> Performing Perilous Peregrinations > by The Fat Man > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 'Bout Barely Bogged > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One- Bogged Down (No Alligators were harmed during the creation of this fanfiction) Y’know I imagined by this point in my life I would be swimming in gold like Scrooge McDuck not knee-deep in a Swamp in the middle of nowhere. If you asked me how I happened to get into this predicament I would slap you and call you ignorant and then tell you I don’t know. One minute I was arranging my collection of back scratchers and the next minute I was swatting mosquitoes the size of my fist. I don’t remember how I got here, and I sure as buttered biscuits don’t know how to leave. Though I've made some headway in trying to leave, I’ve discovered that most logs are not in fact logs but rather very aggressive reptiles. After spending an hour trying to figure out how to walk without looking like I had crotch rot, I decided to head in one direction, but only because walking around in circles wasn't helping. After continuing in said direction for some time I noticed the once knee-deep water getting much deeper. Now you may ask how I solved this positively complex conundrum, well after wading through the water for some time I happened upon a very large log. Now being the intellectual that I am I grabbed a large stick from one of the many mangrove trees and hopped on the log. I now had a boat, or I almost had a boat. See the log really didn’t like being a boat. Upon closer inspection and a smack of recollection, I realized that I was riding a rather angry alligator. I believe when I hopped on its back it was asleep. After I hopped on its back it flipped out, and I mean that quite literally. To sum up the feeling of holding onto the back of a rampaging alligator, it’s kind of like sitting on a very aggressive massage chair with very sharp teeth. “YEE-HAW!” Honestly, I attempted to resist saying it. Though upon saying the dreaded words the raging alligator below halted all movement. Not only did the alligator stop moving but the background sound of the swamp had stopped. Of course, I was just proud that nature now realized my obvious prowess in stopping raging alligators. Though my moment of being proud was quickly ended once I realized there was a sound emanating throughout the area behind me. At the time I couldn't afford to turn around and take my attention away from the now not so aggressive alligator. Though I couldn't turn around I could tell the sound was getting closer. I decided to clench my legs on the giant reptile below me and turn around. Now I’m no scaredy-cat by any stretch of the imagination, but turning around to see nine giant heads maneuvering through the mangrove made my heart skip a beat. With all the grace of a floundering walrus, I turned back around and started yelling at the alligator. “Move you giant water lizard or so help me god I’ll find some way to kick your scaly ass!” Yelling some more creative obscenities I turned to find eighteen eyes trained directly on us. I don't think yelling like that was a good idea. I didn’t think it could get worse, that was until I saw its body lumbering through the mangrove line from which I had previously traveled through. Once it was finished snapping trees in half with seemingly little effort it roared and starting moving towards us. The roar from the hydra managed to stir the alligator's sense of fear. The damn thing took off like a missile. I was barely holding onto the slippery bugger. I could still hear the stomping directly behind me. That wasn't the only thing that let me know it was there, it had this rancid smell about it. “Alright you stupid lizard, we’re both gonna die if don’t pick up the pace, no pressure though!” I stated rather loudly as I was being thrown around like a ragdoll. The endless stretch of mangrove trees seemed to part and with this parting of trees came a strong current. So it was either wait for the alligator to tire out and we die or steer the beast into the parting. “Alright I hate you, and you hate me but we both wanna live, right? Right. So sorry this might hurt,” I grabbed the alligator under its arms and pulled up my legs and steered the alligator towards the parting. I was, of course, met with resistance, but a roar from the hydra was enough to get it to do what I wanted. "Just like Mario Kart," I mumbled as the alligator snapped at my hand. The parting was too small at the entrance for the hydra to enter or that's what I assumed, but after hearing a resounding crack I knew it was still on our tail. This thing was persistent enough to knock down trees just to get to us. The current in the water managed to us some distance from the foul-smelling beast. Though I had a realization of sorts. “Wait a sec, why is there a current?” I questioned to no one in particular. The answer to my question was revealed shortly. The end of the parting revealed a waterfall. So it was either death by fall damage or death by a giant multi-headed, foul-smelling monster. The latter was truly tempting. My not so valiant steed had different plans however as it headed straight towards the waterfall. “You brain dead fungus muncher, are you trying to kill us!” The hydra had caught right back up to us, the water must have been deep enough to support its body. It was close enough that It tried biting at me, and for me, that wouldn't do. So with mangrove branch in one hand, and my other hand full of alligator I dueled the ferocious creature. By duel I mean I poked it in the eyes every time it got close, it eventually ate my stick though. Before I even realized it we were rocketing off the waterfall. “Why do I feel like the coyote from roadrunner!” I screamed as we shot off the waterfall. The hydra’s many heads peered over the edge as we fell. I looked towards the bottom of the huge gorge past the alligator who was now holding onto me for dear life. There was water at the bottom so that was a good sign, hopefully. “YOU STUPID LIZARD!” I managed to say before we both impacted the water. > Elegant Eel Evasion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 I must have been knocked unconscious once I hit the water because I simply for the life of me cannot remember how I escaped the liquidy devil. The only things I could remember were small flashes of orange light and a lot of water. With bleary eyes and a barely functioning brain, my consciousness returned to me. Upon my awakening, somewhere along the shoreline of the small lake, I quickly took note of the area that I found myself in. The walls of the gorge were incredibly steep, which in turn lead to many trees making a canopy. The fact that I survived that fall with some minor muscle pain is almost comical. It was dark, the only way I could see was from the rays of moonlight that peeked through the canopy. With this bit of light I made a rough estimate, I would say the closest wall of the gorge would be roughly a half-mile from my current position. The forest I needed to get through to arrive at the wall was like a blanket of darkness. No small amount of moonlight would help. After observing the surroundings I pushed myself up off the dirt and stretched for some time, every muscle in my body seemed to scream in protest. Figuring it would probably be a bad idea to stay standing out in the open I moved towards the closest wall of the gorge. Albeit moving towards the forest was difficult one your bones are shaking every step. Maneuvering through the forest was a lot easier with hunger as motivation. This doesn’t mean I didn’t trip like once or twice...or several times. Though even if it was easier to maneuver it was still extremely difficult to see, but through the darkness, I caught a glimpse of something, a flash of orange light against the backdrop of the gorge wall. With some newfound hope, I quickened my pace towards the source of light. Upon reaching the mysterious light I found that it was a lantern that had been knocked on its side. Next to the lantern was a display of tracks, two to be exact, each of different sizes and shapes. “Huh, What happened here?” I muttered as I bent down to inspect the area. Next to the lantern were some foo- hoofprints. Whoever was around here must have been hunting a deer or something. However, there were no footprints. On closer inspection, there were some larger more intimidating prints that came after the hoof prints. “Hope whoever left this lantern doesn't mind me borrowing it forever,” I whispered. I picked up the thick iron lantern the flame flickering inside slightly as I did so. “The hunter could have followed the hoofprints, guess that's my objective.” After my open remark, I decided to follow that mysterious trail. After a bit of a walk and some spooky atmosphere, I observed some changes in the terrain. The trees parted to reveal a large clearing. Though I doubt I would have seen it without my handy dandy lantern. I hesitantly walked into the clearing, once I walked in I perceived some odd terrain. Large holes decorated the wall face. There were also some more describable features around the area like a noticeably large skeleton nestled at the entrance of one of the holes. “Holy shit,” I exclaimed while examining the holes from the forest parting. The trail that I had been following leads to the other side of the clearing. Well, I might as well get back to my lovely stroll through a pitch-black forest. Before I could reach the first hole I got a glimpse of something etched into the cliff wall. There was a roughly chiseled picture of an eel and small letters that were blurry for a solid second or two before the reconstructed themselves into understandable English. “A query for quick quarry miners. In the Ghastly Gorge game of cat and mouse. Would a Qarrary eel be the cat or the mouse?” “I don’t know, eels are probably the ‘or’ option,” I giggled like a madman. My skill for wit clearly above average. With the reading by lantern light done, I walked towards the other side of the clearing. After passing the first hole I swear I heard some hissing, but y’ know it’s the middle of the night and I couldn't afford to get spooked. Though after walking past the second hole and seeing two giant orange eyes burning into my side was enough to get me speed walking. A giant burgundy eel slowly slithered out of the third and final hole. “I, uh, didn’t mean it when I called you an ‘or’ earlier,” I sheepishly said as the giant eel peeled the rest of its body out of its hole. The eels stabbed its colossal head forwards, it missed me by a hair. Realization struck me, it must have poor eyesight. Though carrying this lantern would make me lose any advantage I had, but losing this lantern would be a nightmare. That's if I lived through this experience. I heard hissing behind, another eel ripped its body out of its hole. It shattered the rock face above its hole. “Okay, okay, just gotta wait for the righ”- The colossal eel charged forward, and with a large amount of luck and a little miracle, I dodged its oncoming attack. “Now!” The eel behind me had crashed into the one in front of me allowing me to escape. I ran towards the mess of jaws and scales that made up these eel-esque being and ran between a gap between the two of them. After running for a bit I managed to get to the other side of the clearing and luckily with no more eel encounters. “What kinda LSD nightmare trip am I on?” I questioned aloud. The tracks seemed to continue even further. I was exhausted but I couldn't risk stopping, my fear, even though I wouldn't admit it, is what kept me going. I had to talk to myself to keep myself sane and alert. “Hydras! Giant rock eels! What is going on?! This is crazy!” after exclaiming my building questions I inhaled and exhaled, what good are breathing exercises if you don’t use them, right? “ Alright, get it together Peter!” I slapped my left hand to my head and ran it through my rough auburn hair. My suspenders and slacks were a nightmare covered in mud and soaked in sweat. I was bound to get sick if I didn't dry myself soon. Whatever followed these tracks must also be ahead of me. I had so many questions, like why are these tracks so familiar? Why is there no footprints, but there was a lit lantern? Hoofs? Some of these questions would be answered soon, maybe, probably not. > Already Angry Allegators > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Okay, okay, I know this sounds crazy but if you ever been really tired trees kind of start looking like really comfortable pillows. I say this cause while I was following the trail I may or may not have fallen asleep. Waking up from my slumber was uncomfortable, to say the least. “Fuckin trees misleading me like that,” I yawned as I stretched, my body hurt more today then it did yesterday. Damn that eel experience did a number on me. Standing up I stretched and few resounding cracks could be heard. At least it didn’t rain, so that’s a plus, I’d completely lose the tracks if it rained. My lantern isn’t lit anymore, which is negative to the previous positive, so hopefully, I’ll be able to find that hunter before nighttime or be smart enough to lite the lantern. After I finished stretching I continued following the tracks for some time, and as I followed the tracks I took the time to observe the environment and was met with something amazing. A vast and beautiful expanse of land going for miles. This is also what I feared, no towns whatsoever. Since the trail leads to an incline I imagine it leads out of the gorge. Though at the base of the incline I noticed something. Something odd and definitely quite familiar. As I got closer, the blob in the distance become a lot more clear. At the base of the incline laid a familiar alligator, if that's what you could call it. The creature itself looked like an alligator from a distance and maybe up close if you happened to be riding it, but it was clearly larger and suited enough for extended travel. Large bulky legs and thick scales with a jaw that looked like it could crush boulders. However, its usually thick green hide had been dyed a shade of red. It had either fought or eaten something. My guess, it ate whatever the hunter was trying to hunt or it ate the hunter. It looked like it was resting, so I could try my hand at sneaking around it. As I approached from behind it I slowly and methodically inched around to its side. Now I was expecting to see the remnants of some poor deer or a deceased hunter. What I did not expect to see was a broken spear sticking out of the alligator. So it wasn't something else’s blood. “Man, this sucks,” The words slipped out my mouth before I could even stop them. With those words came the attention of the resting beast. It turned its massive head towards my position, its giant purple eyes boring deep into me. As tense as the stare was it was cut short, the alligator lowered its head, or more like it just couldn't support it anymore. I slowly moved towards the incline never taking my eyes off the giant alligator. “I made it,” I whispered as I slowly walked up the incline. Every step I took I felt guilty. I mean the reason its technically in that position is my fault. With one sideways look, I walked back down the incline with a sigh. “I’m gonna end up losing an arm,” Well, it had been bleeding pretty bad, but there is some good news whoever stabbed the thing made a clean-cut, no debris in the wound so that's good. Let’s just hope it didn’t hit an artery. I leaned down towards the wound making sure to keep an eye on the alligator, said alligator made no move to stop me. I took off shirt causing my suspender to dangle around my waste. Balling up my shirt I decided needed to remove the spear. The only reason for my decision was because every time that alligator would move the spearhead would cause damage. “Alright lizard, this is gonna hurt tons, so I'm gonna hand you my shoe alright,” I slowly took off my shoe and held it out. It blinked slowly with each eye then snorted. I don’t think it understood what I said. So I gingerly laid my shoe next to its jaws. Now came the hard part, I positioned myself above the creature and wrapped my hand around the broken piece of the spear. With a jerk of movement and speed blessed by Hermes, I removed the spearhead. I immediately had flashbacks to the previous time I was on top of this lizard. Especially the time it attempted to take my head off my body. “Calm down you stupid lizard if you move you’re gonna die faster!” I exclaimed as It’s powerful muscles went to work on removing me from its back. Thankfully I had my legs tightly enough around its back to stop me from falling off. I'm glad it’s exhausted or else I couldn't have tired it down. I reached down with my shirt to apply pressure. I don’t know how long I sat there I believe it roughly thirty minutes. I wrapped my shirt around the alligator and ripped off my suspenders to secure the shirt around its torso. At this point, I had removed myself from its back. Okay, it should be fine to leave it now, it sucks I don’t have a shirt now. I heard something like footfalls. “Finally a person!” I turned around to come face to muzzle with a zebra. The zebra in question had several pieces of equipment, by equipment I meant very familiar spears tied to its body. “Hey, will you look at that now were gettin’ somewhere! Now, where would the person all those spears belong to be at?” I questioned aloud. The alligator once it opened one of its eyes widened its maw. Being around the lizard for the past hour still didn't nullify its intimidation factor. Must have been trying to scare off the zebra. What was the zebra going to do, chuck spears at it, that's just silly. That’s what I thought until the zebra reached for one of the spears on its back. “Wait, what?” I blurted out. The zebra had the spear in hoof and had it pointed directly at me. This left me, how do I say it, flabbergasted. “C-can you understand me?” I looked at the zebra expecting some person to pop out of a nearby bush and say it’s just a prank. A simple nod from the zebra managed to shatter my world view more than any hydra with bad breath ever could. > To Tremendous Trees > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Being speared isn’t necessarily the worst way to go from what I’ve heard. It could have been worse, death by extream constipation or death by snoo snoo are good examples of a worse fate. That doesn’t mean I would appreciate getting a spear through the torso. “Alright, hey, how about we just lay down the spear so I don’t end up with a new orifice,” I gestured towards the zebra hoping it would understand “Y-you can talk right?” The zebra didn’t respond how I was expecting it to, but then again nothing was going how I was expecting it to. It made a simple gesture, it put a hoof to its throat and made an x symbol. “Ah, you’re blind, got it,” the zebra met my response with a searing glare “U-uh, just joking, it’s a defense mechanism!” The zebra huffed and sheathed its spear. It began reaching into one of its many pouches tied around its waist. It pulled out a pile of brown powder. “So are you gonna sleep powder me or something?” my question went unanswered, finally something I expected! I don’t know if sleep powder is a thing but whatever. The zebra walked past me to the wounded alligator behind me. Once it reached the wound site it removed the binding I applied earlier and started applying the powder directly to the wound. I shit you not the flesh itself start sowing itself back together, it was both disgusting and amazing to watch. The wound itself was still there but the flesh was slowly mending itself together and I had front row seats to see it happing. “Magic bullshittery confirmed,” I stared at the wound and then at the zebra “How did you do that?” The zebra just raised an eyebrow and started walking to the left of the incline. I guess she lives somewhere in the gorge. I gave the alligator a small look then turned my attention towards the exiting zebra. “Hey, wait up!” I hurriedly followed after the zebra. “So are you some kind of amazing wizard? Or are you like a god deity? That’d be pretty neat,” My only response was a blank stare. “Oh yeah, not much of a talker,” “Are you male?” the zebra shook her head. “Do you live in this gorge?” I ran up to the side of her. “Not that this place isn’t pleasant, I really love the giant eels,” She nodded, a small smirk made its way to her muzzle. “What a lovely place to live.” “Alright, I’m gonna cut straight to the point, you got some food? I’ve been lost in the wild for the past 2 and a half days,” I questioned the female zebra, exhaustion evident in my voice. I’d rather be honest with myself as well as the zebra in front of me. I was hungry and very thirsty. I wanted my intentions to be known immediately. She looked uncertain for some time before gesturing for me to follow her. I don’t know how long we’ve been walking but during this seemingly long walk, I inspected my silent companion. The zebra was decorated with piercings and other bits and bobbles. A gourd and several pouches adorned her waist. It was an interesting getup. We soon arrived at a house. Mind you, since I’ve gotten here everything's been pretty tame, just a hydra, a few land eels, and a talking zebra. However, seeing a house inside a giant lopsided willow tree blew my mind. “That's amazing!” I whisper screamed. “I would scream but last time I did that a hydra appeared out of nowhere.” The tree itself was nothing to scoff at, it was huge, it seemed like it rested most of its weight against the wall of the gorge. Adorning the tree were several masks that were tribal in nature. Several ornaments were hanging from the thick branches above us. “You live here?” The zebra nodded her head before continuing into the tree hut. Once she opened the door I was graced with an array of particular smells and sights. In the middle of the hut sat a large iron cauldron. Next to the cauldron a small crate of cleaning supplies, and a box of ingredients. Along the interior walls were sets of shelves stuffed full of books and not so neatly placed potions. Albeit I could only assume they were potions they just looked like gourds with small white caps. Several candles were placed throughout the cozy tree home, many of them placed on the edges of previously mentioned shelves. “This is a pretty neat crib you got here,” “Since you agreed to help me I'm more than willing to help you with anything you need,” Putting myself this far into a stranger's han-hoofs made me uncomfortable, but I don’t have that many options. Its either be at the mercy of a spear-wielding zebra or be at the mercy of mother nature. Screw mother nature, I’ll take my chances with magic powder making zebras. So a couple of hours passed, and thankfully my amazing hostess gave me some bread and water. Truly a godsend that one is. After eating, me and miss zebra sat down at a small table that was tucked in the corner of the hut. The table itself was littered with scrolls, books, and dirty bowls. “So what’s your name?” The zebra at the time of my question was smoking from a tobacco pipe. Once I finished the question, a steady stream of smoke was released from her muzzle contorted and started forming words in the air. Mchawi Bubu “Huh, well, my name is Peter, nice to meet you...miss...er...can I call Mchawi?” I asked. Mchawi nodded her head. “Since you helped me I was hoping to compensate you for the food and water with labor.” she nodded her head confirming our agreement. To say I was glad was an understatement. “This’ll just be until I repay my debt, and then I’ll skedaddle.” I glanced at the surrounding hut, it was a cleaning nightmare. I’d have my work cut out for me. > Crappy Cleaning Catastrophes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crappy Cleaning Catastrophes Some say scaling a mountain is similar to cleaning a dirty house. Screw them, cleaning is worse, so much worse. Day 1 Mchawi is a really nice lady but she has a bad habit of not cleaning her hut. It’s kind of absurd the amount of crap laying around. I started with cleaning the main table of the hut and not even five minutes in I caused a Jenga-esque effect. The table itself was covered in almost a literal mountain of books. Now being the genius that I am I started cleaning at the bottom of the book mountain. “Man, cleaning sure is something, wait, why’d it get darker?” The shadow of my impending doom loomed over me. Needless to say, I was almost crushed to death by knowledge. I had to crawl out the pile of books, and then lay the books aside for later organization. After that, I had to explain to a miffed zebra why one of her books got bloody. Day 2 Mchawi was a pleasant conversationalist, we ‘talked’ about many subjects while I cleaned her hut. Though the second-hand smoke made it a little difficult to have extended conversations. In most of the conversations, we never actually talked about ourselves much. I was cleaning out the central cauldron when I stumbled on a really old newspaper, though I almost missed it because I was talking to Mchawi. The newspaper itself was almost completely in tatters but the headline was legible. The headline molded and reformed into English. Princess Celestia pushes for Everfree bandit investigation. “Really? Princess Celestia? What creative naming.” Mchawi gave me a questioning glance. “Oh, don’t give me that look, It’s silly, it’s a silly name!” She rolled her eyes and returned to reading her book. I spent the rest of the day trying to clean a stubborn cauldron stain. Day 3 Magic and I have a love-hate relationship and today only proved this correct. Mchawi, bless her soul, had to leave for a bit and intrusted me to deal with disposing of her magic garbage. Throwing away the garbage couldn’t have been a more difficult task. I was just supposed to put it in a small hole not even ten feet from the hut but some crazy magic BS happened. I got five feet towards the hole before things started getting trippy. Turns out holding all the magic waste was not a good idea, probably should have put it in a bag or something. I was lifted off the ground by magic garbage, yeah, even garbage can hold a grudge. I spent twenty minutes trying to ‘swim’ in the air just to make some forward progress. It took me twenty minutes to move five feet! I did eventually make it to the hole and drop the garbage off but I was still floating. So I just spent most of the day floating around while waiting for Mchawi to get back and when she did get back it took an hour for her to do some anti-magic bullcrap. Screw magic. Day 4 I’ve cleaned up most of Mchawi’s hut except the cellar, which I was hoping to start today. Mchawi warned me that the cellar would be the death of me or something like that. The cellar couldn't be that bad. It wasn’t that bad, it was worse. Seriously the cellar was a nightmare, it looked like a shitstorm went right through the cellar. The cellar contained tipped over furniture and some old photographs, as well as an array of items from different cultures. Mchawi must have traveled the world at some point. Old shelves lined the walls of the cellar each one stuffed to the brim with powders and other ingredients. Now, this would be fine if the shelves themselves weren't almost destroyed by the weight of such items. After looking around the cellar for a bit I grabbed my precious cleaning supplies and went to work. I regretted my decision immediately once I realized how much of a daunting task it was. Day 5 It’s my last full day here, honestly, I might miss slaving away for Mchawi amusement. I don’t have much to do anymore I mean I’ve practically cleaned her hut till it was spotless. So I asked Mchawi If I could read some of her books. She agreed to let me read some of them as long as I don’t dye any of them red like last time. Which was both nice and very intimidating! So with nothing to do and a good bit of time I grabbed a book walked outside and started reading. I spent an hour or so just relaxing and reading before I heard a loud explosion followed by some coughing. I rushed inside the hut to find Mchawi with a frazzled mane and wide eyes. However, what was more shocking was the room, the room I spent several hours cleaning, was now a complete mess again. “I leave for like one second and you explode the place!” There goes the rest of my relaxing day of reading. Final Day I spent most of the morning gathering information and speaking with Mchawi on where I was supposed to go. She just told me to head up the incline and follow the railroad south to Appleloosa. She gave me some bread and some other necessary supplies for travel. A small fire starter kit and some water in case I travel longer than intended. After she gave me the supplies I was about to say goodbye but something odd happened before I could. A large thump sounded outside the door followed by a familiar huff. “Were you expecting visitors or something?” Mchawi only smirks at my inquiry before gesturing towards the door. I crept towards the door and gently opened it. To my surprise, I found a familiar snout lazily laying at my foot. The alligator from before was laying at the door just staring at me. I closed the door and opened it again just to make sure. I don’t think this thing was an alligator, It’s huge! It looks like a diregator, totally going to copyright that. “Uh, hey Mchawi, were you expecting a lizard?” She just laughed and pointed her hoof towards the diregator. Upon closer inspection, the diregator was wearing a saddle and had a small wooden platform on its tail presumably for holding items. “Huh, so...you...what?” I wonder how she got her hooves Mchawi went on to explain that she managed to communicate with the diregator with a certain spell, and she managed to convince it to give me a ride. “Welp, I’m gonna die.” I didn’t know what to do so without much thought I walked over to the oversized reptile. “Hey, remember me you big lump of scales?” It just huffed in response. “Well, I'm just gonna assume that means yes and you forgive me pulling a ‘grand theft auto’ move on you.” I maneuvered myself on to the back of the gargantuan lizard. “Hey, If I’m ever around here again I’ll stop by!” I looked at Mchawi and waved goodbye and thanked her for everything she has done. I looked towards the incline and let out a held in sigh. "Time to perform a perilous peregrination." I still didn't have a shirt. > Traveling To Tumble Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Traveling To Tumble Town So let me tell you this, the saddle to ride the diregator requires one to lay down on one's stomach, but that's uncomfortable so screw that. So here I am, laying on my back, arms lazily hanging off the sides of the giant gator as it meanders forward. The alligator itself didn’t mind surprisingly. We walked up the incline a while back and were now following the railroad south. We traveled for quite a bit of time, enough for it to turn night time. The environment changed quite drastically in a very short amount of time or at least it seemed short. There was nothing around except sand, cacti, and more sand. Oh, I almost forgot the fuck ton of tumbleweed that will cartoonishly roll by whenever it got too quiet or somebody made a bad joke. The big lizard just harrumphed and laid down, the big guy must have been tired. I hopped off him and took any supplies he had on him to make him more comfortable. Using the firestarter kit I got from Mchawi I set up a small fire. That solves that problem, I pulled out a large piece of salted meat from my sack of many things and fed it to the big gator. “Don’t eat me or something when I go to sleep,” I mumbled. With our small camp set up, I had time to think. My thoughts turned towards my reading escapades. The information I got from reading was mind-boggling. Turns out I was in a land called Equestria, pretty weird name but whatever. This land was run by ponies and several other mythological beings. I had a small bedroll that I laid on. I stared at the wide and open sky and noticed the sky was lit with a beautiful and unfamiliar pattern of stars. “So, I’m in another world.” The sentence itself sparked a sense of melancholy. I went to bed that night feeling more uncertain then I had in a long time. I woke up the following morning with a mild headache and a want for coffee. I got up and looked around, luckily the alligator didn’t eat me so that's good, I think. I got to packing all the camping materials onto the diregator’s back. “So are you used to people are somethin’? It’s only been like seven or eight days since you were in the wild.” The diregator didn’t respond it just lazily started walking alongside the railroad, I decided to walk this time instead of laying on it’s back. A few hours passed without much happening the only thing worth mentioning was the odd amount of tumbleweed. They would just appear out of nowhere and disappear just as suddenly, then again this could just because I wasn’t paying attention. My attention was actually on the horizon because on the horizon sat the outline of a town. The railroad seemed to be run right through the town so we’d be there eventually. “So when I get there how am I gonna explain a giant gator, and how am I can explain what I am?” My questions went unanswered, It should be known these questions did have a backing. See, the book only referred to Equestria and its dominant race, ponies. However, it did mention other races dominating other areas. I’m pretty sure humans are not among those races. I could probably just explain the gator away as an abnormally scaly and large dog. “Guess I’ll deal with It when we get there,” I sighed. After walking for a bit I heard the sound of a train rattling down the train track, it was coming from behind us. A billowing cloud of steam rocketed from the front car of the locomotive as it raced down the track at a surprising speed. It would have looked cooler if said steam spouting car was not covered in hearts, actually that's kind of intimidating, nevermind. The train eventually started passing by us, as it did I managed to catch a glimpse of something written on the pink caboose of the train. Friendship Express “I hate it.” The alligator to my right huffed in response to my opinion, I'm just going to assume what it meant. “I’m glad you agree.” The train seemed to stop in Appleloosa for some time before continuing, we arrived at the border of the town just as the train was leaving and the sun was setting. Somewhere along the journey, I hopped on my reptilian companion. The horizon outlined something I hadn’t paid attention too, there was a ton of apple trees on the southern part of the town. I was a little too anxious to walk into the town yet, so I grabbed my camping supplies which were now incredibly low and set up camp just a little way outside Appleloosa. I made sure to feed the big lizard the last of the salted meat and set up the camp. Wait a minute, where did that zebra get meat? Oh, that's weird to think about. I'll think when I'm not tired. I rolled out the bedroll and laid down for the night. “The sun sucks and It should be banned,” I stated as I stumbled into the morning routine of packing up the small camp. Though it should be mentioned all camping materials were gone, no firestarter or food was left. Better hope the locals were charitable. Since our camp was set just outside the border of the town I could observe what the town looked like. The town from my perspective continued off the railroad, while the railroad continued to the right of the orchard south of the town. I was also able to perceive more of the town, a large red building with, what I assume was a clock tower, coming from its roof. A few other buildings were beside the noticeably giant building. We marched towards the town in hopes of food, and hopefully not an angry mob. I can’t deal with torches and pitchforks well. As we neared the town from the railroad the town became clearer, and I immediately started chuckling. I read a large advertisement outside the train station. Big Bill’s Big Hat Stop to Shop The advertisement itself was a picture of a small green shop with a large cowboy hat on its roof. Though that may have been funny what was funnier was the ponies walking around the train station, some with comically large cowboy hats or bonnets. “Oh my god, this is some kind of oddly specific hell.” > Star Slingin' Sheriffs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Slingin’ Sheriffs “Okay, this is the perfect amount of stupid.” The statement slipped out of my mouth upon seeing the big hat wearing pony folk. Though it was hard to say when one was laughing as much as I was. My laughing drew the attention of the closest pony, a mare with a pink bonnet on her head. She quite literally jumped in the air and let out a scream. She galloped towards the center of town screaming sheriff. I didn’t know what to do, so I went up to my scaly companion and sat on his back. “Welp my lizard friend, we might have to deal with the whole mob thing after all, I hope you’re a fan of pitchforks.” We weren’t even in the town, we were ten feet from the train station and I could still hear the panic from the settlement. Several voices could be heard from the mess that became of the town, I was getting pretty nervous. “Get the youngins inside!” “Somepony get the sheriff!” “Where’s my pitchfork?” I started rethinking my decision not to move. The commotion eventually subsided with the appearance of two ponies. One of the ponies, obviously the superior because of his mustache and red bandanna, pointed at me from a distance while he talked with a colleague. His colleague was an older yellow stallion. Ponies come in an array of colors apparently. Their appearance made them out to be sheriffs, the yellow pony, in particular, had a large golden star on his black stetson. The two of them seemed to be bickering about something, each one pointing at me than their partner. Deciding now was a good time to act I raised my arm and started a nonintentional exaggerated wave. “Hey fellas, how's the weather?” “Real smooth dipshit,” I whispered right after my question. Their expressions of confusion only amplified my embarrassment. Waving from a huge alligator while asking about the weather in a populated town, not exactly my smartest moment. I hopped off the intimidating lizard and started walking towards the sheriffs. “Now ya wait for a darn second ya varmint,” stated the mustached stallion once I got within five feet of them. “You can’t just make a racket and expect nopony ta care.” “W-well Mr. Sheriff all I did was mosey my way into town, but before I could even introduce myself and my...er...companion they started screaming,” I replied. “Look here I’m takin’ ya in for questionin’, I suggest you comply.” “What about my gator friend?” “I’ll have my partner do somethin’ ‘bout it,” I responded to his reply with a curt nod. The sheriff waved me over with his hoof, I assumed he meant for me to follow him. We passed over the railroad and continued along the central dirt road of the town. Now with a better view of the town, I could make out the buildings. Most of them were straight out of an old western movie. We passed a saloon, a millinery, and a store entirely dedicated to apples, there was also a disco place, weird. We eventually arrived at a building that I assumed was the sheriff’s office. The sheriff pushed open the purple door and pointed inside. Once we entered he closed the door and let out a sigh. “Sorry ‘bout the treatment, Just had to get ya off the streets to get ponies ta calm down.” “Jesus Christ, I thought I was about to receive capital punishment or something!” “I can have that arranged if you don’t keep it down sonny,” “O-oh, ok.” “I’m just kiddin’, now where ya from, better yet, what are ya?” The sheriff went to sit behind his desk. “I’m from a place that’s...er….far away.” “How far we talkin’?” “Very far, and I’m a human.” “A human, well ain’t that just dandy.” “Why were the ponies in town so scared, I mean, I get I was on a giant alligator but still.” “Well If ya must know, we’ve been strugglin’ with bandits fer weeks now ‘an the buffalo have too many problems to help.” The sheriff kicked his hind legs back onto his desk and sighed. “Jesus, I thought you were gonna say something like chupacabra attacks.” In all honesty, I wasn’t expect something so realistic. “Pffft...those little buggers know better by now.” “What do we do from here Sheriff, I don’t have any supplies and I have no idea where to go.” “Well looky here, since I'm generous and friendship is magic I'll buy ya a train ticket, but only if you help out three of the townfolk, deal?" "Oh god, at least it's not a fetch quest, Deal." The sheriff looked smug, or maybe I wanted him to look smug so I could have a reason to dislike him. He's not asking too much though just that I help people around town. What's with the friendship is magic crap? Speaking of friendship if I got a train ticket for the friendship express where would I even go? South, North, East or West my choices are pretty expansive. I don't feel good leaving the diregator behind either. I'll think about it later. "So how do I introduce myself?" "Don't worry, I'll be doin' the introducin'." "Wait, who am I being introduced too?" "A few trustworthy ponies that ain't gonna holler at the sight of ya." "Are you calling me ugly?" "Like the hindquarters of bad luck." Ouch, my pride. "What are the names of these ponies, that I'll be meeting?" "You'll be meetin' ol' Alice who runs Alice's Apples next to the saloon." The sheriff was about to continue but was interrupted by the creaky cringe-inducing sound of the door opening. I looked to the door only to see a very small blue pony. "Daddy, you in her-" Her pupils shrunk to pinpoints, and her jaw dropped. "Howdy, partner." Wow, I'm nailing these introductions. An ear-piercing scream penetrated the air after my brief introduction. I looked at the sheriff then at the screaming pony, what are the small ponies called again, foals? The sheriff briskly walked around his desk and dropped his stetson the screaming small pony thing, he smirked and shook his head. The funny thing is she never ran she just stood there and screamed. Little foal-whatchamacallit seemed to calm down. "This is my filly." he took his stetson off her head. Kind of funny how big the hat was compared to her body. "Now introduce yourself to Mr.....wait, what's your name?" "Oh, sorry forgot about that, My name's Peter." "Now introduce yourself, missy, trust me his brain cavity wouldn't make a drinkin' cup for a canary." I'm probably offended, I think. Did he just call me stupid? If someone can call me stupid and make it sound funny, then they are free to call me stupid. The small filly giggled at her father's insult, If It was that...still not getting it. "Howdy Peter monkey, I'm Star Slinger." Peter monkey, well isn't that just dandy. I have a sudden desire for potassium. > Alice's Apple Arrangements > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice's Apple Arrangements “Why are ya protectin’ bananas so much, is it cause you’re a monkey.” "No, I'm just saying that bananas are superior to apples." "Are you sure It's not 'cause you're a monkey." "I'm like fifty percent sure." The sheriff told his daughter to guide me to Alice's shop. I already knew where it was, call it a hunch but I think the store with a giant apple on its board might be an apple shop. However, he insisted it might help my reputation with the townsfolk to be seen conversing with a pony publicly. "What's so good 'bout bananas?" "You are but a naive child you know not the power of potassium, apples are powerless in comparison. Speaking of Apples what is miss Alice like?" I get distracted easily. "Well, she's an old apple and she's purty kind too, you'll know what I mean when we see her." "Wow, that's some pleasant foreshadowing." We walked down the street with the occasional pony doing the whole scream for the sheriff bit and we eventually arrived Ms. Alice's store. Even from some distance away, I could smell apple pie, it was the kind of smell the would magically lift you off the ground and levitate you towards it. "Hey that smells kinda nice, It seems like a pretty fine establishment too." "Fancy word usin' banana lover, you sayin' it's good?" I just nodded my head at her question. "Well, of course It's good, It's Alice's Apples. Lets hurry I wanna introduce you to Alice." The filly was pushing my leg with an astounding amount of strength in an attempt to hurry me into the shop. Man, this little pony must be on pony steroids or something. "Jesus Christ, are you some kind of child bodybuilder?" "Nnnope, but we earth ponies are strong that's fer sure." That's a huge understatement, what the hell man. Also what are Earth ponies? The book from Mchawi's hut never mentioned that. The store had a large apple billboard hanging horizontally outside the building with the name Alice's Apples written in some crazy ass font. The building itself looked rather old as the title of the shop looked weathered and had split corners. The back of the shop had an open window with a stereotypical pie laid on the window sill and a small brick chimney puffing smoke. We hurriedly made our way towards the rustic looking door. I opened the door and a resounding creak echoed throughout the comfortable looking shop. "I need ta get that darn creakin' fixed, every time a pony walks in I feel a migraine comin' on," an aged voice rambled on from the direction of the counter. However, there was no pony in sight. I walked up to the counter and as I made my way to the counter I observed the countless items lining the shelves. All of them were apple-related, for example, apple cider and apple cobbler not to mention apple sauce. All of the apple products seemed to have the logo of two-letter 'A's. On the counter, there was a small golden bell with an apple insignia etched into the metal. Star had to jump four or five times before she realized she couldn't reach it. Wonder if she's just smaller than the average small pony. I couldn't resist the golden bells allure for any longer. "Ooh fancy, I'ma touch it." a little ding followed my statement. After the delightful ding of the small bell, I heard some shuffling. I looked over the counter to see an old and short pony with oversized glasses put small wooden stairs next to the counter chair so they could reach it. So now I know what Star meant. She didn't scream like most ponies, she squinted and adjusted her glasses. "You're a bigin aren't 'cha?" Welp, it's better to be called big than be screamed at. "I think so." Before I could finish speaking Star decided to cut into the conversation. "Hey, Miss Alice this is Peter, he's some kind of weird monkey thing." y'know these ponies sure are getting somewhere with naming me. Alice adjusted her thick-rimmed glasses after hearing Star's introduction. "Well look at that, I've seen just 'bout everythin' now." "Thank you Star for such a stellar introduction. Hello Alice, Star's dad sent me." "Ol' silver sent ya did he, well this outta be good, what did he send ya for?" Silver? Must be the sheriff's name, I never asked his name did I? damn. Why'd he send me here again? He just told me he trusted her not to freak out. "Uh, that's a good question, Ms. Alice. I don't quite remember." I'm really good at making conversation. "Daddy sent ya here ta get ponies ta trust ya, so why don'tcha help Miss Alice around the shop for a bit?" "I guess that makes sense, thanks for the reminder Star. Miss Alice do you need any help around the shop?" "One minute sonny let me get the list." She shuffled down her small chair stairs and grabbed a large piece of paper from the far underside of the counter. She went on top of her chair where she adjusted her glasses, cleared her throat, and started reading the list aloud. "The dishes need a washin', the roof needs a fixin', apples need a mushin', the pie needs a cookin', the board needs a hammerin', the stove needs a cleanin' and the floor needs a sweepin'." Oh, oh no, nada, not happing, nope, no, never, never ever, no thanks, non. "Okay, is that all, I can get that fixed in a jiffy." I'm a weak weak man. Star looked she was about to burst with laughter if the puffed-up cheeks were anything to go by. "Is it okay if Star helps me clean?" "It'll do her some good, sure, why not," replied the Elderly pony. Star's once joyful face had slowly degenerated into a frown. Now Star knows true pain. Anyways I got right to work, of course, I made sure a certain small blue pony with a knack for talking smack didn't try to leave. She and I worked for a few hours. Working at miss Alice's shop was definitely a good experience, I learned how to make a pie. Then I realized I had didn't know where I was going to sleep, but hey at least I know how to make a good pie. > Alice's Anonymous Assistant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice's Anonymous Assistant I slept on the floor of Ms. Alice's shop, it makes me miss my lantern and bedroll. The sun broke through the store windows like this floor broke my back. However, Ms. Alice woke me up with grand request. "I'ma need ya to work the counter fer a bit, I gotta inspect a barn bein' put up 'round the orchard." "Sure, ugh, what time is it, you ponies have coffee right?" "I got apple tea." "Thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Alice" I sat down at the counter with a small mug of hot apple tea. Wait a sec, did she just leave me in charge of the store? Oh, this is certainly profanity inducing. Luckily for me, most ponies are scared of me so working the counter shouldn't be too difficult. I shouldn't be happy about that. I got ready to run the counter for a few hours. A good bit of time passed, If I had to guess I would say it's about twelve or so. I passed out from lack of sleep on the counter, after an unknown amount of time later I heard the golden bell of the counter being rung constantly. My head shot up with astounding speed. Ringing the bell was a lime-colored mare with a yellow mane. She just stared at me and started ringing the golden bell again. The mare herself looked normal, the only distinguishable thing would be her oversized bonnet and a shit ton of freckles. "Yeah, yeah, I get it, wake up the big monkey monster, what do you need lady?" Man, I'm a dick. She put a jar of apple sauce from one of the shelves on the counter. I just realized something really bad, what the fuck is the currency, I looked at the jar and noticed a sticker with the number two on it. I'm assuming that's the amount it costs. "That'll be two something." Damn, what's the currency called? What am I supposed to say, dollars? This will be embarrassing if I don't figure this out soon. The mare put two gold coins on the counter oblivious to my inner turmoil. I quickly handed her the jar of applesauce. "I, uh, make sure to come back for great quality apple products, we are open till five!" I panicked. The mare nodded and walked outside and closed the door with a horrific creak. Man, where do I put this money? I'll just shove it in one of the apple sacks under the counter. Once I slipped the two gold coins into the sack I heard the creaking of the shop door fill the room. I looked over the counter, there was a huge stallion looking around the shop. The stallion himself was wearing an extremely small stetson which looked pretty funny compared to his body size. If this goes south though I'm going to end up with broken bones in every part of my body. The brown stallion grabbed one of the applesauce jars, as he did so he accidentally hit a premade apple pie that was on display. He panicked and landed headfirst into the apple pie, he also crushed the display table. Oh jeez, I'm going to have to explain that to Alice. "Oh man, that's gotta smart. You okay big fella?" "Ugh." I rounded the counter and went to help the large stallion of the ground. I grabbed the big guy's hoof and helped him up, I went into the kitchen to grab cleaning supplies to help clean the mess and help the poor pony out. "Sorry for the trouble Mr. Anonymous, I'm Trouble Shoes." "Don't worry about, but my name isn't Anonymous, It's Peter." "Oh, sorry 'bout that, It's just the rumors said you were Alice's assistant but nopony had a name so the name Anonymous came 'round." "Don't worry about it, now let's get you cleaned up and complete your purchase." I handed him one of the rags that had been recently washed by Alice. While he was cleaning his face off I got to cleaning up the debris. I'll have to explain a good bit of things to Alice when she gets back. With the debris swept and picked up I walked behind the counter to finish the business with Trouble Shoes. "Alright, Mr. Shoes that'll be two thingymabobbers." "There called bits Mister." "Thank you Mr. Shoes, that'll be two bits." Trouble Shoes gave me a nod after dropping to gold coins on the counter. Once he made his way out the shop he promptly faceplanted, the poor guy must have some bad luck or something. I put the two gold coins into the sack beneath the counter. Hopefully, things will calm down for a bit. I blinked, that's all it took for me to not pay attention to the door and I shit you not a unicorn walked in. He was muzzle deep in a rather large book, however, he gracefully maneuvered throughout the shop grabbing some apple cider from one of the higher shelves and stopping at the counter. By grabbing the apple cider I mean he fucking levitated it next to him and placed it on the counter all without looking up from his book. The only way I knew he was a wizard was from his very stereotypical robe and wizard hat. I looked at the small number on the apple cider. "Uh, well, that'll be...er...seven bits mister." The wizard was a blue stallion with an unkempt white mane with a small pair of spectacles resting on his nose. Once he looked up from his book I could clearly see dark bags under his eye and stubble. Pony facial hair, how does that work? I can save that question for later. His reaction was odd, after looking at me he levitated a small notebook out from his bag and then started jotting something down. While he was writing he levitated seven gold coins onto the counter. This pony was quite good at multitasking by the looks of it. "T-thank you for the business, if you want any more high-quality apple products were open till five." "Ah, thank you for informing me, Mr. Anonymous." "Oh, uh, that isn't my name, I'm Peter." "Oh? My apologies then Peter, I'm quite a busy pony so I must be on my way, good day to you." He adjusted his spectacles and walked out of the shop, cider now in hoof. He didn't have an accent either maybe he's not from Appleloosa. After some time passing Ms. Alice eventually came back. I explained to her what had happened in the time she had been away. She gave me some bits as compensation for the work I did during my stay. I bid her farewell and walked out of the shop to find the sheriff. "I wonder who the other two ponies I'm gonna meet are." Probably machete-wielding murders. > Beware Burglin' Bandits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beware Burglin' Bandits I was now able to walk the streets without causing a ruckus. So after leaving Alice's, I made my way towards the sheriff's office. Once I arrived at the office I quickly took note of the large crowd outside, some were yelling and others were thrusting their pitchforks into the air. The sheriff walked out of his office with a grim look. The mob immediately started jeering him, and a few from the crowd shouted questions. I made my way a bit closer in an attempt to understand what the angered ponies were trying to say. "Quite, Quite!" "Ah know yall are angry, we're workin' on it," the sheriff reasoned, or at least attempted to with the crowd. At the sheriff's statement, the crowd exploded in anger, many of them shouting at the sheriff. "We ain't lettin' no bottom of the barrel scum get us good like that!" "What 'bout our families!" "C'mon sheriff our livelihoods are at stake!" Many ponies from the mob seemed genuinely scared, what happened? The sheriff took out a piece of paper, many ponies from the mob seemed transfixed on the sheriff's sudden action. "From here forth anypony that can bring in Bandit King Bowie will receive five hundred 'n fifty bits, dead or alive. He's wanted for ponynapping, murder, and attempted arson of the Appleloosan orchard." Bandit King Bowie? That is one hell of a stupid name. I mean, I get it, strike fear into the hearts of your enemies but seriously, bowie? The mob cheered, many of them raising pitchforks and torches in a stereotypical mob fashion before clearing the area, I'm assuming to talk about the subject. After the crowd dissipated I walked over to the sheriff to ask him some questions, many of the questions dealing with what transpired. "So...you seem busy." Ah, my conversation skills have improved. "That's a damn understatement." Is that the first of pony profanity? "What was all that about?" "The bandit group Ebony Knives raided the locomotive." Ebony Knives? A bandit attack, man this pony world just took a nosedive. Though maybe you think after dealing with hydras, giant alligators, and cleaning that my perspective would have changed earlier. Hopefully, none of the ponies on the train died. "Any....casualties?" "Nopony was injured, thank Celestia, however, a pony that was onboard is now bein' held for ransom." The sheriff's demeanor changed dramatically from informative and rational to something akin to fear. "W-well, that's...er...yeah...a-anyways what about the ponies you wanted me to meet." "Ah, sorry, I don't think now's a good time we need all hooves figurin' out where the bandits fled to." This situation may be worse than I originally thought. When the sheriff previously mentioned bandit attacks I took it lightly, but the metaphorical shit just hit the metaphorical fan. Maybe I should help them look, It could help me earn their trust. "Well Mr. Sheriff I don't have hoofs but I do have a pair of hands, maybe I can help." "My name's Silver Star son, and yes, any help is the kind of help we need. Just head over to the railroad and I'll meet ya there, I got some stuff to finish here first." Guess I'm knee-deep in a bandit investigation now, coming to this world has been one wacky ride. "Oh, before ya head out Peter I ought to tell ya that your alligator pal is workin' out in the fields west of the orchard." So that what happened to the lizard huh, that's pretty cool. "Hey, sheriff which way on the railroad did the raid happen?" "Towards the orchard." "Got it." I shouldn't have got myself involved in this, but then again it's this or begging on the streets so I don't have a choice. I made my way towards the railroad hoping everything would end up all right in the end. Hopefully, the bandits would give up the pony they grabbed and I wouldn't end up begging on the streets. I made my way through town passing groups of ponies, many of them speaking about the bounty or their families. Once I reached the railroad near the border of the town I saw the friendship express. The locomotive's frame was still intact but the amount of damage done to the thing was absurd. There were several large dents in the train's frame as well as large holes in the ceiling of many of the cars. This doesn't look like a bandit attack, not that I've seen any, this looks like it was bombed. I looked down the right side of the track, it seemed like the railway itself also sustained heavy damage. I started following the railroad track towards where the raid happened, which is probably a very bad idea. I was walking past a bend in the orchard which the railroad bent with when I saw the sheriff and the wizard from the shop talking. They hadn't noticed me yet so with no bad intention in mind I tried to hear what they were saying. "Look Mr. Star I'm giving you two hours to retrieve my daughter before I burn everything in a mile, understood?" "I'll get her by then Mr. Stone." "You better." I blinked and the wizard was gone no trace of him anywhere, how the hell does he do that? With my question unanswered I made my way to the sheriff who, in my opinion, looked worse for wear. "howdy sheriff, what's happening?" "Nothin' but a bandit invasion, I was just waitin' for you and the others to arrive." Now that I think about it, how'd he get here before me? It isn't exactly a small walk, what's with ponies and mysteriously appearing and disappearing? "So I got a pitchfork...am I supposed to kill a bandit if we engage them or something?" "You bet your britches son, you best be ready for a brawl, however, if ya can capture one for questionin' that'd be a priority." So...kill first ask questions later or question first kill later? I'm just going to assume he wants me to capture one if possible for questioning but if I can't, well...I'd better not think about it too much. > Facing Fiendish Forces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facing Fiendish Forces The sheriff had scouted around the railroad a bit and determined that the bandit group Ebony Knives had fled into the northeast side of the orchard. I don't know how he did it, there were no hoofprints to go according to a group of appleloosans that showed up to help search. A little while after the sunset our ragtag group of cowponies started making our way through the orchard. Though the sheriff advised us to split into groups of three. I was with two stallions, each looking pretty identical to the other, maybe they are twins. We were told if we spotted any encampments to report it immediately to the sheriff. With all the information given to the groups, we set off in search of the bandits. Our group deviated from most of the groups that seemed to head towards the center of the northeast part of the orchard, we decided to try and monitor the border of the orchard in case the bandits left. Then again, maybe they already left, I don't know. I decided the break the silence that had been between me and my group for some time. "So...this is pretty crazy, right?" "pfft...ya kiddin' me, this happens every week." "Don't mind my rat brained brother he spends more time jokin' then thinkin'. I'm Jona, and that idiot over there's is Golds." Soon after my question, which didn't get answered, both of the twins barraged each other with childish insults, guess good conversation went out the window. They bickered for a good thirty minutes, enough time for the environment to darken. It's been a while and no site of bandit activity on the border of the woods, maybe we should head back. "Hey fellas, should we head back? There doesn't seem to be much activity here." "What, are ya scared of the dark or somethin'?" "I'm not scar-" "scaredy-cat." I hate this pony. I hate this pony a lot. The conversation, if you could call it that, continued for some time before becoming rather loud. Golds and I argued over leaving the area for a few minutes before I caught a glimpse of something out of my peripheral vision. A tree with an odd shadow, Golds must have noticed as well as he turned towards the tree too. "Hey Jona, ya got the lantern, go check it out." "I thought ya were brave golds." With that said, Jona walked over to the tree. Once he got to the tree he looked around for a bit then spotted something within the shadow of the tree. He gestured for us to come over, his shocked expression only increased my worry as I walked over. A corpse. I could feel pressure in my chest when I saw it. Where'd it come from, who is it, was it murder? There were a lot of questions that needed answers. Jona and goldy handled about as much as I did, except for Jona who stared barfing in some bushes. Looks to be a stallion from one of the search groups, from his injuries I could at least tell he was stabbed which means this must have been intentional. With that morbid realization, I realized we had to report this to the sheriff immediately. He said he would southwest of our current location, which was east of the northeast part of the orchard. "We have to report this to the sheriff." "I-I agree." Golds didn't say anything, he just nodded his head. We decided that heading through the forest was faster than heading around it as we did on the way here. We jogged through the forest trying to keep our composure from the earlier experience, it was difficult, to say the least. Just a few minutes after we started jogging I spotted a light within the darkness of the surrounding orchard. I turned to the twins and pointed at the orange light. It was was most likely from a lantern if I had to guess. Maneuvering as swiftly as a man without a shirt could I arrived at the source of light. It was the sheriff and his group though they seemed to be in a confrontation of sorts. The sheriff and his group of ponies were staring down a rather large pony who was holding a knife to a familiar mare's neck. I imagine the large pony was the leader of the bandit group, though he was only backed by two ponies. I quietly grabbed the lantern from Jona's hoof and turned off the light inside. I could hear some whispers from the conversation. "Bowie, you flea riddin' scum sucker, do ya know what you're doin'!?" "Better watch your mouth sheriff, somethin' might happen to the mare." I crept through the woods watching every step and paying close attention to my breathing, as soon as I was near I put my back to the closest tree and an ear to the confrontation, time to do some stealthy eavesdropping. At least I'm getting better at It. "Not only will ya die if ya don't hand her up, but yer ponies are gonna get scorched!" "Haha, nice one sheriff, real funny, but I don't believe ya." This conversation was getting nowhere fast. I'm not a fighter and trust me if I ever fought someone it would show. However, I had a lantern, the perfect weapon to use on unsuspecting ponies. "Lantern attack!" I jumped out from behind the tree and slammed the lantern's iron frame against the bandit's head, a resounding thud echoed through the orchard. He was out like a light or a lantern one of the two. The mare he was holding seemed fine, now the only problem I had were the two bandits that just saw me lantern a pony. The large pony being knocked out was enough of a distraction for the sheriff and his group of cowponies to tackle the other two bandits, the group ignoring the large daggers the bandits had been holding. Now that everything, to an extent, had been settled I took a look at the mare. It was the lime mare who had previously entered Alice's shop. I've noticed that she didn't seem to be the talkative type. With my observation of the mare done I turned to the group of ponies and pondered the situation. It's probably a bad time to be missing my shirt. > Really Rad Rodeo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Really Rad Rodeo "So let me get this straight, ya decided in a hostage situation to attack the hostage-takers, with a lantern." "It was that or call him mean names for twenty minutes." The sheriff let out a rather large sigh. It wasn't a secret that he was exhausted, I'm surprised he was able to work as much as he did. I explained the situation involving the corpse we had founder along the border of the orchard. The sheriff deflated a bit but grabbed some of his men and headed over to investigate a bit. The sheriff said to just head to his office and take the couch for the night. As he was heading out he also told me we'd speak in detail about my situation later. With an exhausting day being put behind me, I trudged back to the town, broken lantern in hand, ready to sleep. The sheriff's door was locked so I had to climb through an unlocked window. Once I got in I collapsed onto the couch, my last thought before I fell asleep was something along the lines of 'My missing pitchfork'. I woke up to the sounds of cheering and loud laughter. I hate hearing both of these things right when I wake up. I rolled off the couch onto the dusty wooden floor smacking my forehead on the wood before I got up. I poked my head out the office window, I almost said get off my lawn. In the central road of Appleoosa was a large celebration, many of the ponies were drinking and cheering. I guess I must have slept later then I expected. The celebration was a rodeo or at least it looks like one, I'm pretty far away from the crowd so I couldn't tell. Once I was finished observing the crowd I made my way to the door. Before I could reach down and open the door, it flew open to reveal the sheriff and his daughter. "Well if it ain't the drunkard that's been hoggin' the couch!" "Peter monkey, I heard ya beat some bad guys!" Is closing the door a valid option in this conversation? "I didn't do much, your dad did most of the work." "Nuh-uh, I heard ya beat three bandits with your weird arm thingies behind your back!" "Nah kid you have it a bit mixed up, also before I forget, Sheriff we needed to talk about some stuff, right?" "Right, Star why don't ya watch the rodeo for a bit." "Yes daddy," the small filly mumbled. Must not have liked getting booted out of the conversation. "So first things first, I'd like ta thank ya fer what you did last night during the hostage situation, even if it was mighty risky." "It was something." "Well, that 'something' of a move saved the orchard and the bandits inside from bein' burned!" "What do you mean?" Might as well play dumb, it'd be weird if I knew what he meant. "The hostage was the daughter of Brim Stone, of the Stone family! Mighty big family, lotta control over this region." So you're telling me that the blue stallion that walked into Alice's shop was some big shot? His daughter looks nothing like him, never would have guessed they were related. Guess he was quite literal when he said he would burn the bandits. "Oh, well, at least she is safe and nobody got burned." "Almost nopony, your lantern burned Bowie's mane and fur after you hit him." "Oh jeez, he deserved it though." "Before I forget, the next and last pony I want ya to meet is gonna be outside this office 'round evening time." "Really? Also, how am I gonna travel now that the train is wrecked?" "Don't worry I got it covered, and the pony will probably find you before you find them so don't worry 'bout not seein' them." A pony trotted out from the crowd with a worried expression, once he noticed the sheriff he quickly made his way over. "Sorry ta interrupt, but it seems like some ponies are makin' trouble at the saloon." "Let's head over, let me just grab some cuffs from the office, we'll talk later Peter." So I'm just supposed to hang out here then? Maybe I could head out and enjoy the festivities for a bit. With that in mind, I walked out of the office towards the crowd of colorful ponies. Once I looked carefully though, there were buffaloes among the crowd of ponies. As I neared the crowd there were some interesting sounds coming from a rodeo. Interesting only because they sound unnatural and cartoonish. As I made my way to the weird sounds and the crowd I noticed something, the ponies didn't seem as cautious as they were originally. Once I got past the crowd I was met with a peculiar spectacle. There was a stallion making a fool of himself, I guess it makes sense too since it Trouble Shoes. Who would thought all that bad luck could be used for entertainment. Every time he slipped or had a random pie smashed on his face the laughter of the crowd was a common response. Seemed the cartoonish sound was the honking of a clown's nose and many other slapstick sounds. I thought it was pretty funny, and before I knew it I was laughing with the crowd and enjoying the rodeo clown's routine. It is weird to think yesterday even happened. I shook my head to get rid of that stinkin' thinkin' and headed off to some of the stalls set up along the road. I had the bits from the work I did for Alice maybe I could get something to help me along my journey to nowhere. With that thought in mind, I walked from vendor to vendor checking out their wares. I ended up eating an apple pie and chatting with a few ponies playing some carnival-esque games for an hour or two. Times passed before I knew it. Most of the ponies cleared out after a while, but I had time to spare so I walked to the struggling stalls. The last stall was odd and eye-catching, there were several brass items and shiny bits and bobbles decorating the wooden stall's exterior. A pony ran the stall, a stallion by the looks of it. Once I approached there seemed to be many items laid across the counter. "Hello there my good sir, what can I get for you today?" Oh? He isn't from appleoosa, he seems to be missing the country twang. "Ah, I'm just looking around." Among his many, many items I saw and picked up a brass compass. It looked pretty cool, very shiny. "Oh, are you interested?" "Uh, sure." "it's a basic brass compass, so since it's unused it'll be nine bits." Fuck me man, I don't know if I'm being scammed or not. Ugh, I'm going to have to suck it up and pay it until I figure out average prices. "Here." Before I handed him the money he stopped me by putting his hoof up. "For an additional two bits, I'll throw in this map I got here, be warned though this thing is quite old." "Fine." I feel like I've been robbed. > Man Meets Mage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Man Meets Mage With my new items in hand, I headed back to the sheriff's office to meet the last pony. I wonder if the pony I'm meeting is a pony I've met before. I arrived at the office shortly after I started walking, only to notice that there was no pony outside the office. Maybe I was early or something. Since no one was outside I went towards the office door and decided to head inside. As I reached down to the handle a large popping sound came from behind me along with a flash of orange light. "Hmmm...sheriff Silver wasn't kidding when he said you were odd-looking." I knew that voice, but of course, I only realized that after my really manly shriek of terror. "Jesus criminy biscuits," I couldn't help exclaiming as I turned around. "Peter was it?" He was completely unphased by my amazing screaming abilities, he didn't even blink! "Y-yep that's me." "We need to have a lengthy discussion but before then let's relocate to a more comfortable environment." The stoic stallion turned around without so much as a backward glance and started walking to the local inn. I rushed to catch up to the fast-paced stallion. I tried chatting while we walked but he was somewhat cold to any small talk, god I hate awkward silence. We walked into the inn, upon entry it seems the awkward silence spread to everyone in the inn. This is torture, pure unadulterated torture. He walked up to the barkeep and made some gestures before sliding the barkeep something. I couldn't overhear the conversation because of the now spreading background noise. The stallion, what was his name again? Stoner? Mr. Stone? Damn, I'm getting worse at remembering names. He gestured for me to follow him, he started walking into a backroom. I'm getting the 'I'm about to get jumped' feeling. The backroom must have been for VIPs or something, there were cigars and alcoholic beverages already ready for use. Mr. Stoneface or whatever his name sat down in the corner booth. The feeling of meeting a mob boss continued to rise once I realized we were the only ones in the backroom. Once I sat down opposite of him, he levitated a bottle of wine and poured it into two glasses. Man, magic is neat. He took a sip of the wine and then stared ahead, his stoic face moved minimally as he talked. "You played a crucial role in saving my daughter. Since I don't like being in debt I have a set of offers for you." "W-well, I really didn't do too much, it was mainly-" "I can't give everypony a reward, I said you played a crucial role." Jesus, this guy is something else. "Oh, well, what are the offers?" "Offer one, I give you a certain amount of bits and we never speak of this again. Offer two, I've been informed you are homeless, so you may have a spot on one of the Stone family carriages arriving tomorrow morning. If you accept offer two, the carriages will be going to Stone Haven located southeast of here. Stone Haven is nestled in the Macintosh Hills. Lastly, offer three is negotiable." This pony really hates being in debt. Any of these options would be great for me. However, it seems that offer three is the best option for me. "I think option three would be pretty good because...well...I have an odd traveling companion." "Another seat on a carriage won't hurt my pockets." "I...uh...my traveling companion is a giant alligator." The stallion across from me took a sip from his glass with furrowed brows. The stallion closed his eyes and leaned back, he must be mulling over something. "Hmmm...here is the deal, I can give you a pass that'll let the Stone family guard escort you to the estate. However, this means you will have to travel there by hoof or by...alligator." This pony is seriously going out of his way to make sure that his debt is completely cleared. I didn't really do that much. If he's going to do this much, I might as well accept it. "I like that idea, so how is this going to work out?" With his magic doodad, a small popping sound and a small blank stone tablet appeared on the table. A quill infused with some magic started carving into the stone tablet. Once it finished carving it became inanimate. "There, this pass should authorize you to enter the private portion of the estate. Maybe you'll find an opportunity once you get there." He levitated the pass over to me. The language that was written on the tablet slowly untangled, the lines rearranging themselves into English. It's still freaky to see it, but it's nice that I don't have to know an entire written language. Now that the deal is settled, I should probably speak to the sheriff about the alligator. "It's good we got this settled, so this means I probably won't be at Stone haven until a week or so from now." He nodded his head and took a sip from his wine glass. While I left my poured wine untouched, I didn't have any intention to be rude. "I have to go speak with the sheriff, so I must get going, It was good speaking to you." "Of course." The response pushed my buttons a bit. I turned towards the front room of the building and started making my way out. Once I left the building I headed over to the sheriff's office. Upon entering the office I noticed the sheriff speaking to his daughter. "Hey sheriff, do you mind telling me where the alligator I was with when I came is again?" "That alligator is in the field out there. Just speak ta the farmer, he'll show ya where ya lizards at." He pointed his hoof south of the office. So with Stonehaven in mind, I wandered southward to a ran across a small homestead. There was an older stallion working in the field so I decided to greet him. "Hello! I've come to get the alligator." The stallions confused expression slowly morphed into one of unbridled rage. "So you're that sumbitch that dumped that dagger toothed demon on us." oh jeez. > Prankin' Producers/ Prepared Partings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ramblin' Roads/ Prankin' Producers "Okay, okay, I get! I'm a horrible demon person, now let me get the source of all this out of your house!" After letting the farmer and every one of his family members insult me I was shown to where the alligator was being kept. Some of those insults would make a sailor blush! The homestead had on it a small shack which is where the farmer led me to. With minimal effort, the burly farm pony threw the barred and locked shed door aside. Once the door was almost off its hinges I heard a loud hiss come from inside the building. I poked my head I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. That damn lizard got even bigger. It's thick scaled tail was poking out the small window in the back because it was too big to fit in the room. I turned to the farmer, who looked at me like I just pissed on his grandmas grave or something, and asked him about the security. "What's with the bolts and locks? What happened?" "What do ya think ya dungheap, there's a demon if ever there was one!" "Ah, I see, well that demon will be leaving with me. Sorry to hear he gave you trouble. One more question, where are the items that were on the alligator." "Pfft, ya ratbrain...the items are in the storm cellar." "Let me greet the...uh...demon and I'll head over and grab them." I cautiously walked through the shed before arriving at the scaled behemoth. I lowered myself onto my feet "Hey demon, you feel like jumping off another waterfall or pulling plows for cowboys?" It lazily opened its right eye in response. "Oh come on, really?" It blinked. "If I had my fucking pitchfork-" "Ya havin' trouble in there, chucklehead?" I wish ponies weren't so strong, then I could just give 'em a right hook. Then break my hand on his jaw because of my noodle arms. I leaned down and whisper to the alligator, who I still doubt understand anything I say. "Hey, if ya get up and get ready I'll...er...prank the farmer." The alligator, with no hesitation, was up and already leaving the shack. You have got to be kidding me. The farmer led me and the diregator over to the storm cellar. I brought everything up the stairs and loaded them onto the unnamed alligator. Things like my lantern, bloody 'n ripped shirt, and my minuscule camping supplies were among them. On my last trip up the cellar stairs, I noticed a small shovel and the gears in my mind started turning, a malicious prank was brewing. "Hey, are you going to use this shovel down here. If not can I have it?" "If ya got the bits." The farmer's dry chuckle echoed down the stone stairs. "I could always leave that demo-" "Fine, fine! Take the damn shovel." Jesus, I didn't even get to finish speaking. Dude must hate the idea of the alligator staying around. I picked up the short shovel. Once I double checked the loaded-up cargo I led the alligator over to the border of the homestead guided by the farmer. "Now ya better steer clear of here from now on, son" I nodded my head and acted like I was leaving. Once he turned around I used the small shovel to get some of the...fertilizer and then flinged it with all of my noodle arm power. Now my aim is pretty bad, I aimed for his head and it hit his...posterior dimensions. Needless to say, I jumped on the alligator and we bolted. I think the prank was successful if the curses in the distance were anything to go by. Man, it feels so good to laugh, it feels like it has been too long. The alligator slowed down after a while till it was just us two on the road. "So...how's life?" The alligator only grumbled in response. On the way back to Appleloosa I started thinking about everything that's happened to me. How'd my life go from working as a librarian to conversing with an alligator about its quality of life? How can I understand the pony language? How am I so calm? I mean, I even jumped off a waterfall a while back! I shook my head to clear up the unanswered questions and turned my gaze towards appaloosa. We arrived on the outskirts of Appleloosa after a few more minutes of walking. I hopped off the alligator and speed-walked into town and towards the sheriff's office after telling it to stay put. I entered the town and got to the sheriff's office rather quickly. I opened the creaky door and walked in. The sheriff greeted me with a small wave. "Howdy partner." "Hello, I just wanted to tell you I got my alligator and I'm planning to leave tonight for Stone Haven. I wanted to ask that instead of giving me the train ticket you could lend me some traveling supplies. Y'know, 'cause the train is currently filled with holes and all that jazz." "All the way ta Stone city? I can give ya some supplies but you'll have to make it last." "Yep. How's it like?" "Stone Haven?" "Yeah." The sheriff got up from behind his desk and started walking out the office, he gestured for me to follow him. "It's pretty big and mighty mysterious. In the past, it was a giant fortress meant to stand against the natural forces of the badlands it's said to be infused with fancy-schmancy runes and magic. However, the fortress was turned city by the stone family years ago." "Wow, so I'm heading to a big shot city?" "Big 'nough for the royals ta visit." We started leaving the town and started heading into the orchard. "Royals?" "Don'tcha know the royal sisters?" "Er...I don't get out much." After walking through the orchard and during the conversation we reached a barn. "That must be an understatement. How could ya not know the twin sisters, they're known worldwide." He pulled the large red door opening up the barn. "What're their names?" "You're serious ain'tcha? Their names are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I can't quite remember the last names." Celestia? I've heard that name before I can't remember where though. He handed me two heavy burlap sacks which I assume is filled with supplies. We didn't converse much till we reached the railroad on the edge of town. I turned to him prepared to say my goodbyes. "It was nice meeting you Sheriff Star." "It was nice meetin' ya too ya odd lookin' monkey!" We had a small chuckle and parted ways. I found the alligator where I left him, on the edge of town, lazily laying down. I patted his pack and we started moving southwest. The second we stepped out of town a tumbleweed jumped me. > Rocs Really Rock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocs Really Rock First Day So many rocks. So many many rocks. Rocks and tumbleweeds. Second Day The environment as far as the eye could see was boulders, tumbleweeds, and even more boulders. There was even one tumbleweed shaped boulder! I was simply laying on the alligator as my hand skimmed across the ground when several shadows flew overhead. I slowly turned my head to the sky to see many flying carriages that seemed to be pulled by pegesai. So they got wing ponies now? Not the weirdest thing I've seen since I got here. The carriages flew steadily to the looming hills in the faraway distance, while the lizard and I meandered lazily in their general direction. After a couple of hours and a few short rests, we settled down for the night having started the journey the night before we were more than exhausted. We settled next to a clumb of boulders. Third Day "Charles?" The alligator shook its head. "Spike?" Another nope. "Hmm...ah I got it, how about Liz? Genius, right?" Another shake of its head. "Okay, hmmm...how about Hugo?" It just huffed in response. "I'll take that as a yes, you are hereby known as Hugo fungus muncher." Another nope. "So, no on the last part?" Fourth Day After some more walking and a few more awkward sideways glances at the unaturally large shadows I noticed something odd. These vultures were huge, and they were slowly lowering their altitude as time went on. I patted the newly named lizard on the neck. "Hey bud, it seems we have bogeys inbound." Hugo just tilted his head to the side before continuing at the same pace he did before. "Seriously?" It just grumbled in response to my question. "Yeah, sure, I'm gonna act like I know what you said." Once nighttime rolled around the kettle of abnormally large vultures flew away leaving me and my scaly companion to set up camp for the night. Fifth Day "Come at me, you flying chicken sandwich!" A cacophony of angry vulture sound was the only response I got. "I swear to all that is well seasoned if you don't stop trying to swoop down when I'm not looking I'll tell Gordon Ramsay." One of the larger vulture creatures dropped from the sky behind me interrupting my amazing monologue. Though it was good I had my head on a swivel so it wasn't too difficult to move out of the way. We'd only been walking for about four or five minutes before the vultures appeared. They've been pestering us since, which is odd considering vultures that I'm used to are scavengers. Luckily there are only about three it'd be bad if there were more. Making sure to keep my eyes on the not so friendly birds I turned around to grab my trusty lantern. If I am going to die I might as well slam dunk a lantern on one's head, right? I turned around once I heard the beating of large wings. Two of the large birds rocketed down at breakneck speeds, I didn't have much time to react and neither did Hugo. The bird on the left was closer than the one on the right. So with little time, I used the momentum of turning around to slam the iron frame of the lantern into the bird on the left. The bird on the right, however, crashed into me full force causing me to be knocked of Hugo. The pain, I couldn't focus on it, too much adrenaline. My nose was bleeding and my right arm was covered in cuts. The vulture that I hit must have been killed, I couldn't see it anywhere. Hugo was doing something, I couldn't pay attention to what he was doing at the moment. I saw the vulture that knocked me off, it was recovering from hitting me. It was trying to regain altitude. Using my left hand I grabbed a sizeable rock and threw it. I didn't aim because it was a last-ditch effort. The rock hit the vultures left-wing causing it too lean too far to the left and crash. This small victory was short-lived when I heard a familiar sound. I switched my lantern to my other hand and turned around to see the third vulture dive-bombing towards me. I couldn't see it, it was right in front of the sun. I closed my eyes and swung the lantern blindly in front of me. No impact. Nothing. Then suddenly I hear a screech and the sound of stone cracking. I peeked one of my eyes open to see the third vulture killed. It was killed by blunt force trauma from getting hit by the corpse of another bird. I looked over at Hugo. He had bits of feathers hanging out of his mouth. "Did you just...that was kinda badass." I sat down right next to the dead monsters. Hugo waddled over and looked at the birds. "You hungry?" He just looked at me. "Just chow down man, I'm just gonna rest here for a while." Hugo went right to work on those birds. After a good bit of time I got up and looked for the hopefully dead bird. I peered over the boulder I was resting on and saw the little shit limping away. I left my lantern and grabbed a rock that required two hands to hold and slowly walked towards it. To spare you the details I ended it's life quickly. I grabbed it remains and packed up everything I could. Though the hardest and most dangerous thing I would have to deal with is my arm wounds. I had a few clean pieces of tattered cloth that I fixed onto my arm, but those would eventually need to be removed but it'd work for now. I started shaking my head to get rid of my stinkin' thinkin', I got a lot of cool looking feathers out of it, so that's a positive! We continued traveling for a few hours. Mid-way through our travel we came across a sign. It showed a rough drawing of a bird. Beware in the rocks in the Craigs they wait, beware the rocs, for they are like the plague. I hate both rocks and rocs. > Freezing For Frostbite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freezing For Frostbite (A good idea of what the environment looks like.) "Son of a biscuit eater, these cuts suck." I decided it was time to clean the wounds and change the make-shift bandages out. I needed a distraction from the anxious feeling I was getting the closer we drew to 'Macintosh Hills'. Which I guess was the name of the place considering these were more mountains then they were hills. I could barely see an outline of a structure hanging off one of the distant mountainsides. I'm assuming that's StoneHaven, as the location on the map is around there. Its hard paying attention to the structure when giant swirling gray clouds are barreling over the mountains like a breaking tidal wave and my anxious feeling is only getting worse. As we neared closer the weather changed and the temperature dropped a noticeable amount making the traveling atmosphere rather gloomy. Instead of light rain, it changed to light snowfall which irked me a bit considering I'm riding a giant cold-blooded animal. Hugo didn't seem to acknowledge the change in the environment or the weather, he just kept waddling forward with all the intimidation something that size can waddle with. I guess I can ignore it if he can as well. A few more hours of traveling and we settled down for the night. The night time was significantly more cold than the day, I had trouble sleeping in the middle of the night so I grabbed my sleeping bag and slept next to a big scaly source of warmth. "I hate mountains, I'm filled with rage, I'm hungry, and everything sucks." My only response was an irritated snort. "Okay then Mr. Notaffectedbyfrostbite, not everyone is as impervious to the elements as you are." A few hours passed The snowfall had gotten heavier which in turn made traveling a lot harder for both of us. If that wasn't enough my cuts weren't being treated properly anymore. Through the snowfall we managed to make it to the base of the mountains, it took us a couple of hours but we made it in one piece. At the base of the mountain, we managed upon a wooden sign. STONE HAVEN ON THE NORTHWEST RIDGE "J-j-just gotta keep going bud." My hand was numb in some places, and my toes were going numb as well. I was exhausted, but we just kept trecking through the westernmost path. Which was getting harder to see due to the snowfall, and through all this Hugo didn't shown any sign of being in pain. It got to the point where we found a small area under the cliffside and I collapsed inside. I don't remember when I came to really but I remember how. I opened my eyes and saw something beautiful. A bright and warm fire, and next to that fire was an alligator. Needless to say, I warmed myself up next to the fire while Hugo watched from the side. Questions, so many questions! How did the fire get here? What is it burning? How long was I out? Are we going to die? I slapped my hands against my face and noticed something bad. Maybe it was the numbness or maybe I didn't notice because it happened so fast but my index finger was pitch black and unmoving. My other fingers were a pale white or pink but it was still noticeable. "Shit, just i-ignore it. hey, bud, how did the flame get here?" Hugo just huffed and leaned on his right side. His underbelly had large cracks between the scales that bled orange light and heat. The cracks went from under his neck to his stomach. He opened his maw and a large murky brown bubble covered in a thin orange film came out his mouth It started floating away. Hugo flicked his tongue sending a small amount of fire towards the bubble, causing it to explode. "...Huh..y-you...what?" What? Alligators are crazy in this world. So you're telling me that he, at any time, could have exploded me, bloody hell! Guess they have to have defended themselves against hydras somehow. The storm raged outside the hole we found ourselves in, and all we could do was burn the wooden platform off the saddle to stay warm. After some time once I was exposed to warmth for a good bit, I wrapped my hand up in the dirty bandages used for my cuts and got ready to head back out once the weather calmed down. While waiting for the storm to pass I felt that pain in my hand increase tenfold, the few hours we waited seemed to feel like forever. Eventually, the blizzard subsided which left the entrance to our, almost literal, hole in the wall snowed in. I grabbed one of the half-burnt planks and used it as a rudimentary shovel to dig the snow out. I kept digging for a few minutes expecting to see the light of day but was instead greeted by the dark of night and gusts of bitterly cold wind. "Maybe we should just head out during the day when It's warmer." We fell asleep sometime later laying around the fire, though it should be mentioned that my bedroll was covered in ice. "S-shit, ow." Waking up was difficult, to say the least. My index finger was in extream pain and so was the rest of my right hand, my left hand was as well but not as much. "Alright bud, we gotta keep going. We gotta get to Stone Haven." We broke through the snow placed in front of the entrance once again and began on our way to Stone Haven. The piercing winds felt like they went straight through me. Like every new gust of wind was physically biting me. It was like this for some time before we reached a clearing. There was no wind or any sound, it was silent. In the middle of the clearing nearly buried half by snow was a carriage, one of the carriages I had seen day prior. Stone family carriages. Seems I'm not the only one who has had a bad day. > Crazy Carriage Crash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crazy Carriage Crash "Y'know, I'm kinda glad we walked now." Once we got close to the carriage I hopped off Hugo and looked around the crashed carriage. The pegasi that were pulling the carriage were unfortunately killed in the crash, and one of the ponies inside the carriage managed to make it outside before passing away. I must have some seriously good detective skills or something. The carriage was the type of carriage with a closed top and two side doors. Speaking of the carriage it had crashed on its side so I had to climb on top of it to enter. It was easier to enter due to the door being broken at the hinges. I dropped into the carriage and was forced to crouch so I didn't donk my noggin. As soon as I looked up from the snow deposited in the carriage I came face to face with a pony. However, this was a pony I had seen before. This was Brim Stone's daughter. Hot damn! How much trouble does this mare get into, first bandits than a few days later a crash. Maybe it's just bad luck or a bounty hunter o- My thinking was interrupted by a startling revelation. She was breathing! I floundered my way over to her side and looked her over. She had several cuts and splinters in her side but other than that she was as healthy as a hors- pony? With her now in a semi-stable condition, I looked around the carriage. The other pony in the carriage was a younger stallion by the looks of it. He wasn't breathing he must have hit his head or something since he had no obvious external injuries. There was a small black box in his hooves, letting my curiosity get the better of me I reached over and opened the box. Inside the box was a lustrous silver ring with a peculiar gem. The gem was red and pulsing, it was similar to the engravings in the silver. It depicted a pony with both wings and a horn. Whatever this thing was it was bad news bears, for some odd reason I still felt the urge to pocket the item. "Maybe I'm just greedy, but I'll say it's for the greater good that I keep it." And pocket that ring I did. With nothing more of noticeable importance in the carriage, I climbed up and hoisted Brim Stone's daughter out with me. Just as I lifted her out of the carriage it collapsed in on itself. As I hopped down, I awkwardly grabbed whatever her name is and hauled her onto my shoulder. With a ton of effort, I barreled through the snow and put her on Hugo's back. I put my hands on Hugo's back and pulled myself up. As we left the clearing I glanced back and swore I saw something ominous and shadowy standing next to the carriage. I blinked and there was nothing, it must have been my imagination. We continued up the northeastern ridge in hopes that we'd reach Stone Haven before nightfall. As we went up the path I noticed pieces of wood scattered in trees and planted in the snow, maybe more than one carriage had crashed. My condition was also something that caught my eye, it was weird. The pain in my right hand also felt significantly less and the cuts on my arm and back felt a lot less painful as well. Ever since I picked up the ring I kept feeling waves of warmth coming from it. Whatever the ring is, it just doesn't feel right to have on my person. It made traveling easier though, what a dilemma. After an hour or so of travel, we arrived at a series of wooden towers. As we walked past I heard something. "S-Stop! Halt! " I turned around towards the tower but didn't see anything or anyone. The door at the bottom of the tower burst open revealing a blue pegasus equipped with a mix of cloth and metal armor. "S-sorry one second." The stallion was clearly out of breath. He has wings, why didn't he just fly down instead of running down all the stairs, I'm confused. "Hello, welcome to Stone Haven. We're under lockdown at the momen-" "Buddy, my fucking fingers are freezing off, I'm wearing a blood-stained shirt, I'm like ninety percent sure I'm a dead man walking. Let me in." "W-well I can't jus-" I pulled out that traveling pass that Brim Stone gave me and politly presented it to the guard. "O-oh, sorry sir. I can't leave my post to show you the way but it's pretty easy to get to Stone Haven from here. Just continue up the path, or just follow the towers either way works." "Yeah, man, I don't feel good." The stallion said nothing and went back to his post. We continued following the path via the guard posts and eventually arrived at gargantuan stone doors. I saw a guard at the top of the gate with the 'I don't care, I don't want to be here look. "Hey! You up there!" He continued to ignore me. "Hey, you donkus I'm trying to get in!" He was still ignoring me. "I have that pass thingy, now let me in you single-celled organism!" He just sighed and turned away. "Don't turn away from me you son of blee blop! I'll hug your mother, I'll do it I'm a mad man!" I've reached the point of anger where cusswords are meaningless. Over the wind, I heard another sigh and with that sigh the sounds of large cogs and pieces of metal moving and rearranging. The large stone doors slowly opened outwards revealing a large city. However, my attention was on the four or so guard standing in the way. "Halt, I'm going to need to see the pass." "Yeah, sure." I handed him the pass from my back pocket. "This isn't fake, you're good." "Alright so you guys got it from here, right?" "Yes, is something wrong?" "Yep." I faceplanted hard. > Nauseous Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nauseous Nightmare A dream. I hadn't had one in quite a long time. I'd like it If it stayed that way. I was laying on a stone floor, it wasn't that difficult to tell. I leaned up and rubbed my eyes. "What happened?" I opened my eyes to find myself in a small stone room with no entrance or exit. "Aw shit, am I in magic prison? Is this a magic prison?!" I looked around the room for a bit hoping for some hidden lever or a magic shank. I didn't find anything that would help me get an idea of where I was. I sat down in defeat and put my back against the wall. Then I heard something. Like a quite thumping, almost not noticeable. Once I heard the mysterious sound, the wall I had my back on opened or disappeared. This caused me to donk the back of my head. I got up and rubbed my head while looked around. The small room was now connected to a very narrow hallway. "Well, it's Nerf or nothing." With that said, I started walking down the shadowy hallway only lit by a red pulsing light. I felt like I was walking forever there was no door or anything it just seemingly went on forever. I looked behind me, more hallway. I looked in front of me, even more hallway. "Oh, this is some magic BS isn't it?" I let out a sigh. I stopped walking and listened for the sound I heard previously. It was behind me. I heard it. No, it's in front of me. I heard it again. No, wait, it's above me. I looked up to see a hallway going into the ceiling. I put my right foot on the wall and then my left foot. I was walking vertically, It felt like I was walking normal though. Before I started walking into the new hallway I hear something. "D-...Conti..uo...ill..die." A silhouette stood from the hallway I came from. It's shadowy and distorted voice made me run away. I'll admit it, I'm a coward. The walls of the stone hallways were beginning to change as I continued farther in. There were these glowing red tendrils that slithered in between the cracks in the stone, connecting to something, something ominous. This hallway was endless as well, there wasn't any sound this time though. The sound may not have been present, but I could feel the ground subtly pulse with the same rhythm. "Hey Peter, long time no see huh?" I knew something was wrong. I knew that voice too, I hadn't heard it in a long time. I looked to the wall to my left, and on the wall was a picture frame. One that showed a man and a boy hugging. The man's simple features became sharp and alive. "What? Don't remember your pops? Of course you wouldn't." "W-what is this? No, this isn't right." It's better if I just ignore it. I clapped my hands against my face and continued walking down the hallway. The red light that had followed me through the hallways stayed with the picture frame. Which meant for me that I would be walking in pitch-black darkness. After I walked for some time I stopped and looked around, it was just darkness. "What am I doing here?" I heard some flickering and the red light returned. It swung slightly from right to left over another picture frame. This picture was of a girl and a boy. The girl's face morphed and changed, her features becoming sharp and realistic. "That's a good question, Pete." "W-what is going on?" "What are you doing there? You should be here." I tried to turn away but came face to face with another picture frame. This picture was that of a man, a woman with her face scribbled out and two children. The border of the frame pulsing red. I turned away preemptively to avoid the words and when I did it went completely silent. The light dissipated and everything was still. Then I heard it. It started off quietly, like a small thump in the night. Then it grew steadily louder to that of raging drums in ears. I looked around while covering my ears. Then once again everything changed. I was falling. I fell for a long time. It gave me time to think. I noticed it was hard to think if that makes sense. As I fell the thumping only grew louder and more intimidating. I hit something eventually and blacked out. I woke up to something...terrifying. A room made of...flesh? It was odd definitely, but that wasn't that terrifying thing. In the middle of the room was a giant beating heart, and every time it moved the room vibrated. I got up off the ground, something was pulling me towards it. The red pulsing light of the heart felt welcoming but looked nothing of the sort. In the middle of the gigantic heart was the glowing red light and as I neared closer I discovered something else. That red light was that ring. I reached out to grasp it, I felt like it would help me solve everything. As my hand was mere inches away from it something happened. A shadowy figure with not exactly a comprehendible shape ripped open the flesh of the wall, which then turned back to stone. "Sto-...reak...ou...ake up!" The figure brought out a beautiful silver sword and with one fell cleave split the heart in twain. Like the moon breaking through the sky on a cloudy night a silver light pierced every aspect of my being. Now I lay on a giant white ocean continuing forever into the horizon. I laid on the ocean and stared at the stars, which were those of my home. I felt something. I don't know how to describe it really, maybe longing? "I guess Ignoring those feelings aren't going to do me any good." I heard something walking up to me. "Thou art saved subject, you hath happened upon a heinous object haven't thou?" I turned my head slightly to the left to see a large blue mare. With a horn and a pair of wings, just like the ring design. I couldn't hold in a small chuckle, which turned into a tired laugh. They sound a lot alike, my sister did that voice as a joke a bunch when we were younger. "You remind me of my sister. She always was into the 'thees and thous' of life." "Answer mine question subject. Did yo-" I started slowly sinking into the ocean. It felt pretty good. I bolted up, sweat covering my brow. I let out several quick breaths and looked around. I was in a hospital room, with my arms bandaged and my hands semi-restrained. Ah, can't a guy catch a break. > Icy Injuries > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Icy Injuries Staring at the ceiling, definitely one of my favorite past time. Accompanied by the steady dripping of the IV bag made up most of the early morning. I was up so early because I couldn't fall back to sleep, I don't know why I couldn't sleep. I was absolutely exhausted but I couldn't help but feel restless. I think I had some sort of nightmare, I couldn't remember much of it though just flashes and feelings. Ignoring the thought of nightmares I focused on the room around me and from the observations I made, I was in a hospital. I could only guess from the obvious medical equipment and the accursed casts on my body. With nothing better to do, I stared at the ceiling for a long time, just counting the seconds, hoping for something to happen. I got to ten thousand eight hundred seconds before something actually happened. Someone was rustling the thick curtains to the left of me. "Hello?" "AHHH!" "Oops, sorry." "Celestia damn it, you almost gave me have a myocardial infarction!" "Er...ok." The pony that was rustling around the curtains was a mare, a nurse as well. "Can you tell me what happened Miss...uh...?" "Pardon? Oh! This is your first time waking up, one second!" She briskly trotted away from the conversation. Who leaves a guy hangin' like that? She didn't even give me her name so I could go full 'Karen mode' on her manager. After some time, she returned with a dark blue stallion who was wearing a doctor's coat. "Sorry for the wait, since it's so early I convinced the doctor on-call to check on you." "Hello Mr. Anonymous, I'm Mr. Crecent, I'm going to do a small physical and explain a few things. And while I'm doing the physical I'm going to need you to look over some paperwork as well." Oh wait. I'm in a hospital. Most of the paperwork was something along the lines of consent, responsibility-taking, and soul-stealing signature lines but that's to be expected. While signing my soul away I noticed that Mr. Crecent worked efficiently and quietly going through an array of tests with practiced motions. "Alright, that should be about it. Well, Mr. Anonymou-" "Its actually Peter, but sure go ahead." "Peter, Your condition when you arrived was if I'm being frank, nightmarish. Never in the thirty-four years of being a doctor have I seen frostbite and infections that bad. Luckily your condition wasn't exactly irreparable, however, it's my job to inform you that we were required to amputate your index finger." Oh. "I should also mention that you had four fractured ribs, and several untreated gnashes on your shoulders which have now been treated." Oh my. "During the evaluation and the following surgery, we also observed that you had and still do have acute magic sickness which is in the process of being treated." Oh my God. At least I don't have the flu. "Okay. So how long will I be here." "Two weeks. With the maximum of a month if your magic sickness medication affects the healing magic the unicorns will provide a week from now." "Well shit. What's magic sickness anyways?" "You see when something that has been drained of mana completely is filled with mana again it has trouble properly processing said mana. This causes the 'something', in this case you, to go into shock. This is, of course, putting it dumbly." "I don't know if I was experiencing shock but-" "Magic sickness can express itself in many, many ways. I'm going to let Nurse Cady take care of you from here on out." The doctor turned away presumably to head back out of the room. "Hey wait! I have one more question." "Hmmm?" "What happened to the people with me. And what happened to my stuff?" "Oh, I have no idea what happened to your friends, but your stuff is the bedside table." Then he just waddled away. Dick. "So Ms. Candy what am I supposed to do for two weeks?" "It's Cady, most patients visit the library downstairs. Since most of the patients we have are unicorn foals experiencing powerful magic surges. The parents need a quiet place you know?" I just nodded my head. It's better not to ask about magic things from what I've learned so far. "So, when can I get out of bed?" "Doctor Crescent gave you a health check, but you still need a physical so It's best to stay in bed." "Oh. Can you grab me a book from the library then? Just any old book will do." "Sure, next time I'm in the library I'll grab you one from the old pages." "No wait, not literall-" "Nurse, nurse! Can I speak with you for a second." Damn. Maybe an hour or so passed. I don't know It's kind of hard to tell time. "Pssst hey you." Is that a bug? I swear this is like the fifth bug I've slaughtered, they don't learn though, they just keep coming. I must be losing my mind. "Pssssssssst monkey face!" Oh, that's just blatantly racist. I turned to my left were the sounds of the soon-to-be-dead fly were coming from. "Hehe, you really do look like a monkey." Oh, it's just a kid. That can work too I guess. "Yeah, well, you look like a small hairy animal." "Like a bear? I like bears, I know a bear! He's named Harry, Did you know bears ar-" "No, I was thinking something along the lines of a badger." "Oh." I looked back up at the ceiling to enjoy my not so peaceful quiet. "Badgers are cool too." "Mhmm." "Do you like badgers mister?" Ugh. "Yeah kid, love 'em all to death. All the pointy-toothed and red-eyed basta...friends." "You don't sound like you do." "Look here kiddo-" I turned over to look at the curtain next to me to get a real good look at the kid. It was a colt, really young by the looks of it. He was looking over at me, his large eyes portraying excitement and innocence. I huffed and looked back at the ceiling. I started speaking again. "What're you doing here?" "I got in an accident." "What kind of accident?" "The magic kind." "Ah, really? Same here." "Really!?" "Yep." "Your accident was probably cool like some super awesome magicsplosion. Mine was super lame." "Not really a magicsplosion so to say, what happened to you again?" "It's not really an accident if I think about it. I have more of a condition that acts up." "Oh really?" "I have a condition where I have magic surges." "Oh, but that nurse earlier but it sounds like that was normal." "I used to have them when I was younger but now they're stronger and happen more." "....Hey kid." "Yeah?" "I like bears too, their one of my favorite animals." > Big Bold Beut of a Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Bold Beut Book Finally, I have something to pass the time with now. A big 'ol stupid book. With a bold and underlined title. Molly Macabre's Guide to Magic 'n Mushrooms. The title's golden letters caught my attention. I flipped open to the first chapter. Chapter 1: Thought Through Equestian Magic Theory First off I would like to say that I Molly Macabre am a unicorn. This means that I bring with me a more equestrian perspective on magic theory. Now that that is out of the way I may begin explaining the basics of equestrian magic theory and then eventually delve into other magic theories in comparison. Now let us say you are but a newborn babe fresh from your mother's womb, ignorant of all that is magic. What is magic exactly? To put it simply, magic is the lifeblood of all Equus, It flows through everything whether animate or inanimate. Magic is what gives power to the elementals and it's actively shaping the world around us. For example, every wonder why a pegasus can manipulate the weather? Or an earth pony can be strong enough to lift a boulder? It's magic! Magic isn't just all fireballs you know. It's very subtle, It seeps into everything and displays itself in a plethora of ways. Like physical magic enhancment or it can take a more active role like chlorokinesis (which means to control plants). Since we've discussed the concept of magic let's move onto how it affects us specifically. Magic is a part of nature. This means, generally speaking, that it can never truly be good nor bad. This is, of course, a publically shunned opinion in Canterlot but it's important to note for future discussions on non-equestrian magic theory. Thus, as part of nature, it goes to show that it affects species differently which have evolved to use to efficiently in different ways. Some species like the minotaurs of Tauros use magic in a much different way than ponies do both passively and actively. They make items infused with magic, to complete such magic items one must complete a ritual usually with a certain concentration period. The point is magic affects different races in different ways. On a different but similar note, how does magic affect the natural world? That's a very loaded question. It can affect every aspect in one way or another, for example in an area where magic is strong, one might find something like the floating islands of the Mysterious South. Or an area where there is no magic one might expect an arid environment and a radically different ecosystem. The point being that magic is amazing and dangerous but that's for the next chapter. "Peter, Peter!" "Gah! Sorry I was a bit distracted kid." "My name is Rocky." Oh like rocky from the movies. "Oh, alright kid." "Ok Anonymous, what are you readin'?" When did this kid become such a smart ass? "Honestly, If I knew I'd tell you, Rocky." I turned over to see Rocky floating around above his bed. That's a bit odd, right? "So is floating around something you do regularly?" "Huh? Oh! One second." Rocky started doing something with his magic, he was concentrating awfully hard too if the magic sparks coming from his horn were anything to go by. After concentrating for a little while he stopped floating and landed on the pillow of his bed. He reached over to the bedside table and wrote something down. "So...was that a magic surge?" "Yeppers." He must have been told to write down when the surges happen. I turned away from Rocky to continue reading through the book 'o magic, honestly, I was excited to move onto chapter two. Before I was able to start reading I heard the bed next to me start squeaking a lot, I turned to see Rocky hopping up and down excitedly. "So what are you reading Peter?" "Some book about Magic theory." "Magic?! Lemme see!" The little bugger leaped across to my bed from his without any concern for his health. Where's this kid's parent when you need 'em? That's a good question now that I think about it. "Okay, okay! I'm going to keep reading though, so make sure to be a bit quiet." "Can you read it out loud?" "Uh...sure, but If I mispronounce a word and you laugh I'll throw you like a football." That little shit snickered. Chapter 2: Magic, Merriment, and Misplaced Magic Missiles. Magic, it's one hell heck of a drug, and like all drugs, it should be used cautiously. Why? Don't be stupid, stupid. A practiced pyromancer can burn the countryside in a matter of minutes, and an advanced cryomancer can freeze a lake and bring a blizzard. Magic, like all that is a part of nature, is dangerous. However, don't get the wrong idea. Magic can be used as a weapon, but it can also be used to create amazing displays of art or cause burnt fields to come back in a brilliant display of life. It's just important to remember that magic is dangerous and if you embrace the depths that magic has to offer you should expect to lose something. Trust me, I know that best. Though don't be dissuaded from experimentation just don't ignore the rules that magic has. Ignoring these rules usually results in dark magic, which is just a kind of magic, but it has an unusually steep price. 1. Don't bring somepony back from the dead. 2. Don't try mental manipulation magic or mind control, It just leads to darker things. 3. Don't trust a demon, all contracts may be neutral but that doesn't mean they won't try and get one over on you. 4. Don't venture beyond the borders of the badlands, for there lays something truly terrible in wait. 5. Never go near the corpses of the (The rest of the page has been ripped out.) Oh, someone must have gotten angry at the book for some odd reason. Like seriously, who would get angry at a book? I looked down at my bed to find Rocky asleep. Huh, well, would you look at that? I slowly picked up Rocky and slipped him into his bed. I tiptoed to the end of his bed and looked at his patient information they had on a clipboard in a small pouch. I skimmed over most of the paper until I reached a few words of interest. Rocky Hope. Incurable. The magic surges were happening more frequently too. I have a very stupid idea. But hey, stupid is what I do best. > Magic Moves Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Moves Me "Peter, you can walk around now but don't overdo it. Those ribs are still fractured so no heavy lifting or spo-" "C'mon Candy do I look like the kind of person to do something stupid like that?" "Again it's Cady, I remember just yesterday you were using your IV bag stand as a sword in a playfight with Rocky. So, yes I do think you are capable of being stupid." "Pfffft...I won that fight though." "Just don't do anything stupid ok?" "Ok, I promise." A week in a half has passed, meaning those healing mages would be here Friday. I was anxious, what if the magic had a negative reaction to my medication? I climbed out of my bed and cracked my back, which of course put me in a whole new world of pain. I needed to clear my head, I needed a distraction. So I took Macabre's book and headed to the library which was supposed to be downstairs from this room. I walked to the stairs located on the far side of the hallway outside my room. I cautiously walked down the stairs till I reached a small wooden door and prepared to enter. I opened the door expecting to see a small selection but was instead graced by shelves upon shelves of books. Ah, I missed this. The quiet that libraries offer, It hasn't been that long since I came to this new world yet my old job as a librarian caused such nostalgia. I looked at the shelves and realized something stupid. These ponies don't have the Dewy Decimal System. "Ugh, this is gonna be a fucking nightmare." "Excuse me can I help you?" I screamed, in a manly way though. I'm assuming this absolutely terrifying mare is the librarian. "You almost gave me a heart attack! I-ignoring that, you could help me find something." "Okay, what are you looking for?" "Do you guys have a non-medical magic section?" "Yes, follow me." The nice mare led me to a corner of the library that seemed particularly busy. Seemed like a lot of medical students were practicing magic theory or something. I scanned the books for two words that interested me the most. I found a book that interested me soon enough, though its appearance in comparison to the other books was offputting. It was just a had a plain brown color palette with no personal flair like Macabre's grimoire. The Not So Simple Simplicities of Magic Items. I opened to the table of contents I was looking for something very specific after all. After searching through the various chapters I found it. Cursed Items..............................................................................................................................................Page 457. I turned over to page 457 and prepared to read. Chapter 32: Cursed Items A curse is a type of ritual magic, which in a way is very similar to magic item creation. The only difference between the two rituals is the catalyst and the material required, the outcome, of course, is also a noticeable difference. A curse is an offensive ritual meant to cause negative effects to a specific target but when mixed with the item creation ritual it causes some odd things to happen. Before we continue It should be mentioned that during the first baby steps of magic creation many a minotaur cursed themselves on accident. Through their sacrifices, we, The bureau of Magic Item Research and Recovery, have come to understand curse magic much better. Curses can imbue either the caster, another being, or item with great magic power or a particular ability. However, the thing imbued will have a negative effect to match the positive effect. The negative effect will always match the positive in terms of severity. A good example of this would be the Ancient Alicorn Crown of King Paleblood , an item of incredible power that has been locked away by the Bureau for some time. The item offers the wearer incredible magic power but if worn will wear down the wearer's sanity. Another good example would be the Skirmish of Heimdall Bridge in which the minotaurs sent a single able-bodied minotaur onto the battlefield with a cursed weapon. To spare you the details, it was a bloody affair, the item itself gave the minotaur using its incredible strength, and the negative effect of the weapon was never documented. It's said however that the tragedy of the Bifrost had something to do with it. Most cursed items work similarly. Now onto the cultural aspects of cursed weapons. Most nations use cursed items in times of war especially the Minatuar who have perfected the creation of cursed and non-cursed magic items. Now It should be mentioned that using cursed items is still to this day, considered completely unethical. Most cursed items make their rounds in illegal underground black markets which they then get into the hooves or hands of the unknowing citizen. I yawned and took a break from reading. I must have been reading for a long time, the light that once streamed through the windows of the library has stopped. I closed the book and put it back on the shelf and headed back up to my room. Once I arrived I found three ponies standing by Rocky's bed. The three of them were speaking, one was obviously the doctor that was making rounds, considering he was wearing a doctor's coat. The other two ponies were unknown to me. I quietly walked up behind them, to do my eavesdropping business. "Look Mister and Miss Hope your son is in a fragile position, where anything we do could speed up the already quicking pace of the magic surges. I insist that he take the surgery option, this medicine will only be a temporary fix, and that only if it works." I wasn't close enough to hear Rocky's parent's response but I could hear the doctor's. "Medication it is then. I understand your decision but please consider the other option." The doctor was about to turn away from the conversation so I started making my way to my bed. Once I got to my bed I waited for the three of them to leave. Once they left I turned over to the bedside table and opened the drawer. Inside sat a small black box, I opened the box to see a ring neatly placed inside. The brilliant yet ominous red gem catching my eye. I did say my plan was stupid. > Magic Mayhem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Mayhem Ponies look weird in robes, like seriously odd-looking. The healing mages or the mages that have practiced healing magic have finally arrived in Stone Haven, all of them donned hooded white robes. I only comment on their clothing because they've been busy rushing back and forth their hooves clamoring against the stone floor. After a while, that sound can become quite annoying especially if you're trying to read about avoiding magic explosions. I've read a lot in the week and a half I've got to get ready for my stupid plan, but there was one question I couldn't find an answer for in all the books I had searched through. Could I use magic? I have magic sickness, albeit I don't really feel the effects of it. Which should mean I am affected by magic in some way, right? I don't know, but I'm possibly about to do one of the stupidest things I've done in my life all based on one hell of a hunch. Though, it's only a stupid back up plan in actuality. The time was almost upon me now, the healing mages would reach my bed soon. A stallion and mare rounded the curtains to the left of me and greeted me with surprised expressions. Oh yeah, sometimes I forget I'm an alien. "Hello there Mister, we were told by Nurse Caduceus that you were in need of medical attention. Before that, I'm Gold Grade and this is my assistant Miss-" "Wait, a nurse who now?" "Miss Cady?" "Oh." "Hi! I'm Sparkling Light, I'm also-" "Very excitable" These two are made for each other, just fucking adorable but y' know it would be great to know If I have magic aids or something. Gold Grade reached down and picked up the clipboard, he clicked his tongue. He gestured to Sparkling light and then the paper while whispering a few subtle words. He turned to me with a blank expression, I started preparing myself for the 'it's Positve' line. "We gotta toughy here If I'm being straight with you mister. We can probe you a bit with our healing magic to see if it messes with your medication. If all goes well your major injuries should be healed, but smaller things will have to wait till we've treated the majority's major wounds." What if it goes bad? It's only a probe so hopefully it won't make me explode or something right? "Yepper roony, we'll get you all patched up!" "Oh, ok. I thought it was going to be worse." "We might as well start, I'm going to lean your bed back, okay?" "Yeah sure go ahead." I leaned back and closed my eyes and just decided to focus on my breathing. It was subtle at first, the feeling of probing against my ribs. Like someone was poking my side, it continued though. Then a small amount of pain with four small cracks following soon after, my fuckin' ribs! "Sorry." The rest of the treatment was a blur, the gnashes on my right shoulder and the nerves in my hand were treated as well. I just stared at the ceiling the whole time, once they were done treating me they continued over to Rocky's bed. I sat up in the bed and realized my condition was significantly better, but it felt like I was fragile. Must just be a confidence thing. I turned over to the bedside table and looked at the ring box. I chuckled, feeling relieved made me a bit giddy. "Guess I didn't need to use you after all." A sudden gasp followed by the sounds of screaming grabbed my attention. I turned over to see something I wish I hadn't. The stallion and mare from earlier were panicking, I turned to see what was happening. It was Rocky. He was having an episode, one that was beyond anything that has happened before. Shots of lighting and fire came from the colt as I rolled off my bed onto the floor to avoid debris. The stallion, Golden Grade, was incapacitated and the mare he was with was losing her composure. I can't blame her, I don't know why I'm not losing mine. "Hey FUCKNUTS get the patients outta here!" Okay, maybe I lost my composure. She kept staring and whimpering at Golden Grade, I crawled over to her making sure to avoid the storm of magic that was developing in the room. "HEY!" She wouldn't look at me. I tapped her side to get her attention. "Hey! Look here, ponies are gonna die if you don't help them get out of here. Your partner is fine, he's still breathing, look." She managed to get herself together once she made Golden Grade was fine, I told her to carry golden to the exit and to get as many patients out of the room as possible. "I'll deal with Rocky." I looked down at the ring box and took out the ring. I'm going to regret this so much tomorrow. I slipped the ring on to my middle finger. Nothing happened. "Well, honestly I thought something crazy was going to happe-" I felt the blood in my veins freeze, then I blinked. I looked down to see my body made of shadows, I felt like I could be blown away by a slight wind. I blinked again and the environment around me had changed to that of the inside of a cathedral by an alter. Around the altar of the cathedral were ponies, many of them wounded or sick. In the aisles of the cathedral were ponies, most of them were earth ponies. Their robes were significantly worn many of them being torn in some places. While I was observing the cathedral I felt odd, like I wasn't thinking straight. Wasn't I doing something before? It was important I'm sur- My thinking was interrupted by a loud bang. The large iron-studded doors at the end of the aisle had been thrown open to reveal a large shadow with heavy rain pouring down behind it. The shadow removed its hood to reveal a dark black unicorn. A stallion from the looks of it, a tall one too. His characteristics were definitely one of kind, the kind of figure you wouldn't lose in-crowd. He possessed a tall stature, and his dark black mane and beard were reminiscent of a lion. His regal figure was adorned with a long gold-embroidered robe but the most distinguishable feature of the stallion was his piercing red eyes and commanding presence. As he walked through the church silence swept through the aisles, the only thing to be heard was the sounds of breathing or the occasional rustling of robes. The wounded ponies gathered at the front of the church were silent but if their shaking frames were anything to go by they were terrified. Once he was close he cast something, and I felt it. I felt the movement he did, his thought process, what he knew about what he was casting. It was something unexplainable, I was him but for only a moment. He was healing the wounded ponies, I don't know why. Things became weird from there, my vision started waning and the environment around me fell apart. What happened? Where am I? Oh, shit, Rocky's going batshit crazy, that's right! I blinked and I was back in the hospital room with green wisps of magic flowing from hands. During what had happened I had closed in on Rocky. The poor kid was laying on his back, arcs of electricity jolting from his horn on occasion. "Rocky?" There was no response. "Hey Rocky, buddy." Still no response. D-did I kill him? My hand was covered in what looked like a green layer of light with wisps of green energy that looked like embers from a fire. I put my hand on his back, I knew this, I've had this feeling before. That vision, I knew what to do. I put both my hands on his back and I cast magic, just like that figure did in the vision. Pale green light flooded from my hands onto Rocky's back. It felt weird, like having a second pair of lungs that constantly breathed in and out magic. I sat like that for what felt like an eternity. Whatever happened to Rocky was hopefully fixed. "Hey bud, Rocky?" I shook him a bit. "Hmmm." Oh, thank god. If it wasn't for that vision Rocky would probably be dead. That figure, I was only him for a second but I got his name. Lord Paleblood. Where have I heard that name before? > Literally Left > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Literally Left "Ugh, look I'm fine. I think I healed myself as well." "B-but you could be hurt, Let me help!" "I'm fine Sparkling, why don't you go help one of the patients that actually need it." "Bu-" "Skidaddle outta here, don't make me get the broom!" Sparkling Light was such a persistent mare even when being pushed away with a broom, after the incident she was dead set on making sure most of the ponies that were injured were well taken care of. I found that inspiring in a sense, considering her partner was still unconscious. The incident was well controlled, all things considered, the hospital staff had handled all things professionally. They took me aside and I answered a few questions. I made sure to avoid the ring and told them I cast healing magic for the first time then and there. They just accepted it and went on their way, well almost went on their way. They told me that I was in good enough shape to leave. Or that's what I heard at least, I was getting tired of being in the hospital. I hope Rocky's situation gets under control too, I'd stay to figure out if it will but I've never been one to stay in one place long. With that mindset, I gathered all my possessions from the bedside table. I had a pack of clean bandages, a crudely drawn map, the Stone Haven merchant pass, a bag of bits and an unread note. I floundered through my pocket till I got the note. I had found the note while getting ready to go. I also found my pants 'n suspenders but It's weird to think I'm going to use a tucked in hospital gown as my shirt. I cracked open the folded note. Dear Peter Once you recover from your harrowing journey I'd like it if you met with me to discuss a few matters. Do please speak with my secretary first thing after entering the estate. May your health return quickly In regards, Brim Stone Oh shit, here we go again. I stuffed everything in my pockets and pulled my suspenders up over my shoulders. I walked out into the outside hallway and continued down the stairs that led to the library. Instead of going to the library, I continued down the hallway to the central lobby. I walked out and not a single pony really cared, that's pretty cool. Once I looked up to the see what Stone Haven was like I was stunned. A brilliant picture-esque environment. The sun shined down upon rows upon rows of stone buildings with stalls lining the streets. In front of the sun casting a huge shadow was a castle, it's gothic architecture made it an imposing structure on first sight. I could only describe it as one hell of a good view. I walked out of the hospital to find myself in a central park area where some younger ponies were making snow forts from the residual snow from the blizzard. I need to get directions to the Stone family estate, I should probably ask a passing pon- "Ow." One of those little shits threw a snowball interrupting my previous train of thought. I rolled the snowball into a giant one and lobbed it at the colt who threw it. Bullseye. Now with that done and the back of my head sufficiently covered in snow, I walked down the street. I could explore around a bit and explore before I ask a pony for directions. I walked towards the center of Stone Haven and as I walked I found that there are all manner of a creature's within Stone Haven. I saw a bat pony, pony bat? Whatever it's called it was interesting nonetheless, I also saw a few minotaurs. Man, it's like their whole race is jacked, it's like their abs have abs. I think I also saw some weird pony lizard hybrid thing for a second too. Several of these races were either walking the streets or tending to their respective stalls. Said stalls were definitely eye-catchers each filled with curiosities of foreign lands. I walked past of few stalls pushing my way through the crowded streets while trying to take in every sight I could. Mages released powerful displays of magic in hopes that as passersby might be interested in their stall, weapon makers yelled out into crowd creating a cacophony of booming voices. I'm lovin' it. The pull of the crowd eventually spit me out into a large public area, I walked over to a bench and stared at the large stone fountain in front of it. All the sights, sounds and smells had almost literally knocked me off my feet so I decided to take a breather and relax. As I was sitting, I thought overall about everything that's happened since I've got here, it's been one crazy rollercoaster ride. I looked down at my hand. The ring was still on my hand and no matter how hard I tried to take it off it wouldn't budge, and I'm missing my index finger. I sighed and looked up at the sky to clear my mind. It felt good just letting the sunlight and cold breeze hit me. I heard the creaking of wood beside me so I cracked open my right eye to see one of the bat ponies I had seen previously. A purple mare with a mane swept haphazardly to the side, she was staring at me enough to make me uncomfortable. "Um...hello?" "Hello." She just kept staring. It's just getting super awkward. "So...uh...do you know how to get to the Stone estate?" "No." "Welp...uh...good day to you then." I got up from the bench and walked away, she gave me the creeps. I asked some of the ponies walking by where I might find the Stone estate, they told me it's located west of the castle but you've gone too far if you've gone past the castle wall. I followed the vague directions as much as I could, I ended up staring at a large and guarded iron gate with a gold plaque. Stone Family Estate, Founders of Stone Haven. End of the line, huh. > Major Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major Meeting The security detail at the front of the estate didn't give me much trouble, they just asked me my business and I told them why I was there. They let me in and pointed me towards a large stone brick manor in between two smaller buildings. The walk through the estate was something else. On the borders of the simple gravel path were bushes and the occasional statue. Let me say that some of these statues were definitely...abstract. Like there was this one statue that stood out from the rest because it was made of crystals, it showed a unicorn and a deer fighting but it was all disorganized, so it might just be my interpretation. There were several other statues and a few memorials as well. After walking for some time I eventually reached the main estate building, it's warm orange lights practically lifting me off the ground. "I'm as cold as hell out here, I'm going to end up losing another finger if I don't head in." I opened the pristine wood door and walked inside, I saw the secretary desk so I shuffled over after stomping off excess snow at the door. I went to the desk but there was no secretary there. "Hello? Is anybody here?" "Oh...one second." Ok, cool must be a mare by the voice. A female minotaur walked in with a cup of coffee, her hulking form-fitting snuggly into her desk. She was definitely different from the male minotaurs, not as burly and she didn't have horns. Still ripped as all hell though. "Uh...hello...I was told to come here and see Mr. Stone." "You're Mr. Peter correct?" "Yep, that's me." "Okay, you'll have to wait for a few minutes as Mr. Stone is currently in a meeting. There are a few books by the window if you get bored." I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to a chair by the window. I picked up one of the books and started reading. I had been like that for sometime before I was notified by the secretary that Brim Stone had finished his meeting. "Which room is it?" "Up the stairs. It's the last door on the left!" I trudged myself up the central staircase to find two hallways. I was too lazy to walk back so I just yelled my question down to the secretary. "Hey! Which hallway is it!" "The right one!" "Thanks!" I meandered my way down the right hallway while looking at all the fancy architecture and furniture the building had to offer. There were so many things lining the walls that made them look crowded like portraits and plaques. I arrived at the room I needed to enter after looking around a bit. I opened the door and entered the room to find that there wasn't anybody inside. There was a small slip of paper on the table in front of a big black chair. I walked over and turned it around so I could see what was written. Peter I guess this is where I sit. I was expecting a casual conversation, not an interview, I didn't even prepare my resume and my page of disappointments. I saw down and waited...and waited...before the door suddenly opened. It was Brim Stone, the stallion looked even worse for wear then when I last saw him. His small spectacles doing nothing to hide the large bags under his eyes and his wizard hat was crooked. He sat down opposite of me after ringing one of the many bells on a panel by the wall. He sighed, he unkempt mane springing up in some places. "I apologize for my appearance Mr. Peter but it seems that the blizzard has brought forth more than just cold weather this year." "Oh..." I have no idea what to say. "I wanted to inform you, Mr. Peter, that I've not forgotten the offer I made you, you are welcome to take one of the guest rooms in the manor for as long as you need it." "W-well thank you, I do have some questions though if you don't min-" Right before I could finish my sentence the door to the room opened rather quickly and a stream of maids walked in and started dropping off all sorts of dishes. One laid a large plate of pastries and another maid gave me a cup of coffee! Sweet mother of god, it's coffee! I'd jump off another waterfall for a cup of this holy nectar. I hadn't eaten anything this morning and it was around lunchtime so I was starving. "What were you saying, Peter?" "I have a few questions, but first do you find if I have some of those donut thingies?" "Help yourself, within reason." With a half-eaten donut in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, I continued my train of thought. "So I came in when the blizzard was at it's weakest but I fell unconscious can you tell me what happened next?" "Your companion is actually being held behind the manor, and my daughter, she's...ill at the moment. Your supplies are securely locked away at estate guard barracks." "Your daughters ill?" He nodded his head. "How bad is it?" "Very bad." "Could I see her? I can cast some healing magic." I think. He looked at me, his eyes narrowed, which made for a rather intimidating appearance all things considered. "Okay." "I'm not going to promise you it's going to work through." " Good, I don't like empty promises. Before we go to see her are there any more questions?" "Yeah, can I get another cup of coffee?" The old stallion smiled a little bit, that's a first. He then gestured for me to follow him. "My daughter, Tine, is at the servant quarters. It's the building left of this one." "Why in the servant quarters?" "Its easier for the staff to help her and monitor her condition." As we walked we talked about the history of the estate and the Stone family. Overall it was a pretty good talk and it seemed to liven Brim Stone's mood. We left the building and we were met with light snowfall. We walked on a small gravel path to the servant's quarters. Once we got inside we hoofed it to his daughter's room. We arrived at her room and entered. I saw the lime pony laying in bed covered head to in pillows, she looked sick. "So what's wrong with her?" "We don't know. The healing mage we had come over from the Healer's Organization couldn't figure it out as well." "If they couldn't figure it out I don't know what I'm going to do...but I can try something." "Hmmm? By all means, just don't hurt her. I'd hate to have to spend time cleaning the blood off the walls." Jesus Christ! I walked over to her and observed her. Without her large bonnet on you could tell she was a unicorn, she must take after her mother in terms of characteristics. I hovered my hand over her sleeping form and felt the familiar beat of the ring. It was something I tried to ignore. I put my hand on her head and the beating of the ring become thunderous until I closed my eyes and opened them again. I was in that weird shadow form again. Well shit. > Chasing Curses! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chasing Curses The environment around me morphed and changed. I was now sitting in a carriage. The same carriage that had crashed outside the city. In the carriage was the stallion who possessed the ring originally and Tine, Brim Stone's daughter. Once I realized what was happening I tuned into their conversation. "Ms. Stone I realize that you have a fascination with magic, really, I do, but this is not something to be trifled with. This item is capable of mass destruction if it made its way into the wrong hoofs." She spoke. This was was the first time I ever heard her say anything at all. "Prospecter, with all due respect I understand the magical complexities of this item very well. Why do you think I funded the expedition near appleloosa? For fun perhaps?" "N-no ma'am, I'm just wanted to give a warnin-" A loud explosion interrupted the conversation, Tine levitated the small wooden slate down at the front of the carriage to speak with the pegasi at the front. I couldn't hear what she said over the violent shaking of the carriage, from what I could see however she was preparing for impact. She magicked up a green barrier around herself and left the stallion to his fate. The scene changed, I was in the wrecked carriage. Tine was conscious unlike when I found her. She pulled herself out from under a pile of broken wood while she did that I noticed she was decorated with small cuts and bruises but nothing life-threatening. Once she was free she peeked her head out of the side door. As soon as she did a ray of lightning streaked past her hitting a tree with a resounding crack. She ducked back into the carriage and started frantically searching through one of her bags. With a sigh of relief, she pulled out a small emerald necklace that was decorated with a few small teal stones. "I did not think I would have to use this so soon." She started charging some sort of spell and as she did I heard something. Something she, at the time, must not have heard. The sound of something approaching, whatever was attacking her had gotten significantly closer. She finished casting her spell and peeked out again from the carriage. Though this time the black lightning struck her and broke her newly placed magic barrier. At this moment I turned to look at where the lightning was coming from. Through the wind and snow, I saw a shadow with glowing eyes. Before the shadow could make another daring attack Tine levitated the necklace onto her neck. The shadow cast something, it's hard to describe due to the weather condition, but whatever it was it connected with Tine. It caused her to fall inside the carriage. I looked at Tine, she had no obvious injuries but she was unconscious. I glanced through the side door to see the shadow approaching or attempting too. It was being pushed back by an invisible force when it got to a specific distance. It struggled for some time, it kept pushing and being repelled in return by an invisible barrier. I looked down at the unconscious pony and saw the necklace around her neck pulsing when the shadow got too close. I reached down with one of my shadowy appendages. I guess that's what the vision was trying to get me to do because once I did the vision changed to the church from the previous vision. (A picture to paint the image a bit better, also it's night time so imagine it with more torchlight then sunlight. I do not own this artwork. This picture was posted on Polycount by TheRealFroman.) The wood and stone cathedral from before had grown exponentially. Tapestries of the sun were laid among many of the walls that seemed to stay bright even when in the shadows and statues of ponies lined the walls. I was standing in the aisle as I had been before only this time the aisle was much larger and was fashioned with a thin red carpet. Near the altar was Paleblood reading quietly from a thick brown book with a pair of small spectacles that were similar to Brim Stones. He looked very much the same but there were a few gray hairs in his mane. The cathedral was silent, there were no ponies or scurrying priests, not even a mouse. The large iron door lit by candlelight creaked open which disrupted the tranquility. Paleblood looked up from his book upon hearing the door. It looked to be one of the stallions that Paleblood had healed in the previous vision, the stallion looked worried and out of breath. "Father! Father!" The stallion rushed down the aisle his robe swishing every which way. Once he arrived at the alter he talked in a hoarse tone. "One of the sol cardinals was cursed while fighting off a lunar ambush. I come to you, father, in hopes you may save his life!" Paleblood glanced up at the stained glass above the altar. It was in the shape of the sun, the moonlight behind it made orange colors dance on the alter. He looked back at the stallion. "Show me." His words were filled with a strong conviction and instilled a sense of ease. He stepped off the altar with a grace that didn't match his large frame. He walked with the stallion as they gracefully maneuvered through the maze of corridors and rooms. Many of the candles in these dark hallways showing their fleeting shadows. They arrived at a room and entered. The room was filled with small chatter which stopped once the two of them entered. Said room was very similar to the Stone servant quarters. This situation is giving me deja vu, have I done this before? My thinking is starting to get hazy, it feels like that the longer that I'm all shadowy the harder it is to think straight. Paleblood walked up to the pony and stared down at the pony. The pony in question was an earth pony equipped with heavy armor with large sun emblazoned pauldrons. Paleblood started casting a spell and as he did a force of some kind was drawing me towards him. I resisted as much as I could but the mysterious force eventually won. Once I was close enough I was forcefully shifted into Paleblood's perspective. Dark orange colored magic had gathered at his horn. He released the magic which came out as a sort of orange ball of twisting magic. Paleblood lowered the ball onto the earth pony, whatever the magic did it healed the magic. He finished casting the spell and I was rocketed out of his body and out of the vision. I blinked and I was back in my body. Oh thank god, I was getting scared there. Like if I stayed like that any sooner I'd be washed away. I looked down to see a green magic ball spinning furiously over Tine. The magic ball, as it spun, was sucking up some sort of black liquid from Tine's body. Once I noticed there was no more black stuff I realized I had no idea how to dispel magic. Do I just throw it? I saw a small bucket and underhand tossed the magic, still spinning, magic ball into it. That shit exploded into a bunch of black sludge. None of the crap hit anybody but damn was it big, it'd suck to have to clean that up. I looked over at Brim Stone to see him slack-jawed. His spectacles were slowly falling off. "Uh...Mr. Stone?" "P-p-p-p-purification magic! D-do you understand what you just did!" "Purification magic, If I had to guess." "T-that magic was only used by the upper echelon of the solar church, h-how did yo-" His barrage of questions was interrupted by a sudden newcomer. "Father when ponies are sleeping it's better not to lecture them on the occul-" She leaned up from the bed her mane flopping down in front of one eye. She looked exhausted but better than before. She glanced at me, interrupting herself with a greeting. "Oh, hello." > Stealthily Stored > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stealthily Stored "Ugh, I've tried everything, why are you worried about the ring right now? You should worry about the ring when you don't look like you got hit by a truck!" "Truck? Bah, I doubt you've tried anything at all. That ring is worth more than your life, do you know how many bits that expedition cost me!" Oh no she's going full Karen mode, I'm so glad I don't have a manager. "Well, if you must know, I did try using the hospital's kitchen oil to remove the rin-" "You did what!" "Pfffft...nothing." Jeez, was this ring really that important? She seemed much nicer when she was captured by bandits or buying apple products. I decided to take a break from the argument and walk outside the servant's quarters for a breath of fresh air. "How does someone go from waking up to yelling at someone that fast," I mumbled as I sat down on one of the benches outside. Tine had only been awake for an hour or two. She and Brim Stone talked a little bit before I was brought up in their conversation. I introduced myself as the person who saved her stupid ass two times. Somewhere during the small duration of our talk, she noticed my ring and before I even noticed we were neck-deep in an argument. "She must have really wanted this ring." A stallion in a fancy suit exited from the servants quarters. His face was the epitome of professionalism, no hint of emotion whatsoever. "That would be an understatement sir." Ah, an eavesdropping butler. How stereotypical. "Uh...cool...I could give two shits." "Madam spent many months tracking down that ring." "Cool, I got fucked in the ass by a blizzard with a personal vendetta." "The ring is very close to her. Please be understanding with the madam." And just as quickly as he entered the conversation he left. This world is so stupid. Can't a guy catch a break? It just seems like it's one thing after another since I got here. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Visions, hydras, magic, witches, and frostbite. Well...at least this beats being a librarian." I sat down for a few more minutes before getting up and cracking my back. What should I do now? I really don't feel like going back to that room just yet. I should check on Hugo, that big lizard probably got himself in trouble. I'll come back and talk to Brim Stone later. Where'd he say Hugo was? Behind the manor right? Now that I had a location in mind and a distraction on the horizon, I made my way over to find Hugo. The manor itself was a short walk from the servant's quarters. Once I got behind the large solid foundation of the manor I glanced around. In the distance, I could see a large building. Maybe it was the storage for the manor or something. I walked over to the storage building which was actually quite tall. Its stone foundation and walls making for an intimidating building. The doors of the storage building were rather big, I guess they needed it to be so they can get large items in and out. Next to the large doors were two stationed guards in armor similar to the guard at the entrance to the estate. I walked up to the entrance to talk with one of the guards. "Hello there gentl-" "We don't want to buy anything, go away." "Yeah go away." What? I didn't even do anything. "Well, look I need to get my giant alligator friend or at least see him." "Pfffft...yeah right buddy! Like we would believe you," The stallion said snarkily. "Yeah, we don't believe you." That second guard is pissing me off. "Okay, well there must be some way I can convince you to let me in to see him." "Nope." "Nada." I hate them. "Okay take care of yourselves, don't accidentally trip and snap your neck." I took a little walk around the building since the guards didn't seem persistent on following me after my not so subtle threat to beat them. I walked to the back of the stone building to find nothing of importance but was instead pleasantly surprised by a small window. "You know what, fuck it, I've been through worse recently. Breaking into a building won't be the stupidest thing I've done." The only problem was the window was a bit up there. Which means I would need to scale the wall, I'm totally screwed. I put my foot on a loose brick and pushed myself up. Using my fingers to firmly grip the windows sill I hoisted my torso up. The window was jammed, just my luck. I leaned on my right shoulder and prepared to push the window. Once I was positioned correctly I started pushing and right when I applied enough force it swung open unexpectedly causing me to fall through. I let out a yelp as I collided with a pile of unorganized junk. My whole back hurt so I gave myself some of that sweet sweet healing magic. However using the healing magic made me tired, but hey, being tired is better than being in pain. I looked around the storage building. It was two stories tall with a flight of stairs leading up to the top floor. I spotted a familiar reptilian tail and walked over to it while avoiding the random stuff stored around. There were many interesting things stored like telescopes and piles of old pictures. I rounded a bunch of barrels to find Hugo happily munching on some kind of crystal that was prepared on a platter. Right before I said something, I noticed on the platter there was a note that read the following in big letters. Courtesy of T. Roogna. I guess someone was thinking and looking after Hugo for me. "Hey, bud. How do the crystals taste?" He just looked up at me and I swear to god he grinned. I sat there for some time and talked more to myself than him. I guess I just needed to let off some steam bit, the past few days have been something else. Also, crystals taste like garbage...not that I tried. > Carelessly Creeping > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carelessly Creeping "You know you're really eating a lot of those crystal things?" Hugo reared his large reptilian head and looked me in the eyes and grunted before dropping his large head back onto the silver platter. "Hey, don't give me that look! You're just mad cause it's true." Maybe hanging out with Hugo for this long is driving me crazy, I should get up and do something till I'm ready to go back and speak with Brim Stone. I got up from my comfortable position on a barrel placed near Hugo's platter and started looking around. Most of the storage facility was filled to the brim with all sorts of things. Ranging from pieces of art to broken telescopes and notebooks. Almost all of it was covered in dirt or dust, for such a rich family they didn't seem really good at keeping things clean. I made it halfway through the room before I noticed something, it was disturbingly quiet with just the faintest sounds. The distant munching of crystals and the very faint creaking of wood. I looked up, there was a second floor but with no obvious way up. Something or someone was moving around up there. Whatever it is it's causing my ring finger to itch. "This curiosity is going to get me killed one day." I traveled to the other side of the room to see if there was a way up and to my surprise I found something funny. If you're going to have a secret way up to the second floor at least do a good job. Cause seeing a ladder hidden under some cloth and tucked in the corner is a stupid way to secure a second floor. "Whoever the head of security is they're doing a spectacular job." I grabbed the ladder and took off the large blanket of cloth. I set up the ladder and climbed up to a small, not very well hidden hatch, by the stone wall I was nearest too. I pushed the hatch open quietly making sure to not make much sound. I pulled myself up and left the hatch open. After pushing myself up off the ground I decided to try and listen for the sound of creaking wood that wasn't from me. There was nothing, the only wood creaking I could hear was when I shifted my weight. I let out a sigh and looked around the only thing in the hatch room was a door that was already wide open. I pushed the door open the rest of the way, the squeaking of its rusted hinges echoing throughout the upstairs area. I now found myself in a hallway. The hallway's wall were decorated in pictures and notes many of which were unintelligible. Crates of tightly bound parchment and sheets of paper laid haphazardly on the floor. Hey...this reminds me of Mchawi's hut. I wonder how she's doing. While looking down at the mess I noticed something odd. This was recently disturbed there are marks in the dust. So something is up here, I looked down the hallway to notice three open doors. "Well...shit." I walked back to the hatch and closed it and put a box of books on top of it. If whatever is up here intends to leave it isn't going down the hatch. Once I left the hatch room I heard something down the hallway and turned towards it. The door at the farthest end of the hallway was moved slightly. "Huh...yeah...no I'm good." I'll check the room on the right first mainly because I'm curious and I'm just a tad bit scared. I pulled the door open and a cloud of dust hit me right in the face causing me to start coughing. "Damn...ugh...gross." There wasn't much light only some light shining through a hole in the roof. Which I can only assume came from the roof caving in overtime. In the light, something caught my eye, a picture of my ring. It was roughly drawn and must have been drawn some time ago. I walked over to the desk and looked at the drawing. There wasn't just one drawing upon further observation there seemed to be many drawings each very similar to the ring but not exactly correct. There also seemed to be many opened books and marked pages. On the wall closest to the desk, I could see a list of locations many of which had a corresponding mark next to it. I picked up a book that was left open on the desk and went under the light to read it. Our king once noble and kind has been corrupted by the hate of the undying. Once upon his head sat our glorious holy crest now sits a ruby red message of death. Once a part of sol he was our brother of old, now he's nightmare's heir. The rest of the page seems to descend into gibberish. Amongst the gibberish and unknown terms, there were four underlined and marked phrases. The Ring of Knowledge. The Amulet of Power. The Pale Crown. Three artifacts that together could destroy the world. I don't know what any of that means but upon reading about the amulet and crown the ring on my hand as pulsed. For a brief moment after the pulse, I considered scouring through the books for information. The thought and the want seemed alien in nature. I decided it might be best if I left the room for now and I explore the rest of the upstairs. I peeked my head out into the hallway and I saw nothing out of the ordinary. I stepped out in the hallway and continued further down it until I reached the door on the end which was teetering ever so slightly to the left and right. Taking a breath I peeked in the crack of the door to see nothing but darkness. I grabbed the door and opened it slowly. I went and grabbed some books from the hallway to keep the door open. Then I walked into the room and from what I could make out in the darkness there were display cases but I couldn't see what was in them. I was stressing my eyes trying to see in the darkness, it's frustrating. I ended up cutting my finger on a piece of glass as I skimmed over one of the cases. "Fuck it." Seemingly in response to my outburst, the ring on my hand released a small burst of red light which steadily decreased to a small red glow. "Jesus Christ, I swear you're going to give me a heart attack.......I'm talking to a ring...I'm going crazy." The red glow from the light provided me with enough light to see some of the environment around me. When I assumed these things were display cases I was right. The glass was old and stained with dirt and dust but I could still make out the items in some of them. Many of the items looked occult in nature or just old and broken. Or maybe that's how they're supposed to look, I don't know. Once I reached the other side of the room, which was difficult because of the pieces of broken wood and trash that decorated the floor, I stumbled upon something very disturbing. It was the final display case in the line of display cases in the room but to call it a display case would be a joke. The case in question was not made of wood and glass like the other display cases this case was made of stone and thick metal. In the middle of the case was a small glass circle. A large iron padlock with thick chains laid broken and dangling off the side of the display case. Inside this safe like display case was a pony mannequin head. With displaced dust and marks around its neck. This was recent to if I'm right. Though that makes this a bit scarier then I thought originally because whoever broke into it did it by melting the metal and burning the stone. I think I've been curious enough, I'm leaving. I turned to the exit of the room and walked out while shivers went up and down my spine. I close the door behind me and the door to the room I entered earlier. I arrived back at the hatch door but before I could enter I heard something. It was so quiet you wouldn't hear it unless you were attentive and listening carefully. It was the subtle shifting of weight on wood and the gentle inhale and exhale of someone breathing. I know it isn't me but I can't pinpoint where it's coming from. I turned to the right if the hallway to see railing to the lower layer of the building and I turned to the left to see the three closed doors, two of which I entered. Then all the sounds became silent again and I had a hunch. I looked up. Right above me on the ceiling was one of the bat ponies I had encountered earlier albeit Its color scheme was not the same. We looked at each other and our eyes met. It's large crimson eyes conveyed instantly that this pony thing was a desperate one. In just a few seconds the bat pony spread its bat-like wings and flew through the air and over the railing. "W-what?" > Breaking Banditry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breaking Banditry I screamed I let loose the manliest scream to ever grace the ears of pony kind. "What kinda batshit crazy thin-" I was quickly interrupted by the sounds of crashing and yelling. I ran over to the book stack I left on top of the hatch from earlier and dropped down to the lower level. Once I reached the bottom level I was quick to realize the situation. The guards at the front must not have been expecting a random bat pony to burst through the front door at breakneck speeds. Shards of the door were everywhere, the pony in question must have really done a number on the entrance. There was a lot of hollering and some more yelling, and I just kind of awkwardly stood there waiting to be noticed amidst the chaos. Hugo looked more or less okay with the situation, in fact, I believe he never looked up from his platter of crystals. Jesus man, have some situational awareness. The guards that were originally posted at least tripled. It took the guards a few moments to realize I was there standing awkwardly by the door. "Uh...so um...like...I was tryna see my lizard friend. So I snuck in the back window up there because the two guards in the front wouldn't believe me, and then I talked with him and searched around a bit." Some of the guards narrowed their eyes at me. "-And then that bat pony was up there and they screamed and I screamed and we all screamed and she probably stole something maybe yeah." I got a little bit nervous at the end because of the sudden shift in the atmosphere among the guards. One of the guards decided to speak, I imagine he must have had some sort of authority over the others. "Well then, I want you to stay here until the situation is resolved and Brim Stone has been informed." He sent one of the ponies to report the situation to Brim Stone and some of the other employees of the manor. A good bit of time passed before a very worn out Brim Stone arrived at the situation. The exhausted stallion let out a large sigh and gestured for me to come over to him. "Peter, with everything that has happened in the past few days to this city I shouldn't be surprised this happened now. Explain to me the situation to me from your perspective." For some reason his tone of voice was very reassuring, it made it easier to relate the story of what had just transpired. He seemed to understand what had happened and let out a long sigh and rubbed his eye. Looking at Brim Stone again, it was obvious this stallion had slept in a while and was working himself to the bone. "Hmmmmm...Peter...the situation was to be expected to some degree but it is very unfortunate that It came to be. Tine will have to be informed...though maybe at a later date to avoid her wrath." "That sounds like an absolutely stellar idea, but why would she get mad?" "Ah, Peter I must have forgotten to tell you, that upper floor was Tine's study or at least it's her old study nowadays." Tine...a very peculiar individual and from my vision previously and some of the information I have now I can kinda guess she's collecting those artifacts mentioned. My ring must have been the ring of...uh...shit what was it called again? Whatever it doesn't matter. I glanced down at the ring, zoning out of the conversation with Brimstone, the subtle pulsing of the red ring reminding me of the soft beating of a heart, its definitely unsettling. "It seems I can't get out of your debt Peter, I'll think of something to repay you. In the meantime, I need some rest and I believe you do as well. I shall handle my daughter on a later date." "What? Huh? Oh yeah, yeah." Brim Stone just nodded his head and turned away to go speak with the guards, but I needed some information. "Wait! Brim Stone where is the room I'm staying at?" "Top floor, in the west wing and It's the last door on the left. It should have your name on it." With that said, Brim Stone turned back around to address the security around the storage room. I turned away as well and walked towards the manor in hopes of finding my room, and hopefully getting some shut-eye. I'm exhausted the walk from the hospital to Stone Haven and the Rocky Hope incident and just everything that's happened. Some rest sounds so good right now, and on a real bed too for that matter! I arrived at the main lobby area quicker then I had expected and started making my way to the top floor. I went down the hallway opposite of where I met Brim Stone for our meeting, I came to find a small staircase at the end of the hallway that led to the next floor. Upon reaching the top floor I walked down the hallway and came to find my room just where Brim Stone said it would be. I saw the little slip of paper with my name on it pinned to the door and decided to enter the room for some much-desired rest. The room was large by the looks of it and contained some bookshelves, and a desk as well as a large central bed. I've never had such a large room in my life! I took four steps into the room and it felt like every bone in my body was slowly turning to jello the closer I got to the bed, and with one final push, I crashed onto the queen-sized bed and looked at the ceiling and then towards the window between the bookshelves. The light of the moon lulling me to sleep as it had done on many of the nights since I arrived on Equus, I guess it reminds me of home for some odd reason. With thoughts of home in my head and the many wonders of Equus drifting through my mind I fell asleep. Though with my luck, I doubt I'm going sleep well. > NightTime Ne'er-do-well! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NightTime Ne'er-do-well! I hate when I'm right about things. Long slinking tendrils for arms and legs, check. Semi-tangible, check. Definitely not myself, check. Became a shadow thing again, check. I was asleep, getting some much-needed rest from the many events which have plagued me since my arrival. Then the next thing I know I was launched from my still sleeping body into the form I'm in now. Not exactly unpleasant, but jarring nonetheless. The shadow form itself was reminiscent of a human and was exactly like me in terms of proportions. There were just no fingers or toes and more like split ends which I could bend to my will. My legs came to a point and walking was more like levitation...or maybe like gliding across the floor. Now the most eye-catching thing about this state of being was the red pulse sent up the right arm from my ring finger. Through some quick experimentation, I discovered that while in this form I'm intangible or partly-so. I can pass through wood with ease and I can manipulate very small objects like paper. However, before I could experiment more my right hand was being tugged towards the window, seemingly pulled by my ring finger. No matter what I did resisting the pull was impossible, the pull forced me through the window. I closed my eyes and held my breath expecting death via plummeting into the dirt. No such thing happened, confusingly enough I could also fly. Not with any conscious effort though, if anything It felt very similar to breathing. I've come to the conclusion that if I can't resist the pull I might as well enjoy flying around towards wherever it's pulling me to. The ring shot me up into the night sky and what I saw was truly a sight to behold. The large sprawling city of Stone Haven as lively as could be. Hundreds of lights blinking and moving as the populace went about their night. It made me halt for a moment, it was a view I don't think anyone in their life would ever see, except maybe the winged ponies. Then in just a few seconds, the pull forced me to move once again. The speed of my movement was startling, swiftly passing through solid rocks and city walls in a matter of seconds. Next thing I knew I was out of the city limits and flying into the mountain ridge north of Stone haven. I could see my shadow on the snow as I passed over the landscape, my form making my shadow look odd, it's just another thing on my list of what the fuck. I started thinking of everything that's happened to me as the snowy landscape and scenery passed beneath me. Where is this thing taking me? I mean, this is all so weird. I mean, everything that has happened would drive any normal man insane, and now this too? On that note, why am I so calm? This is unlike me, or rather I'm not traumatized but what has happened to me since I've arrived in this alien world. Everything is just so...strange. I wonder if there is a way to get ho- My thinking was interrupted by the pull suddenly halting. It was quiet, silent except for the sounds of a ragged and ripped flag moving in the cold wind. The ring had stopped me above the ruins of a small fortress laying on a hill, which from the looks of it was half-buried in snow and rocks. I lowered myself down onto the frozen ground. Why would it bring me here? For what reason? This is so confusing, I'm just a man and man who likes books and stupid jokes about femurs. I glided across the snow to the ruins and through the darkness, I spotted a flash of orange. Light,someone is out here, in some abandoned ruins, at this hour of the night. What kinda...well...might as well investigate...out of curiosity. I slinked through the shadows of the ruin, passing through the rubble and snowed in portions of the decaying ruins with little to no effort. This ring...I'm kinda starting to like it. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to keep it...thoughts for another time I suppose. I arrived at the source of the light, a lantern placed outside a hole in the hillside. I approached the hole and as I neared it I noticed something peculiar. While in this form I was very susceptible to light. The lantern itself was enough to cause my right arm and the right side of my body to distort and dissipate. I retracted my arm and entered the hole, and the end of what I could only assume was a pony made tunnel I saw the shadows of two ponies conversing. My ring pulsed, and I felt the pull once more though with a lot less force and much more subtle like it was directing me. I skulked through the hole maneuvering effortlessly through the rocky footing. Upon reaching the end of the hallway, I turned my shadowy head around the bend to see the ponies. It was the bat pony from before, a mare, she looked terrified. This was the same mare that was in the storage facility earlier today. The other pony in question was...rather hard to describe. Shadow like in nature, very similar to me but tangible in every sense of the word. A dark-colored unicorn mare in a deep almost black robe, with a loose hood ending before her horn. I couldn't see much more about her. It seems however that this conversation was heated. "After your little screw up in Appleloosa, you should be happy your little band of outlaws didn't completely peris-" "I-I didn't know that Bowi-" "Silence, don't interrupt me again." The bandit only trembled in response to the order and nodded her head furiously. "Luckily enough for you, I managed to locate the amulet. I assume your retrieval of the artifact didn't have any complications?" "Y-yes ma'am, for the most part, I ran into this strange creature while attempting to leave and I had to flee." "What creature...describe it." "Like a monkey, gangly and tall. Redish hair on its head. The same one that took down Bowie" "Ah...that is semi-unexpected. One of my agents reported this creature previously, it was identified to be wearing the Ring. I shall have somepony investigate this at a later time. Now, hoof me the amulet." The terrified mare quickly handed the necklace over. Once she handed it over, the other mare uncovered the item from the cloth to reveal an amulet. One that, in design, looked sinister. A brilliant display of red light was spreading out from the amulet, reflecting off the small cavern walls and ceiling. It put the small lantern inside to shame. The expression of the onyx colored mare was frightening. At least I think that's what that look is, her smile is super creepy. "Good good, with this in our possession we are one step closer to his resurrection. That being said our deal has come to a close. You'll find your payment at the previously discussed location, with obvious reduction of your screw up." With little to no warning, the dark mare was enveloped in magic. Then with a 'bzzzt' sound, she was gone. Leaving only the trembling mare by herself. I've heard all I need to know, at least I think I have. Out of curiosity, I wanted to try something. I could feel my shadowy form dissipating slowly, It must be time to return to my original form. I walked up behind the mare making no sound as I slid up behind her. I reached out with one of the tendrils forming it into five abnormally long fingers and touched her. When it came to living beings I am tangible I cant go through them, that's good to know. The mare was startled, her bat wings started twitching and her ears turned. She slowly turned around and looked at me. I tried to speak but it seems while in this form I can't speak, I should have worked that out earlier before attempting to say hello. She, however, seemed to have something to say. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The mare kept screaming and the last thing I saw before I dissipated was her galloping out the hole with a lantern in her hoof. I was back in my bed, cold sweat drenched my forehead. I couldn't help but laugh at the experience, It's the best way for me to cope. I looked down at my body...all normal so far, hopefully, it stays that way. Though that was pretty fun, especially scaring her at the end. I'm mean. Ah, I'm in danger. The witch-cult looking mare is going to send someone to investigate me. What can a guy like me do...I have to do something to protect myself, but that's tomorrow because I'm way too tired to be paranoid tonight. With that done I fell asleep, with hopes I wouldn't be dead by morning. > Difficult Directions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficult Directions Light streamed in through the parted curtains of the window waking me from my sleep. What a beautiful and peaceful way to wake up, not a care in the world...wait that's not right. Oh yeah, that whole shadow thing. ....I should get on that. I peeled myself out from under the thick covers of the bed and took my first steps of the day albeit a bit wobbly. I pulled up my torn and worn slacks and suspender and put on the hospital gown and rolled it up and tucked it in to make a shirt. I did some of the basic morning stretches which I haven't done since I was back on earth. Once I finished stretching, I sauntered over to the window and casually opened it to be met with a nice cool morning breeze. I took in a deep breath and released it. "I'm screwed." With a sour smile on my face, I slammed the window shut and turned around. I have to find a way to protect myself, first things first I should make a list of priorities, and a set of objectives. No need to panic after all. I walked over to the desk that was neatly tucked into the corner of the room and found a piece of scrunched up paper balled up on the top of the desk. There was also a Quill and ink set, perfect. Peter's Protection Program 1. I need some sort of weapon or something, a.k.a. protection from pilfering ponies! 2. I need to know more about the ring and all of the artifacts. I should talk to Tine, hopefully, she isn't mad. 3. Learning about the land of Equestria would be beneficial to me, I should get on that. 4. I should find some more knowledge about magic, utilizing it to its full potential would be better than relying on a nightmare ring from hell. 5. Do an inventory check! 6. Visit the Stone Haven market place, might find something worthwhile to help. Dude, this looks absolutely beautiful. Amazing really, ignoring all the ink splotches and the paper wrinkles. I looked at the piece of paper and decided an objective to do first. I should try and schedule a meeting with Brimstone today or tomorrow. In the meantime, I should talk to the receptionist about getting around here and try to find a library. I quickly walked over to where they put all my stuff that Hugo had previously been carrying on his back. I don't really want to do an inventory check right now, maybe later. I grabbed the sack of filled with roc feathers, and my bits. That said, I slapped my hands on my face to really wake myself up before continuing on with my day. Rubbing my sore cheeks and with an objective in mind, I left the comfort of my room and went to meet the receptionist. I grabbed a muffin off the platter of a passing maid because I'm hungry...and I'm kind of a dick. A man has to eat y'know...I probably could have just asked nicely. Shrugging my shoulder, I meandered my way down the first floor to find a much more busy room then I had previously been in yesterday. There were races in the lobby I haven't seen before, and a few estate guards as well. There must be something happening that I don't know about. Looking at the new race, it was definitely interesting. Griffins, or smaller ones, definitely not as big as the ones depicted in earth mythos. (Imagine it a bit smaller and then it's a good reference) They were in a group conversing by the central staircase, just from observing them and their behavior for a short time I could determine they were warriors of some reputation. They were definitely attention-grabbing, at least to me. Large belts hung around their bodies filled with tools paired with small weapons. Several of them were wearing armor pieces of some kind, the armor was definitely geared more for mobility then defense. By the looks of it, light. I walked down the central staircase my left hand trailing along the staircase railing. I must have been too obvious I was observing them because one of the Griffins turned their feathered head in my directions. I speed-walked the rest of the way down the stairs and towards the secretary. I made my way through some surprised ponies, and a slid between two minotaurs conversing with the receptionist. "Oops..uh...sorry to interrupt your conversation but I just wanted to know where the nearest library is?" The two minotaurs that I was almost smashed against huffed, I guess they didn't like the interruption. When the secretary responded I swear to god the muscles in her neck flexed and a vein bulged. "Follow the road out of the estate till you enter the central park area, continue through the market and you'll eventually see a building with a circular roof. That's the library." Jeez, I can catch a hint. Now that I know where I'm going, I left the manor and made my way to the exit of the estate. Upon exiting the estate I followed the road that went through the center of Stone Haven. I eventually arrive at a circle, that was by itself incredibly busy and filled with shops. In the center of the circle was a large birch tree, unnaturally large compared to its earth counterpart. I shook my head, I couldn't afford time getting distracted. I headed towards the marketplace, which meant heading towards the large imposing castle. I wonder who lives there...well If I ever get to the library maybe I can find out. After a short time, I found myself at the entrance of the market. I was met with banners of all kinds and color flowing through the air and stalls lining and taking up every available spot. Groups of all races and origins bustled through the market, while instruments played and the sounds of the market sprung to life. I took a few steps in and it felt like I had been pulled into a raging river. I didn't know where I was anymore. I just got stuck in the flow of the market, tons of conversing ponies, cages with creatures of all manner, minotaurs hosting drinking contests, magic displays of all kinds! Ugh. The directions weren't even that difficult. Well...If I'm already at the market I might as well have a look around, even if my bit pouch is a little lighter then I'd like. > Merry Market! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merry Marketing! (Sounds of the market reference) I'm lost. I'm lost and I'm having fun. It's the second part that really matters. I mean, even if you're possibly being hunted down by a cult or some kind of evil unicorn lady you should enjoy yourself! It's amazing here! Damn...you'd never see such a spectacle on earth. Unicorns doing magic tricks, and minotaurs wrestling, and music on public display, at a market nonetheless! Maybe I'm just easily excitable. I walked around and looked at the many stalls glancing over the wares that each one had. Some of them had armor pieces with adjustable fittings and pouches, others had weapons of all sizes. There were even ponies selling some species of silkworm! Even though I was seeing all of these amazing items, I still found the magic stalls the most captivating, though they also seemed the busiest. I could almost feel my eyes glaze over in wonder when they darted between the magical equipment that presented themselves before me. I passed from stall to stall seeing the many magical sights there was to see until I came across a peculiar stall. It was decorated in assortments of beads, empty bottles, all sorts of knick-knacks, and just some strange stuff...even a shrunk dried pony head. Disturbing. Kinda cool though. I looked around, usually, there would be a lot of people around magic stalls but this one just seemed vacant, not even the vendor was here. I saw something interesting, a gleaming gem that shined brightly in the center portion of the stall. Letting my curiosity get the best of me I reached for the gem hoping to glance it over. "I wouldn't do that ape." I almost screamed. I might have started shaking slightly. I looked up at the speaker to find a surprising view. An anthropomorphic cat. It was dressed in conservative silk clothing, covering what I would assume to be its fur. It, if its voice was anything to go by, was male. He seemed quite short in both attitude and stature, I wonder when he got here. "Jesus! Where did you even come from!?" "I was here the whole time, I was just....observing your outlandish physique ." I hate being in situations like this sometimes. Makes me awkward, rare as it is. I'll change the topic, It's easier that way. "Er...uh...um...oh sorry, jeez. What's that?" I pointed towards the gem. The cat person leaned over, his short form and wide head covering my view for a short moment when he returned to his side of the stall the gemstone was gone. I was filled with a sense of loss for a moment. Odd. The...I don't know what their race is called exactly. The merchant looked up his wide face adorning a Cheshire grin and mirthful eyes. "Ape, you have a keen eye. This little thing is a work of magic." His piercing blue feline eyes sparkled for a moment as he held the glittering gem in his clawed hand. "Magic?" "Oh, but of course, look carefully Ape." He lowered his hand and small sparkles of blue magic appeared from behind and in his hand sat a bag of bits. He did it again and replaced it with a gold bar and repeated it once more. Then finally, the last time he did it, it was just a regular pebble. "Woah...h-how did you? That was super cool!" I should probably tone it down but as much as I love and hate magic, I couldn't help it. "Ah...hmmm," He crossed his arms and squinted his eyes, a predatory look. He spoke, his voice carrying the intentions of a trade. "Well Ape, the market of Stone Haven requests fair trade. What will you give me for my...knowledge?" "Knowledge?" "Why yes...isn't that what I said." The pebble in his hand dissipating into glittering particles of blue magic. The nameless merchant released some more magic from his hand, some of the potions on his stall rattled, and whistled a small tune. The rattling of the bits and bobbles around creating a small makeshift tune. All the while he used his index finger like a composer would their baton. I don't have anything to give this guy, I should probably just go. "I'm sorry sir, it has been fun talking but I don't have anything I can give you. I hope you have a nice day though, sorry for wasting your time." I turned around with the intention to find my way out of the market. What an interesting encounter though, I like the market, It's fairly entertaining. I learn the bits to bits of items still, which reminds me, what are my learning objectives at the library? I should get goi- "Well well well, look at these. Perhaps you do have something to trade?" I turned around to find my roc feathers literally dancing on his hand. "You just want those for your knowledge? Sure." "This is perfect, how swell. I could explain it myself, but I have somewhere to be. Take this, don't break it, or burn it." He handed me a damaged and half-burnt book. I looked down and inspected it, didn't he already do both of those things? (With age and damage applied, blue.) "Wait, do you allow refun-" The entire stall was gone. The items and everything around it, the only sign anything was there to begin with, was the market stall permissions sign. Rented out to a Mr. Muda. Interesting, well...might as well hurry to the library. I'll read the book when I get there. I glanced back down at the book, and then looked up hoping to spot a way out of the maze that was the market. What did that buff secretary say again? The roof...soemthing about a roo- I spotted an odd building a bit before the foot of the castle gates. It had a large dome roof that looked to be copper-like in color. It was captivating if anything. The library! I knew where to go, and off I went, a big blue book in hand. > Lord's Library > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lord's Library Walking up to the library I felt small. In comparison to where I used to work this place was the creme de la creme of libraries. It's huge and seems to be very well taken care of.  Making my way up the stone steps of the library I couldn't help but notice the statue in front of the library.  It was definitely cool, in my opinion at least. The statue depicted a large stallion, very similar in build to Paleblood. The stallion was hardened, and by the looks of it well versed in war. The statue looked incredibly detailed like it could very much come alive if it wanted to. Upon reaching the statue I looked at the statue's base and read from its plaque.  Our Beloved Benefactor Lord Skarn of StoneHaven. Cool. I continued towards the library and made my way inside. The doors once opened revealed a very large interior, with a quiet and welcoming atmosphere. There seemed to be multiple floors. This place wasn't as busy as I thought it would be. (This is not my art, if you like it make sure to support the original artist!) I must have looked out of place because I was standing there mouth agape, and practically drooling. Due to this, a brown stallion approached me. "Hello sir, can I help you?" "Yes actually, I need a bunch of books on a plethora of different subjects." "Ah, well that's not a problem. Have you been to this library before?" "I haven't." "Really? Then you might find this to be interesting. I want you to write down the subjects you're interested in on this piece of paper" "Okay sure." I wrote down most of the subjects I was interested in, afterwards I handed the slip of paper back to the librarian. "Great! Now that I've calibrated the crystal all you need to do is follow whichever light trail you want and it will take you to each section of the library that that specific topic is located at. Once you are there the trail will deactivate, once you're done getting your books just return the crystal to the front desk." What the shit. That's so freakin' cool. Y'know, besides the crushing reality that I'll never see anyone I know and nothing I did on earth really matters anymore, I think the magic library is kinda worth traveling across worlds to see. The stallion presented to me a small blue crystal with a small gold ring around with a lot of symbols on it. Each symbol rotated on the ring. The light trails were shooting throughout the library and I decided to pick up the books that I wanted. "Thanks for the help mister." "My name is Sharp Quill, I'm usually here if you need anything and you're welcome!" With that said, I walked off to follow the light magic trails to find the books I wanted. I'm honestly kind of excited to just sit down and not be bothered by anything for a while. One Hour Later I set down the large stack of books on a small table by the central fireplace and let out a breath of relief. These things were incredibly heavy, or maybe I'm just weak, probably the latter. I looked over the book titles to make sure I liked my selection, nodding my head I sat down and got prepared to read.  Let's start with the history and basic equestrian knowledge books. I grabbed the thick green book off the top of the tower and opened it to the first page. A Study of Equestrian History by undisclosed. Chapter 1: The Unnecessary but necessary before. Before Equestria there was peace. Fragile and precarious peace, for a long time it remained that way. Until evil arose and with it, the need for good. The arrival of Grogar set the stage for early Equestria. He was an incredibly powerful image and artificer with that said. He and his monsters burned farms to the ground and caused turmoil amongst the pony tribes.  That was until a pony from the unicorn tribe by the name and title of, Gusty The Great came into the picture. The mare was an intelligent and quick-witted pony, she managed to find out that the majority of Grogar's power came from a magical bell in his possession. Knowing that she stole the bell and banished him.   This time in Equestrian history is also roughly when the first old one was discovered and documented. Sadly the documentation was destroyed, but with it, the need and want for stricter magic rules escalated and came to the forefront of arguments during pre-unification.  All of this tension between the tribes eventually led to one of the most monumental moments in Equestrian history, the founding of Equestria. Chapter 2: Unification and Discord Each tribe, the earth ponies, the unicorns, and the pegasi each had something the other tribe wanted or needed. The pegasi controlled the weather, while the unicorns beckoned the sun and moon and wanted their service repaid, and the earth ponies were the only tribe capable of producing sustainable food. This often led to conflict among the tribes.  This conflict attracted an incredibly powerful type of monster, the same monster to trouble the griffin kingdom in a later time. The Wendigo, a malicious winter spirit that grows stronger the more hate and hard feelings it's around. The group of windigos grew and fed off the festering feelings of the tribes and summoned a blizzard that would cause many deaths and famine.  This led to a summit, which was a failure. It ended with all tribes leaving to find new land and escape the blizzard. All three tribes arrived at the same ''new land'' and argued more and more till the blizzard worsened. The windigos were growing more powerful as the negative emotions grew more and more potent.  Thankfully the tribes did manage to find friendship with one another, even a few assistants to the leaders going as far as to produce the fire of friendship. A cute name for something very powerful, that specific spell killed many of the windigos that were causing the blizzard. It was said some of the windigos escaped to the corners of the world.  After the windigos vanished and with it the blizzard the pony tribes came together to form a country, and they named it Equestria. Sometime later the rulers of Equestria would enter the world stage, the princesses. These princesses early on before their reign fought with tyrannical rulers of Equestria. Discord, he is a spirit similar to the wendigo, entirely based in the realm of chaos, and the unethical, and finds amusement in disharmony. He was defeated by the princess using the elements of harmony.  Which is a set of magical artifacts, considered to be one of the most powerful magic tools in the world. The defeated Discord was turned into stone and put on display.  Upon entering the world stage the alicorn sisters or you may refer to them as the princesses, were a considerable force. In terms of magical power, they were and still are unmatched, and in experience they were well versed in combat at that time.  However, something happened that left a scar on the equestrian diarchy. The fall of the youngest sibling into corruption. This is referred to as The Great Celestia/Luna Rift. The youngest called forth the moon, during this time the ponies that would return to their homes and sleep. This angered the youngest, she came to her sister, the eldest, who beckoned the sun into the sky. The youngest pleaded for a longer night and the eldest disagreed. The bitterness between the siblings grew deeper and deeper until the youngest refused to lower the moon to make way for the light of the sun. The youngest in her bitterness turned into a venomous mare called Nightmare Moon.The eldest, using the power in the elements of harmony, banished her sister in the moon. For 1000 years the banishment will last.  Chapter 3: The Coastal War of Aquastrica/Equestrian involvement I gotta take a break. I glanced to the left and saw the last light of the sun fading over the stone buildings out the window. So the sun and moon are controlled by ponies here? That's interesting I guess, not exactly surprising. No one else seemed to be in the library, I cracked my back and looked over at the pile of books.  Let's take a break from that and try reading about something a bit more interesting and something I could practice. Magic: A self-help guide By BrightWrite Cha- I hate chapters, but I love unprofessionalism. Let me say front and center to those reading this. This is mainly for those who have yet to grasp the most basic understanding of magic. If you are looking for an intermediate introduction you must look elsewhere.  You may or may not know that most beings display magic either passively or actively. It is always within you and in everything else and when it isn't you will know. Now you may know this, but do you know how to use it? How do apply the magic inside you to affect the world around you?  Of course, you don't, that's why I wrote this.  Let's start with step one, technique. How do you want to cast magic, this is important because it depends entirely on what you're capable of. For example, you have to have a catalyst to cast magic directly at least for ones not magically inclined.  A catalyst for those who don't know is a focus for your magic, a catalyst can be something that can focus your magic like a gem, the purer the gem the better effect and efficiency it will have.  Now let’s say you now have a catalyst and the knowledge of how to cast a spell or prepare a ritual. The next step is focusing, drawing out the available mana from within your body and focusing it through your catalyst. This will complete the concentration period.  The last step is simply referred to as completion. It’s just as it sounds, in this step you must make sure you have the intended results and if anything went wrong in the previous steps. Like having the wrong technique for the spell, or focusing the incorrect amount of mana. The library had long since grown dark and silent except for the soft sound of the fire burning and the illumination it provided. I paused for a second and got up and stretched, I felt something poke my backside and heard something fall on the floor. It was the book from before, the one Mr. Muda traded to me. I picked it up off the floor and opened to the first page. The Lulamoon Family Grimoire Huh? Wait? Like a spellbook? I looked at the table of contents, searching for an answer to my question. By the looks of it the book was indeed a spellbook and the table of contents had it organized by difficulty until the last pages which were for ongoing research or familial information. I turned to the first chapter labeled as "Basic" in the table of contents. There it was, the first spell. Basic Illusion- The 'basic illusion' is a spell that can create a sound of your choice, it may be a loud roar or a quiet whisper, or it might be multiple sounds. The sounds last for about one minute. This spell can also create an image of something as long as the something in question is not bigger than five feet in width or height. It lasts one minute and can be passed through The object will not have any sensory effects like smell, light, or sound. To cast this spell, all you need is to focus purely on the image or sound you want and a catalyst. Control your thoughts, and focus, control the amount of mana. Once this is complete the illusion should be placed. It will last one minute, and upon testing has a range of thirty or so paces. I leaned up, the dying light of the fire limited my ability to read. I got up from the table and looked down at my hands. They had changed a lot since my arrival here. Scars, fresh wounds, and a missing finger. I breathed in and out focusing purely on my hands. I felt something. It was weird. It wasn't like the other times, I felt in control and powerful. Like I was heating up water, it was slowly boiling and I controlled the temperature If I had to describe the feeling. I focused and cooling it down and in a sense, it worked, it was easy in a way but I could feel it was dangerous. What If I overflowed? Would I explode or something? Am I doing this right? I don't know. I didn't have a cata- wait a minute. I looked down at the table to see the crystal, its gold ring still wrapped around it and its symbols no longer glowing. Maybe I could use the crystal as a catalyst, it isn't pure but I could still technically go through the entire application process. I stopped moving and took a second to focus on what I wanted. I looked down at the crystal in my hand and focused on what I wanted to appear in front of me. The feeling welled up from my abdomen and I slowly moved the crystal to my chest instinctively. Once the feeling went up to my spine, I felt the urge to push it out. I focused on exerting it out in a way similar to my breathing pattern into the crystal. It felt like I was forcing it into something that it just wouldn't fit into. I forced it, and when I applied more pressure I felt that the feeling of magic within me was losing traction and I didn't have enough energy to push it throughout my body. I opened my eyes which I closed in my concentration. Before me sat the last thing I saw before I came to Equestria. My prized backscratcher, my sterling silver ebony backscratcher. I didn't even use it once, it was just to perfect. It laid on the floor as I wanted it too, the only problem was it looked off, the shadows looked funny upon closer inspection. I reached out and touched it, it rippled and dissipated like a fog where I touched. The area I touched reappeared and then after some time the whole backscratcher illusion faded off into the dying light of the fire. I learned something, that made me feel good. I haven't felt this good in a long time. This was probably simple for every other being, but I could get better. I stuffed the other books in my pants with the crystal, I am unashamed. Sharp Quill was gone and had left a note on the desk. It simply said he was at the upstairs astrology chamber If there was anyone who needed him. I grabbed his quill and told him I grabbed those books. I won't be coming back, I'm practically stealing them. Ah, I remember when I ranted about people stealing books from libraries to my sister, oh the irony. I walked out of the library into the dark of the night. Not many out right now, and I couldn't shake off the fear creeping into the corners of my mind. I quickly glanced around but saw nothing out of the ordinary, maybe it's just my imagination or I'm just tired. Why do I feel like I need to knock on wood? > Precarious Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Precarious Plan It was dark and quiet. All that could be heard was my footfalls and the sound of bitterly cold wind whistling. I rubbed my arms to get some semblance of warmth as I walked down the street. I couldn't shake off the feeling of danger, it was like my neck was on fire and my head was on a swivel. The market as lively as it was earlier was now deserted, not a soul in sight. I quickened my pacing, hoping to arrive at the stone estate. I shook my head and slapped my cheeks. I'm probably just being paranoid. I was almost out of the market when I heard something. I stopped moving, I felt petrified. It was just a small amount of rustling, but it wasn't from me. I looked to the left and saw nothing. I looked to my right and felt my fear skyrocket. Peering at me from the alleyway. It's large eyes striking me as eerily familiar. I didn't move, I couldn't, I panicked. I heard the sound of hooves against the stone as it moved closer. From the alleyway came the bat pony that I met at the fountain previously. Her dark purple mane blended into the shadows the buildings cast, but her eyes burned brightly creating an alarming contrast. She scared the shit out of me. I took a few steps back having gained my bearing. She calmly approached me while I steadily walked backward. "H-hey I didn't see you there." She didn't respond, there was no emotion on her face whatsoever. I felt the ring on my hand pulse and I glanced down and looked back up to see her eyes locked onto the ring. I felt the pulse again and the sudden urge to sidestep, as soon as I did I heard the sound of something hit the ground behind me. It hurts, a small cut was on my face across my nose. I hadn't sidestepped fast enough. I quickly looked to the ground next to me, she threw a dagger at me. I didn't think anymore, I had to run. My instincts told me to escape the situation as fast as possible. I heard several more daggers being thrown some of which narrowly hit me delivering shallow cuts to my right arm and torso. I dodged an oncoming knife by clumsily rolling into a nearby alleyway. The alleyway ended halfway with a roughly built wooden gate I rushed forward and desperately climbed over and fell onto the ground on the other side. I looked for someplace to hide and found an old table with some old furniture lying next to it, I crawled under the table and looked behind me to see if she saw me. I didn't see her, where did she go? I'm going to die. What do I do? What do I do?! My breathing was erratic and my heart was pounding in my chest. I couldn't move much as freely because of the cuts decorating my right side. I need to think, what do I do. What can I do? I heard the flapping of wings in the sky above. I need to hurry, I need a plan! Think Peter! I felt the weight of the crystal in my pocket. An illusion? No, that wouldn't work what could I possibl- The beating of wings stopped. It was silent again, she's waiting for me to move first. I have a plan, a precariously dangerous plan. I peeked my head out from under the piece of furniture. Her shadow was cast on the wall opposite of me, thank god for the light of the moon...or thank that princess sister. Okay, it's go time. I focused on casting the basic illusion spell, I basic human shadow. I had to make it shorter than me or it would cost too much mana. I just took the risk she wouldn't evaluate it too much. It cost me a good bit of mana to cast it but it was there now. A Peter like silhouette, it would only last a minute so I had to hurry. I decided to do something risky. I cast the spell again, it cost significantly less to make a sound, it was my first time trying. The sounds of furniture breaking and cans falling over. The effect was almost immediate, her shadow vanished and the sound of hoof falls grew closer. She's going to attack the illusion, I crawled all the way out from under the furniture and felt the drain of mana on my body. Letting my adrenaline take over my body I grabbed a table leg as a makeshift weapon and prepared for the worse, I clenched it tightly in my hand as I thought about how stupid I was for doing this. I slowly rose over the furniture to see her slowly approaching the illusion I created, she didn't see me. She wasn't using her throwing daggers, she pulled out some sort of...shortsword? The illusion is going to disappear soon, I need to hurry. I stood up, and I quietly followed behind her. The illusion was still emitting sound and it masked the sound of my footfalls. She lunged forward stabbing the silhouette with frightening ferocity. The sword rammed into the brick wall emitting sparks, she seemed confused. The time is now, I was close enough to take the opportunity, I rushed forward wielding the table leg like a club. When I was only a foot from her she regained her composure. She didn't have enough room nor time to react properly, so in a last-ditch effort on her part, she attempted to thrust her sword hilt towards my chest. My makeshift club connected with the side of her head and her hilt hit my diaphragm, knocking the air out of me. She collapsed and I stumbled and fell backward on my back. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and used an old couch as support to help me stand up. I took a second to regain my breath and composure. I limped over to the incapacitated bat pony and looked down. She had several pouches and bags and a holster for her knives. She was well equipped but unarmored, I was just lucky if she had been armored I would be dead. Maybe she underestimated me or something, I don't know and I don't have time to speculate. What do I do with her? She was breathing, which meant sooner or later she'd make a recovery. She'd definitely be out for blood when that happens. I leaned down and realized just how much pain I was in, my leg muscles were strained and the cuts on my right side burned. She really did a number on me, I hope she didn't poison the knives. I grabbed her bags and pouches and threw them over my shoulder, I don't know if there are more ponies trying to get me right now. She only had two knives left, looking down at her with a knife in my hand I paused. Next time I won't get lucky. I could take her to the authorities or something but who's to say she won't get out, I have to do something about this now. The knife in my hand felt cold, I could feel the sweat dripping down my face as I considered taking away her life. I could do it right now, I could guarantee my safety. I raised the knife above her neck, it could be quick. The ring pulsed quickly, I felt my heart beat faster. No, I don't want to do this. I don't think at least, I put the knife back in the holster. If she comes for me later then I'll deal with her later. By then it won't be luck that causes me to win. I stripped her of all her equipment and left, leaving her in the alleyway unconscious. I need to get back to the stone estate. I entered back onto the main street and started making way back. It was hard, breathing was difficult and my legs hurt. I also felt drained, like there was a pit in my stomach. Is this what it feels like to be out of mana? After what felt like an eternity of dragging my screaming muscles I arrived outside the stone estate. I must have grabbed the on-duty guard's attention because he approached me almost immediately. "State your bui- Oh, It's you. What happened?" "I don't know, I got jumped. Can you help get me some bandages or something?" "I can't leave my station. Head to the servants quarters I'm sure there is somepony who will help you." I just nod my head and move towards the servant's quarters. I could already feel the warmth from the building washing over me. I pushed the door open with my left shoulder, it just felt easier not to move my right side. It creaked open revealing a soft-lit welcoming chamber that I previously rushed through to uncurse Tine. There was no one around, I was about to leave and just go find someone in the main estate building. I heard an older female voice come from a set of stairs to the left of the room I was currently in. "Hello? Is anyone there?" "Yeah, me." When did I start sounding so tired? The mare turned around the corner, she had a grey mane in a bun and small glasses on a chain hanging from her neck. She saw my condition and I was met with a look of caution. "Who are you? What are you doing here this late?" "I-it's okay, I'm Peter. I'm Brim Stone's guest. I was told to come here for aid." "Who would tell you t- it doesn't matter follow me." she grabbed the candlestick that was burning on the reception desk with her mouth, carrying it past the stairs into what can be considered a large dining room. She set down the candle and looked back up at me. "Hey, look, I really apprec-" "Shush, I've got to make sure I know what I'm getting." Well dang, rude. She was looking over the cuts on my arms and my nose before speaking again. "I'll be back in a second." She quickly trotted away, going up the stairs and out of sight. I landed back into the chair and relaxed, it felt good to not be in danger. Now that I was out of the situation I began to really process what happened. I left the library and was almost killed by a pony, I still haven't checked their belongings now that I think about it. Having been lost in my thoughts prevented me from realizing the mare had returned with an assortment of items. "Here chew on this, don't swallow it." Well, couldn't hurt. She handed me some sort of....something. Kind of hard to tell what it is. I took it and bit into it, it crunched and tasted like dirt. It was definitely a weird experience, what was this? "You can spit it out now." I spit it out, now I should mention it tasted horrible. So I may have been more than enthusiastic to get it out of my mouth. "What was that?!" "Willow bark, for pain relief." "Wha-....well...at least I can say I've chewed on willow bark if anyone asks." She didn't respond to my statement and pulled out some bandages from the group of items she brought along with what I could assume was alcohol. "Don't move." She quickly cleaned off most of the wounds and on my side and shoulder, and towards the end she looked at me inquisitively. "What happened?" "Oh, the usual wallop, I was just going about my business before a group of bloodthirsty barbarians attacked me, I brutally defeated them of course, it was a one-sided battle." She didn't look amused. I sighed, and my shoulders sagged involuntarily. "I don't know ma'am, just unlucky is all." She tightened the last bandage and stepped back. The mare has definitely helped out people before I could tell, I couldn't let this go without saying thanks. "Thanks, ma'am I appreciate it." "Hmph, try not getting yourself attacked by...barbarians again in the future. I'd hate to have to stitch you together." "Well, I'd still be thankful if you did." She harrumphed in response and trotted away, what a grumpy old lady. It was nice of her to help me though, she didn't get anything from helping me out like that. I think it's time to get to my room and get some rest. I made my way out of the servant's quarters and headed towards my room on the second floor. I opened to see my room the exact same way I left it, and I felt the urge to collapse on the bed and sleep like no tomorrow. Before I did this though I locked the door to my room, I couldn't be too careful after the events of today. I took four steps and flung myself onto my bed. In the process of dropping all the books, bits, and pouches I had been carrying. Today was an okay day, I almost died but I did get to learn some cool stuff so it kind of outweighs the dying part...or maybe that's just the willow bark talking. > Readily Reading/More Major Meetings?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readily Reading/More Major Meetings?! Waking up felt horrible like I was hit with a bag of bricks and the bricks were on fire. As lethargic as I was I pulled myself from the confines of my comfortable prison and carefully stretched my body. I had to make sure not to be too hard on my body as the wounds were still fresh. My clothes, if they could be called that, were a visual nightmare. I need actual clothes, I pondered what to do about the clothing situation as I opened the window in my room. I leaned forwards and let the cold wind wake me from my morning stupor. Stretching once again I turned around and looked at my room. All my stuff was piled in the corner and the items I carried with me yesterday were haphazardly strewn across the floor from the door. I'm a mess, I picked up the books, some of which had sustained damage in yesterday's struggle, and set them down on the desk in the corner. I also grabbed the bat pony's pouches and knives and put them on my desk as well. I pulled up my slacks and pushed in the gown, I sat down at the desk and reevaluated what I needed to do. Recalling the list I made earlier I remembered that I completed some of my objectives. Peter's Protection Program 1. I need some sort of weapon or something, a.k.a. protection from pilfering ponies! 2. I need to know more about the ring and all of the artifacts. I should talk to Tine, hopefully, she isn't mad. 3. Learning about the land of Equestria would be beneficial to me, I should get on that. 4. I should find some more knowledge about magic, utilizing it to its full potential would be better than relying on a nightmare ring from hell. 5. Do an inventory check! 6. Visit the Stone Haven market place, might find something worthwhile to help. I also need to speak with Brim Stone and maybe Tine too, so much to do and so little time to do all of it. I glanced down at the dark-colored pouches. What else did she have? I undid the silver clasp and peered inside, and it wasn't what I expected. I flipped the pouch and poured out everything inside. A letter fell out along with an assortment of different items. A heavy bit bag, maybe I should knock out people more often. Along with that, there were these pellet things? I don't know what they are if I'm honest. I opened the letter, there was little writing and it seemed mostly formal. The time to attack the mark is upon us, once you've killed him bring us the ring to complete the mission. All other objectives are moot, the longer you stay in Stone Haven the longer we are at risk of being exposed. Have the ring to us by midnight on the twenty-fifth, or else. ~M Wait, wow. I'm important enough to get an assassin after me, that's a pretty big confidence boost for me. Still have one after me probably...better to get this situated now rather than later. I stood up from the desk while pocketing the bits and grabbing the letter. I need to speak with Brim Stone, I'll go talk with his secretary and see what she can do. I was about to leave but I decided to stop and grab the magic self-help guide for something to read just in case I have to wait again. I left the room and slowly walked down the main stairway while barely stifling a yawn. At least it wasn't as busy as yesterday so I didn't have to worry about getting weird stares. I sauntered over to the reception desk and was greeted by the sight of the minotaur receptionist. "Hello again ma'am, I was wondering if Mr. Stone is available for a small meeting sometime today?" She glanced up at me for a short moment before reaching over and checking some paperwork. I awkwardly rocked on my heels while I waited for an answer. "Hmm, He's available for a small amount of time after three for about thirty minutes. Is that time okay?" "Yes, of course, thank you for your help again. Can I just wait here?" She nodded her head before continuing to do what receptionists do in their desk prisons. I sat down in a small wooden chair by the window and began reading, any amount of time gaining knowledge on the subject of magic would be time well invested. I cracked open the small book to the next chapter. Magic: A self-help guide By BrightWrite The Second Not Chapter. By now you should have at least a basic understanding of the steps needed to cast a spell, but what now? Well, that depends on what you want. If you want to use basic magic and find yourself comfortable with your technique there is no need to continue further. Now, if you want to continue your growth andincrease your magic ability there are tons and tons of ways to do this, some good, some bad, some are in the morally gray area. However, I recommend one of the most basic techniques to permanently increase the efficiency and capacity of your magic. The technique is one that dates back to the ancient unicorn tribes, and gained popularity amongst the solar and lunar churches at their prime. It's called Gaia Siphon, It's referred to as mana siphoning by the majority of pony society and by different names elsewhere outside of Equestria. It's a technique where the mage in question harmonizes with the magic in the surrounding environment. As you may or may not know magic is in everything, ancient magic users discovered that through meditation they can permanently expand their capacity for magic by siphoning magic from the environment. Now, why would I recommend this? While magic siphoning is a slow process, it can also help the mage gain finer control of their own mana as well as a better understanding of magic manipulation. I strongly recommend this to start you off if you know nothing. There are also different versions of siphoning for different purposes but that's for a different book. How do you go about starting this technique? Back to the step system, that's how. Step one, Concentration. I consider this step to be the hardest for beginners. It requires concentration on the environment around you rather than the internal feeling of magic which was discussed previously. It's a hard concept to grasp and it's understandable if you struggle. Think of it as your first hurdle, once you feel the mana around you step two is next. Step two, Manipulation. Now, defining manipulation, I mean magic manipulation. The manipulation of raw mana into your body. This requires you to have a good understanding of your own mana pool because what you're practically doing is slowly stuffing your mana pool with raw mana so the ''borders'' of the pool expand thus increasing your total mana capacity. It can be confusing I know. This skill is used with many many other magical techniques and tools, knowing how to manipulate raw mana is a very important skill for a mage of any skill. Once you have this raw mana in your body step three is next. Step three, Assimilation. The raw mana in your body is still very much raw. If left in your body without being assimilated it will be much harder to focus it in any way, shape, or form. This is because the raw mana and the mana within your body aren't exactly the same thing. Though that's another conversation for a different time, to fix this your mana pool will attempt to assimilate the raw mana. This can fail, and most times will. If you succeed however the raw mana will assimilate and become one with yours resulting in an increased capacity and efficiency. There are several items that can help with this process if you have the bits. I should also mention that absorbing mana from the environment can lead to understanding more about the surroundings. Now, this is best practiced with a slow breathing exercise and a quiet environment until you feel comfortable doing otherwise. Th- I heard someone call my name shaking me from my intense reading session. Mr. Peter, Mr. Stone is now available. He should be in his office up the stairs, it will be the room on the left before the meeting room." "Oh, thank you." I stood up and cracked my neck and steadily made my way to the door I presumed led to Brim Stone's office. I knocked twice before entering. I was shocked, to say the least, it was a nice office with all kinds of eye-catching decorations. Mind you it was a complete mess. There were books everywhere, as well as scattered papers and drawings. Jesus, I hardly think this can be called an office, seems more like a personal study. (Remember to support the artist! aleksandr-osm) "Hello? Brim Stone? Are you here?" I didn't hear any response, this office was definitely cool. Minus the odd fascination with candles though, there were more candles in this room than I've seen in my entire life. I waited for a few more minutes before realizing he probably isn't here right now and maybe I should come back later. I turned around and opened the door to leave but ran right into Brim Stone who seemed startled by my appearance. "Peter?! What were you doing in my office?" "The receptionist said you'd be in your office and I needed to speak with you for a few minutes about something important." He furrowed his brow for a moment, he must be thinking about something. I took this moment to observe Brim Stone, and just from looking I could tell there was something wrong. He was visibly tired and obviously stressed out by something, taking note of these details I wasn't really compelled to ask what. He shook his head and moved past me into his office, turning around halfway to look at me and ask a question. "What is it that you need to speak with me so urgently about Peter?" "I think there might be something big happening." "Continue," he said as he walked to his desk. "I think there's a group of dangerous ponies trying to get the ring. Scratch that, I know there is a group of ponies attempting to get the ring. I got attacked by one last night on the way back from the library, she was carrying this letter." Brim Stone stared quietly at me from his desk, his expression stoic but tired. He rubbed his hoof against his head and started mumbling incoherent sentences, a lot of which had the word buck in it. He telekinetically grabbed the letter from my hand and read over it. He took off his small spectacles and sighed. "Peter. We need to meet with the lord of Stone Haven, this situation arrived at the worst possible time." "What? I don't quite understand." "I will cancel all meetings for the next two days, the twenty-fifth can't be a coincidence," He trailed off looking at the notes on his desk. "What happens on the twenty-fifth?" "Princess Celestia will be arriving in Stone Haven for her bi-yearly meeting with the lord. To have a cult skulking around...I don't want to think about what could happen," he shook his head. "I think they're mainly after me though, right?" "Peter on your hand sits one of the most powerful artifacts known to ponykind. It's a wealth of untapped knowledge, filled to the brim with forbidden things nopony should know. If that organization has the amulet and the ring they'd be incredibly powerful. They're planning something, I don't know what but I do know that the lord must be informed immedietly." Okay, okay, I get it. Sheesh, Brim Stone no need to get your robe in a twist. He makes a point though this can't just be a coincidence that this is all happening. I need to learn more about these artifacts, the faster I get this cursed ring off the better. "I need to meet with Tine as soon as possible to discuss some things." "She is free most of the time, her new study is in the basement. Oh, before I forget. Remember those opportunities, I mentioned around the time I first met you?" "Yeah, why?" "I want you to consider checking with the Commission guilds for work. I know that you're...lacking in funds for lack of a better way of putting it," He had set down the paperwork he was looking at and levitated his glasses off. "Sounds like a good idea, thanks again for all the help," I turned around and was about to leave but I couldn't help but pause for a few seconds. I had a question. "When are we going to meet the lord?" Without looking up he answered me. "As soon as possible, most likely tomorrow under special circumstances." I nodded my head and left the office with a new objective in mind, the basement. Never thought I would say that. > Brilliant Basement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brilliant Basement I should have probably asked Brim Stone for directions because I ended up walking around the first floor of the estate for some fortyish minutes without finding the entrance to the basement. I decided to ask the receptionist for directions yet again. To my surprise, apparently, she wasn't the all-knowing coffee guzzler I thought she was and told me to ask one of the maids. Jesus Christ, why can't I remember to ask simple questions? I politely asked a passing maid where the basement entrance was located. "The entrance is outside, hug the wall to the left off the path and you will see a cellar door. That's the door that we use at least." "Alright thank you very much ma'am." "Mhm." I wandered out the doors wondering the reason why Tine would move her study to the basement or why she moved her study at all. I followed the directions I was given and found the cellar doors. I reached down and pulled the thick iron handle to open the door. I was met with a set of stone stairs descending into total darkness. Oh no, my worst fear, a stereotypical scary staircase how could I ever continue!? I shrugged and casually walked into the darkness, I could make out a door at the end and approached it, I could see a small amount of light coming from beneath the door. I'm not trying to get yelled at for breaking into someone's private zone again, so I knocked three times. "Hello? Tine? You in there?" Following my questions, the sounds of crashing could be heard on the other side of the door along with the distinct sounds of profanity and the word buck. I still don't get it, daughter like father I guess? A few moments later the door was consumed in Tine's magic aura and opened. (I couldn't find the artist sadly. If you know the artist make sure to notify me! Also, ignore the fan in the picture.) It took me a minute to process what I was seeing. I blinked. I blinked again. "Is that a freakin' octopus!? What is tha-" I was interrupted by Tine midway through my questions. "What do you want?" "I wanna talk. Look I know we don't really get along all that great, but I need your help," I felt the awkwardness creep in. She didn't respond or look up from her desk. So I continued with what I was saying. "The ring, I want it off me. Yesterday I was attacked by a pony attempting to kill me and take the ring. I know you know a lot about it, and the artifacts that go along with it. So, you're really the only pony that can help me with this problem." Her previous uncaring attitude disappeared when I mentioned that I was attacked. Her calculating gaze swept over me before her face softened and she sighed. "I apologize for how our first conversation went, I didn't even take into account that if it was not for you I would not be here now." Er...okay? I really wasn't expecting her to apologize. She doesn't really seem like that kind of pony. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry I put the ring on in the first place." There was an awkward pause for a few moments, I hate awkward pauses. The moment passed once she regained her previous cold demeanor. "Uh...is that a yes...or a no?" "It's a yes." Okay cool, great. Now it's just a matter of how I'm going to be helped. "What now?" Instead of answering me she telekinetically pulled a chalkboard out from behind her desk and wheeled it out into the center of the room. She also levitated a small red chair in front of the chalkboard. "Sit, we have a few things we need to discuss." That sounded an awful lot like a command, I shrugged and sat down. Tine proceeded to levitate my hand into the air and look over the ring. "Have you used it yet?" "Wait, like what do you mean?" "Have you activated the ring for anything?" "Well, yes, several times. Once to save you, another time I used healing magic on my back, and a couple more times," I was counting on my fingers. Her brows furrowed and she wrote some notes in chalk on the board. "When using the ring did you feel, hear, or see anything out of the ordinary?" "That's a pretty loaded question. I've felt a lot of things since using the ring. I'd say the most prominent thing is the visions or...well...nevermind." Looking from the chalkboard to me she raised her eyebrow, she trotted over to a box and opened it. She continued asking me questions even though her voice was a bit muffled. "How did magic feel when you used the ring?" "A lot different than when I use it by myself I guess, it still makes me tired but I don't feel it at all." "Hmm...and the visions? Can you be more specific? "Yeah, I was this like shadow thing. Every time I needed to use magic I'd be pulled from my body and I would be pulled along to follow this pony named P-" "Paleblood, yes. I thought so. The experiences of those who have worn the ring have been documented scarcely. However," She pulled her head out from the dusty box with a book levitating next to her, "It doesn't mean there is nothing to go off of." "What's that?" She flipped through the yellow pages of the decrepit books for sometime before stopping halfway through and showing the pages to me. There was a rough sketch of all the artifacts in the book, she pointed her hoof to the ring. "It is the information we need to get rid of the artifacts all together, or at least the ring for now. Once the ring is destroyed the other artifacts will not have as much potential." "I know this is probably a weird question, but why do you want to destroy it? You said it yourself that you spent a lot of bits trying to get it." "To put in perspective my want Peter I'd ask you, haven't you ever wished to feel powerful? To know the answers to questions that haven't even been asked yet?" "I have, yes but I don't se-" "Then also understand that the pursuit of power, to me, is the pursuit of knowledge. The ring on your finger is very powerful. I'd rather destroy it than let somepony else have it," her calm demeanor never slipped, even when she said something jarring. "Well, at least you're honest. Isn't there a way to get it off me that doesn't involve killing me?" "Yes. We just don't have the time. If what you said is true the umbral church is making their move, we don't have a lot of time. Destroying it is much faste-" "The what?" "The moon church, it goes by many names." "I'm still lost," I shrugged. "Did they wear purple?" "Ye-" "You were attacked by a Bat pony, correct?" "I mean, yea-" "Then it was most likely an agent of the umbral church." Well alright, thanks for letting me contribute to the conversation. Very much appreciate it Tine. "Okay then, how do we destroy it? I'd rather have the ring off me before I get attacked again." "According to this book, and a few books I've read about the elements of cursed items, to destroy the ring we will need to do a few things. First, we must place your hand above or in a source of pure water. Secondly, to destroy this specific ring it must be under the light of a full moon. Thirdly, we need to do this in an area that has a surplus of raw mana, and then we must channel the mana through a set of twenty runes. " "That sounds...complicated." "To a dullard maybe." I chuckled, maybe because I just didn't expect the insult but it felt nice to actually laugh at something for once. Still an awkward feeling to the conversation, but it's less rigid now. "Sure, whatever, so when and where?" "Hmm," she looked over at a calendar that was covered in a range of notes and other things, "the thirtieth, the next full moon will be then. Meet me here before seven o'clock." "Okay, is that everything?" "For now. We will have a small group of guards with us then, I'll inform my father of our plan as well." "Er...speaking of your father, he and I are going to meet the lord of Stone Haven tomorrow. I really shouldn't ask...but is he gonna be okay? It isn't really my business, he just looks exhausted." "Most likely to discuss the church's presence in Stone Haven? Also, my father will be fine, he has a bad habit of working himself too hard." "Yeah, I was just wondering. So now that everything is wrapped up, I guess I'll see you again on the thirtieth." "If all goes according to plan." I'm done here, for now at least. I need to complete the rest of my objectives, and maybe get myself a weapon at the market. I also need to try and learn more spells, the most I can cast right now are three or so basic spells so maybe trying what the technique in the book would also help. I turned to leave and opened the wooden door, wait. What the hell is a rune to begin with? Like magic symbols right? I looked back at Tine and she was enraptured in her book, she already forgot I was here. "Hey, Tine what's a run-" A book flew at me and hit my chest with a small thump. Runology By Bronze Horn of House Odinson The pursuit of knowledge equals the pursuit of power huh? > Meditating Mannerisms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meditating Mannerisms The light, it burns, not literally, but still it burns. I covered my eyes for a second so I could get used to the amount of pure light assaulting my eyes. While I was down in the basement another light snowfall had begun, layering the ground with an inch of white snow. I rubbed my arms, It's supposed to be autumn right? Why is it so cold? I shook my head and decided to save my complaints for when I have the time to deal with them. I need to prioritize, what do I need to do now? The wind racked against my body easily going through my ''clothing'' reminding me of one of my priorities. Clothes, I looked down at the horrible state of my clothing. I need some better clothes, I could probably find something If I went to the market but It might be too dangerous. I shivered, this might just be worth the risk. I had the bits on me, I could probably afford something. I looked off towards the guarded entrance to the estate, and down again to my torn up hospital gown that was messily stuffed into my tattered slacks. I think I need some new clothes. With a mission in mind, I left the estate and headed towards the Stone Haven market. Ah, the sweet sweet serenading sound of merchants yelling. I glanced over the market, it still seemed as busy as ever. I walked down the road and stopping occasionally if I crossed something interesting. I was having a problem though, I forgot something important. There aren't any humans around, or at least from what I've gathered. So obtaining clothing for human proportions is difficult. Difficult but not impossible I should say. I continued through the market looking for clothing that would fit my proportions. I searched through what felt like a hundred different stalls with no luck, at the last stall however I did find something that might work for me. The stall was run by a stocky minotaur, he was primarily selling armor and armor accessories, it was just pure luck that I happened to see them. I saw a very large white linen shirt and a brown cloak. I squeezed through a stallion negotiating with the merchant and picked up the two items before getting behind the stallion. The shirt was definitely meant for a minotaur, no doubt about that. The cloak on the other hand looks like it's a bit too small for a minotaur, it was probably made with ponies in mind or maybe griffons? "Sir?" Aw shoot. I need to stop getting so invested in my thoughts that I get distracted. "Sorry about that, how much do you want for these two items?" "Twenty bits," He was picking his teeth with one of his large fingers while leaning on his stall. I feel like he's up charging me. I raised my eyebrow. "E-eight bits is much more understandable," I put the clothes on the stall and continued "these aren't exactly new, l-look." I pointed out a few scuffs and a small tear in the cloak. "Eight? Fifteen is the lowest I'll go for those." He scoffed and crossed his arms. "Twelve? I don't really need these scuffed up clothes that much." I have to have at least some confidence. "Fine," he grumbled. I counted out thirteen bits and placed them on the stall. I picked up the clothing and walked to a nearby alley. I took off my hospital gown and put on the large linen shirt. I tucked all the excess shirt into my slacks and tightened the sleeves. I put on the cloak and left the alleyway, leaving the gown laying on the ground. I felt much better with the cloak, it was so much warmer. As I walked back to the estate my thoughts drifted back to the negotiation. What did my dad use to say? ''Go lower than the low you want!''...dad...I wonder when the last time I went to a garage sale with him was. The soft sound of snow being crushed beneath my feet faded out as well as my thoughts drifted more. How did I even get here? Being forcibly taken away from my world, from my family and friends...It's hard to understand. I was just rearranging my joke backscratcher collection, then I was in that swamp. It's been crazy ever since, it kind of feels like I'm dreaming...I blinked and shook my head, I don't need to think about this right now. I just have to keep going. I looked around, surprisingly I had already walked back to the estate and was nearly at the entrance. I have my clothing, and now...well...I need a distraction. I entered the estate and went up to my room, traveling swiftly through the reception area and up the central staircase. I took off my cloak and left it on my chair. What now? Oh yeah, the technique for increasing magic capacity. I sat crisscrossed on my bed with my hands on my knees. All I have to do now is just remember the steps to do it. Okay, so I have concentrate until I feel the raw mana in my environment, then I have to manipulate the raw mana into my body, and thirdly I have to assimilate the raw mana into my body. That doesn't seem too difficult, I think. I closed my eyes and concentrated on everything that wasn't me. Nothing, I felt silly. I decided to look inside myself first, how did my mana feel? Calm, It was like a pool of undisturbed liquid, it was serene. I can see why it's called a mana pool now. I concentrated more on my mana pool, it was a completely alien feeling I should mention. It's hard to describe, imagine in your abdomen there was this invisible muscle that was bigger than your actual abdomen and contained an invisible liquid. That only kind of describes how it feels. After figuring out how my mana pool felt, I decided to concentrate again on the environment. My mana and the difference between it and the raw mana around me was startling. The raw mana around me felt stiff, not at all like my own mana at all. Now that I could at least feel a bit of the mana around me I can move onto the next step, how do I even begin to manipulate mana? Wait, is it similar to focusing during the creation of a spell? I remember the feeling of my magic bubbling with metaphorical heat and my tests to speed up and slow it down. I focused entirely on the small amounts of raw mana around me and attempted to will the raw magic into my mana pool. The feeling of just taking in the raw mana into my mana pool was painful like stretching a muscle a little bit too much and keeping it that way, and I felt like I had to force it through an invisible barrier first. I could feel the raw mana clashing against my own, not in an action-packed way, but rather in waves of dull minor pain. After a couple of waves, the feeling of raw mana dissipated and was replaced with the feeling of my own. I concentrated on my mana pool to realize it had gotten just a tad bit bigger, didn't the book say that this has a very slim chance of succeeding? It wasn't even that painful, then again I didn't assimilate a lot of mana just a few wisps around me. That makes me curious, can I take mana from other people?... I mean taking it from the environment was hard because it felt so stubborn and stiff, I imagine the magic of other creatures would be a whole different case. Those thoughts are for a different time though I suppose, It's dark outside. I opened my eyes and stretched, right now it's time for bed. I took off my shirt and threw it over to my desk. I closed my eyes and went to sleep, hoping tomorrow's meeting with the Stone Lord goes over well. As my mind drifted off I felt the ring on my finger pulse softly. > Cold Catharsis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Play this while reading. Cold Catharsis Cold. It's so cold. Snow and sleet battered my side while wind raked across my body. Where am I?...Snow? The wind was the only thing I could hear, I couldn't even hear myself breathe. What's happening? I felt my knees buckle under the sheer force of the wind. What am I doing here? I heard something eerily familiar through the howling of the wind, the dull beating of a heart. I forced my head up against the force of the wind while peering out into the frozen wasteland. I saw a brief flash of red through the blizzard, and with all the power in my body, I forced my legs to move forward. I had to cover my face and as much of my body as I could or be blinded entirely. I had my head down and my shoulders hunched in an attempt to keep warm and to keep moving forward. "Oderint dum metuant." A whisper on the wind, it dug its way into my head. I clasped my hands together and shook my head, this feeling is familiar. It was like something was pulling me, urging me forward. Have I done this before? I grimaced as flashes of long hallways and pictures went through my head. I have done this before. Am I...dreaming? With that question in my mind, it was like I was awoken from a stupor. This isn't real. "What the hell." I looked around through the swirling blizzard and uncanny trees. I could see a subtle red pulse in the distance, it was so ominous looking. However, I could still feel the urge to go to it. I took a hesitant first step towards it, what else was I supposed to do? The wind was no longer as powerful so I took a few more steps, and as I neared closer I could feel the steady beat of the heart grow stronger. After stepping over a dead tree I blinked, and in that short minuscule moment of time, everything changed. There was no obscured snow forest, in its place there was a large frozen lake. I held my hands over my eyes so I could see clearer, snow softly fell from the overcast clouds which obscured the light of the moon. I squinted my eyes, and I could barely see the muted red light through the snow, it was on the other side of the lake. I continued walking forward, whatever this was it wasn't going to phase me. After a few steps, a large streak of red light exploded from under the ice, leaving a large hole. I waited with baited breathe, what was going to happen next? Giant frozen Kraken monster? Demons? Demon Krakens? After a few moments of waiting nothing happened. I took a few more steps, It seems like I'm good to keep going. I hurriedly sped across the lake, small cracks being made in the ice as I crossed. The heartbeat was deafening now, as I neared closer I could see it was frozen solid, It was sickening to look at. "Scientia ipsa potentia est." Only a few steps away from It I noticed that It had a large white tear down the middle. What happ- I took a few steps back, this isn't what I need to do, this happened last time. It's baiting me, It must have sensed my apprehension because soon after backing away red lights leaked from the icy heart, and shot out into the ice around it and out of the holes it made earlier. The heartbeat was going crazy, shattering the ice around it and causing the ground to rumble. I turned around and ran but stopped in my tracks as large bursts of ice created jutting ravines. I looked around, what could I do? "Here." Across the lake, there was a silhouette. Familiarity hit me again, they helped me last time. I inhaled, I'm going to die. Large chunks of ice flew past me as the heartbeat accelerated, I exhaled and started running. I narrowly dodged a chunk of ice by pure luck as I clumsily jumped over a small ravine and stumbled on the other side. I was almost there, it was a clear shot to the silhouette, a clear shot to help. I winced in pain and looked at my hand, I looked down to see ice creeping from my where my finger used to be, It was crawling up my hand. The beating of the heart grew wilder still as the ground shook violently one more time and lights danced beneath the ice. The holes glowed once more before an ominous voice greeted my ears. "Ohhhhhhhhh, Pete" Bathed in red light a hand made of shattered ice slowly rose from the hole, it twisted unnaturally before slamming onto the ice with incredible force. I know that voice, I squinted my eyes as the creature heaved its disturbing body out of the hole. With several audible cracks and moans, the monster was readjusting itself to crudely mimic a human body. Ice fell and splintering off from its body during the process. "Oh, Pete. You can still come back." "I don't know what you are, I don't know why you're doing this, but I do know one thing. My sister sure as hell wasn't an ice monster...I think" Its unnaturally long longs stepped closer cracking the ice with its unnatural strength. I glanced up at it's 'face', why is all of this happening? It doesn't matter, I have to leave. "Pete don't be like that, you were always such a smart brother," the cracking of ice echoed loudly as it took another step with its pointed leg "Make the smart choice Pete, come back." Fear, it was pure fear. I could feel the pit in my stomach worsen, is this a dream? Where am I? I shook my head no. This is not my sister, this is not real, this is my fear. I looked at the creature as it's hulking form loomed closer, and I waited. I could feel the fear making it hard to think straight as it neared. "I'll go." "Goooooood." It's ice body cracked and distorted as it grew closer, my sister's features disappearing as it's gaping maw drew closer. I ran forward, and I slid on my belly and chest in between it's three long legs. I could hear it screech and slam its legs into the ice. I pushed myself up as quickly as I could and began sprinting towards the silhouette, I could hear the thundering of its spiked legs on the ice behind me. The roaring from its twisted mouth had a hint of my sister's voice, fuck this. I was reaching the last ravine, the ice around it was cracking and spreading as I got closer. I reached the edge of the ravine and desperately threw my body across the gap. It just wasn't enough to make it, and my chest hit the other side and I wheezed. I desperately hung onto a piece of outlying ice, and as I attempted to pull myself up I felt my right arm give out, the ice had frozen it numb. I was starting to slip, and before I knew it I was falling. However, the feeling of weightlessness caused me to open my eyes. I was wrapped in a magical aura, and shortly after opening my eyes, I was pulled up from the ravine. I was dropped a ways from the edge at the hooves of an unknown pony. I looked up and saw a unicorn with wings and a mane made of stars with a sword of moonlight in her magical grip. She looked down at me and cast a spell. Everything faded away as my eyes grew heavy. I gasped and opened my eyes, I calmed down and looked around. I was laying on a, seemingly infinite, silver ocean. I slowly got up while I was inspecting my surroundings. "Greetings subject, I have saved thee once again." I may have screamed. "Ah!? Jesus...phew...yeah. Thanks, I've never had nightmares this bad before or this is vivid." Her cat-like eyes scanned me over before settling on my right hand. "Thou art playing with dangerous and dark magic. I hath not seen such potent nightmares since..," She trailed off while staring down at the ring "that heinous magic fed off your fear, it's a magic I'm familiar with." "I'm going to be removing it soon, t-the ring that is." She glanced back up and nodded her head with a stern expression. "As you must," she turned away from me, her horn subtly glowing with magic "As princess of Equestria, and guardian of the night I'll be here to safeguard your dreams. So dream." My eyelids felt heavy, I felt my body slowly start sinking into the ocean beneath me and my mind became fuzzy. In a matter of seconds, I fell unconscious with one last thought. What a nauseous nightmare. > Pondering Preparation? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pondering Preparation? I rubbed my eyes and tried to get comfortable, a seemingly impossible task. I tossed and turned but I couldn't get back to sleep. I got out of bed with a disgruntled expression stamped on my face. I cracked my back and let out a satisfying yawn, the kind that hurts a little bit. I did some basic stretches, and as my morning routine dictates, I opened the window. I was expecting to see the sun in the sky, but it was barely peeking up over the horizon. I let out another big yawn and leaned on the open window sill as a small cold breeze wafted in. I closed my eyes and thought about what's going to happen today. There wasn't really much to think about, I have to meet the lord today. If I'm honest it's a bit nerve-wracking, like what am I going to even say? Just everything I said to Brim Stone hopefully, I don't know. Another cold breeze came and woke me up a little more. I opened my eyes to see the sun and felt sleepy as its heat made me comfortable. I need to wake up though, I slapped my hands together and walked over to my desk. I peered over the messy papers and disorganized array of books, the meeting is probably not for some time, so it leaves me with time to spare. I picked up a thick brown book that had gotten damaged in the ordeal with the bat pony. I pulled over my chair to the window and sat down with the brown book in hand. Leaning back in the chair I opened its scratched front cover and began reading under the morning light. Transmuter by Changing Winds Chapter 1: TRANSMUTATION? NOT TERRIBLE! It's me!!! Hello! Apprentice, Welcome! This book is by the great, the amazing, the incredibly handsome Changing Winds! As a master transmuter myself my publishing company demanded urged me to write some of the basic spells I use in my books. Like that time I used haste to escape a group of raging cragadiles! Ahhhh good times, I do tend to get in trouble. Oh buck, transmutation! Let's get back on topic, what is transmutation? Transmutation is all about change and creation, it's actually what I got my cutie mark in! Mhm, I turned my first marefriend into a frog...and uh...yeah they ran me out of town. Now let me say transmutation is a school of magic that offers a lot of freedom and flexibility. A good transmuter can transform a crazed minotaur into a harmless bunny, and change everything around them into weapons. It's about changing things up! Whether the thing you change is the color of a leaf or time itself, its transmutation! Let's hurry onto the basic transmutation spells, I can practically feel my publisher breathing down my neck...haha...yeah. Thaumaturgy A very very basic spell. It causes one of many small minor changes and magical effects. (The magical effects will be listed after the definition.) It's very minor in its mana usage and It's the first spell I learned too, it's a very good first spell for an up and coming transmuter! While focusing on your spell, first say mutare minoris then continue to focus your mana again and blah blah blah magic stuff. Now for the cool stuff, the effects! Make your voice BOOM (great at parties!) Change flames, customize the color, make them flicker, or brighten them! Make the ground SHAKE...slightly Change or create a sound within twenty-ish feet like a thunderclap or a balloon deflating! Make a door fly open! (Make sure it's unlocked though!) Change your eyes for a short time, it's great for a joke Awesome, right? I know. On to the next two spells which are still very easy. After all, the easiest spells have saved my sorry flank more than I can count! Let's move onto a personal favorite of mine, it's less difficult than thaumaturgy and much more useful! Mending Just as the name implies it mends! For a rough and tumble adventurer like me, I always end up ripping my saddlebags or armor on something. Just knowing mending comforts my bit bag. Mending can repair small cuts or broken pieces of something as long as it isn't too big. Er...sadly I've discovered it doesn't work to repair magic items, it can mend them physically but other than that it won't help. To cast it, just like the previous and most other transmutation spells there is an incantation. The incantation for mending is reficientes. Have Fun, but not too much fun, seriously. The last spell for this chapter before we get into some more advanced stuff is the hardest spell out of the three basic spells I decided to include. I do not recommend this for beginners, It can go wrong. Alter Self This is a very unique spell, not unique in the transmutation school but rather a unique experience. Alter self is a spell that has helped me in a couple of binds throughout my career. I should say however that it's a difficult spell for a beginner again but it's easier than the next section of spells. What does it do? Alter self does just as it says, you alter yourself temporarily for an hour. These alterations come in three different kinds. You can give yourself aquatic adaptations, I've had to do this numerous times when retrieving the golden baton from Rusalka's cave! This means sprouting gills or growing fins in uncomfortable places...I sometimes dislike this alteration. I've noticed this doesn't help improve your vision underwater so be careful! Also sharks, just sharks. The next alteration is to your appearance. You can change the way look, your height, weight, your mane color and length, sounds of your voice, et cetera. You can also make it appear as If you were a member of another race, as long as you aren't too big or small. I learned that after a small scuffle in the badlands I learned that you can not look like a minotaur or any kind of bipedal being, or vice versa if your a minotaur trying to be a pony. It just doesn't work. The cool thing is you can always change your appearance after the spell's completion if you concentrate hard enough! Lastly, one I don't like using. My teacher called it natural weapons, I tend to not use that name...or the alteration at all unless I seriously need to. This alteration makes you grow your choice of natural weaponry ranging from serrated fangs to spines and horns. I just don't like it personally, but still, I love the spell! Just focus on what you want after you say the incantation, which is mutare ad succedent. Now don't get yourself into trouble like I did when I forgot it only lasts an hour! I'm no longer allowed to leave my office until I finish this book because of it! Speaking of this book, onto the next chapter! We have a lot to cove- Well...I looked over and the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon. Why don't we try practicing some of them? I mean...It couldn't hurt, right? I stood up and equipped the dull blue crystal in my right hand, what spell to cast though? I really want to try the natural weapons spell but I should probably wait till I'm more experienced. I looked over at my newly acquired cloak that was laying on the desk, it had a few small rips and tears. Let's try that mending spell then, I could feel myself becoming excited. I love casting spells, it's always such a powerful euphoric feeling. I went through the steps to begin casting, and when it came to the second step I said the incantation. "Sarcio." I continued focusing and soon I expelled the mana out of my body and through the crystal. A few moments later small silky green strands of magic came from the crystal and incorporated themselves into the cloak. They squirmed and connected into other magic strands and the original fabric before solidifying at the same color as the rest of the fabric. It mended all of the small cuts around the one I originally targeted, but it didn't get the ones further away. I really want to try and alter myself it sounds fun. I glanced over the description of the spell and began casting. I immediately felt a large tug on my mana followed by dull pain. I was running out of mana, but I'm still going to finish the spell. I recalled the incantation and said it through the aches. I focused also on the adaption that I wanted, natural weapons. "mutare ad succedent." After iterating the incantation and exerting the mana into the catalyst it rebounded from the catalyst back into me like a wave. I was focusing on claws because I thought it would be cool, however, I looked down at my hands and saw nothing. I felt a sharp pain from my head for a second. "Ow!" I went to scratch my head but poked it on something sharp, instead of claws I must have given myself a set of horns! I reached up with my hands and gently felt the protruding keratin spikes. It was weird, I could feel that they were made of magic but they were as real as my fingers. I could feel them, kinda. I remember what the book said too, I could change the adaption if I end the current one. I don't think I have to recast the spell. I focused on the mana and felt it shift to my hands, where my fingers became webbed. I opened and closed my hand a couple of times, it felt as natural as anything else...just...magical too I guess. I shifted the adaption once again, this time to my characteristics. I felt myself become slightly taller and wider, fur grew all over my body and my linen shirt actually fit a little bit. I could feel two horns sprout from my head, and my feet turn into hoofs. Which is a very very gross feeling, having hoofs is claustrophobic. I had turned myself into a lanky and thin minotaur, It wasn't a very good transformation. I was short by minotaur standards and I was still as weak as I normally was. I also had a muzzle...and flatter teeth. It was just an interesting experience. I also had a tail! I didn't really look like a standard minotaur but it was a step in the right direction, maybe the more I practice the spell the better I will get at it. I took a step, it felt natural. I took another one and walked around. It wasn't too different from being human, I don't really see the point of using this spell right now though. This lasts for an hour too? I don't know how to dispel it. Still, it feels cool to be something else, magic is amazing. I walked over to the desk and grabbed another book before sitting down again, though now I sat a head taller than I used to. Aw man, now the wind isn't as cold because of all the dark auburn fur...that's annoying. I looked down at the book I had grabbed, It was the journal that I read previously, maybe I can learn another illusion spell. I opened the book and navigated back to the basic spells category. Silent Image- This spell, "Silent image", allows the illusionist to create an illusion capable of being moved within a sixty-foot radius of the spells original casting location. The illusion is incapable of producing sensory effects such as sounds or smells. This illusion can be made to look like a creature walking or a ball rolling and more options depending on the illusionist's creativity. To cast this spell, focus on the image you want and what you would like it to do. This animation can be altered later. Control your thoughts, and focus, control the amount of mana. Once this is complete the illusion should be placed. It will last for ten minutes and If the illusion is touched it will dissipate. As is the custom within the Lulamoon Family, all apprentices will use this spell along with the "silence. " spell listed below to complete a mark and be evaluated for a position based on their performance. Silence is by no means a basic spell, it would be placed at the later portion of the novice chapter. However, it is necessary for the previously mentioned task. "Silence" creates a twenty-foot sphere and nothing within the sphere can make sound or hear a sound. Not many illusion spells require an incantation, this one does. The incantation is "silentium." Just like in previous spells it requires good focus and concentratio- I think it's time for a break from reading. I looked down and still realized I'm in the semi-minotaur form still. I shrugged and decided to get prepared for the meeting. I equipped my cloak and organized my desk. I emptied out one of the sacks in the corner and stored the bat pony's possessions in it. This took me some time to get everything ready and once I put the last thing in the sack I felt myself revert back to being human. It felt...tingly? Yes, tingly all over is the best I can describe it. I patted the top of my head attempting to feel if there were any horns still, seems like I was back to normal completely. With a small smile, I threw the sack over my shoulder and went to find Brim Stone. > Aerial Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerial Arrival As I was walking down the hallway from my room I passed by a maid carrying a tray of tarts and sweetbread. I should go get breakfast, but that would take too much time, maybe I could... "Hey, there's a spider in your mane." "What!? Where!?" She quickly turned around and looked at her mane frantically, I gingerly reached over and grabbed one of the sweetbreads. "Oh, oops, my bad, must've been some dust in my eye," I rubbed my eye and walked away with my breakfast, I don't think whoever is getting that order is going to mind a missing sweetbread, it was also kind of fun too. After taking a few bites from the delicious treat I arrived at Brim Stone's office, I knocked a couple of times and waited for a response. After a few seconds the door opened, and I was surprised to find Brim Stone completely groomed. It was definitely a stark contrast to his usual appearance. His previously unkept mane was in a...ponytail, his spectacles were cleaned and his staple wizard hat had been traded for a mini wizard hat. He was also wearing a formal navy colored robe, this guy really spent a lot of time on his outfit. He was also equipped with two visibly stuffed saddlebags. I mean compared to him, my new outfit wasn't really that spectacular. "Sup," I pointed at his clothes "I like the new look." "Thank you. Do you have everything required for the meeting today?" "Well...I think so," He trotted out of his office and I followed behind him "I'm kinda nervous about this, honestly It's not every day you meet the lord of a fortress city!" "There is no need to be nervous Peter," we started going down the central staircase "lord Skarn isn't larger than life, as much as he'd love for you to think so." "What do you mean?" "I mean nothing by it, he just happens to love when ponies give him attention. You shouldn't be worried about meeting him, it will all go swimmingly." He seems to know Skarn pretty well, they've probably spoken frequently with one another. I scratched the small patch of growing hair on my chin while thinking about the possibilities. While I was thinking Brim Stone was talking to the receptionist. A few short moments later she nodded and gestured towards the door. Brim Stone looked back at me and tipped his head towards the door. "It would seem like our entourage is ready." "Huh?" He opened the door and walked outside, what did he mean by entourage? I didn't remember anyone else coming with us. As soon as I walked outside I realized what he meant, we had four armed guards. The two pegasi guards were...driving? No, pulling the carriage. The other two were waiting at the door, one earth pony and a unicorn. I recognized the earth pony from being one of the guards that came to assess the situation when I broke into Tine's old study. What a coincidence, I shook my head and followed behind Brim Stone who was entering the carriage, the two guards entered behind him and sat on the opposite side of him. I squeezed between the three ponies and sat beside Brim Stone, which was the only space available. Instead of sitting awkwardly for the duration of the ride, I reached for the burlap sack that I placed between my legs and pulled out the book on Runology. A short read until we got to the castle couldn't hur- "Damn," the startling feeling of weightlessness surprised me. "I forget this thing flies. I think I'll just put this back." Being flown around is a weird experience, very similar to being flown in a plane but with much more turbulence. I decided that maybe I'll just read next time, but as I was putting the book away I caught Brim Stone staring at me. "Er...something on your mind sir?" "Pardon this question, and I mean no offense by it but what are you, Peter?" "I'm a magically transformed ape given sentience by Aiughroulkith the cruel," I looked up expecting to at least see a smile at my joke. They didn't even begin to smile they just looked confused, they don't think I'm serious right? "I-I'm joking, I'm a human. Why the sudden curiosity?" "Nothing but a trickle of thoughts, I was wondering what you were when I first met with you in appleloosa." "Well, you're not exactly the first curious pony to ask that," I glanced out the window to see Stone Haven passing beneath us "speaking of questions, the sheriff told me your family founded Stone Haven, what's the story about that?" "It's a largely exaggerated tale involving my family, not necessarily an old tale but any means. Stone Haven wasn't always a city. As you may know, it was a fortress built by Badlanders pre-Equestria to be an aegis against monsters from the badlands." "Badlanders?" "They were a mixed pony tribe that moved north from the south after some sort of unknown magic cataclysm, they lived in the badlands and developed the name badlanders because of their morally unplesant disposition and the place where they lived." "They built all of Stone Haven?" "No, the badlanders actually returned to the badlands after some time, the only thing they left behind besides the city itself was the powerful runes etched in the stone. Before Stone Haven became a city and got its name it was under the ownership of many different factions and groups. It wasn't until my great-great-grandfather Dolo Stone arrived in Stone Haven that things began to change." This story is much more interesting than reading, I idly glanced out the small window again and noticed we were nearing the castle. I looked back at Brim stone and continued listening. "Wait, change how?" "As much as the stories would want you to believe my great-great-grandfather did not enact a revolution, nor did he intend to do what he did. Dolo Stone had managed to connect and improve much of the trade within the walls of the fortress, and over time it went from a divided and dilapidated fortress to a small diverse village. There was resistance in some stages and many more stories to tell about it, but that's how Stone haven was founded, very much on accident." "I heard from my father that Dolo Stone fell out of the sky and cut down the leaders before him," the unicorn guard interjected, he quickly covered his mouth with his hoof before speaking again. "I didn't mean to interrupt." "Apologies sir," The earth pony guard next to him sighed. "No worries you tw-" Brim Stone's words were interrupted by the carriage landing, causing an abrupt end to our conversation. The shaking was making me nauseous, I never want to be in a flying carriage ever again. The shaking eventually ended as the carriage came to a halt. "It seems like we've arrived." I exited after Brim Stone and looked around once I stepped out, I should mention I've never been to a castle before, It's huge. We were on some sort of platform area, l looked around and noticed a decent amount of other carriages most of which adorned varying flags or colors. The gothic castle was leaking with warm light and the sounds of ponies and creatures within, is a castle usually this busy? What's going on? I was following Brim Stone as we approached the large gates with guards in toe, the sounds grew in intensity the closer we got. So with my curiosity peaked I decided to ask Brim Stone. "Is the castle usually this busy?" He tsked and didn't answer me, instead, he continued walking to the gates and stopped to speak with one of the guards, their conversation just seemed like basic identification and entry nonsense. I wasn't really paying attention, I was distracted by the castle. It was just so massive, it made me feel small. "Peter." "Peter." "Peter!" "Huh, what? Oh sorry, what did you say?" "I need you to wait outside the hall until somepony comes and gets you. I have things I need to speak with the lord about in private." "Oh alright," I nodded and looked forwards as the gate opened "you don't think I'll get assassinated while I'm waiting right?" He trotted briskly through the gate without answering my question. "Right!? Hey, wait up!" > Audible Audience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audible Audience We entered the castle. Now let me say, I'm not necessarily a social butterfly. I can carry a conversation and I'm okay with crowds, but when we entered the castle I was somewhat overwhelmed. There were ponies everywhere and other races as well, the majority of them looked like nobles straight from a fantasy storybook. They even had fancy neck ruffles...never thought I'd see those outside the renaissance. Us entering had managed to grab their attention as many whispers and unsubtle gazes were centered around us. I ignored it for the most part and focused on following Brim Stone. We exited the large room and started walking down a huge hallway, and as we walked I absentmindedly observed the tapestry hanging on the walls. It depicted a tower surrounded by walls, I saw this same image being flown on the red flags outside Stone Haven too. Maybe It was a representation of Stone Haven...an emblem? It definitely looks interesting. I turned my focus back to where we were going. At the end of the hall, a large opened wooden door revealed an enormous room. The sheer size of it was stunning, it felt like it was a flex of power, or of craftsmanship. While I was busy picking my jaw up off the floor Brim Stone walked past the guard in front of the giant room. In response, the guard saluted him before returning back to his position. Huh? What was that? Maybe they already knew who he was right as he got to the door? That just leaves the question, why did they salute? I hesitantly walked past the door guard and looked at the room. This was the throne room, that much was obvious. A giant throne sat at the end of the room, a giant red tapestry showing Stone Haven's emblem hung above the throne. Three giant windows illuminated the room in a grand display of craftsmanship. Glancing around I became quickly aware it wasn't just our entourage that was here. No, there were much more people here. Races of all sorts and almost all nobles by the looks of it, minus the guards that escorted them. I glanced at Brim Stone, his expression was steadily getting sourer. "Uh...Brim Stone should I go back out to the hal-" "Yes, I will have one of the guards notify you when you can enter." "Alright, I'll just go wait in the hall." I turned around and saw several heads quickly turn back to their groups, ugh. I pulled my cloak over my arms and attempted to conceal my body. It was just weird to be judged by a bunch of strangers. I adjusted the sack so it was wrapped around my shoulder so I didn't have to hold it, it made it easier to keep myself semi-concealed. I shrugged and kept moving until I exited the throne room. After I exited the room the guard closed the door and then resumed staring down the hallway with no emotion. Now for the most exciting part of today...waiting. I walked away from the door and sat down on the stone ground with my back to the cold wall. After a few minutes pass I could feel boredom creeping over me, I wish I had a book or something. I started whistling to entertain myself but I was interrupted by a cacophony of sounds coming from the throne room. I could hear the sounds of muffled words followed by clapping and stomping through the door and walls. Then it was silent, absolutely silent. It felt that way at least, I heard the clopping of hooves echoing down the stone hallway. I turned my attention from the throne room door to the approach of the anonymous ponies. A large group of ponies, all in gleaming gold armor steadily walked down the hallway. After observing them for a few minutes I caught a glimpse of their emblem, which was emblazoned on a few saddlebags. "Huh," I whispered in shock, in the company of the guards was a very tall pony. A horse? No, wait. Rainbow mane, A flag with two winged ponies on it, cmon brain work! Celestia! That's her name, c'mon Peter, she is the Princess of Eques- "Holy shit," I exclaimed to myself in a hushed whisper. This is the ruler, well, co- ruler, of all Equestria. That's...well...It's like meeting the president or something right? I looked at her, she was very different from the average pony. She stood at around my height and had very beautiful magenta eyes and a white coat. She was different, and it was obvious to anyone who saw her, or to me at least. The armored group of ponies began to pass by me and in a moment of silence, our eyes met. It was an odd feeling, I've made eye contact with a lot of ponies, but this was different. We were both curious, that was my guess at least, after that brief moment of eye contact time seemed to speed up and they passed. Upon them entering the room I could literally feel the stone floors vibrating from the clapping and...hoof stomping? I let out a sigh, It just felt like I had a conversation with my eyeballs. I stretched and felt something pop, maybe sitting on the cold hard floor wasn't doing me any favors. While I made the effort to get my lazy ass off the ground I noticed something odd. It was a sun emblazoned saddlebag, oh shit the princess must have dropped her bag or something, maybe it was one of her guards? I picked up the bag and started walking to the throne room. I paused at the doorway and bit my lip. Brim Stone told me to wait outside, at least until I was told to go back. I looked down at the saddlebag in my hands, well shit what do I do? I gazed up at the door guard. "Hey, uh, I think those ponies dropped something. Can you take this to them? I can't reall-" The throne room door was opened by one of our entourage guards, who quickly looked at me. "Peter, Brim Stone said to enter. Follow Me." These people are always so demanding, sheesh. I started following but felt nervous as I was still holding the bag, I hope they don't think I'm stealing. We entered the throne room and I kept my head forward and followed the guard. We traversed in the background, trying to avoid going directly through groups of ponies. I wasn't drawing unwanted stares this time, most of the nobles seemed to be looking at something else. I kept thinking about what to do with the bag, perhaps I could give it to Brim Stone or something and he could pass it on. The guard and I reached the far end of the throne room and began walking up a small staircase. By the time we reached the top of the stairs I realized where we were, I looked up from the bag in my hands to the left to see the entirety of the throne room. I looked to see every noble in the room looking up and in my direction. "O-oh, my go-" I looked to the right to see Princess Celestia, Brim Stone, and who I would assume to be Skarn. I opened and closed my mouth several times before robotically holding out the saddlebag to the Princess. "Yours." Nice one Peter, really great at using that gob of yours aren't you?! This is embarrassing. She levitated the saddlebag out of my hand with a golden magic aura. "Thank you," her voice was sweet, it made me feel a lot less embarrassed. I took a few small steps toward Brim Stone, which I hope wasn't perceived as rude. I turned towards Skarn and looked between him and Brim Stone. They were very familiar in appearance. They only differed in terms of build, Skarn was nearly identical to the statue in from of the library, he was an earth pony decorated in scars and he definitely had some kind of aura to him. His blue coat was exactly like Brim Stone's, his mane was significantly longer, darker, and wilder too. While Brim Stone was lankier and had a slim build. "B-brim Stone i-is this the part where I bow or like...," I whispered to Brim Stone, I think I may have whispered too loud because soon after I finished whispering Skarn started laughing. Brim Stone was rubbing his head with his hoof in what I assume was a gesture of frustration or disappointment. It's kind of hard to tell with ponies sometimes. "Where did you find this one Brim!?" The large stallion laughed out the words and wiped a tear from his eye. Brim Stone did not look amused. "We need to speak in private brother, this is of the utmost importance." Brother!? Well, I mean that's kinda obvious looking at them but still, wow. He also just said that in front of Princess Celestia...isn't that rude? I guess he's just getting business out of the way. Skarn narrowed his eyes before smiling and returning back to his bubbly and jovial disposition. He looked from Brim Stone to the Princess shortly before responding. "Haha, brother, we are in the company of the princess surely it can wait? After all, it would be rude for a prince such as yourself to avoid such things." Skarn's deep voice erred on the side of a subtle threat more than anything, or at least that's how it felt to me. I glanced over to see the princess observing the brothers as well. I glanced back and I could practically feel the tension after their small exchange. Yikes, and here I thought they had a good relationship. That question was practically dripping with barely hidden frustration. I heard Brim Stone click his tongue, he's been frustrated since we got here and I don't think this makes it much better. "As I said previously Skarn, it is of the utmost importance. I would not waste the Stone lord's time." Skarn's facade quickly deteriorated as he slowly stood up from his large stone throne, he looked at the princess for a moment and walked out to the center of the duel staircases. His imposing figure enraptured the already persistent gazes of the nobles below. "Welcome to the bi-annual Autumnal Equinox festivities! As you may know now is the time where the noble houses of both Stone Haven and Canterlot commune all while we celebrate our history and the beauty of changing times," he paused as a guard walked towards him with a large chalice, he grabbed it and continued. "and as is the tradition of generations before me I shall drink from the chalice of fortunate change!" As soon as he took a sip, the room lit up. Bright candles illuminated any creeping shadows and the sounds of music filled the air. Conversations sparked between the nobles whose attention was drawn to the festivities, or at least most of them anyway. Skarn raised the chalice in the air before the same guard as before returned and took it away. I leaned over towards Brim Stone and asked something I've been wondering about. "I thought you said Princess Celestia wasn't going to be here till the 25th?" "It is the twenty-fifth, I can't believe I overlooked something so simple..." He started mumbling undecipherable profanity under his breath. I paused to observe Skarn walking over to Princess Celestia. "So what do we do now?" Brim Stone didn't respond, instead, he turned back to Skarn with a furrowed brow. After a few moments, he let out a frustrated sigh and shook his head. "Ridiculous," a few moments passed before he looked at me and answered, "We must wait." "I have a dumb idea," I crossed my arms "like four outta ten on the dumb scale." "What is it Peter?" he didn't look amused at all. "Let's just be confrontational about it, It shouldn't really matter if Princess Celestia hears it right? If anything she should hear about it, a cult? Skulking around Stone Haven? Seems kind of important." I looked over to the two rulers speaking and determined that we were far enough away to not be heard. Brim Stone just stared at me blankly, he blinked slowly and ran his hoof through his trimmed white beard. Something flickered in his eyes for a moment, he seemed to be thinking. Realization dawned on his face moments later and he looked at me. "You have the items?" "I mean, yeah," I pulled the sack containing everything over my shoulder for Brim Stone to see "is that a yes?" "It's a yes." I looked down at the sack and shrugged. He probably has some sort of way he wants to do this, that'll take much longer than necessary. I felt anxiety crawl up my shoulders as I gripped the sack tightly, I'm just going to do it my way. I'll just walk over there and say that we have a cult problem, easy. "I got this." "Huh? What do you-" I started walking towards Skarn interrupting and leaving behind Brim Stone who quickly ran to my side. I ignored his questioning, probably something I'd regret later. What am I thinking? I'm going against the wishes of a literal Prince! No, I've already committed to it, I have to do it now. A few feet away the two royals noticed my approach, I opened the sack and started speaking. "Lord Skarn I apologize for interrupting your conversation," I gestured to the open sack before continuing "In this sack, is evidence that there is currently cult activity in your city. Under further investigation with the help of Prince Brim Stone's daughter, I was able to learn that this cul-" "What?" Skarn interrupted, a vein bulged on his forehead and neck. I never felt such intimidation, and this is coming from someone who met a hydra, or rather ran from a hydra. I reached into the sack and pulled out the letter, skarn snatches it out of my hand with a stinging glare. I audibly gulped before continuing. "I was attacked by a bat pony in the dead of night, she attempted to kill me for this," I held out my hand and gestured to the ring, which let out occasional dull pulses of light "she was carrying that letter on her along with purple equipment, Tine stated the pony probably belonged to the Umbral Church." I saw Celestia's horn glow in a golden aura, shortly after a transparent bubble appeared. It seemed like it was only visible to us four. "Can you please explain what happened from the beginning?" Ah, what a nice voice. The princess is asking me what happened? I looked over to see Brim Stone with a worried expression, and I quickly glanced at Skarn to see he looked like he wouldn't mind disassembling my body. I let out a small sigh and explained everything. From when I first got the ring to my weird out of body experience involving the two ponies finishing a deal. I covered a lot of ground, with small and occasional questions from the princess on why I did certain things. She was particularly assertive on the subject of the bat pony's condition, this gave me a bit of insight into her character. Skarn didn't ask any questions but I did notice that as time went on he became a lot less aggressive. Looking more curious in some parts rather than angry. I also noticed that Brim Stone looked frustrated in some parts, at least around parts involving the amulet. I finished explaining and I finished with gesturing to the sack a final time. "and that's why I'm here with a sack of that bat pony's stuff." I looked between the three royals, I didn't know what kind of reaction I'd be getting. Celestia looked at me, her large magenta eye boring into me. A few painfully long seconds later she took her eyes off me and began speaking. "It would seem, Lord Skarn, that the umbral church is active in Stone Haven." "It would seem so," Skarn replied calmly, he turned looked at me "I apologize for my initial skepticism." "N-no sir you don't have to apologize, really! Uh, w-what now though?" Stop fucking stuttering, it's okay. "We must start rooting out the cult, I'll speak with my advisor." Princess Celestia was about to chime in before a guard approached and interrupted the conversation. His stoic mask was cracking as signs of uncertainty showed, he addressed Skarn with a shaking voice. "S-sir, an unexpected blizzard has breached the runes. Many patrols have already reported unstable traveling conditions and we can't even get a patrol outside without risking injury." I looked up at the windows to see the shadows of snow and sleet, and when I listened closely I heard the muffled sound of harsh winds. "What are you trying to say?" "We can't leave Lord." > Celestial?! Check! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestial?! Check! ...Twenty minutes later... "This is sheer nonsense!" "Sir Shalehoof, please try to be understanding." I tuned out the rest of the conversation, just Brim Stone calming down yet another noble. This Shalehoof fella was supposed to be a knight too, at least according to Brim Stone, what a joke. Fun fact, just because a noble is dressed in armor and looks kinda badass does not in fact make them badass. I rolled my shoulders and glanced around, I was getting a bit irritable. Such a short time and shit is already hitting the fan. Only a few minutes had passed and during that time Skarn was forced to acknowledge the situation, soon after that, it became noticeable that the situation was and still is steadily deteriorating. Princess Celestia did manage to calm the crowd for the most part with a few small words. Except for a few complaining nobles, that jack off of a knight for example. The princess was spending most of the time speaking with her guards, and Lord Skarn. This left a communication gap that could be felt throughout the room, or maybe It just felt that way to me. "I gotta stop my internal monologing," I grumbled. Though Isn't it a bit weird for the weather to progress that much in twenty minutes? Also...they keep mentioning that this weather is unscheduled...like normally they'd normally schedule the weather. Ponies are weird when it comes to joking. I'm getting restless. I'm also getting too absorbed in thought, It's just a blizzard. I'll just get out of this room and take a breather. I casually shook the thoughts out of my head as the sounds of the blizzard outside grew louder. "Fuckin' blizzards," I pushed myself off the rail and walked up the stairs, leaving Brim Stone to deal with Shalehoof. After reaching the top of the staircase I paused to look at the throne room a moment. There were sconces lining the walls of the room that provided the light the windows could not, and the only reason I noticed them was because of their occasionally flickering. One by one the lights were slowly flickering out, why in the wor- *BANG* The sound of the throne room doors slamming into the wall interrupted my thinking, a group of Celestia's guards were quickly approaching and seemed to be in a hurry. As soon as they reached her only a few words left their lips before the light in the room disappeared. Leaving the cold blue light of the windows, the room became absolutely silent. The guards, the nobles, damn even Shalehoof became quiet. It was as if the tension in the room had reached a climax, I looked back over at the Princess to see her nodding off her guards and saying a few small words to Skarn that I couldn't hear. She gracefully approached the balcony and began speaking to the crowd. "My little pon-" Huh? I saw something in the corner of my eye, I looked back up at the window. I shook my head and tuned back into what princess Celestia was saying. "the situatio-" Before I was even two words back into what she was saying the window behind her shattered. Cold and icy winds blew throughout the room and chilled me to my bones. I put my hands over my eyes and face to block the harsh winds that racked my body, and the shards of glass that were falling. A large shard of glass cut the back of my hands but miraculously I was not hit anywhere else. Gripping my hand and applying pressure I looked up at the broken window to see a figure levitating in the new opening. (This is some background sound for their entrance.) "What the hell..." A shock wave of purple light emanated from the figure causing me to stumble backward. I looked down to see two guards had attempted to get close and were killed. I stared upward and felt the sheer amount of power emanating from the presence. I quickly glanced over at the royals to check on their condition. They looked okay for the most part, except for Princess Celestia. Her rainbow mane had embers slowly rising from it, and her eyes...in contrast to her mane were cold. In one swift motion, the anonymous pony pushed their cloak to reveal a familiar face. It was her, the mare from that out of body experience! Around her neck was a glowing red light, the amulet from before. I could see her features much more clearly now compared to when I saw her the first time. She had a large wild black mane that was barely contained by dark purple bands, her stature was that of a normal unicorn, and the way she moved was very tactile, at least from my observations it seems that way. Her gray eyes were very...observant, as she descended I noticed she was analyzing the situation constantly. She gracefully landed on the floor and looked at the princess. No words were said, however, in a moment's time her gray eyes swept over to me. Her eyes narrowed and she put up her chin in disgust. Okay, screw you too. I didn't want to take my eyes off her, it felt like forever passed as she looked me over. Where the fuck are the other guards. I heard the stomping of hooves and the clattering of armor and seconds later several voices rang out. "Protect the princess!" "Protect the lord!" Oh, there they are. A little bit late huh? Or maybe you just got the confidence to yell something? I glanced over to see the princess gesturing for her guards to step back, a moment later she stepped towards the shadow mare. Her voice was different from its sweet normality, instead, it rippled with barely disguised anger. "What is the meaning of this?" "The meaning?" the mare started cackling and the wicked sounds of her laugh echoed throughout the throne room "Oh ignorant sun, perhaps it is a declaration of a long-desired victory. You're only delaying the revival, with every day we get closer and you...oh you...you're a pitiful thing. The nightmare shall begin again...and you are powerless to stop it, oh pitiful sun. The meaning is clear, you have lost." Her gray eyes began glowing with magical power, and her black mane became very similar to Celestia's. It whipped widely by some unknown force, as soon as she finished speaking Princess Celestia's mane erupted into fire. Her magenta eye's burning with an unbreakable resolve to fight the mare. Welp, here goes nothing. "Blah blah blah overthrow the government blah blah death to the princess bullshit blah," I swept my arms out in a grand mocking gesture. "Look at you, all edgy 'n stu-" In a heartbeat, the mare's power-filled glare locked onto me causing me to stop. Her horn began glowing with a spell at the ready but before anything happened the mare was rammed by a white blur. Both of them went sailing over the staircase and through the stone wall beyond it. I'm glad my distraction worked, I felt like she was baiting the princess into attacking her. Maybe that spell she was preparing wasn't for me...wel- The walls of the castle shook and stone pieces crumbled from the new hole in the wall as the sounds of loud blasts echoed through the entire castle. What the shit, that's from them fighting!? Holding onto the balcony railing I turned around to see guards yelling and gesturing towards the window, a group of heavily armored ponies burst through the other two windows and began creating chaos in the room. I ran down the stairs nearly tripping over my feet, I saw some of Celestia's guards fighting the cult's forces. A strike of lightning struck the wood railing above me, I narrowly dodged the falling wood before making it down the staircase. It seems like it must have been one of the...cult soldiers, that lightning was magic. I looked behind me to see a cult member, a unicorn pointing a hoof at me from the top of the stairs. From behind them, two armored cultists rushed down the steps. Fuck, where the hell did Brim Stone go? I didn't see him anywhere, the cult would be on me soon too. I made a mad dash away from the stairs and turned forward to see guards of Princess Celestia pass me. I looked behind me to see members of the cult splitting off from the fight to focus soley on me and evading Celestia's forces. What the shit. I'm not going to be able to outrun that many cult soldiers, what the hell. As they neared closer I desperately ran away and dodged numerous attacks by sheer luck and their shitty aim. I slid under one of the long catering tables and started crawling as fast as I could. *thunk* A spear pierced the table in front of me, I crawled around it and kept going like my life depended on it...because it did. The sounds of a spear slamming into the stone floor behind me kept me pushing forward. I was under the last table and I could hear the pony above me put its weight on the table. I used all the strength left in my burning muscles to throw my body out from under the last table, I rolled clumsily on my side into a kneeling position. I was ready to run If I had to but I didn't have enough energy for a full out sprint, they'd be able to catch up easily. I was a bit from the hallway door but there's no way I could make it, I squinted my eyes and observed the cultists that attacked me. On top of the table was a heavily armored earth pony stallion with an open visor helmet so I got a good sight of his scarred visage and downright intimidating appearance. Following behind him were two more earth ponies, with varying degrees of armor. "You guys wanna let me catch my breath?" The large stallion scowled. "No? Well, it was worth asking." I weakly pushed myself into a standing position and pulled out the small blue crystal from my pocket. I don't want to die, I don't have a lot to live for here but I still got Hugo and I really fear dying. I began casting the spell ignoring their fast approach and began using all of my concentration and focus on the spell. "Mutare ad succedent." I felt my arms and shoulders shivers as wide spade-like spines grew from them, I turned back to the quickly approaching cultists. The large one was staying back but the other two were fast approaching, I held my arms out in an awkward defensive posture. It was clear I didn't know what I was doing and I was desperate. The two approaching guards were disturbed by the spines, but they were close enough to attack me now. One of them had a rusty halberd and the other was unarmed completely. The one with the halberd thrust the spear end of the halberd which I clumsily sidestepped. It took him a second but once he recovered from the missed stab he decided to try and slash me with the axe blade portion. I took a breath and rushed forward, I held up my right arm as I rushed forward expecting an impact. The axe shaft battered against my spines, cracking and splintering some of them. I let out a yelp and bit my lip. I felt a searing hot pain in my hip and elbow, while I might have blocked some of the blow all I did was make it less lethal. The axe head had still managed to deliver a small injury to my elbow and hip, I used this opportunity to morph the spines on my arm to a singular horn on my head. In a matter of seconds, I had closed the distance and had an opportunity to make a strike. I got close and headbutt the soldier with as much force as I could muster. It stunned the stallion, grabbing the stallion's neck and pauldron I used to it to throw him to the ground. He still had his weapon in his hoof, I could feel blood trickle down from my scalp as I turned my gaze from the dazed soldier to his companion. He was a lightly armored stallion, but this meant he'd be faster than his peer. The only reason he didn't attack me at the same time, I assume, would be so he didn't get hit by his cultist friend. I don't have time for this to drag on, I was already tired and the more time I spent fighting the more time the other soldier would have to recover. The magic was still in effect, so with a little bit of focus the singular solid horn on my head dissipated and I attempted to grow claws. I must have lost focus for a moment because instead of claws the back of my hands became covered in a jumbled mess of pointed spines. The spines went from my form arm to my knuckles, unlike earlier these were thinner and not spade-like. I flexed my hand a moment to get used to the odd feeling. It felt uncomfortable because of the number of spines, I must have overdone it. I didn't know that was an effect, I guess you can't have too many natural weapons or your mana gets spread too thin or something. Don't lose focus Peter, get your head in the fight. I put my arms up and approached the stallion, I quickly covered the ground and as I got close he turned around and bucked his hind legs into the air. I took a step back when I saw him turn around but If I was just one step closer he might've broken my skull. I can't block his attacks with my arms or he will probably break them. He immediately repositioned himself after attacking and after a few seconds, he charged forward and attempted to tackle me. He was too close for me to dodge and he could probably catch me if I sidestepped, so with that in mind, I prepared myself. I rose my arms and aimed my left arm so that the spines would be directly positioned between his neck and his shoulderblade. Within a few seconds, I felt him slam into my midsection and left leg with all his force, completely squishing my left arm into my torso. He managed to get a hold of my left leg and used his momentum to throw us both on the floor. Taking a few seconds to recover I held my hands up and felt two hooves slam into my forearms, I looked up and saw him about to strike again. Then in a moment of desperation, I saw something, his neck was exposed. He brought down his hooves and at the same time, I attacked with my right arm. I desperately started punching his throat, while barely dodging his attacks. My left arm was weak, bruised, and shaking but I punched again weakly with my left hand. My attacks, albeit desperate, was enough to stun him for a second. Using that small time frame I brought my right fist up and uppercut his throat. He fell over grasping his throat, he wasn't dead that's for sure. Just incapacitated, I looked down at my right and left hands. They were mangled and bloody as his armor was tough and protected his chin where my blows ended. My fingers were bruised and battered because I didn't punch properly and my knuckles were split. I pushed myself off the ground, barely managing to support my own weight. These soldiers...er...cultists were almost as inexperienced in fighting as I am, I only got out of this because I was lucky. I looked up to see the final soldier standing at the end of the table with a small smirk on his face. Scratch that, I might be unlucky. I wiped the blood off my face and then felt the fatigue grip me, I stumbled before catching myself again. The armored cultist began to slowly approach me. "M-man, you don't get invited to parties do you?" He didn't respond, instead, he raised his spear in response. "Well...I guess I'll just assume your name is shakespeare, I bet you didn't get the point of the joke huh?" I closed my eyes and braced myself for the worst. Within seconds the sounds of metal being smashed caused me to open my eyes. Skarn was standing over the stallion, his hulking figure an imposing sight. His guards followed behind him and...killed the two cult soldiers on the ground. He looked over at me with a stoic expression and began speaking. "Have you seen the Princess?" "Before or after she flew threw the wal-" *crash* I looked in the direction of the sounds of spells and rumbling. "Something's telling me that direction...just a hunch though." As I listened I noticed that it was getting closer and clo- before I could finish my observation the wall behind me erupted with pieces of stone and smoke. The shadow pony shot out from the hole covered in smoke and fire and limply landed on the floor a few feet from me, I hesitantly looked back at the hole to see orange eyes peer back from the darkness with whisps of fire flowing around them. Princess Celestia exited the hole, her mane slowly returned back to its normal serene state soon after. She looked relatively unharmed, a few scuffs and some dirt but nothing serious. She slowly approached the limp pony and ripped the amulet off her body, and dropped it on the ground. The cult lady slowly pushed herself off the ground but couldn't completely, princess Celestia slowly turned her head and with a tone colder then ice asked. "Now, again, what is the meaning of this?" Remind me to never insult a pony with a horn and a pair of wings, yeah? Especially if they can control the sun. > Serious Suspicions? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serious Suspicions? "I already told you," the mare let out a brief laugh but it quickly devolved into a fit of coughs. She continued as a splash of crimson blood stained her lips. "It's already over, you solar bastards can't win. I-it's already too late for you, this may set back his arrival but our victory is assure-" Before she could finish, the veins in her neck bulged and her muscles convulsed and soon after that, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She collapsed while grasping at her neck, I observed where she was grasping at and saw several black lesions and marks spreading outward. It seemed the amulet had a rather sinister side effect. ...she isn't dead right? I felt myself swallow what felt like a brick. I looked at the mare once again and looked for signs of breathing. I felt compelled to check her condition, I limped over to her and leaned down. Just as I got close an intense putrid scent assaulted my nose. Her blood was turning a dark black and seemed to be the source of the smell. I stopped kneeling and took two steps back, my legs however had different plans and gave out. I fell on my ass and hit the back of my head with a small thud. While rubbing my head I looked over to see the princess holding the amulet in her grip and speaking with her guards and Skarn. I turned my head back and looked up at the ceiling, I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I blinked and opened them again to find a guard standing over me, is that the one from the door? It was hard to tell with all the sweat and pain in my eyes. "Can't a guy get his beauty sleep around here?" "Salve get over here, he's blee-" I stopped paying attention to what he was saying as the distracting feelings of nausea and anxiety took over. My vision was becoming blurry, how much was I bleeding again? I felt my eyes grow heavy and fought to keep them open. While I struggled I caught a glimpse of a lanky unicorn in white detailed armor approaching me. I must have closed my eyes again because when I opened my eyes again I was propped up against the throne room wall with bandages wrapped around my abdomen and my elbow. I also smelled like pine needles...I don't know exactly why. I looked down to see that most of my wounds were dressed. There was some sort of green slime under my bandages, it was also over all the other small cuts on my body. I looked around to see some guards also decorated in bandages and a few had splints. My cloak and shirt have also been taken off and left on the floor next to me, the sack filled with the batpony's belongings was there too. I slowly put on my shirt and cloak when I saw out of my peripheral vision two giant blue eyes looking at me, a relatively short stallion was staring at me. "Uh...hi?" "H-how did you do all that?" "Huh?" "A-all of that! Y-you completely took out those cultists! I've never seen anything like it before," he began mumbling, I guess he got embarrassed? I don't think the guy is a guard. All he's wearing is a stained brown robe and a belt of assorted items. He seems like a nerd even has a semi-nasally voice too. "It was just some rudimentary magic and a bunch of luck. I also didn't y'know...take them out." I awkwardly scratched the back of my head with my right hand and looked over at Skarn. I owe him, If it wasn't for him I'd be dead. They took out those cultists not me, I looked back over at the unicorn to see him staring at me with a twinkle in his eyes. "I saw you in the chaos, how you tricked them by sliding under the table a-a-and how you beat them with only your fists!" I snorted, he said tricked, If only he knew I was just running away. He looked at me with a confused expression and I couldn't help but feel warm mirth. "Yeah yeah sure, tricked, who are you anyway?" "M-me?" He looked completely shocked, he even cartoonishly looked around. "Yeah, you. Another question on top of that, are you a guard?" "My name is C-curious Hope, I'm not a guard. I'm under the t-tutelage of Sir Ironmane, the court wizard." "Wait, wait for a second...is Hope a common last name?" "N-no why?" Well shit, that's a hell of a coincidence! He's probably a distant family member of Rocky Hope, I wonder how the kid is doing. "No reason, that's cool that you're his...er...apprentice?" "One of them, y-yes." "Well that's cool as hell, hey did you see what happened to the prince? Brim Stone, he isn't dead right?" "Um, I-I don't know." "Ah, well that's alright." Silence settled between us as I stopped asking questions and he seemed too nervous to ask any himself. I looked out at the throne room and it seemed for the most part everyone was okay. The blizzard has also disappeared, the cult probably had something to do with it showing up in the first place. Now that I'm thinking about it, the cult of the umbral church attacked the festival, mind you, that had two rulers present. One of those said rulers is some sort of sun demon and the other one is buff, warrior lord, that just seems like a bad idea in general. The part I'm also super confused about is, why? All they did was spout vague threats and act incredibly arrogant...I think they knew they'd lose. I shook my head, I'm being a sore winner. "Pfft, that's stupid as hell," I snicked and stopped when I felt small spikes of pain. "What is?" I glanced over at the unicorn to see him levitating his quill and journal as close to his face as physically possible. "Nothin', hey wait you said you're practicing mage apprentice right?" "Y-yeah." "Do you know anything about...damn...what did Brim Stone call them...the guild thingys." "Oh! The Commission guilds! I'll be joining the Stone Haven guild to further my study soon! Y-you get your own card and rank depending on how well you complete your commissions a-and and-" The unicorn had lost all nervousness and was excitedly rambling about the Commissionguilds. He said so much so fast I tuned him out, I blankly stared at him till he stopped to breathe. "So...where is the guild?" "I-its right before you get to the market, It has a l-large sign so you can't miss it." Thanks to Curious Hope after the thirtieth I know what I'll be doing, I looked down at the ring and felt the subtle pulsing of its crimson gem. I rolled my eyes and stifled a yawn, I want to get to my room and go to bed. With that thought in mind, I pulled as much strength as I could from my body. I flipped over on my knees and put my hands against the wall for support, I shakily stood up and did a few tests to see where it was most painful. My right elbow, both of my forearms, and my waist seemed to be the most problematic points. "Could be worse George, could be worse," I sighed "A-are you talking to me?" Curious Hope looked up from his journal with an inquisitive expression. "Yes I am George, and If you ask me why you'll only prove my point." I turned away from Curious Hope and became very aware of the quickly approaching princess. Her guards were not far behind her, and by the look on her face, she was not pleased. I looked over at my new acquaintance to see him startled as well. She stopped in front of me and began speaking. "I have things I need to discuss with you in private. One of my guards will escort and accompany you." "Uh...sure" It's like I'm about to get grounded...christ. What does she need to talk to me about, and why am I being escorted? I hope it isn't bad. A guard from her group stepped forward, the princess whispered to her, and walked away, leaving me and the guard mare alone. "Am I going to be forced into some sort of medieval dungeon? They have those here right?" "I will be escorting you, don't say or do anything stupid." She seems pretty gruff, but then again most of the guards I've met have been that way. She didn't even answer my question! I slowly put the sack of cult items over my shoulder and I began following the guard and without speaking we exited the throne room and entered the hallway. The guard arrived at a plain wooden door with me slowly trailing behind her, I raised my eyebrow reflexively. I saw this door in the hallway earlier but I thought it was like a...janitorial closet or something. The guard opened the door to reveal a narrow hallway, I looked above the door to see a dusty plaque. I squinted my eyes and reached to brush off some of the grime. However halfway through reaching up, I felt a sharp pain from the cut on my waist, I clicked my tongue and blew off most of the dust instead. It read in very exaggerated font, Maintenance Hall. We entered the hallway, and let me say that this place looks like it was basically forgotten. Cobwebs and dust, the whole nine yards. Jesus, I kind of wish it was a janitorial closet. We soon reached the end of the small hallway and exited into a lavish hallway very similar to the other one. This one had a row of doors lining the opposite wall, I must have been distracted because the guard nudged my hand as she passed by. "This way." I just nodded my head and followed her, she went to the left and stopped by the second to last door. I walked into the room and looked around. It was definitely a step or two above my room at Brim Stone's manor, which was saying something. The guard walked to the door and closed it. She then stood in front of it, I'm not used to being escorted. I sat down at the end of the lavish bed and began thinking. I feel like I should be mad at all of this. I'm being forced to go to some sort of impromptu interview with the princess and I haven't even had time to rest. There are also other more important things to focus on, like Brim Stone's location! Ever since I've arrived at this fantasy world I can't seem to catch my breath. I rubbed the bridge of my nose in mild frustration, I'm starting to miss the days of traveling with Hugo! I let out a yawn, I don't have the energy to get riled up about this now. I stared at the guard for a minute and she stared back with a bored expression. I felt my eyes start to water, god I'm so bored I'm having a one-sided staring competition. "Do you know how long we might be waiting?" Instead of answering my question she continued staring, I feel like she might just be daydreaming or something. I need to entertain myself. When I was looking around the room earlier I saw a bookshelf. A book is always a perfect distraction! I got up from the bed and walked over to the bookshelf and noticed a lot of the books were fables or anthologies. Without looking I grabbed a random one off the shelf and plopped back onto the bed. I curiously looked at the dull red book, I got a bit of time to spare. I cracked open the book and began reading. Passion and Dragons by Ruby Firecloth Imagine if you will, a distant land made up of islands. These islands have long since churned with lava and toiled in smoke but most of all this land bubbled and frothed with passion. From this passion the heart of this wondrous land was birthed, the dragon. Renowned warriors and beings of incredible power, they are known to be all over Equus but they always return and migrate back to the dragon lands. In these Dragon Lands, there are numerous spots of activity, and as one can imagine a lot of history too. Sadly, not many a pony can travel the Dragon Lands without being harmed. However, on one lucky summer day, I threw caution to the wind. I risked grave injury as I ventured deep within the Dragon Lands in search of a specific kind of material. At the time I thought what I was looking for was a rare fire emerald but I was mistaken. I passed and saw many things as I traveled, ancient and decrepit castles long since abandoned, gems and crystal shining brilliantly through heaps of volcanic ash, and the most important of all of these, war. The dragons swarmed the sky above as I, a simple tailor at the time, shook from their fighting. Their bodies crashing into one another with thunderous booms and fiery words. I remember looking up in awe and feeling a tingling sensation in my cutie mark. Experiencing such fiery passion had given me several ideas for a new line of clothing and much more. I had found what I was looking for, pure unbridled passion. This land that I had stumbled upon was sacred land for the dragons, an arena for both physical and verbal discourse. Though I can only assume such, I always watch from the shadows. Over the years I've returned around the same time, and every year I leave with the 'material' I need. Inspiratio- *creak* I was interrupted from my reading by the door opening, the princess was here. I laid the book down next to me on the bed and looked up. I could feel the nervousness set in as a pit in my stomach, the princess spoke with some of the guards that entered along with her. After she spoke, the guards that followed her exited the room. All the was left was me, her, and the guard that escorted me here. She stood before me without saying anything, and honestly, I'm starting to crack. "I-I swear I only had one of the free samples at the festival!" I hate when I talk under pressure, I closed my eyes and mentally cringed. I opened my eyes to see the princess's large magenta eyes studying me. This is surprisingly something I've noticed before, especially when I spoke about the events involving the ring and cult activity. "Peter was it?" "Yes, uh, your princesslyness," fucking damn it Peter, stop talking. "Peter, the ring you are wearing is a very serious danger to you and the ponies around you. It needs to be destroyed." I looked at the princess and then down at the ring. I'm going to get it removed soon...did I forget to tell her earlier? I knew I forgot something important, damn it. "I thought it might be, I mean it's cursed y'know. On the thirtieth is when me and Tine...er...Brim Stone's daughter will remove the ring. She's the expert on the artifacts apparently." "real-" "and her basement is really cool, she has on octop-...o-oh sorry continue." nice going me, I can go ahead and mark 'interrupting a ruler' off my bucket list. She let out a small chuckle and pointed at the ring with her hoof before continuing. "What did she say regarding the ring?" "Um...well I remember she said for it to be destroyed it had to be under a full moon, and...something about runes? I don't quite remember. You could probably talk with her about it," I shrugged and idly messed with the bandages on the back of my left hand. I glanced up from my idle fiddling and saw the princess casting a spell, a few short seconds later a small flask levitated out of a small saddlebag by the door. The contents of said flask looked volatile...and a little bit like fire. She laid the flask next to me on the bed. "Unfortunately I can't stay here, I have to return to Canterlot," she levitated the flask from off the bed into the air right in front of me with a small smile "this flask is filled with magical dragonfire, I want you to use it to notify me when the ring is destroyed." "H-huh...dragonfire? Wait, how did you get it in a flask, better question, how do I even use it...er...your majesty?" I want to scream lengthy profanity. This is horrible, I'm going to just not talk to royals after this. She was about to answer my question but a guard entered the room and interrupted the conversation. He leaned up and whispered something to the princess, which was unintelligible to me. She levitated the flask onto the bed before turning to me. "I have to leave, when the time comes to use it twist the cap and burn a letter detailing the destruction of the ring," she quickly stood up and turned to leave but briefly stopped in the doorway "and Peter, be careful of Brim Stone and Tine." With her parting words said she left along with her entourage of gold armored guards. What kind of warning is that? Be careful of Brim Stone and Tine...why? I pushed off the bed and grabbed the flask, whatever she meant I'll think about it later. Right now, getting back to my room at the manor is most importan-....scratch that. I should probably figure out where Brim Stone is. I took a step forward but paused in thought, should I though? I don't know if that's a good idea, the princess of Equestria just gave me a pretty direct warning. Maybe I can just go back to the manor and meet him and his guards there? Yeah, that works out. I left the room and eventually arrived at the entrance to the carriage area...fuck. Does that mean I have to walk back? I sighed and exited the castle and stopped at the iron gates of the carriage landing. The carriage I arrived in seemed to be gone. A large number of nobles were leaving or standing around their carriages. I looked around a bit and noticed a side exit on the other side of the carriage landing and quite a large amount of commotion too. That's not weird though considering it would be weird if no one made a commotion afterward. I speed walked across the flat landing area to the other side to a small gateway, the guard at the door let me pass and I was greeted by a large set of stone stairs which I assumed led to the noble district of Stone Haven. I rubbed my tired eyes and rolled my sore shoulders. "I hate stairs." > Hey Hugo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Hugo Almost there...just a couple more steps. I trudged up the central stairs of the Stone Family manor with shaky legs. I walked all the way from the noble district to the manor and I'm just now reaching the final stretches! I can feel my brain mentally drool at the thought of collapsing on my incredibly soft and inviting bed. I'm so tired, dang. "I'm really getting my steps in." I have to stop talking to myself one day. After reaching the top, I wearily walked down the hallway and reached my room. "Oh, my sweet room did you miss me?" Ugh, damn I must be really tired. I leaned on my door and turned the golden knob of my room and stumbled inside. I threw off my cloak and shut my door in a very graceful motion. I looked at my bed, and without a second thought, I threw myself onto the inviting covers. It didn't even take a full minute before sleep took hold of me. (This is a good reference) Oh...where am I? A large silver ocean spread out before me going infinitely in every direction. I feel like I've been here before... "Pfft nah. I'd totally remember a giant silver ocean." While speaking I noticed that I was, in fact, walking on water. After a small screaming session, I hesitantly jumped a few times and experimented with it a bit more. I leaned down and put my hands on the water only for my hands to sink into the water. However, when the water reached my elbow it stopped sinking. The water itself feels warm and inviting, kind of like my bed. Weird, but interesting. What is this place? I pulled my hands out of the water to find them completely dry. After analyzing my hands I observed that something was off. There were no bandages, no injuries, nothing at all but my own pale skin. What the...my body seems completely untouched just like my hands. What is going on here? I glanced around and saw nothing but the ever-expanding ocean beneath my feet. "Uh...hello?" My voice bounced off unseen walls and echoed until they were a whisper. In a way, it's eerie and somewhat unsettling. I took a minute to compose myself, there's no need to panic just yet. Glancing out onto the odd horizon I could barely see some sort of structure. Maybe I can get some answers? I began walking, the small splashing of water echoing with every step. The structure must have been a lot closer then it looked because only after a few seconds of walking I was close enough to see it completely. It looked like a giant stone altar, or slab of some kind. It had a set of stairs leading to the flat part that I couldn't see. A few seconds of walking later I started walking up the stairs, this feeling is so familiar. After thinking about the feeling of familiarity for a few seconds images and memories I didn't know I had came to the forefront of my mind. Memories of a horrible blizzard over a frozen lake and endless stone hallways filled me with fear. I quickly inhaled air as I was overwhelmed for a second. I also remembered that I have remembered the previous one before, and the common factor between all of these memories was the heartbeat and the red light. I stopped on the staircase and listened as closely as I could for such a sound but there was nothing. After taking a minute to process the memories and feelings I began to calm down, I think I know where I am now. I took a deep breath and looked out onto the giant ocean. I'm dreaming? I looked down at the stone stairs beneath my feet with a curious expression, everything feels real to me but It's the only explanation as of right now. Especially since the last two times, I was saved by...who was she? She just said the 'guardian of the something' it all seems kind of blurry. All of the things I somewhat remember pointed to my current experience as being part of a dream. I shook my head and looked at the top of the stairs which was quickly approaching. After reaching the top I looked around and noticed something. There was a giant pool of regular water in the middle, and around the water were items of mine. Things from Earth and items that were really personal and important to me. I felt my face scrunch up in scrutiny, whatever is happening here, I don't like it. I walked over to the pool of water and looked in, it rippled and swirled but still seemed like normal water. I looked at the many items spread around the pool, I leaned down and grabbed an item I didn't recognize. Pulling It up so I could identify it, my eyes widened. "Is this a Mcdonald's receipt?" It was a grease-stained Mcdonald's receipt, but why is that amongst some of my most cherished stuff? The water next to me immediately began churning and changing colors rapidly before becoming absolutely still. I took a step over to the pool and heard voices and laughter coming from the now serene water. I glanced at the water to see myself, my sister, and my dad too. I could feel a tug on my heartstrings at the sight, the water shifted to a scene of us on a grassy hill outside on the outskirts of our little town. We were sitting on top of my dad's beat-up car while eating Mcdonalds. I remember this! This happened when I was like ten...good times. The scene shifted once again to the sun setting behind the hill while me and my sister were fast asleep. I set the receipt down and the water shifted and memory stopped. Putting the receipt down I saw something weird. A slip of parchment with writing on it. I picked up the paper and turned it around so I could see the writing. My eyes widened as I read it. "Scientia ipsa potentia est." What? The water next to me swirled as it did before and I could hear the sound of footsteps coming from the water. I leaned up and walked back to the water to see myself riding Hugo into Stone Haven. I remember the pain and the feeling of numbness well, what does the parchment have to do with this memory? The scene continued replaying the events of trudging through the snow. On closer inspection, I could see something I hadn't the first time. A small red light pulsing and quiet voices emanating from the ring. It was barely a whisper, I don't think I remember hearing it when I had the ring on my body. "For the king." "For the lord." "For the endless night." "For his majesty." "Bestow upon him knowledge." "Bestow upon his enemies fear." After hearing it the scene shifted and ended which left me in silence. I felt myself gulp, I glanced down at my hand I had no ring on and my index finger was still there. I need to get this thing off my body and be done with all of this. I turned around and began leaving. No more memory watching for this fella. While walking down the stairs I felt myself grow tired and lethargic almost felt like I had stayed up for three days straight. My body grew weak and upon reaching the final step I felt myself collapse and slowly start sinking into the water. My eyes feel so heavy and the water feels so comfortable, maybe taking a nap wouldn't be so bad. This has happened before, hasn't it? I closed my eyes and felt myself sink into the warm ocean and consciousness slowly leave me. "Fricken'...agh, everything hurts," I muttered while peeling myself from the soft covers that were cocooned around me. I took a few weary steps and cringed as soreness spread throughout my body in waves. Just like every morning, I walked over to my window while stretching. I opened the window and felt the light of the early sun touch my face. Another early morning? I hope this doesn't become a trend. What do I need to do today? I leaned on the window sill while rummaging around my brain. I think I'm going to go visit Hugo and hang out with him today, I'll also bring some books too. Yeah, that sounds great. turning around I deadpanned at the mess I made entering my room previously. My cloak and shoes were thrown on top of my desk which knocked over my supply of ink. At least It didn't get on my new cloak, which had already sustained serious damage in the fight yesterday. I picked up and equipped my cloak after slipping my shoes on. Adjusting my cloak I looked over to see several burlap sacks that contained everything I owned. Maybe I should move them next to Hugo, after everything that's happened lately moving my stuff near my bubble spitting companion sounds like a good idea. I might as well do an inventory check before I leave my stuff with Hugo. With little thought, I walked over to the sacks piled up in the corner and began rummaging through them. Everything seemed fine and nothing important is missing I thin- "Hey that lantern I hit that bandit king guy with is here?!" Cool, it even has a dent! I finished looking through the final sack and went back to my corner desk. Opening one of the desk drawers I found another inkwell, and some spare parchment. Grabbing the nearest quill I began writing everything I saw down. "Jeez, I hope this isn't too heavy to carry," I muttered while turning around to make sure I had everything accounted for. I think I'm done, I scratched the back of my head while glancing over my sloppy handwriting. Stuff Inventory Small bedroll Dented lantern Brass compass Old Equestrian Map Clean bandages from the hospital Merchant pass Bits pouch Two throwing knives A small amount of mysterious gray pellets exhausted firestarter kit Dense library crystal A whole bunch of books (roughly 7 in total) Bloody shirt & gross slacks The Ring Yeah, seems about right. Folding up the inventory sheet I grabbed the bags and threw them over my shoulders. My noodle arms quivered under the weight and the cut on my left hand burned but It was worth it if I only made that one trip. With my stuff in my possession, I sauntered out of my room with a small smirk. Leaving my stuff with Hugo for a bit is definitely a good idea...I hope he doesn't eat it though. I exited the hallway and started stepping down the central staircase, now that I think about it, Hugo is fairly smart. Smart enough to save my life several times, thinking back on it...what would have happened at that swamp If I didn't meet him? Sure I'd probably have beaten that hydra with my dastardly good looks and charisma but still, Hugo has been my lifeline. Like with those flying drumsticks, they would have killed me if I was by myself but because he was there I lived through it. While opening the door to the lobby I felt a small amount of pain in my fingers. "Not to mention his help during the blizzard thing," I rubbed my hand and mumbled. Shaking my head like I've done many times before I quickly walked to the back of the manor. A few minutes later I arrived at the guarded building, which surprisingly doubled as a storeroom and Tine's old study. "Oi, It's the ape," Here we go again. I forgot about these two, I should have waited for someone to take their shift before coming down. "Just let 'em in, he's probably here to see his 'alligator friend' like last time," the second guard started laughing. "Yeah, yeah, yeah...such a lonely fella...imaginary friends are for fill-" the first guard couldn't keep his face neutral before hysterically wheezing and stomping the ground. "Okay whatever guys, can I go in?" "Yeah whatever," the guard wiped a tear from his eye. The door was still completely broken from my last visit here, that batpony really did some insane damage to it. Pushing open the door I immediately spotted a suspiciously alligator-shaped shadow in the corner. Once I got closer I knew it was Hugo immediately because of the loud crunching sounds. Crystals again? It's a sub-par meal at best, it tastes horrible. After rounding a few odd barrels I sat down on an old piece of furniture, Hugo's giant head almost completely covered the giant platter of crystals. Those crystals aren't expensive, right? God, I hope I'm not in debt. "Hey Hugo I'm back, how's the whole 'being an incredibly dangerous diregator' thing treating you?" Hugo simply responded by moving his giant head to the right and eyeing me down with his large purple iris, and with a hiss, continued eating. I'll take that as 'It's going pretty good thanks for asking'. "Hugo you wouldn't believe what happened, there was this cult leader lady and she attacked the festival we went to. I also didn't know it was a festival...or that I'd be meeting Princess Celestia!" He continued eating but paused to make some sound that was a mix between a grumble and a hiss, I'll consider that a good response. "I know right? Pretty crazy...I didn't know I'd be close to ending another person's life yesterday too. My life was on the line in there as well Hugo, kinda weird how many times it gets threatened here." He stopped eating and just looked at me with his large purple eyes, sometimes I swear he can understand what I'm saying but that would be silly. While taking my bags off my shoulders I continued talking with that thought in mind. "Y'know...you saved my life, Hugo. I know you might not understand me, but thank you. I-if it wasn't for you I'd be dead or blindly wandering that swamp! I don't mean to rant but...uh...yeah thanks." Ah embarrassing myself, such a valuable skill that I've mastered in my life, I scratched the back of my head and stared at the ceiling. Jeez, what am I doing...talking to a giant gluttonous lizar- *thwack* "Hey! Ouch man, why the head Hugo damn?!" Hugo smacked the back of my head with his tail! I rubbed the small welt and looked at Hugo to see, what I perceived as, a toothy grin. "Oh need I not remind you I rode on your back like a fucking SURFBOA-" *thwack* "Not the face!" Thirty minutes and many tail smacks later Ow, a sizeable welt is beginning to develop on the back of my head. Jeez, I looked down to see Hugo napping with a giant brown bubble threatening to escape his nose. Never seen a lizard snore before, so that's a first. I reached over into one of my sacks and grabbed the transmutation book. My mind kept wandering back to the spines that I summoned with my magic, and how invigorating yet terrifying combat felt. I want to get stronger and maybe learning more magic can make it easier for me to survive this crazy place...that and magic is incredibly interesting. While I cracked open the book I took a second to think, the stronger and smarter I get the more likely I can find some answers to why I'm here. Staying in Stone Haven isn't going to answer any questions and getting wrapped up in this curse business was stupid of me. Though a kid is still breathing because of my involvement...either way, I don't think the answers I'm looking for are in Stone Haven. Glancing back down I flipped back open to where I was previously in hopes of learning something interesting. Transmuter by Changing Winds Chapter 2: To change or control? Meh, potato, or tomato. Welcome to the second chapter! There will be many many more...haha...ugh. Anywho, onto some more of the basic spells. In the previous chapter, we went over thaumaturgy, alter Self, and mending! Which are very good spells to practice transmutation, at least, in my professional opinion that is. Now we move on to some different spells, some of which may be harder for you to learn or understand than others but hey that's not my problem if you don't get it. We are going to cover the concept of control, one of the many aspects of transmutation! And what better way to show control magic then the spell shape water! A great basic transmutation spell that covers the act of controlling the environment! Shape Water does just as the name implies, this spell allows the transmuter to manipular the flow and movement of water but only five feet of it! You can make simple shapes or even change the opacity of the water in some circumstances! That's not the coolest part, you think I, being an awesome adventurer, would just add any random spell to my book!? Shape water also allows for the water to be frozen, but it doesn't work if there are bad guys in it! I still have the scars on my flanks from when I tried freezing an alligator pit and tried running across. It's an incredibly painful reminder! These effects you have on the water aren't permanent, they only last about an hour so be careful! The phrase for the spell is figura aqua. A great spell to have prepared in one's arsenal of utility spells should the need arise for it! Make sure to practice this spell, with more practice the more you will be able to understand how to use control spells in the future! Now onto a personal spell of mine, a creation of yours truly! It took a long time to construct the spell and an even longer time to understand how to visualize it but a certain somepony I met helped me finish it. I believe she goes by Daring Doo, a silly name I know, not nearly as awesome as Changing Winds! That aside the spell is called Rockhoof's Grasp, named quite obviously after the tales of the mighty stallion with Equus defying strength. The spell transforms an area of ground into a hoof that will attempt to grab one creature, but you have to be able to see the creature. The hoof will continue to apply pressure and crush whatever is within its grasp so be careful. The hoof will last for a minute or so and you can move it around et cetera. There is no phrase for this spell, however, the only reason for that is because of the amount of visualization required. This will be the hardest for the more inexperienced transmuters. A spell that might help you on your way to understanding my creation is shape earth. A basic transmutation spell that is taught all over Equus for the practical purpose of moving soil and other things. The spell allows a magic user to manipulate stone or soil. However, you can only manipulate it by moving loose soil or stone four or five feet away from where you began casting. Which was great for many of the excavation sites I've been on...and that one time I caused a cave in. You can also manipulate the soil into shapes and make it harder to move on if you wanted to. The phrase for shape earth is terra moveri. Now onto the historical importance transmutation spel- Damn, this is getting wordy. I'm barely keeping up with the concepts this Changing Winds pony is shooting out. I think I'm done reading for today, but damn that was definitely interesting. I grabbed the crystal and began getting comfortable. I have some time on my hands and utilizing this time is important, using the Gaia Siphon technique should help me. Taking some time to observe my mana pool might also help me understand how mana works better. I closed my eyes and began concentrating on my mana, and I was shocked. My mana pool felt a lot bigger than last time. What happened? My mana pool was as serene as last time but the amount was considerably bigger. If it's that easy to get mana why isn't everyone using magic? That question aside I turned my focus to the mana outside my mana pool, I couldn't really sense mana further than two feet from me. I know there's definitely more, it must be my ability to perceive it is limited. Is there a way to increase my perception? I exhaled while stuffing all my questions in the back of my mind for later. Let me just spend time focusing on my mana and try to absorb raw mana as I had done previously. This time I'm only going to try and absorb small amounts. I don't want to be keeling over in pain like last time, especially with the injuries I have. With deliberately slow breathing I concentrated on manipulating very small amounts of raw mana into my body, it's like several pinpricks of uncomfortable stiffness circulated in my mana pool. The feeling was unnerving, so I paused the amount of raw mana I was pushing into my body and began assimilating the raw mana. It wasn't like before when bouts of pain wracked my mana pool and stomach, this felt a lot more effective than when I did it earlier. The raw mana slowly dissipated into my own and I began once again absorbing raw mana from the area. I don't know how much time passed of repeating the same thing over and over again, it was relaxing yet stressful in a way. A snort shocked me out of my trance. I felt a small pain in my mana pool as unassimilated mana clashed against my own. Returning my focus back I focused as hard as I could on shaving it away into my own, which was successful. Small drops of sweat dripped off my nose, what happened? When did I start sweating? I'm completely drenched. I must have been using Gaia Siphon for a long time. It felt like only a few minutes, I have to be more aware next time. Standing up I looked over at Hugo to see him still napping, his snort must have woke me up. Now what to do, I should probably get washed up this is gross...but before that. I peered up at the corner of the room, it seems they removed the ladder. "Oh ho ho, the head of security is stepping up his game," I smirked while glancing at the closed hatch. There's something I need to investigate. > Irregular Investi-gator > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Irregular Investi-gator Now what to do...hmm...do I own a grappling gun? I don't think so. With furrowed brows, I paced back and forth in thought. Maybe I could stack up a bunch of barrels and use them to climb up? No that wouldn't work. Oh wait, maybe I can use magic somehow. It's a bit up there though and I don't know many spells by heart. That and my mana pool feels a bit sore... how does that even make sense? Scratching my growing goatee I firmly grasped my crystal in preparation for a spell, one I've tried before. "Mutare ad succedent," I spoke clearly and soon felt the mana enter my catalyst. This spell can alter my height but not too much If I remember correctly, I could feel myself grow taller but only in my arms and legs. Which was the desired result, it would be easier to climb up though with lengthed arms and legs but honestly, I look terrifying. The sound of flesh moving is unnerving and it makes me cringe but the result is satisfying. I couldn't extend my arms and legs too much but enough to get the extra two inches I needed to pull myself up. With my now longer arms, I reached up and opened the hatch, and pulled myself up. It was odd and kind of alien how my body looked but it was effective and not drastically different in terms of mass and proportions from my normal body. It seems like I'm still in this form though. I focused on returning back to the original state of my body which took a few seconds of concentration. However, the magic is still active, which just means I need to learn how to dispell magic whenever I get the chance. While opening my eyes I walked through the doorway of the hatch room and glanced down the hallway. It was still a spooky mess, this time though I've been in both rooms so there shouldn't be any more surprises. I slowly walked into the room on the right, which I could now assume was Tine's old study. Princess Celestia's warning had disturbed me more than I'd like to admit, it's making me have doubts about the hospitality I've received so far. Taking a few minutes to investigate her old study will probably ease my doubts, for now, it might also shed some light on the ring. The book from last time was left open on the desk, I remember that I discarded it previously to continue moving forward. The ring on my finger let out a pulse, just like last time. I walked over to the desk and picked up the book, the intimidating page from last time was still there. I noticed though that there was something in the back of the book, an illustration of a large pony. An illustration of Paleblood to be precise, even if it's just a drawing you can tell he was important. Only, in this illustration, he was a lot different looking. A large crown sat on his head with a large gem in the front piece and that amulet the cult mare had was hung around his neck. Looking down to his hoof I expected the ring to be there only to be wrong, looking around the picture I found the ring on his horn. There were notes scribbled along the edges and several markings around the three items. Reading over the gibberish, it seemed like most of it was information on the artifacts and referenced works of certain people. Names like Emerald Rush and CopperRing of House Frigg were some of them. Then as I read along one of the references alarmed me, it had a small illustration next to it followed by the name Nightmare Moon. The drawing was an armor set made for a pony with several arrows pointing to a large gem in the cuirass. Losing interest I grabbed the illustrations and shoved them in my pocket. Glancing around the room I noticed a small map next to the desk, I think I saw this previously too. While fiddling with my hands I began looking over all the marked locations on the map. The one by appleloosa had a circle around it, and several pieces of parchment pinned by a nail beside it. Gripping the nail I pulled as hard as I could, with no luck. "Jesus Christ, who hammered this nail?" Pulling once again the nail and the parchment came loose. So did a piece of the wall. I grabbed the parchments and began reading over them in hopes of getting a better idea of why the princess would warn me. The first two were nothing serious just a bunch of notes and business ramblings. The third was much more important, it was many han- hoof written letters by the Site Manager of the excavation that was at the marked location. The fourth note was something to do with the results of the expedition. Reading over the letter I realized something that was frustrating, Tine knew this ring was dangerous. Throughout the letter, the Site Manager, a miss Whistle Work, had warned that many of the ponies working on site had felt incredibly uncomfortable. Some of the ponies even complained of intense nightmares! There were several reports in the letter of shady figures and one incident of Tine sending Stone family guards. Now, this wouldn't be particularly unnerving, but at the end of the folded letters was Tine's response. To summarize her lengthy response, she said 'It is too late in the process to stop now, keep working.' There were also several vague threats about "cutting funding" and mentions of "debts" that were not mentioned in the previous letters. It just seemed a bit scummy but it definitely wasn't as concrete as I'd like it to be. Looking at the expedition results, It seemed that Tine hired a group of individuals from the commissions guild to investigate the given location. It looked like they didn't find anything at first but one of the individuals fell into a sinkhole exposing a large underground structure. I can assume the expedition party returned and Tine hired ponies for the excavation? Damn, the Stone family is rich as hell. That was all the information I could glean from the notes, while stuffing the notes in my pocket I glanced at the wall above the desk. Above the desk were several illustrations of the ring, but one drawing stood out from the rest. Taking a few steps closer I reached up and plucked it off the wall, the drawing itself was very similar to the rest as it depicted the ring. However, at the bottom of the ink-smeared parchment was an unfamiliar signature. It was signed by a pony named Silt Stone. Who is that? Probably just some sort of distant relative. I set down the drawing and continued looking around. After a few minutes of searching around, I exited into the hallway and turned towards the last room in the hallway. The display room or that's what I'm calling it, was still pitch black. Looking down at my hand I shook it a couple of times in a vain attempt to make it produce light. "C'mon, do the thing." A completely fruitless endeavor, damn. I wonder why It activated last time? I scratched the back of my head and pondered what to do. There aren't any spells in my arsenal that can produce light, at least I don't think there are. "Wait a sec!" With lightning speed, I turned away from the display room and rushed down to the second level of the building. While going over to my stuff I frantically looked around for the solution. "Ah-ha! Yes!" I swung my dented lantern out of my sack with a smile. "My pure unadulterated intelligence knows no bounds!" I looked over at Hugo who was still snoring, now to light the lantern. With a plan in mind, I reached into the couch cushion and pulled out some of the stuffing. I'm not going to wake Hugo up, no, that would be absolutely crazy. Plus, I value my life. Using the stuffing I reached over and briefly rubbed it against his nose, if he flicks out his tongue maybe I can catch it on something. After a couple of minutes of unsuccessful attempts, I thought of a different plan. One that was much more cunning, and thought out. "Oh Hugo, I got some more cryst-" Before I could finish the sentence his tongue shot out and set the stuffing aflame. I almost immediately took the stuffing and used it to light the lantern's wick. With a worried expression, I peered over at Hugo to still see him snoring away. Close one, now with that out of the way I now have a light source! Letting out a sigh of relief I elongated my arms and legs again to climb back up. Now that I have my lantern I should be able to investigate that room better. Once I returned back to my normal form I walked out of the hatch room and maneuvered down the hallway armed with my lantern. I pushed open the door and stepped in. The first time I came in I could make out some of the items but other than that I was almost completely blind. Now with the flickering orange light of my lantern, I could see a bit more. The first thing I noticed was the large number of unlit candles placed throughout the room, it was very similar to Brim Stone's office in that regard. Weird, averting my eyes I began holding the lantern higher as I started walking through the display cases. I stopped walking when I noticed an odd sight. In the corner of the room was a desk, with no chair no any stacks of materials. It was almost completely barren, no stacks of papers or toppled books anywhere near it. I pushed in between two display cases and set my lantern down on the desk. While doing so I noticed there weren't any drawers either, and it looked somewhat damaged on its left side. While looking at the desk, for a second my light let me catch a glimpse of something on the floor. Grabbing my lantern off the desk I held my lantern down. There were scratch marks on the floor in an ark connecting from the right corner of the desk to the wall to the left of me. "What the hell, what is this?" I picked up my lantern and set it down to the right of the desk. It took me a second to think of what to do but I settled on grabbing the right corner of the desk and pulling it out. After a monumental amount of pulling, the desk was pushed up against the opposite wall with it's back facing towards me. Moving the desk revealed a small cutout in the wall about a foot tall, picking up my lantern once again I squinted into the cutout. I reached into the cutout and felt something. "Please for the love of God don't be a spider," I could feel my breath hitch. Noticing it wasn't an eight-legged abomination I wrapped my hand around one of its corners and pulled it into the lantern light. The item I pulled out of the cutout was a small metal box, it was as simple as a hidden box could be. I reached back into the cutout, there was nothing else there. This is...definitely a weird situation. Why have a hidden cutout for a box? If Tine has a new study why didn't she take this too? While scratching my head I opened the small lockbox. Upon opening the lid, I felt my ring pulse. Inside the lockbox was a piece of paper wrapped up with a band, maybe a scroll would be a better term for it. It was definitely old that much was obvious, it was practically yellow. This investigation is becoming annoying, Tine should have just gotten a binder or something. I picked up the parchment and felt myself gulp at its contents. To the Private Secretary of His Majesty The King Communications with the minotaur artificers are going well since the demonstration of power his majesty performed at the gathering of the minotaur houses. However, many question whether reviving the leader of house Tyr was a good decision. Should his majesty require me to silence any naysayers I'll happily carry out his will. I'll continue to relay u- The rest of the scroll was ruined, completely smeared in ink, and what is hopefully red crayon. I could connect the dots, I'm assuming this is a letter is about King Paleblood. For him to completely revive someone...that's insane, right? Why would Tine care about this though? I was about to put the scroll in my back pocket but noticed that under where the scroll was in the lockbox was a note. Setting down the scroll I opened the note and felt confusion take over as I read over the hurriedly scribbled hoofwriting. The words revival, power, artfifact were repeated through the sentences but it was hard to decipher what the point was. I can find out later. Stuffing the paper in my pockets I stood up, it seemed whatever the princess warned me about had some backing to it, if anything I should have assumed the situation was a bit sketchy. What does this mean for me though? This ring needs to be removed, but I don't know If I can trust Tine or not. No, I know I can't trust her but there's nothing I can do If I want this ring off me. This investigation gave me some more insight into Tine's personality and provided some backing to the warning the princess gave me. It just sucks the investigation raised more even more damn questions. Something is definitely fishy here, and I don't quite know If I want to know. Sighing I grabbed my lantern and walked out of the display room with the scroll and notes in my possession. I blew out the lantern and after reaching the hatch room I dropped down to the second level. Now that my objective for coming here is completed, I have nothing to do until the thirtieth. While thinking about what to do I walked over to my stuff and dropped the notes and scroll I found in one of my sacks along with the lantern. Over the next four days, I should definitely utilize the time I have by using Gaia Siphon and training with the spells I have at my disposal. Training just my mind and mana won't be enough though, I have to start working on my body too. Though I will have to start off slow due to my injuries, I think It will work out. Deep in thought, I sat down on the dusty furniture by my stuff. The faster I can get out of this situation involving the ring the better, I'll be free to pursue answers about how I got here. Working on myself is only to improve the chances I won't get my head popped by a buff pony while looking for these answers. I still shudder at the thought of Silver Star's kid, earth ponies are ridiculously strong. That aside, this world is littered with danger and the only thing I can do is adapt and just keep moving forward. I mean, look at my poor cloak! Wait. I unclasped my cloak and took it off. I took my crystal out of my pocket and prepared to cast a spell. "Reficientes." I made sure to focus after the phrase left my lips, the mending spell completely slipped my mind! Opening my eye I could see the strands of my magic sew themselves through the small rips and damage the cloak had sustained. After a few moments, the magic finished its job. "I love magic so much," I couldn't help saying. I'm glad that I got distracted for a bit, all of this thinking is going to ruin me. I stood up and clapped my hands together. It's time to get to work and If I want to avoid situations like yesterday I have to get stronger...or get better at running away. That only leaves me with one option because I'm already pretty damn good at running away. > Daily Doofus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daily Doofus Four days until the thirtieth Peeling out of my covers I cracked my back and fumbled out of my bed with a tired expression. I shouldn't have stayed up so late thinking about what to do for the next couple of days. While stepping over to the window I stifled a yawn and began to think about today's objective. Last night I ranted to a silent Hugo about what I wanted to do, for the first day I wanted to start it off with an early morning workout. The bad news is I have literally no idea what I'm doing, so to start off slow for the next four days I'll go for a jog in the morning. Pausing my thoughts for a moment I opened the window and noticed the sun was once again barely rising above the horizon, seems like another early morning. Damn it. Turning around I left my cloak unequipped and laying on my chair instead of putting it on like usual. While doing some stretches I exited my room and began making my way out of the building for the morning exercises I had planned. After exiting the manor I looked at the large central courtyard decorated with spots of snow and decorated hedges. I finished stretching and began a slow jog while keeping very close eyes on my healing injuries. One hour and thirty minutes later "Fuck, I'm too old for this shit," I wheezed out while finishing my last push-up. While laying on the ground I flipped over on my back to rest for a few minutes. I'm not that old, twenty-two is not that old. Denial aside the next thing I had planned was magic training. Getting up I decided a break in between the two training periods was a good idea. That and not eating anything before doing this is making my stomach hurt. A few minutes later, I walked out of the manor after robbing the kitchen. Turns out they had some fish, so ponies eat fish? Neat. While taking a bite of the freshly prepared cut of salmon I began walking to the storage area. While glancing at the storage building's door I noticed that Beavis and Butthead aren't on duty, thank god. Taking a final bite of the salmon I crushed up the paper I had it in and walked inside. The two guards at the door didn't even bother to stop me or ask me any questions. I sauntered over to my stuff and turned to my left to see a large sleeping alligator, I can't blame him it's still pretty early in the day. I reached into the sack and pulled out the spellbooks I've...collected. Not stolen. I'll need to reference the spellbooks while I'm training, I made sure I had all the books I needed and made my way outside. While walking away from the storage building I thought about what spell I would like to understand better. The most useful to me so far has been...now that I think about it, Alter Self and Minor Illusion are tied for the title of most useful. Both are great spells, I have to make sure I use them more often, but which one should I focus on? I pondered for a few passing seconds but stopped when I made it to the side of the manor, which happens to be the side my room was on. I think splitting up my focus on both spellbooks won't be bad, It just won't be as time-efficient as focusing on one of the spellbooks. I set the books down on a pile of stones lining the flowerbed by the manor windows, then I pulled out the crystal. Time to get started, I only have four days so I don't want to waste too much time. First up, I want to better learn how to use my arsenal of transmutation spells. Even if they are pretty basic I'm pretty sure they'll be useful in understanding later spells. Alright! I might as well start with the new ones I read about the other day, then maybe I can try casting that spell Changing Winds mentioned in his book. Changing Winds, If I remember right, said that the shape earth spell could help me understand how to cast his Rockhoof creation. I'll mess around with the other transmutation spells and see If I can get a better grip with them too. Turning my head I looked around and saw a perfect place to cast the first spell. A loose pile of rocks and soil were laid in a small pile a couple of feet from the manor. Perfect, gripping the crystal a bit tighter in my hand I began casting the spell. "Terra moveri." After a small amount of focus, the spell was complete and my mana finished squeezing through my dull catalyst. I imagined a smiley face and the rocks and pebbles were instantly covered in a pale green aura. The pebbles and soil slowly rolled and in the place of the pile of rocks was a simple smiley face. "My creative process is astonishing," I smiled. What else can I do with it? "Terra moveri." Just like last time, but instead of willing the loose rocks and soil to make a face, I focused on moving as much of the soil as I could away from its current spot. The feeling of my mana extending from my body with instant speed after leaving the catalyst made me grin. Magic is freakin' amazing. The loose stones and soil I focused my mana on was excavated and rolled itself along the ground five-ish feet away from me, what an accomplishment! Hell yeah! I know it was simple, but casting magic always makes me feel good. With a smirk on my face I looked down at my crystal, I bet casting a spell would be even easier with a different catalyst but that's something to tackle on a later date. Pushing my dopey smile off my face I focused back on my casting. "Terra moveri." This time I focused more on visualizing and willing the outcome to match what I wanted since the spellbook mentioned visualizing is important to certain spells. I visualized the soil and rocks becoming a hoof and after the spell was finished I looked up to see a hobbled pile of rocks and disturbed soil. While scratching my chin I wandered over to the pile, it seems there are limitations to the spell. Damn, that sucks. I should get back to casting again, I returned back to my original position and began yet again. And again. And again. And again. Over and over I repeated casting the spell. Occasionally I would make small variations in what I wanted the earth to do but it seems to be entirely fruitless. "Maybe I'm just dense or something," I walked over to the pile of rocks and sat down. No matter how many times I try the spell I can't seem to get my head around visualizing it. At least, visualizing something outside the limits of the spell. I reached down and picked up one of the dirt-covered pebbles with a curious expression. I have a hunch, dropping the pebble I looked at the pile of soil and closed my eyes. No incantation this time, I'll just remake the movements of the shape earth spell. However, I'll focus the movements of the soil and rocks into a...hoof? Nah, I think a rock hand would be much more versatile. I began pushing my mana through the catalyst and once it finished the mana shot out of the crystal. It wasn't as instantaneous as the other times, and It required more concentration than usual. I opened my eyes to see a small hand made of soil shuddering and trembling before falling apart. Damn it, well... It's not exactly bad news. I'm onto something here, the lack of an incantation made It so I had more freedom. While I don't have a lot of knowledge on incantations or the phrases used in spells maybe I can experiment with it. I waited a few minutes before casting again to let my mana recover, after it recovered I started focusing on casting. The variable I'm changing this time will be the phrase again. I started visualizing how I wanted the spell to function and with that in mind, I spoke. "Rock hand," I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment, but it soon passed when I noticed the alarming amount of mana exiting through my vibrating crystal. It shot towards the ground and a green aura surrounded the soil and rocks, a few seconds passed before anything happened. The soil quickly churned and formed a hand like I visualized...except I lost concentration which caused the fingers to become abnormally long. That flaw aside, I did it! Hell yeah, the hand swayed and moved slightly and grasped at the air when I willed it to. After a minute or two, the magic holding the hand together dissipated and it fell apart. Yes, I made progress! Though it seems the spell is a bit out of my mana range if the pain in my abdomen is anything to go by. I let out a sigh of relief, looking up I noticed the sun was high in the sky. I'll spend the rest of the day using Gaia Siphon and trying to memorize the incantations, I got comfortable and started going over the Gaia Siphon technique in my head. "God, I really hope I don't have to say Rock hand every time," I mumbled. Three days until the thirtieth *Thump* "Ow, my schnoz," I sleepily grumbled. Falling out of bed hurts. While rubbing my hurt nose I picked myself up off the floor and began my morning routine. I stretched and walked over to the window but chose not to open it. Instead, I wandered over to my desk and looked down at today's dilemma. The crystal I got from the library was cracked down the middle. This means all progress on training my magic is halted until I go obtain a new catalyst, I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. It would seem it's time for yet another trip to the Stone Haven market place. I left my room and while exiting the manor I finished my stretches. Before heading to the market I'll need to keep up the routine I had planned. One hour later "Jesus Christ," I slowed my pace down and began slowly walking to the back of the manor to grab my bits. My legs hurt, I admit I'm not the most athletic individual I more prefer staying indoors than running around. So exercising like this is equivalent to me being a fish out of water. Arriving at the storeroom I made my way in and grabbed my bag of bits. With the bits on my person and aching legs, I left the building and started making my way off the estate. I wonder if the market will be as active as usual considering it's still pretty early in the day. After leaving the estate I started off towards the market, honestly, I had a feeling that crystal was going to break sooner or later. Especially yesterday when I was casting the rock hand spell, my mana could barely pass through the crystal. I imagine the strain was the reason it cracked. The light of the sun was just starting to peek over the walls surrounding Stone Haven, and it made for a beautiful first sight when I entered the area. I couldn't help humming a small tune while observing the barren streets of Stone Haven, if the streets are barren let's hope the market is the same. I really don't feel like getting swept up in a crowd of ponies like last time. Before leaving the area I looked at the central circle and noticed the giant birch tree in the middle practically basking in the sun's light, it was almost glowing. Damn, sometimes I wish I had a camera. Turning around I began again on my journey to the market. The brightly colored flags and the sounds of music echoed down the road telling me that the market wasn't much further. I continued walking until I reached the guarded entrance to the market. I strolled past the guards and looked around. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyjx-wBBxv8&ab_channel=PeaceofMind-RelaxingMusicChannel A couple of unicorns were playing music to a small group of pony kids...er...pony children? Foals, that's right, I think that's what they're called. It was relaxing, with the music being an afterthought I kept surveying the market. It really wasn't busy, vendors were setting up their stalls for the oncoming day and some early customers were idly walking amongst the stalls. This time I definitely won't get lost. Probably. The magic stalls that were so busy during the day were almost empty of business right now, which is excellent. It gives me the perfect opportunity to look around. Glancing at the closest magic stall I stepped over to it and studied what was on display. The vendor was a small unicorn mare who was asleep with her head laying on her stall and drool dripping out of her mouth. I feel like I should wake her up, but then again that's kind of embarrassing and I don't want to surprise her or anything. So instead of waking her up, I'll just look around at what she's selling. Glancing over I noticed a ton of cool stuff. There was a set of thick books in the corner of her stall which were wrapped together and labeled as explosive do not remove. Opposite of that corner of the stall was a selection of marbles and stones. Each of which had a small engraving on them, I believe those are runes right? That reminds me, I need to read a bit of that book on runeology. On the side of the stall were small hooks and hanging off these hooks were long pieces of wood or bags. Turning my eyes to the central portion of the stall, right before the sleeping pony's head, were many crystals, sticks, and orbs. Along with those were small glass jars displaying what looked like crushed cand- *Snort* "Gu- huh," the mare groggily blinked and looked up at me. "Uh...mornin'." She blinked and yawned loudly before rubbing her eyes and looking at me again. For what felt like an entire hour she owlishly stared at me before looking down and seeing a small pool of drool. Only a few seconds later and her entire face was bright red. "O-oh uh yes, hi, good morning. I'm sorry about that," she quickly sputtered out. She must be really tired to have fallen asleep. "Everything okay?" It's not my business really, but it's polite to ask how people are where I come from. "No, not reall-" she yawned loudly before continuing. "Ever since the incident at the castle a lot of my items got damaged because of the sudden blizzard, and even one of my shipments got delayed because of it," the mare stumbled over some of her words as the tiredness slowly edged out of her voice. I was about to open my mouth but she cut me off and continued talking. "And now the tension with the merchant's branch and the weather pegasi is stressed which is never good for business," "Dam-" "And I'm tired from having to levitate a whole bunch of boxes last night," she mumbled and rubbed her eyes. Jesus Christ. That was a lot, all I asked was if everything was okay. People don't usually tend to actually say what's going on...but then again I guess ponies are different. "I'm sorry sir, where are my manners at? My name is Violet." "It's okay, I'm Peter. By the sound of it, you've had a lot of trouble the past few days huh? Are the other merchants experiencing the same kinda problems?" "Minus the horn ache, then yes," she let out a sigh. "Well damn." I scratched the back of my hand, which was becoming a habit in awkward situations. A growing silence overcame the conversation as I thought about what to say next. "So what were you looking at?" "Huh? Oh! I broke my catalyst recently, and I was interested in buying a new one. This is the first stall I saw so I just wen-" "Catalyst? Which kind?" Straight to the point with her isn't it? "What do you mean? There are different kinds?" "Yes, like how staffs are much more capable of casting large spells than let's say an orb or a wand. Though they are much less versatile than the wand and orb are." "Ohh, that's...wow, uh let me think." What kind of catalyst would best suit me? All things considered, I've been in a couple of fights, and having a more versatile catalyst sounds good but then again the idea of being able to use more of my mana to power my spells sounds just as good too. I think having a wand will be better suited for me right now. "I believe a wand would be best." She put her hoof to her chin and looked down at the glass jars in between me and her. "What kind of core?" "Core?" "Yes, it's the aged to perfection gem dust inside the wand. Different cores have different structures and are better at casting certain types of spells." "I'm no expert magic man, is there like a general-purpose core? What's the most common core type?" "This one," she tapped her hoof against the glass jar "Bristle Brand." "I'm sorry about all the questions, I have just one more thing to ask. What are the cons of a general-purpose core?" "Don't worry about it Peter," she smiled brightly "the general-purpose core can handle most spells, the only con being it won't be easier to cast spells belonging to specific kinds of magic like other cores." "Oh okay, thank you. Just one more question. Is there a core that's better for transmutation magic?" "Hmmm, th-...one second let me check something," she trotted into a carriage that was parked in the alleyway behind her stall. I put my cold hands in my worn-out pants pockets and kicked idly at the ground while waiting. Hopefully, I have enough money to buy it, all this talk of cores and wands is making me a bit worried that this hefty bag of bits won't be enough. I heard the door to the carriage open which caused me to look up from the ground. Violet was levitating a vial of rust-colored dust. "This is dragon scale topaz," she stopped levitating it once it reached the table and started rubbing her horn. "It makes a great wand core for transmutation magic, and it gives a very small boost to evocation spells." "Co-" "The only con this has is that it's only really effective for transmutation magic, which is the same con for most other cores. Is this the core you'd like?" I feel like ponies just love interrupting me or something. "Yeah, that one sounds good." "Great, now onto the final part," she set down the vial next to the central display "Which wand base would you like out of this selection?" I looked down and noticed the sticks. Each one varied differently in color and size but I immediately knew the one I liked the most. It was the last one on the right, and compared to the rest it was fairly basic. It was brown with a small pommel at the bottom. Simple and straight to the point, I like it. "This one." "Are you sure?" "Yep," I smiled "So what now?" "Now we need to finalize the transaction, rounding all that up it will be roughly...one hundred and fifty-seven bits." I can hear my wallet crying. With a nervous expression, I lifted the sizable bag of bits and laid it on the stall. "Will this be enough?" Violet grabbed the bag with her hoof and began counting over the bits. After a minute or two she got halfway through the bag and stopped. "This is enough, more the enough actually." "Really? Wow." She pushed the bag back over to me, I looked down and noticed I still have half my bag left! "Really. You might have to come back in an hour, the process of merging the base and the core takes a little bit." "That's fine, thanks for all the help Ms. Violet" "You're welcome," she grinned. she levitated both the dust and wand behind her and began walking to the carriage. I guess I have an hour to spare, maybe I can go look around at the other stalls. Walking around I noticed there really wasn't much to do this early, and that most of the stalls were finishing setting up. Not wanting to interrupt their finishing touches I concluded that I'll just have to wait out the hour. So I sat down on a barrel by the musicians and stifled a yawn. I spent the next hour watching the folk of Stone Haven enter and exit the market while twiddling my thumbs. The folk of Stone Haven are incredibly diverse, and I'm surprised by just how much personality some of them show just by looking at them. It's something that is a bit shocking and hard to get used to, after all not everyone on earth wore their personality on their sleeve. Though it seems most of Equestria is that way, not just Stone Haven so I'll have to adapt and get used to it. Hopping off the barrel my thoughts shifted to retrieving the wand. I pushed through the crowd of market-goers that poured in a few minutes ago. It about time to pick up my wand! With some pep in my step, I walked towards the stall. Which seemed to be completely surrounded by customers. I can't even see the stall itself! I casually walked behind the crowd and stopped. There are so many odd ones amongst the small crowd. A minotaur with a giant greatsword accompanied with a griffon wearing an odd circlet. Those two were certainly eye-catching but not that unique out of the bunch here. Closing my eyes I pondered just cutting to the front of the line and telling Violet that I am here to pick up the wand, but that seems like a dick mov- "Peter!" Violet's purple mane was like a highlighter at the other end of the crowd. I could see her frantically waving, almost in a cartoonishly exaggerated fashion. All the figures that made up the crowd of oddballs turned around and looked at me...it's better than cutting the line I guess. I cleared my throat and walked through the small crowd saying 'excuse me' and 'pardon me' while passing. While passing through I noticed just how many of these folk were armed. Swords, daggers, and staffs were a common display on their bodies. Though those were just some of the things I saw in passing, Equestria really is something else. Stopping at the stall I looked back from the crowd to the Violet, her tired behavior from before seemed wholly gone and in its place was a chipper morning pers- pony. She smiled and reached underneath the stall. "You're here for your wand right?" "Yep," I mumbled. The crowd is making me a bit awkward, something I'm growing to dislike. Violent reached beneath the stall and pulled out the wand. It had a small white paper wrapped around the central part of it. "I'm sorry Peter I forgot to ask you, what did you want to name the wand?" I have to name the wand? What is it, a pet? "Does it matter?" She shook her head. "Nope! It's just a tradition to etch the name under the papyrus wrap." I hate naming things, I spent so so long listing off names to Hugo. I have no idea what I'm going to name it- wait a second, wait. "Got it, I'll call it thorn! Y'know, 'cause it looks like one." That and I don't want to spend twenty minutes thinking of a name, especially with a crowd behind me. I don't think thorn is that bad of a name, right? It's better than the other option, Netherbane, Slayer of Hellish Torment, which was just a bit too much on the edgy side for my taste. "Thorn, alrighty then!" After speaking she squinted her eyes as a small purple laser shot out from her horn and struck the papyrus. After a few seconds of concentrating she stopped and hoofed me the wand. The papyrus fell to the ground as the entirety of the wand was revealed. The word thorn was engraved on the side and for some reason, it made me pretty happy. "Thanks Violet, if I need anything else I know who to come to." "Mhm, you're welcome!" With the conversation concluded I exited the crowd and held the wand in my hand. It's so cool looking and it's mine! I want to use it so badly! My thinking paused when I realized I might be turning into a magic nerd. When I get back I'll get right into magic training. I pocketed the wand which fit perfectly into my pocket with only the pommel sticking out. Now all I need is a wizard hat. Two days until the thirtieth "Ugh, my legs feel like jelly...gross disgusting painful jelly," I spoke with my face in the dirt. I tripped and fell right at the last few minutes of running, and it seems like my legs didn't take kindly to my clumsy nature. If the pain in my knees were anything to go by. I sat up and started rubbing my legs. "Ya gotta be more careful, ya okay?" Who? I looked up from my scuffed up legs to see a stocky green stallion offering me his hoof. He looked to be a guard from the Stone Family estate. "Aw thanks, I'm all good," I grabbed his hoof and almost had my arm dislocated by his sheer strength. Needless to say, I was on my feet and my shoulder now hurts too. I massaged my shoulder as he looked at me with a small smile. "That was a mighty hard fall, ya sure?" "Oh trust me I'm dandy, my rockhard muscles and giant ego wouldn't let me say otherwise," I chuckled. "Really, ain't that a tragedy. Coulda swore ya fel-" "Nope, impossible, if anyone says otherwise they're lying." He started laughing and I couldn't resist joining in, meeting new ponies isn't half bad. Especially when they're not royalty or part of a cult. After a bit more joking we stopped, and I wiped a tear from my eye. "Ah've seen you runnin' 'round here a lot lately, thought I oughta help ya out when ya... " "Didn't fall, that's what you were going to say," I smirked " but in all seriousness thanks man, I appreciate it. What's your name?" "Ho- Y'know what jus' call me Crisp. Ah, have the mornin' shift so ah'm 'round." "Nice to meet you Crisp, I'm Peter." After exchanging a few more pleasantries we parted ways. What a cool guy, I probably won't ever talk to him again though. I began walking to the side of the building to begin training with my magic some more. A minute or two later I arrived at the side of the building and upon arriving I pulled out Thorn. Which after using it a few times yesterday, I have come to the conclusion that I must be stupid. The difference between using that library crystal and my wand was like the difference between heaven and earth. The scale on which I could use my mana was incredible, so much so that I haven't felt strained at all while casting yet! That and casting with the Thorn is so much easier, I only need to focus for a couple of seconds, and then it's done. It's almost like everything has become ten times more efficient! Plus I think I look pretty cool flailing about with my brand new wand. Maybe standing still with a dopey smile on my face isn't good, I looked over at the same pile of rocks I've been using for the past few days. "Rock hand." After a few seconds of visualizing it, my mana raced out my body and through my arm to the wand. It erupted out of the pointed end of the wand and quickly seeped into the disturbed soil. In a matter of seconds, it transformed into the stone hand that I had visualized. I'm getting better. After casting the spell a few more times I stopped, my mana is almost gone and the pain in my abdomen is getting unbearable. Then again that's how it always is when I cast too much magic, I sauntered over to the manor wall and sat down. I tried to get comfortable, as comfortable as one could get while sitting on the ground. After I run out of mana yesterday I noticed it was somewhat easier to absorb raw mana. Though that wasn't the only thing I noticed, my perception of the mana around me has gotten larger and more acute. For example, I noticed that the raw mana around me tends to flow in a pattern. I'm not a genius but by the looks of it, mana in its raw state has a natural 'current', or something like it. Which I found interesting, like why would mana need a current? What does it mean? Questions aside, I'm glad I made steps forward. Shaking the smile off my face I began concentrating to use the Gaia Siphon technique. One day until the thirtieth The sounds of loud pounding against my wooden door caused me to shoot out of bed with frizzled hair and a line of drool. "Ugh, wha? I don' have 'n larm clock," I groggily slurred. Yawning I cracked my back and slipped on my shirt before stumbling over to the door. Rubbing my eyes sleepily I opened the door, to find the mare that treated me after that bat pony beat me to hell 'n back. Though it appears she's wearing a maid uniform...is that steam coming out of he- "You have some nerve don't you!" Her hoof shot out and grabbed my earlobe. "Ow, what the heck lady?" "Stealing food off passing maids! Completely reprehensible!" Her hoof kept pinching my earlobe with every word! "OW, stop it hurts," this is worse than getting beat up by the bat pony. "And because of you, poor Caramel got scolded by one of the guests!" JESUS CHRIST IT HURTS, I was forced to bend down because of the height difference. "I'm sorry, I'm sor--OW, hey I said I'm sorr- CHRIST!" She started twisting my earlobe mid-sentence. "No, you're going to apologize to her...and I'll walk you there. She's in the kitchen." Oh god please no. Her hoof twisted and pulled my ear as she started walking down the hallway. My yelps of pain not far behind her. I haven't been this embarrassed since I stole candy from the gas station when I was a kid. Her march of tyranny took us down through the empty lobby and to a small hallway to the left of the central staircase, my face was practically steaming with embarrassment. The whole time she was berating me for my actions and insulting me, old mares are terrifying. We got to the end of the hallway and stopped at a closed-door, where she then proceeded to violently open the door and twist my ear at the same time. "OW, Jesus lady." "Grow up and go apologize to her." I looked up at the kitchen to notice the only pony here was the maid. The old mare let go of ear, freedom! Her ironclad grasp is gone, I touched my red ear and bit my lip. Freakin' ow. Looking at the mare I noticed just how hard she was working. I could see her furiously kneading some dough, I could feel guilt swell up and overpower any anxiety I had about speaking to her. Why did I have to be a dick to someone just trying to do their job? Screw you Peter, I sighed. She was so entranced in her work she still hasn't noticed either of us, and that's saying something considering that wild she-demon nearly knocked the kitchen door off its hinges. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back, did she really just punch me? Why is she so violent?! I turned around and was met with the 'do you want to die punk?' glare. "Okay, okay I'm going, jeez." I slowly walked up to the mare and tapped her on the shoulder. "Buc-" She quickly stuffed her hoof in her mouth. Oops, I didn't mean to do that. "Sorry about that I didn't mean to scare you." "I-its okay, can I get you something." Ugh, this is making me feel like a piece of human garbage. "No no, I wanted to apologize about stealing food when we passed in the morning. I heard from...uh...I never got her name," I pointed at the old mare behind me "that you got reprimanded because of it." "N-no, you shouldn't apologize It's okay! "Nah it really isn't, I'm sorry you got reprimanded because of me." I could feel my pride push back against my statement, I stomped it out. There are times when I have to know when I've done something wrong. I looked down at the kitchen floor ashamed. "Want to help me finish this?" "What?" I looked up from my feet, to see her holding the dough in her hooves with an awkward smile. So she's not good with this stuff either? "Sure, though I don't think I'll be much help. The last time I tried cooking I couldn't get the smell of smoke out of my kitchen for weeks." She giggled, and the tense atmosphere dissipated along with it. I turned around to check If I'd have a dagger in my back but It would seem during our conversation the old mare left the kitchen. "So what do you need me to do Ms. Caramel?" "Just Caramel is fine, the formality makes me uncomfortable. Grab one of those bowls off the counter on your right, and then use the grease by the stove to grease it!" "What are we making?" "Hmm, I'm not gonna say. You're going to have to find out!" she exclaimed in a sing-song voice. I stepped over to the counter on my right and picked up the large bowl, and just like she told me to do I walked over to the store and grabbed the grease. I applied the substance and stepped back with a satisfied grin. "Is that all?" "Nope! Grab a top for the bowl, they should be," she glanced behind her and looked to the right "By the sink." "Yes I'm on it, hey why isn't anyone else here? Outta curiosity," I said while walking over to the sink. "Most ponies are not awake at five in the morning." "What are you doing here then?" "O-oh, well." I could hear her stammer from across the kitchen. While grabbing the bowl top I turned around and headed back to her with the greased-up bowl and top. "Work?" "No, well...yes, b-but not really. I just really like baking and the early morning is a nice time to do that a-and a lot of the guests like the sweet treats we offer." She seems awful embarrassed over something really simple. "That sounds pretty rad Caram-oh wait, what do we do now?" Her embarrassed attitude shifted and she looked up from the dough over to me. "We put the dough in the bowl and let it sit at room temperature for an hour and a half," she reached over and dropped the dough in the bowl "In the meantime want to see something cool?" "Sure." She took off her maid bonnet to reveal a horn. With a small smirk on her face, she closed her eyes and her horn lit up, and only a few seconds later the flour decorating the counter in front of her levitated into the air. It swirled and shifted like rain during a storm. Wow. The flour became still and then made out an image in the air of a stickpony and stickman with...pans? I let out a small chuckle, how did she even do that? I looked over at her to see her breathing hard with beads of sweating rolling down her forehead. It seemed like her magical act caused her to become exhausted. "That's amazing, you're so good at magic! How'd you do that?" I looked back at the flour figures floating in the open air. "O-oh, it really isn't anything special. Just some basic levitation, that's the largest I've ever made it actually." She seemed pretty proud of herself. For good reason too, that was amazing. Maybe I just find anything involving magic to be amazing though. After a minute the flour fell back onto the counter and we laughed. It's nice to meet another cool pony, It seems like I've been meeting a lot of nice ponies lately. "Wait, so do you make all of the sweets for the manor? And which one is your favorite? I'm calling it, It's Caramel Apples or something isn't it?" Two hours and twenty minutes later "I can't eat anymore, not a single bite," I groaned while rubbing my bloated stomach. "That was amazing, I'd say it was my best sweetbread yet!" I nodded my head, this bread is fantastic. Brushing the crumbs off my shirt I took my plate over to the sink and set it down. I need to get back on schedule, though It was definitely nice to take a break. I moved to the kitchen door and turned around to tell Caramel I was leaving. "Thanks for the food and I'm sorry about y'know that whole thing." "I-its okay, it was fun!" "Alright, until next time," I waved and exited out of the kitchen. I need to get back to training. After all, tomorrow is the thirtieth and I don't know what to expect but something in my gut is telling me it won't end well. Ignoring the growing thoughts I began walking back to my room, since I was practically dragged out with nothing but my pants and shirt I wasn't able to grab my wand or cloak. I'll never piss off an old mare again.