Kobold Adventures: The Land of Equines

by Undertotem

First published

A party of 5 kobold adventurers travel around the world to seek fun and adventure and a thrill of life. We will follow these cute and adorable reptile friends as they get magically stranded to a land untouched by kobold claws.

Greilyn, Azzy, Lunar, Valara, and Corgda Xandoo are kobold adventurers who works in an adventurers guild in the city of Ace Draco. They received a quest from their Guild Master named Kreylee, telling them that there has been a strange magical signature located far west of Ace Draco, in the Forest of the Forgotten. Their mission was to investigate the deepest parts of the forest, observe what caused of the strange magical signature if safe, flee the area if anything dangerous was spotted that they could not handle, and report back to the guild if anything was found suspicious immediately. Upon arriving to the scene, the adventurers looked for clues regarding to the strange magic. Unfortunately, one of them stumbled upon a sigil of a sun and moon, and when the group took a look at it they were then gone in the continent of Lacosta. Now they happen to be wrapped up in some conflict between what appears to be a tall dark blue horse and six very colorful ponies.

This is just going to be made just for fun, but that does not mean that I would not continue it. I honestly like the drawings of kobolds very much, they all look cute.

The art does not belong to me as well as the characters names. The art was made by SorcArts and the names are names given to them by other people. I'm just making some very interesting story with them being the characters.

Suggestions and feedback is appreciated. Enjoy reading!!
Violence and minor gore tags because their adventurers and such. IDK why I put romance, I might put some romance chapters if suitable, its just that I might suck at making it like a good love life or a cheesy one IDK. Missing tag for comedy. OC tag but not for me but for the creator of the character. Maybe a pony OC or someting.

Forest of the Forgotten

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Greilyn was sitting on one of the long wooden desk of the Adventurers Guild, with his head resting on one claw and a mug of ale on the other, looking lazily on the unfinished drink. He is a blue smooth scaled kobold with a white underbelly, white horns that come out of the side of his head, and smaller white spikes behind the jaw. He also has a pair of dragon like wings on his back that would let him fly and blue eyes. He wears leather garbs with a steel armor plate on his chest and a pair of sandals. And he wields a broad sword behind his back.

Greilyn sighed then he looked behind him and saw two of his friends come down the stairs of the guilds second floor holding a couple of mission papers from the quest board. One of the kobolds was a green scaled female, with some slightly darker shade of scales. She was only wearing what he could say, "Decent Enough" clothes. A leather top that only covers her chest and a "skirt" that only manages to cover the font and back end of her lower body. She has pink eyes and six small white horns on her head, three on each side. She carries a wooden staff with her as she is somewhat a Nature Arcana user of the group. But that does not mean that she can not handle herself in a fight. She did live in a forest her entire life before she joined the group.

The second kobold to follow her is a light blue rough scaled male kobold. He wears a plethora of necklines from a simple string feather, to a crystal necklace, to a bone necklace. He wears a blue button up shirt with some sea patterns, but with ripped sleeves and light gray shorts that's a bit tattered at the bottom. Greilyn did not know what the purpose of his best friend from doing it, and when he did ask the answer that he got was "Because it looks cool". The kobold has amber eyes but the one thing that differentiate him from the group was that he has a fined tail, a translucent membrane on the underneath of his tail. He wields a spear as well as Lightning Arcana, as some kobolds would call him the Lightning Striker due to his uncanny way of combining Combat Arcana and Elemental Arcana since he was supposed to be an Arcane Sorcerer before, but instead he took a weapon and started going on adventures using both types of Arcana.

The two kobolds reached Greilyn and dropped the scrolls from their claws on the table.

"So, what do you guys brought today?" Greilyn asked the two kobolds in a bored tone. as he looked towards the pile of papers in front of him.

"We have some gathering requests, finding someone's missing pet, hunting down a few monsters, a few investigations and such. What do you want Grey?" The green kobold asked.

"You guys can pick anything, as long as it's within our capabilities. We may be on the gold division due to luck, but I doubt we could handle a Dark One or even a Rogue Dragon, Valara" Greilyn said just to remind the two what they can and can not still do.

"Hey! How bout' this mission? We just need to kill a bear it says here" The light blue kobold said as he shows the piece of paper to Greilyn face with a wide smile.

Greilyn on the other claw took the piece of paper and read it, only to yell at the light blue kobold for his idiocy. "Azzy! We are not hunting down a Blood Wraith Bear (Use your imagination)! One its bigger than we are, heck it's bigger than humans and elves! Two, did you even see the payment? Even if we did succeed on killing it the payment is less than the risk. Whoever posted this was most likely a noble douche. We're low tier Gold, just let the high tier or above handle this thing." He explained.

"Hey! you guys may not handle it, but I sure can with my skills." Azzy said as he bragged about how good of fighter he is, but this just started another long argument between the two best friends.

"H-hey guys, um.... you should really stop fighting, you're kinda attracting a bit of a crowd with your yelling". Valara, the green kobold said trying to defuse the current situation between the two squabbling kobolds, as some of the people around them started chuckling or whispering.

"What in the bright falling stars is happening now with those two?" A voice was heard behind as Valara looked to see who it came from.

She saw a dark blue rough scaled male kobold with a few darker shaded scales that run along his back, arms and tail and a lighter shade of blue underbelly. He also has a few emerald green scaled on his head and red eyes. He wore an off white vest with pale red outlines and dark gray cargo shorts with a leather belt on his waist. On his back is a repeater crossbow and on the base of his tail was a small pack of his personal belongings.

"Nothing much really, but arguing on what mission to take Corgda Xandoo" Valara said to the dark blue kobold.

"*Sigh* Val I thought I said you could just call me Xandoo or Xan, just.... let me handle these two" He said as he then walked towards the two arguing kobolds.

"They're fighting again huh? Do those two always manage to fight every moment they see?" Valara heard beside her, so she turned to see a dark gray smooth scaled male kobold with a gray underbelly with gray horns that come out behind the head. A cyan crescent moon sigil on his forehead indicating that he was one of the Lunar Sorcerers, sorcerers who uses the moons as guidance in life and in combat to protect others for they use magic somewhat akin to the Spirit Arcana that some Monks use. Although the kobold may be using the traditional Lunar garbs that are color blue with sand yellow outlines, it was made fancier by it being held down by a red, and white and black patterned cloth around the waist, some pink inner clothing, and a rather fancy hat with feathers to accompany the blue garb. He also wore white pants and leather boots that also has the sigil of the Lunar Sorcerers. He carries with him a harp he carries with his right claw and a lute that is placed beside the backpack that he carries. Coincidentally his name happens to be called Lunar.

"I do not know why they fight about different things, is it because they are friends is why they fight?" Valara asked Lunar as she tilted her head sideways. Although a faint blush could be appeared on his face, to faint to be seen by the other kobold, due to how adorable and innocent she looks whenever she does that.

"*a-ahem* W-well I don't know much about what they are arguing about, so why won't we get closer to see whats happening" He said as he rubbed the back of his neck as he started to move forward to the small crowd that surrounds three of his friends, as Valara walks behind him.

"I'm telling you, you're being an idiot on doing this, you'll probably kill yourself!" Greilyn yelled still trying to get his point across.

"And I'M telling you that I'll survive just fine if you don't believe me! I'm strong and I can take it on my own!" Azzy said still with a smug look on his face.

"OH! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S STRONG!!!" and there started a fist fight between the two kobolds as they started punching each other.

Meanwhile Xandoo was standing there taking in all the context of the argument that's coming from the mouth of Greilyn. Seriously!?!? They're fighting just because Grey thinks we cant beat a Blood Wraith Bear?!?! We have someone that can purify bad spirits with us for moons sake!!! And by then, Xandoo became even more pissed and annoyed as the two fought.

Greilyn and Azzy momentarily stopped fighting and soon drew both their weapons. But as soon as they lunge at each other they both felt a claw grab both of their heads and continue to smash them together.

"WOULD THE TWO OF YOU SHUT UP!!!!" Xandoo yelled at the two fighting kobolds as he smashed both of their heads together. "Seriously! One disagreement and now you try to kill each other!?!? What are you two, hatchlings?!?!" he asked the two now stunned kobolds lying on the floor. The other spectators of the fight were now laughing to themselves and soon the small crowed dispersed. Xandoo rubbed his forehead in annoyance as he looks at the two kobolds on the floor. He was going to pick them up but soon stopped as the hall started to be quiet by the second.

The guild soon got quiet as an elf with green hair with the back of his hair braided by a red string, and the front sides of his hair braided as well, came down the stairs. He wore a white robe that reaches to his waist and a light green vest with leaf patterns that decorate it, with two brown buttons on the front. He also wore a white cloth pants and walked bare foot with a wooden staff on his hand. He is the guild master of Ace Draco's Adventurer's Guild, Kreylee.

"Corgda Xandoo." Kreylee said in a calm voice. "As I see that Greilyn is unable to speak right now, I would like to ask you to bring your party in my office." And with that the Guild Master left.

"Remember, your only mission is to observe and investigate the magical anomaly. I don't want to receive a letter saying that one team of my guild members died or disappeared during and investigation mission." Kreylee said in a calm voice that hides worry. "Know that this is a personal request from me, as much as I don't like the military mages of the city I need to know what were dealing with here first, before they come first to the source. I may sound like I'm asking for much, but you will be rewarded"

"We'll be needing that reward right now. You're saying that there's a magical disturbance or anomaly or something in The Forgotten Forest that the mage scholars could detect, that's a really risky move you're doing if I ever heard one. Not to mention that we might be facing some things that we don't even know of. And how come you can sense this so-called anomaly? We have Val and Lunar with us, so how come they can't sense it?" Xandoo said as he discusses the request with the elf. Though he is skeptical at first, but then he thought that if there happens to be nothing in the forest not only did he and his team receive bonus stuff from the Guild Master, they didn't have to risk their lives going to and returning from the forest. The only thing they would have to worry about is whether the military got there first or not.

"I will admit that this would be risky, but if we are able to identify the reason of this anomaly, we may be able to learn something new from this if we are the first to arrive at the scene. And the reason why I was able to detect this magical signature because it was faint magic, faint enough to be mistaken as ambient magic that others just expel out of their bodies, but strong enough that I am able to identify that the magic that I felt was different from what I am used to. As for the reward, hopefully this will be enough" Kreylee said.

Outside of the office, the other four kobolds were discussing what was going to happen to them.

"Do you think were going to be punished for what the two of you did?" Lunar asked the rest as he sees the two previously fighting kobolds rub the back of their neck and laugh nervously.

"I don't think that we would be punished severely just because of a a small argument." Valara said as she puts a finger on her chin as she looks up while the others look at her.

The other three kobolds blushed at this rather cute scene and found out that there are more interesting things other than her to look at. And sometimes even take a quick glance towards her.

Valara wondered why they were looking everywhere, as if they are feeling on edge or something, so she decided to ask them. "Um, is... something wrong? You three seem to look around a lot right now?" She asked as she looks between the three kobolds.

"H-hey I wonder what's taking Xandoo so long, I know that he's usually the one who talks to others when there's a problem or something heh-hehehe." Azzy said as he nervously holds his spear between his claws, trying to redirect the female kobolds curiosity to the question.

But as soon as he asked, the door of the Guild Masters office opened and out went Xandoo along with the Guild Master. The rest of the group looked at the dark blue kobold in anticipation on what the news that was given to him.

"We have a job to do." Xandoo said.

"Seriously? Master Kreylee gave us all these just for an investigation mission?" Lunar asked Xandoo as they tread through the Forest of the Forgotten. Looking through the stuff given to them were some of the best equipment and tools one could ever have, for the fighters mainly. But high tier Arcane books were also given to them and a large sum of gold silver coins for them to use to stock up on supplies. Lunar and the rest of the party members were shocked at first due to how much the Guild Master was willing to give for a simple observe and investigate mission. But Sir Xandoo told them that they are facing an unknown magical signature, which means they don't know what they are facing, so it was better give them the reward now that they're alive than give the reward to the dead.

"I know I said this before, but I'll still say it now. We don't know what were dealing with here, if it's something dangerous or peaceful. We were ordered to investigate and observe, if something happens that we can't handle we leave." Xandoo said.

"Well I'm not really complaining, at least I got a new sword to try out now." Greilyn said as he drew the sword from his back that seemed to glow with arcane magic. A dark blue grip that has an intricately designed pommel and guard that has a sapphire gem at the center of the guard, and a light cyan glow around the blade.

"I know right, I mean we have a lot of restoration and energy potions and elixers in mas quantities, and I have a new spear as well! How cool is that?!?!" Azzy asked the rest of the group as he tried to show them his new spear for the enth time. He held black body spear with the blade resting on the top that looks like and end of a quill.

"We know, and we can see it Azzy. You don't have to show it to us again and again" Xandoo said angrily, but he really couldn't complain since the payment given to them was a really nice bonus for them to get a few upgrades, he even took an expensive yet very functional crossbow made from steel. Although he wouldn't leave his original crossbow since it was his first and will always be, the new crossbow was just a good addition to his arsenal. He hasn't tried it yet, but if given the chance he would like to pin his target full of arrow bolts.


(OLD) (But more curved bow than a branch style)

The group then arrive to the scene of the magical anomaly, but seeing as there is nothing there, the group then discussed what to do next since nothing is showing up. Xandoo, Greilyn, and Valara agreed to look fore clues, while Lunar and Azzy looked around the perimeter. After a few minutes of searching Greilyn stumbled upon a pin of some sort on the forest floor, so he decided to call for the others about what he found. He found a Sun and Moon pin that seems to swirl around each other but does not seem to overtake one another.
(Think Luna and Celestia Cutie Mark Yin Yang)

"Hmmm..... This looks like a sigil of the Lunar Clan and Solar Clan, but why would this be here?" Lunar asked as the others went closer to look at the pin. But then he noticed that the pin was glowing by the second as soon as the rest of the group went closer. Soon the they were blinded by a bright white light.




"(Girly scream 1)"

"(Girly scream 2 that totally did not come from Azzy)"

Soon the light faded and there left nothing on the Forest of the Forgotten. No screams, nobody, no one. But a pin that fell on the ground that slowly disappeared.

A bright flash of light soon opened and out come five kobold bodies, unceremoniously dropped.

"Where the hell are we?!?!" Xandoo yelled as he tried to shake the blindness from his eyes.

"I do not know." Valara said feeling dizzy.

Fortunately Azzy was the first one to recover due to him being used to getting blinded by bright lights to the eyes, mostly by his lightning. And he is also the first one to notice that they were in an unfamiliar place.

"Um, guys? I think that pin dropped us somewhere I don't know." Azzy said as he looks towards two seats that were destroyed by age with the symbols of both the sun and the moon in banners.

(But night time and luna not there)

"I think that pin did something to us becau-" but before Azzy could finish what he would say, a loud boom was heard and that took the groups attention. So then they run towards the commotion to see what was happening. Upon arrival they noticed something they have never seen in their entire lives before, colorful small horses or.... colorful ponies. Well one of them is small at least. The smaller one seemed to have a coat of purple and a darker shade of purple mane and tail with a pink stripe and a horn on its head. The other one is taller than the first with a dark blue near black coat with what looks like a blue mist mane and tail, as this one wore armor on its body with a horn on its head and wings on its back.

"Um, I don't know whats happening but I think we should wait and see whats happening and see who's the bad guy? Although I vote for the one in black is the bad guy." Greilyn asked the rest of the group. The others nodded in approval and decided to wait and listen to what is happening.

"You little foal, thinking you could defeat ME!!" This shocked the group as the tall horse talked to its smaller counterpart in a female voice. "Now you will never see your princes, or your sun. The NIGHT. WILL LAST. FOREVER!!" She said as she laughed maniacally. "And not only did I destroy your precious Elements, I will destroy you as well!!" She said as she summoned five glowing blue swords directed at the smaller pony who seemed to freeze in shock and fear. But this only alerted the kobold group hiding in the sidelines.

"You're right she is the bad guy." Xandoo said as he quickly ordered the rest of them. "Val! Bind her! Aim for the horn, it looks like the source of her power. NOW!"

"Got it!" Valara said as she then used her Arcana to bind her enemy. "DEEP ROOTS!!" Quickly vines and roots started to erupt from the ground and hold down the dark blue horse on the legs, torso, neck, and horn.

"Lunar! Speed boost on Grey and Azzy. NOW! And the two of you, distract her!" Lunar nodded then started to cast his spell. "Fleeting Movement!" As soon as the spell was completed, Greilyn sprinted infront of the tall horse, disappeared almost like a blur and appeared instantly with his weapon drawn and readied to swing on its opponent as it glows red. At the same Azzy used his Lightning Arcana to teleport himself behind the tall horse, ready to throw his weapon charged with lightning. And in all this, Xandoo took aim using his new bow as his bow glowed green and the bolts glowed red.

"Fast Fire, Explosive Arrows!!"

For the Sun Rises Tomorrow

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Twilight was there, she was so close on finding the Elements to stop Nightmare Moon, but all of that became worthless when she destroyed it. Now she is about to kill her bring eternal night in Equestria. She failed what she was supposed to do, she failed Princess Celestia, she failed everypony else. Now she sat there terrified to move as Nightmare Moon readies to strike her with the swords she summoned.

But before she could close her eyes to prevent herself from looking at her fate, vines started to bind the body, legs and horn of Nightmare Moon, making her immobile and making the summoned swords disappear, shocking both Twilight and Nightmare. But before any of them could react, two things that look like small dragons appear both infront and behind Nightmare Moon, the one infront holding a rather large sword that's glowing red, and the one that appeared behind her had its spear covered in lightning, with eyes having a blue glow and releasing small amounts of electricity. Then they yelled something then proceeded to attack Nightmare Moon, which shock Twilight even more as she was sure that she heard another voice to her right.

"Fast Fire, Explosive Arrows!!"

Nightmare Moon did not have time to react as she felt the sword cleave through her armor and something sharp and shocking hitting her back, not to mention the repeated explosions being sent towards her. She tried to fight against it, but instead flew into a wall in a cry of pain, as something hard was sent towards her. She crashed through a wall, shocked at what just happened, but that only angered her more as she sees this pitiful beings are trying to stop her from her ruling Equestria. She stood up shakily as she tried to examine the damage don't to her, and what she saw shocked her as she sees a steel rod was impaled in her as she slowly leaks out blood from her back, her chest, and her side. She then pulled out the rod and dropped it with a loud clang that echoed the room she was in as the rod disappears in blue electrical energy, she then started healing herself with magic.

"How could these foals ATTACK ME!! I AM THEIR NEW RULER!!!" She thought furiously. "I will punish them, I will kill those who do this to me!!" Her face now contorted with fury she flew out of the wall she was flung into, and attacked those things that attacked her first.

Twilight was surprised so to say, that these two small dragons manage to fling Nightmare Moon into a wall. The two young dragons that struck the Nightmare then ran towards her, but what surprised her the most was that three more of the young dragons called towards the other two and ran towards her from the other side of the of the wall. From what Twilight could quickly observe, they look slightly older than spike and each wore clothes of some kind, maybe they were dragons nearing their teens, she thought.

"Hey. Are you alright, you're not hurt are you?" Twilight heard a mares voice and turned to see a small green dragon beside her.

"N-no, I'm fine, I'm not hurt at all." She said to the green dragon, as the dragon looks at her for injuries.

"Great job on distracting her guy's. You know, it's actually a miracle she didn't blast you guys to bits. Then again, she was binded." Twilight then saw a heavily clothed black dragon who said it like it was none of his business.

"Guys! Lets focus for a while, the fights most likely not over yet." Twilight turned to see the owner of the voice, only to see the same dragon who held the glowing sword. He's a blue dragon who wore brown clothing with a metal plate on his chest. Twilight then heard a different voice commenting on the blue dragons words.

"Like, seriously, she got thrown into a wall because of Xandoo's explosive arrows. I sure do hope she's not that weak." Twilight saw the dragon making the remark was in light blue coloration. But what surprised her the most, was that out of all the small dragons that went towards her, the light blue dragon summoned a black spear out of lightning and continues to spin it around his claws. "We better move, so we could beat her evil butt up!"

"W-wait, but.... the Elements!" Twilight said "We need the Elements' power to defeat Nightmare Moon."

"And what are these so called Elements?" Twilight turned to see a dark blue dragon asked her, he was holding a bow of some sort, although she did not know what the purpose of the metallic parts that surround the bow part.

"They're ancient relics Princess Celestia used in order to banish Nightmare Moon. It was said that when all five elements were present, a spark would happen and a sixth Element would appear. But.... Nightmare Moon destroyed the other five Elements." Twilight explained to the small dragons, loosing all hope.

"Aaaauuuggghhhhh........ I hate ancient relics." The dark blue dragon said as he rubbed his forehead. "Okay look, I've known ancient relics for a long time and they are never meant to be destroyed, and if there's a relic that's meant to destroy, seal, banish, or whatever and gets destroyed, that just means that it probably served its purpose, or manifested due to some requirement or something." The dark blue dragon explained to her, but before she could question more, a loud booming sound was heard from the wall where Nightmare was flung into, and out came a very angry alicorn.

"Gray, Azzy, keep her busy, Val, I need you're highest protection spells on every one, and Lunar, protect her we don't need any more collateral damage." The dark blue dragon said as the other dragons then did what they were told. Twilight saw the black dragon approach her, who's name seemed to be Lunar, and started to cast magic she has never known in her entire life. The more these dragons do things the more she questions them and their abilities, she has gotten very curious as to what else these strange dragons could do.

But due to the loud booming sound, a couple of voices could be heard from behind the conflict, to the opposite wall. When Twilight looked behind her, she remembered all her experiences that happened with her along five other mares. As she remembers this, a spark in her eyes appeared.

Greilyn used his sword to block the magical beams of the dark tall horse used to attack him and his friend. Thanks to Vlaralra's Leaf Protection spell, they manage to to survive the normally heavy damage attacks from the tall dark horse.

Azzy on the other hand had to doge all the magical beams being sent towards him, and strike down those that got too close for comfort. Mainly due to the magical beams being homed towards the two fighters, both could not find an opening to attack the dark horse, and little by little they were being weakened by the dark horse.

Corgda Xandoo was having the worst day of his life. He wasn't supposed to be fighting a magical crazed probably moon loving black horse thing, he did not sign up for this. Yes he did accept the job request, yes they did get a reward, yes they did get what they wanted and needed, no he didn't want to have a headache after being teleproted, and no the reward they got was probably is/not worth it due to the circumstanced that they are right now. These were the thoughts that were running through his head, as he continues to load shot after shot of crossbow bolts towards the dark horse. Xandoo noticed that the other two fighters were unable to to attack up close due to the magical homing beams striking them, and Gray constantly protecting Val. He also noticed that while their defenses were weakening, the barrier around the dark horse is still strong. Xandoo then casted a Piercing Shot to his crossbow bolt and an Accelerated Fire to his crossbow to boost the bolts initial speed for better effectivity.

Upon firing, the crossbow bolt pierced the dark horses barrier as well as her armor and skin. The dark horse screamed in pain as the bolt goes through her shoulder drawing blood. The enemy loosing focus, Greilyn and Azzy rushed in to attack, slashing and striking their way through the opponent, as she screamed more in pain as the bladed weapons cut deep into her skin. The two fighters backed off as a wave of magical energy surrounded the dark horse and pushed outwards.

Nightmare Moon was struggling fighting against these lizards to say the least, but she did not show it. She did not expect to have to fight this much and to be wounded by such lesser creatures, although she did commend their actions and skills. She even went as far as offering them a place in her kingdom when she rules during their fight, only to be met with a silent answer and a blade across the chest. Nightmare Moon was bleeding almost everywhere with blood spilling on the floor, while her opponents were bleeding somewhat slightly but mostly bruised.

Nightmare needed to find a way to finish these pesky lizards to achieve her goals, but before she could act out anything, she was again flung towards the place where she first teleported in.

Lunar was surprised to say the least. As he was protecting the purple pony, whom he received the pony's name is Twilight Sparkle, with spell shields he saw five more colored ponies run up from the stairs towards them.

"Twlilght! Are you okay!?" The orange one said

"Hey! Get away from our friend!" The blue one said as 'she' (he thinks its a she) rushes towards Lunar, ready to run him over. Lunar saw this and prepared a quick barrier between the blue pony and himself.

Quick Cast: Light Barrier. He said as he puts both his glowing claws forward.

The blue pony on the other claw slammed into a shimmering translucent pane of 'glass'. Twilight then stopped the blue pony and the others before they could do anything. She told them what currently was happening and with Lunars further explanation they were able to understand the situation better. Twilight then explained too Lunar what she suddenly realized, and hoped that it would work. Soon, from what Twilight explained, Nightmare Moon crashed infront of the group.

"I... Will... NOT FALL!" Nightmare yelled as she struggled to get up. Twilight grimaced at this, but she took all her courage and walked forward towards Nightmare Moon.

"Nightmare Moon, if you thought that you have destroyed the Elements of Harmony just like that, well your wrong, because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony, are RIGHT HERE!"

Greilyn wasn't sure what was happening now, but one thing is for certain, the enemy is distracted and it was the perfect opportunity to defeat the dark horse with a big finish. Xandoo also had this in mind as the both of them looked at each other. Lunar then came rushing towards them, telling them the situation and what is about to happen. Xandoo then called Azzy, so he would also be able to understand the situation.

"Okay, I get the gist of it." Xandoo said to Lunar. "We'll need to make Val bind her as long as possible while the rest of us go for the big finish."

"Hehehe, looks like I get to use one of my big spells now." Azzy claimed as he griped his spear and lightning started to course through his whole body.

Xandoo told Valara told her his plan and to use her binding spell again when he gives the signal. After a few moments the the six colorful beings started to glow, and their opponent summoning spears to stop them.

"VAL, NOW!!!" Xandoo yelled.

Valara used all her energy to cast the strongest binding spell. "SPELL MAXIMIZE: DEEP ROOTS!!!!" She yelled as she raises her green glowing staff high in the air, as soon as the words were said, thick vines and roots sprung up from the ground once again, binding the enemy, making her loose her summoned spears and be stuck in one place.

Light from the six colorful beings glowed more brightly until a beam (wave?) of colorful energy rose up towards the ceiling and came down towards their target. At the same time, the other four kobolds used their skills and spells for the big finish as well.

Greilyn raised his sword behind his back as the sword started to glow blue, "Secret Art: Line Wave!!!" He yelled as he swung his sword downwards, projecting a wave of blue energy in a vertical line that quickly approached his target.

Azzy seemed to float in the air as his whole body was covered in lightning, he raised his claw up in the air as he charged lightning through it while he held his spear on his other claw. "Elemental Burst: Lightning Overcharge!!!" He yelled as the converging energy from his raised claw shot up above, and soon came back down towards his target.

Corgda Xandoo crouched on one knee and aimed for his target. He may not have a lot of flashy moves, but he does have a big move to finish the job. His crossbow glowed green as well as his crossbow bolt, soon a projection of a green glowing
mounted crossbow appeared behind him. "Special Skill: Ballista!!!" He yelled as the projection shot a giant glowing arrow bolt towards the enemy.

Lunar felt his connection to the moon rise in intensity as his eyes start to glow white and his body started to float. His claws infront his chest, palms facing each other, as energy surrounds him. Soon a blue spirit animates its self behind him.

(Bright blue, less sinister looking, and female, because reasons and something, something, plot related stuff, maybe.)

"Spirit Break: Eclipse." Lunar said in an echoey voice, not like his own, rather a voice of someone else. The blue spirit raised its hand towards Nightmare Moon and proceeded to hit her with a beam of black and orange.

Nightmare Moon screamed in agony as she felt herself be erased by the Elements of Harmony, removing her from the host she has corrupted. But the pain ten folded as attacks hit her from all sides, and soon she disappeared without a trace, leaving a broken armor for others to remember.

The kobolds were tired after a long fight and decided to sit back for a while and talk to each other. The colorful beings laid on the ground, but the kobolds did not do anything for they think that they were just as tired as they are, so they let them rest. Soon the rest of the colorful beings woke up and started doing their own things and admiring the newly acquired jewelry and talking to each other, and became unaware of the scaly company with them. The sun rose a bit later, and with it revealed another one of those colorful beings. But this one had a white coat, and a multi colored hair, wings and a horn, and had a motherly voice with them. The group was still unnoticed until the purple one looked around and spotted the group sitting in a circle talking to each other.

Celestia listen to what Twilight said, then told her what her intentions were. She finally has her sister Luna returned to her and has been forgiven by her sister, but after the eye swelling reunion, Twilight took Celestia's attention and directed it towards a small group of colored lizards talking to each other. And with further explanation from Twilight, she now knows that they helped in the defeat in Nightmare Moon. But what they are intrigued her, and from Twilight's explanation, Celestia now thinks about how dangerous their power is.

Far From Home

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Valara was sitting along with her friends, holding her staff with both claws and resting her head on it. She could tell that the other were tired as well and can't wait to get home after this maelstrom of a conflict. But that was what stopped her thoughts, where were they? She looked behind her and looked through a window and saw that they were still in a forest. But as she does a magical scan, through her connections through nature, she felt a different type of magic surrounding them, as well as finding more magical signatures within the room they are in. She looked to where the strong magical signature was, and six colorful beings on the floor, resting. She decided to expanded her magical senses, even through the tiredness, she did this just to make sure that her mind was not playing tricks with her. After a few moments of scurrying, what she found disturbed her greatly, so she decided to tell this to her team. But decided to tell it later, since Lunar is trying to call for the others.

Azzy was having the best day of his life. He actually fought someone who can fight in a long time, it might be a race he does not know off, but at least it did put up a good fight. He was relaxing on one step of a stair, lying down on it with his eyes closed, when he heard a voice call him. He sat up and opened his eyes to see a black kobold looking at him.

"Sir Azzy, we need to talk to the others, I have something to tell and it might shock you as well." The black kobold said to his friend, as Azzy stood up and walked towards the rest of his team.

"I wonder what he's going to say?" Azzy thought as he sat crosslegs between Greilyn and Valara, with his spear resting on his shoulder.

"So, what are you going to tell us, Lunar?" Xandoo asked as he sits on a broken stone pillar, not bothering to look up as he meddles with his crossbow for anything to be concerned about.

"I did a magical scan a while ago when we were fighting Nightmare Moon" Lunar said as he sat beside Xandoo.

"Uh... Nightmare who now?" Greilyn asked the kobold sorcerer confused about the name given to them.

"Um, the one we were fighting a while ago, that was her name. Anyway, like I said I did a magical scan awhile ago and I noticed a few things." Lunar said

"We got teleported?" Greilyn said

"We defeated an evil creature?" Azzy said

"There's four legged creatures that look like horses?" Xandoo said as he pointed towards the now waking group of colorful creatures

"Well, yes, that, but also not that. You see, we might be-" But before he could continue, he was then cut off by Valara as she gives her insight to the problem.

"We might be in a different part of the world or in an unknown part of a forest. I also did a magical scan as well a few moments ago, and I noticed that there are different magical signatures in the area, not only that the magic of the forest outside is different from what I know off, there is a big difference in the magical atmosphere." Valara explained to the others her findings.

"Well, yes, you are correct, but I do not think that we are at a different part of the world or a different continent at that. We might be in an entirely new world from what I observed." Lunar said, and soon the faces of the other kobolds were filled with shock. They tried to question him but Lunar raised one claw to silence them so he would explain.

"Let me explain. What Miss Valara said was true, when I did a magical scan, not only did I notice a difference in the magical atmosphere, I also noticed that it is an entirely different magic from the once we know of. The magical atmosphere that surrounds our world is like a hot fire or a rushing wind of steam, meaning it is wild, it's harder to control and stabilize. While the magical atmosphere here seems to be more docile and calm, much like a stream of water or a gently flowing river, you could control it with no difficulty. The other thing I also noticed is the alignment of the stars and its patterns. I do not recognize the different constellations shown above the sky. And being a Lunar Sorcerer, that says something." Lunar explains to the rest, soon the others calmed down but it seems that something was on Xandoo's mind.

"What do you think sent us here?" Xandoo asked and after a short pause he asked another question. "Do you think we could go back?" He said as he looked up towards the ceiling, looking thorough the broken roof towards the starry sky.

"I think it has something to do with the pin Greilyn found, I am not sure." Lunar replied with his head hung low as he recalled the glowing pin that Greilyn took from the ground. "As for your second question, I do not think we could go back, there might be a small chance if I were to study the mechanics of the spell and look for someone who could cast it for us, but even then, our chances are close to none."

Everyone was holding mixed reactions, for Azzy it was a new opportunity to go on adventures and explore the new world, meet new people, learn new stuff, and fight more monsters. Valara was going to miss the friends she made in Ace Draco and her family that she left behind, but she knew that unexpected things would happen the moment she decided to leave the village and be an adventurer. Lunar was feeling down, but being a Lunar Sorcerer, he knew that their goddess would not abandon them, even in an entirely new world. For Corgda Xandoo on the other claw, this was just one of the unfortunate events that happen in life, one of the bad days that he experience's, the unlucky outcome of in a good bet, he knew that no matter the action made, there are always consequences, it just so happened that the request that they took from the guild master led them on another world. Very unfortunate. As for Greilyn, he was affected the strongest, for he would not be able to see his younger brothers and sisters any more, now that he's on a different world. His family would wonder where he has been and where were the letters and funds that the blue kobold was sending, only to receive a letter from the guild that said kobold disappeared without a trace, leaving the family in despair. Greilyn knew that crying and despairing would do nothing, he knew that if he kept the sadness in it would break him, and he knew that even in the toughest situations, his family would tell him to move forward and never forget them. He wishes that someday they would be able to return, but he could not help but cry silently for the loss of his family, even if he knows that they are still alive.

The sun started to rise from what Xandoo could see through the window. He sighed and stood up, took his crossbow that was lying on the floor and slung it on his shoulder.

"Come on, nothing going to happen if we just sit around. We better make use of what we have now while were still alive." He said as he picks up a bag of supplies from the floor.

Azzy sat up, took his spear and jumped upwards and dusted himself. "Xan's right, and since Lunar said that were on a new world, that means there's new stuff to explore, and even new people to meet!" Azzy said with a cheeky smile as he tries to lift the spirits of the others up.

Greilyn didn't respond and only kept quiet as he prays silently to the gods to protect his family. Lunar was praying as well, but in whispers, as he prays for their safety in the long road ahead. Valara on the other claw, thinks about what Azzy said. They are in a new world, that means she would be able to further expand her knowledge on alchemy and plant life.

Xandoo sighed again as he crosses his arms, while Azzy scratches the top of his head, as they look at the rest of their friends not move for a few moments. Xandoo looked behind him only to notice more of those colorful strange beings, but only two caught his eye. A tall white one with a horn and wings, and a multi color hair an tail, and a dark blue one that is also the same and seemed to have stars for their hair and tail. He also observed that the dark blue one looked similar to the one they fought a while ago, the two seemed to move towards where they are, and the smaller ones following behind the two. The purple one with a horn seemed ecstatic about something as well as the pink one, both with large smiles on their faces. The light blue one with the wings was somewhat glaring at them with suspicion, while the white one with the purple hair seemed to be looking at one of them, and he was sure it was Lunar. The orange one was looking at them with curiosity and caution, and he seemed to notice bits of pink and yellow behind the orange one, he wasn't sure.

Xandoo then decided to alert the rest of his team as these colorful beings approach them. "Hey, get up, we got company." He said to the others as he nudges Greilyn on the shoulder. Azzy saw this and readied his spear just in case conflict happens. The rest then saw what Xandoo was talking about and stood up as they prepare for the on coming group.

Twilight saw the small dragons get up and take their weapons. She was following Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, who was shying away from their group, along with her new friends. She recognized Lunar in the group, due to their short interaction when facing Nightmare Moon, he seemed to be meditating or something similar since he was still and his eyes were closed. She noticed that the small dragons seem to be tense when they noticed the princesses, Twilight and her friends approach.

"Princess Celestia..... I think we should keep things easy? It looks like that the dragons seem to be in edge of all things." Twilight said to her teacher.

"I will keep that in mind Twilight, thank you." Celestia said to her student as she made a quick nuzzle to her. Luna saw this and wondered what the purple unicorn's relation with her sister. But before she could wonder more, her attention was drawn again towards the small group of young dragons as they approach them.

Celestia stopped infront of the group and looked at them with a critical eye. She saw that they are indeed well armed, but she what surprised her the most was that she felt that the small dragons infront of her each have different magical signatures, unique in their own way. This interested her and piqued her curiosity about the dragons,but she would have to reserve it for later, for now, introductions were at hoof.

"It is a pleasure to meet you young ones, my name is Princess Celestia, ruler-.... Co-ruler of Equestria, this is my younger sister, Princess Luna, and this is my student Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said to the young dragons . "I thank you for the help you gave for my student, although I would wish it was made with better circumstances and not violence." She said as she looks down to her sister with her ears down. She saw that the dark blue dragon was about to speak, but was then stopped buy the heavily clothed black dragon.

"Hi, as you recall I am Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy." Twilight said as she pointed to the respective mares.

Lunar then walked forward and spoke. "Greetings, I am Lunar, a member of the-" Then he stopped and sighed, "-Lunar Sorcerers, It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." As much as he hated having his name similar to the name of his profession, he could not complain, for he has learned multiple things from them. Lunar then continued to talk. "We would gladly receive your thanks, but as of right now, there are quite a few problems at hand and some of them are severe, but we should talk about this in a more.... well suited area." Lunar said as he looked to the group infront of them.

Luna was shocked to know that a small dragon was named nearly as she was, as well as an organization all about her night. Celestia on the other hoof was still cautious about the new arrivals that helped in her sisters reformation. But their thoughts were then interrupted by a pink mare popping out from nowhere infront of the small dragons.

"Hey!!! You guys wanna' know something?!?! This calls for a PARTY!!! Not only did we save Princess Luna Celestia's sister from the evil meanie pants Nightmare Moon, we also have SIX new friends to have a party with!!!" Pinkie Pie cheerfully said and then smiled widely at the ponies. The others were giving her confused looks, except for those that knew her for a long time now.

"Very well then. It would be an honor to give a warm welcome for my sister." Celestia said as she smiles and uses her magic to to teleport the others to the entrance of Ponyville.

In the town of Ponyville, the party is on full swing to welcome the return of the Sun Princess's sister. Although reluctant at first, the ponies of Ponyville slowly opened up to the new princess, although some of the ponies were skeptical about the fellow dragons with weapons, that the Sun Princess brought with her.

All in all, everyone enjoyed the party, some ponies tried to talk to the new princess, and even fewer tried to talk to the dragons, as they were curious. But most kept their distance from the dragons, as they are afraid that something might happen to them. Soon the party finished, and Twilight was able to stay in Ponyville to study about friendship, but before Celestia and Luna left the town, they had to address the small dragons first, along with the newly entitled Element Bearers.

The party finished, and the kobold crew were now following the white winged and horned horse towards a tree, with a door and windows installed in it. This threw the kobolds off seeing as it may be a literal tree house, but as they entered the tree house, their thought were changed immediately. Greilyn looked with awe but also cringed at the amount of books the tree has, Azzy gagged at the AMOUNT of books the tree has, Lunar was immediately running towards the nearest shelf, starry eyed, at the prospect of seeing bountiful knowledge, Xandoo put a claw on his face and shakes his head at his teams antics, and lastly, Valara touched a surface of the tree's "wall", and was surprised to find that the tree was still alive, even though the body of the tree was carved hollow.

"Now, I think your introductions are in order, and after that, we can start questioning each other." Celestia said as she sat on a couch. Her sister sat beside her, while the other mares sat around. The kobolds looked at each other, Greilyn and Azzy shrugged and sat on the floor, Lunar took two stools for him and Valara to sit on, while Xandoo chose to stand up and lean on a wall.

"Well, I should start first, since you already know me. As I said, my name is Lunar, I am a part of a sub group called Lunar Sorcerers. The main group is called The Lunari, and we follow the teachings of our goddess Diana." Lunar said as he introduced himself.

Greilyn then quickly stood up and introduced himself to the others. "Hi, so my names Greilyn, The Adventurer, just 'The Adventurer', I don't have fancy titles or part of a group as a matter of fact, well, except the group that I made, and-" He said, only to be cut off as a light blue kobold slings his arm around the neck of Greilyn.

"And my names Azzy!!! The coolest, strongest, and all around best fighter you would ever meet!! I'm called the Lightning Striker, and I'm a Lightning and Combat Arcana user, and the most handsome ko-" Azzy said proudly, only to receive a blue fist to the back of the head.

"OI, OI!!! Didn't you see that I was introducing myself, Eehh!!!" Greilyn said to the light blue kobold who was holding the back of his head. Greilyn was about to say more only to be interrupted again by a headbutt to the snout.

"You bastard! That freaking hurt! How bout' I punch you at the back of your head the see how it feels huh!?!?" Azzy said as he gripped the collar of the blue kobold, who was holding his hurting muzzle.

Greilyn then held on to the collar of his friends light blue ocean patterned vest and yelled back. "How bout' I teach your water lizard butt some manners instead, through physical force!!!" He yelled as he pulled back a fist ready to punch his friends face, as well as Azzy doing the same thing. But the fight was over even before it began, as dark blue claws held each of the conflicting kobolds head, that was soon smashed together, making enough force to knock both the hard heads unconscious.

"Could the both of you stop fighting every moment you can!?!?" Xandoo said. He then sighed as he put his claws at the bridge of his muzzle as he shakes his head over the two unconscious kobolds. Xandoo then looked at the colorful horses and spoke, "My name is Xandoo, Corgda Xandoo. And I'm the teams Ranger, the green one that's sitting on the stool is Valara, and she's our teams healer and nature expert. She uses Nature Arcana, while I use Combat Arcana. Now that we've introduced ourselves, lets get on with the questions and answers." Xandoo finished saying, only to find the most of the horses faces in shock and only a few were amused.

*Sigh* This is going to be a long day huh? Xandoo thought.