> Before the Friendship Games: Principal Cinch > by CapNTilfy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Morning Routine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reputation. A word that means everything to Abacus Cinch, Headmistress of Crystal Prep Academy. Reputation gains one influence, and with enough influence, one can achieve great feats! ...one could even successfully get away with murder, she thought as she began to get dressed for the day. But murder was such a dirty word. Abacus Cinch merely accelerated the demise of the erstwhile Headmistress, Amore, all those years ago. Death came to all, without exception. Even she knew she would one day die. To think oneself immune to death is pure folly, she thought. Immortality was nothing more than the stuff of legends. Fantastical nonsense. The Principal entered her car, and started her journey to the cemetery. Thoughts of death were a constant for Abacus' mind, with her reputation at a close second. However, she was not blind to the fact that her father was in large part responsible for said reputation. He amassed wealth, power, and influence through shady and disreputable means. The mere mention of his name would strike fear in the hearts of all. Even in his final days, he made it quite clear that he would be a force to be reckoned with til the day he died. While not all of Cinch's father's reputation had been equated with her, she made it clear in no uncertain terms that she was not only her father's daughter, but she was a force to be reckoned with all her own! Abacus chuckled at the memories. Her father was a mean son of a bitch, and she admired him for it. Every day, be it rain or shine, she made a habit of visiting his grave. Today was to be no exception. The Principal reached the graveyard entrance, then moved forward. She sighed as she saw all the tombstones. As much as she enjoying visiting her deceased parent, being among the dead always made her uneasy. One might say she was afraid of death, and that would be the truth. Abacus shuddered. After all these years, she still felt nervous every time she visited. Parking her car, she disembarked. The sun was rising as daylight peeked out, and birds were chirping off in the distance. There was a slight chill in the air, and the Principal wasn't sure whether or not it was just her imagination. She steeled herself, then began walking as she took note of all the names and dates on the tombstones she passed. Each grave she passed was lined with either photographs, wreaths, or any other assortment of such. She sighed, knowing that her father's was devoid of decorations. Cinch would have left a flower on his grave, but the mere thought of touching his marble tombstone sent chills down her spine. Perhaps it was for the best. He will be remembered as a monster for all the pain and suffering he brought people... It was only through his reputation and influence that he managed to keep Crystal Prep running. Were it not for that, the academy would likely not have lasted two years, if even just one. Everything was perfect until that Amore woman softened up the student body. How she managed to make her way to the top was beyond the current Principal. Benevolence and love was all fine and good, but at the end of the day it didn't quite produce the results that fear did. She tarnished everything her father had worked for, and Abacus took her life for it. Now that Cinch was in charge, everything was back on track. So what if the students were hostile towards each other? It improved competitive performance. It instilled a survival instinct in them, if you will. The willingness to stay on top, no matter the cost. Just like her father raised her, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Abacus never knew her mother, and from the stories her father told her she was glad. A kind and passionate woman, yet so desperate for love that she didn't realize she was in a one-sided relationship until it was too late. Her foolish "mother" was warned not to leave, but she didn't listen. She paid for it with her life, and Cinch's father quashed any hopes of retribution through fear and intimidation. The Principal sighed again. He always spared her the grisly details of her mother's demise or any of his other victims. Over the years she spent with her father, she became enamored with one aspect of his life: the sheer freedom he had to do whatever he pleased. It was a most intriguing thing, since many of history's monsters had that same freedom, and many of them paid the ultimate price for it. Her father had been a rare exception to the so-called rule, however. He died not by his own hand, but through dementia. It broke her heart to see him suffer so. Everything he worked for, crumbling before his eyes, and he had no idea it was happening. It was ironic, really. As Abacus passed the graves, she began to wonder what sort of deaths they experienced. Was it peaceful? Was it painful? Was it sudden, or was it drawn out? How would she die? The Principal shook her head. Her death was the absolute last thing she wanted on her mind. It was bad enough she had everyone else's. Perhaps the most frightening thing about death was the uncertainty of what lie beyond. The body decomposes, but what happens to the soul? If one's death was the end, what new beginning follows for the dead? Abacus sighed wearily. She had had quite enough of these thoughts, but she'd be thrice damned if she didn't visit her father. Gritting her teeth, she pressed on. The Principal never truly understood why her father wanted to be buried so far away from the road, but in a sad way it made sense. He had been distant with her from time to time, after all. A few moments later, Abacus Cinch reached her father's tombstone. She heaved a sigh of relief as she stared at it. "Finally..." Here lies Sombra > Dearly Departed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good morning, father," Abacus said as she adjusted her glasses. "I trust everything is... well, wherever you are." The Headmistress could not help but roll her eyes. She had promised herself that when visiting her father's grave, she'd speak to it as though it was him, still alive. Truth be told, Abacus didn't believe in a Heaven or a Hell. To her, those both sounded as fantastical as immortality! Wherever he was, indeed! "The Friendship Games are upon us, and I have no doubt that we will be victorious. Crystal Prep always wins, after all." The Headmistress smiled confidently. "Even if Canterlot High has been improving, it will not be enough. Crystal Prep will simply put them back in their place." She nodded, folding her arms. Abacus stood still for a moment, then sighed. "I still miss you, father. Even after all these years." She remained silent as a memory manifested... ---------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch wandered the halls of the Retirement Village, where her father resided. The halls were off white, containing black and white photos of times long past. Perhaps to make the residents here feel a bit more comfortable, she thought. The scent of sterility hung in the air, a scent the Headmistress had mixed feelings about. Cleanliness was admirable, but she also associated that smell with hospitals. It was rather unfortunate, since she associated hospitals with death. She pressed on despite her discomfort and within moments, she reached the visitor's room. The visitor's room was lined with the same wallpaper in the halls, covered by movie posters of a bygone era. A simpler time, when one wouldn't go through life being coddled from day to day. Windows were open, allowing sunlight to shine through as a television played an old movie. "Abacus, my child!" Abacus turned her head in the direction of the voice, and smiled. A few feet before her was an haggard and bald elderly dark gray man in a wheelchair. His red eyes gazed at her affectionately as he outstretched his arms. "Father," Cinch exclaimed as she ran to hug him. Dementia had begun to take its toll on him, and the Headmistress didn't know whether or not she'd be recognized. The two hugged for a moment, then broke it. "Come, sit with me," Sombra said with a rasp in his voice as he gestured to a nearby table. He and Cinch made their way to it and sat down together. The two sat in companionable silence until the elderly man sighed deeply. "Abacus, my child," Sombra said as he tented his hands together on the table. "I... I do not know how much longer my mind will last." He looked away for a moment, as though he was ashamed of himself. "Time and time again, I have seen the residents here pass away," he said as he turned his gaze back to his daughter. "Constant reminders that someday, I, too, shall perish." Abacus frowned. This wasn't like her father. Sombra barked a laugh. "I see that look in your eyes, my child. Do not worry. I'm not going to start spouting off inane things like 'Oh, I have so many regrets,'" he said, finishing with a tone of mockery as he clasped his hands together and rested them on his cheek. "I am still me, you can rest assured about that. However, all of the death I've seen lately has caused me to become... introspective." Abacus put her hand on top of her father's, smiling. "That's the father I know." Sombra chuckled. "And don't you forget it." The two stared at each other, valuing their time together until Sombra's expression became serious again. "Speaking of time running out..." Abacus blanched. She was hoping her father would have forgotten to bring up the one thing they never saw eye to eye on... "Have you gotten around to finding an heir?" The Headmistress took a deep breath, then exhaled. She and her father had been through this discussion more times than she cared to admit, and each time it was brought up, the exchanges would only get more and more heated. Sombra grinned. "You were hoping I'd forget? I suppose that means you haven't," he said as he folded his arms. Abacus pinched the bridge of her nose. "How many times do I have to tell you, father? I want my legacy to be my own!" "My legacy was my own, even after you were born. When I die, my legacy will become your legacy!" "You're only proving my point. When I die, I want to keep my legacy as my own!" "Then who's going to continue our work?" The Headmistress leaned into her father and whispered. "What work?! Killing people and making the general public fear us?" She got back into her chair. "My personal interests are at Crystal Prep Academy, father, and that's where they'll stay!" Sombra's expression darkened as he snarled. He wheeled over to his daughter and whispered back. "Oh, please," he said mockingly. "Crystal Prep Academy was always a front for our misdeeds. Are you seriously saying that after all this time, all these years, that you still have no interest in carrying on our legacy?" Something inside of Abacus snapped. "Our legacy?" She got up off of her seat. "Our legacy? You just said it yourself. When you die, your legacy becomes mine, and from the sound of things that just may not be too far off!" "How dare you," Sombra shouted. "After everything I've done for you! Get out of my sight!" "Gladly!" Abacus Cinch stormed off until she reached the entrance, then slammed the door shut. Her temper began to recede as she got into her car. She shut the driver's side seat and stared out the window as her argument with her father replayed in her mind. The Headmistress sniffled, then buried her head in her hands and broke. She would later learn that that was the last time she'd see her father lucid. ---------------------------------------------- Abacus shed a tear at the memory, as it was one of her few regrets in life. With a sigh, she checked her phone for the time, then pocketed it. "I... I have to go," she said, then began her walk back to her car. > Domain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch arrived at Crystal Prep Academy and heaved a sigh, relieved that she was no longer at that dreadful cemetery. Here, she was in her element. Here, she was in charge. Here... her word was law. But before she could reach her innermost sanctum, she needed to attend a meeting. Abacus entered the school and watched as Celestia entered the meeting room. She walked past her subordinate. "Dean Cadance," she greeted, then walked in. The Headmistress sighed as she put her hand on her forehead. Her "fellow" principals where nothing more than a collection of motley miscreants. Principal Gruff. The most irksome curmudgeon she'd ever had the displeasure of encountering. Always trying to cause trouble. The Headmistress wouldn't trust him with a plunger, he'd more than likely start a fight with it! How he managed to become a principal was beyond her. Principal Ember. The upstart daughter of the now-retired Torch. Her belligerence would always derail the meeting... at least once. It didn't help matters that she and Gruff would often butt heads with one another. Principal Thorax. An unworthy successor to Chrysalis. Where the latter was commanding and authoritative, the former was weak and inexperienced. Principal Novo. Irreverent and annoying, her constant commentary drove the Headmistress insane. Finally, there was Principal Celestia. The sheer ignorance of the woman, thinking that just because things have been improving at Canterlot High they might have a sliver of a chance of winning. The very idea! At least Superintendent Neighsay had a good head on his shoulders. This meeting would likely go smoother with his guidance. Principal Cinch closed the door behind her, and the meeting began. --------------------------------------------- After the meeting, Principal Cinch nearly slammed the door shut. Another waste of time where hardly anything got accomplished! Thanking her lucky stars that she wasn't an alcoholic, the Headmistress made her way to her office in the hopes of clearing her head. Abacus reached her office and took a deep breath, then exhaled, reveling in the musky scent of her cherished room. In each corner there was a yellow column, topped with blue stained glass. The walls were a dark green, and on the left and right sides of her office were bookshelves. Each bookshelf contained books on various subjects she had studied on her way to becoming a principal. Psychology, Sociology, History... among many others. Purple curtains hung in various parts of the Headmistress' room, and kept the daylight out of her office. She had an easier time concentrating under man-made lighting. Smaller shelves of books lined the edges of her office, high enough that she would require a ladder to reach them. Standing before Abacus was her crimson desk, where her favorite chair stood. She shut the door to her office and turned around, admiring all of her awards and accomplishments. Everything she earned. It was nearly intoxicating... But for now, there was work to be done. --------------------------------------------- A fair amount of time had passed and Principal Cinch was able to get much done with a clear head. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Sour Sweet entered her office, wringing her hands. A tad unusual for her, but no matter. "Principal Cinch... I have an issue with Lemon Zest." The Headmistress raised an eyebrow. "And that issue would be?" "Lemon told me she had feelings for me, and that has been troubling me for some time now." Principal Cinch paused for a moment. It was quite uncommon for love to be found in the halls of her school. The only reason she tolerated Jet Set and Upper Crust's romance was because they weren't fawning or slobbering all over each other in her halls. "Very well," she said. "I will address the situation tomorrow. I have a busy day ahead of me today." "Thank you, Principal Cinch," Sour Sweet said as she left the office. The door closed, and the Headmistress scoffed. Love with one's family was understandable, but she couldn't fathom romantic love. It was just another distraction in life that prevented one from accomplishing truly great things. It was all well and good for many people, but not her. Speaking of distractions, she should get back to work. --------------------------------------------- More time passed as Abacus Cinch continued her work. She would not leave until everything was done. Until every last thing in her office was ship-shape. Spotless! She didn't merely coast along on her father's reputation, after all. She had to work for it! Once everything was in order, the Headmistress nodded in satisfaction, then left her office. --------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch reached her home, and headed straight to her room. She sighed and stretched as she closed the door behind her. Abacus' room was rather opulent and large, with a miniature white chandelier hanging from her ceiling. The walls of her room were dark purple, much like the curtains in her office. Portraits of herself and her father lined said walls. Some in color, some in black and white. The Headmistress' canopy bed was a light blue, the same color as her skin. Several black pillows were arranged neatly on the head's side of the bed. On each side was a white nightstand, with a light on each. A stack of puzzle magazines sat on the left nightstand. She needed to keep her mind sharp, after all. On the right nightstand was her radio and alarm clock, which she played classical music on at night. Her walk-in closet contained multitudes of shoes and casual wear, despite the fact that she rarely left her home. Whenever she did, it was mainly for social gatherings, fundraisers, or anything else that would help boost her reputation in the eyes of the general public. Abacus yawned and stretched, then changed into her nightgown. Another hard day's work had been completed, and she felt good about herself. She drifted off to sleep, feeling confident that whatever the next day would bring, she would meet it head on. There was no doubt in her mind that she would stand triumphant in the end. > Another Memory (V2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Friday morning, and Abacus Cinch was paying another visit to her father's grave. The Headmistress' eyes darted around as she struggled to think of something to say. Her uneasiness grew as the silence continued, and she finally decided to reminisce. Letting out a sigh of relief, the Headmistress spoke up. "Father... do you remember the day I became Principal?" ---------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch arrived at Crystal Prep Academy far earlier than normal. She would visit her father's grave later on in the day. Truth be told, the time of day when she visited didn't matter. The future Headmistress entered her office, then sat at her computer with her chin cupped in thought. The letter would have to be convincing... regret should be laced in each word to evoke sadness. Amore was the type that didn't want people worrying about her, but at the same time was always apologetic when people did. An idea came to her, and she began typing... ---------------------------------------------- Some time later, Abacus went downstairs to the student paper office and handed in the letter to Upfront Sizzle, the student paper editor-in-chief. "Print this, if you please," she said softly. Upfront took the letter and glanced over it. He did a double take, then looked at Cinch with alarm, confusion, then eventually sadness. Abacus gave the young man her best sympathetic smile. "I understand," she said, gesturing to herself. "I, too, had the same reaction when she called and told me." "I... I see." "Amore would really appreciate if you printed it, and it would mean a lot to me as well," Cinch said as she put a hand on Upfront's shoulder. The editor-in-chief nodded, still dumbstruck. "Thank you." Abacus turned her back and left the room in order to pack her things to move into her new office. ---------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch arrived and began to get everything set for her move, when her telephone rang. She picked it up. "Abacus Cinch speaking." "I trust the deed has been done," asked a raspy voice. The soon-to-be Headmistress smiled. "It has, father." "Good. Thank you for defending my legacy." "You're quite welcome." "So... how does it feel, my child?" Abacus' smile grew wider. "I must admit, the feeling of becoming Principal is rather exhilarating." "That is not what I meant. I meant how does it feel, knowing you killed someone?" Abacus fell silent for a moment as her smile disappeared. "It is... not something I would care to repeat." Sombra's voice softened. "I understand, my child. Not everyone can carry the weight of blood on their hands." "Thank you, father." Sombra's voice went back to its original tone. "What I do not understand, however, is why you decided to tell the student body that Amore retired as opposed to her death." "As you said, 'not everyone can carry the weight of blood on their hands'. And you know how I feel about death, father." "That does not answer my question, my child." Abacus sighed. "Quite frankly, I would rather not be known as a murderer. I would prefer to be known as the Headmistress of Crystal Prep Academy, and nothing less." "Well said. But remember, death comes to us all. It is just as much an inevitability of life as it is a part of it." "Yes. I know." "One last thing before I leave you to your devices." "Yes," Abacus asked. "Are you not worried that the students will wonder why Amore suddenly "retired"?" The new Headmistress smirked. "Oh, I'm quite certain they will. Even if at least one of them came to the conclusion that she passed away, they would have no proof. It would be a rumor, and I could easily quash it if I so chose without raising suspicion." A dark chuckle escaped from Sombra's lips. "You truly are my daughter, Abacus. I am proud of you." "Thank you, father." "Enjoy your tenure as Headmistress, my child." Abacus grinned widely. "I shall." She hung up the phone. ---------------------------------------------- Some time had passed since Abacus went to work on her packing, and there was a knock on her door. "Yes? Come in." The door opened to reveal a forlorn Superintendent Neighsay. "Is... is it true? What Amore wrote?" Cinch put on her best sympathetic face. She had to keep up appearances, after all. "Yes... I am afraid it is." The Headmistress walked up to Neighsay. "I would have told you sooner, but she simply called me out of the blue." The Superintendent slammed his hands on Cinch's desk, causing her to jump. He sighed heavily. "You will have to forgive me." He looked the new Headmistress straight in the eyes, tears falling as he shook with emotion. "Amore... was a good Headmistress. She will be missed." Abacus smiled warmly. "Your courage in doing your job during this trying time is commendable, Neighsay." "I must admit, it is becoming a challenge to keep my emotions at bay. However, I mustn't shirk my duty as Superintendent. It's..." Neighsay turned his head slightly as his voice wavered again. "I-It's what Amore would want." Cinch put a hand on the Superintendent's shoulder. "Perhaps you should take a break. Get some fresh air." "Yes," Neighsay said as he began to walk away. "Perhaps I should. Good day... Principal Cinch." As the door closed behind her, Abacus resumed her packing, eagerly anticipating being in her rightful place as Headmistress. ---------------------------------------------- The Headmistress sighed, recalling that day as one of the happiest in her life. The student body seemed to have accepted the story of Amore's 'retirement', her transition from Dean to Principal was smooth and seamless... Since that day, everything had gone swimmingly for her. "I hope I have been doing you proud, father." Abacus's phone went off, and she checked it, then pocketed it. "Well, I suppose it's back to Crystal Prep Academy for me." She smiled. "I shall see you again tomorrow." The Headmistress walked back to her car, eager for what the day had to bring. > Dominion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Abacus reached Crystal Prep, she recalled the request Sour Sweet made of her. With a mental note, she went inside and got to work until it became time for the students began to file in. The Headmistress left her office and began to scan the halls in search of Lemon Zest. Seeing her students as she passed them by filled her with pride. They were her charges. They were her legacy. They were pure competition machines, molded by her desire to succeed, and destined to trample all opponents! Abacus' thoughts were cut off, as she found who she was looking for. "There you are, Lemon Zest." Lemon stood completely still for a moment, then spoke. "Y-y-yes, Principal Cinch?" "Sour Sweet told me about a certain... confrontation you two had." Abacus said sternly. The student's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. "She... what?" "While I understand the two of you have a history together, you should leave feelings like those to yourself." Cinch continued as she folded her arms. "I... understand." "Good," said Principal Cinch. "As long as we're clear on the matter." She went back to her office to continue her work. ---------------------------------------------- Not even fifteen minutes passed before Abacus' work was interrupted, as a student abruptly opened her office door. The Headmistress rose from her desk, her face a mask of anger. "Young man," she said sternly as she put her hands on her hips. "There had better be a good reason for you to barge in without knocking." "Someone's fighting in the hallways!" Cinch paused for a moment, then heaved a sigh as she rolled her eyes. This was the third fight this month! "Lead me to it," she said. ---------------------------------------------- As Cinch and the student neared the scene, the Headmistress began to hear familiar voices. "What on earth has gotten into you two," Asked Dean Cadance. "Oh my god, you're both bleeding," Exclaimed Radiant Hope. "I'm fine," shouted Sour Sweet. "Let me at that goddamn bitch! I've had enough of her bullshit," yelled Lemon Zest. "Enough," bellowed Principal Cinch. Everyone diverted their attention to her. "What is the meaning of this?" Lemon and Sour both started talking at the same time, then got angry again, and had to be held back again by Radiant Hope and Dean Cadence. Principal Cinch pinched the bridge of her nose. "I've heard enough." she said. "Lemon Zest. Sour Sweet. Go to the nurses office to get patched up. If I hear of one more incident involving you two I'm sending you both home for the day." Lemon and Sour glared at each other. "Do I make myself clear," said Cinch, her patience long since lost. "Yes, Principal Cinch." said Lemon and Sour, blushing. Satisfied, Abacus walked away and headed back to her office. The personal lives of her students mattered little to her, and she would prefer that they left any and all stress back at their homes. If the fighting continued or escalated, she would have no choice but to take further disciplinary action. The Headmistress wanted her charges to trample any and all competition, not each other! With a disappointed shake of her head, she returned to her office. Once inside her office, the Headmistress took a moment to gaze upon her accomplishments. It always helped to calm her down. Reflecting upon all her years of tenure put a smile on her face. If Abacus had any say in the matter, then she'd be Headmistress for many more, and she didn't see anything that could stop her! Now that the Headmistress felt better, she went back to work. While she was working, however, she began to reflect on Dean Cadance. She handled that altercation in hallway rather admirably, Abacus had to admit. The Headmistress sighed, remembering how difficult it was to find a replacement when the previous Dean, Amethyst Maresbury, had to retire due to her age. For a suburb near Canterlot City with many gifted people, it surprised Abacus to find that a qualified person was hard to come by! Several applicants came, but none of them met Abacus' standards. Then when Cadance showed up to apply, the Headmistress was skeptical at first. Her initial impression had been that this woman was a bit too soft for her tastes. However, she slowly noticed during the interview that there was a drive. A passion. A relentless commitment to the school. Abacus slowly warmed up to the idea of Cadance as a Dean during the remainder of her search. Perhaps a bit of softness was needed after all! Her softness could balance out the Headmistress' harshness. Cadance was hired within the month. Since that time, the new Dean had more than proven herself. Why, she had been almost as efficient as Cinch herself! And yet, from that day... the Headmistress didn't like the possibility of her becoming a successor. Abacus let out a gasp as a revelation occurred to her. Was this why her father had been so dead set on her finding an heir? It would make sense, since it would work as an assurance that their work would live on... but even if the Headmistress did have or adopt a child, could she find it in herself to ask said child to commit murder on her behalf? Abacus put a hand to her forehead. Why was she thinking about all of this now? She wanted, no, needed to focus on her work and the incoming Friendship Games! The Headmistress grit her teeth and doubled her efforts in her work, in the hopes that doing so would clear her mind. ---------------------------------------------- Time had passed, and Abacus' work at Crystal Prep Academy had been finished. Unfortunately for her, the revelation she had persisted in her mind, which made it harder than normal on her. The Headmistress heaved a sigh. Perhaps the weekend would serve to ease her mind a little bit. With that in mind, Abacus took a deep breath, then exhaled as she locked up her office and left the building. > Abacus' Saturday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now Saturday morning, and Abacus Cinch stood before her father's grave with a heavy sigh. "Father," she said. "I am loathe to admit it, but..." As the Headmistress spoke of her revelations, a memory came to the forefront of her mind... ---------------------------------------------- A teenage Abacus Cinch entered her father's office at Crystal Prep Academy. The dark grey walls were lined with pictures of Sombra shaking hands with high-profile people, diplomas that he had earned over the course of his life, and one or two pictures of himself with her. In each corner of the office sat a bookcase, filled with the latest books on psychology, sociology, and other various subjects. The scent of coffee and musk filled her nostrils as the future Headmistress reached the desk in the office. "Father, why have you called me here?" "Abacus, my child!" Sombra grinned widely as his shaggy black hair followed his head. "I have decided to create an event in collaboration with Canterlot High!" Cinch blinked, then folded her arms as she raised an eyebrow. "Canterlot High? That low-class school with all of the plebeians?" "Indeed!" Cinch scratched her head in confusion. What was her father up to? He never did anything on impulse. Everything he did had a reasoning behind it... "Think about it," Sombra said, pointing to his head. "Crystal Prep Academy is the best school in town, is it not?" Cinch nodded. "It is." "Then what better way to show that in a competition?" Realization dawned on the future Headmistress. "I see..." "Furthermore, what better way to gain approval from Canterlot High than giving it a deceptively innocent name?" "Like what?" "...The Friendship Games. And it'll be held every three years." "Why three years? Why not just annually?" Sombra laughed. "Simple, my child. To prove that no matter how long a gap in time between games, Crystal Prep will always win." ---------------------------------------------- Co-founding the Friendship Games was just another thing Abacus' father did that she was grateful for. Crystal Prep never had and never will lose. Not if the Headmistress had anything to say about it! She sighed heavily. "In conclusion... I will consider finding an heir... after the Friendship Games," she said. "Now if you will excuse me, I must be going. Good day." The Headmistress walked to her car and started it. As she did, she began her weekend routine by turning the radio on to classical music. Abacus had to keep her mind sharp. Her position practically required it, after all. A quick trip to the library to pick up some books on subjects she knew little about, then she'd be back home. ---------------------------------------------- Abacus returned from her errands and walked inside. She ran a hand through her hair and headed straight towards her study. Upon reaching said study, she took a deep breath, then exhaled. The walls of the medium-sized room were cobalt blue, a calming color. Bookshelves lined each wall, containing books she had read enough times to have each one memorized from cover to cover. A large window was at the end of the room, to let fresh air in. The Abacus' mind needed to be clear. Free of distractions. She sat down in front of the window, took out one of the books she borrowed... ...and began to read furiously. The Headmistress' mind focused solely on her task, taking very few breaks in between. Time passed quickly as Abacus finished book after book. By the time the Headmistress finished her fifth book, she noticed that the sun had begun to set. She blinked in surprise, then gave a satisfied sigh. Another day well spent expanding her mind. She arose from the chair with a stretch, then left her study. As Abacus put her finished library books next to the garage door, she began wondering how to go about getting an heir. She may have told her father she'd consider it at the very least, but that was her pride talking more than the Headmistress herself. Abacus would rather not let love tie her down, and she certainly didn't want to engage in sexual acts with a stranger, which led her to one option: adoption. She would need time to do research... perhaps tomorrow, if she had time after finishing the rest of her books. The child would have to be young enough to easily mold in her image, but not so young that she wouldn't be awakened every hour. The Headmistress made a mental note to herself to find books on a child's formative years the next time she visited the library. Abacus cracked her neck and did a couple of stretches before she made her way to her room. She shut off all the lights on her way, then entered. The Headmistress changed into her pajamas, then got into bed. She glanced at her clock. There was more than enough time for her to do a few puzzles or more. She crawled over to her nightstand, grabbed a puzzle book, then got started. Puzzle after puzzle was completed until Abacus began to feel tired. She returned the puzzle book to her nightstand, then turned off the light and gradually fell asleep. > Static > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a peaceful Sunday morning, and Abacus Cinch was in her living room. The walls were blue, the same as her study room. A chair and a couch sat across from a brick fireplace, a choice the Headmistress made because fireplaces always add a touch of class to one's home. Several bookshelves lined the walls, containing classic literature along with biographies of historical figures such as Starswirl, a prominent astrologer from a time long passed. A television rested on the south wall, which she used solely to watch educational programming. A wooden chair faced the sliding-glass door which led to a porch outside. A coffee table was set next to the chair, a radio on it. With a contented sigh, the Headmistress grabbed the day's newspaper and strolled over to the sliding glass door. The weather outside seemed decent enough, but she decided not to go outside on the off chance that it would rain. Oh, how she loathed getting rained on! The very thought made her shudder. Abacus sat down on the chair and turned on the radio, then began reading the day's news until she felt thirsty. She got up from the chair, then returned with a glass of water. She would occasionally drink wine while reading, but it was far too early for such a thing. The Headmistress settled back in to her seat and resumed reading until static from her radio distracted her. Raising an eyebrow, she reached over and turned the knob until the static noise disappeared. She resumed her reading, only for the static to return moments later. Again, Abacus reached for the knob and turned it slightly until the music came back in full. Before the Headmistress could get back to reading her paper, the static returned again. She rolled her eyes and grunted in annoyance as she reached for the dial... "...B..." A garbled voice said over the radio. Abacus sighed. She must have turned the dial too far and ended up between stations. No matter, she would just turn the dial back until the classical music returned. "...B..." The radio continued for a moment until static was all the Headmistress could hear. She rolled her eyes in frustration, then turned the radio off. Fortunately, it wasn't her only means of entertainment. She got up off of the chair and placed the newspaper on the couch. Abacus turned on the television to the local fine arts station. Symphonic music played as a light lavender woman began dancing on a stage. She wore a dark purple shirt with a pink tutu and leg warmers. Her blonde hair nearly bounced around, but was held in place by a pink bow. When she finished, she fluttered her purple eyes to applause. Once the applause ended, three girls and three boys stepped out onto the stage, joining the woman in dance as a new tune began to play. The Headmistress closed her eyes, and got lost in the music. She envisioned herself standing tall with the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts, triumphant yet again against the Canterlot High Wondercolts. Abacus was snapped out of her reverie by static yet again. Her eyes shot open as she felt frustration rear its ugly head, only to be replaced by confusion. Did modern television sets have static issues? The Headmistress cupped her chin in thought, then stored it away. It would have to be something that she would look into later. "...B..." Abacus blinked in surprise. The same sound from the radio? It was uncanny at the very least, perhaps even... supernatural. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Supernatural, indeed! It was merely a coincidence. Nothing more, nothing less. "...B..." Coincidence or no, The Headmistress found herself intrigued. She made another mental note to herself to look into this matter later. There were more important matters to attend to. Abacus reached for the remote, then shut off the television. She cracked her neck, then went into her room. Once in her room, Abacus sat at her computer. She cracked her knuckles and began typing, when the monitor froze up on her. She growled in frustration, slapping her palms on the desk, causing the monitor to display static. "What in the stars?" The Headmistress felt a chill down her spine as the same noise played over and over again. "...B..." "...B..." Abacus shook her head, then turned off and unplugged her computer. Her phone vibrated, gaining her attention. She took it out... ...and static was on her screen. The Headmistress yelped and dropped her phone, then got under her bed's covers, closed her eyes and covered her ears. Was she going mad? What was happening and why was it happening?! Before long, Abacus could hear the static noise again. "...B..." She began to feel weightless as another chill ran through her body. "...B..." Dare she open her eyes? If she did, what sort of madness would she bear witness to?! "...B..." Was her life in danger? Was she actually going to die?! "...B..." Abacus' breathing became erratic as her mind struggled to comprehend these events. Frightened though she was, she decided to open her eyes. Static. Nothing but static. She was in a void of static, floating weightless. The Headmistress began hyperventilating as her head started pounding. "...B..." She hadn't been this scared since... since... "...B... I..." The voice became a tad clearer, only enough so that Abacus could discern the voice belonged to a woman. Suddenly, a loud bang sounded, like a bullet being fired. The Headmistress screamed... ---------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch shot up as she awoke with a start. It was just a dream. Oh, thank the stars... She shuddered, only to notice that her hands were still shaking and she was in a cold sweat. Fear began to grip her again as she worried that she was still asleep. Taking a chance, the Headmistress walked up to her curtains and turned her face away from the window. She took a deep breath, then opened them to see rain falling. She turned around and sighed with relief. There was no static. "What in the stars just happened," she muttered to herself. > Valley of Death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus was glad to be awake, but she now had a puzzle on her hands. What on earth did those two letters mean? B and I... were they someone's initials? And that gunshot... the Headmistress shuddered at the recollection. That part of the dream she'd rather not remember for the time being. One thing at a time for now. Abacus checked her alarm clock and gasped. It was nine o clock! How could she have overslept? She swiftly got dressed, then began to make her way to the garage. She had to hurry to the graveyard! "...B... I..." The Headmistress blinked as the letters repeated in her mind, then ignored them. She shook her head with a sigh, then continued onward. ---------------------------------------------- Once in her car, Abacus started the engine and began her journey to see her father as she racked her brain. Did she know anyone with the initials B.I.? Whose voice was saying those letters? The gunshot sounded in her mind, causing the Headmistress to flinch. No. She needed to stay composed. In control. In all of her years, she had learned not to show weakness to anyone. Not even her father. Abacus steeled herself, gritting her teeth. "B... I..." She grunted in frustration, not willing to give an inch as her car neared the graveyard. Sweat began to form on the Headmistress' brow. She would weather this storm, emerge victorious as always, then return home. This wasn't the greatest ordeal she had ever faced, after all. Abacus took a deep breath, then heaved a sigh as she parked her car near her father's tombstone. She took out a dark blue umbrella and began her journey as the rain continued to fall. "Neither snow, nor rain..." The Headmistress smiled and rolled her eyes as she recalled her early days in the postal service. Imagine her surprise when she found out that was neither their motto nor their policy! She allowed herself a chuckle, lightening her mood as she approached the grave. Abacus approached her father's grave. "Hello, Father," she said, managing to keep her uneasiness out of her voice. Don't tell him about the nightmare, don't show weakness. The Headmistress jumped as a loud bang sounded off, then turned around rapidly and noticed a construction yard a few blocks down. That had always been there, and the banging hadn't bothered her before... Abacus sighed heavily, then turned her attention back to her father's resting place. "...B... I..." She grunted in frustration as she grit her teeth. Don't show weakness, don't show weakness... The rain began to let up, and the Headmistress folded up her umbrella as another bang resounded from the construction site, causing her to jump again. "Dammit," Abacus muttered under her breath. She had to get a hold of herself! On her father's deathbed, she vowed to never, ever show weakness to anyone again! She was superior! "...B... I..." Cinch's phone rang, causing her to let out a yelp. Her breathing became erratic as she put a hand to her chest. She allowed herself a low growl in an effort to vent her frustrations as she took it out of her pocket. The Headmistress could use a decent distraction right about now. Now Calling: Superintendent Neighsay What on earth could he be calling about? Abacus took a deep breath, then exhaled as she answered her phone. "Good morning, Superintendent Neighsay," she said with as much of a normal tone as she could muster. "Abacus..." The Superintendent's voice was solemn, more so than it usually was. "I... regret to inform you that Sunny Flare was involved in a car accident last night with her lover, Rutherford." It took Cinch a great deal of willpower to keep from losing her grip on her phone. Death The Headmistress swallowed a lump she had in her throat. She wanted to hang up and end the conversation right then and there, but she needed to hear someone's voice just to keep herself stable... Abacus forced herself to speak, feeling that if she did not, she would be shirking her duties as Headmistress. "W-Were there any c-casualties?" Death all around me Neighsay heaved a sigh, then spoke after a very uncomfortable silence. "Rutherford shielded Sunny, taking the brunt of the collision." Death all around me Something within Abacus snapped, and her heart began pounding in her chest. "I... I see. Thank you for bringing this to my attention." "You're welcome." Neighsay hung up. The Headmistress suddenly became fully aware that she was at a graveyard as opposed to simply speaking to her father. Death all around me need to leave "T-Terribly sorry, father, but I fear I must cut this v-visit short. Something came up. I shall see you a-again tomorrow!" With that, Abacus ran to the car. "...B... I..." Death all around me Another bang sounded from the construction site as the Headmistress all but jumped into her car, nearly speeding out of the cemetery. Death was coming after her, she could feel it! She knew she couldn't outrun it, but she was going to fight to keep herself alive for as long as possible, dignity be damned! The Headmistress began to feel dizzy and short of breath. Oh dear lord, was she going to faint?! Was Death that desperate to embrace her? Abacus sped up, struggling to keep herself conscious. She had to find somewhere to stop before she blacked out and crashed into something! "...B... I..." Death death all around me The Headmistress reached a highway, then skidded over to the shoulder and stopped. She got out of the car as a massive dizzy spell struck her, disorienting her as the world began to spin rapidly. With nothing to hold on to, Abacus fell. The last thing she heard was a small splash as she felt a slightly cold and damp sensation along her back. This was it... Death had finally come for her. With no options left to her, Abacus Cinch welcomed the darkness into her vision as she passed out. > Hell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus began to hear static once again as she stirred. She opened her eyes slowly to find herself in the static void. "...B... I..." The Headmistress floated weightlessly as the letters repeated, desperately trying to keep her cool. "...B... I..." "...B... I..." "...S..." Abacus blinked in surprise. S? "B... I... S?" The static drone continued. "S... B... I..." The Headmistress grunted in frustration. Just when she thought she was getting somewhere! Before she could form another thought, she felt a massive presence loom over her. A chill ran down her spine as she turned around... ...and saw a gigantic gun aimed directly at her. Abacus screamed in terror and began to flail her limbs in a frantic attempt to escape as a deafeningly loud click resounded throughout the void. Oh stars, she was going to die! She shut her eyes, cowering in fear as she awaited her untimely demise. A moment passed. Then a minute passed. The Headmistress dare not look up, lest she see the gun pointed at herself again. "S... B... I..." Abacus Cinch was trapped. Between the droning of the letters, the constant sound of static and her weightlessness, she could practically feel her sanity draining with each passing second! A loud explosion caused the Headmistress to scream again and shield her face. Several moments of nothing but the sound of static and the letters followed until she finally gained the courage to look up and around herself. "S... B... I..." Nothing had changed. There was still static around Abacus as she cowered in place. Was... was this Hell? Had Death itself finally caught up to her and sent her to this wretched place? The Headmistress wasn't going to delude herself. She knew she had done terrible, terrible things. She had manipulated others, engaged in underhanded schemes with her father, and even took a life. Hell was... Abacus' thought process ground to a halt as she remembered being in her car a mere few moments ago, then passing out. This wasn't Hell. This was... a dream? She thanked the higher powers that she was still alive, but shuddered despite herself. The Headmistress was still in a bit of a panic. Another explosion sounded, causing Abacus' ears to ring. Her breathing became ragged as her stress increased. "S... B... I..." The Headmistress had to escape this madhouse! She didn't know how much more she could take! "S... B... I... U." The Headmistress grabbed her head with a yelp as pain shot through it. Another letter? What on earth was all of this insanity supposed to mean? Static sounded off for a few more seconds, then another explosion sounded as Abacus felt her mind continue to slip. "S... B... I... U." Static, followed by another explosion. The Headmistress would have laid down and entered the fetal position, had there been any floor or anything stable enough to lay on. "M-Make it s-stop," she whimpered. "S... B... I... U." The cycle repeated itself again and again as Abacus began to shed tears of despair. This wasn't Hell, but a facsimile. A personal hell. How long had the Headmistress even been here? The question burned in her mind as she debated whether or not she truly wanted to know the answer. Perhaps it was best not to know, lest it worsen her mental faculties. Yet another explosion sounded off, and suddenly Abacus felt a pressure on her body as she began to shake uncontrollably. What in the hell could possibly be happening now?! If the Headmistress had another thought after that, it was forgotten immediately as she regained consciousness. > Unease > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus jerked upward with a gasp, realizing that she had fallen into a puddle. How undignified! She looked up to see a person in front of her. Before the Headmistress stood a fairly tall light lavender woman with two-toned orange hair, partially hidden by her officer's cap. She raised her sunglasses slightly, revealing her baby blue eyes. The badge on her uniform read "Copper". "Ma'am," Copper said in a gruff voice. "You okay?" She extended a hand in an offer for help. Reluctantly, Abacus took the officer's hand, still stunned over her dream. "I... I don't quite know." "Do you remember what happened before you lost consciousness?" The Headmistress put a hand to her head and closed her eyes, then began to concentrate. "S... B... I... U..." "Dammit," she muttered under her breath, then increased her focusing. "Ma'am?" Abacus pinched the bridge of her nose with her other hand, then shushed Copper. The deputy blinked, then allowed the Headmistress another moment of silence. Suddenly, everything came back to her. Her awakening from her first nightmare. Neighsay's call. Death. Death all around her. Abacus gasped, then nearly fainted again. "Ma'am?!" With lighting reflexes, Copper grabbed the Headmistress and held her up. Abacus took a deep breath, then heaved a sigh. She paused, then told the officer everything that happened from the beginning of her day to the present moment. Copper adjusted her sunglasses, astonished at the story. She stood still for a moment, then spoke. "Do you need me to call a hospital, ma'am?" "Honestly, I think I just need to go home and have some peace and quiet." The officer eyed Abacus with skepticism, then simply shrugged. "If you say so." "Indeed I do." "Well then... have a good rest of your day, ma'am..." Copper walked back to her car, then looked back, feeling unsure. She then got back into her patrol car, then drove off. The Headmistress sighed deeply, then walked back to her car with a shudder. She had to get home as soon as possible. She needed to feel safe. Death was everywhere, and Abacus had to get to a safe haven! Then again, was anywhere safe from its clutches? At the very least, she'd feel safer at home than where she was now! Abacus got into her car, then took a deep breath and exhaled. She felt calmer, but only marginally so. Still, it was better than nothing. With another exhale, the Headmistress started her car and made her way home. ---------------------------------------------- Once home, Abacus headed straight for the kitchen and started up a pot of chamomile tea. She shuddered as she sat down, still unnerved by her morning. What on earth had gotten into her?! She had always been calm, cool and collected, but now? Now she was a bundle of nerves! The Headmistress could not remember the last time she had felt so tense! With a deep sigh, Abacus got up and took her tea. At the very least, she was grateful to no longer have the jitters as she picked the cup up and returned to her seat. With a sip, the Headmistress began to think rationally for the first time since she was at the cemetery. Clearly she had experienced some sort of trauma, and she would have to deal with it as soon as possible. Especially since the Friendship Games were incoming! The last thing she needed was to be in a compromised mental state during a competition! Abacus' first order of business would have to be identifying said trauma, but all she had to go on were static, the letters S, B, I and U... and a gunshot. She shuddered at the mere thought of that ghastly noise! But why? How long ago did this incident happen? She felt a headache coming on, then sighed heavily. Perhaps she should just spend the day relaxing. It wouldn't do for her to arrive at Crystal Prep Academy like this! Relaxing... when was the last time the Headmistress even did that? It was not that she thought of relaxing as an activity for the weak, it was that she hardly gave herself a chance to do so! Relaxation was essential to refresh the mind, after all! For the first time that day, Abacus allowed herself to smile. She may still have a trauma to deal with, but at least she now had a plan of action! And with that, she went about her day... ---------------------------------------------- The sun had begun to set, and Abacus sighed. She had spent the whole day drinking tea, meditating, listening to classical music and other relaxing activities. Perhaps she should do this sort of thing more often! Who knows what she could be capable of if she did so on a regular basis! The Headmistress set that thought to the side as she prepared herself for bed. She began to feel wary, worried that she would suffer the same dream she'd been having lately. And yet, she also hoped for it. She needed to solve this quandary before it got any worse. It was bad enough that she was in such a wretched mental state earlier, but to have it happen at Crystal Prep? Simply unthinkable! Abacus would need a decent night's sleep, even after all the calming things she had done. After much mental deliberation, the Headmistress decided on hoping for the nightmare to return. Uncomfortable as it was, it would be necessary to confront the problem head on. She reached her room, and took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. With an exhale, she began to change into her pajamas. I should look into books on lucid dreaming to increase my chances of solving this, Abacus thought. That would have to wait until tomorrow, however. Once she was changed, the Headmistress turned on classical music, then closed her eyes. As she felt sleep take its hold on her, she felt a rush of fear and anticipation. Would she wake up the next day closer to the answers she sought out? Would she be back to square one? The last thing she felt before surrendering to sleep was exhilaration. > Distance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus opened her eyes, and a mixture of triumph and apprehension filled her. She had returned to the static void! The white noise filled her ears as she awaited the letters. "S... B... I... U..." The sound of gunfire almost immediately followed, causing the Headmistress to scream in alarm. Silence followed for a moment as Abacus kept her eyes closed, cowering in fear until she thought she heard something far off, in the distance. Lifting her head, she began to concentrate as best she could given the present atmosphere. The Headmistress listened intently, trying to filter out the static. A very faint murmur that was barely audible to her sounded off in the far distance, with the static making it all the harder to focus on the direction it came from. Abacus cupped her chin in thought. How could she possibly get to the sound? She was floating in the middle of who knows where, and not a solid thing to found! Would she have to swim to get to where she wanted to go? The Headmistress scoffed. The very idea of her floating about and flailing her arms sounded ridiculous and undignified, even if there was nobody to witness it! And yet... she needed to move forward. Desperate times, and all that. Heaving a sigh, Abacus Cinch swallowed her pride and began flapping her arms in an effort to propel herself forward. The gunshot sounded again, startling the Headmistress. With a short pause and another deep breath, she continued forward as best she could. ---------------------------------------------- Abacus grit her teeth. She had lost track of time after roughly two and a half hours! ...Or had it been three? Curse this damnable dream! All this time flapping around like a madwoman, screaming with each gunshot after each loop! Had she even made any headway? The Headmistress closed her eyes in concentration, only for the sound of gunfire to startle her out of it. She flinched, then grit her teeth. She once again closed her eyes, listening intently for several moments. "S... B... I... U..." The letters repeated, interfering with Abacus' focus. She growled in frustration, then yelped again as the gunshot rang throughout the void. "Dammit." She took a deep breath, exhaled, and calmed herself. This was just a dream. She was in no real danger here... wasn't she? Her fear had overtaken her common sense time and time again, and this madness had to stop! Gritting her teeth, she tuned everything out. The static, the letters, and even the gunshot. It took nearly all of her mental faculties to keep focus... only for the Headmistress to realize she was no closer to the sound than she was when she started. Abacus Cinch roared in frustration, then broke down as the letters sounded off again. "S... B... I... U..." "S-Shut up," she bellowed as tears ran down her cheeks. "P... Please..." She put her head in her hands and began sobbing as the loop renewed itself. Oh, what the Headmistress would give to wake up from the godforsaken nightmare! Every time she suffered through this ordeal, she felt herself inching closer and closer to utter madness! Never mind getting to the bottom of this insanity, she needed to feel safe! Summoning what little willpower she had left, Abacus forced herself to wake up. > Father and Daughter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus woke up, panting as sweat ran down her forehead. Those damned dreams of hers were becoming increasingly worse, and she had suffered more than enough! This madness had to end... but how? She heaved a sigh as she put a hand to her forehead, then got out of bed and dressed. ---------------------------------------------- The Headmistress got into her car with a sigh. She didn't want to show weakness to her father, dead or alive! And yet, something deep in the back of her head was bothering her. If there was ever anyone she truly trusted in her life, it was her father. Abacus grunted in frustration. This introspection wouldn't get her closer to the answers she had been increasingly keen on finding! She started the car, and a stray memory surfaced... ---------------------------------------------- A young Abacus Cinch was sitting on a chair in her father's home office. The walls were a cobalt blue, decorated with various awards Sombra had earned through his career, and bookcases lined the walls. Walls that seemed to close in on Abacus as she shook with terror. Something positively dreadful had happened, and she was taking great pains to keep herself from screaming. Sombra gazed at his daughter. "I warned you," he said in a near whisper as he shook his head slowly. He then paced back and forth, wondering what to do about the situation. "I gave you several chances to back out, my child." Abacus continued shaking in her chair, avoiding eye contact with her father. Sombra grit his teeth with a growl of frustration. "Why didn't you listen to me?" He looked back at his daughter and noticed the fearful look in her eyes, which caused his expression to soften somewhat. He sighed heavily, then walked on over to her. Abacus continued shaking, unable to speak. Oh, what she would give to forget! Why didn't she listen to her father?! If she had only known then... She began to feel a lump in her throat as Sombra neared her. "F...F-Father..." The Principal slowly and calmly walked up to his daughter, then gently placed his hands on her arms. "Abacus, my child. I am so sorry you saw that, but maybe next time you'll listen to me when I warn you." The young girl slowly nodded her head, then swallowed the lump in her throat. "I-I w-will." Sombra closed his eyes. He didn't like seeing his daughter suffer so. With a nod of his head, he made a decision. He opened his eyes and looked Abacus straight in hers. "What I am about to do here is not to be discussed with anyone," he said in the gravest of tones. "Are we crystal clear on this?" Abacus took a deep breath, then shuddered. "Yes, father." She was ready for whatever punishment she was about to receive... ...Only to feel a hug from her father. "My child. I have taught you well. Perhaps too well." The young girl blinked in confusion. "Ever since you were old enough to speak, I taught you to never show weakness to anyone. Not even me." Abacus nodded. "I am starting to think that should change, given what just happened." The lump in the young girl's throat returned, stronger than before. "Starting today, I... I will allow you to do so. But only so long as it is just you and me. Nobody else." Sombra tightened the hug. "I do not say this lightly, my child, and nobody should..." The Principal took a deep breath, then exhaled as he heard his daughter sniffle. "...I love you." Abacus broke almost instantly, wailing in her father's arms. ---------------------------------------------- The Headmistress reached the graveyard, taking great pains to keep her emotions in check. She opened her glove compartment, then took out a few tissues. Where in the name of the universe did that memory come from, she thought as she dried her cheeks. One would think such an important and formative memory would be more prevalent in one's mind! Abacus disposed of the tissues, then turned her head in the direction of her father's gravestone, which was off in the distance. Would she dare bring this up to him, risking a public breakdown? Granted, this was an acceptable place to be emotional, but she had a reputation to uphold! The Headmistress stayed in the car momentarily, then nodded. Perhaps telling him would help with solving this conundrum she had been having. Witnesses be damned! With a steel resolve, she got out of the car, and headed to her father's grave. ---------------------------------------------- A while later, Abacus returned to her car. She was weary from her sudden, though not unexpected, intense cathartic release. Thankfully, nobody seemed to notice or care that she had a breakdown. And what a needed breakdown it was! Though emotionally drained, the Headmistress felt quite a bit better. All she needed now was some sort of distraction to keep herself occupied... Abacus' eyes widened. Of course! How could she have forgotten? The tryouts for the Friendship Games were today! A welcome diversion that couldn't have possibly come at a better time. Feeling reinvigorated, she started her car... ---------------------------------------------- The Headmistress parked in her usual spot with a smile. Competition. The strong crushing the weak. The best of the best. She got out of the car and took a deep breath, then sighed. Something in her soul told her today was going to be a good day. Yet, despite her excitement, two questions kept circling in her head when she left the graveyard: Why was that memory forgotten for so long... ...and what did she see? > A Much-Needed Distraction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Abacus neared Crystal Prep, she had noticed Sunny Flare about to enter. An idea formed in the Headmistress' mind. Perhaps she could "motivate" the student. "Sunny Flare!" Sunny turned around, then looked back, as though she was distracted momentarily. With a shrug, she turned back to Abacus as the Headmistress caught up to her. "Yes, Principal Cinch?" "You have my condolences, Sunny Flare." said Cinch. Sunny's jaw dropped and paused, clearly surprised. "I'm sorry, Principal Cinch...condolences?" "Oh, Sunny Flare, you don't need to hide your pain from me. I heard your boyfriend died in a car crash." The student appeared to waver. "Ah...I see." She looked away with sadness in her eyes. "It's always sad to lose the ones we hold so dear. But I assume like any good man, he would want you to move on with your life." Abacus said. Sunny nodded. "I loved him with all of my heart. And I know that me moving on is what he would want." Cinch put her hand on the student's shoulder. "That's good to hear." she said with a smile. "Perhaps if you were to try out for the Friendship Games you might find fulfillment and come one step closer to moving on." Sunny broke, falling into the Headmistress' arms. "It's okay, Sunny Flare." said Cinch, patting her on the back. "You have an appointment with Crystal Clarity soon, correct?" Still crying, Sunny looked up and nodded her head, then buried it into the Headmistress' chest. A few minutes had passed before she stopped. Cinch looked her in the eyes with an expression of sincerity. "Try out for the Friendship Games. Do it for him." she said, her voice calm and soothing. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have other business to attend to." Sunny nodded and smiled. "I will. Thank you, Principal Cinch!" The Headmistress made her way to her office with a smile. --------------------------------------------- Time passed as Abacus worked her hardest, trying not to think of the questions her dream left her with. Before she knew it, it was time for the tryouts. The Headmistress left her office and waited in a large room as multitudes of students entered. Within minutes, Dean Cadance arrived with test papers. With a nod, she spoke. "This first round of tryouts will involve academics." Nearly half of the students groaned. "The hell did you guys expect, moto-cross racing?!" Sour Sweet shouted. Abacus pinched the bridge of her nose. If Sour Sweet wasn't such a good student in terms of grades... "As I was saying...the first round of tryouts will involve academics. The top fifty scores will move on to the next round. To your seats!" All students went to their seats. "And...begin!" said Cinch. Within moments, the room fell silent, save for the barely audible sounds of writing. The Headmistress sighed with a smile. This was what she needed to relax. Peace, quiet, and students putting their brains to good use: furthering her reputation. After a while, Abacus felt that enough time had passed. "Pencils down!" The sound of pencils clattering filled the room. "The results of these tests will be posted later today in the hallways," she said as Dean Cadance went to pick up the tests. "Dismissed!" ---------------------------------------------- After Abacus posted the results in the hallway, she made a mental note of all the students that failed the test. She would have to take disciplinary measures to set them straight. This wasn't a prestigious academy for nothing, after all! With all of that settled, the Headmistress went back into her office and poured herself into her work. ---------------------------------------------- Later that day, Abacus went out to the track with a stopwatch and clipboard, waiting for the students. She closed her eyes and enjoyed a fresh breeze with a sigh. Perhaps she should read outside the next chance she got. The remaining students gradually arrived along with Dean Cadance, and the Headmistress began. "As you've all no doubt realized, this tryout will be physical. The top eleven fastest lap times will move on to the Friendship Games." There were murmurs of excitement among the students. "Sour Sweet," Abacus called out. Sour grinned, then exchanged words with Lemon Zest and took her position. This caused the Headmistress to raise an eyebrow. They were at each other's throats the last time they were in proximity of each other... she shrugged it off. "Go!" The student ran as fast as she could. At least she was putting all of that anger to good use for once. When she reached the finish line, Abacus hit the watch again. Sour Sweet walked back to Lemon and wiped her forehead, then spoke to her with a nudge and a smile, further confusing the Headmistress. How could these two have possibly developed a rapport so quickly? Abacus shook her head quickly. As long as it didn't interfere with the Friendship Games, she could care less what they did. "Lemon Zest!", she called out. Lemon smiled, then got up and took her mark. She did some stretches, then fiddled with her musical device. "Time to pucker up and fuck her up!" Abacus raised an eyebrow. "What? I consider it a motivational phrase!" Lemon laughed sheepishly. Abacus rolled her eyes. Perhaps she should make a rule to curb such language... "Go!" Lemon ran furiously, then stumbled forward once she finished. "Indigo Zap!" Indigo grinned, then slowly lowered her goggles. "Let's do this!" "Go!" Abacus watched Indigo run the track. One of the more reckless and impulsive students of Crystal Prep , she thought. Were it not for her grades and athleticism, I'd have had her expelled long ago... Indigo finished, then collapsed as her legs gave out. "Sugarcoat," she called out. The Headmistress took note of Sugarcoat, who got up and glared at another top student. At least someone was getting into the competitive spirit of things around here. "Go!" Sugarcoat did her lap, nearly falling over once she finished. The other student... Neon Lights, Abacus recalled, had run to the girl and started helping her up. The Headmistress snorted. Sugarcoat could have gotten up with her own strength. "Neon Lights!" Neon took his mark. "Go!" ---------------------------------------------- Once all the students were finished, Abacus smiled. The top eleven students were perfect. She posted the results, then left them where they could be seen. With a sigh of satisfaction, she made her way to her office. "S... B... I... U..." The Headmistress ignored the letters, and went about finishing her day. ---------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch spent the rest of her day doing calming and relaxing things such as meditation and reading when she returned home. Yet, as she closed her eyes for the night, she could feel a nagging sensation that there was more madness waiting for her in her dreams. > Cycle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch opened her eyes to the static void once again. She braced herself for the gunshot, only to be greeted with the static noise. Several moments passed, and the Headmistress let her guard down cautiously. "E..." Abacus blinked in surprise at the new garbled voice just a few feet away from her. Was that the voice she heard off in the distance the last time? "S... B... I... U..." A moment of silence, then the sound of gunfire. Abacus screamed and cowered. Oh, how she hated that accursed noise! "E..." She wanted so desperately to solve this mystery so she wouldn't have this dream anymore, but she had nothing to go on! "S... B... I... U..." Just letters in an arbitrary order. It made no sense! Another gunshot. The Headmistress grit her teeth in an effort not to scream, then began to hyperventilate. "E..." She tried to close her eyes to escape this nightmare, but to no avail. "S... B... I... U..." The cycle repeated and repeated over and over, slowly bringing Abacus to the brink of madness once again. Perhaps death would be preferable to this insanity! "AnE..." The sudden change caused the Headmistress' head to bolt upward. "S... B... I... U..." She plugged her ears with her fingers, yet the gunshot still caused her to scream. "Any..." Any. Any what? Any what? "S... B... I... U..." Abacus cringed again as another gunshot sounded. Why was she having this dream? She had done nothing but good things for Crystal Prep Academy! The Headmistress encouraged competition because it pushed everyone to their limits! The animosity between her students wasn't her problem, it was theirs! On and on, the cycle raged. Abacus laid herself down on a surface... wait. A solid surface? This could be her chance to escape! Feeling a new sense of hope, she began to run. To where, she did not know or care, so long as it was away from here! She ran as fast as she could, only to be startled by the gunshot. She yelped, then lost her balance and fell on the invisible surface with a grunt of pain. The Headmistress clenched her hands into fists, then got back up and resumed running. She'd be damned if let something as simple as a trip get to her! She had to escape! Another gunshot rang out, and Abacus screamed. She resumed her running. She had to leave this hellhole! Another gunshot. She nearly lost her footing, but steadied herself. She mustn't waver here. Not when she felt she had a chance at freedom! "Any..." Let the cycle repeat itself. "S... B... I... U..." Abacus Cinch would escape. Another gunshot. Her legacy would endure. "Any..." Her legacy had to endure! "S... B... I... U..." She had to survive! Another gunshot. ...She didn't want to die. "Any..." The Headmistress began to feel weak in the knees, and her legs gave out. "S... B... I... U..." She toppled back onto the floor. Another gunshot. Fueled by desperation, Abacus got on all fours and began crawling away. It was rather undignified, but far better to be undignified than dead! "Any..." Oh please she didn't want to die. "S... B... I... U..." She kept on crawling, and crawling. Another gunshot, and the cycle repeated anew. The Headmistress felt her will gradually drain as she began to tire. The volume of the cycle had not changed... She'd been running and crawling in place for who knows how long! Tears began falling down Abacus' cheeks. How many more nights would she have to endure this torture? She was so scared. For the love of all things, she was so scared. She no longer felt any will to move, and laid down, sobbing on the invisible surface. She was going to die. Alone. And there was nothing she could do about it. That knowledge led Abacus to scream into the void, where she knew nobody would hear. Then she woke up. > Internal Conflict > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus woke up, panting. Her heart was racing from the ghastly nightmare she had just had! She put her hand to her chest as she fought to regain her breath. Was there nothing she could do to stave off that nightmare?! With a frustrated grunt, the Headmistress got up off of her bed and got into the shower. Once out of the shower, the Headmistress sighed heavily. It seemed that calming herself was not enough to stave off the nightmares. If she only knew the root of it all, then she could get to solving this madness! As Abacus got dressed, she shuddered at the thought of going to the graveyard. ...Wait. Perhaps there was a ray of hope after all! The Headmistress' severe fear of death could have something to do with all of this! And yet, she made a promise to her father to visit every day unless she was physically unable to. Abacus sat down on her bed and cupped her chin in thought. For many years, she had braved the graveyard. Would she dare break the promise she made on his deathbed? Indeed, her father would not know if she skipped out, but the guilt she would feel could potentially be all-consuming! At the same time, however, she had become increasingly paranoid over death. Going for a visit would most certainly not help matters. Abacus took her phone and checked the time. If she was going to make a decision, she'd have to do so on the way. She would either end up arriving at the cemetery on time, or earlier than normal at Crystal Prep Academy. She hurried down the stairs, then got into her car. "Abacus, my child." The Headmistress gulped. "S... B... I... U..." She turned the ignition key as she felt a wave of anxiety creep up. Normally, self-preservation was her number one priority. When it came to her father, however... "Abacus, my child." "S... B... I... U..." "Oh, for the love of the universe," Abacus muttered under her breath. It was bad enough to have one mentally damaging cycle repeating in her mind. She took a deep breath, steeled herself, then drove off. The Headmistress thanked her lucky stars that she was still sane, even after all that had befallen her over the course of the past few days. However much longer that will last, she thought. "Abacus, my child." "S... B... I... U..." Abacus grit her teeth in frustration, then turned her car's radio on. Classical music began to play, creating a slightly soothing effect on her. She'd be damned if she had another mental breakdown while on the road! Over and over the words and letters repeated, and the Headmistress was able to keep herself calm, if only just barely. Her eyes widened as she neared the intersection that would lead her to the graveyard. This was it. she had to make a choice now. Would she got to the cemetery, or would she go straight to Crystal Prep Academy, forsaking a promise to a deceased parent? Abacus cursed under her breath. She would be damned either way. With a choice made, she took a deep breath... ...and passed the turn for the graveyard. An intense pang of guilt hit the Headmistress, causing her to yelp and nearly stop her car. She could practically hear the disappointment in her father's voice. "Abacus, my child... how could you?" Another pang of guilt struck, and Abacus pulled over. She panted as the words echoed in her mind. "How could you?" "F... Father. F-Forgive me..." She hung her head in shame, but the truth of the matter was that she had had more than her fair share of all things death lately. And yet, that was a poor excuse, if one could even consider it such. Abacus laid her head on her steering wheel, feeling truly empty for the first time since her father passed. In an effort to justify her decision, she reasoned that being around the dead would have only exacerbated her draining mental faculties. The Headmistress laughed at herself bitterly. Another poor excuse. "How could you?" Her choice was made, and despite all the negative feelings... despite all of the guilt and sadness. Despite the fact that she still had time to turn around and go back to the graveyard... she would still go straight to Crystal Prep. "Damn it all." Abacus started the car, then finished her journey. > Sanctuary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus arrived at her office, feeling no better than she did when she passed the graveyard. She felt as though all the paperwork and distractions in the world would not get her mind off of her choice. "How could you?" The Headmistress sighed heavily. Never mind finding an heir after the Friendship Games, she'd need a psychiatrist! With another sigh, she sat at her desk and simply stared at her paperwork. "How could you?" Abacus muttered in frustration as she put a hand to her head. The paperwork wasn't going to do itself... As the day went on, Abacus found herself getting restless. Perhaps she should take a break and get out of the office. Some fresh air to renew the mind, body and soul. She rarely ever took breaks unless they were absolutely necessary. "How could you?" That tore it. The Headmistress rose from her desk, then headed to the teacher's lounge to get some coffee. A breath of fresh air it was, then. She walked the halls, making note of the hostile expressions of each student she passed by. Abacus smiled. Those expressions. Anger, frustration, contempt... all negative feelings that could secure victory when properly channeled. It was all thanks to the mentality that the Headmistress had spent years instilling into the student body. The mentality that the one thing that mattered was being the best. Love and friendship could only get one so far in life, after all. To her, those were nothing more than distractions. Why, those very same "friends" or "lovers" could even be plotting one's downfall! Waiting for the right moment to strike when one's guard was down! It was for those reasons that Abacus had kept to herself most of her life. She had learned it from watching her father's cutthroat criminal empire. As a child, she had witnessed endless competition between his lackeys and minions. Constant aggression, undermining each other at every turn... The Headmistress sighed. Those were memories that would stay with her for the rest of her life. Abacus reached the Teacher's Lounge and opened the door. She noticed it was empty, and she sighed in relief. The Headmistress was never one for pleasantries, and she considered idle conversation a waste of her valuable time. Time that could be spent keeping Crystal Prep Academy at the top. With coffee in hand, Abacus left the lounge. Abacus exited the school, then took a deep breath and exhaled. The sun was shining, nearly producing a glare in her glasses. A warm breeze blew by as a riding mower cut the grass near the school's parking lot. It was rather peaceful out, and it helped to clear the Headmistress' mind. "How could you?" Abacus sighed heavily as she put a hand to her forehead. This was absurd! Why was all of this nonsense happening to her? She had always been of sound mind and body until recently. With a sip of coffee, she shook her head slowly. Why did she have to suffer so? The Headmistress snorted. What sort of mentality was that, making herself sound like a victim? She had always been the predator, not the prey! ...But then why was she always the latter in her dreams? Surely she had the mental fortitude to be able to overcome those horrendous nightmares. "Any..." "S... B... I... U..." There had to be some meaning behind that word and those letters! Perhaps the nightmares would end once she got to the bottom of this madness. Abacus checked the time on her phone and heaved another sigh. She would have to go back inside to her office. Maybe she'd spend some extra time outside before turning in for the night. Finishing the last of the coffee, the Headmistress threw the cup into a garbage bin and returned to the halls of Crystal Prep. Upon reaching her office, Abacus decided a slight change was in order. With a crack of her neck, she opened her office windows just a crack so some fresh air could flow through the room. A little bit of background noise never hurt, after all. As the day went by, the sounds of birds chirping and cars passing reached Abacus' ears, only slightly distracting her. For once, she did not seem to mind. Rarely did she ever pay attention to more than one thing at a time, but doing so now had felt more fulfilling than normal! "How could you?" "Any..." "S... B... I... U..." The Headmistress winced. Couldn't she have just one damned moment of peace? Was that too much to ask? She pounded a fist on her desk in frustration. "Damn it all," she muttered. She'd just have to power through it... again. By the time the work day was over, Abacus had heard the same three things more times than she cared to count. As she got out of her car upon reaching home. "How could you?" "Any..." "S... B... I... U..." What made it all the worse was that she knew she'd hear at least two of those endlessly when she fell asleep. Being driven to the brink of madness and despair, feeling powerless and helpless. Abacus wasn't going to fool herself. No matter what she'd tried, the nightmares would always return to her. Suddenly, a thought occurred to the Headmistress. With each nightmare, there was less and less static. Why, there was even solid ground in her previous dream! She smiled a little, feeling better about herself. Lesser people would surely have cracked under the insanity of it all, but not her! She was strong! And yet, she dreaded the thought of that damnable static void as she headed to her backyard for some more fresh air. Some time later, Abacus went inside for the night. As... concerned as she was about the dream, she was also curious. She wanted to know what it all meant. She changed into her pajamas and turned her bedroom light off. As she drifted off to sleep, she wondered. Once I find everything out, will it make things better... ...or worse? > Voices and Noises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus opened her eyes to the void with a shiver. She may never get used to this, but she didn't have much of a choice in the matter. She floated down to a solid foundation, which she was grateful to have. First things first, she thought. The Headmistress would focus on the voices. Perhaps in doing so, she may be able to uncover what this madness was all about! "Any..." Abacus cupped her chin. The voice was far too garbled to identify its owner, and one word was not enough to go on. "S... B... I... U..." There had been something oddly familiar about the second voice, but she could not put her finger on it... The gunshot sounded off, causing the Headmistress to jump and yelp. She grit her teeth and growled, then listened intently to the voices. "Any... zz?" Abacus blinked in surprise. Progress! "S... B... I... U..." Some progress was better than no progress. The gunshot sounded off again. Damn that accursed noise! The sooner she figured out this mess the better! "Any... zz?" Abacus closed her eyes and focused. "S... B... I... U..." The Headmistress' eyes shot open as another gunshot was fired, and she hyperventilated until a thought occurred to her; What if it wasn't the letter u, but the word "you"? "Any... zz?" Abacus steadied her breathing, then sighed. With a shake of her head, she listened intently again. She wanted to make as much progress as possible! "S... B... I... You..." The Headmistress braced herself for the gunfire, but still suffered a pang of anxiety upon the noise. With a grimace, she mentally prepared herself for a long, long night. How long had Abacus been here? There had been no changes for who knows how long and she had began to lose her patience! Another gunshot startled her, and the Headmistress put her hand on her chest. She doubted she would ever get used to the noise! Suddenly, a loud and high-pitched shriek resounded throughout the void, causing Abacus to cower. She shivered as the cycle repeated itself. "W... What in the name of the universe?" This sudden and unexpected turn threw the Headmistress for a loop. Shaken, she tried to regain focus only for the gunshot to startle her. Just when she thought she was finally starting to make some headway! The void screamed again as Abacus curled up into a ball and covered her ears. The gunshot was bad enough, but now this? "Stop... please," the Headmistress whimpered. Normally any sort of scream would have no effect on her, but there was something so... disturbingly familiar about it. Abacus slowly got up and stood up. She had to focus if she wanted to pull through. "Any... zz?" A sense of dread began to fill her, as though her instincts were telling her not to pursue the matter any further than she already had. The Headmistress scoffed. She may have been born into a privileged life, but even she knew that discomfort was sometimes necessary for progress. "S... B... I... You..." However, this wasn't discomfort. It was pure terror. For a moment, Abacus began to question if all of the trouble she had experienced and went through to uncover this mystery was worth it. The gunshot interrupted that thought process, and the scream assaulted her ears. The Headmistress' body experienced chills as a tear of fear fell down from her cheek. She had to fight this! "Any... zz?" As terrified as she was, she knew she was in no real danger. "S... Bee... I... You..." She had to hold on. Even if the gunshot and scream brought her closer to madness like this dream always had, she had to hold on! "Any... zz?" She may be afraid, but this was not real. This was her mind. Her domain! "S... Abby... I... You..." "A... Abby," the Headmistress echoed. Her jaw dropped and she felt a lump in her throat. She now knew whose voice that was. With a sniffle, she covered her eyes with a hand as the gunshot and scream rang out. Only one person could have possibly called her that, even in her dreams. "M-Mother..." Abacus Cinch woke up. > Fragments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus Cinch sat still as she tried to process the end of her dream as her head buzzed with activity. How on earth did she know that voice was her mother's? It may have been a dream, but even after awakening, she knew in her heart whose voice that had been. But why? And how? Cinch sighed and put a hand on her forehead. Should she investigate this and risk going further down a path that she believed would only lead to more madness and misery? Or would she ignore it for a temporary respite, only for it to return forcefully in the future? Neither option was to her liking. Damned if I do, and damned I don't, Abacus thought with another sigh. Why couldn't the world be more black and white? Even if she chose to investigate this issue, Abacus had no idea where to start! Anybody who might have known her mother were either silenced, bribed, or outright killed! With a grunt of frustration, Abacus got out of bed. It would not do to dwell on the matter for too long. She dare not risk a breakdown while at Crystal Prep Academy. A temporary respite it was, then. But not too long of a respite. With the matter settled, albeit for the time being, Abacus got dressed and left. Abacus arrived at Crystal Prep after avoiding the graveyard again. She had no doubt that keeping herself away from her father's resting place wouldn't get any easier. She thanked the universe that she wasn't a heavy drinker, then headed straight for her office. Once inside, Abacus ran a hand through her hair and went to work. As time passed, Abacus noticed that even the outdoor ambiance was doing little to ease her troubled mind. It felt as though something was trying to break through a barrier she hadn't- "I warned you. I gave you several chances to back out, my child." Abacus' eyes widened in shock. Had her nightmares been more than just dreams? The sound of gunfire echoed in her mind, and she shuddered. Nasty, ghastly things, guns were! With the clenching of her teeth, Abacus forced herself... willed herself to focus intently on her work. If she was meant to have a breakdown, she would do so outside of the confines of Crystal Prep! It would not do to see her subordinates and students witness their Headmistress in such a state! She was Abacus Cinch! A pillar of strength! "Abacus... how could you?" Something within Abacus started to break. Her breathing quickened as she balled her hands into fists. She closed her eyes and gradually evened out her breathing. A distraction would be rather welcome at this point... Now that she was calmer, Abacus continued going about her business until she saw a stray sheet of paper on her desk. With a raised eyebrow, she picked it up. Her desk was normally tidy, even in the middle of a work day. How could she have missed that? She adjusted her glasses, then examined it. Competitors for the Friendship Games Indigo Zap Lemon Zest Sour Sweet Sugarcoat Sunny Flare Neon Lights Trenderhoof Suri Polomare Jet Set Upper Crust Royal Pin Eleven? But both sides needed twelve people each! Abacus put a hand to her forehead. Where on earth has her mind been? Had the nightmares she suffered affected her mind that much? With a quick shake of her head, she sighed. The ideal candidate came to mind almost immediately. It was, to put it colloquially, a no-brainer. Twilight Sparkle. The most gifted student Abacus had seen in years. Never had she seen a student with such knowledge grace her school! Twilight was, without a doubt, the academic best of the best. And yet, she didn't show up for the tryouts, which likely meant she would not be willing to take part of her own accord. It would seem that Abacus would have to do some... "convincing" for her prized pupil. Abacus scratched her head. She would have to find a weak point. Something she could exploit. Something... she snapped her finger. Of course! Twilight often spoke of the Everton Independent Study Program! A plan formed in Abacus' mind, and a sinister grin formed on her face... The day was at an end, and Abacus Cinch left her office. Now that the roster was officially full, she would have to assemble the team. Or rather, have someone else assemble the team for a meeting. Abacus would be far too busy to undertake that task. But who? As she neared the exit, she noticed a pale yellow student walk towards the doors as her rose and green ponytail bobbed up and down with her movements. "Sour Sweet." "Yes, Principal Cinch," Sour Sweet asked without turning around. "I would like you to assemble all twelve team members tomorrow for a meeting." Sour turned around, revealing a confused expression. "Twelve? I thought there were only eleven of us." "There were, but something tells me Twilight Sparkle may take an interest in joining." "Oh, really," asked Sour Sweet. "Well, the more the merrier," she said cheerfully. "I just hope she doesn't ruin everything!" Abacus raised an eyebrow. "Indeed. That is all." Sour Sweet walked away and out the exit. "Any... zz?" "S... Abby... I... You..." The gunshot again rang through Abacus' mind, causing her to grab her head. Quickly regaining her composure, she scanned the halls in the hopes that her sudden flinch went unnoticed. Upon seeing empty halls, she nodded in satisfaction and went home. Abacus reached her room with a sigh. All things considered, the day had not been kind to her. The constant echoes, the panicking, and her self-doubt. She wasn't going to fool herself, though. She would still have to suffer the same damnable nightmare tonight. However, Abacus knew that she'd wake up recovered. She was just like her father, after all: one tough and mean son of a bitch. Abacus changed into her pajamas, then went under the covers and turned off the light. > Terror > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus opened her eyes and found herself in the void once again. She grit her teeth as the cycle began. "Any... zz?" Damn this accursed dream! "S... Abby... I... You..." Damn this static! The gunshot echoed through the void. Damn that gunshot! "Any... words?" The voice became clearer, and Abacus' eyes widened in shock. She recognized that voice! Suddenly, a memory flowed through her... A young Abacus Cinch sat in her father's office. There was a feeling of tension in the air as Sombra paced back and forth in front of his window, his hands folded behind his back. "Father?" Sombra stopped pacing. "Yes, my child?" "Why did mother leave?" Sombra took a deep breath, then sighed. "There are times in one's life when one does not know what is good for them. Much like how a child loathes eating vegetables, even though they have nutritional benefits. Your mother left because she does not understand that I am good for her." Abacus blinked in confusion. Sombra walked up to Abacus and pat her on the head. "Perhaps you will understand one day, my child. Life tends to get complicated the older one gets." "I suppose so." Without warning, footsteps rapidly approached Sombra's office. "Abacus, behind me!" Abacus ran and hid behind her father as he drew a pistol from his holster. The door burst open to admit a dark green young man with orange hair and bushy eyebrows. His tan vest was stained with some blood which had dripped from a scar over his eye. "Bossman," he shouted excitedly. "We've got her! She's in the parlor!" The alertness on Sombra's face faded, and a wide grin slowly formed. Abacus peered out from behind her father. "Got who?" "Your mother," Sombra said as he holstered his pistol. "Can I see her?" Sombra gave Abacus a meaningful look. "I would advise against it." "Why?" "Because she is likely going to be in a rather... unpleasant state." Abacus scoffed. "Rogue has a gash that is bleeding over his eye and I am just fine," she said, gesturing to her father's henchman. "I believe I can handle 'unpleasant'." Rogue gasped. "I was so excited that I completely forgot about my wound!" He dashed off in search of medical attention. Sombra folded his arms. "Your mother is likely to have worse than a gash. You know how rough my henchmen can be." "Yes, yes," Cinch said as she rolled her eyes. "I have seen broken bones, lacerations and bloody noses." Sombra sighed heavily. "You will more than likely be emotionally compromised upon seeing her." "I still wish to see her." Sombra give Abacus a look of uncertainty. "My mind is made up, father." Sombra sighed again, then relented. "Very well. Follow me... but if you do change your mind, I will not think any lesser of you. Sometimes in life, retreat is the wiser option." Abacus raised an eyebrow. "Are you testing my will again, father," she asked as she and Sombra walked out of the office. "No, my child," Sombra responded plainly. "I am not." As Sombra and Cinch reached to parlor door, Sombra held out an arm in front of his daughter. "I am giving you one last chance to reconsider, my child. There are some things that no child should see, no matter how strong-willed they may be." Abacus scoffed. "You still doubt me?" "I am simply worried about you, Abacus. Nothing more, and nothing less." Abacus glared at Sombra in frustration. Sombra paused for a moment. "So be it," he said finally. "But do not say I did not warn you, my child." He opened the door, and the two entered. The parlor contained off-white walls with grey carpet. Portraits of Sombra and Abacus the wall facing them, while bookcases stood to the left and right of them. A folding table rested in a corner of the room, and several chairs sat in various places. In the center of the room was a woman bound to a chair with two of Sombra's henchmen keeping a close eye on her. "...Mother?" The woman in the chair started. Her light blue skin was untarnished, and her stocky body type required multiple restraints. Her wavy black hair bounced as her head rose, and her purple eyes twinkled momentarily as she noticed Abacus. "...Abby?" Abacus stood still, transfixed by her mother's soothing voice. "Shining Beacon, my love," Sombra said as he walked toward the woman. Beacon glared at Sombra. "Don't you 'my love' me, you delusional psychopath," she barked as she struggled to break free. "Come now," Sombra said softly. "Is that any way to talk to the one who loves you?" "'The one who loves' me? 'The one who loves' me," Beacon shouted incredulously. "The one who loves me would have left me well enough alone. The one who loves me would have wanted me to be happy. The one who loves me wouldn't have kidnapped me!" Sombra frowned. "I am just showing you the lengths that I would be willing to go to prove my love for you." Beacon scoffed. "There are only two people that you love. Yourself and our daughter." "And you," Sombra said as he put a hand on Beacon's thigh. Beacon spat on Sombra's hand. "Mother... why did you leave?" Beacon looked to Abacus. "Because I abhor everything your father stands for. I tried to stay with him in the hopes that he would change, but I found that I wasn't fooling anyone but myself." "Indeed, you were." Sombra said after he cleaned his hand. "I had given you some time in the hopes that you would come back to your senses, but I had to take matters into my own hands." "Your 'own hands' being your cronies," Beacon snapped. "Watch your tone, love." "Mother," Abacus said. "Can't we be a family again?" Beacon face fell for a moment, then slowly contorted into an expression of anger. "Sombra... did you bring Abby here to emotionally manipulate me?" "I assure you Abacus came here of her own accord." Abacus nodded. "I did." Beacon fell silent and lowered her head. "Abby," she said quietly. "You mean the world to me..." she raised her head, revealing teary eyes. "...but I simply couldn't live with myself if I stayed with this monster," she shouted, gesturing to Sombra with her head. "You leave your lover and daughter without so much as a word, and you call me a monster," Sombra said as he gestured to himself. "How dare you," Beacon shouted. "How dare you compare your blood-stained empire to what you've put me through!" "I only did what I did because you belong with me!" "I do not belong with or to you," Beacon snarled. "I would rather die!" Sombra's face fell. "I... I see." He reached for his holster. "F-Father?" Sombra drew his pistol and aimed at Beacon's head. "Go ahead," Beacon said. "Do it." Tears streamed down Sombra's face. "...Any last words?" Beacon sniffled. "Yes. Abby... I love you." Sombra pulled the trigger, and a gunshot rang out through the parlor. Shining Beacon's lifeless body slumped in the chair, and Abacus Cinch shrieked in horror. Abacus woke up screaming, then ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach. > Influence and Reputation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus flushed her toilet, then got up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face had paled from her revelatory dream, and she shuddered at the recollection of her mother's lifeless body. Why all of this now, just a day before the Friendship Games?! Abacus sighed heavily as she put a hand to her forehead. She almost wished she didn't find out the ugly, ugly truth. And yet, she valued knowledge greatly. Knowledge was a powerful asset, and one of the tools she had used to further her influence and reputation. Unfortunately for her, this knowledge would do nothing but cause her to suffer throughout the day. With another sigh, she got dressed and headed to Crystal Prep. Abacus arrived at her office and sat down and simply stared at the work laid before her. The sound of gunfire rang through her mind and the image of her deceased mother resurfaced. "Damn this wretched mess," she muttered under her breath. A knock at the door caused Abacus to jump. She grit her teeth and formed a fist, nearly pounding it on her desk. She forced herself to calm down, then spoke. "Yes? Come in." The door opened to admit Sour Sweet. "Ah, Sour Sweet. What brings you up here?" Sour stood still for a moment, as though she was deep in her thoughts. With a quick shake of her head, she snapped out of it. "Yesterday you told me to get all of my teammates, but you didn't tell me when to do so or where to assemble them." Abacus sighed. Another mental slip up? Within the same week? "I suppose you're right. Very well then, how about this: gather everyone in a room of your choice during lunch." Sour smiled. "That works for me. That's all I wanted to know. Thank you!" With that, she left and closed the door behind her. Abacus formed a fist again and pounded it on her desk. What on earth had gotten into her lately? First those damnable nightmares and auditory hallucinations, and now her mental faculties seemed to be declining?! Her eyes widened in horror as one thought occurred to her. It was just a small thought at first, but it grew rapidly. ...What if she was experiencing the early stages of dementia?? Abacus shook her head. No. This couldn't be happening. She wasn't going to die in the same, long-winded manner her father did! Abacus put her hands on her desk, then took a deep breath and exhaled. She was in control. She had to be in control. With a grunt of exertion, she got straight into her work. In the midst of her working, Abacus checked the time. She blinked in surprise. Time did indeed fly when one focuses hard on a task. She picked up her phone and began to dial Dean Cadance's extension, then stopped as an idea occurred to her. Didn't Twilight Sparkle have an older brother that once attended? A smile formed on Cinch's lips. Surely she would join the team if her application to the Everton Independent Study Program was put at risk... but it wouldn't hurt to have some extra insurance. Abacus dialed Twilight's home number. "Hello," asked a male voice. "Good afternoon, Mister Sparkle. Is Shining Armor available? I wish to speak with him..." After the call, Abacus smiled. Everything was coming together. Now all she had to do was get Twilight up into her office. SHe dialed Cadance's extension. "Hello?" "Cadance. Could you bring Twilight Sparkle up to my office?" Cadance took a deep breath and sighed. "Of course, Principal Cinch." She paused for a moment. "Is there anything else?" "That will be all," Abacus said, then hung up. Crystal Prep Academy would sail to victory even without Twilight Sparkle on their team, but the more brain power, the better. All to put those upstarts at Canterlot High back in their place. They needed to be shown that a sudden surge of overall improvement would change nothing, and that Crystal Prep always wins. There was a knock on Abacus' door, bringing her back to reality. "Come in." The door opened, and in stepped a young man with light grey skin. He ran a hand through his dark blue hair, which sported lighter blue streaks in various spots. As he was told, he came wearing his old Crystal Prep uniform. Coming in just behind him was Dean Cadance as he closed the door. "Ah, Shining Armor! Good to see you again!" Cinch smiled. "Now then, all that's left is..." The door to Abacus' office began to open, and her smile widened as she turned around in her chair. She would let Dean Cadance and Shining Armor talk to Twilight first. Then, when the time was right, she would chime in and go from there... Abacus watched as Twilight left her office. Everything went swimmingly! Now that she was alone again, she went back to work. Suddenly, a gunshot echoed in her mind, causing her to stop. Abacus shook her head rapidly, then continued. "Abby... I love you." Abacus' breathing became uneven. No. She would not let this beat her. She was stronger than that! The stone cold face of her father appeared in her mind's eye. "Any last words?" "Yes... Abby, I love you." A lump rose in Abacus' throat. She... she had to fight this. S-She was stronger than this... The gunshot sounded again, and Abacus buried her head in her hands and slowly broke down. Tears she had held back for who knows how long began to flow, and she couldn't stop herself. With each sob she hoped so desperately that no staff or student would walk in on her in such a low state. Each minute felt like an eternity as her tears fell onto her desk. Some time later, Abacus regained her composure and thanked whatever higher power there was that was alone the whole time. Feeling better, if only marginally, she went back to work. Abacus glanced at her clock in her office, and heaved a sigh of relief. The day was nearly over, and were it not for the ordeal she had been suffering, it would have been perfect. She left her office and went straight home. Once Abacus arrived, she made a beeline for her room. She could use some rest after the day she had had! She changed into her pajamas and got into bed... ...only to find she would be unable to fall asleep. > Onward to Victory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abacus heaved a sigh as she laid in bed, her eyes wide open. No sleep was had. As if she had a hard enough time keeping up her facade as of late. With a grunt of frustration, she got out of bed. Abacus went into her bathroom and turned on her faucet, letting the water release until was as cold as it could get. She cupped her hands and splashed the water on her face. With a gasp, she felt a tad more alert. Not as alert as she would have liked to be, but it was an improvement. Despite it all, however, Abacus smiled. The Friendship Games were today, and she at least had solace in the fact that Crystal Prep would win. No doubt her mood would improve after giving a sound thrashing to those miscreants at Canterlot High. She would deal with all of her troubles afterwards. "Abby... I love you." Abacus grit her teeth. She was just about at her limit with these accursed auditory hallucinations! After the Friendship Games, she would most certainly seek help, her pride be damned! Then she would go about finding an heir, just as she promised her father. But for now, the Friendship Games came first. With anticipation, she hurried over to her car and drove to Crystal Prep. Abacus parked in her usual spot, then got out. The sun was shining, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky... it was a perfect day for victory. She took a deep breath of fresh air, then sighed. A perfect day for victory, indeed! Off in the distance, Abacus could hear the engines of the buses that would get everyone to Canterlot High. It wouldn't be much longer now! Three years of planning, a rigorous athletics regimen, and an environment of intense competition had all led up to this day. Abacus smiled as she walked inside. The halls were bustling with the chatter of the student body, and they all spoke of but one thing: the Friendship Games. Abacus could not help but scoff at the name. Indeed, her father named it as such to mask a hidden agenda, but the very idea that a competition had such a title was laughable. There was nothing competitive about friendship! Teammates didn't have to be friends to work together, much like co-workers at any one job. If any of Abacus' twelve competitors ended up going too far, it would not be her fault. Youths tended to become reckless when their adrenaline kicked in. She would simply observe the spectacle. After all, she was their Headmistress, not their mother. Abacus checked her phone for the time, and headed for her office. It would still be a little while until it would be time to leave, so she might as well take care of a few things before taking her leave. Abacus opened the door to her office, and the gunshot the echoed through her head. She yelped and ducked for cover. Once she realized it was all in her head, she nearly roared in rage. Her breathing became erratic as she closed the door behind herself. Abacus reached her desk and closed her eyes as she clenched and unclenched her fists. She counted to ten, then slowly put her palms on her desk. With a sigh, she began to focus on her work in earnest. Some time later, there was a knock on Abacus' office door. "Yes?" The door opened to admit Radiant Hope. "Principal Cinch," she said. "The buses are ready to move out." "Excellent," Cinch said, eager to be there to see the looks on those fools' faces. No mercy for the opposition! "I will be out shortly." "Understood." Radiant Hope left, and Cinch grimaced as the words of her father played in her mind. "Any last words?" "No," Abacus whispered. "I will not let this insanity take the joy of winning from me!" She lightly hit her desk with the palms of her hands, then got up and left. Abacus reached the parking lot and stared at the buses filled with students. She wished they had more vehicles so that all the students would be able to watch, but that would likely become a logistical nightmare. No matter. They all knew what the outcome would be, so she understood that not everyone would attend. Abacus walked slowly to her assigned bus. This moment deserved to be savored. Each step was another step towards another win. Another strengthening of her legacy. A furthering of one's influence via a flawless record. A reputation to be respected... and feared. Abacus boarded the bus and took a good look at all of the students that sat before her. None of the passengers she was with had qualified to be part of the team, but they were all still academically and athletically fierce and fearsome in their own right! They were an unstoppable force! "Any last words?" Abacus Cinch grinned. They may not be her last words, but they would most certainly be her last words before the Friendship Games... "Onward. To Victory!" The buses moved out, and every last person on board had no idea what sort of life-changing incident lie in wait for them. End of Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games