> Morning Thoughts > by Tsunogami > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch. 1 (Thoughts) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most ponies, Cadance guessed, would probably have though that right now, as she cracked her eyes open in response to the early morning sunlight streaming in through the gap in the tall blue silk curtains, that she would be looking over at the white coat and blue mane of Shining Armor, the Prince Consort, her Imperial Executive Magistrate, and incidentally, husband. Well, they would be wrong. In fact, Cadance had only occasionally shared her bed with Shining Armor. This was not to say she did not love him, and dearly. But she had not simply married for the sake of sexual passion. Which was probably another thing most ponies also got wrong. Shining Armor certainly was a fine specimen of masculine beauty, strong, handsome, intelligent, but he was also quite muscular and almost stocky, with a strong, rugged body build. Which… really wasn’t her type, at least not every day. Cadance had to admit that she actually felt a bit bad about that, after all, she was the Princess of Love, a very ancient title, full of power and responsibility. Was she even allowed to have a “type”? Well, allowed or not, she kind of did, and it was not exactly Shining Armor. Though she did adore his nerdy side. Cadance was, almost by definition, pansexual, she loved any type of beauty, yes, even masculine beauty, but just not as much as its feminine counterpart. She was always more physically attracted to the femcolt type of stallion. Combining a stallion with the beauty of a filly, this was almost intoxicating, assuming of course the colt in question was reasonably good looking to begin with. But there was simply nothing naturally feminine about dear Shining. Not long after their marriage, she had gotten him to try wearing, in succession; panties, a thong, short shorts, a skirt or three, bows in his mane, a choker, a ball gown, one of Rarity’s big floppy hats, and a diaper with frilly leggings over it. Nothing had really worked. Some stallions, like Shining Armor, were simply irrepressibly masculine, and nothing short of a sex change, which he had declined, would make any difference. It had been disappointing yes, but not unexpected. She had guessed as much as soon as she had first met him. However, his little sister was Twilight Sparkle, Celestia’s personal student, he had been captain of the Royal Guard, their parents were influential in Equestrian society in their own right with Twilight’s father being the Royal Astronomer. Being both lonely and perched as she was near the pinnacle of Equestrian society, her match to Shining had all but been divinely ordained. Marrying into his family would expand her horizons even further. In a way it sounded disgustingly like those anachronistic arranged marriages, but the decision had ultimately been all hers. Having been given a choice, she would have married Twilight, but the age difference, and more importantly Celestia’s insistence that Twilight be given free range to explore her sexuality to its fullest without being bound by the expectations placed upon the wife of a princess by a somewhat overbearing at times, society, had forced Cadance to go with the older brother instead of the younger sister. And of course, there was her daughter Flurry Heart. A very convenient filly to be able to point to should anypony think that her only real interaction with Shining Armor was in public. This was not true, he had gotten her pregnant, since she had always wanted a filly, but this had not stopped quite a number of rumors from floating around in regard to who might have actually been the father (or second mother) of Flurry. But Cadance simply refused to comment one way or another. Let them all guess! Well those decisions were all in the past Cadance reminded herself, as she opened her eyes a bit wider. Shining had grown to accept that his role as husband would be effectively little more than ceremonial, and that was that, though there were certainly more than enough courtesans to keep him occupied in times of need. Yes, many of her subjects would be surprised if they saw deep blue skin with even darker blue hair which twinkled with stars all stretched out on the bed next to her instead of Prince Shining. But then Cadance wasn’t even in her own little northern empire at the moment. She’d come south on business, at least that was the story she was sticking to. And besides, she had spent much of the previous night conducting ‘foreign relations’ had she not? It was still warm in the high-ceilinged royal bed chamber with its tall stone arched windows despite the previous night having been cool, and there had been little need for blankets. This let Cadance run her eyes over Luna’s body, or at least her backside as the Princess of the Night was laying on her side facing the other way. Cadance’s didn’t think Luna could really be called cute, in say the same way Fluttershy would be considered, though some of Luna’s mannerisms certainly could be described so, but the girl was simply a bit too… imposing in stature for that, being taller than most and with an angry glare that seemed it could melt stone, though she was usually all smiles. Just like Cadance herself, Luna was topless, her bra having been discarded near the beginning of the previous evenings ‘negotiations’ However, in terms of sleepwear, (or lack thereof), that was where the similarities ended. The one item of clothing Luna did have on was about as different from Cadance’s thick night diaper as underwear could be. The bright yellow thong made for quite the contrast as it ran between the soft dark skin of Luna’s butt cheeks, the thin strap in back disappearing for a bit between them before re-emerging lower down between her legs. It was a simple design, no frills or lace to be found, just the hip straps connected to the back in a ‘T’ shape that stood out very well on the wearer. And of course, there was the bold design on the front of Luna’s thong, that of Celestia’s cutie mark. Cadance always had to repress a giggle every time she saw it. Before Luna had gone to sleep an hour ago, just after setting the moon, Cadance had tried to convince her to wear a diaper while she slept for the day, all the while proudly displaying the one she had been wearing for the last few hours. “No Cadance, I fear that such a garment would prove too… distracting for me while I sleep and maintaining my cycle of rest is of importance to all of Equestria, so I must decline.” Was what the Princess of the Night had said in a weary voice. Cadance thought that thong Luna wore to bed was awfully damn distracting too, but she supposed it all came down to what one was used to. Smiling over at Luna’s backside Cadance reached her hand over and ran a finger down along the back strap of Luna’s thong until that finger was right over Luna’s pussy. Luna didn’t so much as twitch and after running her finger back up between thoes beautiful butt cheeks Cadance sighed, sat up in bed, and stretched. At this point she might as well have been alone in the room.