> Head Over Heels > by FoolAmongTheStars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > i. An Act of Kindness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Their little remote town was popular this time of the year. Sire’s Hollow was once famous for the talented unicorns that had been born there. Of course, when Princess Celestia opened her School for Gifted Unicorns some two hundred years ago; most unicorns would go there instead of Sire’s Hollow for their magical training. Still, the folks of the town kept up with the tradition of teaching their young the basis of magic, with special permission of the Crown to do so. The teachings and records of their ancestors were the foundations of modern magical education. Starlight loved their mountain home, tucked away though it was from many modern conveniences. She loved the ever-changing mists that trickled through the forests in autumn, the still hush of snow that piled up to the eaves in winter, and the shy woodland flowers that peeped through the leaf mold in springtime. But this was summer, and summers in Sire’s Hollow were something else. Every year, their town was opened to guests who came to learn more about the old ways. Young unicorns with magic talent had a summer camp. Those with interest in combat, tested their skills against young dragons eager to prove their superiority. Old mares taught herb lore, and old stallions traded tales that grew more fantastical with every pass of the apple cider. They even got their share of tourists. Curiosity seekers and photographers snuck in all the time, hoping to catch a glimpse of otherworldly creatures who were powerful, mysterious, and often beautiful. For the most part, Starlight kept to herself during the busy season, watching the excitement from the sidelines, but in the year that she turned nine, she received her first challenge. Every summer, some new-comer would get it in their heads that the fastest way to impress their peers was to defeat a local. Up until now, Sunset Shimmer had defended their town's long and proud history, and Starlight really wished it had stayed that way. “You can go first,” offered her opponent nobly. “Thanks,” she muttered glumly. Knees wobbling, she jumped from stone to stone, picking her way towards the two big rocks that jutted from the middle of a swiftly rushing river. It was the favorite sparring spot for unicorns and dragons, and the only reason it wasn’t technically off-limits for Starlight was that her parents knew she’d never go near it. She couldn’t swim. Taking her position on the upstream rock, Starlight turned wide, azure eyes on the camper who was itching for a fight, automatically assessing the older filly’s stance, reach and balance. Physically, her challenger had the advantage, for Starlight was small for her age; but size wasn’t everything when it came to magic. “You ready?” taunted the filly whose name she didn’t know. Her horn glowed and Starlight gave a quick nod. She wasn’t particularly worried. She could fight; they all could. The children of Sire’s Hollow were taught the basis of magic right along with potty training and almost could handle a basic disarming spell by the time they could handle their eating utensils. However, that didn’t mean Starlight liked fighting. So, she resorted to the old and true method for avoiding conflict: she would end the fight before it could properly begin. The filly never knew what hit her. With one flash of her horn Starlight had her off balance, and in the next instant, she was floating in the air momentarily, then tossed rump first into the river. A cheer sounded, and Starlight turned to see her twelve-year-old neighbor walking along the river bank. Sunset Shimmer raised her hoof victoriously and grinned at her, and she gave a small smile in return. For a moment, her attention was caught by the pony next to her. That must be the new pony Dad was talking about. He’s a wizard…or will be. Something about him seemed familiar. Meanwhile, her vanquished rival managed to swim back to her rock and was struggling to pull herself out of the river. Starlight leaped lightly to the second rock and knelt, extending her hoof. “No hard feelings?” she asked politely. “Think again,” she sneered as she took Starlight’s hoof, then used the grip to jerk the smaller filly of her feet. With a yelp of surprise, the unicorn was pitch into the river. Icy panic coursed through Starlight as the current spun her away. Her eyes, ears, and nose filled with water, and she couldn't remember which way was up. Light and dark spun crazily, and her heart pounded so fast, she thought it might burst. It seemed to go on forever; then suddenly, she bumped into something, and she was jerked upwards by her hair. "Gotcha!" triumphantly exclaimed a colt's voice. Coughing and sputtering, Starlight clung desperately to her savior, but he firmly turned her around and wrapped his hoof around her slim shoulders, keeping her afloat. "I've got you," he promised. "Don't panic, you'll pull us both down!" There was not much else Starlight could do, so as she heaved air into her aching lungs, she latched onto that one hoof and tried to relax. The river was still carrying them downstream, but he expertly cut across the current, aiming for shore. When his hooves scraped the bottom, he dragged her to her feet and supported her through a clumsy scramble onto one of the big boulders that lined the rushing river. "Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked kindly as he lowered her onto the sun-baked stone. Starlight dumbly shook her head. What had happened—or almost happened—was only just sinking in, and she sat up and hunched her shoulders miserably. The purple of her mane seemed to pale around her face, and she began trembling uncontrollably. He dropped down beside her and slipped his hoof around her shoulders for comfort. "I saw what that other pony did... such a cheap trick," he remarked indignantly. "You were great, and she was a total jerk." "Th-thank you," she managed weakly. "When Sunset hollered that you couldn't swim, I was furious! It all happened pretty fast, but I told her I would definitely reach you on time. And I was right!" He bent his head to catch her eye. "Your name's Starlight?" "Y-yeah." "I'm Sunburst." The colt gave her a small squeeze and chatted on. "Sunset will probably be along any minute. I'm pretty sure she's beating the tar out of the idiot who dumped you into the water." She cracked a tiny smile. Yeah, that's Sunset, all right. Her temper was cataclysmic. "She'll come," she acknowledged quietly. To be honest, she was surprised she hadn't found them yet. Peering blankly at their surroundings, she murmured, "We went pretty far." "Yep! This river's deep... and fast. I'm just glad there weren't any rapids." "Those start around that bend," she pointed out, gesturing towards the spot where the water disappeared behind a stand of trees. "Really? Wow... just in time, huh?" Sunburst replied with a shaky laugh. That's when Starlight noticed how rattled he sounded, and she stole a glance at his face. With his free hoof, he distractedly pulled at his bangs, tousling them so they fluffed out as they dried. The rest of his short, orange hair was plastered to his neck, and once more, she thought there was something familiar about his face. "Have you been here before?" she asked curiously. "Nope. This is my first time, though I'm not sure I should have come here at all," he replied with a nervous smile. "That old wizard has been giving me all kinds of tests, and I'm horrible at everything." "My Dad mentioned you," Starlight offered. "He said Stygian thinks you're something special." "He told you that?” The mare shrugged. "I hear stuff." "So, you're an eavesdropper?" Sunburst asked lightly. "Not on purpose," she defended. "Others sometimes forget I'm there." "Well... I'm glad somepony thinks I'm special," he said with a sigh. "I certainly don't feel like it. The other ponies are way more advanced than me.” Starlight solemnly studied Sunburst's face. He obviously had the courage, which was essential. The rest of what he lacked could be learned. "Do you want to improve?" she asked. "Of course!" "Then we'll teach you," she said simply. "It's what we do, and we're very good at it." Sunburst’s next smile was slower in coming, but it was braver, brighter, and maybe just a little bit cute. It turned her cheeks pink. Perhaps it was gratitude. Perhaps it was fate. Who can say what teaches the heart to soar? In any event, on that momentous day, at the tender age of nine, Starlight Glimmer fell in love. > ii. Just Plain Silly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight Glimmer didn't like city ponies. They complained about silly things. They giggled about silly things. They got upset over silly things. It had long been her opinion that these foolish creatures didn't belong in Sire’s Hollow, but during her ninth summer, Starlight was forced to reevaluate her stance. Sunburst Zenith was a city pony. "Come on!" he begged, trying to levitate a bale of straw...only for it topple over. Afternoon shadows were lengthening, and most of the campers were enjoying their free time down by the river; however, Sunburst had slipped away to the barnyard. Using her own magic practice as an excuse, Starlight tagged along. Her dad had given her a series of spells earlier that spring, and she needed more practice with them. "This time for sure!" Sunburst pleaded, sending another ray of magic whizzing towards the target. He managed to keep it steady for a second, which was something of an accomplishment. Plucking a blade of grass, Starlight held it up to eye level and squinted over the line it formed. His form is sloppy. His magic was unfocused. He releases unsteadily. He won’t even hit it this time, she calculated. Sure enough, it didn't. Sunburst watched his last spell veer into the woods and sank to his knees with a growl of frustration. "I am such a disaster!" he grumbled. Fixing her with a pleading look, he asked, "Do you know what I'm doing wrong?" The young unicorn was actually pretty impressed. Even though he was a city pony, he wasn't complaining... but asking the right question. She got to her feet and strolled over; crouching down before him, she reached over and gave his shoulder a poke. "You need stronger muscles." "And how's that going to happen?" he pouted. She shrugged and said, "Keep practicing. It's the only way." "Thought so," he sighed. "I suppose you could hit the target?" With a sidelong glance at the barrel, she said, "Depends on the spell." "With whatever spell," he pressed. "Yeah." Sunburst looked like he might cry, and Starlight shifted uncomfortably. It wasn't fair to compare their skill levels. She was born to this, and he was just a beginner. Colts sure are silly. Thinking fast, she looked around and gather a bunch of smooth stones, she cast about for at least one more item. "Say... can I borrow your brooch?" she asked. "I'll give it back." All novice wizards wore some sort of cape, like a uniform. It helped Stygian and the other teacher's to keep track of the number of students in their care with a glance, as well as their level. Sunburst's mantel was light blue but he offset it with a sapphire brooch on his neck, it was shaped like a sun bursting through the clouds, just like his cutie mark. He looked from her face to his neck, then back again. "Erm... sure?" Starlight accepted the blue brooch and stood on her back legs, then backed up a couple of steps for good measure. She tested the weight of each item, then said, "Watch." Swift and sure, she tossed stone and trinket, and sturdy, lavender hooves kept them looping through the air. The summer before, she'd learned that skills honed for battle were just as good for clowning, and she stole a glance at Sunburst's reaction. His amazement melted into a smile, which she shyly returned. Adding a simple trick, she deftly tossed his brooch higher than the rest, and as it flipped towards the blue sky, the city pony giggled over her silliness. But that was okay; that was the whole point. Slowly, one by one, Starlight tossed away the stones behind her, returning them to the forest they'd come from. Finally, she let the last stones drop back to the ground, and Sunburst applauded. "Where did you learn to juggle?" he asked eagerly. "A dragon taught me," she answered, bashfully returning his brooch. His eyes widened. "I've never seen a dragon before." "You will soon," Starlight promised. "They always come for the summer." "Wow... I still can't believe it," he murmured. "I've never actually seen another magical creature before... well, except on comic books." Starlight pawed at the dirt ground with her hooves and regarded him solemnly. "That makes us even." "Huh?" She shrugged a little and admitted, "I've never read a comic book." When Sunburst giggled again, her ears turned pink. Sunburst stood and fastened his blue brooch, then asked, "Could you really hit that target?" He poked at the dirt with the toe of his hoof, Starlight looked at where he was looking and nodded. "Show me?" "What spell should I use?" She asked. "Whichever one you’re currently practicing," he suggested. Slowly she turned around and mulled over the spells she knew, then said, "I'll have to get closer. The enchantment will work better that way." "Sure!" he agreed. Starlight's heart gave a nervous flutter as she judged the proper distance and took up her position. Since over-thinking a spell was the surest way to miss, she didn't give herself any more time to worry about missing in front of Sunburst. She took a breath and let the magic free form her horn, she went over the familiar incantations in her head, then sent the spell spinning towards the target, turning the straw into a scarecrow. "Wow!" Sunburst exclaimed. "You make it look so easy! You and Sunset are so amazing!" Wow. Lots of ponies said they were impressed with a unicorns hard-earned skill, but it was often in a backhanded, you-make-me-sick way. The villagers' superiority was one of the silly things that city ponies got upset about, but Sunburst's excitement rang true. "I practice a lot," she mumbled, rubbing her lavender nose. "I'll practice, too," he promised. "As you said, I need to get stronger!" That was the day Starlight's heart learned that love could have more than one reason to be. As she listened to Sunburst talk about the comic book he was reading, she pondered this new idea... and wondered how many more reasons she might find. > iii. Practically Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The evening was just deepening when an explosion took most of everyone in Sire’s Hollow by surprise. From her seat on the edge of her front porch, Starlight grinned up at the twilit sky as blue flames burst overhead, like fireworks that lingered and danced instead of fading. Two unicorns slightly older than her dashed out of the house and Sunburst gasped, "Oh, wow! What's happening?" "The dragons are here," she replied. Sunset giggled and said, "They like to make an entrance." "Will I get to meet one?" the wizard-in-training inquired hopefully. "Oh, they're all very friendly," Sunset assured. "One is even family... sort of. He's sure to be with them." Firelight stepped out onto the porch and leaned against one of the supports. "They're early this year," he noted. "Sunset, you and Sunburst should run over to your mother and see if she's willing to do some extra cooking; we'll very likely have company for dinner. Starlight, why don't you join me in greeting our esteemed guests." "Yes, sir," the younger ponies chorused. Starlight watched out of the corner of her eye as Sunset led Sunburst towards her mother’s house, then hurried after her father towards the gathering meadow at the village's edge. That's where the dragons would be waiting, and she couldn't wait to see if their friend was among them. Not long after old Firelight returned to the spacious headpony's home, two young cousins shuffled through the door, sharing the weight of a cast-iron pot. Firelight hurried forward to help them lift their savory-smelling burden onto the hook suspended over the fire pit that was the house’s chimney. "Mmm... I smell Sun Glare’s cooking!" cheerfully exclaimed their guest. Starlight watched carefully for the young colt’s reaction and was rewarded by his expression of startled wonderment. There you go, Sunburst...a real live dragon, just like I said! The young filly beamed quietly from her seat in the corner, feeling rather proud. This is what Dad is always saying what our village is about, bringing ponies and magical creatures together. Mr. Firelight handled the introductions. "Spike, young Sunburst is Stygian’s newest student; he's from Canterlot, so all of this is very new to him." "Gotcha," he acknowledged. The full-grown dragon was sprawled on his side on the wooden floor, his head propped on one fist. He wore no clothes and his purple and green scales seemed to glitter with a light of their own, he had no hair to speak of, but there were larger greenish scales on his head that almost looked like a hairstyle. Elfin ears, slitted pupils, and sharp claws were enough to mark him as a dragon, but the long lizard tail and leathery wings made the difference of species apparent. Sunburst stared unabashedly at the dragon in their midst, clearly awestruck. Bright green eyes sparkled, and when he noticed his interest in his wings, he lazily extended one bat-like wing. "Spike is sort like a familiar," Sunset bragged. "He's known them for ages!" "Five generations," confirmed the dragon. "It's because he was my great-great grandmother's first love," Starlight announced. "She was only nine, but she stubbornly refused to let me go," Spike explained. "He's their... great, great grandfather?" Sunburst asked, thoroughly confused. Sunset rolled her eyes. "Don't be silly! They’re not part dragon!" "Don't forget about the differences in our lifespans," Firelight reminded. "She loved him, but over time that love changed." "In the course of time, she outgrew me," Spike offered. "It was just as well. Romantic relationships between ponies and dragons rarely work out." "There are exceptions," countered Starlight's father. "Yup, but I'm not one of 'em... so far," the dragon replied with a cheeky wink at Starlight. Rolling easily to his feet, he dropped to one knee before the young colt. "Hey there, lad. It's a pleasure to meet you!" "H-hi... how do you do?" he replied breathlessly. "I'm Sunburst." Starlight squirmed uncomfortably at the unabashed attention Sunburst was giving to the dragon, and the creature glanced her way, brows arching inquiringly. A slow smile spread over Spike's face until it danced in his eyes, and in the next instant, he was at the filly’s side. "Well now, this is your ninth summer, isn't it? Funny how some things run in the family," he whispered conspiratorially. Azure eyes widened in dismay, but Spike simply ruffled her hair and raised his voice to say, "Starlight here is my special favorite!" "You always say that," Starlight countered, smiling gratefully. "To all of us." "It's always true!" retorted the dragon. "Now then... is this Sunburst’s first dragon encounter?" "Yes," Starlight replied gravely. "Will you help me make his first impression a memorable one?" Spike inquired, a mischievous light in his eyes. The young mare nodded, and the dragon turned and bowed to the room at large. "I believe a demonstration is in order!" he announced grandly. Patting at his sides, he murmured, "Now let me see... what do I have close to hand? Ah, this will do nicely!" He burped and a light green flame came forth, the smoke cleared and left behind a small something that he easily caught with one claw hand, and with a great show of secrecy, gestured Sunburst closer. "If I asked you to hold these while Starlight and I get ready, do you think you could manage it?" "I guess so... depending on what it is," he replied cautiously. Spike opened his hand. On his broad palm lay a small pile of brightly-hued balls, no larger than marbles. "Just these," he said innocently. "Erm... okay." The purple dragon let the tiny balls spill over his fingertips into his outstretched hooves, and as they fell, they doubled, then tripled in size like popcorn. Sunburst gasped as the expanding toys overflowed his hooves. He scrambled to keep hold of all the softballs, which plopped onto the floor around him. "You let them fall!" Spike blithely scolded, crouching to scoop up a few runaways. "It's like magic!" Sunburst exclaimed, gazing in amazement at the dragon. "Dragon magic," the creature confirmed with all seriousness. Sunset giggled, and Firelight chuckled over what must have been an old trick. "There's a reason dragons in general, are known as tricksters," he remarked. "If nothing else, Spike will teach you to be wary." "Is that the only useful thing you learned from me, Firecracker?" "No, but it was certainly the first," retorted Starlight's father, looking embarrassed at having a childhood nickname dredged up. The dragon smiled knowingly, then addressed Sunburst. "If you'll hand those off to my able assistant, we can proceed." Starlight stepped forward to take the rest of the slightly squashy balls, and he eagerly confided, "This is much better than anything I ever read on a comic book!" The filly offered a bashful little smile and earnestly replied, "You'll meet lots more magical creatures, but Spike is the best." "I heard that!" the dragon called out from where he waited. "Let's see if I can live up to a reputation so flattering. Kids, if you please?" he directed. Sunset, who clearly knew what was coming, giggled and tugged Sunburst towards the center of the room. "Isn't he fun?" she whispered, familial pride shining in her eyes. "Are all dragons like this?" Sunburst asked softly. The older mare rolled her eyes. "Definitely not!" Before she could explain further, a bright blue ball whizzed past, quickly followed by an orange one. Sunset turned and made them stand on their hind legs, so they were back-to-back, looping her hooves through her younger cousin’s. Soon, the balls were flying thick and fast all around them. Starlight needed all her concentration to keep up with the dragon, who was a firm believer in learning by pushing one's limits. With well-trained reflexes, the filly did her level best to match Spike's pace, and she did quite well... until Sunburst exclaimed, "He's the one who taught you to juggle!" And then, he smiled at her. And Starlight forgot which way was up. And her next toss flew wide. And the whole dizzying whirl of color would have come crashing down around him if it weren't for the dragon's inhuman speed. Spike whooshed past the pair of cousins and skidded to a halt behind Starlight, just in time to catch the rest of the incoming balls. Lifting his arms triumphantly, he called, "Safe!" The ponies laughed and applauded, and Sunset asked, "So... could you actually juggle back and forth across the room all by yourself?" Spike frowned thoughtfully as he eyed the distance involved. "If I was willing to get that dizzy... sure!" "You guys... that was amazing!" Sunburst enthused. "While it lasted," Sunset added, giving her younger friend an odd look. "I don't think I've ever seen you drop the ball like that before." "I guess I need more practice," she said abashedly. "Oh! Can I watch?" Sunburst inquired. She blinked in mute surprise, but then Spike poked her in the back, prompting her to answer. "Uh...yeah. Okay," Starlight mumbled, shyly rubbing her lavender muzzle. After the cousins were sent home, Firelight and Spike lingered over their tea and chatted about the upcoming training sessions. Starlight had returned to her seat in the corner of the room, quiet as a mouse as she practiced her juggling. Eventually, the conversation cycled back around to their newest wizard-in-training. "He's the best prospect we've had in more than a decade," the headpony remarked. The dragon's tail ceased its lazy pattern of swaying. "Oh, he's got potential," he assured. "Once he's been trained, he'll be a match for any creature. More than a match, actually." Starlight's father stroked his muzzle, then said, "Stygian has his eye on the colt, but I didn't realize... hmm. He would be a real asset to the community." "Very true," Spike acknowledged. "He seems to like it here; maybe he'll want to stay." "Not many do," the headpony sighed. "The kids who come every summer get the most attached to this place. Do you know if his clan plan to let him return?" "I'll be writing to his family," Firelight shared. "But I’m not very optimistic, there’s a reason why Stellar Flare left in the first place." Spike nodded. "Invite him back. Offer a scholarship if need be. He can't fall in love with Sire’s Hollow if he isn't here, so that's the first step." "Very sensible." "I can be... from time to time," the dragon replied with a smirk. Glancing casually towards the often-forgotten pony in the corner, he added, "If you're fortunate, he'll discover a reason to stay." > iv. The Language of Herbs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stygian was one of the oldest ponies in the village, he wasn't particularly proud of carrying the title. In his years of mentoring promising wizards, he had seen just about everything: from the most promising to the most incompetent. This year wasn't any different, there was a group of young colts that were quite talented, heeding his lessons and actually trying to do the work, others floundered with the tasks that were given and the rest just plainly didn't care. The latter he sent to Rock Hoof the second they acted up. He wasn't there to babysit anyone's brat. That day he was going over a lesson on the making of enhancing poultice. As the old unicorn talked his eyes went over the young faces staring up at him, lingering slightly on one with yellow fur and white markings. This one, Sunburst if he remembers correctly, was one of the floundering ones, but he showed a lot of promise, all he needed was confidence and a little guidance to truly shine... With barely a sound, Starlight slipped past the oak wood that marked the entrance to Stygian’s hut. The old wizard glanced up from the lesson she was interrupting and arched a brow. This again? It wasn't the first time the nine-year-old filly had snuck in to watch his students, and for as long as Sunburst was in Sire’s Hollow, he doubted it would be the last. The armful of sticks she carried was far too green to burn, not that Stygian had much need for a fire, considering it was August, and the heat was stifling. Her excuses grow flimsier by the day. Rolling his eyes, the wizard waved her towards the woodpile. With a gentle smile that was so like her mother's, she accepted his invitation and tiptoed towards the corner. There's no harm done, and he'll be gone with the summer. Stygian didn't comment when Starlight chose a seat against the wall instead of ducking back out once her so-called errand was completed. At least with her here, he's less likely to botch this poultice. Learning was learning, no matter who the teacher happened to be... and the colt needed all the help he could get. Starlight wasn't quite sure why old Stygian turned a blind eye to her meddling, but she wasn't complaining. Maybe it’s because he wants Sunburst to stay, too, she reasoned. When the young wizard-in-training reached for the wrong herb, she coughed; Sunburst glanced her way, and she shook her head. He tentatively reached for the next bowl, and she frowned. His brow creased in concentration before he let his hoof drift over the shallow basket containing the proper leaves, and she brightened. He does okay if he stops to think. With the class dismissed the group of young ponies piled out of Stygian's house in a commotion of laughs and stomping hooves. The last two to exited did so in a much calmer canter, walking with no destination in particular. Sunburst did most of the talking while Starlight was more than happy to listen, as it gave her an excuse to look at this face, even if her mind drifted when most of what he was talking about went overhead. Sunburst gave the filly’s shoulder a friendly poke. "How do you know so much about potions?" Startled from her reverie, she spoke the first thing that came to mind, which was the truth. "Mother was an herbalist." "Is she...?" "This way," she invited, leading him towards a sheltered meadow above the village. Under the spreading branches of an ancient tree that stood before the mouth of a cave, moss-covered stones formed neat rows that stretched back into the encroaching forest. One grave was newer—and dearer—than the rest. With a sidelong glance at the colt by her side, Starlight’s heart whispered its secrets to the mother she missed. This is the one. His name is Sunburst. > v. Crybaby > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight had always been glad to see summer's end, for when fall arrived, the ponies of her town reclaimed their village. Dragons melted back into the forests, soldiers in training returned to their homes, promising novices followed their new masters, tour buses stopped grinding their way up the mountainside, and the amateurish campers dispersed to whatever far-flung homes they hailed from. With the strangers gone, life in Sire’s Hollow returned to a slower pace. She looked outside her window, focused on the small house across the street, the one where Sunset and Sunburst had stayed all summer. Sunset was the first to exit, carrying the biggest suitcase she had ever seen with a strained look on her face. She would have laughed if her heart weren't so heavy. Behind her, carrying a ridiculous amount of luggage in a small wagon, Sunburst stepped out into the porch. From the distance and the glass between them, she had no idea what they were discussing, and frankly, she didn't care. Knowing would not change the outcome. Summer ended just like every other year. But this year was different. This year, she had met somepony so wonderful it had changed her world, a pony she cared so deeply that the thought of him leaving left her reeling with grief. Sunburst was leaving and she couldn't bear it. She was startled from her thoughts when she heard familiar voices approaching, she looked around and saw that the cousins were walking towards her house. Unable to endure the goodbyes, Starlight ran out the back door when she heard them knocking. Her backyard had no fence, just a line of trees that marked the entrance to the woods. She galloped up the familiar trail, her ears buzzing with adrenaline, and her vision blurred with unshed tears. She stumbled but didn't fall on her way, she stopped only when she was too tired and sat on the ground, uncaring of the mud clinging to her tail, letting chill autumn mists soak into her fur as hot tears trickled down her cheeks. This was her favorite hiding place, a really small cave carved into the mountainside that she could barely fit in, but it had an incredible view of Sire's Hollow. From there the town seemed so small, the ponies were little more than dots of color and the houses looked like toys. She had wanted to show Sunburst this spot and the missed opportunity made her cry even harder. The sun dipped over the horizon and Starlight watched as one by one, the buses left Sire's Hollow. The colorful dots dispersed and the shadows stretched over the valley, still, Starlight didn't stand up. When the first stars appeared in the sky, Spike was the one who found her. She half expected a scolding or a rebuttal at the very least. Instead, he sat next to her and placed a leathery wing over her shoulders, curling himself tightly around her in the small space of the cave, drawing her close into the warmth of his scales. The dragon didn't say much while he held Starlight, he didn't seem to mind that she left tears and snot on his scales, but the lovelorn unicorn found solace in the dragon's assurances that Sunburst would be back when the seasons turned. One other remark stayed with the mare from that day forward. "Love takes courage." > vi. See You Soon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snow fell thick and heavy over Sire’s Hollow, so much so that training had to be canceled that day, in favor of clearing the snow. Even with the aid of her magic, the task was grueling, but it gave her an excuse to step outside instead of moping in her room. Soon-to-be-ten-years-old Starlight was thankful for the distraction, even if shoveling snow was her least favorite thing in the world. The young unicorn had just finished clearing the pathway when something cold fell on her neck. She yelped and dropped her shovel with a clatter, she turned and met the grinning face of Sunset Shimmer, who took her role as honorary big sister very seriously, judging by the small snowball she dropped on her. “You’re getting sloppy, Starlight. How do you expect to win the midwinter tournament if you’re so distracted?” Starlight frowned and shook the snow from her withers. “But I have been practicing, especially when you aren’t looking.” “Then you haven’t been practicing, cheeky little brat,” Sunset glared playfully and ruffled the filly’s hair, making her giggle and almost pushing her winter hat off her head. “Oh, I almost forgot.” That was when Starlight noticed that her friend had a medium box balanced on her back, she expertly bucked and the box flew off her back, where it would have crashed on the snow had Starlight’s magic hadn’t caught it in time. “It’s from Canterlot.” She frowned at first, then her eyes widened in realization. For the first time in weeks, Starlight’s heart did a summersault and her mouth hanged open with surprise. “Sunburst…?” “That’s right!” Sunset said and reached out to close the little one’s mouth. “He wanted to give you these before he left, but he packed them up by mistake.” The older mare said, rolling her eyes at her cousin’s forgetfulness. “Give me what?” “See for yourself.” Starlight only paused for a moment before running up the cleared path to her house, ignoring Sunset’s comments about magic practice and tournaments. She closed the door behind her with a little more force than necessary and made a bee-line to her room. She jumped to her bed and ripped the box open, inside there was a small stack of colorful magazines with glossy covers and on top of which laid an envelope. She opened it and found a letter inside. Dear Starlight: Since you showed me a live dragon, I thought maybe I’d show you a real comic book! Read them and tell me what you think when I see you next summer. Please take care of them! See you soon! Sunburst. Starlight’s smile grew as she put the letter away, reaching for the first comic that had the coolest cover in her opinion and began to read. > vii. Diplomacy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- During Starlight's tenth summer, Sunburst Zenith returned to Sire’s Hollow for summer camp and renewed his friendship with Sunset Shimmer. The two cousins were inseparable, and since the wizard-in-training stayed at the house next door to the Glimmer household, it was almost like having another playmate or brother. Except... it wasn't. Starlight loved them both, but her feelings were as different as the ponies themselves. Sunset was strong, confident, and definitely your best ally when you found yourself in a pinch. Sunburst was clumsy, unsure of himself, and likely to forget where the line between friend and foe was traditionally drawn. A case in point occurred just a week into the summer, right after the much-anticipated arrival of some deer nobility. When his presence in the delegation was confirmed, the village was abuzz; one name was on everyone's lips—Prince Bramble. This would be his first public appearance and everyone was curious to see how the next leader of the deer was like. Most assumed he would be like the rest of his tribe: proud, standoffish with a general dislike for pony kind, though a few had the hope that maybe he would be more like his father, who had more sympathy for ponies than most magical creatures. In any case, her father had pulled her aside and reminded her to be on her best behavior. It had been more than a decade since the deer clan had approached them, and it was essential to making a good impression. Though Starlight didn’t completely understand what the big deal was, she made a promise to be as welcoming as possible. It happened in the large pavilion where joint meals were served thrice daily. As usual, Sunburst was late for breakfast, and after he rushed through the serving line, he turned and nearly collided with Bramble. "Whoops! Sorry about that!" A few gasps could be heard as the twelve-year-old wizard-in-training blinked down into the deer’s startled face. Then, instead of bowing and scraping as any normal pony would, he blossomed into a smile and said, "You must be new! Are you as nervous as I was?" A brow arched, and Starlight tensed. Glancing around the room for any sign of her father, the mare came up empty and decided to act in his place. Abandoning her tray, she strode purposefully towards the pair, determined to intervene before Bramble took offense where none was intended. Sunburst chatted on, apparently ignorant of the attention he was drawing from the rest of the campers. "This is my second year, and I'm so glad to be back!" In passing, Starlight overheard a dragon mutter, "What an idiot." One of the other wizard’s cattily whispered, "What a show-off!” Meanwhile, the unicorn continued to try to coax the silent deer into the conversation. "My name's Sunburst, by the way. What's yours?" Starlight had no idea what it was like to be outgoing, but he sure made it look easy. So far, there wasn't a problem, but she was worried. When Sunburst was excited about something, he stopped thinking, and when he didn't stop to think, he did spectacularly stupid things. Like reaching out to touch a magical creature. They'd had to remind him more than once because he did it to Spike all the time. The dragon wasn't bothered by his innocent indiscretions, but most creatures were reluctant to make contact with ponies, especially unicorns. Sunburst's friendly impulses could rightly be misconstrued as acts of aggression by anyone who didn't know him. And Bramble didn't. To be honest, Starlight liked the way Sunburst forgot himself. Creatures were just creatures to him, no matter their species. As the future headpony of Sire’s Hollow, she was learning all the ways to make sure that ponies and creatures got along, but it seemed to her that all of their promoting peace and fostering understanding was just making sure that everyone knew where the lines were drawn. For Sunburst, those lines blurred... and though Starlight felt a little guilty about it, she thought that maybe his way was better. Still, it was her duty to uphold the peace, and her gut told her Sunburst was about to cause a diplomatic crisis. The unicorn bit her lip and quickened her pace, and as confused golden eyes noted her approach, Starlight silently pleaded with Bramble to ignore the threat Sunburst conceivably represented. He needs to learn, but don't make him learn the hard way! She made it to his side in the nick of time, gently snatching his hoof just as he reached to touch the young lord’s shoulder. "No, Sunburst," Starlight said solemnly. Though she kept her voice low, there was no mistaking the censure in her tone. Turning to the royal deer, she bowed low and said, "On behalf of Sire’s Hollow, I apologize for this colt's ignorance." It was a customary plea, regularly used in situations when a newcomer inadvertently breached protocol. The unicorn’s custom of taking immediate responsibility for any infractions went a long way towards preventing their repetition. Sunburst stiffened, and with a stricken expression he exclaimed, "I'm so sorry! I didn’t notice!" "Dad told you yesterday," Starlight said exasperatedly. "No, I know that!" he protested, glancing sheepishly at the young lord. "I just didn’t notice that you weren’t a pony." Starlight stiffened. The whole pavilion went deadly quiet. No worst insult could be given to a deer or most creatures for that matter, but deer’s especially thought themselves as better than ponies, to be called a pony was very disrespectful indeed. As endearing as Sunburst’s quirks were, they couldn’t have manifested at the worst time! Her mind raced for an excuse and at the same time readying herself to push herself between Sunburst and Bramble if worst came to worst. But the Prince just laughed. “You ponies are so funny!” He said with a grin. “Once I get my horns, I won’t look so much like a pony!” Starlight let out a breath of relief. "Yeah," Sunburst said, giving an awkward little laugh. "If anything, your picks for breakfast should have tipped me off." The deer blinked and looked at his tray, on which a selection of very much uncooked herbs and plants had been arranged. "Huh." Starlight looked incredulously at the foal. Many creatures could be mistaken for a pony at a glance, but the young lord's eyes, hoofs, hair, markings... everything declared his un-pony nature. Only Sunburst would pay more attention to a creature's choices than a creature's appearance. In spite of the gravity of the situation, the filly smiled softly. For his part, Sunburst eagerly moved on to making introductions. "Starlight, this is... erm... what was your name?" With a sigh, the filly took the lead. "Prince Bramble, this is Sunburst Zenith, a summer resident training under Sire’s Hollow current wizard, Master Stygian." The deer smiled and nodded in understanding at Starlight's words. Turning to Sunburst, she continued, "This is Prince Bramble, and I was just about to show him around." "That's great!" With a hopeful smile, he asked, "So where should we sit?" Bramble turned and motioned with his hoof to follow him. Starlight hesitated, unsure what to do, but Sunburst simply followed the young lord's lead... right into the heart of the deer section of the pavilion. There were no actual restrictions on seating in the dining area, but creatures usually gravitated to their own kind. In the end, Starlight trailed after Sunburst, unwilling to leave him to his own devices. He sat right across from Prince Bramble, and Starlight sat beside him. Noticing that she had no tray, he asked, "Aren't you hungry? Here, I'll share!" Sunburst pressed a sandwich into her hoof, then turned back to Prince Bramble, who stared at the pair with barely concealed amusement, clearly interested with his tagalongs. Starlight didn't know what to do to improve the situation, and then it took a plunge for the worse. In spite of everything that had just happened, he caught the eye of the tall deer seated beside the young prince; offering his hoof to King Aspen, he said, "Hi, I'm Sunburst. Are you Prince Bramble’s dad?" For an instant, Starlight and Bramble wore matching expressions of bewilderment. A deer of considerable power, a noble of unrivaled influence, a driving force behind the peace—the Heart of the Forest was... great. Having a twelve-year-old colt offer an Equestrian style greeting was inappropriate on many levels. Starlight drew breath to apologize, but the King accepted his hoof and gravely shook it. "A wizard?" he inquired in a deep voice. "Yep," he cheerfully replied. "I'm not very good at it yet, but I'm learning." "That is the correct course for foals to take," he offered, amusement lurking in bronze-gold eyes. "Where do you live?" he asked curiously. "We live in a place called The Thicket, deep in the Everfree Forest," he answered patiently, pride ringing through his tones. "Oh! We learned about the Everfree in class!" Sunburst rejoined excitedly. "Is it true that you control the forest?" The deer dipped his head and lowered his voice as if sharing a great secret. "We don’t control it, more like direct it in favorable directions." Sunburst looked impressed. Leaning closer, he asked, "Then, what I want to know is...how do the plants taste there?" A smile graced the Heart of the Forest austere countenance, crinkling the edges of the jagged golden lines emblazoning his cheekbones. "They are quite refreshing." The weight of his gaze then shifted to Starlight. "You are the headpony’s daughter?" "Yes, your highness. I'm Starlight Glimmer." The Great Deer King cocked a brow at his own son, who clearly understood some unspoken nuance in his sire's gaze. With a barely concealed grin, Bramble turned to Sunburst. With highly restrained courtesy, he said, "Thank you for your warm welcome." Then, his eyes locked onto Starlight, and a trace of interest glimmered within their depths. "You have my attention, Starlight Glimmer." The filly froze, then scrambled to respond in kind. Bobbing her head, she murmured, "I will be mindful of your attention, Prince Bramble" As soon as the meal was over, Starlight slipped away for a private word with her father, but she was followed. Sunburst hurried after her, bristling with curiosity, and Spike was close on her heels. "I heard!" the dragon exclaimed, green eyes sparkling. "I wondered if it would happen with this generation or we would have to wait a few more decades. He must have seen something he liked!" "I don't understand!" Sunburst exclaimed, looking between the two of them. "I could tell something happened. Bramble’s dad was all smug and stuff." Spike perked up and asked, "How did you gather that, Mr. Sunburst?" He scrunched up his face and waved his hoof vaguely. "His magic was doing this... thing. All pleased and prancing." The dragon laughed at the description, his tail swaying. "You are very sensitive to pick up on something he was very careful to conceal." "But what's the big deal?" he pressed impatiently. Spike grinned and explained, "Within certain clans, especially the ruling clans, the creatures will choose a single pony as their point of contact. It hasn’t happened in quite some time. Young Bramble has initiated the first stage of the process. He has his eye on our Starlight!" "I'm not sure why," the mare said, blushing. Dropping his arms over both kids' shoulders, Spike said, "It's because Bramble is also picking up on something few creatures notice." "What?" Sunburst asked. "Nuh-uh," the dragon replied with a mischievous smile. "You'll have to sort that one out on your own!" > viii. New Comer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Flash Magnus returned to Sire’s Hollow, the old-timers welcomed him with friendly jibes that he was 'only' three weeks late as they brought out their cider mugs. Laughing right along with them, the battled scared pegasus assured his comrades that he had a good reason... this time. "What... you were having a nap?" inquired one. "Maybe he stumbled upon a barrel of good cider?" guessed another. "He was probably hoping one of the tour buses would save him a flight up the mountain," opined a third. "No, no, and no...Though I'll remember that last one for next year," Flash Magnus replied with a hearty chuckle. "Actually, I've taken on a new apprentice." The room grew still as the codgers waited for the punch line. "He's serious?" "Of course I'm serious," Flash Magnus replied in injured tones. The group exchanged incredulous glances, and a wizened old unicorn asked, "And just what are you planning to teach him?" "Don't underestimate me... or him for that matter," Flash Magnus grumbled. "He's the son of a fine general who used to be in my battalion; the lad learned plenty from his father before he passed on." "So that's it," one of his friends chimed in slyly. "You didn't take on an apprentice, you inherited one!" "The freeloading son of a freeloader!" declared another, and the room exploded with laughter. Another round was poured, and someone asked, "So where is this apprentice of yours?" "Eh? Oh... he can't have gone far," Flash Magnus replied, glancing around. "Knowing the lad as I do, the first place to check would be..." Just then, a chorus of feminine shrieks from the direction of the bathing pools, and the pegasus nodded wisely. "Just like his father, that one." Within moments, one grimly smiling dragon held one fast-talking teenage pegasus by the ear as he led him away from the mare's side of the village's communal bathing area. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer trembled with anger as she stomped towards her house, still dripping from her rudely interrupted bath. "I'll kill him," she vowed to her young friend. "I'll help," primly replied Starlight. The following day, Starlight watched their newcomer with growing concern. Flash Sentry might have been a first-time visitor to Sire’s Hollow, but he was no newbie. The fifteen-year-old knew how to fight. As one pony after another was toppled off the rocks into the river, the ten-year-old mare watched for patterns and hoped for a weakness. Unfortunately, she found none that she could exploit. When the official sparring matches ended, the triumphant pegasus leapt back to shore and fluffed his feathered wings as he scanned the onlookers. Several pretty young mares received jaunty winks as the crowd slowly dispersed. Placing herself in the older pony's path, Starlight waited to be noticed, and when Flash Sentry's brows lifted in inquiry, she cleared her throat. "I'm Starlight Glimmer, a unicorn of Sire’s Hollow, and I challenge you." An easy-going smile spread across the young pony’s handsome face. "As much of an honor as that would be..." "I do not fight for your honor," interrupted Starlight Glimmer in a firm tone that only seemed to find her in a pinch. "I fight for mine and my friend’s honor." "Ah," Flash Sentry replied, though he still seemed confused. "And in what way did I compromise your honor, little one?" "You...!" Starlight hunched her shoulders and checked to see if anyone was listening in. An embarrassed and angry flush crept over her cheeks as she leaned close and whispered, "You were peeping last night!" The young warrior spread his wings wide, "I was just acquainting myself with the village. How was I to know that particular fence was screening a bevy of bathing beauties?" Starlight's face scrunched up. "There's a sign... and you can see the steam... and hear the girls. It's really pretty obvious." "Yeah," agreed Flash Sentry with a lopsided smile. "So which lovely lady are you standing up for, besides yourself?" She cast about and spotted Sunset and Sunburst whispering together a short distance away. "Her," she replied simply. "Oooh, I see." Dropping his voice to conspiratorial tones, the pegasus said, "How about you wait a few years before you challenge me? You'll be less short, and your colt friend will be less skinny." Her blush grew even darker and she gritted her teeth trying to keep her composure, but Flash's knowing smile told her she wasn't doing a good job at it. "I will fight him." Starlight turned to find Bramble at her side. The deer's golden eyes were fixed calculatingly on the young pegasus, who was a shade taller. "Allow me to defend your honor by showing this pony his place." Flash Sentry smirked and asked, "Who’s this deer?" Starlight frowned disapprovingly at the pegasus disrespect, but his flippancy didn't seem malicious, so she let it go. "This is Prince Bramble, son of King Aspen." The teen straightened, and he had the decency to nod. "Then the honor really will be mine. Where and when?" "The gathering meadow... now," replied the young lord. By the time the two faced off in the meadow on the edge of the village, nearly everyone in Sire’s Hollow ringed it. Sunburst clapped his hooves and whispered, "This is exciting! Who do you think will win?" Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes. "The leech doesn't stand a chance." Starlight nodded. "It'll still be interesting to see how long he lasts." "You mean... ten minutes or something?" Sunburst asked. "More like ten seconds," Sunset corrected with a knowing smile. “But…he’s a Pegasus, doesn’t that give him an unfair advantage against Bramble?” “Deer’s are just as fast as a flying Pegasus, if not more so.” As soon as the match was underway, a hush settled over the audience. However, as the combatants dueled, a murmur began rippling through the crowd. Confused, Sunburst whispered to his friends, "What? Is something wrong?" "He's still in there," Sunset replied, her eyes glued to the action. "Erm... yeah?" Starlight's gaze also remained on the two as she explained, "Bramble is matching Flash Sentry's strength and speed. He's limiting how much magic he uses to even the odds." "Ohhh," he said. "So... he's doing well, then? "The pony's crazy," Sunset replied with feeling. "But yeah... he's actually pretty good." When all was said and done, Starlight’s and Sunset’s honor was upheld. Flash Sentry was still breathing heavily when he followed Bramble off the field. It seemed as though the victor had insisted upon a formal apology, for he smiled winsomely at the two mares. "You may rest assured that nothing of the sort will happen again!" Sunset lifted her chin haughtily and retorted, "Only because Spike posted a guard." Flash Sentry's smile deepened. "True." "You're insufferable!" she snapped. "And you, my dear, have potential," he replied. "I've got my eye on you!" Sunset's eyes narrowed, and she muttered, "Likewise." Sunburst blinked and murmured to Starlight. "That's not the same as when Bramble said that to you... right?" The young mare glanced between her friend and her new nemesis. "Huh... no. Not even close." > ix. Rumor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight was torn. On one hoof, she was pleased by the small signs of regard she was afforded by the deer delegation. According to her father, the deer had not maintained an official point of contact with Sire’s Hollow since her grandmother’s day. To be chosen is a great honor. But on the other hoof, Starlight found herself wishing that Prince Bramble had never come to Sire’s Hollow. “How cute, a match made in heaven!” “Some fillies just get all the luck, huh?” “Hey Starlight! Don’t hog the prince all to yourself, introduce us!” Giggles, whispers, annoying knowing glances from the older ponies, jealous looks from the younger ponies. Starlight sneaked a glance at the creature walking by her side. Regal. Nobel. Handsome. The young prince was in a class all on his own. Even Sunset would moon over the young prince once in a while, but Starlight didn’t despite what the villagers thought. Her own heart was a stubborn thing and it was set on a unicorn with a messy mane and round glasses, who was not in the least bothered by the young prince’s insistence on following Starlight around when he got the chance. The young filly felt a little sadden by Sunburst’s nonchalance. She didn’t realize she was staring until the deer’s golden eyes leveled on her. His brows arched, and the ten-year-old obediently replied to his silent inquiry. “Every creature is talking about…us.” She said awkwardly. “Hmm…it will pass,” Bramble said with an amused tone. They were simply paying attention until something new came along, she understood that, but the deer’s assertion didn’t make sense. “But won’t it only get worse as we get older?” Bramble gazed down at her with a funny look Starlight couldn’t decipher. “The only way to dispel a rumor is with the truth, and when you’re ready to give it, all these silly rumors about us will go away.” Starlight blinked at him. “What do you mean?” “You’ll see,” Bramble said, and he smiled discreetly when Sunburst saw them and approached them. The way the filly perked up at the sight of the colt didn’t go unnoticed by the deer. > x. Confidences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunburst dropped to the ground with a huff, breathing hard as he recovered his breath, his glasses slipped over his sweaty nose and he raised a shaky hoof to push them back in place. A cool breeze swept past him and made the leaves of the tree he was under swayed, it felt so good on his heated skin that he sighed. Starlight walked over to him with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Sunburst, I should have given you a break sooner." "It's fine," he said quickly, still short on breath. "It's my fault for not practicing back at home." Starlight sat next to him. "But you memorize almost all the spells we gave you, that's impressive!" He shrugged. "Reading is easy, but when I try to cast them...I just can't!" She felt bad for him, she knew how hard he was trying and he had nothing to show for it. If Master Stygian's classes were like normal Equestrian classes he would probably ace them, but the old unicorn cared more about practical magic than the theory behind it, and that was were Sunburst floundered. That was why he'd asked her for help, even if Starlight herself didn't have the slightest clue how. "Maybe we should ask Sunset? She's knows way more about magic than me." Sunburst shook his head. "Sunset would just laugh at me, besides, you're a much better teacher than her." Starlight's heart jumped in her chest at the compliment, but her elation was dampened by his sadden expression. She looked around the small meadow for something to distract him and she spotted her saddlebag, which she left partially open when she took out her water bottle and saw the colorful pages of the comic book she was reading. "I was reading the comic books you left me." She said and his mood quickly shifted, he turned to look at her with a hopeful smile. “Did you like them?” “Yeah! But some parts were a little confusing: why is Daring Do fighting this mean pony? How come they don’t just talk it out?” “What do you mean? They tell you why in issue five.” Starlight paled. “Wait, there’s an order? Oh geez, I started with the book with the coolest cover!” She reached into her bag and pulled out the comic she was reading, which was titled 'Daring Do and the Final Showdown' in big red letters across the cover. Sunburst went quiet for a moment, then lifted his glasses to face-hoof himself. The sun was setting when Starlight and Sunburst sat on the floor of her room with a heap of comic books between them, magic lessons put aside for the day in favor of resting. Some were from last summer, others, Sunburst had brought over for this trip especially. Now Starlight understood his obsession for this colorful spreads after reading them — in the correct order, this time — the pictures were fun to look at and the stories were just as entertaining. It also served as a glimpse into the world outside of Sire’s Hollow walls, the modern world that Sunburst had been born to, and she marveled at the differences. “That’s a train!?” She asked suddenly, placing the comic book she was reading between them and pointing at the image. “Yeah, that’s a train, but the ones that run through Equestria are much bigger than that,” Sunburst said, somewhat confused by Starlight’s enthusiasm. Her eyes grew wide and he could practically see the fascination shining in her eyes. “Bigger!?” “Way bigger,” he said matter-of-factly, pushing the glasses up his nose. “You could put every creature in Sire’s Hollow in one of them, and still have room for the luggage.” Starlight’s mouth fell open, then she looked down at the glossy pages, after a moment she said. “I guess this is much more comfortable than using a teleportation spell.” “Well yeah, it’s designed to carry lots of ponies for long distances, besides not all unicorns con use a teleportation spell, that’s really complicated magic!” “Tell me about it,” sighed Starlight. “Master Stygian doesn’t let me practice that spell indoors or unsupervised, he says that I could get stuck on a wall or something…” Sunburst nodded distractedly as he flipped the pages of his comic, and when what she said finally registered in his brain, he looked up in astonishment and his glasses slid down his nose comically. “Can you really do a teleportation spell?” “I mean, I only learned the basics last winter, and I can’t teleport too far yet, and Sunset is way better at it than me…but yeah, I can cast it.” Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as her friend kept staring at her, did he found that weird? Sunburst pushed his glasses up his muzzle and sighed. “You guys really are amazing! You must know tons of spells that I can’t even dream of.” “It’s a lot of work but I learned lots of spells last winter,” Starlight said as she flipped the pages of the comic, “like the ones used for healing, to find lost things, to fix broken things, and magic that…” Starlight trailed off, gazing at the page with unseeing eyes. The young filly didn’t like to lie, but Stygian made her promise never to share what she learned with another pony. She didn’t think she could do so if she wanted to, because she didn’t quite understand the magic she’d been thought, she knew it was for something important as her teacher was so secretive about it, but beyond that… “Just…you know, more magic.” Said Starlight half-heartedly and ignore his questioning look. She wondered once she figured out the purpose of this strange magic, would it make it easier to explain to Sunburst? She hoped so, she hated keeping secrets from him. > xi. Legacy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not even on her birthday did her teacher gave her a break. “Traditionally, your mother would have thought you these spells,” said Stygian as he escorted the eleven-year-old mare to the training grounds. “But, circumstances being as they are, we’ll make do with what we have.” The sun hadn’t even risen when they arrived at the plain. The cold cut through the many layers of clothes her father made her wear, Starlight shivered miserably and it was through to pure discipline that she didn’t wine nor complain about it. Starlight followed the old unicorn, even as they walked past the training grounds and uphill into the forested area that surrounded it until they reached the top of the hill did they finally stopped. “What is this place?” Starlight asked, looking down at the town that seemed so small in the distance. They had really walked a long way. “It was here that your mother first learned magic, and her mother before her, and so on for generations ever since Sire’s Hollow was founded,” Stygian said and was quiet before continuing. “I have been teaching you the magic that opens up your senses if there’s something in this place, anything at all, you should be able to feel it and maybe learn from it.” Starlight looked at her teacher and then at the hill that they stood on. “I think I have been here before…” “Yes, your mother would bring you here when you were very young,” Stygian said and urged her to stand closer to the center. “Now, as we practice, cast the spells I thought you.” Starlight bit her lip nervously but nodded. She closed her eyes, her horn glowing a soft periwinkle and the world faded like an afterthought. She didn’t know what to expect and the uncertainty of it all terrified her, she wished Sunburst were there, or Sunset, or her dad, but the one she longed for the most was… …something soft fell on her withers and drew her closer to someone, sharing their familiar warmth with her, she snuggled closer to her gratefully and smiled up to her mother, who looked down at her with gentle blue eyes. “Sorry to keep you waiting, pumpkin,” said the older mare. “How about we finish this song, so we can go home and see daddy?” Starlight nodded and gazed up at the night sky, reciting with the help of her mother the words she knew by heart even if it was the first time she spoke them. Alone in the night On a dark hill With pines around me Spicy and still, And a heaven full of stars Over my head, White and topaz And misty red; Up the dome of heaven Like a great hill, I watch them marching Stately and still, And I know that I Am honored to be Witness of so much majesty. Her magic was released in a beam of light, her most powerful burst of magic in her young life, where it hit the sky and formed a dome over the waking village, creating a spectacle of glimmering lights that dance in the sky. Blue, green, yellow, red, and purple lights rained down on the village and every pony watched them in awe, stepping out of their homes to enjoy them. “You did it Starlight!” said the old unicorn with a smile that made him seem so much younger. “I don’t understand,” said Starlight, massaging her horn which stung slightly. “All that the spell does is make pretty lights, did I do it right?” “You did it perfectly.” Stygian walked closer to the filly and pointed at the happy villagers. “Your mother created many spells and enchantments but this one was her favorite because winters are so harsh in this little town she wanted to do something that would cheer them up during the cold months, I thought that spell had been lost when she passes on, but now that you remembered it you will be able to continue your mother’s legacy.” Despite the cold Starlight felt a warmth growing in her chest, where it reached her eyes and made them watered as she looked at the happy ponies of Sire’s Hollow. It was happiness but also melancholy that made her heart flutter, happiness because she was able to cast one of her mother’s favorite spells but also sadness that she wasn’t there to see it. But she also felt pride at what her magic could do. If she could continue working on it, following her mother’s footsteps or even forging a new path for herself, helping the ponies of Sire’s Hollow as the future head of the village or maybe just a simple teacher, she would be happy. She wanted to continue to learn all she could about magic, for as long as she lived. As Starlight gazed at the lights shimmering in the sky, she thought she felt something warm on her flank, but she ignored it even as it cooled down and her cutie mark appeared on her skin. > xii. Someday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summer returned to Sire’s Hollow, bringing many back to the mountain village...including Sunburst Zenith. Her best friend had invited the young colt over for dinner that evening, so she was eager to get home. Most of the eleven-year-old filly’s afternoon had been taken up by a tour for a group of camp newbies who actually found her scary. There's a first time for everything. After some convincing, the quartet of bashful breezies finally warmed to the idea that the village's unicorns were there to protect them, not to hurt them. He'll smile when he hears about it...then insist on being introduced to all four of them at breakfast tomorrow. It would be good if they made another pony friend. A soft smile was still playing over Starlight's lips when she met her father on the path to their house. Sire’s Hollow headpony looked very official in his wizardly uniform, and the pack on his back meant a journey. "Are the breezies settled?" he inquired with a knowing smile. "Yes dad," she assured. "They're still very jumpy, but I don't think they'll take to the hills again." Firelight chuckled, then clapped his daughter’s shoulder. "Good enough. I'll see you in a few days." "Did something happen?" "A new tribe of creatures would like to join us for the summer. I need to introduce myself to their leader and make sure they understand the ground rules," her father explained. "Now, if you'll excuse me...I cannot keep the Heart of the Forest waiting. He's attending this initial meeting to ensure all goes smoothly." "The deer’s have arrived?" The headpony nodded. "A short time ago. They're the ones who carried the new tribe's application to me." "Oh...so they've already been approved?" "Yes, King Aspen is willing to vouch for them, so this is mostly a formality." Starlight nodded and offered a heartfelt, "Have a good trip." With a parting wave, the pony urged, "Sunset and Sunburst are going to keep an eye on you, so behave!" The beginnings of dread crept up on the mare. "Wait! What about Spike?" she blurted. Firelight turned. "He's coming with us, of course." "Couldn't Sun Glare keep an eye on things?" Starlight pressed. "There's no need!" her father replied. "They assure me that they're old enough to babysit." "Babysit?" the mare echoed with evident mortification. Her father backtracked and laid a hoof on his daughter's shoulder. "They're very excited about being in charge. Let them playhouse for a few days." As a unicorn of Sire’s Hollow, Starlight was ably equipped for both battle and survival. If push came to shove, she could get along on her own in the mountains for weeks on end. Maybe the breezies had the right idea. We could take to the hills together for a few days. Cringing somewhat, she mumbled, "Do I have to?" The headpony gazed off towards the horizon. "Starlight, you’re very mature for your age but you should enjoy being pampered once in a while, you might even like it," he said wisely. "And miss it." Starlight wilted, immediately feeling like an idiot. She missed mother, the vision she had of her in the winter making it worse, and sometimes she even missed being mothered, but that didn't mean she wanted anyone to step into that role. Sunset never tried to replace Mother, but what if Sunburst tries to baby me? The filly lifted melancholy eyes to meet her father's patient gaze. "I guess it'll be okay," she offered with an apologetic smile. With an approving nod, Firelight waved again and set off down the hill. "Look for us the day after tomorrow!" he called. Starlight lifted a hoof and watched until her father disappeared amidst the other houses, bound for the gathering meadow. Then, she turned to face what had the potential to be the single most humiliating experience in her young life. She wanted Sunburst's attention, but not like this. With ponderous steps, she trudged the rest of the way up the path and climbed the steps to the front door. "I'm home!" she called softly as she pushed the door open. Please don't let them make a big deal out of this. Please, please, please... "You're back!" Sunburst exclaimed, hurrying from the direction of the kitchen. "Finally!" Sunset added, close on her cousin’s heels. Both unicorns had experienced some kind of growth spurt over the months they were apart. She knew Sunset was taller because her reach had changed drastically, putting Starlight at a distinct disadvantage whenever they sparred. Father had allowed her to start training with actual weapons that spring, so Sunset was building up the strength in her lean muscles. Sunburst was almost as tall as his cousin, but he looked...striking. "What took you so long?" he inquired, all curiosity. "A tour," she managed, feeling tongue-tied. "Breezies." "I've never met a breezy!" Sunburst said excitedly. Looking at Sunset, he asked, "What are they like?" "Shy, peaceful, nature-loving," the fourteen-year-old rattled off. "They depend highly on the winds to move across the land, and it’s rumored that they actually control the winds in the mountains." "Oooh! Can I meet one?" the wizard-in-training begged. "Four," Starlight interjected, almost immediately regretting it since the cousin's attention was back on her. "I'll just...go to the living room," she mumbled, trying to edge past. "Don't run off!" Sunburst protested. He snatched her hoof and tugged her towards the dining area just off the kitchen. "Come and visit! Sunset and I have been catching up, but I want to hear what you've been doing, too!" He sat her down at the head of the table, then skipped into the next room for a tea tray that had already been prepared, chattering all the while. “Sunset told me you got your cutie mark, I want you to tell me all about it!” To Starlight's relief, the oldest unicorn didn't act any differently than usual, even though she'd been left in charge. Sunset could be bossy, but her orders usually came on the training grounds, not in their home. She and Sunburst hovered over Sun Glare’s tiny stove while the city pony tried his hoof at cooking, but every so often, Sunburst popped back out to fill her teacup and quiz her about things that had happened in Sire’s Hollow since last fall. Dinner was interesting. Sunburst stir-fried carrots were a little burnt, but his salad was really nice. Sunset made the daisy sandwiches, so that part was just as good as always. While they ate, the two cousins made plans for the next few days, and Starlight listened in…like usual. "I want to ask Rock Hoof for another combat lesson," Sunset announced. Sunburst gasped and asked, "Are you planning to challenge Flash?" "What?" Sunset squawked. "Why would you think that?" "Well...you did mention that the pegasus should be back next week, and he does this fancy moves when he fights," he explained sheepishly. "Mixed martial arts," Starlight corrected, hiding her smile behind her teacup. Sunburst was probably right though, and the Pegasus would be coming back to their little village sometime next week. Sunset gave her long mane a toss and defended, "A unicorn mustn’t rely solely on their magic." Sunburst glanced her way and asked, "Can you fight without your magic?" "Sure." "What about combat magic?" he asked, directing the question to both of them. The mares exchanged a glance, and Sunset shrugged. "Yes, of course, we can." "And you're probably both better than me, too," he mourned. "Haven't you been practicing while you were at home?" his cousin asked sharply. "Erm... maybe not as much as I should have...?" Sunburst replied with a guilty squirm. "Training grounds. First thing tomorrow," Sunset decreed with a roll of her eyes. After dinner, Sunset hurried over to Rock Hoof’s to see if she could arrange a training session on the morrow, leaving Sunburst and Starlight alone. The colt shooed her back to her seat at the head of the table and brought a plate of cookies and a pot of tea. She took a bite and swallowed. "These are good," she shyly remarked. He dimpled, then confessed, "I spent more time helping out my Mom…than with my magic." Starlight frowned. "Didn't you do any studying while you were away?" "I did," he affirmed. “I read all the material you gave and then some, but I just didn’t have time to practice them.” "Why didn't you?" "I was busy," Sunburst said, swirling the liquid in his teacup. "With what?" He sighed and shrugged. "I don't know...this and that. It's a lot busier in the city, and I guess I get distracted." "Isn't becoming a wizard important to you?" "Well, sure," he replied. "But when my friends call and say they want to meet at the arcade, it doesn't seem like a big deal to put practice off for one more day. Summer was way off in the future, and I like spending time with my friends. You know?" The mare slowly shook her head. "I train with my friends and family, so they don't take me away from my duties." Sunburst winced, then promised, "I'll work really hard this summer. Speaking of which... would you help me review my herbs before I have to meet with Master Stygian?" He clasped his hooves and gave her a pleading look. "Yeah, no problem," she mumbled, looking down at her teacup to hide her blush. As if I'd say no to anything he asked of me. "So...what was wrong earlier?" he asked out of the blue. "Wrong?" "Mm-hmm," he said, propping his chin on his hoof. "You looked pretty depressed when you got here. Did the newbies give you a hard time?" "Oh, no," she quickly assured. Unable to keep the truth from him, she quietly admitted, "I was kind of afraid you and Sunset were going to treat me like a baby." He looked taken aback. "Well that'd be silly," he asserted. "You could probably take better care of me than I'm taking care of you. But that's okay...right? Taking care of each other?" "Yeah," she admitted with genuine relief. "I'm just glad your dad was so cool about letting me and Sunset do this. It's good practice." Starlight turned that around in her mind a few times. "Practice for what?" she cautiously ventured. The colt fiddled some more with his now-empty cup, a soft smile on his face. "Oh...for someday." He's different. The seasons had turned, and Sunburst had changed. It was hard to tell why or how, but she had all summer to try to figure that out. Clearing her throat, Starlight said, "I forgot to tell you...those breezies earlier? They thought I was scary." "You? Nooo!" he exclaimed, leaning forward. "What did you do?" "I think they were going on reputation alone. I'm a unicorn; they're not." Sunburst laughed softly and asked, "Did you set them straight?" "Yeah," she said with a shy grin. The more they talked, the better she felt. Sunburst had changed, but the things she loved about him were still right there in front of her. Today had been good...tomorrow was going to be fine...and she could hope for somedays as well. > xiii. Good Instintcs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike arrived in advance of the returning delegations so the village’s ponies would have time to assemble in the gathering meadow. The dragon’s green eyes were sparkling as he relayed some of the juiciest tidbits. "Thorax is the youngest king in three millennia, and he's bucking some longstanding traditions." Sunset Shimmer frowned. "The changelings have never wanted anything to do with ponies before." "It's a huge change," Spike acknowledged. "The little guy’s inexperienced, but he has good instincts. He'll be fine." "Little guy?" Sunset asked sharply. "I find it hard to believe that the hive would follow a grub." Spike shrugged and conceded. "He is an adult...barely. It's amazing how much he's accomplished despite his lack of seasons." "Going to the Heart of the Forest was smart," Starlight opined quietly. "What are changelings like?" Sunburst asked curiously. The purple dragon grinned down at the thirteen-year-old. "Oh... a little rough around the edges, I suppose. The headpony and the Heart of the Forest gave them a crash course, but we'll have to make allowances. None of them are used to dealing with ponies." "Sire’s Hollow is a good place to learn!" Sunburst enthused. "The best," Starlight agreed solemnly. Since Firelight was personally escorting the hive into the village, it fell to Starlight to give them a proper welcome. Dressed in traditional pony garb, she waited in the center of the meadow, her friends and family fanned out behind her. Stygian also held a position of honor, so Sunburst and Sunset were able to stand beside her. Starlight stole a glance at the deer delegations and smiled; Bramble looked very elegant as he filled in for his father. Spike whistled sharply, and a moment later, the leader of the changelings strode into the clearing, flanked by King Aspen, Starlight’s father, and another changeling she did not recognize. "Wow, look at his wings!" Sunburst whispered amazed. "Shh," Sunset warned. Starlight was also intrigued by changeling’s appearance. Most creatures adopted pony finery when taking on an equine form, but this creature wore nothing. His skin was green, his antlers were bright yellow, and he was unarmed. The hive’s leader's wings twitch gently on his back, betraying some of his agitation as his wide purple eyes swept the assembly. Is it the ponies or the pace that makes him restless? There was no denying Thorax's youth; he looked about the same age as their older, high school-aged campers. Seventeen... eighteen... nineteen at the most, Starlight estimated. He must be strong if the rest are willing to follow him. I wonder if he had to fight for his place. Reaching his daughter, Firelight rested a hoof on Starlight's shoulder before turning to include everyone in his declaration. "Raise your voices for Thorax, leader of the northern hive! He and his court are welcome in this place!" As one, the ponies called out their traditional welcome, an offer of rest and peace. Sunburst gasped in delight as a handful of four-footed changelings lifted their heads and sang their response. "Amazing! They brought a little bit of beauty to Sire’s Hollow!" he whispered, earning a sidelong glance from the strange changeling. Starlight nodded thoughtfully and murmured, "A changeling is not a changeling if he cannot be free." Instantly, the strange changeling was in her face, and Starlight held very still. Dad must not have reached the lesson on personal space. She knew for a fact that it was number forty-seven on the list her father used for training newbies. Just in case she had offended him, the eleven-year-old lowered her gaze. "Welcome to Sire’s Hollow, Sir...?," she said quietly. "Pharynx," said the changeling in a rough voice. "I'm the general and second in command of the hive." "Pharynx!" Thorax said nervously, rushing to the pair and nudging Pharynx to the side. "I am so sorry about this! Please forgive him, he's just very...passionate about his job." "It's alright, Lord Thorax," said Starlight, smiling widely to not only ease his nerves but of those around her also, she could see that Bramble and Sunset were ready to spring in front of her in case things went wrong. "One can never be too cautious." "T-Thanks," he replied nervously. "Say...are you the headpony’s grub?" "Yes. My name is Starlight Glimmer. It is a pleasure to meet you." Pharynx straightened and Starlight dared to lift her gaze once more. "I apologize if my words were an offense." The dark changeling smiled. "Oh, no...you’ve got it right. Him, too," he added, jerking a hoof in Sunburst's direction. "I like that...you ponies aren't so dense after all." The tense atmosphere lifted somewhat, enough to ignore it and continue with the introductions. She learned that Thorax and Pharynx were brothers, but they were as opposite as siblings came. Thorax was shy, soft-spoken, and nervous at first, but as he spoke to the other ponies his nervousness left and he turned out to be quite friendly and approachable. His brother, in contrast, was mostly quiet and kept to himself after getting in Starlight's face, but he exuded an aura of danger that made the rest of the group avoid him, even Sunburst didn't dare to make another comment about him and he stuck to Starlight's side the rest of the meeting. They were about to enter Sire's Hollow when the Leader of the changelings suddenly stopped and turn to look Starlight. "What was that thing?" he mumbled, glancing briefly at the filly's father. "Oh, yeah! I got my eye on you, Starlight!" Across the clearing, where he stood beside his father, Bramble’s eyebrow twitched. > xiv. The Cave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight peeked out of the corner of her eye at Sunburst, who was staring idly out at the rain instead of studying the list of tinctures Stygian wanted him to memorize. Dad had taken Sunset to Mist Mane’s greenhouse so she could check on some of her wounds, so it was just the two of them. Now might be a good time to show him. Trying to sound casual, the eleven-year-old filly cleared her throat and said, "We could go for a walk... if you want?" He looked up in surprise, and she added, "There's someplace I want to show you." They splashed through puddles all the way to the meadow above the village where mossy stones marked Sire's Hollow cemetery. This time, instead of stopping beneath the ancient tree to pay their respects, Starlight hurried Sunburst towards the mouth of the cave that stood beyond. Once they reached its cover, she set aside their umbrella and started forward, undaunted by the darkness. "What is this place?" the thirteen-year-old colt asked uncertainly. "A shrine." "It's kind of spooky," Sunburst remarked. "There's better light further down," she assured, then bashfully held out her hoof. "It's safe." When his cold hoof slipped across her callused one, Starlight was glad he couldn't see her faint blush. The passage opened into an immense cavern which was partially lit by grey daylight that filtered through a series of uneven crevices near the ceiling. She knew the moment Sunburst realized what lay in the shadows because he gasped and edged closer to her. "Is that a changeling?" he whispered. "Used to be," she acknowledged with a shrug. Her gaze was fixed on the sad smile of the valiant stallion held aloft in the mass of evil creatures. In moments, Sunburst spotted him, too. "Who's he?" "His name was Star Swirl," she replied. "Our village is named for him." The young wizards gaze roved over the tangled bodies of more creatures, each one stranger than the last than anyone wished to count. They pile high on top of each other, their bodies made out of stone, some had eroded away and only had a vague equine shape, their faces twisted with expressions of pain and hatred. Those with claws were reaching for the ceiling, or more specifically towards Star Swirl, who dangled in the grip of an enormous dragon, it's jaws open and pointed towards the pony in his claws. "This is the place of the final battle?" "I'm not exactly sure. Maybe we could ask Prince Bramble?" "Why would he know?" he asked curiously. "Star Swirl saved his great-great grandfather's life," Starlight replied, nodding towards the serene-faced stallion who had single-handedly changed their world. "Because of his sacrifice, King Aspen the First and Princess Celestia began to work for peace between ponies and other creatures." "He's the reason the conflict ended," Sunburst whispered in awe, his hoof over his heart, right where a hole gaped in Star Swirls' chest. "Yes." With a sidelong glance, she added, "You should have read about it in the books you were assigned over the winter." "But I thought it was a fairy tale, so I didn’t give it much attention,” Sunburst mumbled, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Erm...so...do you visit him often?" "Not so much anymore. Dad used to bring me before Mom...you know," Starlight replied. "Tending this shrine was his duty." "Oh," Sunburst replied softly, touching the mare's shoulder sympathetically. "Who does it now?" "Stygian will take care of it until the next shrine-keeper is found." "Oh! Is your father looking for someone?" "N-not exactly," she admitted, scuffing her hoof in the dirt at their feet. "He kinda said he'd leave it up to me." "You?” "Well, yeah. That's just how it works... n'stuff," Starlight replied awkwardly. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to bring Sunburst here. "It's not like I'd let anyone else pick him." Her discomfort caught his attention, and his eyes took on the sparkle of curiosity. "Starlight," he crooned sweetly, leaning down to look her in the eye. "Who's going to be the next keeper of Star Swirl’s shrine?" It wasn't a big secret. Not really. But that didn't make it any easier to tell him. Blushing to the roots of her hair, Starlight mumbled, "My husband." > xv. Attention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight knew it wasn't the bravest thing she'd ever done, but she was only eleven; allowances should be made. She dashed up the hill, vaulted onto the front porch, and charged through the front door. Safe! "Hey Starlight," Sunburst called cheerfully. Ducking behind his back, she panted, "Hide me!" "Are you playing a game?" he asked curiously. At thirteen Sunburst still like to play games, sometimes he would even drop his lessons in favor of playing with the younger campers if asked. His eyes sparkled in anticipation of the fun. "Not exactly," she managed with a half-hearted smile. A sharp rap at the front widened her eyes, and Sunburst held a hoof to his lips, then hurried to answer the door. "Prince Bramble!" he exclaimed happily. "What brings you here?" Bramble gazed up at him with a friendly smile. "I’m looking for Starlight." "Is that so?" he hedged with a nervous little laugh. Starlight couldn't help but smile, for Sunburst was a terrible liar. However, her amusement disappeared as a light airy voice hailed the entrance of the house. That was quick. "Good afternoon, Lord Thorax!" the young stallion greeted. "Looks like we had the same idea," the changeling said, smirking down on the young deer. Unruffled, Bramble haughtily announced, "You cannot enter without permission." "I wasn't gonna barge," Thorax grumbled defensively. Turning to Sunburst, he said, "Excuse me! Can I come in?" Sunburst smile twitched awkwardly in his face, but he glanced uncertainly behind him. "Erm... I don't think that's a good idea, Lord Thorax." "How come? I know she’s here." "But I don't think Starlight..." "I was here first," Bramble interrupted with youthful authority. "Well, that's true," Sunburst allowed. It might have gone on forever if a low growl hadn't cut across the bickering. Spike stalked into the room, his tail twitching in annoyance. He plucked Starlight from her flimsy hiding place, tossing her onto his shoulders before rounding on the adolescent creatures at the door. "You both may have your eyes on this mare, but I assert the prior claim. So back off." Changelings and deers knew better than to cross dragons, so Bramble and Thorax exchanged a look, then bowed in unison. Spike nodded in satisfaction, then vanished, taking Starlight with him.