Equestria's Six Paths

by XXXScale

First published

[Displaced] Six paths, six members, six gods. Six teens with the power of the six paths of pain will show Equestria the true meaning of pain.

[Crossover, Naruto Shippuden.]

Six teens lived on earth. Teens with painful lives, were so close to ending it all, but by chance all six made a deal with a man dressed as Madara Uchiha. Now with there new power of the six paths. There new goal is to make peace across the world but for that to happen, they will show the world the true meaning of pain.

The Eyes

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Everfree Forest: 9000 years ago

Hooves could be heard in the empty castle of the two sisters as fighting could be heard outside the set of broken doors in front of the guard ponys who were armed with spears and swords ready to defend there castle.

As the fighting could be heard coming closer and closer the guards all aimed there weapons at the door ready for the battle ahead, but as soon as the fighting started it went silent.

This made some of the pony guards feared as they looked around the hall and the door before a light could be seen coming towards them. Than as it got closer a sound could be heard a loud whistling as the object got closer and all eyes went wide as they just found out what the noise came from.

"Run!" yelled one of the pony guards as they all dropped there weapons and ran but the object flew past them and in the front as the metal rocket blow up into flames as the blast shook the entire castle.

"They are done, let us move on." said a rather deep cold voice in the shadows. Six shadowy figures could be seen as they all walked down the hall where the explosion came from.

The body's of the pony guards all laid around the floor as the figures walked past them, but once they heard a groan they all stopped and turned to one of the guards who was barely alive against the wall glaring at the attackers.

"Looks like one survived, we can't let that happen." the leader of the team said as the closest figure nodded as a what looks like black steel pol came from under his coat and threw it at the pony.

The figures walked off leaving the pony with the pol threw his heart on the ground as they looked around as if waiting for anyone else to attack them or try to stop them.

As the team kept there pace walking down the hall. More tapping of hooves could be heard as the team stopped waiting for the pony guards to come to them.

But where all a little surprised to see bat pony guards instead. The bat ponys surrounded the group as they all aimed there weapons at them.

"By the order of the princesses! You all shall surrender and come with us!" the leader of the bat pony guard ordered as the figures all stood watching.

"You can't speak like that to a god, I am here to bring nothing but peace." the leader said as he took a step forward coming into the moon light. A spiky orange hair, bore six piercings, a metal bar through each ear, three studs through the side of its upper nose, and one spike stud on each end of the bottom lip. It also had three piercings on each wrist, at least one on its upper wrist and some just under his neck, pale skin and a what looks like a ring on his thump.

"I am Pain, I.Am.GOD." Pein said as he held up his hand as a black circle appeared and a high sound noise could be heard as the ponys were thrown back against the walls. The other figures ran around the walls and celling as they fought with the few guards that stood but quickly were killed.

As the group were making there way to the lower stair case. The sound of bells stopped them as they looked down seeing a older looking unicorn wearing a blue wizard coat with a star and a blue wizard hat with bells. A long grey beard and mane.

"Star Swirl." Pein said as the others stopped behind him while behind StarSwirl his own team stood behind him.

"Pein, why are you attacking this ever castle!" he questioned as he glared at the group. "You take lives that should have not ended! You will not leave here without justice."

"Step aside, we do not wish to fight you StarSwirl. We only wish to save this world." Pein said as he glared at them. "The leaders across the land is in his castle and we the Akatsuki shall take them out and bring forth peace." Pein said as the others just stood and watched.

"Pein, what happened to you, you were a good stallion when we first met, what happened for you to do this?" asked the old wizard as Pein closed his eyes.

"I saw the truth, now move or be moved." Pein said as he stepped forward but the old wizard glared at the human.

"You shall not PASS!" StarSwirl shout as he slammed his hoof on the ground making the ground underneath the humans weak. "A single move and you all fall."

Pein looked down at the floor than at the wizard. "I shall not harm your two students StarSwirl. I only want the others." Pein said as he looked back up at the wizard.

The two glared at each other as non made a move. Than the Akatsuki all jumped from the ground and into the ceiling as the ground under them crumbled away as it fell down the castle as the humans and ponys charged at each other.

Pein and StarSwirl ran at each other as the wizard shot a white beam at the Leader only for the attack to go straight back at StarSwirl making him jump out of the way of his own attack.

StarSwirl looked at Pein as he groaned and ran at the human as both jumped at each other. Pein dodged StarSwirl and grabbed his back hoof and threw the old pony at his friend's which knocked them all out.

The group all pulled out there own steel black pols and were ready to finish off StarSwirl and his team but was stopped by Pein. "No, they live. We have to leave now, if StarSwirl knows that we are here so does Him" Pein said as they nodded and ran off into the shadows once more.