Sunset's Goodbye

by Quicksilvershimmer

First published

The tales of the Equestria Girls are coming to an end. Sunset Shimmer has one last thing she'd like to say.

Sunset Shimmer has one final page to write in her story, Something important she feels needs to be said to an old friend of her's before the final chapter of her journey closes out for good.

The Last Page

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Dear Friend,

Um, hi. You may probably already know me, but for the sake of formality, my name is Sunset Shimmer. I'd say roughly about six years ago, I was introduced to you as a rather selfish, cruel and snide girl with a thirst for a power I now realize was never mine to begin with. I lied, cheated, and blackmailed my way to finally try and steal this power for myself, and I almost succeeded.

However, I was stopped by a group of girls who I now call my friends. They defeated me, and had every right to punish me for the suffering I've put them and everyone at Canterlot High through. Yet, they chose to forgive me. To give me a second chance and show them that I truly regretted my actions. To this day, I have been doing just that.

Sure it hasn't exactly been an easy ride, not everyone wanted to believe I had actually changed at first. I didn't blame them. But eventually when we were all being threatened by a new magical catastrophe, I stood up with the help of the very same girls who stopped me so long ago and proved myself. Since then, I now knew who I truly was. I knew from then on I had every intention to protect everyone from the magic I had so foolishly brought to this world.

Together with my friends, we've saved the day to many times to count, met some rather familiar yet new faces, redeemed plenty of people corrupted from equestrian magic, actually me and my friends even discovered we have magic of our own, and before you ask, no it's not the magic of friendship. Well, ok technically it is. Anyway, my friends and I have had quite alot of fun and exciting adventures, we've sang plenty of songs along the way, shared alot of laughs and have had some pretty great memories.

Yeah I mean don't get me wrong, not all of our memories together are exactly good. But I'd like to believe that we all have moved on from the bad moments. We all have made mistakes, I have, the girls, you probably have made a few yourself, it's ok to admit it. No mistakes are ever comfortable for us to talk about, but none are beyond repair, no one holds a grudge forever. As long as you are willing to learn from those mistakes and willing to do whatever it takes to make up for them, you're always worth forgiving.

However, there's one final mistake I have made. Something I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself for, nor you. I'm afraid my and the girl's story are coming to an end. I'm sorry.

You're probably wondering,"Why? What's going on?", right? Well if I'm going to be honest with you, everything has to end at some point or another. All stories have their final page, and I wanted this one to be just for you. From me and all of us, we wanted to simply thank you. Without you we wouldn't have even had a story to begin with, one filled with so much joy, so much happiness and fun all throughout our journey and we appreciate you for it! We all love you for making us something so much bigger then we could have possibly ever imagined. You've done so much for us we could never pay you back for, and we are truly, eternally grateful for you joining us for this long ride we've been on.

Please don't see this as a bad thing. Don't feel sadness or pain just because our tale is ending. All we've wanted was to show you our little world and teach you the value of friendship, all while enjoying yourself every step of the way. So smile, be happy you're ready to move on to the next chapter of your own story. The book to ours may be closing, but know that we'll always be with you.

Through the kindness you show from your heart you've seen from Fluttershy. The times you make anyone laugh as hard as Pinkie Pie would. To the devotion and loyalty for the ones you care about Rainbow Dash represents. For every time you help others out of the selfless act of generosity from Rarity. Every word of painful honesty you say for the sake of morality you've experienced from Applejack. Then the messages and lessons of the magic of friendship you've learned over the years from Twilight Sparkle. Finally, for every mistake you make, for every time you mess up and work your absolute hardest to atone for it, every time you show someone who's made just as many mistakes as you the empathy and forgiveness they are truly asking for, I myself live on in each and every single one of those moments.

We are all immortalized through our elements, in you. For every element of harmony you show to others, to every new friend or acquaintance you make, we'll all be there together offering our hands in friendship right along with you. We all have faith that you'll be able to put what you've learned to the test, and be able to live your life independently with your own friendships. So, please don't cry. Trust me, we aren't really leaving you alone, our time of going on adventures and teaching you all we know has simply just come to the end. If it also isn't to much trouble, I'd like to ask two more things of you. For starters, please, no matter how long you live you're story for, don't forget us. Remember us for all of our good times, all the times we rocked out playing catchy songs, everything we've done to help those around us in need, all the parties Pinkie threw, all the dresses Rarity made, all the things that made you smile being with us. I don't want to go, but after some thought, I think I'm ok with It as long as you agree to one final request I have, a favor really. Let us live on through you. Make some friends, show them the special individual we all had the pleasure of meeting and always be yourself, spread the message of love and friendship for everyone to appreciate. When things do eventually get hard to deal with, trust that we believe in you, and we're here for you whenever. So really this isn't goodbye, It's only farewell until you need me, or any of us again. We'll be here when you do.

Sincerely, Sunset Shimmer