> The A'Bridged: Shower Time > by Tarbtano > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Eavesdropping on Your Friends in the Shower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was thankful to have a friend in Rainbow Dash and that came with many, many benefits. Heroism, inspiration, confidant-hood, and today, free access to the showers the flight teams had. Big benefit after she'd just come to the race after re-denning a pack of wolves and two bears, covered in dirt and grime. But, the day boded well. She didn't mind getting filthy, the animals were well, and Dashie and Rodan had aced the competition. Speaking of the latter, the winged dame perked up at his voice over the running water, the direction coming from two stalls down. "-You sure? Got enough room?" She froze, and felt like covering up, yipping mutely in fright. Rodan? Why the hay was he here in the mare's changing room? He didn't strike her as a pervert. In fact given he was literally from a different world the best she could figure was he must have gotten turned around at the signs and walked into the mares stalls by mistake. Seemed likely enough, but that didn't answer the question of who was he talking to. Fluttershy, against her better wishes, perked up an ear. "Yeah sure-" Fluttershy couldn't catch all of it over the water, but she recognized the voice. Rainbow Dash finished with- "-come on in flyboy!" Sound of steps and a curtain being opened and closed, and Fluttershy's eyes widening. Th-They were sharing a shower?! Together?! W-were they an item? They did pal around a lot, but given how neither of them acted romantically, she'd have never guessed. Fluttershy flushed a bit, listened in to the muffled voices. Against her better judgement and wishes, she found herself poking her head out of the curtain to her stall and turning down the water a bit to hear better. Maybe they were just that platonic they could do something like this and not feel weird about it? He was a giant pterosaur in his true self, not like he was even close to the same species. Maybe this was all just them being weird and- "You're right, it is pretty warm. You're already soaking," Rodan noted calmly, "Tastes funny." "Oh hush up Rodey!" Fluttershy puzzled. A nickname, or a pet name? And taste? Wet? Wait, was he…? Her eyes slowly widened and jaw dropped down slightly. "Mind returning the favor?" Rodan started with audible shifting in the shower, "Help me out with this bulge?" Fluttershy's eyes expanded to the size of dinner plates as she paled. -Oh buck no...- Rainbow Dash was muffled by the running water but clearly gave an impressed whistle, "Wooow that's a big one. Show any of gals this hard one, big guy?" "Nah, only you so far. Consider it a best friend benefit. Usually I-" he was muffled again, but Fluttershy was red in the face more and more, covering her face with her wings, "-Think about how you....... and then I rub-..... So I don't trust others with this. Kinda embarrassing." "Pfft! Embarrassing nothing, this is a like a record!" Rainbow Dash keened in a very eager, jesting tone, "Might wanna have it checked now that it's stiff." Rodan seemed coy when he replied, "Was kinda hoping you'd help me out with it." Rainbow Dash audible shrugged but snickered, "Woah, it's warm!" A loud thud was heard on the wall that echoed into her stall, causing to Fluttershy yip. Rodan barked back in response to whatever Dashie just did, and Fluttershy could imagine why, "H-Hey careful! You're dripping wet so you're sliding around! Get on the floor so you can get on me." Shifting of movement and then, something that made Fluttershy's head spin. Loud, slick, clopping and squeezing, like something was being dropped up and down. "Man it's in- ...- deep! I can feel it to the bone!" Rainbow Dash panted with another smacking drop. "H-Hey careful, don't jump up and down or you'll hurt yourself, I'm bigger than you are!-" There was, in the moments following, loud shouts, moans, and groaning; along with panting breaths. Rainbow Dash, obviously winded, huffed happily, "Phew!-... ! Next time you gotta rub one out on me!' More pounding, more wet smacking. Fluttershy couldn't take it, she power trotted out the stall, grabbed a towel, and sprinted to her locker as red as a cherry. Oh good dear Celestia she could never look at Rodan and Rainbow the same way again knowing what kind of debauchery they got into in private. Mark her words, she was never taking a shower in anywhere they took a shower in again! ================== Inside the other stall, minutes ago ================== Rodan ambled around the hallways, figuring the there must be renovations being undertaken at this stadium given he couldn't find many of the signs. By the lockers, stalls, and showers he figured he'd ended up in a changing and bathing area, but unsure of which. He was still carrying around his flight suit, the one Rarity and Rainbow's mother had made for him and his Equestrian best friend, unsure of where to put it down. He and Rainbow had been doing fairly well so far and he didn't want to risk some fan stalking off with it. After all, this kind of fabric was enchanted and it was just about the only thing he'd ever get to wear if they had to bust out his true form. He'd have jumped back a bit when a cyan blue face popped out of the shower stall, had he not had some tightness in his hind end. "Gah! Rainbow?" he quipped while turning to face her. "Heya Ro, yo-" she paused and cringed, crinkling her nose, "Pppft, you stink! Not rinsed off yet?" Rodan shook his head, giving her a lowbrow look when the mare covered her nose and waved her hoof to clear the air in a distinctly over the top manner. "Kinda got turned around," Rodan puzzled as he glanced about, looking back to his friend who was poking her head out of the shower stall. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and motioned into the stall for him, grabbing a claw of his to tug the gryphon inside. Rodan raised his brow, "You sure? Got enough room?" Rainbow Dash, hair matted down with shower water and free of her flight suit, nodded at him and stepped aside to make room. "Yeah sure, besides it saves water," Rainbow Dash noted as she opened the curtain to let him in, not paying any mind to the fact she was completely bare since, as a pony, she usually was anyway. Besides, she knew her friend well and even in a typically private location like this, she felt totally safe and secure he wouldn't try anything. The thought actually made her smile calmly, "I trust yah, come on in flyboy!" The kaiju turned gryphon obeyed and was immediately relieved with blessed heat to help out after getting chilled by the high altitude. He wasn't nearly as massive as he was before and even his true form could get the shivers when flying around the poles for too long. "You're right, it is pretty warm. You're already soaking," he calmly noted while sticking his tongue out to grab some water, "Tastes funny." "Oh hush up, Rodey," Dash sniped as she splashed some of the built up floor water onto his face, "That's cart wash water, you're not supposed to drink it!" He did a spit take and the dame snickered and giggled at her jest, earning a bemused pout from her company. "Gotcha-Aph!" she sputtered and spat, having taken a wingful of water to the face. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes after wiping her face, snagging some shampoo and passing it to her flight partner. After a bit of tending to themselves, Rainbow perked up at her flight partner's voice. "Mind returning a favor?" Rodan started with an obvious wince on his face. He set aside the soap he'd been trying to reach around and use on his back, sitting down to show the problem. Moving as carefully as he could, he reached around and extended a clawed finger to point at a muscle knot on his mid-back that Rainbow Dash needed no help noticing given it was making a noticeable mound under his skin, "Help me out with this bulge?" Rainbow Dash's eyes dilated and she couldn't help but whistle. She'd seen plenty of flight muscle knots in her day, but this took the cake! "Wooow that's a big one. Show any of gals this hard one, big guy?" she muttered while beginning to feel at it with her hooves, carefully in case it was sensitive. Rodan shook his head, "Nah, only you so far. Consider it a best friend benefit. Usually I would dunk myself in some magma to heal up fast, but I can't do that here. So I thought about how you told me about those remedies Wonderbolts use. And then I rubbed at it and tried but I just can't reach. I can't reach back at all. Not something that's happened to me before so I don't trust others with this." He muttered, his tone getting a bit quieter from annoyance, "Kinda embarrassing." Rainbow Dash shook her head at the knot, frankly surprised he wasn't shrieking in pain. Damn thing seemed as big as a shot glass and it was lodged under his skin around a nerve bundle! "Pfft! Embarrassing nothing, this is a like a record!" Rainbow Dash keened with a snigger while feeling it up, soon frowning, "Might wanna have it checked now that it's stiff." Rodan whimpered, his wings sagging, "Was kinda hoping you'd help me out with it." Rainbow Dash audibly shrugged at the machismo and rolled her eyes, but soon perked her eyebrows up at a weird observation and frowned after feeling at her friend's injury, "Woah, it's warm!" "J-Just hit it!" Rodan whined as he braced a hand on the shower wall and sat down, shaking all over. Rainbow Dash typically would do no such thing, not wanting to risk hurting the poor guy worse. But a pleading glance and whimper from Rodan caused her to just go with it. The pegasus mare shrugged and whacked him in the back, making an audible thump both from him as he pushed into the wall from her blow and from how dense he was. She thought she heard a yelp and would have paused had Rodan's groan not grabbed her attention again. He was shuddering and shaking, gritting his beak and trying to say something to her but the pain was clenching his jaw shut. Finally, looking back, the gryphon motioned towards his both with his beak and head, nodding at her. Rainbow Dash cringed but steeled herself, "Hang tight, Dashie's gotcha buddy!" She pounded on him again but even throwing caution into the wind and smacking as hard as she was willing to hit a friend didn't help much. She nearly slipped and had to catch herself on the wall to avoid face planting on the tile floor. Rodan's eyes widened and he grabbed her shoulder, "H-Hey careful! You're dripping wet so you're sliding around! Get on the floor." They lowered down, Rodan practically laying down as Rainbow got beside him. Cocking an elbow, she whacked him multiple times and started kneading in the spike of her foreleg. Wet fur on pycnofibers was making all kinds of weird noises, but she was bound and determined to help a buddy out. "Man it's in there deep! I can feel it to the bone!" She panted, glancing at her flight partner while grinding her elbow near his shoulder blade. "Y-You’re getting it! keep it up!" Rodan winced but shuddered when he saw the mare practically jump up and land on him, helping catch her fall by kicking a leg out so she'd land on it, "H-Hey careful, don't jump up and down or you'll hurt yourself, I'm bigger than you are so if you do that your gonna to spill over again!" "Just one more!" Rainbow Dash yelped, ignoring the sound of wet hooves on the floor outside as she pounced on him again. Rainbow Dash smashed her elbow down on the knot, grinding it in until, it slipped, "AAAAH!" This time, Rodan hollered out briefly very loudly, but groaned in relief from the tingling slipping through the nerves on his back. The tension he'd been feeling pulling in on his limbs was ebbing away, allowing parts of his back to finally go slack. Finally, finally the damn knot was gone. They both sat up, panting over the falling water as they propped up on opposite walls of the shower. "Yo-You good?" Rainbow Dash huffed while flicking a wet bang out of her face. Rodan panted and huffed as he gave her a thumbs up, which she returned before putting her hoof to his talon. The mare rolled her head back, "Phew! Good! Next time you gotta rub one out on me!' A loud gasp was heard outside and both froze, glancing aside before poking their heads out of either side of the curtain to an empty shower room. Rodan tilted his head over, "... What was that?" Rainbow Dash just raised her shoulders in befuddlement.