> Beneath the Surface > by MisterEdd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In Pain, In Need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "He's going to be big and strong, just like his daddy." Rough Sketch jolted awake, inadvertently knocking aside a cup of pencils, sending papers flying everywhere. He gasped and rubbed his face with his hooves hard enough to hurt while fighting back a sob. Sleep had become a chore at this point and whenever he did sleep, he usually dreamt of her. The framed picture of a coral-red earth pony mare smiled up at Rough Sketch, her dark blue eyes shimmering with joy. He automatically ran the tip of his hoof across the glass, pretending that, for a single moment, it was the mare's face and that he'd give anything to be able to touch her again. The pegasus' vision was clouded by tears but he didn't care. After all, he was in mourning. "Rowan..." He stared down at the drawing utensils on the floor and soon found a pencil tightly gripped in one hoof. Images flashed before Rough Sketch's eyes, memories of a happier time: taking Rowan to the movies, a walk in the park, his ham-hoofed attempt at proposing and her agreement to it. He remembered their wedding and the subsequent honeymoon to Neighagra Falls. Soon after, they were blessed with the most incredible news a married couple could ever hear and raced to get the baby's room prepared for their little one's arrival. The pencil's point gently began to dig into his wrist, the graphite tip piercing the skin as the thought of sweet relief entered his mind... Ding-dong! Rough Sketch practically leapt out of his skin but quickly recovered, giving himself a minute to let his heart calm down before he trotted down the stairs, doing his best to ignore the pictures hanging on the walls but was unable to avoid giving them all passing glances. Ever since Rowan's death, the small brick house had become less like a home and more like a tomb, filling Rough Sketch with an ever-increasing sense of gloom and sorrow. Opening the door, he found a familiar unicorn stallion waiting for him. Scribble Inkpot had a purple and black mane and wore a dark gray blazer over his golden-brown coat. Combined with his gold wire-frame glasses, he resembled a hip young college professor rather than an art manager. "Hey Rough Sketch," Scribble smiled and gently gave the pegasus a hug. Rough Sketch returned the embrace a little harder than he meant to and eased his grip on his friend, just elated to see him again in the flesh. He barely saw anypony after the funeral and while aware of his isolation, he felt it was better to try to deal with his grief alone. "It's great to see you, buddy. For a second there, I was afraid you weren't still breathing." Rough Sketch stepped back and wiped at his eyes. "It's great to see you too, Scribs. I was trying my hoof at drawing again but then I ended up falling asleep." There was a brief pause. "So, um, what's up?" Scribble readjusted his glasses and sighed, "I was worried about you, bro. You don't call, you haven't been up to the office and you haven't turned in a single drawing or painting. Hell, you barely even leave the house." "I'm in a dark place, Scribs. I just...need more time." The unicorn nodded and placed a hoof on Rough's shoulder. "Look, I'll admit, I have absolutely no idea what you're going through and I know that you don't want to hear it but somepony's going to have to say it. You need to get out of the house." Rough Sketch stayed silent so Scribble took this as a sign to keep going. "If you stay cooped up in here, you'll go crazy. Why not go somewhere to clear your head? I hear that Seaward Shoals is nice this time of year." Rough crossed his forelegs. "I'm not going on a vacation." "It wouldn't be a vacation. Think of it as...a temporary respite. Face it, you need a break." Rough pondered it for a moment. "I could go to Sasamare Lake. It's supposed to be lovely this time of year." Scribble patted Rough's shoulder. "That's the spirit! Go somewhere nice and mildly isolated and just enjoy yourself!" "Mildly isolated"...yes... "You know what? I think I will," Rough Sketch said softly, barely hearing Scribble's next words. He and Rowan were planning to visit Vanhoover sometime and it might as well be where he ended up next. Sasamare Lake...there are less prettier places to visit. ***************************** Drowning. That the first thing that Sassie remembered. The feeling of helplessness as you flailed around in the cold darkness, screaming soundlessly as you fought for rapidly-depleting air. She couldn't recall what life she lived before but she knew that her place was in the lake. Alone. Oh sure, she knew the legend: the kelpie, the demonic water horse that drowned anypony foolish enough to travel the lake alone at night. After all, that's what she was but in her defense, she only killed miscreants that nopony would miss in her one-hundred-and-eight-years. Common harlots, sex-crazed frat colts, druggies. If anything, she did the world a favor. Silently paddling through the water, Sassie carefully broke the surface under the shade of a nearby tree and watched a young earth pony couple in a speed boat. They appeared so happy, so full of life. And she resented them for it. Here she was, a lonely creature with no name or past reduced to hiding beneath her namesake while ponies could enjoy themselves in the sun with nary a care in the world. What had she done to deserve such a fate? Was she so terrible in life that death had deemed it necessary to confine her solely to the lake and its surrounding area? Giving the blissfully happy couple one more ire-filled glare, Sassie slid once more below the blue-green surface of Sasamare Lake, letting the water consume her lithe form as the anger and misery filled her heart. > SOS > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ride to Sasamare Lake was rather uneventful for Rough Sketch though he did somewhat enjoy the sights that Vanhoover had to offer. Before arriving, he was sure to settle his affairs with his attorney Legal Jargon, leaving the majority of his possessions to Scribble Inkpot, his parents and his sister. He decided it would be best not to say goodbye to anypony; they'd only try to stop him with some malarkey about "knowing what he's feeling" and "having so much to live for." It was his life, dammit, and he could do with it what he pleased! Besides, what kind of life was it without his Rowan? Well, this place is certainly neat. Rough Sketch noted as he placed his suitcases on the floor next to the door. The single-story cabin consisted of four rooms: a bedroom, a kitchen, bathroom and dining area/main foyer. A lesser stallion would've complained about the small size but he wasn't going to be staying here for long so comfort wasn't on his list of priorities. This was more or less a last stop on the way to seeing his wife again. Behind him, an earth pony carefully placed his wooden drawing easel next to the front window and set it up. "There, all set! Need anything else?" Rough Sketch shook his head. "No thanks, Trailblazer. Thanks for your help," he added, fishing some bits out of his saddlebags and depositing them into his hoof. He'd met Trailblazer at the airport and the earth pony had generously offered to not only give him a lift to the lake but to also help him unload his things. Trailblazer, as it turned out, was a park ranger and knew his way around the location, even asking Rough Sketch to be his tour guide but he declined. It wasn't as though he was there for a hike or bird watching. "Keep the change." Trailblazer gaped at the small pile of bits. "The offer was for thirty. This is sixty. I don't know if I can take this from you." "Just keep it. Buy your wife something nice." The earth pony reluctantly dropped the coins into his khaki shorts pocket. "Well, if you're sure. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to give me a call. Nothing really happens around here. Other than the kelpie, of course." "The what?" "Just a local myth. It's a water horse that supposedly lives in the lake and drowns anypony foolish enough to get near the water at night. Her first victim was a young mare over a hundred years ago and since then, locals have been trying to catch even a fleeting glimpse of the kelpie. I don't believe in it but hey, whatever brings in the tourists." Rough Sketch snorted. "Well, I'll be on the lookout for it. Have a good day, Trailblazer." "You too, Rough Sketch. Good luck with the art," the ranger said with a tip of his hat before making his exit, leaving Rough Sketch alone once more. He ran a hoof along his easel, recalling all of the artwork that he'd created with it and the life that it helped him build for himself and Rowan. He had no plans of using it of course but everypony knew that the two were inseparable and it would've been strange if he hadn't have brought it. Shaking his head, Rough Sketch set about readying the cabin, first by decorating the table with photos of him and Rowan before composing his note. Once that was finished, he sealed it in an envelope and placed it in front of his little memorial. He was never much of a poet but that served him well as that meant that the letter wouldn't come out as melodramatic. Now it was time to pick up the supplies. He'd decided against hanging as it was too cliché and had a hard time swallowing pills, so that was out. Finally, he settled on drowning, an ironic death given his status as a pegasus. Besides, It's a nice day for a swim. ******************* The lake rippled as Sassie breached the surface, water streaming down her face as she watched the boat in the distance. Not many pegasi visited Sasamare Lake so this got the kelpie's attention. The pegasus was young, in his mid to late 20's with an icy blue coat and a mop of dark blue hair. He was a little on the short side but still attractive. Hmm. He's nae half bad lookin' tae be honest. Killing the motor boat's engine, the pegasus got to work tying some rope around something before standing up with a cinderblock in his forelegs. Now whit is he daein'? His limbs violently shook as he heaved the cinderblock over his head and tossed it into the lake, splashing himself with a wave of water. A coil of rope followed the cinderblock into the depths and Sassie's brow furrowed as she really inspected the pegasus. He remained standing with his eyes closed and forelegs spread out, a look of resignation written on his face. Please teel me he's nae tryin' tae… Before Sassie could finish that thought, the other end of the rope tugged on the pegasus' ankles, yanking him over the side of the boat. Sweit Celestia's mane, he did it! Th' bastard actually did it! Something snapped in the kelpie's brain and she descended, speeding through the water faster than she even knew was possible. She founded the pegasus floating at the bottom, his mane and wings swaying back and forth in time with the duckweed. Drowning those that deserved it was fine but Sassie couldn't allow a pony to take his own life. No matter what he did or how bad things were, nopony deserved to feel like suicide was the answer. Dragging the pegasus onto the shoreline, Sassie immediately went to work administering CPR, her hooves pressing down on his chest before she clamped her lips onto his own. Funay, he tastes loch honey oats. After two minutes, she was ready to give up when the merciful sound of vomiting filled her ears and she thanked Celestia that the idiot was alive. "Noo 'en, let's gie ye someplace warm." > Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness. All Rough Sketch could remember was the darkness. That and the cold, crushing depths as he sank to the bottom, the breath being squeezed from his lungs like water wrung from a sponge. The pain was finally at an end. Wait, why was there light? And...kissing? Was somepony kissing him? There was a weight on his chest and the next thing he knew, he was throwing up the water in the lungs. Nope, he was definitely alive. Before passing out, he caught a glimpse of shimmering, blue-green eyes peering at him. Light pierced Rough Sketch's line of sight as his vision slowly cleared. He was back in the cabin beneath the covers of his bed, his sweater and pants lying nearby on the floor next to a set of wet hoofprints. So his attempt really happened. So who foiled it? He groaned and slowly began to sit up, the rope burns around his ankles screaming as his hindlegs shifted beneath the covers. "Och look, th’ idiot is waukin’. How’re ye feelin’?" A female voice intoned from the kitchen. Rough Sketch turned towards the voice, which sounded as though it spoke with a heavy Trottish accent. Something came into view and the pegasus froze in place, too scared to move or even make a peep. It was an earth pony mare, except she stood two feet taller than the average pony, her shaggy, moss-like coat was the color of wet pine needles. Her seaweed-like mane clung to her body and was decorated with water lilies and other amphibious plants. Gills flared on the sides of her neck and her long limbs ended in a weird fusion of webbed claws and hooves. "Who...what...? What are you?" The mare glared indignantly at him. "Whit am Ah? Aam th’ one ‘at saved yer life, that’s fa Ah am!" She then sighed. "If yoo’re pure curioos, mah nam is Sassamaur, ur ‘Sassie’ fur short." Rough Sketch slowly threw the covers over and sat up all the way. "'Sassamare'? Like the lake? Wait...you're the kelpie!" "An’ whit if Ah am? ‘at jist means ‘at th’ mean auld kelpie jist rescued ye." "Well, th-thank you for that but I didn't want anypony to save me...-" Sassie charged forward, her nose nearly touching his own. "Didne want anypony tae sae ye?! Ye waur tryin’ tae kill yerself!" She then held up a framed picture of him with a visibly pregnant Rowan. "Whit abit yer wife an’ yer foals? Dornt ye hink they’d want ye tae live?! Waur ye really gonnae lit them graw up withit a faither ur a husband?" Rough Sketch took the photo with shaking hooves and crushed it against his chest. He then curled into a ball and began to weep, dry-heaving and gasping as the memories hit him. Meanwhile, Sassie stared dumbfounded at the pegasus. She then took another glance at the collection of photographs strewn around the table. They all featured him and the mare, with the most recent ones depicting her as being pregnant. Wait, why aren't there any more? A lightbulb went off and Sassie nearly hit herself due to her own stupidity. There weren't any wife and foals. He’s alone! She continued to watch the broken pegasus cry, unsure of what to do or if there was even anything to do. The kelpie hadn't had any real contact in a century, so her social skills were a bit rusty. She settled for lightly tapping his forearm, which seemed to work as his sobs quieted. She couldn't imagine the pain that he was going through and didn't want to know. They sat in silence for the longest time before the pegasus spoke. "Her name was Rowan. We met at college and were madly in love. After we got married, we immediately wanted to try for foals and she ended up pregnant. It was the happiest day of my life," he said, his throat still strained from crying. "When it came time for Rowan to deliver, I couldn't handle blood or any of that stuff so I stayed in the waiting room. After seventeen hours, a doctor came out and told me that there'd been a complication and Rowan had died." Sassie could feel her blood freeze. "An'...an' th' foal?" "Stillborn. It was a colt." Rough Sketch lifted his head up and smiled sorrowfully. "I would've had a son," he sniffled and drew his hocks up to his chest. "After that, everything just seemed...pointless." Sassie unconsciously settled next to Rough Sketch on the bed. "Aam sae sorry. Ah...Ah didne know." Rough Sketch nodded but didn't say anything. One of Sassie's claw-hooves tenderly caressed his shoulder and, hearing no objections, passed down his neck and massaged his upper back. For some reason beyond her understanding, Sassie felt an incredible connection with this random pegasus, almost as though they were kindred spirits brought together by tragedy. She wanted to do something. But whit can Ah dae tae help heem? Despite the alien sensation, Rough Sketch was enjoying the feel of the kelpie's weird claw-hoof rubbing his back. And to think, he once thought her an amusing urban legend invented by bored lumberjacks. He practically leapt into the air when Sassie hurled herself off of the bed and turned to face him, determination burning in her blue-green eyes. "Reit, seein’ as hoo Ah saved yer life, ‘at means ‘at ye belang tae me an’ I’ll be damned if anypony tries tae kill themselves oan mah territory. Aam gonnae be watching ye very closely, sae dornt try anythin’. By th’ time ya laeve haur, yoo’re gonnae be singin’ abit rainbows an’ sunshine." "Um, o-okay." Rough Sketch was slightly perturbed by this latest development but found himself intrigued by Sassie's abrupt commitment to helping him. "How about we make a deal? I'll stay here for a month and in that time, if you've managed to make me change my mind, then I'll leave here and never try to kill myself again. If not, then you take me into the lake and help me to finish the job." He thrust a hoof out. "Deal?" Sassie bit her lip in contemplation. Finally, she nodded and grasped his hoof. "Yoo've got yerself a deal." > Drawing a Conclusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A soothing breeze ruffled Rough Sketch's mane as he swayed back and forth on the wooden porch swing, a blank sketch book laying unattended on his lap. It'd been two days since his failed suicide attempt and subsequent rescue by the mysterious Sasamare, aka Sassie, who swore to keep a close eye on him and to try to change his melancholic viewpoint. So far, she'd adhered to that first part, watching every move he made no matter how mundane. He was beginning to regret their arrangement but a deal was a deal and his parents raised him to always keep his word. Plus, the kelpie still terrified him somewhat. Seriously, does that mare even sleep? The windchimes hanging above his head cling-tinged as the wind made another pass. Everything was so peaceful, a startling departure from the noise and clamor of Baltimare. He could see why ponies visited locations such as these to get away from it all, which was funny considering how he came here to do just that on a more permanent basis. Something slowly broke the surface of the lake's surface like a submarine's periscope and it didn't take binoculars to see that it was Sassie. The kelpie rolled onto her back and began to lazily paddle around, never taking her eyes off of him. Shifting in his seat, Rough Sketch stared ahead at the lake and the semiaquatic figure, his mind churning and pumping with inspiration. His pencil flew to his sketch book, first creating the basic outline for its subject before moving onto shading. Slowly but surely, the picture began to form and a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins. Sweat gathered on his brow, his hoof flying across the page. He hadn't experienced a tsunami of inspiration like this in months. He felt so alive! "Whit ur ye drawin’?" Flinging his sketchbook aside, Rough Sketch rolled off of the bench, tumbled down the steps and landed on the ground. Shaking his head, he smacked some dirt off of his muzzle and stared up at the intruder. It'd seemed that he was so engrossed in his task that he hadn't noticed Sassie swimming to shore or trotting up beside him. "Sorry abit ‘at, Sketchy. Ur ye alrecht? Yer as white as snaw!" The nickname was one that he'd grown up with but hearing it come out of Sassie's mouth made it seem as though he was hearing it for the first time. Maybe it was the accent, which while seemingly rough and unrefined, was actually quite pleasant to the ear and even cute at times. "I'm okay. I just didn't hear you coming, that's all." Rough Sketch brushed off his notebook and held it up for Sassie's inspection. He was used to criticism but was bizarrely terrified of her opinion. It could be because she saved his life and he felt as though he had to do something to show his appreciation. That or the residual unease that reared its ugly head still had a slight hold over him. Sassie told him that while the stories of drownings were exaggerated, she had actually killed a few ponies here and there in the past century and this alone made his skin crawl whenever she was near. "Is ‘at me? Och waw, ‘at is terrific!" Sassie's face lit up like a Hearth's Warming tree and Rough Sketch took a moment to study her. Ever since he was a colt, he'd made a habit of scrutinizing other ponies' faces and his training as an artist only made it sharper. She possessed long eyelashes with high-set cheekbones and he could see barely perceivable freckles that dotted her cheeks and muzzle. Amazingly, her features were perfectly symmetrical, which was a rarity for anypony. For whatever reason, Rough Sketch found himself blushing. "Thank you and I'm glad you like it." "Loch it? Ah loove it! " Sassie hummed a bit as she cocked her head and Rough Sketch couldn't help but notice how nice a smile she had. "Ah can see wa ye dae thes fur a livin’." Rough Sketch took a seat back on the porch swing. "Well, I've honestly been in a creative slump ever since Rowan's death. Before I couldn't even draw a stick figure but here I am." An idea popped into his head. "Have you ever sat for an artist before?" Sassie's brow crumpled up in thought. "Nae…I dornt hink sae. Nae." "Then would you mind doing it for me?" "Eh’d be honored an’ delighted tae dae sae," she nodded and made for the door, swinging it open and disappearing inside. "Weel? Arenae ye comin’ ur nae?" Shaking his head, Rough Sketch smirked before following the kelpie inside. "Hoo much longer is thes gonnae tak’?" Sassie wasn't used to staying still for so long. Her continued survival predicated on constant motion, keeping out of sight from curious vacationers and nature lovers. And yet, she found herself oddly soothed by the pegasus' presence, a reminder of her isolated lifestyle and humdrum existence. The light scratching of pencil on paper broke the monotony and a light blush peppered her cheeks as Rough Sketch's eyes roamed over her body, though she had to remind herself that this was solely as a means to express his creativity. Still, it was nice to be paid attention to again. Again? When was anypony payin' attention tae me affair? One of the worst parts of being the resident guardian of the lake was her inability to remember anything about her previous life, if she'd even had one at all. Every now and then, Sassie experienced a moment of déjà vu, a random sensation of familiarity but it frustratingly brought with it no actual memories. So there she was, left frustrated beyond belief and filled with an indescribable anger and sorrow for what she'd lost and would never find. She was Sasamare the Kelpie and that was all she knew and would know. "Just about. And we're...done!" Flicking his wrist to ease the soreness, Rough Sketch turned the easel around. "So...what do you think?" Sassie could feel her breath being caught in her chest. Every line, every strand of mane was painstakingly captured on paper, even down to the shimmer of her eyes. "Yoo’ve captured mah face saw perfectly ‘at it’s loch lookin’ intae a mirrur!" She'd seen her reflection in the lake's surface and in the glass of windows but this was like looking at a stranger. "Ah didne know ‘at Ah was sae...pretty." "I'd say beautiful." Her head snapped up to meet his gaze but he was already putting his art supplies away. Was Sassie going mad? She could've sworn that she'd heard that but she chalked it up to wishful thinking. Besides, who'd think that she was attractive anyway? Hopping off of the stool, she stretched her hindlegs and sighed in relief as the muscles cracked and popped. Sliding his pencil box into his bag, Rough Sketch stopped to give Sassie a cursory glance as she stretched and flexed her limbs. There was so much that he didn't know about the mysterious water horse. He knew that she was Trottish and at least one hundred years old but that was the extent of his knowledge. "Hey Sassie?" The mare paused and looked at him curiously. "Where did you come from? If you don't mind my asking." He watched her turn away almost shamefully. "Ah cannae remember. Ah doobt Ah ever knew." Before he could ask anymore questions, she gave him a quick goodbye and left. > Leave Me Breathless > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No, this won't do either." Rough Sketch crumpled up the sheet of paper and tossed it at the small mountain peak forming at the top of the waste basket. He shifted in his chair and took a gulp of coffee before getting back to work. After sleeping in late, he tried drawing only to find that his work wasn't up to snuff or was simply nonexistent. His only progress had been with Sassie and she'd gone MIA since she disappeared yesterday. Great, I find a muse and I managed to upset her. Nice work, genius! Fate itself must've taken pity on this sap as there came a gentle rapping on the front door and he found Sassie herself standing there, although something was off about her. Her head was hung low and her long mane covered her face like a veil, giving the kelpie the appearance of being very shy and vulnerable. Puzzled, Rough Sketch opened the door and Sassie stepped aside to allow him to step onto the porch. He was ready to say something but figured she came by to speak her piece so he stayed silent. His intuition proved correct when Sassie raised her head and swept half her mane aside. "Ah...Ah jist wanted tae apologize. F-fur runnin aff yesterday." "It's okay. I was actually worried that I'd said something to upset you." Sassie rose to her full height, exposing her dumbstruck expression. "Ye waur...woriat...abit me?" Oh my Celestia, she is so cute! Rough Sketch bit the inside of his cheek to keep from giggling aloud. "Well, yeah, I was. I mean, we're friends right?" A gentle but radiant smile appeared on Sassie's face. “Aye. We ur, arenae we?” "So how about we forget about yesterday and just hang out?" "'Hang out'? Ye mean, spend time together?" Rough Sketch chuckled, "Yes, that's exactly it! As I recall, you made a deal to cheer me up." Bemused, Sassie lightly shoved him in his chest. "Och, Ah see hoo it is, wee fella. Blackmail, is it? Weel fine ‘en. Meit me it oan th’ northwest side ay th’ loch in thirty minutes. Dornt keep me waitin’," she sing-sang as she trotted away, a noticeable bounce in her step. Dragonflies whizzed past Rough Sketch's head, flitting about one another in an amusing little display of playful aerial acrobatics. The Wonderbolts could take a few tips from these guys. He noted and glanced once more at his waterproof watch. Almost forty minutes. Not that he could complain. He was standing under the shade of a nice maple tree and could see the whole of the lake shimmering diamond-like in the sun. The water in front of him bubbled and actually parted as though they were elevator doors, revealing a giddy and mirthful Sassie, who climbed onto the lakebed and strode up to him. As the water receded, Rough Sketch couldn't help but notice the way her coat glistened in the light, how it clung to her lithe form. Banishing those thoughts, he smiled, "I was on time. You, on the other hoof, are late, missy." Actually rolling her eyes, Sassie shrugged, "It’s mah loch sae Ah can shaw up whenver Ah want. Gang gie yer ain, feaither-flank." Deciding not to argue semantics, Rough Sketch instead regarded her suspiciously. "So what's this big surprise?" Sassie gestured with her head towards the lake. "Ah know it’s a wee suin, but let’s go. Ye an’ me!" The pegasus stared past her and at the water, shivering a bit at his last encounter with the lake. "Ah promise Ah willnae lit anthin’ happen tae ye." Whether it was the softness of her eyes or the sincerity of her voice, Rough Sketch nodded in agreement and the two headed into the water. Little by little, they walked out into the lake until their entire bodies were submerged. Heart jackhammering in his chest, Rough Sketch looked to Sassie for support and lightly took ahold of one of her claw-hooves, a gesture that she surprisingly reciprocated. Pegasi were actually quite capable swimmers but due to their preference for living in the clouds, many didn't bother to learn how to swim. Thankfully, Rough Sketch wasn't one of those individuals so it wasn't as awkward for him. Allowing Sassie to take the lead, they descended lower and lower towards the bottom. Okay, time to leave. Rough Sketch couldn't ignore the beauty of what lay before his eyes but his air was running out so he pointed upward. Sassie nodded in understanding but they remained where they were. Wh-what's going on? Seeing the fear on his face, she pulled him in close and, with a gentle smile, mashed her lips against his own. Air returned to Rough Sketch's lungs but he didn't notice, instead grabbing ahold of Sassie's cheeks to return the kiss. The mare's eyes bulged open but she simply rolled with it, relishing the attention she'd been missing. They both broke the kiss and Rough Sketch could find that he could stay under water much longer. Magic kiss, perhaps? He nodded and they swam further under the lake, the water oddly remaining crystal clear despite the depths that they'd reached. After roughly two hours and a few more make out sessions, they finally swam back up to the surface and headed back to the cabin. "So, um, Sassie? What was with all of the kissing?" The kelpie responded with tremulous laughter. "Kissin’? Is ‘at whit ye thooght ‘at was?" "Wasn't it?" He responded, feeling irritated for some reason. "Nae! ‘at was tae help ye breathe. Ah was releasin’ wee belches tae help ye...-" "Wait! You...you were burping in my mouth?" "It worked, didne it?" Sassie said nonchalantly, though her red cheeks betrayed her enjoyment of the act. She hadn't expected him to actually kiss her but it was a pleasant surprise. "No wonder I taste salt and fish eggs," Rough Sketch half-complained, not entirely liking the taste but loving the actual smooch, even if it was just to keep him breathing. Maybe we should go swimming more often. Sassie looked back at her winged companion and sighed contently. Maybe I could ask him if he wants to swim again later. > The Truth Revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four weeks has passed since their swim and the two had come to greatly enjoy the other's company. They'd even spent one night just talking until the sun came up and then shared a laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Rough Sketch could now draw picture after picture like a pony possessed and Sassie was a lot more easygoing and playful, having found somepony to spend time with. She even agreed to pose more for Rough Sketch, something that brought the two of them immense joy and, unbeknownst to the other, erotic pleasure. Some of the drawings were a tad risqué in nature but not overly sexual and made Sassie feel beautiful and appreciated in a way she'd never known she could feel. Leaves crunched beneath Rough Sketch's hooves, followed by the click-pop! of his camera, just two more sounds joining the song of nature. Birds chirped, insects buzzed and frogs croaked as the pegasus took his leisurely stroll down the trail, taking a deep breath and enjoying the serenity of the outdoors. Sassie lightly galloped at his side, taking a moment here and there to simply gaze at him, the aching thumping in her chest increasing whenever she was near him. Oh, how she wanted to let him know how she felt but it seemed inappropriate, considering he was still in mourning over his wife and recovering from a suicide attempt for that very same reason. It seemed as though the gods were mocking her, first by confining her to the lake, then by introducing her to a stallion that she couldn't have. "Sasamare, are you okay?" Meeting Rough Sketch's eyes, Sassie found herself wanting to spill the beans and ask him to take her right then and there but instead let out a fake snort-chuckle. "Ay coorse Ah am, Sketchy. Wa wooldnae Ah be?" Ah am sic' a coward. "Aam fine. Everything’s fine…haur...noo. How are ye?" Rough Sketch wasn't buying it but decided not to push the subject. He'd grown very fond of her-fonder than he was wishing to admit-but didn't want to risk hurting her feelings. "Okay then. You know you can tell me, right?" "Och aye, Ah know," Sassie nodded and trotted ahead, reprimanding herself for her cowardice. The deadline for their bargain was fast approaching and she dreaded it more than anything else. If Rough Sketch left and resumed a normal life, she could live knowing that she helped somepony find meaning in life again. Then again, he'd still visit, right? That is, if he didn't get married again and raise a family. As selfish as it sounded, she didn't want him to do that and she hated herself for that. ************************** "Anything else I can help you with, sir?" "No thank you. Thanks for everything." Rough Sketch waved goodbye to the librarian and began fishing through the books and files that he'd collected. Sassie's behavior was worrying to him and he decided to do something to cheer her up. If he could figure out where she came from, then maybe she'd get her memories back and wouldn't feel so sad. She saved him from drowning and wanted him to live a happy life so it was the least he could do. And he would do anything to see her smile again. Flipping open the first book, he found the section on local Vanhoover myths. "Okay, so Trailblazer and the other locals say that the kelpie first appeared one hundred and eight years ago. Why only then?" Finding nothing on the kelpie sub-chapter, he combed through the next few books and again, didn't find what he was looking for. What he did find were crazy theories, such as extraterrestrials and a secret government experiment. Ponies are nuts. He then browsed the history section, skimping through books and newspapers dealing with the kelpie and her victims. In over a hundred years, Sasamare Lake only experienced seven confirmed drownings, three of which were deemed accidents by the coroners. By Celestia's fat flank, this is torture! Rough Sketch was about to call it quits when he came across a drawn picture of the first victim in an old newspaper. "Oh my freaking goddess." ************************ "One million one, one million two, one million three..." Sassie laid on the couch and tiredly stared up at the ceiling, bored out of her mind and resorted to counting until Rough Sketch returned. All he said was that he was heading into town to take care of some errands, which made sense as the food stock needed supplying. Wait...whit if he left?! He coods be back haem either meetin’ up wi’ his manager ur tryin’ tae kill himself again! Ah knew Ah shooldnae hae lit heem go! She bolted upright. "Nae, nae! He wooldnae dae ‘at! He’s happy haur. Ah make heem happy." Hooves thudded on the porch and Sassie waited with dread in her heart as the doorknob turned. The door swung open to reveal Rough Sketch, although from his haunted and slightly guilty expression, something had happened. "R-rough Sketch? What's happened? Ur ye alrecht?" The pegasus strode wordlessly across the room and sat beside Sassie. He then fished something out of his saddlebags and unfolded it, revealing a copy of an old newspaper. "I went to try to find out your past. I wanted you to be as happy as you've made me." He held the newspaper out to Sassie, which depicted a hoof-drawn sketch of a pretty young earth pony mare. "Elspeth MacWithers." Sassie's mind was reeling, a sharp pain jabbing into her temples. "Whit...whit did ye say?" "You were once a Trottish immigrant named Elspeth MacWithers from Glasgeld." The room began to spin, a feeling of regurgitation working its way up Sassie's throat. She was gripped by a sense of vertigo and if it weren't for Rough Sketch, she would've toppled over onto the floor. Elspeth...mah nam is...Elspeth...Elspeth MacWithers from Glasgeld…. ***************** Elspeth placed another aster into her wavy, mane of curly, fiery red hair. "Thaur! Whit dae ye hink?" Jock and Kirsty laughed their little heads off. The twins were getting so big that she could barely lift them both in her forelegs. Jock, the older of the two, giggled, "Ye look loch a fairy princess, Ellie!" Kirsty pouted, "Yer sae beautiful, Ellie! Ah want tae be beautiful tay." Elspeth shook her head humorously. "But ye awreddy ur, sweit sister." Gathering up the rest of the asters, she put Kirsty's mane up into a bun and carefully placed them all around her scalp like a diadem. "Noo th' colts will be breakin' doon yer duir." "Bairns, wash up! It's time fer supper!" Their mother called from inside the house and the three of them knew better than to defy their mother. Even their giant of a father was terrified of the rather tiny but tough-as-nails mare. Elspeth hoped to be as strong as they are and to one day have a marriage like theirs. Once supper was finished, she asked her folks for permission to take her nightly walk by the lake and they agreed. Between puffs of his pipe, her father reminded her to be back in one hour and to stick to the trail. Kissing them both, she consented and went skipping off with a basket around her foreleg. Maybe she'd pick some more flowers for Kirsty or find some neat rocks for Jock's collection. An’ tae hink, they woods suin be getting’ tae th’ point whaur they wooldnae enjoy those things anymair! The lake was so serene this time of day that Elspeth almost didn't want to leave but dusk was soon approaching and she had a promise to keep. Gathering up the rest of the flowers, she stuffed them into her basket and started to make her way back home. Turning a corner, she ran right into an earth pony stallion smoking a cigarette. "Sae sorry abit 'at, sairr. Excuse me." The stallion smiled, "What's a pretty thing like you doing out here this late?" Elspeth didn't like the way he was staring at her, nor how he began rubbing her cheek. "Pretty mares shouldn't be out here all alone." "Dornt tooch me!" Elspeth scowled and hit him with her basket, causing it to break and scatter flowers everywhere. She tried to flee but the stallion was faster, grabbing ahold of her mane and tossing her backwards. She landed on her back in the water, even swallowing some accidently. Before she could blink, she was struck upside the head and dragged deeper into the lake. "Hit me, will you? I'll teach you!" The stallion wrapped his hooves around Elspeth's throat and dunked her head beneath the water. She thrashed and kicked but it was no use. She wanted to scream and cry but could do neither as the water began to fill her lungs. The darkness started to creep up on her and the last thing she saw was the stallion's face heaving angrily above hers. *************** "Sassie? Are you alright?" The kelpie gasped and whipped her head around, once more in the cabin and in Rough Sketch's comforting embrace. Tears raced down her face as she wrapped her forelegs around him and laid her head on his shoulder. "Ah remember. Ah remember it aw. Ah hud a family. A mammy, a faither, wee brither an’ sister." Sassie huffed angrily through her bitter tears. "An’ he killed me! A complete stranger ‘at Eh’d dain naethin’ tae jist killed me!" Rough Sketch held onto Sassie and stroked her mane. "Och…but Ah got heem back. Ah gae heem a taste ay his ain medicine." For whatever reason, something made Elspeth come back, this much she knew. And when that stallion visited the lake with a couple of harlots, she made sure to return the favor. That was how the legend of the kelpie began and the tale of Elspeth MacWithers ended. > Hellos and Goodbyes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neither one of them spoke for the next few hours, merely laying on the couch in each other's forelegs and enjoying their shared warmth. Rough Sketch continued to caress Sassie's mane, his ministrations not only feeling incredible but they also appeared to calm the kelpie down. Now they knew why she'd saved his life but this didn't make the revelation hurt any less. He wanted to do something nice for her and he screwed that up. "Sassie, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean...-" A claw-hoof stroked his chin. "Shh. It's alrecht, Sketchy. Ya didn't know." She sat up and Rough Sketch followed, hesitant to let go. "Noo Ah remember whaur Ah cam frae. Thenk ye." Their eyes met and slowly, their muzzles followed suit. Unlike their kisses in the lake, this was soft and gentle, a light smacking of lips but no less passionate than before. "Ah loove ye, Rough Sketch." "I love you, Sasamare. Elspeth." Sassie stroked his cheek and planted a chaste kiss on his lips before rising on wobbling legs. Rough Sketch leapt up on the couch in alarm. The kelpie's coat and mane lost much of their color. "Ah guess it's time." "Time? Time for what?" Rough Sketch watched as Sassie turned and hobbled towards the door, her mane and coat coming off in clumps. "Ah thooght ‘at it was hatred keepin’ me aroond. It was loove ur a lack ay it." She then threw the door open and stumbled outside, leaving behind a horrified and confused Rough Sketch. "Sassie! Wait!" He rushed outside and followed Sassie to the lake, where she stood in ankle-deep water, resembling more of a zombie rather than a water pony. "Sassie! No!" She turned and beamed at him. "Ah loove ye." "SASSIE!" The rest of the kelpie's skin, mane and fur tumbled off of her and pooled around her hooves like a pile of garbage. A skeleton briefly stayed upright before she melted into the lake and merged with the water. Rough Sketch sank to his hocks and gripped his head, his chest heaving with anguish as the second mare he loved was taken from him too. He howled a cry of unimaginable loss and wept so much that it hurt. "Sassie...no..." A soft hum filled the air and he was shocked to discover a glowing column of light materializing over the spot where Sassie was. Instead of a kelpie, it was a red-maned earth pony mare with a gray-brown coat and vibrant blue eyes. "S-sassie?" Sassie, or rather, Elspeth, smiled, "Aw thes time, Ah didne know whit Ah was waitin’ fur. It was ye. It was always ye." "Please, don't leave me," Rough Sketch pleaded while the spirit floated over to him, rubbing his tears away with semi-transparent hooves. "Don't leave me alone." Elspeth herself looked to be on the verge of tears but managed to hold it off and instead smiled sweetly at him. "Yoo’re ne’er aloyn, meh sweit Sketchy. Ponies main die but loove endures. Remember tha’ loove an’ yoo'll ne’er lose anypony." She laid a kiss on his lips and when Rough Sketch tried to touch her, she disintegrated into a cloud of asters that drifted away like smoke on the breeze. "Ne’er forgit me ur those yoo’ve lost. That’s hoo ye keep us in yer heart." Weeping like a foal, Rough Sketch curled up into a ball on the shore. The lake had never been more silent. Three Months Later... Scribble Inkpot readjusted Rough Sketch's bowtie. "Don't be nervous. You're doing great!" "Thanks Scribbs." "By the way, are you ever going to tell me who the mystery mare is or what happened at Sasamare Lake?" After saying goodbye to Elspeth, Rough Sketch returned to Baltimare and started once more on his work. He thought about hanging himself with the window curtains or tossing himself out the window. There were times when he sat there and thought long and hard about it. Instead, he convinced Scribble to open a gallery featuring his new artwork. He wasn't going to kill himself. Not when he made a bargain and he was raised to always keep his word. Rough Sketch pulled on his lapels. "No. They're mine and that's how I'll keep them." That was all the answer he'd give and Scribble would have to respect that. The two made their way back into the art gallery where a crowd of applauding ponies and a few other creatures-such as griffons and even a couple of diamond dogs-were waiting for them. All around them, several drawings and paintings were placed on display, all of them centered on one of two mares. The first was a coral-red earth pony mare, sometimes depicted holding a swaddled colt in her forelegs. The second was also of an earth pony except she was either red-headed and had a crown of flowers and a bouquet or was a water pony of some kind. Rough Sketch's most popular drawing was of the second mare in both forms, back to back on the surface of a lake on a bed of asters. "Excuse me," an older mare said tapping on Rough Sketch's foreleg. "Wherever did you get the inspiration for these...masterpieces?" "My wife and son died so I used them as a basis for my work." "And the red head and the sea pony?" Rough Sketch gave her a bittersweet smile. "A mare by the name of Elspeth MacWithers." Before the older mare could enquire the name, he'd already left. From across the room, Scribble shot him a wink and Rough Sketch replied with one of his own. He soon found himself in front of a sketch that made his chest ache. It was of a water pony and was so detailed, it was as though it were a mirror that captured her reflection for all time. Approaching the drawing, he slid a hoof along the gilded frame. "I remember you, Elspeth MacWithers. I remember you, Rowan and my son. I'm keeping you all in my heart."