Never Too Old

by Dire_Straits

First published

Shining Armor finds out you never get too old to get disciplined.

[Spanking, Public Humiliation, -More To Come!-]

When Shining Armor and Night Light get into a dispute, Shining Armor finds out that just because you're married to an alicorn princess, doesn't mean you suddenly get to yell at your father.

A Royal Pain

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"WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP, DAD!" Shining Armor bellowed out into his father's face.

The room immediately fell quiet and Shining Armor found himself staring into Night Light's eyes. They had a distinct lack of emotion and a matching stoic expression. He quickly realized what he had done.

"Dad, look, I'm sorry... I didn't me-," he was suddenly silenced by Night Light's hoof pushed up against his muzzle.

"Don't bother, you can apologize after we're done," Night Light quipped then vanished off toward the master bedroom.

Shining Armor was left with his own thoughts, troubled with the guilt of yelling at his father and what precisely he meant by "After we're done."

Night Light did return and what he had trotted off to retrieve was floating in the air for Shining Armor to see. The young white stallion felt his heart leap into his throat. It was a black leather crop with a thick tongue. Just the sight of it roused memories of long ago.

"Oh come on, I said I was sorry."

"You'll be even more sorry after we're done. Across the couch arm, son," Night Light commanded as he neared his son.

"Dang it, I'm too old for this! You can't do this, I'm a Prince, I'm a father, I'm married," Shining Armor didn't budge, but he didn't have to. He felt himself suddenly taken hold by Night Light's magic. He was levitated, raised then lowered down across the couch arm. He was just about to get up when he felt the sharp sting of the crop assaulting his upturned bottom.

"You're in my house and I am your father, and I will not be disrespected," Night Light draped his forelegs across the top of his son's body, keeping him held in place. The crop, held in Night Light's magic, was caressing the spot which was just struck.

Just then, the front door opened and in stepped Cadance with several bags being magically floated through the air.

"Oh Shining dear, just wait until you see thi-," Cadance's voice went from excited then trailed off into confusion as she now saw the sight before her. Her husband, Shining Armor, laid out over a couch arm and being held in place by his father.

"Cadance, I'm sorry you have to see this, but can you sit over there. Shining Armor is being punished right now and isn't allowed to speak until his spanking is done," Night Light offered the princess a meager smile as he swept Shining Armor's short tail and pinned it under his foreleg.

Shining Armor's lips trembled with desire to rebuke his situation, but he had already riled his father up. Even he knew at this point, his rump was cooked and it was simply best to sit there and endure his punishment. He locked eyes with his wife as she put the bags down. She was blushing furiously, but said nothing as she wandered off to somewhere out of sight. From the looks of it, she was sitting so she had a good view of his rear. Now it was Shining Armor's turn to blush as he realized she'd get a front row seat to his derriere being thrashed but good.

"Thank you, Cadance. I'm sorry you have to see this," Night Light apologized.

"It's... no problem. However, what did my Shining Armor do to deserve a spanking," she asked curiously, sitting herself on a chair that gave her a good view of her husband's rump. It was very embarrassing and somehow strangely amusing.

"Decided to raise his voice rather loudly," the older stallion replied.

"You were ra-OWW!," Shining Armor suddenly yelped loudly in pain as his words were rewarded with a hard thwack of the crop across his hindquarters.

"No talking means no talking," Night Light said. "Talk again and I'll add fifty on top of the hundred you're going to get, mister," the stallion sternly warned his son.

"Fine," the white stallion exclaimed in exasperation. His disrespectful acknowledgement earned him twenty quick snaps of the crop that had the young stallion's legs squirming about.

"Aaah, Eeeoww, Owww-I'm ssssorr-OWWEE!"

Night Light was demonstrating an almost expertise like usage of the crop and administered all twenty swats across his son's derriere with a painful swiftness. Cadance just watched, cringing slightly at the sound of the thick tongue meeting with her husband's firm fleshy rump. However, watching him wriggle about helplessly made her tingle in very familiar places.

"Want to try that one again, son?"

Shining Armor gave a few sniffs, his face extremely hot as he was reduced a sniffling naughty colt before his wife, "Yes sir, sorry sir."

"Good. Now I'm going to start your spanking. If you try to get up or ask me to stop, we'll be starting over. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir," answered Shining Armor flatly.

The spanking started with a brief warm up. The first twenty licks were moderately slow, but hard enough to elicit a few painful yowls from Shining Armor. The next thirty came quicker, but just as hard. These were the ones that really got Shining Armor squirming about. He wasn't crying yet, but it wasn't going to take much more either.

*Thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack!*

Cadence fidgeted in her seat, cheeks flushed with red as she watched with teeth biting into her bottom lip. The way Night Light wielded that crop and the sight of her strong husband, reduced to a sniveling colt. There was an itch beginning to form that she just couldn't scratch right now.

Night Light remained quiet for the entirety of Shining Armor's spanking, settling for a steady tempo as he gave just a second or two between each lick. He could feel his son's breathing quickening, muscles getting tight as he fault against more primitive instincts to try get away. However, that all stopped as the neared the seventy fifth stroke. He heard his son finally break with several heaving sobs before finally breaking into a full on tearful cry. Those last twenty five were given the hardest.

"Hold on son, we're almost done," he ruffled a comforting hoof through his son's mane.


The last twenty five were the hardest and slowest. Whatever attachments Shining Armor had to his pride were broken and the proud and strong Prince of the Crystal Kingdom was reduced to a sniveling little colt. By the time it was over, Shining Armor's flanks were a most impressive shade of splotchy red.

"There there, it's done now, come here and give your father a hug, son," Night Light aided Shining Armor up off the couch arm and he quickly embraced his son in a great hug.

"Th-thanks, dad. I... I think I nee-needed th-that," the stallion wiped his face clear of the remaining tears and smiled weakly.

"You can think about why I spanked you while you're in the corner son. Come on, one hour," Night Light tugged on his son's ear as he lead him over to a corner of the living room. Shining Armor, cringing with every step that caused pain to shoot through his rump, obediently parked his nose into the corner as told.

Night Light turned his attention to Cadance whom had remained totally quiet during this whole ordeal. He warmly smiled at the princess then seemed to gesture toward the same couch arm where Shining Armor just was. Cadance was totally taken back by Night Light's sudden attention and then the indication to the couch arm. Her face went redder than it had been so far, almost matching her husband's sore reddened rear.

"M-me? Wh-what did I do," she asked, standing up from her chair. She could feel the heat from under her tail and no doubt Night Light could smell her arousal. The smirk beginning to form on his face was more than proof to support that fact.

"Oh, you're well aware of what you did, you naughty filly."