> Achievement Hunter In Equestria > by master1067 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - The Spell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Spiiiike! Spike where are you!" Twilight Sparkle yelled. She had been searching for Spike across the whole library so she could have some help finding a spell book she needed. It was a crucial time for her as she desperately needed this book to help her. "UGH! That dragon is going to be in BIG trouble when I find him!" Twilight made a mental note to increase Spike's chores when she sees him again. She figured he was out trying to woo Rarity. Twilight never really understood why he thought that would work. She is a pony and he is a dragon! Interspecies relationships are not only strange but never work! Twilight let out a deep sigh, "Well no use waiting for him, now to find that book." Twilight scanned the many shelves of her library until she came across the spell book she had been looking for. "Aha! Here it is! 'Summoning Spells To Bring The Smartest And Most Powerful Of Beings To Your Assistance' Well that's a mouthful." Twilight opened the book scanning for the spell that would fit the situation she was in. She found the right page and began to scan its contents. As she scanned over she saw that the spell would summon the greatest achievers in the known universe. "Universe? Is it saying that I might summon ponies from a different planet?" Twilight figured that it would do no harm and that she would probably be able to teleport them back to the place they or it came from. Twilight read the details on the spell and noticed that it shouldn't be a very difficult one to cast. She began to focus all of her energy on her horn. It began to grow brighter and brighter until a blinding light engulfed the library. When Twilight was able to see again she witnessed something she never thought she would. In front of her lay five... Creatures of some sort. They didn't have hooves but they had hands and feet. Fur did not cover their entire bodies yet their faces had plenty of it. One of them even had a very large and ugly beard of some sort. They wore clothes over their body only leaving their arms, necks, faces, and- uh- manes, revealed. A few of them seemed to have markings on their arms. They looked somewhat like tattoos that a pony could get in the more shady parts of town. They seemed to be unconscious. Twilight quickly realized this and stopped examining them and began to lift them all up with her magic and bring them upstairs. She put down five extra sleeping bags that she had used for the multiple slumber parties she had with her friends. She gently brought down each of them carefully as to not injure them. They were somewhat familiar in a way. She could remember Lyra going on and on about these creatures known as humans. Poor Bon-bon was almost driven mad. From what Lyra described they were bipedal beings with hands and feet. These creatures matched the description perfectly. As they still lay there unconscious Twilight could only think, "Who are they, what makes them the greatest achievers, what planet did they even come from, and will they be able to help me?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In a far away land known as Austin, Texas in the Achievement Hunter offices. "Hey what's up everybody it's Geoff, Jack, Gavin, Michael, and Ray from Achievement Hunter with another minecraft let's play because you assholes WILL NOT stop bugging us to do more." Geoff could only cry inside about how they have still been forced to play minecraft even after 56 let's plays of it before. Whatever got money in the pocket he thought. "Mother fuckers," Michael was next to chime in with his always charming demeanor . "You'd think they would be tired of it by now but I guess not," Jack was next to speak up. He still couldn't believe he was doing this. Doing another minecraft let's play was not only tiring but the fact that he had to play with the idiots known as Gavin, Michael, and Ray made it even worse. "I'm the best!" In came Ray, as excited as always. How it managed it his co-workers never knew. "Bunch of guffpaps is what they are" Then there was Gavin. So utterly stupid that not even other Englishmen could understand what he was saying. As if on cue everyone except Gavin shouted, "SHUT UP GAVIN." "Alright alright, Christ." "So what are we doing today Geoff?" Asked a very excited and almost laughing Michael. Geoff could only sigh. The fact that this was actually happening was terrible. The only other one against doing this was Jack. Gavin could've cared less but Ray and Michael just had to insist that it should be done. "That's what I say too Geoff," Jack hated that they were doing this, but the viewers were begging them to and if they ever wanted it to stop it had to be done. "I'll just do it for you two," Ray was just as excited as Michael was, "On this let's play we will be looking at the Equestria mod for minecraft. In this mod you can create a portal that takes you to Equestria where you can hang out and live with the ponies you know and love." Ray and Michael were pretty much the only ones to do anything in the video. Jack and Geoff could only let out sighs, grunts, and the occasional joke. Gavin just sat there snickering like an idiot. As they finished the video they let out the outro the always did, "For more tips, tricks, and achievement guides go to Achievement Hunter dot com." Geoff let out an audible grunt, "I fucking hate all of you." "Hey I didn't want to do this either, it was those idiots and their fans that really made us do it," Jack was not happy about any of this. Ray and Michael knew exactly what to say, "FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC BITCH! FUCK YEA!" Jack and Geoff looked at each other and then at Gavin. "Punch Gavin?" Asked Geoff. "Punch Gavin," replied Jack. "Wait What?" Before Gavin could prepare he was attacked by Jack and Geoff. Gavin was only ever able to let out an "Oh God!" or "WHY?" every now and again. This wasn't a very odd thing to happen at the Achievement Hunter office so it was pretty much ignored by the rest of the Roosterteeth crew. As Gavin continued to be pounded a bright light flashed in the office. Everyone was too dumbfounded to say anything and the last thing they heard was the door to the office opening and then nothing. All that was left in the office was a scorch mark on the ground. Kara had just walked in to let the guys know that Burnie wanted to see them. When they disappeared right before her eyes the only thing she could do was faint. > Chapter 2 - Awake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: This is just crazy. So many likes, favs, and comments. It is overwhelming the response to this. I am hoping that I can create a story that everyone will enjoy but I am still a novice writer so don't expect something amazing that isn't filled with mistakes. I hope you all enjoy reading this and thank you for getting me to the feature box. -------------------------------------------------------------- Gavin was the first to wake up. He began to look at his surroundings. The floors and walls were made of wood, almost as if it was carved straight from a tree. He saw shelves lined with books, probably hundreds of them. Then it hit him. This wasn't the Achievement Hunter office. Quickly he woke up his friends, much to their annoyance, but this was to crazy for them to sleep through. "Gavin what the heck is going on? Where the hell are we?" Geoff was curious to what was happening. He knew this wasn't the Achievement Hunter office straight away but he needed to stay calm so the fools around him didn't panic. "I know it may be far-fetched and probably an utterly ridiculous thought," they all watched in anticipation, "but I think we are inside a tree." They all facepalmed. "I wonder what gave that away, oh right, maybe it's the fact that this place is obviously carved from the inside of a tree." Ray chimed in, "That is the least of our concerns though. I think we should be more worried that this isn't the Achievement Hunter office," Ray walked over to the window and peered out, "and by the looks of what is outside this isn't Austin, or Earth for that matter." The rest of them proceeded to go look out the window as well. What they saw surprised them all. To their horror or delight they saw many pastel colored ponies walking around and going about their business. Some were doing shopping while some were setting up shops. Some were talking with friends while some were walking alone. Jack and Geoff backed away in horror. "My greatest fear has come true," Jack was dumbfounded, "I am in my little pony. I can't believe this is happening." "Took the words right out of my mouth," Geoff was still trying his best to be calm even though he was finding that to be a difficult task. Michael and Ray could not hold it any longer, "WE'RE IN EQUESTRIA, FUCK YEAH!" They jumped up into the air and high-fived harder than they ever have before. Through the whole conversation they never realized that a certain purple mare was watching them with the most quizzical look she had ever had. She never in her life saw such strange creatures. Maybe using the summoning spell wasn't the brightest idea but there was no use now. "You five are very strange." All of them looked at her immediately causing her to jump back in surprise. She quickly regained herself so she could inform them of what is happening. "Ahem. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Element of Magic, Personal student of princess Celestia, and the one who has summoned you all," They just stared at her, "I have summoned you because you are the greatest achievers in the universe and I need your assistance." "No," Geoff bluntly stated. "What do you mean no?" "I mean that we will not help you. We don't have time for this. We have lives. I have a family. You need to send us all back. Now." "Bu-But." "No buts. You will send us back and you will do it right now." Twilight hung her head low. As smart as she is she didn't realize that by summoning someone she could be uprooting their lives. "Okay. I'll go get the spell to send you back," Twilight walked away into the main parts of the library to find the book that will send them back, leaving the Achievement Hunters to converse. "You could have been a little nicer about it," Michael said. "She took us from our home, from our planet, from the people we love. There is no reason for us to be nice about it," swiftly the conversation ended. --------------------------------------------------------- As Twilight was bringing the spell book back upstairs to send the five back she thought about what she did. How could she have been so stupid? Why didn't she think about how she would feel if someone summoned her away from her family and friends? As smart as she was this was just terrible. She just hoped that the princess didn't find out about this. When she reached the bedroom where they all were standing she was met with stares. Jack and Geoff had stares of anger while Michael, Ray, and Gavin were looking at her with pity for what Geoff had said. "I'm sorry for doing this, I didn't real-" "Just send us back," Geoff was not in the mood for this. "Okay," Twilight began to cast the spell that would send them back. As she focused all of her energy into her horn until it grew brighter and brighter and then, nothing. The spell had died out at the last second. As if something was cancelling it from happening. "Why aren't we back yet?" Jack finally took over for Geoff. "I don't know, something is cancelling out the spell. Whatever is stopping it doesn't seem to want you to go back." Geoff could not take it anymore, "God dammit! What is wrong with you! You bring us to this god forsaken world without even thinking of what could happen, you take us away from our family and friends, and then you tell us that we can't even go back!" "I'm sorry! I just needed help! None of my friends would have been able to help me and I didn't want to bother the princess with it since she is so busy! I just- I just didn't know what to do.." Before anyone could say anything a bright light appeared in the library causing everyone to cover their eyes. When the light was gone there flying was none other than princess Celestia herself. "Twilight Sparkle!" A tone to her voice that sent chills down everyone's spine. This was not going to be good. > Update > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an update to what I am doing with this story. I have decided to cancel work on it. It's not that I cannot take criticism, in fact I greatly appreciate it. I just don't have the writing skills to do this the way I want to. I don't have the talent to make this story become a reality. I have the premise and the basic ideas for what I want to be done and how I want it to play out but that just isn't enough. It greatly pains me to do this because of all the favorites, likes, and comments it received but I just cannot continue. I'm sorry if I let any of you down. Any author is allowed to take the idea and improve upon it, because I, like many others, want to see a story like this made and finished. Again, I am sorry. > Another Update > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright so I've got good news, great news, and amazing news Good news is Achievement Hunter In Equestria is coming back Great news is I'm not writing it *Insert Statler and Waldorf laugh here* Amazing news is that it is being written by Darkwing Many of you may know him as the creator of My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic. I am working along side him as Co-Writer, basically directing him in where I want the fic to go. Darkwing has graciously and kindly volunteered to do this so please click that link and go watch him. Seriously go. Give him amazing praise, flowers, and delicious candy. DARKWING GO GO GO GO GO GO GO May the Achieveables be with you.