> A Good Girl, A Bad Boy, And A Dominatrix > by SunnyDontLook > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Good Girls Get Release~ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weld looked up from his fruity drink and looked over at the new pony entering the bar, and walking up to the actual bar, bar. She was a tall, sturdy looking earth pony mare, with a blonde mane and blue eyes that sparkled with intensity and purpose- He looked over at his lover for the night, Deka and pointed at her subtly. The large zebra took his suggestion in stride, before looking over at the mare who had seemingly chosen a bar stool right beside Weld. “How are you doing on this fine evening?” Deka asked a simple question, but his accented equestrian lent his words an exotic flare that many ponies loved. “I’m doing okay, just here to get relatively fucked up,” she paused as she said that, before looking at Weld and Deka. “What are you two up to? The same?” “Oh, we don’t intend on destroying ourselves, just loosening up a bit in preparation,” Deka replied with a less than subtle inflexion when he said preparation. “Ah, so you’re gonna get a little tipsy, and then fuck like rabbits?” The mare said matter of factly, before raising her hoof to get the barmare’s attention. A moment later, they turned their head and moved towards her. Weld looked away, flushed with nervousness and slightly intrigued by this mare’s forwardness. “Are we going to fuck like Rabbits, Weld dear?” Deka asked Weld before placing a hoof on his shoulder, the lipsticked and dressed up stallion groaned at the sensation, and the taboo of cross-dressing like this, and acting like a couple out there in the world. The mental images and the arousal were enough to send a little bit of blood down to his cock- Thankfully, there was a contingency in place to stop him from getting too aroused. He was locked in place, a wire basket wrapped tightly, but not too tightly around his member. “Uh…” was all that Weld managed to say before the mare beside them got her drink. It wasn’t a complicated drink, it was a double on the rocks of a moderately expensive whiskey. “I see,” the mare said before turning towards the couple. “She’s the shy type. Honestly, that just makes her cuter.” Without missing a beat she lifted the glass in her hoof and dumping half of it down her throat. “Impressive technique, and good choice of whiskey,” Deka said conversationally. Meanwhile, Weld’s face was lighting up like a ripe tomato. Nearly matching his ruby red lipstick. “And yes, Weld is a shy mare.” “I’m full of impressive techniques,” the mare said with just a hint of flirtation in her voice. “And yes, she is quite the cute mare, very blushy too.” Weld’s problem wasn’t being helped by the compliments these two ponies were giving him. He wasn’t sure if this mare had seen through his outfit, his facial structure, or his falsetto, but maybe she didn’t even mind- Maybe she liked the thought of a crossdressing stallion out and about with his lover. “May I ask your name, I bet it’s beautiful,” Deka said while turning up his accent to eleven, and his charm to thirteen. “I’m Icepick, which, suits me,” she said as she dumped the last of her whiskey into her mouth. Before slurping an Icecube into her mouth. With an audible crunch, she broke the ice in her mouth easily. “See, I’m good with Ice.” She finished speaking and started laughing a moment later. “Impressive technique,” Deka said before adding. “Most impressive, miss Icepick?” “I’m not the type for marriage, yes,” she said with a laugh. “Drunken trysts, that’s another thing entirely…” There was an audible pause between the three of us. “Are you drunk yet?” Deka asked with a laugh. “Not yet, mister?” She asked as she raised her hoof again, gesturing over the barmare. “Deka is my name,” he said before tapping Weld on the shoulder. Weld shuddered from the contact and the context around him. Icepick noticed that and met Weld’s gaze. “What’s your name, cutie?” Icepick asked Weld who barely kept himself from looking away from the intense mare. “Weldbead,” he said in a passable falsetto. Icepick’s attention turned away after that, as the barmare came over and offered her another drink. “See, speaking up isn’t that hard,” Deka said with a smirk as he sipped at his own drink. The manehattan before him had an extra shake of bitters added to it. Something that he had always admired the ponies of Equestria for popularizing. “Y-yeah,” Weld said as he watched Icepick pick up her drink and turn back towards her conversation partners. “So, do your plans involve fucking like rabbits?” Icepick asked with a laugh. “Something like that, though Weld over here loves long periods of foreplay,” Deka replied as he let one of his forelegs fall over the withers of the smaller stallion. “Why do you ask?” His words had a playful lilt to them that very few could replicate. “I mean, foreplay is pretty nice. But to lay my proverbial cards on this hypothetical table, would you be open to a third?” Icepick said with a nearly matching sing-song voice. There was a playful intensity in her eyes, hungry, but not demanding or desperate. “That’s very forward of you Icepick,” Deka said after a moment’s thought. “Though I can’t say I didn’t see it coming.” “Fair enough, I did say I wanted to come here to get fucked up, and my favourite thing after that is to get fucked,” Icepick replied. She picked up her glass and dumped the whole double of whiskey down her throat. It must not have fazed her because she looked over at Deka’s drink and smiled. “If you wanted to be proper though, you should buy me one of those too…” “You might not like that drink,” Deka said as Weld sat there, feeling the eyes of the two dominant ponies playing over his body every few seconds. “Why?” She asked simply, conversationally, as if the offer she had made a few seconds ago was already answered in the positive- “It’s got more bitters than most ponies like,” Deka said after a slight pause. “If you’ve learned anything about me, I’m not most ponies,” Icepick said before reaching over my splayed forelegs, gently running her unshorn forelegs across them in the process, and grasped the drink. With a laugh, she lifted it straight up and across my legs, before taking a single petite sip of the drink. “A Manehattan, exotic for these parts. And yes, I taste the extra bitters. Very aromatic.” “A mare of culture as well, well if you like my drink of choice, I might have to get one made for you as well,” Deka said as he raised his hoof into the air. “It would only be proper if I’m taking you back to my place afterwards.” “Some part of this night has to be proper,” she replied softly. “Are you okay with us having a guest over tonight Weld?” Deka asked Weld seriously, his eyes soft and filled with understanding. “I would- I would like it,” Weld said with a false start from the nervousness afflicting him. There was only one solution to that, Weld grasped the straw of his fruity drink and pulled on it, sucking down a white rum and fruit drink like it was manna from heaven. “Yay,” Icepick said as the Barmare made another Manehattan for her, with extra bitters. “Indeed,” Deka said. Weld just gulped heavily and asked for another drink. ---===*===--- The door opened as Deka turned the handle, a moment later the three ponies entered the dark dwelling. Weld found the switch first, pulling it down and lighting up the living room of the good sized apartment. On the walls, dream catchers, paintings, and glyphs were sat there. An incense burner and a fair number of candles could be seen in the room as well. Deka turned to the other ponies and bowed. “Welcome to my humble Abode Icepick. Weld, feel free to show her around while I get this room comfortable,” Deka said as he trotted over to a counter, before pulling it open and rummaging through it. “Uh, this is the living room,” Weld said nervously as Icepick looked to him. “I believe you,” Icepick replied with a hint of a smile on her lips. “Can you show me to the little fillies room?” Her tail flicked behind her, and her hips pushed together as she said that. “S-sure,” Weld said as he started towards the restroom, very much aware of Icepick staring at his skirt covered ass. A moment later they were down the hall and in front of the bathroom. Icepick smiled at him before walking in and closing the door. Weld took that moment to let out a deeply held breath, before starting back towards the nice smelling living room. The room’s electric lights were already off by the time he entered the room again, candles made up for the lack of light. Mostly, and the smell of rich incense could also be made out by an astute nose as it burned slowly and filled the room. “Feel free to sit down, I’m nearly finished, and I believe our guest will be out soon,” Deka said to Weld. Weld took it in stride and sat down on the long faux leather couch that was the centrepiece of the living room. In front of it was a phonograph a few years out of date. It was, however, Deka’s first, and therefore a prized possession of his. The zebra stallion, tall and broad as he was, loved music from the heroic era. The years in which Equestria had been assailed by monsters and evil spirits, but had six mares and their extended circle of friends to protect them. With a start, he moved from lighting the last candle to grasping the sleeve of a favourite record of his. In a single practised motion, he pulled out the record and placed it on the turntable, before sliding the needle from it’s resting position and onto the furthest out groove of the vinyl. A single flick on the start button made the thing spin to life. Soft music, a female singer waxing romantic about days long past, filled the space. Between that and the other environmental factors, Weld was feeling quite a bit more relaxed. There was a loud flush from the bathroom, and a moment later the sounds of a sink being turned on could be heard. And then, the door opened outward and Icepick could be seen in the hallway. She smiled at Weld before starting to hum with the track playing on the phonograph. “That’s a classic,” Icepick said as she trotted into the room. “Sweetie Belle right?” “Yes, on both counts,” Deka said as he met her in front of the couch. “Sweetie Belle, a sister to one of the elements of Harmony.” “I’m surprised that you’re into that era of music,” Icepick said with a bemused expression on her muzzle. He looked at her with a smile before gesturing at the couch. “What were you expecting? Tribal music? Hip-hop?” He asked with a smirk. “Fair enough,” Icepick said as she sat down heavily and leaned back into the couch. Deka did the same a moment later. Deka to the left of Weld, and Icepick to his right. “So, drunken trysts…” “Indeed,” Deka said as he snaked a foreleg over Weld’s thighs and gently squeezed at the stallion’s pantyhose. Pulling it back a little, before letting it snap back into position. “Haha,” Weld managed to say as the mare to the right of him placed her foreleg over his withers. She pulled him closer to her, letting her barrel rub against the crossdressing stallion’s body. Meanwhile, Deka kept rubbing the subby stallion's legs, drawing ever closer to his caged cock. Icepick moved rapidly with her forelegs, pulling the stallion into her personal space before she doubled up on her actions and pressed her lips to the flushed stallion’s. “I see we’re beginning,” Deka said as he watched the two ponies beside him lock lips. He could hear the crossing of tongues and the exchange of saliva. With a pop Icepick let him go. The stallion had a bemused expression on his muzzle. It went from that to a yelp of surprise as Icepick’s hooves pick up his right hoof and dropped it on her muscular thighs. He baulked at the feeling, even as Deka snaked his hoof up his legs and into his tender testicles. “You could say that a couple times,” Icepick said with a sound of relaxation as she watched the crossdresser’s hoof flex with movement on her thigh. She spread her hind legs out a bit further, drawing both stallion’s eyes to her honeypot. “Y-yeah,” Weld said nervously as his halls were touched by Deka, subtly stroking them underneath the panties, and lifting them up and getting underneath them. Icepick didn’t help matters when she pulled her left foreleg away from the stallion’s shoulders and let her hoof touch his stomach and start moving down from there. “Our little girl is nervous, does the feeling of two different ponies touching you turn you on?” Deka asked as he fondled him, and spread his own legs to let his own growing erection have some space. “She is,” Icepick said in a husky voice as her hoof dipped the remaining distance down to the sissy stallion’s caged cock. As soon as she felt metal underneath her hoof, she smiled. Without missing a single beat, she moved the panties up and off with a hoof. The two ponies grasped Weld’s legs and held them up as Icepick dragged his panties off, leaving him wearing a top, a loose skirt, and a pair of pantyhosed hind legs. The cage was visible now, with a flick of the skirt. Icepick grinned at the caged stallion before bending down, her body taking up the last of the couch, with her hind legs spread out and her tail flicking back and forth excitedly. “Is that you little clit?” Icepick asked with a laugh as Deka watched with amusement. Her hoof moved over to touch the metal grid softly. “Uh huh,” Weld said as the three ponies stared at his crotch. Her breath made his cock twitch from within the cage. A moment later a single drop of transparent looking precum exited from the top of his tip. “It is, mistress.” “Mistress,” Icepick repeated aloud. “I think I like that.” Then she dipped her head forward, her tongue flicking out of her mouth and running up the side of the cold steel cage. There was a hint of contact between her tongue and the warm skin of his cock. He moaned and mewled at the sensation. When she made it to the top of his tiny cock, she stuck her tongue in between the cage bars. With that single lick, she managed to lap up his drop of pre-cum, before meeting her eyes on the other stallion in the room. His cock was throbbing and dripping too, and it could actually please a mare. Deka smiled at her glance. “Mistress, would you like to examine my fuckmeat?” Deka asked plaintively, but let his accent run through the entire sentence. “Sure, worm,” Icepick said angrily as she leaned over Weld’s body and caged member. The stallion on the end of the couch spun his body to the right and let his legs hang open. His cock was pointing towards Icepick’s face as she went up next to it. However, she didn’t give him the pleasure of an exploratory lick. “First, kiss your fillyfriend.” He did as she asked, leaning over and grasping the head of Weld, even as Icepick slowly, agonizingly slowly, reached out with a hoof towards his member. The moment that Icepick touched his cock, it twitched and the two stallions kissed. The larger stallion dominated his smaller pony friend, and as Icepick grasped his cock, sizing it up and looking at the mottling on it, he stuffed his tongue into the other stallion’s mouth. “Pretty nice, it’ll do,” Icepick said as she licked her lips and got up. She dropped herself on her back, her hindlegs splayed out, her pussy winking and on full view for the two kissing stallions. “Now service your mistress!” She yelled with a barely hidden chuckle afterwards. The two stallions broke their kiss and spun themselves around, before meeting withers to withers as their muzzles drew closer and closer to Icepick’s pussy. Icepick let out a loud moan as Weld’s mouth attacked her winking clit. Instantly, she dropped one of her forelegs down onto the back of the subby stallion’s head. Deka went lower down, before stuffing his tongue deep down her tight pussy. Her moans redoubled as both stallions ate her out. Icepick’s head shifted back as her next moan echoed throughout the room. The tongue inside her pussy had pulled further back and had crossed the thin patch of skin between her pussy and her asshole. Deka’s tongue circled the ring of her ass as Weld continued to eat her out like he was starving to death, and the only food around was Icepick’s pussy. “Oh yeah, I’m liking this, boys,” Icepick said in a deep, husky voice. Her hoof on the back of Weld’s head pushed further forward, burying the lipstick covered muzzle deeper into her pussy. Meanwhile, Deka had pushed his tongue into her ass and was giving it a good lick too- “Who wants to fuck me first?” Icepick asked, and as soon as Weld looked up, his face closer to meeting her eyes than Deka, she chuckled and nodded at him. “We’ll finish that later, but thank you for that warm-up,” Icepick said as Deka picked up his head and moved to the other side of the couch, his hard cock throbbing so insistently that he had to stroke it a little. Icepick took that moment to spin around, getting onto her legs and spreading her hind legs widely, her tight pussy looking wetter by the second. Her tail was flicked aside, and Weld looked at her excitedly. And then he looked back at Deka who shook his head with a note of finality. “Do I have to stay in my cage?” Weld asked with a plea written into his tone of voice. “What cage, just use your little dicklet like a good mare,” Icepick said with a patronizing tone. Weld shrugged unhappily and got to his hooves, before mounting her proudly. His cock twitched and dripped as he moved to insert it. He pressed into her and slipped his whole caged cock inside in one fluid motion. The warmth and heat of her pussy made his cock very happy, but it couldn’t grow outside of the steel cage. “Are you in?” Icepick asked when his hips slapped against hers weakly. “Y-yes,” Weld replied as Deka stroked his cock and began to laugh. Weld pulled back a little and pressed back in as hard as he could. “C’ mon, I know you can make me feel something,” Icepick said with exasperation as the cross-dressing sissy tried to fuck her like a real stallion. “I’m trying,” Weld said as he started to piston his cock in and out of her tunnel as fast as he could without falling out of her. “Do better,” Icepick demanded with a stomp of her hoof against the couch fabric. He tried his hardest, but it was a small metal cage being rubbed against her, not a hard cock of even modest size. “Let me try mistress,” Deka suggested before grasping at the small stallion and pulling his off of her in one fluid motion. Moments later, he was mounted on her back. The two large equines nearly connected- “Can I get unlocked please?” Weld pleaded with the two of them, even as the wet squelch of Deka sliding into her could be heard. “If you act like a good girl, you’ll get a treat,” Icepick said as she rocked her hips back against the strong zebra. Her moan was an insult to Weld and clearly exaggerated. That only made his cock strain even harder, and his hoof started to pull at the lock holding it in place. His balls were red from being touched already, and he was just so horny! “I’ll be a good girl!” Weld said before getting an idea. He got up and left the room, heading for a very special box buried in the closet. “We’ve got to let him cum, his balls will explode if not,” Icepick said as she rocked back against another one of Deka’s heavy thrusts. His thick cock hit her walls in all the right places, even as the zebra wet breaths warmed the back of her neck. “We will,” Deka said with a grunt as he pressed into her tight pussy and bottomed out in her again, the sounds of wet flanks smacking together filled the room, overpowering the music with the ferocity of the big stallion’s thrusts. “Oh yeah, just keep going,” Icepick said as she let one of her hooves reach back and start rubbing at her swollen clit as it winked out. “I don’t plan on stopping,” the large stallion said with a grunt as the sweaty, sexy, earth pony below him clenched up around his cock. He pulled her even closer to him, making his stomach press tightly against her back, the same back that was tensing up- “Good,” Icepick mewled out as the stallion above her twitched insider her tunnel. Her stomach was full of butterflies, that or it was being churned up by the cock inside her. A pretty good sized one, but still a little less girthy than her long term- “Aaaah,” Icepick moaned and lost her train of thought just as Deka’s swollen balls slammed into her clit. It was the straw that broke the camels back. Her orgasm sent her pussy into overdrive, as it began to tighten and clench around her boy toy’s cock. He pressed his body into hers again, feeling every inch of contact as a connection, as a physical expression of their intimacy. He came hard, his first shot painting her insides white, and his second started to flow out of her and onto the couch- “Hey guys,” Weld said as he trotted back into the room a moment later. Icepick’s legs were collapsed beneath them both, and both of the large ponies were breathing hard from the exertion. “Oh damn,” Weld said quietly as he watched the large pool of cum form beneath them. “Do you want to be a good girl? A good sissy?” Icepick asked in a tired voice as she motioned for Deka to move off of her. Deka reluctantly did so, before splaying himself out on the couch, his deflating member standing defiantly there in spite of the reversing blood flow. “Yes!” Weld replied loudly and hopefully. “Clean us, starting with the real stallion in the room,” Icepick said with malice she didn’t really feel. Still, the stallion in front of her liked this stuff, so she could play along. “Yes Mistress,” Weld said as he ambled over to the larger stallion, who’s half-hard cock was flopped over on his stomach. His hooves shifted the member over and pointed it at his muzzle. A moment later, that member was halfway down Weld’s throat. It tasted like pussy and a lot of cum, and that was fine by Weld. He slurped it up and out of his mouth before he bent down again and licked up all the visible cum around his crotch. “You really want a treat, dontcha?” Icepick asked as she idly rubbed a hoof against her pussy. “Oh yes!” Weld replied as he finished up with the stallion before him. A moment later Icepick threw the load of sticky cum she had collected from the entrance to her pussy at Weld. He baulked at the surprising allotment of cum being lobbed at his face, before moving himself down to her pussy and started to lick up all the spilt cum running up and down her soaked lips. “Well, clean me as well as you did him, and maybe-” Icepick broke off as she felt the subby stallion’s tongue begin to plumb her well-fucked depths. It felt amazing to her, the thick muscle exploring her and tasting her at the same time. All the while she got to stare down at a cute boys face as he ate out her creampie. “Ah, I see you brought out a toy,” Deka said as he looked over at what Weld had brought out. A huge looking dildo with a cum tube and a bottle of lube. “Use it on your ass,” Icepick commanded the zebra stallion. The zebra got up from the couch and walked over to the toy. Without missing a beat, he got on his back and squeezed out a good-sized dollop of lube onto his hoof, before smearing it on his asshole and the toy itself. It was a flared horsecock, and it was bigger than his own member. The large stallion moaned as he inserted the first inch of the thick toy into his ass. “Thataboy, stretch yourself out good,” Icepick said as she pressed her hoof against Weld’s head, pushing him deeper into her creamy caverns. “Why, mistress?” Deka asked with a moan as he slipped the medial ring of the fake cock into his ass. “Don’t ask questions,” Icepick said with a note of anger. He was almost finished, and well, he couldn’t exactly reach her cervix with his tongue- “Now, go find the key to his cage,” Icepick said before adding, “Keep the toy in.” Deka did a funny walk towards his room with the horsecock hilted inside him. Meanwhile, Icepick grabbed Weldbead with her forelegs and pulled him up onto her. Their faces inches away, she pressed forward and kissed him deeply, her hooves sliding over his back and rump. “Do you want to cum?” She asked after they broke the kiss. She didn’t wait for an answer from his mouth, she looked down to see his poor cock twitch and drip inside the constrictive cage. He also nodded his head vigorously. “Say it!” “I want permission to cum mistress!” Weld said in a high pitched tone as the mare beneath him played with his swollen sack. “Good girl,” Icepick said as she waiting for Deka to come back in. A moment later, the large zebra with the toy up his ass ambled into the room, before meeting her and Weld’s gazes. Icepick smiled at him, before grasping Weld and spinning him so back was against her stomach. “Use your muzzle,” Icepick commanded Deka. He reached out with the key towards Weld. He had the smell of two different musks as he slipped the key into the lock. With a single turn, the lock came open and Weld instantly grasped at it and threw it onto the floor. The next second, Weld pulled off the cage with a groan and his cock grew to its full size. “So she has a cock after all,” Icepick mused viciously, before taking the sensitive member in her hooves and stroking it once. Weld nearly jumped at the sensation, rolling his hips and humping against her hooves. “Yes, Mistress,” Weld said with a moan as the large mare played with him. “I have a request for you worms,” Icepick said before looking at Deka. “You’re going to make me cum again,” his cock twitched with need underneath his barrel. She smiled wickedly. “With your tongue.” Her gaze turned to the cross-dressing stallion currently getting fondled in her lap. “You’re gonna cum, in his ass.” The cock in her hooves twitched at the same second his horny brain heard her words. Without a word, Weld got out of her lap and she leaned back again. The zebra stallion took his place, before lifting his rump into the air. And then, a moment later, the sounds of flanks slapping against flanks could be heard over the last track of the record. Deka moaned as the cock of the smaller stallion took the place of the massive toy he had just had inside him. However, the cock inside him now was a living, throbbing thing and that turned him on all the more. That and the pussy now sitting in front of him, waiting to be licked clean- again. Icepick just leaned back and took in the music, the candles, even the slight vertigo of intoxication. The licking at her pussy, and all over her inner thighs were nice too. The grunt that pushed its way out of Weld’s muzzle was one of extreme pleasure, something that the zebra had spent several days denying him. Deka moaned and started to reach for his own aching member. Icepick shot him a dirty look and he stopped, his mind reeling for more contact on his prostate. Luckily, the stallion behind him was angling his thrusts and doing them as fast as he could. He desperately desired release, and with each thrust, he drew closer to it. “Cum for me boys,” Icepick said as she flicked one of Deka’s ears back. It only took another second for Weld to go off, cumming in Deka just like she had asked. Between the cum and the rubbing on his prostate, Deka went off like a girl moaning and squealing beneath the ponies, and shooting a heavy load off beneath himself. Icepick laid back and moaned as she watched the two males get off in front of her, to her, at her command- “Fuck!” She moaned loudly as the power she held got her off, that and the tonguing… Her body locked up from the electricity flowing through her. Her eyes shut and she felt great- ---===*===--- “Pass the popcorn,” Icepick said as the three of them watched a movie on the television in the bedroom. “Yes mistress,” Weld said with a laugh as he passed the bowl to her. “Yes mistress,” Deka said before pulling Weld against him, and giving his flushed cheeks a kiss. “Does that please you?” “Very much, but it needs more butter,” Icepick said before laughing. She pulled the two stallions closer to her, as they became a pile of pony. A moment later they kissed, all of their tongues dancing between mouths. A little while after that the movie ended… Then they slept soundly together. The End.