> Slay The Dragon... Right? > by Dark Tail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Should Be No Problem... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry Heart stopped to take a breather. She had been hiking for some time now. The hills and mountains surrounding the Crystal Empire were vast. It was late in the morning and she had started at the crack of dawn. Flurry hoped her jeans and sweatshirt would hold out against the icy winds. Her body temperature should be alright though as she had cast an anti-freezing spell on herself before leaving. It was helping to stave off the cold and allowed her to travel light. She took out her small backpack and re-examined her things. A bottle of water, some protein bars, a pickax, and some rope. She also had a broad sword and shield strapped to her back just between her wings. They were a bit uncomfortable but needed for the job ahead. Flurry looked out, the castle shining in the distance. An argument she had last night began to play throughout her mind: "But mom, I can take care of this! I'm ready. I am practically an adult." Flurry Heart was standing in the throne room, her mom looking down at her from her throne. Her regal pink dress practically clashed with the T-shirt and Jeans wearing white and purple pony. "You may be an adult but you lack the maturity and experience to take something like this on by yourself." Flurry Heart took a step forward, "But I won't get that experience unless I go out there and prove myself!" Cadence took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Listen Flurry, this isn't just some small time dragon causing trouble. This is an adult dragon. As in, well over a hundred years old. As in a large red mountain dragon. AS IN, very dangerous Dragon. Dragons mature differently than normal ponies so this one will have both the knowledge and power to crush you easy. But may lack any empathy as a much older Dragon. It may not deem to give you any mercy." "But, I'm a full blooded alicorn! Surely my magic and body can take something down like that. I am stronger than most ponies here!" "You may be strong Flurry, but Dragon Lord Ember has already informed me that this dragon was kicked out of its native land for a reason. She is on her way here to over see it be dealt with it." "Then give me a head start, I can show Ember that there is nothing to worry about." "Flurry Heart! Please understand..." Flurry Heart took another step forward, her wings opening up as she felt a bit of rage ride up. "You can't keep me locked up here forever. I can't become an awesome pony like you by sitting around here all the time!" Cadence's voice was soft but there was a hint of annoyance and worry. "I just want to keep you safe. Flurry, please understand that this is because I care about you but you are forbidden to leave this castle till Ember-." "-But I..." Cadence stood up, her authority now pulsating around her like a strong aura. Her voice now becoming a bit louder. "That is final Flurry. We will not discuss this more." Flurry glared daggeres, "You can't do this to me, I will show you what I can do. I am stronger than you think I am!" Cadence seemed taken aback for a second before returning to her immovable stance. "Flurry Heart..." Flurry stamped her hoof hard against the ground, her hands clenching hard enough to almost draw blood. "Fine!" With that, she turned and ran out, slamming the large heavy double doors behind her. *** Flurry shook her head, the memory was like mental wall. It was telling her to turn around but she refused it. She would press on. Likely, most ponies will soon be realizing she was gone and go looking for her. With a sword and shield missing from one of the suits lining the halls, it wouldn't take long for her mother to realize where she had gone. Best to put as much distance between her and the Crystal Empire. She didn't have far to go anyways. The dragon had been burning down anything along the outskirts of the city. Its trail of gold and bits of stolen crystals was like bread crumbs leading back to its large cave. The cave in question was dark and seemed to shrink a bit as it went along. More than likely it would grow in size farther in as the Dragon would have had trouble otherwise. As Flurry stood in front of it, she noticed a warm breeze coming out of it. If Flurry had to guess, the Dragon was naturally heating up the cave with its breath and keeping it warm somehow though the abilities of a Dragon. Though her knowledge of Dragons were only from what Spike had told her during his visits, she felt confident enough to take it on with what she knew. Spike had been her only real friend these past several years now and she wasn't gonna lie, she wished he could be here now to give her some advice. But then again, she wouldn't be able to completely prove herself if he was here. Flurry Heart went over what she knew in her head thanks to Spike: fire breathing, incredible strength, not affected by intense heat, strong scales and almost complete night vision. These are the strengths of a Dragon from what she knew. Weaknesses: Soft under belly, little eye protection and not all dragons are fully intelligent. Some even lack basic speech. Flurry Heart shifted her bag, swallowed any fear she may have had and started walking in. The cave closed up around her and soon darkness enveloped her. Flurry lit up her horn and used the wall to help guide her way. The cave seemed to go on and on. At least a good few kilometers deep. Though it was hard to tell walking in almost complete darkness. It could have been much shorter but with hardly any land marks it was anypony's guess. She eventually came to a fork in the road. A few crystals scattered around one side made it clear which way to go but the sound of running water in the other direction did cause Flurry Heart to pause. Perhaps on the way back, stopping by the water source to rest wouldn't be a bad idea. She nodded to herself and continued on. After walking for a good long while, Flurry Heart's eyes began to adjust as light began to filter in. Turning off her horn, she stepped out into a big antechamber. There she could see a large red dragon, sleeping on its side, on a pile of gold and crystals. His breath shot out small bits of fire every exhale. Blue glowing crystals lit up his body and the chamber surrounding him. The Dragon was massive. It could easily swallow her whole. If she wasn't careful, this thing could do some real damage. Flurry set her bag down, took out the sword and shield, and readied herself. Since it was asleep this should easy. All she had to do was sneak up, get close to its belly and deliver a powerful thrust. Follow up with some shots from her horn into its open wound and that should take it down. Dragons may be strong but opening this one up should make it an easy take down. Flurry did her best to silently approach it. She used her wings to hover over. The dragon shifted in its sleep, moving from sleeping on its side to its back. Flurry held her breath, hoping it wouldn't decide to wake up. When it didn't, she quickly flew over and landed right in the middle of its large belly. She grinned and raised her sword. "Just wait till she hears about this. I'm gonna bring back some scales and shove them right in her pink face!" Flurry Heart brought down the sword with all her might. Her sword was a blur as she smashed it downwards with enough force to blow air upwards and around her. The sword made contact and with a loud whoosh... The sword broke... *Crack!* Time seemed to slow as Flurry realized just how loud that was. It echoed throughout the cave. Flurry glanced down at her broken blade. Then up at the dragon who was now awake and staring right at her. "Oh... Shooot." Flurry felt the wind get knocked out her her as the Dragon brought up its claw and swatted her off of him. She crashed against the ground and skidded to a stop after sliding a good several hooves. "Oof... This may have been a bad idea. That sword did look a bit old." Flurry looked up and saw the dragon preparing to fire at her with its Dragon... Well... Fire! Flurry raised her shield in defense was watched as fire erupted from its mouth. Thankfully, her alicorn body had little trouble taking the heat. Unfortunately, the shield not so much, soon broke and fell apart. "Guess that was a bit old too." Flurry mumbled as she rolled away from the fire blast. Flurry was quick to get on her hooves, only to have her knocked off again as the Dragon back clawed her, sending her into the wall. Boom! Flurry winced as rocks and dirt fell around her. Her body was strong but not used to taking this kind of punishment. She glanced down, suddenly realizing there was a draft now in places there shouldn't have been. Her jeans had been burned and were now full of holes. Just barely holding onto her. The sweater she was wearing had a huge hole around her right breast and shoulder leaving her slightly exposed. Thankfully no one was around to see her. Not only was she about to get her ass kicked by a dragon, but she was going to be almost naked to add insult to injury. Flurry Heart staggered, trying to get away from the dragon. Only to be grabbed and thrown across the cave. BaBoom Again, rocks and dirt rained down as Flurry left a small imprint in the wall. Her jeans came undone in the impact leaving just her broken sweater and a thong. An impromptu thing she had decided upon before leaving. Wanting to feel sexy while taking down a dragon... Hindsight is 20/20. Flurry Heart shook the stars out of her eyes, the Dragon was clearly just playing with her at this point. It could probably kill her if it really wanted to. Sure, it wouldn't be easy but eating her or body slamming her would probably do the trick. Flurry Heart shook her head and started running towards the Dragon. She slid to dodge another swipe before jumping up and flying upwards as hard as she could. She got right up the Dragons neck, prepared her fist with a strength spell, then swung with everything she had. Again, air blew around her as a dull thump echoed throughout the chamber. Flurry Heart felt a smile creep across her face. "Hah. What do you think about that Dragon!" The Dragon seemed to regard the punch as no more than a small flick of the fingers. He simply gave the area a small rub before batting her out of the air. Flurry Heart was sent flying across the chamber and landed in a heap against the wall again. This time she hit one of the glowing crystals, cracking it on impact. She was getting nowhere fast, only managing to wreck herself more. Flurry staggered to her hooves. "Is... Is that all you got?" As if to answer, the Dragon slammed is claw down, crushing her underneath its palm. It then quickly lifted it up and examined its handy work. "Ow..." Flurry Heart lay in a crater, her legs and arms feeling more sore than she ever had before. Pretty sure her sweatshirt was barely clinging to life at this point. "Great... Could this day get any worst?" She felt the Dragon pick her up by her hood of her sweatshirt. She was amazed it was even still attached. Pinching it between two of its claws. It lifted her up so it could get a better look at her. With her now well within eyesight, the Dragon took the time to examine her. Flurry felt its eyes track her body. "H-hey... L-like what ya see?" Flurry Heart hung there, feeling defeated. Her wings and mane were disheveled. Covered in dirt with hardly much clothing holding onto her body at this point. Everything felt sore and her eyes were starting to feel heavy. The Dragon let out a weird sound which Flurry could only guess was laughter. This was it, she was going to be humiliated by a Dragon. A toy to toss around until it either grew tired or her body eventually gave out. Flurry stared up at the Dragon, trying to return some determination to her eyes. The dragon seemed amused and was just about to give her another toss when it suddenly froze. Flurry blinked, unsure of what was going on. The Dragon twitched as voice rang out behind her, "Put her down!" The Dragon obeyed and Flurry Heart dropped like a rock, crashing onto the ground below. Flurry let out a small groan. "Ohhh." "I meant carefully you stupid Dragon!" Flurry Heart rolled over, her eyes struggling to focus but she could just make out a blue, kind of thin, small Dragon standing nearby. She seemed to dressed in a black open kimono top that just barely covered her breasts and a large black loin cloth that covered both the front and back down to her knees. In her right claw she held a scepter with a large red ruby in it. It seemed to be glowing. "Leave this place and never return. You were warned what would happen after we kicked you out of the dragon lands. Don't let me catch you causing trouble again or we will be forcing you into the Everfree and we both know you won't last long there!" The Dragon seemed to flinch in terror. Moving as far back against the cave as it could. "You have your orders and as Dragon Lord, YOU WILL FOLLOW THEM. NOW GO!" The Dragon seemed to hesitate but another flash from the scepter and it took off like a train going full speed. It exited the antechamber in a flash, the sound of rumbling getting softer over time as it disappeared down the cave. Flurry let out a sigh of relief. She soon felt a claw tap her shoulder, "Can you walk?" Flurry's vision swam but she nodded. She soon felt a hand help lift her up and a shoulder to lean on. "I know this cave well. I am going to take you to a safe place to get your strength back. Do you understand?" Flurry nodded again. She felt her head go light as her body suddenly felt heavy. "Hey are you sure you're alright?" Flurry Heart gave the most honest answer she had ever given. "Nope." Blackness soon took her mind as she felt another claw catch her from falling. Her last thought was about how stupid this whole trip was. > Mistakes Had Been Made > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry felt something wooden against her mouth, her head felt heavy but her consciousness was slowly returning. "Think you can drink this?" Flurry did her best to do as asked. After swallowing what she could only describe as burned leaves kind of taste, she was able to open her eyes. She was still in a cave but it was lit up by glowing crystals. Pools of water surrounded her with a river flowing nearby. She was currently sitting upright on a blanket that was propped up against a large rock. Flurry looked to her left and saw a thin blue Dragon sitting with her feet in the pool closest to them. She was just setting down a bowl with some strange green liquid in it. "Welcome back," she said, "I have to say, you sure know how to take a beating. I've seen dragons who wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as you did. Congrates." Flurry slowly nodded. "I was trying to slay it," she croaked. "Oh I know, Fire Lord Ember. You can just call me Ember. Your mom sent me." Flurry, whose mind was slowly piecing itself back together, realized just how screwed she could have been without Ember. Also how much of a 'I told you so' she would be receiving later. But that could wait. Right now, she had something she needed to say. "Thank-you.... Thank you for saving me." Flurry said, trying to get up but failing and only managing to shift around a bit. Ember laughed, "It was no trouble. I was planning on doing what I did anyways. Mind telling me why you decided to forgo Princess Cadence's warnings and go try to slay a freaking almost adult mountain dragon?" Flurry glanced down at herself, now remembering she was still wearing nothing but a tattered sweatshirt and slightly frayed thong. "I was trying to prove myself. To show just how strong I was and that I could take care of myself." Ember smiled, "You know... I understand that. I actually became Dragon Lord by disobeying my father and taking part in a race that could have very well killed me." Flurry seemed intrigued while Ember's smile faded. Ember glanced off into the distance, "I wanted to prove so much to my father. But in reality, I never would have reached the end had it not been for Spike. He taught me that no matter how strong you are or think you are, you aren't going to get very far without a friend." Flurry folded her arms, "So you're saying I might have had a better chance if Spike were here with me?" Ember looked back at Flurry, her smile returning. "Maybe. Hard to say for sure but, you may have at least put a dent in him before I got there." Flurry gave a low chuckle, "Heh...So... What now?" Ember got up and stood next to Flurry Heart. "Well first, we are going to help get your strength back. These pools are magical in nature. They are warm and can help heal the body and soul. Just got to soak your body in it." Flurry put a hand on the rock and slowly got to her hooves. "I think I can stand now, which pool would you say is best?" Ember nodded over to a pool nearby, "That one should be deep enough. I'll help you in." Ember lifted her claws up, untied her sash and let her kimono fall from her body. She then untied the loin cloth and let it fall to her feet. Flurry couldn't help but stare. She had one heck of a nice rack and lean body to boot. Ember caught her looking. "Like what you see?" Flurry quickly nodded. She then quickly pulled up and threw the tattered sweatshirt off to the side. Her thong came apart in her hands as she tried to remove it. She let out a sigh and tossed what little was left to the side. She then stretched out her arms, gave her back a quick twist and gestured to the pool. "Alright, let's go." Ember grabbed Flurry by the hand, had her lean on Embers shoulder, and led her to the pool. Both slowly walked in, wading until the water came just up to their shoulders. The warm water felt amazing. Like no other bath compared to the feeling her body was getting right now. It felt like bits of energy were dancing across her body. Ember shifted to see in Flurry could stand on her own. "How are you feeling?" Flurry shrugged, noticing that she could stand up better. "Alright, but I still feel kind of sore." Ember nodded, "That's to be expected. Here let me help." Ember waded around until she was behind Flurry. Flurry felt her cheeks go a bit pinke as Ember's breasts began to press against her back. Being naked next to somepony else is nothing new to her. She had been to a hot spring before. However, Embers nice rack pressed up against her slightly was another feeling entirely. One that she had to admit, she could very easily get used to. Ember raised up both her claws and laid them on Flurry's shoulders. She then began to kneed her shoulders. Pressing in hard against them, squeezing them but making sure to work out the kinks. She moved her palms in small circles, working in way in then out. Flurry let out a small moan, "That feels good. Can you do my back?" Ember nodded and began to work her way down. Her claws were amazing. They moved down, slowly rubbing into her back. Up and down the sides her claws went. She squeezed and pressed. Slowly working around her back. A feeling like never before entered her mind right then. It was something that she knew she needed but felt kind of embarrassed to ask. While at the same time, she had just had a pretty bad encounter was ready to say screw it to all inhibitions. "Em-Ember... Could you... My breasts?" Flurry whispered, her face now redder than the mountain dragon while her eyes appeared somewhat glazed over. Ember seemed intrigued but obliged, pressing her breasts harder into Flurry's back, whose wings had gone hard and were sort of floating just below the water. Her claws gripped Flurry's C-cup marshmallows. The claws pushed and squeezed, causing Flurry to gasp at the motions. Her nipples were hard as a rock. Her mind was feeling hazy again but in a good way. Screw all the inhibitions! "AH... Ember..." "I got you covered." Ember's claws left Flurry's breast and disappeared entirely. The large breasts vanished as well from her back as Ember stepped back. Flurry glanced back and watched in confusion as Ember sank below the water. She could see Ember then swim to the front of her. She was about to voice a question when she felt something enter her forbidden dungeon. A long tongue. Very long. Embers she had to guess, was working its way around inside her now. Prodding and poking around. Going deeper with each passing second. Moving up and down, side to side as it exploring her moist cave. Flurry closed her eyes, reached out and felt Ember's head. She pulled it close, wrapping her legs around Embers head as pleasure like never before slithered through her. "AH...Uh... Yes... Deeper!" Flurry arched her back and began to fondle her right breast while continuing to hold Ember against her crotch. Deeper the tongue went. It was hitting every area just right, pounding while massaging her is ways she could never imagine. The day had wore her out so it didn't take long before Ember's tongue began to build something within her. "So... Good... SO... CLOSE!" Flurry Heart arched back so much she almost fell over as an orgasm came crashing through her. "AHHHHH. EMBER!" Flurry panted, her body felt like it was on fire yet better than it ever had before. Ember slowly removed her tongue and came back up out of the water. A smile stretched across her face. Flurry took a moment to catch her breath before asking, "How... How did you do that?" "Dragons have long tongues and can hold their breath for a really long time." Flurry let out small chuckle, "I'll be sure to add that to the list of things I need to learn." Ember moved forward and wrapped her arms around Flurry's back, her breasts squishing against Flurry's. Her face just inches away. "Speaking of which, we have much to talk about." Ember glanced down at Flurry's body and then the steam filled pool. "But for right now, lets just enjoy this soak." Flurry let out a small sigh, her fatigue starting to return. "Sure... Sounds good." *** Flurry Heart opened the door slowly to the throne room, doing her best to not let the blanket move to far from her body. It was currently wrapped tightly around her. Ember followed close behind. Before Flurry could make no more than a few steps in, she felt Cadence running up and hugging her. "Glad you're safe. I knew you'd probably be alright once Ember showed up but still good to see you are alright." Flurry Heart was expecting a long lecture so she was willing to take the hug while it lasted. Though it did feel a bit awkward considering the circumstances. It didn't take long for Cadence to break away though. "Heh, judging by that blanket, I am going to guess the dragon wasn't kind to your clothing." Flurry Heart looked away, embarrassed. Not by the lack of clothing mind you, but the obvious beat-down she had received. She stared at the floor and nodded her head. Cadence gave an all knowing look, "Don't take it to heart Flurry, I had to return home in the dead of night after my first tussle with a Dragon as well." Flurry looked up in surprise while Ember snickered behind her. Cadence gestured to Ember, "Thanks again for coming after her and for considering my thoughts. I take it you have decided then?" Ember nodded, "I've got Spike covering for me. He's grown into a great leader, I'm sure he'll be fine." Flurry Heart looked to Ember, then to her mom. "Uh, what are you talking about?" Cadence raised an eyebrow, "You didn't tell her?" Ember put a claw on Flurry's shoulder, "I dropped a few hints but I figured it best she find out after she got home. She's gonna need a day to rest before we head out again anyways." Flurry shifted her shoulders, looking more confused then ever. Cadence caught look and chuckled, "When I was your age, Celestia taught me how to survive as well as how to defend myself against the local creature population. I have asked Ember here to do the same to you." Flurry Heart stared, dumbfounded. "You mean, Ember is going to teach my how to fight a Dragon?!" Ember grinned and gave Flurry a hearty slap on the back. "Not just that Flurry, I'm gonna teach you how to survive in this wilderness. For the next few weeks, starting a day from now, we are setting out and I will be showing you the ropes." Flurry felt her emotions switch quickly from excitement, to nervousness, to fear and back to excitement again. "This is... Wow. But why are you willing to do this for me?" Ember gave her another slap on the back, "You remind me of myself when I was younger. Not to mention Cadence has offered me a substantial reward so it all lead me to coming out here. Its funny actually. Before you left, she was planning on having you go with me to learn what you needed to know about Dragons but you decided to rush off instead. Again though, Cadence was you at one point too. She knew you might head off at one point so she made sure to send me your way as soon as possible." Flurry Heart felt the blanket fall from her body as the realization hit her. She didn't even care that she was now standing naked in the throne room. "You... Knew I would... On my own?" Cadence laughed and put a hand on Ember's shoulder, "It was like watching myself from a different angle. Ember and I knew it was only a matter of time. We've both been where you were." "Oh..." Ember and Cadence turned and smiled at each other before turning to Flurry. Ember nudged Flurry Heart with a bit of mischievous, "Alright you crazy naked pony. Go get rested up. Cadence and I will be sure to have you all ready to go by next sunrise." Flurry Heart nodded and began to walk away. Her mind clearly running at max. Her face remained blank. Cadence stopped her by calling out, "Oh and good luck, if Ember's training is going to be anything like Celestia's, you are going to need it." Flurry nodded, a wave of information trying to be process kept her from realizing she was currently walking out while still naked but didn't seem to care. As soon as the door closed behind her, both Cadence and Ember shared a look. Both laughed. "Oh, she's going to be great one day." Ember said trying to calm herself down. "If she is as much like me than I think she is, you can bet on it. Now..." Cadence went a got a small chair and pulled it up towards Ember, "I want all the juicy details of how it went and what kind of pick me up did you use afterwards." Ember grinned as she began to tell her tale... Making sure to inform her of just how strong Flurry was but also how much of a long road she had in front of her. > Bonus Chapter (Bad End) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ow..." Flurry Heart lay in a crater, her legs and arms feeling more sore than she ever had before. Pretty sure her sweatshirt was barely clinging to life at this point. "Great... Could this day get any worst?" She felt the Dragon pick her up by her hood of her sweatshirt. She was amazed it was even still attached. Pinching it between two of its claws. It lifted her up so it could get a better look at her. With her now well within eyesight, the Dragon took the time to examine her. Flurry felt its eyes track her body. "H-hey... L-like what ya see?" Flurry Heart hung there, feeling defeated. Her wings and mane were disheveled. Covered in dirt with hardly much clothing holding onto her body at this point. Everything felt sore and her eyes were starting to feel heavy. The Dragon let out a weird sound which Flurry could only guess was laughter. Then there was a pause. Like a shift in the air. The Dragon didn't seem to notice but to Flurry something just didn't feel right. She glanced around... Unsure why but something felt off. Like something should have happened. The Dragon moved her closer to inspect her. "H-hey... Careful.." Flurry felt her hood starting to tear... *** Well outside the cave, a blue Dragon looked around frantically. "Damn it! How did I loose her? I was following her trail perfectly! Did something happen? Where did this blizzard come from?!" Dragon Lord Ember looked around, the snow obscuring her vision and the entrance to the large cave. She took off, hoping the dragons layer wasn't too far away, not realizing she was flying right past it. *** The Dragon laughed as he shook her around a like a toy at the end of a string. Flurry could only hang loosely until her hood started to come undone. Seeing the threads starting to come undone, the Dragon began to swing Flurry around and around. Spinning her in the air in a circle until her hood came loose and Flurry was sent flying across the cave. She landed hard against the floor and scooted on her side across the floor until she reached the entrance. Flurry laid there for a moment. The Dragon began to loom over her. Flurry glanced over at her beg, despite her weariness, she knew she needed to do something. She crawled over to her bag as quick as she could. After going through it, she found her rope. Pickax was too dull but the rope might work. Flurry tied one end around her wrist and then the other around her other wrist. She then looked up at the Dragon's long neck. Flurry gritted her teeth and took off. The Dragon watched as she flew up and then towards him. She was going to try to wrap it around its neck. It was obvious to Flurry and it was just as obvious to the Dragon. The Dragon casual held up a claw as she tried to pass him, catching her rope. Flurry felt herself get yanked back as the Dragon made a circle motion, wrapping the rope around its claw more. Flurry could only brace as she flew back and crashed into the Dragon's arm. The Dragon then lifted its hand towards its face and yet again, Flurry was now trapped in its grasp. This time however, she was going to have a much harder time escaping. The Dragon blew onto Flurry Heart, causing her to get jostled around a bit. The breath was hot but their wasn't any fire. There did not need to be though. That jostle was enough for the rest of Flurry's ensemble to come undone. Her sweatshirt fell to pieces while the last strands of her thong came loose. Now completely naked and at the mercy of the Dragon, Flurry could only look on in hopes that its plans didn't involve eating her. "D-dragon... I-I... Listen. I don't taste good." The Dragon cocked its head and opened his mouth. He gave her a lick. Its tongue was long and thing, almost like snakes tongue. It went up her whole body, its tongue only slightly smaller that she was in size. It was soon covering her in its saliva. The tongue then reached. The Dragon closed his mouth put a claw to its chin, almost like it was testing the flavor. With an unsure look, it decided to go back for another taste. This time, the tip of the tongue slid along her slit causing Flurry to let out a small 'meep.' This seemed to amuse the Dragon as he ran the tip of his tongue between her legs, slowly. Flurry let out a long hard moan. "Ah... Dr-dragon..." The Dragon grinned. He held out his tongue and began to to slide is tongue in and out. Dragging it slowly across her marehood. The meeps and moans Flurry Heart was making seemed to amuse him more and more. Flurry didn't know what to think. The pleasure was intense and it sure beat getting eaten. But at the same time, she was supposed to be slaying it not... Getting off by it. "Ah screw... Ah... It." Flurry did her best to lean forward and grind her moist lips deeper into the smooth tongue. She used one of her wings to tease her breast as the pleasure built. The Dragon seemed to enjoy the show as he made sure to push slightly more into Flurry's soaked sex. After a good long drag. Flurry couldn't take it anymore and came right on the creatures tongue. The Dragon moved Flurry away and closed its mouth, seeming to test the flavor out more. It seemed to love the flavor. The dragon open his mouth and brought back out his tongue. Flurry, opened her legs and allowed it to lick was left. The feeling was strange but a good kind of strange. The Dragon closed his mouth and licked his lips. He gave her a big smile. With the idea of being of some use to him, the Dragon took the tied up Flurry Heart and draped her over a crystal sitting on the wall. She was to become his personal plaything. Also flavor dispenser. The Dragon yawned and curled up back onto his pile of gold. Once asleep, Flurry worked to free herself. After several minutes of flapping hard with her tired wings, hovering best she could, she managed to get one hand loose enough to untie the other. After freeing herself, Flurry dropped to the floor. She laid there for a moment, mare cum leaking out onto the floor. Eventually, she slowly got back up. She limped out of the antechamber, saliva still falling from her battered and tired body. She followed the cave back, eventually finding the entrance. She was about to leave when a thought occurred, "I failed. Not only that but I also have nothing to show for it. But that Dragon... His tongue felt soo goood." Flurry wondered... Would it really be all that bad to become the Dragon's personal play thing? After all, her pride had been shattered, there is no way her mom would ever let her out of the kingdom ever again. What is one prison to another? At least here, the Dragon could give her more pleasure. She could live free from anyone. Surely if she explained her situation and promised to stay, the Dragon would treat her well. "I'll maybe stay awhile, maybe sneak out in a few days or something." Flurry Heart took one last look outside, turned and walked back into the depths of the cave... *** One Week Later. Ember trudged through the heavy snow. At last that awful blizzard had vanished. Now able to get her barings, she had better luck finding the cave now. She could only hope that she wasn't too late. It had been a week. From what Cadence had told her, she was a strong one. Surely she would be alright. Ember sprinted through the cave. Unsure of what she would find. The last thing she ever expected though was when she found Flurry. To be specific, the fact that she was standing in the giant red mountain Dragon's palm. She was completely naked. Covered in Dragon saliva and giving him a show. Masturbating with her fingers and allowing as much liquid to flow onto his open claws as possible. Upon watching Flurry reach her climax, the Dragon lapped up her spoils greedily. Flurry glided down and was surprised to see Ember staring there. "Oh... Dragon Lord Ember. Didn't expect to see you here. This is Red. That's not his real name but its what I call him. Turns out he really loves mare cum." Ember struggled to form words, as Flurry casually ran a finger down and licked off some of the juices off of her own leg. With a pop, she licked her finger clean. "So tell me, what brings you here?" "I... I came to help you?" Flurry laughed and shook her head, "Let me guess, mom sent you right? Tell her not to worry. The Dragon is treating me well here." "Oh... Um... Ok... Uh... I guess I need to report back to the princess." Flurry Heart nodded, "OK, nice meeting you." Flurry turned and walked back towards Red. Ember just stood there. "Cadence... What did you just drag me into?"