> Bedtime: A Blazing Hot Day in Autumn > by StatiZkyZ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Is it just because of the Kirin, or it's getting hot in here? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This grassy plain may as well be as comfortable as a bed. It's been a couple of years since you left home and ventured away from pony towns. You went on a journey trying to find that place of your dreams, somewhere to be one with nature. The living space of towns with other ponies, though nice and convenient, is not exactly what you are seeking. So, off you went to places few ponies have traveled, even those places considered far too dangerous to venture. Perhaps you deserve it for not listening to the warnings, but your life got into danger at one point. You've encountered a vicious bugbear, and the outlook is rather bleak at this moment. After an exhausting and desperate run, you've ended up in an area with a huge cliff sticking out like a crater. You see a small opening in the cliff and tried to take shelter there, but with most of your energy spent, the bugbear comes close to you, stinger upfront. Suddenly, a noise like that of an explosion of flames and a roar combined, a creature you have never seen before jumps out from the tunnel. It is creating a trail of dark magenta and blue fire between you and the bugbear, and is scaring it off. The creature looks terrifying, its bright white eyes are staring at you, and it appears to be female. Her fangs bared in rage. The same fire that she made burns on her hooves, tail, and mane. The jet black body and white horn don't help in the slightest, you are trembling harder than an alarm clock can vibrate. Is she going to attack you? In an instant, she could snuff out your life... Those fangs and the fire looks like they can deal a lot of pain... But, with a burst of flames, the creature transformed. Its body is now white-coated, and the fires from it are gone, replaced by a brown mane and tail. After a breath of relief, it opens its golden eyes, approaching you with worry. "I'm sorry about that, did it hurt you?" It spoke, with a feminine voice, much to your surprise... Your first encounter with Autumn Blaze could've gone smoother, but the Kirin's village and it's surrounding is just beautiful, enough for you to consider living in the area. Autumn used to have a house outside the village, so she lets you stay there for a while. She's a really nice kirin, and although she might say a few jokes that just fall flat, she's kind, funny, and just a welcome company to talk with. She talks a lot about her and asks a lot about you. You and she got close as friends quick, as if you're, dare you to say it, meant for each other. However, as much of a crush you have for that kirin that's currently chasing a butterfly in the middle of the grassy plains with the brown autumn leaves and the sunset in the background, there's plenty of things to be worried about. For one, if you think of love... you're not sure if she's really into you, she's a bit too cheerful for you to tell, one of those types that's rarely serious. But speaking of her serious side... You jerk your head up a bit, finding your breath a bit ragged. There's something that has been bothering you since you met Autumn, but you have never told her, and you doubt she knows either. Trying to clear your mind off whatever was bothering you, you spot some white lily flowers nearby. Wonder if she'll appreciate your gesture, and perhaps allow her reaction to let you see how she truly feels about you? Picking one of the lilies in your mouth, you trot towards the kirin with a smile. It seems like the butterfly she was chasing had flown out of reach, making her pout. Seems like a good time to cheer her up with the little gift you're about to give her. When you're close enough, she turns her head towards you and immediately notices the flower. "Oh! You brought me a snack!" In a flash, her disappointment about the butterfly seems to vanish instantly as she grabs the flower right out your mouth, almost making lip contact... Hold it together now... "Hehe" She moves the lily from her mouth to her hoof, grinning. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat it, I'm just pollen your leg! Ha! Get it?" She breaks down into a series of laughter at her own joke, and it's contagious, you can't help but chuckle albeit sounding a bit nervous. After she's done, she put the lily on her ear, and boy does it fit her. "So? Do I look good?" Autumn giggled, smiling at you. Of course she does, especially with that sweet smile. Then, as if to emphasize the answer further, a butterfly, seemingly the one from last time, comes close to her and lands on the flower on her ear. The kirin grins in a way that almost makes you faint from sheer cuteness. "Oh, it's back! It's growing on me now!" You can only admire her beauty and cuteness, looking at her observe the butterfly sometimes fluttering around her and the flower on her ear. It looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly, somepony so innocent and carefree... Your vision suddenly flashes red and blue, before it returns to normal. You gasped and take a step back, something that Autumn noticed. "Huh...? What's wrong with you?" The kirin cocks her head to the side, confused by your reaction. Oh crud, she just has to notice that, didn't she? You try to deny any allegations she had on you, not wanting her to find out about it. She'll usually just forget about it and return to her carefree demeanor... "Hey." She called your name. For some reason, she decided to be serious. Why now? Why not when you tried to tell her that ponies don't have armor like scales on their spines and keeps trying to test how durable it is or such? "Tell me, what's wrong?" You... just can't tell her the truth, and it's not about your crush on her. You're scared of what will happen if you tell her what you have been experiencing when you meet her the first time. Your mind just comes up with an idea to this problem, run. You turn around and gallop back to your house. You can hear Autumn calling you, but you kept running. You are scared. The sun is already down, and you're still trying to calm yourself down on the bed. Did you just mess up? You just left Autumn like that back in the plains, probably upsetting her. Your head is spinning, why can't you just calm yourself back then? Why do you have to run? Stupid, stupid! But no, she must not know, she should just forget about this... But what if she does not forget? Darn it! You feel like pulling your mane and burying yourself on your bed, groaning in frustration at your situation. As if your self-beating isn't enough, you hear the door open, and sure enough, it's her. The kirin known as Autumn Blaze enters your house and approaches you. She doesn't look angry or upset at least, but her face tells you that she knows that something is wrong with you. "Hey... I think you need to talk about it with me." You dare not look her in the eye for more than two seconds, choosing to look at your own hooves on the bed. Wordlessly, which is rather unnerving coming from the kirin, you can hear Autumn approaching you, before wrapping her hoof on your shoulder. A dilemma strikes you, she knows that you're hiding something, but will telling her the truth cause your relationship to fall and crumble like the leaves in autumn? The room is filled with silence for a moment before she starts talking again. "If you don't want to talk about it... you can always sing it." That made you turn your head, and briefly, you can see her still smiling at you, albeit her eyes still showing worry. She... cares about you, even after you ran from her. For making such a carefree, smile bearing mare... er, kirin, worry about you so much, how could you? Yet, telling the truth might end it all... Steeling yourself, you keep longer eye contact with Autumn, her gaze is soft, yet unwavering. You tell her you'll tell her the truth if she promises to stay with you. Autumn looks a bit worried, but her reply puts you at ease, slightly. "I promise." She called you by your name. This is it. Taking a deep breath, you open your mouth and confessed something that you have been keeping since the first time you met her. You're terrified of her. "...Sorry?" During the first nights in your new home, your dreams are sometimes haunted by a black creature with white eyes, burning everything around you with red and blue flames. Her fangs would glint and send a paralyzing fear as if just looking at it will make you feel your skin getting pierced by it. Yes, you are really scared of her Nirik form, the first form she showed you when you first met. Although she never changed into a nirik again ever since she met you, the fear is always there. What if you accidentally make her angry? What if it's enough to make her unable to control herself? What if someone got hurt by her? You continue to blab about the fact that you know Autumn is a very nice, gentle, and cheerful kirin, but anger can take that side away from her faster than a lighter on paper. Sometimes, you wish that she can never get angry at all, so you don't have to see her as a nirik ever again, even if it's to protect you from a bugbear. The thought of someone like her turn into a scary fiery monster is something you never wish to see again. After saying all that, you sigh, waiting for Autumn's response while closing your eyes. To your fear, she slowly pulls her hoof away from your shoulder. Is she going to leave you? It can't be... she already promised...! "I see..." The kirin said sadly, further making you uncertain. It's very rare to see her like this, and that worries you. You're not sure it'll help, but you apologize for what you said and pessimistically even said that it's fine if she doesn't want to see you again... though you REALLY hope that's not the case. Autumn takes a deep breath before exhaling, then she smiled. It seems to be a bit forced, or at least that's what you think. "Hey, I'm sorry if... my Nirik form terrifies you, but... you know that's not my intention, right?" Autumn asked. Well, of course. Knowing her now, you just can't think that she's actually trying to scare you even back when you first met. Besides, that was the first, and hopefully, the last time she shows herself like that to you. She once told you that Kirins only turn into Niriks if they are really angry, no kirins can transform at will yet, meaning that as long as she can still get angry... Autumn nudges your shoulder and gives you a brief glare before her expression softens again. She calls you by your name. "Let me guess... you wish we can never be angry again, so we never turn into Niriks?" That's not an easy question to answer. The topic seems to bring back the story of the kirins that Autumn told... er, sang you about when they went into the stream of silence to turn themselves mute. You don't want to reopen that part again to her, especially since she mentioned that it's only natural to be angry, as feelings are something everycreature has, including ponies and kirins. Though, you wish that anger can just... disappear, with only the good emotions left. Maybe there'll be no conflict or something like that. To this, Autumn giggles, making you look at her. "Oh, trust me, you don't want that. You of all ponies should know." Huh? What is she talking about? When you ask her, her answer sends shivers down your spine. "Because you wouldn't be here now." The kirin's face turns serious briefly. "Remember that bugbear? If I were to appear as a kirin, I probably won't be here either." Another wave of shivers crawls to the back of your body. She's right... You were almost a victim to a bugbear before you see her nirik form appear and fends it off. Autumn then returns her hoof around your shoulder, rubbing you as if trying to calm you down. Her embrace is surprisingly felt motherly. "I learned that you should not think that anger is always a bad thing. It's only bad if you cannot control it." She sits next to you on the bed, then using her magic, she ignites the fireplace in the house. "Think of it like a fire... something that's naturally destructive. Hurt to the touch, set things on fire, and destroying a lot of things. But look, it's keeping you warm and acts as a light source now." That's true, it's just pretty unexpected that such a carefree soul like Autumn can come up with something like this. Who knew that she has this kind of wisdom? "In life, anger can give you the drive to act, and make you know that something is wrong. Say, what if a filly kicks a ball and shatters your window? Was it not anger, no matter how little it is, that made you tell them to not do that again?" Autumn then puts a hoof on her forehead, and dramatically wails out. "Oh, the horror! Why must it happen to my poor window? Now I must repair it, and it'll cost bits! Now my piggy bank must be shattered to pieces!" You can't lie, that made you chuckle. Must be her experience on stage that made her pull that off. Oh, Autumn, still trying to cheer you up even at this point. "And was it not because of you that the filly knows not to play ball near windows?" Again, she dramatically plays the scene out. "Aaaah! A scary colt is in there! He's so scary he would smash any competition in being scary! Let's not kick any balls to windows again!" Try as you might, you just laugh, and in turn, wraps your hooves around Autumn to brace yourself a bit. Autumn, too, hugs you back, laughing along. Your bodies lean against each other in a heartfelt laugh. You simply said that this is why you like her, and inside, this is why you love her. "Do you see now?" Autumn lightly taps her hoof on your nose. "Anger is inseparable in our lives. Most say anger makes life worse, but they don't know how much better it is for us. You just have to know how to control it. I know it's hard, but it'll make your life better." You nod firmly. Never you expect your marefriend to be this wise, and still put her hilarious side of her to put a smile on your face. You're such a lucky stallion to have someone like her on your side, and you would never trade her, even though she got a terrifying form. You say your thanks to her as you rub her back, feeling her tough, but smooth kirin scales. "You are very welcome." She, too, did the same to you. Her hoof feels warmer than a normal pony. You're not sure if this just a kirin's touch or it's the heat of the moment. As you move from her back to touch her fur, she does seem to be warmer. If your suspicion of why she's this warm is true... You dare to give Autumn a quick peck on the cheek, surprising her, and making her blush. "Oh, you cheeky stallion..." To your surprise, she just straight up pounces you and forces you down on the bed before kissing you on the lips. This alone causes your breathing rate and heartbeat to accelerate like never before. Even though you and Autumn had plenty of times together, she never had this much fire in her before. The only thing you can do is to embrace her kiss and even kissing her back, closing your eyes. Compared to yours, her kiss is much more sloppy, her tongue gliding all over your lips. It's almost like she had gone completely primal. As if she just returned to the world, Autumn slowly breaks off her kiss. You look at her bedroom eyes expression with a smile. "S-Sorry, that... tend to happen. Kirin habits..." She giggled. "But you're not complaining, right?" Oh, of course not. If anything, that seems to make the motors going for both of you. Your eyes started to scan her body from top to bottom, focusing on her barrel, and noticing something on her belly. Unlike ponies, Kirins have a much more apparent and visible belly button with reasons not known. Noticing your staring, Autumn blushed, swaying her body a bit. You told her that she's hot in more ways than one, especially when she moves like that. "You're a poet and don't even realize it... But can you really handle the heat?" With a giggle, the kirin moves back until her face is above your crotch... and your member. She exhales air right on the tip, and you immediately notice the warmth of the air. Just as you're feeling her breath on arguably your most prized part of your body, her lips made contact, making you clench. This is the first time someone else touches you down there, and it's exhilarating and pleasurable... Autumn seems to notice this and giggles. "Just follow your instincts." Her warm mouth made contact, starting with her lips on your tip before she let her tongue slither out and lap one side of your stallionhood. Your lower body clenches as a surge of pleasure flow through you, making you groan trying to take it in. You never really had your member licked like that, but you're sure that Autumn's tongue is warmer than normal. She looks oddly calm doing it too, eyes half lidded as she switches to using her mouth so suck gently around your head. It's almost like she had done this before... or just read a lot of materials. As more and more of your member disappear into her mouth, she would sometimes lock her eyes with yours, and that's the hottest sight you've seen so far in your life. Her mouth is also really warm inside, and already your member is in full erect. Your whole body seems to go overdrive, giving you instructions to thrust up or take over. It's almost turning you... primal. Is this what Autumn means by instincts? Before you can succumb to them, however, Autumn stops, pulling her mouth away. Your member twitches as the pleasure stop rising, but instead, the kirin turns around and... Celestia as your witness, presents herself to you. Her rear is in the air, tail raised, and her head on the bed. The very tips of your hooves seem to tingle, along with the tip of a certain body part. Something about that position gives you very powerful urges that you can barely hold back anymore. "This is how the kirins do it." Autumn said. "When you do it... do it hard." She doesn't specifically said what to do, but she doesn't need to. Your body got the message. Almost moving on their free will, you carefully put your hooves next to her body and line up. For some reason, you growled and bite your lips. It's almost like something flipped a switch in your mind not to think, but just act, and strangely you know what to do. It's like... you're turning primal. Without further ado, you thrust your hips forward, and your mind goes blank all of the sudden. A voice at the back of your head tells you that your member had entered Autumn's sex, but it's mostly drowned by the huge wave of pleasure that just crashed into your whole body, and from you and Autumn's moans. Your stallionhood feels like it's burning, but in a good way. Just moving slightly to pull back makes you moan again. So much pleasure... "Mmmh... G-Go hard...!" You do just that, thrusting back in as quick as you can and got rewarded by another wave of arousal. Her inner muscles are doing wonders, and you once thought kirins are only tough on the outside. All this just wants you want more pleasure, as you pull back and thrusts in again, slowly getting harder. You want it. No... You need it. You CARVE it! Growling again, you wrap your hooves around Autumn's body and let your own body take over. All it wants to do is to pull your hips back a bit and thrust back in hard. The kirin under you approves by moaning loudly. "Y-Yes...! Let your... Mmgghh...! Instincts take over...! Aaaaahh!" Hearing that only makes you go faster, every time you push in, a slapping noise is heard rather soundly. It feels like your mind became completely separate from your body, in a way you know what it's doing, but you can't stop it at all. Even your eyes are closed as you keep hammering down on the kirin, something you still find hard to believe. Impressively, despite how hard and how quick you are to thrust your hips, Autumn paid it no mind, and only receives pleasure. Eventually, you feel the climax building up, setting your body to overdrive. You lost track of the moment, but you're pretty sure you started to thrust even faster somehow. Autumn's moans also come out shorter and, for a lack of a better word, lustful. With one more thrust, you came into her sex, the seeds that came out from your member are like water dousing into her hot marehood. However, as Autumn came as well, the heat resurges through her sex juice coating your member. It's at this moment that your mind returns to reality. Looking down, you see Autumn's smile. You... just had sex with your crush, and she loves it. Pulling your member out, you slowly lay down on the bed. As the realization sinks in, you start to smile, which turns into a grin as the kirin joins you. "You're... on fire, and it's almost like you lit me up inside too~" Autumn chuckles. She made worse jokes before, so you just chuckle along. As drowsiness slowly takes over, you two cuddle together on the bed. She feels so... warm, and you feel the same inside out. This will, without a doubt, start a new and beautiful relationship with her. Today, you've learned that fire means passion.