A tied date... Literally

by CaioCoia

First published

It's not romantic if you are tied in your chair against your will…

It's not romantic if you are tied in your chair against your will…

That’s what Spike was repeating not just to himself in  his head, but screaming to the entire restaurant while looking at the person who had him captive.

What would you do in this situation?

Edited and Profreaded by:


Cover Art by: Me.

A tied date... Literally

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It's not romantic if you are tied in your chair against your will…

That’s what Spike was repeating not just to himself in his head, but screaming to the entire restaurant while looking at the person who had him captive.

The predator’s smile made him nervous every time she looked at him. She seemed to savor him like a predator savor its prey.

Others may describe her as: A young woman, whose notable features are her long, poofy hair, and voluptuous body. They were most clearly shown as she swung her hips while walking. They very incarnation of the beauty itself!

For Spike, he was looking at one of the trio of sisters who had had a great fight against his sisters and their friends. They were his friends, but he didn’t feel like they were. But that mug smile from the kidnapper herself revealed she knew about him. Maybe it was because he was there when the final showdown between his sisters and her friends, against the trio of manipulative sirens who were singing songs and eating all the evil energy from the people at his school.

He couldn’t believe it when using an app on his cellphone to find a date led him to the very girl that he had prayed many times to never see again.

“What did I do to deserve this?” Spike sighed. It was a terrible idea for him to go to the restaurant without backup. He had been knocked out in a surprise attack, and woke up in front of the table decked out with candles, wine and meat.

“You should thank God, because now you have me, Adagio, the most beautiful siren in the world! I have to say, you are looking very handsome today,” She complimented. Flattering oneself, Spike had noted, was a clear indicator of a certain type of personality. Just like one girl who referred to herself in the third person... and that concentration on his mind were broken when she made a contact touching his arm.

When she touched his arm, Spike had only one thought:

“RUN, YOU STUPID BOY, RUN!” He screamed internally, while he tried to release his hands to make an escape. Unfortunately they were tied too hard together to make any progress.

“Well, while we enjoy our night, let’s get to know each other. You already know who I am, right?” She asked, beginning to eat elegantly.

Spike looked at his food and tried his best to recreate the old trick his brother once taught him for escaping from handcuffs. ”Well, yeah, you are the one of three sirens that tried to turn the school into a chaotic mess! You even managed to break up couples and friendships!”

“I remember you! You’re the boy who punched the cute guy that said Twilight Sparkle was the girl everyone loved to hate! She must be really important to you…” Adagio said, using a napkin to clean herself.

“She’s my step sister! Even if Flash was controlled by your lure, I couldn’t let him get away with that.” He groaned remembering the conversation he had with Twilight afterward, but even she couldn’t deny she was thankful to him for what he did.

Adagio raised an eyebrow, interested.

“So you and her are in the same family, interesting…” She grinned, making Spike concerned about what she could do with that information.

“HELP, SOMEBODY HELP ME!” He screamed, trying to undo the knot behind his chair. Unfortunately, it seemed no one was listening.

Adagio giggled, taking Spike’s plate. “I can’t eat alone! I’ll feed this to you, okay?” She raised a fork with food on it towards Spike.

Knowing that no one would come to help him, Spike decided to play along, at least until he could get out of there. He took a bite, and it was indeed a delicious dish. Adagio’s stare, however, make him uncomfortable.

“Well, why not you tell me a bit about you? It’s good thing we know a bit about each other, but I don’t even know your name.”

“You’re my sisters’ enemies and you don’t even know my name!?” Spike bit his tongue, knowing that he had revealed more about himself.

“What do you mean by ‘sisters’? Are you telling me you have more than one!? And, just so you know, I don’t blackmail my enemies’ families in my plots; that’s too low even for my standards!” Adagio chuckled and raised another fork to Spike.

“WAIT, are you telling me you are not using me in your plan to defeat my sisters?”

“Of course not! Even if the idea is tempting, I wouldn’t do something so terrible! I might use their friends, but using family is a bridge too far. I would kill anyone who even tried to hurt my sisters.” Adagio glared coldly forward, and Spike began to choke on his food in response. Surprised, Adagio leaped into action. “ I forgot to give you something to drink!”

While tapping gently on his back, she gave him a glass of water to help with the choking.

Spike sighed. ”Thanks Adagio, I was really in trouble a second ago.” Spike received a true smile from her, and noticed that in the commotion his bonds had been loosened. He was almost there! “Anyway, let’s start over. My name is Spike S. Sparkle.”

“Hum… Spike. So you’re the famous Spike the girls have been talking about. I understand now what that spiteful Sunset Shimmer was telling her friends. She’s your other sister then? The true one?”

Spike was stunned that she had discovered that information. “How did you manage to hear that?” he asked in alarm.

“My sisters and I have our ways. Let’s not get into the details. Are you interested in dessert? I’ll get us a chocolate pudding to split!”

“What kind of place servers desserts to THEIR HOSTAGES THAT HAVE BEEN SCREAMING FOR HELP ALL THIS TIME!?” Spike cried, annoyed that nobody was coming to rescue him.

“Great job freaking out like that! This restaurant is perfect for people who like kidnapping dates. The more you act like it was a kidnapping date, the better discount we get!” Adagio signaled to a waiter near the wall.

“Wait, there’s a place like that in real life?” Spike wasn’t sure how to react. “This isn’t a kidnapping? It’s a date?”

“Of course it’s a date? Isn’t you Mast.DragonSolar101?”

Spike immediately recognized his screen name on the dating site he used on his cellphone. “DazzlingADOSexy?” This kidnapping was his date?

Adagio shot him a wink while the waiter whispered in her ear. She whispered back. Spike sat still, in shock and unsure what was true anymore.

After the waiter returned with a chocolate pudding, Spike quieted down, trying to figure out what to do. He only needed one more push to get out of his chair.

“Sorry about toying with you, but you were really great! The waiter told me you were one of the best hostage clients he’d ever seen, and that we get a free meal when we come back next time!”

“I can’t believe someone came up with the idea for a restaurant like this.” Spike glared at Adagio; who was so cruel that this was their idea of great first date?

“Why are you looking at me? The owner is a friend of mine, but the idea actually came from a school dean, one Mi Amore Cadenza.” Adagio sounded so normal, but after saying the name out loud Spike began to sweat profusely. A moment later his chair hit the floor. “Spike, are you okay?”

In another place of the same restaurant…

"Cadance, are you sure you didn't hear a familiar voice coming from behind that door?" Another tied-up man asked, before he was zapped again with a taser. Whether he was sweating because of the pain or because he was afraid of being seen by someone he knew was unclear.

"Yeah, and I don't really care about it. If I zap you three more times, we get a bigger discount,” nonchalantly answered Cadance, who was wearing a latex suit and wielding a taser.

"Are you sure we have to keep using the taser? You know how it freaks me out." He whispered, trying to make it so that the waiter wouldn’t overhear him.

"That's the price for ordering a petit gateau. We have to qualify for a discount now."

"Damned secret family Recipe," Shining muttered before receiving another zap.

Then a scream let out from the doors making both of them drop their act.


"Err... Honey, why do I have a feeling that we shouldn’t visit your family for at least a month?" Cadance began to sweat as well, suddenly worried.

"Don't know, don't care, one more zap then I will get my petit gateau. COME ON, YOU CAN’T MAKE ME TALK!" Shining Armor indeed loved that little piece of cake with ice cream...

Back at Adagio and Spike’s table.

“Out of all the people in the world, why does everything have to come back to my family?” Spike lamented. His hands were now free of their binding, and he used both to cover his face.

“Really? She’s someone you know?” Adagio helped Spike up, although the reaction piqued her interest.

“She is my brother’s fiance.” Spike said, like it was a shameful thing to admit.

“Wow, that’s something I didn’t expect. She likes to act a hostage?” Adagio followed her question up with a smile and a bite of her dessert.

“The other way around.” Spike decided he didn’t give a damn about it, and just ate his dessert as well. “Wow, that’s really tasteful, how much was this dessert?”

“They were $100 each,” Adagio added simply, smiling even as Spike’s spoon hit the table.

“WHAT? $100 for this little pudding!?” Spike cried, beginning to freak out.

“Hey, my friend has to make money somehow! That’s why they give the hostage discount, giving out act, I think we’ll pay ten bucks, max,” she answered truthfully, apparently eager to get back to enjoying her dessert.

“But why would he have to do with this whole hostage theme? I don’t understand…” Spike, for the life of him, couldn’t think of a good reason for such a pricing schedule.

“Well, his brother is a Hollywood director and works on action and suspense movies. His brother told him that if he could record good scenes of torture and kidnapping and record them, he’d pay him millions. We help him to direct his films, and we get food for pennies on the dollar.” Despite how ridiculous the whole scenario was, Spike began to see the reason in it. Besides, it’d be cool to become an action movie star!.

“I guess that’s fair… Do you still want to know about my family?” Spike now felt like it was a typical date, having forgotten all about the kidnapping and Adagio’s history with his sisters.

“Yeah! Tell me from the beginning.”

“Well, everything started when Sunset and I lost our father. Then…” Spike went on and on, recounting his entire childhood from his time at the orphanage to being adopted by the Sparkles and finding his older sister again at the high school.

Eventually, the evening came to a close. After paying the bill, Spike came to the conclusion that, aside from the beginning of the date, he had had a wonderful evening with Adagio. After leaving his room, he found a line of people outside eager to seated. He even recognized his vice principle, a familiar dark-green haired woman, a couple composed of a pink-haired woman and a respectable gentleman, and even Diamond Tiara, who had tied down a boy next to her. That pour soull...

“So, Adagio, would you like to walk across the street to the Park?” Spike asked. Nearby, Diamond Tiara held a piece of rope tightly, preventing her date from escaping.

“What a lovely idea! You lead the way,” Adagio answered. She smiled and hooked her arm around Spike’s as if they were a real couple.

“What a strange night. Real dates are different from what you expect over the internet!” Spike said as they walked.

“Yeah, but you will get used to it.” Adagio told him, grinning.

After a few minutes, they entered the park and leisurely began to stroll.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the park, seven girls were in search of a lost alligator..

“Are you sure that he’s here, Pinkie Pie?” A girl with striking red and yellow hair wearing a jacket asked as she looked through some bushes.

“Yeah, he told me he was in search of his inner soul in the illumination of the theory of the all-encompassing strings. I don’t know what that means, but he said being on the park would be the calmest place for him to do it. GUMMY, WHERE ARE YOU!?” The pink-haired girl leaped all over the place as she looked, as her friends shared confused glances..

“Really, Pinkie Pie? I know you love your alligator, but I always thought talking with animals was Fluttershy’s deal… No offense.” The rainbow-haired girl in the group kicked a pebble as she looked at Pinkie pie only half apologetically.

“Never mind! I found him.” Pinkie cried as she crested a hill and found her pet doing absolutely nothing. She picked him up and gave him a big hug.

The others were in relief, since their friend had found her lost pet.

“Alright, well, let’s go back home. I… Pinkie, what happened?” Sunset Shimmer asked, seeing Pinkie Pie’s mouth literally drop to the ground. She walked over to her friend, before a strange forced smile froze itself on her face as well.

“Sunset what happened?...” After walking in the direction of her friend, Rainbow Dash stopped suddenly in place and punched herself to make sure she was awake.

“Rainbow are you okay, you just…” Applejack saw what happened with the girls and then suddenly she knew something was coming so decided to tap her ears.

“What is going on, why are you four suddenly stop...” Surprisingly Twilight’s hair became flat the same way Pinkie Pie would be when she became Pinkamena.

“Girls wha…” Fluttershy after coming near to them she finally found what happened, she found Adagio giving a kiss on Spike’s check making her take a deep breath to let out a quiet scream but it was finished by Rarity screaming like a drama queen.


Meeting the parents. Part 1

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For a siren who managed to make all the emperors, dictators, princes, princesses, kings, queens and etc… knell for her by bounding of her appeal and bonding, there is one thing Adagio and her sisters always feared when it comes after taking the hearts of their mates… Meeting their parents and relatives.

“Urgh, why do I have to deal with that again? Shouldn't it be better if we take this relationship as a secret?” Adagio tried to avoid what she hated to do every time, meeting the mother of her victims, one thing she didn’t tell anyone was... every time she did all we could and finally got what she wanted from the supposed to be her manipulated mates… Their mothers always appeared on visiting, and always… Always finds a way to break the spell and makes a way to make her defeated with all the things she got from them, but finding a good relationship these days seems to be easier than from what was before… But still, there was one thing she always says to her sisters.

Mother is one of our arch-nemesis, when they figure out we cannot treat their sons greatly, they will force them to break up with us… Always happens...

And now she wasn’t going to deal with just one person who was supposed to be her boyfriend’s stepmother… But now she had to deal with his stepmother, his other mother, both of his sisters who are no one other than her arch-nemesis, and from what he told her, a good comedy show... the couple who are afraid of Spike going to their jugular. Everyone in the same house.

“Don’t be like that Adagio.” Reassuring the voice which was the same boy she kidnapped a month ago, it went well on the first date, and the other 3 dates showed it was an enjoyable experience for them. “I explained to my moms you are a nice girl after knowing you and you are harmless after the harmony blast…”

Adagio flinched after remembering the sensation of the powerful blast she and her sisters received from the human 6, Spike after watching her flinching remembered it was a sore topic, so he immediately excused it.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I know you must have felt real pain from that moment.” Spike tried to apologize first, but Adagio raised her hand, giving a signal she wasn’t offended.

“I’m okay, just… why? Isn’t that too early?” Adagio tried her best to find a quick way to turn around and escape, she isn't a fan of family meetings…

“Oh, the sexy Adagio, the leader of the Dazzlings, are afraid of meeting her boyfriend’s parents?” Spike smirked looking at Adagio who gave a frown but hiding her blush as possible.

“Mark my words… I will say the same thing to you…” She whispered, before sighing and accepted in silence her fate.

Getting near the door, a familiar face opened welcoming them. A purple-haired teenage girl who used a school uniform as daily clothing, while she was looking somewhere inside of the house.

“Spike that’s great you came back from the market, mom said the dinner is…” The person who was smiling without looking in their direction, frown after seeinging one person she didn’t want to see again but sadly it was fated to meet. “Adagio… What are you even doing here?”

Adagio saw his boyfriend’s sister looking sternly at her, then she just smiled cheekily at her.

“It’s nice to see you too Twilight Sparkle. Spike said your family invited me to have dinner at your house...” Adagio smiled while Twilight froze in her place.

“Is it today? Why has nobody told me about that?” Twilight asked, shocked by the fact. “Which day is it today?”

“It’s Saturday Twilight, you’ve been studying 3 days straight inside of your room, you even forgot which day is today? Wait… why are you still dressing in the school uniform?” Spike asked in disbelief, making Twilight look at him both sheepless and surprised.

“Oh my gosh, I gotta go,” Twilight said in a hurry but then she stopped and looked one more time to Adagio. “I will be watching you the entire night, if you do something to Spike or to us, God help me I will blast you with harmony again.”

Adagio gasped by the sudden threat on her, coming from the now hurried girl who just ran fast to her room to change her clothes.

“Is she always like that?” Adagio asked awkwardly after watching that.

“Just when she is too focused on the study. Let’s get inside and help to make dinner.” Spike said while he brought the groceries from the market, and brought Adagio with him as well.

When Adagio got inside the house, she didn’t expect so many elegant and interesting stuff, it was a nautical theme and some pictures of boats and family photos over the place. Some fish trophies which make her curious about that… especially a picture of a man in a uniform with some molded medals around it. And from what was strange, the pictures on the wall it doesn’t appear the man who was molded, but it was just 2 women and 4 kids, one seems to be Spike as childhood, 2 were her arch-nemesis and his sisters, and a boy who resembles to be a little similar from the man who was at a single photo.

Adagio was curious about that, but she has too much experience in dealing with relationships, never ask touchy questions on the first day inside of the boyfriend’s house, it is too soon for to her care about that, and it will create a lot of problems, so it would be better if she just goes with the flow like the fis… never mind, fishes are not a good example on where she is in that moment.

“Mom, Momma, I’m here.” After getting past from the main room, Spike walked to the kitchen with the groceries while Adagio was still looking around from the place, when she got inside of the kitchen, she was greeted by the two women who were in the same pictures she looked recently.

One of them was washing the dishes and the vegetables, one which she remembered was a surprising fact. It was the Principal who allowed Adagio and her sisters to get inside of the school and caused confusion while thinking they were just there to be students. It was difficult to imagine her as an authoritarian and serious principal of the school while she looks with a mess aurora borealis hair and using a T-shirt saying: I’m the chef, kiss me if you can, while the apron says: I dare to read the T-shirt aloud and do it.

The other one was taking care of the oven, while from behind you can see she was wearing a pair of dark grey pants with some stripes of purple, combining with her hair, while looking from behind the apron made Adagio’s eyes get wide open. It was written: Kill, and with an arrow pointing to the other side.

“Hello sweetie, we’ve been waiting for you to bring the ingredients. The dinner will take a while…” Said the woman who was focusing on the oven, and when she turned around, Adagio let out a sigh in relief, the rest of the message was: … the hunger desire and please keep your eyes on the food, and not to misinterpretation.

Clever message. I need to buy some of these aprons.” Adagio thought while she can imagine her sisters wanting something like that. She was enjoying the idea when she was caught by surprise when she saw the woman with gray hair and stripes of purple approached near to her… too near as eyes to eyes. “MEEP”

Adagio jumped in surprise while both women giggled from her reaction.

“Oh, so you must be Adagio…” The same woman who scared her smiled and gave her a hand to help her to stay calm. “I’m Twilight Velvet, I’m his stepmother, but it seems he calls me the same way he calls his other mom, like my friend who was washing the dishes, isn’t that right Celly?.

”Yeah Velvy, hello again Adagio Dazzle.” While the other woman who looked at her like she was an ordinary self, Adagio could sense a shrivel on her spine, she can guess which one she should be careful from now on. “It’s good to see you.”

While Adagio was almost scared, it was easy to deal with that kind of situation.

“Hello, Principal Celestia and nice to meet you, Miss Velvet,” Adagio said, taking control of herself.

Twilight Velvet smiled at her while she waved her hands.

“You don’t need to be so polite, just call me Velvet or Twilight Velvet.” She was looking sincerely at what she said.

It’s a test. It’s like the same protocol of with mothers… rule number one, never be impolite with the mother of people you mate… until the marriage, you must control the impolite and keep calling them Mr. Or Miss, because they want a reason to get through your jugular, and that was the start of the fire.” Adagio kept that in mind and shook her head. “Miss, I cannot do that, because being impolite with you would mean I’m already part of the family, and that is a bit awkward for me to be part of if I didn’t even meet both mothers of my boyfriend yet. I hope this meeting would be pleasant for both of us to do that more often.”

Principal Celestia raised both her eyebrows like it was a surprisingly good explanation, while Twilight Velvet looked a bit naive.

“Okay, maybe in the future…” She said that while Spike smiled happily seeming both her mothers liked Adagio.

“Well, I’m going to take a bath, I know it will be for a while, but it seems both of you will have a nice talk from now on,” Spike said while he was walking away from the kitchen.

Oh no, test two is coming now.” Adagio sweat from what is coming next.

She was expecting some kind of interrogation or a sudden approach from the Principal of the school. But she never… ever… imagined she would almost pee herself because of the knife who was near her neck. Not coming from the Principal but from Twilight Velvet the smiling and kindest stepmother Spike has.

Adagio gulped so hard, it could be heard in the entire kitchen, she was looking in fear at the woman who was kind and sounded naïve, but she wasn't, she was just pretending, her eyes were cold and her face was serious.

“SHE WAS THE ALPHA FEMALE.” Adagio screams internally, she was expecting Principal Celestia would approach her with a mama bear style, but this stepmother acted like a mama dragon style, Adagio just remembered 2 mothers which was tyrannical and crazy like that. The pirate one which she forgot who she is, but she can ask Sonata because she was her best friend… and the other one was the mother of the Emperor of China in the era of the Song Dynasty, she was so crazy and even if a woman who didn’t like her son would be executed.

Adagio waited, in silence… doing her best to keep in control, she thought it would be another approach, then the face which showed scorn from both mothers of Spike turned into a laugh from both of them.

“Hahahahahaha. I have to say Adagio, you have courage. You kept with us for 2 minutes unmovable, that means you have nerves of steel, his last 3 crushes didn’t last 20 seconds with Velvet.” Principal Celestia said smiling while the other woman turned back her smile and hid the kitchen knife going back to cook.

Adagio’s heart was beating like a thousand drums in the entire metal concert. And she was trying her best to not piss herself.

“Hahaha.”Adagio couldn’t help but laugh nervously, she had a feeling she might have died if it wasn't for her fear of moving.

“Now that Spike can do his shower, you can help us to make the dinner.” Principal Celestia called while she cleaned her hands and went near to her wife, while Adagio still had a fear of moving. “Are you going to make us waiting?”

Adagio blinked, then her body moved by itself and she went quickly on their side.

“Sorry, I was still in shock,” Adagio said sheepishly while she went to the side of Principal Celestia and a bit far from Twilight Velvet.

Both of them chuckled from that reaction.

“Well? Why not help us with the basics? Can you clean the garlic?” Velvet motherly asked Adagio while she gave her a bunch of garlic heads, receiving a nod from her. “Good.”

Adagio couldn’t help but feel that was the second test yet, they used intimidation to break through all her defenses, and now she is helpless, she hated every time it happened.

Adagio took the time while she cleaned and cut the garlic while praying for a few minutes of silence for her to recover herself, but it seems the one she knew wouldn't happen that way.

“So Adagio…” Twilight Velvet decided to break the silence while Principal Celestia was adding milk to the pan. “Spike told me a lot about you… actually Twilight and Sunset told me as well.”

Here we go.” Adagio sighed getting ready for what would be the next questions.

“You dominated the school with your sisters using the power of manipulation of feelings by manipulating their will of being negative feelings? Or they were already negative but you just feed their negative emotions to make them all get against each other?” Principal Celestia interrupted Twilight Velvet making her pout and caught Adagio by surprise.

It was actually a question she didn’t expect, and she expected many weird questions, this one is something she explains all the time to her sisters.

“Actually the latter, manipulating directly the emotions would create huge brain damage because that would make the change of their soul and will if we do that, they could be in a coma after we deactivate the control from them, it would be better if we just lit the fire in the gasoline which was their deep feelings.” Adagio shrugged and sounded surprised when she heard Principal Celestia groaning in defeat while her wife Twilight Velvet smiled smugly at her.

“Told you, now pay up.” Velvet stood her hand waiting until Principal Celestia took from her pocket 100 dollars and gave it to her mate. “I told you, that naive nature and always looking nice style had something inside of him making me want to punch his face…”

“Alright, you don’t need to do that because Spike already did a favor for you, but I’m not going to explain Twilight about that…” Principal Celestia said while Adagio gasped in surprise, they seemed to be talking about the boy which Spike punched his face, the blue-haired boy named Flash if Spike told her correctly.

“You are such a scary cat.” Velvet giggled, while she added the note of a hundred dollars in her pocket. “I knew it from the start, thank goodness after everything was over, Twilight gave some time between them. Anyway…”

Adagio already gave a bow with the garlic cut and ready to fry, receiving a nod from both mothers in approbation.

“Adagio darling, I know you have some stories about all the life you had, but let me ask you something… how old are you?” Twilight Velvet asked while sounding curious.

Alright, I knew that one would come. And now it seems I have the perfect answer for that.” Adagio and Aria checked all the best answers, they pretended and pretended like hours for this day, and Aria was the most cautious siren ever, she asked all the impossible questions, she just forgot the usual question she had to explain to Sonata. “Well since your daughters and their friends created a rainbow harmony force, I cannot be immortal anymore, if you want my experience age, I have more than 1 thousand years, but if you want my body age? It seems now I am 16 years old and now I will age as a human-like everyone else.”

“Hmm…” While Velvet sounded interested in the answer, Principal Celestia rolled her eyes while she took the pan which was boiling too much water.

“Alright, let’s focus on the cooking. Later we will discuss that…” Principal Celestia said while she was moving the pan to near the sink, where she was going to prepare the soup.

“ Alright, honey.” Velvet smiled while she cleaned the cuttable.

“ And what will be dinner today?” Adagio said while she rolled up her sleeves and decided to help, she was pleased to know she may have passed the interview test, which means she is not in danger anymore.

But her excitement was gone after hearing a huge impact of a cleaver cutting a big fish head off, while she saw the sweet smile still sinister from Twilight Velvet.

“Fish…” She said slowly and from her tone in a sinister way, making Adagio shrive and while turning her body to the opposite side while they cannot see her because they were focusing cooking, she held her throat in fear of that cleaver impact was an indirect she would be the next dinner if she messes up.

This family is crazy.” Adagio thought to herself while she was calming with deep breaths and helping the duo of mothers while she forced her smile and still in fear, from many possibilities that don’t end well. Why was she in the relationship in the first place?

Then she heard something odd.










Adagio looked at both mothers while they seemed used by that she decided to laugh where she was…

“Now I remember.” She smiled while she took some utensils to help the mothers to cook something nice.

Meeting the parents. Part 2

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Adagio who managed to maintain calm even in the worst situations when she and her sister's schemes were found out during ages, always had a plan in mind for situations when an unexpected event happens.

Even in terrible events when the people over the world thought they were witches and want to burn them in fire, she always had a plan. That’s why she was ahead of the others during centuries living on earth.

But this time… she was feeling she was a fish outside the water.

“I told you Velvet, the students weren’t the same as you and me, they cannot enjoy the most simple things of life. They always have problems with technology. I fear someday this thing will just make humanity more harm than good.” The mother of her boyfriend was venting while the weirdest part was… they were doing an arm wrestle while she was doing her best to maintain her composure… she was losing to his mother…

She was even losing her breath while she was doing her best to push it to win, but prayed for any sign of help she was needing at the moment.

“Well honey, it’s because the world is always going forward, and even if we enjoyed our time as teenagers, we aren’t saints either, remember some of your old jobs as teenagers?” The prayers were heard and the other mother of her boyfriend spilled the beans, making the rival of arm wrestle lose a bit of her grip, but that was enough to recover and attack.

Adagio was sweating bullets but it was enough to make a good approach to win the game, but suddenly the sound of the timer was loud enough to make both women stop their game.

“Dang it. And here I thought I was going to win easily.” The woman who was holding Adagio’s hand released while she got up. “That was a low blow Velvy. All of us made bad choices when teenagers, even you.”

The purple-haired woman was giggling in her place, while she glanced at Adagio who was still trying to recover her breathing.

Adagio gave to Twilight Velvet a thankful look.

“I should ask Aria to train me on that.” She was feeling sore on her right arm. But it seems the second test was over, the talk and questions during all time and having little challenges on it was indeed difficult. She could swear she had felt worse. But at least she hadn’t to pay much of the treasures she had, like when she dated the prince of Persia once, that greedy bastard.

Hearing the giggling from the kindest and the most terrifying woman she met on the same day, she says Miss Velvet winking to her like she knew something like that would happen.

"You did good, it's rare to find someone who could keep with Celly in something." The compliment of the woman who had a knife on her hands, made Adagio be wary of her.

"Why Spike is taking so long to take that bath?" Adagio was doing her best to remain calm but thinking about the time, she and Spike's mothers already finished the stew and the fish was already cooked. "Thank you, Miss Sparkle."

Twilight Velvet smiled while the principal walked to the oven and took off the stew and made the preparations over the table.

"I wouldn't say she pick up with me, it was more like, she was struggling to survive while you cheat on giving a little too much information." Principal Celestia narrowed her eyes on her wife, while in response Miss Velvet smiled sweetly at her.

"Touching." That was the tough inside over Adagio's mind. While she received in hands from the Principal a good glass of water, which she needed at the moment. "Well the test 2 is finally over, thankfully test 3 will be far easier than before. This time I can have Spike as my help."

"I'm back."

Hearing the voice of Spike made Adagio sighs in relief.

"Speaking of the devil." Adagio smiled when she saw Spike clothed but surprisingly his hair was wet but in a way, he looked even more stylish when he was before. "Oh my."

"Glad to see me?" Spike's grin made Adagio blush, but she remained calm and did her best to hide it from him and his family. She grabbed his arm and pulled him outside of the kitchen... "Woah, calm down... It seems they made the terror of mother over you."

"You have no idea, I didn't expect your mother and your stepmother being so..." Adagio whispered with Spike, while she still trying to find the right words to describe...

"Intense?" Spike interrupted while nodding his head. "Yeah, they can make everyone terrified... You must see what they did with Cadance. She didn't step on this house until New Year's Eve..."

"I don't follow your logic." Adagio doesn't understand the problem...

"She met them on January 5th..." Spike finished, making Adagio eyes's shrink. "But looking at you and them, I have to say, you are taking pretty good so far... what did you do?"

Adagio smiled proudly of herself, while she patted Spike's head like he was a little kid.

"Oh Spike, Spike, Spike... I'm not called leader of Dazzlings for nothing. In my experience of thousand years, your mother wasn't the first mama bear person I found..." She smiled, but then after remembering the knife over her neck, made her smile drop and shrive a bit. "But I have to say... your stepmother can be called of Mama Dragon for a good reason."

Spike looked at Adagio confused but decided to ignore it because he didn't know what happened with her stepmother and Adagio, but he knows one thing... Usually, his stepmother is someone so kind and couldn't hurt a fly, but yet all the girls who visited his house ran away for a reason...

But he couldn't put a finger on what...

"Adagio." Suddenly a voice came near Spike, which made Adagio flinch in her place, she remembered that voice... It was the only person who made her plans with her sister destroyed in the first place...

Turning her head, she found the bacon-haired girl wearing a formal dress instead of her actual leather jacket but what surprised Adagio more, was the fact the same girl who defeated her and her sisters was now using a ponytail?

"Sunset Shimmer... Before we start the beef... why are you wearing a ponytail?" Adagio could sense she was ready to argue with her nemesis who took away her singing, but the new hairstyle made Adagio change the focus...

Sunset who was raising her finger to accuse, suddenly stop her track and then looked at her ponytail...

"Oh yeah, I had an interview a few hours ago, and I kinda forgot to take off the elastic while I washed my hair..."

"But you took a bath, did you even wash your hair?"

"Hey, it's my first time wearing a ponytail, don't shame on me. And what's your problem anyway?" Sunset Shimmer was defending herself, suddenly her voice became deep and slow and she even used her hands to express herself... "You firstly came to my school and make a mess, and later you came to my house, where I live with my family, and don't even say hello to me."

"Oh, I'm soooo sorry godmother." Adagio took one of Sunset's Shimmer's hands and kissed, while she sarcastically talked. "But I'm sure you are not from Italy, and much less is someone who even was in a mafia in the first place."

"Humph..." Sunset Shimmer humped, while she hid her grin while she remained with a serious face. But something passed on her mind. "Did you really meet the mafia?"

"Aria hooked with one once. I prefer not to say how it ended." Adagio's monotone face, made clear she already answered that question some times, and sharing that kind of personal information wouldn't be worth it.

"Really?" Sunset was now curious about but decided to be against asking further, she knew to not take curiosity to the extreme. "Well, that doesn't change the fact you made all that chaos over the school..."

"Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me Princess, but I and my sisters need to feed our magic from negative energy, it was our way to survive during one thousand years, and it was until you and your wannabe heroes friends destroyed our voices and magic... If was the ancient times, I would challenge you in a duel." Adagio was faced by face in front of Sunset, while Spike looked nervously at what is going to happen... he was praying for a good distraction...

"Spike, girls, the launch is ready..." The sweet voice of Twilight Velvet was the result of Spike praying being answered. That made both girls look at each and other and humph themselves...

"Thank God it's over," Spike murmured, while he watched both his sister and his girlfriend going inside of the living room, where the table was with a banquet of stew and cooked fish. "Oh. It's smelling really good, you are really outdoing yourselves moms."

Both mother and stepmother giggled in her place while they looked at the who was supposed to be two bored-looking girls while they tried to be getting along really well.

At the moment Spike sit, he pulled a chair by his side, while it remained empty... Making Adagio raise's her eyebrows at him, while he remained in his place while preparing his plate. Leaving the two women with full pans and frying pan over the table, and with a cooked fish in the middle of the table.

While the woman finished preparing the table, one of them looked really annoyed.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE, WE ALREADY DONE THE TABLE, YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO GET DOWN OR YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES." Nobody other than the sweetest and the scariest mom who Adagio ever meet, Twilight Velvet knew how to treat sweetly and still be bold enough to scare the Tartarus of everyone she meets.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." Twilight Sparkle, now fully dressed and with her face washed and hair fixed, indeed looked like a decent person.

"Oh, Twilight, I'm so glad you finally have the decency to make yourself presentable to meet me in your family dinner." Adagio smiled smugly while in her own mind she seemed to say that aloud while looking from her face indeed showed those words, which make Spike kick her lower leg making her yelp. "What's that for?"

"Manners over the table, your face shows you want to make some trouble... You know my moms... They hate when someone is breaking the table rules." Adagio didn't expect Twilight Sparkle says that, while she went to another chair and pulled for her to take the dinner with them.

Adagio takes a moment to appreciate what she experienced on that momment.

One chair is pulled out... but nobody was sitting on that chair, even Twilight Sparkle decided to take another chair... It seems about the rules over the family, and knowing her boyfriend's family, it seems there are rules she should follow... That's a pity that was the third test because she would have enjoyed making a bit of more suffering over Twilight's Sparkle and Sunset's Shimmer day...

But everything has a limit, and she seemed she already reached hers. So it was best to remain in silence while following the steps of her boyfriend.

Well, it seems nothing would make things more awkward...

"Hey, Mom. I came to visit the home, wouldn't you mind I have brought Cadance here to take dinner with us?" Then a voice interrupted everything which made, not just her, but her boyfriend's eyes went wide open. The moment the couple went inside of the dining room, they noticed me and the family around the table. "Oh hey... I didn't know you have visited... Well, do you remember Cadance? It's been 3 weeks since she came here..."

"Oh hello everyone, how are you?" The female pink-haired girl with straps of yellow and purple made a huge surprise for Adagio, from Adagio's mind, she thought Cadance would have been 20 years older than the girl who was in front of her. But the thoughts were passed aside because now the moment it happened. Spike stood up from his seat. "Oh hey, Spike... How are... Spike?"

The boy in front of Adagio seemed to change deeply... She remembered the thing about what happened at the restaurant... When she told him who was the other girl who gave the idea to the owner of the restaurant.

"CANDANCEEEEEEEEEEE." Spike shout it out in deep hatred, which made not just Adagio jump from her seat but made Cadance sweat cold from her place.

"It seems it wasn't the best moment... I better get going, see yah baby." Candence didn't let Spike take a chance to follow her, she seemed 3 times quicker than normal when she knew her life was in danger...

Adagio watched amused from the perspective of a witness...

While she just shrugged on her mind.

"Just like Tuesday." That's was the thought inside of her mind on that moment.

Meeting the parents. Part 3

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It took 15 minutes for Spike finally to calm down, as Shining Armor tried to shield himself from behind both his maternal figures, as Spike was being held by his girlfriend Adagio who seemed amused and impressed on how vigorous Spike demonstrated his anger over the dinner...

"Spike bro, I said I was sorry, no need to go on the rampage in us..." Shining Armor said as Spike was still growling in anger at his own brother.

"No need to go on a rampage? NO NEED? I WAS KIDNAPPED FOR 40 MINUTES... INTO A RESTAURANT WHICH THE OWNER IS YOUR'S FIANCE'S FRIEND." Spike was still trying to attack Shining Armor but Adagio was using a full nelson on her boyfriend, to not make him go full attack on his own brother. "Adagio let me go. I'm gonna punch him in the face."

As Adagio looked around trying to find a kind of help, she couldn't find any, since the rest of the family was looking at the scene in amusement.

"Seriously? Are you going to let Spike get into a fight with his own brother?" Adagio asked as she looked at Twilight and Sunset, who seemed to keep watching the scene with food on their mouths...

Both girls stared at each other and smiling they nodded in affirmation, leaving Adagio's eyes twitching and wanting so much to call her sisters to beat down these 2 girls...

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling I'm missing something important over here." Adagio sighed in disappointment since nobody was going to help her with the case, but as she looked at the parents who seemed not care at all, even if the target of her own boyfriend is a full grown-up policeman... "How can policeman be afraid of his little brother? I want to know what's going on."

"Oh?" Twilight Velvet, who seemed to protect the elder boy looked at the girl in surprise. "Spike didn't tell you? Well, there is one rule on this house... If you messed up and the other member has all the right to punch you, you just accept your fate a be a mature person and receive the punch..."

Adagio's eyes twitched after hearing that, as she then decided to ask carefully her next question...

"So... what was the who is in the right this time?" Adagio was still holding Spike who looked furious but not in a way like 15 minutes before...

"Oh, well... we have a judgment about the said "kidnapping" date Spike received, and actually was a good trick to receive a good discount by the way." Principal Celestia said as she looked at her boy who seemed to twitch in annoyance from the said word... "And we could've taken you down to jail or beat the crap of you if wasn't for the fact Spike told us you are actually his online girlfriend and you made a surprise date..."

Adagio winced from the said words, she admits she maybe he should have given an explanation before the try kidnap date, but it was such a good opportunity that she couldn't waste, and having another free date was a good way to prove that was worth it... But she couldn't help that both Spike's mothers were being nice to her... too nice... even after threatening her life with a knife, she thought that maybe the safest family she ever knew after such a provocative date like that.

"So you all knew?" Adagio gulped, as everyone excluding Shining Armor nodded to her as they were looking at Spike.

"Yeah, I'm not stupid to not tell my mothers where I went, if I didn't tell them what happened, they could have made my life an entire hell..." Spike said as he glared but after closing his eyes trying to calm down. "But that doesn't change the fact Shining Armor and Cadance were at the same restaurant at the same hour I was thinking I was kidnapped by you over there."

Adagio's face froze in shock and it turned into disbelief as she raised her eyebrow at the man in front of her. The policeman tried to move his head away and not look into her eyes. As she remained quiet and suddenly a grin formed on her face.

"Is that so?" As the tone of her voice sounded into a full amusement, which made the spine of Shining Armor shrive in a terrible way. Adagio's sweet smile was making him pale as he hoped she wouldn't release the beast. "So... what is preventing me to unleash you at the downfall of your own brother?"

The words made Shining Armor's heart stop beating, as Adagio could see the evil smile appearing from on both matriarchs, and then looking at the two girls who seemed to be eating slowly and enjoying the drama in such a good way. That she couldn't help but feel pity for the man in front of her.

"Err...because you care about your possible brother in law and you wouldn't want my precious face to be broken from his attack?" Shining Armor tried to remain calm and calmly and sweetly tried to make a plea to her, gave the most hopeful face he could, praying to whatever deity was watching upon him that his brother's girlfriend have compassion into her heart and not let his brother attack his face.

Adagio found the situation amusing and pitifully funny, but a question remained in her mind. She looked at his mother's figures and then asked the poor man a simple question.

"Is Spike really that scary? I mean you are supposed to be a cop, someone who fights crimes. What it is in Spike that it can make you feel so fearful of receiving a punch?" Adagio remained using the full nelson was almost releasing him and Spike who was ready to go into full mode was waiting for the right moment. Deep inside of him knew Adagio was playing with his pray. And the moment she got tired of Shining, it will be all for Spike.

As both mother and stepmother watched that scene, found it so funny that they even started laughing.

"Oh Adagio, that's simple, Spike has been training Muay Thai with me since he had 6 years old, and while the other girls and even Shining were busy doing their studies and social activities, I and Velvet made him not just train it, but actually have Boxing classes as well..." The principal giggled, as the eyes of the girl went wide open in surprise.

Sunset got up from the table and even went near Adagio.

"Yeah I mean, remember when Spike gave Flash a punch after telling something mean to Twilight? Well, Spike fractured his jaw in 3 pieces." Sunset remined the incident of how Twilight was broken after the dazzlings were using the negative energy over the students, Spike went on a rampage on the next second and gave the unlucky boy a punch with so much strength that even the dazzlings winced for a second before continuing their song.

"Oh yeah. I remember... wait... so that means all of you know how to defend yourselves?" Adagio asked in shock, which all of them nodded. As she then proceeds to look at them in disbelief. "So why didn't you just knock me and my sisters out when you approached us?"

After what would be 5 seconds of silence, both Sunset and Twilight looked at each other until Twilight slammed her face on the table while Sunset groaned in annoyance.

"Oh my gosh, why didn't I think about it?" Twilight said as her face was down at the table, as she didn't slam directly at the food luckily for her... As Sunset lamented for lack of intelligence at that moment, that made Adagio sigh in relief as knowing that they actually weren't that bright at all.

"Alright, I'm with a handful of family here, my boyfriend is what would be a barbarian from the modern era, his mothers could actually be powerful assassins that could kill me whenever they want... He is the brother of two mages who defeat me and my sisters but they lack wisdom so that would make me easy to manipulate them and then he has a brother who is paladin but has more fear of his own brother than an actual crime..." Adagio tried to understand the family her boyfriend has but the next second she thought about that, she shook her head trying to remain focused. "Okay, this is the last time I will play O&O marathon of 20 hours with Sonata and Aria... this will get stuck in your mind forever."

"Adagio." A voice suddenly made Adagio snap from her thoughts, as she turned her head and found Principal Celestia and Twilight Velvet serving the plate on the sit she and Spike were in. "I think it's for the best you release and get this over or the food will get cold."

Adagio decided to see the options she had on that moment... She could act as a tactful woman and decide to use diplomacy to make Spike not make a scene on this day since it's her first time meeting the entire family and she really wanted to create a good first impression... or...

"Someone who is going to be punched says what?" Adagio asked that simple question, sealing the fate of the poor man who didn't know that he fell for it.

"What?" Shining Armor's famous last words, until he found out that he fell for the trap, as the evil smile of the devilness herself, he knew he regretted opening his mouth.

"Spike he is all yours." Adagio decided to act just like herself since, why would try to be bothered if she could just watch a good entertainment at the day. The silly boys always fall for the same trap.

"NOOOOOOO." Shining Armor screamed before Spike furiously ran into him and gave a punch with so much effort that it could hear a loud plump sound from the room, it was the impact of a head being pressed down into to the floor. Making all the girls wince from such amusement. It was a perfect knockdown.

"Ouch," Sunset said as she gave herself a massage on her face. "I would feel that during an entire week."

"I felt it, sister, Spike seemed to make a perfect 120 kilograms punch. From such angle, he indeed was trying to knock out Shining so badly." Twilight corrected the position of her glasses, even whistling from amusement.

"Adagio sweetie, can you please pass me the lemon?" Twilight Velvet asked as the girl was walking to her seat.

"Oh, sure Miss Velvet." Adagio still surprised by Spike quickly cleaned his fist with a napkin as he proceed to walk slowly at the dinner table and look at her coldly.

"That wasn't funny," Spike said it simply, as all the girls around rolled their eyes and started giggling.

"Oh, don't be like that Spike, I promise that I will compensate you in some way." Adagio who looked fearful a few hours ago, now felt more comfortable around the place, since Spike made the mood lighter in such a funny way. And what would be a little teasing at that moment?

"I will hold it," Spike said, as he finally took a good plate of food. As everyone on the table was smiling at his antics Spike couldn't help but ask aloud. "What?"

Receiving a giggle from all the girls, Spike grumbled some words before starting eating. At least the worst was over.

"And that way the test number 3 will be way smoother since the mood was lighter in such a way. Thank you Shining Armor. Your sacrifice will not be in vain." Adagio made a quiet pray as she could see the body's on the floor shaking even unconscious.

Both Sunset and Twilight smiled at the way Adagio was raising her hands as praying, and they couldn't help but pray to the fool's sacrifice as well... They had a beef with Adagio? Sure, she tried to conquer the school? Off course? She is a stupid narcissist? Who wouldn't believe it? But she is funny when it comes to scenes like this.

This may be a start of a great family...