> The formation of the Rainbow Daggers > by Larry Kluga > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 beganing of the weirdness Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Nicolas Carol James system log) Hello this is Nick James my friends call me Nick or Tech Man haha. The reason I am doing this system log is because when Twilight Sparkle asked everyone to tell the story about our adventure. I was the only one that volunteered. Go figure right? It's been 2 years since we came here from Earth Dimension number 45·0 or Equestria. Since these worlds are like Earth we had decided to put them into a number category so we can keep track on the dimensions on the wheel of reality. Don't worry I'll keep the science talk to a minimum. Everything had changed since we've came here,just last week Noxs started to sneeze out fire and George started to have a striength of 100 men. We have no idea what's going on but it's just the only beganing. Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer been going head over heels trying to cope of what's going on. "Let me take another sample of your DNA Noxs" Twilight insisted,Noxs opened his mouth so Twilight can swab his saliva and put in her analyst machine. It beep 3 times then it stops Twilight looks at it "impossible" said Twilight while fixing her glasses. "What's impossible Twi" asked Sunset Shimmer,Twilight looks at her with an expression like a sciencetist finding water on another planet. > Chapter 2 Beganing of the weirdness Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "His bloodstream has traces of Equestrian magic in it" Said Twilight,the girls were puzzled and started to test all of our DNA. "Um Twilight is this really necessary" I asked Twilight turns and gave me a look like I was her lab rat. After the DNA tests our results came positive for Equestrian magic in our bloodstream. But Larry's in the other hand his came negative witch was odd. Because we all were from Equestria but we were also from Earth dimension 44·5 or aka human Earth so that could be why Larry is negative. Three weeks passed by and we started to get our abilities. When I encountered my ability I was in the kitchen. Getting a drink and the bottle of water turned to ice unexpectedly. But I'll be honest I kind of freaked out. Kyle started to levetait objects with his mind and Mike can shape-shift into plenty animals. Also into other humans witch is pretty cool but when everyone's been trying to control their powers. Larry sat outside on the front stoop. He was staring at the sky looking left out but Rainbow Dash went outside to him. If anyone can cheer him up its her. "Larry?" Asked Rainbow Dash he jumps and looks up to her gaze. "Oh hey Dash the Flash what's up" asked Larry. When we first met the girls, Rainbow Dash showed off her speed to us. Well. That's when Larry started to call her Dash the Flash. Rainbow Dash doesn't think any of it she actually like that nickname. But she only likes it when he calls her that. No one else. "Oh nothing just saw you out here alone and I thought you would like the company" said Rainbow Dash with a concern look. Larry smiles and pats the concrete slap signaling her to sit. "I know its crazy but when my friends started to find their abilities. I started to feel paranoid" said Larry, Rainbow Dash looks at him with a playful grin. "Crazy? How so?" Asked Rainbow Dash. Larry looks at her then looked at his hands. "Well it's just I don't know how I'm negative I mean I've been in Equestria. At the same time as my friends." Said Larry with his fist clenched, but before Rainbow Dash could say anything a thunderstorm. Had came from nowhere the rain started a few minutes later. Larry and Rainbow Dash ran back inside. During the thunder storm the clouds were looking unnatural. They started to shift right to the left then made odd circles Fluttershy sherked and ran under the table. "Uh Fluttershy are you okay?" Noxs asked while kneeling she didn't say anything just kept on shaking. I looked at the window and saw a beem of light heading tords the ground. Kyle walked up to the door then looked back at us. "That odd light was nothing that I had seen before" said Kyle, we look at each other then back at him. "Kyle what are you thinking?" I asked, he pointed at the location where the light was with a determined look on his face. "Are you guys at least a bit curious? I mean this could be the answer of why we have magic in our bloodstream." Kyle insisted we all looked at each other but Larry was the one who broke the silence. "It's too dangerous to be out in a storm like this. Lets just wait until the storm ends or morning" Kyle got a bit angry at Larry's words. "We can handle it unlike you we have our abilities and with that we can punch through the storm in no time'' said Kyle with a snarky voice. Twilight walked in front of Larry. "Larry has a point you may have your abilities but you can't control them. Its too dangerous and if we go out there, there's no telling what would happen this storm isn't natural" said Twilight. After Twilight's lecture everybody started to plan to go where that light hit for the next morning. But while everyone was planning Kyle walked backwards sneakily and ran out the door. But what he didn't know was Angel Bunny saw him snuck out. Angel ran to Fluttershy he tug her skirt to get Fluttershy's attention. "Oh what is it Angel" asked Fluttershy the bunny jumps 3 times while pointing at the wide open door leading outside. She gasps then tries to get everyone's attention but her sweet kind voice wasn't enough. So she lets out a big yell. "GUYS CAN YOU LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE" everyone looks at Fluttershy with a shock look well mostly the girls did. Because we knew the Flutter pony was more assertive. So when Fluttershy pointed to the door everyone gasps and started a new plan to get Kyle out of the freakish storm. > Chapter 3 into the storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once we've had everything ready Larry,Twilight,Rainbow Dash,George,Sunset Shimmer,and I left. To find Kyle while everyone else stayed behind just in case. So we started to go through the storm to find our stubborn friend but the weather was too much on foot. Sunset Shimmer called AppleJack to come to our aid. While we were walking George had spotted something in the horizon. "Guys over there. There's lights heading tords us" George pointed,we've looked and sure enough they were heading our way. We started to get ready for what's coming our way but the 2 lights stopped in front of us. It was a 88 Ford pickup. "Howdy ya sorry I took so long Granny Smith lost her teeth in the orchard" AppleJack greeted with a tip of her hat. "AppleJack!" We've shouted, so we went in the pickup and drove to find Kyle. We drove all the way to the location where the beem was spotted. While we were getting out we an extremely horrifying sight. There was mud track and markings Sunset Shimmer put her hand on them then zone out with her eyes glowing. "Kyle wasn't alone here. He was fighting someone or something but he lost and the figure took him down there." Sunset Shimmer analysed while pointing to crater,we started to walk down but with Twilight's slippy shoes made her slip. Causing her to fall and slide down hitting us,we sliped until we hit the bottom. When we got up we looked like mud wrestlers. "Is everyone okay?" Sunset Shimmer asked everyone nods but AppleJack she was frozen in shock. "Hey AJ are you alright?" Asked Larry she didn't say a word just pointed at the cave with blue light. We walked in the cave while we were walking the blue light kept on getting bigger until we reach the end. When we did a structure appeared with Kyle unconscious I check his palse. Thanks Celestia he's still breathing but George looks around and looks back at us. "I think we should get out of here this place gives me the creeps" said George. We nodded with an agreement while we were leave Larry grabs a book and stuffed it in his jacket pocket. When we got out of the cave it was still raining. We ran to the truck and went back to the house. After we put Kyle on the couch we started to callberate about the cave and the strange structure. While we were talking and trying to figure things out Larry came up to us. "Hey guys. Maybe this will help us out about this strange structure" said Larry while flinging the book on the table. Twilight fixes her glasses and read the cover. "The Canterlot four corners" Twilight read with some confusion. "Is it a new store blueprint darling?" Asked Rarity everyone looks at each other then back at the book and it's leathery stitch cover. "Lets see what's in here. Hopefully it will help to explain what's going on" I said. Twilight looks to her friends and they nods to her signaling for her to start reading. > Chapter 4 The Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had opened the book it wasn't plans for a store it was something else. Twilight starts to read the odd leathery book. "Team Alpha will plant an eco disruptor in on corner A. Team Go will plant an eco disruptor on corner B. Team Fireball will plant an eco disruptor on corner C. Then Team Green will plant an eco disruptor on corner D. Then faze one will be complete and faze 2 will come to play. Finally the objective Star Cluster will began." After Twilight stopped reading we looked at each other. "This doesn't sound good. But Really Team Go? Who would make these bad names?" Larry collaborated. It start to get really late so we went to sleep and the girls stayed over night due to fear of what's out there. I didn't get any sleep this night was stressful for me. So I went to the kitchen to get a drink but this time I put on gloves before I grab anything that's liquid. When I was drinking a bottle of water I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Kyle and about the book. "I figured that you'll be down here" said Sunset Shimmer, I look around and there's Sunset Shimmer leaning in the doorway. "Oh hey Sunset. Uh... What are you doing up" I asked, she scratch the back of her head. "I couldn't sleep, thank you for letting me and my friends stay for the night." Said Sunset Shimmer I smile. "You're welcome its what friends do" I replied. We started to talk about the book and Kyle but then she asks me a question that never crossed my mind. "So Nick what was your old world like before you came to Equestria?" Asked Sunset Shimmer I look at her and back at my half filled bottle. "Well. Earth 44·5 was similar to this one but everything isn't really colorful like this world. I mean I do miss my old world that is if its still there. That's probably why I enjoy this world because it reminds me of home." I answered Sunset Shimmer was really pleased with the answer but then she got up and went back to bed. By the next morning Kyle had woken up,he was out of it like he was at a party all night. At breakfast he doesn't say anything just kept on poking AppleJack's apple waffles that she made for us. After breakfast Kyle broke the silence with a sorrow tune in his voice. "Sorry guys I didn't ment to sneak out into that storm." Everyone stayed silent then Sunset Shimmer looked up to match his gaze. "It's okay Kyle we're just glad that you're alright. But what exactly happened down there? Who or what were you trying to defend yourself from?" Asked Sunset Shimmer, Kyle didn't hesitate to speak but it wasn't clear at all. "It wasn't a what it was a who and you guys will never believe it who it is" said Kyle. We look at each other and then girls look at us. > Chapter 5 The missing link > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We look at each other and we didn't know what to say but Larry broke the silence. "Who was it my friend" asked Larry, Kyle looks up to Larry with a tear in his eye and fear. "It was Jackson Popel he's here in this world as we speak" said Kyle. Me and the rest of the boys jumped back from that name. "That's impossible he's gone I watch him get turned into broken glass" I yelled but knowing Kyle I knew he wasn't making it up. If he was lying his nose would of wiggled which means Canterlot is in deeper threat than we thought. "Um. Excuse me but who is Jackson Popel" asked Twilight, we look at each other then we started to talk about the elephant in the room. "Jackson was our old nemesis he is part of the reason that most of our old world isn't liveable in most parts" Larry said with an upsetting tune of voice. The girls were puzzled but then Rainbow Dash started to speak. "So this Jackson guy is bad news but. What does it mean for Canterlot? I mean it's not like he's gonna destroy this city right?" Asked Rainbow, we gave her a look of grief. "We don't know but if our fears are true then Canterlot is in Jeopardy" said George. We started to figure out what's Jackson's next move. But we just realized something. "Um.. You girls haven't seen Pinkie Pie anywhere did You" I asked. They looked at each other and gasped. So we ran to the pickup and AppleJack stomped the gas pedal like there's no tomorrow. Once we made it to Pinkie Pie's house the front door was destroyed. We walked the building then we saw Maud Pie unconscious in this black substance. That looks like the tar from Equestria. We tried to get magical tar off of her but it was too sticky. "Hey Nick do you think you can use your ice ability" asked Larry. I nodded I took off my gloves and grab the tar then not even a second it turn to ice. Then we smash the icey tar off of Maud. Once we freed her we heard Rarity scream George and I stayed with Maud while everyone else ran to Rarity. When others got to Rarity,she was laying in AppleJack's arms. With her right arm in an upper angle with her back hand on the forehead. "It's so horrid simply horrid" Rarity dramatically added, they walked in Pinkie Pies room. Chair broken,her mattress flipped over, curtains ripped,window wide open,and the pole that was holding Pinkie's curtains. That had a tair peace of her clothing. Pinkie pie was nowhere to be found she was missing. "Who would kidnap Pinkie Pie" Fluttershy cried, we look at each other but none of us. Had a clue but when Maud woke up we started to ask her about what happened. "Maud do you know who broke in and abducted Pinkie Pie" Asked Sunset Shimmer. Maud looks up to her gaze. "I was just getting some crackers for boulder. After I open the cabinet I heard a big boom in the house. I look around a corner and saw this man he was glowing with a lot of darkness. He had a bushy beard and a long scare on his left eye. Once he glance at me he shot this magic stuff at me and boulder after that it was a blur" Maud explained. When she describe this man it sounded like Jackson. But he didn't had magic before. "I knew Jackson was evil but kidnapping Pinkie Pie is a seriously low blow" said Noxs. We went to Twilight's lab to figure out a plan to save Pinkie. While we were looking I picked up the book and try to figure out what's going on. But it kept on saying things over and over until I got to a couple blank pages witch was odd. After I looked at the blank pages I asked Noxs to hand me his lazer knife. I activated the knife and placed it under the pages then words appeared. "Guys check this out" I yelled everyone came to look at the book. Once Twilight looks at it she started to freak out. "Those drawings looks just like our geodes. But how?" Twilight jumped back we look at the plans and it was much worse than we thought. Jackson never really wanted to destroy Canterlot. He wanted to eliminate this reality. When night fall we started to get ready to find Pinkie Pie. When we grab our gear Rainbow Dash stopped us. "So when are we leaving to find Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked we looked at each other but Larry was the one that told her. "The boys and I are going to find and save Pinkie you're staying here with the others." He said while checking his blaster Rainbow Dash as usual was being stubborn. "But with our help especially mine we can save her in a snap" Rainbow said with a tune I was about to intervien. But I was stopped by Rainbow Dash "I can do this your blasters might not be enough. If I was in Pinkie's situation she would the same" she said. "But you can't it's too dangerous Jackson isn't your typical Equestrian magic crazed lunatic. He's much worse and won't just injure you he will eliminate you do you understand." Larry shouted with a bit annoyance in his voice. "Bu..Bu... But" Rainbow dash was stopped by Larry hugging her then he whispered in her ear. "It's noble of you to put yourself at risk to save your friend. But I can't bare to see my friend get destroyed" he let's go from the hug an turns to grab his blaster. "Okay men lets do this like old times,only destroy as a last resort" said Larry. We nodded our heads and left but when I turned around I saw Rainbow Dash crying. > Chapter 6 Pinkie where are you > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we left I to go through the book to find his hide out but I stopped to think. "Hey guys,lets check out that crater" I said they nodded we walked for a couple of miles. We had arrived after the long walk but we were greeted by a welcoming party. They shot at us first then we fired back but we also use our powers as well. Back in town Rainbow Dash walks back and forth just to clear her mind but couldn't. She worried about Pinkie and Larry but Sunset Shimmer calmed her down. "It's gonna be okay Rainbow" Sunset Shimmer comforted. Rainbow Dash smiles then AppleJack came in the room. "Oh I can't take it anymore I'm gonna go help them" said AppleJack while walking to the door but Rainbow Dash stops her "Woah woah where do you think your going" said Rainbow Dash. Then Twilight came in. "Rainbow Dash has a point Larry said we need to stay here" Twilight said while crossing her arms. "And besides you can't do this on your own so I'm coming with you" said Rainbow Dash. Twilght gives her a why should I bother look but it wasn't just AppleJack and Rainbow. Rest of the girls came with since their magic works well when they work together. Back in the crater. "Noxs on your right" I yelled. He looks and there was a goon that was about to pounce he dodges the baddy. George kept on throwing boulders at the enemy witch was priceless. But then there was a big shout. "ENOUGH!" We looked and sure enough Jackson made his appearance from the black substance coming from the ground. He looks more creepy than back then we've gotten ready for him. He started to charge at us but a crystal disk stopped him. We looked where the disk came from and there was Rarity with all her glory. The girls jumped in the crater to help us out Rainbow Dash ran to help Larry up. "I thought I told you to stay back in the house" said Larry with a shocked voice Rainbow Dash smiles at him. "Well I can't let my best friend get destroyed now" after she said that Rainbow Dash ponied up. Witch got Jackson's attention he laughs evilly. "Ahhh you geode carriers came here for your own downfall" Jackson glared. They used their magic against him but the friendship magic wasn't enough. Jackson's soul was too darkened with hate. Rainbow Dash charges at him with all of her might but Jackson threw the tar at her. She fell and Jackson took Rainbow's geode then fling her to the ground. "RAINBOW!" Larry shouted he ran to her and grabbed her in his arms. Rainbow Dash puts her hand on his cheek. "Just another classic Raindow Dash screw ups hehehe" She giggled Larry grabs her hand. "That's what's special about you you're more human the humans back my old world. You screw up then you fix it and very loyal as much that you can be" Larry smiled. Rainbow Dash smiles back then passes out but something happened. The rocks under Larry's feet started to shake. "You. You just made your last mistake. YOU BEAF NECK!" Said Larry while his eyes glowed and swords just magically appeared in his hands. He charges at Jackson then Jackson started to go after Larry. "Finally a fight that's worthy of my time" Jackson growled. Larry swings his swords then Jackson blocks it with his tar shield. Jackson grabs Larry and throws him then he gets back up. Larry ran back to Jackson with his swords dragging on the ground like some kind of anime. While Larry was keeping Jackson busy Mike grab Rainbow Dash and we went to find Pinkie pie it didn't took long to find her. We've found Pinkie all chained up with liquid black licorice getting forced in her mouth by a machine. I ran to the machine's main maintenance hatch and disabled it then AppleJack pulled the chains off of Pinkie. "Don't worry sugar cube everything is gonna be alright" said AppleJack while putting Pinkie's arm over her shoulder. Then the room started to shake the metal beams started to fall down. We ran out of there and got outside of the structure. "Face it you do gooder you will never win" Jackson laughed. Then Larry glares back at him. "Wanna bet!" Larry shouted,he kicks the crazed lunatic back to the wall and put his two swords together. Cause a rainbow effect he does a summer salt then a figure shaped of a rainbow phoenix. Then it shot at Jackson causing him to get evaporated then the two geodes went back. To Rainbow Dash and Pinkie then the crater started to collapse so we ran as fast we can. Once we got back to the house Pinkie pie sat up. "Uhg no party today don't feel good" Pinkie grown. Fluttershy pats her back > Chapter 7 the answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours passed and Rainbow Dash wakes up in a room. It was drafty so she went to close the deck's doors but before she did she saw Larry out there alone. She went out there to him before Rainbow did anything she looks back with her hands together. Then Rainbow reach her hand to tap Larry's shoulder. "Huh oh hey Dashie. How are you feeling?" Larry smiled she didn't say anything just looked at him in shock. "Did you just say Dashie?" Asked Rainbow Dash Larry looks to the ground and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah I guess I did. But I can keep on calling you Dash The Flash. If you want me to?" He said, Rainbow Dash shook her head and hugged him tightly. "No I like Dashie better" Rainbow smiled after Rainbow dash and Larry came downstairs. The girls greeted her with joy. "I'm so glad that you're alright sugar cube" said AppleJack. After their reunion Sunset Shimmer,Twilight Sparkle,the boys,and I came together to talk. About of what happened. "So how did Larry used his ability if he was negative?" Asked Twilight while rubbing her chin. We looked at each other then back to her and Sunset. "Maybe when the right time came his ability unlocked some how" I said we looked at each other with our hands on our chins. "Ladies and gentlemen I think I figured it out" I said while putting my hands on the table. "What is it Nick?" Asked Sunset Shimmer I grab a peace of paper and started to draw. "Well. If my thoughts are exact I believe that since the new evil isn't like those crazed lunatics that you're used to. Since we were already solders we were given these abilities. To help you guys out like the special ops but with Equestrian magic." I said Noxs came up. "So we're basically the Equestrian magic police? Right on." Noxs added, I backed up a bit then look at Larry. "So what's the plan sir?" I asked then Larry looks at us and the girls. "It's been a few years since we used our gear last. Maybe it's time for us to get back in the game not as soldiers but protectors. To help our friends when the situation calls for it. I don't know what will come out way but I do know one thing. Whatever it is we will stand together against it" Larry speached. It was decided Rarity made us our new uniforms and we've became the Rainbow Daggers. A team that fights evil in 4 different towns but our home town is still Canterlot. It's not like we minded, we enjoy hanging with our friends I had took the liberty to design these mission bracelets. They glow when we need to go on a mission. When the mission becomes a big threat to life as we know it Larry uses his finisher move. Called the Rainbow Phoenix that can take out big threats. Well that's it about this adventure I need to go Rarity is gonna kill me if I'm late to her new wardrobe reveal again. See ya later. (Nick Coral James system log ended)