Sisters under the Stars

by TuxedoMobster

First published

The two sisters face feelings for each other

An angry young sister battles with Jealousy and ends up letting out bottled up feelings she had for her sweet older sister.

Sometimes you just need to talk to each other.

Chapter 1

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Sisters under the Stars

Luna’s Thoughts

The Princess of the Moon had been watching her from across the gardens, an all too familiar sight, ‘that’ expression forming in the face of her older sister’s newest addition, ‘those’ eyes staring at her beautiful motherly smile, time and time again she had witnessed the ponies her sister had taken under her wing slowly falling in love with her…

Even before her banishment, jealousy was a repeating feeling she knew all too well, it filled her gut whenever she had to look at that scene, one which unfolded once or twice every few decades… her sister, adored and praised by all, her sibling, receiving something as beautiful as pure love from a naïve mortal.

Her sister of white was a very smart pony, that’s for sure, but having a sharp head above her shoulders didn’t meant she was foreign to being passionate and impulsive, yes, that seemed to be the main cog in an unending cycle, one that repeated like the sun’s cycle above Equestria; She would never deny any promise of love as to not hurt the poor fool, even when she had no feelings for them, yet would end up hurt herself after the ephemeral and short life of her “beloved one” had banished.

Such recklessness … her sister made her angry, not because of her decisions, but because she couldn’t understand why somepony or someone would set themselves willingly in a path that would most likely end with the pain of loss or even failure, given the ups and downs of life itself.


And even then, even when the prospect of failure was one that scared the princess of the night, it seems she was setting herself in full course towards it, maybe she knew, maybe she only tried to ignore it, but one thing was becoming a fact. Her eyes were starting to mirror those she had identified in the past as originating from those of fools.

The incandescence of her sister was starting to shine on her; her warmth was something she had craved while trapped on her prison for millennia, but, was it loneliness, or had it changed into something different as of recent?


Celestia’s Thoughts

While spending one of her much cherished days off with her star pupil Twilight Sparkle, she couldn’t help but feel a continuous gaze, one gnawing at the back of her head, but whenever she tried to take a pause and search for its origin, the boundless curiosity of her energetic protégé managed to shift her focus long enough for the burning gaze to banish… Yet it would always come back after a while.

Then, while enjoying a walk through the castle gardens, there she was, her gloomy sister, sitting under one of the gazebos, of course, she had to be the culprit behind the intensity following her around recently, this wasn’t the first time it had happened, she seemed angry though…

Luna had always been quite a taciturn and hard to approach pony, hard-headed, but she rarely meant anything bad, emphasis on rarely, looking back to a certain incident that resulted in the loss of the most beloved pony for the princess of the sun. The severing of the familiar bonds and the pain of battling “tooth and claw”, or in this case, “hoof and horn”, the only family she ever had, resulted in Luna becoming a puzzling individual, even for Celestia, she could never tell was she was thinking… maybe, sometimes, more than a thousand years and deeply knowing even more ponies wasn’t enough to teach you how to read every pony.

But alas, if she was having a hard time, if something was making her this cold and maybe angry, she really needed to talk it out with her. It hadn’t been long since the stars aligned and her sister had been brought back to her, safely and ready to take a trot forward towards a better self by her young pupil and her newly found friends. The one thing she didn’t wanted was to even picture a world where she could lose her dear sister again.

She would call her sister over to talk that night, but, for now, she still had a bit of daylight left, some sun to enjoy, and the gardens nearing bloom, a sight for sore eyes after finding herself cooped in the castle, trapped under piles and piles of paperwork.


And so, during that cold night, the two of them would meet, in the highest tower of the castle, in the younger sister’s private abode


That Night

Surrounded by a dim light originated from the few candles of Luna’s room and the soothing light of the silver moon gently dancing into the room through the ample window doors of the balcony, open at the moment, while the curtains were just sliding around on the calm night breeze, like silk specters, guarding the blue princess, unaware of the presence of her opposite, her eyes closed, and her horn glowing, her cyan-colored power was humming a soft tune while the princess of the night drew the night sky, dark, yet comforting.

Few would truly appreciate this colorless, yet beautiful canvas, but, her sister would, or at least tonight she would.

- Ahem – The princess of the sun announced herself – Think we can talk for a moment? ...

- You already asked me earlier … Remember? - Luna scoffed after being interrupted during her work, for her, even when not many ponies would get to see her efforts drawn in the night sky, she still loved to give her all and do more and more every chance she had. – So, what is it? -

Celestia could feel the frustration in her voice, maybe she just needs to talk like when they were younger ponies - That is a very beautiful star map you just made, you never cease to amaze me, dear sister – She stop for a second there, to see if Luna reacted – You always work so hard to make something different every night!, You make me so proud.

… Silence, nothing but the gentle cold night breeze would answer her with a near ghostlike bellow.

If at first you don’t succeed… - In fact! I think that – The older sister was saying right before she got interrupted by the younger one.

-Is that all? - Said the young, with a hint on anger in her voice, but one being kept deep under control, though she knew that Celestia would realize about it immediately. - I’d like to go back to what I was doing, so please, be a dear and close the door on your way out

Celestia was stunned for a second there, and the idea of leaving would pass through her mind for a short moment, but, no, that was her sister, and it was obvious that something was bothering her, she needed to talk this out, her sister wasn’t a young pony prone to get away with tantrums anymore, she was an adult, and they should talk this out like adults.

But alas, that reaction was a bit out of the ordinary for her, she had usually been more silent since she came back from her long sentence in the moon, soft spoken and maybe a bit timid, she was already a gentle soul before the whole Nightmare Moon debacle, at least when it came to dealing with her older sister, but she was never shy, Celestia had hoped that maybe she just needed some time to go back to her usual self. So, giving a response like that to her would be something out of the ordinary.

-Ehm, no, I won’t, I can see that something is affecting you, you’re angry… or hurt, and I want to help you, I don’t want us to fight again, I… - Celestia paused for a moment and looked at her dear sister, evaluating the situation - I couldn’t bear to witness you lose your way again-

The younger sister sighed before opening her mouth again to say something - … Nothing happened, nothing is wrong; I just don’t want to see you right now, so please leave- Still not looking at her older sis, her voice was cold.

-No! I need to know what went wrong dear sister! What did I do to make you this angry? - There was sadness in Princess Celestia’s voice. – You don’t understand! Every night I looked up at you, thinking how I could have done something different when ‘that’ …happened, but since I couldn’t, I want to do it now -

-I’m NOT angry! I’m not mad, at all - Luna said, clearly angry –Everything is fine and dandy! Maybe after I drink some tea with some purple buffoon everything will be honky dory! I’m happy! - And there it was, she said too much.

- … Wait ‘Purple’? … Is this about Twilight? What is wrong with her? She has been a perfect student in every way- The princess of the sun was very confused with this result – Did you wanted me to spend more time with you? You could have just told me. –

- This is not about that! … It’s not… Please Celestia, just leave. – The voice of the young blue princess was dry, trying to emulate a calm tone, she knew that there was a certain pettiness in her anger, but it’s not like she was thinking of stopping at the moment.

- Nope, Nuh uh! – Celestia blurted out, sounding just like when they were kids, trying to find a way to defuse the situation after hearing Luna.

- What!?- The princess of the moon turned back at her sister and hastily responded, angry and confused, ‘was she really trying to do this now?’ Were the words that went through her mind for a moment. – Are you being serious right now?!-

-Yeap! And Nope!- Said Celestia in a playful tone, maybe this wasn’t the best approach, but she had already started and it was too late to back out, so she would continue on with a jest, maybe that would raise a giggle out of her sister. –You need to lighten up dear!-

-I don’t! -- I don’t want to lighten up Celestia! What would that solve!?- Said the princess of the moon, fuming, and her sister was messing with her.

-And what are you solving being a cranky filly?- The older sister retorted while putting her tongue out in an effort to keep bothering the younger of the two.
-Maybe you should stop being a ‘moody goth pony’ stereotype and tell your big sister what the whole fuzz is about-

Luna growled then said quietly between her teeth -I’m not Goth…- She was frowning and she was still hiding behind that dry visage, but a pout was almost drawn in her lips. Then she immediately snapped back at her sister and said -What do you want from me!?-

-Simple, I want you to talk to me so we can put this behind us- Said the Princess of the sun, with a serious yet understanding tone in her voice.


So, after a while of conversation, the sisters were as if there was no drama a few hours before then, at all.
It was near dawn, but the sun wasn’t peaking yet, the sisters were a bit busy, entertaining each other.

-You see? This is the problem! – Luna still sounded angry, or wanted to sound angry. But, her voice had no signs of stress in it, she was concerned with the situation, not at her sister at this moment; that was left behind, or at least it was for now. –You are … you! I mean, I was feeling awful at myself … and maybe a bit at you all this time, and here you are, making me laugh like a foal.-

- How is that a problem? – Celestia said while turning her head sideways in an obviously exaggerated way to try and make Luna laugh.

The princess of the moon sighed, her muzzle scrunched like if she had just taken a bite out of a lemon, something inside her was still tormenting her, and of course, it had to be her sister’s smile. How could she smile like that to her, she did it all the time, yet it would make her feel warm and loved every time. Allowing that warmth to be taken by someone else was not something she wanted to happen… not again… yet, what could she do?

-What’s wrong dear sister? You fell silent all of a sudden – Princess Celestia said while her curious smile turned to worry. – Did I do something wrong? You know you can tell me anything, I will always be there to support you, you know that? Right?

Luna was staring right at her sister’s eyes, not realizing of her own face showing sadness, in full display for someone who just moments ago was making her laugh.

-Celly I-i think I’m jealous…- Said the younger one, looking down, her face had shifted from a hint of sadness into her usual cold visage, once again, trying to hide her feelings, but her voice was betraying her, she stuttered, and she realized about it immediately.

-Jealous? Jealous of what dear? Of me? - The older one said, knowing her as deeply as she did, she was almost sure that was the core of the problem. Maybe she could get her to smile a bit for a moment, help her lighten up a bit more, so she kept talking doing the most over the top snobby voice she could do – Well of course, Dahling! It is just natural! Ohohoho!-

Princess Luna snickered for a moment and felt herself calming down, it’s is incredible how a little bit of jest with your loved ones can help. Listening to her dear sister do something dumb like that made her relax so fast that her problems felt so silly, so, maybe she just really needed to lighten up a bit, at least just around Celly, but, for now, she needed to take the whole deal with her jealousy out of her chest, maybe this was the right time for it.

-How could I not, I mean, look at you! You’re perfect! You’re smart, strong, and you get to eat all the cake you want and it all just goes to your huge rump! – Humorously said the darker princess while a small laugh escaped her lips.

A small laugh that would turn into a large grin while the both of them shared a chuckle, and then, Luna would go silent as her big smile would turn into the kind of smile that Celestia had never seen her do before, it was warm, and it was a beautiful sight that was brighter than all her sister’s stars drawn together in her half of the firmament.

-Your smile has always been there for me, making me feel better when I was down, you have been not just my sister, but also my best friend, even when we had hard times, you understood me and gave me a chance, and when I see you … the more I see you, I can’t help but to feel jealous- Luna continued on praising her sister, but this time, it was coming right from her heart, her tone was earnest. – And you’re … beautiful, when I see you being just ‘You’ I can’t help but feel relaxed, which was one of the things that I missed the most for a 1000 years while I was in the moon.-

-Well, that’s very flattering my sist-- - Celestia responded, but was interrupted by her younger sister almost immediately.

-Wait please, Celly, let me finish… if I don’t take this out of my chest right now, I don’t know when I will.- Luna said hastily, her voice was calm, she looked at her big sister, and decided to continue as soon as she saw her nod in agreement.
- So… being jealous of you is only half the truth, I … I…- Her voice was stuttering.

Celestia walked closer to her sister, and wrapped her hoof around her neck, lovingly trying to give her that push she needed at the moment. -Shhh… it’s okay, you can tell me.-

The young princess took a moment; took a deep breath and looked deep into her dear sister’s light purple eyes. It was time to say it. - I… I’m jealous of Twilight Sparkle because… because … I can see how she looks at you, she is enamored with you and I … I don’t want to share you anymore! I don’t want to see another pony taking you away from me…-

Luna took a half a moment to look at Celestia, her big sister seemed worried; at least she wasn’t shocked… right???, so she decided to continue - I think I’ve had feelings for you my whole life, I thought that being trapped in the moon would make those calm down, but the more lonely I felt, the more I ended up thinking about you. I felt like a freak, thought I was just infatuated with you, with my sister! Of all ponies I could have felt like that for, it had to be my sister… but after a few decades I knew it wasn’t just something as shallow as a simple “crush” as ponies call it nowadays… -

There room had gone silent, the universe seemed to had gone silent as well, bad time for the wind to stop blowing and the various sounds of nature that surrounded them at a distance to go quiet.
Luna was starting to feel panicked; maybe she had gone too far, she was thinking that this is what happened when she opened up, how things would go wrong whenever she allowed herself to be vulnerable.

Then Celestia broke the silence.

-…Well umn, I understand… and I was kind of aware already … you’re not very good at hiding your feelings for me- Celestia was looking the other way, she couldn’t see her beloved little sister’s face at the moment, but she had to acknowledge her.

Luna was stunned, her eyes were wide open. She was in a weird panic, glad to see her sister answering her so understandingly, yet surprised on how she was an open book to her older sis.

-ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? YOU KNEW!?- Luna’s voice was high, she wasn’t screaming, but being surrounded by the dead of night made her voice sound louder than it really was. Then she lowered her voice before continuing, she still sounded a bit terrified. - Why didn’t you said anything!?... Ugh! Now I feel dumb-

- You were a very clingy filly, you always wanted to cuddle, you followed me around everywhere during your teenage years, and you even tried to kiss me a few times, remember? - The princess of the Sun was now teasing her sister; maybe it just came natural to her, but under her confident demeanor she still had no idea what she was going to do.

Luna sighed, still scared, but something inside her was telling her to just shed that fear and continue on, she swallowed audibly and decided to take a step further.

-Well… Can i? - The younger princess said, trying to take the upper hand.

-W-what? Can ... C-can you ‘what’? - Celestia’s pondering was interrupted by a rather forward implication by her ‘SISTER’; she had no idea what to do. And her doubt was showing.

Luna leaned closer; Celestia wasn’t backing away.

-Can I … can I kiss you right now? - Luna whispered while inching closer to her dear sister.

The older sister couldn’t say anything…

And then the two had locked lips…

Luna was inexperienced to say the least, but that made her very endearing to Celly.

Celestia’s pink lips were as soft and sweet as the princess of the moon had dreamt them to be.

Luna had closed her eyes, just like it was pictured in the old romance books she had read, she always wanted to do this.

Celestia was a bit tense at first, but seeing her dearly loved younger sibling so eager made her feel that she needed to give her the best embrace she could, even when she was still holding back, after all, that adorable pony was still her sister.

“This is your sister! Celestia, you’re making out with your sister!” was her own voice ringing inside her mind.

The passion the young one directed towards the other one was almost palpable, 1000 years with no contact had bottled up so much inside her, and she was not even close to get rid of all of it, not when she finally had the chance to give it to someone that had featured in her dreams of love.

Then after a few moments, even though a bit on the short side, they broke the kiss. Luna was smiling, still dazed.

-There… there you go… - Princess Celestia said a bit out of breath, maybe the taboo element of the activity had gotten to her, even when it was something like a kiss… -

-By the maker that was INCREDIBLE! - Princess Luna exclaimed, a bit loud again, before clearing her throat and continuing. - Ahem! … Yeah… that was … that was amazing Celly.-

Even through her dark coat Celestia could see her blushing, made a bit more obvious by the light of the stars.

And then the day came.

-I’m not sure about anything right now, before you say anything else. I hope that doing ‘that’ would help you to calm down, ok? - Celestia said, with doubt in her voice, and she wasn’t lying, even after living for more than a millennia and experiencing everything, or at least almost everything, she didn’t know how to react to that demonstration of love from her dear sister.

-I won’t bother you my beloved sis… but, will we be able to do that again? - Luna said eagerly, which was extremely rare for her character, but she didn’t cared, this opened a gate inside her, and she just wanted more.

-I’m … I’m not sure, so shush, don’t ask any more, ok? - Celestia said while making a weird smile at Luna, showing support.

Then the days would pass…

And Princess Luna would respect her sister’s wishes … in her own way of course.

She would start clinging to her dear sister again; at first she was just touchy and tender, would nuzzle her neck lovingly from time to time, a tight hug here and there, but soon enough she was thirsty for more, she wouldn’t allow her sister to forget her loving touch.

Slowly Luna would grow bolder and bolder, and Celestia was at a loss on what to do, she didn’t dislike it, far from it, but it was her sister, she practically raised her in a way… She knew that hugs and kisses won’t be enough for long, and that she wouldn’t be able to deny her sister if she wanted to escalate things.


And so, the younger one would start sneakily pulling her sister into a kiss whenever a chance would rise up, no matter how small it was. And soon, the castle had turned into a gallery of memories of the two sisters sharing tender moments that could be considered taboo by some.

At the beginning, if anyone had witnessed them, they would have seen a one-sided interaction with Luna pushing herself onto her sister, but given time, Celestia would start to relax and let herself go with the flow.

Then some nights, when the sky looked darker, with less details than usual; well, that had a logical explanation, Luna would, from time to time, just blaze through her designs to go and sneak into Celestia’s bed and cuddle up to her. Of course, Celestia knew about this, but would always feign to be asleep.


Then the day would come.

That day that the protégé of Celestia had ascended to a different being, one like the two sisters; if things had been different, Luna would have been in a deep panic after finding herself in front of an ultimatum, scared of her dear sister leaving her, not for a mortal she could wait off for, but another immortal.
But that was not the case now, the princess of the moon was completely confident that her sister only had eyes for her.

So night came, and like many other like that one, Luna would snuck into Celestia’s abode, but she had ulterior motives this time, she had made up her mind to give her older sister a pleasurable wake-up call; She would dig under the saddle-arabian silk covers, trying to keep any movement on the bed as minimal as possible, an half an instant later, she had found her goal.

Celestia on the other hoof was already awake, for some reason, she had found herself waiting for her dear sister every night, and deep inside she was starting to feel lonely whenever she didn’t crawl into her bed, not that she wanted to admit it, but it was a fact, she came to found herself waking up really relaxed whenever such a thing happened; she was waiting for Luna, ready to cuddle up to her and embrace it, maybe give her a small peck… when suddenly an unusual feel made her body shudder.

Luna had made her way between her sister’s legs, and started running her tongue on her soft marehood, up and down, her thighs full and softer than clouds were trembling; Luna smirked, her sister was definitely feeling it.

Few moments later and the wetness was present, it’s not like she was gushing, but she was definitely dripping her “honey” thanks from her younger sisters job, she was getting horny, and being pent-up for a while wasn’t helping either, then, a moan escaped her lips when her clitoris showed itself indiscreetly and was immediately by her sister’s incessant tonguing.

-W-wait! Luna! - Said the princess of the sun hastily. - Calm down! You almost made me --- umn… -

-Mmmh? *Ah -new eet* - Answered the princess of the moon with her tongue still entering her sister’s sweet honey pot; Then continued talking after detaching her mouth from her; her lower lip shining with a mixture of saliva and her sister’s juices. - I knew it! Guess I worked you up huh? Do you want me to stop or…?-

Her sister had gone this far, and made her think, “Maybe I’m just overthinking it, she doesn’t care that we’re family so … why should I care?”.

Celestia said something in a low voice, Luna heard her clearly, but wanted to take this victory as a way to tease her sister.

-What? I’m sorry, I couldn’t heart you, can you repeat that? - Said Luna in a mocking yet lovingly tone.

-N-no, please, go … go on - The sun answered, in a low yet very audible voice.

-Umn, nope, nothing! Again please?- The moon answered, once again trying to have a rise out of Celestia.

-P-Please! I want you to go on! I don’t care that you’re my sister anymore… I … I think I might be weird like you, I have been captivated by you … ok? Just don’t get carried away. - Said Celly, blushing deeply.

The younger sister laughed and busted out with a - Huzzah! -


Luna climbed up to face her sister, pinning the sun under her smaller body, and planted a kiss on her lips, her tongue exploring Celly’s mouth, and soon enough both of them sank into pleasure, both appendages dancing with each other, their saliva mixing; Celly always tasted like strawberries to Luna, while Luna tasted like blueberries the other way around.

Luna slowly lowered her body onto her sister’s, and then broke the passion-fueled kiss when both their pelvises bumped onto each other.

-Not bad right? Now for the main course, I read this on a book, but I’ve never done it before, I hope you enjoy it, oh sister of mine. - Luna revealed for a moment.

Then the moon lowered her body colliding her already moistened vagina, product of teasing her sister’s sex, against the sun’s labia, both their clits bumped into each other, sending a small shock through their bodies in tandem with each other, making their bodies tremble. And this was just the beginning.

Their bodies forming an eclipse that shined with ecstasy, their moans ringing around the room and streaming out to the hallway, the silk sheets in total disarray and getting humid from the sweat and sweet fluids produced by the sexual activity of the sisters.

Maybe there really was a ‘thing’ to having intercourse with your closest sibling; it’s like their bodies were naturally connected with each other, innately knowing each of the sweet spots of the other, pleasure connected instinctively, as shown by their bodies reacting to one another, made for one another.


And after a long night the sun would rise later than usual, what comes after? Well, that’s a tale for other day.