Revenge of the Chancellor: Part Two

by Robert Emerald Fountain

First published

Rescuing the Non-Pony students from Chancellor Neighsay

Twilight and her allies in the Christian Fleet have figured out that Chancellor Neighsay is responsible for the disappearance of the Non-Pony students from the Friendship School. It is time to strike down on the place where he is holding them, and to break the students out. However, they know this won't be an easy task at all.


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Previously on Revenge of the Chancellor...

A normal night after school has turned into a critical situation. Six of Twilight's special students have been captured by someone. Allies have come to help, and EEA members have said that Chancellor Neighsay has vanished mysteriously. Closer investigation reveals that Neighsay is the one responsible, and that he is trying to get revenge on Twilight. Following his tracks has led the rescue party to an underground chamber below Mount Everhoof. Merely looking at the equipment in there has revealed that he is heavily torturing the students, and might be trying to kill them.


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Without hesitating after turning on flashlights, Twilight called to the medical unit of the rescue team.


A medical alarm with an ID of "A-1" meant it was life threatening.

Without warning, they abruptly heard the sound of a baby crying as well.

"What the...", Twilight asked as she heard that and then noticed something chirping on Brandon's belt.

Brandon looked at the device and sent a second call. This alarm was identified as C3, which indicated something skin related.

An urgent call came in from Cadence, saying that Flurry Heart had been snatched. She said that the call was delayed because she and Shining Armor had been gagged.

"We've got her, Cadence. Don't worry.", Brandon replied.

Neighsay rushed out of the control room to try to quiet Flurry Heart, but a terrible stink caused him to vomit and he passed out.


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The team ran down the stairs and quickly restrained Neighsay. Twilight turned the power back on and put on a thermal suit that was hung next to Smolder's cell. As she tried to find out what was happening, the medics showed up. Brandon rushed to help Twilight open the door which was frozen shut. They soon found out what was going on with the poor dragon. They were startled at their sight when they hoisted Smolder out of a tank of fluid and freed her from the shackles. She was covered in ice, shivering, and sneezing. To make matters worse, her skin had changed color.

"He is crazy. This is liquid nitrogen. Smolder has severe hypothermia.", Brandon yelped as he tested the fluid she had been submerged in.

Upon hearing that, Twilight yelled for a heated blanket and Smolder was quickly wrapped up. Five minutes later, she was able to move on her own, and started blowing her nose. The team moved on to free the rest of the prisoners while Ariel changed Flurry Heart and sent her back home with a teleporter. Sandbar was only being struck multiple times with hard rubber strips. He had disgusting welts and needed ice to stop the swelling. Neighsay awoke all of a sudden and began thrashing in rage.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING PUNISHED, PRINCESS?", he shouted before Celestia gagged him.

"Twilight, I think you're going to have a harder time rescuing Gallus. He doesn't look swift, and there is a "DANGER" sticker on the door.", Celestia said.

Celestia was correct. Gallus had been getting squirted violently with a powerful acid that could dissolve skin if used too vigorously. This was worse than Smolder's deep freeze because when Twilight went in to get him out, she had to wear a hazmat suit and get decontaminated after emerging. Gallus was placed in a chamber that contained and absorbed the toxic acid. Ocellus was showing signs of something scary. After Twilight turned the power back on, Brandon saw smoke coming off of the machine she was hooked to. Her heart rate was completely out of whack as well. Brandon broke open the door, grounded himself, and closed a water valve before a timer reached zero. She had been getting tortured by electroshock therapy, with the amounts getting higher and higher. Although, it was being done in a weird manner. She would get sprayed with four water jets which would become electrified after three seconds of the water starting. Luckily, this only happened every 2 hours.

She had been zapped only 4 times. The amount at the fourth shock was the equivalent of a cattle prod. The gauge said that the next zap would be enough to kill her. Nevertheless, she was in cardiac arrest. She was put on a ventilator and hooked to an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) right away. Silverstream was being burned with flamethrowers and then getting dunked in boiling vegetable oil. The burns were too disgusting for Twilight to look at without throwing up. Burn cream and ice packs were given at once to numb the areas. Yona was in the flat-out WORST condition. Hard pieces of metal were swung at her, which broke multiple bones and created ugly bruises. On top of that, blades were slashed at her. She was bleeding heavily, and Twilight had tears in her eyes.

"Poor things.", she choked out as Brandon and Link began wrapping Yona in bandages.

The teams began moving the injured students, taking them to the hospital in Canterlot. They were admitted at once, and got put in private rooms. Neighsay was held on board the Lemurian Star, under tight security until he would go to court the next day.

The Hearing and Neighsay's Good Deeds

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After being escorted into the courtroom, Neighsay was ordered not to shout. He rolled his eyes at Brandon in irritation.

"I do not want to give you this, but I have to. I have a feeling you will try to remain silent.", Brandon explained as Ariel injected Neighsay with a truth serum.

Neighsay calmed down instantly, and his face softened into a state of sorrow and defeat. The trial was started on schedule, and Celestia only had to tap the gavel instead of slamming it. She did not yell at Neighsay either. The other races' representatives were there as well and explained what they had been told. Twilight asked him to apologize for doing this.

"Twilight, Everyone, I am sorry about what I had been doing to them. I had let my anger take control.", Neighsay confessed to Twilight.

"I forgive you, Neighsay, but you need to apologize to each of the students, and to my sister-in-law for capturing my niece.", Twilight calmly responded.

"I must also suspend your EEA rank, but you will get it back and you need to do a conference with your comrades and these reps.", Celestia said before adjourning the hearing

Neighsay did not retaliate, nor did he get out of line. He was actually HORRIFIED when he saw what had happened to the students. Almost all of them were recovering quickly and steadily. Those that were, had trouble breathing and had masks that delivered a mix of oxygen and a gas to help keep their throats open. Ocellus was back in a normal heart rhythm, but she was being monitored closely. Yona was bandaged heavily because she'd had surgery to remove broken ribs from spots where her lungs had been pierced, and her hooves were in traction to keep her legs straight. Sandbar had ice packs on his back to cope with the welts he had from being struck with the rubber bands. Silverstream had multiple bandaged areas where she had been severely burned. Gallus was in worse condition than Yona, because he had absorbed some of the acid. So, he was kept in an isolation room during his recovery. Smolder, on the other hand, was breathing on her own. However, she was having a hard time with recovery. She was still discolored and shivering from her hypothermia. Thankfully, she was sitting upright, but she had wrapped herself in a thick blanket to try and keep warm. She knew who she was looking at, but she warned him to keep distance.

"I...f-f-forg-g-giv-v-ve...y-y-you,...N-N-Neighs-s-say. AAACHOO!!", Smolder said through shivers before sneezing.

Neighsay realized this meant she had a cold. Three weeks later, all of the students were discharged and went back to the school. Neighsay volunteered to bring them their homework while they were in the hospital, which Twilight applauded warmly. The meeting that Celestia ordered was held the following week. Brandon sat in on the meeting in case anything went wrong. He was glad that nothing went wrong, and the EEA's doctrine was successfully adjusted to only look at students' safety and that teachers could use their own style. Twilight was in the meeting as well, and they elected to combine the new doctrine with her private book. Twilight agreed, and also came up with a rank scale for accreditation. A gold seal was full accreditation, silver was nearly full, and bronze was that they needed improvement. Since Twilight met all of the new doctrine, Neighsay gladly gave her a gold seal for an EEA accreditation.