won't be too hard seeing as I am basically a dragon, but still, in a new body I'll have to train it so it can get used to my Magic Dragon Slayer abilities. That and I want it to be able to merge with Quill's body if it's possible. Because for the Apocalypse Dragon form it takes two bodies, nearly identical with some minor differences, I was able to do it because my body was split between this form and my Draconic conscious." I requested. “So nothing specific then,” Ed remarked as he typed on his keyboard. The room began to hum and shift as the floor opened and up from it came a large tank the could fit even a full size elephant. Hoses came down from the ceiling and attached roof of the tank. Soon a strange glowing liquid began to fill the tank. Edward walked over and stared into the tank. “This is a high concentrated form of magic with various other necessities mixed into to help keep the fetus in good health as it grows and matures. I’d give it about a day before we see the starts of a baby Anco in this thing,” he said pointing to a device the was lowering into the tank. “Just for shits and giggles a made Quills chromosome the Y and Tyrrios’s the X. So basically, you’re body will be dominantly human but still have enough dragon in it to stave off completely succumbing to your Dragon Slayer magic. As for the body fusion, you and Quill will have to figure out that part on your own. Another heads up you two should be aware of is that you’ll have to meet Truth again and the toll this time will be much steeper than just losing an arm.” “Yeah, I expected as much.” Quill grumbled leaving me confused. “Who the hell is Truth?” I ask with mini question marks floating around my head. “Oh right you were unconscious when we first met him. Basically he’s the guy that took my arm in exchange for the power of Alchemy. I’m thinking maybe an eye would be good for this case. Your thoughts Ed?” Quill asked the Alchemist. “By steeper I many more than a missing body part,” Ed crossed his arms. “When Nat and Sora did this they had to give up everything they had shared as a life together, right down to the soul bond they shared. For you two it’s going to be very similar but also a little more drastic.” There was a loud crash from across the room. “Hey, I said no running in here!” Ed yelled across the room. “Sorry daddy,” the twins whimpered in unison. Ed let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his head. “Gods know I’m grateful for having those two but sometimes they can cause real trouble… where was I again… oh yeah.” He turned back to us. “You two aren’t like Nat and Sora as in two souls in one body but one soul with two personalities. What’s going to happen would be more akin to being cleaved in half.” “Then that’ll mean the different emotional culminations with go to their respective owner. Like my rage and blood lust, which is my anger Dragon Force which I used to fight you yesterday, and Null respectively.” Quill said. “And some different ones will go to Acno. No doubt it’ll be painful.” He breathed the last sentence silently. “Mostly definitely,” Ed nodded with a heavy sigh. “So… We’d still be connected right. By blood?” I ask. “If so then we’re brothers, even still that without the blood. Because as Natsu once said… Blood ties don’t matter, everyone in your guild is considered family, and that includes friends too.” I reminded Quill. Letting out a slightly burdened sigh Quill looks back up. “Yeah, yeah. I remember Acno.” Quill huffed. “I-... It’s just that it’ll feel weird not being connected to you like normal. But if it’s to get you a body again, I’d do it hundreds of times over.” Quill told me with a determined look. “Well, I can’t let you be the only one sacrificing things. So, I’ll give up an eye too, hell I’ll even give up a leg.” I say placing my ethereal hand on Quill’s shoulder. “You two won’t have to give up anything physical this time,” Ed explained, “it's more of a soulful, mental, and magical thing this time around.” "Well… That actually makes much more sense." Quill mumbled. "Well in that case I guess I don't need Meteor Dragon Magic. Didn't really use it anyway." I say plainly, gaining looks of pure confusion from the others. "Uhm… What?" Quill asked. “You really don’t get a say so in who gets what I’m afraid,” Ed interjected. "Eh." I shrug leaving Quill confused. "Wait how the fuck did you get Tyrrios' Dragon Magic?" He asked. "When he tried to take your mind. Though I didn't realize till later." I answered. “You two do realize I can give you acces to any form of Dragon Slayer Magic by implanting a Dragon Lacrima or Dragon Slayer Sage Stone directly into you bodies right,” Ed said wi5 a raised eyebrow and crossed arms. “But back to the second reason we’re down here for,” he pointed to the Eevee that was sitting on a stool watching the kids play hide and seek around the lab. “Yeah. Is there a place to plug this in? It’ll help me show you what the Insurgence Stones being here may mean.” Quill asks Ed, holding up his Lacrima Phone. “Right here,” Ed said pulling a cord from the machine he was leaning on. “Just know that if anyone uses it to try and spy on or break into my system the phone will receive enough void feedback to fry it for the foreseeable future.” "That's a risk I'm willing to take, because you need to know this information." Quill says before plugging it into the computer and typing things into the keyboard. "Here." He mumbled before pulling up something that had a strange looking orb with several legendary Pokemon surrounding it. "Ed, do you know what this depicts?" He asks. He “I recognize The Pokémon but I’m not familiar with this orb,” Ed pointed at the screen. “But you wouldn’t be about explain it and its relevance if I did, now would. I’m guessing this has to do with that odd Megastone Serena found when he saved Eevee.” "That's partially correct. The image was taken in game, or rather reality now because it was taken in an actual cave. But anyway, the orb in the image is called simply a crystal sphere. Lazy name? Yes. But it gets the point across. This is the first orb that any of the legendaries used to primal evolve. In fact, the red and blue orbs contain a small fragment of the original orb. This orb allows legends like Regigigas, Giratina, and even Arceus primal evolve. All due to one phenomenon. The mega evolution phenomenon. Tiny chips of the sphere fell off and eroded as any normal crystal, but these pieces still contained the energy of the orb, allowing for mega evolution and if a Pokemon is trained enough, it can mega evolve on its own. It's happened before with a Lucario in one of the temples scattering the orbs home region." Quill told Edward. "Also, there will be different variations of Pokemon called 'Delta' Pokemon appearing at random. These Delta's are experiments on Pokemon gone wrong, or odd but have enough survival instinct to be good in the wild. For instance, you might run into a ground type Griemer in a desert temple, but these Delta's also have a select few that can mega evolve as well such as Bisharp, Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise. All these Delta's can mega evolve but also they are extremely and I can not stress this when I say extremely powerful. If used correctly one Delta could beat Kanto's elite four, but the Delta's region? Oh you better get yourself a good team cause it can be a real pain in the ass. But away from that." Quill said switching to a different image of a molten iron Registeel. "This is a Delta as well, but as you may notice it looks familiar. Well that's because it's a Delta legendary. Some of the minor trios get one but the higher legends like Regigigas and Ho-oh do not have one. These Delta's were originally found fighting their respective non-delta counterparts and are shown to be on par with them if not slightly more so." Quill continued, switching to an image of a Temporal Portal. "Now here's where the odd part begins. This original orb, from what I know, is now scattered around your world in pieces. If you find them all you might be approached or watched by a group called The Timeless. These are legendary trainers from across the regions. The leader of them all being the Pokemon legend, Red. They are a force to be reckoned with and they were hand, or hoof picked by Arceus himself to watch over the orb. It is that important. The orb cannot fall into the wrong hands or someone could possibly control legendary Pokemon. This has already happened many times but someone's always been there to stop it. Though that's all up in the air now as this world follows completely different laws from what I'm familiar with." Quill finished unplugging his phone. "Any questions?" “So basically I need to be on the lookout for legendary Megastones that allow anyone to control legendary Pokémon with no resistance possible. That’s just great,” Ed rolled his eyes. “Now I’ve actually got to another crisis to worry about. As if the Empire supposed to be showing back up soon wasn’t bad enough. Might as well give me the bad guys story to Quill.” “Well, it’s not that simple… There are many groups in this region who you could call ‘bad guys’ but they’re not all bad. Though the good ones are in few these days, and they’ve gone into hiding, only helping from the shadows, but the main ones you need to worry about are the ones that worship, and I’m not talking about ‘Praise the Sun!’ Dark Souls style. No, I’m talking full on human and Pokemon sacrifices to these Legends. The legendaries the most dangerous cults worship are the Original Dragon Legend, which is the one Kyurem, Zekrom, and Reshiram were before splitting apart, Kyogre, the Fire Legends Heatran and Groudon, Rayquaza, and the second most dangerous of them all Darkrai. The names of these cults are as follows, Perfection for Kyurem, Abyssal for Kyogre, Infernal for Groudon and Heatran, Sky for Rayquaza, and Cult of Darkrai for well, Darkrai. There are a few of these cults you have to be careful with, because they already possess a few of the legends themselves. The Infernal Cult in Insurgence already had Groudon but I’m not sure if they have him here, Abyssal has Lugia, Sky’s leader has Rayquaza, and Perfection have both Kyurem and Zekrom, but I’m not too sure if they have them here or if they even exist here, but nonetheless, be careful. The legends when near even a fragment of the original sphere get a massive power boost and can easily destroy a small town.” Quill explained the Cults. “But going back to Infernal and Darkrai Cults. I’ve said that the Darkrai Cult is the second most dangerous, and the reason is because they can trap you in another person’s dreams and use dream eater to literally erase you from existence, and their leader Persephone does not care for the wellbeing of her followers, as she literally murdered three of them, the first to summon Darkrai forcefully and the second and third when they literally gave her a suggestion after Darkrai fled for apparently a third time in a row. The Infernal Cult is the one you must be absolutely careful when dealing with them. The reason is because they’re infamous for kidnapping and raising children in their cult, stealing them away from their families and sometimes even killing the parents. But they’re only the third most dangerous. The one cult you must either avoid, or destroy at all costs is the most dangerous.” Quill explained pulling up an image of a strange symbol on his phone and showing us the image. “This cult is called The Damned Cult. They are the original people, the original humans to ever see and follow a legendary Pokemon. However the one they chose to follow, was Giratina. During the time when Arceus was creating everything, according to their records, there wasn’t one egg in that massive swirl of darkness, there was two. The egg of Arceus, and The egg of Giratina. According to them, Giratina was the original creator of the planet and wanted to make it home to everyone, even the legends, but Arceus wouldn’t allow that, so he banished Giratina in his weakest state, along with the original humans, and sent them into the Distortion World. Thus calling Arceus the original, Insurgent. They have been around longer than almost everyone, and their leader is a woman called Nyx. My best advice when fighting them is to use your weakest attacks, because when fighting them a strange phenomenon occurs called the reverse effect. Essentially everything is reverse, so water type attacks are weak against grass normally right? Well during the reverse effect the opposite is true.” Quill told Ed turning off his phone. “Everything just got a lot more complicated for you, oh and also. Delta Pokemon can reproduce and the egg’s embryos can never perish. Trust me… It gets strange. Also if you see Deoxys tell him to be careful, cause the Perfection Cult had injected his DNA which was a carrier for Pokeruss into humans and other animals. Yeah the outcome isn’t pretty.” Quill finishes with a sigh. “That’s about everything, I think.” “Great,” Ed plopped into the nearest chair. “It’s at times like this ya need a hard drink,” he got up and walked over to a cabinet opened it and pulled out a clear bottle a shimmering crystalline blue liquid in it. Ed sat back down and three cups appeared in front of us. “You two drink?” “Oh Ed, you have know idea.” Quill mumbled as he nodded his head. “Sure do.” I answered. “By the way, what type of stuff is that?” Quill asked. “Laughing Zapple Wine,” Ed commented as he poured the contents of the bottle into the cups. “It was made by Pole through many trial and error runs with Poison Joke and Zap Apples. I understand if you’re hesitant to drink it.” I looked to Quill and he looked back to me, then we looked back to Ed and then to the drinks and then back to Ed. In unison we both said: “Fuck it.” And downed the drinks in one gulp. “Not even gonna savor the taste eh,” Ed snickered as sipped on his glass. “Don’t blame ya. It’s completely safe to drink with no side effects of the Joke, unless you wanna try an earlier batch. Stronger and better tasting but you never know what’ll happen to ya.” “Eh, fuck it, I’ll take it.” Quill said. “How long do the Joke effects last?” He asked. “Usually a day or until you take a potion or bubble bath to counteract the effects,” Ed shrugged as he went over to a heavily locked cabinet unlocked it and pulled out another bottle that was a deeper blue in color. “Have at it,” he set the bottle down in front of me and Quill. “Best wishes and here’s to what’ll happen.” He raised his glass and drank the rest of his drink and then poured more from the first bottle. Picking up the cup, Quill looked at it, before smelling it and shrugging. “Yolo.” He mumbled before slowly drinking the whole cup. “Woah, that’s good stuff right there.” He said shaking his head. “Haven’t felt something that strong since I drank Vodka for the first time, but back then it was the purest form, hardcore and I drunk it straight from the bottle. That was a weird tuesday.” Quill said regaining his senses. “I give ya five minutes before ya start to feel the tingles then everything goes pop,” Ed looked into his glass a swirled it slowly like a James Bond villain. “Don’t worry about multiple effects from multiple drinks though. Once the effect is there it’s stays until nullified. So go wild.” “Eh.” Quill shrugs once more before pouring and drinking another shot of the hardcore wine. After a few more shots, I see Quill’s tattoos begin to glow, brighter and brighter. Until it enveloped him completely. I had to block my eyes because of the light, and once the light faded I saw something both funny and horrifying. It was Quill… But he was a girl. He looked down at his chest, and immediately covered the rest of his exposed body using his cloak. “Holy shit! So that’s what happens when Poison Joke gets me.” Quill grumbled with a surprised look, and a slight blush from having no bra or shirt. His, or rather, Her voice was also much higher in pitch but it still had a rough tone. It kinda reminded me of an anime he once watched, Akame Ga Kill was its name I think. But he sounded like the character called Leone. “Not surprised,” Ed said as he threw Quill a top from a nearby table. “You look to be about Luna’s size. Wonder why anime characters mainly get the Rule 63 when they first encounter this stuff? Pole got a curly rainbow fro when he first tried it. The effect is different every time but usually anime gets the gender swap. I shrink down to the size of an Apple.” “Lord have mercy.” Quileute, yes I gave him a female name, grumbled as he put the top on, when he finished it, for some anime logic reason, looked like several bandages. “From now on, I’m gonna wear a ton of bandages around my chest so this shit doesn’t happen again.” He grumbled before his stomach thinned out. “Oh what the hell!?” He seethed in slight annoyance, a tick mark appearing on his head. “Well fuck it, now I need more of that wine. You mind sending the finished version home with us? Cause I can almost guarantee I’ll need it by day’s end.” Quileute aksed. “Take as much you want,” Ed slide a key over to Quileute. “Take some of the hard stuff and pull a prank too. Preferably on Luna and Celestia. Toss a glass down Discord’s throat and he’ll lose his power for twenty-fours. No idea why.” “I wonder if this’ll gender swap Mavis and Zeref.” Quileute wondered. “If so, then that’ll be one hellluva prank.” The male turned female chuckled darkly, with a devilish smile plastered onto their face. “Eventually it would but like I said the effect is different every time,” Ed shrugged with a smirk. “I’m interested in how it’ll affect anyone honestly, usually cause I laugh my ass off.” He then turned and looked at me with a big grin. “Your turn.” “God fucking damnit.” I muttered before taking a swig of the hardcore stuff. “Holy Ankhseram that’s sweet.” I said as my markings glowed brightly just out of the blue and suddenly. “WELL THAT WAS FAST!! I semi-yelled as I tipped over and fell onto my back. When the light faded I looked down to see that I did indeed have breasts but they weren’t as large as his were and my hair was thinner and went down to my knees. I smiled as I was wearing a shirt the whole time but I wasn't wearing a cloak. It could’ve helped as I stood up only to find myself much smaller than Quileute, around three feet shorter. Quileute was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and I looked back with a face that asked, ‘What?’ I then looked back at my shoulder to see dragon wings, which looked like the ones I had back in Fiore, when I was in dragon form only they were much smaller, around as long as my arms and as tall as my back. “Woah!” I gasped in amazement. “I have wings again!” I cheered. My voice was much, much higher pitched than Quileute and I think I know why. “Did that drink make me gender swap and turn me into a kid?” I asked Edward. “RAHAHAHAHARHAHAHA!” Ed was laughing his ass off on the floor. “OH MY SIDES THEY HURT, RAHAHAHA!” He managed to say as he rolled around on the floor. “AS FAR AS I CAN TELL IT DID, RAHAHAHA!” “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up asshat.” Quileute grumbled before looking at her draconic arm. “I wonder.” She said before getting up and walking over to Ed and punching him in the top of the head anime style, like girls would do to the guys, all tsundere like. “Laughing at other people’s misery is a dick move. And you can’t say it takes one to know one, because of two reasons. One, I currently don’t have one, and two because I already know I am one and I’m proud of it.” She grinned maliciously. Ed grabbed the side of the table and propped himself up. “Wooh, I was going to say I can laugh as you both knew the consequences ahead of the event and you still chose to partake. You reap what you sow girls.” “Well I didn’t know it was going to gender bend me! I thought it’d like, reverse my age or some shit like that!” Quileute argued. “I mean, it did both to Acno! And plus he, or I guess now, she likes being a female kid or something. I mean just look at em’!” Quileute gestured to me as I was eyeing my wings with stars in my eyes as I flapped them a little. The innocence being second only to the real kids in the lab, Star, Solar, and Serena. “I said anything could happen,” Edward retorted with a shrug. “Still, I’m lucky I had my cloak or it could’ve gone bad.” Quileute grumbled. “Very luck, I don’t need Tia and Luna coming in and say ‘who is she?’ I mean, Tia and I literally just ironed out our feelings for each other. Last thing I need is relationship issues,” Ed sighed. “You two just wanna go ahead and change back? I keep a cash of the cure stash in here for just such occasions.” “Sure, I’ll take it, but I think Acno wants their body to look like that.” Quileute said pointing her thumb at me. I was looking sad, because I was sad! I never got the chance to grow up normally and this way when I get a body I could be a girl, a child again. Acnologia is gone, I wanted to be what I am now. Acno-gaia Quill, the new Acno. “Quileute’s right, I-I want to stay like this, I want to have a proper childhood. I want to be a kid again, I don’t care if I’m a girl, but I do kinda like being like this, but still I want to look like this when I get my body!” I pouted… Like a kid would. “It’s still early in the gestation.” Ed said as he hand Quileute a vile of something pink and bubbly. “I can manipulate the genome so that it’ll be female. As for being a kid, I can just take the body out when it meets the maturity of a young child. Honestly, I’ve never aged a body up to an adult before. Calculated it out but never done it before.” He paused as Quileute tapped his shoulder. “Just down it quick is all I can say, or you can take a bath.” “I’ll down in.” Quill said while taking the bottle and chugging it. After a few minutes the light from his tattoos glowed brightly and faded to reveal Quill back in his male body, his stomach also returned to normal. “Thank the lords above that felt sooooooo weird.” He mumbled while rubbing his shoulders. “I don’t want to take it.” I said defiantly. “And I don’t want to take the bath either, I want to stay like this for a while.” I told Ed. Ed shrugged, “your choice. Let me know what you decided as far as gender by high noon tomorrow though as I won’t be able to change the body’s sex after that point,”he walked over to the keyboard and type. “For the time being though, its default is set as female.” “Alright.” I said going out of my pouty state. “By the way, could you make it so that I still retain my alcohol tolerance. I’d love to see the looks on ponies faces when they get drunk under the table by someone who looks like an eleven year old.” I requested chuckling. “You’re shit out of luck on that one,” Ed said as he typed. “Humans already have a much higher tolerance for pony liquor any ways. You can easily drink most ponies under the table. Being a draconic hybrid, yours will be even higher. The only ones who might give you trouble would be Aj and the Princesses.” “Oh, trust me… I’ve drunk almost everyone in Fiore under the table without so much as a haze. That was before going insane though, and plus Fiore booze is much, much more potent, it would knock someone straight out and make them go all drooly high or something. All I know is that Fiore booze is tough.” I tell him. “Yes but a younger body won’t have as much of a tolerance for such pleasantries, just keep that in mind,” Ed pointed at me. ‘Sometimes this guy can really sound like an old man’ I thought as I awkwardly smiled back. “Anyways, it’s probably best that you four get back to your princesses. I’m sure they’re nearly worried to death about Serena. Not to mention my own princesses,” Ed let out a joyous slow sigh. “I’ve got to get the twins to Luna for their time with her and before she settles in for dream duty. Not to mention I need to get them to bed, luckily I have Tia to help with that and then I can spend some personal time with her afterwards. Come now, time to go.” Ed said waving over his shoulder to the door. “Right.” Quill said as he walked over as well, followed by me and the kids. What will the next stage be like? I don’t know, but whatever comes at us, we’ll be there to stop it, together. As a ticking can be heard in the background, a pocketwatch slowly chimes into view as it fully enters the symbol for Fairy Tail slowly forms, and these words come into view as the ticking comes to a stop and rings out with three bell tolls. TO. BE. CONTINUED... > An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 3 Crossover Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 3 Three days have passed since Quill told Edward about the Insurgence Stone and the Cults, and within those three days, Quill had been training his magic and alchemy, as the Poison Joke effect on Acno had ended, reverting him back to his old form. Much to his displeasure. But during the third day Quill had trained, he had felt something inside himself shake, he felt something… Awaken. It is now the rise of the fourth day and something is ready to rise, and with it… Demons shall fall. Quill’s POV We’d been here for right around half a week and I had been making excellent progress in my alchemy and magic training sessions with Twilight and Polearm. Have to say, if they were against anyone else from Fiore with S-class status then they would still pound the living hell out of them. Ed decided to take over my training for today but went with tactical sword techniques instead of alchemy. “Come on Quill, don’t you know any type of sword technique?” Edward said chalantly as as he easily deflected my strikes with a sword that was quite noticeable meant to be used with two hands. “I do, but I’m trying to be cautious as well. Something inside me doesn’t feel right, like something wants out.” I told him continuing my attacks. “How’s that sword feel in your hands?” He asked as he parried my blows. “Feels weird,” I said as I looked at the sword. It was a simple one handed steel sword that Ed had reinforced with magic so I didn’t break it with a single swing wasn’t just the feeling of offness in me but the sword too, it just didn’t feel right in my hand. “And I noticed something about you Mr. Unfair advantage,” my remark got him to raise an eyebrow. “You’re using a two handed sword with one hand. What’s the deal with that? I know you’re uber strong but even you should have some difficulty controlling a two handed weapon with a single hand.” Ed merely snickered. “That’s because I have the skill from Demon Gaze called God’s Arms. It allows me to use any two handed weapons with one hand, except for bows and crossbows.” He remarked as he brought the blade up and rested it on his shoulder. “Hmmm… maybe we should get you a two handed sword.” “I mean, my scythe is a two handed. So… yeah let’s try a two handed sword,” I said as I tossed Ed the steel sword. As I walked over to Ed to get a two handed sword, I felt something take grasp of my mind, and I wandered over to the side. Something was calling me, no. Calling someone in my body. I continued to walk, till I was in some type of hall and at the end was a sword case, holding a sword. It was as if something in both the sword and in me was calling to each other. I stared at the sword intensely. “Yo,” I was pulled back to see Ed in front of me. “I have just the sword for you.” He said as he pointed at me. Suddenly something shot from by Edward’s head and stuck in the ground in front of me. As soon as the dust cleared my eye were met with the site of a crimson bladed two handed long sword. “And this,” Ed said working over and handing me some for of pen. “The sword is the Bloodskal Blade. It’s a sword with an endless enchant the allows the wielder to send out red energy slashes out at their enemies. The pen is the skill God’s Arms. Pair the two up and you have a close, mid, and long range cocktail for the ages.” Turning my head back to the sword in the case I hold up the sword-pen and turn back to Ed. “What about this sword? Something is calling me to it. Or at least it feels like it.” I ask, looking back at the two swords. “That’s the Dark Repulser,” Ed explained. “Not really a special sword. It’s a one handed long sword that’s got a fairly good heft to it. It was used to slay a great demon in the world it originally comes from but other than that it’s not special at all. It could be a fairly useful.” He took the sword and his eyes shifted. “It seems it has the underlying flavor text that calls it “The Bane to even the Greatest of Demon Lords.” H held it out to me. “If it’s calming you then wield it.”q Holding my hand out and grabbing the hilt of the sword, I took it from Ed’s hands, and held it in my own. Then the flickering calling grew, until I heard a voice I never thought I’d hear again. “HELLO MY OLD FRIEND” I gasped and fell to my knees, sweat dripping down my face. “Holy shit.” I panted. “What the hell was that?” I asked looking at the sword. I then felt an extra weight on my back and felt around, when I felt a scabbard. “Nani?” I mumbled. “How did that get there?” I then cautiously sheathed the blade and it just felt… Right. “So, what now?” “Now, I push you, hard,” Ed said as he hit the air behind him and it shattered like it was made out of glass. He reached in and pulled out a two handed sword with flaming birds as langets. The handle was long that led into a four faced skull pommel with a ruby in the top of the skulls. It had a long red blade that was serrated on both sides. “This is my Disword. One of the few weapons I made and use myself and it is very special.” He pointed down and I found myself standing in a small group of daisy. “Well damn, I can’t say this enough but this is very convenient.” I pointed out, while looking around. “You call it convenient but in reality,” Edward snapped his fingers and the flowers vanished into nothingness. Not even a stem was left. “They were never their and we never left the training grounds.” “That makes much more sense.” I stated. I then pull Dark Repulser out of its- HIS- … Okay, fine. I pull Dark Repulser out of his sheathe and get into a stance. LEFT FOOT BACK A LITTLE. I move my left foot back a small amount. RIGHT HAND UP. I lift my right hand up a bit. CALM YOUR BREATH. I slow my breathing. FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH YOUR OPPONENT’S SCENT. I take a deep breath in and lock onto Ed’s smell. EYES FORWARD. I look directly at Edward, my eyes holding an every calm sight. Ed pointed the tip of his sword towards me as he placed the handle level with his eyesight. He let out a calm breath and placed his left foot forward and his right back stay ball of the foot. KEEP NOTICE OF HIS MUSCLES, OR WHAT PASSES FOR HIS MUSCLES. WATCH HOW THEY TENSE, AND PREDICT HIS MOVEMENTS, JUST LIKE I TAUGHT YOU. The voice told me, which made me use my pinpoint sight to watch his subtle movements, causing my left eye’s pupil to flicker white for a split second. “Ocean,” Ed said calmly. “ROAR!” He yelled as he rushed passed me. I was unable to follow his move but I could sense he was behind me know, just to left. I started to turn but was hit with a rush of wind that felt like a tidal wave of water. “Grrr….” I growled slightly before that voice told me something. CUT THROUGH THE WAVE JUST AS YOU DID THE ONES WHO HURT YOU. My eyes widened and my left pupil flickered once more. I then swung Repulser down and cut the water into two segments while some of it pushed me back several feet. I continued to split the water but it wouldn’t let up, so I wouldn’t either. wwd “The objective is not to fight the water Quill but to become one with it,” I heard Ed right next to me. “Water is water. No matter the state, solid, liquid, or gas. It simple is, water. Flow, Current,” he whispered as I was soon assaulted with strikes from random directions. Ed was ride the currents of his earlier strike that I created with my own counter attack. “Let your mind go just listen to the water.” HMM… HE IS RIGHT. LEND YOUR MIND TO ME AND I WILL HELP YOU LIKE I DID OH SO LONG AGO, DO MY LITTLE HATCHLING. It was as if time had paused. I widen my eyes and felt them ignite with a white flame, and my mind goes clear. Time begins to speed up, but I am no longer in control of my body. I halt my defense and flow my sword swings as careful and wild as the water. Dodging and evading as my body was out of my control, and in the control of something, no, someone else. “Have you finally been set free, Null…” Ed said calmly as he lifted his sword above his head. “I AM IN NEITHER IN CONTROL, NOR AM I FREE. I AM SIMPLY EXISTING, I AM SIMPLY HELPING MY HATCHLING.” Null spoke calmly, as white wisps of flame oozed from my pupils. He stood up and held Repulser in a reverse grip, before getting his body low to the ground and placing his left hand gently on the ground, his or rather my face never faltering. Ed gripped tightened on the hilt of weapon and he brought it hard and quickbut he never moved any closer to me, or Null. “Ocean, Pressures,”he side as he turned away. I may not have been in control of my body but I still feel what was happening. There had been so much pressure force down on my body that neither Null nor I could move at all. We were completely forced to the ground. By the time the effects of the move had fade we were completely exhausted. Ed had walked over and pointed the tip of his sword in our face. “Talk?” Was all he said. “FINE.” Null grumbled before sheathing Repulser, but still controlling my body. “I’LL HAVE TO REMAIN IN CONTROL AS MY AWAKENING PUT A LOT OF STRAIN ON YOUR SOUL. TO RELIEVE THAT STRAIN, I’LL HAVE TO RELEASE IT BY FIGHTING. FOR NOW, I COULD TALK A LITTLE. BUT I STILL WANT TO FIGHT. IT'S BEEN MUCH TOO LONG SINCE I’VE HAD A GOOD FIGHT, QUILL HAD GOTTEN TOO STRONG FOR ANYONE AT HOME TO BE MUCH OF A CHALLENGE SO HE NEVER NEEDED TO ACTIVATE ME.” Null told Ed. “Hmmm… when you’ve recovered your energy in a few hours then. For now just explain your existence to me,” Ed said as he created a table and set of chairs. He set his weapon down against the table and pulled out a set of shot glasses from his coat pocket and his flask. “Care for some Dragon Ale?” He looked at Null. “NO THANK YOU, IT’LL JUST AFFECT QUILL.” Null shook his hand. “NOW… HOW BEST TO TELL YOU… WELL FIRST OFF I CAN’T EXPLAIN MY EXISTENCE, BECAUSE FOR ONE, I WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO EVEN EXIST. I WAS NEVER A PERSON, NOR WAS I EVER A MANIFESTATION OF YOUR EMOTIONS LIKE YOU’VE BELIEVED QUILL. ALL I WAS, WAS JUST A SIMPLE BEING BROUGHT ON BY A PAIN. JUST LIKE YOU’VE DESCRIBED YOUR NIECES, SORA AND NAT’S CONNECTION, MINE WITH QUILL IS VERY MUCH THE SAME, HOWEVER, I CAN NEVER BE SEPARATED FROM HIM, LEST HE LOSE HIS SANITY. THERE ARE THINGS FROM THE DEPTHS OF EVERYWHERE, WHICH I CONSTANTLY HOLD OFF. THE MOST PROMINENT ONE IS THE DRAGON SEED, WHICH DRAGON SLAYERS CONTAIN OF THEY USE TO MUCH OF THEIR POWER. THE DRAGON SEED WAS ACTIVATED WHEN TYRRIOS TRIED TO CONSUME QUILL’S MIND AND WAS ACTIVATED BEFORE, WHEN I WENT DORMANT BACK ON EARTH. I’VE HAD TO EVOLVE TO KEEP UP THE DEFENCE BUT IT SEEMS MY LATEST EVOLUTION WAS ENOUGH TO OBLITERATE THE DRAGON SEED COMPLETELY, BUT THE EFFECTS IT HAS BEFORE HAND ARE ALREADY SET IN STONE. SUCH AS THE DRACONIC ARM AND THE ABILITY TO USE YOUR SECRET ART, MAYAN CALENDAR DEVASTATOR.” Null explained flexing my draconic arm. “IF YOU WANT MY BACK STORY YOU WON’T GET IT, AS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS THAT AFTER QUILL’S FATHER DIED, I BECAME A FATHER TO HIM AND I TRAINED HIM IN WEAPON COMBAT AS BEST I COULD. IT’LL TAKE SOME TIME FOR HIS MUSCLE MEMORY TO RETURN BUT IT WILL IN TIME. I WAS HOPING THAT TRAINING WITH YOU COULD RELIEVE THE STRAIN, AND HELP HIS MUSCLE MEMORY TO RETURN SO HE AND I WOULD BE ABLE TO PROPERLY FIGHT TOGETHER LIKE WE WERE MEANT TO.” Null finished leaning back in the chair. “Mmm…” Ed looked at Null and downed a shot of his Ale. “Sounds like a plan and makes sense. But first,” he snapped and a blue energy chain came from the Dark Repulser and wrapped around our body and then absorbed into us. “Now the Repulsor is your blade and will only appear when you do. I also gave you a variant of Slayer magic called Demon Slayer Magic.when you completely invoke it you can even devour curses.” “LET ME GUESS. TIME DEMON SLAYER MAGIC?” Null asked with a small smile. “Nope,” Ed shook his head. “It’s blank magic. It’ll adapt to you not Quill.” “IT DOES MAKE THINGS MORE INTERESTING. ALSO FOR FIGHTING, IT WILL BE AND MUST BE A SIMPLE SWORD FIGHT. NO MAGIC. NO ALCHEMY, JUST TWO, OR MORE, SWORDS AND THE TWO, OR THREE IF YOU COUNT QUILL, OF US.” Null told Edward. “So we can use any number of swords then?” Ed looked at Null with mischievous smirk. "YES BUT I'D RATHER IF FOR NOW WE USED JUST THE ONES WE CURRENTLY HAVE OUT NOW. WE CAN MOVE ONTO TWO LATER." Null told Ed. “Very will,” Ed said taking a green bottle from his coat. “This is a Skyrim Stamina potion. Down it and you’ll have your energy back in no time flat.” “THANKS.” Null says as he downs the potion. “I SHOULD BE READY TO GO IN A FEW MINUTES, I JUST NEED TO SPEAK TO QUILL REAL QUICK.” Null tells Ed as he gets up and walks over to the side, and looks off into the sky. Altering his voice so that it’s softer, Null begins to speak once more. “It’s been a very long time since we’ve spoken hasn’t it?” Null asks. -Yes… It has Null, and I’m glad that you’re back dad. Even though so many things have happened since you disappeared, I still missed you so much. I hope you stay. Just… You were there when I lost my parents and you were there again when Will vanished. I didn’t want to lose you.- Null smiles softly before placing his hand on my body’s shoulder. “I won’t leave. I’m here to stay Quill. I ain’t leaving anytime soon.” He told me before sighing and going over to Ed. “Should be ready to fight now, just don’t go all out right away, still getting used to taking over Quill’s body again.” Null told Ed while stretching out our body. “Very well but I don’t want my castle torn to pieces so would mind if I moved us to the Coliseum?” Ed motioned over his shoulder. “More space and less chance of destroying something important.” “Sure, I don’t mind. Plus, I can’t really control my strength right now. Once the muscle memory returns I should be able to better manage it.” Null accepts with a nod. “Good!” Edward clapped and we immediately found ourselves in the coliseum. “Now we can have a match unhindered by outside forces.” He snapped and an invisible barrier formed around the entire stadium. ‘I know I’ve seen that barrier somewhere before.’ I muttered inside my head. “Null, be careful. Even in his human form Ed’s strength is far from a joke. Not gonna lie here, in terms of physical power he has the edge and not just because my muscle memory is off.” Ed held out his hand in front of him and his Disword appeared from thin air in front of him. He took hold of it and let the tip fall and hit the ground cause a small dust cloud to appear. ‘Something in my gut is telling me that that weapon is more than just a simple enchanted longsword.’ I grumbled. “What gave it away? The fact it stored in a pocket dimension or the fact it appeared out of thin air?” Null snickered. ‘No, it’s something with the aura of the sword. It feels… For lack of a better term, both dead and alive at the same time.’ I tell him. “Ya ready?” Ed gestured to the air. “Yeah, I’m ready.” Null told Ed, drawing Repulser from his sheathe, and getting into the same stance as when he first took over. Reverse grip, hand gently on the ground, body low. “Ready when you are.” “On your mark,” Ed raised his sword above his head while Null tightened the grip on his. “Get set,” they positioned themselves. “Go…” Ed said as he vanished. With insane speed, Null and I essentially vanished as well, as we evaded a sword strike from behind. We then promptly struck at Ed with a swift swing to the side. With his a quick turn of his arm Ed blocked the strike with the flat of his sword and then grab the blade of his weapon with the opposite hand and turned slightly putting his force into his shoulder and rocketing Null into the wall of the stadium causing cracks to spider we’d out from our body. Null fill to our legs and quickly tossed up breakfast while Ed shook his head. “You’re relying too much on your speed, the evidence is that I was very easily able to catapult you into the wall.” Null didn't say anything as his face became a dead chilling monotone, which let out a freezing chill which caused Ed to shiver slightly. In a blink of speed, Null was next to Ed and took Repulser in a normal grip before rocketing it directly into Ed's side, in turn sending him into the wall at very high speeds. “Much better!” We heard from the dust cloud as Null barely dodge Ed’s sword that came flying at us like a saw from the hole in the wall. It buried its blade in the opposite side of the stadium. “But your still slow on the transition from speed to power.” Ed walked out of the parted dust with coat in his right hand slung over his shoulder. He then tossed it on the ground. Taking our cloak off and tossing it onto the ground as well, we summon Bloodskal. I think I don't it just sort appeared but Null stabs it into the ground catching the hook of our cloak so it doesn't fly away. 'I'll transfer my power into Repulser, you focus on your speed.' I tell Null getting a telepathic nod. I feel the power in Repulser go into my body's speed but I put my strength into the blade's power causing it to gain a faint, barely noticeable navy blue glow, illuminating the blade. It reminded me of the Sword Skills from Sword Art Online. I smile while Null's face remains neutral, and he places Repulser to rest on our shoulder and gets ready to strike. Null charged forward with the tip of the Repulsor head straight for Ed’s throat. Just before the sword could reach the alchemist he caught it with his metal, the tip scratching his palm with with thumb, pointer, and middle fingers on the blade. “Working together to split up the workload, good,” Ed commented as he easily lift us above his and slightly to the right, “But not good enough.” He reeled back and threw us across as if we weighed nothing. We hit the wall hard cause Null to cough up a good amount of blood. I turned my attention to Ed who held out his hand. I heard something rattling just to the left of our head and then I looked out of the corner of our eye to see the Disword embedded in wall. It wriggled itself free and flew swiftly back to its master’s grip. The two of us voiced our thoughts. "Well fuck." We both said as I poured my strength into the sword once more, this time it took some of my Time Magic, and glowed an even brighter navy blue. We ran at Edward blinking in and out of view before appearing behind him, as he went to block us we vanished and reappeared in front of him before slashing at him diagonally upwards, sending him flying up with a massive gash running up his shoulder, his blood spewing out of the wound. Repulser lost the glow and my strength returned, I looked to see Ed landing on the ground and behind him a huge chunk of the arena had a large gash in it and in the ground. I smiled and charged the blade again, this time putting my magic and my speed in it, causing the blade to glow orange with a navy blue hue. “Hahaha, that was a good one but you should save that for when you really need it,” Ed chuckled as he stood up unfazed by the wound. It merely crackled with red sparks of electricity and closed. “Fucking living Philosopher Stone bullshit,” we grumbled. “Back to your attack though. What you used was a sword skill. Something you can only use with the Repulsor,” Ed commented as he mended the arena with his alchemy. “There is also a limit to how many times you can use it per day and a time limit in between those uses. At your current level you have three times to use it but must wait an hour to use the Skill again.” “Well then it's a good thing I've watched Sword Art Online 'bout a thousand times.” I told Ed in a staticky voice, as we began to circle each other. “Doesn’t really matter when you only have one skill and it’s simply a power move with such an extreme cool down period,” Ed commented tip of his sword dragged the ground. “Especially for someone like me. Timing is everything in these types of battles.” ‘He’s right Quill. It took every bit of our strength to make that gash in his shoulder and it wasn’t even that deep.’ Null said with a bit of reserve. ‘True and our skill won’t be ready for another hour and we’re down to half stamina. Drawn out battles were never our specialty.’ I then remembered what Ed said about the Bloodskal Blood. ‘We need the other sword. It has no time limits or restricts on power. It would give a greater range advantage too.’ “Right.” Null say before opening our draconic hand so it faces backwards towards Bloodskal. Said sword then launches itself towards us, and just like Ichigo we raised our draconic arm, and plucked it from the air, swinging it down and cutting up some of the earth beside us with it and creating a large gust of wind and dust. After looking at the sword, I could feel and literally see the strength of it irradiating off the sword. I smile while Null ‘hmphfs’ and we get down into a stance, one that we haven’t used in a long time. We were becoming, Unpredictably. “Finally getting serious aye,” Ed remarked as he lunges forward and brought his Disword down. We counter parrying worth the Skal but Ed turned the tables and used the moment to spiral into a twister with his blade-edge against his metal arm. He was like damn saw and the serrated edge of his sword made it incredibly hard to up our guard. We then threw the alchemist tornado of with a good amount of force, to say we got it done with little damage was and understatement. Ed stopped his spinning and the Disword found itself with its flat against its master’s back pointing upward. Ed merely took a bow and then looked at us. “Why didn’t you two use an energy slash to knock me off balance?” “Because,” We both said, our voices in unison. “We’re unpredictable!” We told him as our voices glitched and resonated. We then shot across the arena with vanishing speeds, appearing in different places at random, till we hit Ed with both swords on the right arm, creating two long gashes. Then before he could strike back we ran off again, and soon the wind picked up and started to swirl around the arena with great speeds. We continued to run with the wind which allowed us to run a small margin faster, and we leaped at Ed. Then I had a realization, I focused all my magic and summoned Time Reaper, but only a small portion of the handle was formed. Null must’ve caught on as he bit down on the handle and the scythe blade went straight up, making it a small war-scythe. Null then began to spin our body at tremendous speeds, and we lunged straight at the calm Alchemist, and we hit him dead in the chest with all three blades, creating three incredibly massive wounds on his torso. We then landed behind Ed and leapt over to the other side of the arena, a good distance away from him. “Yea, no way he’d take that so easily,” I said as we saw the alchemist bow upwards as he rose to his feet. The weapons fill out of his body and the wounds immediately closed. “Remind me why fighting this guy is fair?” I rolled my eyes at Null’s comment. “Because a lot of Dipslaced are OP as fuck like him and even in a fight where his is play by the rules you set he is still OP as fuck.” Ed ripped off his and threw the scraps of fabric off to the side while he cricked his neck from side to side. “Remind me who it was who said to only use the weapons we had at the time,” Ed said and he sounded pissed. “Well, technically Time Reaper is always with me as it is a part of my very being, but hey I had an idea in the heat of the moment, my mind wasn’t thinking about rules or anything. Plus, it’s part of my fighting style to be unpredictable. Through,” I shrug as Time Reaper dissipates back into energy to be summoned at a later time. “I’m sorry about doing that, but you gotta admit that was kinda like some anime fighting shit right there.” I say as Null stands our body to its full height, I use our draconic arm and rubbed the back of our head while chuckling nervously. A crimson slash of energy came charging at us but we managed to leap out of the way just in time. “Rules are rules. If you break your own rules then I can do the same!” Ed said with a twitching eyebrow and a snide smirk. “I think we hit a bad nerve with that last move,” I said as we got back to our feet. “Ya think.” Ed was on on use thrusting his Disword relentlessly trying to piece our body. “Yea he’s pissed alright, OOF!” A metal leg landed right incur gut sending us straight up into the invisible barrier of the stadium. We started to fall and as we opened our eyes we saw Ed and a lot of sparkling circles around him “What the hell?” As if on cue weapons of all kids fire upon us. Luckily we were in the air so dodging was the best option for us. “You have really worked my nerves,” he said as his brought his sword up next to his face and thrust it at us. “We got this I know that move from earlier,” I smiled but Ed didn’t move while his sword blade extended at us. “Nope not what I thought!” I said barley dodge as we landed. We look directly at Ed, and my mind starts going through different scenarios of how this could play out, the thing is that Ed was on a completely different skill level, he was leagues above us. I search for something in my memory to use when I happen upon one certain memory, but it was more of a past vision. As if time had stopped I walked through the vision and found myself back in Fiore, but my hands were wrapped around a large sword. It had an inscription on it, but it wasn’t in draconic, nor Fioren. My eyes widened as I realized, it was in Japanese! I looked closer and the sword came into view. It was a longsword in both the technical and literal sense. I remembered what it was, but I wanted to know something, how did the Nergal Reaver get into Fiore? And how did I know how to use it? I looked in front of me, and got my answer. It was the middle of a war, but not just any war. It was a monster war between the dragons of Fiore, and the Extinction Elders: Nergigante of the New World. I looked back at the Nergal Reaver and tore it from my past self’s iron grip, causing the memory to crumble into dust as my mindscape returned to reality. I used my ethereal vision and looked at my back to see a large hilt forming from blinding blue energy. I whipped back to the fight and took control of my draconic arm. ‘Follow my lead, we need to buy ourselves a small amount of time.’ I told Null as he looked back at me hesitantly before nodding. I let him retake control over my arm as I went over and focused my mental power on the Reaver. “Playtime is just about up,” Ed said as sup his Disword and then grabbed it with both hands. He charged at us with the tip pointed at us again. He started to assault us with varying slashes and thirst keeping Null off balance. I desperately pour my energy into the Reaver as it’s blade begins to finish forming, but the energy still surrounding it never dissipated, but I continued to help it form. “Hurry up Quill. It’s getting incredibly harder to dodge these strikes with each passing millisecond,” Null grumbled under his breath. One…! More…! Push! I thought to myself as the energy around the Reaver burst in a blast of wind. "NOW!!!!!" I screamed as I grabbed the hilt with my ethereal hand, which forcefully put me in control over our body. I grabbed the hilt with my real arm, but threw down the other swords and once I grabbed the hilt I ripped it out of its sheath and seeing it down onto Ed which caused a massive crater to form beneath both of us. The force of the blow surprised Ed and sent him to his knees. I pushed down on the Reaver with all my will, forcing myself to keep up the pressure. “So… You’ve finally found me, master.” A voice said as I continued to press against Ed. “Now that you’ve finally found me, we can destroy our enemies! I will fight with you, as you are my true wielder, I will give you all my power!!!! I, RUINER NERGIGANTE WILL FIGHT WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!” Ruiner roared as I too roared but it was different, it was… Overwhelming, powerful. It was like I had the voice of true Extinction. As I roared, I felt my arm change. Giving it a momentary glance I saw that it was changing completely. It now looked like my other arm, the only difference was that it was completely pitch-black, with the underside of it being a dull orange. On top of that, several hardened and metal spines quickly grew from the black scales, and ran all the way up to my shoulder. The spines felt natural, like I was always meant to have them. I returned my vision back to Edward as he began to push back against my pressure and slowly gained ground. “A new toy,” Ed smirked as he moved closer and closer. “It matters not though,” I looked him in the eye and he was dead serious. “Want to see my friend?” He said stopping his assault as he proceeded to jump back. I didn’t say anything as the voice, Ruiner, told me to hold my focus, so I just continued my gaze. Keeping my grip tight around the Reaver’s hilt and getting a slight grasp of what my arm new could do. “New appendages take time to get used to. I imagine it’s taking all your concentration just to hold that sword and arm in this plain of existence,” Ed said as if he was experienced in this feet. “This Disword is very similar to this. It is a very manifestation of my will and changes as I wish. That is how I was able to extend the blade to reach you both,” He said holding the blade up by its handle with the tip pointing to the ground. As he held the sword up its flanges were just above his brow line with the blade blocking his left eye from our view with his right eye glowing in its Golden Rinnegan Oroborus State. “He’s right master, you’re new appendage will give you pain, but right now Null is halting that so you and I can fight together. Focus on the fight, I will help you.” Ruiner told me as I held my gaze on Ed. “Right.” I mumble to myself as I get into a stance, except it wasn’t one of unpredictability, it was one that complimented the sheer size of the Reaver and it helped carry the weight. I took a deep breath in and then breathed out, but when I opened my eyes, they had changed into draconic eyes but unlike Fioren dragon eyes, they weren’t slits. They were crosses, just like Tatsumi’s from Akame Ga Kill after he evolved Incursio. I trained my heightened senses on whatever could give me an advantage and I never lost my focus. Edward is a living Philosopher's Stone, he can’t die but that doesn’t mean that his stamina is endless. It doesn’t mean that I can’t disarm him. I slowly started to circle around him as he did the same with me. Neither of us faltering nor wavering in our determination. Even with Null helping to soothe the pain I feel in my new arm, I still feel it stinging, but through my determination, I ignore it and tighten my already iron grip on Reaver. I was ready to fight, and I will fight. “Will is a good thing but how long can you hold the construct,” Ed remarked as he sprang up and brought the Disword down hard on us. The sword met each others blades with a loud ring and sparks were flying from the connection. That’s when I notice something was off with his sword. It wasn’t nearly as strong as it had been when we’d started the fight. I push back against Ed’s sword and it starts to work. I was overpowering him when I flung his sword back and he went for another strike, I was unable to block it with Reaver so I held up my left arm and prepared for the hit. When all I felt was a ping and a sound of metal hitting metal. I look back up to see Ed’s surprised face as his Disword bounces off my hardened and metal spines, the scales being untouched, and only small chips in the spines being any indication that the hit was successful. I smile at this and swing Reaver down onto Ed’s sword knocking it out of his hand. I then land a punch to his chest, putting him on his ass and before he could get up, I lay Reaver on his shoulder, its blade aimed at his neck. “Do you yield?” I ask him keeping the blade steady. “Seriously,” Ed looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Hehehe, your funny Quill,” he said with a slight chuckle as he pushed my sword away and hopped to his feet. “Your sword is at its limit,” I remark. He merely held his hand out causing his weapons to return to his grip. “That may be but it still has one more move left in it,” He shot back as he held out the sword with a slant his reflection clear in the blade. He placed both hands on the hilt and charge it with his energy. Charging forward he brought the Disword down on me so I counter with an upward diagonal slash of my own. I could hear the sword crying out as they clashed with each other. I could hear voices coming from Ed’s sword, so many voices were apart of this weapon. I then heard a very distinct snapping sound and looked to see that I’d cut Ed’s sword in two pieces. I also gave him a pretty decent wound across his chest judging from the amount of blood splattered across the ground. He fill to his knees and did a face plant into the sandy floor of the stadium, his right hand still holding his weapon tightly. "Holy Christmas Nuts that was intense." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I then noticed Ed’s sword had started to fade away as it turned ethereal, then to dust and it blew away. “Is he dead, or just knocked out?”Null asked in disbelief. “Something feels off Quill.” The last of the sword had blown into the wind and Ed got back to his feet. “Ow, geez that stings,” Ed remarked as he rubbed his chest. “Note, train more with the Disword in real combat. Mental focus is severely lacking when using it.” He looked at us. “Nice job with that last move. Ready for the real stuff and round two?” "Round 2?!" I complain. "Christ on a stick it was a challenge just to beat you right then! Damn!" But I then notice something, the stinging in my arm has vanished and I don't feel tired or drained of my stamina. "Though it seems I've gotten a much larger stamina reserve. And I want to get better at using Reaver. Plus I believe that was only a fraction of its power along with Ruiner's full potential." I tell Ed has I walk over and pick up my cloak. "By the way, got any other place to put my cloak?" “Put it over in one off the entrances,” Ed pointed to one of the four opening to the stadiums arena floor. “Should be weapons doting the walls. Just hang it on an empty hook.” "Got it, thanks." I say as I sheathed Reaver and picked up Repulser, sheathing him as well. I walk over to Bloodskal and sheathe it on the back of my waist. I walk over to the entrance right behind me and place my cloak on an open hook. I look at the walls and see an empty weapon rack. I sigh as I place Repulser and Bloodskal on said rack, hearing the clacking of their metals on the wood. Walking out of the entrance I see Ed doing his own thing, but as I go to say something my stomach let loose an obnoxiously loud grumble. This grumble echoed through the arena catching Ed's attention. I looked away blushing in embarrassment. "Hehe. Guess I'm pretty hungry." I chuckle nervously as I scratch my cheek with my new arm, which actually felt like normal skin and nor scales. “Not surprising,” Ed said shaking his head and placing his hands on his hips. “I believe a snack is in order then. Ohagi?” he asked as a plate of the treat appeared in hand. "One sec." I tell him l taking my phone out and looking at the time. "It's almost twelve, so it's about lunch time. I could go for some spaghetti or something. If it's edible I'd eat it really." I tell him rubbing my angered stomach. "I'll take the Ohagi." I say while taking the plate and sitting on the ground. I then begin to eat the food. “Dragon Slayers… Always thinking with your stomachs first,”Ed remarked as he sat down with a bowl of ramen. “This stuff is made from my memories so sorry if it isn’t up to par with real stuff,” A bowl of Miso-Pork ramen appeared in front of me. "Ish ffin." I say with a mouthful of food. "For Fatalis sake Quill, don't talk with your mouth full. It's rude!" Ruiner scolded me talking through the gem on the Reaver. "Ahh whatever." I brush it off and continue to fill my stomach. “Yeah well… ya can’t beat real fresh ramen,” Ed said as he looked into his empty bowl. “My girlfriend, excuse me, my ex-girlfriend at the time of my Displacement has lived in Japan for quite a few years due to her family being stationed there. She made the best fresh ramen,” He placed his hands together. “Gochisosama Deshita.” “Okay, two things. One, dafuq was that? What in the world did you just say? Two, what was your Ex’s name? I might’ve ran into her when I was still on Earth in Japan.” I told him. “Wait… Hold up, sorry, scratch that first thing. It's just been so long since I’ve had to speak Japanese that my mind stopped functioning for a few seconds.” I said as my brain started to work right. “It’s fine,” Ed said getting back to his feet. “There’s no way you could’ve known her either. The family was military and they moved back to the US not long after her younger brother was born. As for her name, that stays with me.” “I understand. Actually, my dad was a military intel operations specialist. His work usually kept him away, but when he was home he focused more on me, mom and Will. My mom was actually part of the Police but resigned shortly after I was born.” I told him, looking up into the clear sky. “It seems so long ago that it’s just a distant dream. I wonder… I wonder if they’re being reincarnated into this world as Zeref, Mavis, Serena and Zirconis were. But, that’s just hopeful thinking, sorry for rambling like that.” I apologized. “Don’t be sorry my friend. Not many of us as young as you would have the balls to say that out loud after just being displaced,” He smirked as he looked at me through the corner of his eye. “I was given the chance to return to my Earth just where I left off in my life and you know how that went… if I’d taken that chance I would’ve missed my life here forever more.” He held his hand out to me. “Given that chance again I’d choose this life every time.” “I’d choose my current life over my last one any time,” I smirked as I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. " Plus there's nothing left for me back home on Earth, I mean my actual house that was on Earth is back in Equestria courtesy of the Merchant and all my other friends like Will are probably displaced." “Your not the only one who has other out there,” Ed said placing his hands in his pockets still wearing his warm smile. “I’m proud that my family spends the Void over. My nieces and nephew not to mention their children. I also have my little brother and now I have you, Zeref, Mavis, and Acno to add to my still growing family, brother,” he held out his sideways fist to me. "If anything I need to make a lock for the cookie jar cause when I told Mavis one, she ate the whole damn thing faster than Ruby ever could." I sigh. "But I'm glad to have a brother like you Ed. Hey maybe I could help you unlock your monster weapon. I'm sure you've got one in you, somewhere." I say poking Ed lightly in the chest. “Your more than right about that,” Ed rolled his eyes off to the side. “And your more than welcome to try but first we have a round 2 to get started.” "Right." I say walking over to the other side of the arena. I turn around and draw Reaver with my right hand, and I get into a neutral stance. I'm ready for this, as my face melted into one of pure absolute focus. My eyes becoming crosses once more and my spines rejuvenated into steel and hardened, allowing my defense to strengthen. Ed went in the opposite direction and just stood there. “It's gonna take a moment.” He said holding his hand, palm open with his fingers fully extended. ‘Not going for flashy this time are ya,’ I thought with a smile. “I RELEASE YOU FROM YOU CHAINS. DEVOUR THE NIGHTMARES TO BRING FORTH THE SWEETEST OF DREAMS TO MY FRIENDS. SHINE THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS AND UNLOCK THE DOORS TO THE KINGDOM, THE KINGDOM HEARTS!” Ed yelled out and a column of light came forth. Inside it was a weapon I’d never thought he’d even have, a keyblade wrapped in chains of light. The blade or blades were a dual scythe for teeth that extended down dual blades with a handle each. There was a metallic red skull on each side of the neck of the guard that led into the blades. At the ends of the hilt was a braided silver chain the rain down with a charm that was a red crystal cross that was littered with cracks. Ed reached into the column of light and took hold of the weapon causing the chains to shatter at he pulled the keyblade. He pointed the tip at me, “This is my Baku, and this,” he vanished and appeared in front of me bring his Baku upwards with a heavy slash sending my upwards to the roof again, “is were the serious fight begins.” 'HOLY SHIT!!!' All three of us roared in shock at the sheer power of his Keyblabe. We sailed up farther, before beginning our descent. I focus my thoughts and ask Null and Ruiner something. 'Okay, anyone got any ideas? Cause if we don't up our game, we're royally fucked.' I tell them. They look at each other before looking back to me. 'We may have one idea.' Null says hesitantly as I listen. 'But it involves letting Ruiner take control.' He said finally. 'Oh fuck, well this ain't gonna end well is it?' I ask in my thoughts. 'Probably not.' Ruiner shrugged. 'God damnit.' I facepalm. After getting the details of the plan, our body flew down as Ed looked up and trained his eyes on us. I grabbed the Reaver's hilt tighter and placed it behind my back in a way that let me drop faster gaining more velocity. “I don’t think so,” Ed said placing both hands on his keyblade as the tip lit up in a purplish glow, “Gravity!” He yelled out and shot a ball of magic into the air that expanded to a dark orb drawing us in and off course. Ed then reeled back and threw his Baku in a spinning motion at us disappearing only to appear behind me grabbing his weapon again only to use it to throw us straight into the gravity sphere. The force and pain of this magic was indescribable. After the spell faded I fell and hit the stadium floor while Ed appeared about ten feet away. As a result of my landing, a large amount of dust had been blown around where I landed making it so Ed couldn't see me. I silently picked myself up off the ground and let Ruiner take over. "Finally." He grinned maliciously. As he retracted our left arm before throwing it out like he was throwing knifes I didn't expect anything to happen but to my surprise, all of the spines on our arm had been shot off at blinding speeds, but they quickly regenerated back onto our arm, I then noticed a weird feeling growing over our body, I looked around to find that hundreds of those same spines were growing from our back making us look even more like a Nergi. I grinned like Ruiner and let him loose. Blasting out of the dust I saw that Ed had blocked most of our spines but the metal ones had gone too fast for him to react, lodging several in his stomach and chest, one even pierced his shoulder and his neck. Catching him off guard he raised his Baku just in time to block Ruiner's attack which was powerful enough to obliterate the wall behind the Alchemist. Sweeping Ed's feet out from under him, Ruiner punched him in the gut and swung him around to the other wall behind us, as Ed came to a stop, Ruiner jumped up and launched off the wall before spinning rapidly making himself a tornado of blades and shot spines everywhere, causing Ed to go on the defensive. But Ruiner sent our head directly into Ed's chest pushing some of the spines deeper and knocking the Alchemist into the wall of the stadium. “Are you finished,” Ed looked down at us unfazed by any of the spikes in body. He grad our arm and even cracked the arm with his left hand. “Don’t get caught up in an onslaught and let you o pane to let you plow them,” he left us up and slammed us into the ground again and again. Ed then held the Baku up to our face “Firaga!” He yelled out and serred the right side, nothing healing wouldn’t take care of but it still would affect our sight the rest of the battle. He tossed us halfway across the stadium. “Here I come!” He yelled as he charged with a thrust hitting us, he did this seraval ime over each time doing more damage and preventing us from getting to our feet. “It’s over!” Ed appeared above us and pulled apart the Baku to reveal a dual wield mode. He barreled down with multiple blows before landing on the ground and then we hit. "Fuck!!!!" Both myself and Ruiner screamed as we made a large crater that went deep into the ground. 'Shit we're getting screwed here! Do you have anything else?!' I asked Ruiner who had become silent. Ruiner sighed heavily before telling me he had an idea. '... But it's going to hurt like hell. Worse than anything you've felt so far.' He tells me. 'Are you still willing to go through with it?' He asked me. 'And once you say yes there is no going back.' He says dead serious. 'I'm sure. Do it.' I say, before he nods. Placing his clawed hand on my chest and siphoning his energy into me his form becomes me and my physical body starts to burn, my bones began to break and reattach to different ones causing immeasurable pain, as the Nergal Reaver melts into my body. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I bellow in pain, letting out a blood curdling scream. The pain continues as my body grows, the spines spreading over my entire back and a tail begins to grow out my body then becomes large, and my shoulder blades rip out of my back and new bones take their place, spines start to rip out of my other arm's skin and I scream in bloody pain as that same crimson sprays everywhere in the crater around me. Finally the pain is almost over in my body as it's now covered in spines and black and orange scales, but then the worst of it begins. I hold my head in pain as large horns begin to tear out of my head covered in blood and my hair vanishes into my scales as my nose and mouth begin to reform into a snout and jaw. Once the pain in my head subsides I can focus better. In fact better than I ever had before. My instincts were sharper and my sight could detect the smallest movement. I could smell the sizzling metal from Ed's Keyblabe and I could feel the wings on my back spread slightly. But then I hear the rocks around the front of the crater fall and they spread wide. "Quill? Null? Ruiner?" I hear Ed's voice as he looks at the crater in confusion. "You guys okay?" He asks. In answer all I do is let loose a roar, blowing everything away and sending Ed into the wall once more, causing cracks in the already large crater to expand and grow in size. Even the walls start to crack as I roar. I flap my wings and in a large burst of speed I'm sent upwards at impossible speeds for my current size as I now tower over Ed. I did a small estimate and I now stand on all four legs at seventy five feet tall. I growl at Ed, as my crimson crossed eyes hunger for a rematch. I wouldn't be beaten so easily. I was a hunter, no… I AM AN ELDER DRAGON!!! I roar as I plunge my spined claw directly at Edward who barely dodged the metal spine covered claw as said claw dug deep into the ground where Ed once stood. “You…” Ed looked down and started to shake. “You dare take that form in my city,” he spoke with a clear voice. His grip tightened on his Baku. “You in danger the lives of my citizens.RAAA!” a pillar of red light shot around Ed. The light did down quickly and revealed Ed but not Ed. “You will suffer.” Came the voices of many from Ed’s mouth.. “Malice will reveal in your pain.” Ed, or Malice, shot right in our gut in a spiraling motion sending us flying into the air. They then were above us. “Crimson Moon Bloody Downfall!” They yelled out joining the Keyblade halves together and the motioning into a circle. They held the blade above their head and slashed down sending thousands of red lights into our form, being so large we couldn’t dodge and every hit was more painful than the last but more than that, I felt my strength drained my and more with each light the pierced our body. I growled low, before throwing my arms up and roaring. “ELDER CRYSTAL BARRIER!!!” I roared as a barrier of glowing blue crystals covered my body, protecting me from the lights but they started to break through the barrier. I then swung my immensely large tail at my barrier shattering it, and swung my wings up so fast the shards flew up at incredible speeds, countering and nullifying almost all of the lights except for a few which got to me, but some of the shards became pure energy and pierced through Malice/Ed too causing his face to contort into one of pain. I spat out black blood as I placed my claws on the ground and summoned an invisible barrier made from the crystals and geodes in the ground around the stadium, keeping us both locked in. That barely took anything and I flew up at immense speed to look at Ed/Malice in the eyes. “Not fight… Up here… Fight on ground… Safer for everyone… Special barrier feeds off excess power from us… impossible to destroy… keep us in… keep others in city safe.” I spoke to Malice/Ed in a cut voice, deeper than even Kratos’. “Malice… will release Ed back… Into control first.” I told Malice noticing Ed’s soul fighting off the negativity being. Malice tilted his head slowly with an evil smile, “No, it’s been sometime since he was angry enough to full to my pull. And you need not worry as if I don’t let him have his body back then I lose a great source of negativity.” He snidely laughed. “And as much fun as it would be to continually torture you I have no patience for the other idiots our head right now vying for control,” he flick the keyblade off to the side. “So you can have your match with me,” Malice smirked as he activated Ultimate Shield and the other Sin Releases taking up a fighting stance. We slammed a hand down for Malice only to whip through our fingers use his shadows to get above us. He then landed on our back and using the Ultimate Spear dug into our flesh while sending the nails throughout our body doing severe internal damage. “Let’s lock you down!” He laughed as several shadows grabbed us with razor sharp teeth and we could then feel our body being held down by the suckon of Gluttony. Malice jumped off and above still maintaining his hold as he held the Baku above his head. “Garganta!” Malice roared as he brought the Baku down with a huge slash of life coming from the weapon hitting us dead center. Even with regeneration healing would take time in this form. Malice landed in front of us with his back facing us placing the Keyblade on his shoulder. He looked over slightly as we fell to the ground. “You should just take control of that body while you can.” “I AM IN CONTROL BITCH!!” I roared as I slowly stood up, black and blue energy surrounding me. “Thanks for the food asshole. I wanted to fight Ed, not his negativity.” I said as I walked towards Malice. My wounds regenerating at a rapid rate. “Fool, you shouldn’t eat Deconstruction,” Malice smirked as I fell to my knees. “What the hell did you do?” I cried out. “Simple, I used alchemy not magic,” he laughed. “Well technically I used both. Ed isn’t the only one who uses alchemagic. I used it to deconstruct your body at the cellular level and your own magic is fulling it even now. It will slowly and painfully tear you apart.” I feel like I’m going to die, I was genuinely scared, fearful. I didn’t want to die. I closed my eyes as pain tore through my body. “What the hell are you doing?” I heard a voice ask. I shot my head up to see Will, his face full of disappointment. I looked at his body, it was glitching. It wasn’t all there. “Did I help raise you to quit when you know you’re screwed?” He asked once more. “... No you didn’t.” I said slowly. “Then don’t give up now. You still need to find me. So, get your Elder ass up and fight. Fight like you know, fight with your heart!” He shouted as my mind returned to reality. I looked down as my body began to slowly disappear, its molecules deconstructing at a steady rate. ‘FUCK THIS BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!’ All three of us roared as I grabbed a hold of my own tether of molecules and began to pull them back together. My body returning to its Nergigante form as I began to feel… Differently. My eyes glowed with energy as they burned brighter and brighter, till even my mouth emitted the same light. A star began to burn in the sky as it became closer, and closer still. Until it landed onto me, crashing through the barrier and impacting me. I became a beacon of light as a pillar of light exploded and Elder Energy began to flow into me from everywhere. I roared with energy as the pillar of light slowly subsided, revealing me still in my Nergi form but I was different. I knew it. Malice looked back at me and cracked an evil smile. “So ya still got some fight left in ya, eh?” He asked before laughing maliciously. “I’m going to kill you, ya know that?” He asked me. “You shall be locked away for a very long time Malice. You tried to rid my family of me and you’ve locked away my brother.” I yelled, anger within several of the Elder Dragon voices speaking in unison through my body. “You tried to murder our champion! You tried to murder the only one who could set us free! You’ve tried to murder his Equestia’s last hope! You’ve made your last mistake Malice! YOU! WILL! PAY! DEARLY! YOU BASTARD! DIE!” All the voices in me roared in focused rage. With, not the intent to kill, but to harm. Leaping at Malice, he tried to swing at me with speeds that would’ve previously been faster than me, but with my temporary boost, I was fast enough to dodge and I buried my claw into his stomach, causing him to barf up a massive amount of blood as my fist went through his chest and sent him into an invisible wall. Malice looked up and simply smiled, “if We really wanted the kid dead e wouldn’t be playing with him so lightly,” they said as his wounds healed. “Besides, he can the Deconstruction on his own dumbasses.” They pointed at me. “Or is all that training you did with Little Twilight and Polearm for not, Dragon Slayer. As for locking us away, you have no such power to do so. Not even our dear little niece, Alexandria Justine could do it and had to make a deal with us. Though this means we’re limited on our time in the free world, Ed remains in control and we get twice the source of negative emotions.” “We are not talking about us locking you away Malice. We are talking about someone you’ve locked away a few minutes ago, asshole.” We tell him. “You mean the alchemist you angered with that transformation of yours,” they laughed while pointing the Baku at us. We noticed his hand slightly twitch as if he didn’t have full control of the body. Suddenly, Ed’s right hand plunged itself into his arm ripping off the hand dropping the Baku. The right hand grabbed the Keyblade and thrust it into the chest through the back. We couldn’t believe what we saw. “No… it’s… to… soon. We won’t go back!” Malice howled in anger as Ed’s body fell limp then pulled the Baku from its chest. “Yea you stay there for the foreseeable future too,” we heard in a singular voice that we know was Ed’s. “Damn that fight with the Disword put more strain on my mentally then I originally thought,” he cracked his neck before looking at us. “Want me to undo that Deconstruction charge still running through you?” “That would be most appreciated. Also we are sorry for letting Ruiner allow Quill to take this form. We are simply testing our champion to make sure he will be able to use it when the time comes.” We apologize. “We would never endanger the lives of your citizens. It is one of our oldest laws: Never harm an innocent, weather with intent or on accident. Once again our deepest apologies.” We tell Edward with an apologetic bow. “Yes well,” Edward said as he extended his claws into our flesh. “I wanted to push Quill and coupled with the heat of anger in battle with worn mental barriers,” we felt a surge of pain throughout our body followed by relief. “Not to mention using a Keyblade invites Darkness into your heart. So part of the blame is mine too. But we need not worry about my city as my barriers create a sort of pocket dimension around us limiting the effects to the outside. To any onlookers it’s just a still rumble of guards training. Feeling better?” He asked retracting his claws. “Much better, thank you friend. If you would like, we can let you talk to Quill. Our bodies are now linked together, our energies are tied together now. We are like you with your many souls, but the only divergence is that we have physical bodies that are lying dormant in Quill’s Equestria. Though our energies were lost to the void and Equestria was left in a state of darkness after Grogar trapped us in crystals. Though one of us is trapped under Canterlot itself. HEY!” One of our many voices complains. “You try fighting something that’s the equivalent of your evil counterpart, especially for an Elder like me!” One of the deeper voices complains. “Hmmm…” Ed placed the Baku on his shoulder. “Do as you wish, but know that you all still won’t win this fight. Also, remind me to tell you the story of the Scaleless Dragons while Quill is still here,” he said as he went to the nearby will and leaned against. “I’m here alright, Ed. Yeah, it’s pretty strange having four other Elder Dragons in your body, especially since they’re some of the strongest Elders in all of the Monster Hunter Series. Yeah it’s really strange and kinda frightening too.” I said in my voice as the color of the light burned with an orange hue, before changing into a golden hue. “Well it wouldn’t be that strange if you’d just use our weapons like you’re meant to. But I suppose you’ll have to find us and earn our weapons though.” A more feminine voice retorted. “Yea I wouldn’t do that if I were all of you,” Ed remarked leaned the Baku against the wall next to him. He then had a cigar appear out of nowhere and lit it. He puffed a ring towards us. “Don’t forget Anco is still linked to your soul and we have to put him in his body,” Ed explained as he placed the cigar between his fingers. “And doing that is going to severely hinder Quill’s power by half. He’ll be spending the learning in a wheelchair if you put too much strain on him.” Ed placed the cigar back in his mouth. “And I seriously doubt that Acno won’t retain some if not one of you Elder Dragons but hey, who am I to judge the intricacies of a soul and the asshole of a Void Dweller known as Truth but you be you.” “We do not intend to give Quill more than he can handle, but the way we give our powers is through our weapons, as they have the unique ability to summon us and allow him to commune with us. It gives us the ability to monitor Quill and in his time of need we can send one of our own to help him. Please do not take this the wrong way but we would never hurt Quill or reduce his abilities. The way we siphon our power is through the Elder already in him, which is Ruiner Nergigante. He is the only Elder form Quill will ever be able to access as not to damage his soul.” A very young but experienced voice explained to Edward as the light gained a light blue hue. “That’s not what I meant,” Ed rolled his with Jim’s cigar between his teeth. “I’m saying you should hold off on the weapons and should wait until after we’ve separated Anco and Quill,” He gestured will his hands. “Quill will need to build his strength back up after the separation as half his power will be going to Acno. This way he has strength in reserve to get back to where he is now through your weapons and training.” Ed put out the cigar in his right hand. “Do you all understand now? And for Pete’s sake change back to normal.” "That is exactly why our bodies are crystalized in his Equestria, and only when he finds us, is then we can give him our weapons." An older and much wiser voice corrected. “Very well, now shrink back down,” Ed huffed annoyed. "Right." We all say as my Nergi body returns to its normal size and the Elder Energy washes off of my and back into the Reaver's form. "Well…." I say as I stand straight up… only to fall on the ground face first groaning in slight hunger pains. "That hurt let hell. And now I feel like eating a Fatalis Damned tree." I groan in sore pain. I look at my Nergi arm and see that the spines have all fallen off, and I notice my Reaver forming beside me. "Guess it only happens when I'm in a fight." I mumbled, as I rolled over onto my back. Ed came over and pointed the Baku’s teeth at my nose. “I never said the fight was over did I?” "No you didn't, but I think I'm spent." I say weakly holding up my Nergi arm. "Don't even have enough energy to force even one spine to grow. You are very, very fucking powerful, goes without question. I yield." I tell Ed. "Ugh, could you help me up? I can't really feel anything except being sore." “Ya have enough strength to down a couple of potions?” Ed asked as he pulled me to my feet proceeding to pull out a couple of red and green vials the pouch at his side giving them to me. “Sorry about the facial burn.” Ed looked at the side of my face as I downed the stamina and health potions. “It doesn’t look like it’ll heal without leaving some form of scar on its own.” Ed held the Baku pointing the tip towards the sky and released the handle letting the weapon float in the air. Ed then extended his hands out clapping them together and interlocking his fingers and he then turned his hands horizontally. Chains of light soon appeared and wrapped around the keyblade as a portal of light opened beneath it dragging the weapon down into another dimension, sealed away until Ed released it again. "It's fine. It’ll make me look more like Todoroki from My Hero Academia." I chuckle loosely as I slowly sit up. “If marefriend gets mad tell her it was and she gets one free it,” Ed shrugged as he snapped and we were back at the castle. “Wonder if Twilight, Shining, and Cadance are picking anything useful from their Dark Magic lessons?” he then He then suddenly stopped and turned to me and then looked at himself. “We better get cleaned up and get some coverings other than your cloak and my coat before we meet with anyone.” He laughed slightly as he put his coat on and me my cloak. "Hell, knowing Twilight she's just, absorbing as much as she can." I mumble before looking down at myself and putting my cloak on. "Yeah, that'd probably be best." I then take out my phone which was surprisingly untouched. "Hmm. It seems we've been here for only a few hours." I grumble putting my phone in my pocket once more, and standing up. “Wanna hit the royal bath or the secret caverns?” Ed gestured as we walked through the palace. “Don’t forget we still have you and Acno’s procedure to get to as well.” "Yeah I'll take a bath first, I really need it. My muscles are still sore as hell." I groaned. "Null, Ruiner? You two okay?" I ask. 'EVERYTHING HURTS!' I heard Null scream. Grief he's okay. 'Christ… that sucked.' and there's Ruiner. "Yup those two are good." I tell myself. “This way,” Ed said as we went down a couple of corridors to a changing room. “Not to be blunt but trunks are a must here once you're done in the personal shower.” "Understood Ed." I tell him giving him an 'okay' sign to go along with it. “Not my rule but Tia’s as this is the communal bath mainly set up for the guards,” he said as he grabbed a towel, shampoo, and a pair of trunks before he stepped into a nearby stall and turned on the water. “Aside from the separated showers it’s mixed bathing for simplicity sake.” I heard over the rush over water as I got my own amenities and stepped into a stall. Hot water burns like the fires of hell after having your ass handed to you several times over. I let the heated water run down my skin, and boy did that sting like shit. I bit the inside of my cheek to ignore the pain as I began to shower. This gave a small amount of time to think about what Ruiner and the other Elders had told us after the fight. To think that a force in my Equestria was enough to trap four of them is a scary thought, and the fear only multiplies due to the fact that one of the Elders in me is called the Elder Dragon God. It’s a scary thought, but I’ll have to ask the Elders about it later, but right now I’m here to calm down after our fight. When I thought back to the fight, I smiled as I remembered that I’d actually beaten Ed in a sword fight. But that was using his weaker sword. That Baku though, it had something to it, something else. It interested me and I wanted to know more. Sure I’ve played the Kingdom Hearts games a couple of times and I was familiar with the Keyblades, but… Something about Baku reminded me of one of the swords I used in the earlier KH games. I can’t remember which one though. Odd, but whatever. I heard the other shower turn off and Ed step out. “Come on slowpoke, you need the bath more than I do.” He said tapping on the shower stall door. “And if you want to know about the Keyblade then ask and don’t stingy with the questions. It’s something I’ve grown accustomed to when ever I pull it out of its hidy hole.” I chuckle slightly before finishing and putting on the trunks I took. Walking out I face Ed and tell him. “Well, it’s not really a question for you so much as a question for my memories.” I explained. “I’ve played some of the KH games and your Baku reminds me of a pair of Keyblades I used in the games constantly. I just can’t remember the name of the two though.” I tell him, as we walk over to the bath. Ed and I both sat in green tinted water and I have to say it felt pretty damn good. “It’s an herbal blend to relieve fatigue. It’s why most of the guards like this public bath instead of their private ones.” Ed said as he put a projection of the Baku up. “You’re probably thinking of the blades the Sora and Riku each used. One light and the other dark. They formed a joint blade that was altogether balanced. Just like that weapon the Baku is a keyblade that is both light and dark. Represented by its name the Baku. Eater of dreams and nightmare. But unlike the others the Baku is a singular keyblade.” He turned off the projection. “Not even I can tell why it’s here or where it came from. It simply appeared to me one day after I returned to Equestria from a long journey but not before I started to see Luna.” “That’s the thing, I can’t remember their names but I can remember their titles. The darkness of light, and the light of the dark. The twins of Reality. That’s pretty much all I can remember about them, but it feels like I should know more.” I ramble. “If you are meant to know more then it will come to you in time my friend,” Ed said as he leaned his head back. “All things have their time and place to reveal themselves. One of the many things I learned in this incredibly long life I’ve had amongst the ponies of this world. Just wait and be patient, Time Dragon Slayer.” “Well, for being a Time being, all I can do is wait.” I sigh. “Anyway, I also want to discuss something with you. It’s about the Elders now residing in my body. I want you to know more about them. And I want some questions about them answered too.” I tell him. “Are you five listening?” I ask, waiting for a few seconds before getting a response. “Yes, we hear you Quill. We can hear both of you just fine, and we have answers to only a few of your questions. However the information we have is limited, and may not be as accurate anymore. We’ve been locked away for a long ass time and the world has changed, but we’ll try to answer to the best of our abilities.” They answered in order, following one another’s sentences. “Holding a conversation with others in your own head,” Ed snickered. “I hate when it’s me but it’s funny when it’s someone else.” I simply gave him a deadpan stare. “Sorry, continue.” “Right, so first off is there anyway you five could project yourselves so that Ed and I can talk to you directly?” I ask them. “Yes, there is a way but first off, can you ask Edward if he has any crystals? Even just one will do.” One of the voices asked. “Hey, Ed. One of them knows a way to project their voices but we need a crystal. Even just one, doesn’t matter the type. You got one?” I asked him. “Seeing as I don’t want a massive headache from shifting images, I’ll give ya five,” Ed said flatly as he held up his hand and five crystals materialized in his grip. “Here ya go.” He said giving me the crystals. “Thanks. Right, so… Do whatever you all are gonna do.” I tell the five of them. I then see five streams of energy flowing out of my arms and into the crystals. The first stream was orange, the second was golden, the third was red, the fourth was blue and the fifth was a greenish color. Each stream flowed into one of the five crystals, and I set them all down onto the edge of the bath. A few seconds passed before each crystal emitted a faint glow of each respective color and projected a small holographic image of each Elder Dragon. “Thank you. This way, we’ll be able to explain to you the answers we have better.” The image of Nergigante thanked us. “Yes, it would be very bothersome if we had to talk over one another.” An Elder with jets on his wings expressed. I looked closely and recognized him as a Valstrax, The Red Comet Elder Dragon. “Right so, what questions do you have?” A snake-like Elder, which was larger than any of the others asked with his claws stretched open, waiting for the questions we held. Is he a… A Dalamadur? He looked to be still growing as evident from his greyed scales. A full grown Dalamadur would be a bit over seven miles long, but this one if I was correct is only four hundred and forty meters, still a juvenile. I look over to Ed and motion my hands. “You can go ahead and ask the first question. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that these five are actually in my Equestria.” I sigh. “I would but there’s a problem with that,” Ed said bluntly. “I have no questions!” He said sticking out his tongue and tilting his head sideways. “Guess I’ll ask mine.” I mumble. “Okay, first off what are your names?” I ask them. “Well, you already know mine but once again, I am Ruiner Nergigante, The Extinction Elder Dragon.” Ruiner reintroduced. “I am Shah Dalamadur, The Serpent Elder Dragon.” The Dalamadur known as Shah said with a slight head bow. “I am Valorgod Valstrax, The Azure Comet Elder Dragon. You may just call me Valor.” Valor told us. “I am Shagura Magala, The Sun Elder Dragon. You may call me Maggie.” Maggie said to us while spreading her wings, as if she was trying to intimidate us. Yeah that wasn’t going to work. “I guess it’s my turn.” A small glowing Elder Dragon spoke up. As me and Ed looked at her, she hid behind her wings slightly, before poking her head out and waving hello slightly. “H-Hi. My name is Xeno’jiiva, T-The Elder Dragon God. You can call me Xeni, i-if you want.” Xeni introduced shyly. I simply waved back and smiled. She was cute, and I had a feeling she and Fluttershy would get along perfectly. “It’s nice to meet you all. As you know, my name’s Acnori Quill. This as you know, is Edward Elric, the Crimson Sage and Alchemist.” I told them. “Okay, so for my other questions. How did you all get to Equestria?” I ask them. “I suppose I can answer that.” Shah stated flatly. “Okay, so first off, you’re familiar with reincarnation. I know you are Quill, but we didn’t get here through normal reincarnation like you, Zeref, Serena, Zirconis or Mavis. While it’s true we did die to get here, we were all killed by the same hunter. The character you play as when someone plays the Monster Hunter games. Don’t ask how we know about them, cause we had a look into your memories Quill. Though I suppose the best way to explain this is to say, we were all brought here after the hunter defeated us. Though it was through some sort of Elder Energy portal. We don’t know how it formed but we do know that much of our energy was scattered throughout the void, most of it landing in your Equestria, Quill. But the rest gradually absorbed the void energy around it and when it found itself here, which only happened when Quill entered Arch Tempered mode, we found our consciousness all in the energy, while still retaining the memories we’ve made when in Quill’s Equestria.” Shah explained, creating a small orb of his energy, which contained Elder and Void Energy, before dispersing it. “Got it.” I spoke under my breath, while holding my chin. “Yea, good luck finding the energy in the Void,” Ed said nonchalant. “You’ll never see it unless it stayed intacted long enough to make it through a portal to a stable world. If it stayed in the Void no chance in hell can you get it back.” He got out of the bath. “The void is the beginning and end. It is everything and nothing. Sorry to but you’ll have to get what you can from your weapons.” “Actually, we don’t need our lost energy anymore. When our energy was dragged into Quill’s Arch Tempered form, and when we absorbed the Void Energy, our natural Elder Energy outputs increased immensely. All Elders naturally generate Elder Energy, it’s how we do what we do. All of us monsters generate some amount of Elder Energy including humans. I can sense a very small amount emitting from you, however it's very minimal, as your body absorbed a little from Quill’s Arch Tempered form.” Xeni told Ed. “Though since our Energies have changed it’s highly likely that our physical bodies have altered in response or are currently changing in response. Though this means that our energy signatures have become different than when we entered the void. Simply put, we no longer need our lost energy, and that we now hold much more Elder Energy we’ve come to now call, Void Elder Energy. Though this is all just a theory, and I’m not a hundred percent on this.” Xeni said losing her stutter and explaining it kinda like Twilight. I lean over to Maggie and ask. “Is she always like this when talking about Elder Energy?” I ask silently. “Yup.” She responded. “We all have moments were we talk about stuff and go into an excited detail mode,” Ed said as he went into a shower still and turned on the water briefly and then turned off again before starting to change into regular clothes. “I suggest you hurry as the next guard group will be in soon and I’m sure you don’t want a hoof mark on your face.” "Got it." I said getting out and picking the crystals up. Walking into one of the shower rooms after getting my stuff, and drying up before changing into my own clothes and placing the crystals in my pocket. Suddenly Ed turned his head and a Void Portal opened. Ed simple shook his head and walked to the portal and then looked back at me. “I'll be back by this evening, a little hunter needs help. Sorry, you can’t come with.” He said walking in to the portal as is then shut. Quill’s Shining Armor POV While learning new magic, especially dark magic that doesn't corrupt, is good and fascinating I’m still a guard pony and my main duty is to protect so I asked the one called Polearm where the me of this world could be found to get some one on one training in. Unfortunately, he was on a top secret mission of some and he couldn't be called away from it but Polearm volunteer to take up the slack for him as he claimed it was his duty as the Guard Captain of Ponyville, one of Edwards top students, and that he was this world’s Twily’s coltfriend. I figured I’d humor him and check out what he could do as not many earth ponies make it as guards. Boy was I wrong, this guy was tough and EXTREMELY strong, even for earth pony standards. Not to mention he had a special type of magic that he invented. “Must be tough trying to fight on all fours all the time,” Polearm said with smirk as he looked at me from where he’d thrown me from in the dueling circle. “Leaves you off balance if you have to hold a weapon.” “Yea, it’s pretty hard but magic is a big help with the weapons part,” I said get back on my hooves. “But you’re not playing fair either. Earth ponies aren’t supposed to be able to use magic like you are.” “Not using right now Shining, I cut off my magic follow to give you all the handicaps needed,” He said with a shrug. “I call bull,” I pointed a hoof at him. “You guys have natural strengthening magic that we unicorns don’t have and the only way you can’t use it is if somepony else cuts it off.” “Not true,” Polearm crossed his arms. “See, Ed wasn't always the Mage he is now. In fact, he couldn’t even use magic back in the day, not unless he rewrote the spell for his own uses. Sure he could tap into magic but rewriting one spell was very tedious and time consuming so Edward came up with several work arounds.” “Like what?” I tilted my head. “Like magical augmentation,” he explained. “Ed was already strong but he was weak against magic so he developed the ability to strengthen his body with magic like Earth Ponies naturally do but his skill can be taken and used to harness the magic flow on top of existing magic strength. I took it a step further still and applied it externally like you unicorns do with your horns but my magic manifested as my talent for being a guardsman and pole weapon user.” “Could you teach me,” I pointed out, wanting to learn how to strengthen my body to be a better fighter. “And if your magic is cut off how is it you still so strong?” “Your talent already heavily deals in your magic making no sense in applying magic externally,” He explained as the dust from the ground flew up into his hand and solidified into a spear. “And your a unicorn so it would come to you naturally but I can help with the concept of using your talent in other ways and to augment your body so you'll become much stronger.” “Yeah, I’d appreciate the help a lot.” I accept. “Starting off let me say this,” he pointed at me. “As far as unicorns go, you’re on the better end as far as physicality goes and magic don’t get me started. However, you're a glass tank. Meaning once your magic is gone you are still pretty much used up but your magic still hinders you as its mainly defensive. You should try using your shields in less conventional means. Instead of bubbles or domes. Try applying it like a suit of armor or make constructs to help fight in battles. You have more than enough magic to manipulate thirty or more puppets. As for an earlier question when you asked why I was so strong. It's because I workout without my magic at least three hours a day everyday. Sure first it was Ed’s server training but I keep it up. We should also see about get you some good spells, gear, and a unique magic like Quill’s. You proved to have an affinity far Dark Weapon magic. Perhaps Ed can help.” “Probably, but we might have to wait a bit. Last I saw, he and Quill were heading to the training grounds to do, well, exactly that. Though for some reason, I felt a weird magical signature emanating from Quill, one that he himself probably noticed as he kept fidgeting with his wrist, as if something was trying to get out. Heck if I know though. I’m not all too familiar with Dragon Slayers.” I shrug. “You and me both,” Pole rolled his eyes. “But in the meantime, how about you try and work on the different concepts of your shield spell. Try using some of the Dark Magic practices you learned about from Ed’s classes.” “Alright, I’ll try.” I say focusing on using my newly acquired Dark Magic, and closing my eyes. Doing what I did last time when I first used it, I began to drift my thoughts to something I had once heard Quill mutter about one time. Shield Hero. That name stuck in my mind as I focused my thoughts on a shield. When I sensed my magic materialize I opened my eyes to reveal a pitch black shield with dark runic markings flooding the design, and a large red pearl gem mounted in the middle of the shield. I tried to grab the shield with my magic but it wouldn’t take, so I began to reach for it with my hoof, when the shield lunged for my foreleg and latched on tightly, refusing to let go. On the outside, it’d look like I was calm, but in reality on the inside, I was screaming in confused fear. “What in Equestria is this?” I mumbled as I examined the shield, now latched onto my foreleg. “Oh boy,” Polearm said with wide eyes. “I think we should find someone to talk to about this. I’m not versed enough in magical artifacts to know anymore than that thing is big news of some kind.” “Any ideas on what it might do?” I asked, looking at the shield. “It’s obviously some kind of shield.” “I can clearly see that,” Polearm deadpanned. “Don’t give me that shit, you know what I mean!” I retort, an irk mark appearing on my forehead. I let out a sigh before continuing. “It… It feels like this is something from darkness but also something made from the light. When this formed something, a sentence, a phrase. It just popped up into my head. All it tells me is just: “The light that the Goddesses fear, and the darkness the Demons could not contain.” That’s all I can think of, and that is all this thing tells me.” I repeat the phrase as I look at the red pearl gem and it gives off a sheen of light. “It could’ve that it was originally made as a sacred weapon meant to simply combat and protect whatever the wielder deems needs protecting,” he said as he rubbed his chin while I looked at him confused. “Think of it as the same concept as when you were learning Dark Magic. This thing is neither good nor evil and simply is. It’s just up to the wielder of how it’s used. Basically it was made to protect light and dark. Evil is simply meant to fear it.” Will “Sweet Celestia, this is just confusing. But when is anything ever not confusing when the Displaced are involved?” I sighed, shaking my head. “Whenever it involves those closest to them,” Pole said patting me on the back. “So, basically everyone in the castle.” I chuckle. “If you’re Ed, definitely,” he chuckled. “Just don’t piss him.” "Yeah I think it'll take a lot to piss him off so we should be good. Though from what little Twily has written to me about Quill, he can piss a lot of people off with just one smartass remark." I say. "I mean I talked to Celestia and he literally roasted our Equestria's most entitled Noble and made our Prince Blue Blood piss himself. I'd be surprised if he didn't find a way to piss off some type of God one of these days." I ranted while chuckling. “You mean when,” Pole pointed out. “Actually… Yeah. When he pisses off some type of God.” I correct myself. “Let's get back to your shield though,” Pole said taking another look. “Can I have a closer look?” “Sure,” I said as I tried to take the shield off my foreleg, emphasis on tried. “The fuck is going on the damn thing, It won’t come off.” I grunted as I pulled on the shield. After about fifteen minutes of me and Pole trying to pull the accursed thing off, along with my foreleg, we decided to leave it be. We eventually found we could move around my body but not off it, which made things easier for me as I could have it on my back allowing me to walk properly. “I don’t know what to tell ya man,” Pole shrugged. "What in the world is this thing though? Maybe Edward or Quill will know something about it." I suggest to Pole as I walk over to a wall to sit down. “Quite possible, and if not we can always check Princess Luna’s Library,” Polearm added. “Wanna go to the Princess’ Library first? It seems that Ed and Quill are having a bit of a serious fight.” I said, noticing and pointing towards the massive pillar of blue energy emitting from the arena. “Oh shit.” he said looking up at the column. “Yea let's do that, and let’s get your sister and Cadence too. Ed did say some other time she could see the library. They should be in Ed’s advanced class. You get them and I’ll get get my Twilight and Princess Luna. She’s the only other pony with a key to the place in this world. Let’s meet up…” he thought for a moment. “In the throne room in thirty okay.” “Sure, I’ll see you later.” I say, nodding and trotting off to go find my sister and Fiance. After a few minutes of trotting around later, I found Ed’s advanced class and when I opened the door, I saw what I’d expect. Twily taking as many notes as she could and Cadence focusing on the studies as much as she could, while also practicing as they were learning. I let out a loose sigh and knock on the door with my hoof, getting their attention. “Oh? Ah, Shinning! Was there something you needed?” Cadence asked as she trotted over to me. “BBBFF!” Twily yelled in slight excitement as she bounded over to the two of us. “Yeah, there is something I need. Follow me and I’ll explain on the way.” I said as the three of us walked out of the classroom, and Twily dispelled her note book and quill. “Shinning, what’s that shield on your back? Your constructs don’t usually stay for very long after you stop your magic flow.” My sister asked. “Well, that’s one of the reasons I’m taking you to Ed’s Luna’s Library. I’ll explain the rest on the way.” I told them as we trotted down the hall and into the throne room. After explaining to them what the shield was, or at least what myself and Pole knew about it, Twily had an understandable fascination with it and wanted to test on it. But she was quickly dejected after she tried and failed to use her magic to pick it up. Yeah, we learned a new thing about it. It can essentially eat and devour outside magic which is different from its user’s own magic signature.. In this case, I’m the user and it ate the magic Twily tried to use on it. The result was funny as she had a mental brain fart and stuttered for about three minutes straight. “Ah little ponies, Polearm informs me that you see knowledge in my library,” Ed’s Luna said with a soft smile. “Oh my.” she noticed the shield. “How did you come by one of the Cardinal Weapons Shining Armor. “He was trying to use Dark Magic as a shield spell and suddenly he had that thing on his foreleg,” Polearm explained. “This is big,” Ed’s Twilight said. “I’ve only read about these weapons in myths and fairy tale books. I didn’t think they were real.” “I can assure you that they were very real at one time Twilight but they disappeared long ago. Sometime with the last thousands of years when I was much younger. Edward had a few run-ins with all of them on his journey across our world. He said he never knew what became of them after he parted ways with the various heros. We need knowledge indeed,” She said as she summoned a large mirror and laced a black skeleton key against it causing the mirror to ripple as if it were made of water. “Please step through, the librarian who goes by Dark Light will be waiting for us.” Watching the event occur, I was creeped out. Mostly because of the skeleton key. “Alright, ignoring the creepy skeleton key I’ll just walk through.” I say doing just that, and walking through the mirror. ‘Took you long enough,” I heard the Princess say as I came into a long stone brick corridor. Soon after I was followed by the others. Luna led us into a massive dark tower the was filled with shelves of books that ranged in size and cool to varying classes and difficulty of spells and various other knowledge of who knows what. It had obviously taken many centuries to acquire this collection and it spanned levels. “We should start in the ancient legends section as well as search the artifacts and legendary weapons sections” Luna though aloud as we followed. “Dark Light,” She called out and then there was a loud popped and floating above us was a bright shining light. “Yes mistress,” came a voice from the light. “Please bring us any information pertaining to the four Legendary Heroes, their weapons and their tales that are scattered across the Library please,” Lyna said with an authoritative tone. “At once Mistress,” the light said as it whizzed off. “Let's get started shall we,” Luna said grabbing a nearby book and we all did the same, except for Twiliy who was in a frozen state of utter joy. Twily then began to vibrate uncontrollably, and I started to get worried. “Uh… Twily?” I asked, before my sister exploded with a large amount of joy. “SO! MANY! BOOKS!!!!!!!!” Twily screamed with joy. “Oh boy.” I sighed. Quill’s Spike POV I was sitting next to Edward's version of me and I was asking him about the different worlds he had been to. “I’ve only been to one other world other than this one kid,” He said as he was working on a metal limb of some kind. Sparks would fly up in his face as his cut and shaped metal. He was unaffected by flying sparks as he wore goggles to protect his and the sparks didn’t seem to affect him at all as they simply bounced off his skin. “Well, what was it like?” I asked him as he continued his work. “Similar to this mine but the ponies were more pony than human like Ed and Quill,” He said as he held up an automail part and measuring it before placing it back on the table to let it cool. He pulled up his goggled and looked at the little dragon, “there was magic there like here and I met a couple of versions of us that looked closer to you in appearance. One was a Dragon Slayer like Quill.” He got up and moved across the room to a chest. Ed’s Spike unlocked the chest to reveal a large quantity of various gems that were sorted into separate boxes. He grabbed one of the boxes of Fire Rubies. I could only stare as my more start to water. Ed’s Spike grabbed a few and set them next to a turntable with an empty spool. I was thouroughly confused as to why he wasn’t snacking on them. Fire Rubies are my favorite snack so shouldn't that mean they were his too. But… Then again, this is another world, so……………. Yeah. “Hungry?” He asked as he continued his work. “You’re me after all and I did like to snack on gems when I was your age.” He said as he put some of the rubies on a plate nearby. “And so we don’t get mixed up call me ES, for Ed’s Spike.” “Got it, and thanks. I do feel pretty hungry.” I say picking up one of the rubies and chowing down on it. I then feel my hunger start to slowly melt away as my stomach digests the ruby. After swallowing it, I then let out a loud burp before covering my mouth and saying. “'Scuse me.” I chuckle nervously. “Manners a formality around me dude, as long as you remember whose house were in and when you should use them I don’t really care,” ES said as he put on a pair of gloves with what looked like spell circles on them. “What are those for?” I pointed at the gloves while tilting my head. “These are my alchemy gloves that Ed gave me for mine and Rarity’s work,” Es remarked as he placed the rubies around the bottom of the spool. “They’re specifically design with mineral and gemstone alchemy to allow me to craft gemstones in to gemstone thread and fabric.” He place a hand on the rubies and with a bright blue flash changed them into string. “Woah! That’s so cool!” I exclaim with wonder, my eyes sparkling with stars. “It’s just alchemy kid,” ES shrugged. “Like Twilight’s studying with magic, I pursued my own field of learning. Mine was in alchemy and automail engineering. This fabric and thread are specially made for Rares clothes. I also use it for automail.” “That’s so cool!” I gasped in awe, I then got curious about what other powers he has, so I asked: “What other types of abilities do you have?” I asked with wonder. “I can hold my own in a decent fist fight,” he said placing the thread on a shelf. “Cross when your older brother is captain of the guard you have to learn how to defend yourself. Then when your alchemy’s teacher trains the hell out of you you get a pretty good bit of strength.” ES grab a large roll of green sparkling fabric. “I do have a dragon slayer magic thanks to Ed’s and Lex’s research but I hardly ever use it.” “Oh! What is it called?” I asked. “Amethyst Dragon Slayer,” he said as he and I walked into the main house from his shop. “But like I said, I’ve hardly ever use it.” “That sounds so cool! Do you think I could learn a type of Dragon Slayer Magic?” I ask ES in wonder. “Rares here’s the emerald fabric for Mint Leaf’s gown,” ES called out. “Thank you Spikey. I’ll be on it in about an hour,” came his girlfriend’s voice. He turned his attention back to me. “Kid, I don’t see why you can’t but it’s not up to me but you. I have access to the Lacrima vault at the castle. If you get one you’d be a third generation slayer seeing as how your already a dragon. I can teach you roar and hand to hand. The rest is up to you and whatever Quill teaches you.” "Man! That's awesome! To be a Dragon Slayer." I wondered, thinking about what type of elements there could be. “Rares, I’m headed over to Canterlot for a bit, something I need to pick up from the workshop,” Es called out. “That’s fine dear, what about little Spikey Wikey,” Rarity said with a worried tone. “He’s coming with me.” He said, “Little guy is interested in my work so I thought I’d show him what a fully stocked workshop is like. He was also interested in Dragon Slayer Magic so I thought we’d stop in to either see Ed or go by the lab.” “All right but be careful, the poor dear isn’t as old as you are,” Rarity said with a deeper worried tone. “Yes ma’am, come on kid,” he waved as he went out the door. "Coming!" I called out as I ran to Es. "See ya Rarity!" I waved back to Es' Rarity. “Have fun dear,”she chimed as she waved back. ES started to walk down mainstreet towards the center of town. This really confused me as I thought we were going to Canterlot. I ran along after him doing my best to keep up. “Hey, didn’t you say that we were going to Canterlot?” I asked Es. “We are,” Es said with a smirk as he turned and stopped in front of a shop. It had in big yellow letters The Doc’s Automail Shop. “I just don’t want to sit on a train for hour and have to rush along to the castle eating up what little time we’d have. Follow,” he said walking into the shop and I followed. Above us I heard several bells ring. “Welcome to Doc’s Shop, how…” said a blonde lady with criss crossed eyes and wings. “Oh Spike, work in shop today or are you here to see John.” “Not today Derpy, we’re headed up to Canterlot,” Es said pointing down to me. “Awww, he’s adorable,” she giggled. “Anyway, you know the way. Talk to ya later.” “Thanks Derps, follow me and don’t touch anything or Doc and Ed will kill me,” he said seriously as we walked through a door leading to the back of the shop. Sitting on a bench not for was a man with brown hair and a suit, most notably a bow tie. He heard the bell above the door ring and turned his head. “Ah Spike,” he looked over and noticed me. “Displaced business aye, have fun.” He went back to working on his table project. “This way little dude,” Es motioned to a corner of the room. As I walked along I saw several sets of arms, legs, and even wings ranging in all sorts of sizes and colors. As I got to the corner of the shop I notice it had a strange stone ring about as tall as me. My vision turned to Es in confusion, “what is that and how does it have anything to with us going to Canterlot?” “It’s how Ed originally got from Ponyville to Canterlot before he got supercharged,” Es said as he rolled his eyes. “His own invention called it a Rune Transporter. Made with ancient Magics from across the world and made so only certain individuals can use it. Sense you’re with me we’re going to hop on and pop up to the workshop in the castle. No fully knowledgeable 9n it’s specific but Ed said this thing semi sentient. Hop up,” he smirked as he stepped into the stone circle. I hesitantly jumped up and in a flash of blue we arrived in another far larger workshop. I started to step off but was hit with a feeling of nausea. Es grabbed my arm and slowly helped me down. “Sorry, first time can really flip your stomach. Just never taken someone through just after breakfast if it’s their first time,” he hesitated as he chuckled. We waited for a few minutes until I felt better. “Come on man we still have some more walking to do.” He said opening a door to the hallway. “Any other things on your mind while we walk?” “Eh, not really just a few random things I’m seeing.” I shrug before walking alongside him, till I notice a blue light flooding through one of the windows. Looking through it I notice a massive pillar of energy jutting into the sky, and it was coming from the arena. I get Es’ attention and point it out to him. “Great, it’s one of those days,” He said rolling his eyes. “Ten bits says that all of the four of Princesses will slap the crap out of both of them into the middle of next week.” Es continued to walk down the hall towards a set of stairs. “Quit gawking at the window and come on. They’re in their own world right now so let them be. We need to get you to the lab for a Dragon Lacrima.” “Yeah, you’re probably right. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Quill came back with a new scar or a new voice in his head. I mean, I’ve only known the guy for about a week and already I know that whenever he gets into a fight, he or whoever he’s fighting, is gonna leave either a scar or not at all. Like after he made the Temporal Crater, Luna brought him in with a fractured wrist and several shattered ribs!” I complained while walking next to Es. “I bet twenty bits that he’ll have a ton of that shit happen to him,” Es side as we came to the set doors we came through when we got here. Held up a hand and placed it on the door causing the alchemy circle on his glove to glow as the doors open. “Come on.” Es motioned with his head. “O-Okay.” I said walking through, before mumbling to myself. “Keep the nerd down, keep the nerd down. Don’t go crazy.” I kept telling myself so I wouldn’t let my inner Twilight out and go full ‘nerd mode.’ “Okay dude,” he stopped and turned to me suddenly. :Why haven’t you geeked out yet? I remember when I was your age I used to go nuts for this stuff. Another point is I am you,” he poked my slightly in the chest. I started to break out in a nervous sweat. He simply shook his head and moved off to another area of the lab. “Quit standing there and come over here.” Es said a little annoyed as I joined him in front of a large heavily chained oak cabinet. Again he placed a hand on a lock and the alchemic circle on his gloved causing the chains to come loose. Es open the cabinet door to reveal a plethora of diversely colored crystal balls. “Take your pick kid. I’ll do my best to describe which Power it contains and if it’s something I don’t know then your shit out of luck.” “Well, for the reason I’m not going full ‘Nerd Mode’ is because I’m literally forcing myself not to.” I tell him before walking up to one of the crystal balls. I look around until my eyes dart and land on one that has a Fire Ruby color. Walking over to it I placed my claw on it and moved it around, so I could see my reflection. “What’s this one?” I asked, still looking at it, mesmerized by the way it sort of… Called out to me. As if I was meant to have it. “Ruby Dragon Slayer,” Es said talking the crystal from me and holding in his hand. “Thing you have to realize about gem based Dragon Slayers is that we’re on the rare end of the ladder. We’re limited on what magic we can consume, specifically gems. If you want this one it’ll be necessary for you to Eat mainly ruby based items to keep your magic stocked up.” He placed the orb back in my hands. “Well, seeing as Twilight has a large stockpile of Fire Rubies back home for me so I don’t run out, and I go out to mine them with Rarity every three days or so, I don’t think I’ll run out anytime soon, but you never know.” I told Es before looking back to the crystal. “I’ll take it. I’ll become the Ruby Dragon Slayer. Though I wonder, from what Quill’s told me, Dragon Slayers can have a secondary element, like he mentioned a Dragon Slayer in Fiore could use Lightning Flame Dragon Magic. Can that possibly mean I could be the Fire Ruby Dragon Slayer?” I wondered. “If your body accepts it as a compatible magic then yea.” Es explain. “I wouldn't push it though but if you really want to you can gradually move in to it by eating hard rocks, then lava, and finally fire.” “That sounds kinda cool, but for now I’ll just be fine with being the Ruby Dragon Slayer.” I tell Es, smiling at the Ruby Dragon Crystal I held in my claws. “Now comes the hard part,” He sighed as his took the Lacrima from me again. “This is gonna suck ain’t it?” I ask as he held the Lacrima. “Very much so little man,” Es said pulling a piece of leather from his pocket. “Bite down on this.” I did as I was told dreading what was fixing to happen next. “On the count of three, I’m going to shove this orb into your chest and it’s going to burn, sting and hurt like a mother fucker,” Es warned me. I nodded and closed my eyes tightly “Three.” He yelled pushing the Lacrima into my chest. To say his description was off would be an understatement. I passed out from the pain and woke up a few hours later on the couch back at Rarity’s shop. “Ugh… What in Equestria happened?” I ask rubbing my head, as it was pounding with a small headache. “Sonuva-! Gah!” I tried to sit up, but was forced to lay back down due to my ribcage hurting like something had broken it, and everywhere else was just annoyingly sore. But there was no visible damage on my chest and it didn’t look bruised at all. Did I have the Lacrima in me now? “Here you go,” I heard Es out of the corner of the room as he came in with a bowl of Fire Rubies and set them down in front of me. “But don’t just…” My mouth drooled heavily as I felt a hunger unlike anything I’ve ever felt before take me over. I attacked the bowl and began to thoroughly stuff my face with fists full of the delicious gems. Suddenly I was hit by a vast pain stemming from my chest, as I keeled over and grabbed my chest. “Sonuvabitch!” I screamed in pain, holding my chest. “I tried to warn you man,” Es said, helping back to my feet. “You can’t just dive into this all welly nelly like you're starving. You need to control that hunger. But first thing is first,” I looked at him through my squinted eyes. “Your body is still adjusting to new magic that was forced into it. If you give into your impulse to just devour those rubies you’ll go into over load and can get really sick from magic poisoning.” "Sweet Celestia that sucked!" I grunted. "Jeez, was it like that for you too?" I asked. “The pain, yea,” Es rubbed the back of his head. “Letting my instincts takeover my mind, did that too. You need to learn to control your baser desires or risk hurting yourself or those you care for.” “Yeah….” I say before pausing. “Why do I have the feeling that something important is happening right now?” I ask getting a strange deja vu-like feeling. Es tapped me on the back, “When the time comes remember what’s really important to ya kid.” He got to his feet and looked to me, “Eat up, your body well needs to adjust and you need your magic, just don’t nuts and risk a heart attack.” He started to leave, “Once most of your pain subsides came find me in my workshop.” "Got it." I tell him before eating slowly. Jeez it was good to eat something and my hunger began to subside but still, that feeling wasn't wanting to leave. I ignored it as I finished eating and it soon left or rather, just eased up. The feeling of deja vu was still there but it wasn't major. Just like a little tap on the shoulder every once in a while. I soon finished eating and the pain dwindled down, so I made my way over to Es' workshop. I reached for the door but stopped when I heard voices. “Why did you give him that magic ?” I heard my Rarity’s voice. “Because he needs to have the freedom to make his Rarity,” Es retorted. “If all you do is let the kid set by he’ll never make mistakes he’ll never learn anything on his own. He made a conscious choice now the risks. Now he’ll have to grow stronger and learn as he does. If you don’t like it talk to him about and voice your complaints,” I heard him get to his feet and walk over to the door opening it to reveal me. “Nothing ever comes from being sneaky little man.” “I-I just heard you talking and I didn’t want to intrude.” I said nervously. "I know you just got here Spike but you still shouldn't stop and listen in, now come on. Rarity has something to say," I walked in to see not ES's Rarity but mine. "Rarity?" I ask confused. "What are you doing here?" "At first I wanted to stop in and chat with this world's version of myself about fashion, but then we got on another subject that led to me wondering where my little Spikey Wikey was," She admitted. "After all the girls and I haven't seen you for a couple of days outside of going to sleep at night back in our room at the castle. So ES's Rarity told me that you'd been here with him." She tapped the floor with her hoof. "So I thought I'd pop in for a quick visit to check on you darling." “O-Oh, well I’m doing fine as you can see and aside from minor chest pain from the Lacrima, I think I’ll continue to be fine.” I say rubbing the back of my head. She let out a rough sigh and looked at me with a concerned gaze, “Spike, please tell me the truth. Is this magic something you truly wanted and asked for of your own volition and not something that was forced on you?” I let out a strained sigh and walked over to her, standing in front of her. “Rarity… I asked Es for this magic, and I wanted it. And I sort of need it too. The reason is, I don’t want to be someone that always needs someone else taking care of them. I want to protect you and Twilight and the others, and with the way things are looking back in our world, Quill, Acno, Mavis, Zeref and Zirconis will need the help. On top of being a Displaced and a teacher, Quill’s plate is going to be filled with detours and he won’t always be there to protect our Equestria.” I explained. “And Serena’s still training and the Elements as far as I know, can’t do a thing against what Quill’s gonna have to face in our world, I mean Quill’s told us that Dragon Slayers eat a specific type of elemental magic, and the elements are literally made of magic. What would happen if one of the elements had gone out of commission after you and the others fought a Fioren Dragon or some other threat, and you were to face another one. You would be outmatched, and I can’t let any of you get hurt. I asked for this power and if given the chance I would do it again.” I tell her, determined to show her that I can utilize my newfound magic. "He wants you and your friends to depend on him from time to time Rarity not the other way around, where he solely depends on you. That's why I had Ed teach me how to fight," Es explained as he placed a hand on Rarity's shoulder. "But he also needs to be allowed to be his own person. Everyone has a reason to do what they do and it's the job of their friends to support them." "If it had cone from anypony else but another Spikey Wikey I wouldn't have believed you, " Rarity looked at me. "As long as you stay you I'll back you up on this dear." “Rarity,” I say as I wrap my arms around her neck, hugging her. “I’ll always be the same Spike you know. Forever and always.” I tell her. “As sweet as this is I have my own work that needs to be done,” Es interjected. “And so does little man. He has powers he needs to learn how to use and seeing as how the only two others that can teach him are being themselves, that leave yours truly by default. I’m going to have to take Spike out for some one on one sparring and magic lessons for beginners. You can stay here or go back to the castle but I can’t have you distracting Spike.” “Very well,” Rarity huffed. “I’ll just speak with Rarity about somethings for the time being, be careful Spike.” Rarity picked me cheek and left. I froze up and blush heavily before placing my claw on my cheek where she kissed me and I began to stutter. “W-Will do R-Rarity!” I called out to her, giving a mock salute. Es rolled his eyes, “to think that was me once,” he murmured. “Anyway,” he clapped his hands together snapping my back to reality. “We have a lot of work to do and not much to do it in. So guess what we need?” I tilted my head to the side. “Aaa… some kind of short cut,” I shrugged. “Exactly. We need a life hack and luckily we have a lot of those around here, or more precisely. Ed’s lab does,” Es smirked while I raised an eyebrow. “We’re going to take a page from Quill’s book and use the Time Chamber. I’m done with my work here so we have the rest of the day to train. Giving us a few months in the Time Chamber to get your body in shape, get a few basic martial art’s moves master, and have basic Dragon Slayer magic control down pat. Not to mention the roar mastered.” “Okay, well let’s do it.” I tell Es with determination. Quill’s Luna POV It had been a good while since we had began the day court and things had begun to cool off as it came to a close. “Auspicious Hammer, I will have the materials sent to your shop before the next moon cycle,” Ed’s Celestia smiled as the guard blacksmith bowed and left. “You know you two don’t have to waste your time in court with me,” She looked at be Tia and myself. “I’m sure there are other things that you’d both enjoy doing than just sitting here half the day.” “Well, I do want to know a few things about the Displaced and what I should expect now that Quill and I are in a relationship.” I responded to them. “And I’d like to know more about this world’s history. I want to see if there are any major differences than what I can already see.” My sister said. “I can assure you that there are going to be major differences in between our histories but if you want to know of it you should seek out my mother or Edward. I’d go to my mother first as she is older than Ed but has more of a, ah…” She trailed off on that. “She’s eccentric to say the least. As for the Displaced I’d be more than happy to tell you both what I can. The relationship side of things may be a bit rocky as Ed and I have only just started being together even though we’ve known each other for years.” “Any kind of help would be appreciated, cause I swear every time I see Quill, he’s gotten a new scar. Y’know what I bet ten bits that when he comes back from training sword play with Edward, he’s going to have a new scar of some kind.” I grumble shaking my head. “But even still, I love the fool.” “You’ll have to learn quickly that Displaced Like Quill and Ed have a very high moral code and will often run into danger to protect those they deem that have need of it, even if they’re on the edge of death,” Ed’s Celestia said in a monotone voice as she stacked her papers of today together. “Ed has many scars that don’t show up only because of his healing. If he didn’t have such a thing his body would be more scar than anything else,” She looked at me. “But if he didn’t have this side of him many innocents wouldn’t be here today and many citizens would be much more reckless with their life.” She let out a sigh. “It’s Ed’s reputation as a monster that keeps many evils away and children in line. One thing many Displaced have is a set morale code that they either keep when they become a Displaced or they abandon it in favor of the person they’re changed into or simply forget it for who they’ve been forced to become.” “Seems like there are a lot of factors at play when it comes to a Displaced. I guess things are just odd with Quill seeing as he was the reincarnation of half a person.” I sigh. “Plus, the form he has now isn’t even his true appearance. If he wanted, he could probably go back to looking like he originally was when he was on earth. But one thing that confuses me is his Dreamscape, or rather as he called it, his Mindscape. What confuses me with it is how he desires it to look like. Just a simple field, and I don’t even think that he even made it like that in the first place. I felt a different force at play. I wish I knew what it was.” “Not my area but from what experiences I've had in this field,” Ed’s Tia explained as we left the throne room. “How they appear in their mind is how they wish to be seen or how they think they should be seen by others. I’ve only ever seen what Ed used to look like in his memories.Luna has told my Edward often appears in the guise that he dawns while he is awake. When in his own world he is still this way or that of a black featureless form.” she stopped and gained a sad frown on her face. “He has nightmares whenever he sleeps alone you know. They're so bad that not even Luna can dispel them,” She wiped her eyes a before turning back to me. “Help Quill through his nights in whatever way you can.” “That’s the thing though. Whenever he has a nightmare, it’s almost always during the daytime. Though I can’t be sure as the only time it has ever truly affected him was when he first saw Zeref and Mavis. They both had looks of anger on their faces but it was Zeref’s face that Quill was focusing on. The next thing we know, Quill puts his hands over his mouth and runs to the restroom and we all hear violent vomiting. When he comes back, he’s wearing a face of pure unbridled sorrow and reveals that he was Sonya’s father, but he had also watched her die.” I explained. “The only other time I’ve been able to visit his dreams is when he revealed to me that he was a Displaced, and now whenever I try to get into his dreams at all, his door is just not… There, it’s gone or chained up so that I cannot enter. I have tried everything from banishing the chains to teleporting to his door but nothing works. When I tried to teleport the first time, it sent to a pitch-black endless void, and I could only hear three words over and over again, “Do. Not Enter.” Then I’m forcefully ejected from the Dreamscape and I’m unable to reenter. It’s very troubling and I need help figuring out who is blocking off Quill’s mind. I want to help him. I want to be with him, but whatever this force is, will not allow me to.” I say with a tear running down my cheek. “I know that he loves me a lot, and the feeling is mutual, but… I don’t know, I’m just scared for him I guess.” Ed’s Tia stopped then turned and knelt down to get eye level with me. “I know from experience that it’s hard to get them to open up but if you truly wish to help Quill then you must do two things,” She explained. “Men like Ed and Quill block parts of themselves off from others because they think they’re protecting us but they’re just pushing us away. The first thing is you must be there for the one you love with everything you have. The second is that you must confront them and get them to let you into their heart. You can’t simply force your way in as you tried to do. Luna once told me that it is in our dreams where we are our truest self. I admit that I didn’t know what she meant at the time but I better understand it now.” She got back to her feet. “Simply be there for him and he will do the same for you, be open and he will come along soon. If I had done this earlier than I would have had a much longer and stronger relationship with Edward. Maybe I could’ve kept him from leaving so long ago.” She turned and started to walk down the hall and looked out the window. “I swear, I’m going to smack the living hell out of that man.” “What is it?” I say before looking out of said window, only to see a massive pillar of blue energy. “Okay, what the fuck?” I say before looking back at Ed’s Tia and holding hoof up. “Pardon my language.” I say before hearing some very, VERY familiar voices. “Finally, we have been found. Now the true journey can begin. It is time for everything to start.” It said as a multitude of five voices, speaking in unison. I gasped from the sheer power of the voices and fell backwards onto my flank, gasping for breath. “What in mother’s name was that?” I whispered. “Luna,” Ed’s Celetia and my sister said in unison as they rushed to my side. “Are you alright?” Ed’s Tia looked at me. “ “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost,” my sister placed a wing around me pulling me close. “Because I may have very well heard five.” I say before looking to my sister. “I heard their voices Tia, I heard them all.” I tell her, gaining a surprised look from her. “A-Are you sure?” Celestia asked with a shocked expression. “Yes. The Elders are returning.” I tell her still breathing heavily. “Elders,” Ed’s tia tilted her head. “They sound like some form of ancient evil based off your reaction. Could you both explain?” “Oh, you are very wrong on the evil account. They were the very first guardians of Equestria, even before the Elements of Harmony. They were around when we were young foals. Their energies actually created the seed for the Tree.” I explain gaining a small smile on my face. “But over fifteen hundred years ago, five hundred before Luna was banished they simply… Just vanished… Well, they were beginning to lose their energies and soon they simply vanished. We’ve only been able to find one of them. His name was Shah Dalamadur. He was the first to ever arrive in Equestria and he represented the Element of Loyalty. He was the strongest of them all and his body is currently crystalized under our Canterlot. We haven’t been able to locate the others yet however.” My sister explained, as she helped me up and the pillar of energy vanished leaving a hole in the clouds. Ed's Tia looked out the window at the pillar of light again. "Looks like E found their spirits for you." "I don't think that was Edward." I said looking at the pillar of light. " This energy feels more like Quill." I told her. She shook her head and then looked back out the window, “What I meant is that you have Ed to thank for bringing them to the surface in this fight with Quill.” She looked back at me. “I’m still going to knock Ed’s block when I see them.” I nod before my eyes widen and I see something in the distance. Squinting my eyes I try and get a better look at it when I silently gasp. I see a black figure with massive wings flying slightly above the arena with a noticeable rainbow like energy illuminating their eyes and inside their mouth. "Is that…?" I asked quietly before hearing a monstrous roar in the distance that rattled that window I looked out of. "Ruiner?" I whispered in question. “Is that Ed?” Ed's Celestia’s eyes shrank as soon as she saw her partner with a strange weapon in his hand. “He didn’t, this explains a lot and very very bad.” “What makes you say that?” I asked still looking at the form of the Nergigante, who had now dive-bombed straight back into the arena. “They were only supposed to use swords,” Ed’s Celestia said as she moved through the halls with great speed. “Ed was using his Disword, a physical construction of his view of reality. He mainly used to toy with opponents because it allows him to warp the world around him to a certain extent. The weapon I saw just now was not the Disword but one even more powerful called a Keyblade.” We reached a pear of large dark wooden doors and Ed’s Celestia opened them without restraint. “Luna, Ed has the Keyblade out,” she said looking around to find no one here. “That’s simply splendid.” I look back out the window to see that the massive amounts of Elder Energy was beginning to calm down, as the light from what appeared to be Ruiner was dying down slowly. “I hope Quill is alright. Please be okay.” I wished. “As do I,” Ed’s Celestia sighed. As the endless void of darkness surrounded everything, the ticking of a watch resonated throughout all of it, and the only light was that of five orbs of light. One of them was a bright orange, another was aqua blue, beside them floated a crimson red and moss green, and finally next to them laid a golden orb. The ticking continued until finally in the middle of the darkness, a pocket watch with a navy-blue Fairy Tail symbol appeared, and the orbs of light danced around the watch until they all disappeared. Then one after another, they all reappeared on the Fairy Tail Emblem, and these words materialized in front of them. TO. BE. CONTINUED... > An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 4 Crossover Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 4 Zeref’s POV “Mavis please calm down, you’ll get your cookies in a little bit. You just have to be patient.” I sigh as I try to calm my girlfriend Mavis’ hyper activity. ‘God damnit, who am I kidding? She’s going to be bouncing off the fucking walls, and that’ll be multiplied by millions when she does get her cookies. Why did I agree to this?’ I mentally grumble in annoyance. Right now myself, Mavis and Zirconis are in café waiting on our orders. Well, me and Mavis are, Zirconis is currently sitting outside looking off into the distance for some reason. Probably because a few hundred miles thataway is where the Dragon Kingdom resides and he can feel the magic radiating from them, while also wanting to avoid Mavis… For obvious reasons. I rub the bridge of my nose in aggravation because Mavis will not calm down. She’s just running around the place like she would as a Fairy Ghost, as she called herself, back when we were still separated in Fiore. Sweet Ankhseram, this is annoying as all hell. I am so tempted to cast my magic on her to calm her down or at the very least render her unconscious but I know that the knockback of the spell could also send the surrounding Anthropomorphic Ponies into the wall. Guess I’ll just have to suffer the biggest God damned headache later, because of the thing called morals. “Gods this sucks.” I groaned as I leaned back in my chair. Thankfully Mavis had confined herself to the area around specifically me… Joy, well isn’t that just dandy. “Please someone save me from this torture.” I whispered to myself. It was false hope and I may love her dearly, but by every god in existence she can be one hell of a handful to deal with sometimes. Suddenly a portal opened up on the street. I had no clue what was coming but it felt familiar when I looked out to see what was coming out of the portal, it was Edward. He stopped and turned to make sure the portal was closed and then looked around spotting us in the process. He came over and joined us. “Hey there, enjoy my world?” He asked with a smile. “Because it looks like she is,” he pointed at Mavis. “Excuse me,” Edward called a waitress. “I’ll have coffee, thank you.” she nodded and left. “Yeah, how many cookies does this world have, because I can almost guarantee that within the next day or so, half of them are gonna be gone.” I tell him sarcastically, before looking back. “But, how’d you get here? And where’d you come from, besides the obvious portal.” I asked. “Yeah,” Zirconis began as he stood up and walked over to Ed. “Weren’t you training in swordplay with Quill today? You get done early?” He asked as he sat over at the table we were going to sit at. “Oh, one sec. Hey! Mavis! Edward’s here.” He called out before I heard several rapid footsteps which got louder and louder before a white blur shot past him and tackled Edward to the ground. “Welcome back!” Mavis squealed as she tightly hugged Edward. “Good to back,” Edward patted her on the head and got back to his chair. “AS for what’s going on, I did have sword practice with Quill, who won the first round. Then we got into a heated fight, details not needed to be shared, I won that after he gave up and then we hit the bath. Which as soon as we left I was some to another world to help out a kid I met before Quill summoned me to your world,” The waitress brought Edward his coffee and he took a goof swig of it before continuing. “After some heavy duty grafting surgery I was on my way and ended up back here.” “Hm, seems legit.” Zirconis shrugged as he picked Mavis off of Ed and plopped her onto his shoulders, where she happily sat humming a cheerful tune. “So, what’re you going to do now? I mean, Acno still needs his, er her body, but I guess we don’t have to do everything all at once though. Jeez I’m never going to get used to that.” He groaned while Mavis patted his head. “Things can be done as needed,” Edward commented as he sipped on his coffee. “The real question is why do you jump everytime I’m near you?” “Well, uh… The thing is. I think my magic is mutating. It puts me on edge and is putting my beastial instincts on overdrive, saying that I need to run away from you. I know the threat you pose if we were to become your enemy, and it ain’t pretty.” Zirconis sighs, taking a sip of his drink, which I believe is herbal tea. “Also, I think my form is beginning to change as well. I mean for one, two days ago I had wings. Now look,” He told us gesturing to his back, which was indeed missing his wings. “Nothing.” “Could be,” Edward said nonchalantly. “Staying in a world that isn’t their own can have all types of effects on Displaced and their parties. That’s why we have pokemon here.You might want to see Twilight. I’ll be a little busy with the final adjustments on Acno’s body and royal duties.” “Yeah, will do.” Zirconis nodded. “Now,” Edward turned to me. “Why do you look like somepony pissed in your coffee?” I raise my eyebrow and point to my girlfriend who has now returned to not calming down and continued to give me a headache by doing random things acting without a care in the world, all while annoying the ponies around our area. Right now she had gone into Ghost mode with her magic, and is now jumping on top of the passing ponies heads without them even noticing and every so often she would take one of their hats and place it onto another pony’s head, making the two argue before taking both of them down with her adorableness and if that didn’t work she’d hit their pressure point with a type of magic she learned in Fiore called, pin-point. “That answer your question?” “Reminds me of Tia when she was small,” Edward chuckled. “Do you want me to do something about it?” “No, just let her get it out of her system. No one can falter her when she’s wanting to get a cookie even more so when it’s multiple cookies. This way she can get all her energy out and still have some for our training session.” I decline rubbing the bridge of my nose again. “If you want a break I could use your help,” Edwadr said sipping his coffee again. “Just leave her with Zirconis when he visits Twilight. I'm sure Nyx would love to play with Mavis and learn magic from her.” “Yeah,” I sigh as I look into the sky with my eyes closed before snapping them open and looking at Ed. “Wait… You know the Three Grand Fairy Spells, right? And you know how to perform them, correct?” “I wouldn’t be one of the greatest mages of this world if I didn’t,” Edward raised an eyebrow. “It took some time but I was able to master them. It was harder than most others because I only had what I knew and couldn’t rely on the Super Archive that Lex gave, but eventually I got them.” “Oh good, then you know how to help control them, cause you better be prepared for a… Wait how old is Nyx?” I asked quickly. “Technically she’s not even a year old but as far as maturity goes she’s about nine or ten,” Edward looked at me. “Why?” I just looked at him for what felt like twenty minutes before leaning my head back and saying: “Fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu….” I groaned. “Well Mavis likes to go overboard with her teaching and likes to make sure there’s at least two people at a time who know how to use the Fairy Spells. In Fiore, that would’ve been her and Makarov, but currently now that we’re gone that should mean Laxus, Cana and Makarov can all cast the Fairy Spells. Sweet Ankhseram have mercy on whatever poor soul decides to harm their guild members. We all know what happened with Phantom Lord as well as Jose.” I sighed heavily. “In short, Mavis is going to teach Fairy Sphere, Law and Glitter to a technical baby, but in normal terms she’ll be teaching them to a ten or nine year old child. And Mavis created the base design for these spells when she was only fucking three. Now granted she had help from Zera when she was still alive but still, though I have no room to talk since I taught her how to use them.” I grumbled. “But also Nyx might learn Pin-Point, Illusion, Life, Light and/or Fairy depending on how fast of a learner she is and what Mavis decides to teach her first.” I sigh once more before taking a big sip of my coffee. “You do realize that Nyx is Twilight’s daughter in more than just name's sake right,” Ed commented as he looked at me. “Making her my niece, She mastered alchemy in less then a day and has started her lessons in basic alchemagic.” “Yes, I do. But that’s also what I mean. Nyx, is likely to learn every type of magic Mavis knows by the time we leave and I can almost one hundred percent guarantee you an hour after we all leave, one of the Fairy Spells is going to accidentally blow something up. Most likely Glitter, I mean have you seen what it does? It makes what Quill did in that arena look like a god damned firecracker.” I then think for a second. “I wonder what would happen in Natsu fought Quill or one of the beings which I felt in that pillar of light. Something will definitely get blown up if that happens.” I mumble to myself. “So, you want me to try and stop a knowledge obsessed unicorn’s alicorn daughter from learning, which is one of her greatest enjoyments,” Edward deadpanned before taking another sip of his coffee. “And yes Fairy Glitter hurts like a bitch.” “No, I’m not saying that you should stop her, I’m just saying you should really have someone strong like Pole or something or even just be there yourself because Mavis’ training can result in collateral damage that puts Natsu’s to shame.” I sighed noticing Zirconis’ absolutely shocked look directed towards me when he mentioned the collateral damage. “Yes, it can get that bad.” I confirm as he just looks at his drink, as if he was contemplating his entire life. It was actually pretty amusing, I even chuckled at his look a bit before taking another sip from my coffee. “Then stuff will be destroyed,” Edward said as he set his cup down and stood up. I spat coffee in Zirconis’s face at the remark. “And that reaction made it worth my time. You can relax as I can tell you that whenever Nyx is practicing anything that’s of this magnitude that one of her parents is always with her. Aka, Twilight since it’ll be magic. You need not worry Zeref but if you want I’ll have one of the Elite Guard stationed in Ponyville watching then, okay.” “Yes please, because you know who started the trend of Fairy Tail being the most destructive guild in all of Fiore? That five foot two girl I call my girlfriend. Remember, she’s the one who created a Fairy Spell so strong, it makes the Etherion Cannon look like a toy. And that, my friends is what happens when you teach someone who never grows up, both literally and mentally, as well as someone who is the embodiment of childish nature and all things free spirited, magic. It’s a constant source of headaches and long nights with no sleep.” I rant a little, while continuing to watch the girl I love trolling the ever living hell out of the pedestrian ponies who are passing by us, a cheeky and mischievous grin was laced on her face the entire time. Edward snuck up beside be with a snide grim as he grabbed his chin, “But that’s why you love her.” He said poking my ribbed with his elbow. I glared back at him. “Relax Zeref, if you didn’t love her so much then you wouldn’t tolerate her antics. I feel the same way about Tia and Luna. It was their constant pranks on each other that I got caught up in the help me fall for them in the first place.” he said crossing his arms. "Yeah they may be trouble makers that's for sure. But we sure as hell love them to bits." I said, giving a small smile. Edward nodded in agreement. “One is the mother of my stars and the other I hope to make a mother as well. Tia has always wanted children of her own but never head much luck in the department other than the Blueblood branch of our family and even then that was many years ago. If Blue is blood related to Tia and Luna then it's only slightly.” "You're still lucky that you've got the Blue Blood you do, cause ours is a straight prick. He woke up Quill in the middle of a nap and from what I know, the last person to do that was his preschool teacher. That was also the last day both the teacher and Quill went to preschool and just napped at home. Yeah our Blue pissed himself I hear the guards were laughing their asses off. At least that's what I hear from Quill." I mumbled while taking one more sip of my coffee. “It won’t surprise you that my dear nephew was a self centered pompous ass when I first met me,” Edward to a sip of his coffee. “HYe threatened to have me arrested the first time I met him.” “How'd you get him to change?” I asked in shock. “A through ass whooping and lots of training as well as giving him a goal to strive for,” Edward smirked. “I told him if he could beat me in a fight that he could go back to his comfy little room in the palace and ever since he trains every day to stay in top form to try and beat me. He is still an ass but treats others with respect to a certain degree at least.” “Damn, your training must be as tough as Bedrock is in Minecraft.” I mumble in shock, only for that shock to spread over onto Edward’s face. I quickly raised my hand and said: “Don’t worry how I know that, let’s just say that Quill doesn’t sleep talk, he plays games in his sleep. Or well, yeah there’s no real way else to put it, he plays video games in his sleep and he may be a lucid dreamer, I don’t know.” I shrugged. “You’re not wrong,” Edward chuckled. “Polearm, My Shining, the Elite guard, and even Twilight and her friends went through a regiment ten times what I put Blue through. And they trained for three weeks straight.” He leaned back in his chair, “Blue only had a week. At the time I was much weaker than I am now and didn’t have all the training amenities that I do today. I was able to raise everyone’s strength to my base level that I was at about two thousand or so years ago. Anyone one of my students could give Quill a bit of a workout in a one on one bout as long as he relied on his base strength.” “Well as Quill has told us many times before,” I start to say before looking back to Mavis and taking a sip of my now empty coffee cup. “He’s unpredictable. I’d wager to bet that he could give many of your students a run for their money if he was going unpredictable. By the energies I felt coming from the arena and that massive pillar of light a few hours ago, I’d say he gave you a pretty tough time, but still lost the second round. Am I right?” I asked, waving over a waitress for a refill. “Thanks.” I told the waitress as she poured me another cup of coffee. The waitress poured Edward more coffee.”Thank you.”mHe took a sip and looked at me. “No Quill gave up. I lost the first round cause I couldn’t maintain enough focus to keep my sword materialized causing it to weaken and then Quill snapped it,” He smiled. “After a recharge of lunch we went at it again but I used my Keyblade and shit it the fan. Quill put up a good fight but ran out of steam while I was still wanting to go. But you have to realize the Quill is still mortal and I’m not. Also, this was supposed to be another physical fight. If we were going off all my abilities coupled with my magic then I’d wipe the floor with him.” "Yeah I don't doubt it and I don't think Quill does either, but I also think he wants to get immensely stronger, don't know why but last time I checked his magic it was… well it feels like he was worried about something. But I don't know what." I told Ed while taking a sip of my coffee. “Then he should train and get stronger,” Edward said picking up his cup. “I train him all day long and push his limits even further but I can’t be the only one to do it Zeref. I have my own life that I live that doesn’t involve you guys.” He sipped his coffee. “Don’t get me wrong now, I like having you guys here but this isn’t your world and you have your own paths back in your world that you all must walk down without my aid.” He looked to Mavis. “Instead of just playing house with her you should really try spending time with her and do what she likes and she could try what you like. Try training with Quill every now and then. You should try to grow beyond that of what you are now, former dark wizard.” I let out a small sigh before drinking more of my coffee. “I already know you’re right, and I should be training. But… There’s just one thing that stops me from doing that.” I tell him looking down at the drink in my hand. “That one thing is fear. I fear invoking anymore of Ankhseram’s wrath. I already did that once and look at how that turned out in Fiore. My sanity was deteriorated over hundreds of years and every time I came to love life, I killed it instead. So many deaths, deaths I could’ve prevented. If only I hadn’t broken that academy’s sacred law, never crossed the lines of life and death and angered Ankhseram but if I hadn’t… Natsu wouldn’t be alive, and I never would’ve met Mavis.” I tell him. “I do not regret doing what I did, but I do fear doing more. I fear what would happen if I gave Quill’s Equestria its own R-System and its own Lost Magic. I understand that Quill has warned the younger ages of the consequences of that magic but… I still fear what would happen if I allowed Ankhseram’s reach to get to our Equestria. Myself, Mavis, Zirconis and Tyrrios are all examples of good and bad things appearing in Equestria due to some different driving force placing us here, but Serena… He was sent here by Ankhseram at random. She didn’t give a specific location but she now knows where I am.” I say as my hand starts to tremble. “I-I can’t let anyone get hurt because of mistakes I’ve made, I can’t. Because I fear that if I develop my magic further, I fear history may repeat itself.” I explain my fears, my hand shaking uncontrollably with fear. I then feel a hand softly wrap around my trembling one and I look to my side to see Mavis with a soft and calming smile on her face which slowly stops my shaking. I then feel Zirconis’ claw place itself on my shoulder and I see him wearing a grin. “Zeref, you need to know something. Ankhseram is a bitch, but she wouldn’t mess around with our Equestria, not while we’re alive, and even when we’re all dead.” Zirconis tells me. “He’s right!” Mavis cheers. “That Goddess will never hurt us again, and Quill knows that if she did she’d have hell to pay. He’d make her pay, even if she is a Goddess he doesn’t care. And I’m here with you, never forget that.” She says kissing my cheek and hugging my neck. “Train and get better with your magic. You’re already a master wielding it, but you’ve never used it properly and you’ve never strengthened it. You were once the strongest wizard from Fiore and you will be at least the second strongest aside from Quill, but you need to work for that title. And I’ll be with you every step of the way.” “We both will.” Zirconis adds ruffling my already messy hair. “...” I stayed silent for a few seconds before placing my free hand onto Mavis’ arm. “Thank you, both of you. Thank you for believing in me.” I mumble softly before looking up and seeing the cheeky-ass grin on Edward’s face. “Yeah, yeah I know. Cheesy as hell isn’t it. But that’s just who we are.” I chuckle as Mavis lets go of my neck and sits down next to me, followed by Zirconis who sits on my opposite side. “I never said a thing,”Edward held up his hands.” But one of the things you said you should hold onto.” He looked at me, his reflection in the dark coffee. “Fear, it’s one thing to fear what our creations do and did. You know what happened once so don’t let it happen again. Erase it the spells from your mind if you must but don’t forget what happened. It our ability to learn and fear our mistakes that keeps us from repeating them, little wizards.” He stood up from the table. “I must return to the castle and I could really use your help in fine tuning Acno’s body. If you’re willing to that is?” “Yeah, I think I can do that. But I’ll need these two with me because Mavis’ life magic will help with the magical properties of the body and Zirconis with the draconic side. I can help since I literally built E.N.D from scratch.” I say with a slight chuckle. “Do as you wish,” Edward said stepping to the side. “Just watch out for flying alchemist as I know my girls are going to be pissed with me as soon as they see me.” “Yeah. Our lovers are the only ones we can never escape and they are the only ones that can scare us. Seriously, have you seen Mavis when she’s pissed?” I whisper the last sentence to Edward. “She can make Fairy Glitter look like a mercy kill compared to what she’s done when pissed before.” I tell him, shivering at the memory. “Luna shoots lightning at my ass while chasing me around mostly,” Edward whispered back. “I’ve never actually been purposefully punished by Tia before but she did blast a hole right through me in an experiment once.” “Damn.” I say impressed. “The worst Mavis has punished me was by Fairy Glittering me four times in a row. Thankfully, she wasn’t going full blast or I wouldn’t be here anymore.” “Yea but I still don’t like the punishment for the fact that I cause their hearts to hurt,” Edward said as we walked down the street. Most ponies would stop everything and bow but Edeard only huffed and annoyed sigh at it. “I wish they’d stop that.” “Yeah and I’d wish that people in Fiore would fucking stop using childred to build the R-System in order to “resurect” me. I never died in the first place and I actually have now technically “died” and am gone for good. Why do they continue to worship me like I’m a god? It’s frickin’ annoying.” I complain. “But hey, without the tower of heaven Erza wouldn’t have gone to Fairy Tail, so… At least something good came out of that bullshit.” “Yeeeaa…” Edward raised an eyebrow. “Um… the ponies are bowing because of my relationship with Luna and Tia.” “Oh I know, but I just had to complain about something because it’s how I vent my frustrations, and right now I’d like some headache medicine.” I say giving Edward a shit-eating grin. He pulled a flask from his coat and tossed in at me nailing me right in the face causing me to lean back, anime style. ” It’s called Dragon Ale, Go to town.” “Ow… And thank you.” I said before taking a few sips, while rubbing my head “Just don’t get hooked on it, even immortals find it addicting,” Edward remarked as we walked. “Oh, I probably won’t I’ve grown a disliking for any alcohol but I will have it if need be.” I tell him, feeling my headache disappear slowly. “And there goes the headache.” We soon arrived at the castle. “Ya might want to step to the side,” He said and we did as he said. “I’m bacowowowowowowow!!!!!!!” was how it all went down, literally. Edward was struck with a bright flash of light and then we were looking at a burn and fried human form lying at our feet. “Yep,” It said. “That’s Tia’s Sun Burst.” As he said this Edward form started to repair itself and he was soon back on his feet. He dusted himself off and walked in motioning for use to follow. “Well, looks like Luna found Quill,” he said as we walked into the sight of the Time Dragon Slayer hogtied hanging from the nearest chandelier with his spirit coming from his mouth. I just look at Quill with such a confused look. “How the fuck did this happen?” I questioned. “And is he dead?” “Not yet, but I want to be right now.” I heard Quill say, but only barely. “That’s what happens when you truly scare the hell out of the one who loves you,” I heard from Edward. “Ed,” we heard from behind us with a tapping noise. Edward slowly and mechanically turn to see a smiling pair of princesses with twitching eyebrows. “I’m gonna die several times over,” Edward said in fear as he gulps hard. “Yes you are,” the duo said as they both grabbed a hold of the alchemist by the collar and dragged him into the throne room and shut the doors. For the next fifteen minute we heard the most horrifying and curiosity inducing sounds. The doors open backup and both Edward’s princess walked out with satisfied smiles nodded to each other and left. We stuck our head around the corner to see and Edward laying face down in a pool of blood with his own spirit coming from below him. “Holy hell.” Zirconis says shocked. “Remind me never to piss Mavis or any girl off ever.” “Noted.” I say as Mavis just gives the two of us an innocent smile. “Oh, whatever do you mean you two?” She asks playfully sticking her tongue out. This is just scary. Two of both our world’s strongest warriors were taken out in seconds, just by their lovers. And- wait… Is that a burn scar on Quill’s face? Nevermind. Sweet Ankhseram women are scary as fuck. “And that's why you don’t piss off you lovers boys and girls,” said a passing tour guide with a group of small children. “Follow this way and we’ll be in the library next.” After a while Edward was back on his feet and he cut Quill down, who then landed flat on his face. “Seriously,”Edward cracked his neck. “If you can avoid it, don’t fall in love with more than one woman at the same time,” He pulled his flask out, took a swig and handed it to Quill. “You do realize I’m still hogtied right?” Quill asked with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and used my magic to disintegrate the ropes that tied him. “Oh, thank you Z. Thank you.” Quill said with relief. “Jeez, those ropes were tight, and- W-Wah! Son of a Waluigi!” Quill said stumbling back as his blood ran out of his head and back to the rest of his body. “Holy nut that felt weird.” He mumbled before he regained his sense of balance. “Your lucky you didn’t get lighting up the ass,” Edward shuddered. “You do know that I was stabbed in the gut by my Nergal Reaver, right?” Quill asked showing his healing stomach wound, and might I add something? How the hell is he still alive with that big of a hole in his body? I mean the hole was large enough to fit my head in. “What the fuck!? How are you even alive with a would like that?! No Fioren Dragon in existence not even Acnologia could’ve survived something that big being sent through your stomach!” Zirconis cut in before I could say anything. “Yeah, that’s the good thing about having five Elder Dragons in your head. You get super regeneration. Mind you, not as good as Ed’s immortality Regen, but still pretty nifty.” Quill sighed as his stomach finished reforming and healing up leaving no scar, except for a new marking, one that looked like a small navy blue wave which traveled along the middle of his stomach. “Yeah, new that was gonna happen, but I didn’t think she’d actually impale me.” He muttered. Edward then plopped on the ground, “Incoming,” he pointed at the door. “Oh shit!” Quill said as we hit the deck, dropping to the floor as the door Edward pointed to literally went flying and almost hit Zirconis in the face. “What the fuck.” I muttered, letting a sweatdrop run down the side of my head. “Where are they I know they’re here, nopony can hide from me,” our Pinkie yelled as steam came from her nostrils. “Every one new gets a party!” she yelled and flailed her forelegs. “She’s all yours Quill,”Edward commented as he sprang back to his feet. “Me and the others have a work we need to do with Acno’s body so we can get him out of your head. Have fun with the Pinkiepedo,” Edward waved as he walked down the have and Quill was nailed in the gut by the pink party pony. “NOT AGAIN! WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE GOD DAMNED STOMACH!!!!?????” I heard Quill yell in the distance as we walked away from him. “I kinda feel bad for him.” Mavis said as she shuddered at the sight of a pissed Pinkie. “More sweets for your though,” Edward smirked over his shoulder. “Yeah but still, dealing with a pissed Pinkie is a fate worse than death sometimes.” Zirconis said as he chuckled lightly. “Ever been on the receiving end of the party howitzer,” Edward shifted his gaze to Zirconis. “Cause you really don’t want to be,” and that’s when a chill rain down our spines. “Jeez, and I thought that her party cannon was powerful, but a howitzer? Damn.” I shuddered at the thought. “Mine keeps it hidden but she’s a genius with weaponry,” Edward chuckled as we walked the halls. “DADDY!” is all we heard and then Edward was gone. “Up here,” we looked to see Edward pinned to the ceiling by his kids. “Daddy needs down you two.” “K,” they quickly compiled and then each took one of his hands. “Where’s Serena?” Edward asked. “Here,” Serena said as he come out from around a corner. “Sorry Ed, they heard your voice and took off,”Chrysalis showed up next. “You know Tia and Lulu are highly pissed at you right now.” “Yea I know,” Ed nervously chuckled. “Yeah, we saw it first hand. Actually if you see Quill with a new marking on his stomach, that’s where our Luna, his girlfriend, impaled him and ran him through with his Nergal Reaver. Whatever that is.” I told Chrysalis. “It's one of the weapons of the Elder Dragons,” Edward explained as he hugged his twins. “Yall go play now, Daddy has work to do.” “K” they sang and started to run down the Hall with Serena as Chrysalis pursued them. “Elder Dragons? You mean like the ones from the Elder Wars?” Zirconis asked. “I mean, I thought that they were just legends. Though it does explain why when enraged Quill can access the Extinction Element just like the Nergigantes were said to have, though that happened like, thousands of years ago, way before the Dragon King Festival.” “Uh ha…” Edward acknowledged as we came to his lab. “Come on,” he placed his hand on the door and in a flash of red it opened. “Hmm… Looks like someone else was in here.” He walked over to a cabinet with chains on it. He did an inventory and then returned after he locked the cabinet back. “Looks like someone took the Ruby Slayer Lacrima.” I then turned to see Zirconis sniffing a certain spot before he looked at where the Lacrima was and saying: “It would seem that our dear Spike is now the Ruby Dragon Slayer. At least I’m not alone in being a gem slayer anymore.” He tells us, while muttering the last sentence. “It would seem that they decide to use my Time Chamber too,” Edard said as he pointed out that the Chamber was occupied. Taking another sniff, Zirconis says: “Yeah it’s both our Spike’s. I smell Fire Rubies all over the entrance and there are ruby crumbs littered here.” He says pointing at my feet. I looked down to see exactly that, ruby crumbs. “Not surprised since me and Quill were busy,” Edward remarked as he went to a corner of the lab hitting a button and bringing up Acno’s new body. “Here she is.” “It’s… Female?” Mavis asked. “Did Acno request this? “Yea,” Edward scratched his head. “I wonder why.” She mumbled. “Probably because Acno wanted a new lease on life. A new chance to be themselves. If I’m right, when Acno and Quill drank the Poison Joke stuff they turned into females. But Acno also became a child and looked exactly like this?” I guessed. “Also I’m guessing that they just wanted to be a kid again.” I grinned. “I remember how Acno always said that he never had a proper childhood and wanted to have another chance at one.” “More than likely,” Edward said bring up a holo-display. “That’s cool looking!” Mavis cheered as she looked at the holo-display. "Nothing special,"Edward commented. "It's the same thing as if I'd used archive just this technology instead of magic." “Still, it looks really neat.” Mavis said. “Meh,” Edward shrugged. “Zeref, come here please.” “Right, what do you need?” I asked, walking over to his side. “Fine tuning her magic manipulation,” Edward said as fetched a vial of crimson blood red liquid and then walked over to Acno’s body’s tank and proceeded to connect it to the top of the tank. “There we go.” “Right, so her specific magic is a bit tricky as it’ll require anti-ethernano on top of highly volatile dragon ethernano. It’s also what made reviving Natsu a pain in the ass. But with the right timing and placement it should go well.” I say before looking back up to Acno’s body. “Also, I want to know if you’ve gotten the right type of ether-scales for Dragon Force, getting the right ones for Natsu was an absolute train wreck and a half, did you get any of the earlier samples of Quill’s original dragon arm? If so, those should work just fine. I find that it helps in the magic manipulation, as well as helping to control their destructive tendencies as often as possible though, as evident with Natsu, sometimes that is bypassed. Though, it should help with Acno controlling the rampancy of the magic with the first few stages of getting used to her body. I still remember the first days Natsu had come back, I was constantly rebuilding the lab and house as he kept blowing it up every other fucking day.” I grumbled while remembering those days when I gained so many splinters it took weeks to get them all out. Edward walked over to a control panel and hit a key.” Will these pieces work? They’re leftovers from when I made Quill’s prosthetic arm out of dragon scales back in your world.” a container holding several scales suspended in air floated around in randomness. “They should work but just in case, I brought a scale from Quill’s Dragon arm after his original fight with you.” I say taking a blue and black scale out of my pocket and holding it in a sphere of magic. “Here, could you add?” I ask, giving the sphere to Edward. Edward tooke the sphere and placed it in its own container next to the earlier one. "There we go. Mavis that is not a cookie!" Edwad yelled as Mavis ate an unknown pink looking cookie food. "SOUR! SPICY!" she yelled as she ran around with a sizzling tongue. “Oh fucking hell.” I facepalm before walking over and grabbing Mavis, holding her and hugging her warmly, calming her down. “Hey Ed, got something to help whatever the hell she ate.” I asked placing my head on her while rocking her side to side. “Have her eat this one,” Edward pulled another of the cookie isc looking food item out a of a container next to the one Mavis got into. She was a little apprehensive about eating something that looked so similar to whatever it was the she ate before but was soon glad she did. “Dry and sweet,” she hummed as she wore a smile holding her face as she rocked side to side. “First off, what the hell, are you so obsessed with cookies that you eat anything that looks even remotely like a cookie,” Edward got on to her causing her to pout. “That’s Mavis for you. I swear the only other person I’ve ever known to think with their stomach as much as she does is Natsu. And he’s a Dragon Slayer.” I grumbled. “You’re lucky that you didn’t inthe really spicy ones,” Edward eyed Mavis. “These are called poffins. They’re supposed to be for Pokémon, made from Pokeberries.” He set some more off the poffins in front of Mavis, “Humans can have them but I recommend you stick to the sweet, bitter, and dry ones. Unless you want to have fire breath that isn’t magical. Or a permanent pucker face.” “Euck!” Mavis spat. “Yeah, I’ll just stick with normal cookies thank you.” She says before hugging my torso and snuggling into it. “Thought so,” he picked the poffins back up and put them away. We then heard a ding from the time chamber and out came the Spikes. Ed’s came out with some severely burned clothes and a few scratches while ours came out more mature looking and with quite a bit more muscle than he had before. He also had an X shaped scar on the upper right of his forehead. “Nice of you two to join us,” Ed said as he went to a nearby table and tossed his Spike a damp towel. “Sorry for the intrusion Ed,” ED’s Spike or ES as he said to call him remarked. “No big,” Ed smiled as he looked to Spike. “Looks like he put you through some of his tougher lessons little man.” “Yeah, he’s really strong. Though not as strong as Quill.” Spike remarks with a smirk. “But anyway, thanks for training me ES.” “I never said I was as strong as Quill but thanks for the compliment and no problem bro,” Es and Spike fist bumped. “What are you guys doing here anyway? I can understand Ed hiding from mom and Aunt Luna.” “I already had my punishment thank you very much dear nephew,” Ed huffed. “How bad did Quill get it?” Spoke looked to Me, Mavis, and Zirconis. “Stabbed through the stomach with one of his new swords and hogtied to the chandelier.” Zirconis said. “Left a hole in his stomach but it healed, didn’t leave a scar but it did leave a new marking where the wound was.” He sighed. “I don’t even know how that man’s going to survive any Equestria. I mean he can barely walk three feet without getting hurt or gaining a new scar and getting knocked out.” Zirconis complained. “It’s called being a Displaced and who we are at heart,” Edward was typing on his holo-display again. “You’d be surprised to see what my body would look like if I kept my scars. So far the only one that’s stayed is the one I got when Chrissy slashed me across my chest.” He looked at the screen. “Zeref, come take a look at this.” Edward said pointing at his display. “What is it?” I ask, letting go of Mavis and walking over, much to her displeasure as I heard her pouting. “Some sort of distortion in the magic,” Edward looked at his display. “I’m extremely versed with this magitech as I did design a good portion of it but some of it was put together by my nieces. Could this be something to do with Dragon Slayer Magic?” “More than likely. In fact, I see some trace elements of….” I began to mutter to myself. “No way… That can’t be right.” I whisper before taking a closer look at what I’m reading. “It appears there’s some trace elements of Anti-Etherion Particulates in her bloodstream, apparently if this goes through and it works she’ll have not only two, but three different elements along with Meteor Dragon Slayer Magic, and Magic Dragon Slayer Magic. The third one is a unique one called Anti-Etherion Dragon Slayer Magic, or for short, Death Dragon Slayer Magic. I ran into a few death dragons in my time back in Fiore and I hear that they were the first ones to go in the Dragon King Festival… Yeah, also apparently this isn’t something that’s new in her bloodstream… Yeah actually it says here that it’s coming straight from her soul, from Acno himself. That’d mean he had a locked Dragon Magic in him all this time, which would also mean that… Quill has a third one, along with being half of the Apocalypse. Yeah I heard of this type of thing, it’s called the four magic merge, I didn’t create it though, essentially what happens is four closely related types of magic combine into one powerful type of magic. So that would mean, Time, Magic, Death and an unknown magic combine to create Apocalypse magic. But currently it’ll be hidden from use until the body actually starts working properly and Acno gets used to it, so I’d say with this development in about… A week or two depending on how many fights happen.” I tell him while looking over the data. “But I wonder what Quill’s is.” I mumble as I looked over the data once more. “We could always run tests on the leftover blood that he gave me for Acno’s body development,” Edward said type and he then used a mechanical arm then extended out and grabbed a vial of dark blue shimmering liquid. The arm exchanged the earlier now empty vial for the current one. The blue liquid drained into Anco’s tank changing the color of the embryonic magic to that of a deep purple with blue glistens in it. “That should help promote and mature the Anti-Etherion Particles.” “Yeah, that should help. Though I suggest that we keep a close eye on it in case some new developments arise.” I told Ed as I watched the still incoming data. “I agree and for the time being that's all we can do,” Edward nodded. “Wanna go see the Pinkie torture of Quill while Zirconis and Mavis go down to see Twi?” “Eh, sure why not?” I shrugged while going over and hugging Mavis. “See you later Mavis.” I said before walking back over to Edward. “Let’s go.” “Check Ya later guys, Es take them down via the Rune Transporter,” Ed waved. “You got it boss,” Es gave thumbs up. Zirconis’ POV Right now, Mavis and I are heading down to where Edward’s Twilight is and I’m trying not to get lost while Mavis tries to give me directions. Needless to say it’s going a bit poorly. “You two do know that you can just follow me to the workshop right,” Es said with a raised eyebrow. “You can easily find Twi and Pole’s place from the when we’re in Ponyville.” “Yeah that’d be appreciated.” I say while Mavis, who somehow got on my shoulders, pouted that I didn’t take her directions. “And don’t you be pouting missy, you may be the Fairy Tactician, but your sense of direction is terrible.” I tell her. “I get the same look from Twi when she’s in the kitchen andI take over before she can light the stove,” Es remarked as we walked through the halls. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Spike. “Don’t ever let Twilight in the kitchen back home.” “Yeah, I already don’t let her near it. Now I have a fifteenth reason not to.” Spike says. I just look down at him with a raised brow. “Don’t ask.” He says. “Wasn’t going to.” I tell him. We soon came upon a set of wooden doors in the night wing of the castle. Es opened the doors and ushered us all inside where we came up a a stone strucker, the teleporter Ed mentioned earlier I guess. “Step on and if you just ate good luck,” Es said as we did as he told us. Wait, just ate. “Oh crap,” I said as everything flashed blue and we were then in a new shop with many limbs on just about every surface. “I don’t feel so,” all I heard from the fairy on my shoulders. “Mavis don’t!” I said rushing out the nearest door leading outside. “BLRAAAA!” And splat, all over the ground and shoes. “Awe come on! Not on the shoes,” I whined from outside near a bush. “Fucking damnit Mavis.” I grumble with annoyance. “I still feel BRAAA!” She started to say. “Oh god it’s everywhere!” I yelled in horror. “Should we do something?” Spike asked Es. “I’m not really sure but if you want to get in on whatever she’s puking up be my guest bro,” Es commented with a flat palm. “I’m not going anywhere near an upset stomach of a fairy though.” “I feel as if I need to help but my gut is saying stay away,”Spike said. “I need to help out a little.” he ran out “Oh my fucking god, IT’S EVERYWHERE!” Spike roared in horror. “I told you!” I yelled. “Wait, Spike not you man.” I said as I back away seeing the Spike turn from purple to green in the face. “RAAAAAA!” And there goes Spike’s stomach. “OH COME ON!” I yelled. “EWWW!” Es was still in the shop. “Nope not touching that area,” he said walking out through the front of the shop. He stopped on a side of the shop and leaned against it. “How’s it going back there?” “OH GOD WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS EQUESTRIAN DRAGON VOMIT SO MUCH MORE DISGUSTING THAN HUMAN VOMIT!?!?! OH GOD WHY?!??!?” I scream in horror. “Want a mop?” Es chuckled. “Is that bush still intact or is it growing from Fairy upchuck?” “YOU FUCKING TELL ME!!!!!” I roar as I jump out of my shoes while placing Mavis on the ground as she continues to vomit, I jump away from another vomit bomb. The only vomit that was on me was what was on my shoes, though I had to throw them away as they were unfixable. “Sweet Ankhseram that was disgusting!” I said while jumping out of the bush, leaving the Tactician and Ruby Dragon Slayer to their vomit spree. “Hello there,” came a familiar voice. “Spike, Zirconis why are you two at the Doctor’s Shop?” I looked to see Pole stand there with a stack of papers in his hands while he was wearing a red variant of the Canterlot guard armor. “Came down from the Castle via transporter with Spike and Mavis in tow,” Es explained. “Mavis apparently ate something and the jump made her stomach pull a 180. Then Spike went to help Zirconis and saw the stuff and lost his guts too.” “Where are your shoes?” Pole looked at me. “They were a casualty.” I tell him. “Okay…” Pole raised an eyebrow. “Why are you three in town? Here to see one of the Friend Brigade?” “Yup.” I tell him. “Say no more than, but I recommend stopping in at Rare’s first to get some new shoes first,” Pole smirked as he continued down the street. “Later Pole,” Es waved and looked back to me in my misery. “Shoes?” “Yes please.” I say, while nodding. “Though your getting the two barfers.” I tell him. “Nope,” He said bluntly. “Rares is on a trip to see her parents and that leaves only one person in town with access to the Beautique. Me, I’ll make a quick pair of shoes but that means the vomit comets are stuck to you like glue.” “I’ll take a new dress while you’re at it please,” Mavis stammered out of the bush cover in, golden whatever. “And I don’t wear clothes,” Spike said as he hiccuped. After a quick stop at the clothes shop I got my shoes and Mavis got her dress we headed over to Twilight’s library tree house. “Good lord, can we just agree never to do that again?” I asked while pinching the bridge of my nose. “Don’t worry,” Es said in a bit of a somber tone. “It's only the first time through the transporter you get sick, if you just ate something. Spike had some rubies earlier and he was fine. Must have been the cookies.” “Well Mavis had a spicy poffin though so, that’s gotta have something to do with it.” I told ES. “Wait a minute,” He wheeled around and looked straight at Mavis. “You ate Pokemon food?” Es said pointing at her causing Mavis to hide her face behind her hair. “As funny as it sounds I understand why you might think it was a cookie. Pinkie did it and she likes them but that's Pinkie. Twi tried them in the name of science,” Es used air quotes. “She was sick for about a day. So you’re not alone.” “Yeah, but I just ate a really spicy one. Ed gave me one that stopped the pain and that was that. I really don’t want to go through that again, it sucked. Also before you got out of the Time Chamber we discovered that Acno’s new body will likely have access to another type of Dragon Slayer Magic which relies on Anti-Enterion. It’s called Death Dragon Slayer Magic.” Mavis told Es as she somehow hopped back onto my shoulders. Es motioned his hand over his head, “Not my field little lady. Twi is the mage I’m an alchemical automail engineer with a minor in fabric making.” “Yeah, though right now Ed and Zeref are watching our Pinkie party rage on Quill.” Mavis giggled. We arrived at the Golden Oak’s Library in a few minutes and Es opened the door, “After you.” We all walked into see a familiar little dark purple maned alicorn girl reading a book. Nyx looked up and immediately sprang to her feet running to Spike, “Uncle Spike!” Es picked her up in a big hug, “Hey there Nx where’s your mom?” “The lab,” She giggled as she pointed to a door across the room. “Thanks,” Es set her down. “You know Mavis.” “Yea, she’s fun,” Nyx beamed headlights at the Fairy Tactician. “She’s gonna teach you some awesome spells with your mom’s permission of course,” Es chuckeld. “Awesome,” Nyx jumped around. “Come on guys let’s go see Twilight,” Es motioned as we followed him through the door into Twilight’s lab slash basement. We came in to see Twilight in a lab coat and glasses. “How can I help you four today?” She said not even bring away from her notes. “Man your perception is good,” I chuckled. “Our Twilight wouldn’t even be able to know we were here until we broke her train of thought.” “Let her train with Ed for a month and she’ll be able to do the same,” Twilight remarked as she scribbled away. “Eh, true enough.” I say with a slight shrug. “Okay, so there are a few things that I want to discuss with you.” I tell her as Mavis walks over to Nyx. I walk over to Twilight and stop next to her. “I think my draconic form is changing, or rather… Adapting. To what I don’t know but I’ve begun to lose my scales and my wings have already disappeared. I want to know what’s causing this.” I tell her, showing my now wingless back. “You could be losing your dragonic power as a side effect from staying in your human form,” Twilight said not even glancing at me. “Don’t dragon’s from your world have a special type of natural magic called the Dragon Force that changes Slayers slightly when they tap into it?” “Yeah, but the thing is I never used my Human Form, never. I just ended up like this when I arrived in my Equestria, and I haven’t changed anything since being there.” I told her while sitting down, I noticed a few of my scales fell onto the ground with a clatter that sounded like emeralds falling to the ground. “And there goes a few more.” I grumble in annoyance while picking them up and holding them in my hand. “See what I mean. Like this has only been happening for the duration I’ve been here, in this world. I mean, sure I was shedding a few scales back in our Equestria but that was like a few every week, like any other Fioren Dragon we only shed a few scales and even then we shed the most damaged ones. But this, this is by the dozen a day! And even the undamaged ones the scales that I’ve only had for a day are shedding! I don’t understand and it makes me think my Emerald Dragon Slayer Magic is changing drastically or I’m becoming a Human-Dragon Hybrid like the original Acnologia was, I don’t know and that kind of scares me.” I tell Ed’s Twilight as I put my head in my hands, sighing roughly. Twilight stopped her writing and came over to me placing a hand on my shoulder, “I may not understand what you’re turning into but I do understand that feeling of not knowing and being afraid, Zirconis. I went through the same thing when the same thing, when a cultist kidnapped me to use as a catalyst to revive Nightmare Moon. And even more so when I found Nyx and didn’t know what to make of her and my relationship. In the end all we can do is face what is coming head-on.” “Yeah, I know that but… I’m also afraid of what I might turn into. But, it’s as you said. I have to face it head-on.” I grinned. “Don’t forget that you have your friends to back you up,” Spike held out his fist. “Right.” I said giving him a fist bump. “As heart warming as this is I still have my magic lessons with Mavis,” Nys said excitedly from over Es’s shoulder where she’d climbed his back. "Is it just me or can both Mavis and Nyx use some kinda teleport magic to just 'appear' on our backs at random?" I ask. “Nyx can teleport with ease.” Twilight proudly stated. “And I felt here climb up my shirt,” Es chuckled as he rubbed his niece's head causing her to smirk and giggle slightly. “Well… Mavis’ is going to get along with Nyx just fine I’d say.” I sighed. “May I ask, What spells are you planning on teaching her?” Twilight got in Mavis’s face with eyes the size of saucers. “And can I learn them too?” “Sorry, but for the spells I plan on teaching Nyx, it’s best if you start very young. I started the base design for them when I was three and was only able to perfect them when I met Zeref and he taught me Law.” Mavis told Twilight. “But magic,” Twilight pouted. “Twilight, she’s older than you and knows more about magic, no offense,” Es said stepping in and holding his sister up by the back of her collar. “You know how Ed told you that there are just some standards you don’t meet, will this is one of those times.” “But-.”she retorted. “No, I’ll get the chains,” Es shot back. “FINE!” Twilight huffed. “ButI’m still coming to make sure she’s not in danger.” “No complaints from me there,” Es shrugged and looked at us. “What about you guys?” “No arguments, but… What chains are you talking about?” I asked fairy worried about that. “Yeah I’m slightly worried about that too. Also Twilight, some of these spells require the right aim of thinking,” Maivs told her. “It takes a child like mind to use them because a kid’s mind is more susceptible to information and they need that in order to absorb everything. And when I say everything I don’t mean everything as in all the information, I mean everything, as in all of the details around you all of the light, all of the people and ponies and dragons, everything!” Mavis says as she floats around. “Plus, when I taught Makarov Fairy Law, it was as a child. I didn’t teach Pretch or as he called himself back on Tenrou, Hades because he was too old. A child’s heart knows right from wrong each time and it is a very, very hard thing for an adult to replicate. When I child decides you are an enemy deep from within their heart, it doesn’t come from just emotion, it comes from everything that ‘enemy’ has done it comes from everyone’s perspective. Not just logicality, but the sight of every being on the planet. That’s why I’m teaching Nyx, her heart is one of the clearest ones I’ve ever seen, her affinity for magic will also help her with the focus needed for some of the magics and I believe that even when she grows and becomes an adult, her heart will guide her to the right thing to do. Even if it’s not the most logical route.” Mavis tells Twilight with a soft smile. “About that, are you really sure it's okay for a reincarnation of Nightmare Moon to learn this stuff Mavis?” Spike pointed out. “She’s not Nightmare she’s Nyx,” Es said defensive with a scowl. “She’s nothing like the Darkness that tormented my mother and aunt.” “I am sorry,” Spike threw his hands up. “It’s okay,” Nyx said. “I know I was partially born from the remnants of Nightmare’s magic but I know who I am and I have none of the negativity that was what changed my aunt. I’m me and that’s who I’ll be for all time.” “Actually, there are still remnants of Nightmare in you but that is not a bad thing. It is those remnants that helped me decide whether to teach you my magic or not.” Mavis told Nyx, giving almost everyone a bit of confusion. I say almost because I know the reason. Mavis’ magic is special after all. “My magic, especially the Fairy Spells requires the user to know some kind of pain. Some kind of darkness. Since you are the technical reincarnation of a being born from, quote on quote, “darkness” it makes you the perfect one to learn it.” Mavis says as she smiles at Nyx. “For one to use, say, Fairy Law, the person must have emotion behind it, they must know right from wrong, friend from enemy, good from bad or else it will go out of control and it will destroy everything around you. When Makarov was still a child, his mother died in front of him. This was his darkness and it gave him faith in his heart to know who was an enemy or friend. When I was a very, very young kid and my best friend Zera passed, it gave me the darkness to harness the light of the fairies to make the three Fairy Spells. When Cana learned Fairy Glitter, her darkness was from all the things she had gone through. Her mother’s passing, and all of the pain that had befallen my Guild. Laxus learned Fairy Law on his own, yes. But, the darkness that Ivan tainted him with when Ivan implanted Laxus with that Dragon Lacrima was where he knew right from wrong. He may have betrayed that during the Fantasia parade and the battle of Fairy Tail, but his magic, no. His heart could never lie.” Mavis continued with her speech as she sat next to Nyx. “The darkness that had touched your heart, is what allows me to give you this knowledge. And there is nothing to be ashamed or scared of when facing the darkness. Darkness is not a bad thing, it’s just been pushed aside by the truly bright, the ones who want all the light for themselves, but this also goes back to the Fairy Tail Guild name. Fairies are said to be beings made of the light, and as such people think that they are the bane of evil the enemy of darkness but that is as far from the truth as you can get. Fairies are also halflings, they were born from the light, and the dark. Just like how real Fairies were said to be like this, my Guild looks into the darkness and helps it up, we don’t hurt those in the dark we help them get back on their feet. We help them see the light and make amends with it, we help bring balance to both sides. Good and bad, right and wrong, peace and destruction. Although that last one is mostly accidental but still.” Mavis finished as she giggled lightly. “It's the same way we teach at Luna’s school basically,” Twilight said as we walked out of the library. “ Everything has a good and evil but it’s up to those who wield it to choose that path.” “It’s one of the principles of Ed’s school too,” Es said as he hefted a bag onto his shoulder. “I’m bringing the chains.” “We don’t need those,” Twilight said in anger. “Yes we do,” He crossed his arms. “Where should we go for the lessons?” “What about the Badlands? There is nothing out there for miles?” Nyx said as she fluttered in the air. “That should work just fine.” Mavis nodded. “Okay, that’s good and all but can either of you tell me what the hell the chains are for?” I ask, motioning to the bag with said chains in it. “There for Twilight if she gets in the way,” Es explained as Twilight hid her eyes behind her bangs. “Even when she’s told she can’t and explained to in detail, she still has a tendency to try and learn when it comes to magic. So Ed came up with these,” Es pulled a crystal chain from the bag. “Simply wrap her up in these and she can’t cast magic due to the Nule spells infused with the magic suppressing crystal. They use a heavy duty version in the prisons here. These are Twilight’s spell set for when she wont lesson, among other things.” “Well, that’s nifty.” Spike says while walking beside me. “Try hanging from a cliff for a whole day,” Twilight deadpanned. “Hold on.” She said without warning teleporting us all to the Badlands. “Not fun,” Spike said bluntly as he fill to his face. “And again some warning would be nice Twi.”Es remarked only for Twilight to stick out her tongue. “You guys cool?” “I think I’m okay,” I respond while placing my hand on my head, before shaking it. I look back up to everyone to see them staring at me. Spike’s were wide with utter shock and confusion. Mavis and Nyx had one of wonder as their eyes held stars in them. Es’ and Twilight’s were one of simple confusion. “What?” I asked, before seeing a long lock of emerald green hair in my hand. Wait… Hand? Hair? Where are my scales? And where are my spines? I questioned as I looked at my now scaleless hand. My skin was fairly pale and I had a white and black sleeve going up my arm but it didn’t go down past my elbow. I look at my other arm, seeing that it too had changed. On my left wrist I saw a silver metal band around it and my right wrist had a small emerald green rubber band-like object but when I touched it, it felt like an actual emerald. Both of them did. “C-Can someone give me a mirror?” I asked, in pause at what I think might have happened. “Here… ya… go,” Twilight said slowly as she popped a mirror in front of me with her magic. I looked into the mirror and stared at myself, jaw dropped as I moved my hand up to my cheek and felt that instead of rough scales, there was smooth skin. Like a human’s. I looked like a human. I was a human. My eyes were a steel grey and my hair was an emerald green as it rested on my head looking untouched by anything. My skin was a very pale color and I was wearing a black and white multi-striped shirt with the etching of a sun in the bottom corner of it. I had on magenta jean-pants and black shoes with white soles. Finally, resting around my neck was a necklace, which held a cylinder-like emerald shard. “H-How?!” I asked as I fell onto my butt. “H-How the hell did this happen?!” I cried in shock. “Equestrian magic or Void Energy infusion,” Twilight said as she started to examine me and take notes. “Not the time,” Es grabbed her by the collar and dragged her off me. “But learning,” She whined. Es reached into the bag and secured his sister with the chains we brought. “Stay, Good Girl,” He patted her on the head. “Let me out SPIKE!” Twilight roared in anger. “Need a shirt and some pants?” Es asked me. “Cause those you have look to big.” As he said that my pants fill around my ankles. “Yep to big, give me a sec.” he went to a nearby patch of grass and pulled some topaz from his pocket and with a flash through me a pair of shorts and vest. “That should do till ya get back to the castle for a real fitting.” “U-Uh, thanks… B-But, I think the clothes I’m wearing, well the pants at least are… changing themselves. If this makes sense.” I point out as they slowly start to tighten around my waist and the pant legs rise up to be perfectly comfortable. “The shirt isn’t changing but it feels pretty comfortable.” I tell him as I take off my shirt and immediately, I feel odd and letting go of my shirt I suddenly feel weak and defenseless, which causes a large chill to run down my spine and around my back. “H-H-H-Holllllyyy guach!” I gasped, flinching at the sudden chill. “What the heck was that?” I asked, picking my shirt back up and putting on the vest. Okay now that chill is gone, but I still have that strange feeling. It’s… Uncomfortable. “I think it’s called being bashful,” Nyx giggled. “You’ll get used to being in your new body.” “Yeah, that I got that but it felt more… Painful. Like I had lost all my scales, and not in the way of shedding, it was more as if they were all forcefully removed from my body all at once and then a Dragon Slayer shot Ice Breath at me.” I shivered at the moment that happened mere seconds ago. “Also, why is this vest so uncomfortable?” I asked fidgeting with the vest. “You just feel a chill for the first and the second I worked with what I had on hand,” Es explained. “Grass that grows here is rigid and stubborn. I was able to turn it into a cloth material but nothing high end, just form fitting.” “No, I can handle that, it’s more of… It’s just uncomfortable. Like, it feels uncomfortable in my magical Origin, like it’s irritated.” I mumble as I feel my magic drawn over to the shirt I wore. I focus my vision and now I can see the magical aura around my shirt and I sigh as I see that my specific and unique magical signature is literally in the stitching of the shirt. That means my scales are my clothing. So my underwear, pants, socks and shoes, including my shirt, literally are a part of me. “Well that explains the pain and uncomfortability.” I whisper as I take the vest off and put my shirt back on, before putting the vest back on. My body lost the strange feeling and now I feel much more comfortable. “Okay, that’s much better.” "Must be a Void thing," Spike shrugged. “Maybe, either way this is just strange all around.” I say, as I notice my voice sounds a bit younger. “I’d really just stop trying to understand it all and just go with it,” Es crossed his arms before looking over his shoulder to his sister. “Or risk having a mental breakdown like Twi almost did when she interviewed Ed for the first time.” “Yeah, that’s probably for the best.” I shrugged before thinking. “I wonder….” I mumbled before holding my hand out with my palm facing up. I focus my magic and wouldn’t you know it, a ring of emeralds that are glowing bright green are floating around my wrist. I smiled before despawning them watching as they disintegrate away in the small breeze. At least I now know that my magic wasn’t affected by my change in appearance. “Nice to know that you still have your power,” Nyx said as she lands on my shoulder. “That’s for sure, but I wonder where this necklace came from.” I say holding up the necklace containing the emerald. “Eh, I think it completes the look.” I huff while letting it drop around my neck once more. “What do you think about my new look Nyx?” I asked Mavis’ protégé as she sat on my shoulder swinging her legs. “I think you’re the you, you should be,” Nyx smiled as she jumped down. “Best not to think too hard on it like Uncle Spike said,” she smirked at me. “But I can say your hair looks like it should be spikier.” “I think he looks good enough,” Es interjected. “No need for a dragon to look like a porcupine when he just became a human.” “Hey, I ain’t turning into no porcupine! I can tell you right now this is how it’s going to stay for two reasons. One, it likely has always looked like this and two, mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaggggiiiccc.” I told him, giving jazz hands. “I know this is the last thing I should be saying, given I’m chained up,” Twilight interrupted. “But now that we’re on the subject of magic, shouldn’t Nyx be the one we’re focusing on not Zirconis.” “Yeah, but this was a welcome distraction since it’d take a few minutes for Mavis to set up that.” I told her pointing at the new make-shift magic training center. “It’s a wonder what she can do with almost nothing,” I mumbled. “You should see what Ed can do when he sets his mind to it under time constraints and various other conditions,” Es remarked as he rolled his eyes as he walked over to Twilight and undid her chains. “When he first got Arc of Creation the first thing he did was stock up his shop then he made a custom weapon called a Noble Phantasm,” Twilight added as she dusted her dress off. “Wow, that’s pretty neat.” I say. “Neat, try overkill,” Es rolled his eyes. “That thing gave him access to a vault that stores any weapon that ever existed or will exist. The weapons are Noble Phantasm all their own.” “Okay, yeah. That’s pretty badass and overkill.” I admitted. “Uncle Ed has a lot of stuff that is overkill,” Nyx added. “Yeah and I think that overkill is rubbing off on Quill a little more than what Quill already has, cause when he defeated Tyrrios he used something equivalent to half of a god damned meteor!” I grumbled before continuing. “And that’s how our world got the Time Crater and one of the most devastating Dragon Slayer Secret Arts to date. Mayan Calendar Devastator.” “Let’s just say that there is a good reason Ed hasn’t become a Void Dweller other than his family,” Twilight said darkly. “It’s the real reason Quill wouldn’t stand a chance in battle against Ed if he was backed into a corner and couldn’t use either his magic, weapons, and other skills.” “Yeah, but you know Quill would go down swinging. He wouldn’t give up nor kneel to save his ass, he’d just throw everything he had at his enemy till either he died, his enemy died, or both died.” I chuckle at Quill's personality. “You can’t kill the Truth,” Es added. “Ed literally channels Truth into his body becoming the Truth incarnate. He then uses straight Void Energy in the state. Something I haven’t seen nor do I ever want to see.” “Fair point.” I sighed. “Back to better things,” Mavis said with a grin. “Let’s get to me newest student.” “Yay,” Nyx shouted as she jumped up and down. “Okay,” I say while letting Nyx get off my shoulder. “Go on and train with Mavis, I’ll be over here talking to Es if you two need anything. Mavis,” I say while pointing at her. “No blowing up the entirety of a forest like you did back in Fiore.” “Please don’t,” Twilight’s eyes shrank in horror. “Mom would kill us, not to mention Solar would feel it,” Nyx looked at Mavis in worry. “C’mon Zirconis, that was only one time and it was the first time I had ever used Glitter! You can’t blame me, plus the forest grew back in a day due to all the Life Magic residue.” Mavis complained to me while pouting. “Mavis Vermillion, I do not care! There is a reason this place is perfect for you to train with Nyx. You tend to go a bit overboard when it comes to training.” I retorted, folding my arms and letting loose a heavy sigh. “I guarantee that no one lives here anymore, not even the changelings can survive out here,” Twilight explained. “I can also so that you can not destroy a forest either. Nyx is right when she says Solar would feel it. He’s young but very in tune with his surroundings, even when he visits other worlds he can sense his environment.” “And the last thing I want is for a pissed off Aunt Luna or worse her husband, a highly volatile man when it comes to his children,” Es shuddered. “To be on your case let alone my own. He has tortured beings far more powerful than any of us before for messing with those he considers a part of his family.” “Yeah, scary thing is that Quill and by extension Acno are both the same as Ed when it comes to family. They’re nice when you're around them but touch his family in any wrong way and hurt them… Well we all know what happened to Animus, Tyrrios and myself.” I say shivering at the memory. “Lord have mercy. I was just trying to save Sonya but I was too late and I paid heavily for it. Literally and metaphorically.” “No more depressing crap!” Yelled Mavis as she pouted. “It’s in the past,” she turned to me then the Es, Spike, Twilight, and Nyx. “I’m here to teach not listen to who has more power and you get all teary eye by bringing up the past. So help me I’ll use Fairy Glitter in your ass directly Zirconis. We might need a practice dummy that has some resilience,” Mavis fumed with steam lines coming off her head while she scowled at me and the others. “Oh! OH HELL NO!” I screamed as I ran away leaving a puff of dust. “SCREW THAT!!!” “That's what I thought,” Mavis snorted. “Back you though,” she looked at Nyx. “Can you bring that idiot back before he gets lost?” “Sure,” Nyx giggled as her horn lit up with dark blue magic and then there was a pop and I was floating next to everyone running in place. “There you go,” Nyx said, dropping me with a thud. “Don’t want you getting hurt Mr. Zirconis.” “Ow….” I mumbled before sitting up. “Yeah well, if you’ve seen Mavis training, her practice sparring is just her shooting at you with thousands of volts of magic as you wear seven four thousands pound metal weights. That’s how she helped Natsu and Laxus train and I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried it again. Though I doubt she’d do that with Nyx” I complain as I rub my head. “If she did she'd be dead in under a minute,” Es said. “You think Ed doesn’t keep an eye on things when he’s not around but you better think twice when it involves this type of stuff, on top of it he has a… unique connection with the Badlands, seeing as how he made them.” “... What?” I asked with utter confusion. “Ed… Made the badlands?” “It’s part of the story of how he became the Minotaur King,” Twilight added. “He went berserk for weeks and in that time, his draining ability was constantly active draining all of the magic and life force from this very spot of the planet. The minor planets that grow here now are signs that the recent activities here have started to revitalize it.” “Damn.” I whisper in slight shock. “Not a good memory for him but he says it opened a lot of doors that laid the groundwork for the current times,” Twilight added. “But enough of that, Nyx needs to start learning. Me, Es, Spike, and you well just hang back and watch, as much as I don’t want to.” “Yeah, I’d feel way more comfortable watching instead of being the test dummy.” I mumbled in agreement. “I don’t think she meant for you to take it as seriously as you did,” Es chuckled. I look at him and then look back at the cheerful smile Mavis is wearing. Then I look back to Es. “When you’ve known Mavis as long as I have, you learn to define when she’s being serious and when she’s not… And she’s being as serious as Acnologia was about killing all the Fioren Dragons back home after going insane. Which is to say, dead serious.” I tell him while taking a few steps away from Mavis. “And I ain’t going to be on the receiving end of her anger. That’s Zeref’s job.” “Speaking of Zeref, I wonder how he and Ed are doing with Quill’s Pinkie torture,” Spike looked to the sky and shuddered. “On second thought, I’m glad I’m here.” I turn and look into the sky before closing my eyes and focusing. I then hear the shrill screaming of Quill’s terror and I snap my open and cut that shit off because that was terrifying. “Yeah… You don’t want to know.” I agreed with Spike. “Well, while Mavis is training Nyx why don’t you train Spike,” Twilight said. “He did just become a dragon slayer and was given more or less the basics by Es as well as a few moves. So it should fall that he can hold his own in some way.” “Thanks for the vote of confidence Twilight,” Spike said crossing his arms. “Uhm… You do remember that I’m still actually a Dragon… Right?” I asked while focusing my magic into revealing my left arm which is now entirely covered in emerald green scales with my dragon form’s claws for my fingers. “And I’ve lived for a very long time. Twice as long as Tyrrios had before myself, he and Animus kicked the bucket due to Acnologia’s rage.” I tell her while focusing my magic once more and making my arm return to its human appearance. “Though I do want practice at using my magic in this form for offense and defense, that way it’ll be easier to defend myself. I already know the roar and all that jazz but I still need a bit of practice.” I say. “So basically Spike would be teaching you,” Es said with a chuckle. “OH NOW THAT’S FUNNY!” he yelled as he hit the ground laughing. “Well, back to practicing. As for the dragon part,” Twilight said. “Spike is a dragon to and so is Es for this world.” “True and Es? Fuck you.” I say holding up the middle finger before lowering it once more and turning to Spike. “Also it’s not that I need the practice in my Dragon Form because I’ve been a dragon for longer than both of you have been alive, combined. The average lifespan of an unhealthy Fioren Dragon with Magic Deficiency from birth is at least three hundred. And I can guarantee you I was healthy and I didn’t have Magic Deficiency because I was well over four hundred years old at that point in time when I died, so… Yeah. I really just like practice in this form.” I say. “But, there are a few things I could say about different types of gems and the magic they can contain.” I whispered to myself. “Really,” Twilight got in my face as her eyes got big and sparkly. “No,” Es said as he dragged her away by the collar. “But I wanna learn…” she cried flailing her arms about. “Chains,” was the next word I heard and Twilight quickly shut up. “Now stay here and pay attention to Nyx and Mavis in case they need you.” “Actually, it’s kind of essential for someone outside of a Gem Dragon Slayer to learn about the magical properties of different gems but only to an extent least you unleash something truly terrifying by accidentally experimenting on what us Gem Dragons in Fiore call, “Soul Gems”.” I say shivering at the last incident I know of when I was in Fiore. “It took months to clean up the last mess someone made when they experimented on a Soul Gem and I don’t think you want to go through something like that here.” “That’s why I’m here.” Es said. “I may be a dragon slayer but I’m not a mage. Alchemist slash engineer.” “Yeah, that’s what I’m glad about. I don’t want either your Twilight or mine to go science crazy over it.” I say with an agreeing sigh. “Why do you think i put her over there yo go gaga over just watching magic,” Es thumbed to his sister over his shoulder who was intently watching her daughter and Mavis. “Is that drool?” I said taking a closer look. “More than likely,” Es rolled his eyes. “That’s kinda gross but expected.” I tell him while focusing on watching Mavis and Nyx train. “Let’s get started Ms. Mavis,” Nyx said, throwing her hands up in the air. “Please, just call me Mavis.” Mavis told Nyx, giving her a sweet and caring smile which could rival Celestia’s. “Yummy,” Nyx said as she pooped the candy in her mouth. “NOW LET’S LEARN!” Quill’s POV “Having fun?” Ed said looking at me tied to a chair with streamers while he and Zeref watched me with giant grins. I simply let out a moan of pain as I had a splitting headache, too much partying. “He says, ‘screw both of you’.” Ruiner interpreted through his crystal. “Funny,” Ed said with a chuckle. “Don’t forget about the Pink next time.” “Yeah, I don’t think any of us will be doing that anytime soon. Though it is getting increasingly dull between the five of us Elders that no one is laughing. Usually she would be the joker around us but… We do not know if she’s been crystalized or not.” Ruiner sighed as I regained my ability to talk. “W-Wait, what do you mean?” I asked with a sore throat. “You mean a sixth Elder Dragon came with you guys?” “Yes, there were originally six of us. We all represent the Elements of Harmony in your world Quill. We were the ones who planted the seed for the Tree but that took a lot out of us and that was a while before we became crystalized.” The Extinction Elder explained. “As fascinating as this sounds,” Ed said as he cut the streamers holding me in place. “We have bigger fish to take care of than a missing Elder that doesn’t exist in this world.” “I agree,” Zeref nodded. “We are just about ready for Acno’s rebirth.” “Really?” I heard Acno is his… Her spirit form fly out from behind me to look at Ed and Zeref with stars in her eyes. I say her because she was now in her rebirth sipit for from when she drank the poison joke alcohol. “Is it really almost ready?” She asked giddily. “Oh, I’m so excited!” The child version of Acno squealed as she floated in the air like Ururaka from My Hero Academia when she’s flustered. “Never thought I’d see an Ochako incarnate.” I whispered to myself. “We finished the fine tuning earlier today and I set it up in the time chamber setting up the time for a few days,” Ed explained to Acno. “You're very cute when you're sleeping in liquid magic. I’d hate to be the guy that hits on you and won’t take no for an answer when you're a teen.” “Oh trust me,” Acno says while grinning before cracking her knuckles and still wearing that smile. To be honest it was terrifying. “They wouldn’t try a second time even now.” She says while somehow releasing a massive killer and threatening aura. “How the hell does that work?” I mumbled to myself while watching the aura. “I don’t understand how she can affect no one while affecting everyone at the same time.” I whispered in acceptance of this apparent fact. “Can you guys help me out of this?” I asked while struggling to get out of the surprisingly strong and tight ropes that held me. “Sweet Fatalis what is this stuff made out of?” “It’s Pinkie so yeah,” Ed said placing a hand on the rope and in a flash it fell to the ground. “Seriously, if you then this is bad then don’t let her tag team you with Luna in the room.” “Dude, it’s Pinkie Pie… She defies all laws of physics, motion and pretty much anything. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she could use the Toon Force.” I mumbled the last sentence. “Shall we depart,” Zeref said flatly. “Seconded,” Ed said, walking to the nearest door way. We all made it to Ed’s lab in no time flat. “Shall we bring the others in too?” Ed asked Acno. “Um… I don’t know, I kind of want to surprise them.” Acno replied sheepishly. “Okay, what’s wrong Acno? Don’t try and hide it, you’re attached to my soul so spill.” I told her while crossing my arms. “I-It’s just that… Ed you said we’d have to give something up to Truth and when your nieces Nat and Sora did this, they had to give up a lot which included the bond they shared… I’m just kind of worried about what we’ll have to give up Quill.” Acno told me with a hefty sigh. “Well… I don’t have an answer for that.” I sighed while looking down. “I honestly don’t know what we’ll have to give up.” I admitted. “I doubt even if I met him a trillion times I’d know anything more than what I already do. That being he is a literal god that gave me the ability to use Alchemy.” I sighed while transmuting Ruiner’s crystal’s shape into a sphere. “Though it’ll be a definite thing that we’ll have to give something of equal value up and really that could be anything. But we don’t know what that thing is.” “Not even I know the answers to that,” Ed admitted. “It could be a number of things Acno, ranging from diminishing your power to taking on a crippling deformity. The Truth is an ass but it gives as good as it gets. At least it’s fair, in most ways.” “Yeah. That’s one of the only plusses to Truth. It’s fair in most ways but it can be a bitch to deal with.” I nodded in agreement, as Acno floats over and sits on my shoulders. “Still, in this case it’ll be worth the headache of dealing with the evil bastard,” Ed remarked as we entered his lab. “And see as how I don’t want Pinkie torture,” he said snappin his finger and everyone in my group was then teleported in. “I’ll have them here.” I looked over at the group from my world and saw them all looking around confused. I smiled at their confusion as Serena and his new Eevee partner ran over to me and Serena wrapped his arms around my neck giving me a large hug. I chuckled as Serena’s Eevee leaped very high and landed on my shoulder, before nuzzling her cheek into my own. My eyes then landed onto Shining Armor or rather, what was on his back. It was… A shield? I focused my vision with my Dragon Senses and my eyes widened at the realization I came to. That wasn’t just any shield, that was the shield. The Shield of Rage. The Demon Shield from the anime called, Rising of The Shield Hero. How the actual hell did Shining get that shield? It was odd, but I could smell a new Dragon Slayer in the room and I was both worried and curious about this. I followed the magical smell before my eyes landed on a much more mature Spike the dragon. It probably had something to do with a Lacrima as I couldn’t smell any other Fioren Dragon anywhere even remotely close to here. I say any other as I knew that Zirconis had changed. He was now a human. How you may ask, well I have no fucking clue. I’d just chalk it up to Equestrian Magical BS or some other excuse. “Looks like we have a few changes amongst your friends Quill,” Ed noted as he eyed my friend. “Sorry for the sudden transport everyone but I thought everyone should be here for Acno. She needs your support as it’s time for her to be born into the world.” Ed waved his hand to the side as a trap door opened and out came a tank with a blue haired girl floating in a glowing blue liquid that simply reeked of pure magic, making my mouth water. “Why is that liquid making my draconic senses go insane?” I asked as I wiped my mouth and held Serena back as he didn’t have as much control over his draconic instincts and senses. “Serena, calm down buddy.” I told him while he eyed the liquid hungrily. “It’s liquid magic,” Ed explained as he walked to a nearby console. “Since this is not a direct clone but more of an artificial inciptation of the body of a powerful wizard, it needs massive amounts of magic in order to not only age it but to keep it stable and well fed with nutrition. So I design this tank to gather magic and compress it down to a liquid state.” "Well, that's actually pretty cool." I heard the now human Zirconis say with a smile. “Nerd.” I heard Gilda call Zirconis as he whipped around and faked a shocked look with an exaggerated gasp. This caused Mali to giggle in her mother’s arms. Claws? Whatever the hell you’d call them. I wonder where they were during this entire fiasco. Probably sleeping over what they’d just gone through, I know I’d do that. “It was designed in part by a Foiren mage to account for the body’s natural magical state,” Ed explained as he typed. “Meaning what exactly?” Luna asked tilting her head. “It means that the person who designed it this made took in mind the needs of the magic user, and that it would work best for crafting any form of suitable and stable body specifically for worlds that are rich in magic,” Zeref explained. “It would’ve made bringing Natsu back on the first try a shoe in.” He remarked looking at the girl floating in the tank as an air bubble frothed in his face inside the tank. “Exactly,” Ed said. “And if you need I can send you back with one. Zeref is already familiar with it enough to work it and I can transfer the knowledge of how to repair and build them directly to you via Archive download.” “Yeah, I’d appreciate that, it’d make it much easier to expand my magical range as my specific type of magic gets a boost when it does certain things like creating a Demon or other things like books of Demons among other things.” Zeref sighed contently as he rubbed the back of his head. “Wait you created life?” Gilda asked with an eyebrow raised. “Oh, yeah. That’s right, you don’t know about Natsu.” I facepalmed at myself not realizing this earlier. “So essentially, back in Fiore Zeref and his family along with his little brother Natsu Dragneel were living in a village until one day a group of pissed off dragons burnt it to the ground killing everyone except for Zeref. Zeref in his grief then sought a way to bring his little brother back to life, and eventually he did while also creating the basis for magic and etherion. Though he failed the first few times he eventually brought back Natsu as a Demon called E.N.D and erased Natsu’s memory giving him to his old friend Igneel, the Fire Dragon King then a bunch of other things happened and it ended with the insanity version of me, or the Evil Acnologia dying by Natsu’s seven slayer powered punch which sent Evil me’s soul back to me when I was in our world.” I summarized quickly while Gilda nodded slowly as she absorbed that info. Mali on the other-hand actually understood all of that except for the Zeref creating magic part. “W-Wait, what do you mean Mr. Zeref created the basis for magic and etherion? I thought it was always in Fiore?” Mali asked. “Oh, no, no, no. Common misconception actually, Zeref didn’t create magic per say but he did create the basis for it, which is the magic he uses right now. Devoted cultist-like followers of his like Hades calls that magic “The One Magic” when it’s really called dark magic. Though it’s not evil dark, that’s just its name. Eventually over the next four hundred or some-odd years Fioren magic would evolve into what you can see today with people like Freed and his Dark Ecriture Magic, Levy and her Solid Script Magic, Reedus and his Picto-Magic, Makarov and his Titan Magic, and Maker Magics like Gray’s and Laki’s, just off the top of my head. Each one is very unique and they fall into three different categories of magic though if you want to learn more than attend Cheerilee’s school in Ponyville. I’m a teacher there and I teach Fioren Magical theory. When we get home I’ll catch you up on what you need to learn.” I explained nonchalantly like it was nothing, this time Gilda understood nothing while her daughter once again understood all of it, somehow. Probably because the kids are usually smarter than most adults… Yeah it’s probably that.” “Your going to need more mages on your side though,” Ed said as he typed. “I know you have the knowledge Zeref but do you have access to some form of Archive magic?” “Dude….” Zeref said with a deadpan as he held his hands out and summoned Archive Magic terminals. “Created the basis for magic remember? You think I’d just stick with a single category of magic? I know almost all types of magic besides the slayer magics, but I do have my favored ones so I don’t use them all regularly like I do my Dark Magic. Though I will admit, Archive Magic would’ve been helpful when making Natsu. Getting the papers in order to not accidentally blow something up was a pain in the ass.” Zeref remarked before sighing and snapping his fingers, making the magic terminals despawn. “Was just asking,” Ed remarked as his own display popped up next to him. “Would you like info on demon and holy weapons used by spiritual beings from the past and future known as Heroic Spirits. These are called Noble Phantasms from the Fate universe.” "Oh, I think I remember some of those but I'm not too sure, it's been a while." I mumbled with my hand under my chin. “They could come in handy as Foiren magi cis limited to dark and light magic,” Ed explained. “Normally a human has to undergo Demon Conversation or use Takeover magic to use Demon or Holy power. With a Noble Phantasm you can do it without this risk but there are still limits like the basis on who can wield what weapons and if you have enough mana to invoke the weapons fullest power.” "Yup, powerful items they are indeed." I whispered to myself. “Here,” Ed pulled two single handed longswords from two glowing portals behind him. “This is Enki, the bow wielded be Gilgamesh in Fate Prototype. It triples as dual swords, bladed tonfa and bow.” "Oh, damn." I whisper quietly as I remember something. Okay… fucking Gilgamesh… yeah I hope I don't run into him and piss him off. He's one of the first OG OP Displaced out there and he's pretty damn powerful. “And I’m not talking about the Void Dweller Gil either, though I would like to have a match with him at some point in my life as long as it doesn’t tear my world apart,” Ed remarked as he placed the bow back from where he pulled it from. "Yeah, I've heard about him and uh… okay of what I've heard is true then he's about as strong or stronger than you. But that's really all I know about the dude but he was one of the first displaced. And I'm talking about when the Merchant first appeared." I told the others. "Yeah he's one displaced I don't wanna screw with." “I’ve heard the legends Quill, and so has my master,” Ed crossed his arms. “And his not a Displaced anymore, he’s a Void Dweller.” Ed returned to typing on his console, “And trust me when I say there is a huge difference in between a born Void Dweller Like the Truth and evolved one like Gilgamesh. Huge power gap,” Ed winced before giving a sigh of relief. “It looks like everything is insync here.” “Well, on the topic of Gilgamesh, holy shit… Dude’s a Dweller now? Damn.” I say impressed. “Also that’s good. Let’s hope that everything goes as planned because when I get back home, I’m flopping down onto my bed and passing the hell out. I am very tired right now and unfortunately, I’ve got work the next day.” I sighed with content before thinking in the back of my mind. And let’s hope that the Void Eater theory proves to be false. I know I’m testing you Murphy but if you screw me over on this and someone in my family gets hurt I swear to every deity out then in all Multiverses and all the Void I will find you and rip face off. “But I really shouldn’t get my hopes up should I?” I silently questioned. “Being Displaced is more work than anything else.” I silently sighed to myself. I felt a pat on my back and looked over to see Ed, “It doesn’t get easier either. The more power you get the more attention you draw to yourself,” Ed placed a hand on my shoulder. “A little advice to you Quill is to not gain too much power too quickly as most Displaced tend to do. Enjoy walking around your home with your friends and family. Soon enough something will happen to change it all. Especially since you’re you.” “Yeah, I have a feeling whether I’d like it or not I’ll get a power boost at some point in the near future. But based on what you just said doing this will half my power as well as Acno’s so it should reduce the target I have already right?” I sighed while smiling. “And yes, I am me and things can in mere milliseconds when it comes to me and life,” I admit shamelessly. “And I just roll with what I have.” I then look back up at the tank holding Acno’s new body. “Let’s get my new sister her body.” I mumble with a determined grin. “Yea,”” Ed nodded as he hit a key on his console and the liquid magic inside the tank began to froth with bubbles as the magic drained from the container and lowered Acno’s body to the floor. Once the magic was drained away Ed hit another key and glass cylinder lifted off the tanks base. “Come over and say Hi,” Ed waved to me as he threw a blanket over Acno’s body. “I need you over here so I can open your portal.” “Right.” I say walking over with a soft smile on my face. I smile brighter as I feel nice to know that I have a new family member. “Hey there.” I whispered to Acno’s body before turning to the spirit herself. “So, what do you think of your new body Acno?” I asked as Acno hugged her body tightly, which since she was a spirit didn’t move the blanket as she phased through, while her spirit cried in joy. “I-I love it!” She exclaimed happily. “Thank you Ed!” Acno yelled as she launched herself at Ed and hugged him tightly. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!” She thanked the Alchemist rapidly. “Don’t thank me yet, this was the easy part now comes the hard part,” Ed said seriously as he clapped his hands together. “All I can do from here is open the door for you two. From there, all you can do is walk on your own two feet,” He looked at us. “You ready?” I looked over to Acno to see her nodding rapidly. “I guess as ready as we can be.” I tell him as I smile at my excited sister. “Very well,” Ed said as he pulled his hand apart and red electricity came from his palms. He held his hands out and the electricity flowed from Ed around us and a human transmutation circle appeared below us as thousands of tiny shadowy hands sprang from the circle. The a huge eye opened and the hands pulled us all into it. “Quill!” I heard Luna screamed in horror. “Stay back!” Ed countered. “They’ll come back, I’ll be there with them to make sure of it but don’t come any closer or you’ll be pulled in,” he said as I looked over to see Luna in tears. Soon everything went quiet and we were inside the whiteness that Truth called his home. Ed no longer looked like the Fullmetal Alchemist. He now had shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a long grey trench coat, red t-shirt, black pants, and black boots. Most notably he had a grey fedora with a purple and bright blue band on it. “What are you two staring at?” The man asked. “So… Is this what you looked like before becoming Displaced?” I asked. “Yes this is who I was,” He answered. “This is Allen Ferris, who I was when I was human, but he died about a year or so ago now.” “Well, could I go into what I looked like before I became a Displaced and before all the reincarnation stuff?” I questioned. “Like how you look now,” came a snide voice from every direction. Suddenly Truth appeared floating upside down in front of me with its toothy smile. “Hello again, Truth. I’d say it’s good to see but really I just don’t want to.” I remarked with a huff. Looking down I noticed that I had a black hoodie on with red roman numerals on my sleeves that read the numbers four hundred on both sleeves. I reached my left arm up and saw that my Nergigante hand was still there but I also felt that my hair was shorter, much shorter. Looking down to see myself wearing grey jeans and black tennis shoes with red laces. I then noticed that my right hand was the normal dark tan. Letting loose a sigh I smiled before hearing a feminine groan behind me. Looking back I saw that it was a girl with long navy blue hair that fluttered down to her knees and in her hair she wore a small red bow which tied a portion of her hair into a ponytail. Her skin was a pretty fair pale and she wore a black and red dress but she didn’t wear any socks or shoes. She opened her eyes and I noticed they were pupiless and a vibrant blue color and she stood a few feet shorter than me. I’m five foot six so, that’d mean she was around a foot and a half shorter than Mavis who I knew was five foot two. “So, how was your first trip to Truth’s domain Acno?” I asked, helping Acno stand up. “It sucked… A lot.” Acno groaned in annoyance. “So this is the other one of you,” Truth floated over to Acno still smiling then turned its head to me. He floated over and whispered into my ear. “I know you have one more in there.” I feel my eyes gaining white pupils as Null takes over and looks at Truth. “Yes, I already know that you, Truth, know of my existence. It’d take a Void Dweller much more powerful than you to hide one’s existence from you. And I nor Quill know of any such Dweller aside from The Merchant.” Null sighed as he let me have control once more, the white pupils fading and returning my eyes to a pupiless menacing red. “The merchant is nothing to one who was born of the Void, Displaced,” Truth remark and I knew he was right. “Now, what is it you want this time Dragon Slayer? Wait, you want to split apart, hahaha, why should I do this for you two?” I look over to Acno who shook ever so slightly in an increasing anxiety. I take her hand in mine and this calms her down as she looks back up to me and smiles before I turn back to Truth and Acno says this: “I’ll give up my Meteor Dragon Slayer Magic.” Then we both say in unison. “And we’ll both give up the spiritual bond we share.” “OH,” Truth looked at us in mock shock. “Hmm…” it rubbed its chin, “Not enough,” it snapped. “You must give her half of yourself in order for things to be equal. Half of everything, even your responsibilities and darkness.” I look down slightly so that my hair over shadows my eyes and I contemplate what Truth just said. Give Acno half of myself. My darkness… I look back up and with conviction I let go of Acno’s hand and I tell Truth calmly. “Then I will give up... I-I’ll give up my Extinction Dragon Slayer Magic.” I say knowing that it’ll hinder my use of the Dragon Force “Are you positive?” Truth smiled as I looked to Allen who merely bumped his chest with his fist and gave me hearty glare. “Allen has no say in this Slayer. You know she will not only have the magic but equal share of the others. She is a Displaced and must go where you go when summoned.”. “B-But Quill, giving Extinction up might mean you’ll never be able to be the Apocalypse Dragon Slayer ever again!” Acno protests pulling my hoodie to make me look at her. “Acno… I’m giving that magic up because it’s as Truth says. I have to give up half of myself in order for our souls to be split and so you can have a body.” I tell her while placing my human hand on the top of her head. “If it’s for family, I’ll gladly give up half of my being.” I tell her while ruffling up her hair. “So, do we have a deal?” I turned and asked Truth, my smile fading slightly. “Why yes we do,” Truth continued to smile at us as it snapped its fingers. “You came here as one but must leave as two, through your own portals,” it pointed behind us at two portals appeared behind us. “Well,” I start turning to Acno. “I’ll see you on the other side, I guess.” I say while looking down at Acno. “Go ahead, I’ll go through in just a moment.” I tell her, getting a nod as she walked through one of the portals causing it to close once she completely passed through. My smile then faded entirely and I turned around to face Ed. “Ed I need to know something,” I told him. “Are the Void Eaters in my world?” I asked with a dead serious tone. “If you don’t know… Then I need help to prepare for them. Cause as Acno told us, they are very powerful.” “There is a high probability of it Quill,” Ed said. “They could be the interference that caused the destabilisation of the portal.” “Why are you two here still?” Truth looked at us. “We’ll leave in a moment,” Ed remarked annoyed before looking back at me. “What else do you want to ask?” "That's about it. But Acno said two void eaters might be there when I get back. One of them according to him is extremely powerful. More so than the other and I think that one might be yours. You stepped into the Temporal Crater allowing your void scent to get it there. It might happen but I need to be prepared for mine. I want to train non-stop until we get home." I request. “We have about three days back home and a time chamber,” Ed said with a smirk. “If your willing to put up with my regiment and all out assholism I can whip you into shape and get you back up to a decent level, not as high as your were maybe half way.” "I'll do anything to protect my family and my world. I'll put up with any pain so bring it, my brother." I chuckled as I walked through the portal. "See you then." I say with a smile before my vision goes white. The white void that Quill was once in enveloped the scene as slowly, a black baby dragon, and a golden owl could be seen playing happily under the shade of a large oakwood tree. Their faces, wearing expressions of pure joy and happiness as they flew around in the air. The scene changed to find looking over the two were the ethereal forms of two smiling figures. Both were adults and they were human. The first was a blonde male with his eyes overshadowed by his golden hair as he wore a hooded red robe and underneath that was a black suit with silver trim accents, and he wore white gloves on his hands. The second man was very tall and he wore a simple black cloak which covered his torso and he was wearing black and blue pants with no shoes. His skin was a dark tan with six markings on his cheeks, three to each cheek. On the right side of his face was a fairly large facial burn scar, but the top half of it as well as his eyes were covered by a shadow as well, as his navy blue hair messily hung down to his lower back. The scene grew 'till the baby dragon and owl as well as the two figures were seen smiling happily and these words appeared. An Apocalyptic Alchemist To Be Continued... > An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 5 Crossover Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 5 Acno’s POV It’s a funny thing when you get your own body after not having one. You get used to being just a spirit but once you get your body it's like being born again but… More spiritual-like and stuff. One moment I’m walking through a portal which Truth opened, who is by the way a complete douche like Quill and Ed said he was, and the next I feel like I’m floating in the middle of an isolation tank. My sense of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste are completely dull and I can’t feel anything. You’d think that having your soul ripped out from another’s and having a part of your magic taken would be painful as hell but… It’s not really. At least, for me anyway. I then started to regain my senses slowly as I felt my sense of touch and sound begin to return. I could feel the soft touch of someone holding my body still so I wouldn’t hit the ground. I could faintly hear the soft noise of worrying gasps and shouts as I could hear someone calling my name. “Acno? Acno! Hey!” I could hear the faint call of someone, it sounded male with a slightly deep voice. Deeper and more mature than Serena’s and Spike’s but not as deep as Ed’s or Zeref’s or Quill’s. I then thought about Zirconis and I thought that it was likely him. “Hey, Acno wake up.” I heard Zirconis’ voice call me again as my vision began to return. I was greeted by the blinding light of the room we were in and the sight of emerald green hair and emerald green eyes. I reach my hand over and cover my eyes to block out the extreme light as my eyes slowly, and I mean very slowly as the lights seemed to take hours to dim before I could properly see anything. Likely the effect of only having this body for a record of thirty some-odd seconds. “Ugh, Zirconis? That you?” I asked as my eyes finally adjusted to the light. “Yup, that’s right squirt. It’s me.” He chuckled loosely as if he was worried. “I’m technically still older than you y’know and also, why do you sound worried?” I remarked and asked before noticing I was wrapped up in a blanket. “Well… There’s no easy way to say this, but it’s better if you just look for yourself.” Zirconis told me while looking over past me and to the area in front of him. That’s when I heard them. The screams of someone in agonizing pain. I snapped my head to the side to only widen my eyes in horror as the screaming originated from Quill! He was being pinned down by almost everyone and they, even Ed who is essentially a god, were struggling to keep the Time Dragon down. His back was arching up in pain and he was thrashing wildly in agony. It looked like an exorcism was happening. I could feel that Quill’s magic was lashing out of his body wildly and randomly like an uncontrollable and rabid animal. His markings and the burn scar I just now noticed he had on the right side of his face burned and flashed with white and blue magical energy like something was fighting for control. His eyes were flickering between Null’s white pupils, Quill’s pupiless, red eyes, the Elder’s colors and a different one… A silver almost holy color with powerful waves of light pulsing off him every so often. Quill then let out a bloodcurdling and agonizing roar of pain. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “He’s going into magic shock,” Edward said, kneeling down and handing me a set of clothes. “His body is trying to fill in the empty space that your separation left behind with the nearest available magic close by, I should have foreseen this. Nat and Sora didn’t go through it because their souls were already separated and each had individual magical supplies.” “Do something!” Luna cried out, “please help him!” “Not much I can do. His body naturally consumes magic and converts it as needed,” Edward explained. “If I give him something outside his scope of compatibility then I Could seriously hurt or poison him for the rest of his natural life. All I can do is toss him in the tank for a low liquid magic bath until he stops going through shock.” “Do it!” Luna demeaned. “Zirconis, take Acno to the bathroom to get her clothes on while I get Quill in the tank,” Ed directed. “Roger,” Zirconis picked me up. “Come on squirt.” Ed quickly pulled Quill to where I’d woken up and fixed a mask to his face and gave him a sedative shot then ran to his console and with a few keystrokes had Quill suspend in the liquid magic. “I have no idea how long he’ll be like this but it’s best if we leave him be for now,” Ed huffed. “Quill,” Luna trotted over to the tank with tears in her eyes. I then suddenly feel like something is going to happen, so I whip my head back and see Quill's markings suddenly boil the magic liquid away in a brilliant silver light before a beam of light erupted from Quill and blasted everyone around him back. Serena flew straight into me and I tried to stop his fall but I ended up being the one he landed on. We both looked back at Quill to see a massive pillar of light consuming everything around him in a semi-large radius. It was just a beam of white and silver magic which felt… In a word it felt powerful. Like I was supposed to cower in fear at the mere sight of it and I could tell Zirconis, Serena and both Spike and Es felt it too as I saw them shivering while Es shivered slightly less but still as did the others do so, with wide eyes. I looked back to the silver light to find a pair of burning, half silver-gold eyes boring into my soul and I could also see that it wasn’t just us Dragon Slayers who felt this, it was everyone who felt this even Ed as his eyes narrowed in what I assumed was a small amount of shock. It felt like when Natsu went up against Gildarts during the S-Class Trials on Tenrou Island. I remembered this because I had a look at Quill’s memories when I first awakened in his mind. The energy continued for around thirty seconds before the eyes darted over towards Edward and all the gold-silverish eyes conjugated and became one set of two eyes. The silver magic began to slow which aggravated the eyes noticeably. The silver energy began to reach out slowly, acting and beginning to form a hand as Quill’s body arched upwards as he continued to emit the massive amount of magical energy. The silver hand reached out towards Edward before the magic and eyes began to be sucked into Quill. The eyes looked as if they had finally gotten free and the silhouette of a figure struggling against the strong current of the magical vacuum but it was for nought as not only the figure but several small streams of magical particulates from the air and our own internal magical reserves began to seep into Quill’s body slowly and continuously. The hair on our bodies then began to whip furiously as the suction of the streams into Quill’s body began to pick up faster, faster and even faster until the figure’s silhouette let out a shrill shriek of anger before reaching out grasping at the empty air until it was sucked into Quill’s stomach completely. The last motion the figure did was to reach towards me, a desperate attempt to latch onto me in order to free itself maybe? I couldn’t tell but a shadow-like-mouth of its own creation seemed to mouth the word “Shi”. It was then silenced as the streams of visible magic dissipated and the magical and etherion particulates returned to us, allowing our hair to fall back into its original position. The powerful magic that Quill once emitted now vanished, as if the force pushing us Dragon Slayers down had been sucked into Quill as well. Quill’s body rested silently on the ground, motionless until his marefriend, the pony Alicorn Luna slowly and cautiously approached him. “Q-Quill?” She asked with worry. “Quill, p-please, say something." Luna begged as she inched her hoof towards Quill's cheek only for Quill's hand to shoot up and grab her hoof tightly which caused everyone to get defensive as Luna shook in surprise and fear. Quill opened his eyes slowly before snapping them open, revealing half gold half silver eyes and in Quill's voice, something or someone who wasn't Null or Ruiner spoke. "In the depths of Time's den, an Owl and Dragon shall meet their Dead and they shall find… that there is always something stronger than them…." Quill's head then creaked over to look directly at Ed and gained a malicious and completely insane smile. " Hehehe. Be warned little Owl… they are hungry and they thirst for you and the dragon's blood! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The voice cackled before Quill's eyes became dead and they closed once more and his hand slacked around Luna's hoof, falling down onto his chest. His body, falling completely still once more. We all stared silently as we were all in shock at what had just happened. Not a sound dared to make any noise in caution until Zeref asked what we were all thinking. "What, the actual, fuck?" He softly asked with slight shock. I turned to Serena and noticed my arm was tightly wrapped around his arm but he was still shaking at what had happened. I turned to Ed to see what his reaction was and I asked. “Edward… What was that? What was that energy? What the hell happened to my brother?” I rapidly asked him before asking one more. “Ed… Was that voice talking about… The Void Eaters?” I shuddered at the thought. But more for my attention is… Who was that figure? They looked like Quill but before we were split apart… and… Th-They reminded me of the true personality I wore back then. That murderous rage and all that bloodlust… It reminded me of them. Who was it? I thought to myself as I looked at Quill’s unmoving body surrounded by the destroyed remains of the magic tank and wondered in shock, confusion and slight fear. That voice… I-It reminded me of… of Dad… WHY DID QUILL'S VOICE REMIND ME OF THAT BASTARD?!? “Now I’m really looking forward to returning to your world,” I heard Edward say. I looked over to see an evil grin on Edward’s face that thoroughly scared me to my core. Edward walked over to the console and hit a few keys and strange machines came out and cleaned up the tank shards. While Edward picked Quill up and threw him in a new tank. “As for your questions Acno, that energy was magic that Quill has locked away deep down. That figure was the source of that magic, as for what it is…” he paused as he stared intently at Quill with a serious look of anger. “I’m pretty sure I have a pretty good idea of what it is and I thoroughly intend to have a long talk with your younger brother about it. Lastly, that message was about the Void Eaters and it was meant for both Quill and myself. It just confirmed a lot of my theories.” "Zirconis… tell me. Who was the first dragon in Fiore?" I asked which greatly confused the emerald dragon turned human. "Acno, you of all people should know that no one knows the true first dragon of Fiore. Not even Belserion or even Irene knows that. Hell I don't think anyone does, and we may never know but, what does that have to do with Quill and what the hell just happened with him?" Zirconis asked. "It's just a thought but one I'm not sure about. And Ed, mind sharing those theories which Quill has just confirmed?" I asked, turning to the Alchemist. “I also want to talk to you later… It’s about my theory.” I told him quietly before Serena helped me up. “H-Hey, Acno… Let’s get you dressed.” Serena told me, making me realize that I was still only wearing a blanket. “OH! R-Right!” I stuttered, blushing heavily. “C’mon squirt. Let’s get you dressed. Serena, you stay here with Luna and the others, I’ll be back soon.” Zirconis said while taking my hand and helping me walk over to a place to get dressed. Not long, I was changed into the clothes that Edward had given me and I was back with our friends. Quill was quietly sleeping in his magic bath and Luna was staring hard at him. “Questions need to be asked now,” Edward said flatly. “What was your theory?” I asked equally as flat. “That the time crater in your world is not just an unstable time area but also a link to the Void in some way, but not a constant link,” Edward explained. “More like where you have water damage to a house for a center period of time weakening the overall integrity of the fabric of your world. It was where many anomalies have occurred on top of one another and then I should finally bursting your worlds structure when I took Quill through the Portal of Truth the first time around. That’s when the Void Eaters were first created. Then I opened my own portal here to my world, and weakened the Void Barriers of your world once more allowing the creatures to force their way into your world.” “So, our little test run was that powerful?” I mumbled to myself. “Then that means… More Void creatures could leak through at any point in time.” I realized. “But… I still feel a small connection to the crater itself and I can feel something or someone keeping that leak from bursting wide open. Like someone as powerful but not as powerful as even Truth and The Merchant. I-I don’t know who or what this power is but they are extremely powerful and I don’t think they want to reveal themselves.” I explain my theory. “In all essentiality, my theory is that some force that is much, much more powerful than anything Truth or Merchant could dish out, is keeping our world’s fabric together. Though I’m not sure but I do want you to analyze it to have some kind of idea.” “I wish it was that simple Acno but it’s not. Truth is by all accounts the void and everything in it and at the same time it is nothing at all, just as the Void is in its own nature,” Edward looked at me. “It knows all and is all, but is nowhere and no one too. It’s really a headache that I don’t like to get into,” Edward scratched the back of his head as he let out an annoyed sigh. “But what’s your theory Acno?” “My theory is that there is some entity out there. An entity that is watching us all. Some entity who in all actuality is outside and inside of the void at the same time. Someone who helped create the void. It’s just a thought but… I can still feel something like that and every so often I can hear a soft voice whispering to themselves, and they keep repeating the same thing. “I must recover what I have lost, and I must keep him safe from what is hunting them all”. It’s something I can’t control or ignore. But it’s something I want to look into also.” “Hmmm…,” Edward closed his eyes and crossed his arms as he thought before looking back at me. “It sounds like you have some sort of shaper, elder, or outer god of some kind. I’ve never had any personal dealings with these types of Void beings before outside Truth, but again I really prefer to keep away from them altogether. I’ve heard of a type of these shapers or ‘Authors’,” Edward did air quotes. “As they call themselves, that tends to play, influence, or manipulate others around Displaced to get some form of gain out of our actions. They can’t affect us directly but can stir us through our companions or family members. Which is why Acno can hear the little voice and Quill can’t, I’d say this is one if not the only time an Author could use a Displaced directly and he did do it on his own though. Truth probably let him use Quill’s Portal as a type of intercom.” “These Authors, how much power do they hold?” I heard my Celestia ask. “And is our world threatened by this ‘Author’?” She asked with slight worry. “I don’t know how much Power they have. They’re shapers like the Truth is but unlike the Truth they take an active role instead of a passive one,” Edward shrugged. “Usually it’s to some greater gain for themselves as a whole. There’s a legend that my master once told me amongst the older Displaced that there the Authors were once a singular entity. Their goal is not evil but merely to fulfill themselves and a Displaced once they’ve done that one Author will meet another and they merge together. I don’t think you have to worry about your world being in danger from them either as he said he has warned us of the Eaters. He probably the main reason more evil intentioned Void demons haven’t shown up yet.” “Yeah, I agree with you on half of that.” I interjected. “I agree with you about him being the reason Void demons haven’t attacked yet but I don’t think what we saw with Quill a few minutes ago was the Author. It felt more ancient and it had a Fioren origin. When us Slayers were looking at it, I’m guessing you felt a massive amount of force beating down on you as if you were meant to bow down to the power like it was your King, right?” I asked looking over at Zirconis. “Yeah, it felt like I was meant to fear it. Like it was forcing me to comply to its will. It took all I had not to just fall to the ground unconscious.” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I can see that. He’s probably the one who created your worlds in the first place,” Edward added. “No, I don’t mean that what came out of Quill was an Author. The entity holding the Time Crater together is an Author, I agree with that but what came out of Quill was of Fioren origin. Whatever came out of Quill was not of Void origin, it was of pure Fioren origin and it was very ancient. It reminded me of my father back in Fiore and I don’t know why but it also reminded me of one of the Five Dragon Gods but it was much more powerful and when it was being sucked back into Quill it mouthed the word “Shi” towards me like it knew me. That sets off a lot of red flags but not on Author level flags. “Shi” in Japanese means two things, City and Death. I’m thinking that whoever that figure thought I was, had something to do with Death. Now is there anything I should know about my new body? Particularly in the magic department? Because I feel a new type of magic in my First and Second Origins.” I corrected Ed and asked both him and Zeref to which Zeref started to sweat bullets as I gave him a sharp death-glare. “Death Etherions have been infused into your new form, giving you a new type of Dragon Slayer Magic all your own,” Edward explained. My eyes widened and I had an epiphany. "I-I think I may know who the figure thought I was." I say slowly. "It's just a theory but they might've thought I was the first female dragon in existence. Shi Perishing, the Death Dragon." I breathe loosely.. “Death Dragon Slayer Magic is the second type of Dragon Magic ever born into the world of Fiore. At the time, only Dragons had access to magic and then Irene and Belserion came around giving birth to Dragon Slayers. But no one, no Dragon Slayer could access Death Dragon Magic without being destroyed on a subatomic level due to its use of Anti-Etherion. The only being who could’ve used it was Shi Perishing and her King, the first dragon. No one knows who his name is but they know that he and Shi took that name to their graves or at least, to their assumed graves as no being in Fiore nor Ankhseram knows what happened to them. Most consider them to be a myth but if I’m right, then they’re not just a myth and they are awakening once more, but I don’t know how or when.” I sighed after explaining. “One mystery at a time young lady,” Edward interjected as he placed a warm hand on my head. “Right now you need to eat.” I then hear my stomach grumble loudly. I blush slightly and cover my stomach. “I-I guess you’re right about that.” I giggled with embarrassment. “What would you like to eat?” Edward asked as he walked into a dining area. “Some macaroni and cheese would be appreciated!” I cheer happily immediately jumping away from the serious and stressful mood. “No problem,” Edward grinned. “Anybody else want something?” “I’ll take a salad!” Mavis yelled out. “I will also take a salad.” My Celestia interjects. After a few shouts of suggestions, with Serena ordering a simple plate of spaghetti, Gilda, Mali, Zirconis and Zeref ordering a helping of sushi, my Luna sat quiet and didn’t really answer. She just sat in front of the magic tank that held Quill and she just watched with worried eyes as he floated in suspended animation. “Luna, what would you like?” I asked, walking over to her, albeit it was more like I stumbled over as I was still getting used to walking normally. “I-I don’t think… I don’t think I’ll have anything right now. I’m not too hungry at the moment.” She replied with a sigh. “Hey, he’ll be okay. You know Quill. He’s as tough as they come. ‘Sides Edward of course but he’s a living Philosopher’s Stone and immortal.” I tell her while hugging the sad Alicorn. “Acno’s right y’know.” We heard Ruiner’s voice interject. “May not have known the guy for long but he’s a tough bastard I’ll tell you that. Hell, he could probably tank at least a couple hits from both an enraged Savage Deviljho and a pissed off Rajang and walk out relatively fine. Though that’d be reduced to at least a hit or two but still. Point is he’s very powerful and I know he’ll wake up soon. Nothing’s keeping him down for long.” Ruiner told Luna as his crystal walked over to us. Yes, I did say he walked over to the two of us. I say that because a relatively smaller phantom version of him was formed with his Elder Energy, which created an orange phantom version of himself about as tall as my full height when on all fours. The orange glowing crystal in the center of him and on his ethereal back were the other four crystals which contained the energies of the other Elders. “Yeah, it’s exactly what Ruiner said.” I agreed before whipping my head over towards the ethereal Elder Dragon. “Okay, but now I have to ask: How long have you been able to do… That?” I asked, gesturing towards all of him. “Oh, I’ve only recently discovered my ability to do this. The others don’t want to use their versions of this because even though they’d be much smaller than their actual bodies, their ethereal forms would still be fairly large.” Ruiner explained before he laid on the ground. “Anyway, I really wouldn’t worry about Quill. He’s a tough guy, he’ll pull through. He always has.” “They’re right ya know,” Edward said with a warm smile as he placed a fruit salad in front of Luna. “And even if you say you’re not hungry you need to eat something to keep your strength up Moon Princess. You can give Quill a hard time when it comes to being an idiot but you should know he can give it back just as hard if you’re going to do the same. I know it’s hard seeing him like this but you need to stay in shape so you can support him when he comes out of that tank.” Edward sat down next to us. “I felt the very same way you do now just a few months ago after Luna gave birth to the twins.” Luna let out a soft sigh before responding. “Thanks for all that you’ve done for us Edward.” She thanked the Alchemist before saying. “And for food, I wouldn't mind a salad and some hay-fries.” She told us with a giggle. “I just hope that Quill wakes up soon.” She mumbles. “C’mon Luna, we all hope he does. Plus if he doesn’t I’ll drag him back to consciousness myself.” I reassure her with a giggle of my own. “Well, let’s go and eat something! I’m starving!” I cheered as I jumped and landed on Ruiner’s ethereal form, getting a chuckle from the Elder Dragon. “Just enjoy your food and stay by his side for the time being,” Edward said as he got up and returned to the kitchen. Not long he brought back Luna’s order then turned to me, “And you Missy are going to train alongside your brother when he wakes up. So be prepared to have your butt in the fire.” I gave a heavy glup as I looked at his smiling face. “R-Right!” I stuttered nervously under the terrifying smile’s pressure, like it was saying, ‘you’re gonna die!’ “HAHAHA,” Zirconis belted. “If I didn’t know any better I ‘d say you’re terrified of the guy squirt, HAHAHAHA BOOMF-” The jade Dragon Slayer soon found a bowl buried in his face as he hit the ground, “Am not,” I yelled back in anger trying to hide my fear. “The hell was that for!” Zirconis glared at me with a red circle on his face. “You wanna go carrot top?!” I said getting in his face before my eyes shrank to the size of pin pricks and and I shot to other side of Luna before slightly popping the top of my head from behind my hiding spot, “What so scared I spank that new butt of yours?” Zirconis chuckled with a slight grin. I shakily pointed in his direction and he slowly followed it to where I was pointing only for his grin to quickly fade in to a look of sheer terror as his chuckle faded yo a stutter. There was Edward standing behind him with the same close eyed wide smile on his face standing above Zirconis. The alchemist then bent down and got in Zirconis’s face, still keeping the the same scary look as the dragon started to shake. “And why would she be scared,” Edward remarked as he ever so slightly cracked his eyes open. He raised his metal hand and placed it on top of Zirconis’s head slightly rubbing it. “It’s not like I plan on putting her through hell itself,” Edward patted Zirconis lightly. “Perhaps I’ll come up with something for you too.” Edward then stood up right and walked away, I could feel Luna shaking from the experience, “I wonder who's scarier? Him or Tia?” “If you're this scared of Edward when he’s pulling a prank, I’d really hate to see the mess that happens when he’s serious,” I said shakily, and that’s when it hit me as if Natsu head just remembered he could eat fire. “He’s going to be serious when training me and Quill!” I cried out as I grabbed my head. “Oh I’m not going to be very serious, just enough to make you work for your power,” Ed popped up next to me still smiling. “AHHHH,” I screamed. “DON’T DO THAT WHEN SOMEONE’S ALREADY HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!” “Sorry, but I think I scared Zirconis a little too much,” He pointed to Zirconis who hadn’t moved at all since Edward got in his face. “Yea he's kinda stuck.” I then hear one of the crystal spheres, sigh with annoyance. I looked back to find that it was the red one. “Fatalis damnit Edward.” The red sphere sighed heavily. “W-Why the hell are you-. Y’know what, I’m not going to even ask. One sec, Acno could you place the sphere which is now glowing red on the ground?” The sphere asked, their voice ancient and deep as well as fairly young and wise. “Um… Sure?” I hesitantly say, picking up the red sphere and placing it on the ground. “Okay, now roll me away from everyone and I mean far away!” The sphere says, emphasizing the word ‘Far’. I raise my eyebrow and like a bowling-ball I roll the sphere very far away, hearing the sphere scream. “THAAAAaaaaaannnnkkk yyyoooouuuuuuu……!!!” The sphere thanks as his voice grows much more distant. I then see a small bang of red light and just like Shenron coming out of the Dragon Balls, a massive ethereal red serpent with large arms slithers out of the light and when I say massive, I mean MASSIVE!!!!! It was at least seven hundred feet big and then some! Who the hell and what the hell is this thing?! The serpent then slowly stopped slithering as it landed on the ground before it slowly slithered towards us as it’s head landed only around a hundred feet away from us. I noticed that the red sphere I had rolled away in the middle of the serpent’s head and the serpent looked at Luna and I’s incredibly shocked expressions. Zirconis was still frozen in fear of Ed who was looking up at the serpent with a slightly impressed look, his hand holding his chin. “Huh,” Ed says looking up at the serpent who wore a shit-eating smile. “Well you’re pretty big. But I’m guessing this isn’t your full size is it Shah?” Ed asked as he looked up at the serpent named Shah. “Not even close. This is only at least half of my full size in all actuality and believe it or not, I’m still fuckin’ growing. My body is only about half-way to its maximum size right now or… as far as I can tell.” Shah confirmed and added. Shah then swung his massive head over towards me, Luna and Ruiner who was wearing a small smile. “I see you haven’t been introduced to me. Anyway, hello Acno, I am Shah Dalamadur. The Serpent Elder Dragon and the original-.” He begins but is cut off by Luna who had snapped out of her stupor. “The original Element of Loyalty. One of the six creators of the Elements and the Tree of Harmony.” Luna says with a soft smile, her eyes filled with nostalgia. “Hello Shah… It’s so good to see you again.” “As is it to see you too, little Princess.” Shah grins. “How’s your sister?” He asked with the same nostalgia. “She’s fine but… What happened to you and the others?” Luna asked. “I’ll say that later but right now,” Shah tells her as he moves his large hand over towards Zirconis. “It’s time to give him a rude awakening.” He says before a small amount of lightning shoots down and zaps Zirconis, causing the Jade Dragon to leap up and scream in a small amount of shock and electrical pain. “YYYEEEEEOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!” Zirconis yelped. “What the hell? W-What happened?” Zirconis asked, returning from his frozen state. He then notices Shah and yells. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FULACIDAL IS THAT!?!?!?!” Zirconis cursed in Fioren Draconic tongue making me gasp and look at him with the stink eye. “Zirconis Jade Draconis! Watch your language!!!” I scolded him. “I am an adult Acno.” He retorts. “But seriously, what’s with the big-ass snake-thing?” He asked with slight confusion and fear. “You didn’t listen to Acno but you will listen to me,” Edward grabbed Zirconis by the back of his head and applied pressure. “Watch your mouth and listen.” “OWOWOWOWOW! I’ll watch what I say just stop crushing my head please!” He cried out and Edward let him go. “Please continue,” Edward smiled. “Thank you.” Shah thanked Ed. “Anyway, I am Shah Dalamadur, one of the six makers of the Tree of Harmony and The Serpent Elder Dragon and the original Element of Loyalty. And please, do refrain from saying anything even remotely related to a female dragon’s genitalia scales ever again. I really don’t want flashbacks of that day. Sweet White Fatalis I still hate the fact that Dalamadurs have the memories of all their ancestors.” Shah shivered before curling his body into a ball like a normal snake would. “Anyway, I’m kinda bored and a bit hungry. You have anything to eat Ruiner?” Shah asked. “Yeah, made an energy ball a few hours ago just in case this happened. Catch!” Ruiner yelled, tossing up a white ball of energy which Shah slurred up using his equally big-ass tongue before his figure glowed then settled back to the continuous glow of crimson red. There was a slight stir from Quill in the tank. Ed went over and started to drain away the liquid magic and lifted the tank up off it’s base. “You back in the land of the living,” He said, flashing a small light in Quill’s eyes. “Pupil dilation is good, how’s your head.” “Shizuku mayakuna dracunasis darkos.” Quill grumbled, causing Ruiner and Shah’s jaws to drop to the floor. “What?” Quill groggily asked looking up at the two beasts. “Okay, when the fuck did you learn how to speak Elder!?” Ruiner asked in shock. “I mean, I’d understand Fioren Draconic tongue but ELDER TONGUE!?! How the hell did you learn that shit?! I mean, I can somewhat speak it but you just spoke it fluently and with the exact accent you’re meant to speak it in. How!?” Ruiner shouted in shock as Shah just mumbled to himself. Quill only shrugged in response. “Heck if I know. All I said was, “My head feels like it was run over by twelve bullet trains at once but otherwise I feel relatively fine.” And that was it.” Quill sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Can someone explain why I feel like I had a seizure of some sort?” He asked us all. “Oh and I see you’re in your body Acno.” He noticed. “You pretty much did have a seizure moment,” Zeref said flatly. “Luna! Two o’clock,” Edward said as he jumped back as Luna tackled Quill. “QUIIIILLLLLL!!!!!!” Luna screams with tears in her eyes as she sends Quill flying backwards. “I was so worried you baka!” She yells as she cries into Quill’s chest. “Luna, I’m so sorry for that, I never wanted to worry you.” Quill’s whispers as he hugs his Marefriend tightly while running his non-scale hand through Luna’s mane. “What else happened during my ‘seizure’?” Quill asked as he looked back up at Ed. “We got a warning from something confirming the Void Eaters are in fact waiting us back in your world,” Ed held out a cup of coffee to Quill. “In short there’s something holding your world together and protecting it from other Void Entities. My arrival and forced departure weakened your Void barrier allowing the Eaters to enter it.” “Well, shit. That’s something that I didn’t want to happen but I guess we don’t always get what we want. That’s life.” Quill grumbled as Luna let go of him and sat next to the Time Dragon. Quill then took the coffee and sipped a bit of it. “This is good stuff.” I could hear him mumble. “Anyway, is there something else you want to tell me about, I don’t know, say… Seconds before the warning. Because I can feel something new in my body. Like something’s awakened, and I want to know why. That and I can feel a much more massive pool of my magical origins inside me. My reserves are bigger and I need to know how. I should’ve been reduced to half of my original strength after getting Acno in her body. That should have been a definatie and unstoppable thing,” Quill sighs before looking down at his coffee. “So why are my magical reserves so much bigger now? And why do I feel a small bit of everyone’s magic in me? Ed I can feel a small portion of your Crimson Dragon Magic inside of me, not enough to cause magical sickness but enough to be noticable. I have to figure out what the hell’s going on.” Quill told Ed, his eyes not lifting up, but instead stayed staring at his reflection in the coffee. “Follow me,” Ed motioned to the time chamber. “Because I fully intend to get to the truth myself. I know you're both still hiding something from me Quill,” he looked at both of us, “and I want to know what is, one way or another. Finish your coffee and get some food. You’ll need it.” “…” Quill stays silent before finally replying. “Alright. But when we speak and I tell you, I want us alone. No one else will even attempt to try and figure out what it is I’ll tell you, and this is not a requirement. This is an ultimatum. I have only trusted two other people with the information I’m going to tell you and you will be the third.” Quill tells Edward harshly as he finishes his coffee. The way he said that… It didn’t sound like the normal usually joking even in serious situations Quill I know and had grown up with. No… That sounded like someone who’s hiding a very large secret, something that may be better left forgotten. I didn’t want to get on Quill’s bad side and just looked at Edward and gave him a nod before getting over to my food and finishing it. “Aren’t you going to eat anything Quill?” Ruiner asked. “I was stuffed with about seven pieces of cake. And you can thank Pinkie for that, so I’m pretty full.” Quill says, his tone letting up a small amount but still retaining that dead serious, no bullshit tone. “I’m ready to talk when you are Edward.” “Fairy Sphere,” Edward snapped and a red sphere of magic with a human transmutation circle on it encompassed all three of us. “There, now no one can hear us and no one can enter without my permission, even if they have your power level they’d have to use all the magic to break the Sphere.” “Good,” Quill nods as he stands still. “Now. I guess it’s time I tell you about my secret.” He sighs before holding out his non-draconic hand. He then states something I wished I would never hear again. “SCP-001 Scarlet Armament.” Suddenly his arm is wrapped in pitch-black armor and his shoulder now sports a black with red highlighted spaulder. His entire arm was eaten by the armor of the first evil being and the biggest bad in all of SCP history. The Scarlet King. “H-How!? When!?!? I don’t remember any of the SCP’s being in our world or in Fiore! Especially The Scarlet King!!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT ARMOR!?!?!” I screamed in a panic. “Acno… I’ve always had this… I discovered it back on Earth. I knew I was different from the start and this only confirmed my thoughts that I had magic. Two days after my parent’s funerals I was drowning my sorrows in a game which was called S.C.P. Secure, Contain, Protect.” Quill explained as his now armored arm clenched itself into a fist. “When I was playing I discovered reports about the SCP known as SCP-231 also called SCP-001 or The Scarlet King. I wish I never had looked into it. When I was reading the reports in the game, I felt something grab me from inside the game and I was forcefully rendered unconscious. That’s when I met him… The King himself.” Quill stated. “He didn’t say anything but the look on his face said it all. I was going to be a catalyst. A vessel to house him. I couldn’t refuse but I wanted to. He tried to meld his armor onto my body and into my soul but he was only partly successful. I was able to force myself conscious but when I looked at my arm it was much too late. He had implanted my arm with the Scarlet Armor. I couldn’t take it off or make it disappear and I hid myself in my room and in the house for around three weeks, that’s when I discovered I had magic. I casted a permanent illusion spell on my arm which hid the armor’s presence but… It seems it was not good enough. I know what you’re going to ask Acno. ‘How did the Scarlet King get to you from inside a game?’ Well you need to know Acno,” Quill says, reading my mind and looking at me with a dead cold stare which sends shivers up my spine. “The Scarlet King is not just any SCP. He’s the end of us all. He can travel to any realm, any dimension and universe with just a thought and he can end ours in less. He doesn’t listen to logic or the fact that he was made in a fucking game, he goes where he pleases and it just so happened that I interested him enough to become his vessel. I’ve been fighting him and stopping him from eating me this entire time and sometimes he gets me. But just like that goddamned lizard SCP-682 I won’t die. I won’t go down, I will just get back up and fight harder. It’s taken a toll on my sanity and mental abilities but I’ve persisted and I won’t stop fighting.” Quill states harshly as he clenches his fist tightly and recasts the permanent illusion spell. “Ed… This is my secret and I don’t want it to get out and I’d hate myself if the SCP’s got into either of our worlds. Your choice how you react now.” In a face Ed had his metal hand around Quill’s neck and easily lifted him off the ground, “You had something like that inside you and you let me bring it into my kingdom, my world,” Edward roared in fury as he slammed him against the Sphere. Edward’s arm started to change into a twisted red metal as shadows and multiple eyes opened up along the cracks in Ed's arm. The eyes weren’t his golden color but a dark red. “Give me one reason I shouldn’t throw your carcass into the Void Dragon Slayer?” Edward glared with a deep rage. "I don't have any reason but one thing to say…." Quill says with a freakishly calm face. "Something new inside of me is pushing him back at an exponential rate. Someone is defeating the Scarlet King and I don't know what. I can't hear that constant and annoying voice of his anymore, and that voice of his, which has been taunting me for almost fifteen years, stopped speaking the second I stepped foot into this world." Quill tells Ed while staying calm despite the situation he's in. The shadows, eyes and metal began to cover Edward’s form even more and he pushed Quill against the Sphere and it began to crack, “I SAID GIVE ME A REASON, THAT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE A REASON,” Ed said in a multi toned voice as if multiple people were speaking through him. “Ed stop!” I yelled as I jumped up and grabbed onto his arm. I looked into the eyes on his face and felt rage, anger, loneliness, longing, just about every negative emotion there ever was, and such bloodlust and killing intent. “Get off,” He told me and I fell to the ground shaking in terror. “Back to you.” he shifted back to Quill. I then heard the echo of something bending. I looked at Ed's arm and saw that the Scarlet Armament claw was bending and gripping Ed's arm tightly. I looked at Quill and saw something I never thought I'd see from him. Blinding and physically visible and tangible fury and rage. He looked straight into the eyes on Ed's face and spoke six words with such a voice that it felt like three powerful voices on top of his were angrily staring down on the scene. "Do. Not. Ever. Touch. My. Sister." He stated as his eyes went to a scarlet red and bore down. "You can harm me, and my being all you'd like. But you won't ever harm my sister again." Quill glared back down onto Ed with something new. “I never touched her, she jumped on me,” Edward remarked. “Nice to see out the surface and you really can’t do anything to us even if you want to.” Edward tossed Quill, next to me. His hand started to twitch. “Down boy,” he said to himself as Ed’s body changed back to normal. “Damn tha Malice, always trying to get in control,” Ed looked at us. “That earlier fight is still taking its toll. Now,” He sat down. “Why’d you keep this a secret from me for so long?” Quill’s rage and bloodlust then swam and circulated back into his Scarlet Armor before vanishing completely and the illusion was placed back again. However the release of rage caused the markings on Quill’s arm to stain a faint scarlet red and he sat down himself. “I hid this from you because… Because really I have to deal with this myself. It’s something I must do alone. I don’t want any speech or inspirational quote on how I can’t just rely on myself and I have friends and family now. I-I can’t drag anyone into this. I’ve told you and that’s all that I will let you do. I need to rid myself of this monster myself. It’s my demon… It’s my poison. And I’ll see it through to the end.” Quill explained as the scarlet sclera in his eyes flushed from his eyes, returning them to their natural white. Edward stood up and walked over to Quill and slugged him hard. “Idiot,” Edward looked down at Quill as he held his head. “You can’t do this alone. I tried that and look what happened to me, I ended up having thousands of souls hating me then form Malice along with my own self hatred. You want to make it worse,” he poked Quill in the chest. “Then keep it up dumbass. At least lean on Acno and Luna or does loving her and her returning it really mean so little to you?” Quill forcefully shot up and looked at Edward before furiously yelling. “Luna is the love of my life and I would jump into the largest pit of hellfire and die if it meant protecting her and Acno is my little sister! I would murder anyone who harmed them if it meant they’d be safe!” Quill roared at Ed before his eyes went to pricks and he stumbled back, clutching the left side of his chest right where his heart would be. “F-Fuck, n-not now! Why n-now of all t-times?! I thought there was more time than that!” He gasped with a slight amount of pain. I rushed over and noticed that a trickle of blood slipped out of the corner of his mouth. “What else is there?” Ed looked at us. “I-I don’t know, but something's wrong here.” I answer, turning to look at Quill. “Big bro, what's wrong?” I asked. “U-Uh,” Quill paused before he covered his mouth and blood began to seep through the cracks in his fingers. “S-Shit!” He cried muffled by his hands. “C-Can you get me a bucket and fast?! LIKE NOW!!!!” Quill cries as his body lurches forward like he’s going to throw up. “Here,”Ed snapped and a bucket appeared in front of Quill. “Arc of Creation is still one of my favorites. Let’s drop the Sphere,” Ed smiled as the Fairy Sphere faded away. Quill then released his hand from his mouth and let out a literal wave of crimson blood and threw up violently. I reeled back in cringe at this and oh boy was it ugly. He lurched over and puked up blood into the bucket before he slowly claimed and wiped his mouth. “Yeah, I fucking hate that part.” I could hear him whisper softly as he sighed. “Looks like body rejection,” Edward stroked his chin. “Not really… It happens when I force my body to release my rage and make it tangible and visible. It really sucks when I use it in tandem with the Scarlet Armament because it forces my heart to beat too fast causing too much blood to enter my system and the expulsion process to getting rid of that excess blood is what you just saw.” Quill groaned. “And boy does it fucking suck.” “Like I said, body rejection. You poison your own body releasing that anger and force it to undergo a transformation that it wants to reject and is completely foregin to it,” Edward explained. “Yeah, that wasn't any transformation, that was me trying to stop all movement in the sphere because I didn’t want anyone getting hurt or hurting anyone else. It's effective but also drastically hurts my heart. That time it was so compact and that was boosted by the armament and as I said, this is the result.” Quill sighed as he fell onto his back. “I’m so tired right now.” “Get over it,” Edwzrd said in a harsh tone. “You have a lot of work to do and only a few days to do it. That power you said you have, isn’t there anymore.That’s why you're tired.” “Meaning what exactly?” I asked. “It’s gone, whatever that entity did to him when he was possessed by it is no longer there,” Ed explained as he placed his hands in his pocket. “The only reason you felt my slayer magic was because I used it to heal you in the tank. Your power level is down to where it should’ve been when Acno operation was done. Will you get the power back? At some point in the future most likely but not anytime soon and not here.” “Yeah, I expected as much.” Quill mumbled. “Though I can still feel….” He then notices Luna trotting up with slight worry, so he implies what he’s talking about. “It.” “Quill! Are you okay? What’s with-! QUILL, WHY’S THERE A BUCKET OF BLOOD?!?” She yells. “Sorry, just a feedback of something going strange with my heart. It happened a lot back on earth but I’ve dealt with it and it doesn’t happen as often anymore. It’s nothing really.” Quill tells her while she just glares at him both with worry and suspicion making Quill’s neck sweat profusely. “Yes well, I’ll leave him in your hooves for the time being princess,” Edward smiled warmly. “The idiot needs his rest and I can think of no one better to nurse him than the pony closest to his heart. But be prepared for harsh treatment once you’ve recovered Quill. I won’t be going easy on you, this time.” He walked off to another part of his lab leaving us alone. “Lord have mercy, because we all know that Ed won’t.” I could hear Quill whisper softly. “No really have no idea what Ed can do when he sets his mind to it,” we heard a voice that sounded like Ed’s but smaller. I looked around only to see a small cloud af shifting silver besides us. “What is that?” Luna said with a bit of confusion as she tilted her head. She then reached her hove out and poked the silver cloud. “HAHAHA! Please stop that, it tickles!” The cloud laughed. The cloud then stops shifting and condensed down to a very small humanistic shape. It shaped itself and formed into what looked like a tiny Edward. “That’s better,” he said as he looked at us while standing on Luna’s hoof. “It looks like Edward but much smaller and cuter,” Luna pulled her foreleg closers to her face. “Hello, I’m what’s known as a Chibi Ed,” Chibi smalied. “I’m a completely independent clone made of nanomachines, I neither degrade nor disappear no matter how far apart I get from my larger counterpart. I have access to most of his knowledge even when outside this world and have many brothers set out into the Void and it’s various worlds.” “Okay, this actually makes me wonder if Chibi-Dragon-Acnologia is a thing.” Quill mumbles before looking directly at me. “Is it?” “Um… I may or may not have done a few tests to see if I could turn into a smaller version of my dragon form and gotten some… Interesting results.” I say awkwardly rubbing the back of my head. “Is there a way to project memories? Specifically a certain one I’m thinking of ....” “If you would like, I could change my form, though I would maintain my personality traits of Edward,” Chibi stated. “I can infuse myself to your body, giving you access to nanomachines and your own Chibis.” “Sure, I’m pretty sure that’d be kinda cute.” I accept. I look at Quill and see that he seems like he’s having a vietnam war flashback, meme-style. “Oh, god have mercy on my heart.” I see him mouth silently. “I could help with that,” Chibi said floating to my shoulder. “Ready when you are!” I cheer with determination. It must’ve been adorable because I see Quill grab his chest and lean forward, his hand on the ground in the ‘So… CUTE!’ pose. “Can I access your memories young lady,” Chibi murmured to me. “Mmhmm!” I nod. “This might tickle,” he placed a small hand on the side of my head and felt a small tingle. “Download complete. Beginning shift,” he shifted back into a silver cloud and I felt him land back on my shoulder with a set of small claws. “Shift complete, ready for prank, Ms. Acno.” “Okay, now let’s see everyone’s reactions!” I cheer with a giggle. “One second please,” Chibi whispered as he climbed to the top of my head and laid down on his belly gripping onto my hair slightly with his arms. “I believe the atop the head position will be the most effective means of cuteness with you then slightly tilting your head to the side my lady,” he commented as his tail swished behind my head. “Yes we shall conquer the world with our combined cuteness!” I giggled even more. “There is only one in the way of this operation, my lady,” Chibi said as he looked down at me. “Who?” I asked. “Edward Elric and he would not falter to our cuteness due to one reason,” Chibi said as he swished his tail lightly. “Why?” I pouted. “His children my lady, and then there are the princesses,” Chibi reported. “when combined with the twins he can’t resist them no matter how much he’d wish upon a Holy Grail.” “Yes,” I say as I rub my hands together. “Combined with the cuteness of the twins we’d be able to rule this world without any wars!” I say. “Is that so,” I heard from behind me. I mechanically turned my head to so see Ed standing above me. “Uh… hi Ed,” I stuttered nervously. “Don't make threats like that little one,” Ed smirked as he flicked my head. “While it’s a fine joke, I take threats to my world with a grain of salt, each and everyone.” He picked the Chibi dragon up by his back. “And do remember you're still my Chibi,and directly linked to me. So, anything that remotely sounds like a threat is sent directly to me. Feel free to continue your gag but leave my children out of it.” He set Chibi back on my head while I rubbed my forehead. Ed patted my shoulder, “you best get Quill and Luna while they’re distracted,” he said walking away again. “O-Okay!” I said back. “Geez, why the heck is he so flippin’ scary?” I whispered to myself. “Anyway, let’s get big bro and Luna!” I tell the Chibi before jogging back over to the two. “As you wish my lady,” Chibi chimed as he swished his tail. “Alright guys, were back!” I cheered happily while waving my hand at Quill, Luna, Ruiner and Shah. “Hide in my hair, and when I tell you, jump out and make a cute pose, it’s bound to make one of them faint.” I whisper to Chibi. “As you say my lady,” Chibi whispered as it quickly duck into my hair. “Oh, hey Acno. What took you and Chibi so long? Actually where is the little guy?” Quill asked. “Here I am,” Chibi said as he popped out of my hair and landed and the top of my head. “Hello!” he said ahs he sat up right and grabbed his tail looking at Luna and Quill with big anime eyes. “FUCK!!!” I heard Quill yell through his teeth as he grabbed his heart and fell onto his back, fainting. “It worked!” I cheered. “Indeed,” Chibi floated to my side and we gave each other a high five. “Quill?” Ruiner and Shah asked. “Dude… Really?” I could practically hear Null facepalm. “Cuteness prevails,” Chibi flexed as he spat fire. “Yus!” I say, raising my hand for a high five. “Excellent form my lady,” Chibi returned my gesture. Mavis’ POV I yawned loudly as I sat outside in the garden, swinging my legs back and forth as I sat on a tree branch looking out at the landscape in front of me. “What ya thinking about?” I heard from above me. I looked up to see Edward crouched upside down on a branch above me. “Oh, just thinking about how Tenrou is. It was my home for hundreds of years after all, I wonder how my guild has been taking care of it.” I say looking off at the blue wonderous sky. “I can’t say I know,” He jumped to the ground. “But the Fairy Tail Guild that my niece started is doing well and they adhere to the principles of Fairy Tail rather well.” “Yeah, but also I’m wondering,” I sighed, my smile dropping slightly. “I’ve been wondering about my world, Quill’s world. With all the dangers that are out in the void and all of the dangers that are brewing every second in any world, I’ve been wondering what dangers are following me. I’ve also been wondering how Zera is.” I tell him as I look at the distance. “You’re scared that you don’t have the right means to protect your home,” Edward remarked as he leaned against the tree. “That your spells aren’t enough.” he slightly looked up at me through his left eye. “Yeah… That’s about the jist of it but… I also keep hearing a voice every so often, telling me to go beyond the world. It creeps me out as everytime I hear it, it becomes louder until it stops, then it screams in my ears that I will find it or my entire family will die, burning and withering in the depths of hell. It scares me and I don’t know what to do.” I tell him, curling my knees up to my chest and burying my head into my knees. “Hmm…” Edward looks at the sun. “Come with me,” he said waving a hand as a portal opened up in front of him. Ed walked in and soon disappeared into the portal that remained open. “Are you coming willingly or do I have to get the chains?” I heard Ed’s voice come from the portal. “OH HELL NO!!” I yelled, using the branch to leap off directly into the portal. I closed my eyes tightly as I went through, it felt like I was thrown through slime until I felt the softest grass I’ve ever felt under my feet. “Open those eyes Fairy Queen,” I heard Edward next to me as he placed a hand on my head. “You need to see the forest in front of you.” “Fairy Queen? Eh?” I asked with confusion before opening my eyes and looking off at the forest, my eyes literally made the ‘shing’ noise as stars formed and I looked at the massive and beautiful forest below. “OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!” I gasped in wonder. “Welcome to the Fairies Forest. Home to the very Fairy race itself,” Edward gestures. “Here all fairies come from all worlds to live in peace or to receive a gift from the forest itself. That’s why we’re here,” Edward explained as he bent over and pointed to the horizon where I saw a massive beautiful tree. “The World Tree, it gives all fairies their gifts that are a living extension of the tree and the fairy it gives the gift to.” “We’re here to go to see the tree?” I questioned. “Yes, but you have to lead the way,” Edward smirked. “How?” I waved my arms. “Follow that voice in your little blonde head girl,” He pointed at my head and then moved to my chest. “And that’s in your heart.” “My… Heart.” I mumbled to myself before closing my eyes. My eyes stayed closed and I could see myself floating in a sea of darkness. Everywhere was pitch-black until a small spark appeared in my vision, that spark then turned itself into a star and I reached out to grab it, unknowingly creating a bright golden magic circle underneath both me and Ed. The sudden summon momentarily startled Ed before he smirked again. I reached out and grabbed the star, which activated the magic circle and teleported us to the top of a massive tree. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself face to face with a small pond and in the middle of that pond, was a white cup, which overflowed with a pink liquid. It’s name resonating within my mind. “The fountain of… Youth?” I whispered quietly. “Hmm… we made it half way up, nice” Ed smiled at me with a thumbs up. I couldn’t hear him as I then saw the pink water start to swirl into a figure, my eyes widened and tears welled up in them as I recognized the figure. “Zera?” I asked breathlessly. “It’s so nice to see you again Mavis! Are you ready to find those fairies we’ve been looking for all this time?” She asked, holding out her hand. I smiled and reached my own hand out, taking it in mine. “Absolutely!” I cried happily. That’s when the leaves around us began to pick up and swirled around the two of us, swiftly the wind blew harshly and a tornado of leaves began to spin around us. I could barely hear Ed’s voice as I was focused on Zera’s smiling face. I had missed her so much, and finally holding her hand again made me so happy! My sister was back, my older sis was back with me! “Mavis!” I was called back to reality by Ed. “WAKE UP!” “What!?” I cried out. “Hey there, you were under the influence of the Mirage Bloom,” Edward explained as I looked around. “Where’s Zera? SHE WAS RIGHT HERE!” I yelled as tears filled my eyes. “So that’s what you saw,” Ed handed me a handkerchief. “Sorry Mavis,” Ed said shaking his head, “but she wasn’t really here. The Mirage Bloom, as its name implies, shows us an illusion of things we want to see. Sometimes its treasure or those we deeply miss closest to our hearts. Still,” he knelt down. “You must have a strong affinity for it if you were caught up so deeply in that illusion.” I looked down and clenched my fists tightly. My smile was completely gone and my tears became mist as my body temperature raised increasingly, like a burning flame. I looked down and stared at the ground with a death ridden stare. “She… Wasn’t… There?” I asked aloud slowly as the vines in the tree began reacting as if projecting my rage. I unclenched my fist before the vines twisted themselves in front of me and formed the thing I most hate in this world… A liar. “GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I roared as my fist became charged with billions of particles of light, thousands of times greater than anything Fairy Glitter could pull off. I sent my fist directly into the stomach of the vine created liar and a massive explosion erupted from the impact and a wave of light was sent out into the distance, visible for everyone to see my rage. Somewhere in Canterlot, I could feel Zeref looking at the light and screaming in terror, it didn’t help my mood though. “Mavis!” I heard Ed as he placed a hand on my shoulder. “I didn’t bring you here to fight with the World Tree. I brought you here to see if your worth of its gifts and the title of Queen of the Fairies. The tree is not lying to you. It’s testing your heart by seeing what you hold closest to it. Anymore violence and you’ll fail the tests all together. You passed the first with flying colors but you upset the tree with your accusations. Stop this now.” I turned my head to face him, and my face wasn’t full of rage at this moment, but it was full of absolute sorrow and pain. Tears bled from my eyes like a waterfall and I sniffled heavily, falling to my knees I could feel the pang of pain in my heart as it felt like a knife was driven into a slowly still-healing scar, and then violently torn out, then sent back into my heart and twisted. I fell to my knees and sobbed my pain vocally. I remembered the flashes of that moment, the moment when I lost my friend, my family…. The moment when Zera died in my arms. “Why did she have to go?” I mouthed to myself. The heat of my body leaving and being replaced with a shivering cold. “You said you would stay with me… You promised, but… you lied to me.” I said looking back at the figure the tree’s vines had formed, seeing that it was Zera’s body. Her stomach was relatively untouched except for the small dent of a punch, which is what I had done. I had expelled my anger in the wave of light and that explosion was of my raw emotions passively trying to expel my rage. “Guardian,” Ed smiled as he pulled me to my feet. “An image of a spirit that is unseen by all and given form by the tree.” Ed looked at me. “She never left your side Mavis.” I sniffled a few more times before looking up at the smiling figure of Zera the tree’s vines made. I walked over and poked the figure in the chest hard. “You better visit us or I will kick your ass Zera.” I mumbled with the remnants of my anger now disappearing completely. The wooden statue tilted its head and smiled at me while placing a hand on my face wiping away my tears, before pointing to my heart and placing it’s free hand over where it’s heart would be. “You pass the second trail,” Ed walked up next to me as the statue turned back into vines. “Which means we go up another level,” a giant leaf came down and Ed stepped onto it. “Come on, we have seven more trails for you to face. “Then we reach the top and you receive your gift.” He smiled at me. “O-Okay.” I said stepping on the leaf and wiping the tears away. “The trees shows use what we want to see to see if if we’re worthy to be tested Mavis, if you would’ve seen some without meaning to it then it would’ve rejected us right away,”Edward explained as we came to another area but it was dark and there were large thorns coming from the walls of this chamber. In the center was another spring but it was a gleaming yellow. “The Nightmare Thorns,” Edward said with a dark undertone. “Becareful Mavis, this chamber well truly tests your resolve and shows you things that you’ll have never known.” “I-I think I’m ready.” I say, stepping off the leaf and immediately feeling something was different. “Woah!! Why’s it so cold!?” I asked, shivering comically. “The most beautiful things often bloom in the cold of darkness,” is all Ed said as I stepped off the leaf into the new chamber as thorns shot up behind me forming a door, “Good luck.” “T-Thank you?” I said with confusion. “I mean, we got Natsu from darkness so yeah… But what could that mean?” I mumbled to myself as I heard the tapping of wood. “Hmm? Who’s there?” I asked. A small figure began to appear from the dark until a small child walked out to be right in front of me. “Mother,” he said as he looked me in the eyes. “ ….” I stayed silent for a few seconds before tilting my head in absolute confusion. “Eh?????????????” Mother? What? I had a child… but I didn’t know about it? Wouldn’t I remember the pain? I am absolutely confused. “Why’d you leave? Where were you? Dad and I were all alone,” he looked at me with tears in his eyes. “All alone for so long.” as he hit his needs and started to ball. “AhhhhH!!!!!” I said running over and scooping the child up in my arms, hugging him. “P-Please don’t cry, please don’t!” I pleaded. “I-I’m sorry if it felt like I abandoned you, I’m so sorry for that. I just didn’t know about you being my son, honest! Also, don’t ask how I didn’t know because not even I can decipher how that works.” I told him. He grew silent and then threw me away. “Get away, we didn’t need you,” he looked at me with rage filled eyes. “I didn’t need you, dad taught me to be strong on my own,” he scowled as he rapidly aged up to an older man with long hair and a beard. “You weren’t necessary.” “Wha-!? Hey!!” I yelled back with a puffed up pouty face. “I didn’t know that you were my son, and I doubt that Zeref did either. I think… Anyway, you can't blame me for something I didn’t know about! You can never do that to anyone young man! Or should I say old man?” I scolded him while mumbling the last sentence to myself. He bent down and scowled at me, ”Hmm…” he pointed his staff at me, “My name, what is it?” “Um… Hm….” I thought, thinking about back to when I popped the topic to Zeref all those years ago. We had discussed a few things after he had calmed down from his minor panic attack, I remember him saying that if we were to have a boy, he’d want them to be named after the last summer month and after his brother whose name meant summer. “Is it… August?” I asked with another tilt of my head. His face softened into a warm smile, “Yes, mother. It is.” He moved to the side and motioned to the pool. “Inside is the Lunar Spring and the next trail, be careful my mother,” he said as he faded away. I smiled softly as August finally faded. “See you later August.” I waved goodbye before walking towards the Lunar Spring. “Ye who approach the Spring, state thy name,” a voice came from every direction. “W-Woah!” I gasped looking around. “Cool echo.” I mumbled before looking back at the spring. “My name’s Mavis Vermillion.” “What do ye seek in this sacred place?” “Well… To be honest I want to know who’s calling me. I want to find out who is calling me and threatening my family with damnation. I want to confront them.” I say. “Incorrect, two more times may thee answer. What is it ye seek here?” “Huh?” I said tiling my head once more. “Maybe, the answer lies within me.” I whispered to myself, closing my eyes once more. As I searched myself, I could see my family smiling at me. Quill, Luna, Serena and Acno stood side by side looking at me as the others stood beside them and in front of them all was Zeref, smiling softly at me. I know what my answer is now. Opening my eyes I look at the spring and say confidently. “I want to protect my family and all who I love.” “The answer is correct, e pass the fourth trial, drink of the spring and return from whence ye came,” “O-Okay.” I say picking up the spring’s cup. “Bottom’s up.” I whisper before placing the cup to my mouth and drinking it. After a couple of gulps I had finished and placed the cup back on its pedestal. “Hmm… It’s… Kinda sweet.” I mumbled. “That would be the nectar of the Midnight Black Rose,” I heard from behind me as I found myself outside the chamber next to Ed once more. “It's a flower that allows the drinker to rest without resting and recover their magical power.” He looked at me, “Did you see the blooms of the dark?” “Mmhmm! I apparently have a son!” I told him with a smile on my face. “And Zeref’s the dad!” “Good for you two,” Edward smiled. “Children are our lives and should be cherished for all times.” He stood back up as the leaf moved us upward again. “Three more to go Mavis,” He said, pulling a short sword out of nowhere. “Here, this is for you.” “Okay,” I said in confusion as I took the sword. “But why? All of the tests are tests of the spirit and heart aren’t they?” “Yes, but the next two are also physical and magical tests meant to push you and see what kind of affinities you have,” Ed explained. “I’d go with you but I can't help in these trails other than giving you advice and a single weapon that humans have. The rest is up to you,” The leaf stopped as he said this and I walked into a large open area with many slashes and various other signs of battle in it. “Good luck in there.” “I feel like I’ll need it.” I mumbled, stepping into the middle of the room. “Um, hello!!” I said, as an echo of my voice rebounded. Suddenly from the middle of the room, a massive dog-like monster came out of a purple swirling portal. The god sat in the middle of the room calmly before it looked directly at me with red beady eyes. “Ooooooohhhhh fuck.” I said aloud as the dog pounced at me, it’s teeth snapping at me. “Shit!!” I yelled avoiding the jaws and swinging at the dog’s arm, giving it a small cut. “Welp, this is gonna take a while.” I mumbled. I dodged another attack from the monster dog but unfortunately, its claw left a gash along my arm. Allowing my blood to seep through my dress. Aw shit. I thought. This is going to suck. “It’s called a black hound,” I heard Ed’s voice in my ear. “I thought you said you said you weren’t allowed to help me,” I ran dodging the Hounds bite. “I said I can give you a weapon and advice, that doesn’t leave out the possibility of continued advice,” Ed explained. “I slipped a few nanomachines on the shortsword I gave you, just enough to form an earpiece to speak with you.” He said before clearing his throat. “Back to the Hound, it is a rare type of fairy that lives in between the realm and acts as a literal guard dog for the Forest. It stops intruders by gobbling them up and sending them…. Somewhere that isn’t where they are now, or the Hound just ends up eating them. If you can befriend one you can have a life long friend and a convenient portal between your world and the Fairies Forest. This one is one of the World Tree’s Guards and his name is Fenrir, and he is very reluctant to trust and take his jump to guard the tree very seriously.” “So I’m gonna have a hard time no matter what?” I deadpanned. “Correct,” Ed chirped. “Great.” I sigh with a small amount of annoyance. I then immediately have to jump out of the way of a claw swipe from Fenrir and I have to duck out of another jaw snap. Jeez, he won’t give up. Though I’d be kinda disappointed if he did give up, guardians of something especially the Fairy Forest Tree should never give up. “Quit getting lost in thought and get your head in the game,” I heard Ed. “Behind you,” I front flipped forward as Fenrir’s jaws tried to ensnare me again. “He’s a portal fairy and can dive in between the spaces of this world and others at will to reappear in this one at different spots. On top of this Fenrir is the oldest of the Black Hounds, most consider him to be the first of his kind and the progenitor of the entire race.” First of his race? Hmm… Maybe I could use this. I think before getting into a stance, placing the shortsword’s pommel in the air as I rest the blade part on one of my arms. Let’s see. I think before allowing Fenrir to pounce. Just before his jaws ensnare me, I dodge to the right and quickly lay a slash to his paws, damaging a bit of his claws and dulling them quite a bit. I then looked at my blade to see it had taken a blow, not a big enough one to break the blade but enough to chip the blade a small bit. “This thing won’t last much longer if I take any more blows like that,” I nervously smirked Fenrir and saw that his claws had already grown back. “Now, how is that fair.” I scowled. *ROOF* Fenrir barked and sent a concussive blast at me. I managed to jump out of the way but trip and fill on my face, “Ow,” I rubbed my face. “Urah, smells like rotten cheese in here.” I complained as I stood back up. Fenrir leapt at me while I was stunned and tried to claw at me once more. I quickly snapped out of my shock and had to swing to the right in order to redirect Fenrir’s attack away from me. Doing this I managed to come eye to eye with the Black Hound and stared directly into his eyes as he did the same for all of three seconds. It was as if I could read into his soul and he could do the same to mine. “Woah.” I say softly with a little surprise, looking back to Fenrir I could tell he was thinking the same thing as his eyes were widened slightly. “Incoming,” Ed said as Fenrir swiped at me. “He might have made some sort of connection with but he’s still the guardian here so he’s still got a job to do.” “Alright, let’s do this.” I whispered to myself before swinging the short sword into a backward grip. I then charged at Fenrir as he once again swiped at me. Dodging the attack I leapt upwards and came down towards his side as a spinning tornado of sword slashes. When I heard him let out an off guard yelp I stopped and jumped back, sliding across the room and looking directly back at Fenrir, noticing several sword slashes allowing a few streams of blood to slowly but continuously flow and seep from the wounds. I noticed Fenrir began to stagger a bit but he regained some semblance of balance as he shook his head. At least I made some use of my pressure point magic, cut a few nerves and they can be healed… Just takes a bit of time, less with magic. Fenrir snarled at me and raised his paw up in the air and swiped in my direction sending black claw slashes towards me. Iready myself when I heard Ed, "MOVE!" and I immediately jumped out of the way and turned my head to see entire chunks missing from the attack's path. "For the love of all that's holy," I said in horror. "Spacial Claws, it's what gives the Hounds their abilities to travel between dimensions," Ed explained. “Well… Shit.” I mumbled while seeing a hint of a shit-eating grin growing on Fenrir’s face, I slumped my shoulders and let out a sigh before dodging another swipe attack. “I suggest you stay on your toes and wait for your techniques to kick in,” Ed said as Fenrir’s eyes followed my movements. “He’s already showing signs of limit movement. Just keep him moving.” “Alright.” I say softly while continuing to dodge Fenrir’s now limited movement. We went back and forth for a while and Fenrir was showing definite signs that my earlier blows were taking effect but his attacks showed no signs of letting up/ If anything they only seemed to become more powerful with each passing second. “It’s his magic power, Grudge,” I heard from Ed. “Any damage Fenrir takes adds to his own attack power.” “Hmm… Interesting.” I mumbled while dodging another of his attacks. Fenrir turned towards me and started to gather all of the light around us into his jaws to charge some sort of super attack. “Can you use a shield?” Ed asked. “Fenrir can’t move his body any more after this and he knows it. He’s using Swallow the Moon. An attack that consumes all light in the area and fires a highly dense beam at the opponent. If you can weather it and stab the sword into his forehead you win.” “… Well, I might be able to fire a smaller version of Fairy Glitter from my hand and not from the sky but I don’t know if it’ll be consumed or not.” I told him with a bit of worry. “I also might be able to blast it from the sword.” “You might want to do it, NOW!” Ed said as Fenrir opened his mouth and sent a massive beam of energy at me. “OH SHIT!!!” I yelled before dropping the sword and shoving both my hands outwards creating a large golden magic circle with the Fairy Tail symbol in the middle. “FAIRY! GLITTER!!!!” I yelled as a massive beam of golden light shot out of the magic circle and collided with the Swallow the Moon beam, creating a fight between the golden Fairy light and the silver Moon light. “He Mavis you still there,” Ed asked. I staggered a bit as I got to my feet, “Yea I’m here, and so is the guard dog,” I gave a slight chuckle. “What now? He’s as stiff as a board.” “Stab him in the forehead, Ya have to get a good blow in on him to pass the test,” Ed explained. “A-Alright.” I said with a stumble, picking up the short sword and running over to Fenrir. Letting out a small gasp of breath I jumped up and stabbed his forehead. There was a sudden flash and I found myself back outside the chamber standing next to Ed “Hey,” He smiled. “That was a bit of a thing for you, here,” he handed me a red potion. “That was it and now we have to get the gift from the top, but that’s also the last test. Honestly, that one scares the hell out of everyone.” “Wait… Does it scare you?” I asked slowly before drinking the potion slowly. Once I finished the potion I looked back at Ed and asked once more. “Also what’s happened to Fenrir? Is he going to be okay?” “If I ever took or could take the test I bet it would but the tests are different for each one the takes it. The trails that everyone who takes them are different. No two are anything alike, even if people go through the exact same things as one another the testes would still be different,” Ed said as he sat down on the leaf while it moved us upwards toward the summit of the World Tree. “And the old dog will be just fine. The Tree takes care of him and he’ll be back to normal before we even reach our last stop.” “Alright, so… What’s the final test going to be?” I asked with curiosity. “A test of the darkest corners of your heart,” Ed said flatly as the leaf stopped moving. “We’re here,” he said getting to his feet and walking off the leaf into a large open area filled with thick branches covered in bright shimmering leaves of varying colors. “Come Maivs, we need to get to the center,” Ed said, breaking from my frozen mindset. Well, fuck. I mentally sighed, accepting my fate and walking forward with Edward. “Ya ready?” he looked down to me through the corner of his eye. “As ready as I can be.” I respond, taking a deep breath and exhaling “Then it’s your ball park,” Ed said pushing me forward with his hand on my back. “Why have you brought this child here Alchemist?” A booming voice came from all around us. “She came for her treasure,” Ed answered. “She’s taken and passed the other six tests you put her through now it’s time to face the last trail.” “Hmmm…. Are you positive you have the strength to wield one of my gifts, girl?” the voice asked. I couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from. Every time it spoke it felt as if it was everywhere even below my feet. “ANSWER ME!” the voice demanded. “Y-Yes, sir! O-Or ma’am!” I answered standing straight up in silent fear. “Very well, Are you ready to see the darkness that lies in your heart girl?” the voice asked sternly. I take a few seconds to collect myself and I take a few deep breaths. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I tell them, looking back up with confidence. Vine limbs, and roots came from all around and began to wrap around my body and encase me in a cocoon of sorts. My gaze shifted to Edward who mouthed ‘Good Luck’ to me until I could no longer see and there was only darkness. I have no idea how long I was in that thing but it felt like it was years. Suddenly I felt a warmth pulling me until I saw a dim light in the distance, so I ran towards it thinking it was the entrance to the final testing area. I burst through a door of some sort and took in a deep breath of what I thought was fresh air only to hack and cough on the smell of smoke and burning flesh. It didn’t take long for my eyes to adjust and I saw the bodies of everyone, Luna, Rainbow, Zirconis, Glida, and everyone else all lying dead in front of me in a pile. In the distance there was a black shimmering flame that danced on everything. Then my vision saw what I never wanted to see, Quill but not Quill at the same time was standing atop the mountain of corpses that were our friends and family with Zeref hanging on his dragonic arm. Quill was clad in some sort of crimson demonic armor and to my greatest horror his arm was straight through Zeref’s chest holding the man I loved still beating heart in his claws. Quill looked back at me with crimson eyes and smiled as he started to squeeze Zeref’s heart until it burst in a rain of blood. “N-No… No! Quill, what have you done?!” I yelled at him, only for Quill to turn around and let loose an oozing chuckle with a sadistic grin. “Shouldn’t you already know my dear, Tactician?” Quill asked with blood soaked hair. “After all, you are the one who let me out~.” Quill chuckled as he walked towards me, the black flames that danced in his path moving to reveal a path and I looked back only to see that I had no way of escaping. I whipped my head around only to find the smiling face of Quill right in mine. His eyes were filled with a sadistic lust for death and destruction. Yearning for more was his fanged, blood soaked teeth as he gave me a piercing toothy smile. His marking no longer illuminated with navy blue light but now burned with crimson scarlet blood. I looked into his eyes and saw that there was a body in them and it wasn’t mine. It was the pleading figure of Quill shackled in chains, bleeding eyes filled with tears. His hands severed and his feet crushed I could see him begging and pleading, of what I don’t know. I then saw a different figure enter Quill’s body’s eyes. A blood drenched figure who wore the same armor Quill’s body now donned but he wore a helmet, with horns growing out of the sides like trees and an eyeless face with a crooked and twisted fanged smile plastered on their face. And lying in between the two tree made horns was a hovering scarlet crown. “There’s nothing to be afraid of little one….” The monster told me while grabbing my chin, caressing it as he looked at me with a sadistic gaze. “After all….” He spoke softly before lifting me off the ground while still holding my chin. “YOU’LL BE JOINING THEM ALL VERY SOON!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He howled with laughter as he raised his free hand to go through my chest. “I WON’T LET YOU!!!!!!” I screamed back as a golden magic circle appeared in my hand. “FAIRY GLITTER!!!” I yelled as a beam of golden energy impacted Quill’s body, sending him skidding back and causing him to drop me. The monster possessing Quill made his body stand up straight before dusting himself off seemingly unaffected by the blast of highly condensed magic I just hit him with. “That wasn’t very nice at all. But this should prove interesting at the very least. The most entertaining of them all so far was that fool you called a husband who I eradicated not but mere moments ago, that draconian female child and those orbs of bio-energy. They didn’t stand much of a chance though. After all, in order to get rid of me you’ll have to kill your best friend, and I know you won’t be doing that anytime soon. I mean, the first to fall to me was that child Serena!!!!” Quill’s body roared with laughter as he released a sickening glare of joy. “SO, LET’S HAVE A LITTLE FUN!!!!!!!!” He yelled as he ran straight for me. “GRAHHHHHH!!!!!” I screamed in a furious rage as hundreds of magic circles appeared behind me, all different colors. “YOU’LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!!!!” I screamed as I blasted off towards the monster possessing Quill. There was a blinding flash of light and I found myself back in the Fairy's Forest with Edward standing next to me. There were tears coming from my eyes as I couldn't hold back the fear and sorrow that I’d experienced from the vision. My knees began to shake and I fell to the ground and Ed grabbed my arms. “Easy Mavis,” Ed asid in a soothing tone as he knelt down and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Here, dry your eyes,” He said, handing me a handkerchief. “I take it you saw a bit of the truth on that vision.” “You have the will to face your friend possessed by his demons, and to face your own end for others sake you pass the test young fairy,” the voice said as it pulled the tree's appendages back. “I the World Tree, bestow upon you the title of Fairy Queen. Here is your gift, the Spirit Spear, Zera.” A branch off the tree came down and held itself in front of me. Slowly I took in my hands. The branch suddenly changed into a spear with a rather large double bladed head. “May it aid you in your times of necessity ,” The World Tree said as it fades away. “Good luck on your journey you fairy.” “Cone on Mavis, you look like you need a big hug from Zeref and a bigger mug of Dragon Ale,” Ed said as he helped me to my feet as I clutched my new spear ever so tightly. “Yeah, I feel like I do. Also I want to know what the hell that monster was.” I told him using the spear as a make-shift walking stick as I was still a bit disoriented. “I’m afraid I have no idea what it is you’re talking about,” Ed said honestly. “I couldn’t see what you saw in there as the vision came from you. Your tests remember.” He remarked as a portal opened up in front of us and we walked through and came out in Ed’s Lab. “I’ll leave you here with Zeref and the other Ed clone. My time is spent,” he said as he exploded in a puff of white smoke. I saw Zeref and another Ed working on something at a lab table. “Look who's back and needs her man.” the other Ed elbowed Zeref in the side. “Hm? Oh! Mavis, you’re here! Quick question, why do you have a spe- WAH!!!” Zeref began to say before I tackled him and enveloped him into a tight hug. “Woah, Mavis what’s wrong!?” Zeref asked in a heartbeat. “I-I just missed you that’s all.” I told him as tears slowly melted from my eyes. “I call bullshit.” Zeref told me as he looked at me. “You don’t cry when you see me, now what happened?” He asked. “I-In order to pass a test I had to face my heart’s deepest fears. That was seeing you and everyone else die.” I mumbled softly. “Oh Mavis….” He mumbled back, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I’m not going to die. Now what was this test for?” Zeref asked as I let him go and picked up Spirit Spear Zera which was floating upright. “Oh, well I guess I should tell you that I am now the Fairy Queen.” I told him with a giggle. Zeref simply stood there, pretty much unresponsive for about four minutes until he finally registered what I’d said. “Wait, wut? Y-You’re the Fairy Queen????” I bursted out laughing at his expression because he looked like a poor confused puppy mixed with a confused Natsu. “I, well, another Ed clone took her to the Fairy’s Sacred Forest,” Ed explained. “There we climbed up the World Tree where Mavis faced seven test to see if she was worthy to receive a gift from the ancient tree, and she passed. Do me a quick favor while I get you a drink and check your pockets Mavis.” Ed said as he went to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a bottle of amber ale and a large glass and set them on the counter in front of me. He then poured me some of his ale and passed me the cup. “You might have something else and not even realize it.” I down some of my ale and then patted down my pockets and found a lump in my left front pocket. I reached in and pulled out what looked like a small pink ball. Looking it over I then turned to Ed and asked, “What is this and how did it get in my pocket?” “I thought so,” Ed said leaning up against the counter behind him. “It’s the seed for a Fairy King’s Tree, or Fairy Queen’s Tree in this case. The start of your own Fairy Forest, people, and kingdom. Your highness,” he said with a heart felt bow. Now it was my turn to be absolutely confused. “M-My own… Kingdom?” I said looking down at the seed I held in my hands. “Fairies are born from the nature of the Forest around the tree,” Ed said. “Once you plant that seed it will take root and grow to a massive tree similar to the World Tree. You being the Queen are in charge of the Forest and the fairies born in it. Thus your kingdom.” “Woah….” Both me and Zeref said in unison. “As your tree grows so will your kingdom and the fairies born into it,” Ed continued. “Like people and ponies, fairies can come to exist in your Forest. Would you mind me filling your back Mavis?” “What for?” I asked. “I want to confirm something and in order to do so I need to poke you a bit,” He pointed at me. “Of course I could just have Zeref do it for me and instruct him on what to feel for. It’s up to you?” “I-I think I’d like to have Zeref do it.” I tell him with a small blush. Ed shrugged, “Alright, first take off your jacket and Zeref would you please stand behind her and place your hands on her shoulders, as if you were going the give her a massage with your thumbs.” we did as Ed instructed, my face getting hotter and redder with each passing second. As soon as Zeref touched me I let out a small ‘eep’. “Adorable,” Ed smirked at us, “now Zeref, apply a little pressure just above the inner outer of her shoulder blades, right about here,” Ed showed us, turning his back to us and pointing. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my shoulders as Zeref applied the slightest bit of pressure. “Mhm. Just as I thought.” Ed nodded. “You can stop.” “Ah, w-what was that.” I asked. “Those would be your wings,” Ed smirked, pointing at me. “You didn’t think that the tree wouldn’t make you the Fairy Queen without turning you into an actual fairy now did you. You can also fly without them now.” Ed walked over to me and picked me up by my dress. “Just think of floating,” he said as he let go. I half expected to hit the ground but never did. “Open your eyes.” “Oh my god I’m floating!” I yelled out of pure joy. “What else can I do?” “Lots of stuff, but you’ll have to figure those out on your own,” Ed smiles cheekily at me. I perk up with a cheeky smile and Zeref jumps for cover. “NOT AGAIN!!!!!!” He yelled. “EXPERIMENTATION TIME!!!!” I yell out as Zeref screams in fear. I hold out my hand and notice that Spirit Spear Zera flew right into my hand. I let out a cheeky laugh as Zeref ran away. “NOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!” He yells as he runs from me. “Hold up their missy,” Ed said as he grabbed a hold of my dress. “I may be a clone but that doesn’t mean you can experiment in my lab. And you sir,” He snapped and Zeref appeared in a flash being held in a crimson aura. “Have learning to do and are needed here meaning She has to wait her turn with you. So save it for the bedroom foreplay.” Both of us turned bright red. “And don’t you have a question or something you wanted to ask about.” he turned to me, truthfully I had completely forgotten. “Now get,” Ed said as he tossed me out and placed Zeref back behind the counter. “I guess I’ll have to ask Quill,” I said, rubbing my head as Zera came flying out of the laband hovered above me. “That’ll have to wait though,” I grabbed onto Zera and then looked at the Fairy Seed. “We did it Zera, we found them. I wonder what the others are up to?” Meanwhile! In another Universe! Elsewhere in the universe an entire building shook as everyone collectively sneezed before falling unconscious once more. Suddenly as the screen faded away, a small seed on a pink leaf fluttered down into the middle of the screen before landing and blooming into a beautiful pink rose. The rose then glowed with a golden aura before a symbol appeared behind it. The symbol of Fairy Tail. > An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 6 Crossover Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 6 Quill’s Luna’s POV My sister and I sat with Ed’s Tia and Luna watching over Zirconis and Spike’s training as they took on Es in a sparring session in the guard’s training area. I must say I’d never expected the young drake to out match a full grown dragon slayer like Zirconis but to also have no difficulty with Spike in this mock battle was surprising, and Es wasn’t even a specialized mage like the other two were. He was an alchemical engineer instead. If he was able to fight on this level with ease I could only wonder how strong he really was when he got serious. How strong were all of the others that Edward had trained and what kind of a hell did he put them through to raise their strength so much. My thoughts immediately shot too Quill and the torturous training he must be going through at Edward’s hands at this time, and currently at half the power he had. “I know that look, all too well,” I heard the other Luna say as she sat down next to me. “You're worried about Quill and that Ed is pushing him too hard.” “Well, I have to be worried. I really can’t help it.” I let out a loose sigh as I continue to wonder about how Quill is. “Also I forgot to ask, was he okay after I impaled him with his Nergal Reaver? I did put a hole through his stomach after all.” I wondered. “He’s fine dear,” I heard the other Celesta say. “Ed wouldn’t be training him if he wasn’t sure he’d be healed up enough to handle it. Oh, incoming.” Zirconis came flying at us and Celestia used her magic to catch him then sit him on the ground. “How are you enjoying the match with my son Zirconis?” “He is a challenge to say the least!” Zirconis chuckled with a smile. “It’s been all too long since I’ve had any type of training or fighting especially using my magic spells! It's got me all riled up and I haven’t felt like this in a very long time! Now if you wouldn’t mind tossing me back into the fight?” He told us. “Do be careful and make sure he doesn't use his alchemy,” Ed’s Celestia warned as she teleported Zirconis back in the ring. “I don’t want another miss like last he trained a few guards.” in a flash the Jade Dragon Slayer was gone. “Is Es really that strong with his alchemy?” My sister asked as she trotted over. “Unfortunately he’s a natural when it comes to alchemy,” Ed’s Celestia placed a hand over her eyes. “And combat. Ed created a bit of a monster as it were, if it wasn’t for his all around peaceful nature then he would be a much more of a handful.” “Takes after his mother in many aspects,” Ed’s Luna giggleed before her gaze shifted to the children playing in the distance and I saw her get a playful grin. “So, do you and Quill plan on having children?” I sputtered and choked on air in a comical fashion before regaining my composure somewhat and looking away with a massive blush as heat ran up my face. “I-I-I-I… W-Well, I-I certainly have thought about it but w-w-we’ve only started our relationship recently a-and I don’t think that Quill or I for that matter have had so much time to think about that aspect of our life.” I said hastily before looking down slightly and mumbling. “B-But it’s not like I’m not opposed to the idea.” “You can fool us dear, you're head over hooves for him,” Ed’s Celestia giggled. “Why else would you impale the man you love with his own sword after doing something stupid. Children will only deepen your love for one another. I hope Ed has a few children with me like he did with Luna.” I smile softly at the thought of Quill and I having kids and I remember that Quill already adopted Serena so that would mean… I technically already have a son, but I’m not sure Serena thinks of me as his mother or not. Though if I just randomly ask Serena if he thought I was his mother he’d probably react just like Quill would if I asked him if he wanted to have a child with me. It would likely be amusing to watch him struggle to comprehend what I asked him. It’s a nice and warm thought, having a family with the person I most deeply love. “What about you Celestia,” Ed’s Celestia’s attention turned to my sister. “Is there anyone you have your eyes on back home?” “Hmm… No, not that I can say yet.” My sister responded with a nostalgic smile. “But what about Serena and Acno? Did you see how they reacted when they fell into each other?” My sister giggled. “I can’t say that I’m not for young love seeing as I was the same age when I first fell in love with Ed but it would be sort of...awkward don’t you think,” Ed’s Celestia said as she scratched her head. “She is his aunt after all.” “I mean technically they aren’t related. And from what Quill’s told me about this thing called fanfiction which he sometimes rants about, there are stories out there in which this happens a lot.” My sister shrugged. “Plus, remember… Serena is technically an adult who was reverted back into a child and Acno is mentally an adult in a female child’s body so… Still though, if you ignore all the technicality stuff, they do seem pretty cute together don’t you think?” “Like we have room to speak Tia,” Ed’s Luna spoke up. “Polearm is technically mine and Ed’s grandson and he is dating Twilight who is technically our niece through Shining Armor and Cadence.” “You've got me there sister,” Celestia nodded. “They do look good together. Fireball incoming.” “I’m on it,” Ed’s Luna said as she raised a shield deflecting a crimson ball of flames back into the ring. “They really are trying, Oh, that one had to sting,” We all saw Zirconis rubbing his charred butt. “Yup, that’s gotta hurt.” I agreed cringing slightly. “Spike don’t you da-” Ed’s Celestia started to say but was interrupted by a crackle and sudden flash. “Too late,” she shook her head. And then Spike and Zironis were both thrown from the ring landing upside down on their backs, eyes spinning. “And that’s the match.” Ed’s Celestia hid her eyes with her hand. “I agree,” We heard from behind us. We turned our heads to see Mavis floating in the air with a spear next to her. “Oh, hello there Mavis! What do you have there?” I asked looking at the spear. “Oh, yeah. That’s the Spirit Spear Zera. Also I should mention that I’m now the Fairy Queen.” Mavis giggled with her usual happiness. “Really?! That’s wonderful!” I replied with my own giggle. “So how did Zeref react?” I asked. “He couldn’t comprehend it for about a solid couple of minutes.” She laughed while sitting on the spear like a tree branch. “Friendly!” We heard as Solar Eclipse fluttered and pawed at the spear. “She like Mavis, nice tree.” “Solar that’s very rude.” Ed’s Luna said as she grabbed her son with her magic and pulled him into her arms. “I’m sorry Mavis, Solar is shy but not one for boundaries when he senses a kind soul or something of a similar nature.” “Everything is spinning.” We heard from behind us. “Yes back to you dear, sorry for Solar.” Ed’s Celestia said with a soft tone. “Hey Mavis, nice spear.” Es said as he joined us. “Why’s everyone staring at me like I just dropped their favorite snack on the ground.” “Well for one, you pretty much destroyed Zirconis and Spike’s equilibrium as I’m pretty sure they can’t see correctly right now.” I told him pointing to the two dragons who still haven’t gotten up. “Not my fault the old man can’t take a punch.” Es crossed his arms. “And Spike said he could handle the next few levels. He wanted to gauge his strength since his training and he’s better but still nowhere near where he needs to be to even face off with the old dude.” “Well remember, Zirconis isn’t quite used to fighting in his human form that well. Plus he did tell us that it's been a while since he’s last fought anyone.” I reminded him. “It matters not as they’re the ones who wanted to spar and I was the only one in the area,” Es remarked. “They wanted a test so I gave them one.” “You definitely got Ed’s outlook when it comes to training someone, even if you were holding back a good portion of your strength.” Ed’s Celestia said, shaking her head. “Jeez… You pack a punch Es.” Zirconis said getting up and rubbing his head. “But that was pretty exhilarating to finally spar with someone after all this time.” He chuckled with a grin. “It was fun to fight someone outside Pole, Ed and Shining for once,” Es laughed. “But you need to seriously work on your agility and dexterity. You can just power through everything like you used to when you were just a big ass dragon. Your body is much softer now meaning you’ll take more damage, especially from someone of some race as we are. Maybe try and develop some redirection moves that turns the opponent's power back on them.” “Fair point but I also discovered something intriguing while experimenting with some other things.” Zirconis said, rolling up his sleeve and focusing his magic. Slowly, emerald green scales just like the ones in his dragon form rolled onto his arm. “I’m still a dragon and I can access my draconic form but my scales have condensed and show the appearance of flesh. My clothes are also my scales too, remember? So that means I have a bit more deffence against heavier hits than most other humans.” Zirconis then rolled his sleeve down and made his arm’s scales go back to their fleshy appearance. “Seems everyone is bulking up.” came a voice from behind Mavis. We turned to see Ed, a clone anyways. “How’s Zera handling Fairy Queen?” “I’d say she’s good!” Mavis giggled. “Good to hear.” He smiled and turned to the rest of us. “How’s everyone else besides the severely bruised Dragon Slayers?” “I think we’re all doing well.” I told him. “Good, I came to see how Acno is doing in particular.” Ed looked at the young girl. “But it looks like she’s fine. So what are you guys going to do?’ “Not too sure. I’m probably going to just wander a bit and keep an eye on Serena and the other kids.” I answered while my sister only shrugged. “How about some lunch?” Ed clone smirked. “I could go for something.” My sister said with a smile. “Yeah, I’m feeling a bit hungry as well.” I agreed. “Then how about we all go out to Ponyville for Lunch?” He suggested. “I’m fine with that, should I go ask the kids?” I asked Ed with a small smile. “I don’t think they’ll object to sugary treats,” Ed smiled as patted Solar on the head. “But by all means do as you see fit princesses. But while there you can leave the looking after of the little ones to the others here, I know you want to ask me something personal.” Edward snapped his fingers and we were all transported to the center of Ponyville next to the town’s water fountain. “Alright everyone, let’s go get some food.” he pointed in the direction of Sugarcube Corner. “Yes, let's.” My sister said with a smile. “Acno, Serena, Star, come along now,” Ed’s Luna called to the children she set Solar on the ground. “Time to get something to snack on little ones.” The children all ran up on either side of my sister. “COOKIES!” Mavis shouted as she flew up above everyone with her arms outstretched. “I hope she doesn’t go overboard again,” I winced slightly. “If worst comes to worst I can always put her in a bubble.” Ed chuckled as we entered the bakery. “Where shall we sit?” Ed rubbed his chin. “I think over there would work best.” he pointed to a large table in the corner of the bakery. “Good morning cake Family.” “Good morning Prince Edward.” Mrs. Cake waved at him. “Large group today. The usual for you?” “No thank you dear but get everyone else whatever they want, but limit the blonde girl to two giant cookies.” Ed said as Mavis puffed her cheek at the alchemist. “I don’t need my town or palace torn apart by a highly volatile person with the disposition of a child. That’s Pinkie's Job.” “Yes siroonie!” Said the party planner from the kitchen. “And you’ve gone through a decent power up after getting Zera and becoming a true fairy Mavis.” Ed crossed his arms then crossed his arms then sat down and turned to me. “What’s on your mind Princess Luna?” “I’m just worried about Quill and how hard you're pushing him.” I answered in honesty with a sigh. “No more than what is necessary Princess. I can guarantee that Quill is doing his best and not doing anything stupid.” Ed said, placing a hand on my shoulder. “But,” He leaned back in his chair. “Saying that I’m not going easy on him either. Quill lost a significant portion of his power after he and Acno separated, even some of the Elder dragon’s powers were passed on to his little sister. With the power he has now he wouldn’t last five minutes with a Void Eater. By the time he gets out of the Chamber he’ll be closer to where he was but still not as strong as he’d been before the separation. If you want to check on him feel free to ask any of the clones around the palace to take you into the lab. Let me ask you this though, do you want to get strong so you can help him and not be protected all the time?” “Well… Yes, I do. I just can’t stand the thought of not being able to help Quill when he needs it the most.” I sighed with a small grin while thinking of Quill. “Have you been to my Luna’s Library yet?” Ed asked as he interlaced his fingers. “No, I have not.” I say looking at his Luna with a raised brow. “That’s a surprise.” Ed looked at me a little startled. “Are you aware that in this world that Dark Magic is a full-on course at the schools here?” “I knew that because of my Twilight and Shining Armor but the two of them forgot to mention the Library. Probably because they were still ranting about the irremovable shield Shining has come into possession of.” I sighed with a chuckle. “Ah yes.” Ed said as he stroked his chin again. “The Dragonic Cursed Shield of the Shield Hero. While I will say it’s a powerful artifact for both attack and defence you should all be wary of it as a whole. It uses the hatred of the wielder and the beasts that the user puts into the crystal to strengthen and unlock more forms to grow stronger. The more the shield takens in the more powerful it becomes but so does the hate inside it. A shield with a dual edged blade.” Ed said darkly. “If Shining can unlock other forms of the shield other than the Dark Shield I recommend he does so or risks losing himself to rage. Back to you though, would you like to train? Both you and your sister?” “Yes, I would like to train.” I tell him with a smile. “Sure.” My sister said with a smile also. “It’d be best now that we know of such dangers such as the Void Eaters in our world.” She said with a huff. “Good choice.” Ed said with a warm hearted tone. “Next questions, what do you want to learn? Are you against learning Dark Magic?” He looked at my sister. “And are prepared to undergo harsh training to master the skills I can teach you? Can you put up with me being an ass and my strange methods of teaching even if they seem unnecessary?” He got to his feets and activated a display similar to the ones in his lab but it was clear that this one was made of magic. On it was a list of many things that I assume were his abilities that he was willing to teach. “I’ll teach you anything from this list except Necromancy. Take a look?” Looking at the list my sister and I were extremely impressed. One man, albeit immortal and older that anyone we know besides Quill and ourselves had learned and can teach this much magic? Wow, kinda scary but also very, well as Quill would put it, neat. I then remembered that Quill and Edward had said something about this thing called Aura and Semblance. It seemed incredibly useful and I’d be interested in seeing if I could use that. Keeping that in mind my sister looked at the list and I saw some recognition in her eyes as she kept looking, and it seems she’s found something that interests her. I look a little more at the list before nodding slightly, satisfied with what I wanted to learn. “Well you two,” Ed leaned down to us. “Do you both know what you want to learn?” “Yes I believe so.” I told Ed. Ed held his hands out in front of my sister and I as two more displays appeared in front of use with quills next to them. “If you’d please write them down so I can take a look to see what you’ve chosen in order to know what needs to be done to give you the powers and the best training methods to use for you two so you can get a bet of practice in.” “Alright, but first can I ask you something?” I asked Ed while picking the quill up with my magic. “Go ahead Princess,”Ed said as he querched an eyebrow. “A while ago I heard you and Quill discussing something about aura and this thing called a Semblance. What are they and if you don’t mind could I learn them?” I asked the living Philosopher Stone. “Hmmm…” he thought as he closed his eyes and then looked at me. “Aura in simple terms is the manifest of one’s soul as a form of protective energy around their wielder’s body. It’s mainly for defense but can be used offensively if the user knows who to channel their aura correctly and even heal others if you learn how to channel and amplify the arua of another’s body. A semblance is a unique power to one individual, usually as a representation of someone’s personality or something along the lines of a nature they express. Mine is a shadow army of multiple copies of myself acting independently of me. Originally, it was a manifestation of how the souls in my body want their own bodies.” Ed explained his power to us. “Back to you though, I can unlock your aura and by some extension your semblance but in order to make your semblance manifest you’ll have to figure that out on your own as it manifests in a number of ways. I can help train you in aura manipulation depending on what you want to use it for, attack or defense. Another thing you must realize is that aura is not an unlimited resource you can call upon at any given time, it depends on yourself or the person or opponent in front of you. Like anything it can only be used so much before it’s exhausted and you are as well. You can die from exerting too much as it is still a manifestation of your soul. The same rules apply to your semblance as well as it is fueled by the aura. Knowing all this, do you still want to proceed, princess?” After thinking about what he’s told me for a few seconds I look back up and with a determined smile I tell him: “Yes, I do.” Ed held up his left hand,” I’m going to touch your shoulder and recite a certain phrase while using my own aura to touch your own and draw it to the surface, just relax and let your mind go blank,” he placed his hand on my shoulder. "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee." I felt a warmth wash over my body as I then felt Ed’s hand leave my shoulder. “How do you feel?” “I feel… Different in a word.” I say with a giggle at the plain way of saying it. “It feels like a strange warmth in my inner being that’s new but also incredibly familiar.” I tell him while looking at my hooves and wings. “You can feel arua fairly easily but not see, usually it only when someone takes damage to the field around their body does the color of the user’s aura manifest.” Ed explained holding his left hand up. “And even then it’s only for a brief period of time, eventually you can condense that field down directly onto your skin turning it into a form of armor coating.” He arm lit up for a moment and then it looked as if it were coated in a black metal with reddish sheen. “This is called Haki. It is the highest defense form your aura can take and there is really only one way to bypass it. That was Soul Wave Attack also called Soul Force, an aura attack that uses the aura and projects it outward into another's body. It does internal damage bypassing every defense the target has, not even a shield block works as the attack would simply travel through it.” Edward told us as he let his arm fall to his side. “You have the means and I have the know how but the road you’ve chosen is an extremely difficult one and takes much mental and physical training to get even the basics down. Even masters of Aura are still learning new skills with it, but that’s for another time, for now your focus is activation and application in combat.” I nodded my head eager to start. “Now what about you Celestia? What have you chosen?” Ed propped his head on his metal arm as he turned to my sister. “I think I’d be interested in this magic called Solar Magic. It seems right up my alley.” My sister told Ed with a smile. “Why would you want something you already have?” Ed remarked as he raised an eyebrow. My sister looked from me back to Ed in utter confusion. “That look explains it all. All Celestia’s are Solar Mages from birth, how else can you explain how you move the sun but at the same time none of you use your full power and know how to unleash your full power by exploiting your connection to the sun. Did you both know your true power actually causes you to undergo a transformation similar to that of when Luna became Nightmare Moon?” “… I did not know that.” My sister told him. “Since I already know Solar Magic, I guess I could use more practice with it, seeing as I’ve never really reached its full potential before.” “Once you fully invoke your power you’ll gain what Tia calls a solar form. But be warned that you are highly susceptible to burning your own body when you invoke this power.” Ed explained. “It’s something that takes many years to master. Tia can only maintain hers for a little while. If she were to practice she could stay in it for a day with no battles going on.” He looked at his partner then to my sister. “I have a special type of magic that would suit your personality to a T.” He pointed at Celestia. “Oh? What is it?” My sister asked with a smile. “It is a magical power that throws enemies’ attacks right back at them with a flick of whatever is in your hand,” Ed said. “It’s called Full Counter. It works with magic attacks and physical attacks.” “That actually seems very useful in many situations and it does seem like it fits my sister well.” I giggled. “It would seem the others have finished their snacks.” Ed looked behind us to his family with Serena and Acno. “I’m going to take these two to the Library for some training. You guys head on back to the castle.” “Be careful with them Ed.” Ed’s Celestia got on to the alchemist. “Bye bye daddy!” the twins said in unison. “God I love my kids.” Ed sighed as he placed his hand over his heart and turned back to us and pulled a black key from his pocket. “Alright,” He snapped and a mirror appeared in front of us and Ed placed the key against the mirror causing it to ripple like water. “Ladies, if you would please step through the mirror please. Will then start your training.” He motioned to the mirror. My sister and I both looked at one another puzzled but did as we were asked and stepped through the mirror. It felt strange, like stepping through heavily watered down sand at a beach.We then came out into a long dark hallway that was lined with silver burning torches. We followed the hallway until we came into an expansive dimly lit tower filled to the brim with bookshelves. “Welcome to the collective knowledge of Dark Magic of my Equestria.” Ed said as he came out of the hallway behind us. “This place was once a part of Luna’s Dark Arts School but Starswirl and I moved it in between the worlds to keep it’s more dangerous knowledge from those who seek to do evil.” He holds the key out to us. “This is for you two. No matter what world you are in, I simply use this key on a mirror and it turns into a portal here. There is a training area and that’s the main reason we’re here. Follow me.” He grinned, as he motioned towards us. And thus Ceelstia and I began our studies under Edward’s guidance. Quill’s POV I swiftly raise my right arm to block a heavy attack from Ed and I angle myself so that the fist brushes past my arm. I grunt as I struggle to stand my ground, the continuous and constant hours of training taking wear on my stamina as I’ve had no breaks as of thus far. Panting as the attack finally leaves the pressure of my arm, I throw my Nergigante arm’s fist directly into the underside of Ed’s ribcage before dodging another punch from Ed as he tries to get my neck, the hit just barely missing my skin. Leaping back a foot or two I take a small breath before gasping as Ed’s mechanical foot went straight into my stomach, Sparta style. My eyes went wide as the wind was knocked completely out of me. The marking which formed from the hole in my stomach dimly glowed and it took a bit of the blow but only a very, very small portion of it as I coughed up a small amount of spit and blood and went flying backwards, tumbling and hitting the ground. After stopping by digging my right hand into the ground, I looked back up and wiped the blood off my chin. Taking a few deep breaths I ripped my hand out of the ground and took off towards Ed once more before reeling back my Elder Draconic arm and plummeting it straight into the side of Ed’s neck, aiming for the pressure point. “What good will that do?” Ed smirked as he flicked me on my head, sending me flipping back. “What do you do when your opponent doesn’t have a central nervous system to exploit?” “Oh, I don’t know,” I replied with a strained smirk through the bruising that laid on my skin and in between heavy pants of air. “But it does get me closer to you, that’s all.” I replied before using my sheer willpower and growing metallic spines which were sent drilling into Ed’s hand from my knuckles and tearing my hand out of his grasp. I then backflip my foot into Ed’s chin which staggers him momentarily and upon landing on the ground, I charge at him and send my own kick straight into the middle of his chest, sending him flying back a few meters, allowing me to gain a small breather before I have to instinctively block a strong ass kick with my left arm, as the force of the kick dents my metallic spines and causes some of my hardened spines to fly off. I look at Ed’s face and smirk lightly as he looks at me with his own malicious smirk. The two of us then go back at it, trading blows and training like hell. “I’m impressed, Quill… but,” Ed said as he jump-flipped back and landed, sending a small cloud of dust up. He then threw his hand up and I felt something around my throat as I was lifted into the air. “You're still nowhere near the power level you need to scratch me.” He used his free hand to push me back. “Sucks when an opponent doesn’t play fair, doesn’t it?” He smirked as I landed with a thud, facing away from Ed. “Goddamned force powers.” I mumbled before feeling my metallic scales loosen up. Taking a deep breath, I then snap my body around and my spines shoot off my arm, to which Ed knocks them out of the air effortlessly. Taking this chance as he was distracted, I will my body to go to its fullest and I seemingly vanish out of the air before reappearing behind Ed and sending a new pair of metal spines straight into his side before roundhouse kicking the same side which now has three metal spines jutting out of it which digs the spines deeper into his body and sends him tumbling for only a few feet before he lands and stands back up. He looks at me with a shit eating smile and tears the three spines out of his side as the wounds almost immediately close, leaving no trace of blood. “Metal pierces flesh easily,” Ed chuckled as he held his arm up and flexed his fingers as red sparks began to crackle. Soon his entire body was covered in the Ultimate Shield of Greed. “But black carbon beats steel. And so does,” He reeled back slightly and threw his hands forward and sent red lightning directly into my spines. “UNLIMITED POWER!” “Oooohhhh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuck….” I said, extending those two words as my body aches immensely. Popping my neck I let out a sigh loosely. “Welp, let’s hope for the best.” I tell myself before I look at my Elder Draconic arm which is scratched up with fresh pink scars. It then glows with an orange light and I hear a lot of cursing coming from both Null and Ruiner as the fresh scars are quickly patched up and a new layer of hardened scales grow over the old ones, giving my arm a new and extremely hard casing. I swiftly look back up just in time to avoid a punch thrown by Ed whose body emits a red lightning-like current which runs past the side of my face as small and harmless streams of the crimson electricity dance on my cheek. Honestly it looked like what happened when Bakugo avoided Izuku’s Full Cowl kick when they fought to become rivals. As I avoid the punch I send my right fist directly into Ed’s chest only to feel my fist hit something which wasn’t flesh or bone. Though I did feel something crack in my hand as I cringed from the pain that shot up my wrist before Ed sent his own fist straight into my chest. That definitely and probably cracked a rib as I felt a sharp pain shoot up my chest and I was sent flying backwards. I landed on the ground with a thud and coughed up a small bit of blood before thinking to myself. Fucking hell… this hurts. I thought before forcing my body up and facing Edward once more. “Shattered your hand with that last blow.” Ed evilly grinned at me. “And let me ask you this Quill.” He said crossing his fingers making hand signs, Oh Fuck… I thought in knowledge of what those signs were for. Oh, how I simultaneously love and absolutely fucking hate that anime. I thought with an internal sigh as Ed shouted: “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Suddenly an army of Eds stood in front of me with a poof of gray smoke. “Ready to get kicked in the dick?” They shouted in unison, all wearing devilish smiles on their faces. “Kuso ttare.” I growled in Japanese as I covered my dick. “This is going to fucking suck.” I grumbled before taking a very deep breath and sucking magic particles out of the air. Feeling my magic replenish nearly half way, I let out a small huff before my markings glow dimly. “Let’s get this bullshit over with.” I grumbled before holding my hands up in a boxing stance and bracing myself for the hell that I’m about to go through. “Wood Style,” One of the Ed’s said. “Devouring Bind.” Capable like vines sprang from the ground and wrapped themselves around me. I tried to escape but the plants were too fast and I was very much spent. Eventually, the vines got me and drained my body of its magic. “This is gonna hurt you, very much.” One of the Eds chuckled as they all looked at me with snide smirks. “KUSO BAKAGETA!!!!!” Null, Ruiner and I roared in absolute annoyance as we all screamed ‘fucking bullshit’ in Japanese and my eye twitched in complete agony of what was about to happen. Quill's Rainbow Dash's POV I laid down on a picnic blanket next to Fluttershy and Twilight as well as Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack as we chuckled about what had happened to Quill during his first few days in our world. "I still can't believe that he slept for that many days straight. Was he in a mini hibernation state or something?" Fluttershy asked with a small giggle. “Girls?” I said softly. “Maybe he just needed a bit of a rest Shy.” AJ answered Fluttershy’s question with a head tilt. “Ah mean, he did make a big ol’ crater with that attack and all.” Twilight had her nose buried in a book, as usual. “I agree with Applejack.” She said, turning a page. “I know I’d be pretty tired if I expelled that much magic. Geez, the magic they have here makes ours look like a pebble in a stream, especially the Dark Magic. Who would’ve known that Princess Luna’s was a type of Dark Magic too.” “Girls.” I said a bit louder. “I find the methods that Es and Ed’s Rarity use to make the clothes here absolutely fascinating and extremely fashionable.” Rarity clapped her hooves together. “I would love to learn how to make gem thread for my own clothing lines!” “You’d have to talk to Ed or Es about learning how to do that.” Twilight said as she flipped another page of her book with her magic. “Apparently it’s done through a specialized branch of Alchemy that Ed developed thousands of years ago. Only he, Es, and the pony who runs the shop down in Ponyville know how to use it.” “Thank you for that information darling,” Rarity smiled at the book pony. “Girls!” I said in a more audible tone. “Don’t mumble Dash,” AJ got on to me. “I’d like to learn some stuff to help me with surprises and parties,” Pinkie giggled. “But Ed is being a stick in the mud and won’t let me in his lab. I tried to use my shortcuts to get in but it didn’t work.” She held hoof up motioning in circles. “So I went to Ed’s Pinkie but still no luck. Not even she can get past Ed’s sneakiness, even with his training.” She pouted and placed her head on her hoof. “I Ed said something about different healing techniques,” Fluttershy tapped her chin. “I wonder if any could help my animal friends?” “Um, girls!” I yelled a little louder, getting their attention. “Why don’t we go to our counterparts and ask them to train us or at least see if we can help them with anything?” I suggested with a smile. “You think they’d be open to that idea Dash?” AJ looked at me sideways. “Outside the occasional trip into Ponyville none of us have really spent time with our other selves except Spike, and Rarity a bit. Pinkie no offense but you just you and not even gonna go down that trail.” “Okie dokie,” Pinkie saluted. “Hey, I mean it's an idea. Plus, they could help us be more ready for threats that the Elements themselves can’t take down alone. Also… the effects of the Husk Virus are still leaving me with nightmares and ghost pains, my wing also still’s a bit sore from when Tyrrios got me.” I explained to them, holding and smoothing out the feathers in my right wing. “I don’t really want what happened to me to happen to anypony else so I think it’d be best to get some proper training in. I mean, I may be a black belt in karate but I still need training.” I told them, swallowing my pride which had been damaged from the Husk Virus and Tyrrios. “I’m with Rainbow on this one girls,” Everpony looked at Twi who’d set her book down. “While I've been here I’ve been learning all I could about Dark Magic and have even taken lessons from Ed’s Princesses, even the person called Chrissy helped me a few times.” She took in a deep breath and looked at all of us. “Back to what Rainbow said. There are going to times when we can’t rely on the Elements of Harmony. I’d rather be prepared for that then not. The Elements on target evil after all, and what if somepony comes along that isn’t actually evil and is doing what they think is right, even if they're against Equestria. We’d be defenseless.” “Our little Spikey Wikey is doing what he can to get strong,” Rarity added. “Did you see him after he came out of the Time Chamber with Es. The dear isn’t chubby anymore. He even has Dragon Slayer magic Like Quill, Serena, and Zirconis.” “I’m not good at fighting as you all know but I’d like to do what I can too.” Fluttershy said as she rubbed her left foreleg. “Even if it means putting up with violence.” “Also, we might have to research our world’s elements a lot more due to the new information of the Elder Dragons being the ones who supposedly created the elements or something.” I reminded them. “That you should,” we heard from behind us. We turned our heads to see Chrissy standing nearby. “You six look like you’ve put a lot of thoughts out in the open. May I ask what they’re about?” “Well, we were discussing whether or not to go to our counterparts in this world and ask them to help us train so we’d be better prepared for threats in our world that the Elements of Harmony can’t handle.” I told Chrissy. “Makes sense,” Chrissy crossed her arms. “You six definitely should follow through with that plan. There are threats out there that the Elements can’t solve. Ed’s a perfect example of this. Once he was killed by the Elements in this world but soon he came back and they no longer work on him here or in any other world.” “Yeah, and also we wanted to go and maybe ask out Celestia and Luna about our Elements’ past because of the Elder Dragons being nowhere in Twi’s books about the Elements.” Pinkie added. “Makes sense to hide their origins to keep the Elements themselves secret, if not to keep their creators legacy secret, a legacy and a legend.” Chrisssy closed her eyes. “Ah’m afraid Ah don’t quite follow your logic there sugarcube.” AJ said as she scratched her head. “She’s saying what better way to hide something than in myths and legends about them and their creators dear.” Rarity explained. “That seems like a good idea but… what good is it going to do when the creator of my Element, Loyalty is lying dormant under Canterlot Castle? I mean, sooner or later someone’s going to find him and do something.” I shrugged. “Don’t forget how powerful the Elder Dragons are Rainbow.” Twi interjected. “I’m sure they wouldn’t just leave their bodies unguarded. Surely they at least put up some type of seal or protective enchantments around themselves, right?” She turned to Chrissy. “I have no clue.” Chrissy shrugged. “I know that’s what I would do, but I’m not from your world. If I were you six I’d focus more on that training idea while you're in a land with powerful allies that can help you, they even have experience in the situation that you six were talking about. Now I’m afraid I must go and have a good day.” she bowed and then walked off. “I get the sense she’s hiding something’ from us,” AJ squinted at Chrissy as she left. “I know she’s telling’ the truth but at the same time she’s hiding’ stuff. I don’t like it.” “Hey, she’s been good to us this far and plus, she’s in charge of watching Serena and the other kids so she’s trustworthy. And it’s not like Quill, Mavis, Zeref, Serena or Zirconis don’t have their own secrets that they’re keeping from us.” I reminded AJ with a chuckle. “Rainbow does bring up a good point AJ.” Fluttshy said softly. “That she does,” we heard from behind a tree. Ed then stepped out from behind the tree, “We all have secrets and some are much darker than most. So, I heard you girls wanna level up?” “Aren’t you supposed to be training Quill?” I asked, tilting my head. “I am training Quill, or at least the real me is,” Ed said as he placed a hand on his chest. “I’m one of the many clones that Ed uses in the daily toils of his life. So I am Ed but not him at the same time.” “Huh, that’s pretty neat.” I grinned. “It comes in handy when I get behind in my duties here when I’m summoned by Displaced.” Ed explained. “On that subject though, now that you six have traversed the void you have your own Void Signature meaning you are on some level, Displaced. You can’t be summoned like Quill or me but you can summon others via using a token. Back to the main line of discussion though,” He sat down next to us. “What is it you girls want to learn? A specific magic or just to get stronger?” “I was really just hoping to learn some more techniques for fighting and if possible, a bit of magic so I could be prepared when the Elements and us come across an enemy that they don’t work on. Plus, as I told the girls that Husk Virus and Tyrrios did a number on my pride.” I told Ed. “Our pride is always hurt when we are completely broken down by someone stronger than us that completely destroys us without any resistance whatsoever Rainbow Dash,” Ed crossed his arms. “Don’t take what I am about to say as an insult, young pony, but it was a good thing your pride was wounded. It has been the downfall of many other versions of yourself in other worlds. Death in over half. You must learn when to swallow that pride at times lest it turn situations into more complex problems. If you take what I say seriously then you’ll be a much better pony for it, and others around you will take notice drawing in more to your cause. If you can swallow your pride and eat dirt as my Students did for three months in the course of a few days you can gain access to powers that the pegasi have long since forgotten in the form of weather magic. Do you accept?” He looked me dead in the eye as he said this. “Yeah, I accept. I’ll take it.” I told him with determination. “And what about the rest of you?” Ed looked at my friends one by one. “Know that the training my students went through was tailor made to them to help them strengthen them in the areas that they lacked, specifically for Dash it was made to help strengthen her resolve and to help her control her boastfulness. Can all you put up with hearing the truth about yourselves while also trying to strengthen your bodies and powers?” “Well, heck. If Rainbow’s doin’ it I ain’t gonna leave her to do it on her own.” AJ told him with a large smile. “That’s two down, technically three if you count the learning Twilight has been doing since she got here,” Ed looked at the others. “What about the rest of you?” “Well, I certainly am not going to let my friends do all the hard work alone.” Rarity told Ed. “Oh, it sounds so exciting, especially with all my friends!” Pinkie yelled with joy. “Well, I don’t know how well I’ll do but I guess I’ll join.” Fluttershy answered shyly, but with a smile. “How about I take you six out to where my girls trained?” Ed asked. “I can also bring the girls along since they’re ones who you wanted to train you.” “Sure, I’m fine with that.” I told him while looking to the others who were nodding alongside me. “Good, cause we're already here,” Ed smiled with a playful tone as he got to his feet. “This was a fort from around two thousand years ago that I fixed up and now use as a getaway slash training ground. It’s maintained by several stone Ed training golems I made for the girls and the elite guards that Shining and I trained. You’ll see them but pay them no mind as they have minimal artificial intelligence.” Ed turned and motioned for another group to come over. “Girls, you break off with your counterparts and put them through the Hell I put you six through, and don’t be afraid to call Quill’s group out on their faults.” The other us’ nodded and turned to us, a few had very mean looks on their faces. “Another clone will be by in about an hour, see ya.” he said with a smirk and then popped into a plum of white smoke. “Everyone pair up with yourselves and start workin’.” Ed’s AJ called out. “That means get to it,” she walked over to AJ. “Howdy, what do ya wanna learn?” “Hey other me.” Ed's me came over. “Ed just gave us a quick mental rundown of what you guys were talking about before he brought us here. He never actually explained what it is you wanted us to teach you guys so you’ll have to do a little explaining on what you want to learn, okay?” “Okie Dokie Lokie!” Our Pinkie Pie answered happily as she just bounced in place. “I don’t really know what I can teach you that you haven’t covered in class or with Ed.” Ed’s Twilight looked at Twi while she crossed her arms. “I know!” she said, pounding her palm lightly with her opposite fist. Ed’s Twilight then drew some kind of a circle on the ground and then placed her hands on either side of it as a flash went off and there was a statue of Twilight sitting in a slight crater. “I can teach the bases of transmutation and alchemy along with how to augment your body with magic to make yourself strong, like earth ponies do naturally.” “I’m going to follow Twilight's example but I’ll train you more in gemstone alchemy than normal alchemy.” Ed’s Rarity smiled. “I’m not as skilled as Ed and ES but I’ll do my best.” “That’s fine with me!” Rarity girned with determination. “What would you like to learn, other me?” Ed’s Fluttershy asked before getting sheepish. “That is if you don’t mind me asking?” “Oh, sweet Celestia I know I expected her to be the same as our Flutters but not like this. It’s like an anthropomorphic carbon copy of ours.” I mumbled to myself, facehoofing while I was at it. “According to Ed that’s how most of the Fluttershys are,” Ed’s me put a hand next to her mouth and whispered to me. “But our Shy is actually very open since Ed’s training. She just falls back on her natural speech patterns a lot. She can actually be very scary when not intending to be and I don’t mean her ‘Stare’ either.” “Geez… well, the quiet ones are usually the scariest.” I mumbled in response. “I’m more scared of what those two are up to.” Ed’s me looked in the opposite direction at the Pinkies. “They haven’t blinked once since they locked eyes with each other.” She then looked at me and asked. “What kind of training is a staring contest anyways?” I then feel a shiver up my spine as both Pinkies answer in unison without looking at us. “Intense Pinkie training.” They both sneer as their staring intensifies. “Yeah, not going near that,” I said, placing my arms in an X across my chest. “I’m with you on that sister.” Ed’s me gave a thumbs up. “Besides,” she cracked her knuckles as a glow started to encompass her body and her hair started to shimmer. “We have our own training to get to. When I’m done with you, a Rainboom will be absolutely nothing to pull off in less than a second.” She asked, stretching her arms and legs out. “Ready?” The other Rainbow asked as she tensed her muscles up, bringing her fists up on either side of her as multicolored electricity sparked from her body. “Let’s do this!” I smirked while slamming my hooves together. The End of the Day “How the hell are you so fast?” I huffed from my spot on the ground. “I can’t even come close to your base speed.” “I had one bastard of a teacher who pushed me for at least a month straight.” The other me smirked. “Who wasn’t afraid to pull his punches and insults while we were going at it. I also had those things for sparring partners and punching bags.” She pointed to a passing Ed statue. “Yes well,” We heard from off to the side and looked to see Ed. “At the time I made those guys I only had access to Arc of Embodiment and Alchemy. So they’re one of my crowning achievements, even by my own standards. So, how goes your training girls?” “I’d say pretty well. Twi and her double are practicing Alchemy over there while the others are off doing their own thing.” I huffed, taking in a deep breath of air. “Our Pinkies however… yeah, I got nothing. I still don’t know what the hell they’re doing.” I sighed, looking over at the two Pinkies who’re still having their staring contest. Ed looked at the pink duo. “Yes, well,” he scratched the back of his head. “Enough of that.” Ed snapped his fingers and a spark of electricity flowed from his finger to in between the Pinkies and suddenly a large rock popped up in between them forcing them backwards. “Now that that’s done, I've come to fetch you for dinner, or more like come to watch you fetch your own dinner.” “How are we supposed to get dinner if we’re exhausted from training?” I growled with slight annoyance. “It's part of the training.” Ed’s me explained as she pulled me to my hooves. “By using what you pick up from practice and immediately applying it in the field after you learned it, you reinforce your skills. Your tired body then adjusts to remember it better so you won’t be as tired next time you use it.” “Yeah, that’ll take a lot of time but I don’t give up. Although, sometimes I do randomly get these pains and aches throughout my body… Phantom Pains, I believe is what it’s called. I’m not too sure but when I asked Quill about it, he explained to me that it was likely due to the fact that Tyrrios got me right under the main tendon of my wing and also I was infected by the Husk Virus for a small period of time. It could hinder that training process by a small bit but I’ll try to train as hard as I can.” I told Ed’s version of myself with a frown and sigh. “Though, it won’t keep me down for long.” I chuckled, regaining a confident smile. “Part of your turning is knowing when to humble yourself Rainbow Dash.” Ed told me, placing a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. “You’ll face opponents as strong as Tyrrios and eventually even stronger ones than him. That’s why you’re going through this training right now, but it’s okay to lean on others a lot in times like this.” He rubbed my head and then looked to the setting sun. “I’ll give girls about an hour to find food, you can have help from my girls but only in the form of hints. The forest behind the fort is full of stuff to eat. Better get go or you’ll go hungry tonight.” Ed smirked as he jumped to the top of the forts wall. “Well… this is gonna be tough.” I sighed to myself as I popped my neck. “Let’s hope I’m fit to fly by now.” I mumbled, spreading my wings and remembering what Ed and Quill told me about the Virus and how I’d be grounded for around a week or more. I then crouched low onto the ground before flapping my wings down hard, taking off into the air with rapid speeds. I scrunched my right eye closed when my right wing flinched with a twinge of pain, likely feedback from that speedy takeoff. “Bad move.” I heard from in front of me. I looked to see none other than Ed and before I knew it I was back on the ground next to my counterpart. “Doctor’s orders are no flying Dash, or do you want to lose your abilities to fly?” “Sorry, thought it might’ve been over by now guess I got a bit antsy.” I chuckled with embarrassment, rubbing the back of my head slightly. Suddenly I felt a chill run up my spine, causing my wings to snap closed freakishly fast, even for me. I was about to ask what it was when I eerily heard Quill’s voice whispering with an angered tone in my ear. “NO FLYING RAINBOW DASH!” I shook at the shrill scolding the eerie voice gave me as I snapped my head back only to find no one was behind me. I’ve seen a lot of shit but that was creepy, even I had to admit that. “You should know that anything I see goes back to the real Ed whenever I go poof.” Ed smirked. “That means Quill will know too, but you should be worrying about hunting down your dinner and cooking it right now.” He explained as everyone else joined us. “No, flying will be permitted. You will learn to hunt by completely erasing your presence and aura’s both magically and spiritually. You six,” He looked to his versions of us. “Will be joining in the fun.” “Wait just a cotton pickin minute!” AJ said in shock. “Why do they have to join us?” “Cause we don’t have a choice. Ed is just as much our teacher right now as he is yours.” Ed’s Twi added. “And we barely know how to do any of the stuff he just said. It’s more black ops units like Princess Luna’s Shadowbolts than general guards.” “But Ed taught us the basics.” the other me, smiled down towards me. “Don’t smile just yet.” Ed scoffed as twelve suit of heavy armor appeared in front of us, six for each one of us. “You’re all going to wear these for the rest of the time here and the weight will gradually increase as time passes. Bounded Field!” Ed threw up a hand and an energy wave was sent out. “This will allow you to go through a similar training to Quill and maximize your time spent here in learning what I have to teach you. This field will suspend time here for at least three months but it will only be for the next two days, until it’s time for you six to return home.” he looked at me and my friends while saying this. “Hunting and foraging will be part of everyday tasks. After each meal you will train with new partners and multiple partners with one overseer. The number of sparring partners will change sporadically at any given time,especially during the fights. You will all be going through water training.” “What’s that?” I asked, tilting my head. “You will be swimming and doing your best to keep a float while wearing your armor. The only time you’ll be taking off the armor is to bathe, and you will be limited on that as well.” Ed said while pointing to the Rarity’s. “And I will have a system implemented to ensure this rule is adhered to.” “Geez, this is gonna suck a lot. Isn’t it?” I asked, cringing at what Ed just told us while looking back at our counterparts for confirmation. To which I received several nods of confirmation. “Yikes, wonder how Quill is fairing off.” I wondered aloud before looking at Ed to see him grinning evilly. “Much much worse than any of you ladies are or are going to be.” Ed commented. “Oh, and the Princesses are training hard to.” “Wait, really?” I heard my world’s Twilight ask with slight shock. “Very much much so.” Ed nodded. “Their training is going very well, it reminds me of when I mentored Tia and Luna as children and later on before the wars.” He reminisced with a soft hearted smile. “But their training is very different from the regiments you’re all going to be going through.” Ed pointed to us. “After the first month of average training we’ll move on to specialized training trailed to your individual strengths and weaknesses.” “Bring it on, teach!” I heard the other me say. “As you wish.” Ed smirked as he made a hand sign. “Particle Style, Body Fission!” The one Ed split into six more. “This clone has much more chakra than the average and can use fission to divide into more copies. Unlike the normal cloning my fission splits my power each time I use it. Once your all to the level you’ll need to be to land a hit on one of us then we move straight into hardcore weapons training to see what you can have from my Arsenal.” One month later in the Bounded Field “You girls have all made great progress.” One of the Ed’s said as they merged back together. “Not enough to make one of my fissions go poof but to land a blow on them is very impressive.” “Quit sugar coating will ya!” I huffed in my armor trying to ignore the burning of all my muscles. “Sugar where?!?!?” The Pinkie’s asked in unison. “Not to sound pessimistic.” My Twilight cut in. “But we all know we’d never have lasted in a fight with this version of you even if it was just a clone. But to think a clone can still split itself into twelve identical copies and have its power cut in twelves and we still couldn’t beat you. Just how strong are you really?” Twi threw her front hooves in the air. “It’s best ya not even ask that sugarcube.” Ed’s Aj came over and stroked Twi’s mane. “Cause ya won’t get a straight answer. Ed told us that he’s strong and some have said his power rivals that of some fella named Gilgamesh.” “Who’s that?” My Fluttershy asked softly. She’d gained a lot of confidence thanks to Ed but still was soft spoken, as was Ed’s. “He’s a Void Dweller, someone who was a Displaced but amassed enough power to evolve to our next stage of life.” Ed explained as he sat on a rock. “Eventually all Displaced become Void Dwellers in the long run. Void Dweller as Displaced they leave their home worlds and wander through the Void going wherever, whenever, and to whatever worlds they wish.” “Kinda like you sugarcube.” My Aj pointed at Ed. “I have the power to travel but I’m not a Dweller… yet.” Ed waved his hand in front of his face. “I have a certain bond with another Void Dweller that prevents me from becoming a Void Dweller.” Ed got up from his seat. “But enough about me, I’m here to help you girls out and I think these.” Six ripples appeared behind Ed and then something shot out and landed in front of me and my friends. “Will help you all out in the trying battles to come back to your world.” “What on Equus was that?!” My Twilight yelled in shock. I visibly recoiled from the beam of light that had struck down in front of me and I let out a gasp as I saw that it had formed a mini crater where it landed. The light coming from the object retracted to reveal a set of two silver and yellow gauntlets which seemed to have some sort of symbol in the middle of them. “These are your personal weapons.” Ed crossed his arms. “These are just six of a set of forty eight unique weapons, though they’re much more powerful than the original versions.” “OH MY GOSH!!!” My Pinkie cried out with gigantic eyes. “I GOT GIANT SCISSORS!” She hopped around with a pair of purple scissors with a panda on them. “These are called Teigu, or Imperial Arms. Somewhat named for an emperor that had them made.” Ed pointed to me. “These are called Thunder God's Rage: Adramelech. They allow the user to directly control, generate, and fight with lightning without relying on magic. One important fact that all of you need to know about Teigu is that they put an incredible amount of strain physically and somewhat mentally to. Not just anyone can use one.” More ripples appeared behind Ed and he reached in with both arms to pull out two swords. One resembled a blue cutlass and the other wasa silver dual edged sword, they both looked as if they had eyes on them. “There are arms like this one.” he held up the silver sword. “That are still alive and change with each new wielder and evolves to better suit their wielders’ growing power but like the key, that is a dual edged sword because the wielder becomes a monster the more the weapon evolves also changing the wielder as it does. This one,” He held up the blue one. “Is similar but different that it is always in a stay of equilibrium and never gets stronger forcing the wielder to grow in strength by themselves.” I looked over to Fluttershy who was petting a small white dog-like creature with small black eyes and two floppy brown ears. At this I decided to speak up, saying. “Though I guess there are literally living Imperial Arms like the dog-like one over there with Flutters?” I asked, turning my attention from the dog and Flutters back to the dual gauntlets which laid in front of me. “Don’t get the wrong idea,” Ed placed a hand on my head. “It might seem like they’re completely conscious but Teigu are weapons through and through. Hekatonkheires, but better known as Koro, was made for combat, specifically to protect its master. The dog can grow to a massive size, grow arms, and has many rows of razor sharp teeth inside its body. Then it has its trump card, it goes ballistic and attacks anything that’s not its master.” He pointed at Rarity who was fooling around with a makeup kit of some kind. “There are those like Rarity’s that aren’t outright weapons though. Her’s is called Phantasmagoria: Gaea Foundation. It’s a makeup kit that let’s its user turn into anything they want and also gives it’s user insight into the opponent's memories. It’s more for spying and assaination type missions but it’s just as deadly as any of the others.” “Oh, such a beautiful and useful Teigu with such a deadly purpose. I like this!” Rarity giggled sweetly as she looked over Gaea. Looking over at Pinkie Pie, I saw that she was holding the massive pair of scissors like she did when she held them the first time, but unlike when she was squealing about them right now she was completely and unusually silent. Her head was also bowed down and her hair was somehow tied in a bun like she was at a funeral. It was honestly odd, even for Pinkie. “Pinkie? Whatcha doin’ there?” My Aj asked with a slightly raised brow. “Shh.” Pinkie shushed her, continuing to bow her head. A few seconds passed before she raised her head and looked sadly at the giant scissors. “I was having a moment of silence for the former wielder of Extase, Sheele. May she rest in peace.” The party pony sighed before looking back up into the sky, her mane poofed out like normal and she held a look of determination. “I shall honor your memory Sheele!” She yelled with enthusiasm. “Um… I know you just said that Sheele was the former wielder of the scissors… Extase, was it darling? But… who is Sheele?” Rarity asked Pinkie Pie. “Sheele was a member of an assassin’s guild called Night Raid and she was also the second to last wielder of the Teigu Cutter of Creation: Extase.” Ed said as he placed a hand on my friend’s shoulder. “A massive pair of scissors that can cut through even black diamond with such ease it would be as if nothing were there. The scissors can be wielded as a sword or as scissors and its trump card is that when its name is said it produces a blinding light to all but the wielder’s friends.” Pinkie looked at Ed. “She didn’t die in vain, little pony.” “Well, what ‘bout this fella right here?” My Aj asked, holding up a semi-large yellow belt which held a large silver lion head figure on the middle of the belt. “He feels… powerful to say the least.” She mumbled. “The King Of Beasts Transformation: Lionelle.” Ed sat down and rubbed Pinkie’s head while she held onto Extase. “A belt gives its wielder the power of the King of Beats. It boosts everything from your animal instincts, sense of smell, to your strength. If pushed hard enough you can fuse with it and become the Teigu, but only for a short time as it puts a massive amount of strain on the user.” “Why do I have a human?” Twi pointed to the tall blue guy behind her. “The Speed of Lightning, Susanoo, is another Biotype Teigu similar to Fluttershy's Hekatonkheires but he is not just for combat.” Ed got up and messed with Twi’s mane. “Hey.” she growled and that’s when we noticed Susanoo immediately react and in a flash Twi’s mane was normal again. “Fixed.” Susuanoo commented, which shocked us all. “He’s also meant for general work like cooking and cleaning but he does have a bit OCD and is a perfectionist.” Ed held up his fingers. “He is capable of speech and many other things, but is a lot more vulnerable to breaking as his core is exposed unlike Koro’s.“ Ed pointed to the red thing on Susanoo’s chest. “It can be repaired if the user gives his or her life force to it. Like most Teigu he has a Trump card to where he goes into an assault mode called Magatama. He gains a lot of power but at the same time he solely focuses on attacking.” “Oh, well. It’s nice to meet you Susanoo. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight introduced herself, holding her hoof out for a hoof shake, or in this case I guess it’d be a hoof-hand shake. Susanoo immediately took Twi’s hoof and shook it, “It is a pleasure to meet you master.” Susanoo greeted her with a straight face. “As touching as this is, we still have much to do.” Ed cutt in. “You six have a lot more training to do to master the basics of these weapons. I’m not a monster… most of the time, so you’ll be taking an hour or out of your days in order to get to know your weapons.” He crossed his arms as he explained. “These Teigu are a little more unique than the originals. They all have souls and once you get to know them you can unlock even more power from them.” “Alright.” I mumbled with a small smirk, looking down at Adramelech which still laid in front of me as I ran my hoof over the symbols on the front of it delicately, like it was a pony or person. “Nice to meet Adramelech.” I muttered towards the pair of gauntlets. “As fun as this is can we get back to training,” The other me said as she looked out of the corner of her eyes. “You six are already far stronger than these six, and you don’t even need Teigu to unlock that power, so don’t get jealous.” Ed got on to his group. “But she is right,” He looked at us. “You need to get back to training.” Another Ed popped up. “And my replacement is here for that.” He said and then went poof. “Let’s get to it then.” the new Ed slammed his fist into his palm. It was at that moment when all my friends and I had one unified thought in our minds. This is definitely going to suck. In The Time Chamber Quill’s POV “How ya feeling there sunshine?” Ed chuckled as I laid on the ground. I was breathing heavily, almost labored as I could painfully feel my regeneration just barely kicking in to heal all my shattered, broken and fractured rib and other bones. I could hear the heavy breathing of both Null and Ruiner as I took in what amount of oxygen I could. The markings on my body flickering with diminishing energy as my magic barely held tight and what little of it I did have been spent as to not black out from the blinding amount of pain I was in. Christ this feels like when I tried Saitama’s workout back home on Earth. I thought weakly as laid flat on my back, limbs sprawled out on the ground as blood steamed off my arms, legs and chest. The blood that was steaming off me was that of Ed’s but a majority of the blood that stained my body was my own. I could faintly catch the hint and taste of iron in my mouth as I leaned my head slightly over to the side, spitting out a small blotch of blood. After regaining some semblance of restoration in my bones and muscles, I weakly pushed myself up and caught a glance at what my Negigante arm was now reduced to. My left arm, now instead of having a majority of black scales with a hint of pink and an orange underbelly, with metallic and hardened bone-like black and blackish silver spines, now was merely reduced to a small amount of bloodied black scales with spines both bone-like and metallic laying all around the Time Chamber, as slowly… extremely slowly, some new scales were regrowing albeit as I said, extremely slowly as under them, a massive amount of small and sometimes medium sized pink scars covered the arm which I couldn’t move my fingers with only being able to hold them in the closed fist position. “Like… Shisno.” I answered, saying the alien cuss word from the web series Red vs Blue. “God… almighty… that hurt a lot. I don’t know how I’m still alive after essentially breaking every single bone in my body.” I groaned as I slowly regained control over my legs and fingers as blood stained my pants dried and steamed with Ed’s dissipating blood. “Here.” Ed set a tray down next to me. It had a few rice balls, some green beans, and a large gord on it. “Eat and rest for a few hours so you can regain your magic. The beans are exactly what you think they are but don’t eat them all at once. I wasn’t able to completely replicate them so they’re not as strong as the ones in Dragon Ball.” He sat down next to me. “What do you think of my training regiment?” Ed stared out into the blankness of the outer chamber. “Hell… it is fucking. Hell.” I stated simply as I slowly began to eat, much to the pleasure of both my taste buds and my stomach. “Thanks for the meal.” I thanked him as my markings stopped their flickering and soon resonated with a peaceful dimly lit glow. “You should also know your girlfriend, her sister, and the rest of your group are also going through Hell.” He said with a warm tone as he sipped a cup of tea. “They all wanted to get strong so you didn’t have to protect them by yourself anymore and so they can help you.” I gave him a stern look but he simply shrugged it off. “I didn’t force them. They all had their own ideas and asked for my help. But what do you think of their plan?” “Honestly, I think that the Main Six really need the training, especially for what could be coming. Also, as you know, I do know the continuity of the MLP series and I’ve seen the Equestria Girls movie shit. Things are going to get increasingly difficult especially with the shit that’s in my world and the shit I’ve brought, what with….” I trail off looking down to my right arm. “You know. Aside from that, with the girls I’m fine with it as long as it’s on their own accord. My girlfriend however,” I began, looking straight at Ed. “That’s a different story. Yes, I know she wants to help me and wants to get stronger so I don’t have to protect her and the others all the time but what I’m worried about is what you’re teaching her. I want to know what she’s working with and I want to make sure she’s going to be safe.” I told him, focusing back on my meal as I took a bite out of a rice ball. “She's working with the power of her soul.” Ed said as he took another sip of his tea. “She wanted to learn the power of aura and Semblance, so the other me took her and Celestia to the Dark Library’s training grounds and unlocked her aura. I also decided it would be prevalent to teach her how to use aura as Armament Haki, the Soul Wave detection, and Soul force attack. Satisfied?” He looked at me straight in the eyes. “Don’t forget I also trained my wife and partner many years ago, Quill. I know how the princesses are and I know how they can get. They’re safe and my clone is not pushing them like I‘m pushing you. Everyone learns differently, the mane six are going through Akame Ga Kill styled training. Feeling better?” Letting out a sigh as my bones finished painfully healing and my muscles stopped bleeding, I responded. “Yeah, it does put my mind at ease but how’s Acno doing with her training?” I asked with a small smirk. “Is she at least holding up well?” “She’s enjoying being a child at the moment.” Ed smiled. “If she wants, then I’ll train her but she has to make that choice on her own like the others. Spike and Zirconis got their butts handed to them by ES though.” “I’d expect nothing less from a Spike who’d trained directly under you.” I chuckled before flinching as a bruise on one of my surprisingly undamaged ribs ached. “Still, you pack one beast of a punch. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone in real life or anime get hit with something like a puch from you, aside from Saitama who gives punches of pure ‘Fuck You’ as I like to call them.” I grinned as the pain subsided quickly. “Why do you think I place so many limits on myself, especially during our fight.” Ed looked at his reflection in his tea cup. “Displaced are overpowered as is. It takes the fun out meeting one another and sparring if you outright ‘One Punch’ them.” he took a sip and placed his cup down. “If I had used any of my magic or ninjutsu….” He snapped. “That would’ve been it. I’m going to let you in on a secret.” I leaned in and noticed the air got much, much colder. “I do have one trump card that can’t be stopped, by anyone other than a Void Dweller.” I turned my head and gave him a surprised look, because I was. I knew he was OP but a trump card? That can only be stopped by a Dweller? That gives a whole new definition of the term overpowered. “Though,” He hid his eyes behind his bangs. “I’d rather never have to use it. Only if I have absolutely no other choice. If I use more than forty percent of this power I must recite a certain unlock phrase.” Thinking for a moment, I too stare out into the blankness of the Time Chamber before sighing and replying by saying. “Honestly, it’s a scary thing being a Displaced. You never know where you’re going to end up or what kind of Equestria you might end up in. Whether it be one like yours, mine or worse… an FoE universe.” I sighed, my eyes sharpening as I take a sip of my own tea from the mention of the FoE-verses. “Yes, it is but at the same time it frees us to be who we want to be.” Ed remarked as he poured another cup of tea. “But here’s how I like to see things.” Ed kept his eyes on the horizon but there was a lot of heat in his words. “We’re sent to Equestria as a second chance… for most of us anyway.” I looked at him but his eyes never moved from the horizon. “If not, then it’s to have happiness or find it in some way, even if that happiness comes from destroying your Equestria. I don’t condone this but at the same time I’m not a being that is unfamiliar with the aspect of the joys that evil brings to. I’ve hurt many in my days abroad on this planet I call my home, many of them lovers, friends, and even a few family members. It’s all about the choice we make Quill. That’s what defines us as people and that’s what defines us as Displaced.” “Yeah, that’s what it is.” I sighed with a small smirk, turning my head to look out at the blankness of the Time Chamber. “I wonder what William is up to?” I mumbled to myself as I thought about my older brother. “I do have something for you besides something to eat.” Ed reached into his pocket and pulled out an alchemist’s watch but it was made of some type of blue metal with a dragon and my tattoos on it’s outer cover. He also had a set of five pendants. They looked like small shields and on them was a sun on one side with a moon opposite it and a black cross on a red background. “The watch is your personalized version of my token and can do anything the normal ones do, like call or send small packages through the void. These are my family crests and I want you, Anco, Serena, Mavis, and Zeref to have these. They mark you as a part of my family, though it means little outside this world. Anyone who has met me will recognize it but they also double as a direct mental link to me, Luna, and Tia.” He pulled a black key from his other pocket. “This is a key to Luna’s library and let’s you access it no matter the world. I trust your judgement with this but you’ll still be limited on access to certain areas without me or Luna.” Taking the watch and the pendants, I held them in my hands and smiled down at them. “Thanks Ed. Y’know, you kinda remind me a bit of my older brother. Even though he was adopted into our family, he always looked out for me and was always there even when he was away or going abroad for his studies, like the time he was in America before his probable Displacement.” I told Ed as a wave of nostalgia hit me. “You're not the only one with a Displaced brother.” Ed smiled softly as he pulled a headband with a red four-pointed star with three stitches on one of the points. I could feel a void energy coming off of the headband, it was a token. “My little brother was sucked into the Displacement after winning a game of black jack against someone called the Gambler. Here,” he held out the headband to me. “He’s a good guy but more of a neutral party when it comes to a lot of things. He’ll side with whoever summons him and as long as no one gets seriously hurt helps them, even if their actions are questionable.” “He sounds like a really good guy.” I responded, taking the headband in my hand. “Asta is a good man, he was the only member of my immediate family tosay in touch with me after my parents threw me out of the house.” Ed took a sip of his tea. “His moral compass points very north and always has, but he cut ties to our parents after he moved out of the house and decided to become a stuntman slash actor. He decided he would pursue a career that went in hand with mine as a prop maker. I’m glad he found a life away from our toxic home world. We did have a baby brother and while our relationship with him was far better than that of the one with our parents it was still distant. He was the far more grounded of the three of us but I still love him to death, same with my parents even if we’re at odds with each other.” “I’d like to meet him one of these days. He sounds like a lot of fun to hang out with.” I chuckled. “I sure you two would get along. At the moment he’s busy dealing with his own troubles at the moment.” Ed stood up and dusted off his pants. “Bringing down an entire kingdom of sex crazed caribou and starting up a Magic Knight squad that is. Right now though,” he looked at me. “We need to get back to your training.” “Well, if you talk to him while he’s still fighting those Caribou turds, tell him I say best of luck.” I sighed as I stood up and dusted my own pants off. “Not so much as talk but watch.” Ed smiled. “I do chat with him from time to time but my job is to watch over him and step in if necessary. He’s more than capable of doing his own thing. Like you.” Smirking a little I pop my shoulder before my markings glow slightly. Yup, magic’s back at full. I thought to myself as I took to the opposite side of the battle ground we were using to train. This was going to hurt a whole lot but if it’s to get stronger in order to protect my loved ones, I’d go through any kind of hell and back. “I like that look in your eyes,” Ed smirked as he cracked his knuckles. “I think I will do random sets of power mix ups now. You ready?” “Nope!” I told him, popping the ‘p’. I then dropped into a stance which meant I was going to fight. “But let’s do it anyway!” I laughed. “Good answer.” Ed said as he charged forward. The Dark Library Training Grounds Quill’s Luna’s POV “Let’s take a break, you two.” Edward said as he clapped his hands together. “You… weren’t kidding… when you said… training would be… hell!” I gasped in between pants. “During aura is much harder than your typical skills princess,” Ed explained as he summoned water bottles for us. “My skills range much further than that of the typical defence and healing used to though. Normally aura isn’t used for so much offensive skill like the Soul Force attack and the Haki hardening is hard because aura is meant to be used as more of a field than directly on the body. If you keep at it you’ll even be able to use these skills on weapons.” I took one of the bottles from him. “But it takes time, practice, and much concentration before you can apply it in battle, but that’s why I’m here to teach you. How are you doing Princess?” Ed turned to my sister. My sister laid on her belly panting, surrounded by several smoking craters. “Water.” she wheezed out. “Maybe this is an indication that you should lay off your cake, eh Celly?” I chuckled as Ed handed her a bottle of water. “I wouldn’t go there.” Ed remarked. “If there’s one thing you should never do is get between them and cake, or anything to do with banana related things either….” I looked at Ed with a raised eyebrow. “Ask her yourself,” he threw his hands up, “I’m speaking from experience here and I’m not going up that tree, again. I may look in my twenties but you need to remember I’m older than anyone else here. Ask at your own perils Princess. I’m going to go get you two something to eat from my study, do be careful.” He walked out of the arena and walked out of sight. I tuned my eyes back to my sister who was quickly downing her water. “Bananas?” I tilted my head as she started to cough. All she gave me in response was an oddly amusing pout which didn’t fit a pony Princess who was well over a thousand years old. “Don’t ask.” She mumbled with clear embarrassment as she began to sport a prominent blush on her cheeks. “I won’t,” I giggled in amusement. “But, what do you think about all this so far.” I asked my sister who slowly lost her blush and let out a small sigh. “Honestly I don’t know where to begin. There’s so many things that’ve honestly shook our world with revelations. It scares me a fair bit if I’m being honest, all the possibilities for the Displaced and with Quill having the ability to summon them and others having the same to summon him.” Celly sighed with a slight shiver. “And let’s not forget the apparent threat of the Void Eaters waiting for both Ed and Quill when we get back, and let us never forget about the return of Ruiner and the other Elders.” She smirked slightly. “Well, almost all of the Elders.” I told her, receiving a look of slight confusion. “From what Ed’s told me when he, Quill and the Elders had a conversation there were only five Elders and Elements that were represented. From what I know, Shah, Ruiner, Maggie, Valor, and Xeni were the only Elders accounted for.” I explained to Celly, which caused her smile to waver as I knew what she was thinking. “Don’t worry Celly, I’m sure she is still in our world, waiting for the day the other Elders return.” I reassured my sister. “I know Lulu, it’s… it’s just that it’s like a lead weight is hanging on my soul.” Celly told me as she sighed saddly. “I miss her, and I hope she misses us too.” My sister smiled a little. “I’m sure she does sister, we just have to have hope.” I told my sister, placing a hoof on her shoulder. Ed soon returned with some food in his arms. “Here you go ladies.” He set it down on a blanket. “So what were you two discussing?” “Something a bit personal that involves the Elders.” I answered, giving Ed a slight look that meant ‘don’t press into it’. “Just trying to make conversation while you two eat.” He smiled. “I’m not one to pry into personal matters of others unless it’s necessary. We all have secrets and some need to be kept from others until the time is right. Besides,” he crossed his arms. “If it involves the Elders then it doesn’t involve me at all but your world. I’ll help you in any ways I can, all you have to do is ask.” “Thank you for that.” Celly thanked him as we both began to levitate the food to ourselves so we could eat. Ed looked at Celestia from the corner of his eye and got a bit of a twinkle. “So Celesta, what are your thoughts on Quill, or do you like him or someone else say a...her?” Celestia had to pause in shock for a split second before barely recomposing herself, now sporting a large blush. “Quill is a good friend and he’s Luna coltfriend, I wouldn’t want to interfere with their relationship. As for her… that’s my business.” Celly grumbled with a pout which made her seem like a foal in an adult’s body. In response, I giggled quite a bit. “I’m just teasing Celestia.” Ed chuckled but he got serious quickly as he had a solemn look on his face. “I know all too well what it’s like to love and lose those I’ve loved and I’m incredibly lucky to have both Tia and my Luna. You have that same look I had when my first love passed away, but the same one I have now. Why?” “Because, the one I’m referring to is someone incredibly dear to me.” Celly responded, with a slight less of that pout she previously wore seconds earlier. “Those of us who don’t give to others will never receive anything back from them.” Ed said softly as he poured some cups of tea for us and himself. “Just as those who only desire and want will end up with nothing but sorrow and regret.” he spoke of his past experiences. “Because then you can’t create anything and watch it grow into something more over time.” He looked to both my sister and I with sorrow in his eyes but also love. “If you have one that’s dear to you never let them go, for we aren’t meant to live alone, for any period of time.” “I honestly wish I could’ve never let her go, but… it wasn’t up to me.” My sister told him with a nostalgic and sad smile. “But one day she just disappeared, and I’ve looked all over for her but I’ve had no such luck. I just hope one day, I will be able to see her once more.” Celly sighs. “I have no doubt she’ll come back to you, when the time's right for you both.” He placed a hand on my sister’s shoulder. “I wish I could’ve stayed at the Castle in Everfree after Faust passed away the first time but I couldn't, not with certain forces after me and putting Tia and Luna and their father in danger, so I left. Had I known how they both felt about me at the time perhaps I would’ve said goodbye.” Ed let out a sad sigh. “But at the same time goodbye can’t be said as it can only make things harder.” My sister let out a small sigh before looking back up. “Yes, goodbyes can be extremely difficult. So instead of saying goodbye… all she said was see you later. She would always say, ``If you never said goodbye, it didn’t mean that you were gone… you just weren’t there right now.” Celestia smiled. “Smart girl-” Ed started to say but stopped and looked off into space before a smile appeared on his face. “Hmm… looks like my little brother just defeated my seal.” He got to his feet while we both looked at him confused. “Don’t look at me like that. I have more than just adopted family out there in the Void too. My little brother became a Displaced not long ago. In fact he summoned me not long before I met your group.” “Interesting, I wonder if we’ll meet him someday soon.” I wondered with a smirk. “Knowing my real body he’s already given Quill the token for Asta.” Ed smiled. “But I have to give you fair warning that Asta follows his own path and isn’t above going against people that get in his way. Still a good guy but he can be eccentric at times.” he sighed. “He’s a fighter at heart. He's mastered many martial arts from our world up to black belt level but his most notable feat is his actor status. Mostly a stand in and stunt man, but don’t let his goofiness fool you, as he can be quite a handful. He doesn’t have the view of you two in his world either as they tried to capture him. Asta is more than compliant when asked. Is there anything else you want to know about my little brother?” “Not really.” My sister replies, to which I nod in agreement. “Although, I would like to know how the summoning process works. From what I saw when Quill summoned you, I know that a portal is summoned close to the Displaced being summoned but I don’t know much of that. Is the summoning forceful or something like that?” I asked with curiosity. “It depends on the Displaced mental state at the time they’re making their token actually.” Ed explained. “We can be summoned by force if we don’t put specifics on our tokens but most of us choose to go when we hear the call. It also has a lot to do with how powerful we are, if we don’t go back and make a new token and are powerful enough we can resist the summoning if not then we’re forced away.” Ed held up his hand and in it appeared a watch like the one Quill used to summon him. “See, I’m powerful enough that I can resist the summoning if I wanted to but I can choose to go as well due to the wording on my token’s creed. Similar to my brother’s token but he chooses to go as he’s not strong enough to resist the portal if his creed were worded differently. I can also travel through the Void at will with the use of my eyes and other means at my disposal. Anything else on your cute little pony minds?” “Not off the top of my mind.” I responded. “Not that I can think of.” My sister smiled. “Have you both had your fill of food then?” He asked politely. “I’d say so.” I told him as Celestia nodded with me, before the two of us stood up. “Then let us continue with your training,” Ed motioned to the practice field nonchalantly. “Alright then.” My sister and I responded in unison. Back at the Fort Quill’s Twilight’s POV “Come now, channel more magic into your fists or hooves in your case,” Ed instructed me. “You’ll never be able to perform the Stella Magna with that pathetic amount you’ve gathered, let alone be able to use the Inva Caza.” “I’m trying!” I retorted as I concentrated on channeling all the magic I could. Beads of sweat spilling down the sides of my face. “Try another way of thinking Twilight.” Ed said calmly. “The way you channel your magic through your horn won’t work with this type of offensive power gathering. Yes it’s hard to learn and harder still to control but the results that you can gain in controlling raw magical like this is very beneficial to someone who’s talent lies in magic itself.” he held up his hand and I looked down to see raw magic gather above his palm but there was no stain on his face. “The more magical potential one has the harder it becomes to control, but the same is true for someone with no feel of magic either. It took me many years to get the basics of this technique as it did for my friend and mentor, Starswirl.” The ball of magic he made whizzed around me. “This process is one of the steps of Alchemagic and that’s even harder after you learn this. Only four others in this world are capable of my own skill other than me, and one is the other you and her daughter.” Taking a few gasps of breath, I look at Edward with a slight glance before trying what he suggested. Concentrating once more, I began to channel my magic through my hooves which was a bit difficult to do since I’ve only had little to no practice doing that. “Your mind is occupied by something young one,” Ed placed a hand on top of my head. “What is it?” Sighing, I look back up at Ed. “It’s about the Elder Dragons, like Shah and Ruiner. From what the Princesses have told me, the Elder Dragons created each Element of Harmony and each Elder corresponds to a specific Element, like how Ruiner is apparently the Element of Honesty.” I tell him. “What’s bothering me is that Quill told me that only five Elder Dragons are inhabiting his body. That means one of the Elements is missing, or is still out there somewhere, and I can’t help but worry which one and who it is.” I confessed. “You’re worried that it’s the one who represents the Element of Magic,” He knelt down and placed his hand on my shoulder as I nodded. “Worry not little pony for they will return in due time. And you must remember that magic is not solely limited to the Elements and those who they embody. Friendship is one of the most powerful magics of all.” he held up his free hand again. “But friendship is not the only powerful magic out there and like there are other races.There are those out There that can use many forms of the magic, some the same but different from what you know.” he gave a reassuring smile, “Like how you use this technique there are many ways to approach it.” “That… that I understand, and I’m getting to understand that more and more each day I spend with my friends.” I responded with a small smile. “There will be times when you can’t rely on our friends too,” Ed said, causing me to become a little disheartened. “But that doesn't mean they won't try and be there for you afterwards. Big things are coming Twilight and that’s why I’m here pushing you girls to become stronger and smarter. When you become involved with Displaced your whole world flips into the shape of a pretzel.” “I could tell that when Quill first showed up.” I sighed, shaking my head slightly. “Look at me, I’ve been Displaced for fifteen millenia and still get to see things I never expected.” Ed rubbed my head with a smile. “So, you just have to go with the flow.” I giggled. “Exactly.” He pointed down at my hooves and they were glowing. “The trick to channeling raw magical power is being open to new horizons Twilight. Like how Pinkie does what she does; don’t question it, just do it.” “That… actually makes a whole lot more sense.” I mumbled. “The Stella Magna is one of the most versatile of techniques slash spells little pony.” Ed held up his left hand and gathered magic from the air and formed another ball from it. “It can be used as a ball or shaped into any tool or for the wielder so chooses, the only limit it has in this regard are the ones we impose on ourselves.” The ball suddenly reformed into a mini-Princess Celestia that proceeded to gallop all around me. “You can use this even if there is little to no magic around you, but you must be careful when this happens as the moment you stop believing in yourself.” The mini suddenly popped into sparkles. “That’s the moment you lose the fight, or whatever situation you’re in.” “That… that actually is fairly scary when you think about it.” I mumbled in response. “Yes it is.” Ed confirmed. “But that is true for almost any situation you’ll face. It’s fight or flight for all beings, Twi. But what you should go into when you use the Stella Magna is fight, but at the same time you need to know when to flee.” “Yeah, some would call that cowardly but others would call that fighting smart.” I grinned slightly. “Anyway, should we get back to training?” I suggested with a smile. “That we should, little one.” Ed smirked. “One last thing you should know why I’m teaching you this technique. Susanoo’s trump card is powered by the user’s life force.” He told me as he pointed to Su and I winced. “But you can substitute life energy for magic making learning the Inva Caza a priority for you.” I nodded. “Now back to training, from the top!” He shouted slightly, clapping his hands together. “Yes Sir!” I said with a salute. And so they trained. Everyone in Quill's party pushed themselves to the limits of their power and then beyond that training under the ancient Edward. Every day was a living hell for everypony involved. Edward even helped the children train. With Serena, he taught the boy about Pokemon and how their society worked, drilling him and the Eevee, which Serena had given the name of Eve, in battles against many different species and types. Serena and Eevee were eventually given an Insurgence Mega Stone set. A hair tie for Serena and ribbon for Eevee's neck. Edward taught Acno how to wield the sword. He drilled her in many different styles and blades. Going as far as to have her wield up to eight blades in a succession of movements. By the time she was finished Edward bestowed on to her the sword based Imperial Arms, Grand Chariot. Once she could handle the basic strain of the weapons armored form Edward taught Acno how to use the master the spear for when she unlocked Grand Chariot’s secondary weapon. Along with Edward’s clones teaching and drilling into Luna and Celestia’s minds of their new abilities. Celestia has now gained the power over even the most intense of flames, some of which could even burn out that of lava, while Luna trained even harder with her Aura and her Lunar Frost magic, but she has yet to unlock her Semblance. Whereas Zirconis and Spike both trained with ES to better their abilities, which allowed Zirconis to reconnect with his Jade Dragon Magic and get more accustomed with his new form. Gilda and her daughter on the other hand were watched over by Zirconis most of the time when he wasn’t constantly training, but while he did train, they too worked on their own tasks instead opting to focus more with the healing side of a battle, learning from one of Edward’s many clones the art of Alchestry which Gilda had the ability to practice quite a bit due to the constant injuries Zirconis kept receiving during his training, while Mali in turn healed Spike from some of his minor injuries as she wasn’t quite that skilled as of yet. Although it didn’t stop her from training and trying her hardest. Cadence along with Shining Armor had also trained quite a bit with the time they had, with Shining getting better at using his newly acquired shield with impressive progress Then there was Quill and the real Edward. Edward had trained Quill many times harder than any of the others, in order to help him somewhat regain the strength he lost when separated from Acno, giving Quill a new scar or two unintentionally on his Nergigante arm, while at the same time training Quill, Null and Ruiner on how to work in tandem. Quill now has regained most of his stamina and physical speed while raising his endurance and durability through… (Ahem)... usually unconventional means, but it did what it was intended to do and allowed Quill a semblance of the strength he once had. Additionally, Quill’s magical reserves had gotten a margin deeper and allowed him to tap into some of his reserves as a desperate measure when fighting although doing so sometimes reacted negatively and caused Quill’s permanent illusion that was casted on his right arm to flicker, but he always recasted and reinforced it afterwards, though he still regurgitated up a small amount of blood. Edward proceeded to train the mane six in the use of their Imperial Arms. He also kept pushing their physical limits until each could easily keep pace with one another in a foot race without magic in their bodies to give any of them an edge. With this in mind he also did the exact opposite in making sure they could all use magic to strengthen their bodies far beyond the limits of noramly magically impowered ponies as well. Every one trained and trained until they were on the verge of collapse. They continued this way until the last days of the time lapses that Edward had created. He let them rest to regain their strength and to relax until it was time for them to depart to their own world. “Alright, is everypony ready to go back?” Ed asked with an oddly cheerful smirk as they all gathered in front of the marble gate to Quill’s world. "Heck yeah!" "Eevee!" The kids Acno, Serena and Mali as well as Eve the Eevee shouted in unison causing Quill to smirk slightly. “Then forward march,” Ed pointed as the doors opened to an empty blackness. “And don’t be afraid as you’re all much stronger now so you can beat up the bad guys.” The children charged onward, laughing all the way, soon followed by the adults into the portal. But Ed and Quill both started behind for just a couple more seconds, and they turned and looked at one another for what felt like hours. They knew that once they stepped through that portal, a fight for not only their lives, but possibly for Quill's home would commence. Failure… was anything but an option… and with a determined nod to one another, the two powerful Displaced walked through the portal, with their fists clenched tight. What awaits the heros on the other side of the Void Portal? What kind of new enemies are the Void Eaters? What all has changed in the week they group has been away? How much cake has Celestia missed out on? Find out next time in the conclusion of the Apocalyptic Alchemist Arc. In the infinite darkness of the void, a brilliant light burns brightly and shines through the darkness and a blue Fairy Tail Symbol appears on top of a silver pocket watch as everything fades to black. Suddenly, just before the screen faded completely, two pairs grotesque and bloody eyes. One pair burned a blood deranged and grotesque amber, while the second pair bled with a hellish red that twisted and warped within the eyeballs of the owner. Finally, the eyes closed and the screen faded out to reveal these few words: TO. BE. CONTINUED… > An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 7 Crossover Chapter Finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 7 Third POV The sun rains light down on a giant set of marble doors just outside the Quill family homestead. With a slow opening out of the doors, there was the reveal of a black empty void inside then out came the party of Quill accompanied by their teacher slash host from the other world Edward Elric. After getting themselves situated, Quill and Edward ordered most of the party aside from themselves to stay behind as they headed out to the Time Crater, knowing of what awaited them. In the meantime however, Quill decided to strike up a conversation to cut through the high amount of tension. “So… what do you think will happen once we beat the Void Eaters?” Quill asked out of the blue as he and Edward traversed through the soft brush of the Everfree. “No telling,” Edward shrugged. “I’ve never dealt with Void Eaters before but I have heard some legends about them in my travels through the void.” he ducked under a branch. “One legend says that if you can best them in a fight then you gain a life long friend that is eternally loyal to you. While another says that they can turn into outright beasts that are nearly impossible to destroy during some form of an eclipse.” “Christ… that’s definitely a shitty day if I’ve ever heard one.” Quill grumbled with an exasperated sigh, as he moved his left and right arms in a circular motion, stretching them as not to have them hindered during the fight. “How bad do you think they’ll look? I mean I know they’ll look somewhat like us but enough to make them distinct if someone saw them.” The Time Dragon Slayer wondered as he stepped over an exposed root in the ground. ~Well, I for one think that they’re gonna look like mangled corpses.~ Ruiner proposed in Quill’s mind as Null agreed by saying: ~Yes, you’re probably right. I mean they are called Void Eaters for a reason, which means that they’re going to likely have some sort of Wendigo-like properties.~ “One thing is for sure though,” Edward crossed his arms as he looked up. “What?” Quill looked confused. “Their power levels should be equal to when we left meaning they could be quite the handful, especially for you,” Edward pointed at Quill. “I was wearing my suppression gear when I was here and only used menial power while here. So I can handle mine but there is the chance that things go south.” “Yeah, it’s pretty terrifying when you really think about it. Beings that could rival and even, well from what Acno’s told us, outmatch us.” Quill sighed as his bare feet pressed onto the Everfree’s soil. “Though as long as we don’t give up, I’m sure we can come out on top. And don’t you think it’s kind of fitting that we have this fight in the Time Crater?” Quill chuckled absentmindedly. “There is another, more personal question I wanted to ask you,” Edward stopped. “What will you do if you end up marrying Luna?” Quill’s eyes softened considerably and his mouth grew into a loving smile before he answered Edward. “Well, I’d likely someday down the line to have a kid with her aside from Serena so… that’s there. Though, I’d likely have to retire from the teaching job I have in Ponyville in order to move to Canterlot to be with Luna more as it’d be pretty hard to continuously go from place to place.” Quill sighed softly with a smile. “Why is it hard?” Ed looked at Quill. “Find a way to do both Quill, I did.” Quill blinked a few times before letting out a small chuckle. “Of course you did.” He mumbled before giving Edward a confident nod. Quill’s eyes then drifted from Edward to behind him, and his smile dropped, his eyes sharpened and both the metallic and bone-like spines on his left, Nergigante arm hardened considerably. “They’re waiting for us.” Quill told Edward as he pointed behind the immortal Alchemist. “Of course they are, Void Eaters usually only answer to their counterparts or other Displaced,” Edward shrugged. “But before we go down there Quill, you need to know if you marry Luna then you become Royalty. While you will have the rank of the prince that doesn’t mean you have to go with it, but eventually you’ll be drawn into that world.” “Yeah, it’d be bound to happen… but, luckily I’d have not only Null and Ruiner to keep me in check, but most definitely I’d have Luna as she can chuck my Nergal Reaver straight through me.” Quill huffed with a slight laugh. “One last thing before this fight, should you need it I have a backup plan for you, but that’s only if you need it or want it,” Edward explained. “It’s up to you okay?” “Got it.” Quill nodded with a grin. “Now… let’s go kick some Void Eater ass.” He told Edward, cracking his neck to the side. “Your world so you lead.” Edward motioned forward. Quill gave off a malicious grin before stepping past Edward and walking out of the forest brush and into the Time Crater, to which Quill’s sharpened eyes widened slightly and his mouth went agape momentarily before Edward followed Quill out of the forest and stood next to the stunned Time Dragon Slayer, to which the Alchemist’s eyes furrowed in disgusted surprise at what he was viewing. Standing in the middle of the Crater were two grotesque figures, both looking like either the Alchemist, or the Dragon. The first walking corpse known as a Void Eater looked like Edward, but instead of purely amber eyes, this disgusting mockery of the Alchemist had crimson amber glowing eyes and the lookalike was missing his entire arm and an entire leg but they were replaced with bone prosthetics that were leaking an ugly blackened blood that streamed from the ripped open muscle where the disfigured prosthetics were connected to the main body, and half his face was gone, revealing some of his bloodied and extremely sharpened teeth, along with part of what could be assumed was his skull. The second Void Eater looked almost like Quill and had the same crimson eyes, although the eyes of this lookalike were extremely bloodshot to the point that a blackened blood literally leaked out of the pores of the Void Dwelling creature. Quill's lookalike, just like Ed's, was missing a large portion of flesh but unlike the Alchemist’s, Quill’s was much more gruesome, as it's left arm from the elbow down was stripped of whatever type of flesh once sat there and now all that there was, was bleeding muscles which were stained by what seemed to be rot and disgusting stand-ins for what Quill’s markings were, and this creature’s chest was split open like something had blasted a cannon ball straight through it, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of the creature’s chest which oozed and spurted out streams of blackened crimson blood that seemed to never stop at all and the hair of the creature was stained with the blood of whatever was its previous victim. Both Eaters glared intently at their respective Displaced and waited patiently for the pair to walk into the Crater, so their fight could begin. As they waited, Quill could only mutter out in horror and much disgust. “Nantekotta i?” Quill whispered. “I knew that they were going to be fucked up, but not like this.” He mumbled to himself before sharpening his eyes further and hardening his resolve even further as he looked at his Void Eater counterpart. “I can honestly say I’ve seen worse on the battlefields back home but at least then the corpses weren’t alive,” Ed added with disgust in his voice. “I honestly think I’m way better looking in my true form over that thing.” "The art I've seen of fucking wendigos looked less terrifying then these horrid messes of monsters." Quill mumbled. “I remember hearing another story that Void Eaters are incomplete, seeking out Displaced to feed off their powers in order to become whole,” Edward rubbed his chin. “Much like how we share powers but in their case, they take it by force consuming the Displaced in the process. It explains why they look like they do.” “Yeah, not a pretty image to imagine.” Quill huffed, looking at his patiently waiting counterpart that every so often jerked its head in some direction or another. Ed turned to the Eaters. “So do we play this, you two?” He asked. Ed’s counterpart only growled in response while Quill’s counterpart simply stood, never taking its bloodied eyes off of the Temporal Dragon Slayer. “I guess it’s up to us to make the first move,” Ed said. “Tell me Quill, do you know the rules of how to start off a game of chess? “Never been much of a chess player.” Quill admitted. “In chess the player with the white pieces moves first,” Ed explained. “And can tip his hand to the player of black. I never liked making the first move which is why I alway went second but in situations where you have to go first what should you do?” “Well, honestly I’d try to set myself up in a way in which I’d always win but right now… it’s almost like we’re facing our worst selves.” Quill grinned with a slight huff of a chuckle. “For you that may be,” Edward looked forward, placing his hands in his pockets. “But for me this isn’t anything close to the darker aspects of myself, more like one of the bad dreams you have as a kid and once you wake up and give a sigh of relief and then go right back to sleep.” “Fair point.” Quill sighed as he stared directly at his counterpart, who only stared back with those bloodshot crimson eyes. “I don’t think we can reason with them at all,” Ed sighed and looked at his copy. “Let’s see if you can hold a candle to the real Crimson Sage.” he cracked his knuckles. Ed started to walk forward and a sword blade shot from his right arm. “It’s been a bit since I pulled this out and I never once used it here so I know you don’t have it in that knock off bone,” Ed pulled his back and thrust his blade forward and it shot forward wrapping around his copy. ”Get over here!” Ed pulled the Eater to him and landed a solid blow to its gut. “MARS BANE 70X NAIL PUNCH!” The void eater was sent flying and all that was heard was the repeated strikes of 280 punches in a single spot. “Damn,” Ed grabbed his left hand as red sparks came off it. “One blow at max in base form probably did more damage to me than it did to the Eater’s body. I really can’t pull my punches with this thing. If I play by the rules I could be in for some real shit from this thing.” Ed looked at his now healed left hand. “It’s like they drain your power just from touching them. Quill don’t hold back.” Ed called out. Quill stayed silent for a few seconds before grinning widely, before releasing a slightly unnerving laugh of pure sadistic joy as his bangs overshadowed his eyes. After letting out that creepy laugh, Quill looked down to reveal one crimson red eye, and one violet magenta eye which kept switching between purple, and orange every so often. “Ed… it’d be my genuine pleasure.” Quill growled with a smirk as Ed could also hear Ruiner and Null speaking at the same time. Suddenly the Time Dragon Slayer rocketed off the ground he was standing on with high speeds before slamming his foot towards the stomach of his Void Eater counterpart, only for said counterpart to barely counter the kick with a punch from its bloodied muscle arm. The small shockwave of the clash resulted in the two being pushed back to separate sides as Quill lost his smile and the air around him became more tense. Quill looked at his counterpart before dashing at the monster and yelling these words. “Temporal Dragon Blades!” Quill shouted as two blades made from his Time Magic erupted in a flame-like appearance, jutting out of the top of his arms. He then launched himself at his counterpart who countered by grabbing one of the blades with its hands and tried to retaliate by sending a punch directly into Quill’s stomach, only for the Time Slayer to avoid being hit by stabbing the Void Eater’s arm causing the Eater to huff in annoyance as it then kicked at the ground and sent off its own version of Time Quake. This caused the two to once again drag off a few meters away from one another as Quill dispersed his blades which caused his markings to glow slightly. Ed jumped with his back against Quill. “Try to refrain from physically touching them lest you lose more power,” Ed said from the side of his mouth. “We need armor.” Ed invoked his first demon form. “Quill take this,” Ed held up the Incursio Sword to the dragon Slayer. “Every king needs a sword and armor after all.” Taking the sword from the Alchemist, Quill looked at the blade and immediately knowing what it was, he momentarily smirked and recognized the blade as a living being who should be treated with respect. “Thank’s, he’ll come in handy against these suckers.” Quill thanked his friend while looking at the blade momentarily and saw the sun shimmer off the blade before Quill looked at the gem in the middle of the blade before Quill turned the blade into a reverse grip, so that the blade faced downwards towards the ground and stabbing the blade into the ground and calling out the weapon’s name. “INCURSIO!” Quill roared as a dozen chains both large and small shot out of the ground and encompassed the Dragon Slayer. After a minute of the chains running around the Dragon Slayer, they all dispersed into a metallic blast of sound which pushed back the Slayer’s counterpart a few feet, and revealed Quill in the Incursio armor which looked almost exactly like Tatsumi’s armor from Akame ga Kill. Except that instead of a red cape, the armor now donned a battle tattered black cape which was accompanied by a slow bleeding aura of navy blue and pitch black wisps of killing intent that everyone could see, and feel, Quill’s crimson red eyes becoming red orbs or killing intent through the shadows of his helmet. Ed’s doppelganger clapped its hand and threw them on the ground and sent spikes up from the ground at the duo. “Two can play that game,” Ed smirked and sent red sparks out along the ground and counter with his own spikes. Suddenly Ed was pulled to the Eater grip and it started to absorb his energy. The Eater gave a wicked grin, “What the hell are you smiling at?!” Ed roared using the force. He immediately backhanded the Void Eater into the wall. “Little bastard has the force to. I won’t be put off by that again.” Ed shot off and grabbed the Eater by its head and dragged it along the ground, face down. “Eat rock!” He tossed the demon into the ground and threw out his hand, “ I RELEASE YOU FROM YOU CHAIN. DEVOUR THE KNIGHTMARES TO BRING FORTH THE SWEETEST OF DREAMS TO MY FRIENDS. SHINE THE LIGHT IN THE DARK AND UNLOCK THE DOORS TO THE KINGDOM, THE KINGDOM HEARTS!” A column of light came down and Ed reached in to pull out his keyblade and Void Eater showed a look of actual surprise. “That’s right dumbass I didn’t use but a couple of tricks when I was here last time, and this next one Quill hasn’t even seen,” He spun the around then separated it and threw the two halves up and then landed and locked onto Ed’s back. The blades ran down Ed’s arms extending into death scythe claws while the guards turned into bladed wings. “Baku: Nightmare Ripper!” Ed used the force and pulled his copy in then slammed a bladed claw down on him straight into the earth. The alchemist didn’t give the Eater time to react and grabbed him and tossed the Void Eater out but the Eater shot force lightning at Ed. Ed countered with his left claw. “Poor thing, Thunder Rain.” Ed threw the lighting up and an arrow of lightning rained down on the field. Looking back, Quill didn’t say anything nor did he react before turning his head back to his counterpart who was mere inches away from his face. Though oddly enough, Quill didn’t react at all and simply swung his right arm diagonally across and upwards from the Void Eater’s body before closing his hand in a way which mirrored a way one would hold a sword as suddenly, the air in Quill’s closed hand warped into the form of one of his blades. This form was that of the Dark Repulser which phased into existence as Quill’s counterpart was blasted back in a large amount of blood which hit Quill’s armor as the Slayer didn’t flinch as his counterpart looked at the now armored Slayer with a small growl as it now sported a massive gash across its still gored chest. Suddenly the monster sprinted at Quill and tried to tackle the Temporal Dragon Slayer to the ground, only for Quill to quickly side step away from advancing Void Eater and hold out his left hand, summoning his Bloodskal before slashing at the Eater with both swords, causing his counterpart to roar out in frustration and wildly lash out in rage which Quill ducked out of the way of by rolling to the right. After doing so, Quill let go of his swords and let them disperse into energy before he reached behind his back and pulled out his Nergal Reaver before wielding it with both hands as his Void counterpart sent blast of its own Temporal Magic at Quill who blocked the attack with his sword and got pushed back a few feet, uprooting a bit of rock from the ground. After the magic faded, Quill looked at his counterpart and dispersed the Reaver before running at the Eater and ramming his fist directly into the face of the Void Eater who recoiled in shock as if was grabbed by the hair and had its face slammed into Quill’s knee before being Spartan Kicked into the side of the crater. Ed tossed his opponent next to Quill’s and landed next to the Dragon Slayer, “Battle Mediation of sorts but you won’t last long in that state with the armor on. Best wrap this up before you time out.,” Ed remarked as he reverted back to his base form with keyblade in hand. “The ripper puts too much strain on me even while in my armor. Best if I use the normal mode while my body repairs itself, drink,” He held up vials of red and green potions. Quill took a vial before his armor’s facepiece opened up to reveal Quill’s face as he simply wore a passive expression as he slowly drank the contents of the vial. Once he was done he took the second vial and drank that one too before handing both empty vials to Edward, and after doing that his facepiece closed once more before he held out his right hand and summoned his Time Reaper Scythe. After doing so, the scythe began to bleed off the same aura which had bled off the newly armored Quill for the first time before Quill swung the scythe around as he walked towards his counterpart before raising his weapon above his head and bringing it down onto the head of his counterpart with enough force to break the ground below the two and cut through several trees which were behind the Eater. Seconds passed before Quill’s body was sent flying back past Ed and being slammed into the ground by Ed’s counterpart which forced the Dragon Slayer to revert back into his non-armored form. “Kuso.” Quill mumbled as he was grabbed by the neck by Ed’s Eater before the monster ginned maddly and tossed Quill towards his own Void Eater who sprinted at Quill’s airborne body and caught the Slayer before biting down onto the Slayer’s neck and ripping off a chunk of flesh. Quill released a pained roar before pushing himself out of his counterpart’s hold and grabbing his wound. The Slayer then noticed a shadow from behind him and looked back to see the counterpart of Ed looked at him with a maniacal look on his face, before the Void Eater slammed its fist into the side of Quill’s head, throwing him to the ground once more as Quill’s counterpart picked the Slayer up again and the two Eaters began to mercilessly attack Quill, ganging up on the Dragon Slayer and causing Quill to spit up a glob of blood before Quill’s counterpart grabbed Quill by the face and slammed the Slayer into ground before repeating the action over and over again. With one final and massive slam onto the ground, Quill’s body began to fall limp with both the tiredness and fatigue of fighting in the Incursio armor and the damage he was currently receiving as the ground beneath Quill began to break apart as the Slayer desperately tried to fight back to no avail. Two shadow hands slammed into the face of the Eaters sending them flying,”I’ve had enough of you two monsters ganging up on someone I consider a brother.” Ed looked at the Eaters with disgust as he knelt down to check on Quill. “Christ they really did a number on you,” Ed placed a hand on Quill’s back and used a combination of Alchestry and magic to heal the wounded Dragon Slayer. “Body is fixed but you won’t be fighting anymore.” “Yeah, I figured.” Quill chuckled as he looked up into the sky, before he felt something cold on his face and saw a few flakes of snow fall onto his body. “Snow?” He mumbled before noticing that the snow stopped as soon as it appeared. “The hell was that?” He muttered to himself. “Not just time seems to flow differently here,” Ed took off his coat and folded it up then placed it under Quill’s head. “But it seems to be a convergence into many points in different times of this world. Past, future, and present all exist at some point and come together here, but who's to say they aren’t all the present.” Ed looked at the Eaters as he stood back up. “You rest I’ll finish this. Any objections?” “Definitely not… I don’t think I can move all too much.” Quill chuckled breathlessly with a small smirk. “Kick their asses.” “What you’re about to see only Displaced have seen Quill so you must keep it to yourself, alright?” Ed looked ahead as Quill looked at his back. “Got it.” Quill responded as he looked at what was about to happen. “It takes something from the Void to defeat something born of the Void,” Ed slowly walked toward the Eaters as they growled and his at the alchemist. “BE QUIET!” Ed demanded and the Eaters backed off and started to shake from fear. “There is a reason why I play by the rules when fighting, because if I didn't I wouldn’t have any fun. But there are those times like this when that logic goes out the door.” Ed stopped just before the Void Eaters and they pounced on him siphoning his energy, “Go ahead and snack because in a minute you won’t eat anymore.” He brought both fists up and sent the monsters flying in the opposite direction. The Sun doesn't shine down here in the valley The moon doesn't glow beneath the trees Oh, heartless nature of transience Yet, I love the heartlessness and transience deeply Fire discriminates, neither against good nor evil as it burns and purifies in ferocious mercy Let the cremation begin With red hands and black deeds damning me Red hands feed my rage By the sound of a thousand horns I come Black deeds fuel my resolve for I know that they must be done They'll take my breath but not my deeds Before they come and dig this grave They'll see my face in every dream All must die and return to dust and bone My body will become a serpent with its mouth wide open, and level everything. Insatiable, endless emptiness The trumpets blare and bring the moment of judgement None in this world will live forever Not even time itself can escape The inescapable deeds of life as declared by God Now open the door to the end and the start Come forth from Nothingness and grant me everything I am infinite and yet I end For I am the Oroborus “Void Link, Truth.” Ed spoke in a calm monotonous voice and his bad blackened until all he was was a black form, the opposite of the Truth. The eaters shot at the Blackened Displaced but before they could hit it he vanished and the Eaters cross countered each other. “Pathetic beasts,” It appeared from behind, grabbed the heads and slammed them down. “Let’s play Patty Cake.” The creature begins to slam the Eaters' faces together to match the rhythm of the old rhyme. Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's man Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it and prick it and mark it with "B" Put it in the oven for baby and me For baby and me For baby and me And there will be plenty for baby and me Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's man Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it and prick it and mark it with "B" Put it in the oven for baby and me The blackened Edward tossed the Void Eater to the opposite side of the crater. He slowly approached the trembling beasts. “Do you yield?” He asked with a wide toothy grin. “Because I can keep playing if you don’t. You can even handle this power at fifteen percent, eheh. pathetic.” Quill was speechless at the spectacle and could only manage a few words. “Holy… fuck.” He mumbled, shocked at how much power Ed really held. “Want to play some more or are you done?” The blackened Ed asked the Void Eater. They rushed the alchemist again as he countered, throwing up his hands and two massive black balls appeared and swallowed the Void Dweller, “Truth’s Playground,” Ed said as black lighting streamed from his palms into the sphere torturing the Void Eater. It was like this for nearly five minute until Ed retracted to the sphere and the Eaters fell to the ground unconscious. “We are finished,” Ed said plainly as he reverted back to his human form and rushed to Quill’s side. “You okay there buddy?” “I-I think I’m okay… though I might need a bit to process whatever the fuck just happened. Other than that, I think I’m fine… though I may or may not be able to walk.” Quill chuckled while rubbing the back of his head. “Yes well, have a drink to dull the pain,” Ed pulled his flask from his pocket and handed it to Quill. “What do we do with those things,” Ed referenced the still unconscious Void Eaters. “Don’t know.” Quill responded as he drank from the flask. “Technically I beat them so we shouldn’t have any trouble from them,” Ed pondered. “But we can’t leave them here.” “Yeah, though I don’t know where we’ll put them.” Quill said, taking a breath. “I don’t really care what happens to them, I just don’t want them anywhere near my friends or family.” Quill grumbled. “I understand but we can’t just lock them away either Quill,” Ed helped Quill to his feet and made a cane for him to steady himself with. “They’re a part of this world, even if they were born from the Void to defeat and consume us. Think of them as white blood cells, they were just doing what they were made to do.” Ed thought for a moment. “They say that Void Eaters become eternal friends upon their defeat. Perhaps there is a part of the Void in which more of their kind reside in?” Quill paused for a few seconds before sighing. “That last bit… is a truly scary thought.” He responded. “Though with how insanely demented those two were, I could tell that they are damn loyal. To each other, to whoever made them, or who they befriend.” “The fact remains that we can’t leave them here.” Ed said again snapping his fingers as two chairs appeared behind the Displaced. “I know that, I-I just don’t know what the hell to do!” Quill grumbled, sighing as he struggled to pick himself up, before giving up and leaning back onto the ground once more, looking up into the infinite sky just as he had always done on earth when he was looking for answers. “I do want them to be okay in the regards that they aren’t neglected but… honestly their appearance just wouldn’t give anyone any type of reassurance as my counterpart has a cannonball sized hole in his chest.” Quill mumbled to himself as he breathlessly chuckled. “I know just having them seen is a risk, but in this incomplete state it could cause quite a panic,” Ed leaned back and pulled a brown bottle of shimmering blue liquid out of his magic bag at his waste as a table and glasses appeared in between him and Quill. “I do have a solution if you’re willing to allow it.” Ed poured the two of them beverages. “I just can’t replicate Pole’s brew so I have to carry a bottle with me when I leave.” Quill was hesitant to pick up his glass. “Don’t worry it’s not one of his joke bottles. Back to my solution, wanna hear it?” “Sure, let’s hear it. I’ve got no other idea.” Quill sighed before taking a small sip of the beverage, letting the liquid sit on his tongue for a few seconds before swallowing it. Ed took a swig of his own glass and then held up his right hand and a slot opened and out of it floated a couple of small black crystals. The one on Quill’s right had a green aura outlining it while the other had a white aura coming off it. “We can complete their forms enough to where they aren’t missing pieces of their bodies by giving them these void crystals. I make them when I find worlds I like to visit until I have the signatures programmed into my portal I have back home. This one is from a Zoro world,” He held up the green one. “And this one is from an Optimus prime.” Ed pointed to the other. “That’s… actually a really good idea.” Quill admitted, taking another swig of his drink. "Then it's settled," Ed said as he left the crystals floating for a second in the air and then flicked them over to the Eater, to which they began to hover over the Void Eaters. White, Green and Black lighting flowed from the void gems and into the Void Eaters completing their bodies and altering their appearances. Quill looked at the Void Eaters and their new altered appearances and whistled a little before Ruiner spoke up. ~Wow, that’s pretty handy.~ Ruiner mumbled in Quill’s head before Null took this time to speak. ~Indeed.~ Null agreed. "When you're as old as I am and have as many tricks you tend to use a few to amass more power to experiment with." Ed gave a smirk as he shrugged. “Now that we got these things looking decent what now?” “Honestly… I don’t know. For now I just wanna kinda take a nap. Incursio may be one of the most badass and coolest Teigu I’ve ever seen but damn… it drains energy outta you faster than some of your training regimen. Albeit not by much.” Quill sighed, as he heard Null and Ruiner mumble a few words in agreement as well. "Let's get you back to the house," Ed smirked as they blinked and appeared in front of Quill's home. Luna rushes out and embraces Quill, nearly knocking him over. "Easy there. He needs some rest but other than that he'll be just fine." "Dad!" Quill's son, Serena Acnori, shouted with tears beginning to form in his multicolored eyes. The young Dragon Slayer sprinted over to his father as Quill crouched down, wincing a small bit due to the still lingering pain of fighting his Void counterpart, but still enveloped his son tightly into a loving hug. "Dad, are you okay!?" Serena worriedly asked Quill who huffed out a loose chuckle before responding. "Yeah… other than feeling extremely sore and worn out, I'm fine kiddo." Quill told Serena, patting the top of the child's head. "Y'know… you almost gave me like, several heart attacks with the stupid shit you pull." Quill looked up to see Zeref with a small smirk, his girlfriend Mavis floating with her Spirit Spear Zera right next to her, the living weapon floating as well. “Hehe… sorry about that.” Quill sighed in awkwardness, rubbing the back of his head. "With a few days rest he'll be fine, " Ed smirked as he sat on the steps of the house. "We left the Void Eaters back in the Time Crater, but their bodies are completed, so beyond looking like evil clones of us no need to worry. They may come by to see Quill once they regain consciousness, don't attack or act hostile, They'll take it as a threat and trust me, even though you're all a lot stronger than you were before you left this world you're still no match for them, especially when Quill had a harder time fighting them. Luna twelve o'clock." Ed ducked down as the Princess of the Night shot from the house and tackled Quill to the ground embracing him hard while nuzzling his face. "Quill, I was so worried!" Luna expressed as she squeezed Quill's body, constricting him as he tried and only just barely succeeded to return the hug from the worried Alicorn. "I-I'm okay Lulu. Just need some rest… that's all." Quill chuckled with a weak tone of voice as he then let out a large yawn of fatigue. “I’ll stick around until you’ve recovered a bit more,” Ed said as he pulled a cigar from his coat he stuck it in his mouth then snapped and the end lit up. He took an inhale and blew with the wind away from the others. “Just in case they don’t answer you, Quill. I don’t want them to cause any trouble and I’m the only one here who can handle them, I also have a few questions that I’d like answered and this is the best opportunity to do it. Luna, make sure he gets to bed and have him drink these.” Ed pulled a few red, green, and blue potions from his pouch and Luna took them and Quill in her magic and brought him into the house. “I can walk ya know." Quill commented as he dangled. “Hush, you don’t even have the strength to fight a mere telekinetic field at an extreme low level.” Luna looked at her man with squinted eyes. “Don’t fight with you girl when you know she’s worried about you. Remember what happened last time?” Spike said from the porch, hinting towards the relatively new marking directly in the middle of Quill's stomach. "Y-Yeah, yeah." Quill yawned out once more. "I get it." Ed puffed on his cigar, “Then be a good boy and rest for now." He chucked as Luna floated Quill into the house. Celestia soon joined the group outside. “Hey there Sunshine, how are things looking?” "Sunshine?" Celestia giggled before recomposing herself, letting out a loose sigh before saying. "When we got back, everything seemed to continue just as we never left." The solar diarch told the otherworldly prince. "I believe that'd have something to do with the 'Time Crater', as Quill called it, freezing time or showing it to a near crawl before releasing it's grasp. The others are doing just fine. Zirconis, Mali, and Gilda are all inside discussing and talking about getting a house here in Ponyville, due to something happening back in Griffinstone which caused Gilda and Mali to flee. From what little Gilda has told me about it, it likely had something to do with Tyrrios." Looking up into the sky, Celestia took a deep breath before continuing. "There's something new in the air. I can feel it." She hummed with a small smile. “This world has started to wake up for the first time in a long time,” Ed commented as he put out the cigar. “Many things have started to move that had laid still for many years. You all have been through quite a few changes to. You’re all much stronger than before but you can still grow. It'll be a week in my worlds outside but GUARANTEE that you were all gone within the time frame of a few years,” Edward stood up. “If you want I CAN make a house for the three of them.” "I think they would rather that they make their own house." Celestia smiled down at the Alchemist. Suddenly she looked up and squinted her eyes before asking a single question. "Is that a flying cat?" She mumbled causing Acno to choke on air, before shooting her head up into the sky and staring directly at a small shadowy figure flying above them all. "Holy crap." Acno mumbled, eyes wide at what she saw, before the shadow quickly flew away. "I-I never thought that this would happen when I sensed that building." She breathed out with widened eyes, falling back onto her butt in shock at what she'd just seen. Edward got to his feet ansmirked. "I should've known you'd get Exceeds here. Lex has them in her world but I only met the one." “I-It can’t be… was that him?” Acno mumbled under her breath as she looked at the spot where the Exceed had previously been. “Does that mean he’s here too?” She questioned as she looked down at the ground in front of her. "You think that was Happy, Anco?" Ed came over and knelt down placing a hand on her back. "Y-Yeah. I do. And plus, I could smell a bit of a Dragon Slayer's scent on him which means that he was around one of the Dragon Slayers recently." Acno sighed shakily, taking Ed's hand and getting raised off the ground and back onto her feet. “You wanna go check it out?” Ed asked. Acno paused and looked in the direction the Exceed went before sighing and shaking her head. “I… don’t think we should do anything as of right now, with what’s already happened. Plus, I’m sure that Quill, Serena, Zeref, and Mavis will want to check out if it was really Happy or not.” She told the Alchemist. Ed placed a hand on her head and gently tousled her hair. “You guys can handle them, just don’t kill them. And you have my watch to call me if you need me. K.” “Hey! I don’t want to kill anyone from Fiore anymore, so I won’t.” Acno pouted cutely, folding her arms and puffing out her cheeks. Looking at the young child, Celestia released a small giggle, causing the former King of the Dragons to pout even cuter. “Acno, you’re adorable,” Ed picked. “But I wasn’t totally joking either. You guys easily out match the Fairy Tail in terms of pure physical strength alone. You could knock Natsu out for days with one punch, the only chance he’d have is if he was in Dragon King mode.” “Yeah, I get what you mean.” Acno said, letting her pout fade away. “Though it would be kinda nice to see the daughter of Grandeeney. She was by far one of the cutest creatures I’d seen in an incredibly long time but sadly, I didn’t get to tell her that due too… well… y’know.” Acno told Ed awkwardly, rubbing her arm. “It's fine Acno,” Ed gave her a confirming pat on the head. “We all have things in our past that we would rather forget, but it is how we use those experiences to our advantage to better ourselves and others in the present and future. You’re not Acnologia The Apocalypse Dragon anymore. You’re Acno Quill, the cute little dragon slayer and Quill’s little sister. I hope you see me as a brother as well.” “I do see you as a brother, Ed.” Acno told the Alchemist, hugging his waist. “But also, I found something out which I don’t think Quill gives a shit about. His last name isn’t Quill, it’s Acnori apparently.” She told him, letting go of Ed. “Yeah, I don’t know if he really cares about that or not but… -” Acno huffed, giving a small shrug. “-hey, that’s his choice.” “Will if he's from Japan that makes sense,” Ed scratched the side of his face. “I’m not one to use them. Make sure he stays in bed for a few days though. He’s much worse off then he let on.” Ed’s vision was then obscured by writing. “ The hell?” he squinted, he recited the writing for everyone to hear. You have been invited by [Deltorix the gamer] do you wish to join? Yes? No? “I guess someone else found my token,” Ed sighed looking at everyone else. “I’d like to stick around guys but duty calls. Don’t be strangers either.” Ed pointed to the Gateway. “If I’m not around Tia and Luna should be. Feel free to come by though.” He hit ‘yes’ and a door appeared and opened. “See ya,” Ed waved as he walked through the door and shut it before it digitally disappeared leaving everyone else confused. Zeref, however, was left unphased by the Alchemist's exit as he stood in the frame of the door to the house, sipping from a coffee cup, before speaking. “Huh… that’s honestly kinda cool.” The former Dark Wizard hummed before turning on his heel and walking back inside, leaving the Mane Six, Acno, the Sister Princesses, and the future rulers of the Crystal Empire outside, staring in slight confusion. Suddenly Pinkie Pie broke the silence, with a few words. “What a nice guy!”