> Racey Running Rivals > by Misty-Fly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The only logical way to peace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash stumbled off the track and rolled onto her back, staring up at the evening sky. She would have to stand up in a second to stretch, she knew that. Her body seemed to have other ideas though and protested with enthusiastic muscle burning as she stood up slowly to begin her stretching routine. As she stretched, Rainbow peered across the court, eyes fixed on the subject of the rage she’d been feeling throughout her practice session. Lightning Dust, the golden-haired slut. Rainbow had been the runner for both the 100m and 300m sprints in her age group for the past four years by now, with Dust coming in a close second every time. Rainbow could see how much that frustrated her, not that it was something R.D. minded too much. Dust had already reached the locker room when Rainbow was finishing up her stretches. As she walked down the path, already peeling off her clothing she looked up again at the night sky. Dust had been getting better, slowly creeping closer to, and in some cases past, Rainbow’s times during practice. As a result of their skills growing closer than ever, both Rainbow and Dust often found themselves practicing long before and after school hours. Normally they remained silent, glaring daggers at each other, never interacting and finally leaving. But they were facing a game fairly soon and the antagonism had begun to reach a fever pitch. “You were looking a little slow out there” came Dust’s snide voice the moment Rainbow stepped into the locker room. Rainbow had finished removing her outfit by this point and was tossing it into the heap she’d left her casual clothing in. Naked and ready for her own shower, she looked up at Dust. Her rival was under one of the shower heads, taking in the spray, water rapidly rolling down her own naked form. Her hair had recently been cut short. Rainbow had to admit that it was an improvement, Lightning looked great. “It’s your tits that are slowing you down” Dust continued, turning to face Rainbow with a sly grin. She grabbed her own breasts and gave them a squeeze. “Too big, those and your fat ass.” In truth, R.D.’s bust was barely larger than Lightning Dust's but she still found herself taking an enraged step forward. The slightest provocation was enough to induce anger at this point. “And yet I keep beating you” she shot back, “every single time.” Dust shrugged, “the streak breaks tomorrow sweetie.” Rainbow kept walking until she stood right in front of the other woman, the spray of the shower pelting down on the both of them. Their hateful eyes met each other. “Sweetie? You don’t ‘sweetie’ me. Tomorrow I’m going to win, and then” she stepped right up close to Dust, leaving the skin of their bodies brushing against each other ever so slightly, “and then I think I’m gonna take your boyfriend for another little ride. Maybe we’ll even let you watch this time.” Rainbow wasn’t like this, not normally, but there was something in Dust’s attitude that made her lose control, something enticing and maddening that came from no one else in the world but Lightning Dust. L.D. wanted to slap or shove her, hard. But she knew how wet the shower had left these flowers and she wasn’t willing to risk an accident. But then she noticed how close their bodies were to each other, and a new idea formed in her mind. “Why bother with him when you could fuck me?” Rainbow hadn’t been expecting that, and all she could manage in response as a “huh?” Dust’s smile turned grim as her hands shot up, she gripped Rainbow’s nipples and squeezed as hard as she could. Rainbow cried out as pain lanced through her body. “If you win tomorrow,” Dust said “you can wear my strap on and fuck me senseless. I’ll even let you film it. Humiliate me, even the Wonderbolts get to find out and see.” She released Rainbow, her hands remaining in place over her rival’s breasts, “but when I win, and I’m going to win, then I do the same to you.” Rainbow stared at Dust, she was dead serious. There was something wild in the other girl’s eyes, something Rainbow was finding attractive. “Alright,” Rainbow said, her voice in a low growl, “but first thing’s first’ she stepped forward in a brusk, sudden movement that forced Dust back against one of the walls. Rainbow placed her two hands on either side of Dust, trapping her there. Then, after a moment of silence, her lips left forward and met Dust’s in an aggressive kiss. There was something desperate and hungry in their actions as the two women wrapped their arms around each other, but yet another layer of competition seemed to rear its head. Rainbow gripped Dust’s shoulders tight and, without breaking the frantic contact of their lips she shoved and slammed her rival against the wall three more times. Dust gasped at each contact but this only seemed to egg her on as she took hold of Rainbow’s hair and pulled tight, kisses short yet deep. The hands of both women slid downward as they locked hate-filled eyes, fingers sliding between each other’s legs and finding their targets. Their fingers went to work, rubbing on each other’s clits and sliding inside each other’s pussies as their lips connected again. They stepped out of the stream of water, fingers rapidly pumping in and out of each other and moans belting from their mouths at top volume. Finally, Dust broke the kiss and stepped away, a mad grin fixed to her face. She grabbed Rainbow’s arm’s tight, digging her nails in and pulled her downward until Dust was sitting on one of the wooden benches, with Rainbow on her knees on the floor in front of her. Dust spread her legs wide and bared her clean shaven slit to her rival. “Eat” she said, her voice harsh. Rainbow spat, the saliva striking Dust in the face. She barely flinched, tightening her nail-biting grip on Rainbow’s arms. Rainbow let out a slight whimper and finally bent her head down. “Bitch,” she said as she lowered her face between Dust’s legs. “Not my fault you’ve got no pain tolerance, you shrieking wimp” Dust shot back. Without another word, Rainbow buried her face in Dust’s cunt, her tongue licking long strokes upward before settling in on small flicks of her tongue over the clit. Dust leaned her head back and moaned up to the ceiling as her rival ate her out. This lasted for only mere moments before Rainbow grabbed Dust and pulled her down onto the floor, diving on top of her. The fingers of both women launched between their legs. They pressed against each other, two bodies rubbing together as pleasure overtook their senses. “I’m gonna fuck you tomorrow,” Dust said, breath staggered and voice rasping from her lips in between each kiss. “My hands sliding over your body, spreading your legs and plunging a fake cock so deep inside of you that-” She didn’t finish, she didn’t get the chance. Rainbow gripped Dusts cheeks in a tight grip. “Shut up and fuck me right now.” Her hand released Dust’s face, only to wind back and slap her across the cheek. Dust yelped at the stinging pain, but this only spurred her on. She brought her free hand up in an arc and returned the strike. For a moment the two women were locked in the rhythm of finger-fucking each other with one hand and slapping each other with the other. Until Dust’s freehand found purchase around Rainbow’s throat. There was a widening of Rainbow’s eyes as Dust strangled her. She slapped Dust again, twice more, whilst adding a third finger to Dust’s cunt, before finally taking a grip of her rival’s own neck. And there the rivals lay, faces pressed together in a hateful kiss, fingers around each other’s necks and pushing the rough speed of their pussy-buried fingers until they both shuddered, bodies shaking as the violent orgasms passed through them both. They screamed out their pleasure and pain in a single, joined cry before finally falling still, chests rising and falling as they caught their breaths. “I hate you” Rainbow said, plating a messy kiss on Dust’s lips. “The sight of you disgusts me” Dust responded, returning the kiss as they wrapped their arms around each other and rolled over, hips already grinding toward each other’s heats, ready for another round. > The Race > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new day had come. And it was time to decide, once and for all, who was the better athlete. Everything was on the line for Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust. Losing today wouldn't just mean coming second to the other woman, it would mean being fucked silly by the other woman's strap on. And as she sat in the near empty changing room, Rainbow Dash told herself that she was completely calm. Lightning Dust stood there, hand on one hip, staring down at Rainbow Dash with fury in her eyes. Rainbow only remained seated, finishing tying her shoelace as her rival continued to glower. Dash was hoping that this would give off an air of nonchalance, that Dust would consider Dash as an opponent who didn’t care about the possibility of losing, because that possibility was so slim. And as far as Dash was concerned, the possibility of losing WAS slim. But that wasn't the reason she kept her gaze so firmly locked down to her feet. The truth was, Dash didn’t look up at Dust because… Well…  With her tight running shorts clinging to her powerful legs and a similarly tight top clinging to her chest, showing off her powerful shoulders and muscled abdomen, Lightning Dust was a gorgeous sight to behold. And Rainbow Dash wasn’t going to give her lust the upper hand. Not today. Not until after the race, at least.  “I’m looking forward to fucking you,” Lightning Dust said, cutting through Rainbow’s trepidations and getting straight to the point, it was certainly enough to get Rainbow Dash to look up at the other woman. “The whole school’s gonna see you on your knees by tomorrow morning, once I release the footage. Bent over, legs spread, being fucked like a jackhammer by a better sportswoman.” No one ever credited Rainbow Dash with self control. By the time Lightning Dust finished speaking, Dashie was up on her feet and standing eye to eye with Dust, barely a foot of distance between them. Their breath was hot on each other’s faces and Lightning Dust took another step forward. Dash didn’t back down, holding her position until Dust walked her body right into Dash’s. And there they stood, bodies clad in tights that covered barely anything, small breasts pressed together and lips barely touching. Their eyes locked to each other. It was just like the other night. And Dash could see it was already about to have a similar result. They could always give in now, share a kiss, share in each other's bodies. Through lust or rage or a sheer combination of both they could give into each other and end this feud now with a concession of passion. Dash could see Dust considering the idea herself. Their heads tilted ever so slightly, their lips touched lightly, ready to give in to-- “Lightning Dust, Rainbow Dash! It’s time!” The voice of Coach Spitfire called out from outside of the changing rooms, snapping the two women from the moment and back to attention. They quickly stepped away from each other, forcing the moment between them into silence, shooting only ugly glares at each other as they shoved their gear back in their bags. Lightning Dust reached the door first, but stopping to flash a menacing grin at Rainbow Dash. “See you after the race, Dashie.” Dash strode forward, saying nothing as she passed Dust and, in a sudden movement, raised her hand and spanked the other woman’s ass as hard as she could. Lightning Dust yelped and fixed Rainbow Dash with a furious, hate filled glare.  Dash sucked her thumb and winked at Dust before striding out into the daylight sun. This was not her first race and Rainbow Dash was used to the crowd by now, in fact she loved it. Other runners would often complain that they were unable to concentrate through all the shouting, chanting and war cries. Spitfire even gave some of them advice on how to tune them out, to focus on only the race ahead of them. Rainbow Dash did not need that advice. She adore the crowd fiercely. Specifically, she adored how they adored her. Worshiped her. Recognized just how awesome and incredible she was. Lightning Dust did not understand how much better than her Dash was, and she was going to prove it once and for all here and now. And then she'd prove it again in the shower room once everyone had left, and they had the space to themselves. Lightning Dust... Lightning Dust. What an awful cow of a person. Rainbow Dash hated her. She hated her face and the sound of her voice, hated the way she ran and pushed herself. She hated how Lightning Dust thought she could be the better of the two. It was an infuriating challenge made by a snide, unpleasant woman. And Dash was going to put her in her place. Put her in her place. Put...Her...In...her... BANG. The gunshot signaled the start of the race. Dash exploded off the starting line, sprinting, practically galloping across the distance. Barely a few strides took her well beyond her competitors. An easy win. Her powerful legs carried her like the wind itself. She was flying down the strip! And then the sound of footfalls reached her ears. Beyond the distant thunder of the other runners, a storm subsiding as she outpaced it with ease, came a new storm. Lightning Dust, carried by a second wind and that petulant need to beat her, was gaining on Rainbow Dash. The lead runner put her head down and pushed herself harder, meters flying by as they neared the finish line but it wasn't helping her, wasn't doing any good. Lightning Dust was gaining, gaining until suddenly the two were neck and neck. There was barely any space left to gain, neither had more in the tank, pushed to the peaks of their speed this was the destined result of the race. Equals. Except, that wasn't what either woman had in mind, what either woman would settle for. Perhaps better women would have allowed the race to continue, to see who the judges favoured, to allow a shared victory and find another resolution to their little contest. But Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust were not better women. Dash wasn't entirely sure which of them started the fight, who swung first. Was it that Lightning Dust tried to shove her to the side? Was it that Dash gripped Dust by her short golden hair and pulled back. She was pretty sure that both of these things happened but... Well, it didn't matter who started it. What mattered was that they fell, tripping over their own conflict turning violent once again as the wrestled on the floor of the track. Dust had her palm shoved in Dash's face, Dash was trying to choke Dust out. Their bodies were sore, not only from the exertion of the run by from the hard fall to the ground. And yet that did not stop the fight. Not until the firm hands of Fleetfoot and Soarin, the assistant coaches, grabbed the two wrestling women and pulled them apart. Dust tried to lunge for Dash again but Soarin's firm grip kept the woman in place. Silent fell over the crowd as the fire of the fight died down and the gravity of the situation finally fell on the rivals. A glance at the finish line, only two meters away, showed every other competitor watching them. They had lost. Dead last... And then Spitfire, head coach, stormed onto the track and up to both women. She wore the same track shirt as the rest of the team, though she wore a skirt instead of running pants, and her eyes were shaded by her large aviator sunglasses. She shoved a finger at Dash and Dust, snarling, "You two, go wait in the locker room. You aren't to leave until the contest is done. I'll speak to you when this is over. Go, now." Angry, young and rebellious meant nothing to Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust in the face of Spitfire's fury. They remained perfectly still as the other coaches let them go, not diving for each other, not eager to continue the fight. Instead they waited until the coaches had walked away before turning on their heels and walking slowly, heads cast down, back to the locker room. And the crowd watched them go. They sat in silence in the locker room, staring at each other for the longest time. For what felt like hours. Really, Dash couldn't tell. She knew that the moment she said something to Dust, or the moment Dust said something to her, it would set off the whole powder keg again and they'd be on each other, with more violence now than even before. And they couldn't be caught like that again, not after the whole school saw them fighting, not after Spitfire yelled at them. Not after they lost the race. How long had it been since either of them had lost a race? Had either ever been disqualified before? It hurt, it was a weight on their shoulders that would not lighten up, a blemish neither could erase. How long would people be talking about them and their fight? They weren't winners in the eyes of the school anymore, they were just angry, jealous rivals. Dash closed her eyes as the others finally came in. She didn't want to see their faces, she didn't want to see them looking at her and wondering what the hell happened to have it all come to this. Did they think she felt threatened by Lightning Dust? Was she? She couldn't really be sure at this point. She was certainly angry with Lightning Dust. But she did nothing to break the silence, especially whilst the rest of the team were present. She heard them talk, she heard them shower, she heard them congratulate each other on their performances and then one by one she heard them leave. And when they were gone and silence had fallen on the locker room Dash finally opened her eyes. And there was Lightning Dust, still sitting there, sitting on a bench just as Dash was, staring hatefully at her. And Rainbow Dash just couldn't help herself. "You're a fucking bitch, Lightning Dust." Lightning Dust shot to her feet in an instant, storming across the room and gripping Dash by the shoulders. She tried to shove Dash off the bench but Rainbow's own hands were gripping Dust by the shirt collar, ensuring she'd tumble over too if she tried anything. Lighting Dust scowled before pointing an accusing finger at Dashie's face. "Take your pants off, now." She released Dash, turned on her heel and starting to walk over to her bag, "I would have won that, so as far as I'm concerned, you're about to get fucked like the loser you are. And, as predicted, the seal was broken, and the two women were at it again. Dash didn't let Lighting reach her bag, she moved quickly, stalking up toward Dust and gripping her by the hair, she pulled hard and Dust yelped, twisting in place and swinging her arm outward. She backhanded Dash with a mighty slap that sent Dash reeling. She slipped on the tiles, falling to the floor. But she kept her grip on Dust's hair and pulled her shrieking rival down with her. An unpleasant slap echoed across the room as they both collided with the floor. Pain lancing up Dash's shoulder and Dust's hip. For a moment both women were disoriented, until Dust managed to pull herself up to a sitting position. "You've done it now, you've done it now!" she growled, turning to the bag once again. But before she could stand, Dash launched herself onto Dust and pinned her to the floor. Dust shouted and slapped at Dash, trying to kick her off and crawl to the bag. Dash pulled herself past Dust, digging her nails into the other woman's shoulders as she did. But just as she started to untangle herself from her rival, Rainbow Dash stiffened and stopped. Lightning Dust had pulled Dash's pants down and plunged two fingers down to their base right into her cunt. Rainbow Dash's progress was halted as her back suddenly arched, pleasure bursting to life between her legs as Dust started relentlessly fingering her. Dash tried clamping her legs shut but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She wanted it too badly, she wanted Lightning Dust too badly. She wanted her body, her lips, her pussy. She wanted to fuck the other woman, she wanted them to writhe together, heats meeting, intents upon each other, lust driving them. But Lightning Dust had other ideas, and with one hand still plunging fingers into Dash, she pulled herself forward, hoping to reach the strap on. But Dash saw what she was doing, and as Lightning Dust got level to her, Dash slipped her own hand down Dust's pants and found her pussy. Their faces were inches from each other, moans mixing together, breath hot on each other's faces as with one hand they finger fucked each other and with their other hands they tried to gain supremacy. Dash slapped Dust, Dust dragged her nails down Dash's hair. They wrapped their hands around each other's throats and squeezed even as their other hands brought each other to a thundering climax. And then...Spitfire. Her voice tore their attention away from each other and right onto her. "Do I even want to ask what in the name of Celestia is happening here?" Spitfire's dry voice could not fail to present absolute and utter fury. And just in case the two thick headed women were not getting her tone, there was yet more anger in her eyes. She stood behind the bench, one hand on her hip and the other holding up Lightning Dust's strap-on. "First I watch, in complete disbelief, as my two best runners decide their time is best spent shoving each other in front of the whole school, blowing their race and embarrassing not only yourselves but also me..." Spitfire knelt down in front of the two women, who were still half naked and tangled up with each other on the floor. "But then I come in here and find you... what? Fighting? Fucking? I can't really tell." Lightning Dust said nothing, Rainbow Dash, possessed of far less sense blurted out, "We're fighting...erm... over who gets to fuck the other." Dust slapped her face with her palm and Spitfire held the strap-on in front of Dash, pointing the cockhead toward her, "Fuck each other using this, I assume?" Dash nodded. Spitfire sighed. And then she pressed the fake phallus forward until the cockhead reached Dash's mouth. The rainbow haired woman was too surprised to do anything other than open the mouth, letting it slide in. Spitfire's voice was sharp, "Then get it ready, like a good girl." "Ma'am?" Lightning Dust asked, as Rainbow Dash tentatively sucked on the strap-on's cock. Spitfire offered up a stern, half lidded expression to Lightning Dust. "The way I see it, you both lost that little race out there, embarrassed me, humiliated yourselves. There's a dispute between my two best runners that cannot result in that bullshit outside happening again. So I'm settling your little fight now. Dash slipped the cock out her mouth and looked up at Spitfire. "Then who's using the strap-on?" Spitfire grinned, rotating her feet and spreading her legs, giving Dash a full view between her legs and up her skirt. "I am." Neither Rainbow Dash nor Lightning Dust had a response to that. There they were, fingers wet with each other's juices, half naked on top of each other in the girl's locker room with their coach kneeling in front of them, flashing a view of her panty-less crotch as she held a strap-on covered in Dashie's spit. Dash turned her head, looking Lightning Dust in the eye, trying to gauge what the other woman was thinking They did not need to speak in order to come to a decision. They separated from each other, both standing up and stripping off their clothes. They were not slow or seductive about it. What little they wore was gone in nearly an instant until the two naked women were standing together in front of Spitfire. Then, with customary speed, they moved to tear Spitfire's clothes off. "Nope," Spitfire said, "not like that." She grinned at them both, "Do it slowly. Together." Dust's eyes snapped wide and Dash's jaw fell open as they looked at Spitfire and then each other, their anger returning. But they did not dare undercut their coach's instructions. She was being kind now, but she could switch back to stern at a moment's notice and neither was willing to risk it. And so their hands worked together, both coiling around Spitfire's shirt and pulling it up and over her head, leaving her almost bare chested but for her bra. Rainbow Dash leaned forward and pressed her lips to Spitfire's neck. The older woman sighed happily as she gave Dash more space, whilst Lighting Dust began kissing around her breasts, hands tugging at the sport's bra. As she pulled it off of Spitfire, freeing her breasts, Dash was sliding down, grabbing at her skirt and pulling it off, kissing her body the whole way. By the time she'd removed Spitfire's skirt, Dash looked up to see Lightning Dust suckling hungrily at one of Spitfire's nipples. Dash moved up to join her, sucking and nibbling at the other as Spitfire's breaths became gasps and pants. The three of them sank down to the ground together, three fit, naked woman, bodies together, kissing, feeling each other, enjoying each other. Legs slipped between thighs, hands felt asses, breasts pressed together, tongues found necks and breaths mingled in the air of moaning heavy breathing. Until finally Spitfire pulled away from the other two and started pulling on the strap on. "So?" Spitfire asked, staring at the two women, "Who's getting it first." Lightning Dust grabbed Dash from behind and for a moment the two women were wrestling again, their sweaty bodies pressing against each other, sliding up and down, hips grinding, breasts pressed together. Once more they almost lost themselves to a mutual lust, even if that lust was driven by disdain and hatred. But finally, Lightning Dust broke out of the stupor and managed to hook an arm around Dash's waist and force her to her knees, face pressed to Lightning Dust's eager cunt and her hips pointed right at Spitfire and her awaiting fake cock. Before Dash could say anything else, Spitfire's hands gripped onto her hips and the cock-head was penetrating her, slipping between her labial folds and into her dripping pussy. Dash moaned as it entered her, filled her velvety insides. Stripes of pleasure streaked from top to bottom and her breathing hitched as Spitfire bottomed out the strap on, hips pressed against Dash's thighs. And then she began to piston. Starting slowly, Spitfire fucked Rainbow Dash with the strap-on, building up a steady rhythm, fingers firmly clutching Dash's ass for leverage. And as the bliss started to build in Dash, she almost didn't notice as Dust grabbed her head on both sides with her hands and pushed it down into her own waiting heat. Hatred for Dust aside, Dash wasn't going to let a waiting pussy so close to her face remain unlicked, and so she set to work, teasing at her clit first with her tongue before catching it between her teeth. Moments later she traded that for her tongue slipping into Dust's cunt, curling upwards, licking and eating and enjoying her taste with wild abandon. The three women remained like that for joyous, pleasurable moments that stretched further and further on. The room was filled with the sounds of moans mixing and dancing together, echoing off the walls and back into each other, all timed with the steady tempo of Spitfire's hips crashing against Rainbow Dash's and her own, self-satisfied grunts. Dash's face was pushed again and again against Dust's cunt as Spitfire fucked her harder and faster, hand slapping Dash's ass. Dust's fingers in her mane. Tasting the pleasured juices of her rival, proud of know she turned the other woman on so much. But soon she couldn't think of that anymore. All she could think of was the fake cock inside of her, the absolute speed and ferocity Spitfire had built up to. "Yes! Fucking fill me! Please coach, please!" she begged, gasping, howling, needing to cum. Her peak came so suddenly upon her that she almost didn't feel it coming. But it did. The orgasm crashed into her, collapsed her, sent her limp to the ground as her eyes shut and her tongue lapped up Lightning Dust's pussy lips. "YES, YES, MORE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" she screamed, and finally flopped over, rolling onto the floor, heavy breathings wracking her body. Her chest rose and fell as she saw stars. But Spitfire wasn't yet done. Not with Lightning Dust, anyway. Their coach adjusted position, lying herself on her back next to Rainbow Dash and flashing a wink at Lightning Dust. "Your turn. I'll give you a headstart, let you set the pace... For now~" "I'm more than up to the challenge," Lightning Dust whispered, red faced, her voice breathy. She strapped Spitfire, positioning the cock until its head was just pressed against her pussy lips. But she did not let it enter her yet. Instead she leaned forward and kissed her coach. It was passionate, eager, preparing them both for the fucking to come. And then a third set of lips entered the fray. For a moment, Dust almost shoved Dash away but the feel of the other woman's lips on her's was too much. And so their three way kiss continued, lips together, hands exploring each other. When Spitfire pulled away from the kiss, Lightning Dust barely noticed. Rainbow Dash's tongue slipped into her mouth and for a moment they hung like that. "I'm still waiting," Spitfire said after a moment. Dust opened her eyes, as did Rainbow Dash. They looked at each other, and could no longer find that spark of hatred. "I'm ready," Dust said, and turned her full attention on Spitfire. The fake cock sank into Lightning Dust as she eased into a hip rocking motion. She rolled them back and forth, lifting herself up in small bouncing motions, working and feeling that cock inside of her, letting it fill her up. She leaned forwards, resting her weight on Spitfire's breasts. As she did so, Rainbow Dash rolled over to Spitfire and pressed her lips to her coach's neck. "Mhmmmm, yes... Just right that," Spitfire moaned, eyes closed, as Dash's lips explored from her neck to her lips. Spitfire held Dash's face in close as their lips embraced passionately, all while Lightning Dust's heated, growing, moans scored the room's lust. Dust started upping her pace, switching from rolling her hips to bouncing, hard and faster, ever increasing pace. Spitfire's own hips humped upwards, meeting Dust's pace, slamming her hips into the other woman's. Spitfire's hands gripped at Lightning Dust's hips sharply, fingers digging in and holding tight as Dust leaned her head back and screamed. "YES, JUST LIKE THAT. FUCK ME COACH, FUCK ME." The only egged Spitfire on, pushing her pace up with the true strength and determination of an athlete, forcing Lightning Dust to keep up. "You like that, my little slut? You gonna misbehave on my track again!?" "No ma'am," Dash said, sitting up, "Only gonna misbehave in here from now on," she winked, "We promise." "Oh yes, yessssss," Dust moaned, "You can punish us right here whenever you want coach," her mewls and squeals were enough to bring Dash back to energy. She moved away from Spitfire's neck and knelt next to the bouncing, moaning Lightning Dust. Dash then took ahold of her hair and firmly pulled it back, diving in to kiss Lightning Dust's neck even as her free hand squeezed and groped at her nipples. "Fuck me, fuck me Dash, fuck me Coach! Use me up, give me your cock and your fingers, give me your pussies and AAAAAAAA" There it was, the two women brought Lightning Dust to a thundering climax. Her body was a shuddering, melty mess as she kept riding even as she came loud enough to shake the room. Finally, when the orgasm subsided, she slid off of Spitfire's cock and onto the floor, followed suit by Rainbow Dash. Dash's lips met Dust's and they kissed passionately. But it was not like before, not an angry, furious desire to hurt each other as they pleased themselves. In seeing each other so thoroughly pleasured in the heat of passion, that enmity was forgotten as lust took over. Now their lips were eager for each other, hands exploring sweaty bodies, hips grinding against each other, new moans overtaking the last ones. Spitfire, grinning ear to ear at a job well done, stood up and slowly removed the strap on. As Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust hooked their hips together, scissoring their pussies against each other, Spitfire pulled on her shirt and skirt. As the two women moaned, hands gripping for each other's breasts, hips rocking together, cunts slick with juices mixing together, Spitfire tied her shoelaces. She knelt next to the two women as their near another climax and kissed each of them. Each kiss was long, passionate. Her hands explored Lightning Dust's face as the woman moaned into her mouth. One of her fingers slid down Dash's body as their lips met, finding Rainbow's clit and rubbing it before finding standing up and leaving them to their next climaxes. On the way out, she picked up the strap on, still soaked in both womens' juices, and carried it out with her. On her way out of the room, she was intercepted by Fleetfoot, who was leaning against the wall with a smarmy grin plastered over her face. "So, how'd it go? Balance restored?" Spitfire only took Fleetfoot's hand and pulled her from the wall, dragging her down the hallway to the teacher's lounge. "Balance restored," Spitfire said, "Now come with me, I need to to put this on and fuck me with it."