> Guard's Duty > by CinnamonSwirltheBreaded > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Evaluation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif shifted uncomfortably in her chair for what felt like the hundredth time, and tried to distract herself from the wait, but it was difficult. The Captain of the Guard’s office was anything but distracting, with an almost comical veneer that reminded Motif greatly of a doctor’s office. The colours were neutral, the chairs were uncomfortable; a fish tank sat in one corner, while a table in the middle of the room, between the two rows of seats, held a number of magazines, most of which were greatly out of date. It was silly, and she felt like a filly to be nervous about the pending meeting, but it was hard not to be a bit worried, as it was her six months-on-the-job review. It was pretty major, in her opinion. Of course, everypony in the guard had to go through such a thing, although Motif suspected it eventually became easier with every review. It didn’t help that she was alone in the room, left only to her thoughts. When she had first arrived, approximately ten minutes prior, there had been another guard there— another mare, part of the same cohort that had originally been brought into the Royal Guard half a year ago even if Motif couldn’t recall her name— but she had been called in before Motif could say hello. Like herself, the other guard bore a look of deep worry on her face, and if Motif was being petty, she’d think the mare had great concern to be worried than she did, what with Motif’s record and the fact that the other guard was clearly pregnant. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence among her compatriots, unfortunately. Perhaps it was below her pay grade, but she wasn’t sure housing mares with strong, viritle stallions was the best decision the captain had ever made, she supposed on the face of it, there simply wasn’t many other places to house the guards. At least not yet. Motif tried to distract herself somewhat by leafing through one of the outdated magazines, but nothing truly leapt out at her. Most of the advertisements were comedically out of date, and the articles weren’t very interesting. It was perhaps not surprising that a large number of the magazines were geared towards stallions, rather than general ponies, but it was still a bit boring. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait very long. The door of the Captain’s Office opened with a quiet click, and the mare from before stepped out, taking a moment to use her horn to adjust her armor, before trotting away. There was a certain bounce to her step that made Motif think it had gone very well indeed— despite the fact that she was currently expecting— and that was, if she was being honest, somewhat reassuring. After all, she had never reason to think that Shining Armor was a particularly hard commanding pony to get along with. Or so she had heard. “Blade Motif.” The captain’s voice rang out, quietly but infinitely loud in the empty office. “You’re next, Sergeant.” She needed no further prompting. She bounced to her hooves, and tossed the magazine aside with the tip of her wings, before trotting into the Captain’s office. As she crossed the threshold, the door closed with a click, guided by the Captain’s magic, even though he didn’t look up. Shining Armor was the very model of a Royal guard; gleaming white coat— a contrast to Motif’s own dusty pink— and strongly built. He was currently flipping through a file folder on his desk. A folder, which Motif noted, was her personal file. After a moment of ignoring her, he looked up and nodded. “Thank you, Sergeant, for coming on such short notice. Please, have a seat.” The unicorn gestured to the seat across from his desk, one Motif noted was much more comfortable looking than the ones outside. “Thank you, sir. And it was no trouble at all.” Motif said politely, as she settled down adjusting her armor slightly. It would have been a surprise not to have a six month review, but she supposed he was referring more to the fact that the notices had only gone out the week before. “Well, It’s been an eventful few months, hasn’t it?” Shining Armor smiled warmly as he looked at her. “Yes sir.” Indeed it had. In some ways, it felt like a new crisis of sorts occurred almost weekly, like Celestiawork. But that was life in Equestria, she supposed. “Good, good,” Shining Armor said, having already returned to the file with a sort of absent-mindedness. “Now, I’ve been going over your file, and I have to say, I’m impressed. Very good reports from all your COs, not to mention this citation for your work with that donut robbery, very impressive, yes.” Shining Armor looked up and smiled at her, as his voice took on a conspiractical tone. “Just between you and me, Sergeant, that Donut shop is a favorite of both Princess Twilight, and my wife. I daresay I wouldn’t have heard the last of it, had something happened to Donut Joe.” “Just doing my job, sir,” Motif said, her chest swelling with pride despite her humble words. “Always happy to serve.” “Indeed,” Shining Armor’s tone was suddenly more somber, and more serious. “Now, as I said, your record is very good—” he paused and flipped to another page, which seemed to be a medical report of some sort. “And you’re in excellent health, I’ll note.” “I do try, sir.” Motif agreed, feeling a bit worried. Why the sudden coolness? “Well, there’s one area of concern,” Shining Armor said, looking up at her again and awkwardly clearing his throat. “I can’t help, uh, noticing that you’re not, well… expecting.” “Sir?” “You’re not pregnant, sergeant,” Shining clarified unnecessarily. “Now, I’ve noticed you’re doing a very good job here, but I can’t help but notice you’re failing in this particular area.” “I don’t understand.” “Sergeant, I’m sure you’re aware that the Royal Guard, for over a thousand years, has been a male only organization,” Shining said, his voice becoming somewhat lecture like. “I promised Princess Celestia that I’d double the guard, but part of that is retaining new guards. Most stallions don’t see the point in joining the guard you see, and it hasn’t always been the most friendly of professions in the past. Part of the reason I recruited you and your cohort was, well...” “Sir!” Motif could hardly believe her ears. Was he truly saying that the only reason she was a guard, the reason she was sharing barracks with stallions, was because they expected her to be some sort of broodmare? The idea was truly offensive. Yet, even as she blushed, the thought of it— thoughts she had walled herself off from for most of her time serving in the guard— crept up on her. The thought of being under one of those big, strapping, strong stallions, being utterly used— It was fortunate that her coat was so pink, otherwise the Captain would see her violent blush. Although, given the expression he was giving her— somewhat knowing— perhaps he could, even with her cheeks hidden by the chanfron’s cheek plates. “I’ll note that most of your fellow mare guards don’t seem to be alarmed by this,” Shining said. That much was true; Motif knew full well that a number of the other mares in the guard had essentially joined for the opportunity to get close to some of the strongest, well-toned stallions in the country. For Motif, though, it seemed a bit like joining a farm just in the hopes of rubbing up against some hard working stud. Of course, it seemed that most stallions didn’t mind that… perhaps she shouldn’t be surprised. “You can’t be seriously saying that the only reason we’re here is— is to have sex with them?” Motif protested, her voice stumbling over the words that seemed wholly inappropriate to be saying to her captain. “Of course not,” Shining said with a tone of reasonability. “After all, bearing foals would anchor these stallions to the Guard, and having both parents in the same profession, statistically, has been shown to increase the odds that the foal will follow in their hoofsteps.” “I—” Motif wasn’t sure if that was true or not, but she could only remember all those families where all the ponies in the family worked at the same job— such as farmers. “As I said,” Shining continuined, with a heavy sigh as he shut the file folder. “I am impressed with the work you’re doing, but I’m afraid this is a critical issue here. I’m not sure I can keep you in the guard, if you’re not, well… willing to fulfill all the duties expected of you.” “So you want me to go out and fuck the first cock I see, sir.” Motif said, not as a question, but with a certain sort of bitterness. It was unfair. She loved being a Royal Guard, helping protect the throne, even if she had only been one for a relatively short amount of time. “Of course not,” the captain said, shaking his head. “I would never suggest such a thing; after all, a broken family is no good to keeping the Royal Guard healthy or happy either. But, Blade Motif, I think we can both agree that you need to show that you’re willing to make the effort to, uh, get to know your fellow guards.” “And how can I do that?” Motif asked, hating the almost tone of begging in her voice. After all, she was better than this, surely? “Well…” Shining Armor rubbed his chin, deep in thought. “Well, I suppose we need to make it clear you are interested, even if, ah, some of your actions to date have not been as friendly, so to speak.” “But how?” Motif wondered out loud. Was he expecting her to go into the barracks and bend over for the first pony with a dick? “I can think of one way you can show you’re making an effort…” Shining said. He didn’t say anymore, but rather, pushed his chair back from the desk, and turned it slightly. Despite herself, she sat up a bit straighter, a bit taller in her seat, so she could see more of him, and his unspoken meaning. That was plain as day. From her vantage point, and the way he was sitting in his chair, she could clearly see his cock and balls— still sheathed, of course— just peeking out from his belly. It wasn’t the first time she had seen such— after all, ponies were rarely clothed, but it felt like it was the first time she had really seen them. It was rude to stare, and her mother had been sure to disabuse her of the notion that she should look at any stallion’s bits, at least not those attached to a pony she wasn’t involved with. Certainly not the Captain of the Guard. There was something alluring about the pink flesh of his balls, and the thinned fur around his sheath, she had to admit. “Sir?” There wasn’t really a purpose to asking, but perhaps she wanted to hear it from him directly. “You’re a smart pony, Sergeant,” Shining said, his hoof sliding down his barrel and running against his cock as he spread his legs a little further. “Show me how much you want to serve Equestria, and the Princesses.” Motif swallowed hard, then steeled herself as she got out of her chair and moved around the big oak desk. Closer, she could tell the stallion was eager, his sheath starting to retract just a bit, even as she lowered herself to her belly before the Captain. “No no,” Shining said with a grunt. She looked up at him, and he shook his head as he met her eyes. “Not like this. I’m not fucking a robot, sergeant, there’s a good girl.” She stared, then nodded, and started to undo her armor. Of course, it would be uncomfortable if she wore hard, cold metal all over her body. Motif bent double, fully aware of how much she was exposing herself, as her mouth sought out the straps of her armor and started to undo them. Usually, one had to get the help of another guard to do this, but Motif was fortunate enough to be a pegasus and flexible enough to do it on her own. Still, it meant exposing herself, and she could feel the unicorn’s eyes on her, on her body, on her curves. It was uncomfortable in a different way… or it should have been. Motif felt something building inside her, a sort of excitement, driven by the naughtiness of this; it was thrilling not mortifying. “Here, let me help with that,” The captain said, just as she was reaching for the tail of one of the thigh straps. Before her teeth could close on it, it lit up, and with an expert tug that made Motif think he had been undressing guards for years, the belt loosened enough that she could shrug off the croupiere. Without stopping, the magic moved across her crotch to the next thigh strap, brushing against her teats; the magic made her sensitive, taut skin tingle. She knew some mares who loved the sensation of magic against flesh, and she could see why. The armor slipped off her body, falling to the floor with a clank, as she looked up at the stallion sitting above her, sitting in his chair while she sat on the floor, her eyes level with his crotch. Here, at eye level, she could see how weighty his balls were, how thick his dick was, even still hidden in his sheath. It was only just now becoming hard, the head peeking out to greet her. Motif’s eyes drifted up to her Captain’s, who met them with a grim, but not disinterested look. “You know what to do, Sergeant, right?” “O-of course, sir,” Motif agreed. It wasn’t her first time sucking cock, after all. She pulled herself forward, freeing herself from the remains of her armor, and without intending to, shoving her nose deep into the stallion’s crotch; his flaccid dick was hot on her nose, while his big, virile testicles were cool against her chin. She breathed deep, steeling herself, before opening her mouth and kissing the underside of the sheath. The first kiss was gentle, light, but she moved her way down towards his balls, thinking to give him time to expose himself. Under her lips, the smooth flesh of his family gems was cool. She gave them an experimental lick; they were salty, the sort of flavor you’d expect from a stallion, a pony who spent his time outside doing hard work, training. Here, so close to his belly and thighs, Motif could see the tautness of his muscles, almost feel the strength of them with her gaze. Motif could see why so many of her fellow guards had been unable to resist the temptation, and she couldn’t help but think to herself, in that moment, that sucking such a stallion off to keep her job… that was a fair enough trade. She didn’t let up, each lick pausing just slightly to cup his balls, before letting them slide off. It was slow work, but from the groans coming from the stallion, she knew she was on the right track. It only took a few heartbeats, it felt, for his cock to emerge fully from his sheath, the pink, mottled thing, growing and growing, hanging somewhat limply as it became hard. It was long and thick, and perfect. As he grew, she moved from his sac, working her way up the underside of the dick, kissing and licking alternatively as she went. She wrapped one hoof around the shaft, as she went up towards the head of it, partly to stroke the captain’s dick, but mostly to stabilize the hardening dick. The head, even unflared, was thick and gleaming with precum as she reached it. Without hesitation, Motif kissed the head, lapping at it, and tasting the bitter fluid. It was rarely pleasant, but she had to admit, today it tasted pretty good… Satisfied with the nearly rock hard dick in her hooves, bobbing under her nose with the Captain's heartbeat, she took a moment, to step back and really take him in. He had, truly, a magnificent dick. “It’s so big,” she whispered, thinking a little bit of truthful compliments wouldn’t hurt her case much. “We grow’em big in the guard.” Shining grinned. Motif snorted at that, and resisted the urge to roll her eyes— which she failed—before diving back in. The cock was far too large for any pony to really take into her mouth— only the most unfortunate of stallions were that small, and Shining was far from that. However, that didn’t meant she couldn’t pleasure it. With one hoof gently rubbing his sac, she kissed and sucked on the cock, moving all over the thick, veiny organ to make sure no part of it was unloved or untouched. Every now and again the stallion would groan, and a few times his hoof unbiddenly came to rest on her head— which she shooed off with an angry flick of her ears. She may well be sucking the cock of the Captain of the Guard to keep her job as a royal guard, but by Luna, she was going to do it her way, and no other. Still, despite being married, the poor stallion must not have been getting much at home, since he seemed to react like a needy teenager under lips and hooves. He seemed almost comically rigid in his seat, as he huffed and puffed, clearly trying to restrain his body’s natural wants, as he let her work him over. Motif was no better, though. While one hoof remained firmly around his cock, stroking the base of it, or rubbing against his balls, she found her other hoof drifting towards her own intimate parts. She could feel herself becoming increasingly aroused, and her hoof rubbed between her teats, towards her treasure, and came away soaked. It had been too long, she supposed, since she had gotten laid— to have a stallion under her lips, against her tongue again, it was extremely exciting, and apparently arousing. She was sure she was leaving a puddle on the floor under her hind legs Still, despite whatever royal guard discipline his years in the guard might have afforded him, it was clear he was getting increasingly close to cumming. His balls tightened under her gentle rubbing, and his tip started to flare, a sure sign of an impending eruption. Which was why she was surprised when his hoof rested on her cheek again, and he stroked upwards; “N-no,” Shining hissed, pushing her away from his cock. In her eagerness to please the captain, Motif had let herself lean against him, balancing against him. His push was gentle enough, but it still sent her flopping onto her ass into a slightly damp spot on the ground, with an awkward and surprised squeak. “No no,” Shining said, each pant acompaded by his cock twitching, swinging lewdly between his hind legs and so tantalizingly in front of her nose. “Sergeant, remember why you’re here.” Motif stared at him in confusion. Then it dawned on her, and her mouth dropped open. It was one thing, surely, to suck her captain off, but another thing to— “I didn’t bring you here to knight you, Sergeant,” Shining said firmly, even as he slowly stroked himself. “I think we both know what you need to do.” Motif gulped. “Yes, Captain.” Of course she did. After all, it wasn’t simply sex Shining Armor— and, by extension, the Princesses— were expecting from her, no, she was expected to let stallions mount her, fill her with their seed, and maybe, if they were so lucky, raise the next generation of guards. Shining nodded, satisfied that she understood, and then proceeded to push everything on his desk off, putting it onto the floor in front of the door, perhaps as a means of protecting their privacy. It hardly looked very comfortable, but as if reading her thoughts, he produced two cushions and placed them on the desk. It wasn’t a tall desk, fortunately, and Motif had no problem using her wings to climb up on top of it, even if she felt a bit weird with her rear end hanging over the side, her hooves barely brushing the ground. Her ass was fully and completely presented to the stallion she had just been sucking off. She wiggled a bit, getting comfortable on the cushions, and undoubtedly exciting her captain with her movements, as she waited for him. Shining Armor, as long as she had known him, was not the sort of pony who would keep another waiting, if he could help it. He was always very functional. Which was why it was surprising he didn’t mount her immediately. She felt something of a fool, her rear hanging off the side, her wings splayed out onto the oak wood surface of the desk, waiting for him to mount her. She turned to ask what he was hesitating for, only to feel him hastily shove her tail out of the way and his hot breath caress her lips. Truly, he didn’t wait, she barely registered what was happening before he started to lick her pussy, his thick, warm tongue lapping up the leaking juices from her cunt, not that it made her any cleaner. Her body reacted almost before she knew what was happening, issuing a low, pleasure-laden moan of appreciation as his tongue started to part her pussy’s lips, slip in side slowly, but there was nothing reluctant about the motion. Motif knew some stallions didn’t care for this, but it was clear from the hot breaths gusting out of his nose, against her delicate bits, he was as eager and into it as she was. “Shining—” Motif got out, perhaps a complaint, or a suggestion, her pleasure addled brain wasn’t completely sure, and before she could sort out her feelings from the maelstrom, she winked, her clitoris peeking out as any hot and bothered mare’s would, and brushing against his lower lips. She could feel a bit of stubble from the later afternoon’s growth. A rough and unexpected texture that made her shiver. She wasn’t the only one to notice her secret nub, that small heart shaped seat of pleasure, touching his lip, though. “Please—” she begged, or pleaded, even as Shining shifted his head, his nose pressing up against her pussy lips, as his own lips and tongue sought a new target. His thick lips wrapped around her nub, holding it, sucking on it, as his tongue gently played across the trapped tip. It was all too much for Motif. She had been so long without the attention of stallions, surrounded by some of the most virile and strong males in Equestria, resisting them, trying to ignore them, even as she heard her fellow mares fucking them at night, or otherwise giving into their natural urges. She wasn't made of stone. Maybe she had resisted, but now, she wished she hadn’t. Motif came, a wave of pleasure shooting through her clitoris like a lightning bolt, a tingle running up her spine, sending waves of pleasure throughout her flesh, sending her muscles twitching, quivering with pent up need and energy. She shook, practically rattling the table, under the big stallion’s firm lips and vigorous tongue. She came, and cried as she did. She came, and felt her cunt contract, clamp down on that nonexistent cock, that dick she had been practically promised only moments before, even as her muscles tried to wrench her nub from his lips. Shining held firm, though, and rode her orgasms like the champion he was. She panted, what felt like an hour later, half dazed with the strength of it, half confused by the surprise actions of the stallion. After all— Motif knew, or thought she knew— she wasn’t there for that. It was nice to be cared for, though. At some point he had let go, let her body try and curl up around itself. And out of the corner of her eye, she could see him looming over her. Motif turned to look at him, at her captain. Shining wore a grin that on a lesser stallion— or perhaps one she wasn’t seeing through the haze of a earthquake of orgasms— might be called shit-eating. The effect wasn’t spoiled over much by the general wetness of his muzzle. Her work, no doubt. As she met his eyes, she found herself intensely blushing. It was embarrassing for her to lose control like that. “Let it never be said,” Shining chuckled, “that I don’t know how to take care of my princesses.” “Princesses?” Motif said questioningly, finding it something to latch on to. “Of course,” Shining said, his voice silky smooth, as he shifted his position, and reared up, placing one hoof beside her flank, his pastern brushing gently against her cutie mark. “I know how to treat a mare like one, you know, from experience.” It was enough to remind her of the fact that Shining was a married pony. It didn’t exactly turn her off, if anything, as her cheeks burned, she couldn’t help but feel a bit more turned on at the prospect. On the other hoof… Her frown clearly got her point across, and Shining coughed hastily. “Oh hush,” Shining said with a semblance of peevishness that was likely unbecoming of the Captain of the Royal Guard. Still, he was nothing if not quick on his hooves— one in particular distracted Motif as it traced a path under her dock, towards her dripping pussy. Thoughts of protest fled her mind as she shivered, her pussy twitching at the hard edge of an intruder, even if he only caressed the edge of her flesh. “A-ah,” Motif half moaned, her cheeks flushing as her wings twitched against the captain’s desk uselessly. “Very good, Sergeant. All nice and warm for me,” Shining said with a grin, and shifted his position, adjusting himself. From her place on his desk, Motif couldn’t see his cock, but she could imagine it; the thick, long dick, half flared from earlier, dripping precum into her own puddle of juices, swaying as its owner adjusted himself for her body. It was foolishness, she didn’t even need him to find herself incredibly turned on. If she had ever been spent, her body responded with eagerness and want. She wanted more, and Motif shivered violently as her pussy winked again, exposing her wet clitoris to the outside world. As it rose out of her warm, damp depths, the cool air chilled it, sending little thrills down her spine again. She needed him. Badly. Her Captain wasn’t quite willing to oblige. His movements were almost painfully slow even before he touched her, and as he shifted his weight forward, his hooves on either side of her barrel, he leaned down. Motif shivered as his lips traced a line of feather soft pecks and gentle nips up her spine. Each ghostly touch, each loving tug, made Motif’s eyes roll back in her head, she was practically begging him— no, she was begging him, she was sure of it— to take her, fuck her hard then and there. Shining’s lips moved up her neck, up her cheek, along her ear, just brushing them with exquisite lightness. She nearly thought she might cum again, right then and there, just from the teasing. But she didn’t, and she was glad of it; as she lay, half distracted in pleasurable fog, she was surprised to feel him suddenly hard and hot against her pussy. Motif let out a surprised squeak— as if she hadn’t moments before been moaning for it, as the blunt head rested against her winking, hungry cunt. Against the smooth bluntness of the cockhead, she found no hold, merely moistening his already leaking cock. “Sergeant,” Shining’s voice broke through the swirling surrealness of it, his voice stern, commanding. “Are you ready to fulfil your duties as a guard? As a mare?” The question must have been rhetorical, because no sooner had the commanding question issued from his mouth than he thrust forward. Shining’s thick, blunt, veiny cock pushed into her, almost with no resistance even as she clamped down, as if her body was paradoxically trying to expel an invader, to no avail. She was too needy, her cunt too slick with hard won pleasures, to offer any true resistance as he penetrated her. “Fuck,” Shining groaned. The unflappable stallion for the first time sounding tugged by the same desires fueling Motif’s fire. “So tight.” Shining pushed in, his body resting on top of her, pressing Motif against the cushions, a comforting, reassuring and oh-so sexy weight. His crotch slapped against hers with a sudden jolt, and for a moment he stood there, mounting her, savoring her. She could feel his whole length in her pussy, so hot and rigid. She could almost feel his heartbeat through the shaft, its pace quick and eager like its owner. Motif clamped down on him, her little nub pressing against the underside of his shaft, burying itself in the flesh, lightly brushing against the stallion’s heavy sack. “Ahh!” As if the appreciative moan broke the Captain from his daze, Shining shifted, grinding against her, in her, as he positioned himself on top of her. He started slow, like a good stallion should, sliding out of her with an almost painful tease to leave her hanging, before gloriously, and thunderously, pushing back in, grinding against her nub, filling her pussy with his hard cock, taking her as his own. She could feel every inch of him, from his thickening head, to his medial ring, to his heavy balls as they slapped against her thighs and clitoris. “So fuckin’ tight.” Suddenly his hoof was there, at her cheek, guiding her mouth to his; there was a hunger there, one that had been revealed to her when she had sucked his cock, but there was more to it. They kissed, their lips meeting, parting, their tongues sliding as they stroked one another. The scent of herself drenched all over his muzzle filled her nose, a musky, hopelessly erotic scent, just as he no doubt could taste himself on her tongue. The kiss was brief, or so it seemed, but it was like a trigger for the stallion; suddenly they weren’t just having sex in his office, suddenly he was fucking her. He grew wild, his hunger and pent up needs unleashed, slamming into her again and again, grinding against her nub, filling her slobbering cunt, trying to drive himself into her. Motif could feel it before it happened, his breath hitched, so close and hot in her ear, and suddenly the wild momentum took on a halting, shuddering edge to it, his body quivering as if he was trying to hold back; his cock’s head was thickening, flaring within her, ready to fill her with seed. She wasn’t going to let him back out of it, not now, not so close… “Come for me, Captain!” Motif whispered, as she pulled her thighs together, tightening herself just as the bucking unicorn thrust in, with reluctantly eager abandon. Shining swore, groaned loudly, as he slammed into her, thrusting into her with one final stroke, his flare locking them together, holding them as he burst within her. “Y-yes!” Motif cried, unconcerned by who might hear her, as she shivered with her own, less dramatic pleasure. She could feel his hot seed oozing out around his cock, aided as the Captain kept trying to half heartedly thrust, as if she wasn’t already full of his love. She could feel his tight sack against her nub, the rhythmic pulsing of his cock as spurt after spurt burst into her. He slowed, and stopped, his breaths coming out as gusty gales as the last few moments caught up with him. Finally, Shining sighed heavily, but not unhappily, in her ear; his tenseness drained out of him along with his cum. After a second, he kissed the side of her head again, and out of the corner of her eye, Motif could see him smiling a warm, loving smile, far different from the stern Captain who had met her no more than fifteen minutes before. “Well, how was that?” Shining said in a certain tone of voice, as he nuzzled her sensitive ears in the way he knew she liked so. “Does that satisfy you, ah, Sergeant?” Was it too much to ask that he maintain character? Part of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza wanted to glare at her husband. But that part was drowned out in the warm sea of contentment, only some of which was currently running a rivulet down her hind legs. It was hard to stay mad at him, even harder to chastise him in the post-coital bliss. Later, perhaps. “Wonderful,” Cadance practically purred, dropping her own character. She shifted under the heavy stallion’s weight. “If my good Captain would be so kind as to get off me, though…” Shining snorted with only a fraction of his normal vigor, and backed off her, and out. His softening cock dragging one final, sweet trail of pleasure as it pulled out, leaving her with a cold and empty feeling—-and splashing a good amount of their shared juices on the floor. Fortunately, they had brought plenty of towels. Neither of them felt like dealing with that just yet, though, and Shining crawled onto the desk next to Cadance— she generously lifted her wing to give him room and to drape over her champion like a blanket—- onto his back. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his cock quickly sliding back into its sheath, and she didn’t bother hiding her lick-lipping. Her husband just chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. “Still not satisfied?” “I’m an alicorn,” Cadance said stately, barely holding back her own laughter at herself. “I have a big appetite.” “So you do,” Shining sighed happily, as he stared up at the ceiling. Cadance knew he’d get there eventually, and in the meantime… “So who was that mare?” Cadance asked, curious. Obviously, between the two of them, they had arranged all this— between their very public personas and their daughter, they couldn’t be nearly as spontaneous as they might like to be. However, the other guard wasn’t one she had met before. “Oh, I was quite serious,” Shining said, his voice sober, “when I said Celestia wants me to double the guard. I may not be the Captain of the Royal Guard all the time, but I take my oaths seriously, and that includes helping our new female guards bear the next generation of guards.” She smacked him with the flat of her wing, with the hardness such a joke deserved, which was to say she could barely keep the grin off her face Shining burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, but honestly… No, she actually is one of our new recruits, it just happened she was scheduled for today,” Shining smirked. “I thought it’d be fun to take advantage of real life a bit." This time he actually became truly somber. “I’m glad the guard has such an extensive maternity package, though. Which is a bit odd considering we’ve had nothing but stallions and geldings in it.” “Celestia likes to plan ahead, I suppose,” Cadance said absentmindedly, as she watched him closely. She knew her husband well, very well, and she suspected he was nearly ready for round two. Hapless bystanders that her husband may have inadvertently pulled into their special day would have to wait until later. Cadance’s wing half heartedly slapped her husband again, coming to rest on his belly. After a moment’s urge to resist, it slid down towards his crotch, the long, rigid primaries tracing a line through his coat, brushing against the wetness on his barrel, something both of them had contributed to. She knew from experience that she’d have to be careful: Shining’s balls and dick would likely be sensitive, but the potential rewards… Her husband stifled a grunt as the feathers stroked his hidden stallionhood, giving her a look that was half amused, half horny. “Speaking of plans,” Cadance cooed, her tail twitching behind her as she shifted her position slightly. “As I recall, we still have a few hours before either of us have to be anywhere…”