The Changes We All Must Make

by silverstream

First published

Zenith Azura, The Royal scientist to Queen Chrysalis was captured by Equestria. The ponies know that he's important... but he just might be more important than he seems.

Minding his own business, studying ponies while they went about their lives was something Zenith enjoyed. It was his free time that he'd earned from doing such a good job all the time. However he may have been enjoying himself too much and got caught by the royal guard. Now in a anti-magic cell he would have to use everything he knows to get out and get back to his hive. He would survive with precise planning and cunning. Cold and calculated is what he should be, right?

5/11/2019 modification... Death tag added.
5/14/2019 modification... Violence tag added. (Thought I should for what is to come....)

Chapter One - Interrogation

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Zenith groaned starting to regain consciousness. He was unsure how long he'd been out but he was certain of one thing he'd been captured for the past few days as the ponies attempted to interrogate him. It was a year after the invasion of Canterlot had failed horribly. From which the Queen had failed to return. Many of the changelings that I had happened to be in charge of began to follow my requests like orders. Before long missions began to start gathering love so they could survive. That was the reason he'd gotten himself in this mess.

"Prisoner! Are you deaf?!" Zenith looked to his left only to be socked in the face making him look away again. "I said where are the other changelings!? We know there are more of you!"

This was the forth straight day of interrogation. Every day they tried something new to break Zenith and yet so far he didn't speak a single word to any that had come into the room. He was alone at the time of his capture, conducting research into his favorite topic ponies and their reaction to stimuli outside of his lab and more so how they emotionally reacted. However, he got too engrossed in his work and was knocked out and taken in. Sure he had a shattered hive to look after now but that didn't stop him from indulging in his favorite thing continuing his work.

"Still no answer Changeling?" The guard sneered punching him again only this time it was much harder than the last one. "You know those notes in that book that you were carrying looked pretty interesting. Code was pretty complicated, I couldn't figure it out. Maybe you could help me with that, by telling me exactly what it says."

Another punch was headed his way when the door behind the guard opened sending light flooding into the room. "Corporal, what in the name of Celestia's mane do you think you're doing!?" The guard pony's fist stopped mere inches from Zenith's face.

"interrogating the prisoner sir!" He stated snapping to attention and about facing to face the pony clearly higher ranked than him.

"Interrogation doesn't warrant physical violence Corporal!" The other pony who was standing there yelled at him with a harsh tone. "I understand that the invasion took somepony you loved dearly away from you but beating the only changeling we managed to capture over events that happened a year ago is hardly appropriate. Now leave and don't think we wont be having a conversation about this in my office later."

"Y-Yes sir." The guard stammered moving past the other one quickly.

The guard sighed closing the door and stepping into the light coming down from the ceiling. Zenith knew who this pony was, Shining Armor. Captain of the royal guard and the husband to the Princess of Love, Mi Amore Cadenza. It seemed it wasn't enough that he was beaten but now in the presence of one of the ponies he told the remnant of the hive to avoid at any cost.

"So," Shining began, "It seems that you still wont talk?" He walked a little ways behind him and pulled out a chair from somewhere he couldn't see him. Coming back into view he sat on it. "You sure you aren't making this any easier on yourself."

They sat in silence for some time just staring one another down. All and all Zenith didn't want to say a word. Nor would it truly help his situation.

"Well I suppose we could always talk about something else first." Shining said pulling out a all to familiar hand bound book that belonged to Zenith out of a pack he carried in with him. That book contained everything he'd worked on in the past twenty years of his life collecting but he honestly wasn't worried. It was completely coded in a mixture of griffin, dragon, and Changeling languages... it would take them decades to decipher if they were lucky and without his someone of his race cooperating with them they'd never get the whole thing no matter how long they tried to crack it. "Why don't we talk about this?" Zenith's eyes narrowed but was completely content on remaining quiet.

"Our code crackers still haven't been able to crack anything other than the name on the front. Zenith, I can assume that this is your name is that correct?" Zenith again refused to answer Shining. "I guess I'll take your silence as a yes then. What puzzles me more than anything is that this the only possession you had on you... and this code is so complex it makes me think that either you're extremely intelligent or you stole this from somepony who was. That is only one of my theories however, it is possible it's just a diary as well that you've taken to write in code so other changelings can read it and be able to blend in to the areas that are possibly listed and take the form and be able to blend in without notice. Making it a type of handbook for young changelings to learn how to survive."

Zenith smirked blowing air out of his nose and smirked. Considering what he thought of it he'd probably just toss it out or waist time and energy trying to decode his words in that book.

"What's so funny?" Shining taking notice and wasn't to happy about being laughed at by the changeling. The scowl on his face was just too good to pass up so Zenith was actually going to talk to the the stallion.

"You actually. I find that your clueless to what you hold in your hands and just making wild speculation hoping to get me to make a reaction like i did when I purposely narrowed my gaze at it. It is none of the things you mentioned. Although I could be lying to you for all you know." Making sure to look him dead in the eye. "If you believe that to be a diary you'd be a fool however, we changelings have a very long and strong memory. We have no need for something as mundane as a diary."

"So you can talk. Here I thought you couldn't. Now are you going to tell me what is written in here?" Shining questioned clearly having got the changeling to open his mouth wanted to keep him talking.

"Unless you are a sophisticated intellectual, no. From what I can gather from listening to you so far you're just a pawn. Following the orders of your Princesses, another meathead like your Corporal even if you are less prone to act with violence." Zenith responded now wearing a smile but it disappeared just as quickly as it came. "Even if I was willing to share what was written in there, I doubt a somepony of minor intelligence l would understand. "Shining's right eye twitched in annoyance. This changeling trash just insulted him!

"Alright then," Shining said his voice shaking in clear anger. "If i was to get an intellectual to speak to you on the contents of this book of yours would you start answering my questions?" Zenith smiled, he had the Captain right where he wanted him, he was brokering a deal to get him to keep talking and it was perfect.

"Yes, should the pony be one I approve of."

Shining knew he screwed up and let his irritation get him into a bad spot and into a negotiation with a prisoner no less. He was going to hear a lecture from Celestia later no doubt but if this pays off he'll be in much less trouble.

"Okay, do you have anypony in mind?" Shining asked rather disgruntled about his situation.

"Actually yes." Zenith said letting a smile creep onto his face and widen as a plan fell into place in his mind. "Your wife."


it had been a few hours and Shining Armor was pacing nervously outside Princess Celestia's court waiting for it to end. After what was just said in that room he had to report it.

Minutes later Celestia stepped out from the court, a smile that could calm the most angry of ponies on her face turned to a slight frown looking at Shining there waiting for her. Her day just got a whole lot longer than it needed to be.

"Captain Armor, I believe that you have something important that requires my attention?" The ruler of the sun questioned. Shining Armor nodded in affirmation causing a inner sigh within Celestia. She was looking forward to some alone time with a specially made banana cream cake but it seems that fate had other plans.


This holding room was quite literally inescapable. Zenith knew it, but if he had any chance of getting out he'd have to play long ball. Go for the long con as it were. That however, wouldn't be a valid description of his plan. As much as he'd like to lie to the ponies it wouldn't help with the plan he had just worked out. If he could convince the pony who hated his kind the most that they weren't a threat to them any longer. If he could broker peace with her by being transparent while keeping the rest of his changelings out of harm he'd do it.

Strange, when did he start referring to them as his?

*Click* *Clank*

Sighing and opening his eyes, he'd have to think about this later he had work to do.

Chapter Two - Enter Princess of LOVE

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Princess Cadance was furious that she was kept in the dark about this. A changeling was captured and held in containment for the past four days! As much as she loved her husband and Auntie Celestia, they should have told her.

Apparently this changeling had asked to speak with her personally, one-on-one. According to Shiny this was the first time he's spokemon in the whole time he's been here. In that time he made her husband slip and managed to get an audience with her.

Lighting up her horn with magic moving the locks and bars from the door.

*Click* *Clank*

The door opened and she walked inside closing the door behind her while her eyes remained locked on the red eyed changeling in front of her. Spying an open chair she stood near it watching him cautiously her wings shifting with discomfort. The room was dark and it made her slightly uneasy by how his eyes seemed to glow the color of scarlet looking like gazing into twin pools of blood.

"Welcome to my prison cell Princess," Zenith paused a moment smiling," it is rather humbling to say that out loud. I do apologize for the lack of hospitality and refreshment as I'm rather tied up at the moment."

"Oh spare me the facade changeling." Cadance responded her words filled with venom. "I'm only doing this because my Aunt told me that she'd owe me a favor. Now lets cut through the needless chatter and get down to business shall we? What is it that you want?"

Zenith was actually surprised this was not at all how he thought it would start. He figured with her history she'd be a bit more timid when dealing with him but he could still work with his situation. Even with all the anger, he knew it would take careful steps. One small step at a time.

"Oh," Zenith said sounding rather disappointed, which in truth he was. "I guess we could skip the pleasant part of the conversations and introductions with a pony I find fascinating. Even if you aren't being quite as understanding as I'd hoped..."

Cadance's immediate thoughts reeled, wait did the changeling just say she was fascinating? That definitely wasn't at all what she thought he'd say.

"Fascinating?" Cadance echoed in slight confusion. "What pray tell do you find so fascinating about me?"

Zenith smirked, he caught her interest and her anger was replaced with curiosity. Again he could work with this. He was a emotional expert after all.

"W-Well, you are the only alicorn in known history to get married." He said, and continued after a slight pause. "Even more than that, your power managed to topple the Queen of my race. While true it was both you and your husband but really, how much did that stallion actually do? According to my research and studies into the subject of emotion and love in general it was your love that conquered my Queen."

Cadance was surprised to say the least. This changeling believes that it was only her love that beat Queen Chrysalis? It just couldn't be true, could it?

"I take it that you have proof of your claim?" Cadance asked now genuinely interested in what the changeling was saying.

"Well I could explain it to you, if you'd like... After all my research is that of emotion and it's effects."

"So you're a scientist?"

"Of sorts, yes."

"And just how long did you study emotion?"

"The study and research of emotion is ever evolving and I have already devoted twenty long years into its study..." Zenith said rather confidently. What else could he say? He was proud of his work. "My research began when my Queen Chrysalis decided that we needed a substitute for love should the need arise. Again this was just about twenty-one years ago now. At least before she started to go mad from starvation. My work was secluded and actually very hush hush. Considering that if her subjects found out they would want the results before they were ready."

"So your studies, how far did you get?"

"Well, as much time as I've spent I hit a road-block about a year ago. I was in the middle of researching in the field when I was interrupted and captured by the solar guard just as I was starting to figure out what I was missing. Due to that fact, I wasn't paying enough attention to notice I'd been found out."

"And you said your Queen ordered this?"

"Indeed," Zenith said with a nod. "I wouldn't be much of a Royal Scientist and Investigations Officer if I didn't investigate, study, and experiment to get results I was ordered to get now would I? However, I continued the project in her absence."

"Absence? What do you mean?"

"Ah, that's right you wouldn't know... I had forgotten, actually I just hadn't said... The Queen failed to return to us."

Cadance's mouth opened had opened to respond multiple times to respond to the new information. Did the love blast... Kill her? She mulled over the information for a few long moments. What if he was lying? She had no way of knowing if he was or not at least, for now.

"So you don't know the location of your Queen?" Cadance finally asked breaking the silence.

Zenith had predicted that this would be her next question and shook his head no and sighed. "No, I sent scouts to search for her for a month. They turned up nothing. Not even a trace."

Cadance couldn't believe her ears, Chrysalis was... gone just like that? No that couldn't be right! "Wait aren't all of you changeling's like ants and have a hive mind connected to the Queen? Wouldn't you be able to sense her?"

"You'd be incorrect," Zenith responded. "At least, in a sense... You see only select changelings have a direct enough link to the Queen to ever sense her. However, the one changeling who is around that is still capable of that is in recovery from protecting the hive 3 years ago. I believe it was a Ursa Major attack, if I recall correctly. Even if we could wake her to find the Queen, it's most likely that she's either dead or she abandoned us."

Cadance again got extremely valuable information, if and only if it was true.

"Honestly, if she had come back I wouldn't have had to..." Zenith began looking to the ceiling.

"Haven't have had to, what?" Cadance said picking up on his 'supposed' slip up.

Zenith sighed, "A few days after the Queen failed to return after the invasion failed. The hive was in a state of panic and I could sense it. You see due to my position, I'm no simple minded drone that relies purely on orders. I had have some semblance of independence and should it be necessary I could give orders so long as the Queen permitted it."

"So, what happened next?"

"I had no choice but to take control and keep order. If I didn't the hive would have fell into complete chaos and they would have begun to kill one another over what love we had left in the hive. So many were already starting to starve and a few young ones died." Zenith said looking to the floor clearly pained by that last part. "No child no matter what race should ever stave to death. I sent scouts to begin searching for Chrysalis while using my current research and what knowledge I had to try and feed the starving... It was working so far, and my studies had worked! I was so excited that I couldn't help but celebrate a bit. However it didn't last long, they began to get hungrier than the last time... it had seemed I was missing something. Over the past year I've been refining our way of life after giving up the search for the Queen. We changed much of our approach of hunting for love."

"Hunting for love?"

"It's as it sounds, I'm sure you know as the princess of the subject you have quite the knowledge to know that love is in and of itself split into may different forms. I discovered that animals can also give love, while it wasn't as much as your kind give off, it is something to keep their bellies from clawing at them."

"So, you allowed intimacy with non-sentient races to keep them fed?"

"In a sense yes... It is only a temporary solution at least until I found a better solution. The hive began to follow me without question, even so far as to start calling me their King... It was far from what I wanted but the hive had spoken, and it was by our law that the one who puts the hive's needs above all else in the absence of the current Queen or King was more or less forced into the position."

"So you, are the new King of changelings?"

"Officially? Yes, I am."

"Okay, if you're the king then why are you not the same size as Chrysalis then?"

"Well," Zenith shifted in the chair. "It's a complicated process to become a royal in the way I did. Extremely specific conditions had to be met. Normally the Queen chooses a heir and then gives them a type of jelly from the time they were born that eventually over their lives would turn them into a more developed version of our kind. There is three types of this jelly: Royal, Guardian, and the type I was given to give me called Crono jelly that increases mind processes and removes the limiter that the hive mind normally has on the one who eats it while going through childhood."

"So what your saying is that, since you got one of these jelly types you could lead the others should the others not be present?"

"Yes... You see the jelly while each has it's specific roles they play the stuff all comes from the Queen or King. It is made from them personally, and they manipulate it to do specific things. Should the line of succession fail it would usually fall to a Guardian like the one who's still recovering... but given that she's still sleeping and can't be woken it fell to me the one who consumed the Crono jelly."

"So will you eventually get to be her size?"

"Given enough time, yes... I can but it's a very delicate process and it requires quite the large amount of love... much more than any of us can afford to waste. Thus I still look like this. My kin's needs come first. Ah speaking of..." He closed his eyes remaining silent for some time. "There, that should keep them busy for a while."

"W-Wait you can speak to them?" Cadance said getting a look of caution.

"Yes, I can. I am still linked to the Hive in the normal terms until I am fully a royal... worry not I have no intention of calling them here to get me."

"Why not?" Cadance asked rather confused at his statement. "Surely you could order them to get you."

"And throw them to the wolves? They aren't soldiers Princess Cadenza.. They are hive constructors, scouts, and children... Aside from the guardian that slumbers in recovery... they are by no means capable. Nor would I risk their lives for my capture. I may be a monster in the eyes of your kind, but we have hearts as much as you'd like us not to. I won't send them marching to their deaths because I made a stupid mistake. One I can possibly fix on my own by being diplomatic... Which is why I wanted to talk to you."

"I... I think I understand... Getting captured wasn't your plan, but given your intelligence convinced your way to me to attempt a peaceful solution."

"Yes... I would like to try it... The option our Queen had failed to consider."

"Well, you've caught my full attention... ummm...."

"Zenith is my name."

"Zenith you now have my full attention."

They had talked for hours after that, about his race and Zenith had slid in a few dry and horrible jokes in places causing Cadance to giggle and laugh in a few cases. It was rare that anyone caught his humor and let alone found it funny. Word play was his favorite humor, and it did him well in this situation. It seemed to him that Cadence thoroughly enjoyed the little jokes he put in the answers to her questions every couple of answers.

Only one problem however, a problem that Zenith couldn't predict or expect. The wrath and unpredictability of a jealous, and overprotective husband.

Chapter Three - Marriage Consoling From A CHANGELING?

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Cadance and Zenith's conversation was going was going well, they had gotten rather off-topic however and they learned that they had a lot of similar interests. Favorite game: Monopoly. Favorite color: Red! Favorite food: Well... She said chocolate and he said cotton candy but then they had come to the conclusion that chocolate cotton candy should be a thing and if not she should invent it. All and all they were just enjoying one another's company. A prisoner and a princess actually getting along, how ironic.

Cadance could barely hold in her laughter any more. Zenith had used about seventeen word puns in a row and while it was cringe worthy how hard and long he had to think about it he simply smiled at her waiting for her to break. They were playing a game to see who would end up laughing first no matter was said. Gaining control of herself she hummed thinking of a joke she heard from father-in-law.

"Okay, okay... My turn."

"Damn, I could have swore that would get you... maybe next time I'll have to think a bit harder... Okay lay it on me."

"Alright. So a Deer, Zebra, and a Lion walk into a bar-"

The door to the cell burst open Shining Armor standing in the doorway a look of worry and anger on his face. "Candy are you okay?"

Cadance looked at her husband confused for a moment but got up from her chair and nodded, "Yes Shiny, I'm fine why do you look so upset?"

"Why do I look upset? You've been down here for nearly five hours! I was getting worried that this changeling had brainwashed you or something worse."

"Shiny you know that no magic can be used in this room... no matter what magic it is. So that's impossible and you know that."

Zenith snickered a bit causing both Cadance and Shining to look at him.

"HA! I win!" Cadance cheered.

"What?!" Shining questioned in confusion.

"Oh, w-well Zenith and I were playing a game." Cadance said innocently if not a bit sheepishly.

Shining got a deadpan look at first but instead of returning to worry, it contorted into raw anger. "WHAT?!!! YOU WERE PLAYING A GAME WITH THE PRISONER!?" Shining completely lost it and got a front row seat to the fireworks. "CADANCE YOU HAVE TO INTERROGATE HIM NOT PLAY SILLY GAMES!"

"I-I w-was b-but..." Cadance started stammering in surprise. Shining had NEVER yelled at her before. EVER.

"NO BUT'S CANDY I MEAN, WHAT IN TARTARUS WERE YOU THINKING!" He shouted at her. "Come on," He continued a bit quieter but that didn't take the anger from his tone. "Visiting hours are over changeling." Cadance looked at the floor for a moment but followed her husband out and the door closed and the familiar sound of it locking in place greeted his ears before silence fell.


When your married, you should fight. At least that's what Cadance had come to believe from watching her in-laws. It's healthy for the relationship and can even make it much stronger. In the words of her mother-in-law Twilight Velvet, 'If you don't fight, then something isn't right.' Cadance believed it to be true, her and Shiny fought over a bunch of stuff. It was mainly little things that wasn't really important but they always made up and sometimes even had the best sex afterwords. This time though, it was much much different. Shining had never, ever yelled at her before. He may have got a bit harsher with his tone or raised his voice a little but she'd never considered that yelling. But he full on let her have it.

While in bed she'd tried to ask him if he wanted to talk about earlier and he just huffed and ignored her proceeding to instead go to sleep. Something else that has never happened before today. She sighed and faced away from him and tried to get some sleep as well. However hard she tried she couldn't her mind was too awake. She needed time to think. A walk would do her some good at least, she thought it would.

Two laps in the castle gardens, and still she didn't feel any drowsiness or think of a solution to the problem she was having with her husband. "I'm the Princess of Love for tartarus' sake." She huffed at herself in frustration, "I shouldn't have any problem figuring this out! Ugh!" She glared at a rose bush in her frustration. "I wish I had somepony to talk to about this..." She was quiet for a moment then, an idea popped into her head. "Zenith! He might not be as well versed in what I'm dealing with but in all that studying he did he might know what I'm overlooking if I explain it to him!" She smiled and with a new found spring in her step made her way to Zenith's detention cell.

The familiar sound of his door opening woke Zenith from his slumber with how bucking loud it was. He huffed in irritation but sighed softly looking to the door as it opened wide to reveal Cadance and she closed the door behind her quickly after looking to make sure she wasn't followed. This action caused him to cock his head wondering just what she was hiding.

"Zenith, I'm sorry if I woke you." Cadance began, "But I needed someone to talk to right now."

Zenith yawned but responded, "A-Alright," Zenith after shaking his head and focusing on her more clearly he could tell just by her body language that something was definitely wrong and it wasn't exactly a small issue. "Well it must be pretty serious if you are coming in here with practically see-through nightgown on." He said with a soft chuckle. "And once again, sorry for my lack of hospitality.... but please take a seat... I'd offer more but my situation has me rather chained down so to speak."

Cadance smiled a bit at his dry word joke. He was trying to make her feel better, and it worked a little. Accepting his invitation she took a seat on the chair across from him.

"There's that smile," Zenith said smiling back at her. "This room feels a lot less cold and dark when you smile."

Cadance blushed at his statement, her smile growing. His words were rather sweet, he must be able to tell that something was truly bothering her and was truly making a solid effort to console her.

"Well thank you Zenith, that was very sweet of you to say." She says the smile however fading as she speaks again. "I know that this may sound a bit strange but I, need your help." Zenith gave her a curious look as she continued. "As you probably recall Shining yelled at me in front of you today... And... it was so, unlike him. That's not even the worst part... It's true he never has yelled at me like that before, he refused to talk about it before we went to sleep like we normally do. He just ignored me, even though I was fully prepared to apologize for whatever I might have did wrong to make him so upset." Cadence explained as Zenith thought about what she was telling him.

"Hhhhmmmm... it seems to me he was furious with you."

"I know that... but I wanted to talk it over and make it better but he didn't give me the chance."

"Okay, well what normally happens when you have an argument?"

"Well, the last time we fought about something it wasn't all that important..." She said shifting in her seat blushing clearly uncomfortable.

"Come now Cadance there is nothing that can surprise me I'm a changeling, and we are both adults here."

"W-well the last argument we had was about, sex."

"Go on."

"He... wanted anal... and I wasn't in the mood. Plus, that's normally something he would ever get on his birthday."

"Uh huh... interesting... I will keep that thought to myself." He said as he pushed what she thought she was going to say out of his thoughts. "Go on."

"Wait what? What did you think we were arguing about?"

"Well... I was thinking that maybe Shining was going to ask for something along the lines of a three-way.... but that's just my own thoughts on his personality from the information I've gathered, but please go on." Cadance blushed and an awkward silence fell in the room for a moment. "Wait you had argued about that before, haven't you?"

"Y-Yeah, only it wasn't Shining's idea..." Zenith's jaw dropped for a moment and snapped shut.

"W-well... that's definitely... interesting and I'll keep that in mind, but we are getting off topic. Please continue." Zenith said pausing a few times trying to put the conversation back on track.

"Right. I told him no and we argued for a while about it but I eventually gave in and we did it."

"Mmmm, Okay... that for me seems like a red flag." Cadance got a puzzled look at his statement. "I'll explain, but how often does your husband win your arguments and gets his way over your way?" Cadance had to think about it, but it honestly didn't take too long.

"Most of the time he wins the argument."

"Okay, and what is the argument normally about?"

"Sex." She says immediately. "At least mostly that."

"Make that three red flags."

"Are you going to explain those now?"

"I will after one more question. After your argument and he wins, he gets what he wants and that is normally sex and nothing else?"


Zenith's face scrunched up, "It sounds to me like he's just starting stupid arguments to get to have his way with you when ever he wants." He said to himself much to quietly for her to hear. Letting out a soft sigh, he spoke to her. "I'll explain the flags now. When I was conducting my research about 4 years ago I met a mare while disguised and she told me what she knew about married relationships. She actually was a marriage counselor, rather convenient for me and I learned as much as I could from her. I even got so far as to get a certification from her to open my own practice. Anyway, while studying under her she told me of these 'red flags' in a relationship. Spots where a relationship was in danger or all together unhealthy and was borderline toxic. Possibly leading to a life of unhappiness or divorce somewhere down the line."

Cadance's face immediately was struck with worry. Her marriage was in danger of falling apart! "Please tell me what the flags were!" She said nearly frantic."

"Whoa, calm down I did say possibly... From what I could tell from your explanation three things caught my attention. The key one however is you resolve all your issues with sex. Sure, sex is good stress relief and is great exercise it's not healthy for your relationship to rely on it to solve all your problems with your husband even if you do talk it over first. How long has it been since you've just cuddled or spent time together without it leading to sex?"

"Ummm," She thought about it, it took some time but she finally remembered. "About... 8 months ago..." She said her ears pinning back to her skull.

Zenith exhaled and made a chirp sound, "Welp, that's a actual huge red flag. Not spending down time together just for the sake of being together, is a huge issue... and needs to be addressed."

"W-well what should I do?"

"Simple, ban sex for 2 months and spend quality time together. If he can't accept that then you'll have to give him a ultimatum."

"An ultimatum..." Cadance didn't at all like the sound of that. "What would that be?"

"In order to save your marriage from growing colder, you have to make him understand that you are completely serious about your standing. If he tries to and given from your explanation he will, put your foot down and demand marriage consoling."

"The last thing a stallion like Shining would want would be that he has to go to marriage consoling and have to admit there is a problem when he thinks everything is completely fine. Should he refuse, then put him in the dog house until he accepts your terms."

Cadance had heard about other mares putting their husbands out on the couch or completely ignoring them for long periods of time when they were upset with them or didn't get their way. Cadance had never done that, not ever. Her husband usually had free reign to do what he wanted while she couldn't ever do what she wanted.

"Maybe you should tighten your husbands leash as it were." Zenith snickered at his rather dry humor but he was definitely right. It was time she foot down and demanded her own respect and wishes be met as well.

Chapter Four - Changeling Knowledge and Memories

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Celestia rose from her bed as she did every morning and as she did the sun seeming to rise behind her in a glorious brilliance. Today was another day. The birds were singing, the sky was clear, the grass is green and she was going to have a great morning. At least that is what she thought. Enjoying her extra fluffy pancakes with banana cream syrup and whipped cream, she hummed in delight. Banana cream, oh how she loved it so. If it was at all possible she'd marry it.

Smiling at the idea only for the smile to disappear as Shining Armor and Cadance entered into the dining hall. They weren't engaged in the usual playful banter that she'd hear from them every morning since they had been married. Something was wrong but she couldn't place her finger on what exactly it was. At least not yet.

"So Cadance, how did the interrogation of the changeling go?" Celestia asked taking another bite of her fluffy and beloved pancake heaven bringing her smile back to her lips.

"I'd say it went rather well Auntie." Cadance responded, as a plate of waffles was placed in front of her covered in mixed berries along with a tall glass of milk. "Learned a lot from the changeling. He was even inclined to tell me a bit about his notebook."

"Did he tell you how to decipher it?"

"No, but he told me what it is about written in it."

"And you believe him?" Shining interjected huffing clearly still upset with this wife in regards to the situation the previous day.

"Actually yes I do Shining... his advice to me was actually rather enlightening when I talked to him."

"An enlightening conversation from a Changeling? Oh, please do tell I'd certainly love to hear what you found so enlightening in a conversation with parasite."

Celestia watched as the two bickered back and forth and sighs content to listen and not interrupt.

"Well... He said our marriage... is unhealthy."Celestia dropped her fork looking up from her delicious and heavenly pancakes while the fork clattered against the dish causing a growing silence in the room. After taking a few moments Celestia returned to eating her heavenly guilty pleasure, but was now extremely interested in what was going to be said next.

"Oh yeah, and just when did he say that?" Shining inquired.

"When I went to talk to him last night."

"You did WHAT?" Shining shouted.

"See right there! That is why I went to see him!" Cadance shouted back at him. "Not only that he also said that our reliance on sex to fix our problems even after talking about them isn't healthy either Shiny!" Her saying his name at the end wasn't the normal way she addressed him. Shining got the feeling dread come up his spine from how venomous it sounded. "And I think I can skip all the pleasantness and niceness right now. I was going to follow the steps he told me to take first but I'm going with the last one. I demand marriage consoling from Zenith! The both of us are going end of discussion."

Celestia looked up from her plate slowly in shock, her ears were following everything said to the letter. Somehow the changeling was a marriage expert?! That couldn't be coincidence could it? No. Judging from what she just heard she would agree that the changeling had to have some knowledge about the subject. Even if it was bare minimum her niece clearly believes that Zenith is capable enough to be of use in fixing the problems they were having.

"Ahem," Celestia cleared her throat getting both Shining and Cadance to look at her. "It seems to me that not everything is known about this changeling's motives, but you are confident in the evaluation you received from him Cadance?" The response was a solid nod from her niece. "If that is the case then I will go speak to him myself." She stated standing up. "Cadance you will fill in for my duties for today while I go meet... Zenith was his name, yes?" Another nod from her niece was given. "However, that doesn't change what Zenith has recommended. Until I can confirm or deny his liability you will follow what he has told you." Shining got a slightly worried look and seemed to wanted to voice a concern but when her gaze fell on him he closed his mouth. "Good, now if you both will excuse me I have an appointment with a supposed changeling PhD." She picked up her plate of fluffy deliciousness in her magic and popped out of the room leaving Cadance and Shining alone in it.


Zenith believed this was going well. Sure, he had his moments of brief power over the persuasion of Cadance's actions, without magic, but would it truly help him get out of this cell? That remained to be seen. Being helpful to her and her alone most likely wouldn't be enough to get him out, however much he helped her. Time was ticking and the hive would soon get impatient and nervous without his presence after to long even with his occasional message back to them using the love that he's been skimming from Cadance. Against popular belief changelings can feed on love without hurting or disorienting the target but the amount is rather minimal and has to be taken very carefully. That process doesn't even need magic either, which is rather convenient given his situation.

Closing his eyes and reaching for the deep confines of his mind he felt the presence of his hive.

Zenith's eyes flashed open, there it was again... He was certain that something was changing in his mind. It seemed like the absence of the Queen and the reliance on him was starting to activate the other effects of the Crono jelly. Royal, Guardian, and Crono... The trinity of the changeling hive-mind. Royal, presided over all. Guardian, protected them. Crono, learned for them. The system had it's flaws however.

Royal jelly, it took the most time to take effect. Being the most powerful and the most potent could be given to any changeling and make them a successor to the throne. That being noted, Chrysalis never found it necessary to choose one or even consider it. Had she, he wouldn't be in this mess and he'd still be conducting research under a new King or Queen but he didn't want to dwell on that thought any longer than needed. He was the new King and he had to accept it even if it was a royal pain in the ass.

Zenith snickered at himself, "Oh, I slay me..." He said to himself before returning to his thoughts.

Guardian jelly, easily the most dangerous of the three. Guardians... They are the brutes to put it bluntly. They are tasked with protecting the hive should it be assaulted but that's not all they do. Royal's assign colors to the Guardians and there are usually more than one. The colors symbolize the effectiveness and even more so how dangerous they are. The colors go in order from lightest to darkest, all the way to black... Morgana, the black guardian. She's absolutely ruthless, and was the most dangerous changeling he'd ever seen. Her skill far outmatched that of the other colored guardians even so far as to test it, Morgana fought off every other color at once! SHE is a monster, a monster sleeping in the hive that he's responsible for... They are also the personal guards to the Queen or King. They are bound by their orders. Should the Royal in charge of them say to kill, they will kill. Should they say destroy, they will destroy. They are truly dangerous beings. Ones that wont exactly be very welcomed in Equestrian society.

That leaves Crono jelly. Crono jelly, the jelly he ate when young was a gamble. It is a gamble because it expands the mind exponentially. It's not something to be toyed with that's for certain and it can't be given to just any changeling. Expanding a changeling's mind is a difficult thing to do due to the hive mind's influence. Zenith himself was fortunate it didn't kill him. The sudden knowledge that he had gained from the jelly was similar to having access to the biggest library of knowledge all at the same time but it was empty, needing to be filled. The other changelings that had eaten it before him had died by means of stroke, psychosis leading to them beating themselves to death and a number of other things are possible, the most painful one however was complete disconnection from the hive mind. It was horrible to watch, they convulsed, writhing in pain and begged for death over and over again. The thought of it still sends shivers down Zenith's spine to this day.

However, that wasn't all Crono jelly did. It also changed his eye color. Now unlike the color coding of the Guardians the color of the eyes had extreme significance but they only came in 3 colors and none of them being the usual blue of a normal changeling or green of a Royal. The colors consisted of Yellow, Orange, and in his case Red. These three colors signaled the rate at which intelligence was gained and the effectiveness at retaining that information among other things.

Yellow being the most taking the least time to study information and report it but would eventually forget they had even studied that subject after a few years. This forgetfulness usually ended up with them studying the same subject at least twice or three times in their life. Not only that they acted like complete airheads.

Orange was a bit odd. They could study things but it would take extremely long, however the results would be staggeringly accurate, worth the wait. However, they had a particular flaw. They happened to take so long to study in fact that they could only study that one thing for their whole life and after they presented their findings they would die a few days later.

Last but not least Red, the color of Zenith's own eyes. Red was the rarest of his kind. Efficient and creative, red eyed Crono changelings were the most valuable resource of changeling knowledge. They learned anything they could get their hands on. They have a thirst for knowledge so extensive when they are young they leave the hive as soon as they are able to find out about the world with or without the Royal's permission. The best part was they don't forget anything they learn. They can store it away in a cloud of memory for use later. Imagine being able to recall everything you've ever read or learned with the snap of your fingers. It was amazing and Zenith himself could attest to it. He traveled quite literally around the globe in his search to sate his seemingly never ending thirst.

It takes years for it to end, and some changelings like himself went mad because of never finding enough to make them satisfied. Zenith was fortunate to have found one of the biggest libraries in the world, the Brittany Royal Library. Brittany, he loved that place the tea there was fantastic and the books. All the book he could ever read! He spent years there, some ponies there even referred to the disguise he had been wearing at the time to be a highly attested scholar.

A few fillies and colts actually took interest in him. It was odd but they reminded him of the children back in the hive. Changelings that were young and not under the effects of the three jellies still had a brain and they could still learn. These children over the years he was there unknowingly fed him and he was all to happy to read them a story or two in exchange. He grew in popularity however, and that's something as a changeling you don't want. He eventually left, saying his goodbyes to the ones who he remembered before finally heading home to the hive.

Red eyed Crono changelings, they had one flaw... a vicious one at that. They can become attached to others that they can freely feed off of. It is dangerous to do that as every changeling knows. Zenith had gotten attached once... That wonderful mare was gone now. She passed away in a terrible accident and he was heartbroken for some time. So much so that his research into emotion was effected and the roadblock stood for quite some time.


The familiar sound of the door being unlocked snapped Zenith from his memories and thoughts alike. He wondered just who it could be this time. Was it perhaps Shining Armor? Here to take out is frustrations against him? Or perhaps Princess Cadance seeking more advice? Maybe even the Corporal under his captain's orders to beat him? He didn't mind which of these predicted outcomes came. He was ready for them.

Little did he know just how under prepared he was.

Chapter Five - Allura Heart

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Princess Celestia, yup there was no mistaking it. The literal goddess of the bucking sun just opened the door of his detainment cell. Zenith could barely hold in his excitement. These ponies once again surprised him! A visit from Princess Celestia is a huge honor for ponies. For changelings it is a fearful experience. To Zenith however, it excited him to no end!

"Well this is quite unexpected," Zenith began with a smile. "Princess Celestia, welcome to my humble little home away from home so to speak. Please by all means come in and take a seat. I promise I am quite strapped to my seat in anticipation to know why you've taken time out of your undoubtedly busy schedule to see little old me. I am actually rather honored if not more so amused."

Celestia could immediately tell two things. One, this changeling was vocal and rather polite much different from the reports that crossed her desk while doing other various paperwork. Secondly, that he was cracking jokes and was confident in his position even if he was strapped- ... My goodness, now that she thought about what he had said she found herself smiling at his word joke. It was as if he could predict the way she was going to think and make a joke about it! All the more reason she'd have to be careful. This changeling while his magic nullified and restrained to a chair preventing him from being out of sight his raw intellect and perception was enough for him to be a danger should she not be careful.

"Yes, I have found that you have been talking with my niece about several things." Celestia began moving across the room and taking the seat occupied by Cadance for the past two visits. "Things happening to include problems with her marriage."

"Ah, yes I can say with confidence that I did give her some advice on what she should do but it was merely advice and to be used at her own discretion." He said shifting slightly in his chair clearly trying to look professional even while confined to a chair was rather difficult but wasn't impossible at least he didn't think so.

Celestia watched him shift in his chair and immediately got a thought in her mind that made her smile. She pictured Zenith looking like a mafia crime boss in some dimly lit room his fingers laced together his elbows on the armrests while leaning back in his chair smiling smug-like as a guard tried to pin a crime on him and he knew they had no proof he had any involvement.

"So, I take it something out of the norm must have happened for you to come and see me about it." Zenith continued his smile disappearing replaced with a look of concern. "I can't necessarily say I know what happened but I could attempt at a guess-"

"There is no need to speak of that first. I actually had a few questions for you first if you wouldn't mind." Celestia interrupted getting Zenith to close his mouth and rest his head against his shoulder and await her first question. "I was curious as what was said by Cadance, you seemed to be well versed in love and marriage. So what I would like to know is just how much do you know and are you really qualified to be a marriage counselor?"

"Well, I..." He sighs, and then nods. "Yeah, I am. I studied the subject for quite a while under a pony named Allura Heart."

"Allura Heart?" Celestia hummed, she had heard that name before but she couldn't seem to recall exactly where.

"Yes, I'm unsure if Princess Cadenza told you but the research I've been conducting has been going on for the past 20 years... and the subject of said research was emotion." Zenith sighed softly. "It was four years ago... I met Allura here in Canterlot in a cafe called Alabaster. The pink unicorn mare was sitting there enjoying a cup of coffee while looking over some papers in front of her. Her red mane and tail a bit disheveled and unkempt, a gentle smile on her face, while looking endearingly at her coffee as it seemed to be the only thing she loved more than life itself at the moment."Celestia took note on how vividly he remembered this. It seemed rather odd to her considering how much his personality shifted as he continued his story. "I immediately took note of her the moment I walked in and after I got a cup of tea I sat across from her striking up a conversation. It was about how she looked absolutely in love with the cup of coffee in her hands. We'd eventually got so into talking to one another about this and that, we didn't realize that we talked to closing time."

Celestia listened intently to Zenith recalling the story seeming to recall this and recite it with a look of fondness on his face, even so far as to say he looked... Lonely.

"She asked me if I'd like to come over and talk some more, I agreed and we talked into the night about a lot more things. It was then I found out she was a marriage counselor and that she really loved her job even if it was really stressful to pick up others problems and try and help them fix what was wrong." He sighed sadly. "She was perfect, I could learn about emotion from her... A mare who worked with ponies sort out their marriages and emotions all the time... I also learned that half of what I studied and believed about emotion was wrong... and she showed me that, but more than that I..." Celestia opened her mouth to say something but closed her mouth when she saw a look of pain clear on his face. "I..."

"You, loved her... didn't you?" Zenith closed his eyes nodding tears falling quietly from his eyes. "You never told her did you?"

"No, I did tell her... I... I broke a rule a changeling like myself shouldn't break. I revealed myself to her... my true self. What you see, is what she saw... She just stared at me for the longest time... and then, she asked me one question. Was anything you ever told me a lie?" Zenith paused looking at the floor taking in a shaky breath. "I told her that I had only lied about my name and what I looked like but every moment we shared was me. I loved her, I told her that I couldn't stand to lie to her about who and what I was anymore. It was tearing a hole in my heart every day it continued..." Zenith sniffled trying to calm himself took a deep breath. "She accepted me for who I was even if I did lie to her... Allura hugged me and gave me a loving kiss telling me it was going to be okay. Because if I loved her enough to reveal myself and risk everything for her, she give me the chance to prove how much I loved her... I had revealed myself two years after meeting her... Three months later she and I sat down and she demanded that I drop my disguise so she and I could talk, face to face. She had time to really think and she wanted to talk about us. I was fully prepared for her to tell me she never wanted to see me again and to drop dead, but... it never came. Grabbing my hand she brought it to her cheek and she rested her head into my hand. She wanted to make this work... She didn't know how it was going to but she wanted to be with me."

Zenith smiled, "I'd never been so happy in my life. It made me cry like a foal. She loved me, that was all thought about... and it was all I wanted anymore. So long as I sent my results to the hive when ever I had new information I could stay as long as I wanted... but it didn't last for long... nine months later... it happened... She got struck by a stray lightning bolt, a complete accident. A blink of an eye and she was gone. After her funeral I... I left and returned to the hive and devoted all of my time to my research... Even then however, I couldn't get out of the slump I was in. My heart ached for her, so instead of conducting my research like I was supposed to I looked into every memory I had with Allura gathering up every small shred of knowledge she gave to me about being a marriage counselor and I came to a beautiful conclusion. Love is a lot of hard work, and it demands there is a balance and harmony between lovers no matter who or what they are. So long as they truly love one another, anything is possible."

Celestia was speechless, Zenith had been in love and lost the one he loved so much. Something he couldn't have done anything to stop even with every bit of knowledge he had couldn't have saved her. She then remembered the article, it made the front page the day after the accident. Local Beloved Counselor Laid To Rest, was the title. Quite a lot of Canterlot high society couples saw her frequently according to all of the ponies in the funeral photo on the front page.

"Zenith, I... I am so sorry... You must have been in so much pain my little pony." She stood up and reached over and undid the straps holding Zenith to the chair and his face falls into his hands as he wept in the memory of the mare he had loved so much. Celestia pulled Zenith into a gentle and warm embrace as he cried.

Some time and tears passed quickly after the gentleness of Celestia's warmth making Zenith feel much better after a while. "Th-Thank you Celestia... I'm okay now." Celestia let the changeling go and sat back down in her chair as he wiped his eyes sitting there and then folded his hands in his lap.

"Zenith, I would like to make a personal request of you." Zenith sighed looking up from the floor and into Celestia's eyes. "I want you to try and save my niece's marriage."

Chapter Six - The Counseling begins

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Zenith shook his head. He was in a mess of trouble now, and it's his own fault. He just had to tell Celestia about Allura. He just couldn't keep his big stupid mouth from spilling the fact he was a bleeding heart. He was frustrated with himself and the more he thought about it the worse it made him feel.

The only plus side to this whole thing is he wasn't in his detainment cell anymore. Celestia seemed to think it be unnecessary to keep him in there any longer. That however came with a lot of restrictions. He had a magic nullification ring put on his horn which, was a headache to put on in the first place. As well as he couldn't leave the room he was now in. A simple bed, end table with a tea set and the means to make tea upon his request, a dresser for some reason,a sofa, and a recliner in the corner for the obviously mandatory counseling sessions, a doorway to a bathroom which he had inspected upon arrival, a lamp... he hated lamps, and a bookshelf filled with romance novels.

"Oh joy," Zenith said to himself aloud as he rolled his eyes looking away from the bookshelf and heading into the bathroom which had no door, due to the security concerns not allowing him to have any privacy while in the bath. To be honest though he was happy he could bathe at least. Believe it or not after a while even changelings start to smell if they don't bathe even if some of his kind think it's unnecessary because when you change your smell changes as well. He in his current situation needed a bath.

Turning on the water and plugging the tub he looked to the things they left him for bathing and sighed. "Looks like I'll have to use bubble bath like a child instead of a bar of soap to get clean. Because apparently I can't be trusted with a bar of soap. Damn these ponies and there fucking paranoia." He said cursing to himself as he poured some of the soupy liquid into the running water and waited.

Changeling's believe it or not had quite the weakness to water. They can't entirely swim all that well, given how heavy they are. Carapace is very thick and by all means to be used as natural armor so it's a given that it's heavy. So if he were to jump into a deep pool of water he'd sink like a stone. However there was one thought that always made him snicker at his own race, if you angled a changeling like himself right and with enough force could you skip a changeling across water like a smooth stone could? The idea always made him laugh when he pictured it.

Seeing that the water was high enough he turned it off and sat himself in the water adjusting himself to get comfortable so he could relax a bit. This was the first bath he's had in about a week and a half now. He was damn well going to enjoy it even if it was filled with... bubbles. Accursedly fluffy, soupy, rainbowy, and annoying bubbles.


Celestia had made quite the decision, to let the changeling out of containment and into a room. Sure she had the power to do that but it didn't stop Shining Armor complaining for hours after it was done. Honestly she was beginning to think that he was more worried about getting counseling from the changeling than him being in a more comfortable room and able to move around. Cadance on the other hand was ecstatic about this and she thanked her repeatedly. Something Celestia had also found strange but decided it was within her best interest to leave that sleeping dog lie so to speak. As to not bark up a whole new mess of problems between the arguing couple. She smiled at her little attempt at Zenith's humor. She wasn't sure she was using it right but it was fun to try to say the least.

Cadance had been writing things down to talk with Zenith about since she heard about his move to a room where he'd be her marriage counselor and would have full authority to talk to him when she had a problem with Shiny or otherwise. She loved Shiny very much, but they really did need to work out their problems if their marriage was going to keep going strong much later into life.

Shining was angry, nervous and a little scared of the idea of having a changeling for something so important. A normal marriage counselor would have been fine, a normal pony, or even a griffin one would have been fine. But a changeling prisoner, what was his life going to? Tartarus? Tartarus. Yep that's right where it was going because the first of a long nerve wrecking counseling meeting was going to be starting in less than thirty minutes. There was no way out of it, at least not one he could think of yet.


Feeling refreshed from his bath he sighed happily but it stopped in his throat as the sound his door getting knocked on and he looked at the door. "Oh for the love of the creators..." He whispered to himself pinching the bridge of his muzzle in annoyance. "Can I not get just a little bit more than 4 hours of peace?" Shaking his head he walked over and opened the door. "Hello?"

It was Cadance and Shining standing in the hall, Shining completely refusing to look at him and Cadance smiling her wings refusing to stay still twitching clearly trying to hold in some type of urge to scold her husband.

"Well, isn't this a surprise... please come in make yourselves at home... there is a couch just across the room do be seated at your leisure... but feel free to stand if you wish I'll make us some tea..." Zenith had walked over to the tea set and began to make tea. It was something he got quite good at making while living with Allura, the smell of it made him smile as he poured out three glasses and turned around with the tray. He immediately noticed something quite important, Shining armor wasn't sitting down. It was much worse than he thought. He walked over and first offered a cup to Cadance who happily took a cup. Shining just shook his head when Zenith looked at him and he shrugged putting the tray back and taking a cup and saucer for himself.

"Alright," Zenith began taking a seat in the recliner. "I will ask you a few questions first, some may seem redundant but I assure you they are important. Understand?' He received a silent nod from Shining who looked like a grumpy old stallion who got his oatmeal taken from him. Cadance simply smiled at him waiting. "Okay, first question... Who out of the two of you thinks that this is completely unnecessary?"

"I do." Shining responded without even a moment passing.

Zenith hummed taking a sip of tea and exhales through his nose softly. "And why do you think that?"

"Simple, there isn't anything wrong with our marriage."

Zenith clicked his tongue looking at Cadance, "And what do you happen to think about that statement Miss Cadenza, do you agree with that?"

"No," Cadance responded simply.

"Why don't you agree with that?" he asked resting his tea on the arm of his chair folding his hands in front of him leaning back a bit.

"B-Because I don't think everything is fine. To be one hundred percent honest I am starting to question if it ever was." Cadance said getting a look of shock from Shining who looked as if he was going to say something.

"Please Mr. Armor do not say a word. Miss Cadenza isn't finished." Zenith said raising his hand away from his other only to fold it back as he nodded to Cadance to go on.

"After we were married an everything seemed to be going really well, Shiny started to change quite a bit. He payed less and less attention to me outside of... bedroom activity as time has gone on."

"I see, and would you say that this is a normal thing that happens?"

"Umm, I don't really know. The only other married couple I ever talk to are my in-laws who have been together for a long time."

"Mmmmhmmm, and have they ever given you any advice pertaining to a married relationship."

"Yes, it was that married couples are bound to argue and fight, if they don't something isn't right." Cadance said and Zenith felt his heart ache as he winced when she said that all too familiar saying to him.

"That is correct, every couple no matter how compatible or incompatible will fight about one thing or another. It is a fact, and unavoidable. Think of them as a test, that should you overcome the difference it shows the other just how much you love them to get over it." Zenith clicked his tongue again and looked to Shining Armor who is still standing. "I have a particular question for you Mr. Armor... Why are you standing instead of sitting next to your wife?" he asked taking his tea cup from the saucer and sipping from it.

"I feel more comfortable standing." Shining replied shifting his weight uncomfortably. Zenith hummed about that watching him shift a bit uncomfortable from left to right.

"Okay," He said with a nod. "Miss Cadenza how do you feel about Mr. Armor standing instead of sitting next to you?"

"I... don't really mind if he wants to stand. I'm just happy that he's doing this with me." Cadance replied looking to her husband and then back to Zenith.

"So you are content that he chooses to stand up and away from you during this time?"


Zenith let out a inner sigh trying his best to keep a solid poker-face as he looked into his tea cup and thought for a moment about what to ask next. He once again sipped his tea watching the liquid for a few more moments. When he looked over at the couch again Shining was sitting down now but he was sitting on the arm of it.

"Well I believe I have a idea of a major issue here already." They both looked at him intensely and both of them were extremely curious as to his analysis. "You both are guilty of letting your marriage begin to collapse..." Cadance and Shining looked at one another and then back to him. "Shining, your narcissistic, controlling, and from how you've been acting so far in this room I'd say you believe yourself to be inferior to your wife so you make it your goal to seem superior to her." He said putting down his tea cup on the saucer and looking to Cadance. "Cadance you are the practically encouraging this behavior and it's not making your situation any better. You submit to his actions and his wishes after minimal resistance. All and all I find that you relationship is toxic and that is being lenient. If i'm being honest in my professional opinion any other couple would have been divorced or have been subject to physical abuse. Unless this changes, I predict that you will be divorced within the next two months."

"Bullshit!" Shining Armor shouted standing up. "This is absolute bullshit, you don't have any idea what you are talking about!"

"Oh? You don't think I do?" His eyes narrowing dangerously at him. "Tell me exactly what part of my explanation you find to be bullshit."

"The whole damn thing! Our marriage is completely fine!" He said continuing to shout at Zenith.

"Is that the case? Then why is it that your wife is not backing you up and voicing her agreement?" Zenith said making a clear and direct challenge to the white unicorn.

Shining opened his mouth to speak but slowly closed it looking to Cadance and her face said it all. She looked worried, and scared. A look of defeat crossed his face as she looked up at him from her seat on the couch.

"So," Zenith said getting both Cadance and Shining to look at him after a few moments of silence. "Shall we continue?"

Chapter Seven - Played For A Fool

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Listening to both Shining and Cadence was rather interesting, for maybe an hour. Then everything that came out of their mouths after that hour was complaining. Complaining about stupid childish things. It seems that the two of them are so incompatible, that it really was a miracle they are together in the first place. Zenith was formulating a plan, something he could do to make his situation better. Question was, would it work if he tried it?

"Okay, well now that you've gotten all this off of your minds I'll have to ask you both to leave. Work on talking more and not screwing like metaphorical bunnies. Understand?" They both nod refusing to look at one another now. "Good. Off you go, I have things to evaluate and it may take some time. Come back tomorrow, and I'll have another session prepared for the both of you."

Shining Armor got up first and left. Cadance however, remained seated her gaze locked on her empty tea cup. She was clearly lost in thought, staring off into the chaos her mind was trying to work through. Zenith had a pretty good idea what she was thinking about, but it made him wonder. Should he go forward with the plan he's had brewing in the back of his thoughts. Would it be so wrong to act on it? Their marriage was falling apart as it is, a little push in the right direction and he could have what some previous kings and queens of his kind could only have dreamed of. On the other hand, he could fix it. Fix the marriage with what he knew and be on his merry way home when he gets his treaty. Both outcomes get a treaty, but which one should he choose. Before he could make up his mind however, Cadance spoke up.

"Zenith, do you think it's possible to fix this?" Cadance asked pulling Zenith's eyes to hers. There was worry clear as day in them, something Zenith could use should he deem it the right course of action. "I do love Shining but we don't seem to be getting any better and all the things we just told you were so stupid to be argued about or even mentioned."

Zenith sighed picking himself up from the recliner and poured some more tea in her cup. He then took a seat next to Cadance who's eyes had been following him rather closely. She was wanting an answer, Zenith knew what he could say but he'd have to choose now. He made sure to get a look of thought on his face so Cadance knew he was thinking. He felt horrible about this but it was his only real choice. This was going to take much too long. He didn't have the time to fix such a broken relationship. If he did he would. Morgana will have to be awakened. Allura, she'd be so disappointed in him. He'd have to apologize to her grave later for this. His kin will continue to be pained by borderline starvation while he plays doctor otherwise. No, he would not allow that!

"Well Cadance, you are absolutely right." Cadance flinched at his harsh answer. "In all of my knowledge and previous experience in this subject... I'd say you have a one in one-thousand chance of making your marriage survive this, with my help. I've got so many things you both could try but given Shining's attitude most of them will have little to no effect. He's so emotionally traumatized and scarred, that I'd be surprised if what love he did have for you has been turned into something else. Resentment, being one of them. It's clear to me he does have a heart but I cannot say how much it beats for you."

"Y-you mean, it's possible he's not in love with me anymore? Even after sitting though all of this with me?"

"It's a possibility, and if I'm being straight with you... I wouldn't be surprised if right now Shining was contemplating finding some two-bit whore to screw out his frustrations. That is purely my speculation however, there is no proof to that." Zenith said watching her reactions carefully. She had visibly tensed up when he tossed the idea of him cheating on her into her head. She then relaxed a bit when he said there was no proof to it.

"So, he could be cheating on me?"

"It is possible."

Zenith watched as Cadance drank down her tea and got up walking toward the door. "Thank you for your time Zenith." Opening the door she looked back a look of sadness on her face. "Do you think I could come back a bit later... not for counseling. Just to talk?"

"Of course, you are always welcome to come see me." He said giving her a smile. "We can talk whenever you like." Cadance gave a gentle smile and closed the door behind her leaving Zenith alone in the room. He had much to do, and little time to do it now. It was as much as he didn't want to, it was time to wake Morgana. Precautions must be made. Should he fail, the hive needed to be prepared for anything and everything.


A pulse traveled through her...

... Another... and another...

Her consciousness had returned, and it was time she pulled herself together for her king. She had a job to do, and it was about time! Pulling herself from a green cocoon plastered to a wall she shook the remaining goo from her carapace. She was healed, and it was about time that she'd get to play in her new king's game. The pieces were set, and it was going to be played in the most beautiful of ways. She loved playing dirty, and his majesty knew it.

"Mission acquired..." The changeling guardian said aloud to herself a crooked and jagged smile appeared on her face. "I will sweep the board clean for you my King. Just say the word." Her wings flared to life lifting her from the floor slowly taking the form of a pegasus tan mare with a white mane and tail. A few different cutie-marks flashed across her hips as she made her choice on a pair of dual crossed swords. A smile crossed her new face, a wicked and evil smile the likes even a mad man like Discord would be hesitant to step up against. "Awaiting, final confirmation order."

Zenith sighed looking at the tea in his cup sullenly it had been about 4 hours since Cadance left and he was wondering just how long it would take for his plan to start working. Taking a sip of his tea, his door opened and to his delight the pieces were falling just as he planned. Shining Armor stood in the doorway with a sword in hand. "Ah Captain Armor," He said placing down his cup on the saucer on the table in front of himself. Taking a quick note of the type of sword in Shining's possession. It's a simple broad sword, perfect something he could dodge if need be. "Is there something I might help you with?"

"Yes, there is something you can help me with. I can't say that you'll like it though." Shining replied his tone of voice serious. He was attempting to sound threatening but Zenith just smiled at him.

"Ah is that so? You think you can solve this problem with violence do you? You haven't realized that I'm winning this little game of chess we are playing?" Zenith snickered slightly picking up his cup of tea and stood up. "And just how do you think you'll get away with it hmm? I mean you can't just kill me in expect it to go your way. Princess Celestia, Luna and your wife are the only three that know I'm in this room besides you, and that makes four. So, unless you broke protocol and disobeyed them... You would be put in jail for a good ten years minimum for assault of a defenseless individual with no means to defend himself. Oh but you wouldn't do that... your a good little dog." He sneered walking towards Shining confidently sipping the tea in his cup, keeping eye contact, and stopping right in front of him the door way between them.

"I-" Shining started to speak but was cut off by Zenith.

"So, your only option would be to kill me. right? But you haven't thought that all the way through... You don't know what I do, so let me fill you in. If I die not only would you be put in prison for murder of a prisoner, you'd be unable to defend yourself from what would be coming for you and everyone you care for. She'd kill everyone who stood up to her. The elements of harmony one by one, picked off in the matter of hours... what she'd do with them? Who knows but if she's smart she'd use them for breeding a strong changeling army. I mean what else would those mares be good for other than that?" Shining's face contorted into one of disgust, and pure raw hate beginning to simmer inside him.

"I think I know of what she'd do after she dealt with your sister and her little friends. She'd find and break your mother and father next. Mentally breaking your mother by destroying your father before her eyes in every demented and twisted way possible. Maybe she'd even use her for other things too. Making her useful after she broke her... maybe she'd make her into her personal breeding bitch." Zenith said, seeing and feeling more anger bubbling violently within the white unicorn. He wanted to hit him, he could feel it. "Don't worry she'd be well taken care of just like your sister, brood mothers are never mistreated. They'll be in a constant state of blissful pleasure and pregnancy. Popping out countless changelings to add to the hive. Until the day they die, with whorish smiles plastered on their faces from being fucked like sluts and loving every second of it!"

"I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!" Shining enraged by Zenith's words, slashed his sword at him. Zenith easily back-stepped to avoiding the wild slash. Shining's horn lighting up and firing a beam of magic, blasting Zenith into the wall across the room. Zenith screamed in agony as his wings crunched against the wall breaking them. This was part of the plan, not his wings breaking however, but still it was part of the plan. It was a gamble though. Celestia, Luna, or Cadance would have to show up before he was killed by Captain Shining Asshole and stop him for it to work. His scream had made it out into the grand halls of Canterlot Castle and they had great acoustics, but it all relied on the fact that a princess was near by.

Zenith didn't feel that lucky at the moment. His wings as a result of being broken and crushed were oozing out a thick red substance akin to blood. Had started to pool on the floor under him as he slowly pulled himself to his feet. He looked up at Shining who had walked over to him taking the sword in both hands and preparing to bring it down on his head. Zenith saw someone show up in the door way. A pink someone, his savior Princess Cadance. He smiled looking at Shining as his sword was wrenched from his hands magically and Shining was thrown back away from him. Cadance now standing in between Shining and Zenith. Zenith mouthed one word as all the rage seemed to vanish from Shining's face to be replaced with the realization that he was played for a fool.


Chapter Eight - Vermilion Law

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Cadance stood there, between the two of us looking torn. She had tears in her eyes, she'd been crying, about what Zenith wasn't sure yet but he was sure he'd be hearing what it was soon.

"Sh-Shining I can't believe you," Cadance said her voice cracking as she tried hard to keep from breaking into sobs. "I tried so hard to make this better for us. I wanted us to be like we where before the happenings at our wedding. Only for you to throw any chance we had just because you have a vendetta!"

"Cadance stop protecting that parasite! All he's trying to-" Shining started before getting cut off by the irritate pink alicorn.

"No, the only parasite I see is you. You're sucking all the happiness out of me and you have been for the past eight months! I was blind to the problem but now that I can see it you're broken Shining. You're broken over some deep seated grudge that you'd put before us. Now I have to place you under arrest... For assaulting a defenseless individual as well as attempted murder." Cadance's horn lit up a deep pink as a magic-null ring appeared on Shining's horn and her horn began to glow brighter still as he disappeared from the room.

After Shining disappeared in a flash of pink it was only mere seconds before Zenith felt like his heart was going to rip out of his chest. He felt every bit of pain and sadness it caused Cadance to put her own husband in jail. She dropped to her knees and began to cry. Zenith felt his heart wrenching in his chest and it wasn't going to go away not until she was happy again. It was like Allura was punishing him, as if to say 'You did this, now clean up your mess or it will hurt forever.'

Zenith groaned in pain as he made his way to the weeping princess and knelt down next to her. It wasn't much but there was only one thing he could do, give her the best hug he could manage. He did his best not to get the plasma coming out of his wings on her but failed. She didn't seem to mind at all because she turned and hugged him back burring her face into his chest.

They sat there a while as Cadance cried, it had to have been around ten minutes later when Celestia charged in the door. The look on Celestia's face shifted from prepared for battle to surprise. Just what in her great sun had happened in here? She had received a urgent report that Shining Armor had appeared in a prison cell. At first she thought it was Cadance putting her hoof down and putting him in the dog house. However after going to see him and what he had told her, she had to check out Zenith's room immediately.

"Hello Celestia," Zenith said not having to look up. "So great of you to join us." Zenith's voice was different. It was pained and not filled with the dry humor of his usual welcome. "I am sorry for the lack of hospitality, but right now there is something much more important we need to discuss." His eyes lifted to meet hers, the sound of Cadance's sobs was much quieter now as she looked over at her Auntie and moved to her in a blur of pink. She latched on to Celestia in a hug as she continued to sniffle and weep. Celestia returned the hug from her niece, looking down at her with a frown on her timeless muzzle.

"Important how?" Celestia replied keeping her niece wrapped tightly in her arms as she stroked her mane trying to soothe her. She'd never seen Cadance like this she'd have to get the whole story but she was curious as to what the changeling had to say first.

"Vermilion Law, Section eight." Zenith said hissing as he stood up, causing Celestia's eyes to go wide. "I demand that Shining Armor is tired and sentenced for assault and attempted murder on another races royalty, under your jurisdiction. Your law should prevent such things... Given that the damage to my wings is most likely going to be permanent, crippling me for life. As such under article 5, I demand that he is sentenced immediately to a minimum of fifteen years behind bars."

Celestia remembered the Vermilion Law, it was a law that was passed for the sake of keeping prisoners and P.O.W.'s safe from guards. Now there was many sections to the law. The one that Zenith just invoked details that he as the ruler of his race is to be cared for and protected no matter his previous crimes. Should he come to harm while in custody he can demand the terms of sentencing. How long and what type of punishment so long as it's legal in Equestria.

This however surprised Celestia even more, what Zenith just said was the minimum punishment that he could give. Shining Armor could have been facing the death penalty, but Zenith was being merciful. She narrowed her eyes at him and thought about why he was being merciful. He did want peace, at least from what she could gather but that could still be obtained through the legal system even with him demanding Shining's execution. It took a solid minute of silence only for her to realize it was her niece. Cadance was the reason he didn't demand the death penalty. He sees her as someone he cares about. He wouldn't try to crush her soul, or at least she didn't think so.

Celestia sighed softly and nodded her head. There really was nothing she could do. Once Vermilion Law was mentioned as stated in the first passage she cannot argue or protect Shining from his actions. Neither could anyone else for that matter. It was set in stone. Unless there was a witness to prove that Shining didn't do it he would spend the next fifteen years in a prison cell.

"Cadance, did you happen to see what was happening?" Celestia asked her niece, getting Cadance to look up at her with her gentle and motherly tone.

"N-not everything... The only thing I saw was S-shiny about to bring a sword down on Zenith's head..." Her voice cracked multiple times as she sniffled. Cadance had let go of her Auntie and looked at Zenith. "I-I'm so sorry f-for what Shiny did to you. I should have got here earlier to s-stop him."

"What do you mean Cadance?" Celestia asked putting her hand lightly on her shoulder.

"I... I caught Shiny with another mare..."

Zenith's mouth dropped open, but he quickly closed it his eyes glancing at both the princesses in the room to make certain they didn't see. He'd been right, even though it was a guess and part of his eventual plan. HE WAS RIGHT! He had planned on using Morgana to disguise herself and hit on Shining in his time of marital turmoil. Then have her take his place after learning everything there was to know and go on a cheating spree. Now here's the kicker, he was going to have Morgana use a spell that he knew of to make it as real as possible. It was a shared memory spell. When Morgana takes his form she casts the spell linking her to him for as long as she's disguised like him. That way he has the memories of cheating. He could say as many times as he wanted that he didn't do it but your own memories will betray you. Even a lie detector spell would say he's lying if he tried to deny it. It wasn't a perfect flawless plan but it was something that would have worked given the strained marriage between Armor and Cadance. Looks like he'll have to tell Morgana of the change in plans. He had a new plan now, he was going to continue with his plan to get closer to Cadance.

However Shining was still an issue, and he could still undermine the whole thing. He'd have to find a way that he'd be killed without his involvement. Some accident or maybe a grudge... then it hit him, the Corporal. He definitely got reprimanded for assaulting him from Shining Armor. Wouldn't it be unfortunate if the Corporal just so happened to hold a grudge against his former Captain. Even if he doesn't, he could make it seem like he does.

Chapter Nine - Royal Treament

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Vermilion Law, one of the three aces that Zenith had in his position that he didn't really want to use. It had been a few days since then. While his situation definitely improved there was stipulations to using the law in the way he did. For starters he had to reveal all information on his race, much to his displeasure. It would hinder any invisibility he had now. He wouldn't get any more time to himself. Now under twenty four watch, wasn't at all what he wanted. Thankfully though he was now treated as if he was a King. No magic nullification ring, which means he can use magic however with the guards watching his every move, every moment, it wasn't like he could use it effectively.

Taking that into account Zenith limited himself to using magic to make himself tea and other simple tasks like levitation of objects. Making himself tea wasn't bringing him much joy it seemed. This victory to him was taking a bittersweet turn. Cadence hadn't come by to see him at all. Honestly he was worried, he could go see her but she was most likely busy with something or another. No, that was an excuse. He knew that if he wanted he could arrange a meet. He was just making excuses to not go see her.

Morgana was on the move already, his plan was in motion. She ultimately would wait for his word to make her move on the Corporal who was demoted to a Private for his actions. A bit of information that Zenith found convenient, a demotion would bring terms of motive but the timing would have to be perfect. He couldn't be the judge of that, but he knew that it would have to be played off as a crime of passion. Passion, it's quite the emotion... it can make you do beautiful and horrendous things.

Was passion what he was feeling right now? Passion in definition, is a strong and barely controllable emotion. He did have a huge desire for his kin to be fed, happy, and safe. However, it wasn't really the way to describe what he felt for what was his. He sighed looking down at the tea he had been making absentmindedly and poured himself and the guard that was watching him a cup.

"Would you do me the kindness of sharing some tea with me?" The mare guard gave Zenith a suspicious look but walked over and took the cup. Her horn lit up with magic checking it for any poisons or such before taking a sip bringing a small smile to her face. "If you wouldn't mind I'd like to ask you a few questions..." Her smile disappeared and was giving him the suspicious look again, waiting for him to speak.

"I wanted to know how Princess Cadenza was holding up... She hasn't come by to tell me how she's been for the past few days... I'm unsure what else I could reference to other than my research on pony behavior... I fear I might have made her hate me. I'd like to apologize to her for the pain I caused her. However, I doubt a apology would do very much." Zenith said looking down at the tea in his cup before putting it on the saucer levitating in his magic. "What do you think?"

The mare guard looked at Zenith as if in disbelief at first, but after a minute or two she developed a look of thought. "I'd be pretty upset that you haven't come see me." The mare said before sipping her tea. "Honestly though, I'm not surprised that you don't know how a mare would feel about this kind of stuff. I know quite a bit about what she's been doing the past few days... but only from what I've heard from other guards." Zenith nodded in acknowledgement as she continued to speak. "She's been interrogating Shining about his cheating apparently and from what I've heard... It isn't good."

"I feared as much..." Zenith sighed shifting in plush recliner leaning back. "I didn't know for certain but I had the feeling that Shining wasn't being true to Cadence..."

"Then why didn't you directly tell her?" The guard-mare asked getting a pretty ticked off look.

"I did... More or less... If I had just up and said what I felt to be true would you have believed me? A changeling prisoner that might be spouting utter non-sense? I said that it was a possibility... it was for her to find out... not my place to just up and tell her." He said closing his eyes and relaxing a bit.

"I... I suppose you're right. If I was in the princess's position it would definitely be hard to believe coming from a changeling... But she most have found some truth in it if she took the time to look." The mare said with a matter-a-fact tone putting her finished tea down on the table near the tea pot. "I mean from what I've heard about you over the past few days you seem to be quite the stand up creature."

"Oh? What have you heard about me?" Zenith's eyes opening and locking onto the mares.

"To be honest not much... All guards have been told to keep talk about you to a minimum. From what I have heard, you have a dry sense of humor primarily consisting of word jokes... I haven't heard you say one yet but i'm sure that's due to you being in a not so happy mood." She said taking a seat on the couch across from him. "Aside from that and your amazing tea making skills. Do you think I could have another cup?" Zenith nodded his horn lighting up with a dark pink color the tea pot lifting up and pouring the tea and placing the cup in front of her. "Thank you."

"My pleasure..." Zenith responded looking at his own cup. "Tell me... what is your name?"

"My name?"

"Yes I'd like to know the name of someone who was kind enough to tell me what I wanted to know."

"My name is Twisted Spear... but most of my fellow guards call me Twist."

"Well lady Twist, as a thanks I will remember your kindness for a long time to come... Should you need anything, anything at all that I can provide... Then by all means ask and I'll do my best to help you with it." Zenith said a small smirk on his face. "I can't say I can do much right now... but I'm sure that I can find some way to help."

"Anything? Really?" Twist looked at him with disbelief.

"Yes, anything. Name it and I'll help you with what I'm currently capable of." He responded watching her fidget and stare into her tea cup. Zenith felt an immediate waver in her emotions. His mention of anything was causing a shift in her attitude.

"U-Ummmm..." She began before looking up to meet Zenith's eyes. "I... I'm not sure you could really help me with that..."

"Really? How would you know if you haven't told me what that is?" Zenith said making sure to give her a encouraging smile. "I assure you anything you say stays between us. I will tell no other living soul about what you say."

"D-Do you think that... you could change into someone for me?" She asked a small blush appearing on her face.

Zenith raised a brow, "I can... but who would it be? It would have to be someone that I or my hive have seen before."

"I... I think you have... and maybe..." Twist paused. "Help me live out a fantasy of mine?" She said shifting a bit uncomfortably and her nervousness about the concept was very evident.

"You want me to turn into someone specific so you can live out a fantasy?" Zenith sat up a bit in his chair, the gears in his head beginning to turn. "You do realize you just asked a King to help you exact a fantasy?" She nodded her blush still very apparent on her face. "Well... I suppose that it would be within my power to change my shape.... although the big question is... just who is it you want me to become?"

"I... I... ummm..." Her blush seemed to intensify as she whispered the name too quietly for him to hear.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch that Twist.."

"P-Princess Luna..." She said shifting in her seat her blush darkening. Zenith smiled watching her shift in her seat as her eyes were trained on the ground. Have a thing for Princess Luna did she? Well, Princess Luna it is. His eyes flashed for a moment as he changed his form into the lunar princess and looking the form over. He hadn't normally been one to turn into the opposite sex all that often. Giving the disguise a bit of a feel for himself he smiled a bit, at least his shape changing wasn't hindered by his damaged wings. Time to put those acting skills he acquired over his life to good use.

"We are ready, our loyal subject." Zenith said in Luna's voice standing up completely nude.

Twist looked up, as if she was about to say something but it died in her throat as her eyes went wide. There she was, Princess Luna in all her glory. Twist couldn't see a single flaw. She immediately brought her hands up to cover her eyes. "P-Princess I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were in the middle of changing!"

"We were but it is quite alright..." Luna said moving over to the unicorn covering her face in embarrassment. She knelt down, gently grabbing her hands taking them away from her eyes. "We don't mind to have others stare at us... It is flattering. It has been so long since somepony has dared to look upon us like this. Do you think us beautiful?"

"Y-yes, I-I think you're the most beautiful mare in the world..." Twist said unable to pull her eyes away from looking over the lunar princess. Luna smiled and gently lifted her helmet off of her head and placed it down on the floor.

"You think us more beautiful than our sister?" Luna said getting nearly face to face with Twist.

"Y-Yes I do..." She responded keeping her eyes locked on Luna's seemingly unable to look away. "I... I want you more than any pony else."

The waves of lust, admiration, and love coming off of this guard was astonishing to say the least about it. She really did love Luna, and she wanted to be with the real her. Zenith couldn't help but smile on the inside. It was cute that Twist adored Princess Luna yet wasn't part of the Lunar Guard. He was going to make sure she had the confidence to actually tell her how she felt.

"You do? Then why has thou waited so long to tell us?" Luna questioned slightly tilting her head. "We do love it when our subjects tell us how much they love us. Maybe next time we should see one another. Thou should tell us thy true feelings. For now we shalt give thou something to look forward to." Their lips connected making Twist quiver and shutter against the kiss as she attempted at kissing back.

They stayed connected for a few fleeting moments before the kiss was broken. "Now what is it that thou is going to do when you see us next?"

"I-I am going to tell you how I feel." Twist shuddered out her thighs were rubbing together slightly. Her blush was a burning scarlet against her white coat.

"Good, we look forward to it." Luna gently put her hands on Twists thighs pushing them open making her freeze up. "Now how about we show you just what is in store for thou. We do wonder on how much of our royal treatment thou can endure."


Her King was injured...

Boiling and burning hatred...

She had the thirst for vengeance...

She wanted to make them suffer...

Yes... suffer they shall...

Shining Armor... She was going to kill him... Oh but that wouldn't be enough for her... No she was going to make him BEG for his life.

She wanted to see him bleed and choke on his own blood.

Oh she knew just how she was going to do it... She was going to saw off his horn for starters... Maybe even take pictures so she can send them to mommy, daddy, and his bitch little sister. She wasn't going to show and speck of... what was that word? The word that she'd erased from her mind? No, she had no time to remember. She had a job to do. She had someone to kill in the name of her King.

She was in Canterlot already, it didn't take her long. She could feel her King's presence... Oh how she wanted to make sure he was safe... Her instincts were yelling at her to save him from the castle walls. She knew that would only make him angry with her. He wanted her to kill Shining Armor... Frame a specific stallion for doing it. She knew what this stallion looked like... she had everything she needed. All she had to do was find him... take his place after putting him under her spell and then knock Shining unconscious move him to where she could have fun with him until he died.

Her King knew just what she wanted. The last time she had a play thing was so long ago. She liked Ursa.. the bear could handle her pain... but she didn't like how much Ursa fought back... Ursa hurt her so she had to kill it. She was going to make Shining her play thing... at least for a little while. Maybe she would use the Private's form through the whole thing. She hadn't decided yet but she knew she was getting close to figuring out just how she was going to end Shining's life.

Blood was going to flow like a river down the streets of Canterlot when she was done for what they did to her precious King. Shining Armor and the Private where just the first. She could feel it, the darkness in her King's mind. These two weren't going to be the only ones... and she was shivering with excitement as she skipped along. Sure she looked a bit too happy, but when she was asked what she was happy about she stopped. She'd look at them smile at the pony and said, "I was just given a present by the one I love."


Cadence lay in her bed alone staring up at the ceiling, her eyes blood-shot from crying. This would be the third day of interrogation... the final day she was going to see him. Shining told her everything. It had started eight months ago, he met a mare in a bar one night when he was out on with the rest of his friends. She wasn't a regular but he'd seen her there a few times over the years. He talked to her and she was definitely drunk, so he offered to take her home. He wasn't too much better at the time, and he didn't remember exactly what happened but he woke up in her bed and it smelled of booze and shame.

It wasn't his fault. At least that's what Shining kept saying. Cadence sniffed rolling on to her side. That wasn't even the worst thing she found out. He got the mare pregnant. As if fate wasn't cruel enough to her already, the mare went on her heat shortly after. The mare in question sought Shining out and told him that she was pregnant and he was the father. That's all she could bring herself to listen to. It broke her heart to hear it every time she told him to tell her. She wanted more than anything for it not to be true. She asked Shining for the mare's name but he wouldn't say.

Cadence needed to talk to someone about this... She wanted to talk to someone who understood her heart break... but the one she knew would understand, she hurt him. Zenith... he would understand. He'd try to make her feel better, but it was her fault... She was the reason Shining acted out like he did. She felt guilty, heartbroken, and wanted nothing more to apologize over and over for what happened.

A few soft knocks on her door made her lift her head from the tear drenched pillow she was resting her head on and looked at the door. She had asked not to be disturbed by anyone. Maybe it was just her Auntie coming to check in on her. She sniffled sitting up and wiping her face a bit she got up and went to the door opening it just a crack to peer out into the hall wondering just who was knocking on her door.

Chapter Ten - Play Time

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Zenith was standing in the hallway chatting with a guard that presumably brought him to her. Wait she knew this guard, it was Twist... She's a Lieutenant and was with her the first day of Shining's interrogation.

"Zenith..." Cadence said quietly getting his attention.

Zenith looked at Cadence and smiled slightly. "H-Hey... are you okay Cadence?" After saying that he glanced at Twist who nodded and stepped back her face shifting from a small smile to a stoic blank look.

"I..." Cadence sighed opening the door up. "Please come in. We need to talk." Zenith face contorted into one of confusion... He could have swore he heard Allura voice for a moment. Shoving that thought down, he stepped inside. "Twist aren't you coming inside?"

"No princess..." She replied. "I think you two need to talk alone. What you two say to one another isn't something I should put my nose in."

"Oh... Thank you Twist." Cadence said closing the door and looking at Zenith who was looking out the balcony but keeping his distance so he couldn't be seen by anyone that happened to be passing by. "What are you doing Zenith?"

Zenith hummed looking back at her. "I was... thinking. It's been a little bit since we last spoke... I was trying to think of a joke... although I doubt you want to hear one of those right now."

"Actually... I think it would make me feel a little better..." She said sitting on the edge of her bed. Zenith smiled as she continued to speak, "I actually was going to come see you later today. So we could talk about some stuff..."

"Some stuff?" Zenith echoed giving her a analytical look. "Well... I could help but you'll have to be more specific than that..."

"I... I've been going through a emotional hell Zenith... It hurts so much... No matter how much I try to reason with myself or cry until I can't cry anymore... It just doesn't seem to relent." She sniffled and exhaled shakily.

Zenith approached slowly and sat next to her getting a clear look in her eyes. What reflected back from them was nothing but pain and sadness. "You want the pain to stop..." She nodded and looked at the floor. Zenith sighed joining her in looking at the floor. This could be the perfect moment, but it was risky. "I... I think I can take the pain away... If you really want me to.

"You can? How?" Cadence asked reaching over lightly grabbing his arm and looking back at him.

Zenith closed his eyes sighing. "I can... but I don't think that it's something I should do. It's a very abrasive bit of magic... if you are subject to it and for any reason it's dispelled... It can and will bring everything crashing back.. it could drive you insane. However, I could use hypnosis... it's much safer..." Cadence's grip on his arm tightened. He kept his eyes on the floor ignoring her tightening grip and continuing to speak. "Although.. even hypnosis has rules... It's easy to hypnotize someone when they aren't expecting it but... when they are.. it takes a lot more effort. That and I don't think you'll like the results."

"W-Why wouldn't I like the results? It would take away the pain right?"

"Well yes... it would but the only way that would be possible is to hypnotize you into thinking you never loved him in the first place... Like you got married for political reasons or something of that nature."

"It would be as if we never loved one another?"

"Well for you it would... Shining would grow suspicious if you saw him and didn't love him anymore. Unless you've made it clear that you don't love him anymore?" Zenith asked finally turning his attention from the ground to Cadence.

"I haven't..." Cadence replied. "Because it would be a lie... I do love him. Even if he is breaking my heart."

"Hmm... Well, if you wish it so I can hypnotize you, but as I've said there are rules. Since you are more or less aware that you will be hypnotized you'll have to be reminded while being hypnotized that you are okay with it."

"So, like reinforcing that I'm doing this of my own free will?" She asked cocking her head slightly.

"Yes, exactly right. Since you are asking for it I suppose that it cancels out rule three... but it may complicate things if I were to skip it..." Zenith said purposefully trailing off.

"What's rule three?" She questioned loosening her grip on his arm.

"Rule three basically runs along the lines of the fact if the subject of hypnosis is already in love, you'll have to bend the love away from that individual to someone else." He stated recalling the full rule but saying a modified version for his own use. "So in turn I'll have to hypnotize you into loving someone else." Cadence didn't respond at all for a few minutes. Zenith was getting worried. While it was mostly true what he had told her, she could still turn it down and ruin the plan he'd carefully laid out.

"Zenith..." Cadence got a look of resolve on her face standing up and getting in front of Zenith jumps at him. Zenith's back hit the bed as Cadence straddled him making him look at her in surprise. That is, after a small hiss of pain due to his wings. "Do it."

"Are you completely sure this is what you want?" He asked her closing his eyes.

Cadence was quiet for a moment but responded, "Yes... I'm sure..."

"As you wish.." His eyes snapped open to show not his usual red eyes but the dragonic eyes of a royal. Blood red dagger tip pupil eyes stared up at her causing Cadence to freeze. A pink aura beginning to appear around Cadence's eyes. "Princess... you are starting to relax..."


Morgana's smile widened as she looked down at the guard previously known as Corporal. She had found him. She caught him sleeping. Oh the fun she was going to have! She couldn't help but shutter in pleasure. She was gonna make him bleed... She was going to make him writhe in pain. Pain... sweet, sweet pain. In a crazed obsession she grabbed him by the neck and began to squeeze.

His eyes flashed open as he began to thrash and struggle. She just looked down at him with a huge smile on her face as she watched him struggle for his life. She watched his eyes start to roll up into his head then she let go. Immediately her horn lit up keeping him pinned to the cot. His breath finally returning to him he tried to yell only to be silenced by a kiss from the psychotic mare. When it broke a loud gasp came from the stallion as he coughed catching his breath.

"W-What the fuck is wrong with you?! You psychotic bitch! Get the fuck off of me!" He choked out struggling underneath the disguised changeling as her disguise melted away. Her blue eyes glowing eerily as she looked down at him. His face turned turned to one paralyzed with fear looking up at the monstrously beautiful changeling who's smile only continues to grow more sadistic by the second.

"Oh what's wrong?" She cooed. "You don't like getting kissed by a pretty mare?" Her face became one of hurt and sadness as she looked away from him. "But it's okay... l'll forgive you..." Her smile returned widening psychotically as she grabbed his wing. "If you scream for me..." With a swift motion his wing made a sickening snap making the guard scream in pain. Morgana shivered and licked her lips standing over him stepped down on his wing grinding her heel into it causing him to thrash and scream in pain. Making her laugh manically. "Such a good boy. Screaming for me." She reached between her legs and began to rub herself watching him squirm. "I'm going to play with you until you break or until I'm satisfied... I take good care of my toys... but first.. Mmnnnn... I'm going to break your other wing now... be good and scream some more."

The broken screams echoed in the dark but no one could hear the stallions cries for help and begs for mercy. They fell silent only to begin anew every few minutes as Morgana played with her new toy. Sadly the fun had to end, her king gave her a new order. It was time... Time to turn Shining into her new toy... She looked at the twitching shivering mess of blood and broken bones she left and smiled sweetly.

"Yes my king... I'll be sure to get rid of him... but why? Can't I please play with him some more?" She asks but her face slowly looking down sadly. "O-oh... I.. I understand my king... I will kill him quickly and quietly... M-May I please keep playing with the guard until you tell me to kill Shining?" She sniffled slightly. "I.. I understand... Yes my king... I'll play later... Of course..." She frowns and looks at the pool of blood slowly growing larger. "It looks like we'll have to cut play time short..." She sighed and walked over to the pony grabbing his head gently making him look at her. Giving him a frown she watched him stare at her blankly as if he was hardly alive. "Good night..." With a swift motion his neck was broken killing him. "I do wish we had more time to play..."

Chapter Eleven - <Blank>

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Sitting on the edge of Cadence's bed Zenith sighed looking down at her sleeping form. He wished he didn't have to do that to her. She deserves much better that what he did and he knew that. If there was another choice he would have considered taking it instead. However fate is a cruel mistress, and you almost never get the chance to enforce your own will. That is unless you are willing to fight fang and fist for it. Using a bit of magic he pulled the blankets up tucking her in snugly.

"You're being cruel to me Allura..." Zenith whispered to himself looking up at the ceiling. "To think I just hypnotized this heart-broken princess to forget the pain she's feeling... I should feel great about lifting the burden off of her shoulders and yet... I feel horrible." Being sure not to disturb Cadence he lifted himself slowly off the bed and walked across the room to a dresser not too far away. On top of it sits a few pictures, one being a wedding photo. "She looked so happy, and now she'll believe it's all a lie...." Taking a deep breath he cocked his head so he could see his reflection in the glass. "To think I have the eyes of a royal staring back at me.... and wanting more and more for them not to be mine."

Reaching up he took the photo and put it face down on the dresser and turned to look at Cadence with a solid resolve. "When this over... I promise this to you Cadence, I will make this up to you... as best I can." The moon had begun to rise as a soft knock on the door caught Zenith's attention. Walking to the door and opening it. Twist was standing there with a neutral look before cocking her head.

"So... how did your talk go?"

"About as well as I could have expected... but it still pains me on her choice." Zenith steps past her and into the hall. "I think it is time for you to change shift is it not?"

"Just about..." She said shifting nervously. "Are you sure that I should... do what we talked about?"

"Twist, try to imagine for a second that you are in her position... Nothing makes her happier than when others enjoy her nights, and she wants nothing more than to be adored just as her sister is. You'll have to imagine how lonely she must feel... She's up all night and sleeps nearly all day. When everyone you care for hardly come to visit you, and more than that are asleep when you're free to do what you want. Wouldn't you feel alone?"

Twist got a look of thought for a moment but nodded in agreement. "Y-yeah... it would make me lonely. What about dream-walking? Wouldn't I get to meet with my friends in their dreams?"

"I suppose but... Is it really the same? Can you hang out with everyone you care about at once? You'd only ever see one of them truly. The rest would be just memories or figments of the dreamers imagination. It wouldn't be fair to anyone else if she spent more time with one of her friends more than everyone else right?" Twist opened up her mouth to speak but was cut off by a new voice joining the conversation.

"For someone who doesn't know me personally, I commend you on a rather accurate description." Both Zenith and Twist turn their heads to the voice looking up at none other than the lunar princess herself. "Though it would be possible for me to pull all their dreams together it would be taxing on me and I haven't the time when nightmares plague others dreams. Enough on that however, It makes us wonder why are you here instead of in your chambers King Zenith... and before you ask yes, my sister told us of what had happened and that you are free to roam the castle walls so long as you are guarded so you needn't worry."

"Well... I have to say I'm glad to not have to go over anything... however... if you wouldn't mind Princess, I think I'll just head back to my room... I believe that someone here has something to say that I shouldn't be a part of." Luna raised a brow as her gaze turned to Twist but simply nodded. "I'm sure I'll just get in the way.... Have a lovely night." Zenith gave a quick nod and a wink toward Twist as he turned away.

A smile appeared on his face as he walked down the hall. As he turned the corner, he caught a glimpse that the conversation was starting. Morgana's window was opening... Cadence is asleep, and as is Celestia by this time... Luna is now distracted with a guard that has a deep seated love for her. It was falling into place, now all he had to do... and all he could do... was wait.

Morgana couldn't understand her king right now but his words no matter how painful and upsetting are what she lives for. His orders are what give her satisfaction... even if it is only a little. She'd gotten rid of the guard she had played with just a few moments ago. Getting rid of the body was easy for her... dicing him up into little pieces was easy enough, but it wasn't as fun without the screaming. It made her sad that she had to kill her toy before she was done playing. She'd have to ask her king for someone new to play with eventually...

It took some time to sneak the pieces out but she managed to take all of the guard quite a ways outside Canterlot. The moon was nearing it's peak now. If only her King would have let her play more. She wouldn't have had to discard of the body so... non-efficiently.

No... maybe she'll just find a new toy for herself. Oh yes, that idea made her very happy. She had a little time before she'd have to kill Shining as her King commanded of her... It wasn't going to be easy to keep it a secret from him. He could make her tell him... and then he'd punish her for disobeying... but would it matter if she disobeyed? So long as the job was done, would he even care?

Her smile returned, that crazed sadistic smile returned to her as she thought about all the information her King gave her. Maybe... just maybe... No... Her King would love it... Her King would praise her for taking initiative. She was going to find the mare that Shining knocked up... it wouldn't be hard for her... she knew what Shining smelled like. It wouldn't be hard to find a woman carrying his child.

Letting her mind wonder she came to a conclusion, a woman that's been pregnant for this long... She'd be in the hospital by now. Most mares go to the hospital for the last month of pregnancy to make sure the baby is delivered without complications. However stealing a pregnant mare from the Canterlot hospital would be quite the challenge... But it only made her shiver with excitement. She had all night, so long as Shining was dead by morning to her King's specifications... She could play.

Watching the moon for a little while longer she headed for the castle. The dungeons where her destination, shifting her form to that of the guard she just killed off was easy enough. She didn't know how he normally acted but that wasn't going to be a problem. All she had to do was sneak in, kill Shining... leave evidence that the guard was there and then sneak out. Simple... Then she could do what she wanted.


*After Zenith had left Twist and Luna alone*

Luna's gaze was locked onto Zenith as he walked down the hall. Something was off about how he was just acting... like he knew something she did not. It bothered her, but it would have to wait for another time. She turned her attention back to Twist who was staring at her. When she was caught she blushed and looked down at the floor. "Is everything alright?" Luna asked Twist looking over her actions.

Twist was nervous, she felt as if she couldn't breathe. She was in the presence of the mare of her dreams, quite literally. Swallowing the ball that was starting to form in her throat due to nerves she spoke. "I-I'm f-f-fine Princess... I just h-have something on my mind." Twist said her eyes meeting Luna's only to dart away any time they made eye contact and a deeper shade of red to form on her cheeks.

"Is that so? Then why is it that you are avoiding to meet my gaze? Did the changeling do something to you?" Luna said getting closer, lightly moving Twist's jaw so she was forced to keep eye contact as she inspected the guard's eyes.

"N-No he didn't do anything... H-he just gave me some advice." Twist said visibly relaxing at Luna's touch. "P-Princess... W-was what he said about you... really true? Do you still feel alone?"

Luna hummed letting go of the mare's jaw taking a small step back. "I do... It isn't as painful now... but I do sometimes feel alone at night... I don't feel as hurt as before. I know I have friends and my sister to talk to."

"W-What about anyone closer than that?"

"Closer? You mean a lover? No... We have yet to have a lover since we've been back. It was something we considered looking for when we returned. However, it became more and more difficult to look when I took back my duties of watching over the night." Luna said turning her attention to Cadence's door. "We actually talked much about this to Cadence and my sister... but we haven't made much progress in discovering someone."

"W-Well... ummmmmmmm... I-I..." Twist cleared her throat and took a deep breath screwing her eyes shut. "Princess I love you..." Twist couldn't bring herself to open her eyes, but if she could she'd see the surprise on Luna's face. "a-and I... I'd like to be there for you when you need me. T-That is... i-if you'll have me..."

Luna couldn't help but smile. She wasn't for certain yet if this guard was what she was looking for but she was the first to have the courage to ask in such a long time. "Twist, are you certain of the words you spoke?"

Twist opened her eyes and nodded. "I mean it. I've wanted to tell you for about a year now... but I lacked the courage to ask you."

Luna nodded and looked down the hall. "Twist walk with me... I'd like to get to know you a little bit." She said starting to walk down the hall.

"Y-yes princess..." Twist followed her to her left. It was going as Zenith told her. She had caught her interest, now all she had to do was keep it and her chances would be set in stone.

Chapter tWeLvE - Morgana...

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The pleasure of the hunt...

Morgana's heart pounding in her chest as she crept through castle court yard. Only this was a different feeling, a different type of hunt. Why was it different? Simple, her prey was in a box. A box in which she needed to sneak her way to. Oh this was a new and fun feeling... It's like the game of Seek-and-Kill! The game she played when training with animals out in the wild. It was a little different now, but it was just like following the animal to their den and killing them all when she found them.

She wasn't the perfect predator, she knew it. If she was she'd have been in and out of here already. The guard rotations were getting on her nerves... It took her around an hour to get inside and get eyes on her target. Shining Armor... There he was, laying there sleeping so peacefully. She wasn't alone however, there was another guard down here with her. He wasn't exactly doing his job very well... he had fallen asleep at the desk he was sitting at.

Was it really going to be this easy for her? For her to kill such a important pony... so easily? Making sure to take quiet steps she looked down at the pony sleeping at the desk. Falling asleep at one's post is never a good habit... It could have dire consequences. Licking her lips she reaches to the guards waist and takes his keys. Her smile widened at the stallion.

'Oh how I'd love to drag you and Shining away with me and torture you both to my hearts content...' She thought as she sighed internally. 'But sadly... My king has forbidden me to harm any of you possible toys...' Moving back to Shining's cell she slowly unlocked the cell. It wasn't hard with magic, just a simple deafening spell and the door opened without a sound. Placing the keys on the ground just as quietly with her magic. Just because she was in a pegasus form didn't mean she couldn't use her magic. Taking another glance at the guard desk making sure he was still asleep she reached out for Shining's neck.

This was too easy, it was almost sad. This had to be a trap, but she checked everything. She even checked for surveillance spells. There was only one... the one that saw her come in in disguise. No there wasn't a trap... She was being a little over paranoid that's all. Shaking her head she hovered her hands over his neck once again only this time she was going to do it. Rid the world of the stallion that would stand in her king's way if he continued to live.

The swift motion and the echo of the snapping of bones and it was over. It was so... ugh that word she couldn't remember... it was making her feel sick to her stomach. Checking for a pulse and not finding one as well as feeling no emotion at all coming from Shining's limp body she sighed but then smiled. She was free to play now, all she had to do was leave the place while still disguised and it was all going to end as her King planned.

Getting out the way she came in was a lot more difficult than she planned. She got stopped and questioned by the door guards as to why she was there. A few lies and convincing reason for being in the prison later and she was on her merry way. Out of the castle and into the dark moonlit streets of Canterlot she stalked her way towards the Canterlot hospital. Her disguise shifting to a different pony now. This one was a nurse, wearing a needlessly skimpy version of a nurse uniform. That is just in case she'd have to bend a doctor or two to her will she'd have no hassle doing it so she could get to her goal.

Sneaking into a hospital at night...

... was so





However finding her target was not... Her sense of smell was sharp she knew it... but where was she? Where was this home-wrecking whore of a mare?! This was starting the infuriate her. All she had to do was follow her nose to the scent of Shining's currently unborn child in the maternity ward... but she keeps ending up near the room with the foals sleeping peacefully. Each one of them.. so defenseless, so... inconsequential.... their little lives so insignifi-

Morgana's thoughts were cut off as her eyes stopped on a baby laying there, staring at her. She knew one thing about babies when they were awake they cried... but this one just seemed to be looking at her. Morgana walked over to the baby and sniffed. Her body started to tremble... Her right eye twitched slightly as a sickeningly insane smile appeared sharply jagged on her face.

Thhhheerrrreeee you are." She whispers picking up a clipboard and reading the information just left there for her to find. Like little bread-crumbs leading her to her gingerbread wonderland! There's the name she was looking for... and how convenient, there's the room number too. Looking up from the clipboard to the baby unicorn she froze. Something wasn't right with this child...

Tearing her gaze from the baby girl she looked at the clock on the wall. She had very little time left... less than thirty minutes. Her eyes widened in shock, she'd been staring at the child for nearly 3 hours. The night was almost over, and if she wanted to play with this child's mother she'd have to hurry... Turning she took two steps only to here a slight sound that stopped her in her tracks.

Was it a soft cry? Turning herself partway around she could see the child looking at her. She was going to kill this child's whore of a mother... and she had already killed her waste of space father. She was going to be alone...

"Alone... Just like me...." Morgana's usual smile was gone as she looked at the floor. She wasn't the least bit guilty for what she's done and what she still plans to do... She wants to torture and kill that mare and she's going to do it, but... "Can I really leave you all alone? Maybe I should just kill you too... put you out of your misery early... You'll have no one to take care of you... You'd be better off dead." Balling her hand into a fist she raised it high and brought it down.

Morgana closed her eyes as her body tensed stopping herself from moving. She cracked her eye open and looked down at the child whom she failed miserably to hit. Shaking her head slowly reaching down with both arms and lifting the baby to her chest. "Don't you worry little one... Morgana will make sure you're never alone." The child was silent as it closed it's eyes nestling herself into Morgana's chest.

The hospital was going to become very active and quickly. She couldn't waste any more time, she had even more motivation to get this whore out of the picture... She was going to keep this child and NOTHING was going to stand in her way. Opening the door to her targets room quietly she stopped again. She looked at the room and she couldn't believe the cyanide surprise that she had before her eyes. The mare she was going to play with...

Was already dead...

... but how... and more importantly who would DARE to take away her satisfaction!

Looking around the room and at the body it gave her a few hints. The window was open but the blinds were closed a slight breeze confirmed it by moving the blinds slightly. The mare was beaten badly, her stomach was cut all the way open and seemingly all her organs were methodically removed while she was alive to feel it all. Morgana couldn't help but admire the work as if it were fine art. All with a sadistic and crazed smile on her face. Who ever beat her here was skilled... very skilled indeed... She was going to find and kill this thief.. and when she did she's going to make him suffer.

Snapping herself out of her own head upon hearing someone heading down the hall. It was soft shuffling but someone was coming. Taking advantage of the window being open she changed her form and flew out the window quickly keeping the baby close to her.

It took time to get to a location she thought was safe enough but she sat down in an alley and laid her back against a wall. She closed her eyes, she needed a bit of rest. However the baby she was holding had other plans. The baby girl began to cry, forcing Morgana's eyes to open and look down at her. She could feel the child's want for attention and hunger. Giving a frustrated growl under her breath she used her magic to move a few things in the ally to conceal them before dropping her disguise.

When a changeling decides on a gender as a child they are stuck with that gender until they die. They can change it but there is a few things that they are unable to do. If a male changeling were to become a female they couldn't bare a child or produce milk for a foal. Morgana however, she choose to be a female when she got to the appropriate age to solidify her gender. Meaning she could feed this child... however in order to do so properly she'd have to drop her disguise.

The baby promptly latched itself to her nipple making Morgana get an uncomfortable look as she felt the pressure of the child trying to get milk from her. It took a minute or so but Morgana forced her body into that stage of mother-hood. To changelings like herself it wasn't hard to do.

Her eyes widened when she felt her king reaching out to her. She felt something... new... w-what was it? She'd never felt this way, she was shaking slightly.... but it wasn't in pleasure or excitement... She took a breath and answered.

"Y-Yes my king?"

"Was the mission successful?"

"It was... Shining Armor is dead... His neck was snapped by the hands of the individual you specified. I made sure to be seen by a surveillance spell while disguised... They'll be hunting down a dead stallion."

" *sigh* Fine... I'm sensing that you're hiding something from me Morgana... Tell me, what is it you're hiding?"

"I... My king... I went after the mare that my target had impregnated. I wanted to play more... but I found her dead."

"Did you... hmmm.... It seems as if someone else may be in play... although... you are still hiding something from me. Tell me or I shall open your mind and find out for myself."

"I took the child..."

"....... Did anyone see you take the child?"

"N-no my king... No one saw me take the child."

"Good... *sigh* That will make it easier... If you had been seen then you'd have to kill the child... but I believe that we may have a use for it. At least in time... Now, find a place to lay low while caring for the child... Actually... I have a plan... It may just work out in our favor... Morgana.. You are going to feel something strange for a few moments... I found it unnecessary until now but I'm going to fix your broken mind or at least somewhat fix it. You will be the mother for that child, and that is an order."

Morgana felt a bolt of pain rip through her skull as she hissed in pain. Balling her right hand into fist, she slammed it into the ground restraining herself. It hurt so badly but she somehow felt more at ease as the pain melted away. Looking down into her left arm the child was still suckling away on her nipple and she felt herself smile. Not her normal smile, no it was a soft and gentle smile that felt so... wrong on her face but she couldn't stop.

"I will set a few things in motion... and when I tell you to... you will leave Canterlot and return the next day with the child... Undisguised... am I clear?'

"Yes.. I understand my king. I will do as you've commanded."


Zenith sighed as he lay in his bed. Morgana, she had just unintentionally made his job so much harder. She stole a child from a hospital... Not only that she discovered a mare murdered in said hospital. Someone had a grudge, but why? More importantly... who? Zenith huffed in frustration sitting up and putting his hand on his face. This was going to get out of hand if he didn't keep everything squared and going smoothly... He had Cadence almost completely victim to his influence, even if that isn't what he wanted. Celestia didn't seem to find him that big of a threat... at least from what he could tell.

What he just did to Morgana had drained him of a lot of his strength. He knew that something was wrong with her when she woke. She wasn't acting as a guardian should. Normally Guardian changelings can't question the orders of a royal... While true Morgana is a special changeling and she was borderline insane she was going against his orders. Since when she woke she was following her objectives he didn't think that a change was necessary. He told her specifically not to harm anyone but the ones she was ordered to kill. However she was going to disregard his order just because she wanted to? He couldn't allow that, not when he's so close to achieving his goal.

He had split Morgana's mentality into two pieces and forced the more dangerous part into a dormant state. She wasn't going to be needed for a while... at least he hoped so. Although something didn't quite make sense to him. If Morgana was truly insane... then why keep the child at all? All her actions thus far would indicate that she'd normally just kill the child and move on... unless, she-

A few hard knocks on his door drew him from his thoughts only for the door to be kicked in. Said door busted off the hinges and fell to the floor. A very angry Celestia was standing there horn glowing and with a few guards behind her.

Zenith dropped his hand from his face and rested his head on it a smile coming to his face. "Well a good morning to you as well... Thanks for knocking first... but was knocking it down really necessary?"

Chapter Thirteen: A Terrible Tale at Teatime

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-Earlier that night-

Zenith was in a state of contemplation, arriving back at his room of residence he took a seat once inside. Slumped on the couch he stared up at the ceiling for some time. The shift guard had arrived to see him doing so but Zenith's red and dragonic slitted eyes stared intently at the same spot unwaveringly. That was until he blinked, and his eyes set upon the new guard that took Twist's place. the change in his eyes may have put off the stallion due to the physical reaction the male had. However, Zenith sighed out loud and got up heading to the bathroom starting to run some water to set up a bath. Utilizing his magic to do so as he stared himself down in the mirror.

He felt, good. Better than good in fact, his stomach was full of powerful emotional energy from both Twist and the princess of love. Though he wondered if that was what was causing his mind to... drift? Now that he contemplated on it more, he knew very little about how the Crono Jelly effected the changelings that eventually became Royal's out of necessity. Consequently, do to this fact he was far and away from knowing exactly what would happen to him if he began the metamorphosis into the first King that the changelings have had for several hundred decades at least. It had been so long that the society began to change to more of a Queen Regent centered culture, instead of a Monarch one. After that happened Kings weren't born nor really needed do to the fact only the Queens can continue the race, not the Kings. There will be much he will learn once the change is complete, but he simply has no idea how long such a change will take, and if he begins the change and runs out of energy what then?

No, he couldn't stay on this line of thinking. He glances at the tub and uses his magic to put the stupid bubble bath into the tub the tub about half full of water now his eyes rolled as he stared at the rippling water gather up a large amount of suds and bubbles. "Blasted bubbles." He got into the sudsy water and attempted to relax being very careful not to aggravate his still damaged wings. He hummed slightly once the water was an appropriate level the glowing pink of his magic flickered a red color before the knob to stop the water. His eyes, it seemed wasn't the only thing that was changing. The color of his magic was too. Just how long was it until his body began to change as well?

After an uninterrupted bath and a short peruse through the books on the shelf that they provided him with. He was quickly reinformed that it was indeed all romantic novels. Some with the strangest of titles, but he didn't much care which one he read at the moment to spend some time while waiting for Morgana's report. Settling in with the book he began to read. It was rather boring to read, but it was something.

About halfway into the book and checking in occasionally on Morgana's progress to ensure she remained on task. It had been a steady and quiet. Meaning either nothing had happened yet, and Morgana was taking her sweet time, or the deed was done, and the plan was falling perfectly in place. If so that means Shining Armor is dead in his cell, and the pegasi that had beaten on him while he imprisoned was properly disposed of and used as the scapegoat.

"Ugh," A slight thumping started to grow in his skull as he closed the book and held his head in his hands. The thumping turned into pounding little by little like something was beating him in the head or maybe even something in his head was trying to get out. It went on for what felt like several minutes only for it to suddenly stop after a few minutes. His body shivered as if he had been standing in a blizzard for far too long without any warmth. His mind was now clearer than it'd ever been. The shivering however didn't stop as he felt something different. Morgana, he felt her presence much more now than before. Was the shivering a reaction to her presence? No, no, that couldn't be. He had seen and met Morgana before, she had never scared him or even made him remotely nervous. What was this? He'd have to get Morgana out of Canterlot for the time being. If her presence is the cause, then it would be for the best. He'd tell her in the morning or at least soon.


-The Present Moment-

Princess Celestia stood with her horn alight, two guards on either side of her prepped and ready for a fight. The reaction wasn't what the princess herself had expected from the changeling. She had expected him to be either gone leaving an incapacitated guard, or at the very least be in a state of panic or worry. Her spell showed her what happened that night, at least who entered and exited the prison cell. It was one of her own guards supposedly, but she had to know for sure.

"You will tell me every place you were last night, right now." The look on Zenith's face shifted to that of confusion but he simply nodded and told her of his visit to Cadence, running into Luna, returning to his room, the guard shift change, his bath, reading, and finally sleeping until recently. The guard pony who was stationed here all night confirmed that he didn't leave the room all night. Then was it that she didn't want to believe that one of her little ponies killed Shining Armor? That just couldn't be right!

"Did something happen?" Zenith's voice snapped the Princess from her thoughts only for her to nod in response to Zenith's inquiry. "I can only assume that something serious must have for such a reaction to come from one as composed as yourself." He moves from his bed and Celestia watches him move from there to begin making tea for his guests. "Maybe some nice tea will help soothe some of this tension so you can tell me what has happened." She knew better than to just trust this changeling, however some tea would likely do wonders for her nerves right now. How was she going to tell Candance, even more horrifying than that how would she tell Twilight, and her parents? She hadn't even the time to tell them that he was put in prison, and now he was, gone.

She heaved a heavy sigh as a saucer with a cup of tea was placed on the table before her. "I am sorry, I've been so caught up in my own head. Thank you, for the tea." She lifted it with her magic a spell flickering in her magic to check for any tampering that the changeling's new supposed ruler may have done to it. She still didn't trust how calm he was, however in her few interactions with Chrysalis, she was just as calm and calculating as he was acting right now. Was that way she had such a hard time trusting him? Perhaps, but for now she had to tell Zenith what had happened through the night and maybe she could get the changeling to confess or at the bare minimum find out if he had anything to do with the passing of Shining Armor.

Zenith sat down, in the reclining chair getting comfortable and using his magic to grasp his own saucer and teacup bringing it to him. "So," His voice cool and collected made her own eyes meet his, the changes he's undergoing ever apparent to the solar regent. "Please, enlighten me on what happened last night, and maybe I can be of some help."


It took some time for Celestia to speak and tell him exactly what had happened. He ensured that he timed his surprise expertly, as he looked up from his cup his eyes showing shock. "I, I am incredibly sorry for your loss. This is nothing sort of a tragedy. Who did it?"

Celestia's eyes studied him for several moments before she replied, he could feel it even if he couldn't see it happening. Zenith couldn't tell what was going on in the ageless princess's mind, but he kept up his concern. "It was somepony that Shining had demoted recently. Somepony that had, according to what I'd been told gotten very physically violent with you while you were locked in your cell." Zenith closed his eyes and hummed, as if he were thinking on something to throw Celestia farther away from him as a suspect involved in this by determining a cause or thinking how something like this could have happened in Canterlot of all places.

"I find this news, disturbing. I wanted Shining to spend some time behind bars for what he did to me. However, I can't help but think that this is somehow my fault. Had I not been stubborn while in detainment and talked like you all wanted me to this situation likely would have never occurred in the first place." Zenith scrunched his face closing his eyes and covered his mouth for a few moments acting as if he's trying to keep himself composed as royalty should. After a minute or two of deep breaths, and a sip or two of tea, he composed himself getting a look of resolution on his face. "I can have someone from my hive come and look into this. She may be a bit odd, but I can confirm that she's the best that I can offer with what little I have."

Zenith watched as Celestia seemed to contemplate his offer of help. She seemed to deliberate over it for some time before a new guard came in with a few reports, a grave and saddened look upon his face. He whispered in the princess's ear and gave her a manilla envelope. It seemed to him that the report of the woman who was killed in the hospital was finally brought to Celestia's attention given who she'd been connected to. He'd be willing to bet a magical blood test was done and the paperwork showed who'd the child Morgana stole was related to. It seemed that he was less and less a suspect or at least that's what he was predicting.

He had closed his eyes and leaned back. He was still tired from what he had had to do last night with Morgana's mentality in order to make her more compliant with is commands and to not go off and do something against his plans again. Although he knows more about what's going on due to that, blunder of an action Morgana pulled. He reopened his eyes to find Celestia shedding tears reading the paper in front of her. Something in that document must have been quite disturbing to cause this kind of reaction. He could get information out of Morgana about what she saw there but, he couldn't do that right now. It would split his attention far too much.

Celestia cleaned herself up in a few motions, using a bit of magic to clean up her tears although it didn't seem to get rid of the puffiness around her eyes. He opened his mouth to attempt to say something, but Celestia beat him to it. "I would like to request your assistance Zenith. A far more merciless murder and foal-napping occurred last night, and I need to find out if that culprit has anything to do with the murder of Shining Armor. Have them arrive soon so we can get to the bottom of this tragic night."

Zenith gave her an affirmative nod, "I will reach out to her, it may take some time for her to get here but I will have her search along the way here provided I have the information necessary. May I?" Extending his hand, he gestured at the envelope that she held presuming this was what she needed help with. Celestia handed over the folder with magic placing it in his hand. "I will ensure she gets right on it," Zenith paused for a moment as Celestia and the other guard ponies turned to leave. "I will do my best to keep my door open for you should you need to talk Princess. I assume that Cadance will likely be by given the grave news to talk. I am willing to listen to your troubles as well. I may not be as well versed in it as I am with relationships, but I am always willing to lend an ear should you need it."

Zenith watched Celestia pause at his statement, one of the guards a unicorn had begun to magically fix the door they had blasted off the hinges while the others waited outside for the princess. Celestia turned her head and gave him a small smile and nodded in acknowledgement of his statement before leaving out the doorway and then assisting the unicorn guard attempting to fix the door. It only took a few moments more, but it was fixed.

Soon after all of this went down Zenith let out a sigh and closed his eyes. That was stressful, he couldn't fully relax given he still had a guard watching him. One he wasn't familiar with in the slightest. Maybe he could fool this guard a bit. Give Celestia false information? A wonderful notion, and plan formulated in his head as he forced himself not to smile. False information is information, if it's believable.

"Morgana, wake up I have an objective for you to complete." He said aloud opening up the folder to have a look at the contents making sure to have the guard's full attention.