> Magical Nights > by DeltaXeno1138 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe I'm actually here!" Trixie squealed to herself as she fidgeted in her seat, the long awaited time fast approaching. Years of waiting and missed opportunities had finally paid off. She was about to watch a magic show performed by the one, and only, Jack Pot! Oh, and his partner too. Big Bits or something. But she couldn't care less about him; she was here for her idol, the one who helped her realize her true calling. Trixie could still remember never having much interest in show magic as a filly, scoffing and rolling her eyes at (what could generously be called) amateurs that performed at birthday parties. But then she happened to come across one of Jack Pot's shows on TV. She nearly changed the channel until an explosion of smoke, lights, and fireworks immediately caught her attention. And amazingly, the spectacle didn't waver, drawing her in further. From there, she became enraptured seeing how Jack Pot, and the other guy, could perform such feats of magic with so little magic power. And she decided she needed to know how to do the same. She bought various magic kits, instructional books and tapes, most of them by Jack Pot himself, and the necessary attire. She quickly discovered the top hat she bought was too big, and also not to her style. Years of practice and modifcations eventually turned her into the show mare she was now. And she had one pony to thank for it all. Trixie had always wanted to meet Jack Pot, or at least attend a show, but circumstances got in her way. Her mother, rest her soul, while supportive of her passion, wasn't too fond of Trixie's liking of Jack Pot for some reason. She never got mad at her about it or anything, but she always seemed uneasy about her enthusiasm for him, even encouraging her to branch out and become familiar with other well known magicians. While she did have a Chris Alicorn phase as a teen, Jack Pot forever remained her number one, even during her teen years. She had also been raised by a single mother who couldn't, or maybe didn't want to, settle down. This left Trixie lacking in the father or surrogate father department. Trixie felt she grew up just fine without a father, but couldn't deny she wouldn't have minded it. Seeing other children spend time with their father's gave her a sense of longing. Jack Pot's instructional material was the closest thing to fatherly encouragement she had ever experienced. And considering how well it worked for her, it held a special place in her heart. She would realize later that Jack Pot was her biggest fillyhood crush. While she couldn't put into words how she felt about him before, she still knew she had to see him in person. But her mother always claimed tickets were too expensive, or that they couldn't spare the time. Unfortunately, that rang true even after Trixie became her own mare. Being a traveling performer left her with little free time, and traveling and living expenses left her with not much money to spare. But now, thanks to saving up bits over the years, keeping track of show times, and finding workarounds with her schedule, she was finally going to fulfill her dream. Via special offer, she had purchased a front row seat to one of Jack Pot's shows while he was staying in Las Pegasus. Just knowing she was in the seat for the show made the walk with her wagon worth it. Smoke suddenly started coming over the stage, accompanied by highly charged, suspenseful music. Trixie felt a chill of excitement go up her back as she smiled the biggest smile she could possibly make. "Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!" She started straightening up as the music crescendo'd. There was a beat of silence. And then the music peaked in an exciting explosion of sound, the stage curtains blowing outward before seemingly disappearing. And in the accumulated smoke were the silhouettes of two stallions. A spotlight shone down on them, revealing them in their show stallion attire as they struck a pose. The other guy, and Jack Pot himself, the both of them flashing the audience their best smiles. The audience cheered and clapped their hooves at the performers, Trixie taking a moment in between claps to fan herself as she blushed at Jack Pot's smile. He was even more handsome in person. And he knew how to pick a show outfit. Dapper rather than flashy, but stylish enough to say he was a showpony. And the top hat was definitely to his style. He'd been a young stallion when Trixie discovered him, and he had aged remarkably well over the years. Something Trixie was very much aware of when she was discovering her own body as a teen on the verge of marehood. Even though it wouldn't have made much difference, Trixie was still glad her mother didn't see whose picture she was looking at when she was accidentally discovered....exploring herself. It wasn't lost on her that she bared a striking resemblance to him. That fact didn't make her bodily explorations to his image awkward for her in the slightest. Trixie was a firm believer that everyone should love themselves most of all. And how far they went about loving themselves in the privacy of their bedrooms was their own business. And hopefully she would be able to show Jack Pot as much. But that was for after the show. Most ponies would say that this was an ordinary, well progressing magic show. The crowd was awed and cheered for each trick, none of which were screwed up, and there was no need for a smoke bomb to be used for getaway purposes. But to Jack Pot, it was more than that for a certain reason. Aside from his performances, Jack prided himself on wooing the ladies, especially at his age. And for the most part, wowing them with his tricks was practically half the work. So he alway paid particular attention to the mares in the audience to see their reactions. Being a traveling performer left him little opportunity to settle down, but plenty of opportunity to have some temporary fun. And it seemed like he could be having some really good fun tonight. One particular mare caught his attention. A unicorn mare with a blue coat and silvery blue hair, who was possibly one of the sexiest and most beautiful mares he had ever seen. It wasn't lost on him that they bared a striking resemblance to each other, but he couldn't say he wasn't curious to court a female version of himself. And one that was incredibly easy on the eyes. And the way she looked at him, the same way he'd seen various other mares look at him, told him the feeling was mutual. He decided to pull out the big gun/ace in the hole. "For our final trick, we require a volunteer!" Jack announced to the crowd, while giving Big Bucks a subtle sign to indicate which trick. While Big Bucks retrieved the necessary equipment, Jack pretended to consider who to pick as he looked over the crowd. Various ponies were jutting their hooves up, many of them mares, and most of them on the older side. Curiously, the mare who caught his attention wasn't raising a single hoof. She was just sitting there, smiling up at the stage, him in particular. As he ended his "search," he settled on her, and there was a moment when their eyes locked onto each other that they felt something. Something deep in their hearts that they couldn't describe and had no idea the other was feeling. Jack blinked a few times before pointing a hoof right at the mare. "You there, miss. I believe you'll be a perfect volunteer." She visibly straightened up in surprise, and her smile widened, along with her eyes. She looked confused when she suddenly started levitating off her seat, but became pleasantly surprised when she saw Jack was the culprit, bringing her to the stage with his magic. She briefly raised and lowered her hooves in excitement once she was set on the stage. "And what might be the name of our lovely, young assistant?" Jack Pot asked the mare, taking her hoof to kiss it before flashing her a smile. She visibly stiffened and her face reddened, her tail quickly tucking between her legs. "T-T-T, ahem, Trixie. Mr. Pot." "Please, Mr. Pot was my stoner roommate in college. Call me Jack." "Okay" Trixie half whimpered. "And now" Big Bucks stated loudly as he brought a large, four wheeled box to the center of the stage. "We will be putting our lovely assitant here in to this box. And proceed to make her disappear, and reappear somewhere else!" he exclaimed as he thrusted his forelegs outward. "Without the use of our horns" Jack Pot added intriguingly, making the audience murmur in curiosity. "Now, if Ms. Trixie here would please step up to the box" he said as he lead Trixie by the hoof. "Do you want me to do a little teleportation spell?" Trixie asked Jack in a whisper. She was familiar with this kind of bit. A unicorn from the audience was always the preferred way. "No no no. You don't have to do a thing but get in the box. Trust me." "First!" Big Bucks exclaimed. "We will show you that this is just an ordinary box. Aside from the three doors for each spinning section of the box" he said as he opened each door and made each section spin. "Now, Ms. Trixie, if you would please step into the box and place this inhibitor ring on your horn. We don't want you pulling anything sneaky. That's the performers job!" Jack quipped, making the audience chuckle and Trixie giggle as she slipped on the ring. She gave it a quick test and found that it worked. She then stepped into the container, having to stand on her hind hooves, her forelegs folded in front of her. "And now we shall close the box, and teleport our lovely assitant without our own magic!" Jack Pot and Big Bucks proceeded to close the doors, the former giving Trixie a wink before closing the door that covered her face. The two magicians stepped to the sides of the box, and Jack Pot placed a hoof on the bottom section. He then gave it a good shove, causing it to rapidly spin as if somepony weren't inside it. Big Bucks did the same to the middle section, but made it spin in the opposite direction, making the audience murmur in wonder and confusion. Jack Pot did the same with the top, making it spin the same way as the bottom. "Do not worry!" Big Bucks said assuringly. "She should be just fine in there!" The spinning continued for a tense minute, some of the audience members getting dizzy looking at the box. The magicians shot out their hooves and stopped the sections, leaving them perfectly as they were before. They then took hold of the doors and flung them at open at the same time. The crowd gasped as they saw the Trixie was no longer inside. "Seems as though we still got it, old boy!" Jack Pot said jovially to Big Bucks. "Yes we do! But where did we send our assistant? I know I wasn't in control of that." "I believe we should be able to spot her...right in that balcony!" Jack exclaimed as he pointed a hoof to the furthest balcony on the wall. The spotlight moved from the stage to where Jack was pointing, revealing a surprised looking Trixie sitting next an even more surprised viewer. "That's incredible!" Trixie exclaimed as she shot out of her seat. She and the audience cheered and clapped their hooves. "Thank you, thank you" Big Bucks said. "But the trick isn't finished yet. We need to bring our assistant back to where she started." "That's right. So, Ms. Trixie" Jack called up "If you would please sit back down in the balcony seat, we will gladly bring you back!" Trixie did as instructed, with a big and eager smile on her face. "Now, how's about we give this box another spin, old boy?" "Of course, partner!" Big Bucks replied before he and Jack closed the doors and put all the sections into another spin. The audience spent the entire spin looking back and forth between the box and Trixie every second. When the magicians stopped the box, everypony turned and gasped when they saw Trixie was no longer in the balcony. "And now, our lovely assitant!" The crowd gasped yet again, but not because Trixie was in the box. Quite the opposite in fact. "Oh dear," Jack said as he and Big Bucks looked into the empty box with bewilderment. "It seems we misplaced our assistant." "That can't be right" Big Bucks replied as he stuck a hoof inside the box as if to see if Trixie was invisible. "We practiced this. She should be in the box!" "Wait...Should she?" Jack asked with a pensive look. "You said we needed to bring her back to where she started. And I'm thinking that isn't in this box." "I think you might be right!" "Thank you for saying so. I believe the place where she started is...her original front row seat!" Jack exclaimed as he pointed in said direction. The spotlight moved and revealed a yet again surprised looking Trixie sitting where she was before she went on stage. Her and the audience gasped again, before she leapt out of her chair with a cry of joy. "Aaah! How did you do that?! Whoo!" she exclaimed before clapping her hooves, causing the audience to erupt in thunderous applause and cheer. The stallions bowed and expressed their thanks. The curtains closed, but Big Bucks was the only one behind them. Jack Pot had approached the very front of the stage and kneeled down. "Before I leave, I'm going to have to ask for that inhibitor ring back. They're rather expensive" he said to Trixie with a smile. "Oh, right" Trixie said as she used her hoof to slip off the ring. She handed it back to Jack, and in the brief instant of both their hooves touching the ring, she imagined it being a different kind of ring, and him kneeling in front of her and asking the big question. "I do." "I beg your pardon?" "I-I said thank you! For choosing me as your assistant. It was fun." "And thank you..." Jack replied as he removed his top hat and gave it a slight thrust, making a thornless rose appear from within. "For being an excellent assitant." Something between a titter and a whinny was a blushing Trixie's response, rather than actual words as she intended. He gave her a wink and walked off stage after she took the rose with her magic. Trixie released a dreamy sigh as she stared in the direction Jack left. I am going to ride him like a roller coaster, she thought before smacking away the hoof of a mare who tried to snatch her rose. "Gimme that flower!" "I'll tan your hide before I see it your hooves, you young whipper snapper!" Trixie turned around to see many mares speedily approaching her, even the older ones, some waving their canes. She would've gladly fought these bitches off to prove how deserving she was of the flower. But she had nowhere near enough makeup to cover that many bruises, and she wanted to flaunt as much of her natural beauty as possible in her pursuit of Jack. So she reached into her mane for some of her favorite emergency tools. "Come and get it, you nags! Smoke bomb!" she exclaimed as she threw down two pellets that erupted in large amount of smoke. The mares heard the nearby exit open and close and charged through it in pursuit. Once they were all gone, Trixie stepped out from behind the stage curtain, having used her magic to manipulate the door. "Hehe. Works every time. "Okay, most of the time." > And a Drink > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack Pot entered the hotel bar, now dressed in his civilian clothing. A white sweater with a brown jacket. His most complimentary outfit offstage, if he did say so himself. Luckily, nopony was here from the show, just as planned, allowing from some relaxation. He sat down at the bar and looked confused when the bartender immediately placed a glass of his favorite alcohol in front of him. "What? I just got here." "Compliments of the lady at the booth" the bartender said as she pointed out Trixie, who raised her drink at Jack with a sultry look. "She's been waiting for you, specifically." The bartender gave Jack a wink before attending to another patron. Jack looked at Trixie with a raised eyebrow and a smile, taking his drink in his magic before making his way over to the booth. I stand corrected. But at least it's only one pony from the show. And one I don't mind talking to again. "I'm usually the one who sends a drink over" he said as he took a seat across from Trixie. "How did you know my preffered poison?" "A lucky guess" Trixie replied with a coy smile before taking a sip of her own, fruit based drink. "I'm glad you decided to visit the bar before returning to your hotel room." "Speaking of, how did you know I was going to be in the bar of the adjacent casino? Are you stalking me, Ms. Trixie?" "Oh Jack. You don't know me, but flattering oneself is my thing. I happen to be very familiar with the routine of a performer. Especially when it comes to wanting some time to yourself after a show, instead of dealing with adoring fans. No matter how good the attention is." "Really? And pray tell, how would you be familiar with this routine?" "Because it's a routine I follow. I'm actually a bit of a performer like yourself." "You're a fellow magician?" "Mmhm. My stage name" and admittedly preferred name "is...The Grrreat, and Powerful...Trrrrixiiiiiieeeee!" "Ah, so you're one of the modest ones." Trixie giggled, hoping her blush from having proclaimed her stage name to her idol wasn't too obvious. "I know it's not the most humble of titles, but there's definitely been worse. And I'll have you know that you're to blame for the name, Jack." "Me? I just met you. How could I be responsible for it?" "Well..." Trixie trailed off as she stirred her drink with the plastic fruit pick. "This is a little personal, but I figure you'd be the best pony to share it with. You're actually the reason I became a performer in the first place." A raise of his eyebrows told her she had his interest. "I caught one of your shows on TV when I was a filly. And I fell head over heels for show magic. I started learning and practicing as much as I could, usually with your kits and instructional merchandise. And it all paid off. I became The Great and Powerful Trixie. And I love doing what I do. And I have you to thank for it. You were the catalyst, my inspiration. My idol. "I'm sorry" Trixie said after a beat of silence. "I hope that wasn't too personal a thing to share." "Not at all" Jack said as he reached a hoof over and placed it atop hers. This made Trixie freeze, looking at their hooves. "I appreciate that you shared that with me. You're actually not the first to tell me I've been an inspiration. But considering I've heard your stage name here and there, you're definitely the first who's clearly achieved some success." Jack leaned back, removing his hoof from hers before magically raising his glass. "So I raise my glass in congratulation to you, Ms. Great and Powerful Trixie." "Th-Thank you" Trixie stammered, stunned that her idol not only had heard of her, but was congratulating her. And there was something else. It made her feel...fulfilled that her idol was validating her. The closest thing she could think of was when her mother told her she was proud of her. And the way he was dressed certainly contributed to that comparison. Not that she was complaining. While the jacket seemed very much like what an older stallion would wear, it worked for him. Especially since he was an older stallion. But not grandfather old. He reminded her of older fathers she would see here and there, particularly the ones she saw in parks, the single ones with their foals. The ones who were so admirable and heartwarming...and attractive. The daddies. Jack Pot definitely had a daddy thing going for him. And Trixie liked it. "Actually, I haven't told you the whole story. You're also to blame for my not so modest name because I was inspired by your confidence." "Really? I have to admit, that's a new one." "Mmhm. That and the parts of your lessons about getting over stage fright. But mostly your confidence. You were always so sure of yourself, almost never faltering, and coming up with quick solutions when you did. It taught me to care about me, to believe in myself. "Sure I watched other performers, but I always gravitated back to you. There was just something...magnetic about you." Jack Pot raised his eyebrows and shifted his eyes downward, having felt something stroke one of his hind hooves. "As I got older, I figured out it wasn't just your confidence that drew me back to you, but also how handsome you were." And now he knew that her hoof was tracing up and down his leg. "How...attractive you were." Trixie was glad and relieved when he looked at her with a small smirk "This is certainly different from the mare I met on stage imitating a giddy school filly." "I've had time to compose myself. And there's not over hundred ponies watching us. I hope you're not intimidated by forward mares" Trixie said as she leaned forward, her chin resting on her hooves. "Oh, on the contrary, Ms. Trixie. I happen to love forward mares." "Then would you mind taking a forward mare on a walk down the Pegasus strip? Before accompanying her back to her personal wagon?" She IS a forward mare! Jack thought before taking his glass and downing what remained of his drink. "Not at all." Both he and Trixie got up from their seats, but he froze halfway up before sitting back down. "After I...calm down, so to speak. Don't want to get escorted out for public indecency." "Oops. Sorry about that" Trixie said with a chuckle. "Don't be. Any mare who can get me excited that quickly at my age should never apoligize for it." "Flattering me already? I think we're going to get along quite well." Sometime later, Trixie and Jack Pot were laughing merrily as they entered the wagon parking lot where Trixie's mobile abode waited. "I...I can't believe you caught the milkshake those young stallions threw at me and threw it back at them!" "Haha, well, it serves them right for calling you an old has-been." "Yes" Jack replied with a chuckle. "But don't you think the contagious itch spell you cast on their crotches was a bit much?" "No, making it permanent would've been too much. And need I remind you they specifically called you a cradle robbing, dried up, old has-been?" "You're right, screw them!" Jack replied, causing he and Trixie to burst out in laughter. "And I still can't believe you threw down those smoke bombs to steal those churros for us!" "Ten bits for one churro is stealing in and of itself! I've known hotel snack bars with cheaper prices than that. Though, not that often of course." "You don't have to tell me. I performed in the Shiny Bit club the day after they started allowing weed. I had such a bad case of the munchies that I cleaned out my room's snack bar. And I didn't quite have the bits to pay for it." "So that's why you insisted we cross the street when we started getting close to there. I'd scold you, but let's just say I've had similar experiences, so I'm not one to judge." "I'm a little surprised you can be a bad boy at your age." "Oh I'm hardly the type, Ms. Trixie. Except when I want to be" Jack said with a smoldering glance. "Ditto" Trixie replied with half lidded eyes. "Well, this is my wagon." "A bit smaller than I imagined" Jack said as he looked over the vehicle. "Believe me, it has more than enough space. For two." Trixie and Jack stood in front of her steps, simply staring lustfully at one another. "Ms. Trixie. I hope I'm not coming off too boldly, but would you grant an old stallion like me the privelage of getting a taste of your li-Mmf!" Jack Pot grunted as Trixie suddenly smashed her lips against his. Once he got over the brief shock, he closed his eyes and gently pushed back into the kiss, eliciting a pleased moan from his date. She surprised him further when she parted his lips with her own and easily slipped her tongue past his teeth, beginning to play with his. He gladly started reciprocating, right before she started maneuvering him. He nearly tumbled when his ankles made contact with the steps, then she lightly pushed him, making him walk up them backwards. She ended up making him stand on his hind legs while still kissing him, giving him a sort of vice versa déjà vu. And then the biggest surprise came. His eyebrows raised in shock as he felt her hind hoof trail up his leg, and eventually start lightly stroking his now erect stallionhood. She does move fast! He could taste leftover sweetness from the churro and her fruity drink. He was hoping her tongue wasn't the only thing that tasted sweet. Trixie could taste the lingering essence of Jack's drink on his tongue. A bit of a strong one that she'd had plenty of times before, and could remember the burn. In fact, she could practically feel the burn in her throat. It was like a pleasant bite. She depended the kiss, while trying to mentally measure what she was stroking. Not too big, and not too small. And a bit girthy. It seemed this stallion would live up to his name. Trixie broke the kiss, allowing Jack to rest his head against the wagon door as she continued to stroke him. "Are...Are you going to, *shudder*, invite me inside?" "Mm. Actually....no." "Wait, what?" Jack asked confusedly as Trixie made him go back down the steps while she used her magic to unlock the door. "I'm a little tired from the walk. The lights did a number on my eyes. And I don't fully trust myself after a few drinks. But, I have some good news for you. What happens in Pegasus stays in Pegasus, right?" "Yes" Jack replied unsurely. "Well, I arranged my schedule especially for this trip" she said as she descended two steps to put her face to face with Jack. "We have a whole week to make something happen. And stay" she said with a wink. "So, would you grant a mare like me the privelage of being wined and dined by her idol? Before you make her scream your name?" Normally Jack would be outraged to have been blue balled like this, but there was something about this mare. She was different than the eager mares that had approached him before. He'd never been made to work for a mare since he became a successful performer. She posed a bit of a challenge. And there was something about the personal things she had shared. He could tell she was being truthful, unlike many of the aforementioned mares. She was special. And definitely worth waiting a hoof-ful of nights. "For you, Ms. Trixie" he said as he picked up her hoof and placed a kiss on it. "Gladly. Oh, and before I go. Don't forget..." he reached behind her ear, and pulled out the rose he had given her at the performance "this." She never even felt him lift it off her! "How did you-?" "What is the first rule of a magician, Ms. Trixie?" "They never reveal their secrets" she replied with a smile. "Dinner after your final show tomorrow?" "Of course." "Pick me up here." "Will do." Jack blew Trixie a kiss before turning around and starting to walk away. She made as if to catch it and hold it to her heart, even though he wasn't looking. Then she opened her wagon, threw herself backwards into it, and shut the door. Trixie landed on her back and magically held the rose to her muzzle as she started touching herself with her hoof. She had actually wanted to invite Jack inside right that second. But she realized Jack was too good of a stallion for that. She wouldn't debase herself to a one night stand of eager, wild sex, like some tramp. Not this time. And especially not with her idol. But she still had needs. Needs she made the mistake of ramping up before deciding not to invite Jack in. She used her magic to pull out her smallest, personal relief bringer. Which wasn't all that small, but definitely smaller than Jack. And what it lacked in size was made up for in vibration. "Mm! Oh yes!" Trixie exclaimed as her little helper buzzed from within her. "Oh Jack! I want you so badly! I can't wait to feel you inside me. I...I can't wait...to make you my...my...DADDY!" > Off-Stage Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Las Pegasus strip was anything but quiet, aside from very rare instances, and today was no exception. But to somepony who had been there so often that they'd become used to the noise, it could be more relaxing than a silent massage parlor. Which is why Jack Pot was enjoying a stroll down said strip. It'd been a few days since he met Trixie, and since their first date. As she requested, he took her to a nice restaurant, where she wined and dined, and he was quite the gentlecolt. She said so herself. He paid for the meal, thankfully he picked a very affordable but still presentable place, pulled out her chair, gave her plenty of compliments, and walked her back to her wagon just like the day they met. And that was all that happened that night. But he knew that from the start, thanks to her telling him she wasn't going to put out after one date. She also made it clear their walk the day they met didn't count, much to his chagrin. But he didn't let it shake him; he was determined to treat this mare properly. He kind of felt a deep need to. Or perhaps that feeling was from not being...relieved of stress after their meeting. He had actually been tired as well and didn't have the drive to take care of it. Hence his relaxing stroll down the strip. Jack Pot decided to visit the Performer Hub, as dubbed by the professionals. It was a spacious area in the center of a section of the city more focussed on shopping, with more stores than casinos, the latter that were present being the smaller ones. It was always entertaining to see the skill, and often lack thereof, of young, amateur crowd pleasers. There was always a guarantee of having a laugh or being impressed. Hell, he might even give some of them some manager cards, Celestia knows he didn't need them. He passed by jugglers, contortionists, sleight of hoof-ers, object balancers, dancers, even a few clowns. He gave a few some cards, knowing they had some potential, at least for nice enough casinos. And then his ears perked up at a peculiar sound, a very familiar voice. "I think if you look in your lemonade cup, you'll find something very peculiar, sir." Jack Pot turned to see a glimpse of his lover to be with what amounted to a curtain tent, performing some kind of trick with an audience member. Curious to see her at work, he made his way over and found himself a good position amongst the crowd. The random pony looked closely in their plastic cup before gasping in surprise. They used their magic to pull out an ice cube that appeared to have something inside it. "My necklace! How did you do that?!" "A magician never reveals her secrets" Trixie replied as she took the ice cube in her own magic. She levitated a lighter under it and clicked it on, melting the ice and allowing the necklace to swing free. The crowd cheered and clapped their hooves as the stallion placed his necklace back on, Jack Pot clapping with them. Trixie bowed perhaps a few times too many before she froze, her eyes locked on Jack Pot. He gave no reaction to this, continuing to play the part of a regular viewer. If only she knew how much he liked her in her attire, her hat a perfect choice, and her cape like a curtain hiding a prize. She smiled before straightening up and saying she would need a volunteer for her last trick. Jack didn't want to cheat a viewer of the experience, so he stayed silent. It ended up being the classic 'saw somepony in half' bit, but with a twist. Their lower half broke out of its box and started running around. They had to flop out of their own box and chase their rear end around. Trixie ended up catching it and throwing it back in the box, before levitating the upper half pony into their own and reconnecting them. The audience laughed and applauded, Jack Pot included. He hadn't expected to be impressed and get a laugh at the same time. No amateur could perform such a feat, not without having the connections to procure, or possibly make, an enchanted saw to make it all happen. The Performer Hub was definitely below Trixie, but the occasional higher tier performance is what kept the shops in business, and the casinos gaining new talent. Trixie hid her materials in the tent and faced her audience. "Thank you all for coming to see and give deserved praise to The Grrreat, and Powerful...Trrrrixiiiiiieeeee! Happy shopping, gambling, and whatever else you wish to keep secret in Las Pegasus" she said, the last bit in a hushed voice. "Farewell!" she exclaimed before throwing down a smoke bomb. Once the smoke cleared, the ponies gasped and murmured at not only Trixie being gone, but her entire set up as well. Even Jack Pot was puzzled as to where she and her tent could've gone. He walked off in a random direction hoping to spot her. "Hey there, stranger." Jack nearly jumped as he turned to see Trixie, no longer in her getup, leaning against a light post. "Did you enjoy the show?" "I did indeed" he replied with a smile. "You've definitely got talent. It's no wonder I've heard of you occasionally. Quite a good job with the crowd." "Oh, do go on" Trixie gushed with a gesture of her hoof. "If you insist" Jack Pot said before taking a step closer and placing a hoof on his chest. "Would you do me the honor of accompanying me for an aftershow lunch date, Ms. Trixie? I feel you deserve it." "With midday dessert?" "Of course." "Then gladly" Trixie said as she closed the distance between them, hooking one of her forelegs with his. While Jack Pot escorted her to the lunch spot of her choice, Trixie lightly batted his tail with hers. They ended up having a nice, simple lunch of sandwiches, with a pleasant talk to go with it, getting to know each other a little more. Jack Pot told Trixie of how he had only spent a few semesters in college, mostly preforming slightly amateur tricks for fellow students. He realized his true calling, quit college, and hit the road with his new partner Big Bucks, eventually gaining the success they had now. Trixie gave some more detail about her career path, along with the fact that her mother had passed relatively young due to an illness. Her father hadn't been in the picture. On one hoof, he had sympathy for her, even saying so. On the other, he was slightly relieved he wouldn't have to go through meeting the parents of a mare nearly half his age. And on yet another hoof, he couldn't help but be curious about something. Hearing that Trixie never knew her father, coupled with their uncanny resemblance, got the gears of his mind turning. No, she couldn't possibly be. I mean, my wilder nights did happen twenty some years ago, and I don't exactly remember most of them. But she says she's nearing thirty, and that's just a few years too long to coincide. Come on, Jack. You're being crazy. You have to be. Jack was snapped out of his definitely crazy thoughts by their server bringing the bill. Trixie actually said she would pay for it, so long as he paid for their dessert. He agreed, though he didn't miss that the lunch wasn't exactly expensive. Trixie chose ice cream for dessert, and the two of them left a shop with their own ice cream cones in their magic. Jack had chosen mint chip, while Trixie chose chocolate and peanut butter. "Mm, this is so good" Trixie said after taking an enthusiastic lick of her dessert. "Wanna try?" "Sure. I've never been one for peanut butter ice cream, but if you like it, it has to be worth a try. Here, let's trade." They switched their cones and partook of each other's. "My! This is good! Would you mind if I had a little more? You can keep going with mine." "Help yourself" Trixie replied with a giggle. Her smile disappeared and her eyes widened a bit as she saw him enthusastically licking her ice cream. He was getting at every inch of the scoop, and his licks were getting stronger. She absentmindedly licked at his cone while she watched, unaware that she soon started to make the same kind of swirling motions she did while pleasuring a stallion. Her mind started to wander, imagining that he wasn't licking ice cream, but a pony. Specifically a pony's thighs, and moving towards the center. A stunningly beautiful pony with blue fur, and a white mane, and a spot that was hot, and wet, aching to be- A cool breeze made Trixie realize her tail had been rising, nearly exposing her marehood. She tucked her tail between her legs as she tried to fight the blush of embarrassment. "C-Can I have my ice cream back please?" "Oh, yes. Sorry about that" Jack said as they switch their cones back. "It's a really tasty flavor. Though I can't help but wonder if that has anything to do with who was licking it before" he said impishly. Trixie released a nervous giggle in response before devouring her cone whole to try and cool herself down. You know what? Screw it. A little trampiness never hurt anypony. And I have an idea to make it a little fun- "Gah! Brain freeze!" After Jack Pot finished his ice cream, and Trixie overcame her brain freeze, the latter requested to see Jack's hotel room. She claimed she wanted to see what perks he got for being a temporary, in-house performer. It turned out he got one of the nicer rooms in the hotel, though not exactly a luxury suite, especially considering he shared it with Big Bucks. Regardless, it was still better than what most residents got. It was on one of the higher floors, king sized beds, a wall with a door allowing for roommate privacy, mini fridge, big screen tv, and a balcony with a view of the pool. But the best part of all was that Big Bucks wasn't there at the moment. "I can't believe they gave you a room like this" Trixie breathed in wonder. "The nicest room I ever stayed in was only half as good as this." "The benefit of being a regular performer for the week, though only at a somewhat generous discount. Thankfully, me and Big could afford it." "Would you mind if I...try the bed?" "Be my guest." Trixie immediately launched herslef into the bed, landing on her back, and gasping soon after. "So soft!" she exclaimed as she wiggled back and forth. "So comfy" she moaned as she stretched out vertically. "I just wanna take a nice long nap on this." She turned to look at Jack Pot with suggestive eyes. "Of course, that's not the only thing I'd be interested in doing on this bed." "Careful, Ms. Trixie" Jack replied playfully. "You asked me to take you up to my hotel room after only our second date, and you're on my bed making suggestive comments while we're alone. You might give me the wrong idea." "Or the right one." "I beg your pardon?" "You heard me" she replied before she started crawling on her stomach toward the foot of the bed. "Not that I mean we should...do that just yet. But why can't we have just a little fun? Hm?" "I like the way you think, Ms. Trix- Mmf!" Jack Pot was silenced as Trixie once again smashed their lips together. Though this time, she used her magic to pull him to her before wrapping her forelegs around his neck. Were his lips not occupied, he would've smiled. He leaned into the kiss and placed his forehooves on the edge of the bed to climb on. Trixie used this to pull him as she fell backward, placing him atop her. "Mm!" Trixie squealed as she hit the bed, tightening her hold on Jack while making her tail tease his. Their tongues soon found each other and started stroking each other. Jack broke the kiss soon after and started nuzzling Trixie's neck. His breath tickled her, and the kisses and nibbles he started delivering gave a pleasant tingle. "Oh Jack" she moaned as he continued. And then she felt his stallionhood slide up, slightly squished between their bellies. "Ooh, Jack. "I've actually been meaning to ask you something, Jack." "And what might that be?" he asked between kisses. "You remember that trick you performed when we met? The hornless teleportation?" "These days I've been given enough reason to always remember it. Why do you ask?" "I was wondering if you could maybe, just maybe, tell me how you did it?" "Being naughty in more ways than one, eh? You should know better than to ask a self respecting magician such a question, Ms. Trixie. You know the rule." "Hm, yes I do" Trixie replied as Jack kept nibbling her neck. Unseen to him, she had narrowed her eyes and put on a mischevious smile when she spoke. "You wouldn't happen to have any inhibitor rings in here, would you?" "I always carry a sufficient amount. Why?" "I wanted to try a little something...different" Trixie whispered into Jack's ear, which made him freeze. "L-Like what?" "Would you be opposed to just a tiny bit of...bondage? Just your forehooves." "I'm not usually one for that sort of thing. But...you've actually got me feeling a little more adventurous. I'll give it a shot." "Great. Would you please bring me one of those rings?" Jack Pot ignited his horn and summoned an inhibitor ring. "I love it when a stallion doesn't leave the bed to get something his partner needs. Mm!" Trixie grunted as she attacked Jack Pot with another kiss, forcing him onto his back. She lowered her tail and started brushing it back and forth against his balls, which made him nicker and kiss back enthusiastically. While he was occupied seemingly getting her to further tickle his balls, she used her magic to covertly slip the inhibitor ring on his horn. Then she enveloped his wrists in her magic and pulled them up and back to rest on either side of his head, which made his eyes widen in surprise. And finally, she pulled him up by his hooves, breaking their kiss, leaving him standing on his hind legs with his forelegs in the air. Trixie laid on her belly with her head raised, leaving her face to face with his balls. She eyed his genitalia up and down, and licked her lips. "Um, I was thinking you were going to cuff my hooves to the headboard." "Tempting. But I wanna do this instead." "And uh, what exactly is...this?" Jack Pot asked a bit nervously. He stiffened as he felt Trixie place the underside of her hoof under his balls and start to slowly stroke back and forth. "This...is how I'm hoping I'll get you to tell me how you did the teleportation trick." "Really, Ms. Trixie? You would stoop so low as to, ah ha, t-tease me to get me to break the first rule?" Jack Pot asked indignantly. "Of course not. I just wanted to do this to you and I happen to want to know how you did it. A simple two balls, one hoof scenario." "Don't you mean two birds, one stone?" "Not in this case" Trixie replied before gently blowing on his sack, making him shiver. "Ms. Trixie, I would much prefer if you release me." "Are you saying the Jack Pot won't be able to hold out in this kind of situation?" Trixie asked smugly. "Wha-? I didn't say that!" "But you said to let you go" Trixie replied innocently. "I would think that means you'd crumble and break the rule easily." "Celestia HERSELF could rut me with her behind and I wouldn't break!" "Then a well above average magician like me should be easy to handle." "You should be!" "Wanna bet?" "Do your worst!" Three words Jack Pot would quickly come to regret. "Ten. Minutes" Trixie said affirmatively, as she stared up into Jack Pot's eyes before summoning a timer. She clicked it on, set it aside, and started planting kisses on random spots on his dick. Jack Pot sucked in air through his teeth as he threw his head back. "Thinking of quitting already?" "...Not a chance. Why in Tartarus did I let her goad me into this?!" His lack of relief since their first meeting certainly didn't help. She's throwing in licks now! Trixie gave a lick to the sides, his underside, and then back and forth under his balls. His hind legs started shifting nervously. "Ooh, looks like you have something for me to taste." He knew what she meant and mentally panicked. He could feel the substance coming out of his tip and traveling down the middle of his underside in a perfectly straight line. He clenched his eyes and his teeth as he heard her suck in air while licking up his pre-cum, making it sound like a slurp. He thought his teeth would break as he felt her slowly swirl her tongue around his tip, then lick the slit. "Mm, not bad." Jack Pot huffed after Trixie disconnected. "Five minutes to go." Five minutes?! Already?! I mean, still?! Damn it! I want her to keep going, but I don't want to break! "Feel like telling me?" "I...I...No!" "Hm. Then I'm gonna have to resort to drastic measures." What does she mean by drastic measures??? Jack Pot wondered as he felt movement on the bed. His eyes went as wide as they possibly could when he felt something warm and wet rubbing on the underside of his cock. He shot his head up and confirmed his fear. Trixie had stood up, turned herslef around, and backed her pussy up to his dick. Oh no. "Mm. How do I feel against you, Jack?" Trixie asked sultrily as she changed from rubbing back and forth to up and down. He couldn't muster any outrage. "V...V...V-V-Very nice." Trixie gave a low chuckle. "And you feel so good against my pussy. It was going to be all yours by the third date, at least. But now, you have a chance to have it right...now." Jack Pot couldn't help but look down and be entranced by the sight of Trixie's pussy practically wrapped around him. It was practically begging him to rut it. "I...I do?" "Mmhm. You just have to tell me how you did that trick." "I-" Get ahold of yourself! You have more...just barely enough integrity not to break under this heavenly treatme- Torture! "Time's almost up, Jack" Trixie sang. "And with it my offer. What's it gonna be?" She managed to partially capture his cock between her cheeks and start stroking it up and down. Sweet Celestia, this mare's going to kill me. Focus on the ticking. Focus on the ticking! I'm so close! "I will not break the rule!" The ticking stopped. "Damn it" Trixie said as she removed herslef from Jack, as well as her magic from his hooves. He caught himself with his forelegs, only for all four legs to buckle. He quickly pushed off the bed and collapsed on his back, panting as he felt his arousal slowly dissipate. "On the one hoof, I'm disappointed I didn't get to learn how you did that trick. On the other hoof, I admire your conviction. And on another hoof, I kind of feel bad for putting you through that." "Hah...Don't be. Oof. Many a mare have tried to get me to break the rule, but none of them ever challenged me like that before. I'm almost tempted to tell you out of gratitude for helping me test my limit. Almost." "So...no hard feelings?" "Not at all. Though I can't say I enjoy being left more pent up than I already was." "What do you mean?" "I haven't had some relief for a bit, even after we first met." "What?! No wonder your balls looked bigger than I remember. You poor thing. Now I feel worse for teasing you like that. I have to help by making it up to you." "What do you me-? Ha!" Jack Pot exclaimed as Trixie wrapped her lips around the tip of his still sensitive, decreasing erection. She slowly slid down, quickly making it increase back to full mast. "M-M-Ms. Trixie! Ah!" His hips bucked as she reached the base of his cock. Right after the buck, she started going up and down, making slurping and smacking sounds. Soon after, she increased her speed, and started making light gagging noises. He could feel her tongue wriggling on the underside as she sucked him off. He'd never felt a mare do that before; it was a whole new kind of tingling. I think I'm in love with her! He had no idea how long it went for, but it couldn't have been too long with the accumulated pressure. He could feel his orgasm fast approaching. "Trixie! I'm-! I'm going to-!" "You're going to what?" she asked coyly. "Why did you stop?!" "What are you going to do...daddy?" "I'm going to cum!" "Well why didn't you say so?" Trixie recaptured his entire length in one dive and sucked his cock while slowly drawing up. "I...I...NNNGGHHH! AH!" Jack Pot grunted as he came, shooting his cum directly into Trixie's throat. She gladly gulped it down, treating him like a delicious drink, and his dick was the straw. He heaved and shuddered as Trixie coaxed the last few drops out of him, licking them from his tip still held between her lips. "You taste just as good as I hoped" Trixie said, audibly licking her lips with a content hum. "So how was that for a second date finisher?" "It was...It was...Thank you, so much." "You're welcome, daddy" Trixie replied before giving his now flaccid, sensitive dick a kiss. "Oh yes. Before I forget. Daddy?" "Mmhm. You radiate a sexy, daddy vibe. And I love it. I hope you don't mind me calling you that." This wasn't the first time he'd heard something along these lines. In fact, he swore mares, and some stallions, started telling him this twenty some years ago, out of nowhere. He personally never saw it, but his maybe not so crazy thoughts from earlier were coming back to him. And he was getting curious. But despite that, he responded the way he had before when told this. Truthfully. "Not at all. Trixie." > Last & First > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack Pot chewed on the inside of his cheek as he wrote out the message. It was the day of his third date with Trixie, and he needed to get this done. Not long after becoming traveling performers, he and Big Bucks started getting connections, including a shared acquaintance who specialized in DNA testing. Any creature of the traveling variety tended to be their most common sort of clientele, or those they had lain with. He folded the paper with the request of a DNA test, no questions asked, and slipped it into the envelope. Two separate, small ziplock bags with a cotton swab in each followed soon after. He’d used one to swab his mouth, and the other on a cup Trixie was drinking from while she wasn’t looking. He inserted the letter into the mailbox, and awaited the response within the next week. He had to be sure about his suspicion, especially since in just a few hours, he would likely be having sex with Trixie. The idea of his suspicion being confirmed made him very nervous, and admittedly a little excited. The latter came about from the fact that Trixie had already given him a blowjob, and the idea that she might be related to him actually made it hotter somehow. Even if it turned out to not be true, he was sure that being excited by the idea was earning him a one way ticket to Tartarus. So either way, he hoped the cages were as comfortable as the ones he and Big used in their acts. The week was a few days from being over, and Jack Pot was going to be too busy to have any more free time. So tonight was the last time he and Trixie could have another date. She insisted that they cap off their time together with something fun. "Whoo! This is so exhilarating!" Trixie exclaimed, holding her forelegs up while she and Jack Pot rode a roller coaster. Said stallion was gritting his teeth and holding the safety bars for dear life as the rushing wind blew his mouth open. Per Trixie's request, their third date was to take place in one of the more family oriented casinos. A casino that doubled as an indoor carnival. And Jack's status helped them get discounts and speed through the lines. Much to his chagrin in this instance. Roller coasters were not his preferred ride. "That was such a rush!" Trixie cried as she and Jack walked away from the ride, her mane a wind whipped mess. Jack Pot gave a hum of agreement, his eyes wide, and mane in a similar state. "Ooh. Let's go to the games next!" "Yes! Let's do that instead of more crazy rides!" he replied rapidly. "I mean...of course. We get to try whatever we want after all." They tried out a variety of games, inflating a balloon with a water gun, shooting basketballs, throwing darts, but there was one Trixie especially wanted to go to. "Hit the bottles to win a prize? I'm surprised you would pick this last and not something bigger." "Well, I loved this game when I was filly, but I never won anything. And I never had a father or special somepony to win anything for me,” Trixie said solemnly. "But now..." she trailed off before lowering her voice and making it sensual "I have a special somepony who's like a daddy. So, can daddy win something for me? Please?" "Which prize would you like?" Jack Pot replied instantly with a smooth look and a smile. "Um...I'd...like the big Princess Twilight Sparkle plushy" Trixie said nervously with a light blush as she pointed to the life size plush. "Sh-She's my favorite princess. For reasons." "I'll see what I can do" Jack Pot said confidently as he and Trixie stepped up to the booth. "How would I win a life size plushy, good sir?" he asked the young, bored looking stallion manning the game. The stallion brought out a stool and proceeded to make a very large stack of bottles on it. Though, pyramid was bit more accurate. "Knock down all the bottles with one hit. And no magic" the stallion explained, pointing at a sign that expressed the latter. "One hit?! But I could only clear off half even if I hit the bottom!" "Yeah. We've never had to restock the life size." Jack Pot looked at the tower of bottles unsurely before turning to look at Trixie. He was going to voice his doubts about winning the toy, but he did a double take upon seeing her face. She had a small, hopeful smile, and she had sparkling, puppy dog eyes. This didn't tug on his heartstrings so much as yank them out. "Give me some balls" he demanded of the worker as he slapped down some bits and his Performer's Pass. He was given three balls. "Only three per purchase, even with the discount." "It'll be all I need" Jack replied confidently as he took one of the balls in his hoof. Trixie perked up and her smile widened as she watched in anticipation. Jack Pot aimed and threw the ball, but only managed to take out a chunk of the right. The worker restocked the bottles and got out of the way. The second try made it resemble a leaning tower. Jack Pot narrowed his eyes as he took the last ball, studying the restacked structure nervously. He only had so much bits to spare at the moment with everything they'd done here, but it was more than that. For some reason, he wanted to prove to Trixie that he could do it within the first three tries, though not just for his own ego. It was also because he didn't want to let her down. He just felt that to see her saddened would crush him. He studied and studied the tower of bottles, eyeing it up and down. When suddenly, his eyes widened as he realized something. He double checked the rule board and smirked. He reared up on his hind legs, wound back his foreleg, and gave the ball a mighty throw, right at one of the stool's legs. The stool was knocked off it's legs, sending it on it's side, and all the bottles tumbling to the floor. "You did it!" Trixie exclaimed as she leapt forward, hugging Jack Pot from behind. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, life size, if you please" Jack Pot requested of the stunned looking worker. "W-Wait a minute! That's cheating! That doesn't count!" "Oh? I don't see any kind of rule against hitting the stools on the board" Jack smugly replied. "And you only told me no magic, and that I had to knock down all the bottles in one shot. You owe me that plushy." "But...I...that...!" "Would you like me to get ahold of your manager and tell him you're not fulfilling the game's promise? I've performed at this casino plenty of times before. I don't think the higher ups would like to hear that I might have second thoughts about accepting a job here again." The stallion's eyes widened as his face paled. he grabbed a ladder and quickly climbed up to retrieve the plushy. "Here you go, sir! Sorry for any inconvenience!" "Thank you, my good stallion. A pleasure" Jack Pot replied with a light bow as he took the plushy in his magic and turned to his stunned date. "One life size Princess Twilight plushy, as requested, Trixie" Jack Pot said as he handed the toy over to Trixie's magic hold. "..." Trixie blinked as she held the plushy next to her with her magic. She then stepped up to him, grabbed his jacket collar, and whispered in his ear. "You have no idea how turned on I am right now. "Thank you so much! I love it!" Trixie exclaimed suddenly, turning her pull into a hug. "Let's get out of here. I know the perfect spot to put this. In my wagon." Jack Pot stood stock still, blushing madly as Trixie started walking away before him. He noticed her tail was almost completely tucked between her legs. It's tip making a come hither gesture made him shake his head and speedily catch up to her. Trixie and Jack spot made it to the wagon parking lot, and the walk had allowed for some light, physical flirting to help keep them in the mood. Their tails would brush each other, bat each other, and a few times entwine give the other a light tug. They would also lightly bump into one another with their flanks, and gently blow on each other's ears. But the real kicker was when Trixie used her magic to give the underside of Jack's slowly growing erection a brief stroke. His response was to hook one of his forelegs with hers and hurry her to their destination. Trixie giggled the whole way. "Just give me a few minutes before I let you in" Trixie instructed as she went up the steps. "I thought we would go to my room after you dropped off your prize. You want to do it here?" "Well, I wanna prove what I said before, that it has more than enough room for two. Plus, there's a little something I wanna do. And I'm sure you'll appreciate it more than the last thing." "Trixie, you continue to amaze me with how often you make it impossible for me to refuse you. I await your invitation." Trixie gave Jack a wink before entering her wagon and closing the door behind her. She moved her Twilight plushy in front of her and eyed it up and down, biting her lip. "They captured your likeness pretty well with this, Sparkle. I just wish your body was made with adult ponies in mind. But that doesn't mean I won't save you for some...snuggling later." Trixie quickly looked behind her before approaching the plushy, turning around, and using her magic to move one its forehooves to her marehood. She shivered as she made it rub her a few times before pulling away. "Oh yes. I'm gonna make you do things I always wanted to make the real Twilight do. But right now, I've got somepony much more important to see to." Trixie set aside her new, private snuggle buddy, and prepared herself for Jack Pot. She levitated her hat to her and gave it a shake over her outstretched hoof. She gave it a few more shakes when nothing came out. After a few more shakes, she reached her hoof in a confused search. She felt a pice of paper in place of what she was looking for and pulled it out. It was a note. *Hi, Trixie. It's your very good friend, Starlight Glimmer. As you've no doubt noticed, your hat condoms aren't actually in your hat right now. And there's a perfectly valid reason why. Me and Sunburst are visiting our parents again, and we wanted to throw it in their faces that we're being careful instead of giving them grandfoals. And I was kind of short on bits. Also, you know, we don't actually want any foals but wanna keep up the sex, and neither of us learned contraception spells. Sunburst because he never exactly needed to before we hooked up, and me because not many stallions came near me back in the day when I was all evil, so there was really no point. Please please please don't hate me for this! I mean, no offense, but I noticed you replacing that last unopened box. I'll buy you another one next time we meet up. Your bestest friend in all of Equestria, Glimmy Glim!* Trixie stared at the letter angrily, her mouth agape in severely taken offense and fury. She magicked a soundproof bubble on her head. "That purple cunt! I hope all of those condoms break!" She removed the bubble and took some very deep breaths. To say this wasn't ideal was like saying Twilight was a little fond of books. Trixie hadn't actually learned any contraception spells either. She focussed more on her tricks, and condoms had always proven sufficient, so a spell seemed like overkill. Plus, she always kind of dug the sense of danger from a possible accident. She couldn't go out and buy condoms now, she needed to be with Jack Pot as soon as possible. And she wouldn't even dream of humiliating herself by asking him to do it. Hopefully Jack was well versed in his pull out technique. Although, feeling his cum shooting inside me without protection might feel pretty good. It certainly did when I was with somepony that did know a contraception spell. No! Don't you think like that, Trixie. Just because you see him as a daddy, doesn't mean you have to make him one. Even if it would make it even better...No! Bad thought! Trixie purged her mind of her too naughty thoughts and approached her door. Jack Pot had occupied himself thinking of what exactly Trixie was planning. He didn't land on anything concrete before he heard her wagon door open. He turned and his eyebrows raised when he saw Trixie standing on her hind legs against the doorway, wearing her hat and cape, the latter covering her body like a cloak. And she was wearing a most seductive expression. "Well hello there, Jack Pot. Come here for a private show?" Trixie asked as she moved her cape slightly to expose a leg. "Indeed I have, oh Great and Powerful Trixie" Jack replied with a confident smile. "I must admit, I'm a little surprised somepony like you would come to me for a show." "Trixie, Princess Twilight herself could offer me an evening with her, and I would choose you instead, any day." That he said a slightly different version of a line he used before didn't register to Trixie. Only the words did. He said that he would pick her over Twilight Sparkle, any day. It was the most arousing thing Trixie had ever heard in her life. Screw telling him to pull out! I want his foals! Trixie immediately seized Jack Pot in her magic and pulled him to her, making him exclaim in surprise. She wrapped him in a tight embrace as she slammed their lips together, her tongue immediately invading his mouth as she released desperate moans. "Mm! Mm! Mm!" While not expecting the sudden escalation, Jack Pot was certainly used to it. He met her eager tongue with his and did his best to match its efforts, but his comment apparantly pushed the overdrive button, making this a futile but still enjoyable effort. She led him inside and shut the door while they continued to kiss. She guided him to one of two modestly sized beds, and made them both fall onto it, with her on top. Trixie used her horn to undo the buttons of Jack Pot's jacket, running her hooves over his chest as she helped him slip it off. The sensation on his chest sent a warm tingle through him, especially towards his rapidly growing dick. "Hm, I see you've kept yourself in shape" Trixie noted sultrily when they broke their kiss to remove his shirt. "I tend to keep myself in shape too" she said as she slowly stroked his legs with her own. He tilted his head to the side and started using his magic to lift her cape to see, only for Trixie to pull it back down with her own magic. "Uh uh uhhhh, not yet. You'll get to see later" she teased him before removing her hat and placing it on his head, obscuring his view. "Trixie, I mean this in the best way possible. You really know how to tease a stallion." "I know" she hummed as she resumed their kiss, and started lightly swishing her tail against his cock. He shuddered at the feeling. "Hm, looks like you're not the only one who wanted to come to a private show. How about I make your magic wand disappear again?" Trixie asked as she started trailing kisses down Jack's chest. "Actually...no." "Wait, what? Huh?" Trixie exclaimed as she suddenly found herself teleported to be beneath Jack Pot. "In a stunning twist, Jack Pot has decided to show Trixie a little disappearing trick of his own" Jack Pot said with an air of showmanship. "He will show Trixie...how he makes his tongue disappear" Jack Pot explained seductively as he threw aside Trixie's hat and started slowly slipping under her cape. "Oh my goodness" Trixie uttered as she felt Jack Pot start to trail kisses down her torso. Each kiss caused a tiny jolt that travelled downward, increasing her arousal. He stroked her legs with his hooves as he got closer and closer, eventually spreading them apart gently. Jack Pot discovered that Trixie's marehood was being covered by her tail, a large portion of which seemed to be darker than the rest. It was moisture. "Would you mind if I moved your tail?" he asked in a gentle tone. "N-Not at all." Trixie's eyes widened as she felt Jack slowly peel away her tail. The way he moved beneath her cape, the lack of the sound of magic, and how he didn't move his hooves off her made her realize how he was doing it. He had taken the tip of her tail in his teeth and pulled back. No stallion or mare had ever done that with her. The mental image of the action, combined with a brief exhale from Jack, made her marehood wink as she shivered. With illumination from street lamps and moon light, Jack Pot looked on at the prize that had eluded him since he first met this mare. It was positively soaked, and winking right at him. And he could've sworn he actually felt heat coming off it. This wasn't Trixie's marehood, it was her hot, wet, waiting pussy. And it looked delicious. He couldn't help what he did next. "Ah ha!" Trixie gasped as she felt Jack Pot give her pussy a brief lick. She looked up as she heard the distinct sound of him moving his tongue around his mouth, evaluating the taste. "What do you think?" She gasped again as the mound beneath her cape instantly dove to her pussy and started licking away. Trixie's hips jerked as she felt Jack Pot lick all around the surface of her pussy, lapping up every bit of arousal that hadn't been absorbed by her tail. Jack Pot had never tasted a mare like this before. She was delightfully tangy, with something of a citrusy taste to her. If this flavor came as a drink, it would be his new favorite beverage. He needed to show Trixie as much, by getting as much out of her as he could. Trixie inhaled deeply as she felt Jack Pot's tongue penetrate her and explore her inner walls in a circular fashion. Every pass felt like her orgasm was being charged up for when it hit. "Ah!" she exclaimed as she felt another surprise. Jack was moving his tongue in a peculiar way, and each time it was different. She soon realized what he was doing. "Oh Jack Pot. I'm so glad you know the alphabet. Please, show me you know all of it. Oh yes." Jack Pot paid close attention as he formed letter after letter inside Trixie, to see which ones yielded the biggest reactions. It wasn't hard to determine, with the occasional deeper moan, a long hum, a shift of her hips, or a squeal. It was no big surprise the letters that got the most out of her were the ones that made up her name. He decided to double check, just to be sure. Trixie gasped as she lifted herself by her elbows. She practically tore off her cape to expose Jack Pot as he continued tonguing her. "You...You're...You're spelling my name! Hah ha!" she shuddered as she allowed herself to fall back. She started caressing Jack Pot's head with her hooves as he continued, her legs trembling slightly. "X. E. T. R. I! X. I! Eeee." Jack Pot spelled her name two more times before she felt a slight jolt. "T! T! Keep doing T!" Jack Pot obliged Trixie as he repeated the letter. This consisted of licking her upper inner wall left to right, and then leaving his tongue half inserted before drawing it down between her slit. "T...T...T..." she trailed off as her back arched. Her legs then wrapped around Jack Pot's head tightly, pushing him in and spurring him on further. "...is...for...T...TRIXIE! AH! AAAHHH!" Trixie yelled in euphoria as her orgasm hit. Her pussy constricted around Jack Pot's tongue, allowing it to directly catch her squirting nectar. Jack Pot took hold of Trixie's flanks as her hips jerked, helping her to hump his face as much as possible. While it was a bit difficult, he managed to pull his tongue from her constricting walls to lap up her juices. He realized there was so much that he couldn't just lick it up. So he audibly slurped some into his mouth and swallowed. "Oh sweet Celestia! You're a dirty daddy!" Trixie exclaimed happily at having heard Jack Pot's slurp. "I wish I could keep you there forever. But I need you! I need you inside me!" Trixie grunted as she forced her legs to unwrap from Jack's head before pulling him up and taking his lips in an eager kiss, wrapping her forelegs around his neck. She then ignited her horn and quickly helped guide his throbbing cock to her pussy. Both Jack Pot and Trixie gasped out of their kiss the second his tip entered her. As if controlled by some unseen force, Jack continued to slide inside of Trixie, while both their gasps escalated with each inch. "Unf" they both grunted when Jack Pot finally hilted. "Trixie..." "Jack..." "This...might sound crazy. But it's almost like-" "We're a perfect fit." Both ponies looked at each other in surprise, their eyes locking as they continued to process the feeling of their physical connection. Trixie's warm, slick pussy seemed to conform to Jack's cock perfectly, while also constricting around it, as if trying to pull him in further. Or milk him. Jack Pot was a perfectly snug fit inside of Trixie, not too big or small. She could actually feel the uniqueness of his stallionhood. The arrow-like tip that led to his shift, which decreased in girth only the slightest bit right at the base, which her entrance could compensate for. "J-Jack...I..." "Trixie...I think...." "I love you." The two ponies stared at each other, wide eyed, before they started to desperately kiss each other. Jack Pot drew back by a quarter and thrust back in, making him and Trixie pause mid kiss. "Mm" they moaned into each other's mouths before Jack delivered a gentler thrust, paired with gentler kissing. After a few more gentle thrusts, Trixie moved her hooves to Jack Pot's back, and her hind legs to his to push him in harder. He got the message and gradually increased his pace and strength. After he started making audible smacks, Trixie broke their kiss and pulled his head down to utter in his ear. "Jack. I want you to rock my wagon." Rather then let him grin at her in confirmation, Trixie pressed her head against his in a way that allowed their horns to rub against one another. Pleasure via horn was a strange but very welcomed phenomena. It somehow delivered pleasure mentally and physically at the same time, both contributing to the other. And rubbing horns together seemed to double that pleasure. "As you wish, oh Great and Powerful Trixie!" Jack Pot exclaimed as the rubbing of their horns sent an amazing sensation throughout his whole body. He gripped the side of the bed with his hoof to put some pull into his thrusts, and started hammering away at Trixie's pussy. The wagon soon started to actually rock, causing hanging items to sway and jingle, and a few loose items to fall to the floor. It had been a while since Trixie was with someone who could make her wagon shake, and even longer since Jack was able to put this much effort into a night of passion. He was giving his best, and she was feeling it. Huffing, shouts, squeals, and some sputters permeated the vehicle. "Ah! Oh Jack Pot, yes! Give it to me!" "Hah! Trixie...you are, ah...the most amazing mare I've ever met! You feel so good." "Good...or great?" "The greatest!" "And-?" "The most powerful! Probably even better than Princess Twilight." "Say that again!" "Better than Princess Twilight!" "Who is?!" "You are!" "I'm what?!" "You're better than Twilight Sparkle!" "Oh fuck!" Trixie exclaimed as she felt a large spike of pleasure push her very close to her orgasm. She re-locked her legs around his haunches and started forcing him in as much as she could. "Fuck me, Jack! Harder! Deeper! As deep as you can!" "Starwirl's beard!" Jack Pot exclaimed as his thrusting was nearly taken over by Trixie's actions. He could feel her pussy squeezing around him even harder than it was just a second ago. Pure instinct made him forget to ask if she had performed a contraception spell. Her body was saying she needed him, to keep rutting her, to cum. "I...I'm close, Trixie!" "Don't stop! Keep going! I want your babies! I want to make you a daddy! My daddy!" Those last two statements removed any kind of issue Jack Pot had with the idea of Trixie being his daughter. He started going as fast as he could. "Please do it! Cum inside me! Cum inside me, daddy!" "AH! NGH! HAH!" Jack Pot grunted and gasped as he shot up by his forelegs, hilting inside Trixie and unleashing rope after rope of his cum inside her. "AH! YES! DADDY YES! GIVE ME ALL YOUR CUM!" Trixie exclaimed as her orgasm hit after the first splash of deliciously warm seed. She held on to his haunches as tightly as she could, making sure he couldn't get away while she milked him for all he could give. Plenty of stallions had cum inside her before, but none ever made her feel this pleasantly full. Jack Pot collapsed atop Trixie, both of them taking deep breaths as they came down from their orgasms. Trixie finally released Jack's haunches, and wrapped her forelegs around him in a hug. She snuggled their heads together with a content hum. "Mm, Jack Pot. That was amazing." "Indeed it was...Trixie" Jack Pot breathed in reply. "You really are great and powerful to have gotten that much from me in my age." "I bet you could do it again and again." "With you, I'm certain that's a guarantee." "I wish I had more than a week to be here" Trixie said as she started to drift off from the exhaustion. "So do I" Jack replied as he snuggled into the nape of her neck. "I hope I'm pregnant." "Hm?" "Nothing. Nothing at all" Trixie said with a yawn as they both drifted off, still connected to each other. And as they slept, microscopic foals to be started their journey. Trixie and Jack Pot bade each other farewell in the morning, after a pleasant bit of kissing. They expressed a mutual hope to see each other again, and that they'd only had the first of many nights together. After watching Jack Pot leave with a heartfelt and somber sigh, Trixie started making herself breakfast. She then noticed that she had mail from the day before in her inbox. Most of it was junk, but one wasn't. It was a letter from the mortuary service she went to when her mother passed. Inside the envelope were two things, one being a message from the service saying they had accidentally misplaced something her mother had left behind for her, a letter. The other was that letter. She unfolded the letter and started reading. *My precious daughter. If you're reading this, then I'm not with you anymore. I'm ashamed to say I've kept some things from you, and honestly, you don't need to know what they all are. Except for one, one that I needed to make sure you would know. It's about your father...* A few days letter, Jack Pot was opening a letter of his own. It was a response from his DNA tester, consisting solely of the results, and the likely relation, if any. Both ponies stared at their letter for a long time, reading them over and over again, until they came to a decision. On the last day of Trixie's week in Las Pegasus, they met up after one of his shows. "We need to talk." > Three Weeks Later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie stretched out her forelegs with a yawn as she climbed out of bed. She put on a hotel bathrobe after feeling a light chill, and made her way to the bathroom. She turned on the faucet and washed her face, getting herself fully awake. In the middle of toweling off, while she couldn't see, she squealed as she felt a very familiar sensation from behind. Trixie looked behind her to see Jack Pot, who had slipped beneath her robe and started gently licking her pussy. "Jack, seriously? This early?" "I'd do it all day if I could" Jack Pot replied from under her robe. "And I know you love it." "True, but still. My performance was late last night and I didn't get to shower. I'm all musky." "You say that as if it's a deterrent" Jack replied before shoving his tongue inside her to emphasize his point. "Mm!" Trixie squeaked as Jack Pot continued, her tail instinctually starting to caress his head. "Have I mentioned how glad I am you invited me to join you and Big Bucks?" "Almost every day." After their talk, the two had agreed to burn their letters and never tell a soul about their true connection. They spent a week apart after that to process and adjust to the information. Then, Trixie went to Jack's next job spot and revealed to him the results of a certain type of test she bought. He asked her to essentially move in with him and Big on the spot. They attached her wagon to their bigger one and hit the road. The duo continued their hotel gigs and Trixie would continue her smaller gigs and street performances, at least until she was far enough along to have to stop. Three knocks on the door interrupted their risqué morning. "You two better not be messing up anymore robes in there" Big Bucks said from outside the bathroom, making sure not to look in on his annoyingly shameless companions that never bothered to close or lock doors. "I had to get an earful from the maids after the last time." "Unfortunately, no, we aren't, Big" Trixie replied in an annoyed tone. "Thanks to your interruption." "Glad to be of service. Now hurry up. We got two hours before checkout, I wanna get some breakfast, and I don't trust the two of you alone." "Fine." "Will do, old boy" Jack Pot called out. "And please make sure to clean your snout, Jack. Honestly" Big said as he walked away. "Well, you heard him. Let's get cleaned up and go eat" Jack said as he stood up and wiped off his snout. "Wait. Aren't you forgetting somepony else's good morning?" Trixie asked "And not like the one you just gave me?" "How could I forget?" Jack Pot replied with a warm smile as he approached Trixie. She magically lifted up one side of her robe to expose her slightly rounded tummy. Jack kneeled down and nuzzled Trixie's stomach, the light tickle making her hum a laugh. "Good morning, little one. I hope you're comfy in there. I just want to remind you I'm counting down the days until you join us in the world. Your mother, not so much," Jack Pot said, chuckling after getting a swat in the face from his lover's tail. "And don't forget to give your uncle Big lots of hell. Now, I need to make sure your mother eats for your growth. Until next time." Jack Pot planted a kiss on Trixie's stomach before standing up. Seeing him do this on a regular basis made Trixie's eyes watery, and her heart pound in her chest. "You're going to be an amazing father." "How can you tell? I don't exactly have much experience in that regard." "Just a feeling" Trixie replied as she nuzzled her head with Jack's. "Come on. I need some waffles." "As you wish, my love." Jack and Trixie showered and got dressed separately, Big Bucks having already left by then. As he got ready, Jack Pot made sure to grab something very important. Something small. "Trixie?" Jack Pot addressed his lover. He, Big, and Trixie were all sitting at a table in the hotel's breakfast area, having finished their meal. "Hm?" "There's something I've been meaning to tell you. Something very important." Trixie tilted her head in slight confusion and curiosity. "What is it?" "It's not something I'm going to say lightly. It might be one of the biggest things I've ever done. And I'm going to tell it to you because you are the single, most amazing mare I've ever known. You seemed to breathe new life into me since the first time we went out. I feel I love you more than enough to say it." "J-Jack" Trixie stuttered, starting to feel emotional. "What could you be telling me?" "I'm going to break the first rule. I'm going to tell you how me and Big performed the hornless teleportation." "Wait, really?!" Trixie asked in astonishment. Even among magicians, revealing a secret was not something done cavalierly. "With his consent of course" Jack Pot quickly added as he looked to his partner. "I've seen the way you two are around each other, and I've known Jack long enough to know when he's telling the truth. And he meant every word he said. You have my blessing, partner. Just put up a soundproof bubble so no one else hears us. Don't want the Alliance of Magicians after us." "I got it!" Trixie exclaimed right before shooting a beam of magic into the air that formed a sound proof dome over them and their table. "Tell me!" "Hang on" Jack said before getting out of his chair and stepping out of the dome's radius. "One of you say something." Both Big and Trixie spoke, but Jack couldn't hear either of them. He returned to his chair. "Okay. "It was the inhibitor ring." "The ring?" "Indeed. Me and Big became acquainted with a Zebrican enchanter. We asked him to take an inhibitor ring and place a teleportation incantation on it. All we have to do is wear a special symbol on our person, like a necklace, a bracelet, even draw it on with a marker that can wash off. From there, the ring obeys our mental command, sending whoever's wearing it wherever we deem. Within a limited distance." "Wow" Trixie marveled, her eyes wide. "That's very clever. I wonder if can get that zebra in the Everfree Forest to do anything like that. Wait, how can you tell the enchanted ring apart from the others you have?" "You can go ahead and remove the bubble now." Trixie did just that before Jack answered her question. "Easy. We keep it separate from the others and it has a special marking the other ones don't. You must not have noticed. I can show it to you now, actually," Jack said as he reached a hoof into his jacket pocket. "Oh damn it. I dropped it and it went under the table. Hang on." Trixie looked confused as Jack actually went under the table rather than use his magic to retrieve it. And she could've sworn it sounded like something bigger than a ring, but also light, had fallen to the floor. She didn't notice Big Bucks smirking. "Oh, there's something else. I meant to ask you a question, Trixie. I can't believe I almost forgot," Jack said as he started coming out from under the table. Curiously, he was doing so from Trixie's side. "Is it where your seat is? Because it's not-" Trixie cut herself off as Jack fully came out from under the table and sat down on his haunches beside her, making her look down at him. Her eyes widened at the sight of a small black box resting in his upturned hoof. "....here?" "Trixie Lulamoon," Jack said as he used his magic to open the box, revealing the inhibitor ring. It had a blue marking that made it look like it had a ribbon wrapped around it. And it now had a diamond prong, with a diamond in it. "Jack?" "Will you marry me, and join me and Big Bucks in our act as our new partner?" "Wait, what was that last part?" Big Bucks asked. "But isn't that still-?" "I removed the enchantment." "Excuse me?" Big said in an annoyed tone, trying to get their attention. "But won't you need to get a new one?" "We got a bulk supply." "Can you perceive me?!" "YES!" Trixie exclaimed as she jumped out of her chair and onto Jack Pot, putting him on his back. This caused the other ponies in the area to clap and cheer for them. "YES! YES! YES! AL THE TIMES. YES! I will marry you! and be your new partner." "I guess you can't." "Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me!" Trixie begged giddily. Jack Pot did as she asked and magically slipped the ring onto her horn. "AH! WE'RE ENGAGED! I love you so much!" Trixie exclaimed before starting to enthusastically kiss Jack Pot. "Okay, you two. Save it for later." But Trixie didn't stop, in fact she seemed to be getting more physically active. "Uh, guys? Don't tell me you can't perceive everyone else here either!" Trixie moved a hoof down between Jack Pot's legs, which made him buck his hips. "Okay, I'm getting you two out of here" Big said as he enveloped the pair in his magic to pull them away, only for Trixie to magically zap his hoof. "Ow! Hey!" Other ponies in the area started taking notice, and most of them, particularly the parents covering their children's eyes, looked appalled. Trixie simply pulled some tables and tablecloths to make a makeshift tent for her and Jack Pot. "Uh, they're calling security" Big Bucks said urgently. "There's gonna be guards coming in here soon!" "Not before I do" Trixie said lustfully. Big Bucks heard the sound of a horn charging, and then he and all the other ponies suddenly found themselves outside the now locked dining area. "Well, this place isn't gonna hire us anymore" Big Bucks said as he sat outside waiting for his partner and apparent new partner to finish. Or be forcible removed by the rushing guards. *** "I have to admit it. Getting kicked out and banned from a hotel for my partner's public indecency is certainly a new one" Big Bucks said sourly as he and his two partners walked towards their wagons. "Oh, come off it, old boy" Jack Pot said nonchalantly. He and Trixie were walking side by side, their tails entwined, and their manes mussed up. Trixie was resting her head on Jack Pot's shoulder, staring dreamily up at him, the ring still on her horn. "At least it wasn't in Las Pegasus, where word would get around to our preffered clientele. What's one hotel out of the thousands out there?" "You better hope word doesn't get around. And I say we should have a serious talk about this new partner business." "We don't have to" Trixie said, speaking for the first time since they were removed. "I told Jack Pot yes, and I was serious about it." "I'm starting to like you less and less, Trixie" Big Bucks seethed. "I'll get over it" Trixie replied in a mocking whisper. "Now now, you two. I don't want my two partners fighting." "Besides, I'm not gonna be doing big performances until after I've had the baby." "See? There's plenty of time to get used to the idea. And Big, I'm surprised you're not seeing how this will benefit you." "How? The lower cut? The need to rehearse as a trio after years of perfecting a duo performance? Sharing the spotlight with an attention hog like her?" "When word gets around that I'm no longer single, all the mares that fancy us will have all their attention on you." "......Welcome to the act, Trixie! And congratulations on the engagement!" Big exclaimed as he wrapped the two of them in a tight hug. "Careful! I'm pregnant here!" "Oh, right" Big Bucks said as he released them. "Sorry. Now let's get to our wagons and get to our next job. We have mares- I mean ponies to dazzle!" Jack Pot and Trixie chuckled as Big Bucks got ahead of them. "He's right, though" Trixie said. "It's going to be hard adjusting to a third partner. Even harder adjusting to a fourth pony." "You could be having triplets and I wouldn't be scared of the coming challenge. I already know being with you will be worth it" Jack Pot said as he nuzzled his mate. "What if I'm pregnant with four? Or have more in the future?" "I'm not that old, but please don't try and see if I can die by a heart attack yet" Jack replied, making Trixie giggle. "You can have your wagon to yourself, Big Bucks" Trixie said as they all approached their wagons. "Me and Jack are going to ride in mine." "We are?" "I'm not going to say no to that" Big replied as he got into the bigger wagon and started the movement spell. "I wanna spend some time with my husband to be" Trixie told Jack as they approached her wagon, Big Bucks no longer able to hear them. "And since there's no pesky guards to make it a quickie, I feel like round two. What do you say, daddy?" she asked with a flirtatious wink. "More quality time with my daughter and fiancé?" Jack said as he followed Trixie into her wagon and shut the door. "How can I refuse?" Trixie moaned contentedly as she lay on her back, Jack Pot atop her, kissing her and caressing her curved tummy. It wasn't long before she felt his tip rubbing against her entrance, and she gave him a warm moist welcome. She would do it again and again for a long time, as soon as later that same day. They were going to have years of magical nights together.