Breaking Down, Breaking In

by RunningThroughTheAshes

First published

Celestia invites Ember and Thorax to Canterlot to further diplomacy between their species. What she meant by that was... not exactly what they had in mind.

Princess Celestia invites Dragon Lord Ember and Changeling King Thorax to join her in Canterlot in the name of furthering diplomacy between their species.

What she meant by that was... not exactly what they had in mind. Luckily, there won't be anything in there anyway once she's done with them.

Contains kidnapping, bondage, femdom, mind-melting, dragon tits, and not a lot of consent. You've been warned.

When Diplomacy Fails, it Really, Really Fails

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As Dragon Lord Ember touched down on the paved streets of Canterlot, she let out a rare smile. That was a voice she recognized.

"Thorax!" she said, turning around.

The King of the Changelings was quite a sight to behold, standing as he was with his jeweled carapace polished to a shine in the middle of the courtyard. He trotted up to her, an even bigger smile on his face.

Ember didn't do hugs—most dragons didn't—but for this particular bug, she made an exception. Sometimes. Briefly.

"How have you been?" he asked, as she drew out of the embrace. "Are things going well in the dragon lands?"

"Stressfully," she said. "As always. How's the hive?"

"Oh, it's good. We just completed our first harvest of the year, and it's looking like we're going to have a surplus. Actually, I was thinking about talking to Princess Celestia about getting a proper trade route set up. It would be nice to get a proper economy going."

Ember groaned and began walking in the direction of the castle. "By my father's flame, I wish I had your job."

"Hey, you're great at your job!" Thorax said, trotting beside her. "I wouldn't last a minute if I was the Dragon Lord."

"Yeah," Ember said, snorting. "You wouldn't."

They continued on. It was late in the afternoon, rapidly changing to early evening, and their shadows stretched out down the road ahead of them.

"I like the shawl, by the way," Thorax said. "It looks good on you."

"Oh. Thanks, I guess," Ember replied. It really wasn't anything special—actually, it was just the first piece of cloth she'd pulled out of her hoard—but she was wearing it more for function than for form, anyway.

A function Thorax seemed to have just noticed.


He blinked.

"Those are new."

Ember blushed furiously and pulled the shawl tighter around her, and the two unwelcome passengers on her chest.

Thorax looked at her with concern. "Are those...?"

"I... molted them in. Two weeks ago." She sighed. "Look, it's mating season in the Dragon Lands right now, and that means lots of little dragons are coming, and..."

Thorax looked confused. "But you're a reptile."

Ember threw her arms up. "Dragon reproduction is weird, okay!? We can't all be magical shapeshifters like you!"

"Okay, okay!" Thorax said, holding up a hoof to appease her. "So... mating season."

He waggled his eyebrows at her. Ember blushed again.

"No, I haven't," she said, not really wanting to finish the statement. "And even if I wanted too, I've been too busy making sure no one gets too frisky with the wrong dragoness and ends up getting themselves stomped into paste."

She ran a claw down her face and groaned. "Ugh. I swear, my entire species are idiots. I have to do so much micromanaging as Dragon Lord that I never have any time for..." She tugged on her shawl again. "Y'know."

"Really? Well..." Thorax leaned in closer. "We are going to be here for a few days," he murmured. "The two of us, together, in a castle with so many rooms that there's no possible way they could guard all of them..."


"Assuming that little fling we had the last time you came to visit wasn't just a one-time thing, of course—"

"Thorax!" Ember said, pushing him away with a claw and turning an even deeper shade of red. "Not in public! Do you have any idea how nosy ponies can be!?"

Thorax glanced at the dozen or so passing ponies who were now looking in their direction courtesy of Ember's outburst.

"Yeah, I think I've got a pretty good idea. So is that a no...?"

"It's—you—Shut up."

She turned around, her tail whipping through the air behind her and nearly smacking Thorax in the leg.

"Let's get going. We're going to be late," she said with an air of finality, making sure to face away from the changeling so he couldn't see her expression.

It wasn't a coincidence that the Dragon Lord and the King of the Changelings had both come to Canterlot at the same time. They'd been invited, as the leaders of their respective species, by Princess Celestia herself.

Ember had received the summons a week ago. The letter she'd been forwarded by Spike had described the event as a three-day 'diplomatic meeting' in order to discuss the ongoing prosperity of their three nations.

Ember had thought it strange—outside of a few encounters, neither of the crown princesses had ever sought to actually meet her, preferring to communicate through Spike or one of his pony friends. This had suited Ember just fine; the sudden deviation from the norm had set her dragon instincts on edge.

But she was better than her instincts, and she really did want to maintain a friendly relationship with Equestria—if a long-distance one—so she'd spent the rest of the week working double to make sure that there would still be a Dragon Lands for her to return to once the visit was over.

She still wasn't convinced she wouldn't find a mass of smoking rubble when she got back. But she'd have plenty of time to worry about that later.

The palace gates swung open for them as they approached. A guard in bright, golden armor was waiting for them.

"Hail, Dragon Lord Ember, Changeling King Thorax," he said.

"The princess couldn't be bothered to meet us herself?" Ember asked, folding her arms.

"Ember!" Thorax hissed.

"The princess was caught up in a matter of state," the guard replied, seemingly unfazed by Ember's remark. "She will be joining you as soon as it is dealt with. In the meantime, you may follow me to the banquet hall."

The banquet hall was quite aptly named, as it turned out.

Ember snatched up a ruby and popped it into her mouth as she walked to her seat, as pointed out by the guard. The table had been laid out with food for all three species.

"Ember!" Thorax hissed again. "It's rude to start eating before your host!"

"Well I don't see her here, do you?" Ember asked, taking her seat. "Besides, I'm starving. It was a long flight from the Dragon Lands."

"Princess Celestia invites you to begin without her," the guard added, "and apologizes for her rudeness. She will be here shortly."

"See?" Ember said, grabbing a bowl full of sapphires. "It's fine."

Thorax grumbled something unintelligible and began filling his own plate.

A good thirty minutes passed, and still the Princess had failed to make an appearance. In the meantime, both of them had more than satisfied their appetites.

Ember was examining one of the gems on offer.

"These are really high quality," she remarked, turning it against the light. "And here I thought hoarding gems was a dragon thing."

"Gemstones are precious to ponies," Thorax explained. "They can be worth a lot of money, if they're of the right quality. These ones might even have come out of—"

He yawned.

"—the princess's personal treasury."

"You alright?" Ember asked, concerned. "You look really tired all of a sudden."

"Must have been the food," he said. "It was a long flight for me, too."

Just then, the doors to the banquet hall opened, and their host finally joined them.

"Princess Celestia!"

Thorax stood, out of respect. Ember remained seated. Thorax shot her a look. She shrugged, and stood up also.

"I must apologize for my rudeness," Celestia said, as she made her way to the head of the table. "I was caught up in a dispute between the Ministry of Finance and the Board of Education."

She sighed. "I do love my little ponies, but their affairs can be quite... tiresome. I assure you, however, that I have cleared the rest of the night's schedule for our meeting."

She settled into her seat.

"But before we begin, I have a question for Thorax."

She turned to the Changeling King.

"Has the sleepweed taken effect yet?"

Thorax blinked. "Sleepweed? Oh, is that why—"

Thorax was cut off as he collapsed face-first into his plate.

"Thorax!" Ember shouted. Spreading her wings, she flew across the table and landed at his side.

"Oh, don't worry," Celestia said, as Ember tried to rouse him. "He's just taking a little nap. I needed the two of you sedated, after all."

Ember looked at her. "What?"

"Of course, it's a lot harder to poison gemstones," Celestia said. "Luckily, a stun spell from an alicorn should do just as well."

Before Ember could say anything more, a great force slammed into her back, and everything faded away.

Ember awoke to the sensation of something cold forcing its way between her lips. Her mouth filled with a bitter liquid. She tried to spit it out—but something was keeping her jaws clamped around whatever it was that had invaded them. She opened her eyes, but it accomplished nothing—she'd been blindfolded. She couldn't move her arms or legs, either.

"I'd suggest swallowing," a voice said. "That is, unless you'd rather suffocate."

Left with no other option, she gulped the liquid down. An icy chill filled her belly; she shuddered.

"Very good," the voice said.

The blindfold lifted; Ember blinked as her eyes adjusted to the sudden change in light.

She'd been bound to a metal frame, her arms secured outstretched to either side; her legs spread apart in a way she might have found compromising under less pressing circumstances. She strained against the metal shackles that held them in place, but to no avail. Her wings and tail had been pinned down, as well; the only thing she could move freely was her head. Her shawl had been taken, as well.

They looked to be somewhere deep in the castle—the walls were stone, but not the polished marble above. These were grey, and rough. Torches lit the darkness.

"E-Ember?" came a voice.


She lifted her head up, and there she could see the changeling, chained down in a similar manner as herself, though he remained blindfolded. Metal rings had been fastened around the base of each of his horns. Additionally, a golden circlet, inscribed with strange markings and bearing a single ruby at its center, sat upon his head.

Ember then became conscious of a weight upon her own head, and discovered that she had been similarly crowned. The metal of the circlet stretched out towards the back, cradling her skull.

"Ember, what's going on?"

"I have no idea!" Ember shot back.

Ember's attention was stolen once again as Celestia, of all ponies, stepped between them.

"Princess Celestia? What is this!?" Ember demanded. "Some freaky pony custom?! Let me out of this thing!"

"Oh, but I'm afraid I can't," Celestia said. "At least... not yet."

Ember grit her teeth. "That wasn't a request, Princess!"

"Oh, I know," Celestia said. The mare trotted up to Ember; in the dragon's restrained state, the mare easily towered over her.

She was grinning.

"You have about three seconds to release these restraints before I declare war on ponykind! I'm warning you!"

"Ember?" Thorax called out. "What's happening?"

"Princess suntan's gone crazy!" Ember shouted back.

"I can't move my legs!"

"You're tied down," Ember said. "Try shapeshifting into something!"

"I've been trying!" he said. "It's not working!"

"That's my fault, I'm afraid," Celestia said. "Specifically, those rings around your horns. Did you think Chrysalis was the only one who had magic-inhibiting artifacts lying around?"

"Last chance, Celestia!" Ember yelled. "Let us go or I'll turn you and your entire country into ash!"

"Oh, believe me, I'd love to watch you try."

Enraged, Ember breathed in deep, waited for the flame in her belly to catch—but nothing happened.

When she exhaled, all that came out was smoke.

"You know, I always have admired you dragons' fire," Celestia said, caressing the side of Ember's face with a hoof. "So strong. So passionate."

For a moment, a spark flickered through Celestia's mane. Then it was gone.

She pulled her hoof away. "Too bad I had to quench yours," she said. "Though it is only for a little while."

"You witch!"

"Princess Celestia, what is this?" Thorax demanded, his voice quivering a little.

"Oh, this? This is just me taking some precautions," Celestia said.

"You call this precautions!?" Ember raged. "Our races are at peace!"

"Yes, but I have certain... plans, for the future," Celestia said. "Ones which I can't have either of you interfering in. Not that you could stop me, of course, but why risk making enemies of the leaders of two of the most dangerous races on the planet when I could subjugate them instead?"

"W-what do you mean, subjugate?" Thorax asked. The quiver in his voice was getting worse.

Celestia answered his question with another. "Aren't you curious about those little bands wrapped around your heads?"

Ember's eyes darted up to the jewel that lay clasped against her brow.

"They're based off of those helmets King Sombra tried to use to enslave my ponies," she said. "Though, I assure you—with the right preparations, the effects of these are far more... permanent. After all, I've had plenty of time to make improvements, and one very willing test subject. Isn't that right, dear sister?"

Something moved in Ember's peripheral vision. Turning her head to the side, she watched as princess Luna stepped out of the shadows.

"Yes, dear sister," Luna replied.

"Such an obedient little sibling," Celestia said. "We've made great progress, haven't we dear sister?"

"Yes, dear sister. I exist only to be used by you."

"You're a monster," Ember spat.

"Yes, I am," Celestia replied. "But either way, by the time we're done here, you'll be kneeling at my hooves!"

"I. Will NEVER. Kneel to you."

"My, such defiance," Celestia said, grinning. "You know, between the two of us, you were the one I was worried I wouldn't be able to crack. But I wonder if your body will be so resilient?"

"M-my body?" Ember stammered.

"Yes," Celestia said. "That potion you drank did more than just prevent you from breathing fire. It also contained concentrated extract of Heart's Desire, a powerful aphrodisiac. And something else..."

Celestia's hoof caressed the inside of Ember's scaly thigh. The dragon shuddered.

"Dragon hide is notoriously tough. Coming up with a solution to that was quite the conundrum; I had to ask my favorite student for help—under very different pretenses, of course. But I'm sure you'll enjoy the results."

Celestia grinned. "Once the effects of that potion take hold, every inch of your body will become so sensitive you won't be able to bear it. Even the slightest touch will be enough to send you over the edge. I think that should be more than enough stimulation for my needs."

"And of course, I waited for the mating season to begin before inviting you," she added. Her eyes drifted to Ember's chest. "Though I must say, the benefits of that decision have proved to be even more promising than I expected."

"Unfortunately, it's going to take a little while for the effects of the potion to really sink in," Celestia said. "So I suppose I'll just have to start with the changeling. Luna, dear sister, would you keep her entertained while I break her friend, just as I did when I broke you?"

"Of course, dear sister," Luna said.

Luna knelt at the foot of the frame Ember was bound to. Ember couldn't help but feel warmth rush into her cheeks as the princess' head descended between her legs.

"W-what are you—"

Ember gasped as the lunar princess' tongue slipped between her folds.


She tried to clamp her thighs together, pull away, anything, but the restraints held her firmly in place. Luna's tongue probed at the walls of her dragonhood, pressing against one side, then the other, flicking upwards at the end of each stroke. Ember felt the heat rising in her nethers, unbidden. It had been so long...

"Nnn... s-stop!" she demanded, but Luna did no such thing.

The pony's tongue dashed against the hood of her clitoris, and she gasped as her whole body tensed.

"That should keep you busy," Celestia said, turning towards her other prisoner. "Now, to get started on your friend..."

"Ember!" Thorax cried out again. "Are you okay? D-don't you dare hurt her!"

Ember tried to reply, but another lash against her clit stole her words.

"Oh, Thorax," Celestia said. "I think you should be more concerned with yourself for the moment."

Her horn lit, and at last his blindfold floated off. His strange cerise eyes darted about.

They locked on the dragon bound across from him, grunting and struggling against the onslaught to her nethers.

"Ooh, I think someone's enjoying the show," Celestia said, beside him.

"W-what are you talking about?" Thorax grunted. "This is sick! You're sick!"

"Oh, but your changeling parts seem to disagree."

Her hoof pressed lightly against his chest, then drifted down, slowly caressing the soft underside of his carapace. Down to something he'd been trying to ignore.

With a flick of her hoof, Princess Celestia unsheathed him.


He watched with horror as his cock slid out, throbbing, head already dripping with pre.

Ember was watching too. The two locked eyes.

At that moment, Luna sucked on her clit, and Ember came for the first time in months.

Her pelvis twitched, thrust forwards unbidden by her as her juices came pouring out, and she let out a deep, guttural moan. Thorax was still watching; she couldn't meet his gaze. Her head turned away in shame.

"Oh, don't look so horrified," Celestia said to Thorax. "You're a changeling, aren't you? Isn't this your entire species' thing?"

In response, Thorax spat in her face.

"We aren't like that anymore!" he insisted. "And we were never like this!"

Celestia wiped away his spit with a hoof. She never stopped grinning.

"Oh, but old habits die hard, don't they?" she said. A hoof caressed his member, and another burst of precum erupted from its sensitive head. He shuddered.

"Of course, it might just be the Heart's Desire," Celestia remarked. "But really, who's to say?"

He was fully erect, now, the complete length of his throbbing member resting on his chest.

"My, aren't we well off," Celestia remarked. "You must have been Chrysalis' favorite."

"T-t-that's not—"

Celestia's tongue slid up the side of Thorax's cock, and he let out a moan.

"P-please," he begged. "No..."

She took hold of part of his foreskin in her teeth, pulled, let it snap back. She laughed as Thorax squealed.

"So needy..." she said, velvet heavy in her voice. Slowly, agonizingly, she ran her tongue over his head, tasting his precum like it was nectar. "Let's see just how needy, shall we..." Then, delicately, she slipped her lips over it.

"Nn," Thorax grunted, as the end of his shaft disappeared into Celestia's mouth. Her head began to bob up and down rhythmically, taking in more of his cock with each downwards push.

Thorax let out another moan as his muscles tensed against the restraints. "S-s-stop—"

But Celestia didn't stop. Instead, she pushed the changeling king's throbbing member deeper into her throat, savoring it. A glow emerged from her horn; magic wrapped around Thorax's balls, cradling them. Thorax's breaths grew quicker with each inch she took in, his gasps and moans becoming deeper as his cock sank further in.

And all the while, she was looking up at him with that same smolderingly triumphant expression in her eyes—even though she was the one between his legs, he was her conquest, her property. She owned him—and she knew it. Soon, he would too.

Her lips brushed his underbelly as she got down to his hilt and he spasmed, breaking contact with those eyes as he flung his head back. Celestia held there for a moment—then began to draw back, slowly releasing his cock. Her tongue played against its spine as she did so, tracing every bump and ridge as it passed, milking the moment for all it had until she came back up to the head, running a ring around its pulsing edge as she suckled.

With a cry, Thorax's hips bucked and he thrust up into Celestia's mouth. For a moment, the monarch looked surprised—but then that look of ownership returned. She drew back, leaving his member wet and throbbing as her lips passed over the head.

"My, we are eager, aren't we?" she said. His cock continued to twitch with need as he whimpered. She ran a hoof slowly down his chest. "You want me, don't you?"

Thorax whimpered.

One of her wings descended; she ran the tips of her soft, angelic primaries delicately up the length of his cock.

"Look at you, broken so quickly," she said, voice deep, sultry. "That Heart's Desire is quite something—to be so painfully close, but unable to do a thing about it..."

Her feathers descended back down again. He gasped under her touch.

"Such a sweet, sweet agony," she whispered. "You need release, don't you? You need it more than anything."

Her feathers ran circles around the base of his cock. Thorax couldn't answer; his mouth wouldn't work right. Ashamed, he nodded instead.

"Beg for it."

"Thorax!" Ember cried out, though it was hard. "Don't let her—ah!"

Her attention was forcefully wrenched away from Thorax as something took hold of her breasts and began kneading them, sending fresh waves of pleasure erupting through her body. Ember couldn't help but let out a moan as she saw that Luna's horn had begun to glow.

The massage spread elsewhere, caressing her sides, her wings, the insides of her thighs. The potion had done its magic: each touch was a shot of ecstasy through down her spine, only adding to the sensations she was already struggling against as Luna continued to work her clit with her tongue.

She came again, her hot fluids dripping down Luna's mouth. The alicorn continued unabated.

"Beg for it," Celestia demanded. "Beg for me."

Her primaries drifted back up, again, began circling the tip of his head. Thorax moaned.


He had to force his mouth to work.

"P-please," he stammered out. "I can't—ngh—I c-cant..."

He squeezed his eyes shut. Tears began falling down the smooth chitin of his face.

"Please t-take me."

Celestia's grin grew deeper, more feral. Drawing her wings back, she crept up Thorax's body, lifting one leg and straddling him. She took pleasure in pressing herself against his cock, letting the thing rest against her chest, pressing the base against her pussy, teasing him one final time until at last she drew up and mashed her glistening lips against his head. As Thorax moaned, she pressed him into her, taking his girth easily, her walls pressing and stretching to accommodate.

Her horn began to glow, and the gem in the circlet around Thorax's head glowed with it.

"Pleasure your empress," she commanded.

Thorax needed no such instruction; his body moved unbidden, some deep, primal part of his brain taking over as everything else was overwhelmed. He began to thrust, pushing himself deeper into Celestia's snatch as she began grinding into him. She'd been enjoying herself earlier, clearly; her juices dripped down his shaft.

He hilted, and Celestia leaned in, pushing and rubbing herself against his carapace. Thorax's thrusts became quicker, more desperate as he rushed towards climax, until at last...

Tears dripped down Thorax's cheeks as the pleasure completely overwhelmed him. His eyes rolled up in his head as he continued to thrust up into the solar princess, desperate for more.

"Yes!" Celestia cried out. "Perfect! And now—"

The gem on Thorax's head flashed.

"Be mine!"

"Ah... Ah!"

With one last thrust, Thorax came.

His bound limbs twitched, strained against their restraints as he unloaded the last however-long of pent-up lust into her, his chest heaving with each pump of his cock. Semen began dribbling out of Celestia's snatch as she continued to ride him down, taking long, slow pulls of his member as the spasms grew less frequent.

She herself was not immune from the sensations either, it seemed. Her own motions grew quicker, quicker, until—

Her head flew back as she came on her conquest.

With a whoosh, Celestia's mane and tail erupted into flames.

Ember didn't understand what she was seeing—but she could barely understand anything at this point. Celestia held her pose for a few moments, then leaned down, bringing her head beside Thorax's.

"You did well, Thorax," she said. "You'll make a wonderful slave..."

He gave no acknowledgement of her words. His eyes were open, but he'd lost consciousness ages ago.

She pulled off of him, her snatch making a wet sound as it stretched over his head. The thing fell limply against the changeling's chest, a pool forming around its tip.

Celestia, dripping, turned towards her other prisoner. Her hair kept burning, and there were other changes, too. Her teeth had sharpened into those of a predator, and the markings on her flank had changed, but it was her eyes that were the most striking; The whites had turned a dark crimson, and her round, magenta pony irises had turned golden and slit.

Some instinctual part of Ember's brain made her tremble at the sight. Princess Celestia looked almost...


"Oh dear. You weren't supposed to see me like this yet." Celestia—the mare that had been Celestia—said, grinning a fanged grin. "Well, just consider it to be a sneak peak of what's to come. For all of Equiis."

Ember struggled to reply, but she couldn't get the words out. Her mind was overwhelmed. All that emerged was another moan.

"That's enough, dear sister," Celestia said, laying a hoof on Luna's shoulder. "My turn."

Luna dutifully stood and stepped back, her muzzle still dripping with Ember's fluids.

Finally at a break in the onslaught, Ember hung from her restraints, gasping for breath. Her traitorous snatch quivered and spurted, still crying out for more.

Celestia took Ember's chin in a hoof, lifted it so she was looking into her eyes. Ember's vision was unfocused; she struggled to focus on the image of her tormentor.

Without warning, Celestia darted in and wrapped her lips around Ember's own. Her tongue pressed its way into Ember's mouth began exploring. Without even really realizing it, Ember let her own tongue join the dance. As it did, she felt magic begin caressing her body again, and she moaned with need into Celestia.

Celestia drew back, releasing her, a string of drool connecting them for just a few moments until it, too, was broken.

"Beg," she said.

"N-no," Ember gasped. "D-d-d—"

"I said beg!" Celestia demanded.

Ember couldn't take it anymore. Her head hung. Tears dripped to the floor.

"Please," she said.

Then, she gasped, as her wish was granted.

Celestia's goof glided up and down her swollen lips. It seemed to find all the right places—no, there were no wrong places. Each stroke from the monarch dug deeper into her folds, finding new places, filling her with bliss. Luna's oral onslaught had been careful, measured torture; this was passionate, commanding, heavenly.

Magic took hold of her breasts once more, squeezing them, churning them in time with the hoofstrokes. Her panting and gasping grew more fevered as Celestia unfurled her wings, bringing them down, slowly running the tips of her feathers down the insides of her thighs. The simple caress nearly made her scream.

Celestia's lips locked with hers once more, and this time it was her who pushed her tongue into Celestia's mouth, eager for the sensation, the taste of the mare who was ravishing her body so expertly.

Pressure mounted; the tension in her body was almost unbearable as Celestia played her like an instrument. She was nearly there... nearly there...

Celestia stopped, just as Ember was about to climax. Held at the edge, Ember could only mewl as the princess drew out of their kiss.

Then came the main attraction.

Celestia's magic spread her legs as far as they could, still held by the restraints as they were. Then, she placed her hooves on Ember's chest, straddled her. Her ripe cunt still dripped with Thorax's leftovers; Ember didn't care.

Celestia descended on her, and Ember's senses were obliterated once more.

The heat was intense—Celestia, or whatever she was calling herself now, Ember didn't care, whoever she was burned hot as the flames that wreathed her form. On any other occasion the heat would have been trivial to the dragon, but here, now, the flame only served to intensify the sensation as the mare ground against her soaking pussy, again, again, again...

Celestia's head bent down to Ember's neck, and Ember screamed as sharp fangs pinched her tender, leathery flesh. The pain and the pleasure mixed, danced, amplified each other until she couldn't tell one from the other. Tears slid down her cheeks. Drool poured from a mouth she couldn't keep closed.

Something was said to her, but Ember couldn't make out what it was. She was only barely conscious as Celestia's horn grew brighter, and the gem on her forehead began to glow.

Celestia didn't let up. On and on she went, prolonging it, bringing her to the edge time and again but never letting her go, never letting her finish as the lust, the need built up, drowning all other thought. An eternity seemed to pass, or maybe it was only a minute, Ember was far beyond the comprehension of time at this point as she continued to thrust into Celestia's thrusts, gasp at her touches, moan as the alicorn's magic played with her swollen breasts.

Then the gem on Ember's forehead flashed, and Celestia's grin grew wide.

A roar like crashing water filled Ember's ears, filled her mind, but she was too far gone to care. It flooded through her, washing away what was left of her as she came again, harder than ever before, her eyes rolled up into her head and her long, serpentine tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Her loyalty to her people, her personality, her duties as Dragon Lord, all faded away, replaced by one, growing, all-encompassing need:


She spasmed once more as she came again, and again, and again. Her chest heaved as she struggled for breath and Celestia continued to play with her, each grind against her pussy cementing her loyalty, each squeeze of her breasts adding to her devotion, each kiss and nibble and lick and touch furthering her love for her queen.

Ember let out another scream as she climaxed one last time in the alicorn's embrace, then fell in her restraints, limp, the last of her energy expended. Celestia hadn't stopped playing with her body, but she had nothing left to reciprocate.

And then...


Her vision grew hazy, and all went black to the sound of Celestia's laughter.

Ember moaned as Thorax came for the fifth time, hot spunk dribbling around his throbbing member and spilling out from her hole.

Celestia watched amused from her throne. The discovery that changelings lacked a refractory period had been a fun one. Her latest concubine certainly seemed to think so as she diligently humped against the changeling king's cock.

She'd dressed her subjects for the occasion in gold finery. Golden veils covered their mouths. An emblem of her cutie mark hung from their thighs; a reminder of who their true ruler was.

Ember moaned again, then resumed her long, passionate kiss with Luna, their tongues dancing around each others' mouths.

"Are you enjoying your show, empress?" Thorax asked, his eyes only for her.

"Most certainly," Celestia replied with a smile.

The throne room was empty, apart from her, the menagerie occurring at the foot of her throne, and a handful of guards who stood at attention against the walls. They had all gone through a similar process, of course; it wouldn't do to have word of her more lustful activities spread among the populous—not yet, anyway.

She briefly considered ordering the guards to join in—but no, she wanted these three for herself. Having them watch the ordeal, themselves painfully aroused by the sight of three of the rulers of the world fucking their brains out at her hooves, was more than enough fun.

Ember moaned again. She was on the edge of a climax, Celestia could tell. She smiled.

"Ember," she commanded. "Approach."

The dragon let out an involuntary whine of protest, but her body obeyed. She climbed off of Thorax, a wet pop sounding as the two uncoupled. A trail of semen connected the two for a moment, but was broken as Ember moved away.

Her steps were unsteady, as she climbed the stairs to Celestia's throne. Her snatch, puffy and engorged, must have ached with every movement. But, eventually, Ember was standing at the foot of the throne.

"Kneel," Celestia commanded. Ember did so without question, bowing her head to the solar ruler even as Thorax's spunk dribbled out of her and onto the carpet below.

The sight made Celestia cackle.

"Oh, such a shame I'll have to send you and Thorax back to your own lands soon," she purred. "You'll come and visit, though, won't you?"

"Of course, my empress!" Ember said, eager to please. "Any time you ask!"

"In that case, I think we will have to have diplomatic meetings more often," Celestia purred. "Perhaps we could invite a few more... guests. Perhaps that insufferable Queen Novo and her daughter..."

"Yes, empress!"

She looked down at the two still on the ground. Thorax and Luna were still wrapped in the throes of each others' passion.

"Thorax? You had a brother, didn't you?"

"Yes, empress!" he gasped.

"Would you bring him to me when next I call for you, so that the three of us might get better... acquainted?"

"Yes, my empress!" he cried out, as Luna deepthroated him. "Ah! I am your loyal subject! I exist only to be used by you! I will do anything you command!"

"Perfect," Celestia purred, settling back into her throne. "Now come, Ember, my subject."

She spread her legs. She was dripping.

"Finish your Queen."